Search results for: Model reference adaptive control (MRAC)
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 11027

Search results for: Model reference adaptive control (MRAC)

10067 Double Flux Orientation Control for a Doubly Fed Induction Machine

Authors: A. Ourici


Doubly fed induction machines DFIM are used mainly for wind energy conversion in MW power plants. This paper presents a new strategy of field oriented control ,it is based on the principle of a double flux orientation of stator and rotor at the same time. Therefore, the orthogonality created between the two oriented fluxes, which must be strictly observed, leads to generate a linear and decoupled control with an optimal torque. The obtained simulation results show the feasibility and the effectiveness of the suggested method.

Keywords: Doubly fed induction machine, double fluxorientation control , vector control , PWM inverter.

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10066 Hybrid Modeling and Optimal Control of a Two-Tank System as a Switched System

Authors: H. Mahboubi, B. Moshiri, A. Khaki Seddigh


In the past decade, because of wide applications of hybrid systems, many researchers have considered modeling and control of these systems. Since switching systems constitute an important class of hybrid systems, in this paper a method for optimal control of linear switching systems is described. The method is also applied on the two-tank system which is a much appropriate system to analyze different modeling and control techniques of hybrid systems. Simulation results show that, in this method, the goals of control and also problem constraints can be satisfied by an appropriate selection of cost function.

Keywords: Hybrid systems, optimal control, switched systems, two-tank system

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10065 Automat Control of the Aircrafts- Lateral Movement using the Dynamic Inversion

Authors: Mihai Lungu, Romulus Lungu, Lucian Grigorie


The paper presents a new system for the automat control of the aircrafts- flight in lateral plane using the cinematic model and the dynamic inversion. Starting from the equations of the aircrafts- lateral movement, the authors use two axes systems and obtained a control law that cancels the lateral deviation of the flying objects from the runway line. This system makes the aircrafts- direction angle to follow the direction angle of the runway line. Simulations in Matlab/Simulink have been done for different aircraft-s initial points and direction angles. The inconvenience of this system is the long duration of the “transient regime". That is why this system can be used independently, but the results are not very good; thus, it can be a part (subsystem) of other systems. The main system that cancels the lateral deviation from the runway line is based on dynamic inversion and uses, as subsystem, the control system for the lateral movement using the cinematic model. Using complex Matlab/Simulink models, the authors obtained the time evolution of the direction angle and the time evolution of the aircraft lateral deviation with respect to the runway line, for different values of the initial direction angle and for different wind types. The system has a very good behavior for all initial direction angles and wind types.

Keywords: Direction angle, Dynamic inversion, Lateraldeviation, Lateral movement

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10064 Fuzzy Logic PID Control of Automatic Voltage Regulator System

Authors: Aye Aye Mon


The application of a simple microcontroller to deal with a three variable input and a single output fuzzy logic controller, with Proportional – Integral – Derivative (PID) response control built-in has been tested for an automatic voltage regulator. The fuzzifiers are based on fixed range of the variables of output voltage. The control output is used to control the wiper motor of the auto transformer to adjust the voltage, using fuzzy logic principles, so that the voltage is stabilized. In this report, the author will demonstrate how fuzzy logic might provide elegant and efficient solutions in the design of multivariable control based on experimental results rather than on mathematical models.

Keywords: Fuzzy logic system, PID Controller, control systems, controlled A V R

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10063 Local Linear Model Tree (LOLIMOT) Reconfigurable Parallel Hardware

Authors: A. Pedram, M. R. Jamali, T. Pedram, S. M. Fakhraie, C. Lucas


Local Linear Neuro-Fuzzy Models (LLNFM) like other neuro- fuzzy systems are adaptive networks and provide robust learning capabilities and are widely utilized in various applications such as pattern recognition, system identification, image processing and prediction. Local linear model tree (LOLIMOT) is a type of Takagi-Sugeno-Kang neuro fuzzy algorithm which has proven its efficiency compared with other neuro fuzzy networks in learning the nonlinear systems and pattern recognition. In this paper, a dedicated reconfigurable and parallel processing hardware for LOLIMOT algorithm and its applications are presented. This hardware realizes on-chip learning which gives it the capability to work as a standalone device in a system. The synthesis results on FPGA platforms show its potential to improve the speed at least 250 of times faster than software implemented algorithms.

Keywords: LOLIMOT, hardware, neurofuzzy systems, reconfigurable, parallel.

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10062 Fuzzy Logic Based Coordinated Voltage Control for Distribution Network with Distributed Generations

Authors: T. Juhana Hashim, A. Mohamed


This paper discusses the implementation of a fuzzy logic based coordinated voltage control for a distribution system connected with distributed generations (DGs). The connection of DGs has created a challenge for the distribution network operators to keep the voltage in the system within its acceptable limits. Intelligent centralized or coordinated voltage control schemes have proven to be more reliable due to its ability to provide more control and coordination with the communication with other network devices. In this work, voltage control using fuzzy logic by coordinating three methods of control, power factor control, on load tap changer and generation curtailment is implemented on a distribution network test system. The results show that the fuzzy logic based coordination is able to keep the voltage within its allowable limits. 

Keywords: Coordinated control, Distributed generation, Fuzzy logic, Voltage control.

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10061 Approach for an Integrative Technology Assessment Method Combining Product Design and Manufacturing Process

Authors: Guenther Schuh, Sebastian Woelk, Daniel Schraknepper, Anders Such


The systematic evaluation of manufacturing technologies with regard to the potential for product designing constitutes a major challenge. Until now, conventional evaluation methods primarily consider the costs of manufacturing technologies. Thus, the potential of manufacturing technologies for achieving additional product design features is not completely captured. To compensate this deficit, final evaluations of new technologies are mainly intuitive in practice. Therefore, an additional evaluation dimension is needed which takes the potential of manufacturing technologies for specific realizable product designs into account. In this paper, we present the approach of an evaluation method for selecting manufacturing technologies with regard to their potential for product designing. This research is done within the Fraunhofer innovation cluster »AdaM« (Adaptive Manufacturing) which targets the development of resource efficient and adaptive manufacturing technology processes for complex turbomachinery components.

Keywords: Manufacturing, product design, production, technology assessment, technology management.

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10060 Multi Task Scheme to Monitor Multivariate Environments Using Artificial Neural Network

Authors: K. Atashgar


When an assignable cause(s) manifests itself to a multivariate process and the process shifts to an out-of-control condition, a root-cause analysis should be initiated by quality engineers to identify and eliminate the assignable cause(s) affected the process. A root-cause analysis in a multivariate process is more complex compared to a univariate process. In the case of a process involved several correlated variables an effective root-cause analysis can be only experienced when it is possible to identify the required knowledge including the out-of-control condition, the change point, and the variable(s) responsible to the out-of-control condition, all simultaneously. Although literature addresses different schemes to monitor multivariate processes, one can find few scientific reports focused on all the required knowledge. To the best of the author’s knowledge this is the first time that a multi task model based on artificial neural network (ANN) is reported to monitor all the required knowledge at the same time for a multivariate process with more than two correlated quality characteristics. The performance of the proposed scheme is evaluated numerically when different step shifts affect the mean vector. Average run length is used to investigate the performance of the proposed multi task model. The simulated results indicate the multi task scheme performs all the required knowledge effectively.

Keywords: Artificial neural network, Multivariate process, Statistical process control, Change point.

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10059 A Novel Reversible Watermarking Method based on Adaptive Thresholding and Companding Technique

Authors: Nisar Ahmed Memon


Embedding and extraction of a secret information as well as the restoration of the original un-watermarked image is highly desirable in sensitive applications like military, medical, and law enforcement imaging. This paper presents a novel reversible data-hiding method for digital images using integer to integer wavelet transform and companding technique which can embed and recover the secret information as well as can restore the image to its pristine state. The novel method takes advantage of block based watermarking and iterative optimization of threshold for companding which avoids histogram pre and post-processing. Consequently, it reduces the associated overhead usually required in most of the reversible watermarking techniques. As a result, it keeps the distortion small between the marked and the original images. Experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms the existing reversible data hiding schemes reported in the literature.

Keywords: Adaptive Thresholding, Companding Technique, Integer Wavelet Transform, Reversible Watermarking

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10058 Computational Model for Prediction of Soil-Gas Radon-222 Concentration in Soil-Depths and Soil Grain Size Particles

Authors: I. M. Yusuff, O. M. Oni, A. A. Aremu


Percentage of soil-gas radon-222 concentration (222Rn) from soil-depths contributing to outdoor radon atmospheric level depends largely on some physical parameters of the soil. To determine its dependency in soil-depths, survey tests were carried out on soil depths and grain size particles using in-situ measurement method of soil-gas radon-222 concentration at different soil depths. The measurements were carried out with an electronic active radon detector (RAD-7) manufactured by Durridge Company USA. Radon-222 concentrations (222Rn) in soil-gas were measured at four different soil depths of 20, 40, 60 and 100 cm in five feasible locations. At each soil depth, soil samples were collected for grain size particle analysis using soil grasp sampler. The result showed that highest value of radon-222 concentration (24,680 ± 1960 Bqm-3) was measured at 100 cm depth with utmost grain size particle of 17.64% while the lowest concentration (7370 ± 1139 Bqm-3) was measured at 100 cm depth with least grain size particle of 10.75% respectively. A computational model was derived using SPSS regression package. This model could be a yardstick for prediction on soil gas radon concentration reference to soil grain size particle at different soil-depths.

Keywords: Concentration, radon, porosity, diffusion, colorectal, emanation, yardstick.

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10057 Combined Beamforming and Channel Estimation in WCDMA Communication Systems

Authors: Nermin A. Mohamed, Mohamed F. Madkour


We address the problem of joint beamforming and multipath channel parameters estimation in Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA) communication systems that employ Multiple-Access Interference (MAI) suppression techniques in the uplink (from mobile to base station). Most of the existing schemes rely on time multiplex a training sequence with the user data. In WCDMA, the channel parameters can also be estimated from a code multiplexed common pilot channel (CPICH) that could be corrupted by strong interference resulting in a bad estimate. In this paper, we present new methods to combine interference suppression together with channel estimation when using multiple receiving antennas by using adaptive signal processing techniques. Computer simulation is used to compare between the proposed methods and the existing conventional estimation techniques.

Keywords: Adaptive arrays, channel estimation, interferencecancellation, wideband code division multiple access (WCDMA).

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10056 Soft Computing Based Cluster Head Selection in Wireless Sensor Network Using Bacterial Foraging Optimization Algorithm

Authors: A. Rajagopal, S. Somasundaram, B. Sowmya, T. Suguna


Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) enable new applications and need non-conventional paradigms for the protocol because of energy and bandwidth constraints, In WSN, sensor node’s life is a critical parameter. Research on life extension is based on Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) scheme, which rotates Cluster Head (CH) among sensor nodes to distribute energy consumption over all network nodes. CH selection in WSN affects network energy efficiency greatly. This study proposes an improved CH selection for efficient data aggregation in sensor networks. This new algorithm is based on Bacterial Foraging Optimization (BFO) incorporated in LEACH.

Keywords: Bacterial Foraging Optimization (BFO), Cluster Head (CH), Data-aggregation protocols, Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH).

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10055 A Comparative Study of P-I, I-P, Fuzzy and Neuro-Fuzzy Controllers for Speed Control of DC Motor Drive

Authors: S.R. Khuntia, K.B. Mohanty, S. Panda, C. Ardil


This paper presents a comparative study of various controllers for the speed control of DC motor. The most commonly used controller for the speed control of dc motor is Proportional- Integral (P-I) controller. However, the P-I controller has some disadvantages such as: the high starting overshoot, sensitivity to controller gains and sluggish response due to sudden disturbance. So, the relatively new Integral-Proportional (I-P) controller is proposed to overcome the disadvantages of the P-I controller. Further, two Fuzzy logic based controllers namely; Fuzzy control and Neuro-fuzzy control are proposed and the performance these controllers are compared with both P-I and I-P controllers. Simulation results are presented and analyzed for all the controllers. It is observed that fuzzy logic based controllers give better responses than the traditional P-I as well as I-P controller for the speed control of dc motor drives.

Keywords: Proportional-Integral (P-I) controller, Integral- Proportional (I-P) controller, Fuzzy logic control, Neuro-fuzzy control, Speed control, DC Motor drive.

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10054 Genetic Algorithm Based Optimal Control for a 6-DOF Non Redundant Stewart Manipulator

Authors: A. Omran, G. El-Bayiumi, M. Bayoumi, A. Kassem


Applicability of tuning the controller gains for Stewart manipulator using genetic algorithm as an efficient search technique is investigated. Kinematics and dynamics models were introduced in detail for simulation purpose. A PD task space control scheme was used. For demonstrating technique feasibility, a Stewart manipulator numerical-model was built. A genetic algorithm was then employed to search for optimal controller gains. The controller was tested onsite a generic circular mission. The simulation results show that the technique is highly convergent with superior performance operating for different payloads.

Keywords: Stewart kinematics, Stewart dynamics, task space control, genetic algorithm.

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10053 Modulation Identification Algorithm for Adaptive Demodulator in Software Defined Radios Using Wavelet Transform

Authors: P. Prakasam, M. Madheswaran


A generalized Digital Modulation Identification algorithm for adaptive demodulator has been developed and presented in this paper. The algorithm developed is verified using wavelet Transform and histogram computation to identify QPSK and QAM with GMSK and M–ary FSK modulations. It has been found that the histogram peaks simplifies the procedure for identification. The simulated results show that the correct modulation identification is possible to a lower bound of 5 dB and 12 dB for GMSK and QPSK respectively. When SNR is above 5 dB the throughput of the proposed algorithm is more than 97.8%. The receiver operating characteristics (ROC) has been computed to measure the performance of the proposed algorithm and the analysis shows that the probability of detection (Pd) drops rapidly when SNR is 5 dB and probability of false alarm (Pf) is smaller than 0.3. The performance of the proposed algorithm has been compared with existing methods and found it will identify all digital modulation schemes with low SNR.

Keywords: Bit Error rate, Receiver Operating Characteristics, Software Defined Radio, Wavelet Transform.

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10052 Interpreting the Out-of-Control Signals of Multivariate Control Charts Employing Neural Networks

Authors: Francisco Aparisi, José Sanz


Multivariate quality control charts show some advantages to monitor several variables in comparison with the simultaneous use of univariate charts, nevertheless, there are some disadvantages. The main problem is how to interpret the out-ofcontrol signal of a multivariate chart. For example, in the case of control charts designed to monitor the mean vector, the chart signals showing that it must be accepted that there is a shift in the vector, but no indication is given about the variables that have produced this shift. The MEWMA quality control chart is a very powerful scheme to detect small shifts in the mean vector. There are no previous specific works about the interpretation of the out-of-control signal of this chart. In this paper neural networks are designed to interpret the out-of-control signal of the MEWMA chart, and the percentage of correct classifications is studied for different cases.

Keywords: Multivariate quality control, Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks, Computer Applications

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10051 Managing of Work Risk in Small and Medium-Size Companies

Authors: Janusz K. Grabara, Bartłomiej Okwiet, Sebastian Kot


The purpose of the article is presentation and analysis of the aspect of job security in small and medium-size enterprises in Poland with reference to other EU countries. We show the theoretical aspects of the risk with reference to managing small and medium enterprises, next risk management in small and medium enterprises in Poland, which were subjected to a detailed analysis. We show in detail the risk associated with the operation of the mentioned above companies, as well as analyses its levels on various stages and for different kinds of conducted activity.

Keywords: Job safety, small and medium-size companies, SME, work risk, risk management.

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10050 Offset Dependent Uniform Delay Mathematical Optimization Model for Signalized Traffic Network Using Differential Evolution Algorithm

Authors: Tahseen Al-Shaikhli, Halim Ceylan, Jonathan Weaver, Osman Nuri Çelik, Onur Gungor Sahin


A concept of uniform delay offset dependent mathematical optimization problem is derived as the main objective for this study using a differential evolution algorithm. Furthermore, the objectives are to control the coordination problem which mainly depends on offset selection, and to estimate the uniform delay based on the offset choice at each signalized intersection. The assumption is the periodic sinusoidal function for arrival and departure patterns. The cycle time is optimized at the entry links and the optimized value is used in the non-entry links as a common cycle time. The offset optimization algorithm is used to calculate the uniform delay at each link. The results are illustrated by using a case study and compared with the canonical uniform delay model derived by Webster and the highway capacity manual’s model. The findings show that the derived model minimizes the total uniform delay to almost half compared to conventional models; the mathematical objective function is robust; the algorithm convergence time is fast.

Keywords: Area traffic control, differential evolution, offset variable, sinusoidal periodic function, traffic flow, uniform delay.

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10049 Adaptive Bidirectional Flow for Image Interpolation and Enhancement

Authors: Shujun Fu, Qiuqi Ruan, Wenqia Wang


Image interpolation is a common problem in imaging applications. However, most interpolation algorithms in existence suffer visually the effects of blurred edges and jagged artifacts in the image to some extent. This paper presents an adaptive feature preserving bidirectional flow process, where an inverse diffusion is performed to sharpen edges along the normal directions to the isophote lines (edges), while a normal diffusion is done to remove artifacts (“jaggies") along the tangent directions. In order to preserve image features such as edges, corners and textures, the nonlinear diffusion coefficients are locally adjusted according to the directional derivatives of the image. Experimental results on synthetic images and nature images demonstrate that our interpolation algorithm substantially improves the subjective quality of the interpolated images over conventional interpolations.

Keywords: anisotropic diffusion, bidirectional flow, directional derivatives, edge enhancement, image interpolation, inverse flow, shock filter.

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10048 Graphs with Metric Dimension Two-A Characterization

Authors: Sudhakara G, Hemanth Kumar A.R


In this paper, we define distance partition of vertex set of a graph G with reference to a vertex in it and with the help of the same, a graph with metric dimension two (i.e. β (G) = 2 ) is characterized. In the process, we develop a polynomial time algorithm that verifies if the metric dimension of a given graph G is two. The same algorithm explores all metric bases of graph G whenever β (G) = 2 . We also find a bound for cardinality of any distance partite set with reference to a given vertex, when ever β (G) = 2 . Also, in a graph G with β (G) = 2 , a bound for cardinality of any distance partite set as well as a bound for number of vertices in any sub graph H of G is obtained in terms of diam H .

Keywords: Metric basis, Distance partition, Metric dimension.

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10047 A Robust Approach to the Load Frequency Control Problem with Speed Regulation Uncertainty

Authors: S. Z. Sayed Hassen


The load frequency control problem of power systems has attracted a lot of attention from engineers and researchers over the years. Increasing and quickly changing load demand, coupled with the inclusion of more generators with high variability (solar and wind power generators) on the network are making power systems more difficult to regulate. Frequency changes are unavoidable but regulatory authorities require that these changes remain within a certain bound. Engineers are required to perform the tricky task of adjusting the control system to maintain the frequency within tolerated bounds. It is well known that to minimize frequency variations, a large proportional feedback gain (speed regulation constant) is desirable. However, this improvement in performance using proportional feedback comes about at the expense of a reduced stability margin and also allows some steady-state error. A conventional PI controller is then included as a secondary control loop to drive the steadystate error to zero. In this paper, we propose a robust controller to replace the conventional PI controller which guarantees performance and stability of the power system over the range of variation of the speed regulation constant. Simulation results are shown to validate the superiority of the proposed approach on a simple single-area power system model.

Keywords: Robust control, power system, integral action, minimax LQG control.

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10046 An Evaluation of Average Run Length of MaxEWMA and MaxGWMA Control Charts

Authors: S. Phanyaem


Exponentially weighted moving average control chart (EWMA) is a popular chart used for detecting shift in the mean of parameter of distributions in quality control. The objective of this paper is to compare the efficiency of control chart to detect an increases in the mean of a process. In particular, we compared the Maximum Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (MaxEWMA) and Maximum Generally Weighted Moving Average (MaxGWMA) control charts when the observations are Exponential distribution. The criteria for evaluate the performance of control chart is called, the Average Run Length (ARL). The result of comparison show that in the case of process is small sample size, the MaxEWMA control chart is more efficiency to detect shift in the process mean than MaxGWMA control chart. For the case of large sample size, the MaxEWMA control chart is more sensitive to detect small shift in the process mean than MaxGWMA control chart, and when the process is a large shift in mean, the MaxGWMA control chart is more sensitive to detect mean shift than MaxEWMA control chart.

Keywords: Maximum Exponentially Weighted Moving Average, Maximum General Weighted Moving Average, Average Run Length.

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10045 Exploiting Self-Adaptive Replication Management on Decentralized Tuple Space

Authors: Xing Jiankuan, Qin Zheng, Zhang Jinxue


Decentralized Tuple Space (DTS) implements tuple space model among a series of decentralized hosts and provides the logical global shared tuple repository. Replication has been introduced to promote performance problem incurred by remote tuple access. In this paper, we propose a replication approach of DTS allowing replication policies self-adapting. The accesses from users or other nodes are monitored and collected to contribute the decision making. The replication policy may be changed if the better performance is expected. The experiments show that this approach suitably adjusts the replication policies, which brings negligible overhead.

Keywords: Decentralization, Replication Management, SelfAdaption, Tuple Space.

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10044 Feature Preserving Image Interpolation and Enhancement Using Adaptive Bidirectional Flow

Authors: Shujun Fu, Qiuqi Ruan, Wenqia Wang


Image interpolation is a common problem in imaging applications. However, most interpolation algorithms in existence suffer visually to some extent the effects of blurred edges and jagged artifacts in the image. This paper presents an adaptive feature preserving bidirectional flow process, where an inverse diffusion is performed to enhance edges along the normal directions to the isophote lines (edges), while a normal diffusion is done to remove artifacts (''jaggies'') along the tangent directions. In order to preserve image features such as edges, angles and textures, the nonlinear diffusion coefficients are locally adjusted according to the first and second order directional derivatives of the image. Experimental results on synthetic images and nature images demonstrate that our interpolation algorithm substantially improves the subjective quality of the interpolated images over conventional interpolations.

Keywords: anisotropic diffusion, bidirectional flow, directionalderivatives, edge enhancement, image interpolation, inverse flow, shock filter.

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10043 Chattering Phenomenon Supression of Buck Boost DC-DC Converter with Fuzzy Sliding Modes Control

Authors: Abdelaziz Sahbani, Kamel Ben Saad, Mohamed Benrejeb


This paper proposes a Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control (FSMC) as a control strategy for Buck-Boost DC-DC converter. The proposed fuzzy controller specifies changes in the control signal based on the knowledge of the surface and the surface change to satisfy the sliding mode stability and attraction conditions. The performances of the proposed fuzzy sliding controller are compared to those obtained by a classical sliding mode controller. The satisfactory simulation results show the efficiency of the proposed control law which reduces the chattering phenomenon. Moreover, the obtained results prove the robustness of the proposed control law against variation of the load resistance and the input voltage of the studied converter.

Keywords: Buck Boost converter, Sliding Mode Control, Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control, robustness, chattering.

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10042 Development of Underactuated Robot Hand Using Cross Section Deformation Spring

Authors: Naoki Saito, Daisuke Kon, Toshiyuki Sato


This paper describes an underactuated robot hand operated by low-power actuators. It can grasp objects of various shapes using easy operations. This hand is suitable for use as a lightweight prosthetic hand that can grasp various objects using few input channels. To realize operations using a low-power actuator, a cross section deformation spring is proposed. The design procedure of the underactuated robot finger is proposed to realize an adaptive grasping movement. The validity of this mechanism and design procedure are confirmed through an object grasping experiment. Results demonstrate the effectiveness of across section deformation spring in reducing the actuator power. Moreover, adaptive grasping movement is realized by an easy operation.

Keywords: Robot hand, Underactuated mechanism, Cross section deformation spring, Prosthetic hand.

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10041 Microwave LNA Design Based On Adaptive Network Fuzzy Inference and Evolutionary Optimization

Authors: Samad Nejatian, Vahideh Rezaie, Vahid Asadpour


This paper presents a novel approach for the design of microwave circuits using Adaptive Network Fuzzy Inference Optimizer (ANFIO). The method takes advantage of direct synthesis of subsections of the amplifier using very fast and accurate ANFIO models based on exact simulations using ADS. A mapping from course space to fine space known as space mapping is also used. The proposed synthesis approach takes into account the noise and scattering parameters due to parasitic elements to achieve optimal results. The overall ANFIO system is capable of designing different LNAs at different noise and scattering criteria. This approach offers significantly reduced time in the design of microwave amplifiers within the validity range of the ANFIO system. The method has been proven to work efficiently for a 2.4GHz LNA example. The S21 of 10.1 dB and noise figure (NF) of 2.7 dB achieved for ANFIO while S21 of 9.05 dB and NF of 2.6 dB achieved for ANN.

Keywords: fuzzy system, low noise amplifier, microwaveamplifier, space mapping

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10040 Selection of Wind Farms to Add Virtual Inertia Control to Assist the Power System Frequency Regulation

Authors: W. Du, X. Wang, Jun Cao, H. F. Wang


Due to the randomness and uncertainty of wind energy, modern power systems integrating large-scale wind generation will be significantly impacted in terms of system performance and technical challenges. System inertia with high wind penetration is decreasing when conventional thermal generators are gradually replaced by wind turbines, which do not naturally contribute to inertia response. The power imbalance caused by wind power or demand fluctuations leads to the instability of system frequency. Accordingly, the need to attach the supplementary virtual inertia control to wind farms (WFs) strongly arises. When multi-wind farms are connected to the grid simultaneously, the selection of which critical WFs to install the virtual inertia control is greatly important to enhance the stability of system frequency. By building the small signal model of wind power systems considering frequency regulation, the installation locations are identified by the geometric measures of the mode observability of WFs. In addition, this paper takes the impacts of grid topology and selection of feedback control signals into consideration. Finally, simulations are conducted on a multi-wind farms power system and the results demonstrate that the designed virtual inertia control method can effectively assist the frequency regulation.

Keywords: Frequency regulation, virtual inertia control, installation locations, observability, wind farms.

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10039 Design of an Augmented Automatic Choosing Control by Lyapunov Functions Using Gradient Optimization Automatic Choosing Functions

Authors: Toshinori Nawata


In this paper we consider a nonlinear feedback control called augmented automatic choosing control (AACC) using the gradient optimization automatic choosing functions for nonlinear systems. Constant terms which arise from sectionwise linearization of a given nonlinear system are treated as coefficients of a stable zero dynamics. Parameters included in the control are suboptimally selected by expanding a stable region in the sense of Lyapunov with the aid of the genetic algorithm. This approach is applied to a field excitation control problem of power system to demonstrate the splendidness of the AACC. Simulation results show that the new controller can improve performance remarkably well.

Keywords: augmented automatic choosing control, nonlinear control, genetic algorithm, zero dynamics.

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10038 Robust Integrated Design for a Mechatronic Feed Drive System of Machine Tools

Authors: Chin-Yin Chen, Chi-Cheng Cheng


This paper aims at to develop a robust optimization methodology for the mechatronic modules of machine tools by considering all important characteristics from all structural and control domains in one single process. The relationship between these two domains is strongly coupled. In order to reduce the disturbance caused by parameters in either one, the mechanical and controller design domains need to be integrated. Therefore, the concurrent integrated design method Design For Control (DFC), will be employed in this paper. In this connect, it is not only applied to achieve minimal power consumption but also enhance structural performance and system response at same time. To investigate the method for integrated optimization, a mechatronic feed drive system of the machine tools is used as a design platform. Pro/Engineer and AnSys are first used to build the 3D model to analyze and design structure parameters such as elastic deformation, nature frequency and component size, based on their effects and sensitivities to the structure. In addition, the robust controller,based on Quantitative Feedback Theory (QFT), will be applied to determine proper control parameters for the controller. Therefore, overall physical properties of the machine tool will be obtained in the initial stage. Finally, the technology of design for control will be carried out to modify the structural and control parameters to achieve overall system performance. Hence, the corresponding productivity is expected to be greatly improved.

Keywords: Machine tools, integrated structure and control design, design for control, multilevel decomposition, quantitative feedback theory.

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