Search results for: double nonlinear predictive controller
1365 Day of the Week Patterns and the Financial Trends' Role: Evidence from the Greek Stock Market during the Euro Era
Authors: Nikolaos Konstantopoulos, Aristeidis Samitas, Vasileiou Evangelos
The purpose of this study is to examine if the financial trends influence not only the stock markets’ returns, but also their anomalies. We choose to study the day of the week effect (DOW) for the Greek stock market during the Euro period (2002-12), because during the specific period there are not significant structural changes and there are long term financial trends. Moreover, in order to avoid possible methodological counterarguments that usually arise in the literature, we apply several linear (OLS) and nonlinear (GARCH family) models to our sample until we reach to the conclusion that the TGARCH model fits better to our sample than any other. Our results suggest that in the Greek stock market there is a long term predisposition for positive/negative returns depending on the weekday. However, the statistical significance is influenced from the financial trend. This influence may be the reason why there are conflict findings in the literature through the time. Finally, we combine the DOW’s empirical findings from 1985-2012 and we may assume that in the Greek case there is a tendency for long lived turn of the week effect.Keywords: day of the week effect, GARCH family models, Athens stock exchange, economic growth, crisis
Procedia PDF Downloads 4111364 Hybrid Direct Numerical Simulation and Large Eddy Simulating Wall Models Approach for the Analysis of Turbulence Entropy
Authors: Samuel Ahamefula
Turbulent motion is a highly nonlinear and complex phenomenon, and its modelling is still very challenging. In this study, we developed a hybrid computational approach to accurately simulate fluid turbulence phenomenon. The focus is coupling and transitioning between Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) and Large Eddy Simulating Wall Models (LES-WM) regions. In the framework, high-order fidelity fluid dynamical methods are utilized to simulate the unsteady compressible Navier-Stokes equations in the Eulerian format on the unstructured moving grids. The coupling and transitioning of DNS and LES-WM are conducted through the linearly staggered Dirichlet-Neumann coupling scheme. The high-fidelity framework is verified and validated based on namely, DNS ability for capture full range of turbulent scales, giving accurate results and LES-WM efficiency in simulating near-wall turbulent boundary layer by using wall models.Keywords: computational methods, turbulence modelling, turbulence entropy, navier-stokes equations
Procedia PDF Downloads 1011363 Treatment Outcome of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis and Its Associated Factors among Admitted Patients in All Africa Leprosy Rehabilitation and Training Center Hospital, Ethiopia
Authors: Kebede Mairie, Getahun Belete, Mitike Abeba
Background: Leishmania aethiopica is a peculiar parasite causing cutaneous leishmaniasis in Ethiopia and its mainstay treatment is Sodium Stibogluconate. However, its treatment outcome in Ethiopia is not well documented. Objectives: To determine the treatment outcome of admitted cutaneous leishmaniasis patients and its associated factors in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Methods: A retrospective study was conducted from 1st November 2021 to 30th March 2022. Medical records of all cutaneous leishmaniasis-diagnosed and admitted patients who received parenteral sodium stibogluconate at All Africa Leprosy Rehabilitation and Training Center (ALERT) hospital, the main Leishmania treatment center in Ethiopia from July 2011 to September 2021 were reviewed. Results: A total of 827 charts of admitted cases from July 2011 to September 2021 were retrieved, but 667 (80.65%) were reviewed. Improvement in the treatment outcome was recorded in 93.36 % in the first course of SSG treatment and 96.23%, 94.62%, and 96.97% subsequently in the second, third and fourth treatment courses, respectively. Female gender and diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis were the two predictive determinants in the treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis. Conclusion: The study shows that parenteral sodium stibogluconate therapy treats hospitalized cutaneous leishmaniasis patients well, with female gender and diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis having poor outcomes suggesting the need for a different approach for diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis patients.Keywords: cutaneous leishmaniasis, leishmania aethiopica, sodium stibogluconate, diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis, pentostam
Procedia PDF Downloads 771362 Dynamic Analysis and Design of Lower Extremity Power-Assisted Exoskeleton
Authors: Song Shengli, Tan Zhitao, Li Qing, Fang Husheng, Ye Qing, Zhang Xinglong
Lower extremity power-assisted exoskeleton (LEPEX) is a kind of wearable electromechanical integration intelligent system, walking in synchronization with the wearer, which can assist the wearer walk by means of the driver mounted in the exoskeleton on each joint. In this paper, dynamic analysis and design of the LEPEX are performed. First of all, human walking process is divided into single leg support phase, double legs support phase and ground collision model. The three kinds of dynamics modeling is established using the Lagrange method. Then, the flat walking and climbing stairs dynamic information such as torque and power of lower extremity joints is derived for loading 75kg according to scholar Stansfield measured data of flat walking and scholars R. Riener measured data of climbing stair respectively. On this basis, the joint drive way in the sagittal plane is determined, and the structure of LEPEX is designed. Finally, the designed LEPEX is simulated under ADAMS by using a person’s joint sports information acquired under flat walking and climbing stairs. The simulation result effectively verified the correctness of the structure.Keywords: kinematics, lower extremity exoskeleton, simulation, structure
Procedia PDF Downloads 4251361 The Droplet Generation and Flow in the T-Shape Microchannel with the Side Wall Fluctuation
Authors: Yan Pang, Xiang Wang, Zhaomiao Liu
Droplet microfluidics, in which nanoliter to picoliter droplets acted as individual compartments, are common to a diverse array of applications such as analytical chemistry, tissue engineering, microbiology and drug discovery. The droplet generation in a simplified two dimension T-shape microchannel with the main channel width of 50 μm and the side channel width of 25 μm, is simulated to investigate effects of the forced fluctuation of the side wall on the droplet generation and flow. The periodic fluctuations are applied on a length of the side wall in the main channel of the T-junction with the deformation shape of the double-clamped beam acted by the uniform force, which varies with the flow time and fluctuation periods, forms and positions. The fluctuations under most of the conditions expand the distribution range of the droplet size but have a little effect on the average size, while the shape of the fixed side wall changes the average droplet size chiefly. Droplet sizes show a periodic pattern along the relative time when the fluctuation is forced on the side wall near the T-junction. The droplet emerging frequency is not varied by the fluctuation of the side wall under the same flow rate and geometry conditions. When the fluctuation period is similar with the droplet emerging period, the droplet size shows a nice stability as the no fluctuation case.Keywords: droplet generation, droplet size, flow flied, forced fluctuation
Procedia PDF Downloads 2821360 The Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio after Surgery for Hip Fracture in a New, Simple, and Objective Score to Predict Postoperative Mortality
Authors: Philippe Dillien, Patrice Forget, Harald Engel, Olivier Cornu, Marc De Kock, Jean Cyr Yombi
Introduction: Hip fracture precedes commonly death in elderly people. Identification of high-risk patients may contribute to target patients in whom optimal management, resource allocation and trials efficiency is needed. The aim of this study is to construct a predictive score of mortality after hip fracture on the basis of the objective prognostic factors available: Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), age, and sex. C-Reactive Protein (CRP), is also considered as an alternative to the NLR. Patients and methods: After the IRB approval, we analyzed our prospective database including 286 consecutive patients with hip fracture. A score was constructed combining age (1 point per decade above 74 years), sex (1 point for males), and NLR at postoperative day+5 (1 point if >5). A receiver-operating curve (ROC) curve analysis was performed. Results: From the 286 patients included, 235 were analyzed (72 males and 163 females, 30.6%/69.4%), with a median age of 84 (range: 65 to 102) years, mean NLR values of 6.47+/-6.07. At one year, 82/280 patients died (29.3%). Graphical analysis and log-rank test confirm a highly statistically significant difference (P<0.001). Performance analysis shows an AUC of 0.72 [95%CI 0.65-0.79]. CRP shows no advantage on NLR. Conclusion: We have developed a score based on age, sex and the NLR to predict the risk of mortality at one year in elderly patients after surgery for a hip fracture. After external validation, it may be included in clinical practice as in clinical research to stratify the risk of postoperative mortality.Keywords: neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio, hip fracture, postoperative mortality, medical and health sciences
Procedia PDF Downloads 4141359 A Randomized Controlled Trial Study on the Effect of Adding Dexmedetomidine to Bupivacaine in Supraclavicular Block Using Ultrasound Guidance
Authors: Nazia Nazir
Background: The benefits of regional anesthetic techniques are well established. Use of additives to local anesthetics can prolong these benefits. The aim of this study was to observe the effect of adding dexmedetomidine to bupivacaine for the supraclavicular block. Methods (Design): In this randomized, double-blind study, seventy ASA I & II patients of either sex undergoing elective surgeries on the upper limb were given supraclavicular block under ultrasound guidance. Group C (n=35), received 38 mL 0.25% bupivacaine + 2mL normal saline and group D received 38 mL 0.25% bupivacaine + 1 µg/kg dexmedetomidine (2mL). Patients were observed for onset, duration of motor and sensory block, duration of analgesia, sedation score, hemodynamic changes and any adverse events. Results: In group D the onset was faster (P < 0.001), duration of sensory and motor block, as well as duration of analgesia, was prolonged as compared to group C (P < 0.0001). There was significant drop in heart rate (HR) from the baseline in group D (P < 0.05) at 30, 60, 90 and 120 min, however, none of the patients dropped HR below 50/min. Mean arterial Pressure (MAP) remained unaffected. The patients in group D were effectively sedated than those in group C (P < 0.05). No adverse event was reported in either group. Conclusion: Dexmedetomidine as adjuvant to bupivacaine in supraclavicular block resulted in faster action, prolonged motor and sensory block, prolonged analgesia with hemodynamic stability and adequate sedation.Keywords: Analgesia, bupivacaine, dexmedetomidine, supraclavicular block
Procedia PDF Downloads 1921358 Caught in the Crossfire : Natural Resources, Energy Transition, and Conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Authors: Koami West Togbetse
The global shift towards clean and sustainable energy sources, known as the energy transition, is compelling numerous countries to transition from polluting energy systems to cleaner alternatives, commonly referred to as green energies. In this context, cobalt holds significant importance as a crucial mineral in facilitating this energy transition due to its pivotal role in electric batteries. Considering the Democratic Republic of Congo’s reputation for political instability and its position as the largest producer of cobalt, possessing over 50% of the world’s reserves, we have assessed the potential conflicts that may arise as a result of the rapid increase in cobalt demand. The results show that cobalt does not appear to be a determinant contributing to all past conflicts over the study period in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Gold, on the other hand, stands out as one of the coveted metals for rebel groups engaged in rampant exploitation, increasing the likelihood of conflicts occurring. However, a more in-depth analysis reveals a shift in the relationship between cobalt production and conflict events around 2006. Prior to 2006, increased cobalt production was significantly associated with a reduction in conflict events. However, after 2006, this relationship became positive, indicating that higher cobalt production is now linked to a slight increase in conflict events. This suggests a change in the dynamics affecting conflicts related to cobalt production before and after 2006. According to our predictive model, cobalt has the potential to emerge increasingly as a contributing factor, just like gold.Keywords: conflicts, natural resources, energy transition, geopolitics
Procedia PDF Downloads 351357 Effects of Damper Locations and Base Isolators on Seismic Response of a Building Frame
Authors: Azin Shakibabarough, Mojtaba Valinejadshoubi, Ashutosh Bagchi
Structural vibration means repetitive motion that causes fatigue and reduction of the performance of a structure. An earthquake may release high amount of energy that can have adverse effect on all components of a structure. Therefore, decreasing of vibration or maintaining performance of structures such as bridges, dams, roads and buildings is important for life safety and reducing economic loss. When earthquake or any vibration happens, investigation on parts of a structure which sustain the seismic loads is mandatory to provide a safe condition for the occupants. One of the solutions for reducing the earthquake vibration in a structure is using of vibration control devices such as dampers and base isolators. The objective of this study is to investigate the optimal positions of friction dampers and base isolators for better seismic response of 2D frame. For this purpose, a two bay and six story frame with different distribution formats was modeled and some of their responses to earthquake such as inter-story drift, max joint displacement, max axial force and max bending moment were determined and compared using non-linear dynamic analysis.Keywords: fast nonlinear analysis, friction damper, base isolator, seismic vibration control, seismic response
Procedia PDF Downloads 3211356 Meeting India's Energy Demand: U.S.-India Energy Cooperation under Trump
Authors: Merieleen Engtipi
India's total share of global population is nearly 18%; however, its per capita energy consumption is only one-third of global average. The demand and supply of electricity are uneven in the country; around 240 million of the population have no access to electricity. However, with India's trajectory for modernisation and economic growth, the demand for energy is only expected to increase. India is at a crossroad, on the one hand facing the increasing demand for energy and on the other hand meeting the Paris climate policy commitments, and further the struggle to provide efficient energy. This paper analyses the policies to meet India’s need for energy, as the per capita energy consumption is likely to be double in 6-7 years period. Simultaneously, India's Paris commitment requires curbing of carbon emission from fossil fuels. There is an increasing need for renewables to be cheaply and efficiently available in the market and for clean technology to extract fossil fuels to meet climate policy goals. Fossil fuels are the most significant generator of energy in India; with the Paris agreement, the demand for clean energy technology is increasing. Finally, the U.S. decided to withdraw from the Paris Agreement; however, the two countries plan to continue engaging bilaterally on energy issues. The U.S. energy cooperation under Trump administration is significantly vital for greater energy security, transfer of technology and efficiency in energy supply and demand.Keywords: energy demand, energy cooperation, fossil fuels, technology transfer
Procedia PDF Downloads 2521355 Performance Improvement of Electric Vehicle Using K - Map Constructed Rule Based Energy Management Strategy for Battery/Ultracapacitor Hybrid Energy Storage System
Authors: Jyothi P. Phatak, L. Venkatesha, C. S. Raviprasad
The performance improvement of Hybrid Energy Storage System (HESS) in Electric Vehicle (EV) has been in discussion over the last decade. The important issues in terms of performance parameters addressed are, range of vehicle and battery (BA) peak current. Published literature has either addressed battery peak current reduction or range improvement in EV. Both the issues have not been specifically discussed and analyzed. This paper deals with both range improvement in EV and battery peak current reduction by applying a new Karnaugh Map (K-Map) constructed rule based energy management strategy to proposed HESS. The strategy allows Ultracapacitor (UC) to assist battery when the vehicle accelerates there by reducing the burden on battery. Simulation is carried out for various operating modes of EV considering both urban and highway driving conditions. Simulation is done for different values of UC by keeping battery rating constant for each driving cycle and results are presented. Feasible value of UC is selected based on simulation results. The results of proposed HESS show an improvement in performance parameters compared to Battery only Energy Storage System (BESS). Battery life is improved to considerable extent and there is an overall development in the performance of electric vehicle.Keywords: electric vehicle, PID controller, energy management strategy, range, battery current, ultracapacitor
Procedia PDF Downloads 1191354 Identified Transcription Factors and Gene Regulation in Scient Biosynthesis in Ophrys Orchids
Authors: Chengwei Wang, Shuqing Xu, Philipp M. Schlüter
The genus Ophrys is remarkable for its mimicry, flower-lip closely resembling pollinator females in a species-specific manner. Therefore, floral traits associated with pollinator attraction, especially scent, are suitable models for investigating the molecular basis of adaption, speciation, and evolution. Within the two Ophrys species groups: O. sphegodes (S) and O. fusca (F), pollinator shifts among the same insect species have taken place. Preliminary data suggest that they involve a comparable hydrocarbon profile in their scent, which is mainly composed of alkanes and alkenes. Genes encoding stearoyl-acyl carrier protein desaturases (SAD) involved in alkene biosynthesis have been identified in the S group. This study aims to investigate the control and parallel evolution of ecologically significant alkene production in Ophrys. Owing to the central role those SAD genes play in determining positioning of the alkene double-bonds, a detailed understanding of their functional mechanism and of regulatory aspects is of utmost importance. We have identified 5 transcription factors potentially related to SAD expression in O. sphegodes which belong to the MYB, GTE, WRKY, and MADS families. Ultimately, our results will contribute to understanding genes important in the regulatory control of floral scent synthesis.Keywords: floral traits, transcription factors, biosynthesis, parallel evolution
Procedia PDF Downloads 1041353 Axial, Bending Interaction Diagrams of Reinforced Concrete Columns Exposed to Chloride Attack
Authors: Rita Greco, Giuseppe Carlo Marano
Chloride induced reinforcement corrosion is widely accepted to be the most frequent mechanism causing premature degradation of reinforced concrete members, whose economic and social consequences are growing up continuously. Prevention of these phenomena has a great importance in structural design, and modern Codes and Standard impose prescriptions concerning design details and concrete mix proportion for structures exposed to different external aggressive conditions, grouped in environmental classes. This paper focuses on reinforced concrete columns load carrying capacity degradation over time due to chloride induced steel pitting corrosion. The structural element is considered to be exposed to marine environment and the effects of corrosion are described by the time degradation of the axial-bending interaction diagram. Because chlorides ingress and consequent pitting corrosion propagation are both time-dependent mechanisms, the study adopts a time-variant predictive approach to evaluate the residual strength of corroded reinforced concrete columns at different lifetimes. Corrosion initiation and propagation process is modelled by taking into account all the parameters, such as external environmental conditions, concrete mix proportion, concrete cover and so on, which influence the time evolution of the corrosion phenomenon and its effects on the residual strength of RC columns.Keywords: pitting corrosion, strength deterioration, diffusion coefficient, surface chloride concentration, concrete structures, marine environment
Procedia PDF Downloads 3231352 Effect of Atmospheric Pressure on the Flow at the Outlet of a Propellant Nozzle
Authors: R. Haoui
The purpose of this work is to simulate the flow at the exit of Vulcan 1 engine of European launcher Ariane 5. The geometry of the propellant nozzle is already determined using the characteristics method. The pressure in the outlet section of the nozzle is less than atmospheric pressure on the ground, causing the existence of oblique and normal shock waves at the exit. During the rise of the launcher, the atmospheric pressure decreases and the shock wave disappears. The code allows the capture of shock wave at exit of nozzle. The numerical technique uses the Flux Vector Splitting method of Van Leer to ensure convergence and avoid the calculation instabilities. The Courant, Friedrichs and Lewy coefficient (CFL) and mesh size level are selected to ensure the numerical convergence. The nonlinear partial derivative equations system which governs this flow is solved by an explicit unsteady numerical scheme by the finite volume method. The accuracy of the solution depends on the size of the mesh and also the step of time used in the discretized equations. We have chosen in this study the mesh that gives us a stationary solution with good accuracy.Keywords: finite volume, lunchers, nozzles, shock wave
Procedia PDF Downloads 2891351 Characteristics and Key Exploration Directions of Gold Deposits in China
Authors: Bin Wang, Yong Xu, Honggang Qu, Rongmei Liu, Zhenji Gao
Based on the geodynamic environment, basic geological characteristics of minerals and so on, gold deposits in China are divided into 11 categories, of which tectonic fracture altered rock, mid-intrudes and contact zone, micro-fine disseminated and continental volcanic types are the main prospecting kinds. The metallogenic age of gold deposits in China is dominated by the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. According to the geotectonic units, geological evolution, geological conditions, spatial distribution, gold deposits types, metallogenic factors etc., 42 gold concentration areas are initially determined and have a concentrated distribution feature. On the basis of the gold exploration density, gold concentration areas are divided into high, medium and low level areas. High ones are mainly distributed in the central and eastern regions. 93.04% of the gold exploration drillings are within 500 meters, but there are some problems, such as less and shallower of drilling verification etc.. The paper discusses the resource potentials of gold deposits and proposes the future prospecting directions and suggestions. The deep and periphery of old mines in the central and eastern regions and western area, especially in Xinjiang and Qinghai, will be the future key prospecting one and have huge potential gold reserves. If the exploration depth is extended to 2,000 meters shallow, the gold resources will double.Keywords: gold deposits, gold deposits types, gold concentration areas, prospecting, resource potentiality
Procedia PDF Downloads 781350 Sediment Delivery from Hillslope Cultivation in Northwest Vietnam
Authors: Vu Dinh Tuan, Truc Xuyen Nguyen Phan, Nguyen Thi Truc Nhi
Cultivating on hillslopes in Northwest Vietnam induced soil erosion that reduce overall soil fertility, capacity of water bodies and drainage ditches or channels, and enhance the risk of flooding, even obstruct traffics and create 'mud flooding or landslide’. This study aimed at assessing the magnitude of erosion under maize monocropping and perennial teak plantation on a rainstorm basic over two years 2010-2011 using double sediment fences installed at convergent point of catchments (slope inclination of 27-74%). Mean annual soil erosion under maize cultivation was 4.39 kg.m⁻², being far greater than that under teak plantation 1.65 kg.m⁻². Intensive tillage in maize monocropping and clearance of land before sowing was most probably the causes induced such effect as no tillage was performed in teak plantation during monitored period. Larger sediment generated across two land use types in year 2010 (4.11 kg.m⁻²) compared to year 2011 (1.87 kg.m⁻²) was attributed to higher amount and intensity of precipitation in the first year (1448 mm) as compared to the latter year (1299 mm). Reducing tillage and establishing good cover for maize monocropping on steep slopes, therefore, are necessary to reduce soil erosion and control sediment delivery to downstream.Keywords: maize monocropping, teak plantation, tillage, sediment fence, sediment delivery, soil erosion
Procedia PDF Downloads 2171349 Shear Stress and Effective Structural Stress Fields of an Atherosclerotic Coronary Artery
Authors: Alireza Gholipour, Mergen H. Ghayesh, Anthony Zander, Stephen J. Nicholls, Peter J. Psaltis
A three-dimensional numerical model of an atherosclerotic coronary artery is developed for the determination of high-risk situation and hence heart attack prediction. Employing the finite element method (FEM) using ANSYS, fluid-structure interaction (FSI) model of the artery is constructed to determine the shear stress distribution as well as the von Mises stress field. A flexible model for an atherosclerotic coronary artery conveying pulsatile blood is developed incorporating three-dimensionality, artery’s tapered shape via a linear function for artery wall distribution, motion of the artery, blood viscosity via the non-Newtonian flow theory, blood pulsation via use of one-period heartbeat, hyperelasticity via the Mooney-Rivlin model, viscoelasticity via the Prony series shear relaxation scheme, and micro-calcification inside the plaque. The material properties used to relate the stress field to the strain field have been extracted from clinical data from previous in-vitro studies. The determined stress fields has potential to be used as a predictive tool for plaque rupture and dissection. The results show that stress concentration due to micro-calcification increases the von Mises stress significantly; chance of developing a crack inside the plaque increases. Moreover, the blood pulsation varies the stress distribution substantially for some cases.Keywords: atherosclerosis, fluid-structure interaction, coronary arteries, pulsatile flow
Procedia PDF Downloads 1741348 Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Argon Plasma Jet on Healing Process of the Wagner Grade 2 Diabetic Foot Ulcer
Authors: M. Khaledi Pour, P. Akbartehrani, M. Amini, M. Khani, M. Mohajeri Tehrani, R. Radi, B. Shokri
Diabetic Foot Ulcer (DFU) is one of the costly severe complications of diabetes. Neuropathy and Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) due to diabetes are significant causes of this complication. In 10 years the patients with DFUs are twice as likely to die as patients without DFUs. Cold Atmospheric Plasma (CAP) is a promising tool for medical purposes. CAP generate reactive species at room temperature and are effective in killing bacteria and fibroblast proliferation. These CAP-based tools produce NO, which has bactericidal and angiogenesis properties. It also showed promising effects in the DFUs surface reduction and the time to wound closure. In this paper, we evaluated the effect of the Argon Plasma Jet (APJ) on the healing process of the Wagner Grade 2 DFUs in a randomized clinical trial. The 20 kHz sinusoidal voltage frequency derives the APJ. Patients (n=20) were randomly double-blinded assigned into two groups. These groups receive the standard care (SC, n=10) and the standard care with APJ treatment (SC+APJ, n=10) for five sessions in four weeks. The results showed that the APJ treatment along standard care could reduce the wound surface by 20 percent more than the standard care. Also, It showed a more influential role in controlling wound infection.Keywords: argon plasma jet, cold atmospheric plasma, diabetes, diabetic foot ulcer
Procedia PDF Downloads 2021347 Numerical Study of Dynamic Buckling of Fiber Metal Laminates's Profile
Authors: Monika Kamocka, Radoslaw Mania
The design of Fiber Metal Laminates - combining thin aluminum sheets and prepreg layers, allows creating a hybrid structure with high strength to weight ratio. This feature makes FMLs very attractive for aerospace industry, where thin-walled structures are commonly used. Nevertheless, those structures are prone to buckling phenomenon. Buckling could occur also under static load as well as dynamic pulse loads. In this paper, the problem of dynamic buckling of open cross-section FML profiles under axial dynamic compression in the form of pulse load of finite duration is investigated. In the numerical model, material properties of FML constituents were assumed as nonlinear elastic-plastic aluminum and linear-elastic glass-fiber-reinforced composite. The influence of pulse shape was investigated. Sinusoidal and rectangular pulse loads of finite duration were compared in two ways, i.e. with respect to magnitude and force pulse. The dynamic critical buckling load was determined based on Budiansky-Hutchinson, Ari Gur, and Simonetta dynamic buckling criteria.Keywords: dynamic buckling, dynamic stability, Fiber Metal Laminate, Finite Element Method
Procedia PDF Downloads 1941346 Three-Dimensional Carbon Foams for the Application as Electrode Material in Energy Storage Systems
Authors: H. Beisch, J. Marx, S. Garlof, R. Shvets, I. I. Grygorchak, A. Kityk, B. Fiedler
Carbon materials, especially three-dimensional carbon foams, show very high potential in the application as electrode material for energy storage systems such as batteries and supercapacitors with unique fast charging and discharging times. Regarding their high specific surface areas (SSA) high specific capacities can be reached. Globugraphite is a newly developed carbon foam with an interconnected globular carbon morphology. Especially, this foam has a statistically distributed hierarchical pore structure resulting from the manufacturing process based on sintered ceramic templates which are synthetized during a final chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process. For morphology characterization scanning electron (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is used. In addition, the SSA is carried out by nitrogen adsorption combined with the Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) theory. Electrochemical measurements in organic and inorganic electrolyte provide high energy densities and power densities resulting from ion absorption by forming an electrochemical double layer. All values are summarized in a Ragone Diagram. Finally, power densities up to 833 W/kg and energy densities up to 48 Wh/kg could be achieved. The corresponding SSA is between 376 m²/g and 859 m²/g. For organic electrolyte a specific capacity of 71 F/g at a density of 20 mg/cm³ was achieved.Keywords: BET, CVD process, electron microscopy, Ragone diagram
Procedia PDF Downloads 1761345 Methods of Variance Estimation in Two-Phase Sampling
Authors: Raghunath Arnab
The two-phase sampling which is also known as double sampling was introduced in 1938. In two-phase sampling, samples are selected in phases. In the first phase, a relatively large sample of size is selected by some suitable sampling design and only information on the auxiliary variable is collected. During the second phase, a sample of size is selected either from, the sample selected in the first phase or from the entire population by using a suitable sampling design and information regarding the study and auxiliary variable is collected. Evidently, two phase sampling is useful if the auxiliary information is relatively easy and cheaper to collect than the study variable as well as if the strength of the relationship between the variables and is high. If the sample is selected in more than two phases, the resulting sampling design is called a multi-phase sampling. In this article we will consider how one can use data collected at the first phase sampling at the stages of estimation of the parameter, stratification, selection of sample and their combinations in the second phase in a unified setup applicable to any sampling design and wider classes of estimators. The problem of the estimation of variance will also be considered. The variance of estimator is essential for estimating precision of the survey estimates, calculation of confidence intervals, determination of the optimal sample sizes and for testing of hypotheses amongst others. Although, the variance is a non-negative quantity but its estimators may not be non-negative. If the estimator of variance is negative, then it cannot be used for estimation of confidence intervals, testing of hypothesis or measure of sampling error. The non-negativity properties of the variance estimators will also be studied in details.Keywords: auxiliary information, two-phase sampling, varying probability sampling, unbiased estimators
Procedia PDF Downloads 5911344 Modelling and Optimisation of Floating Drum Biogas Reactor
Authors: L. Rakesh, T. Y. Heblekar
This study entails the development and optimization of a mathematical model for a floating drum biogas reactor from first principles using thermal and empirical considerations. The model was derived on the basis of mass conservation, lumped mass heat transfer formulations and empirical biogas formation laws. The treatment leads to a system of coupled nonlinear ordinary differential equations whose solution mapped four-time independent controllable parameters to five output variables which adequately serve to describe the reactor performance. These equations were solved numerically using fourth order Runge-Kutta method for a range of input parameter values. Using the data so obtained an Artificial Neural Network with a single hidden layer was trained using Levenberg-Marquardt Damped Least Squares (DLS) algorithm. This network was then fine-tuned for optimal mapping by varying hidden layer size. This fast forward model was then employed as a health score generator in the Bacterial Foraging Optimization code. The optimal operating state of the simplified Biogas reactor was thus obtained.Keywords: biogas, floating drum reactor, neural network model, optimization
Procedia PDF Downloads 1431343 A Machine Learning Approach for Performance Prediction Based on User Behavioral Factors in E-Learning Environments
Authors: Naduni Ranasinghe
E-learning environments are getting more popular than any other due to the impact of COVID19. Even though e-learning is one of the best solutions for the teaching-learning process in the academic process, it’s not without major challenges. Nowadays, machine learning approaches are utilized in the analysis of how behavioral factors lead to better adoption and how they related to better performance of the students in eLearning environments. During the pandemic, we realized the academic process in the eLearning approach had a major issue, especially for the performance of the students. Therefore, an approach that investigates student behaviors in eLearning environments using a data-intensive machine learning approach is appreciated. A hybrid approach was used to understand how each previously told variables are related to the other. A more quantitative approach was used referred to literature to understand the weights of each factor for adoption and in terms of performance. The data set was collected from previously done research to help the training and testing process in ML. Special attention was made to incorporating different dimensionality of the data to understand the dependency levels of each. Five independent variables out of twelve variables were chosen based on their impact on the dependent variable, and by considering the descriptive statistics, out of three models developed (Random Forest classifier, SVM, and Decision tree classifier), random forest Classifier (Accuracy – 0.8542) gave the highest value for accuracy. Overall, this work met its goals of improving student performance by identifying students who are at-risk and dropout, emphasizing the necessity of using both static and dynamic data.Keywords: academic performance prediction, e learning, learning analytics, machine learning, predictive model
Procedia PDF Downloads 1571342 Modeling Residual Modulus of Elasticity of Self-Compacted Concrete Using Artificial Neural Networks
Authors: Ahmed M. Ashteyat
Artificial Neural Network (ANN) models have been widely used in material modeling, inter-correlations, as well as behavior and trend predictions when the nonlinear relationship between system parameters cannot be quantified explicitly and mathematically. In this paper, ANN was used to predict the residual modulus of elasticity (RME) of self compacted concrete (SCC) damaged by heat. The ANN model was built, trained, tested and validated using a total of 112 experimental data sets, gathered from available literature. The data used in model development included temperature, relative humidity conditions, mix proportions, filler types, and fiber type. The result of ANN training, testing, and validation indicated that the RME of SCC, exposed to different temperature and relative humidity levels, could be predicted accurately with ANN techniques. The reliability between the predicated outputs and the actual experimental data was 99%. This show that ANN has strong potential as a feasible tool for predicting residual elastic modulus of SCC damaged by heat within the range of input parameter. The ANN model could be used to estimate the RME of SCC, as a rapid inexpensive substitute for the much more complicated and time consuming direct measurement of the RME of SCC.Keywords: residual modulus of elasticity, artificial neural networks, self compacted-concrete, material modeling
Procedia PDF Downloads 5361341 Machine Learning for Rational Decision-Making: Introducing Creativity to Teachers within a School System
Authors: Larry Audet
Creativity is suddenly and fortunately a new educational focus in the United Arab Emirates and around the world. Yet still today many leaders of creativity are not sure how to introduce it to their teachers. It is impossible to simultaneously introduce every aspect of creativity into a work climate and reach any degree of organizational coherence. The number of alternatives to explore is so great; the information teachers need to learn is so vast, that even an approximation to including every concept and theory of creativity into the school organization is hard to conceive. Effective leaders of creativity need evidence-based and practical guidance for introducing and stimulating creativity in others. Machine learning models reveal new findings from KEYS Survey© data about teacher perceptions of stimulants and barriers to their individual and collective creativity. Findings from predictive and causal models provide leaders with a rational for decision-making when introducing creativity into their organization. Leaders should focus on management practices first. Analyses reveal that creative outcomes are more likely to occur when teachers perceive supportive management practices: providing teachers with challenging work that calls for their best efforts; allowing freedom and autonomy in their practice of work; allowing teachers to form creative work-groups; and, recognizing them for their efforts. Once management practices are in place, leaders should focus their efforts on modeling risk-taking, providing optimal amounts of preparation time, and evaluating teachers fairly.Keywords: creativity, leadership, KEYS survey, teaching, work climate
Procedia PDF Downloads 1671340 The Application of AI in Developing Assistive Technologies for Non-Verbal Individuals with Autism
Authors: Ferah Tesfaye Admasu
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) often presents significant communication challenges, particularly for non-verbal individuals who struggle to express their needs and emotions effectively. Assistive technologies (AT) have emerged as vital tools in enhancing communication abilities for this population. Recent advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) hold the potential to revolutionize the design and functionality of these technologies. This study explores the application of AI in developing intelligent, adaptive, and user-centered assistive technologies for non-verbal individuals with autism. Through a review of current AI-driven tools, including speech-generating devices, predictive text systems, and emotion-recognition software, this research investigates how AI can bridge communication gaps, improve engagement, and support independence. Machine learning algorithms, natural language processing (NLP), and facial recognition technologies are examined as core components in creating more personalized and responsive communication aids. The study also discusses the challenges and ethical considerations involved in deploying AI-based AT, such as data privacy and the risk of over-reliance on technology. Findings suggest that integrating AI into assistive technologies can significantly enhance the quality of life for non-verbal individuals with autism, providing them with greater opportunities for social interaction and participation in daily activities. However, continued research and development are needed to ensure these technologies are accessible, affordable, and culturally sensitive.Keywords: artificial intelligence, autism spectrum disorder, non-verbal communication, assistive technology, machine learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 241339 Multi-Factor Optimization Method through Machine Learning in Building Envelope Design: Focusing on Perforated Metal Façade
Authors: Jinwooung Kim, Jae-Hwan Jung, Seong-Jun Kim, Sung-Ah Kim
Because the building envelope has a significant impact on the operation and maintenance stage of the building, designing the facade considering the performance can improve the performance of the building and lower the maintenance cost of the building. In general, however, optimizing two or more performance factors confronts the limits of time and computational tools. The optimization phase typically repeats infinitely until a series of processes that generate alternatives and analyze the generated alternatives achieve the desired performance. In particular, as complex geometry or precision increases, computational resources and time are prohibitive to find the required performance, so an optimization methodology is needed to deal with this. Instead of directly analyzing all the alternatives in the optimization process, applying experimental techniques (heuristic method) learned through experimentation and experience can reduce resource waste. This study proposes and verifies a method to optimize the double envelope of a building composed of a perforated panel using machine learning to the design geometry and quantitative performance. The proposed method is to achieve the required performance with fewer resources by supplementing the existing method which cannot calculate the complex shape of the perforated panel.Keywords: building envelope, machine learning, perforated metal, multi-factor optimization, façade
Procedia PDF Downloads 2241338 Assessment of Personal Level Exposures to Particulate Matter among Children in Rural Preliminary Schools as an Indoor Air Pollution Monitoring
Authors: Seyedtaghi Mirmohammadi, J. Yazdani, S. M. Asadi, M. Rokni, A. Toosi
There are many indoor air quality studies with an emphasis on indoor particulate matters (PM2.5) monitoring. Whereas, there is a lake of data about indoor PM2.5 concentrations in rural area schools (especially in classrooms), since preliminary children are assumed to be more defenseless to health hazards and spend a large part of their time in classrooms. The objective of this study was indoor PM2.5 concentration quality assessment. Fifteen preliminary schools by time-series sampling were selected to evaluate the indoor air quality in the rural district of Sari city, Iran. Data on indoor air climate parameters (temperature, relative humidity and wind speed) were measured by a hygrometer and thermometer. Particulate matters (PM2.5) were collected and assessed by Real Time Dust Monitor, (MicroDust Pro, Casella, UK). The mean indoor PM2.5 concentration in the studied classrooms was 135µg/m3 in average. The multiple linear regression revealed that a correlation between PM2.5 concentration and relative humidity, distance from city center and classroom size. Classroom size yields reasonable negative relationship, the PM2.5 concentration was ranged from 65 to 540μg/m3 and statistically significant at 0.05 level and the relative humidity was ranged from 70 to 85% and dry bulb temperature ranged from 28 to 29°C were statistically significant at 0.035 and 0.05 level, respectively. A statistical predictive model was obtained from multiple regressions modeling for PM2.5 and indoor psychrometric parameters.Keywords: particulate matters, classrooms, regression, concentration, humidity
Procedia PDF Downloads 3121337 An Analytical Study on Rotational Capacity of Beam-Column Joints in Unit Modular Frames
Authors: Kyung-Suk Choi, Hyung-Joon Kim
Modular structural systems are constructed using a method that they are assembled with prefabricated unit modular frames on-site. This provides a benefit that can significantly reduce building construction time. Their structural design is usually carried out under the assumption that the load-carrying mechanism is similar to that of a traditional steel moment-resisting system. However, both systems are different in terms of beam-column connection details which may strongly influence the lateral structural behavior. Specially, the presence of access holes in a beam-column joint of a unit modular frame could cause undesirable failure during strong earthquakes. Therefore, this study carried out finite element analyses (FEM) of unit modular frames to investigate the cyclic behavior of beam-column joints with the structural influence of access holes. Analysis results show that the unit modular frames present stable cyclic response with large deformation capacities, and their joints are classified into semi-rigid connections.Keywords: unit modular frame, steel moment connection, nonlinear analytical model, moment-rotation relation
Procedia PDF Downloads 6201336 Ab Initio Study of Electronic Structure and Transport of Graphyne and Graphdiyne
Authors: Zeljko Crljen, Predrag Lazic
Graphene has attracted a tremendous interest in the field of nanoelectronics and spintronics due to its exceptional electronic properties. However, pristine graphene has no band gap, a feature needed in building some of the electronic elements. Recently, a growing attention has been given to a class of carbon allotropes of graphene with honeycomb structures, in particular to graphyne and graphdiyne. They are characterized with a single and double acetylene bonding chains respectively, connecting the nearest-neighbor hexagonal rings. With an electron density comparable to that of graphene and a prominent gap in electronic band structures they appear as promising materials for nanoelectronic components. We studied the electronic structure and transport of infinite sheets of graphyne and graphdiyne and compared them with graphene. The method based on the non-equilibrium Green functions and density functional theory has been used in order to obtain a full ab initio self-consistent description of the transport current with different electrochemical bias potentials. The current/voltage (I/V) characteristics show a semi-conducting behavior with prominent nonlinearities at higher voltages. The calculated band gaps are 0.52V and 0.59V, respectively, and the effective masses are considerably smaller compared to typical semiconductors. We analyzed the results in terms of transmission eigenchannels and showed that the difference in conductance is directly related to the difference of the internal structure of the allotropes.Keywords: electronic transport, graphene-like structures, nanoelectronics, two-dimensional materials
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