Search results for: clinical nursing practice guideline
Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 8157

Search results for: clinical nursing practice guideline

5307 Molecular Insights into the 5α-Reductase Inhibitors: Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship, Pre-Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, and Excretion and Docking Studies

Authors: Richa Dhingra, Monika, Manav Malhotra, Tilak Raj Bhardwaj, Neelima Dhingra


5-Alpha-reductases (5AR), a membrane bound, NADPH dependent enzyme and convert male hormone testosterone (T) into more potent androgen dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is the required for the development and function of male sex organs, but its overproduction has been found to be associated with physiological conditions like Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). Thus the inhibition of 5ARs could be a key target for the treatment of BPH. In present study, 2D and 3D Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship (QSAR) pharmacophore models have been generated for 5AR based on known inhibitory concentration (IC₅₀) values with extensive validations. The four featured 2D pharmacophore based PLS model correlated the topological interactions (–OH group connected with one single bond) (SsOHE-index); semi-empirical (Quadrupole2) and physicochemical descriptors (Mol. wt, Bromines Count, Chlorines Count) with 5AR inhibitory activity, and has the highest correlation coefficient (r² = 0.98, q² =0.84; F = 57.87, pred r² = 0.88). Internal and external validation was carried out using test and proposed set of compounds. The contribution plot of electrostatic field effects and steric interactions generated by 3D-QSAR showed interesting results in terms of internal and external predictability. The well validated 2D Partial Least Squares (PLS) and 3D k-nearest neighbour (kNN) models were used to search novel 5AR inhibitors with different chemical scaffold. To gain more insights into the molecular mechanism of action of these steroidal derivatives, molecular docking and in silico absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME) studies were also performed. Studies have revealed the hydrophobic and hydrogen bonding of the ligand with residues Alanine (ALA) 63A, Threonine (THR) 60A, and Arginine (ARG) 456A of 4AT0 protein at the hinge region. The results of QSAR, molecular docking, in silico ADME studies provide guideline and mechanistic scope for the identification of more potent 5-Alpha-reductase inhibitors (5ARI).

Keywords: 5α-reductase inhibitor, benign prostatic hyperplasia, ligands, molecular docking, QSAR

Procedia PDF Downloads 163
5306 Medical Decision-Making in Advanced Dementia from the Family Caregiver Perspective: A Qualitative Study

Authors: Elzbieta Sikorska-Simmons


Advanced dementia is a progressive terminal brain disease that is accompanied by a syndrome of difficult to manage symptoms and complications that eventually lead to death. The management of advanced dementia poses major challenges to family caregivers who act as patient health care proxies in making medical treatment decisions. Little is known, however, about how they manage advanced dementia and how their treatment choices influence the quality of patient life. This prospective qualitative study examines the key medical treatment decisions that family caregivers make while managing advanced dementia. The term ‘family caregiver’ refers to a relative or a friend who is primarily responsible for managing patient’s medical care needs and legally authorized to give informed consent for medical treatments. Medical decision-making implies a process of choosing between treatment options in response to patient’s medical care needs (e.g., worsening comorbid conditions, pain, infections, acute medical events). Family caregivers engage in this process when they actively seek treatments or follow recommendations by healthcare professionals. Better understanding of medical decision-making from the family caregiver perspective is needed to design interventions that maximize the quality of patient life and limit inappropriate treatments. Data were collected in three waves of semi-structured interviews with 20 family caregivers for patients with advanced dementia. A purposive sample of 20 family caregivers was recruited from a senior care center in Central Florida. The qualitative personal interviews were conducted by the author in 4-5 months intervals. The ethical approval for the study was obtained prior to the data collection. Advanced dementia was operationalized as stage five or higher on the Global Deterioration Scale (GDS) (i.e., starting with the GDS score of five, patients are no longer able survive without assistance due to major cognitive and functional impairments). Information about patients’ GDS scores was obtained from the Center’s Medical Director, who had an in-depth knowledge of each patient’s health and medical treatment history. All interviews were audiotaped and transcribed verbatim. The qualitative data analysis was conducted to answer the following research questions: 1) what treatment decisions do family caregivers make while managing the symptoms of advanced dementia and 2) how do these treatment decisions influence the quality of patient life? To validate the results, the author asked each participating family caregiver if the summarized findings accurately captured his/her experiences. The identified medical decisions ranged from seeking specialist medical care to end-of-life care. The most common decisions were related to arranging medical appointments, medication management, seeking treatments for pain and other symptoms, nursing home placement, and accessing community-based healthcare services. The most challenging and consequential decisions were related to the management of acute complications, hospitalizations, and discontinuation of treatments. Decisions that had the greatest impact on the quality of patient life and survival were triggered by traumatic falls, worsening psychiatric symptoms, and aspiration pneumonia. The study findings have important implications for geriatric nurses in the context of patient/caregiver-centered dementia care. Innovative nursing approaches are needed to support family caregivers to effectively manage medical care needs of patients with advanced dementia.

Keywords: advanced dementia, family caregiver, medical decision-making, symptom management

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5305 Mesenteric Ischemia Presenting as Acalculous Cholecystitis: A Case Review of a Rare Complication and Aberrant Anatomy

Authors: Joshua Russell, Omar Zubair, Reuben Ndegwa


Introduction: Mesenteric ischemia is an uncommon condition that can be challenging to diagnose in the acute setting, with the potential for significant morbidity and mortality. Very rarely has acute acalculous cholecystitis been described in the setting of mesenteric ischemia. Case: This was the case in a 78-year-old male, who initially presented with clinical and radiological evidence of small bowel obstruction, thought likely secondary to malignancy. The patient had a 6-week history of anorexia, worsening lower abdominal pain, and ~30kg of unintentional weight loss over a 12-month period and a CT- scan demonstrated a transition point in the distal ileum. The patient became increasingly hemodynamically unstable and peritonitic, and an emergency laparotomy was performed. Intra-operatively, however, no obvious transition point was identified, and instead, the gallbladder was markedly gangrenous and oedematous, consistent with acalculous cholecystitis. An open total cholecystectomy was subsequently performed. The patient was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit post-operatively and continued to deteriorate over the proceeding 48 hours, with two re-look laparotomies demonstrating progressively worsening bowel ischemia, initially in the distribution of the superior mesenteric artery and then the coeliac trunk. On review, the patient was found to have an aberrant right hepatic artery arising from the superior mesenteric artery. The extent of ischemia was considered non-survivable, and the patient was palliated. Discussion: Multiple theories currently exist for the underlying pathophysiology of acalculous cholecystitis, including biliary stasis, sepsis, and ischemia. This case lends further support to ischemia as the underlying etiology of acalculous cholecystitis. This is particularly the case when considered in the context of the patient’s aberrant right hepatic artery arising from the superior mesenteric artery, which occurs in 11-14% of patients. Conclusion: This case report adds further insight to the debate surrounding the pathophysiology of acalculous cholecystitis. It also presents acalculous cholecystitis as a complication of mesenteric ischemia that should always be considered, especially in the elderly patient and in the context of relatively common anatomical variations. Furthermore, the case brings to attention the importance of maintaining dynamic working diagnoses in the setting of evolving pathophysiology and clinical presentations.

Keywords: acalculous cholecystitis, anatomical variation, general surgery, mesenteric ischemia

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5304 Impact of COVID-19 Disease on Reproductive Health in Women

Authors: Mikailzade Parvin, Gurbanova Jamila, Alizade Samaya, Hasanova Afat


It is known that in March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a global pandemic of the 2019 coronovirus disease COVID-19, caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronovirus (SARS-CoV-2). In this period, ensuring the safety of pregnancy and childbirth has become one of the necessary issues. The measures taken in this direction naturally consisted of strengthening and improving preventive measures among pregnant women. It should be noted that the lethality of SARS-CoV-2 infection among women reached 25%. The relevance of studying the effect of COVID-19 on reproductive health in women is due to its wide spread worldwide, severe clinical course, and the occurrence of numerous complications or lethality. It is of urgent importance to study the impact of the mentioned coronavirus infection on the health of pregnant women and the serious complications caused by it.Taking these into account, 230 pregnant women infected with the COVID-19 virus infection were registered. The average age of the pregnant women included in the study was: 29.24±6.0. The diagnosis of corona virus infection was made on the basis of polymerase chain reaction (PCR), serological tests (IgG, IgM). In 57.4% of cases, bilateral pneumonia was recorded in pregnant women and confirmed on the basis of radiological (RH) examination. RH examination revealed pneumonia with infiltrate in the lungs. Among clinical symptoms in pregnant women infected with COVID-19 virus infection: in 86 (37.4%) cases, symptoms such as high fever (t-39.0oC), shortness of breath, fatigue, and hypoxia were noted in pregnant women. A decrease in SpO2 to a minimal level was recorded. Laboratory-instrumental examinations were carried out. The obtained results showed: the average limit of D-dimer was 0.8±0.5; prothrombin time 13.2±1.1 seconds; INR 0.98±0.08, prothrombin index 104.3±19.5%, EHS - 34.8±13.6 mm/s. It should be noted that respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), premature birth, malformed and extremely malformed newborns, asphyxia or hypoxia have been reported in infants born to pregnant women infected with the coronavirus disease.Thus, from the obtained indicators, it is known that pregnant women infected with the virus have a high risk of serious illness and death for both themselves and their babies. It has been proven that the majority of babies born to SARS-CoV-2 positive mothers have a negative impact on their health.

Keywords: Covid 19, reproductive health, preqnancy, premature birth

Procedia PDF Downloads 93
5303 Implications of Internationalization for Management and Practice in Higher Education

Authors: Naziema B. Jappie


Internationalization is very complex and multifaceted and has implications for the entire university sector, and the larger community which it serves. Higher education strategic plans require sustainability on all levels of academic engagement and internationalization contributes to the sustainability because of the global competition but, at the same time, ensures diversity on campuses. Universities all over the world are increasingly recognizing the challenges of globalization and the pressures towards internationalization. The past 25 years of internationalization has faded away, and new challenges have emerged. Although internationalization remains a central strategic objective for all universities, for many leaders and education practitioners it has remained a confused concept. It has various interpretations, and it intersects with numerous other national agendas in higher education domain; it often builds upon narrow notions limited to one of its facets –attracting international student fees for financial sustainability or for ensuring a diverse campus culture. It is essential to have clear institutional views, but it is imperative that everyone reflects on the values and beliefs that underpin the internationalization of higher education and have a global focus. This paper draws together the international experience locally and globally to explore the emerging patterns of strategy and practice in internationalizing higher education. This will highlight some critical notions of how the concepts of internationalization and globalization in the context of higher education is understood by those who lead universities and what new challenges are being created as universities seek to become more international. Institutions cannot simply have bullet points in the strategic plan about recruitment of international students; there has to be a complete commitment to an international strategy of inclusivity. This paper will further examine the leadership styles that ensure transformation together with the goals set out for internationalization. The interviews with the senior leadership are in-depth semi-structured recorded interviews of approximately one-hour to learn about their institutional experiences, promotion, and enhancement of the value of internationalisation to the tertiary education sector and initiating discussions around adding the international relations dimension to the curriculum. This paper will address the issues relevant to the cross-border delivery of higher education. To ensure anonymity throughout this study, the interviewees are identified only by their institutions.

Keywords: challenges, globalization, higher education, internationalization, strategic focus

Procedia PDF Downloads 119
5302 Efficacy of Opicapone and Levodopa with Different Levodopa Daily Doses in Parkinson’s Disease Patients with Early Motor Fluctuations: Findings from the Korean ADOPTION Study

Authors: Jee-Young Lee, Joaquim J. Ferreira, Hyeo-il Ma, José-Francisco Rocha, Beomseok Jeon


The effective management of wearing-off is a key driver of medication changes for patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD) treated with levodopa (L-DOPA). While L-DOPA is well tolerated and efficacious, its clinical utility over time is often limited by the development of complications such as dyskinesia. Still, common first-line option includes adjusting the daily L-DOPA dose followed by adjunctive therapies usually counting for the L-DOPA equivalent daily dose (LEDD). The LEDD conversion formulae are a tool used to compare the equivalence of anti-PD medications. The aim of this work is to compare the effects of opicapone (OPC) 50 mg, a catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) inhibitor, and an additional 100 mg dose of L-DOPA in reducing the off time in PD patients with early motor fluctuations receiving different daily L-DOPA doses. OPC was found to be well tolerated and efficacious in advanced PD population. This work utilized patients' home diary data from a 4-week Phase 2 pharmacokinetics clinical study. The Korean ADOPTION study randomized (1:1) patients with PD and early motor fluctuations treated with up to 600 mg of L-DOPA given 3–4 times daily. The main endpoint was change from baseline in off time in the subgroup of patients receiving 300–400 mg/day L-DOPA at baseline plus OPC 50 mg and in the subgroup receiving >300 mg/day L-DOPA at baseline plus an additional dose of L-DOPA 100 mg. Of the 86 patients included in this subgroup analysis, 39 received OPC 50 mg and 47 L-DOPA 100 mg. At baseline, both L-DOPA total daily dose and LEDD were lower in the L-DOPA 300–400 mg/day plus OPC 50 mg group than in the L-DOPA >300 mg/day plus L-DOPA 100 mg. However, at Week 4, LEDD was similar between the two groups. The mean (±standard error) reduction in off time was approximately three-fold greater for the OPC 50 mg than for the L-DOPA 100 mg group, being -63.0 (14.6) minutes for patients treated with L-DOPA 300–400 mg/day plus OPC 50 mg, and -22.1 (9.3) minutes for those receiving L-DOPA >300 mg/day plus L-DOPA 100 mg. In conclusion, despite similar LEDD, OPC demonstrated a significantly greater reduction in off time when compared to an additional 100 mg L-DOPA dose. The effect of OPC appears to be LEDD independent, suggesting that caution should be exercised when employing LEDD to guide treatment decisions as this does not take into account the timing of each dose, onset, duration of therapeutic effect and individual responsiveness. Additionally, OPC could be used for keeping the L-DOPA dose as low as possible for as long as possible to avoid the development of motor complications which are a significant source of disability.

Keywords: opicapone, levodopa, pharmacokinetics, off-time

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5301 Leadership, A Toll to Support Innovations and Inventive Education at Universities

Authors: Peter Balco, Miriam Filipova


The university education is generally concentrated on acquiring theoretical as well as professional knowledge. The right mix of these knowledges is key in creating innovative as well as inventive solutions. Despite the understanding of their importance by the professional community, these are promoted with problems and misunderstanding. The reason for the failure of many non-traditional, innovative approaches is the ignorance of Leadership in the process of their implementation, ie decision-making. In our paper, we focused on the role of Leadership in the educational process and how this knowledge can support decision-making, the selection of a suitable, optimal solution for practice.

Keywords: leadership, soft skills, innovation, invention, knowledge

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5300 Mental Health of the Elderly: Evaluating a Newly Developed Structured Life-Review Manual Using a Within-Subjects Pre-Post Design

Authors: Wladislaw Mill, Hariet Kirschner, Anna Zimmermann, Sashi Singh, Simon Forstmeier, Uwe Berger, Bernhard Strauss, Benedikt Werner


Introduction: A promising method to improve mental health of elderly people are structured life-reviews. We report the evaluation of our newly developed manual for structured life-reviews. The manual was created with the emphasis on straightforward application so that it can be used by professionals and lay people alike. Method: A within-subjects pre-post design is used to evaluate the manual using a geriatric depression scale and a self-integrity measure. Participants are elderly people living by themselves and in nursing homes. Findings: It is shown that elderly people perceive the structured life-review as a very positive experience. More importantly, it is shown that a negative trend of self-integrity and geriatric depression is significantly reduced by the intervention. Conclusion: The data suggest that the manual contributes positively to self- perception and mental health. We conclude that this newly developed device is very valuable to augment elderly care.

Keywords: structured life-review, self-integrity, geriatric depression, preventation research

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5299 Improving Learning Abilities and Inclusion through Movement: The Movi-Mente© Method

Authors: Ivan Traina, Luigi Sangalli, Fabio Tognon, Angelo Lascioli


Currently, challenges regarding preschooler children are mainly focused on a sedentary lifestyle. Also, motor activity in infancy is seen as a tool for the separate acquisition of cognitive and socio-emotional skills rather than considering neuromotor development as a tool for improving learning abilities. The paper utilized an observational research method to shed light on the results of practicing neuromotor exercises in preschool children with disability as well as provide implications for practice.

Keywords: children with disability, learning abilities, inclusion, neuromotor development

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5298 Electronic Six-Minute Walk Test (E-6MWT): Less Manpower, Higher Efficiency, and Better Data Management

Authors: C. M. Choi, H. C. Tsang, W. K. Fong, Y. K. Cheng, T. K. Chui, L. Y. Chan, K. W. Lee, C. K. Yuen, P. W. Lau, Y. L. To, K. C. Chow


Six-minute walk test (6MWT) is a sub-maximal exercise test to assess aerobic capacity and exercise tolerance of patients with chronic respiratory disease and heart failure. This has been proven to be a reliable and valid tool and commonly used in clinical situations. Traditional 6MWT is labour-intensive and time-consuming especially for patients who require assistance in ambulation and oxygen use. When performing the test with these patients, one staff will assist the patient in walking (with or without aids) while another staff will need to manually record patient’s oxygen saturation, heart rate and walking distance at every minute and/or carry oxygen cylinder at the same time. Physiotherapist will then have to document the test results in bed notes in details. With the use of electronic 6MWT (E-6MWT), patients wear a wireless oximeter that transfers data to a tablet PC via Bluetooth. Real-time recording of oxygen saturation, heart rate, and distance are displayed. No manual work on recording is needed. The tablet will generate a comprehensive report which can be directly attached to the patient’s bed notes for documentation. Data can also be saved for later patient follow up. This study was carried out in North District Hospital. Patients who followed commands and required 6MWT assessment were included. Patients were assigned to study or control groups. In the study group, patients adopted the E-6MWT while those in control group adopted the traditional 6MWT. Manpower and time consumed were recorded. Physiotherapists also completed a questionnaire about the use of E-6MWT. Total 12 subjects (Study=6; Control=6) were recruited during 11-12/2017. An average number of staff required and time consumed in traditional 6MWT were 1.67 and 949.33 seconds respectively; while in E-6MWT, the figures were 1.00 and 630.00 seconds respectively. Compared to traditional 6MWT, E-6MWT required 67.00% less manpower and 50.10% less in time spent. Physiotherapists (n=7) found E-6MWT is convenient to use (mean=5.14; satisfied to very satisfied), requires less manpower and time to complete the test (mean=4.71; rather satisfied to satisfied), has better data management (mean=5.86; satisfied to very satisfied) and is recommended to be used clinically (mean=5.29; satisfied to very satisfied). It is proven that E-6MWT requires less manpower input with higher efficiency and better data management. It is welcomed by the clinical frontline staff.

Keywords: electronic, physiotherapy, six-minute walk test, 6MWT

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5297 Is the Addition of Computed Tomography with Angiography Superior to a Non-Contrast Neuroimaging Only Strategy for Patients with Suspected Stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack Presenting to the Emergency Department?

Authors: Alisha M. Ebrahim, Bijoy K. Menon, Eddy Lang, Shelagh B. Coutts, Katie Lin


Introduction: Frontline emergency physicians require clear and evidence-based approaches to guide neuroimaging investigations for patients presenting with suspected acute stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA). Various forms of computed tomography (CT) are currently available for initial investigation, including non-contrast CT (NCCT), CT angiography head and neck (CTA), and CT perfusion (CTP). However, there is uncertainty around optimal imaging choice for cost-effectiveness, particularly for minor or resolved neurological symptoms. In addition to the cost of CTA and CTP testing, there is also a concern for increased incidental findings, which may contribute to the burden of overdiagnosis. Methods: In this cross-sectional observational study, analysis was conducted on 586 anonymized triage and diagnostic imaging (DI) reports for neuroimaging orders completed on patients presenting to adult emergency departments (EDs) with a suspected stroke or TIA from January-December 2019. The primary outcome of interest is the diagnostic yield of NCCT+CTA compared to NCCT alone for patients presenting to urban academic EDs with Canadian Emergency Department Information System (CEDIS) complaints of “symptoms of stroke” (specifically acute stroke and TIA indications). DI reports were coded into 4 pre-specified categories (endorsed by a panel of stroke experts): no abnormalities, clinically significant findings (requiring immediate or follow-up clinical action), incidental findings (not meeting prespecified criteria for clinical significance), and both significant and incidental findings. Standard descriptive statistics were performed. A two-sided p-value <0.05 was considered significant. Results: 75% of patients received NCCT+CTA imaging, 21% received NCCT alone, and 4% received NCCT+CTA+CTP. The diagnostic yield of NCCT+CTA imaging for prespecified clinically significant findings was 24%, compared to only 9% in those who received NCCT alone. The proportion of incidental findings was 30% in the NCCT only group and 32% in the NCCT+CTA group. CTP did not significantly increase the yield of significant or incidental findings. Conclusion: In this cohort of patients presenting with suspected stroke or TIA, an NCCT+CTA neuroimaging strategy had a higher diagnostic yield for clinically significant findings than NCCT alone without significantly increasing the number of incidental findings identified.

Keywords: stroke, diagnostic yield, neuroimaging, emergency department, CT

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5296 Erectile Dysfunction in A Middle Aged Man 6 Years After Bariatric Surgery: A Case Report

Authors: Thaminda Liyanage, Chamila Shamika Kurukulasuriya


Introduction: Morbid obesity has been successfully treated with bariatric surgery for over 60 years. Although operative procedures have improved and associated complications have reduced substantially, surgery still carries the risk of post-operative malabsorption, malnutrition and a range of gastrointestinal disorders. Overweight by itself can impair libido in both sexes and cause erectile dysfunction in males by inducing a state of hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, proportional to the degree of obesity. Impact of weight reduction on libido and sexual activity remains controversial, however it is broadly accepted that weight loss improves sexual drive. Zinc deficiency, subsequent to malabsorption, may lead to impaired testosterone synthesis in men while excessive and/or rapid weight loss in females may result in reversible amenorrhoea leading to sub-fertility. Methods: We describe a 37 year old male, 6 years post Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery, who presented with erectile dysfunction, loss of libido, worsening fatigue and generalized weakness for 4 months. He also complained of constipation and frequent muscle cramps but denied having headache, vomiting or visual disturbances. Patient had lost 38 kg of body weight post gastric bypass surgery over four years {135kg (BMI 42.6 kg/m2) to 97 kg (BMI 30.6 kg/m2)} and the weight had been stable for past two years. He had no recognised co-morbidities at the time of the surgery and noted marked improvement in general wellbeing, physical fitness and psychological confident post surgery, up until four months before presentation. Clinical examination revealed dry pale skin with normal body hair distribution, no thyroid nodules or goitre, normal size testicles and normal neurological examination with no visual field defects or diplopia. He had low serum testosterone, follicular stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), T3, T4, thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), insulin like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) and 24-hour urine cortisol levels. Serum cortisol demonstrated an appropriate rise to ACTH stimulation test but growth hormone (GH) failed increase on insulin tolerance test. Other biochemical and haematological studies were normal, except for low zinc and folate with minimally raised liver enzymes. MRI scan of the head confirmed a solid pituitary mass with no mass effect on optic chiasm. Results: In this patient clinical, biochemical and radiological findings were consistent with anterior pituitary dysfunction. However, there were no features of raised intracranial pressure or neurological compromise. He was commenced on appropriate home replacement therapy and referred for neurosurgical evaluation. Patient reported marked improvement in his symptoms, specially libido and erectile dysfunction, on subsequent follow up visits. Conclusion: Sexual dysfunction coupled with non specific constitutional symptoms has multiple aetiologies. Clinical symptoms out of proportion to nutritional deficiencies post bariatric surgery should be thoroughly investigated. Close long term follow up is crucial for overall success.

Keywords: obesity, bariatric surgery, erectile dysfunction, loss of libido

Procedia PDF Downloads 284
5295 The Yield of Neuroimaging in Patients Presenting to the Emergency Department with Isolated Neuro-Ophthalmological Conditions

Authors: Dalia El Hadi, Alaa Bou Ghannam, Hala Mostafa, Hana Mansour, Ibrahim Hashim, Soubhi Tahhan, Tharwat El Zahran


Introduction: Neuro-ophthalmological emergencies require prompt assessment and management to avoid vision or life-threatening sequelae. Some would require neuroimaging. Most commonly used are the CT and MRI of the Brain. They can be over-used when not indicated. Their yield remains dependent on multiple factors relating to the clinical scenario. Methods: A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted by reviewing the electronic medical records of patients presenting to the Emergency Department (ED) with isolated neuro-ophthalmologic complaints. For each patient, data were collected on the clinical presentation, whether neuroimaging was performed (and which type), and the result of neuroimaging. Analysis of the performed neuroimaging was made, and its yield was determined. Results: A total of 211 patients were reviewed. The complaints or symptoms at presentation were: blurry vision, change in the visual field, transient vision loss, floaters, double vision, eye pain, eyelid droop, headache, dizziness and others such as nausea or vomiting. In the ED, a total of 126 neuroimaging procedures were performed. Ninety-four imagings (74.6%) were normal, while 32 (25.4%) had relevant abnormal findings. Only 2 symptoms were significant for abnormal imaging: blurry vision (p-value= 0.038) and visual field change (p-value= 0.014). While 4 physical exam findings had significant abnormal imaging: visual field defect (p-value= 0.016), abnormal pupil reactivity (p-value= 0.028), afferent pupillary defect (p-value= 0.018), and abnormal optic disc exam (p-value= 0.009). Conclusion: Risk indicators for abnormal neuroimaging in the setting of neuro-ophthalmological emergencies are blurred vision or changes in the visual field on history taking. While visual field irregularities, abnormal pupil reactivity with or without afferent pupillary defect, or abnormal optic discs, are risk factors related to physical testing. These findings, when present, should sway the ED physician towards neuroimaging but still individualizing each case is of utmost importance to prevent time-consuming, resource-draining, and sometimes unnecessary workup. In the end, it suggests a well-structured patient-centered algorithm to be followed by ED physicians.

Keywords: emergency department, neuro-ophthalmology, neuroimaging, risk indicators

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5294 Innovation in PhD Training in the Interdisciplinary Research Institute

Authors: B. Shaw, K. Doherty


The Cultural Communication and Computing Research Institute (C3RI) is a diverse multidisciplinary research institute including art, design, media production, communication studies, computing and engineering. Across these disciplines it can seem like there are enormous differences of research practice and convention, including differing positions on objectivity and subjectivity, certainty and evidence, and different political and ethical parameters. These differences sit within, often unacknowledged, histories, codes, and communication styles of specific disciplines, and it is all these aspects that can make understanding of research practice across disciplines difficult. To explore this, a one day event was orchestrated, testing how a PhD community might communicate and share research in progress in a multi-disciplinary context. Instead of presenting results at a conference, research students were tasked to articulate their method of inquiry. A working party of students from across disciplines had to design a conference call, visual identity and an event framework that would work for students across all disciplines. The process of establishing the shape and identity of the conference was revealing. Even finding a linguistic frame that would meet the expectations of different disciplines for the conference call was challenging. The first abstracts submitted either resorted to reporting findings, or only described method briefly. It took several weeks of supported intervention for research students to get ‘inside’ their method and to understand their research practice as a process rich with philosophical and practical decisions and implications. In response to the abstracts the conference committee generated key methodological categories for conference sessions, including sampling, capturing ‘experience’, ‘making models’, researcher identities, and ‘constructing data’. Each session involved presentations by visual artists, communications students and computing researchers with inter-disciplinary dialogue, facilitated by alumni Chairs. The apparently simple focus on method illuminated research process as a site of creativity, innovation and discovery, and also built epistemological awareness, drawing attention to what is being researched and how it can be known. It was surprisingly difficult to limit students to discussing method, and it was apparent that the vocabulary available for method is sometimes limited. However, by focusing on method rather than results, the genuine process of research, rather than one constructed for approval, could be captured. In unlocking the twists and turns of planning and implementing research, and the impact of circumstance and contingency, students had to reflect frankly on successes and failures. This level of self – and public- critique emphasised the degree of critical thinking and rigour required in executing research and demonstrated that honest reportage of research, faults and all, is good valid research. The process also revealed the degree that disciplines can learn from each other- the computing students gained insights from the sensitive social contextualizing generated by communications and art and design students, and art and design students gained understanding from the greater ‘distance’ and emphasis on application that computing students applied to their subjects. Finding the means to develop dialogue across disciplines makes researchers better equipped to devise and tackle research problems across disciplines, potentially laying the ground for more effective collaboration.

Keywords: interdisciplinary, method, research student, training

Procedia PDF Downloads 207
5293 Characteristics of Clinical and Diagnostic Aspects of Benign Diseases of Cervi̇x in Women

Authors: Gurbanova J., Majidova N., Ali-Zade S., Hasanova A., Mikailzade P.


Currently, the problem of oncogynecological diseases is widespread and remains relevant in terms of quantitative growth. It is known that due to the increase in the number of benign diseases of the cervix, the development of precancerous conditions occurs. Benign diseases of the cervix represent the most common gynecological problem, which are often precursors of malignant neoplasms, especially cervical cancer. According to statistics, benign diseases of the cervix cover 25-45% of all gynecological diseases. Among women's oncogynecological diseases, cervical cancer ranks second in the world after breast cancer and ranks first in the mortality rate among oncological diseases in economically underdeveloped countries. We performed a comprehensive clinical and laboratory examination of 130 women aged 18 to 73 with benign cervical diseases. 59 (38.5%) women of reproductive age, as well as 39 (30%) premenopausal and 41 (31.5%) menopausal patients, participated in the study. Detailed anamnesis was collected from all patients, objective and gynecological examination was performed, laboratory and instrumental examinations (USM, IPV DNA, smear microscopy, and PCR bacteriological examination of sexually transmitted infections), simple and extended colposcopy, liquid-based РАР-smear smear and РАР-classic smear examinations were conducted. As a result of the research, the following nosological forms were found in women with benign diseases of the cervix: non-specific vaginitis in 10 (7.7%) cases; ectopia, endocervicitis - 60(46.2%); cervical ectropion - 7(5.4%); cervical polyp - 9(6.9%); cervical leukoplakia - 15(11.5%); atrophic vaginitis - 7(5.4%); condyloma - 12(9.2%); cervical stenosis - 2(1.5%); endometriosis of the cervix - was noted in 8 (6.2%) cases (p<0.001), respectively. Characteristics of the menstrual cycle among the examined women: normal cycle in 97 (74.6%) cases; oligomenorrhea – 23 (17.7%); polymenorrhea – 4(3.1%); algomenorrhea – noted in 6 (4.6%) cases (p<0.001). Cytological examination showed that: the specificity of liquid-based cytology was 76.2%, and the traditional PAP test was set at 70.6%. The overall diagnostic value was calculated to be 86% in liquid-based cytology and 78.5% in conventional PAP tests. Treatment of women with benign diseases of the cervix was carried out by diathermocoagulation method and "FOTEK EA 141M" device. It should be noted that 6 months after the treatment, after treatment with the "FOTEK EA 141M" device, there was no relapse in any patient. Recurrence was found in 23.7% of patients after diathermoelectrocoagulation. Thus, it is clear from the above that the study of cervical pathologies, the determination of optimal examinations, and effective treatment methods is one of the urgent problems facing obstetrics and gynecology.

Keywords: cervical cancer, cytological examination, PAP-smear, non-specific vaginitis

Procedia PDF Downloads 122
5292 Reasons for Lack of an Ideal Disinfectant after Dental Treatments

Authors: Ilma Robo, Saimir Heta, Rialda Xhizdari, Kers Kapaj


Background: The ideal disinfectant for surfaces, instruments, air, skin, both in dentistry and in the fields of medicine, does not exist.This is for the sole reason that all the characteristics of the ideal disinfectant cannot be contained in one; these are the characteristics that if one of them is emphasized, it will conflict with the other. A disinfectant must be stable, not be affected by changes in the environmental conditions where it stands, which means that it should not be affected by an increase in temperature or an increase in the humidity of the environment. Both of these elements contradict the other element of the idea of an ideal disinfectant, as they disrupt the solubility ratios of the base substance of the disinfectant versus the diluent. Material and methods: The study aims to extract the constant of each disinfectant/antiseptic used during dental disinfection protocols, accompanied by the side effects of the surface of the skin or mucosa where it is applied in the role of antiseptic. In the end, attempts were made to draw conclusions about the best possible combination for disinfectants after a dental procedure, based on the data extracted from the basic literature required during the development of the pharmacology module, as a module in the formation of a dentist, against data published in the literature. Results: The sensitivity of the disinfectant to changes in the atmospheric conditions of the environment where it is kept is a known fact. The care against this element is always accompanied by the advice on the application of the specific disinfectant, in order to have the desired clinical result. The constants of disinfectants according to the classification based on the data collected and presented are for alcohols 70-120, glycols 0.2, aldehydes 30-200, phenols 15-60, acids 100, povidone iodine halogens 5-75, hypochlorous acid halogens 150, sodium hypochlorite halogens 30-35, oxidants 18-60, metals 0.2-10. The part of halogens should be singled out, where specific results were obtained according to the representatives of this class, since it is these representatives that find scope for clinical application in dentistry. Conclusions: The search for the "ideal", in the conditions where its defining criteria are also established, not only for disinfectants but also for any medication or pharmaceutical product, is an ongoing search, without any definitive results. In this mine of data in the published literature if there is something fixed, calculable, such as the specific constant for disinfectants, the search for the ideal is more concrete. During the disinfection protocols, different disinfectants are applied since the field of action is different, including water, air, aspiration devices, tools, disinfectants used in full accordance with the production indications.

Keywords: disinfectant, constant, ideal, side effects

Procedia PDF Downloads 71
5291 Synthesis of Monocyclic, Bicyclic, and Benzocyclobutene Amino Endoperoxides through Visible Light Catalysis

Authors: Enoch Kudoahor, Nan Zheng


We describe the use of readily available self-doped TiO2 and visible light, under a mild condition to synthesize a class of monocyclic, bicyclic, and benzocyclobutene amino compounds containing the endoperoxide bridges; their derivatives and further test their effective clinical activities against malaria, cancer, and their resistances. Considering their stable under photooxidation conditions and recyclability, we use a self-doped TiO2 under a visible condition to synthesize these classes of amino endoperoxides. These amino endoperoxides are stable over a period compared to classes of endoperoxides.

Keywords: catalysis, endoperoxides, titanium dioxide, visible light

Procedia PDF Downloads 155
5290 Effect of Operative Stabilization on Rib Fracture Healing in Porcine Experimental Model: A Pilot Study

Authors: Maria Stepankova, Lucie Vistejnova, Pavel Klein, Tereza Blassova, Marketa Slajerova, Radek Sedlacek, Martin Bartos, Jaroslav Chlupac


Background: Clinical outcome benefits of the segment rib fracture surgical therapy are well known and follow from better stabilization of the chest wall. Despite this, some authors still incline to conservative therapy and point out to possible rib fracture healing failure in connection with the bone vascular supply disturbance caused by metal plate implantation. This suggestion met neither experimental nor clinical verification and remains the object of discussion. In our pilot study we investigated the titanium plate fixation effect on the rib fracture healing in porcine model and its histological, biomechanical and radiological aspects. Materials and Method: Two porcine models (experimental group) underwent the operative chest wall stabilization with a titanium plate implantation after osteotomy. Two other porcine models (control group) were treated conservatively after osteotomy. Three weeks after surgery, all animals were sacrificed, treated ribs were explanted and the histological analysis, µCT imaging and biomechanical testing of the calluses tissue were performed. Results: In µCT imaging, experimental group showed a higher cortical bone volume compared to the control group. Histological analysis using the non-decalcified bone tissue blocks demonstrated more maturated callus with higher newly-formed osseous tissue ratio in experimental group in comparison to controls. In contrast, no significant differences in bone blood vessels supply in both groups were observed. This finding suggests that the bone blood supply in experimental group was not impaired. Biomechanical analysis using 3-point bending test demonstrated significantly higher bending stiffness and the maximum force in experimental group. Conclusion: Based on our observation, it could be concluded, that the titanium plate fixation of the rib fractures leads to faster bone callus maturation whereas does not cause the vascular supply impairment after 3 weeks and thus has a beneficial effect on the rib fracture healing.

Keywords: bone vascular supply, chest wall stabilization, fracture healing, histological analysis, titanium plate implantation

Procedia PDF Downloads 141
5289 What Happens When We Try to Bridge the Science-Practice Gap? An Example from the Brazilian Native Vegetation Protection Law

Authors: Alice Brites, Gerd Sparovek, Jean Paul Metzger, Ricardo Rodrigues


The segregation between science and policy in decision making process hinders nature conservation efforts worldwide. Scientists have been criticized for not producing information that leads to effective solutions for environmental problems. In an attempt to bridge this gap between science and practice, we conducted a project aimed at supporting the implementation of the Brazilian Native Vegetation Protection Law (NVPL) implementation in São Paulo State (SP), Brazil. To do so, we conducted multiple open meetings with the stakeholders involved in this discussion. Throughout this process, we raised stakeholders' demands for scientific information and brought feedbacks about our findings. However, our main scientific advice was not taken into account during the NVPL implementation in SP. The NVPL has a mechanism that exempts landholders who converted native vegetation without offending the legislation in place at the time of the conversion from restoration requirements. We found out that there were no accurate spatialized data for native vegetation cover before the 1960s. Thus, the initial benchmark for the mechanism application should be the 1965 Brazilian Forest Act. Even so, SP kept the 1934 Brazilian Forest Act as the initial legal benchmark for the law application. This decision implies the use of a probabilistic native vegetation map that has uncertainty and subjectivity as its intrinsic characteristics, thus its use can lead to legal queries, corruption, and an unfair benefit application. But why this decision was made even after the scientific advice was vastly divulgated? We raised some possible reasons to explain it. First, the decision was made during a government transition, showing that circumstantial political events can overshadow scientific arguments. Second, the debate about the NVPL in SP was not pacified and powerful stakeholders could benefit from the confusion created by this decision. Finally, the native vegetation protection mechanism is a complex issue, with many technical aspects that can be hard to understand for a non-specialized courtroom, such as the one that made the final decision at SP. This example shows that science and decision-makers still have a long way ahead to improve their way to interact and that science needs to find its way to be heard above the political buzz.

Keywords: Brazil, forest act, science-based dialogue, science-policy interface

Procedia PDF Downloads 123
5288 Interpretation of Two Indices for the Prediction of Cardiovascular Risk in Pediatric Obesity

Authors: Mustafa M. Donma, Orkide Donma


Obesity and weight gain are associated with increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and the progression of liver fibrosis. Aspartate transaminase–to-platelet count ratio index (AST-to-PLT, APRI) and fibrosis-4 (FIB-4) were primarily considered as the formulas capable of differentiating hepatitis from cirrhosis. Recently, they have found clinical use as measures of liver fibrosis and cardiovascular risk. However, their status in children has not been evaluated in detail yet. The aim of this study is to determine APRI and FIB-4 status in obese (OB) children and compare them with values found in children with normal body mass index (N-BMI). A total of sixty-eight children examined in the outpatient clinics of the Pediatrics Department in Tekirdag Namik Kemal University Medical Faculty were included in the study. Two groups were constituted. In the first group, thirty-five children with N-BMI, whose age- and sex-dependent BMI indices vary between 15 and 85 percentiles, were evaluated. The second group comprised thirty-three OB children whose BMI percentile values were between 95 and 99. Anthropometric measurements and routine biochemical tests were performed. Using these parameters, values for the related indices, BMI, APRI, and FIB-4, were calculated. Appropriate statistical tests were used for the evaluation of the study data. The statistical significance degree was accepted as p<0.05. In the OB group, values found for APRI and FIB-4 were higher than those calculated for the N-BMI group. However, there was no statistically significant difference between the N-BMI and OB groups in terms of APRI and FIB-4. A similar pattern was detected for triglyceride (TRG) values. The correlation coefficient and degree of significance between APRI and FIB-4 were r=0.336 and p=0.065 in the N-BMI group. On the other hand, they were r=0.707 and p=0.001 in the OB group. Associations of these two indices with TRG have shown that this parameter was strongly correlated (p<0.001) both with APRI and FIB-4 in the OB group, whereas no correlation was calculated in children with N-BMI. Triglycerides are associated with an increased risk of fatty liver, which can progress to severe clinical problems such as steatohepatitis, which can lead to liver fibrosis. Triglycerides are also independent risk factors for cardiovascular disease. In conclusion, the lack of correlation between TRG and APRI as well as FIB-4 in children with N-BMI, along with the detection of strong correlations of TRG with these indices in OB children, was the indicator of the possible onset of the tendency towards the development of fatty liver in OB children. This finding also pointed out the potential risk for cardiovascular pathologies in OB children. The nature of the difference between APRI vs FIB-4 correlations in N-BMI and OB groups (no correlation versus high correlation), respectively, may be the indicator of the importance of involving age and alanine transaminase parameters in addition to AST and PLT in the formula designed for FIB-4.

Keywords: APRI, children, FIB-4, obesity, triglycerides

Procedia PDF Downloads 348
5287 A Holistic Analysis of the Emergency Call: From in Situ Negotiation to Policy Frameworks and Back

Authors: Jo Angouri, Charlotte Kennedy, Shawnea Ting, David Rawlinson, Matthew Booker, Nigel Rees


Ambulance services need to balance the large volume of emergency (999 in the UK) calls they receive (e.g., West Midlands Ambulance Service reports per day about 4,000 999 calls; about 679,000 calls per year are received in Wales), with dispatching limited resource for on-site intervention to the most critical cases. The process by which Emergency Medical Dispatch (EMD) decisions are made is related to risk assessment and involves the caller and call-taker as well as clinical teams negotiating risk levels on a case-by-case basis. Medical Priority Dispatch System (MPDS – also referred to as Advanced Medical Priority Dispatch System AMPDS) are used in the UK by NHS Trusts (e.,g WAST) to process and prioritise 999 calls. MPDS / AMPDS provide structured protocols for call prioritisation and call management. Protocols/policy frameworks have not been examined before in the way we propose in our project. In more detail, the risk factors that play a role in the EMD negotiation between the caller and call-taker have been analysed in both medical and social science research. Research has focused on the structural, morphological and phonological aspects that could improve, and train, human-to-human interaction or automate risk detection, as well as the medical factors that need to be captured from the caller to inform the dispatch decision. There are two significant gaps in our knowledge that we address in our work: 1. the role of backstage clinical teams in translating the caller/call-taker interaction in their internal risk negotiation and, 2. the role of policy frameworks, protocols and regulations in the framing of institutional priorities and resource allocation. We take a multi method approach and combine the analysis of 999 calls with the analysis of policy documents. We draw on interaction analysis, corpus methodologies and thematic analysis. In this paper, we report on our preliminary findings and focus in particular on the risk factors we have identified and the relationship with the regulations that create the frame within which teams operate. We close the paper with implications of our study for providing evidence-based policy intervention and recommendations for further research.

Keywords: emergency (999) call, interaction analysis, discourse analysis, ambulance dispatch, medical discourse

Procedia PDF Downloads 103
5286 Factors Affecting Cesarean Section among Women in Qatar Using Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey Database

Authors: Sahar Elsaleh, Ghada Farhat, Shaikha Al-Derham, Fasih Alam


Background: Cesarean section (CS) delivery is one of the major concerns both in developing and developed countries. The rate of CS deliveries are on the rise globally, and especially in Qatar. Many socio-economic, demographic, clinical and institutional factors play an important role for cesarean sections. This study aims to investigate factors affecting the prevalence of CS among women in Qatar using the UNICEF’s Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2012 database. Methods: The study has focused on the women’s questionnaire of the MICS, which was successfully distributed to 5699 participants. Following study inclusion and exclusion criteria, a final sample of 761 women aged 19- 49 years who had at least one delivery of giving birth in their lifetime before the survey were included. A number of socio-economic, demographic, clinical and institutional factors, identified through literature review and available in the data, were considered for the analyses. Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression models, along with a multi-level modeling to investigate clustering effect, were undertaken to identify the factors that affect CS prevalence in Qatar. Results: From the bivariate analyses the study has shown that, a number of categorical factors are statistically significantly associated with the dependent variable (CS). When identifying the factors from a multivariate logistic regression, the study found that only three categorical factors -‘age of women’, ‘place at delivery’ and ‘baby weight’ appeared to be significantly affecting the CS among women in Qatar. Although the MICS dataset is based on a cluster survey, an exploratory multi-level analysis did not show any clustering effect, i.e. no significant variation in results at higher level (households), suggesting that all analyses at lower level (individual respondent) are valid without any significant bias in results. Conclusion: The study found a statistically significant association between the dependent variable (CS delivery) and age of women, frequency of TV watching, assistance at birth and place of birth. These results need to be interpreted cautiously; however, it can be used as evidence-base for further research on cesarean section delivery in Qatar.

Keywords: cesarean section, factors, multiple indicator cluster survey, MICS database, Qatar

Procedia PDF Downloads 118
5285 Understanding the Nature of Blood Pressure as Metabolic Syndrome Component in Children

Authors: Mustafa M. Donma, Orkide Donma


Pediatric overweight and obesity need attention because they may cause morbid obesity, which may develop metabolic syndrome (MetS). Criteria used for the definition of adult MetS cannot be applied for pediatric MetS. Dynamic physiological changes that occur during childhood and adolescence require the evaluation of each parameter based upon age intervals. The aim of this study is to investigate the distribution of blood pressure (BP) values within diverse pediatric age intervals and the possible use and clinical utility of a recently introduced Diagnostic Obesity Notation Model Assessment Tension (DONMA tense) Index derived from systolic BP (SBP) and diastolic BP (DBP) [SBP+DBP/200]. Such a formula may enable a more integrative picture for the assessment of pediatric obesity and MetS due to the use of both SBP and DBP. 554 children, whose ages were between 6-16 years participated in the study; the study population was divided into two groups based upon their ages. The first group comprises 280 cases aged 6-10 years (72-120 months), while those aged 10-16 years (121-192 months) constituted the second group. The values of SBP, DBP and the formula (SBP+DBP/200) covering both were evaluated. Each group was divided into seven subgroups with varying degrees of obesity and MetS criteria. Two clinical definitions of MetS have been described. These groups were MetS3 (children with three major components), and MetS2 (children with two major components). The other groups were morbid obese (MO), obese (OB), overweight (OW), normal (N) and underweight (UW). The children were included into the groups according to the age- and sex-based body mass index (BMI) percentile values tabulated by WHO. Data were evaluated by SPSS version 16 with p < 0.05 as the statistical significance degree. Tension index was evaluated in the groups above and below 10 years of age. This index differed significantly between N and MetS as well as OW and MetS groups (p = 0.001) above 120 months. However, below 120 months, significant differences existed between MetS3 and MetS2 (p = 0.003) as well as MetS3 and MO (p = 0.001). In comparison with the SBP and DBP values, tension index values have enabled more clear-cut separation between the groups. It has been detected that the tension index was capable of discriminating MetS3 from MetS2 in the group, which was composed of children aged 6-10 years. This was not possible in the older group of children. This index was more informative for the first group. This study also confirmed that 130 mm Hg and 85 mm Hg cut-off points for SBP and DBP, respectively, are too high for serving as MetS criteria in children because the mean value for tension index was calculated as 1.00 among MetS children. This finding has shown that much lower cut-off points must be set for SBP and DBP for the diagnosis of pediatric MetS, especially for children under-10 years of age. This index may be recommended to discriminate MO, MetS2 and MetS3 among the 6-10 years of age group, whose MetS diagnosis is problematic.

Keywords: blood pressure, children, index, metabolic syndrome, obesity

Procedia PDF Downloads 118
5284 Video Club as a Pedagogical Tool to Shift Teachers’ Image of the Child

Authors: Allison Tucker, Carolyn Clarke, Erin Keith


Introduction: In education, the determination to uncover privileged practices requires critical reflection to be placed at the center of both pre-service and in-service teacher education. Confronting deficit thinking about children’s abilities and shifting to holding an image of the child as capable and competent is necessary for teachers to engage in responsive pedagogy that meets children where they are in their learning and builds on strengths. This paper explores the ways in which early elementary teachers' perceptions of the assets of children might shift through the pedagogical use of video clubs. Video club is a pedagogical practice whereby teachers record and view short videos with the intended purpose of deepening their practices. The use of video club as a learning tool has been an extensively documented practice. In this study, a video club is used to watch short recordings of playing children to identify the assets of their students. Methodology: The study on which this paper is based asks the question: What are the ways in which teachers’ image of the child and teaching practices evolve through the use of video club focused on the strengths of children demonstrated during play? Using critical reflection, it aims to identify and describe participants’ experiences of examining their personally held image of the child through the pedagogical tool video club, and how that image influences their practices, specifically in implementing play pedagogy. Teachers enrolled in a graduate-level play pedagogy course record and watch videos of their own students as a means to notice and reflect on the learning that happens during play. Using a co-constructed viewing protocol, teachers identify student strengths and consider their pedagogical responses. Video club provides a framework for teachers to critically reflect in action, return to the video to rewatch the children or themselves and discuss their noticings with colleagues. Critical reflection occurs when there is focused attention on identifying the ways in which actions perpetuate or challenge issues of inherent power in education. When the image of the child held by the teacher is from a deficit position and is influenced by hegemonic dimensions of practice, critical reflection is essential in naming and addressing power imbalances, biases, and practices that are harmful to children and become barriers to their thriving. The data is comprised of teacher reflections, analyzed using phenomenology. Phenomenology seeks to understand and appreciate how individuals make sense of their experiences. Teacher reflections are individually read, and researchers determine pools of meaning. Categories are identified by each researcher, after which commonalities are named through a recursive process of returning to the data until no more themes emerge or saturation is reached. Findings: The final analysis and interpretation of the data are forthcoming. However, emergent analysis of the data collected using teacher reflections reveals the ways in which the use of video club grew teachers’ awareness of their image of the child. It shows video club as a promising pedagogical tool when used with in-service teachers to prompt opportunities for play and to challenge deficit thinking about children and their abilities to thrive in learning.

Keywords: asset-based teaching, critical reflection, image of the child, video club

Procedia PDF Downloads 105
5283 Accurate Mass Segmentation Using U-Net Deep Learning Architecture for Improved Cancer Detection

Authors: Ali Hamza


Accurate segmentation of breast ultrasound images is of paramount importance in enhancing the diagnostic capabilities of breast cancer detection. This study presents an approach utilizing the U-Net architecture for segmenting breast ultrasound images aimed at improving the accuracy and reliability of mass identification within the breast tissue. The proposed method encompasses a multi-stage process. Initially, preprocessing techniques are employed to refine image quality and diminish noise interference. Subsequently, the U-Net architecture, a deep learning convolutional neural network (CNN), is employed for pixel-wise segmentation of regions of interest corresponding to potential breast masses. The U-Net's distinctive architecture, characterized by a contracting and expansive pathway, enables accurate boundary delineation and detailed feature extraction. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, an extensive dataset of breast ultrasound images is employed, encompassing diverse cases. Quantitative performance metrics such as the Dice coefficient, Jaccard index, sensitivity, specificity, and Hausdorff distance are employed to comprehensively assess the segmentation accuracy. Comparative analyses against traditional segmentation methods showcase the superiority of the U-Net architecture in capturing intricate details and accurately segmenting breast masses. The outcomes of this study emphasize the potential of the U-Net-based segmentation approach in bolstering breast ultrasound image analysis. The method's ability to reliably pinpoint mass boundaries holds promise for aiding radiologists in precise diagnosis and treatment planning. However, further validation and integration within clinical workflows are necessary to ascertain their practical clinical utility and facilitate seamless adoption by healthcare professionals. In conclusion, leveraging the U-Net architecture for breast ultrasound image segmentation showcases a robust framework that can significantly enhance diagnostic accuracy and advance the field of breast cancer detection. This approach represents a pivotal step towards empowering medical professionals with a more potent tool for early and accurate breast cancer diagnosis.

Keywords: mage segmentation, U-Net, deep learning, breast cancer detection, diagnostic accuracy, mass identification, convolutional neural network

Procedia PDF Downloads 84
5282 Investigation of Attitude of Production Workers towards Job Rotation in Automotive Industry against the Background of Demographic Change

Authors: Franciska Weise, Ralph Bruder


Due to the demographic change in Germany along with the declining birth rate and the increasing age of population, the share of older people in society is rising. This development is also reflected in the work force of German companies. Therefore companies should focus on improving ergonomics, especially in the area of age-related work design. Literature shows that studies on age-related work design have been carried out in the past, some of whose results have been put into practice. However, there is still a need for further research. One of the most important methods for taking into account the needs of an aging population is job rotation. This method aims at preventing or reducing health risks and inappropriate physical strain. It is conceived as a systematic change of workplaces within a group. Existing literature does not cover any methods for the investigation of the attitudes of employees towards job rotation. However, in order to evaluate job rotation, it is essential to have knowledge of the views of people towards rotation. In addition to an investigation of attitudes, the design of rotation plays a crucial role. The sequence of activities and the rotation frequency influence the worker and as well the work result. The evaluation of preliminary talks on the shop floor showed that team speakers and foremen share a common understanding of job rotation. In practice, different varieties of job rotation exist. One important aspect is the frequency of rotation. It is possible to rotate never, more than one time or even during every break, or more often than every break. It depends on the opportunity or possibility to rotate whenever workers want to rotate. From the preliminary talks some challenges can be derived. For example a rotation in the whole team is not possible, if a team member requires to be trained for a new task. In order to be able to determine the relation of the design and the attitude towards job rotation, a questionnaire is carried out in the vehicle manufacturing. The questionnaire will be employed to determine the different varieties of job rotation that exist in production, as well as the attitudes of workers towards those different frequencies of job rotation. In addition, younger and older employees will be compared with regard to their rotation frequency and their attitudes towards rotation. There are three kinds of age groups. Three questions are under examination. The first question is whether older employees rotate less frequently than younger employees. Also it is investigated to know whether the frequency of job rotation and the attitude towards the frequency of job rotation are interconnected. Moreover, the attitudes of the different age groups towards the frequency of rotation will be examined. Up to now 144 employees, all working in production, took part in the survey. 36.8 % were younger than thirty, 37.5 % were between thirty und forty-four and 25.7 % were above forty-five years old. The data shows no difference between the three age groups in relation to the frequency of job rotation (N=139, median=4, Chi²=.859, df=2, p=.651). Most employees rotate between six and seven workplaces per day. In addition there is a statistically significant correlation between the frequency of job rotation and the attitude towards the frequency (Spearman-Rho: 2-sided=.008, correlation coefficient=.223). Less than four workplaces per day are not enough for the employees. The third question, which differences can be found between older and younger people who rotate in a different way and with different attitudes towards job rotation, cannot be possible answered. Till now the data shows that younger people would like to rotate very often. Regarding to older people no correlation can be found with acceptable significance. The results of the survey will be used to improve the current practice of job rotation. In addition, the discussions during the survey are expected to help sensitize the employees with respect to rotation issues, and to contribute to optimizing rotation by means of qualification and an improved design of job rotation. Together with the employees and the results of the survey there must be found standards which show how to rotate in an ergonomic way while consider the attitude towards job rotation.

Keywords: job rotation, age-related work design, questionnaire, automotive industry

Procedia PDF Downloads 304
5281 Developing Fire Risk Factors for Existing Small-Scale Hospitals

Authors: C. L. Wu, W. W. Tseng


From the National Health Insurance (NHI) system was introduced in Taiwan in 2000, there have been some problems in transformed small-scale hospitals, such as mobility of patients, shortage of nursing staff, medical pipelines breaking fire compartments and insufficient fire protection systems. Due to shrinking of the funding scale and the aging society, fire safety in small-scale hospitals has recently given cause for concern. The aim of this study is to determine fire risk index for small-scale hospital through a systematic approach The selection of fire safety mitigation methods can be regarded as a multi-attribute decision making process which must be guaranteed by expert groups. First of all, identify and select safety related factors and identify evaluation criteria through literature reviews and experts group. Secondly, application of the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process method is used to ascertain a weighted value which enables rating of the importance each of the selected factors. Overall, Sprinkler type and Compartmentation are the most crucial indices in mitigating fire, that is to say, structural approach play an important role to decrease losses in fire events.

Keywords: Fuzzy Delphi Method, fuzzy analytic hierarchy, process risk assessment, fire events

Procedia PDF Downloads 448
5280 Relevance for Traditional Medicine in South Africa: Experiences of Urban Traditional Healers, Izinyanga

Authors: Ntokozo Mthembu


Access to relevant health indicates people’s likelihood of survival, including craft of indigenous healing and its related practitioners- izinyanga. However, the emergence of a dreaded novel corona virus - COVID-19 that has engulfed almost the whole world has necessitated the need to revisit the state of traditional healers in South Africa. This circumstance tended to expose the reality of social settings in various social structures and related policies including the manner coloniality reveal its ugly head when it comes treatment between western and African based therapeutic practices in this country. In attempting to gain a better understanding of such experiences, primary and secondary sources were consulted when collecting data that perusal of various literature in this instance including face-to-face interviews with traditional healers working on the street of Tshwane Municipality in South Africa. Preliminary findings revealed that the emergence of this deadly virus coincided with the moment when the government agenda was focussed on fulfilment of its promise of addressing the past inequity practices, including the transformation of medical sector. This scenario can be witnessed by the manner in which government and related agencies such as health department keeps on undermining indigenous healing practice irrespective of its historical record in terms of healing profession and fighting various diseases before times of father of medicine, Imhotep. Based on these preliminary findings, it is recommended that the government should hasten the incorporation of African knowledge systems especially medicine to offer alternatives and diverse to assess the underutilised indigenous African therapeutic approach and relevant skills that could be useful in combating ailments such as COVID 19. Perhaps, the plural medical systems should be recognized and related policies are formulated to guarantee mutual respect among citizens and the incorporation of healing practices in South African health sector, Africa and in the broader global community.

Keywords: indigenous healing practice, inyanga, COVID-19, therapeutic, urban, experience

Procedia PDF Downloads 129
5279 Survival Data with Incomplete Missing Categorical Covariates

Authors: Madaki Umar Yusuf, Mohd Rizam B. Abubakar


The survival censored data with incomplete covariate data is a common occurrence in many studies in which the outcome is survival time. With model when the missing covariates are categorical, a useful technique for obtaining parameter estimates is the EM by the method of weights. The survival outcome for the class of generalized linear model is applied and this method requires the estimation of the parameters of the distribution of the covariates. In this paper, we propose some clinical trials with ve covariates, four of which have some missing values which clearly show that they were fully censored data.

Keywords: EM algorithm, incomplete categorical covariates, ignorable missing data, missing at random (MAR), Weibull Distribution

Procedia PDF Downloads 406
5278 Gender Identification Using Digital Forensics

Authors: Vinod C. Nayak


In day-to-day forensic practice, identification is always a difficult task. Availability of anti-mortem and postmortem records plays a major rule in facilitating this tough task. However, the advent of digital forensic is a boon for forensic experts. This study has made use of digital forensics to establish identity by radiological dimensions of maxillary sinus using workstation software. The findings suggest a significant association between maxillary sinus dimensions and human gender. The author will be discussing the methods and results of the study in this e-poster.

Keywords: digital forensics, identification, maxillary sinus, radiology

Procedia PDF Downloads 422