Search results for: classifiers accuracy
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 3836

Search results for: classifiers accuracy

1106 Determining of the Performance of Data Mining Algorithm Determining the Influential Factors and Prediction of Ischemic Stroke: A Comparative Study in the Southeast of Iran

Authors: Y. Mehdipour, S. Ebrahimi, A. Jahanpour, F. Seyedzaei, B. Sabayan, A. Karimi, H. Amirifard


Ischemic stroke is one of the common reasons for disability and mortality. The fourth leading cause of death in the world and the third in some other sources. Only 1/3 of the patients with ischemic stroke fully recover, 1/3 of them end in permanent disability and 1/3 face death. Thus, the use of predictive models to predict stroke has a vital role in reducing the complications and costs related to this disease. Thus, the aim of this study was to specify the effective factors and predict ischemic stroke with the help of DM methods. The present study was a descriptive-analytic study. The population was 213 cases from among patients referring to Ali ibn Abi Talib (AS) Hospital in Zahedan. Data collection tool was a checklist with the validity and reliability confirmed. This study used DM algorithms of decision tree for modeling. Data analysis was performed using SPSS-19 and SPSS Modeler 14.2. The results of the comparison of algorithms showed that CHAID algorithm with 95.7% accuracy has the best performance. Moreover, based on the model created, factors such as anemia, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, transient ischemic attacks, coronary artery disease, and atherosclerosis are the most effective factors in stroke. Decision tree algorithms, especially CHAID algorithm, have acceptable precision and predictive ability to determine the factors affecting ischemic stroke. Thus, by creating predictive models through this algorithm, will play a significant role in decreasing the mortality and disability caused by ischemic stroke.

Keywords: data mining, ischemic stroke, decision tree, Bayesian network

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1105 Non-Linear Regression Modeling for Composite Distributions

Authors: Mostafa Aminzadeh, Min Deng


Modeling loss data is an important part of actuarial science. Actuaries use models to predict future losses and manage financial risk, which can be beneficial for marketing purposes. In the insurance industry, small claims happen frequently while large claims are rare. Traditional distributions such as Normal, Exponential, and inverse-Gaussian are not suitable for describing insurance data, which often show skewness and fat tails. Several authors have studied classical and Bayesian inference for parameters of composite distributions, such as Exponential-Pareto, Weibull-Pareto, and Inverse Gamma-Pareto. These models separate small to moderate losses from large losses using a threshold parameter. This research introduces a computational approach using a nonlinear regression model for loss data that relies on multiple predictors. Simulation studies were conducted to assess the accuracy of the proposed estimation method. The simulations confirmed that the proposed method provides precise estimates for regression parameters. It's important to note that this approach can be applied to datasets if goodness-of-fit tests confirm that the composite distribution under study fits the data well. To demonstrate the computations, a real data set from the insurance industry is analyzed. A Mathematica code uses the Fisher information algorithm as an iteration method to obtain the maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) of regression parameters.

Keywords: maximum likelihood estimation, fisher scoring method, non-linear regression models, composite distributions

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1104 Assessing Effects of an Intervention on Bottle-Weaning and Reducing Daily Milk Intake from Bottles in Toddlers Using Two-Part Random Effects Models

Authors: Yungtai Lo


Two-part random effects models have been used to fit semi-continuous longitudinal data where the response variable has a point mass at 0 and a continuous right-skewed distribution for positive values. We review methods proposed in the literature for analyzing data with excess zeros. A two-part logit-log-normal random effects model, a two-part logit-truncated normal random effects model, a two-part logit-gamma random effects model, and a two-part logit-skew normal random effects model were used to examine effects of a bottle-weaning intervention on reducing bottle use and daily milk intake from bottles in toddlers aged 11 to 13 months in a randomized controlled trial. We show in all four two-part models that the intervention promoted bottle-weaning and reduced daily milk intake from bottles in toddlers drinking from a bottle. We also show that there are no differences in model fit using either the logit link function or the probit link function for modeling the probability of bottle-weaning in all four models. Furthermore, prediction accuracy of the logit or probit link function is not sensitive to the distribution assumption on daily milk intake from bottles in toddlers not off bottles.

Keywords: two-part model, semi-continuous variable, truncated normal, gamma regression, skew normal, Pearson residual, receiver operating characteristic curve

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1103 Evaluation of Residual Stresses in Human Face as a Function of Growth

Authors: M. A. Askari, M. A. Nazari, P. Perrier, Y. Payan


Growth and remodeling of biological structures have gained lots of attention over the past decades. Determining the response of living tissues to mechanical loads is necessary for a wide range of developing fields such as prosthetics design or computerassisted surgical interventions. It is a well-known fact that biological structures are never stress-free, even when externally unloaded. The exact origin of these residual stresses is not clear, but theoretically, growth is one of the main sources. Extracting body organ’s shapes from medical imaging does not produce any information regarding the existing residual stresses in that organ. The simplest cause of such stresses is gravity since an organ grows under its influence from birth. Ignoring such residual stresses might cause erroneous results in numerical simulations. Accounting for residual stresses due to tissue growth can improve the accuracy of mechanical analysis results. This paper presents an original computational framework based on gradual growth to determine the residual stresses due to growth. To illustrate the method, we apply it to a finite element model of a healthy human face reconstructed from medical images. The distribution of residual stress in facial tissues is computed, which can overcome the effect of gravity and maintain tissues firmness. Our assumption is that tissue wrinkles caused by aging could be a consequence of decreasing residual stress and thus not counteracting gravity. Taking into account these stresses seems therefore extremely important in maxillofacial surgery. It would indeed help surgeons to estimate tissues changes after surgery.

Keywords: finite element method, growth, residual stress, soft tissue

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1102 Optimization of the Mechanical Performance of Fused Filament Fabrication Parts

Authors: Iván Rivet, Narges Dialami, Miguel Cervera, Michele Chiumenti


Process parameters in Additive Manufacturing (AM) play a critical role in the mechanical performance of the final component. In order to find the input configuration that guarantees the optimal performance of the printed part, the process-performance relationship must be found. Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) is the selected demonstrative AM technology due to its great popularity in the industrial manufacturing world. A material model that considers the different printing patterns present in a FFF part is used. A voxelized mesh is built from the manufacturing toolpaths described in the G-Code file. An Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) based on the octree strategy is used in order to reduce the complexity of the mesh while maintaining its accuracy. High-fidelity and cost-efficient Finite Element (FE) simulations are performed and the influence of key process parameters in the mechanical performance of the component is analyzed. A robust optimization process based on appropriate failure criteria is developed to find the printing direction that leads to the optimal mechanical performance of the component. The Tsai-Wu failure criterion is implemented due to the orthotropy and heterogeneity constitutive nature of FFF components and because of the differences between the strengths in tension and compression. The optimization loop implements a modified version of an Anomaly Detection (AD) algorithm and uses the computed metrics to obtain the optimal printing direction. The developed methodology is verified with a case study on an industrial demonstrator.

Keywords: additive manufacturing, optimization, printing direction, mechanical performance, voxelization

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1101 Optimization of Fused Deposition Modeling 3D Printing Process via Preprocess Calibration Routine Using Low-Cost Thermal Sensing

Authors: Raz Flieshman, Adam Michael Altenbuchner, Jörg Krüger


This paper presents an approach to optimizing the Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) 3D printing process through a preprocess calibration routine of printing parameters. The core of this method involves the use of a low-cost thermal sensor capable of measuring tempera-tures within the range of -20 to 500 degrees Celsius for detailed process observation. The calibration process is conducted by printing a predetermined path while varying the process parameters through machine instructions (g-code). This enables the extraction of critical thermal, dimensional, and surface properties along the printed path. The calibration routine utilizes computer vision models to extract features and metrics from the thermal images, in-cluding temperature distribution, layer adhesion quality, surface roughness, and dimension-al accuracy and consistency. These extracted properties are then analyzed to optimize the process parameters to achieve the desired qualities of the printed material. A significant benefit of this calibration method is its potential to create printing parameter profiles for new polymer and composite materials, thereby enhancing the versatility and application range of FDM 3D printing. The proposed method demonstrates significant potential in enhancing the precision and reliability of FDM 3D printing, making it a valuable contribution to the field of additive manufacturing.

Keywords: FDM 3D printing, preprocess calibration, thermal sensor, process optimization, additive manufacturing, computer vision, material profiles

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1100 Convolutional Neural Networks-Optimized Text Recognition with Binary Embeddings for Arabic Expiry Date Recognition

Authors: Mohamed Lotfy, Ghada Soliman


Recognizing Arabic dot-matrix digits is a challenging problem due to the unique characteristics of dot-matrix fonts, such as irregular dot spacing and varying dot sizes. This paper presents an approach for recognizing Arabic digits printed in dot matrix format. The proposed model is based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) that take the dot matrix as input and generate embeddings that are rounded to generate binary representations of the digits. The binary embeddings are then used to perform Optical Character Recognition (OCR) on the digit images. To overcome the challenge of the limited availability of dotted Arabic expiration date images, we developed a True Type Font (TTF) for generating synthetic images of Arabic dot-matrix characters. The model was trained on a synthetic dataset of 3287 images and 658 synthetic images for testing, representing realistic expiration dates from 2019 to 2027 in the format of yyyy/mm/dd. Our model achieved an accuracy of 98.94% on the expiry date recognition with Arabic dot matrix format using fewer parameters and less computational resources than traditional CNN-based models. By investigating and presenting our findings comprehensively, we aim to contribute substantially to the field of OCR and pave the way for advancements in Arabic dot-matrix character recognition. Our proposed approach is not limited to Arabic dot matrix digit recognition but can also be extended to text recognition tasks, such as text classification and sentiment analysis.

Keywords: computer vision, pattern recognition, optical character recognition, deep learning

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1099 Spectral Quasi Linearization Techniques for the Solution of Time Fractional Diffusion Wave Equations in Boundary Value Problems

Authors: Kizito Ugochukwu Nwajeria


This paper presents a spectral quasi-linearization technique (SQLT) for solving time fractional diffusion wave equations in boundary value problems. The proposed method integrates spectral approximations for spatial derivatives with a quasi-linearization approach to address the nonlinearity introduced by fractional time derivatives. Time fractional differential equations typically formulated using Caputo or Riemann-Liouville derivatives, model complex phenomena such as anomalous diffusion and wave propagation, which are not captured by classical integer-order models. The SQLT method iteratively linearizes the nonlinear terms at each time step, transforming the original problem into a series of linear subproblems, which can be efficiently solved. Using high-order spectral methods such as Chebyshev or Legendre polynomials for spatial discretization, the technique achieves high accuracy in approximating the solution. A convergence analysis is provided, demonstrating the method's efficiency and establishing error bounds. Numerical experiments on a range of test problems confirm the effectiveness of SQLT in solving fractional diffusion wave equations with various boundary conditions. The method offers a robust framework for addressing time fractional differential equations in diverse fields, including materials science, bioengineering, and anomalous transport phenomena.

Keywords: spectral methods, quasilinearization, time-fractional diffusion-wave equations, boundary value problems, fractional calculus

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1098 Study and Simulation of the Thrust Vectoring in Supersonic Nozzles

Authors: Kbab H, Hamitouche T


In recent years, significant progress has been accomplished in the field of aerospace propulsion and propulsion systems. These developments are associated with efforts to enhance the accuracy of the analysis of aerothermodynamic phenomena in the engine. This applies in particular to the flow in the nozzles used. One of the most remarkable processes in this field is thrust vectoring by means of devices able to orientate the thrust vector and control the deflection of the exit jet in the engine nozzle. In the study proposed, we are interested in the fluid thrust vectoring using a second injection in the nozzle divergence. This fluid injection causes complex phenomena, such as boundary layer separation, which generates a shock wave in the primary jet upstream of the fluid interacting zone (primary jet - secondary jet). This will cause the deviation of the main flow, and therefore of the thrust vector with reference to the axis nozzle. In the modeling of the fluidic thrust vector, various parameters can be used. The Mach number of the primary jet and the injected fluid, the total pressures ratio, the injection rate, the thickness of the upstream boundary layer, the injector position in the divergent part, and the nozzle geometry are decisive factors in this type of phenomenon. The complexity of the latter challenges researchers to understand the physical phenomena of the turbulent boundary layer encountered in supersonic nozzles, as well as the calculation of its thickness and the friction forces induced on the walls. The present study aims to numerically simulate the thrust vectoring by secondary injection using the ANSYS-FLUENT, then to analyze and validate the results and the performances obtained (angle of deflection, efficiency...), which will then be compared with those obtained by other authors.

Keywords: CD Nozzle, TVC, SVC, NPR, CFD, NPR, SPR

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1097 Fluid-Structure Interaction Study of Fluid Flow past Marine Turbine Blade Designed by Using Blade Element Theory and Momentum Theory

Authors: Abu Afree Andalib, M. Mezbah Uddin, M. Rafiur Rahman, M. Abir Hossain, Rajia Sultana Kamol


This paper deals with the analysis of flow past the marine turbine blade which is designed by using the blade element theory and momentum theory for the purpose of using in the field of renewable energy. The designed blade is analyzed for various parameters using FSI module of Ansys. Computational Fluid Dynamics is used for the study of fluid flow past the blade and other fluidic phenomena such as lift, drag, pressure differentials, energy dissipation in water. Finite Element Analysis (FEA) module of Ansys was used to analyze the structural parameter such as stress and stress density, localization point, deflection, force propagation. Fine mesh is considered in every case for more accuracy in the result according to computational machine power. The relevance of design, search and optimization with respect to complex fluid flow and structural modeling is considered and analyzed. The relevancy of design and optimization with respect to complex fluid for minimum drag force using Ansys Adjoint Solver module is analyzed as well. The graphical comparison of the above-mentioned parameter using CFD and FEA and subsequently FSI technique is illustrated and found the significant conformity between both the results.

Keywords: blade element theory, computational fluid dynamics, finite element analysis, fluid-structure interaction, momentum theory

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1096 Springback Prediction for Sheet Metal Cold Stamping Using Convolutional Neural Networks

Authors: Lei Zhu, Nan Li


Cold stamping has been widely applied in the automotive industry for the mass production of a great range of automotive panels. Predicting the springback to ensure the dimensional accuracy of the cold-stamped components is a critical step. The main approaches for the prediction and compensation of springback in cold stamping include running Finite Element (FE) simulations and conducting experiments, which require forming process expertise and can be time-consuming and expensive for the design of cold stamping tools. Machine learning technologies have been proven and successfully applied in learning complex system behaviours using presentative samples. These technologies exhibit the promising potential to be used as supporting design tools for metal forming technologies. This study, for the first time, presents a novel application of a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based surrogate model to predict the springback fields for variable U-shape cold bending geometries. A dataset is created based on the U-shape cold bending geometries and the corresponding FE simulations results. The dataset is then applied to train the CNN surrogate model. The result shows that the surrogate model can achieve near indistinguishable full-field predictions in real-time when compared with the FE simulation results. The application of CNN in efficient springback prediction can be adopted in industrial settings to aid both conceptual and final component designs for designers without having manufacturing knowledge.

Keywords: springback, cold stamping, convolutional neural networks, machine learning

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1095 Developing Laser Spot Position Determination and PRF Code Detection with Quadrant Detector

Authors: Mohamed Fathy Heweage, Xiao Wen, Ayman Mokhtar, Ahmed Eldamarawy


In this paper, we are interested in modeling, simulation, and measurement of the laser spot position with a quadrant detector. We enhance detection and tracking of semi-laser weapon decoding system based on microcontroller. The system receives the reflected pulse through quadrant detector and processes the laser pulses through a processing circuit, a microcontroller decoding laser pulse reflected by the target. The seeker accuracy will be enhanced by the decoding system, the laser detection time based on the receiving pulses number is reduced, a gate is used to limit the laser pulse width. The model is implemented based on Pulse Repetition Frequency (PRF) technique with two microcontroller units (MCU). MCU1 generates laser pulses with different codes. MCU2 decodes the laser code and locks the system at the specific code. The codes EW selected based on the two selector switches. The system is implemented and tested in Proteus ISIS software. The implementation of the full position determination circuit with the detector is produced. General system for the spot position determination was performed with the laser PRF for incident radiation and the mechanical system for adjusting system at different angles. The system test results show that the system can detect the laser code with only three received pulses based on the narrow gate signal, and good agreement between simulation and measured system performance is obtained.

Keywords: four quadrant detector, pulse code detection, laser guided weapons, pulse repetition frequency (PRF), Atmega 32 microcontrollers

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1094 Enhancing Quality Management Systems through Automated Controls and Neural Networks

Authors: Shara Toibayeva, Irbulat Utepbergenov, Lyazzat Issabekova, Aidana Bodesova


The article discusses the importance of quality assessment as a strategic tool in business and emphasizes the significance of the effectiveness of quality management systems (QMS) for enterprises. The evaluation of these systems takes into account the specificity of quality indicators, the multilevel nature of the system, and the need for optimal selection of the number of indicators and evaluation of the system state, which is critical for making rational management decisions. Methods and models of automated enterprise quality management are proposed, including an intelligent automated quality management system integrated with the Management Information and Control System. These systems make it possible to automate the implementation and support of QMS, increasing the validity, efficiency, and effectiveness of management decisions by automating the functions performed by decision makers and personnel. The paper also emphasizes the use of recurrent neural networks to improve automated quality management. Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are used to analyze and process sequences of data, which is particularly useful in the context of document quality assessment and non-conformance detection in quality management systems. These networks are able to account for temporal dependencies and complex relationships between different data elements, which improves the accuracy and efficiency of automated decisions. The project was supported by a grant from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the Zhas Galym project No. AR 13268939, dedicated to research and development of digital technologies to ensure consistency of QMS regulatory documents.

Keywords: automated control system, quality management, document structure, formal language

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1093 Study of the Persian Gulf’s and Oman Sea’s Numerical Tidal Currents

Authors: Fatemeh Sadat Sharifi


In this research, a barotropic model was employed to consider the tidal studies in the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea, where the only sufficient force was the tidal force. To do that, a finite-difference, free-surface model called Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS), was employed on the data over the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea. To analyze flow patterns of the region, the results of limited size model of The Finite Volume Community Ocean Model (FVCOM) were appropriated. The two points were determined since both are one of the most critical water body in case of the economy, biology, fishery, Shipping, navigation, and petroleum extraction. The OSU Tidal Prediction Software (OTPS) tide and observation data validated the modeled result. Next, tidal elevation and speed, and tidal analysis were interpreted. Preliminary results determine a significant accuracy in the tidal height compared with observation and OTPS data, declaring that tidal currents are highest in Hormuz Strait and the narrow and shallow region between Iranian coasts and Islands. Furthermore, tidal analysis clarifies that the M_2 component has the most significant value. Finally, the Persian Gulf tidal currents are divided into two branches: the first branch converts from south to Qatar and via United Arab Emirate rotates to Hormuz Strait. The secondary branch, in north and west, extends up to the highest point in the Persian Gulf and in the head of Gulf turns counterclockwise.

Keywords: numerical model, barotropic tide, tidal currents, OSU tidal prediction software, OTPS

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1092 Analytical and Numerical Results for Free Vibration of Laminated Composites Plates

Authors: Mohamed Amine Ben Henni, Taher Hassaine Daouadji, Boussad Abbes, Yu Ming Li, Fazilay Abbes


The reinforcement and repair of concrete structures by bonding composite materials have become relatively common operations. Different types of composite materials can be used: carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP), glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) as well as functionally graded material (FGM). The development of analytical and numerical models describing the mechanical behavior of structures in civil engineering reinforced by composite materials is necessary. These models will enable engineers to select, design, and size adequate reinforcements for the various types of damaged structures. This study focuses on the free vibration behavior of orthotropic laminated composite plates using a refined shear deformation theory. In these models, the distribution of transverse shear stresses is considered as parabolic satisfying the zero-shear stress condition on the top and bottom surfaces of the plates without using shear correction factors. In this analysis, the equation of motion for simply supported thick laminated rectangular plates is obtained by using the Hamilton’s principle. The accuracy of the developed model is demonstrated by comparing our results with solutions derived from other higher order models and with data found in the literature. Besides, a finite-element analysis is used to calculate the natural frequencies of laminated composite plates and is compared with those obtained by the analytical approach.

Keywords: composites materials, laminated composite plate, finite-element analysis, free vibration

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1091 Hysteresis Modeling in Iron-Dominated Magnets Based on a Deep Neural Network Approach

Authors: Maria Amodeo, Pasquale Arpaia, Marco Buzio, Vincenzo Di Capua, Francesco Donnarumma


Different deep neural network architectures have been compared and tested to predict magnetic hysteresis in the context of pulsed electromagnets for experimental physics applications. Modelling quasi-static or dynamic major and especially minor hysteresis loops is one of the most challenging topics for computational magnetism. Recent attempts at mathematical prediction in this context using Preisach models could not attain better than percent-level accuracy. Hence, this work explores neural network approaches and shows that the architecture that best fits the measured magnetic field behaviour, including the effects of hysteresis and eddy currents, is the nonlinear autoregressive exogenous neural network (NARX) model. This architecture aims to achieve a relative RMSE of the order of a few 100 ppm for complex magnetic field cycling, including arbitrary sequences of pseudo-random high field and low field cycles. The NARX-based architecture is compared with the state-of-the-art, showing better performance than the classical operator-based and differential models, and is tested on a reference quadrupole magnetic lens used for CERN particle beams, chosen as a case study. The training and test datasets are a representative example of real-world magnet operation; this makes the good result obtained very promising for future applications in this context.

Keywords: deep neural network, magnetic modelling, measurement and empirical software engineering, NARX

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1090 Using Wearable Device with Neuron Network to Classify Severity of Sleep Disorder

Authors: Ru-Yin Yang, Chi Wu, Cheng-Yu Tsai, Yin-Tzu Lin, Wen-Te Liu


Background: Sleep breathing disorder (SDB) is a condition demonstrated by recurrent episodes of the airway obstruction leading to intermittent hypoxia and quality fragmentation during sleep time. However, the procedures for SDB severity examination remain complicated and costly. Objective: The objective of this study is to establish a simplified examination method for SDB by the respiratory impendence pattern sensor combining the signal processing and machine learning model. Methodologies: We records heart rate variability by the electrocardiogram and respiratory pattern by impendence. After the polysomnography (PSG) been done with the diagnosis of SDB by the apnea and hypopnea index (AHI), we calculate the episodes with the absence of flow and arousal index (AI) from device record. Subjects were divided into training and testing groups. Neuron network was used to establish a prediction model to classify the severity of the SDB by the AI, episodes, and body profiles. The performance was evaluated by classification in the testing group compared with PSG. Results: In this study, we enrolled 66 subjects (Male/Female: 37/29; Age:49.9±13.2) with the diagnosis of SDB in a sleep center in Taipei city, Taiwan, from 2015 to 2016. The accuracy from the confusion matrix on the test group by NN is 71.94 %. Conclusion: Based on the models, we established a prediction model for SDB by means of the wearable sensor. With more cases incoming and training, this system may be used to rapidly and automatically screen the risk of SDB in the future.

Keywords: sleep breathing disorder, apnea and hypopnea index, body parameters, neuron network

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1089 Multi-Stream Graph Attention Network for Recommendation with Knowledge Graph

Authors: Zhifei Hu, Feng Xia


In recent years, Graph neural network has been widely used in knowledge graph recommendation. The existing recommendation methods based on graph neural network extract information from knowledge graph through entity and relation, which may not be efficient in the way of information extraction. In order to better propose useful entity information for the current recommendation task in the knowledge graph, we propose an end-to-end Neural network Model based on multi-stream graph attentional Mechanism (MSGAT), which can effectively integrate the knowledge graph into the recommendation system by evaluating the importance of entities from both users and items. Specifically, we use the attention mechanism from the user's perspective to distil the domain nodes information of the predicted item in the knowledge graph, to enhance the user's information on items, and generate the feature representation of the predicted item. Due to user history, click items can reflect the user's interest distribution, we propose a multi-stream attention mechanism, based on the user's preference for entities and relationships, and the similarity between items to be predicted and entities, aggregate user history click item's neighborhood entity information in the knowledge graph and generate the user's feature representation. We evaluate our model on three real recommendation datasets: Movielens-1M (ML-1M), LFM-1B 2015 (LFM-1B), and Amazon-Book (AZ-book). Experimental results show that compared with the most advanced models, our proposed model can better capture the entity information in the knowledge graph, which proves the validity and accuracy of the model.

Keywords: graph attention network, knowledge graph, recommendation, information propagation

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1088 Algerian EFL Students' Perceptions towards the Development of Writing through Weblog Storytelling

Authors: Nawel Mansouri


Weblog as a form of internet-based resources has become popular as an authentic and constructive learning tool, especially in the language classroom. This research explores the use of weblog storytelling as a pedagogical tool to develop Algerian EFL students’ creative writing. This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of weblog- writing and the attitudes of both Algerian EFL students and teachers towards weblog storytelling. It also seeks to explore the potential benefits and problems that may affect the use of weblog and investigate the possible solutions to overcome the problems encountered. The research work relies on a mixed-method approach which combines both qualitative and quantitative methods. A questionnaire will be applied to both EFL teachers and students as a means to obtain preliminary data. Interviews will be integrated in accordance with the primary data that will be gathered from the questionnaire with the aim of validating its accuracy or as a strategy to follow up any unexpected results. An intervention will take place on the integration of weblog- writing among 15 Algerian EFL students for a period of two months where students are required to write five narrative essays about their personal experiences, give feedback through the use of a rubric to two or three of their peers, and edit their work based on the feedback. After completion, questionnaires and interviews will also take place as a medium to obtain both the students’ perspectives towards the use of weblog as an innovative teaching approach. This study is interesting because weblog storytelling has recently been emerged as a new form of digital communication and it is a new concept within Algerian context. Furthermore, the students will not just develop their writing skill through weblog storytelling but it can also serve as a tool to develop students’ critical thinking, creativity, and autonomy.

Keywords: Weblog writing, EFL writing, EFL learners' attitudes, EFL teachers' views

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1087 Method for Targeting Small Volume in Rat Brainby Gamma Knife and Dosimetric Control: Towards a Standardization

Authors: J. Constanzo, B. Paquette, G. Charest, L. Masson-Côté, M. Guillot


Targeted and whole-brain irradiation in humans can result in significant side effects causing decreased patient quality of life. To adequately investigate structural and functional alterations after stereotactic radiosurgery, preclinical studies are needed. The first step is to establish a robust standardized method of targeted irradiation on small regions of the rat brain. Eleven euthanized male Fischer rats were imaged in a stereotactic bed, by computed tomographic (CT), to estimate positioning variations regarding to the bregma skull reference point. Using a rat brain atlas and the stereotactic bregma coordinates assessed from CT images, various regions of the brain were delimited and a treatment plan was generated. A dose of 37 Gy at 30% isodose which corresponds to 100 Gy in 100% of the target volume (X = 98.1; Y = 109.1; Z = 100.0) was set by Leksell Gamma Plan using sectors number 4, 5, 7, and 8 of the Gamma Knife unit with the 4-mm diameter collimators. Effects of positioning accuracy of the rat brain on the dose deposition were simulated by Gamma Plan and validated with dosimetric measurements. Our results showed that 90% of the target volume received 110 ± 4.7 Gy and the maximum of deposited dose was 124 ± 0.6 Gy, which corresponds to an excellent relative standard deviation of 0.5%. This dose deposition calculated with the Gamma Plan was validated with the dosimetric films resulting in a dose-profile agreement within 2%, both in X- and Z-axis,. Our results demonstrate the feasibility to standardize the irradiation procedure of a small volume in the rat brain using a Gamma Knife.

Keywords: brain irradiation, dosimetry, gamma knife, small-animal irradiation, stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS)

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1086 Mass Customization of Chemical Protective Clothing

Authors: Eugenija Strazdiene, Violeta Bytautaite, Daivute Krisciuniene


The object of the investigation is the suit for chemical protection, which totally covers human body together with breathing apparatus, breathing mask and helmet (JSC Ansell Protective Solutions Lithuania). The end users of such clothing are the members of rescue team – firefighters. During the presentation, the results of 3D scanning with stationary Human Solutions scanner and portable Artec Eva scanner will be compared on the basis of the efficiency of scanning procedure and scanning accuracy. Also, the possibilities to exporting scanned bodies into specialized CAD systems for suit design development and material consumption calculation will be analyzed. The necessity to understand and to implement corresponding clothing material properties during 3D visualization of garment on CAD systems will be presented. During the presentation, the outcomes of the project ‘Smart and Safe Work Wear Clothing SWW’ will be discussed. The project is carried out under the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Program as 2014-2020 European territorial cooperation objective. Thematic priority is Capacity for Innovation. The main goal of the project is to improve competitiveness and to increase business possibilities for work wear enterprises in the Baltic Sea Region. The project focuses on mass customization of products for various end users. It engages textile and clothing manufacturing technology researchers, work wear producers, end users, as well as national textile and clothing branch organizations in Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Poland.

Keywords: CAD systems, mass customization, 3D scanning, safe work wear

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1085 Problems and Challenges in Social Economic Research after COVID-19: The Case Study of Province Sindh

Authors: Waleed Baloch


This paper investigates the problems and challenges in social-economic research in the case study of the province of Sindh after the COVID-19 pandemic; the pandemic has significantly impacted various aspects of society and the economy, necessitating a thorough examination of the resulting implications. The study also investigates potential strategies and solutions to mitigate these challenges, ensuring the continuation of robust social and economic research in the region. Through an in-depth analysis of data and interviews with key stakeholders, the study reveals several significant findings. Firstly, researchers encountered difficulties in accessing primary data due to disruptions caused by the pandemic, leading to limitations in the scope and accuracy of their studies. Secondly, the study highlights the challenges faced in conducting fieldwork, such as restrictions on travel and face-to-face interactions, which impacted the ability to gather reliable data. Lastly, the research identifies the need for innovative research methodologies and digital tools to adapt to the new research landscape brought about by the pandemic. The study concludes by proposing recommendations to address these challenges, including utilizing remote data collection methods, leveraging digital technologies for data analysis, and establishing collaborations among researchers to overcome resource constraints. By addressing these issues, researchers in the social economic field can effectively navigate the post-COVID-19 research landscape, facilitating a deeper understanding of the socioeconomic impacts and facilitating evidence-based policy interventions.

Keywords: social economic, sociology, developing economies, COVID-19

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1084 Satellite Derived Snow Cover Status and Trends in the Indus Basin Reservoir

Authors: Muhammad Tayyab Afzal, Muhammad Arslan, Mirza Muhammad Waqar


Snow constitutes an important component of the cryosphere, characterized by high temporal and spatial variability. Because of the contribution of snow melt to water availability, snow is an important focus for research on climate change and adaptation. MODIS satellite data have been used to identify spatial-temporal trends in snow cover in the upper Indus basin. For this research MODIS satellite 8 day composite data of medium resolution (250m) have been analysed from 2001-2005.Pixel based supervised classification have been performed and extent of snow have been calculated of all the images. Results show large variation in snow cover between years while an increasing trend from west to east is observed. Temperature data for the Upper Indus Basin (UIB) have been analysed for seasonal and annual trends over the period 2001-2005 and calibrated with the results acquired by the research. From the analysis it is concluded that there are indications that regional warming is one of the factor that is affecting the hydrology of the upper Indus basin due to accelerated glacial melting during the simulation period, stream flow in the upper Indus basin can be predicted with a high degree of accuracy. This conclusion is also supported by the research of ICIMOD in which there is an observation that the average annual precipitation over a five year period is less than the observed stream flow and supported by positive temperature trends in all seasons.

Keywords: indus basin, MODIS, remote sensing, snow cover

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1083 Iterative Method for Lung Tumor Localization in 4D CT

Authors: Sarah K. Hagi, Majdi Alnowaimi


In the last decade, there were immense advancements in the medical imaging modalities. These advancements can scan a whole volume of the lung organ in high resolution images within a short time. According to this performance, the physicians can clearly identify the complicated anatomical and pathological structures of lung. Therefore, these advancements give large opportunities for more advance of all types of lung cancer treatment available and will increase the survival rate. However, lung cancer is still one of the major causes of death with around 19% of all the cancer patients. Several factors may affect survival rate. One of the serious effects is the breathing process, which can affect the accuracy of diagnosis and lung tumor treatment plan. We have therefore developed a semi automated algorithm to localize the 3D lung tumor positions across all respiratory data during respiratory motion. The algorithm can be divided into two stages. First, a lung tumor segmentation for the first phase of the 4D computed tomography (CT). Lung tumor segmentation is performed using an active contours method. Then, localize the tumor 3D position across all next phases using a 12 degrees of freedom of an affine transformation. Two data set where used in this study, a compute simulate for 4D CT using extended cardiac-torso (XCAT) phantom and 4D CT clinical data sets. The result and error calculation is presented as root mean square error (RMSE). The average error in data sets is 0.94 mm ± 0.36. Finally, evaluation and quantitative comparison of the results with a state-of-the-art registration algorithm was introduced. The results obtained from the proposed localization algorithm show a promising result to localize alung tumor in 4D CT data.

Keywords: automated algorithm , computed tomography, lung tumor, tumor localization

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1082 Safe Zone: A Framework for Detecting and Preventing Drones Misuse

Authors: AlHanoof A. Alharbi, Fatima M. Alamoudi, Razan A. Albrahim, Sarah F. Alharbi, Abdullah M Almuhaideb, Norah A. Almubairik, Abdulrahman Alharby, Naya M. Nagy


Recently, drones received a rapid interest in different industries worldwide due to its powerful impact. However, limitations still exist in this emerging technology, especially privacy violation. These aircrafts consistently threaten the security of entities by entering restricted areas accidentally or deliberately. Therefore, this research project aims to develop drone detection and prevention mechanism to protect the restricted area. Until now, none of the solutions have met the optimal requirements of detection which are cost-effectiveness, high accuracy, long range, convenience, unaffected by noise and generalization. In terms of prevention, the existing methods are focusing on impractical solutions such as catching a drone by a larger drone, training an eagle or a gun. In addition, the practical solutions have limitations, such as the No-Fly Zone and PITBULL jammers. According to our study and analysis of previous related works, none of the solutions includes detection and prevention at the same time. The proposed solution is a combination of detection and prevention methods. To implement the detection system, a passive radar will be used to properly identify the drone against any possible flying objects. As for the prevention, jamming signals and forceful safe landing of the drone integrated together to stop the drone’s operation. We believe that applying this mechanism will limit the drone’s invasion of privacy incidents against highly restricted properties. Consequently, it effectively accelerates drones‘ usages at personal and governmental levels.

Keywords: detection, drone, jamming, prevention, privacy, RF, radar, UAV

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1081 Airline Choice Model for Domestic Flights: The Role of Airline Flexibility

Authors: Camila Amin-Puello, Lina Vasco-Diaz, Juan Ramirez-Arias, Claudia Munoz, Carlos Gonzalez-Calderon


Operational flexibility is a fundamental aspect in the field of airlines because although demand is constantly changing, it is the duty of companies to provide a service to users that satisfies their needs in an efficient manner without sacrificing factors such as comfort, safety and other perception variables. The objective of this research is to understand the factors that describe and explain operational flexibility by implementing advanced analytical methods such as exploratory factor analysis and structural equation modeling, examining multiple levels of operational flexibility and understanding how these variable influences users' decision-making when choosing an airline and in turn how it affects the airlines themselves. The use of a hybrid model and latent variables improves the efficiency and accuracy of airline performance prediction in the unpredictable Colombian market. This pioneering study delves into traveler motivations and their impact on domestic flight demand, offering valuable insights to optimize resources and improve the overall traveler experience. Applying the methods, it was identified that low-cost airlines are not useful for flexibility, while users, especially women, found airlines with greater flexibility in terms of ticket costs and flight schedules to be more useful. All of this allows airlines to anticipate and adapt to their customers' needs efficiently: to plan flight capacity appropriately, adjust pricing strategies and improve the overall passenger experience.

Keywords: hybrid choice model, airline, business travelers, domestic flights

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1080 Rapid Identification and Diagnosis of the Pathogenic Leptospiras through Comparison among Culture, PCR and Real Time PCR Techniques from Samples of Human and Mouse Feces

Authors: S. Rostampour Yasouri, M. Ghane, M. Doudi


Leptospirosis is one of the most significant infectious and zoonotic diseases along with global spreading. This disease is causative agent of economoic losses and human fatalities in various countries, including Northern provinces of Iran. The aim of this research is to identify and compare the rapid diagnostic techniques of pathogenic leptospiras, considering the multifacetedness of the disease from a clinical manifestation and premature death of patients. In the spring and summer of 2020-2022, 25 fecal samples were collected from suspected leptospirosis patients and 25 Fecal samples from mice residing in the rice fields and factories in Tonekabon city. Samples were prepared by centrifugation and passing through membrane filters. Culture technique was used in liquid and solid EMJH media during one month of incubation at 30°C. Then, the media were examined microscopically. DNA extraction was conducted by extraction Kit. Diagnosis of leptospiras was enforced by PCR and Real time PCR (SYBR Green) techniques using lipL32 specific primer. Out of the patients, 11 samples (44%) and 8 samples (32%) were determined to be pathogenic Leptospira by Real time PCR and PCR technique, respectively. Out of the mice, 9 Samples (36%) and 3 samples (12%) were determined to be pathogenic Leptospira by the mentioned techniques, respectively. Although the culture technique is considered to be the gold standard technique, but due to the slow growth of pathogenic Leptospira and lack of colony formation of some species, it is not a fast technique. Real time PCR allowed rapid diagnosis with much higher accuracy compared to PCR because PCR could not completely identify samples with lower microbial load.

Keywords: culture, pathogenic leptospiras, PCR, real time PCR

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1079 Navigating the Nexus of HIV/AIDS Care: Leveraging Statistical Insight to Transform Clinical Practice and Patient Outcomes

Authors: Nahashon Mwirigi


The management of HIV/AIDS is a global challenge, demanding precise tools to predict disease progression and guide tailored treatment. CD4 cell count dynamics, a crucial immune function indicator, play an essential role in understanding HIV/AIDS progression and enhancing patient care through effective modeling. While several models assess disease progression, existing methods often fall short in capturing the complex, non-linear nature of HIV/AIDS, especially across diverse demographics. A need exists for models that balance predictive accuracy with clinical applicability, enabling individualized care strategies based on patient-specific progression rates. This study utilizes patient data from Kenyatta National Hospital (2003–2014) to model HIV/AIDS progression across six CD4-defined states. The Exponential, 2-Parameter Weibull, and 3-Parameter Weibull models are employed to analyze failure rates and explore progression patterns by age and gender. Model selection is based on Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) to identify models best representing disease progression variability across demographic groups. The 3-Parameter Weibull model emerges as the most effective, accurately capturing HIV/AIDS progression dynamics, particularly by incorporating delayed progression effects. This model reflects age and gender-specific variations, offering refined insights into patient trajectories and facilitating targeted interventions. One key finding is that older patients progress more slowly through CD4-defined stages, with a delayed onset of advanced stages. This suggests that older patients may benefit from extended monitoring intervals, allowing providers to optimize resources while maintaining consistent care. Recognizing slower progression in this demographic helps clinicians reduce unnecessary interventions, prioritizing care for faster-progressing groups. Gender-based analysis reveals that female patients exhibit more consistent progression, while male patients show greater variability. This highlights the need for gender-specific treatment approaches, as men may require more frequent assessments and adaptive treatment plans to address their variable progression. Tailoring treatment by gender can improve outcomes by addressing distinct risk patterns in each group. The model’s ability to account for both accelerated and delayed progression equips clinicians with a robust tool for estimating the duration of each disease stage. This supports individualized treatment planning, allowing clinicians to optimize antiretroviral therapy (ART) regimens based on demographic factors and expected disease trajectories. Aligning ART timing with specific progression patterns can enhance treatment efficacy and adherence. The model also has significant implications for healthcare systems, as its predictive accuracy enables proactive patient management, reducing the frequency of advanced-stage complications. For resource limited providers, this capability facilitates strategic intervention timing, ensuring that high-risk patients receive timely care while resources are allocated efficiently. Anticipating progression stages enhances both patient care and resource management, reinforcing the model’s value in supporting sustainable HIV/AIDS healthcare strategies. This study underscores the importance of models that capture the complexities of HIV/AIDS progression, offering insights to guide personalized, data-informed care. The 3-Parameter Weibull model’s ability to accurately reflect delayed progression and demographic risk variations presents a valuable tool for clinicians, supporting the development of targeted interventions and resource optimization in HIV/AIDS management.

Keywords: HIV/AIDS progression, 3-parameter Weibull model, CD4 cell count stages, antiretroviral therapy, demographic-specific modeling

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1078 Identification, Isolation and Characterization of Unknown Degradation Products of Cefprozil Monohydrate by HPTLC

Authors: Vandana T. Gawande, Kailash G. Bothara, Chandani O. Satija


The present research work was aimed to determine stability of cefprozil monohydrate (CEFZ) as per various stress degradation conditions recommended by International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) guideline Q1A (R2). Forced degradation studies were carried out for hydrolytic, oxidative, photolytic and thermal stress conditions. The drug was found susceptible for degradation under all stress conditions. Separation was carried out by using High Performance Thin Layer Chromatographic System (HPTLC). Aluminum plates pre-coated with silica gel 60F254 were used as the stationary phase. The mobile phase consisted of ethyl acetate: acetone: methanol: water: glacial acetic acid (7.5:2.5:2.5:1.5:0.5v/v). Densitometric analysis was carried out at 280 nm. The system was found to give compact spot for cefprozil monohydrate (0.45 Rf). The linear regression analysis data showed good linear relationship in the concentration range 200-5.000 ng/band for cefprozil monohydrate. Percent recovery for the drug was found to be in the range of 98.78-101.24. Method was found to be reproducible with % relative standard deviation (%RSD) for intra- and inter-day precision to be < 1.5% over the said concentration range. The method was validated for precision, accuracy, specificity and robustness. The method has been successfully applied in the analysis of drug in tablet dosage form. Three unknown degradation products formed under various stress conditions were isolated by preparative HPTLC and characterized by mass spectroscopic studies.

Keywords: cefprozil monohydrate, degradation products, HPTLC, stress study, stability indicating method

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1077 The Mediating Role of Masculine Gender Role Stress on the Relationship between the EFL learners’ Self-Disclosure and English Class Anxiety

Authors: Muhammed Kök & Adem Kantar


Learning a foreign language can be affected by various factors such as age, aptitude, motivation, L2 disposition, etc. Among these factors, masculine gender roles stress (MGRS) that male learners possess is the least touched area that has been examined so far.MGRS can be defined as the traditional male role stress when the male learners feel the masculinity threat against their traditionally adopted masculinity norms. Traditional masculine norms include toughness, accuracy, completeness, and faultlessness. From this perspective, these norms are diametrically opposed to the language learning process since learning a language, by its nature, involves stages such as making mistakes and errors, not recalling words, pronouncing sounds incorrectly, creating wrong sentences, etc. Considering the potential impact of MGRS on the language learning process, the main purpose of this study is to investigate the mediating role of MGRS on the relationship between the EFL learners’ self-disclosure and English class anxiety. Data were collected from Turkish EFL learners (N=282) who study different majors in various state universities across Turkey. Data were analyzed by means of the Bootstraping method using the SPSS Process Macro plugin. The findings show that the indirect effect of self-disclosure level on the English Class Anxiety via MGRS was significant. We conclude that one of the reasons why Turkish EFL learners have English class anxiety might be the pressure that they feel because of their traditional gender role stress.

Keywords: masculine, gender role stress, english class anxiety, self-disclosure, masculinity norms

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