Search results for: sustainability transition
Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 4182

Search results for: sustainability transition

1242 A Short Survey of Integrating Urban Agriculture and Environmental Planning

Authors: Rayeheh Khatami, Toktam Hanaei, Mohammad Reza Mansouri Daneshvar


The growth of the agricultural sector is known as an essential way to achieve development goals in developing countries. Urban agriculture is a way to reduce the vulnerability of urban populations of the world toward global environmental change. It is a sustainable and efficient system to respond to the environmental, social and economic needs of the city, which leads to urban sustainability. Today, many local and national governments are developing urban agriculture as an effective tool in responding to challenges such as poverty, food security, and environmental problems. In this study, we follow a perspective based on urban agriculture literature in order to indicate the urban agriculture’s benefits in environmental planning strategies in non-western countries like Iran. The methodological approach adopted is based on qualitative approach and documentary studies. A total of 35 articles (mixed quantitative and qualitative methods studies) were studied in final analysis, which are published in relevant journals that focus on this subject. Studies show the wide range of positive benefits of urban agriculture on food security, nutrition outcomes, health outcomes, environmental outcomes, and social capital. However, there was no definitive conclusion about the negative effects of urban agriculture. This paper provides a conceptual and theoretical basis to know about urban agriculture and its roles in environmental planning, and also conclude the benefits of urban agriculture for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers who seek to create spaces in cities for implementation urban agriculture in future.

Keywords: urban agriculture, environmental planning, urban planning, literature

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1241 Effect of Cultural Factors on Small and Medium Scale Enterprises Performance: A Study of Selected SMEs in Keffi Local Government Area, Nasarawa State

Authors: Kadiri Kayode Ibrahim


Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) play significant roles in the economic development of Nigeria. However, the performance of these SMEs is influenced by various factors, including cultural factors. Keffi Local Government Area (LGA) in Nasarawa State, Nigeria, has a large number of registered SMEs. Understanding the impact of cultural factors on the performance of these SMEs in Keffi LGA is essential for their growth and sustainability. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the effect of cultural factors on the performance of selected SMEs in Keffi LGA, Nasarawa State. A cross-sectional survey research design was used to collect data from 165 purposefully selected SME owners out of the 283 registered SMEs in Keffi LGA. The data was collected using a questionnaire divided into three sections, and analysed using descriptive and ordinary least square regression (OLS). The results indicate that socio-cultural factors and ethical values have a positive and significant effect on the performance of SMEs in Keffi LGA, while attitude has a negative and significant effect on the performance of SMEs in Keffi LGA. Therefore, the study recommends that SMEs in Keffi LGA should understand the socio-cultural elements of their operating environment, adopt socio-cultural factors as elements to guide their planning and strategizing and take into consideration the ethical values of the business environment when offering new products or services. Additionally, SME Managers should take cognisance of people’s attitudes and use them to gauge their activities and ensure they support the overall performance of the business.

Keywords: cultural, factors, performance, SMEs

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1240 Synthesis and Characterization of Carboxymethyl Cellulose-Chitosan Based Composite Hydrogels for Biomedical and Non-Biomedical Applications

Authors: K. Uyanga, W. Daoud


Hydrogels have attracted much academic and industrial attention due to their unique properties and potential biomedical and non-biomedical applications. Limitations on extending their applications have resulted from the synthesis of hydrogels using toxic materials and complex irreproducible processing techniques. In order to promote environmental sustainability, hydrogel efficiency, and wider application, this study focused on the synthesis of composite hydrogels matrices from an edible non-toxic crosslinker-citric acid (CA) using a simple low energy processing method based on carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) and chitosan (CSN) natural polymers. Composite hydrogels were developed by chemical crosslinking. The results demonstrated that CMC:2CSN:CA exhibited good performance properties and super-absorbency 21× its original weight. This makes it promising for biomedical applications such as chronic wound healing and regeneration, next generation skin substitute, in situ bone regeneration and cell delivery. On the other hand, CMC:CSN:CA exhibited durable well-structured internal network with minimum swelling degrees, water absorbency, excellent gel fraction, and infra-red reflectance. These properties make it a suitable composite hydrogel matrix for warming effect and controlled and efficient release of loaded materials. CMC:2CSN:CA and CMC:CSN:CA composite hydrogels developed also exhibited excellent chemical, morphological, and thermal properties.

Keywords: citric acid, fumaric acid, tartaric acid, zinc nitrate hexahydrate

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1239 Generous Edge – Inviting the Spontaneous

Authors: Ofri Earon


This article is about a growing focus in the city of Copenhagen – the edge zone between the private space inside the residential building and the public space out at the residential street. A slow transition between the private living room and the public urban space creates a mutual benefit. The urban space benefits from an insertion of a homey atmosphere by the extended performance of living rooms to the exterior. The dwelling benefits from belonging to a liveable neighborliness, which means an extension of the private home to a collective home (= the neighborhood). Grounded by this reciprocal value of the edge zone, through the article, it is argued that a wide generosity of the edge zones is of interest among both planners and residents. The article introduces the idea of the edge zone and its possible implications in the development of the liveable residential city. Three examples of ongoing projects at Arkitema Architects are bought to illustrate the challenges and potentials of a generous edge zone. Every example represents a specific dwelling typology in a particular urban context: (1) multi-family residential building in a previous industrial area in the city (2) new courtyard building in the city’s outskirt (3) low and dense residential area out in the suburbia. Throughout these examples, the article seeks to discuss the significance of the edge zone in forthcoming residential areas in Denmark. The analysis of the Danish examples raises the question of why a social behavior that happens spontaneously in the south of Europe has to be carefully implemented in the architecture of north of Europe. In this light, the article ends with a discussion on how to create edge zones that are not designed for a particular usage, but rather as an architectural invitation for varied social behaviors that spontaneously occur in different moments of time by different people. Finally, the article ends with a list of recommendations for the development of the generous edge zone as an open invitation for diverse usage over time.

Keywords: dwelling, edge zone, generosity, livability, urban space

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1238 Seasonal Assessment of Snow Cover Dynamics Based on Aerospace Multispectral Data on Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands in Antarctica and on Svalbard in Arctic

Authors: Temenuzhka Spasova, Nadya Yanakieva


Snow modulates the hydrological cycle and influences the functioning of ecosystems and is a significant resource for many populations whose water is harvested from cold regions. Snow observations are important for validating climate models. The accumulation and rapid melt of snow are two of the most dynamical seasonal environmental changes on the Earth’s surface. The actuality of this research is related to the modern tendencies of the remote sensing application in the solution of problems of different nature in the ecological monitoring of the environment. The subject of the study is the dynamic during the different seasons on Livingstone Island, South Shetland Islands in Antarctica and on Svalbard in Arctic. The objects were analyzed and mapped according to the Еuropean Space Agency data (ESA), acquired by sensors Sentinel-1 SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar), Sentinel 2 MSI and GIS. Results have been obtained for changes in snow coverage during the summer-winter transition and its dynamics in the two hemispheres. The data used is of high time-spatial resolution, which is an advantage when looking at the snow cover. The MSI images are with different spatial resolution at the Earth surface range. The changes of the environmental objects are shown with the SAR images and different processing approaches. The results clearly show that snow and snow melting can be best registered by using SAR data via hh- horizontal polarization. The effect of the researcher on aerospace data and technology enables us to obtain different digital models, structuring and analyzing results excluding the subjective factor. Because of the large extent of terrestrial snow coverage and the difficulties in obtaining ground measurements over cold regions, remote sensing and GIS represent an important tool for studying snow areas and properties from regional to global scales.

Keywords: climate changes, GIS, remote sensing, SAR images, snow coverage

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1237 The Relationship between Spindle Sound and Tool Performance in Turning

Authors: N. Seemuang, T. McLeay, T. Slatter


Worn tools have a direct effect on the surface finish and part accuracy. Tool condition monitoring systems have been developed over a long period and used to avoid a loss of productivity resulting from using a worn tool. However, the majority of tool monitoring research has applied expensive sensing systems not suitable for production. In this work, the cutting sound in turning machine was studied using microphone. Machining trials using seven cutting conditions were conducted until the observable flank wear width (FWW) on the main cutting edge exceeded 0.4 mm. The cutting inserts were removed from the tool holder and the flank wear width was measured optically. A microphone with built-in preamplifier was used to record the machining sound of EN24 steel being face turned by a CNC lathe in a wet cutting condition using constant surface speed control. The sound was sampled at 50 kS/s and all sound signals recorded from microphone were transformed into the frequency domain by FFT in order to establish the frequency content in the audio signature that could be then used for tool condition monitoring. The extracted feature from audio signal was compared to the flank wear progression on the cutting inserts. The spectrogram reveals a promising feature, named as ‘spindle noise’, which emits from the main spindle motor of turning machine. The spindle noise frequency was detected at 5.86 kHz of regardless of cutting conditions used on this particular CNC lathe. Varying cutting speed and feed rate have an influence on the magnitude of power spectrum of spindle noise. The magnitude of spindle noise frequency alters in conjunction with the tool wear progression. The magnitude increases significantly in the transition state between steady-state wear and severe wear. This could be used as a warning signal to prepare for tool replacement or adapt cutting parameters to extend tool life.

Keywords: tool wear, flank wear, condition monitoring, spindle noise

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1236 Reorientation Orphanage in Muhammadiyah as Strength Effort for Islamic-Based Human Services Organization: Phenomenology Study on Muhammadiyah Orphanages in Malang Raya

Authors: Fauzik Lendriyono, Isbandi Rukminto Adi


Muhammadiyah is an Islamic-based organization taking care to human suffering. The existence of Muhammadiyah organization is strong supported by its members. Muhammadiyah as the oldest Islamic organization in Indonesia, since its establishment has had main activities, such as in the fields of education, health, and social services, one of the form is Orphanage. However, at present, Muhammadiyah orphanage was in a dilemma because of differences in orientation and commitment of the caretaker-managers. This research on Muhammadiyah orphanage is very important because it is able to know the problem identification and to find the ideal concept for the better management of an orphanage in Muhammadiyah. This research is a phenomenology study by research subjects: caretaker of the orphanage in Muhammadiyah at Great Malang. The research data was obtained after the observation, in-depth interviews, review of documentation and the discussion focused. Data were analyzed with interpretative phenomenological analysis. Basic problems for causes of differences in orientation and commitment administrators of Muhammadiyah orphanage is the influence of organizational culture and organizational environment factors. Organizational culture factors include the Islamic-based value and organization ideology, so that the Islamic values and the values of Muhammadiyah are used as guidelines in the orphanage. Environmental factors include the demand for its organization sustainability as characterized by economically productive activities organized by Orphanage and a program to produce a cadre of Muhammadiyah. To support the social welfare of Muhammadiyah, the ideal Orphanage concept for Muhammadiyah is a missionary and self-sufficient orphanage.

Keywords: orphanage, Muhammadiyah, misionary, Great Malang

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1235 Embracing Circular Economy: Unlocking Sustainable Growth in Emerging Markets

Authors: Mario Jose Paillacho Silva, José Ángel Pérez López


This article delves into the critical role of circular economy principles in unlocking sustainable growth and addressing environmental inequalities in emerging markets. Circular economy practices, rooted in regenerative systems and resource conservation, offer a transformative pathway for dynamic economies to achieve prosperity while minimizing environmental impact. The article comprehensively explores the understanding of the circular economy in emerging markets, emphasizing its economic benefits, social implications, and environmental advantages. It highlights key challenges and opportunities faced by these markets and emphasizes the crucial role of governments in creating supportive policy frameworks. It emphasizes how circular economy practices empower local communities and promote social inclusion and equality. Furthermore, the article underscores how the adoption of circular economy practices can mitigate waste, pollution, and resource scarcity, thus contributing to climate change mitigation and adaptation. Integrating circular economy principles with the United Nations' sustainable development goals (SDGs), the article showcases the potential of circularity in fostering responsible consumption and production, sustainable economic growth, and environmental protection. Overall, the article advocates for cross-sector collaboration and knowledge sharing to overcome barriers and scale circular economy practices in emerging markets, ultimately leading to a more equitable, prosperous, and environmentally sustainable future.

Keywords: circular economy, sustainability, emerging markets, circularity

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1234 Nourishing the Hive: The Interplay of Nutrition, Gene Expression, and Queen Egg-Laying in Honeybee Colonies

Authors: Damien P. Fevre, Peter K. Dearden


Honeybee population sustainability is a critical concern for environmental stability and human food security. The success of a colony relies heavily on the egg-laying capacity of the queen, as it determines the production of thousands of worker bees who, in turn, perform essential functions in foraging and transforming food to make it digestible for the colony. The main sources of nutrition for honeybees are nectar, providing carbohydrates, and pollen, providing protein. This study delves into the impact of the proportion of these macronutrients on the food consumption patterns of nurse bees responsible for feeding the queen and how it affects the characteristics of the eggs produced. Using nutritional geometry, qRT-PCR, and RNA-seq analysis, this study sheds light on the pivotal role of nutrition in influencing gene expression in nurse bees, honeybee queen egg-laying capacity and embryonic development. Interestingly, while nutrition is crucial, the queen's genotype plays an even more significant role in this complex relationship, highlighting the importance of genotype-by-environment interactions. Understanding the interplay between genotype and nutrition is key to optimizing beekeeping management and strategic queen breeding practices. The findings from this study have significant implications for beekeeping practices, emphasizing the need for an appropriate nutrition to support the social nutrition of Apis mellifera. Implementing these insights can lead to improved colony health, increased productivity, and sustainable honeybee conservation efforts.

Keywords: honeybee, egg-laying, nutrition, transcriptomics

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1233 An Economic and Technological Analysis of Green Hydrogen Production for the Toulouse-Blagnac Airport

Authors: Badr Eddine Lebrouhi, Melissa Lopez Viveros, Silvia De Los Santos, Kolthoum Missaoui, Pamela Ramirez Vidal


Since the Paris Climate Agreement, numerous countries, including France, have committed to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 by enhancing renewable energy capacity and decarbonizing various sectors, including aviation. In this way, the Occitanie region aspires to become a renewable energy pioneer and has focused on Toulouse's Blagnac airport—a prominent hub characterized by high-energy demands. As part of a holistic strategy to reduce the airport's energy dependency, green hydrogen has emerged as a promising alternative fuel, offering the potential to significantly enhance aviation's environmental sustainability. This study assesses the technical and economic aspects of green hydrogen production, particularly its potential to replace fossil kerosene in aviation at Toulouse-Blagnac airport. It analyzes future liquid hydrogen fuel demand, calculates energy requirements for electrolysis and liquefaction, considers diverse renewable energy scenarios, and assesses the Levelized Cost of Hydrogen (LCOH) for economic viability. The research also projects LCOH evolution from 2023 to 2050, offering a comprehensive view of green hydrogen's feasibility as a sustainable aviation fuel, aligning with the region's renewable energy and sustainable aviation objectives.

Keywords: Toulouse-Blagnac Airport, green hydrogen, aviation decarbonization, electrolysis, renewable energy, technical-economic feasibility

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1232 Sustainable Connectivity: Power-Line Communications for Home Automation in Ethiopia

Authors: Tsegahun Milkesa


This study investigates the implementation of Power-Line Communications (PLC) as a sustainable solution for home automation in Ethiopia. With the country's growing technological landscape and the quest for efficient energy use, this research explores the potential of PLC to facilitate smart home systems, aiming to enhance connectivity and energy management. The primary objective is to assess the feasibility and effectiveness of PLC in Ethiopian residences, considering factors such as infrastructure compatibility, reliability, and scalability. By analyzing existing PLC technologies and their adaptability to local contexts, this study aims to propose optimized solutions tailored to the Ethiopian environment. The research methodology involves a combination of literature review, field surveys, and experimental setups to evaluate PLC's performance in transmitting data and controlling various home appliances. Additionally, socioeconomic implications, including affordability and accessibility, are examined to ensure the technology's inclusivity in diverse Ethiopian households. The findings will contribute insights into the viability of PLC for sustainable connectivity in Ethiopian homes, shedding light on its potential to revolutionize energy-efficient and interconnected living spaces. Ultimately, this study seeks to pave the way for accessible and eco-friendly smart home solutions in Ethiopia, aligning with the nation's aspirations for technological advancement and sustainability.

Keywords: sustainable connectivity, power-line communications (PLC), home automation, Ethiopia, smart homes, energy efficiency, connectivity solutions, infrastructure development, sustainable living

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1231 A Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Model for Sustainable Development of Community-Based Tourism through the Homestay Program in Malaysia

Authors: Azizah Ismail, Zainab Khalifah, Abbas Mardani


Sustainable community-based tourism through homestay programme is a growing niche market that has impacted destinations in many countries including Malaysia. With demand predicted to continue increasing, the importance of the homestay product will grow in the tourism industry. This research examines the sustainability criteria for homestay programme in Malaysia covering economic, socio-cultural and environmental dimensions. This research applied a two-stage methodology for data analysis. Specifically, the researcher implements a hybrid method which combines two multi-criteria decision making approaches. In the first stage of the methodology, the Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) technique is applied. Then, Analytical Network Process (ANP) is employed for the achievement of the objective of the current research. After factors identification and problem formulation, DEMATEL is used to detect complex relationships and to build a Network Relation Map (NRM). Then ANP is used to prioritize and find the weights of the criteria and sub-criteria of the decision model. The research verifies the framework of multi-criteria for sustainable community-based tourism from the perspective of stakeholders. The result also provides a different perspective on the importance of sustainable criteria from the view of multi-stakeholders. Practically, this research gives the framework model and helps stakeholders to improve and innovate the homestay programme and also promote community-based tourism.

Keywords: community-based tourism, homestay programme, sustainable tourism criteria, sustainable tourism development

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1230 A U-shaped Relationship between Body Mass Index and Dysmenorrhea: A Longitudinal Study

Authors: H. Ju, M. Jones, G. D. Mishra


Introduction: Limited longitudinal studies have examined the relationship between BMI and dysmenorrhea, resulting in mixed results. This study aims to investigate the long-term association between BMI and dysmenorrhea. Methods: 9,688 women from Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health (ALSWH), a prospective population-based cohort study, were followed for 13 years. Data were collected through self-reported questionnaires repeatedly on all variables, including dysmenorrhea, weight and height. The longitudinal association between dysmenorrhea and BMI or BMI transition (change of BMI categories between two successive surveys) was investigated by generalized estimating equations. Results: When the women were aged 22 to 27 years, approximately 11% were obese, 7% underweight, and 25% reported dysmenorrhea. Over the study period, the prevalence of obesity doubled whereas that of underweight declined substantially. The prevalence of dysmenorrhea remained relatively stable. Compared to women with a normal weight, significantly higher odds of reporting dysmenorrhea were detected for both women who were underweight (odds ratio (OR) 1.25, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.09, 1.43) and obese (OR 1.20, 95% CI 1.10, 1.31). Being overweight was not associated with increased risk of dysmenorrhea. Compared to women who remained at normal weight or overweight over time, significant risk was detected for women who: remained underweight or obese (OR 1.35, 95% CI 1.23, 1.49), were underweight but became normal or overweight (OR 1.29, 95% CI 1.11, 1.50), became underweight (OR 1.24, 95% CI 1.01, 1.52). However, the higher risk among obese women disappeared when they lost weight and became normal weight or overweight (OR 1.07, 95% CI 0.87, 1.30). Conclusions: A U-shaped association was revealed between dysmenorrhea and BMI, revealing higher risk of dysmenorrhea for both underweight and obese women. Further, the risk disappeared when obese women lost weight and acquired a healthier BMI. However obesity certainly poses a greater burden of disease from the public health perspective, thus requires greater effort to tackle the increasing problem at the population level. It is important to maintain a healthy weight over time for women to enjoy a better reproductive health.

Keywords: body mass index, dysmenorrhea, obesity, painful period, underweight

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1229 Challenges, Chances and Possibilities during the Change Management Process of the National Defence Academy Vienna

Authors: Georg Ebner


The National Defence Academy, an element of the Austrian Ministry of Defence, is undergoing a transition process leading the Academy towards a new target structure that is currently being developed. In so doing, in addition to a subject-oriented approach, also an employee-oriented process was introduced. This process was initiated by the Ministry of Defence and should lead the National Defence Academy into a new constellation. During this process, the National Defence Academy worked in very special adapted World Café sessions. The “change manager” dealed with very different issues. They took the data feedback from the sessions and prepared with the feedback and information from the guidance the next session. So they got various information and a very different picture around the academy. It was very helpful to involve most of the employees of the academy during this process and to take their knowledge and wisdom. The process himself started with very different feelings and ended with great consent. A very interesting part of this process was also that the commander and his deputy worked together during all of this sessions and they answered all questions from the employees in time. The adapted World Café phases were necessary to deal with the information of the staff and to implement these absolutely needful data into this process. In cooperation with the responsible Headquarters, the first items resulting from the World Café phases could already be fed back to the employees and be implemented. The staff-oriented process is currently supported via a point of contact, through which the staff can contribute ideas as well, but also by the active information policy on the part of the Headquarters. The described change process makes innovative innovations possible. So far, in the event of change processes staff members have been entrusted only with the concrete implementation plan and tied into the process when the respective workplaces were to be re-staffed. The procedure described here can be seen as food-for-thought for further change processes. The findings of this process are that a staff oriented process can lead an organisation into a new era of thinking and working. This process has shown, that a lot of innovative ideas can also take place in a ministry. This process can be a background for a lot of change management processes in ministries and governmental and non-governmental organisations.

Keywords: both directions approach, change management, knowledge database, transformation process, World Cafe

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1228 Woodcast Is Ecologically Sound and Tolerated by Majority of Patients

Authors: R. Hassan, J. Duncombe, E. Darke, A. Dias, K. Anderson, R. G. Middleton


Background: NHS England has set itself the task of delivering a “Net Zero” National Health service by 2040. It is incumbent upon all health care practioners to work towards this goal. Orthopaedic surgeons are no exception. Distal radial fractures are the most common fractures sustained by the adult population. However, studiesare shortcoming on individual patient experience. The aim of this study was to assess the patient’ssatisfaction and outcomes with woodcast used in the conservative management of distal radius fractures. Methods: For all patients managed with woodcast in our unit, we undertook a structured questionnairethat included the Patient Rated Wrist Evaluation (PRWE) score, The EQ-5D-5L score, and the pain numerical score at the time of injury and six weeks after. Results: 30 patients were initially managed with woodcast.80% of patients tolerated woodcast for the full duration of their treatment. Of these, 20% didn’t tolerate woodcast and had their casts removed within 48 hours. Of the remaining, 79.1% were satisfied about woodcast comfort, 66% were very satisfied about woodcast weight, 70% were satisfied with temperature and sweatiness, 62.5% were very satisfied about the smell/odour, and 75% were satisfied about the level of support woodcast provided. During their treatment, 83.3% of patients rated their pain as five or less. Conclusion: For those who completed their treatment in woodcast, none required any further intervention or utilised the open appointment because of ongoing wrist problems. In conclusion, when woodcast is tolerated, patients’ satisfaction and outcome levels were good. However, we acknowledged 20% of patients in our series were not able to tolerate woodacst, Therefore, we suggest a comparison between the widely used synthetic plaster of Pariscasting and woodcast to come in order.

Keywords: distal radius fractures, ecological cast, sustainability, woodcast

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1227 Design and Construction of a Solar Dehydration System as a Technological Strategy for Food Sustainability in Difficult-to-Access Territories

Authors: Erika T. Fajardo-Ariza, Luis A. Castillo-Sanabria, Andrea Nieto-Veloza, Carlos M. Zuluaga-Domínguez


The growing emphasis on sustainable food production and preservation has driven the development of innovative solutions to minimize postharvest losses and improve market access for small-scale farmers. This project focuses on designing, constructing, and selecting materials for solar dryers in certain regions of Colombia where inadequate infrastructure limits access to major commercial hubs. Postharvest losses pose a significant challenge, impacting food security and farmer income. Addressing these losses is crucial for enhancing the value of agricultural products and supporting local economies. A comprehensive survey of local farmers revealed substantial challenges, including limited market access, inefficient transportation, and significant postharvest losses. For crops such as coffee, bananas, and citrus fruits, losses range from 0% to 50%, driven by factors like labor shortages, adverse climatic conditions, and transportation difficulties. To address these issues, the project prioritized selecting effective materials for the solar dryer. Various materials, recovered acrylic, original acrylic, glass, and polystyrene, were tested for their performance. The tests showed that recovered acrylic and glass were most effective in increasing the temperature difference between the interior and the external environment. The solar dryer was designed using Fusion 360® software (Autodesk, USA) and adhered to architectural guidelines from Architectural Graphic Standards. It features up to sixteen aluminum trays, each with a maximum load capacity of 3.5 kg, arranged in two levels to optimize drying efficiency. The constructed dryer was then tested with two locally available plant materials: green plantains (Musa paradisiaca L.) and snack bananas (Musa AA Simonds). To monitor performance, Thermo hygrometers and an Arduino system recorded internal and external temperature and humidity at one-minute intervals. Despite challenges such as adverse weather conditions and delays in local government funding, the active involvement of local producers was a significant advantage, fostering ownership and understanding of the project. The solar dryer operated under conditions of 31°C dry bulb temperature (Tbs), 55% relative humidity, and 21°C wet bulb temperature (Tbh). The drying curves showed a consistent drying period with critical moisture content observed between 200 and 300 minutes, followed by a sharp decrease in moisture loss, reaching an equilibrium point after 3,400 minutes. Although the solar dryer requires more time and is highly dependent on atmospheric conditions, it can approach the efficiency of an electric dryer when properly optimized. The successful design and construction of solar dryer systems in difficult-to-access areas represent a significant advancement in agricultural sustainability and postharvest loss reduction. By choosing effective materials such as recovered acrylic and implementing a carefully planned design, the project provides a valuable tool for local farmers. The initiative not only improves the quality and marketability of agricultural products but also offers broader environmental benefits, such as reduced reliance on fossil fuels and decreased waste. Additionally, it supports economic growth by enhancing the value of crops and potentially increasing farmer income. The successful implementation and testing of the dryer, combined with the engagement of local stakeholders, highlight its potential for replication and positive impact in similar contexts.

Keywords: drying technology, postharvest loss reduction, solar dryers, sustainable agriculture

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1226 Simulation of Soil-Pile Interaction of Steel Batter Piles Penetrated in Sandy Soil Subjected to Pull-Out Loads

Authors: Ameer A. Jebur, William Atherton, Rafid M. Alkhaddar, Edward Loffill


Superstructures like offshore platforms, tall buildings, transition towers, skyscrapers and bridges are normally designed to resist compression, uplift and lateral forces from wind waves, negative skin friction, ship impact and other applied loads. Better understanding and the precise simulation of the response of batter piles under the action of independent uplift loads is a vital topic and an area of active research in the field of geotechnical engineering. This paper investigates the use of finite element code (FEC) to examine the behaviour of model batter piles penetrated in dense sand, subjected to pull-out pressure by means of numerical modelling. The concept of the Winkler Model (beam on elastic foundation) has been used in which the interaction between the pile embedded depth and adjacent soil in the bearing zone is simulated by nonlinear p-y curves. The analysis was conducted on different pile slenderness ratios (lc⁄d) ranging from 7.5, 15.22 and 30 respectively. In addition, the optimum batter angle for a model steel pile penetrated in dense sand has been chosen to be 20° as this is the best angle for this simulation as demonstrated by other researcher published in literature. In this numerical analysis, the soil response is idealized as elasto-plastic and the model piles are described as elastic materials for the purpose of simulation. The results revealed that the applied loads affect the pullout pile capacity as well as the lateral pile response for dense sand together with varying shear strength parameters linked to the pile critical depth. Furthermore, the pile pull-out capacity increases with increasing the pile aspect ratios.

Keywords: slenderness ratio, soil-pile interaction, winkler model (beam on elastic foundation), pull-out capacity

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1225 Baby Boomers and Millennials: Creating a Specialized Orientation Program

Authors: K. Rowan


In this paper, the author will discuss how developing a specialized orientation has improved nursing satisfaction and decrease the incidence of incivility among staff. With the predicted shortages in nursing, we must provide an environment that reflects the needs of the current workforce while also focusing on the sustainability of nursing. Each generation has different qualities and methods in which he or she prefers to learn. The Baby Boomer has a desire to share their knowledge. They feel that the quality of undergraduate nursing education has declined. Millennials have grown up with 'helicopter parents' and expect the preceptor to behave in the same manner. This information must be shared with the Baby Boomer, as it is these staff members who are passing the torch of perioperative nursing. Currently, nurse fellows are trained with the Association of periOperative Nurse’s Periop 101 program, with a didactic and clinical observation program. There is no specialized perioperative preceptor program. In creation of a preceptor program, the concept of Novice to Expert, communication techniques, dealing with horizontal violence and generational gap education is reviewed with the preceptor. The fellows are taught communication and de-escalation skills, and generational gaps information. The groups are then brought together for introductions and teamwork exercises. At the program’s core is the knowledge of generational differences. The preceptor training has increased preceptor satisfaction, as well as the new nurse fellows. The creation of a specialized education program has significantly decreased incivility amongst our nurses, all while increasing nursing satisfaction and improving nursing retention. This model of program can translate to all nursing specialties and assist in overcoming the impending shortage.

Keywords: baby boomers, education, generational gap, millennials, nursing, perioperative

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1224 Multi-Objective Optimization for the Green Vehicle Routing Problem: Approach to Case Study of the Newspaper Distribution Problem

Authors: Julio C. Ferreira, Maria T. A. Steiner


The aim of this work is to present a solution procedure referred to here as the Multi-objective Optimization for Green Vehicle Routing Problem (MOOGVRP) to provide solutions for a case study. The proposed methodology consists of three stages to resolve Scenario A. Stage 1 consists of the “treatment” of data; Stage 2 consists of applying mathematical models of the p-Median Capacitated Problem (with the objectives of minimization of distances and homogenization of demands between groups) and the Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem (with the objectives of minimizing distances and minimizing time). The weighted method was used as the multi-objective procedure. In Stage 3, an analysis of the results is conducted, taking into consideration the environmental aspects related to the case study, more specifically with regard to fuel consumption and air pollutant emission. This methodology was applied to a (partial) database that addresses newspaper distribution in the municipality of Curitiba, Paraná State, Brazil. The preliminary findings for Scenario A showed that it was possible to improve the distribution of the load, reduce the mileage and the greenhouse gas by 17.32% and the journey time by 22.58% in comparison with the current scenario. The intention for future works is to use other multi-objective techniques and an expanded version of the database and explore the triple bottom line of sustainability.

Keywords: Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem, Green Vehicle Routing Problem, Multi-objective Optimization, p-Median Capacitated Problem

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1223 A Study of the Planning and Designing of the Built Environment under the Green Transit-Oriented Development

Authors: Wann-Ming Wey


In recent years, the problems of global climate change and natural disasters have induced the concerns and attentions of environmental sustainability issues for the public. Aside from the environmental planning efforts done for human environment, Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) has been widely used as one of the future solutions for the sustainable city development. In order to be more consistent with the urban sustainable development, the development of the built environment planning based on the concept of Green TOD which combines both TOD and Green Urbanism is adapted here. The connotation of the urban development under the green TOD including the design toward environment protect, the maximum enhancement resources and the efficiency of energy use, use technology to construct green buildings and protected areas, natural ecosystems and communities linked, etc. Green TOD is not only to provide the solution to urban traffic problems, but to direct more sustainable and greener consideration for future urban development planning and design. In this study, we use both the TOD and Green Urbanism concepts to proceed to the study of the built environment planning and design. Fuzzy Delphi Technique (FDT) is utilized to screen suitable criteria of the green TOD. Furthermore, Fuzzy Analytic Network Process (FANP) and Quality Function Deployment (QFD) were then developed to evaluate the criteria and prioritize the alternatives. The study results can be regarded as the future guidelines of the built environment planning and designing under green TOD development in Taiwan.

Keywords: green TOD, built environment, fuzzy delphi technique, quality function deployment, fuzzy analytic network process

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1222 Assessment of Major Feed Resources and Its Utilization in Manaslu Conservation Area Nepal

Authors: Sabita Subedi, Bhojan Dhakal, Shankar Raj Pant, Naba Raj Devkota


An assessment was made about the available feed resources, its utilization pattern, specifically, roughage and concentrate, produced from the Manaslu Conservation Area (MCA) of Nepal to formulate the appropriate strategies in satisfying the annual dietary requirements of the livestock covering its present production and management scenarios. A comparative study was done by employing a purposively conducted survey to deduct the distribution of forage sources in the area. Findings revealed that natural vegetation, seasonally available crop residues, and dried grasses were major feed resources, whereas their contribution to the total supply varied significantly (p < 0.01). The amount of feed obtained from various sources was calculated by standard conversion and using primary household data. Findings revealed that farmers practice significantly higher (p < 0.01) number of grazing days and hours per day for large ruminants such as Yak and Chauries as compared to small ruminants such as goats and sheep. The findings also indicated seasonal variations of feed supply, whereas January to March is the period of short supply (p < 0.01). It was relatively in good supply from June to September though average roughage and crude protein supplement for the animals was far below than optimum requirements. These scenarios suggest the need for immediate attention to improve the range productivity in the MCA as the deteriorating situations of the rangelands may raise questions on the sustainability of livestock herders.

Keywords: altitude, carrying capacity, dietary requirement, feed resources, rangeland, ruminant

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1221 Experimental Investigation of Recycling Cementitious Materials in Low Strength Range for Sustainability and Affordability

Authors: Mulubrhan Berihu


Due to the design versatility, availability, and cost efficiency, concrete continues to be the most used construction material on earth. However, the production of Portland cement, the primary component of concrete mix is causing to have a serious effect on environmental and economic impacts. This shows there is a need to study using of supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs). The most commonly used supplementary cementitious materials are wastes, and the use of these industrial waste products has technical, economic, and environmental benefits besides the reduction of CO2 emission from cement production. This paper aims to document the effect on the strength property of concrete due to the use of low cement by maximizing supplementary cementitious materials like fly ash. The amount of cement content was below 250 kg/m3, and in all the mixes, the quantity of powder (cement + fly ash) is almost kept at about 500 kg. According to this, seven different cement content (250 kg/m3, 195 kg/m3, 150 kg/m3, 125 kg/m3, 100 kg/m3, 85 kg/m3, 70 kg/m3) with different amount of replacement of SCMs was conducted. The mix proportion was prepared by keeping the water content constant and varying the cement content, SCMs, and water-to-binder ratio. Based on the different mix proportions of fly ash, a range of mix designs was formulated. The test results showed that using up to 85 kg/m3 of cement is possible for plain concrete works like hollow block concrete to achieve 9.8 Mpa, and the experimental results indicate that strength is a function of w/b. The experiment result shows a big difference in gaining of compressive strength from 7 days to 28 days and this obviously shows the slow rate of hydration of fly ash concrete. As the w/b ratio increases, the strength decreases significantly. At the same time, higher permeability was seen in the specimens which were tested for three hours than one hour.

Keywords: efficiency factor, cement content, compressive strength, mix proportion, w/c ratio, water permeability, SCMs

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1220 A Randomised Controlled Trial on the Nurse-Led Smartphone-Based Self-Management Programme for Type 2 Diabetes Patients with Poor Glycemic Control

Authors: Wenru Wang


Over the past decades, Asia has emerged as the ‘diabetes epicentre’ in the world due to rapid economic development, urbanization and nutrition transition. There is an urgent need to develop more effective and cost-effective care management strategies in response to this rising diabetes epidemic. This study aims to develop and compare a nurse-led smartphone-based self-management programme with an existing nurse-led diabetes service on health-related outcomes among type 2 diabetes patients with poor glycemic control in Singapore. We proposed a randomized controlled trial with pre- and repeated post-tests control group design. A total of 128 type 2 diabetes patients with poor glycemic control will be recruited from the diabetes clinic of an acute public hospital in Singapore through convenience sampling. Study participants will be either randomly allocated to the experimental group or control group. Outcome measures used will include the 10-item General Self-Efficacy Scale, 11-item Revised Summary of Diabetes Self-care Activities, and 19-item Diabetes-Dependent Quality of Life. Data will be collected at 3-time points: baseline, three months and six months from the baseline, respectively. It is expected that this programme will be an alternative offered to diabetes patients to master their self-care management skills, in addition to the existing diabetes service provided in diabetes clinics in Singapore hospitals. Also, the self-supporting and less resource-intensive nature of this programme, through the use of smartphone app as a mode of intervention delivery, will greatly reduce nurses’ direct contact time with patients and allow more time to be allocated to those who require more attention. The study has been registered with The trial registration number is NCT03088475.

Keywords: type 2 diabetes, poor glycaemic control, nurse-led, smartphone-based, self-management, health-relevant outcomes

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1219 Identification of Deposition Sequences of the Organic Content of Lower Albian-Cenomanian Age in Northern Tunisia: Correlation between Molecular and Stratigraphic Fossils

Authors: Tahani Hallek, Dhaou Akrout, Riadh Ahmadi, Mabrouk Montacer


The present work is an organic geochemical study of the Fahdene Formation outcrops at the Mahjouba region belonging to the Eastern part of the Kalaat Senan structure in northwestern Tunisia (the Kef-Tedjerouine area). The analytical study of the organic content of the samples collected, allowed us to point out that the Formation in question is characterized by an average to good oil potential. This fossilized organic matter has a mixed origin (type II and III), as indicated by the relatively high values of hydrogen index. This origin is confirmed by the C29 Steranes abundance and also by tricyclic terpanes C19/(C19+C23) and tetracyclic terpanes C24/(C24+C23) ratios, that suggest a marine environment of deposit with high plants contribution. We have demonstrated that the heterogeneity of organic matter between the marine aspect, confirmed by the presence of foraminifera, and the continental contribution, is the result of an episodic anomaly in relation to the sequential stratigraphy. Given that the study area is defined as an outer platform forming a transition zone between a stable continental domain to the south and a deep basin to the north, we have explained the continental contribution by successive forced regressions, having blocked the albian transgression, allowing the installation of the lowstand system tracts. This aspect is represented by the incised valleys filling, in direct contact with the pelagic and deep sea facies. Consequently, the Fahdene Formation, in the Kef-Tedjerouine area, consists of transgressive system tracts (TST) brutally truncated by extras of continental progradation; resulting in a mixed influence deposition having retained a heterogeneous organic material.

Keywords: molecular geochemistry, biomarkers, forced regression, deposit environment, mixed origin, Northern Tunisia

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1218 Collaboration of UNFPA and USAID to Mobilize Domestic Government Resources for Contraceptive Procurement in Madagascar

Authors: Josiane Yaguibou, Ngoy Kishimba, Issiaka v. Coulibaly, Sabrina Pestilli, Falinirina Razanalison, Hantanirina Andremanisa


Background: In recent years, Madagascar has faced a significant reduction in donors’ financial resources for the purchase of contraceptive products to meet the family planning needs of the population. In order to ensure the sustainability of the family planning program in the current context, UNFPA Madagascar engaged in a series of initiatives with the ultimate scope of identifying sustainable financing mechanisms for the program. Program intervention: UNFPA Madagascar established a strict collaboration with USAID to engage in a series of joint advocacy and resource mobilization activities with the government. The following initiatives were conducted: (i) Organization of a high-level Round Table to engage the government; (ii) Support to the government in renewing the FP2030 Commitments; (iii) Signature of the Country Compact 2022-2024; (iv) Allocation of government funds in 2022 and 2023 of over 829,222 USD; (v) Obtaining a Matching Fund of 1.5 million USD from UNFPA to encourage the government to allocate resources for the purchase of contraceptive products. Program Implications: The collaboration and the joint advocacy made it possible to (i) have budgetary allocations from the government to purchase products in 2022 and 2023 with a significant reduction in financing gaps; (ii) to convince the government to seek additional financing from partners such as the World Bank which granted more than 8 million USD for the purchase of products; (iii) reduce stock shortages from more than 30% to 15%.

Keywords: UNFPA, USAID, collaboration, contraceptives

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1217 Incentive Policies to Promote Green Infrastructure in Urban Jordan

Authors: Zayed Freah Zeadat


The wellbeing of urban dwellers is strongly associated with the quality and quantity of green infrastructure. Nevertheless, urban green infrastructure is still lagging in many Arab cities, and Jordan is no exception. The capital city of Jordan, Amman, is becoming more urban dense with limited green spaces. The unplanned urban growth in Amman has caused several environmental problems such as urban heat islands, air pollution, and lack of green spaces. This study aims to investigate the most suitable drivers to leverage the implementation of urban green infrastructure in Jordan through qualitative and quantitative analysis. The qualitative research includes an extensive literature review to discuss the most common drivers used internationally to promote urban green infrastructure implementation in the literature. The quantitative study employs a questionnaire survey to rank the suitability of each driver. Consultants, contractors, and policymakers were invited to fill the research questionnaire according to their judgments and opinions. Relative Importance Index has been used to calculate the weighted average of all drivers and the Kruskal-Wallis test to check the degree of agreement among groups. This study finds that research participants agreed that indirect financial incentives (i.e., tax reductions, reduction in stormwater utility fee, reduction of interest rate, density bonus, etc.) are the most effective incentive policy whilst granting sustainability certificate policy is the least effective driver to ensure widespread of UGI is elements in Jordan.

Keywords: urban green infrastructure, relative importance index, sustainable urban development, urban Jordan

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1216 Development of a Robust Protein Classifier to Predict EMT Status of Cervical Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Endocervical Adenocarcinoma (CESC) Tumors

Authors: ZhenlinJu, Christopher P. Vellano, RehanAkbani, Yiling Lu, Gordon B. Mills


The epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a process by which epithelial cells acquire mesenchymal characteristics, such as profound disruption of cell-cell junctions, loss of apical-basolateral polarity, and extensive reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton to induce cell motility and invasion. A hallmark of EMT is its capacity to promote metastasis, which is due in part to activation of several transcription factors and subsequent downregulation of E-cadherin. Unfortunately, current approaches have yet to uncover robust protein marker sets that can classify tumors as possessing strong EMT signatures. In this study, we utilize reverse phase protein array (RPPA) data and consensus clustering methods to successfully classify a subset of cervical squamous cell carcinoma and endocervical adenocarcinoma (CESC) tumors into an EMT protein signaling group (EMT group). The overall survival (OS) of patients in the EMT group is significantly worse than those in the other Hormone and PI3K/AKT signaling groups. In addition to a shrinkage and selection method for linear regression (LASSO), we applied training/test set and Monte Carlo resampling approaches to identify a set of protein markers that predicts the EMT status of CESC tumors. We fit a logistic model to these protein markers and developed a classifier, which was fixed in the training set and validated in the testing set. The classifier robustly predicted the EMT status of the testing set with an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.975 by Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) analysis. This method not only identifies a core set of proteins underlying an EMT signature in cervical cancer patients, but also provides a tool to examine protein predictors that drive molecular subtypes in other diseases.

Keywords: consensus clustering, TCGA CESC, Silhouette, Monte Carlo LASSO

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1215 Sustainability of Ecotourism Related Activities in the Town of Yercaud: A Modeling Study

Authors: Manoj Gupta Charan Pushparaj


Tourism related activities are getting popular day by day and tourism has become an integral part of everyone’s life. Ecotourism initiatives have grown enormously in the past decade, and the concept of ecotourism has shown to bring great benefits in terms of environment conservation and to improve the livelihood of local people. However, the potential of ecotourism to sustain improving the livelihood of the local population in the remote future is a topic of active debate. A primary challenge that exists in this regard is the enormous costs of limiting the impacts of tourism related activities on the environment. Here we employed systems modeling approach using computer simulations to determine if ecotourism activities in the small hill town of Yercaud (Tamil Nadu, India) can be sustained over years in improving the livelihood of the local population. Increasing damage to the natural environment as a result of tourism-related activities have plagued the pristine hill station of Yercaud. Though ecotourism efforts can help conserve the environment and enrich local population, questions remain if this can be sustained in the distant future. The vital state variables in the model are the existing tourism foundation (labor, services available to tourists, etc.,) in the town of Yercaud and its natural environment (water, flora and fauna). Another state variable is the textile industry that drives the local economy. Our results would help to understand if environment conservation efforts are sustainable in Yercaud and would also offer suggestions to make it sustainable over the course of several years.

Keywords: ecotourism, simulations, modeling, Yercaud

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1214 Balancing Act: Political Dynamics of Economic and Climatological Security in the Politics of the Middle East

Authors: Zahra Bakhtiari


Middle East countries confront a multitude of main environmental challenges which are inevitable. The unstable economic and political structure which dominates numerous middle East countries makes it difficult to react effectively to unfavorable climate change impacts. This study applies a qualitative methodology and relies on secondary literature aimed to investigate how countries in the Middle East are balancing economic security and climatic security in terms of budgeting, infrastructure investment, political engagement (domestically through discourses or internationally in terms of participation in international organizations or bargaining, etc.) There has been provided an outline of innovative measures in both economic and environmental fields that are in progress in the Middle East countries and what capacity they have for economic development and environmental adaptation, as well as what has already been performed. The primary outcome is that countries that rely more on infrastructure investment such as negative emissions technologies (NET) through green social capital enterprises and political engagement, especially nationally determined contributions (NDCs) commitments and United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), experience more economic and climatological security balance in the Middle East. Since implementing these measures is not the same in all countries in the region, we see different levels of balance between climate security and economic security. The overall suggestion is that the collaboration of both the bottom-up and top-down approaches helps create strategic environmental strategies which are in line with the economic circumstances of each country and creates the desired balance.

Keywords: climate change, economic growth, sustainability, the Middle East, green economy, renewable energy

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1213 A Case of Ujjain on Religious Tourism: Challenges for Sustainability

Authors: Harsimran Kaur Chadha, Preeti Onkar


Tourism has grown into one of the world’s largest industries in the last two decades all over the world. It is an important sector of Indian economy as it contributes substantially to the foreign exchange earnings of the country. The tourism policies of India aim to position tourism as a major engine of economic growth. These policies work towards utilizing tourism’s direct and multiplier effect on employment and poverty eradication in a sustainable manner. India is blessed with a great ancient and living civilization that gave rise to four of the world’s great religions and philosophies. Diverse religions, castes, languages, culture of India build a tremendous potential for religious tourism in India. Religious Tourism facilitates development of basic infrastructural facilities, generates income for the local community as well as the government, balances regional development, and fosters peace and socio-cultural harmony. However, tourism development needs to be regulated to prevent the negative impacts. The main challenge towards Sustainable Tourism development is to balance limits and usage of natural resources. The uncontrollable growth of tourism should not lead to resource degradation. Since tourism growth is inevitable, the challenge is to manage it sustainably within environmental, social and economic constraints. This paper tries to explore both the benefits and costs of Religious Tourism Development, using the example of Simhasth Kumbh Mahaparv at Ujjain. Finally it concludes by putting forth the notion that heavy investments for temporary infrastructure development incurred during these large spiritual gatherings need to be sustainable in the long run.

Keywords: challenges, religious, sustainable, tourism

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