Search results for: digital developments
1067 Advancing Entrepreneurial Knowledge Through Re-Engineering Social Studies Education
Authors: Chukwuka Justus Iwegbu, Monye Christopher Prayer
Propeller aircraft engines, and more generally engines with a large rotating part (turboprops, high bypass ratio turbojets, etc.) are widely used in the industry and are subject to numerous developments in order to reduce their fuel consumption. In this context, unconventional architectures such as open rotors or distributed propulsion appear, and it is necessary to consider the influence of these systems on the aircraft's stability in flight. Indeed, the tendency to lengthen the blades and wings on which these propulsion devices are fixed increases their flexibility and accentuates the risk of whirl flutter. This phenomenon of aeroelastic instability is due to the precession movement of the axis of rotation of the propeller, which changes the angle of attack of the flow on the blades and creates unsteady aerodynamic forces and moments that can amplify the motion and make it unstable. The whirl flutter instability can ultimately lead to the destruction of the engine. We note the existence of a critical speed of the incident flow. If the flow velocity is lower than this value, the motion is damped and the system is stable, whereas beyond this value, the flow provides energy to the system (negative damping) and the motion becomes unstable. A simple model of whirl flutter is based on the work of Houbolt & Reed who proposed an analytical expression of the aerodynamic load on a rigid blade propeller whose axis orientation suffers small perturbations. Their work considered a propeller subjected to pitch and yaw movements, a flow undisturbed by the blades and a propeller not generating any thrust in the absence of precession. The unsteady aerodynamic forces were then obtained using the thin airfoil theory and the strip theory. In the present study, the unsteady aerodynamic loads are expressed for a general movement of the propeller (not only pitch and yaw). The acceleration and rotation of the flow by the propeller are modeled using a Blade Element Momentum Theory (BEMT) approach, which also enable to take into account the thrust generated by the blades. It appears that the thrust has a stabilizing effect. The aerodynamic model is further developed using Theodorsen theory. A reduced order model of the aerodynamic load is finally constructed in order to perform linear stability analysis.Keywords: advancing, entrepreneurial, knowledge, industralization
Procedia PDF Downloads 991066 Paddy/Rice Singulation for Determination of Husking Efficiency and Damage Using Machine Vision
Authors: M. Shaker, S. Minaei, M. H. Khoshtaghaza, A. Banakar, A. Jafari
In this study a system of machine vision and singulation was developed to separate paddy from rice and determine paddy husking and rice breakage percentages. The machine vision system consists of three main components including an imaging chamber, a digital camera, a computer equipped with image processing software. The singulation device consists of a kernel holding surface, a motor with vacuum fan, and a dimmer. For separation of paddy from rice (in the image), it was necessary to set a threshold. Therefore, some images of paddy and rice were sampled and the RGB values of the images were extracted using MATLAB software. Then mean and standard deviation of the data were determined. An Image processing algorithm was developed using MATLAB to determine paddy/rice separation and rice breakage and paddy husking percentages, using blue to red ratio. Tests showed that, a threshold of 0.75 is suitable for separating paddy from rice kernels. Results from the evaluation of the image processing algorithm showed that the accuracies obtained with the algorithm were 98.36% and 91.81% for paddy husking and rice breakage percentage, respectively. Analysis also showed that a suction of 45 mmHg to 50 mmHg yielding 81.3% separation efficiency is appropriate for operation of the kernel singulation system.Keywords: breakage, computer vision, husking, rice kernel
Procedia PDF Downloads 3821065 EcoTeka, an Open-Source Software for Urban Ecosystem Restoration through Technology
Authors: Manon Frédout, Laëtitia Bucari, Mathias Aloui, Gaëtan Duhamel, Olivier Rovellotti, Javier Blanco
Ecosystems must be resilient to ensure cleaner air, better water and soil quality, and thus healthier citizens. Technology can be an excellent tool to support urban ecosystem restoration projects, especially when based on Open Source and promoting Open Data. This is the goal of the ecoTeka application: one single digital tool for tree management which allows decision-makers to improve their urban forestry practices, enabling more responsible urban planning and climate change adaptation. EcoTeka provides city councils with three main functionalities tackling three of their challenges: easier biodiversity inventories, better green space management, and more efficient planning. To answer the cities’ need for reliable tree inventories, the application has been first built with open data coming from the websites OpenStreetMap and OpenTrees, but it will also include very soon the possibility of creating new data. To achieve this, a multi-source algorithm will be elaborated, based on existing artificial intelligence Deep Forest, integrating open-source satellite images, 3D representations from LiDAR, and street views from Mapillary. This data processing will permit identifying individual trees' position, height, crown diameter, and taxonomic genus. To support urban forestry management, ecoTeka offers a dashboard for monitoring the city’s tree inventory and trigger alerts to inform about upcoming due interventions. This tool was co-constructed with the green space departments of the French cities of Alès, Marseille, and Rouen. The third functionality of the application is a decision-making tool for urban planning, promoting biodiversity and landscape connectivity metrics to drive ecosystem restoration roadmap. Based on landscape graph theory, we are currently experimenting with new methodological approaches to scale down regional ecological connectivity principles to local biodiversity conservation and urban planning policies. This methodological framework will couple graph theoretic approach and biological data, mainly biodiversity occurrences (presence/absence) data available on both international (e.g., GBIF), national (e.g., Système d’Information Nature et Paysage) and local (e.g., Atlas de la Biodiversté Communale) biodiversity data sharing platforms in order to help reasoning new decisions for ecological networks conservation and restoration in urban areas. An experiment on this subject is currently ongoing with Montpellier Mediterranee Metropole. These projects and studies have shown that only 26% of tree inventory data is currently geo-localized in France - the rest is still being done on paper or Excel sheets. It seems that technology is not yet used enough to enrich the knowledge city councils have about biodiversity in their city and that existing biodiversity open data (e.g., occurrences, telemetry, or genetic data), species distribution models, landscape graph connectivity metrics are still underexploited to make rational decisions for landscape and urban planning projects. This is the goal of ecoTeka: to support easier inventories of urban biodiversity and better management of urban spaces through rational planning and decisions relying on open databases. Future studies and projects will focus on the development of tools for reducing the artificialization of soils, selecting plant species adapted to climate change, and highlighting the need for ecosystem and biodiversity services in cities.Keywords: digital software, ecological design of urban landscapes, sustainable urban development, urban ecological corridor, urban forestry, urban planning
Procedia PDF Downloads 731064 Evaluation of Coastal Erosion in the Jurisdiction of the Municipalities of Puerto Colombia and Tubará, Atlántico – Colombia in Google Earth Engine with Landsat and Sentinel 2 Images
Authors: Francisco Reyes, Hector Ramirez
In the coastal zones are home to mangrove swamps, coral reefs, and seagrass ecosystems, which are the most biodiverse and fragile on the planet. These areas support a great diversity of marine life; they are also extraordinarily important for humans in the provision of food, water, wood, and other associated goods and services; they also contribute to climate regulation. The lack of an automated model that generates information on the dynamics of changes in coastlines and coastal erosion is identified as a central problem. Coastlines were determined from 1984 to 2020 on the Google Earth platform Engine from Landsat and Sentinel images, using the Normalized Differential Water Index (MNDWI) and Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) v5.0. Starting from the 2020 coastline, the 10-year prediction (Year 2031) was determined with the erosion of 238.32 hectares and an accretion of 181.96 hectares, while the 20-year prediction (Year 2041) will be presented an erosion of 544.04 hectares and an accretion of 133.94 hectares. The erosion and accretion of Playa Muelle in the municipality of Puerto Colombia were established, which will register the highest value of erosion. The coverage that presented the greatest change was that of artificialized Territories.Keywords: coastline, coastal erosion, MNDWI, Google Earth Engine, Colombia
Procedia PDF Downloads 1231063 Photoleap: An AI-Powered Photo Editing App with Advanced Features and User Satisfaction Analysis
Authors: Joud Basyouni, Rama Zagzoog, Mashael Al Faleh, Jana Alireza
AI is changing many fields and speeding up tasks that used to take a long time. It used to take too long to edit photos. However, many AI-powered apps make photo editing, automatic effects, and animations much easier than other manual editing apps with no AI. The mobile app Photoleap edits photos and creates digital art using AI. Editing photos with text prompts is also becoming a standard these days with the help of apps like Photoleap. Now, users can change backgrounds, add animations, turn text into images, and create scenes with AI. This project report discusses the photo editing app's history and popularity. Photoleap resembles Photoshop, Canva, Photos, and Pixlr. The report includes survey questions to assess Photoleap user satisfaction. The report describes Photoleap's features and functions with screenshots. Photoleap uses AI well. Charts and graphs show Photoleap user ratings and comments from the survey. This project found that most Photoleap users liked how well it worked, was made, and was easy to use. People liked changing photos and adding backgrounds. Users can create stunning photo animations. A few users dislike the app's animations, AI art, and photo effects. The project report discusses the app's pros and cons and offers improvements.Keywords: artificial intelligence, photoleap, images, background, photo editing
Procedia PDF Downloads 611062 An Unusual Presentation of Uveal Melanoma
Authors: Natasha Goh, Sebastian Brown
Purpose: This case report describes an unusual presentation of uveal melanoma. Method: Case notes, imaging, and histopathological specimen were reviewed for this case report. Result: The patient is a 62-year-old lady of Chinese heritage who had been receiving follow-up at the eye clinic of a tertiary hospital. She had a longstanding history of poor vision in her right eye after sustaining trauma to the eye at age 3. She was found to have a carotid-cavernous sinus fistula in the right eye in 2009 and underwent stenting in China. Unfortunately, this was unsuccessful and resulted in a painful blind eye. She had represented with headaches, worsening eye pain, and ptosis in Sydney in 2016. Her CT angiogram showed a calcified vascular structure in the orbit and globe, and she was offered a digital subtraction angiography by the neurosurgical team, which she ultimately declined. She had since been followed up at the eye clinic for the pthisical eye. Due to chronic ocular pain and recurrent conjunctivitis, the decision was made for an evisceration in 2021. The specimen was sent for routine histopathological examination and returned positive for uveal melanoma. The patient was subsequently referred to a melanoma center for further follow-up, which comprised serial imaging and radiotherapy treatment. Conclusion: Clinicians should bear in mind that uveal melanomas may present in a longstanding phthisical eye and in patients with no or little apparent risk factors.Keywords: uveal melanoma, pthisical eye, carotid cavernous fistula, uveal melanoma risk factors
Procedia PDF Downloads 821061 Smart Forms and Intelligent Transportation Network Patterns, an Integrated Spatial Approach to Smart Cities and Intelligent Transport Systems in India Cities
Authors: Geetanjli Rani
The physical forms and network pattern of the city is expected to be enhanced with the advancement of technology. Reason being, the era of virtualisation and digital urban realm convergence with physical development. By means of comparative Spatial graphics and visuals of cities, the present paper attempts to revisit the very base of efficient physical forms and patterns to sync the emergence of virtual activities. Thus, the present approach to integrate spatial Smartness of Cities and Intelligent Transportation Systems is a brief assessment of smart forms and intelligent transportation network pattern to the dualism of physical and virtual urban activities. Finally, the research brings out that the grid iron pattern, radial, ring-radial, orbital etc. stands to be more efficient, effective and economical transit friendly for users, resource optimisation as well as compact urban and regional systems. Moreover, this paper concludes that the idea of flow and contiguity hidden in such smart forms and intelligent transportation network pattern suits to layering, deployment, installation and development of Intelligent Transportation Systems of Smart Cities such as infrastructure, facilities and services.Keywords: smart form, smart infrastructure, intelligent transportation network pattern, physical and virtual integration
Procedia PDF Downloads 1571060 Diplomacy in Times of Disaster: Management through Reputational Capital
Authors: Liza Ireni-Saban
The 6.6 magnitude quake event that occurred in 2003 (Bam, Iran) made it impossible for the Iranian government to handle disaster relief efforts domestically. In this extreme event, the Iranian government reached out to the international community, and this created a momentum that had to be carried out by trust-building efforts on all sides, often termed ‘Disaster Diplomacy’. Indeed, the circumstances were even more critical when one considers the increasing political and economic isolation of Iran within the international community. The potential for transformative political space to be opened by disaster has been recognized by dominant international political actors. Despite the fact that Bam 2003 post-disaster relief efforts did not catalyze any diplomatic activities on all sides, it is suggested that few international aid agencies have successfully used disaster recovery to enhance their popular legitimacy and reputation among the international community. In terms of disaster diplomacy, an actor’s reputational capital may affect his ability to build coalitions and alliances to achieve international political ends, to negotiate and build understanding and trust with foreign publics. This study suggests that the post-disaster setting may benefit from using the ecology of games framework to evaluate the role of bridging actors and mediators in facilitating collaborative governance networks. Recent developments in network theory and analysis provide means of structural embeddedness to explore how reputational capital can be built through brokerage roles of actors engaged in a disaster management network. This paper then aims to structure the relations among actors that participated in the post-disaster relief efforts in the 2003 Bam earthquake (Iran) in order to assess under which conditions actors may be strategically utilized to serve as mediating organizations for future disaster events experienced by isolated nations or nations in conflict. The results indicate the strategic use of reputational capital by the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs as key broker to build a successful coordinative system for reducing disaster vulnerabilities. International aid agencies rarely played brokerage roles to coordinate peripheral actors. U.S. foreign assistance (USAID), despite coordination capacities, was prevented from serving brokerage roles in the system.Keywords: coordination, disaster diplomacy, international aid organizations, Iran
Procedia PDF Downloads 1561059 Demotivation-Reducing Strategies Employed by Turkish EFL Learners in L2 Writing
Authors: kaveh Jalilzadeh, Maryam Rastgari
Motivation for learning a foreign language is needed for learners of any foreign language to effectively learn language skills. However, there are some factors that lead to the learners’ demotivation. Therefore, teachers of foreign languages, most notably English language which turned out to be an international language for academic and business purposes, need to be well aware of the demotivation sources and know how to reduce learners’ demotivation. This study is an attempt to explore demotivation-reducing strategies employed by Turkish EFL learners in L2 writing. The researchers used a qualitative case study and employed semi-structured interviews to collect data. The informants recruited in this study were 20 English writing lecturers who were selected through purposive sampling among university lecturers/instructors at the state and non-state universities in Istanbul and Ankara. Interviews were transcribed verbatim, and MAXQDA software (version 2022) was used for performing coding and thematic analysis of the data. Findings revealed that Turkish EFL teachers use 18 strategies to reduce language learners’ demotivation. The most frequently reported strategies were: writing in a group, writing about interesting topics, writing about new topics, writing about familiar topics, writing about simple topics, and writing about relevant topics. The findings have practical implications for writing teachers and learners of the English language.Keywords: phenomenological study, emotional vulnerability, motivation, digital Settings
Procedia PDF Downloads 701058 Cytokine Profiling in Cultured Endometrial Cells after Hormonal Treatment
Authors: Mark Gavriel, Ariel J. Jaffa, Dan Grisaru, David Elad
The human endometrium-myometrium interface (EMI) is the uterine inner barrier without a separatig layer. It is composed of endometrial epithelial cells (EEC) and endometrial stromal cells (ESC) in the endometrium and myometrial smooth muscle cells (MSMC) in the myometrium. The EMI undergoes structural remodeling during the menstruation cycle which are essential for human reproduction. Recently, we co-cultured a layer-by-layer in vitro model of EEC, ESC and MSMC on a synthetic membrane for mechanobiology experiments. We also treated the model with progesterone and β-estradiol in order to mimic the in vivo receptive uterus In the present study we analyzed the cytokines profile in a single layer of EEC the hormonal treated in vitro model of the EMI. The methodologies of this research include simple tissue-engineering . First, we cultured commercial EEC (RL95-2, ATCC® CRL-1671™) in 24-wellplate. Then, we applied an hormonal stimuli protocol with 17-β-estradiol and progesterone in time dependent concentration according to the human physiology that mimics the menstrual cycle. We collected cell supernatant samples of control, pre-ovulation, ovulation and post-ovulaton periods for analysis of the secreted proteins and cytokines. The cytokine profiling was performed using the Proteome Profiler Human XL Cytokine Array Kit (R&D Systems, Inc., USA) that can detect105 human soluble cytokines. The relative quantification of all the cytokines will be analyzed using xMAP – LUMINEX. We conducted a fishing expedition with the 4 membranes Proteome Profiler. We processed the images, quantified the spots intensity and normalized these values by the negative control and reference spots at the membrane. Analyses of the relative quantities that reflected change higher than 5% of the control points of the kit revealed the The results clearly showed that there are significant changes in the cytokine level for inflammation and angiogenesis pathways. Analysis of tissue-engineered models of the uterine wall will enable deeper investigation of molecular and biomechanical aspects of early reproductive stages (e.g. the window of implantation) or developments of pathologies.Keywords: tissue-engineering, hormonal stimuli, reproduction, multi-layer uterine model, progesterone, β-estradiol, receptive uterine model, fertility
Procedia PDF Downloads 1321057 Effective Use of Educational Technology for Teaching in Nigerian Colleges of Education
Authors: Edo O. Ekanem, Eme S. Ndeh, Ubong M. Nkok
The role of educational technology in teaching is of great importance because of its systematic way of conceptualizing the execution and evaluation of Educational process. This study therefore examines the use of Educational Technology for teaching in Colleges of Education in south south geo-political zone of Nigeria. Four specific purposes, four research questions and four null hypotheses guided the study. The study adopted descriptive research design of the survey type. A sample of 295 lecturers from six colleges of education was selected using stratified and simple random sampling techniques. The data for this study were collected through a self-designed questionnaire and was analyzed using frequency counts, percentage scores and t-test statistics. The hypotheses for the study were tested at 0.05 significance. Findings from the study reveal that Educational Technology facilities such as Internet, electronic notice boards and projectors were not adequately used for teaching in the Colleges. It was also found that most lecturers use more of visual media than electronic/digital media in the classrooms. Moreover, the study shows that lecturers’ use of educational technology is influenced by their highest academic qualification while their level of awareness about the value of technology in education is not gender based. Lecturers’ lack of competence, inadequate Educational Technology facilities and Power are among the factors that inhibit the adequate use of the facilities. Based on the findings, recommendations were made on how to ensure effective use of Educational Technology for teaching in the Colleges in Nigeria.Keywords: colleges of education, educational technology, teaching, Nigeria
Procedia PDF Downloads 4291056 Experiment Study on the Influence of Tool Materials on the Drilling of Thick Stacked Plate of 2219 Aluminum Alloy
Authors: G. H. Li, M. Liu, H. J. Qi, Q. Zhu, W. Z. He
The drilling and riveting processes are widely used in the assembly of carrier rocket, which makes the efficiency and quality of drilling become the important factor affecting the assembly process. According to the problem existing in the drilling of thick stacked plate (thickness larger than 10mm) of carrier rocket, such as drill break, large noise and burr etc., experimental study of the influence of tool material on the drilling was carried out. The cutting force was measured by a piezoelectric dynamometer, the aperture was measured with an outline projector, and the burr is observed and measured by a digital stereo microscope. Through the measurement, the effects of tool material on the drilling were analyzed from the aspects of drilling force, diameter, and burr. The results show that, compared with carbide drill and coated carbide one, the drilling force of high speed steel is larger. But, the application of high speed steel also has some advantages, e.g. a higher number of hole can be obtained, the height of burr is small, the exit is smooth and the slim burr is less, and the tool experiences wear but not fracture. Therefore, the high speed steel tool is suitable for the drilling of thick stacked plate of 2219 Aluminum alloy.Keywords: 2219 aluminum alloy, thick stacked plate, drilling, tool material
Procedia PDF Downloads 2371055 Consumer Welfare in the Platform Economy
Authors: Prama Mukhopadhyay
Starting from transport to food, today’s world platform economy and digital markets have taken over almost every sphere of consumers’ lives. Sellers and buyers are getting connected through platforms, which is acting as an intermediary. It has made consumer’s life easier in terms of time, price, choice and other factors. Having said that, there are several concerns regarding platforms. There are competition law concerns like unfair pricing, deep discounting by the platforms which affect the consumer welfare. Apart from that, the biggest problem is lack of transparency with respect to the business models, how it operates, price calculation, etc. In most of the cases, consumers are unaware of how their personal data are being used. In most of the cases, they are unaware of how algorithm uses their personal data to determine the price of the product or even to show the relevant products using their previous searches. Using personal or non-personal data without consumer’s consent is a huge legal concern. In addition to this, another major issue lies with the question of liability. If a dispute arises, who will be responsible? The seller or the platform? For example, if someone ordered food through a food delivery app and the food was bad, in this situation who will be liable: the restaurant or the food delivery platform? In this paper, the researcher tries to examine the legal concern related to platform economy from the consumer protection and consumer welfare perspectives. The paper analyses the cases from different jurisdictions and approach taken by the judiciaries. The author compares the existing legislation of EU, US and other Asian Countries and tries to highlight the best practices.Keywords: competition, consumer, data, platform
Procedia PDF Downloads 1461054 Euthanasia as a Case of Judicial Entrepreneurship in India: Analyzing the Role of the Supreme Court in the Policy Process of Euthanasia
Authors: Aishwarya Pothula
Euthanasia in India is a politically dormant policy issue in the sense that discussions around it are sporadic in nature (usually with developments in specific cases) and it stays as a dominant issue in the public domain for a fleeting period. In other words, it is a non-political issue that has been unable to successfully get on the policy agenda. This paper studies how the Supreme Court of India (SC) plays a role in euthanasia’s policy making. In 2011, the SC independently put a law in place that legalized passive euthanasia through its judgement in the Aruna Shanbaug v. Union of India case. According to this, it is no longer illegal to withhold/withdraw a patient’s medical treatment in certain cases. This judgement, therefore, is the empirical focus of this paper. The paper essentially employs two techniques of discourse analysis to study the SC’s system of argumentation. The two methods, Text Analysis using Gasper’s Analysis Table and Frame Analysis – are complemented by two discourse techniques called metaphor analysis and lexical analysis. The framework within which the analysis is conducted lies in 1) the judicial process of India, i.e. the SC procedures and the Constitutional rules and provisions, and 2) John W. Kingdon’s theory of policy windows and policy entrepreneurs. The results of this paper are three-fold: first, the SC dismiss the petitioner’s request for passive euthanasia on inadequate and weak grounds, thereby setting no precedent for the historic law they put in place. In other words, they leave the decision open for the Parliament to act upon. Hence the judgement, as opposed to arguments by many, is by no means an instance of judicial activism/overreach. Second, they define euthanasia in a way that resonates with existing broader societal themes. They combine this with a remarkable use of authoritative and protective tones/stances to settle at an intermediate position that balances the possible opposition to their role in the process and what they (perhaps) perceive to be an optimal solution. Third, they soften up the policy community (including the public) to the idea of passive euthanasia leading it towards a Parliamentarian legislation. They achieve this by shaping prevalent principles, provisions and worldviews through an astute use of the legal instruments at their disposal. This paper refers to this unconventional role of the SC as ‘judicial entrepreneurship’ which is also the first scholarly contribution towards research on euthanasia as a policy issue in India.Keywords: argumentation analysis, Aruna Ramachandra Shanbaug, discourse analysis, euthanasia, judicial entrepreneurship, policy-making process, supreme court of India
Procedia PDF Downloads 2681053 Agile Real-Time Field Programmable Gate Array-Based Image Processing System for Drone Imagery in Digital Agriculture
Authors: Sabiha Shahid Antora, Young Ki Chang
Along with various farm management technologies, imagery is an important tool that facilitates crop assessment, monitoring, and management. As a consequence, drone imaging technology is playing a vital role to capture the state of the entire field for yield mapping, crop scouting, weed detection, and so on. Although it is essential to inspect the cultivable lands in real-time for making rapid decisions regarding field variable inputs to combat stresses and diseases, drone imagery is still evolving in this area of interest. Cost margin and post-processing complexions of the image stream are the main challenges of imaging technology. Therefore, this proposed project involves the cost-effective field programmable gate array (FPGA) based image processing device that would process the image stream in real-time as well as providing the processed output to support on-the-spot decisions in the crop field. As a result, the real-time FPGA-based image processing system would reduce operating costs while minimizing a few intermediate steps to deliver scalable field decisions.Keywords: real-time, FPGA, drone imagery, image processing, crop monitoring
Procedia PDF Downloads 1141052 Enhancing Access to Microfinance for Housing Provision in the Informal Sector of North East Nigeria
Authors: Wilfred Emmannuel Dzasu, Sani Usman Kunya, Inuwa Yusuf Mohammed, Moses Jonathan Gambo
The research aimed at investigating and identifying the strategies for enhancing access to microfinance for housing provision in the informal sector of North East Nigeria, with a focus on addressing the critical issue of housing poverty and lack of access to affordable housing finance among low-income households in the informal sector. The study employed an exploratory sequential mixed method design, combining both qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis techniques. In the qualitative phase, 12 participants from microfinance institutions (MFIs) in four selected states (Adamawa, Bauchi, Gombe, and Taraba) were interviewed. The interviews were conducted using an interview guide with open-ended questions and were recorded with the consent of the respondents. In the quantitative phase, a survey strategy was adopted to collect data from 500 questionnaires distributed to informal sector workers (ISWs) in the study area. A total of 350 questionnaires were returned, representing a 70.0% response rate. The most preferred strategy for improving access to housing microfinance among ISWs is aggressive awareness of housing financing options by MFIs, with a mean score of 4.213; the most important strategy for improving access to housing microfinance among MFIs is close monitoring and adequate supervision of housing loan beneficiaries by MFIs, with a mean score of 4.675. The study identified several government-related strategies that are necessary for enhancing access to housing microfinance, including the provision of grants and subsidized intervention funds for housing, improvement in infrastructures to aid housing developments, and adequate measures for checking inflation/price fluctuation of building materials. The study also identified several MFI-related strategies that are necessary for enhancing access to housing microfinance, including deliberate expansion in the capital bases of MFIs, adequate training and capacity development of MFIs staff on relevant skills in housing micro-financing, and introduction of loan products that suit the incremental building needs of informal sector workers. Overall, the study highlights the need for a combination of government-related and MFI-related strategies to enhance access to microfinance for housing provision in the informal sector of North East Nigeria.Keywords: finanace, microfinance, housing, North East Nigeria
Procedia PDF Downloads 301051 Advanced Technologies for Detector Readout in Particle Physics
Authors: Y. Venturini, C. Tintori
Given the continuous demand for improved readout performances in particle and dark matter physics, CAEN SpA is pushing on the development of advanced technologies for detector readout. We present the Digitizers 2.0, the result of the success of the previous Digitizers generation, combined with expanded capabilities and a renovation of the user experience introducing the open FPGA. The first product of the family is the VX2740 (64 ch, 125 MS/s, 16 bit) for advanced waveform recording and Digital Pulse Processing, fitting with the special requirements of Dark Matter and Neutrino experiments. In parallel, CAEN is developing the FERS-5200 platform, a Front-End Readout System designed to read out large multi-detector arrays, such as SiPMs, multi-anode PMTs, silicon strip detectors, wire chambers, GEM, gas tubes, and others. This is a highly-scalable distributed platform, based on small Front-End cards synchronized and read out by a concentrator board, allowing to build extremely large experimental setup. We plan to develop a complete family of cost-effective Front-End cards tailored to specific detectors and applications. The first one available is the A5202, a 64-channel unit for SiPM readout based on CITIROC ASIC by Weeroc.Keywords: dark matter, digitizers, front-end electronics, open FPGA, SiPM
Procedia PDF Downloads 1291050 The Connection Between the International Law and the Legal Consultation on the Social Media
Authors: Amir Farouk Ahmed Ali Hussin
Social media, such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Ex-Twitter have experienced exponential growth and a remarkable adoption rate in recent years. They give fantastic means of online social interactions and communications with family, friends, and colleagues from around the corner or across the globe, and they have become an important part of daily digital interactions for more than one and a half billion users around the world. The personal information sharing practices that social network providers encourage have led to their success as innovative social interaction platforms. Moreover, these practices have outcome in concerns with respect to privacy and security from different stakeholders. Guiding these privacy and security concerns in social networks is a must for these networks to be sustainable. Real security and privacy tools may not be enough to address existing concerns. Some points should be followed to protect users from the existing risks. In this research, we have checked the various privacy and security issues and concerns pertaining to social media. However, we have classified these privacy and security issues and presented a thorough discussion of the effects of these issues and concerns on the future of the social networks. In addition, we have presented a set of points as precaution measures that users can consider to address these issues.Keywords: international legal, consultation mix, legal research, small and medium-sized enterprises, strategic International law, strategy alignment, house of laws, deployment, production strategy, legal strategy, business strategy
Procedia PDF Downloads 651049 Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance Factors Influencing the Adoption of Cloud Computing in Australia
Authors: Tim Nedyalkov
A business decision to move to the cloud brings fundamental changes in how an organization develops and delivers its Information Technology solutions. The accelerated pace of digital transformation across businesses and government agencies increases the reliance on cloud-based services. They are collecting, managing, and retaining large amounts of data in cloud environments makes information security and data privacy protection essential. It becomes even more important to understand what key factors drive successful cloud adoption following the commencement of the Privacy Amendment Notifiable Data Breaches (NDB) Act 2017 in Australia as the regulatory changes impact many organizations and industries. This quantitative correlational research investigated the governance, risk management, and compliance factors contributing to cloud security success. The factors influence the adoption of cloud computing within an organizational context after the commencement of the NDB scheme. The results and findings demonstrated that corporate information security policies, data storage location, management understanding of data governance responsibilities, and regular compliance assessments are the factors influencing cloud computing adoption. The research has implications for organizations, future researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and cloud computing providers to meet the rapidly changing regulatory and compliance requirements.Keywords: cloud compliance, cloud security, data governance, privacy protection
Procedia PDF Downloads 1171048 Digital Transformation: The Effect of Artificial Intelligence on the Efficiency of Financial Administrative Workers in Peru in 2024
Authors: Thiago Fabrizio Gavilano Farje, Marcelo Patricio Herrera Malpartida
This study examines the influence of artificial intelligence (AI) on the work efficiency of administrative employees in the financial sector of Metropolitan Lima, Peru, during the year 2024. Focusing on the relationship between AI implementation and work efficiency, it addresses specific variables such as decision-making, motivation, and employee productivity. To accomplish the analysis between AI and work efficiency within the financial sector of Metropolitan Lima, it is necessary to evaluate how AI optimizes time in administrative tasks, examine how AI impacts the agility of the process of making decisions, and investigate the influence of AI on the satisfaction and motivation of employees. The research adopts a correlational and explanatory approach, designed to establish and understand the connections between AI and work efficiency. A survey design adapted from an OECD study is used, applying questionnaires to a representative sample of administrative workers in the financial sector who incorporate AI into their functions. The target population includes administrative workers in the financial sector of Metropolitan Lima, estimated at 73,097 employees based on data from the Censo Nacional de Empresas y Establecimientos and studies by the BCRP. The sample, selected through simple random sampling, comprises 246 workers.Keywords: business management, artificial intelligence, decision making, labor efficiency, financial sector
Procedia PDF Downloads 511047 High-Resolution ECG Automated Analysis and Diagnosis
Authors: Ayad Dalloo, Sulaf Dalloo
Electrocardiogram (ECG) recording is prone to complications, on analysis by physicians, due to noise and artifacts, thus creating ambiguity leading to possible error of diagnosis. Such drawbacks may be overcome with the advent of high resolution Methods, such as Discrete Wavelet Analysis and Digital Signal Processing (DSP) techniques. This ECG signal analysis is implemented in three stages: ECG preprocessing, features extraction and classification with the aim of realizing high resolution ECG diagnosis and improved detection of abnormal conditions in the heart. The preprocessing stage involves removing spurious artifacts (noise), due to such factors as muscle contraction, motion, respiration, etc. ECG features are extracted by applying DSP and suggested sloping method techniques. These measured features represent peak amplitude values and intervals of P, Q, R, S, R’, and T waves on ECG, and other features such as ST elevation, QRS width, heart rate, electrical axis, QR and QT intervals. The classification is preformed using these extracted features and the criteria for cardiovascular diseases. The ECG diagnostic system is successfully applied to 12-lead ECG recordings for 12 cases. The system is provided with information to enable it diagnoses 15 different diseases. Physician’s and computer’s diagnoses are compared with 90% agreement, with respect to physician diagnosis, and the time taken for diagnosis is 2 seconds. All of these operations are programmed in Matlab environment.Keywords: ECG diagnostic system, QRS detection, ECG baseline removal, cardiovascular diseases
Procedia PDF Downloads 2971046 Effects of Aerobic Training on MicroRNA Let-7a Expression and Levels of Tumor Tissue IL-6 in Mice With Breast Cancer
Authors: Leila Anoosheh
Aim: The aim of this study was to assess The effects of aerobic training on microRNA let-7a expression and levels of tumor tissue IL-6 in mice with breast cancer. Method: Twenty BALB/c c mice (4-5 weeks,17 gr mass) were cancerous by injection of estrogen-dependent receptor breast cancer cells MC4-L2 and divided into two groups: tumor-training(TT) and tumor-control(TC) group. Then TT group completed aerobic training for 6 weeks, 5 days per week (14-18 m/min). After tumor emersion, tumor width and length were measured by digital caliper every week. 48 hours after the last exercise subjects were killed. Tissue sampling were collected and stored in -70ᵒ. Tumor tissue was homogenized and let-7a expression and IL-6 levels were accounted with Real time-PCR and ELISA Kit respectively. Statistical analysis of let-7a was conducted by the REST software. Repeated measures and independent tests were used to assess tumor size and IL-6, respectively. Results: Tumor size and IL-6 levels were significantly decreased in TT group compare with TC group (p<0.05). microRNA let-7a was increased significantly in TT against control group respectively (p=0/000). Conclusion: Reduction in tumor size, followed by aerobic exercise can be attributed to the loss of inflammatory factors such as IL-6; It seems that regarding to up regulation effects of aerobic exercise training on let-7a and down regulation effects of that on IL-6 in mice with breast cancer, This type of training can be used as adjuvant therapy in conjunction with other therapies for breast cancer.Keywords: breast cancer, aerobic training, microRNA let-7a, IL-6
Procedia PDF Downloads 4331045 Architectural Identity in Manifestation of Tall-buildings' Design
Authors: Huda Arshadlamphon
Advancing frontiers of technology and industry is moving rapidly fast influenced by the economic and political phenomena. One vital phenomenon,which has had consolidated the world to a one single village, is Globalization. In response, architecture and the built-environment have faced numerous changes, adjustments, and developments. Tall-buildings, as a product of globalization, represent prestigious icons, symbols, and landmarks for highly economics and advanced countries. Despite the fact, this trend has been encountering several design challenges incorporating architectural identity, traditions, and characteristics that enhance the built-environments' sociocultural values and traditions. The necessity of these values and traditionsform self-solitarily, leading to visual and spatial creativity, independency, and individuality. In other words, they maintain the inherited identity and avoid replications in all means and aspects. This paper, firstly, defines globalization phenomenon, architectural identity, and the concerns of sociocultural values in relation to the traditional characteristics of the built-environment. Secondly, through three case-studies of tall-buildings located in Jeddah city, Saudi Arabia, the Queen's Building, the National Commercial Bank Building (NCB), and the Islamic Development Bank Building; design strategies and methodologies in acclimating architectural identity and characteristics in tall-buildings are discussed. The case-studies highlight buildings' sites and surroundings, concepts and inspirations, design elements, architectural forms and compositions, characteristics, issues, barriers, and trammels facing the designs' decisions, representation of facades, and selection of materials and colors. Furthermore, the research will elucidate briefs of the dominant factors that shape the architectural identity of Jeddah city. In conclusion, the study manifests four tall-buildings' design standards guideline in preserving and developing architectural identity in Jeddah city; the scale of urban and natural environment, the scale of architectural design elements, the integration of visual images, and the creation of spatial scenes and scenarios. The prosed guideline will encourage the development of architectural identity aligned with zeitgeist demands and requirements, supports the contemporary architectural movement toward tall-buildings, and shoresself-solitarily in representing sociocultural values and traditions of the built-environment.Keywords: architectural identity, built-environment, globalization, sociocultural values and traditions, tall-buildings
Procedia PDF Downloads 1641044 Seed Priming Treatments in Common Zinnia (Zinnia elegans) Using Some Plant Extracts
Authors: Atakan Efe Akpınar, Zeynep Demir
Seed priming technologies are frequently used nowadays to increase the germination potential and stress tolerance of seeds. These treatments might be beneficial for native species as well as crops. Different priming treatments can be used depending on the type of plant, the morphology, and the physiology of the seed. Moreover, these may be various physical, chemical, and/or biological treatments. Aiming to improve studies about seed priming, ideas need to be brought into this technological sector related to the agri-seed industry. This study addresses the question of whether seed priming with plant extracts can improve seed vigour and germination performance. By investigating the effects of plant extract priming on various vigour parameters, the research aims to provide insights into the potential benefits of this treatment method. Thus, seed priming was carried out using some plant extracts. Firstly, some plant extracts prepared from plant leaves, roots, or fruit parts were obtained for use in priming treatments. Then, seeds of Common zinnia (Zinnia elegans) were kept in solutions containing plant extracts at 20°C for 48 hours. Seeds without any treatment were evaluated as the control group. At the end of priming applications, seeds are dried superficially at 25°C. Seeds of Common zinnia (Zinnia elegans) were analyzed for vigour (normal germination rate, germination time, germination index etc.). In the future, seed priming applications can expand to multidisciplinary research combining with digital, bioinformatic and molecular tools.Keywords: seed priming, plant extracts, germination, biology
Procedia PDF Downloads 761043 Evaluating Data Maturity in Riyadh's Nonprofit Sector: Insights Using the National Data Maturity Index (NDI)
Authors: Maryam Aloshan, Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud, Ahmad Khudair
This study assesses the data governance maturity of nonprofit organizations in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, using the National Data Maturity Index (NDI) framework developed by the Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority (SDAIA). Employing a survey designed around the NDI model, data maturity levels were evaluated across 14 dimensions using a 5-point Likert scale. The results reveal a spectrum of maturity levels among the organizations surveyed: while some medium-sized associations reached the ‘Defined’ stage, others, including large associations, fell within the ‘Absence of Capabilities’ or ‘Building’ phases, with no organizations achieving the advanced ‘Established’ or ‘Pioneering’ levels. This variation suggests an emerging recognition of data governance but underscores the need for targeted interventions to bridge the maturity gap. The findings point to a significant opportunity to elevate data governance capabilities in Saudi nonprofits through customized capacity-building initiatives, including training, mentorship, and best practice sharing. This study contributes valuable insights into the digital transformation journey of the Saudi nonprofit sector, aligning with national goals for data-driven governance and organizational efficiency.Keywords: nonprofit organizations-national data maturity index (NDI), Saudi Arabia- SDAIA, data governance, data maturity
Procedia PDF Downloads 171042 Effect of Information and Communication Intervention on Stable Economic Growth in Ethiopia
Authors: Medhin Haftom Hailu
The advancement of information technology has significantly impacted Ethiopia's economy, driving innovation, productivity, job creation, and global connectivity. This research examined the impact of contemporary information and communication technologies on Ethiopian economic progress. The study examined eight variables, including mobile, internet, and fixed-line penetration rates, and five macroeconomic control variables. The results showed a positive and strong effect of ICT on economic growth in Ethiopia, with 1% increase in mobile, internet, and fixed line services penetration indexes resulting in an 8.03, 10.05, and 30.06% increase in real GDP. The Granger causality test showed that all ICT variables Granger caused economic growth, but economic growth Granger caused mobile penetration rate only. The study suggests that coordinated ICT infrastructure development, increased telecom service accessibility, and increased competition in the telecom market are crucial for Ethiopia's economic growth. Ethiopia is attempting to establish a digital economy through massive investment in ensuring ICT quality and accessibility. Thus, the research could enhance in understanding of the economic impact of ICT expansion for successful ICT policy interventions for future research.Keywords: economic growth, cointegration and error correction, ICT expansion, granger causality, penetration
Procedia PDF Downloads 811041 Using Flow Line Modelling, Remote Sensing for Reconstructing Glacier Volume Loss Model for Athabasca Glacier, Canadian Rockies
Authors: Rituparna Nath, Shawn J. Marshall
Glaciers are one of the main sensitive climatic indicators, as they respond strongly to small climatic shifts. We develop a flow line model of glacier dynamics to simulate the past and future extent of glaciers in the Canadian Rocky Mountains, with the aim of coupling this model within larger scale regional climate models of glacier response to climate change. This paper will focus on glacier-climate modeling and reconstructions of glacier volume from the Little Ice Age (LIA) to present for Athabasca Glacier, Alberta, Canada. Glacier thickness, volume and mass change will be constructed using flow line modelling and examination of different climate scenarios that are able to give good reconstructions of LIA ice extent. With the availability of SPOT 5 imagery, Digital elevation models and GIS Arc Hydro tool, ice catchment properties-glacier width and LIA moraines have been extracted using automated procedures. Simulation of glacier mass change will inform estimates of meltwater run off over the historical period and model calibration from the LIA reconstruction will aid in future projections of the effects of climate change on glacier recession. Furthermore, the model developed will be effective for further future studies with ensembles of glaciers.Keywords: flow line modeling, Athabasca Glacier, glacier mass balance, Remote Sensing, Arc hydro tool, little ice age
Procedia PDF Downloads 2701040 Harmonic Analysis to Improve Power Quality
Authors: Rumana Ali
The presence of nonlinear and power electronic switching devices produce distorted output and harmonics into the system. This paper presents a technique to analyze harmonics using digital series oscilloscope (DSO). In power distribution system further measurements are done by DSO, and the waveforms are analyzed using FFT program. The results of this proposed work are helpful for the investigator to install an appropriate compensating device to mitigate the harmonics, in turn, improve the power quality. This case study is carried out at AIT Chikmagalur. It is done as a starting step towards the improvement of energy efficiency at AIT Chikmagalur, and with an overall aim of reducing the electricity bill with a complete energy audit of the institution. Strategies were put forth to reach the above objective: The following strategies were proposed to be implemented to analyze the power quality in EEE department of the institution. Strategy 1: The power factor has to be measured using the energy meter. Power factor improvement may reduce the voltage drop in lines. This brings the voltages at the socket in the labs closer to the nominal voltage of 230V, and thus power quality improves. Strategy 2: The harmonics at the power inlet has to be measured by means of a DSO. The DSO waveform is analyzed using FFT to know the percentage harmonic up to the 13th harmonics of 50Hz. Reduction in the harmonics in the inlet of the EEE department may reduce line losses and therefore reduces energy bill to the institution.Keywords: harmonic analysis, energy bill, power quality, electronic switching devices
Procedia PDF Downloads 3101039 Effective Validation Model and Use of Mobile-Health Apps for Elderly People
Authors: Leonardo Ramirez Lopez, Edward Guillen Pinto, Carlos Ramos Linares
The controversy brought about by the increasing use of mHealth apps and their effectiveness for disease prevention and diagnosis calls for immediate control. Although a critical topic in research areas such as medicine, engineering, economics, among others, this issue lacks reliable implementation models. However, projects such as Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) and various studies have helped to create useful and reliable apps. This research is conducted under a quality model to optimize two mHealth apps for older adults. Results analysis on the use of two physical activity monitoring apps - AcTiv (physical activity) and SMCa (energy expenditure) - is positive and ideal. Through a theoretical and practical analysis, precision calculations and personal information control of older adults for disease prevention and diagnosis were performed. Finally, apps are validated by a physician and, as a result, they may be used as health monitoring tools in physical performance centers or any other physical activity. The results obtained provide an effective validation model for this type of mobile apps, which, in turn, may be applied by other software developers that along with medical staff would offer digital healthcare tools for elderly people.Keywords: model, validation, effective, healthcare, elderly people, mobile app
Procedia PDF Downloads 2191038 Conflict around the Brownfield Reconversion of the Canadian Forces Base Rockcliffe in Ottawa: A Clash of Ambitions and Visions in Canadian Urban Sustainability
Authors: Kenza Benali
Over the past decade, a number of remarkable projects in urban brownfield reconversion emerged across Canada, including the reconversion of former military bases owned by the Canada Lands Company (CLC) into sustainable communities. However, unlike other developments, the regeneration project of the former Canadian Forces Base Rockcliffe in Ottawa – which was announced as one of the most ambitious Smart growth projects in Canada – faced serious obstacles in terms of social acceptance by the local community, particularly urban minorities composed of Francophones, Indigenous and vulnerable groups who live near or on the Base. This turn of events led to the project being postponed and even reconsidered. Through an analysis of its press coverage, this research aims to understand the causes of this urban conflict which lasted for nearly ten years. The findings reveal that the conflict is not limited to the “standard” issues common to most conflicts related to urban mega-projects in the world – e.g., proximity issues (threads to the quality of the surrounding neighbourhoods; noise, traffic, pollution, New-build gentrification) often associated with NIMBY phenomena. In this case, the local actors questioned the purpose of the project (for whom and for what types of uses is it conceived?), its local implementation (to what extent are the local history and existing environment taken into account?), and the degree of implication of the local population in the decision-making process (with whom is the project built?). Moreover, the interests of the local actors have “jumped scales” and transcend the micro-territorial level of their daily life to take on a national and even international dimension. They defined an alternative view of how this project, considered strategic by his location in the nation’s capital, should be a reference as well as an international showcase of Canadian ambition and achievement in terms of urban sustainability. This vision promoted, actually, a territorial and national identity approach - in which some cultural values are highly significant (respect of social justice, inclusivity, ethnical diversity, cultural heritage, etc.)- as a counterweight to planners’ vision which is criticized as a normative/ universalist logic that ignore the territorial peculiarities.Keywords: smart growth, brownfield reconversion, sustainable neighborhoods, Canada Lands Company, Canadian Forces Base Rockcliffe, urban conflicts
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