Search results for: extension services
Commenced in January 2007
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Paper Count: 4732

Search results for: extension services

2062 The Role of Brand Experience in Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty in Ayandeh Bank Branches in Tehran

Authors: Seyed Reza Agha Seyed Hosseini, Nicolas Hamelin


Many marketing executives are looking for a comprehensive plan for delivering quality services and products that will create a distinct and unforgettable long-term experience for customers in dealing with their brand. Various brand management experts believe that a company looking to enhance its brand experience in the minds of customers should have a plan to increase customer satisfaction as well as customer loyalty. The purpose of this research was to investigate the role of brand experience in customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in Ayandeh Bank branches in Tehran. The study employed a quantitative methodology. For data gathering, a questionnaire was utilised to measure all the variables of the research. The statistical population of the study consisted of all the customers of Ayandeh Bank branches in Tehran, and the study data was gathered from 400 respondents. The findings indicate that brand experience has a direct and meaningful impact on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, and, furthermore, that customer satisfaction has a direct and significant effect on customer loyalty in the branches of Ayandeh Bank in Tehran.

Keywords: brand experience, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, bank

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2061 Knowledge Based Liability for ISPs’ Copyright and Trademark Infringement in the EU E-Commerce Directive: Two Steps Behind the Philosophy of Computing Mind

Authors: Mohammad Sadeghi


The subject matter of this article is the efficiency of current knowledge standard to afford the legal integration regarding criteria and approaches to ISP knowledge standards, to shield ISP and copyright, trademark and other parties’ rights in the online information society. The EU recognizes the knowledge-based liability for intermediaries in the European Directive on Electronic Commerce, but the implication of all parties’ responsibility for combating infringement has been immolated by dominating attention on liability due to the lack of the appropriate legal mechanism to devote each party responsibility. Moreover, there is legal challenge on the applicability of knowledge-based liability on hosting services and information location tools service. The aim of this contribution is to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of ECD knowledge standard through case law with a special emphasis on duty of prevention and constructive knowledge role on internet service providers (ISP s’) to achieve fair balance between all parties rights.

Keywords: internet service providers, liability, copyright infringement, hosting, caching, mere conduit service, notice and takedown, E-commerce Directive

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2060 Global Processes and Georgian Economic Policy

Authors: Anzor Abralava, Ketevan Kokrashvili, Rusudan Kutateladze, Nino Pailodze, Ketevan Kutateladze, Giorgi Sulashvili


Nowadays when the integration of states is growing fast, it is urgent to study the rules of behavior which they resort to in case of conflicts and disagreements. The reason of disagreement in many ways is the Foreign policy carried out by separate countries, as the market participants define production and export capacity and structure as well as level of international division of labor due to the competition among them. We can say over and over again that outbreak of conflicts in Georgia displays the serious controversy between political and economic powerhouses. However, to tell the truth existence of the unsolved conflicts in Georgia is the result of weakness and inadequacy of Georgian politics. Today the main task of political quarters in Georgia should be a direction to Caucasus, as to the region burdened with the most complicated problems which blockade the settlement of conflicts and farther development of our country (or vice versa). In this situation rehabilitation of our authority, leading role and hegemony; expansion and consolidation of peacekeeping and other missions are considered as the exact activities for accomplishing all Georgian economic and political goals.

Keywords: Awara Group, political centers, administrative services, dynamic process

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2059 Urban River As Living Infrastructure: Tidal Flooding And Sea Level Rise In A Working Waterway In Hampton Roads, Virginia

Authors: William Luke Hamel


Existing conceptions of urban flooding caused by tidal fluctuations and sea-level rise have been inadequately conceptualized by metrics of resilience and methods of flow modeling. While a great deal of research has been devoted to the effects of urbanization on pluvial flooding, the kind of tidal flooding experienced by locations like Hampton Roads, Virginia, has not been adequately conceptualized as being a result of human factors such as urbanization and gray infrastructure. Resilience from sea level rise and its associated flooding has been pioneered in the region with the 2015 Norfolk Resilience Plan from 100 Resilient Cities as well as the 2016 Norfolk Vision 2100 plan, which envisions different patterns of land use for the city. Urban resilience still conceptualizes the city as having the ability to maintain an equilibrium in the face of disruptions. This economic and social equilibrium relies on the Elizabeth River, narrowly conceptualized. Intentionally or accidentally, the river was made to be a piece of infrastructure. Its development was meant to serve the docks, shipyards, naval yards, and port infrastructure that gives the region so much of its economic life. Inasmuch as it functions to permit the movement of cargo; the raising and lowering of ships to be repaired, commissioned, or decommissioned; or the provisioning of military vessels, the river as infrastructure is functioning properly. The idea that the infrastructure is malfunctioning when high tides and sea-level rise create flooding is predicated on the idea that the infrastructure is truly a human creation and can be controlled. The natural flooding cycles of an urban river, combined with the action of climate change and sea-level rise, are only abnormal so much as they encroach on the development that first encroached on the river. The urban political ecology of water provides the ability to view the river as an infrastructural extension of urban networks while also calling for its emancipation from stationarity and human control. Understanding the river and city as a hydrosocial territory or as a socio-natural system liberates both actors from the duality of the natural and the social while repositioning river flooding as a normal part of coexistence on a floodplain. This paper argues for the adoption of an urban political ecology lens in the analysis and governance of urban rivers like the Elizabeth River as a departure from the equilibrium-seeking and stability metrics of urban resilience.

Keywords: urban flooding, political ecology, Elizabeth river, Hampton roads

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2058 Institutional Repository ePrints at Indian Institute of Science: A Special Reference to JRD Tata Memorial Library, Bangalore, India

Authors: Nagarjuna Pitty


Over the past decade there has been substantial progress in the usage of ePrints resources national and international research community. JRD Tata Memorial Library has hosting for the web based ePrints services and maintenance to online user community. This paper provides an overview how to share JRDTML experiences in using GNU software to create and maintain the open-access institutional repository of IISc, ePrints@IISc. This paper states that the GNU is the first generic software for creating Open Access Initiative (OAI)-compliant repositories, which enables the researchers to self-archive their research publications thus facilitating open access to their publications. IISc has been using this software since early 2002. This paper tells that the GNU software is an excellent tool for creating and maintaining OAI-compliant repositories. It can be setup easily even by those who are not too much experts in computer. In this paper, author is sharing JRDTML experiences in using GNU software.

Keywords: digital library, open access initiative, scholarly publications, institutional repository, ePrints@IISc

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2057 Nyiragongo: An Active Volcano at Risk of Eruption without Precursor Signs

Authors: Emmanuel Havugimana


If there is a natural phenomenon that could endanger the lives of countless people in Central Africa, it is the possible eruption of the Nyiragongo Volcano. This one is 3,470 m above sea level and has a summit formed by a crater 1.2 km in diameter. Its composite is made up of many layers of lava and tephras from the Great Rift Valley located in the Democratic Republic of Congo. It is also located in the region of the volcanic mountains near the city of Goma in Congo and near the city of Gisenyi in Rwanda. Nyiragongo represents an imminent danger considering that its magma has a very low silica content and is thus quite fluid. Its slopes are also high and slippery, and the lava takes advantage of this to flow up to 100 km. Lately, its eruptions took place in May 2002, resumed in May 2021, and they were faster than before. The volcano remains active even today. All these factors make it among the most dangerous volcanoes in the world. On top of that, no one knows when the next eruption will take place, especially since it can also occur without any warning signs. Unfortunately, volcanological monitoring services in Congo are non-existent, and that is why this document concludes that Nyiragongo could if nothing is done in this regard, ravage the two neighboring towns: Goma in Congo and Gisenyi in Rwanda. It also proposes solutions that may contribute to preventing the expected dangers in this context.

Keywords: Nyiragongo, volcanic eruption, precursor signs, active volcano

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2056 How Trust Functions in Fostering Innovation and Technology Development

Authors: Obidimma Ezezika


In light of the increasing importance of trust in development programs, the purpose of this study, was to identify how trust functions as an essential key determinant in successful innovation and technology development programs. Using projects in the agricultural sector as case studies, we determined how the concept of trust is understood. Our data collection relied on semi-structured, face-to-face interviews conducted as part of a larger study investigating the role of trust in development programs. Interview transcripts were analyzed to create a narrative on how trust is understood by the study’s participants and how trust functions in fostering innovation. We identified six themes and showed how trust plays an important factor in innovation. These themes included the practice of integrity and honesty; delivery of results in an accountable manner; capability and competency; sharing of the same objectives and interests; transparency about actions and intentions through clear communication; and the targeting of services toward the interests of the public. The results of this study can provide guidance on how to enhance implementation mechanisms and provide impetus for organizations to implement trust building activities in fostering effective innovation.

Keywords: trust, research, innovation, technology

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2055 Slipping Through the Net: Women’s Experiences of Maternity Services and Social Support in the UK During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Authors: Freya Harding, Anne Gatuguta, Chi Eziefula


Introduction Research shows the quality of experiences of pregnancy, birth, and postpartum impacts the health and well-being of the mother and baby. This is recognised by the WHO in their recommendations ‘Intrapartum care for a positive childbirth experience’. The COVID-19 pandemic saw the transformation of the NHS Maternity services to prevent the transmission of COVID-19. Physical and social isolation may have affected women’s experiences of pregnancy, birth and postpartum; especially those of healthcare. Examples of such changes made to the NHS include both the reduction in volume of face-to-face consultations and restrictions to visitor time in hospitals. One notable detriment due to these changes was the absence of a partner during certain stages of birth. The aim of this study was to explore women’s experiences of pregnancy, birth, and postnatal period during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK. Methods We collected qualitative data from women who had given birth during the COVID-19 pandemic. In-depth, semi-structured interviews were conducted with twelve participants recruited from mother and baby groups in Southeast England. Data were audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim, and analysed thematically using both inductive and deductive approaches. Ethics permission was granted from Brighton and Sussex Medical School (ER/BSMS9A83/1). Results Interviews were conducted with 12 women who gave birth between May 2020 and February 2021. Ages of the participants ranged between 28 and 42 years, most of which were white British, with one being Asian British. All participants were heterosexual and either married or co-habiting with their partner. Five participants worked in the NHS, and all participants had professional occupations. Women felt inadequately supported both socially and medically. An appropriate sense of control over their own birthing experience was lacking. Safety mechanisms, such as in-person visits from the midwife, had no suitable alternatives in place. Serious health issues were able to “slip through the net.” Mental health conditions in some of those interviewed worsened or developed. Similarly, reduced support from partners during birth and during the immediate postpartum period at the hospital, coupled with reduced ward staffing, resulted in some traumatic experiences; particularly for women who had undergone caesarean section. However, some unexpected positive effects were reported; one example being that partners were able to spend more time with their baby due to furlough schemes and working from home. Similarly, emergency care was not felt to have been compromised. Overall, six themes emerged: (1) Self-reported traumatic experiences, (2) Challenges of caring for a baby with reduced medical and social support, (3) Unexpected benefits to the parenting experience, (4) The effects of a sudden change in medical management (5) Poor communication from healthcare professionals (6) Social change; with subthemes of support accessing medical care, the workplace, family and friends, and antenatal & baby groups. Conclusions The results indicate that the healthcare system was unable to adequately deliver maternity care to facilitate positive pregnancy, birth, and postnatal experiences during the heights of the pandemic. The poor quality of such experiences has been linked an increased risk of long-term health complications in both the mother and child.

Keywords: pregnancy, birth, postpartum, postnatal, COVID-19, maternity, social support, qualitative, pandemic

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2054 The Critical Relevance of Credit and Debt Data in Household Food Security Analysis: The Risks of Ineffective Response Actions

Authors: Siddharth Krishnaswamy


Problem Statement: Currently, when analyzing household food security, the most commonly studied food access indicators are household income and expenditure. Larger studies do take into account other indices such as credit and employment. But these are baselines studies and by definition are conducted infrequently. Food security analysis for access is usually dedicated to analyzing income and expenditure indicators. And both these indicators are notoriously inconsistent. Yet this data can very often end up being the basis on which household food access is calculated; and by extension, be used for decision making. Objectives: This paper argues that along with income and expenditure, credit and debit information should be collected so that an accurate analysis of household food security (and in particular) food access can be determined. The lack of collection and analysis of this information routinely means that there is often a “masking” of the actual situation; a household’s food access and food availability patterns may be adequate mainly as a result of borrowing and may even be due to a long- term dependency (a debt cycle). In other words, such a household is, in reality, worse off than it appears a factor masked by its performance on basic access indicators. Procedures/methodologies/approaches: Existing food security data sets collected in 2005 in Azerbaijan, 2010 across Myanmar and 2014-15 across Uganda were used to support the theory that analyzing income and expenditure of a HHs and analyzing the same in addition to data on credit & borrowing patterns will result in an entirely different scenario of food access of the household. Furthermore, the data analyzed depicts food consumption patterns across groups of households and then relates this to the extent of dependency on credit, i.e. households borrowing money in order to meet food needs. Finally, response options that were based on analyzing only income and expenditure; and response options based on income, expenditure, credit, and borrowing – from the same geographical area of operation are studied and discussed. Results: The purpose of this work was to see if existing methods of household food security analysis could be improved. It is hoped that food security analysts will collect household level information on credit and debit and analyze them against income, expenditure and consumption patterns. This will help determine if a household’s food access and availability are dependent on unsustainable strategies such as borrowing money for food or undertaking sustained debts. Conclusions: The results clearly show the amount of relevant information that is missing in Food Access analysis if debit and borrowing of the household is not analyzed along with the typical Food Access indicators that are usually analyzed. And the serious repercussions this has on Programmatic response and interventions.

Keywords: analysis, food security indicators, response, resilience analysis

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2053 Implementing Delivery Drones in Logistics Business Process: Case of Pharmaceutical Industry

Authors: Nikola Vlahovic, Blazenka Knezevic, Petra Batalic


In this paper, we will present a research about feasibility of implementing unmanned aerial vehicles, also known as 'drones', in logistics. Research is based on available information about current incentives and experiments in application of delivery drones in commercial use. Overview of current pilot projects and literature, as well as an overview of detected challenges, will be compiled and presented. Based on these findings, we will present a conceptual model of business process that implements delivery drones in business to business logistic operations. Business scenario is based on a pharmaceutical supply chain. Simulation modeling will be used to create models for running experiments and collecting performance data. Comparative study of the presented conceptual model will be given. The work will outline the main advantages and disadvantages of implementing unmanned aerial vehicles in delivery services as a supplementary distribution channel along the supply chain.

Keywords: business process, delivery drones, logistics, simulation modelling, unmanned aerial vehicles

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2052 Mental Health Problems in College Students of India

Authors: Swati Naruka


"Looking after one’s mind is as important as looking after one’s body". As part of one’s overall health, mental and emotional health or well being is a necessary condition to enable one to manage one’s life successfully. Mental health is the capacity of an individual to form harmonious adjustments to one’s social and physical environments. Universities and colleges are dealing with substantial challenges posed by the changing mental health needs of today’s college students. It is important for administrators, faculty, and staff to understand the profound impact that mental health problems can have on all aspects of campus life, and to treat mental health issues as an institutional responsibility and priority. Counselling centres can respond effectively to the current challenges if they have the support and commitment of the administration; and if they take steps to balance the demand for services with existing resources by reviewing priorities, establishing appropriate limits, employing innovative strategies, and practicing good self-care to minimize stress and burnout. The need for counselling centres has never been greater. They will continue to play an important role in supporting the mission of higher education institutions by providing counselling for students who are experiencing problems and assisting them in achieving their educational and personal goals.

Keywords: mental health, well being, India, college students

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2051 Review of Health Disparities in Migrants Attending the Emergency Department with Acute Mental Health Presentations

Authors: Jacqueline Eleonora Ek, Michael Spiteri, Chris Giordimaina, Pierre Agius


Background: Malta is known for being a key player as a frontline country with regard to irregular immigration from Africa to Europe. Every year the island experiences an influx of migrants as boat movement across the Mediterranean continues to be a humanitarian challenge. Irregular immigration and applying for asylum is both a lengthy and mentally demanding process. Those doing so are often faced with multiple challenges, which can adversely affect their mental health. Between January and August 2020, Malta disembarked 2 162 people rescued at sea, 463 of them between July & August. Given the small size of the Maltese islands, this regulation places a disproportionately large burden on the country, creating a backlog in the processing of asylum applications resulting in increased time periods of detention. These delays reverberate throughout multiple management pathways resulting in prolonged periods of detention and challenging access to health services. Objectives: To better understand the spatial dimensions of this humanitarian crisis, this study aims to assess disparities in the acute medical management of migrants presenting to the emergency department (ED) with acute mental health presentations as compared to that of local and non-local residents. Method: In this retrospective study, 17795 consecutive ED attendances were reviewed to look for acute mental health presentations. These were further evaluated to assess discrepancies in transportation routes to hospital, nature of presenting complaint, effects of language barriers, use of CT brain, treatment given at ED, availability of psychiatric reviews, and final admission/discharge plans. Results: Of the ED attendances, 92.3% were local residents, and 7.7% were non-locals. Of the non-locals, 13.8% were migrants, and 86.2% were other-non-locals. Acute mental health presentations were seen in 1% of local residents; this increased to 20.6% in migrants. 56.4% of migrants attended with deliberate self-harm; this was lower in local residents, 28.9%. Contrastingly, in local residents, the most common presenting complaint was suicidal thought/ low mood 37.3%, the incidence was similar in migrants at 33.3%. The main differences included 12.8% of migrants presenting with refused oral intake while only 0.6% of local residents presented with the same complaints. 7.7% of migrants presented with a reduced level of consciousness, no local residents presented with this same issue. Physicians documented a language barrier in 74.4% of migrants. 25.6% were noted to be completely uncommunicative. Further investigations included the use of a CT scan in 12% of local residents and in 35.9% of migrants. The most common treatment administered to migrants was supportive fluids 15.4%, the most common in local residents was benzodiazepines 15.1%. Voluntary psychiatric admissions were seen in 33.3% of migrants and 24.7% of locals. Involuntary admissions were seen in 23% of migrants and 13.3% of locals. Conclusion: Results showed multiple disparities in health management. A meeting was held between entities responsible for migrant health in Malta, including the emergency department, primary health care, migrant detention services, and Malta Red Cross. Currently, national quality-improvement initiatives are underway to form new pathways to improve patient-centered care. These include an interpreter unit, centralized handover sheets, and a dedicated migrant health service.

Keywords: emergency department, communication, health, migration

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2050 The Current Status of Integrating Information and Communication Technology in Teaching at Sultan Qaboos University

Authors: Ahmed Abdelrahman, Ahmed Abdelraheem


There are many essential factors affecting the integration of information and communication technology (ICT) into teaching and learning, including technology infrastructure, institutional support, professional development, and faculty members’ beliefs regarding ICT integration. The present research project investigated the current status of integrating ICT into teaching and learning at Sultan Qaboos University (SQU). A sample of 220 faculty members from six different colleges and four administrators from the Center of Educational Technology (CET) and the Center for Information Systems (CIS) at SQU in Oman were chosen, and quantitative, qualitative design using a semi-structured questionnaire, interviews and checklists were employed. The findings show that SQU had a high availability of ICT infrastructure in terms of hardware, software, and support services, as well as adequate computer labs for educational purposes. However, the results also indicated that, although SQU provided a series of professional development workshops related to using ICT in teaching, few faculty members were interested. Furthermore, the finding indicated that the degree of ICT integration into teaching at SQU was at a medium level.

Keywords: information and communication technology, integration, professional development, teaching

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2049 Urban Sprawl: A Case Study of Suryapet Town in Nalgonda District of Telangana State, a Geoinformatic Approach

Authors: Ashok Kumar Lonavath, V. Sathish Kumar


Urban sprawl is the uncontrolled and uncoordinated outgrowth of towns and cities. The process of urban sprawl can be described by change in pattern over time, like proportional increase in built-up surface to population leading to rapid urban spatial expansion. Significant economic and livelihood opportunities in the urban areas results in lack of basic amenities due to the unplanned growth The patterns, processes, dynamic causes and consequences of sprawl can be explored and designed with the help of spatial planning support system. In India context the urban area is defined as the population more than 5000, density more than 400 persons per sq. km and 75% of the population is involved in non-agricultural occupations. India’s urban population is increasing at the rate of 2.35% pa. The class I town’s population of India according to 2011 census is 18.8% that accounts for 60.4% of total unban population. Similarly in Erstwhile Andhra Pradesh it is 22.9% which accounts for 68.8% of total urban population. Suryapet town has historical recognition as ‘Gate Way of Telangana’ in the Indian State of Andhra Pradesh. The Municipality was constituted in 1952 as Grade-III, later upgraded into Grade-II in 1984 and to Grade-I in 1998. The area is 35 Sq.kms. Three major tanks located in three different directions and Musi River is flowing from a distance of 8 kms. The average ground water table is about 50m below ground. It is a fast growing town with a population of 1, 06,805 and 25,448 households. Density is 3051pp sq km, It is a Class I city as per population census. It secured the ISO 14001-2004 certificate for establishing and maintaining an environment-friendly system for solid waste disposal. It is the first municipality in the country to receive such a certificate. It won HUDCO award under environment management, award of appreciation and cash from Ministry of Housing and Poverty Elevation from Government of India and undivided Andhra Pradesh under UN Human Settlement Programme, Greentech Excellance award, Supreme Courts appreciation for solid waste management. Foreign delegates from different countries and also from various other states of India visited Suryapet municipality for study tour and training programs as part of their official visit Suryapet is located at 17°5’ North Latitude and 79°37’ East Longitude. The average elevation is 266m, annual mean temperature is 36°C and average rainfall is 821.0 mm. The people of this town are engaged in Commercial and agriculture activities hence the town has become a centre for marketing and stocking agricultural produce. It is also educational centre in this region. The present paper on urban sprawl is a theoretical framework to analyze the interaction of planning and governance on the extent of outgrowth and level of services. The GIS techniques, SOI Toposheet, satellite imageries and image analysis techniques are extensively used to explore the sprawl and measure the urban land-use. This paper concludes outlining the challenges in addressing urban sprawl while ensuring adequate level of services that planning and governance have to ensure towards achieving sustainable urbanization.

Keywords: remote sensing, GIS, urban sprawl, urbanization

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2048 Using Design Thinking Principles to Improve Patients Experiences in Two Outpatient Pharmacies in Asir Region, Saudi Arabia

Authors: Dalia Almaghaslah


Design thinking approach; empathize, define, ideate prototype, test, implement, was used to assess outpatient experiences in two hospital pharmacies in the Asir region, Saudi Arabia. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 40 patients. The data were analyzed using thematic analysis. The findings suggested that patients were generally satisfied with pharmaceutical services provided in both pharmacies. Pharmacists were found to have enough knowledge, good attitude, and efficient communication and counselling skills. Non-pharmacy-related factors such as cultural factors (gender segregation), long waiting times, uncomfortable waiting areas, lack of electronic prescribing, number waiting system were found to have a negative impact on patients' experiences and satisfaction. Prototypes will be used to test the effects of implementing the electronic system in Al -mahal hospital and to test changing the physical layout of the waiting area in Asir hospital.

Keywords: design thinking, hospital pharmacy, patient satisfaction, Saudi Arabia

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2047 Pollution Analysis of the Basin High in the Bogota River, Colombia

Authors: Luis Felipe Pinzon Uribe, Hernando Sotelo Rojas


The water is an essential factor for the development and the conservation of biological diversity in Colombia; its abundant natural wealth has its origin in their water sources. These during the past few years have been altered by anthropogenic activities, in particular pollutants such as heavy metals, given its ability to infiltrate the sediments reducing its natural capacity of absorption and clean of the ecosystem. The pollutant loads by bio-accumulation remain in the ecosystem for many years; the Bogota River, located in the Cundinamarca Department, is an example of this process. Since that form in the Villapinzón municipality up to its mouth in the Magdalena River, in the Girardot municipality, along with its route it receives large amount of polluted waters from different sources. The study focused on five points of the high basin of the river; this allowed the analysis of the impact that generates the economic development of the neighboring municipalities and where the poor conditions of the ecosystem, along with low levels of oxygen generates the high values of BOD, dissolved QOD, SS TSS and DS. They have been decisive factors in the decline of the species of its own and a decrease in the supply of the eco-services.

Keywords: anthropic activities, wastes water, water quality, heavy metals

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2046 Exploring the Impact of Domestic Credit Extension, Government Claims, Inflation, Exchange Rates, and Interest Rates on Manufacturing Output: A Financial Analysis.

Authors: Ojo Johnson Adelakun


This study explores the long-term relationships between manufacturing output (MO) and several economic determinants, interest rate (IR), inflation rate (INF), exchange rate (EX), credit to the private sector (CPSM), gross claims on the government sector (GCGS), using monthly data from March 1966 to December 2023. Employing advanced econometric techniques including Fully Modified Ordinary Least Squares (FMOLS), Dynamic Ordinary Least Squares (DOLS), and Canonical Cointegrating Regression (CCR), the analysis provides several key insights. The findings reveal a positive association between interest rates and manufacturing output, which diverges from traditional economic theory that predicts a negative correlation due to increased borrowing costs. This outcome is attributed to the financial resilience of large enterprises, allowing them to sustain investment in production despite higher interest rates. In addition, inflation demonstrates a positive relationship with manufacturing output, suggesting that stable inflation within target ranges creates a favourable environment for investment in productivity-enhancing technologies. Conversely, the exchange rate shows a negative relationship with manufacturing output, reflecting the adverse effects of currency depreciation on the cost of imported raw materials. The negative impact of CPSM underscores the importance of directing credit efficiently towards productive sectors rather than speculative ventures. Moreover, increased government borrowing appears to crowd out private sector credit, negatively affecting manufacturing output. Overall, the study highlights the need for a coordinated policy approach integrating monetary, fiscal, and financial sector strategies. Policymakers should account for the differential impacts of interest rates, inflation, exchange rates, and credit allocation on various sectors. Ensuring stable inflation, efficient credit distribution, and mitigating exchange rate volatility are critical for supporting manufacturing output and promoting sustainable economic growth. This research provides valuable insights into the economic dynamics influencing manufacturing output and offers policy recommendations tailored to South Africa’s economic context.

Keywords: domestic credit, government claims, financial variables, manufacturing output, financial analysis

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2045 A Conceptual Framework for Managing Municipal Finances in South Africa

Authors: Abongile Zweni


As a post-apartheid strategy to redress the social imbalances of the past, local governments are tasked with the role of delivering crucial services to their constituents. Apart from political instability, evidence shows that managers in South African municipalities lack effective financial management skills and competencies. This resulted in a failure to fulfill its administrative obligations, particularly municipal financial management. Most municipalities have, however, failed in this role, which has led them to be placed under administration by the provincial government in terms of Section 139 of the constitution of the Republic of South Africa. Thus, this study proposed a leadership conceptual framework for effectively managing ever-eroding municipal finances in South Africa. The study adopted a desktop research approach to explore the key components of leadership and municipal financial management toward the development of the conceptual framework. The study fostered a better understanding of the need for transformation in relation to the current financial management practices and sustainability of a municipality. Moreover, the conceptual framework applies not only to municipalities but also to other government departments and public authorities in the country for financial management.

Keywords: leadership, municipal finance, financial performance, management skills, municipality

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2044 Evaluating Multiple Diagnostic Tests: An Application to Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia

Authors: Areti Angeliki Veroniki, Sofia Tsokani, Evangelos Paraskevaidis, Dimitris Mavridis


The plethora of diagnostic test accuracy (DTA) studies has led to the increased use of systematic reviews and meta-analysis of DTA studies. Clinicians and healthcare professionals often consult DTA meta-analyses to make informed decisions regarding the optimum test to choose and use for a given setting. For example, the human papilloma virus (HPV) DNA, mRNA, and cytology can be used for the cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2+ (CIN2+) diagnosis. But which test is the most accurate? Studies directly comparing test accuracy are not always available, and comparisons between multiple tests create a network of DTA studies that can be synthesized through a network meta-analysis of diagnostic tests (DTA-NMA). The aim is to summarize the DTA-NMA methods for at least three index tests presented in the methodological literature. We illustrate the application of the methods using a real data set for the comparative accuracy of HPV DNA, HPV mRNA, and cytology tests for cervical cancer. A search was conducted in PubMed, Web of Science, and Scopus from inception until the end of July 2019 to identify full-text research articles that describe a DTA-NMA method for three or more index tests. Since the joint classification of the results from one index against the results of another index test amongst those with the target condition and amongst those without the target condition are rarely reported in DTA studies, only methods requiring the 2x2 tables of the results of each index test against the reference standard were included. Studies of any design published in English were eligible for inclusion. Relevant unpublished material was also included. Ten relevant studies were finally included to evaluate their methodology. DTA-NMA methods that have been presented in the literature together with their advantages and disadvantages are described. In addition, using 37 studies for cervical cancer obtained from a published Cochrane review as a case study, an application of the identified DTA-NMA methods to determine the most promising test (in terms of sensitivity and specificity) for use as the best screening test to detect CIN2+ is presented. As a conclusion, different approaches for the comparative DTA meta-analysis of multiple tests may conclude to different results and hence may influence decision-making. Acknowledgment: This research is co-financed by Greece and the European Union (European Social Fund- ESF) through the Operational Programme «Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning 2014-2020» in the context of the project “Extension of Network Meta-Analysis for the Comparison of Diagnostic Tests ” (MIS 5047640).

Keywords: colposcopy, diagnostic test, HPV, network meta-analysis

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2043 The Educational Role of Non-Governmental Organizations among Young Refugees: An Ethnographic Study

Authors: Ceyda Sensin


Chios Island in Greece hosts many refugees from the Middle East since the Turkey-EU Refugee Deal. Thus, it has become commonplace for non-governmental organizations (NGO) to provide help for refugees in various ways. The purpose of this research is to identify ways in which improvements can be made in the educational services offered to young adult refugees (age group 14-22) by the NGO’s. To meet this aim, an unstructured observational technique was used in this qualitative study. The data was collected as a participant observer in February 2018. According to the observations made in this study, it came out that international NGOs may utilize volunteering team members on an urgent basis since they are a free resource from all around the world. In this study, it was observed that the volunteering team members without any teaching qualifications or teaching experience have struggled with reaching refugee students with or without potential mental health problems from exposure to stress, turmoil and trauma. Therefore, this study highly recommends the use of more relevantly trained professionals, alongside the volunteer staff. Alternatively, the volunteer staffs need to have teacher training and periodical refresher training.

Keywords: ethnographic study, non-governmental organizations, refugees, qualitative research method

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2042 The Attitude of Education College Students Towards Using the Web Portal of the Academic System

Authors: Ibrahim Alhumaidan


As King Saud University believes in the critical role played by technology and its effectiveness in achieving quality, speed of achievement, facilitating follow-up and enhancing responsibility undertaking; the university is keen on activating its e-services for the purpose of attaining the primary requirements of achievement and perfection. The web portal of the student's academic system comes as one of the most important practices in technological and e-transaction aspects. It enables students to carry out their processes–registration, addition, evaluation, viewing their results, and scholastic accomplishments, etc.– through the relevant web portal. The aim of this study is to recognize Education College students' attitude -as one of King's University Colleges- regarding the usage of the academic system web portal, its effectiveness in saving time and effort, and, efficiency in enhancing student's planning skills. The study society is all students of college of education in King Saud University and the sample has been chosen randomly from them. The study tool is a questionnaire designed to learn about students' views about using the web portal; as the researcher used the surveying methodology to achieve the aim of the study.

Keywords: web portal, academic system, education faculty, students, planning skills

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2041 Stigmatization of Individuals Who Receive Mental Health Treatment and the Role of Social Media: A Cross-Generational Cohort Design and Extension

Authors: Denise Ben-Porath, Tracy Masterson


In the past, individuals who struggled with and sought treatment for mental health difficulties were stigmatized. However, the current generation holds more open attitudes around mental health issues. Indeed, public figures such as Demi Lovato, Naomi Osaka, and Simone Biles have taken to social media to break the silence around mental health, discussing their own struggles and the benefits of treatment. Thus, there is considerable reason to believe that this generation would hold fewer stigmatizing attitudes toward mental health difficulties and treatment compared to previous ones. In this study, we explored possible changes in stigma on mental health diagnosis and treatment seeking behavior between two generations: Gen Z, the current generation, and Gen X, those born between 1965-1980. It was hypothesized that Gen Z would hold less stigmatizing views on mental illness than Gen X. To examine possible changes in stigma attitudes between these two generations, we conducted a cross-generational cohort design by using the same methodology employed 20 years ago from the Ben-Porath (2002) study. Thus, participants were randomly assigned to read one of the following four case vignettes employed in the Ben-Porath (2002) study: (a) “Tom” who has received psychotherapy due to depression (b) “Tom” who has been depressed but received no psychological help, (c) “Tom” who has received medical treatment due to a back pain, or (d) “Tom” who had a back pain but did not receive medical attention. After reading the vignette, participants rated “Tom” on various personality dimensions using the IFQ Questionnaire and answered questions about their frequency of social media use and willingness to seek mental health treatment on a scale from 1-10. Identical to the results 20 years prior, a significant main effect was found for diagnosis with “Tom” being viewed in more negative terms when he was described as having depression vs. a medical condition (back pain) [F (1, 376) = 126.53, p < .001]. However, in the study conducted 20 years earlier, a significant interaction was found between diagnosis and help-seeking behavior [F (1, 376) = 8.28, p < .005]. Specifically, “Tom” was viewed in the most negative terms when described as depressed and seeking treatment. Alternatively, the current study failed to find a significant interaction between depression and help seeking behavior. These findings suggest that while individuals who hold a mental health diagnosis may still be stigmatized as they were 20 years prior, seeking treatment for mental health issues may be less so. Findings are discussed in the context of social media use and its impact on destigmatization.

Keywords: stigma, mental illness, help-seeking, social media

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2040 Experiences and Perceptions of Parents Raising Children with Autism

Authors: Tamene Keneni, Tibebu Yohannes


The prevalence of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in general and autism in particular is on the rise globally, and the need for evidence-based intervention and care for children with autism has grown, too. However, evidence on autism is scanty in developing countries, including Ethiopia. With the aim to help fill the gap and paucity in research into the issue, the main purpose of this study is to explore, better understand, and document the experiences and perceptions of parents of children with autism. To this end, we used a qualitative survey to collect data from a convenient sample of parents raising a child with autism. The data collected were subjected to qualitative analysis that yielded several themes and subthemes, including late diagnosis, parents’ reactions to diagnosis, sources of information during and after diagnosis, differing reactions to having a child with autism from siblings, extended family members, and the larger community, attribution of autism to several causes by the community, lack of recognition and open discussion of autism and lack of appropriated public educational and health care services for children with autism and their parents. The themes and subthemes identified were discussed in light of existing literature, and implications for practice were drawn.

Keywords: ASD, autism, children with autism, raising children with autism

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2039 Digital Library in India: Importance and Problem Issues in Present Days: A Conceptual Study

Authors: Mehtab Alam Ansari, Shamim Aktar Munshi


The purpose of this paper is to find out the importance of digital libraries in Indian educational system, and also different types of problems faced by the digital library in modern age. This study uses both qualitative and quantitative approaches along with review of related literature. The conceptual and textual information related to the present study were collected from primary and secondary sources of information such as books and National and International journals etc. Websites were also used for collecting information. The study finds out that due to high demand of information resources so many digital libraries are established in India, e.g. IGNCA digital library, Digital Library of India, Archives of Indian Labour, Digital Library of Library and Information Science etc, and also it found that it is very helpful to the modern civilization. The digital library movement in India is rapidly increasing and the traditional libraries are now on their way to digitization in a phased manner. But digital library in India has failed to spread its root in each and every part. So many problems are facing to develop the digital libraries in present days. This study briefly explained the services, impact, and problems of digital libraries in Indian.

Keywords: digital Libraries, India, information technology, education

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2038 Optimization for Autonomous Robotic Construction by Visual Guidance through Machine Learning

Authors: Yangzhi Li


Network transfer of information and performance customization is now a viable method of digital industrial production in the era of Industry 4.0. Robot platforms and network platforms have grown more important in digital design and construction. The pressing need for novel building techniques is driven by the growing labor scarcity problem and increased awareness of construction safety. Robotic approaches in construction research are regarded as an extension of operational and production tools. Several technological theories related to robot autonomous recognition, which include high-performance computing, physical system modeling, extensive sensor coordination, and dataset deep learning, have not been explored using intelligent construction. Relevant transdisciplinary theory and practice research still has specific gaps. Optimizing high-performance computing and autonomous recognition visual guidance technologies improves the robot's grasp of the scene and capacity for autonomous operation. Intelligent vision guidance technology for industrial robots has a serious issue with camera calibration, and the use of intelligent visual guiding and identification technologies for industrial robots in industrial production has strict accuracy requirements. It can be considered that visual recognition systems have challenges with precision issues. In such a situation, it will directly impact the effectiveness and standard of industrial production, necessitating a strengthening of the visual guiding study on positioning precision in recognition technology. To best facilitate the handling of complicated components, an approach for the visual recognition of parts utilizing machine learning algorithms is proposed. This study will identify the position of target components by detecting the information at the boundary and corner of a dense point cloud and determining the aspect ratio in accordance with the guidelines for the modularization of building components. To collect and use components, operational processing systems assign them to the same coordinate system based on their locations and postures. The RGB image's inclination detection and the depth image's verification will be used to determine the component's present posture. Finally, a virtual environment model for the robot's obstacle-avoidance route will be constructed using the point cloud information.

Keywords: robotic construction, robotic assembly, visual guidance, machine learning

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2037 Gender Division of Labor among Indigenous Peoples in the Municipality of Nabunturan, Compostela Valley Province, Philippines

Authors: Bonee Jaye Besana Bagaipo


The goal of this study was to assess the status of gender division of labor among indigenous peoples in the Municipality of Nabunturan and coordinate the results to the Tribal Council for an appropriate blueprint in reaching Mansaka, Mandaya, and Aeta respectively. This is a qualitative type of research where the researcher utilized three methods of data gathering namely key informants’ interview, focus group discussions and survey questionnaire. Exceptional characteristics of each tribe like marriage practices, religious beliefs and sources of livelihood were presented as merely profiling. Results revealed that in productive role, respondents perceived that the statements presented are highly masculine task. In reproductive role, respondents perceived the statements presented are a common role task. In household and community services respondents perceived the statements presented are a common role task. In community management and political activities, respondents perceived the statements presented are a highly masculine and common role.

Keywords: gender and development, indigenous people, public administration, policy making

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2036 Customer Relationship Management - “Is It a Myth or a Reality in Indian Consumer Context”

Authors: Manish Manohar Hingorani


The purpose of the research is to find out the level of understanding, adoption, and implementation of CRM in Indian Businesses, either product/ service and the processes which should be followed to ensure minimal to no customer churn and further enhance loyalty. The study used comprehensive qualitative interviews of 36 respondents across mid and senior-level management in product and services organizations of Indian origin. The findings of the study exhibit a gap between the understanding, adoption and implementation of CRM in the Indian context. Different Industries have attributed different levels of understanding, adoption, and limited implementation studies on CRM to the Indian context exists in different industries, but studies related to the consequences of not understanding the true meaning of CRM at the grass root level and further than on non-adoption and non-implementation will have an adverse effect on the customer loyalty, and customer satisfaction leading to customer churn. As this was a qualitative approach, the analysis was content-based and discourse based. The responses were taken from mid to very-senior management decision-makers in organizations of Indian origin.

Keywords: customer relationship management, Indian consumer, customer loyalty, customer experience, customer satisfaction

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2035 Using Arellano-Bover/Blundell-Bond Estimator in Dynamic Panel Data Analysis – Case of Finnish Housing Price Dynamics

Authors: Janne Engblom, Elias Oikarinen


A panel dataset is one that follows a given sample of individuals over time, and thus provides multiple observations on each individual in the sample. Panel data models include a variety of fixed and random effects models which form a wide range of linear models. A special case of panel data models are dynamic in nature. A complication regarding a dynamic panel data model that includes the lagged dependent variable is endogeneity bias of estimates. Several approaches have been developed to account for this problem. In this paper, the panel models were estimated using the Arellano-Bover/Blundell-Bond Generalized method of moments (GMM) estimator which is an extension of the Arellano-Bond model where past values and different transformations of past values of the potentially problematic independent variable are used as instruments together with other instrumental variables. The Arellano–Bover/Blundell–Bond estimator augments Arellano–Bond by making an additional assumption that first differences of instrument variables are uncorrelated with the fixed effects. This allows the introduction of more instruments and can dramatically improve efficiency. It builds a system of two equations—the original equation and the transformed one—and is also known as system GMM. In this study, Finnish housing price dynamics were examined empirically by using the Arellano–Bover/Blundell–Bond estimation technique together with ordinary OLS. The aim of the analysis was to provide a comparison between conventional fixed-effects panel data models and dynamic panel data models. The Arellano–Bover/Blundell–Bond estimator is suitable for this analysis for a number of reasons: It is a general estimator designed for situations with 1) a linear functional relationship; 2) one left-hand-side variable that is dynamic, depending on its own past realizations; 3) independent variables that are not strictly exogenous, meaning they are correlated with past and possibly current realizations of the error; 4) fixed individual effects; and 5) heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation within individuals but not across them. Based on data of 14 Finnish cities over 1988-2012 differences of short-run housing price dynamics estimates were considerable when different models and instrumenting were used. Especially, the use of different instrumental variables caused variation of model estimates together with their statistical significance. This was particularly clear when comparing estimates of OLS with different dynamic panel data models. Estimates provided by dynamic panel data models were more in line with theory of housing price dynamics.

Keywords: dynamic model, fixed effects, panel data, price dynamics

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2034 Palliative Care: Optimizing the Quality of Life through Strengthening the Legal Regime of Bangladesh

Authors: Sonia Mannan, M. Jobair Alam


The concept of palliative care in Bangladesh largely remained limited to the sympathetic caring of patients with a life-limiting illness. Quality of Life (QoL) issues are rarely practiced in Bangladesh. Furthermore, palliative medicine, in the perspective of holistic palliative care service, does not have its proper recognition in Bangladesh. Apart from those socio-medical aspects, palliative care patients face legal issues that impact their quality of life, including access to health services and social benefits and dealing with other life-transactions of the patients and their families (such as disposing of property; planning for children). This paper is an attempt to articulate these legal dimensions of the right to palliative care in the context of Bangladesh. The major focus of this paper will be founded on the doctrinal analysis of the constitutional provisions and other relevant legislation on the right to health and their judicial interpretation, which is argued to offer a meaningful space for the right to palliative care. This paper will also investigate the gaps in the said legal framework to better secure such care. In conclusion, a few recommendations are made so that the palliative care practices in Bangladesh are better aligned with international standards, and it can respond more humanely to the patients who need palliative care.

Keywords: Bangladesh, constitution, legal regime, palliative care, quality of life

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2033 Sustainability of Green Supply Chain for a Steel Industry Using Mixed Linear Programing Model

Authors: Ameen Alawneh


The cost of material management across the supply chain represents a major contributor to the overall cost of goods in many companies both manufacturing and service sectors. This fact combined with the fierce competition make supply chains more efficient and cost effective. It also requires the companies to improve the quality of the products and services, increase the effectiveness of supply chain operations, focus on customer needs, reduce wastes and costs across the supply chain. As a heavy industry, steel manufacturing companies in particular are nowadays required to be more environmentally conscious due to their contribution to air, soil, and water pollution that results from emissions and wastes across their supply chains. Steel companies are increasingly looking for methods to reduce or cost cut in the operations and provide extra value to their customers to stay competitive under the current low margins. In this research we develop a green framework model for the sustainability of a steel company supply chain using Mixed integer Linear programming.

Keywords: Supply chain, Mixed Integer linear programming, heavy industry, water pollution

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