Search results for: functional fitness
461 Research on Software Security Testing
Authors: Gu Tian-yang, Shi Yin-sheng, Fang You-yuan
Software security testing is an important means to ensure software security and trustiness. This paper first mainly discusses the definition and classification of software security testing, and investigates methods and tools of software security testing widely. Then it analyzes and concludes the advantages and disadvantages of various methods and the scope of application, presents a taxonomy of security testing tools. Finally, the paper points out future focus and development directions of software security testing technology.
Keywords: security testing, security functional testing, securityvulnerability testing, testing method, testing tool
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 5142460 Global Existence of Periodic Solutions in a Delayed Tri–neuron Network
Authors: Kejun Zhuang, Zhaohui Wen
In this paper, a tri–neuron network model with time delay is investigated. By using the Bendixson-s criterion for high– dimensional ordinary differential equations and global Hopf bifurcation theory for functional differential equations, sufficient conditions for existence of periodic solutions when the time delay is sufficiently large are established.Keywords: Delay, global Hopf bifurcation, neural network, periodicsolutions.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 1488459 Analysis of Complexes Pairing Performat Radical and Water
Authors: Sanaz Gharehzadeh Shirazi, Subira Gharehzadeh Shirazi, Fariba Jafari
The present article comprises a theoretical study of structures Performat radical (HCO3) with H2O molecule. We make use of ab initio quantum chemical methods. Unrestricted Hartee-Fock (UHF) with the basis set6-311+g(2df,2p) and density functional theory (B3LYP) with the basis set 6-311+g(2df,2p) and also we done atoms in molecules (AIM) theory for them. We have found four stable geometries the PerformatRadical(HCO3) with H2O.Keywords: Hydrogen binding, Performat Radical, Water, Gaussian, Atoms in molecules (AIM) theory
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 1447458 Permanence and Almost Periodic Solutions to an Epidemic Model with Delay and Feedback Control
Authors: Chenxi Yang, Zhouhong Li
This paper is concerned with an epidemic model with delay. By using the comparison theorem of the differential equation and constructing a suitable Lyapunov functional, Some sufficient conditions which guarantee the permeance and existence of a unique globally attractive positive almost periodic solution of the model are obtain. Finally, an example is employed to illustrate our result.
Keywords: Permanence, Almost periodic solution, Epidemic model, Delay, Feedback control.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 1554457 A Study on Use of User Demand Evaluation in Interactive Interface – Using Virtual Fitting-Room as an Example
The purpose of this study is to research on thoughts transmitted from virtual fitting-room and to deduce discussion in an auxiliary narrative way. The research structure is based on 3D virtual fitting-room as the research subject. Initially, we will discuss the principles of narrate study, User Demand and so on by using a narrative design pattern to transmit their objective indications of “people-situation-reason-object", etc, and then to analyze the virtual fitting-room examples that are able to provide a new thinking for designers who engaged in clothing related industry – which comes in “story telling" and “user-centered design" forms. Clothing designs are not just to cover up the body to keep warm but to draw closer to people-s demand physiologically and psychologically through interactive designs so as to achieve cognition between people and environment. In the “outside" goal of clothing-s functional designs, we use tribal group-s behavior characteristics to “transform" the existing personal cultural stories, and “reform" them to design appropriate interactive products. Synthesizing the above matters, apart from being able to regard “narrate" as a kind of functional thinking process, we are also able to regard it as a kind of choice, arrangement and an activity of story expression, allowing interactive design-s spirit, product characteristics and experience ideas be transmitted to target tribal group in a visual image performance method. It is a far more confident and innovative attempt, and meanwhile, able to achieve entertainment, joyful and so forth fundamental interactive transmissions. Therefore, this study takes “user-centered design" thinking as a basis to establish a set of clothing designs with interactive experience patterns and to assist designers to examine the five sensual feeling of interactive demands in order to initiate a new value in textile industry.
Keywords: Virtual Fitting-room, Interactive Design, User Demand Evaluation, Intelligent Systems.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 1782456 A Generalised Relational Data Model
Authors: Georgia Garani
A generalised relational data model is formalised for the representation of data with nested structure of arbitrary depth. A recursive algebra for the proposed model is presented. All the operations are formally defined. The proposed model is proved to be a superset of the conventional relational model (CRM). The functionality and validity of the model is shown by a prototype implementation that has been undertaken in the functional programming language Miranda.Keywords: nested relations, recursive algebra, recursive nested operations, relational data model.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 1563455 Almost Periodic Solution for a Food-limited Population Model with Delay and Feedback Control
Authors: Xiaoyan Dou, Yongkun Li
In this paper, we consider a food-limited population model with delay and feedback control. By applying the comparison theorem of the differential equation and constructing a suitable Lyapunov functional, sufficient conditions which guarantee the permanence and existence of a unique globally attractive positive almost periodic solution of the system are obtained.
Keywords: Almost periodic solution, food-limited population, feedback control, permanence.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 1964454 Exponential Passivity Criteria for BAM Neural Networks with Time-Varying Delays
Authors: Qingqing Wang, Baocheng Chen, Shouming Zhong
In this paper,the exponential passivity criteria for BAM neural networks with time-varying delays is studied.By constructing new Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional and dividing the delay interval into multiple segments,a novel sufficient condition is established to guarantee the exponential stability of the considered system.Finally,a numerical example is provided to illustrate the usefulness of the proposed main results
Keywords: BAM neural networks, Exponential passivity, LMI approach, Time-varying delays.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 1915453 The Need to Enhance Online Consumer Protection in KSA
Authors: Abdulrahman Aloufi
E-commerce has evolved to become a functional and mainstream tool of global trading, including in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Consequently, online consumers need protection just as much as consumers in the offline world. In 2019, the Ministry of Commerce in Saudi Arabia established a so-called ‘e-commerce law’; however, this law does not cover the court enforcement of contracts entered into by international vendors, so it is not applicable in cross-border situations. The purpose of this paper is to identify the gaps present in this new e-commerce law in Saudi Arabia.
Keywords: Consumer protection, e-commerce law, Saudi consumer, international vendor.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 753452 Effect of the Workpiece Position on the Manufacturing Tolerances
Authors: M. Rahou, F. Sebaa, A. Cheikh
Manufacturing tolerancing is intended to determine the intermediate geometrical and dimensional states of the part during its manufacturing process. These manufacturing dimensions also serve to satisfy not only the functional requirements given in the definition drawing, but also the manufacturing constraints, for example geometrical defects of the machine, vibration and the wear of the cutting tool. The choice of positioning has an important influence on the cost and quality of manufacture. To avoid this problem, a two-step approach has been developed. The first step is dedicated to the determination of the optimum position. As for the second step, a study was carried out for the tightening effect on the tolerance interval.Keywords: Dispersion, tolerance, manufacturing, position.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 2106451 Algorithm of Measurement of Noise Signal Power in the Presence of Narrowband Interference
Authors: Alexey V. Klyuev, Valery P. Samarin, Viktor F. Klyuev
A power measurement algorithm of the input mix components of the noise signal and narrowband interference is considered using functional transformations of the input mix in the postdetection processing channel. The algorithm efficiency analysis has been carried out for different interference-to-signal ratio. Algorithm performance features have been explored by numerical experiment results.
Keywords: Noise signal, continuous narrowband interference, signal power, spectrum width, detection.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 1402450 New Product Development Process on High-Tech Innovation Life Cycle
Authors: Gonçalo G. Aleixo, Alexandra B. Tenera
This work will provide a new perspective of exploring innovation thematic. It will reveal that radical and incremental innovations are complementary during the innovation life cycle and accomplished through distinct ways of developing new products. Each new product development process will be constructed according to the nature of each innovation and the state of the product development. This paper proposes the inclusion of the organizational function areas that influence new product's development on the new product development process.
Keywords: Cross-functional, Incremental Innovation, New Product development Process, Radical Innovation
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 3850449 Existence and Stability of Anti-periodic Solutions for an Impulsive Cohen-Grossberg SICNNs on Time Scales
By using the method of coincidence degree and constructing suitable Lyapunov functional, some sufficient conditions are established for the existence and global exponential stability of antiperiodic solutions for a kind of impulsive Cohen-Grossberg shunting inhibitory cellular neural networks (CGSICNNs) on time scales. An example is given to illustrate our results.
Keywords: Anti-periodic solution, coincidence degree, CGSICNNs, impulse, time scales.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 1320448 Discovery of Quantified Hierarchical Production Rules from Large Set of Discovered Rules
Authors: Tamanna Siddiqui, M. Afshar Alam
Automated discovery of Rule is, due to its applicability, one of the most fundamental and important method in KDD. It has been an active research area in the recent past. Hierarchical representation allows us to easily manage the complexity of knowledge, to view the knowledge at different levels of details, and to focus our attention on the interesting aspects only. One of such efficient and easy to understand systems is Hierarchical Production rule (HPRs) system. A HPR, a standard production rule augmented with generality and specificity information, is of the following form: Decision If < condition> Generality
Keywords: Knowledge discovery in database, quantification, dempster shafer theory, genetic programming, hierarchy, subsumption matrix.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 1529447 Chemical Destabilization on Water in Crude Oil Emulsions
Authors: Abdurahman H. N., M. Nuraini
Experimental data are presented to show the influence of different types of chemical demulsifier on the stability and demulsification of emulsions. Three groups of demulsifier with different functional groups were used in this work namely amines, alcohol and polyhydric alcohol. The results obtained in this study have exposed the capability of chemical breaking agents in destabilization of water in crude oil emulsions. From the present study, found that molecular weight of the demulsifier were influent the capability of the emulsion to separate.
Keywords: Demulsification, emulsions, stability, breakingagent, destabilization.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 6089446 Signature Recognition Using Conjugate Gradient Neural Networks
Authors: Jamal Fathi Abu Hasna
There are two common methodologies to verify signatures: the functional approach and the parametric approach. This paper presents a new approach for dynamic handwritten signature verification (HSV) using the Neural Network with verification by the Conjugate Gradient Neural Network (NN). It is yet another avenue in the approach to HSV that is found to produce excellent results when compared with other methods of dynamic. Experimental results show the system is insensitive to the order of base-classifiers and gets a high verification ratio.Keywords: Signature Verification, MATLAB Software, Conjugate Gradient, Segmentation, Skilled Forgery, and Genuine.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 1641445 Pilot Scale Production and Compatibility Criteria of New Self-Cleaning Materials
Authors: J. Ranogajec, O. Rudic, S. Pasalic, S. Vucetic, D. Cjepa
The paper involves a chain of activities from synthesis, establishment of the methodology for characterization and testing of novel protective materials through the pilot production and application on model supports. It summarizes the results regarding the development of the pilot production protocol for newly developed self-cleaning materials. The optimization of the production parameters was completed in order to improve the most important functional properties (mineralogy characteristics, particle size, self-cleaning properties and photocatalytic activity) of the newly designed nanocomposite material.
Keywords: Cultural heritage. Materials compatibility. Pilot production. Self-cleaning.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 2322444 Periodicity for a Semi–Ratio–Dependent Predator–Prey System with Delays on Time Scales
Authors: Kejun Zhuang
In this paper, the semi–ratio–dependent predator-prey system with nonmonotonic functional response on time scales is investigated. By using the coincidence degree theory, sufficient conditions for existence of periodic solutions are obtained.
Keywords: Semi–ratio–dependent, predator–prey system, coincidence degree, time scales.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 1295443 Discovering Liouville-Type Problems for p-Energy Minimizing Maps in Closed Half-Ellipsoids by Calculus Variation Method
Authors: Lina Wu, Jia Liu, Ye Li
The goal of this project is to investigate constant properties (called the Liouville-type Problem) for a p-stable map as a local or global minimum of a p-energy functional where the domain is a Euclidean space and the target space is a closed half-ellipsoid. The First and Second Variation Formulas for a p-energy functional has been applied in the Calculus Variation Method as computation techniques. Stokes’ Theorem, Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality, Hardy-Sobolev type Inequalities, and the Bochner Formula as estimation techniques have been used to estimate the lower bound and the upper bound of the derived p-Harmonic Stability Inequality. One challenging point in this project is to construct a family of variation maps such that the images of variation maps must be guaranteed in a closed half-ellipsoid. The other challenging point is to find a contradiction between the lower bound and the upper bound in an analysis of p-Harmonic Stability Inequality when a p-energy minimizing map is not constant. Therefore, the possibility of a non-constant p-energy minimizing map has been ruled out and the constant property for a p-energy minimizing map has been obtained. Our research finding is to explore the constant property for a p-stable map from a Euclidean space into a closed half-ellipsoid in a certain range of p. The certain range of p is determined by the dimension values of a Euclidean space (the domain) and an ellipsoid (the target space). The certain range of p is also bounded by the curvature values on an ellipsoid (that is, the ratio of the longest axis to the shortest axis). Regarding Liouville-type results for a p-stable map, our research finding on an ellipsoid is a generalization of mathematicians’ results on a sphere. Our result is also an extension of mathematicians’ Liouville-type results from a special ellipsoid with only one parameter to any ellipsoid with (n+1) parameters in the general setting.Keywords: Bochner Formula, Stokes’ Theorem, Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality, first and second variation formulas, Hardy-Sobolev type inequalities, Liouville-type problem, p-harmonic map.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 916442 Strategic Software Development: Productivity Comparisons of General Development Programs
Authors: Craig Comstock, Zhizhong Jiang, Peter Naudé
Productivity has been one of the major concerns with the increasingly high cost of software development. Choosing the right development language with high productivity is one approach to reduce development costs. Working on the large database with 4106 projects ever developed, we found the factors significant to productivity. After the removal of the effects of other factors on productivity, we compare the productivity differences of the ten general development programs. The study supports the fact that fourth-generation languages are more productive than thirdgeneration languages.
Keywords: Functional point, language, productivity, software engineering.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 1762441 Analytical Modeling of Globular Protein-Ferritin in α-Helical Conformation: A White Noise Functional Approach
Authors: Vernie C. Convicto, Henry P. Aringa, Wilson I. Barredo
This study presents a conformational model of the helical structures of globular protein particularly ferritin in the framework of white noise path integral formulation by using Associated Legendre functions, Bessel and convolution of Bessel and trigonometric functions as modulating functions. The model incorporates chirality features of proteins and their helix-turn-helix sequence structural motif.Keywords: Globular protein, modulating function, white noise, winding probability.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 1958440 Delay-Dependent Stability Analysis for Neural Networks with Distributed Delays
Authors: Qingqing Wang, Shouming Zhong
This paper deals with the problem of delay-dependent stability for neural networks with distributed delays. Some new sufficient condition are derived by constructing a novel Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional approach. The criteria are formulated in terms of a set of linear matrix inequalities, this is convenient for numerically checking the system stability using the powerful MATLAB LMI Toolbox. Moreover, in order to show the stability condition in this paper gives much less conservative results than those in the literature, numerical examples are considered.
Keywords: Neural networks, Globally asymptotic stability , LMI approach, Distributed delays.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 1572439 H∞ State Estimation of Neural Networks with Discrete and Distributed Delays
In this paper, together with some improved Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional and effective mathematical techniques, several sufficient conditions are derived to guarantee the error system is globally asymptotically stable with H∞ performance, in which both the time-delay and its time variation can be fully considered. In order to get less conservative results of the state estimation condition, zero equalities and reciprocally convex approach are employed. The estimator gain matrix can be obtained in terms of the solution to linear matrix inequalities. A numerical example is provided to illustrate the usefulness and effectiveness of the obtained results.
Keywords: H∞ performance, Neural networks, State estimation.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 1447438 Study Concerning the Energy-to-Mass Ratio in Pneumatic Muscles
Authors: Tudor Deaconescu, Andrea Deaconescu
The utilization of pneumatic muscles in the actuation of industrial systems is still in its early stages, hence studies on the constructive solutions which include an assessment of their functional performance with a focus on one of the most important characteristics-energy efficiency are required. A quality indicator that adequately reflects the energy efficiency of an actuator is the energy-to-mass ratio. This ratio is computed in the paper for various types and sizes of pneumatic muscles manufactured by Festo, and is subsequently compared to the similar ratios determined for two categories of pneumatic cylinders.
Keywords: Pneumatic cylinders, pneumatic muscles, energy-to-mass ratio, muscle stroke.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 1155437 Big Bang – Big Crunch Optimization Method in Optimum Design of Complex Composite Laminates
Authors: Pavel Y. Tabakov
An accurate optimal design of laminated composite structures may present considerable difficulties due to the complexity and multi-modality of the functional design space. The Big Bang – Big Crunch (BB-BC) optimization method is a relatively new technique and has already proved to be a valuable tool for structural optimization. In the present study the exceptional efficiency of the method is demonstrated by an example of the lay-up optimization of multilayered anisotropic cylinders based on a three-dimensional elasticity solution. It is shown that, due to its simplicity and speed, the BB-BC is much more efficient for this class of problems when compared to the genetic algorithms.Keywords: Big Bang – Big Crunch method, optimization, composite laminates, pressure vessel.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 2262436 Parametric Optimization of Hospital Design
Authors: M. K. Holst, P. H. Kirkegaard, L. D. Christoffersen
Present paper presents a parametric performancebased design model for optimizing hospital design. The design model operates with geometric input parameters defining the functional requirements of the hospital and input parameters in terms of performance objectives defining the design requirements and preferences of the hospital with respect to performances. The design model takes point of departure in the hospital functionalities as a set of defined parameters and rules describing the design requirements and preferences.Keywords: Architectural Layout Design, Hospital Design, Parametric design, Performance-based models.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 2724435 Cryptocurrency-Based Mobile Payments with Near-Field Communication-Enabled Devices
Authors: Marko Niinimaki
Cryptocurrencies are getting increasingly popular, but very few of them can be conveniently used in daily mobile phone purchases. To solve this problem, we demonstrate how to build a functional prototype of a mobile cryptocurrency-based e-commerce application the communicates with Near-Field Communication (NFC) tags. Using the system, users are able to purchase physical items with an NFC tag that contains an e-commerce URL. The payment is done simply by touching the tag with a mobile device and accepting the payment. Our method is constructive: we describe the design and technologies used in the implementation and evaluate the security and performance of the solution. Our main finding is that the analysis and measurements show that our solution is feasible for e-commerce.
Keywords: Cryptocurrency, e-commerce, NFC, mobile devices.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 1065434 Reliable Consensus Problem for Multi-Agent Systems with Sampled-Data
Authors: S. H. Lee, M. J. Park, O. M. Kwon
In this paper, reliable consensus of multi-agent systems with sampled-data is investigated. By using a suitable Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional and some techniques such as Wirtinger Inequality, Schur Complement and Kronecker Product, the results of such system are obtained by solving a set of Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMIs). One numerical example is included to show the effectiveness of the proposed criteria.
Keywords: Multi-agent, Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMIs), Kronecker Product, Sampled-Data, Lyapunov method.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 1749433 Effects of the Coagulation Bath and Reduction Process on SO2 Adsorption Capacity of Graphene Oxide Fiber
Authors: Özge Alptoğa, Nuray Uçar, Nilgün Karatepe Yavuz, Ayşen Önen
Sulfur dioxide (SO2) is a very toxic air pollutant gas and it causes the greenhouse effect, photochemical smog, and acid rain, which threaten human health severely. Thus, the capture of SO2 gas is very important for the environment. Graphene which is two-dimensional material has excellent mechanical, chemical, thermal properties, and many application areas such as energy storage devices, gas adsorption, sensing devices, and optical electronics. Further, graphene oxide (GO) is examined as a good adsorbent because of its important features such as functional groups (epoxy, carboxyl and hydroxyl) on the surface and layered structure. The SO2 adsorption properties of the fibers are usually investigated on carbon fibers. In this study, potential adsorption capacity of GO fibers was researched. GO dispersion was first obtained with Hummers’ method from graphite, and then GO fibers were obtained via wet spinning process. These fibers were converted into a disc shape, dried, and then subjected to SO2 gas adsorption test. The SO2 gas adsorption capacity of GO fiber discs was investigated in the fields of utilization of different coagulation baths and reduction by hydrazine hydrate. As coagulation baths, single and triple baths were used. In single bath, only ethanol and CaCl2 (calcium chloride) salt were added. In triple bath, each bath has a different concentration of water/ethanol and CaCl2 salt, and the disc obtained from triple bath has been called as reference disk. The fibers which were produced with single bath were flexible and rough, and the analyses show that they had higher SO2 adsorption capacity than triple bath fibers (reference disk). However, the reduction process did not increase the adsorption capacity, because the SEM images showed that the layers and uniform structure in the fiber form were damaged, and reduction decreased the functional groups which SO2 will be attached. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) analyzes were performed on the fibers and discs, and the effects on the results were interpreted. In the future applications of the study, it is aimed that subjects such as pH and additives will be examined.
Keywords: Coagulation bath, graphene oxide fiber, reduction, SO2 gas adsorption.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 1183432 Utilizing the Analytic Hierarchy Process in Improving Performances of Blind Judo
Authors: Hyun Chul Cho, Hyunkyoung Oh, Hyun Yoon, Jooyeon Jin, Jae Won Lee
Identifying, structuring, and racking the most important factors related to improving athletes’ performances could pave the way for improve training system. The purpose of this study was to identify the relative importance factors to improve performance of the of judo athletes with visual impairments, including blindness by using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). After reviewing the literature, the relative importance of factors affecting performance of the blind judo was selected. A group of expert reviewed the first draft of the questionnaires, and then finally selected performance factors were classified into the major categories of techniques, physical fitness, and psychological categories. Later, a pre-selected experts group was asked to review the final version of questionnaire and confirm the priories of performance factors. The order of priority was determined by performing pairwise comparisons using Expert Choice 2000. Results indicated that “grappling” (.303) and “throwing” (.234) were the most important lower hierarchy factors for blind judo skills. In addition, the most important physical factors affecting performance were “muscular strength and endurance” (.238). Further, among other psychological factors “competitive anxiety” (.393) was important factor that affects performance. It is important to offer psychological skills training to reduce anxiety of judo athletes with visual impairments and blindness, so they can compete in their optimal states. These findings offer insights into what should be considered when determining factors to improve performance of judo athletes with visual impairments and blindness.
Keywords: Analytic hierarchy process, blind athlete, judo, sport performance.
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