Search results for: delivery ratio
3805 Immersive Block Scheduling in Higher Education: A Case Study in Curriculum Reform and Increased Student Success
Authors: Thomas Roche, Erica Wilson, Elizabeth Goode
Universities across the globe are considering how to effect meaningful change in their higher education (HE) delivery in the face of increasingly diverse student cohorts and shifting student learning preferences. This paper reports on a descriptive case study of whole-of-institution curriculum reform at one regional Australian university, where more traditional 13-week semesters were replaced with a 6-week immersive block model drawing on active learning pedagogy. Based on a synthesis of literature in best practice HE pedagogy and principles, the case study draws on student performance data and senior management staff interviews (N = 5) to outline the key changes necessary for successful HE transformation to deliver increased student pass rates and retention. The findings from this case study indicate that an institutional transformation to an immersive block model requires both a considered change in institutional policy and process as well as the appropriate resourcing of roles, governance committees, technical solutions, and, importantly, communities of practice. Implications for practice at higher education institutions considering reforming their curriculum model are also discussed.Keywords: student retention, immersive scheduling, block model, curriculum reform, active learning, higher education pedagogy, higher education policy
Procedia PDF Downloads 773804 The Influence of Reaction Parameters on Magnetic Properties of Synthesized Strontium Ferrite
Authors: M. Bahgat, F. M. Awan, H. A. Hanafy
The conventional ceramic route was utilized to prepare a hard magnetic powder (M-type strontium ferrite, SrFe12O19). The stoichiometric mixture of iron oxide and strontium carbonate were calcined at 1000°C and then fired at various temperatures. The influence of various reaction parameters such as mixing ratio, calcination temperature, firing temperature and firing time on the magnetic behaviors of the synthesized magnetic powder were investigated.The magnetic properties including Coercivity (Hc), Magnetic saturation (Ms), and Magnetic remnance (Mr) were measured by vibrating sample magnetometer. Morphologically the produced magnetic powder has a dense hexagonal grain shape structure.Keywords: hard magnetic materials, ceramic route, strontium ferrite, magnetic properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 6953803 Assessment of the Occupancy’s Effect on Speech Intelligibility in Al-Madinah Holy Mosque
Authors: Wasim Orfali, Hesham Tolba
This research investigates the acoustical characteristics of Al-Madinah Holy Mosque. Extensive field measurements were conducted in different locations of Al-Madinah Holy Mosque to characterize its acoustic characteristics. The acoustical characteristics are usually evaluated by the use of objective parameters in unoccupied rooms due to practical considerations. However, under normal conditions, the room occupancy can vary such characteristics due to the effect of the additional sound absorption present in the room or by the change in signal-to-noise ratio. Based on the acoustic measurements carried out in Al-Madinah Holy Mosque with and without occupancy, and the analysis of such measurements, the existence of acoustical deficiencies has been confirmed.Keywords: Al-Madinah Holy Mosque, mosque acoustics, speech intelligibility, worship sound
Procedia PDF Downloads 1793802 The Overload Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Flexural Members
Authors: Angelo Thurairajah
Sufficient ultimate deformation is necessary to demonstrate the member ductility, which is dependent on the section and the material ductility. The concrete cracking phase of softening prior to the plastic hinge formation is an essential feature as well. The nature of the overload behaviour is studied using the order of the ultimate deflection. The ultimate deflection is primarily dependent on the slenderness (span to depth ratio), the ductility of the reinforcing steel, the degree of moment redistribution, the type of loading, and the support conditions. The ultimate deflection and the degree of moment redistribution from the analytical study are in good agreement with the experimental results and the moment redistribution provisions of the Australian Standards AS3600 Concrete Structures Code.Keywords: ductility, softening, ultimate deflection, overload behaviour, moment redistribution
Procedia PDF Downloads 803801 Exploiting Charges on Medicinal Synthetic Aluminum Magnesium Silicate's {Al₄ (SiO₄)₃ + 3Mg₂SiO₄ → 2Al₂Mg₃ (SiO₄)₃} Nanoparticles in Treating Viral Diseases, Tumors, Antimicrobial Resistant Infections
Authors: M. C. O. Ezeibe, F. I. O. Ezeibe
Reasons viral diseases (including AI, HIV/AIDS, and COVID-19), tumors (including Cancers and Prostrate enlargement), and antimicrobial-resistant infections (AMR) are difficult to cure are features of the pathogens which normal cells do not have or need (biomedical markers) have not been identified; medicines that can counter the markers have not been invented; strategies and mechanisms for their treatments have not been developed. When cells become abnormal, they acquire negative electrical charges, and viruses are either positively charged or negatively charged, while normal cells remain neutral (without electrical charges). So, opposite charges' electrostatic attraction is a treatment mechanism for viral diseases and tumors. Medicines that have positive electrical charges would mop abnormal (infected and tumor) cells and DNA viruses (negatively charged), while negatively charged medicines would mop RNA viruses (positively charged). Molecules of Aluminum-magnesium silicate [AMS: Al₂Mg₃ (SiO₄)₃], an approved medicine and pharmaceutical stabilizing agent, consist of nanoparticles which have both positive electrically charged ends and negative electrically charged ends. The very small size (0.96 nm) of the nanoparticles allows them to reach all cells in every organ. By stabilizing antimicrobials, AMS reduces the rate at which the body metabolizes them so that they remain at high concentrations for extended periods. When drugs remain at high concentrations for longer periods, their efficacies improve. Again, nanoparticles enhance the delivery of medicines to effect targets. Both remaining at high concentrations for longer periods and better delivery to effect targets improve efficacy and make lower doses achieve desired effects so that side effects of medicines are reduced to allow the immunity of patients to be enhanced. Silicates also enhance the immune responses of treated patients. Improving antimicrobial efficacies and enhancing patients` immunity terminate infections so that none remains that could develop resistance. Some countries do not have natural deposits of AMS, but they may have Aluminum silicate (AS: Al₄ (SiO₄)₃) and Magnesium silicate (MS: Mg₂SiO₄), which are also approved medicines. So, AS and MS were used to formulate an AMS-brand, named Medicinal synthetic AMS {Al₄ (SiO₄)₃ + 3Mg₂SiO₄ → 2Al₂Mg₃ (SiO₄)₃}. To overcome the challenge of AMS, AS, and MS being un-absorbable, Dextrose monohydrate is incorporated in MSAMS-formulations for the simple sugar to convey the electrically charged nanoparticles into blood circulation by the principle of active transport so that MSAMS-antimicrobial formulations function systemically. In vitro, MSAMS reduced (P≤0.05) titers of viruses, including Avian influenza virus and HIV. When used to treat virus-infected animals, it cured Newcastle disease and Infectious bursa disease of chickens, Parvovirus disease of dogs, and Peste des petits ruminants disease of sheep and goats. A number of HIV/AIDS patients treated with it have been reported to become HIV-negative (antibody and antigen). COVID-19 patients are also reported to recover and test virus negative when treated with MSAMS. PSA titers of prostate cancer/enlargement patients normalize (≤4) following treatment with MSAMS. MSAMS has also potentiated ampicillin trihydrate, sulfadimidin, cotrimoxazole, piparazine citrate and chloroquine phosphate to achieve ≥ 95 % infection-load reductions (AMR-prevention). At 75 % of doses of ampicillin, cotrimoxazole, and streptomycin, supporting MSAMS-formulations' treatments with antioxidants led to the termination of even already resistant infections.Keywords: electrical charges, viruses, abnormal cells, aluminum-magnesium silicate
Procedia PDF Downloads 633800 Anchorage Effect on Axial Strength of Fiber Reinforced Polymers Confined Rectangular Columns
Authors: Yavuz Yardim
FRP systems have been largely used to improve the performance of structural members, due to their high strength to weight ratio and corrosion resistance. Application of this strengthening procedure in circular columns has resulted quite beneficial in increasing their seismic and axial capacity. Whereas in the rectangular ones, strength enhancement was considerably less due to stress concentration in the corner. In this work three anchorage configurations are tested for their efficiency in increasing the uniformity of confinement pressure in the CFRP strengthened non-circular sections. There is a slight increase in the axial strength of specimens as a general trend. More specifically fan anchorage reached an increase of 17.5% compared to the unanchored specimens. The study shows that uniformity of confining pressure has increased by adding anchorage.Keywords: rectangular columns, FRP, confinement, anchorage
Procedia PDF Downloads 3603799 Evaluation of the Energy Performance and Emissions of an Aircraft Engine: J69 Using Fuel Blends of Jet A1 and Biodiesel
Authors: Gabriel Fernando Talero Rojas, Vladimir Silva Leal, Camilo Bayona-Roa, Juan Pava, Mauricio Lopez Gomez
The substitution of conventional aviation fuels with biomass-derived alternative fuels is an emerging field of study in the aviation transport, mainly due to its energy consumption, the contribution to the global Greenhouse Gas - GHG emissions and the fossil fuel price fluctuations. Nevertheless, several challenges remain as the biofuel production cost and its degradative effect over the fuel systems that alter the operating safety. Moreover, experimentation on full-scale aeronautic turbines are expensive and complex, leading to most of the research to the testing of small-size turbojets with a major absence of information regarding the effects in the energy performance and the emissions. The main purpose of the current study is to present the results of experimentation in a full-scale military turbojet engine J69-T-25A (presented in Fig. 1) with 640 kW of power rating and using blends of Jet A1 with oil palm biodiesel. The main findings are related to the thrust specific fuel consumption – TSFC, the engine global efficiency – η, the air/fuel ratio – AFR and the volume fractions of O2, CO2, CO, and HC. Two fuels are used in the present study: a commercial Jet A1 and a Colombian palm oil biodiesel. The experimental plan is conducted using the biodiesel volume contents - w_BD from 0 % (B0) to 50 % (B50). The engine operating regimes are set to Idle, Cruise, and Take-off conditions. The turbojet engine J69 is used by the Colombian Air Force and it is installed in a testing bench with the instrumentation that corresponds to the technical manual of the engine. The increment of w_BD from 0 % to 50 % reduces the η near 3,3 % and the thrust force in a 26,6 % at Idle regime. These variations are related to the reduction of the 〖HHV〗_ad of the fuel blend. The evolved CO and HC tend to be reduced in all the operating conditions when increasing w_BD. Furthermore, a reduction of the atomization angle is presented in Fig. 2, indicating a poor atomization in the fuel nozzle injectors when using a higher biodiesel content as the viscosity of fuel blend increases. An evolution of cloudiness is also observed during the shutdown procedure as presented in Fig. 3a, particularly after 20 % of biodiesel content in the fuel blend. This promotes the contamination of some components of the combustion chamber of the J69 engine with soot and unburned matter (Fig. 3). Thus, the substitution of biodiesel content above 20 % is not recommended in order to avoid a significant decrease of η and the thrust force. A more detail examination of the mechanical wearing of the main components of the engine is advised in further studies.Keywords: aviation, air to fuel ratio, biodiesel, energy performance, fuel atomization, gas turbine
Procedia PDF Downloads 1103798 Growth Performance and Intestinal Morphology of Isa Brown Pullet Chicks Fed Diets Containing Turmeric and Clove
Authors: Ayoola Doris Ayodele, Grace Oluwatoyin Tayo, Martha Dupe Olumide, Opeyemi Arinola Ajayi, Ayodeji Taofeek Ayo-Bello
Antibiotics have been widely used in animal nutrition to improve growth performance and health worldwide for many decades. However, there are rising concerns on the negative impact of dependence on antibiotic growth promoters (AGP) to improve animal performance despite its tremendous use. The need to improve performance in poultry production creates demand for natural alternative sources. Phytogenic feed additives (PFA) are plant-derived natural bioactive compounds that could be incorporated into animal feed to enhance livestock productivity. The effect of Turmeric, clove and turmeric + clove as feed additive was evaluated on performance and intestinal morphology of egg type chickens. 504- fifteen day old Isa brown chicks were weighed and randomly distributed to nine dietary treatments by a 3 x 3 factorial arrangement (test ingredient x inclusion level) in a completely randomized design, with four replicates of 14 birds each. The birds were fed Chick starter diet containing (2800 kcal/kg ME; 20.8% CP). Dietary treatments were Group 1 (T1- basal diet with 0% Turmeric inclusion), (T2- basal diet with 1% Turmeric inclusion), (T3- basal diet with 2% Turmeric inclusion). Group 2 (T4- basal diet with 0% clove inclusion), (T5- basal diet with 1% clove inclusion), (T6- basal diet with 2% clove inclusion). Group 3, turmeric + clove combination on 1:1 ratio weight for weight (T7- basal diet with 0% turmeric + 0% clove inclusion), (T8- basal diet with 0.5% turmeric + 0.5 clove% inclusion), (T9- basal diet with 1% turmeric + 1% clove inclusion). Performance parameters were evaluated throughout the experiment. The experiment spanned from day 15 to 56. Data were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) followed by Duncan’s Multiple Range Test with significance of P≤ 0.05. Significant differences (P>0.05) were not observed in final body weight, weight gain, feed intake and FCR among birds fed with diets containing across the treatments. However, birds fed with test ingredients showed higher numerical values in final body weight and weight gain when compared to the birds without additive. Birds on T8 had the highest final body weight value of 617.33 g and low values in all the control treatments (T1 -588 g, T4- 572 g and T7 -584 g). At day 56, intestinal samples were taken from the jejunum and ileum to evaluate the villus height, crypt depth and villus: crypt depth ratio. Addition of turmeric, clove and turmeric + clove in the diet produced significant (P< 0.05) effect on Jejunum and ileum of birds. Therefore, Turmeric and clove can be used as feed additives for pullet birds because they have a positive effect on growth performance and intestinal morphology of pullet chicks.Keywords: clove, intestinal morphology, isa brown chicks, performance, turmeric
Procedia PDF Downloads 1613797 Effect of Combining Return Policy and Early Order Commitment on Supply Chain Performance
Authors: Hamed Homaei, Seyed Reza Hejazi, Iraj Mahdavi
Return policy (RP) is a strategy for supply chain coordination, whereby the retailer returns the unsold products to the manufacturer or the manufacturer offers a credit on unsold products to the retailer at the end of selling season. Early order commitment (EOC) is another efficient mechanism for channel coordination wherein the retailer commits to purchasing from the manufacturer a fixed order quantity a few periods in advance of the regular delivery lead time. This paper studies the coordination issue of a two-level supply chain with one retailer and one manufacturer through combining two mentioned contracts. The main purpose of this paper is to present an analytical model to show that how the contract which is created by combining RP and EOC can improve supply chain performance. Numerical analyses show that the supply chain coordination through mentioned contract in compare with EOC mechanism, can improve supply chain performance under certain ranges of model parameters. Furthermore, some numerical analyses are done to determine the best buyback price in order to achieve maximum cost saving in the supply chain. Finally, a revenue sharing scheme is presented in order to achieve a win-win condition in the supply chain.Keywords: supply chain coordination, early order commitment, return policy, revenue sharing
Procedia PDF Downloads 2953796 Preparation and Characterization of Newly Developed Trabecular Structures in Titanium Alloy to Optimize Osteointegration
Authors: M. Regis, E. Marin, S. Fusi, M. Pressacco, L. Fedrizzi
Electron Beam Melting (EBM) process was used to prepare porous scaffolds with controlled porosity to ensure optimal levels of osteointegration for different trabeculae sizes. Morphological characterization by means of SEM analyses was carried out to assess pore dimensions; tensile, compression and adhesion tests have been carried out to determine the mechanical behavior. The results indicate that EBM process allows the creation of regular and repeatable porous scaffolds. Mechanical properties greatly depend on pore dimension and on bulk-pore ratio. Adhesion resistance meets the normative requirements, and the overall performance of the produced structures is compatible with potential orthopaedic applications.Keywords: additive manufacturing, orthopaedic implants, osteointegration, trabecular structures
Procedia PDF Downloads 3223795 Application of Principal Component Analysis and Ordered Logit Model in Diabetic Kidney Disease Progression in People with Type 2 Diabetes
Authors: Mequanent Wale Mekonen, Edoardo Otranto, Angela Alibrandi
Diabetic kidney disease is one of the main microvascular complications caused by diabetes. Several clinical and biochemical variables are reported to be associated with diabetic kidney disease in people with type 2 diabetes. However, their interrelations could distort the effect estimation of these variables for the disease's progression. The objective of the study is to determine how the biochemical and clinical variables in people with type 2 diabetes are interrelated with each other and their effects on kidney disease progression through advanced statistical methods. First, principal component analysis was used to explore how the biochemical and clinical variables intercorrelate with each other, which helped us reduce a set of correlated biochemical variables to a smaller number of uncorrelated variables. Then, ordered logit regression models (cumulative, stage, and adjacent) were employed to assess the effect of biochemical and clinical variables on the order-level response variable (progression of kidney function) by considering the proportionality assumption for more robust effect estimation. This retrospective cross-sectional study retrieved data from a type 2 diabetic cohort in a polyclinic hospital at the University of Messina, Italy. The principal component analysis yielded three uncorrelated components. These are principal component 1, with negative loading of glycosylated haemoglobin, glycemia, and creatinine; principal component 2, with negative loading of total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein; and principal component 3, with negative loading of high-density lipoprotein and a positive load of triglycerides. The ordered logit models (cumulative, stage, and adjacent) showed that the first component (glycosylated haemoglobin, glycemia, and creatinine) had a significant effect on the progression of kidney disease. For instance, the cumulative odds model indicated that the first principal component (linear combination of glycosylated haemoglobin, glycemia, and creatinine) had a strong and significant effect on the progression of kidney disease, with an effect or odds ratio of 0.423 (P value = 0.000). However, this effect was inconsistent across levels of kidney disease because the first principal component did not meet the proportionality assumption. To address the proportionality problem and provide robust effect estimates, alternative ordered logit models, such as the partial cumulative odds model, the partial adjacent category model, and the partial continuation ratio model, were used. These models suggested that clinical variables such as age, sex, body mass index, medication (metformin), and biochemical variables such as glycosylated haemoglobin, glycemia, and creatinine have a significant effect on the progression of kidney disease.Keywords: diabetic kidney disease, ordered logit model, principal component analysis, type 2 diabetes
Procedia PDF Downloads 423794 The Incidence of Prostate Cancer in Previous Infected E. Coli Population
Authors: Andreea Molnar, Amalia Ardeljan, Lexi Frankel, Marissa Dallara, Brittany Nagel, Omar Rashid
Background: Escherichia coli is a gram-negative, facultative anaerobic bacteria that belongs to the family Enterobacteriaceae and resides in the intestinal tracts of individuals. E.Coli has numerous strains grouped into serogroups and serotypes based on differences in antigens in their cell walls (somatic, or “O” antigens) and flagella (“H” antigens). More than 700 serotypes of E. coli have been identified. Although most strains of E. coli are harmless, a few strains, such as E. coli O157:H7 which produces Shiga toxin, can cause intestinal infection with symptoms of severe abdominal cramps, bloody diarrhea, and vomiting. Infection with E. Coli can lead to the development of systemic inflammation as the toxin exerts its effects. Chronic inflammation is now known to contribute to cancer development in several organs, including the prostate. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the correlation between E. Coli and the incidence of prostate cancer. Methods: Data collected in this cohort study was provided by a Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliant national database to evaluate patients infected with E.Coli infection and prostate cancer using the International Classification of Disease (ICD-10 and ICD-9 codes). Permission to use the database was granted by Holy Cross Health, Fort Lauderdale for the purpose of academic research. Data analysis was conducted through the use of standard statistical methods. Results: Between January 2010 and December 2019, the query was analyzed and resulted in 81, 037 patients after matching in both infected and control groups, respectively. The two groups were matched by Age Range and CCI score. The incidence of prostate cancer was 2.07% and 1,680 patients in the E. Coli group compared to 5.19% and 4,206 patients in the control group. The difference was statistically significant by a p-value p<2.2x10-16 with an Odds Ratio of 0.53 and a 95% CI. Based on the specific treatment for E.Coli, the infected group vs control group were matched again with a result of 31,696 patients in each group. 827 out of 31,696 (2.60%) patients with a prior E.coli infection and treated with antibiotics were compared to 1634 out of 31,696 (5.15%) patients with no history of E.coli infection (control) and received antibiotic treatment. Both populations subsequently developed prostate carcinoma. Results remained statistically significant (p<2.2x10-16), Odds Ratio=0.55 (95% CI 0.51-0.59). Conclusion: This retrospective study shows a statistically significant correlation between E.Coli infection and a decreased incidence of prostate cancer. Further evaluation is needed in order to identify the impact of E.Coli infection and prostate cancer development.Keywords: E. Coli, prostate cancer, protective, microbiology
Procedia PDF Downloads 2163793 An Empirical Study of Critical Success Factors for the Adoption of M-Government Services in Tanzania
Authors: Fredrick Ishengoma, Leonard Mselle, Hector Mongi
The growing number of mobile phone subscribers in Tanzania offers the government a new channel for the delivery of information and government services to citizens, thus mobile Government (m-Government). In Tanzania, m-Government services usage is in the early stages, and factors that influence its adoption are yet to be known. This study seeks to identify and understand the critical success factors (CSFs) that influence citizens’ behavioural intention (BI) to adopt m-Government services in Tanzania. The study employed the mobile services acceptance model (MSAM) and extends it with external factors relevant in the Tanzanian context. A survey questionnaire was used to collect primary data from users of m-Government services in Dar es salaam and Dodoma cities, and 253 responses were received. Data were analyzed by IBM-SPSS AMOS 23.0 software using structural equation modeling (SEM). The findings of the study indicate that perceived usefulness, trust, perceived mobility, power distance, quality of service, awareness, perceived cost, personal initiatives, and characteristics significantly influence the BI to adopt m-Government services. However, perceived ease of use was found statistically insignificant to predict BI. Furthermore, the interplay between CSFs, discussion on theoretical and practical implications that follow from the results are presented.Keywords: adoption, critical success factors, structural equation modeling, m-Government, MSAM, Tanzania
Procedia PDF Downloads 1503792 Lifting Wavelet Transform and Singular Values Decomposition for Secure Image Watermarking
Authors: Siraa Ben Ftima, Mourad Talbi, Tahar Ezzedine
In this paper, we present a technique of secure watermarking of grayscale and color images. This technique consists in applying the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) in LWT (Lifting Wavelet Transform) domain in order to insert the watermark image (grayscale) in the host image (grayscale or color image). It also uses signature in the embedding and extraction steps. The technique is applied on a number of grayscale and color images. The performance of this technique is proved by the PSNR (Pick Signal to Noise Ratio), the MSE (Mean Square Error) and the SSIM (structural similarity) computations.Keywords: lifting wavelet transform (LWT), sub-space vectorial decomposition, secure, image watermarking, watermark
Procedia PDF Downloads 2773791 The Convergence of Communication, Information Technology, and Strategic Communication: Driving Impact in a Connected World
Authors: Daniel Ngusha Chile
The rapid advancement of communication and information technology has significantly transformed how organisations engage in strategic communication. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, leveraging the convergence of these fields is essential for driving impact and fostering innovation. This study examines the integration of communication, information technology, and strategic communication, exploring how their synergy enhances message delivery, audience engagement, and organisational effectiveness. Using a mixed-methods approach, the research employs surveys and case studies to investigate the adoption of digital tools and platforms in strategic communication practices across various industries. Quantitative data were analysed to identify trends in technology use, while qualitative insights were drawn from interviews with communication professionals to understand challenges and best practices. The findings reveal that organisations which strategically integrate communication and information technology experience improved message clarity, wider audience reach, and stronger brand positioning. However, the study also highlights barriers such as gaps in technological literacy and ethical concerns regarding data privacy. In conclusion, the convergence of communication, information technology, and strategic communication is pivotal in shaping the future of organisational success. Embracing these advancements enables more effective engagement, adaptability, and resilience in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.Keywords: communication, information technology, strategic communication, digital transformation
Procedia PDF Downloads 63790 Optimal Design of Polymer Based Piezoelectric Actuator with Varying Thickness and Length Ratios
Authors: Vineet Tiwari, R. K. Dwivedi, Geetika Srivastava
Piezoelectric cantilevers are exploited for their use in sensors and actuators. In this study, a unimorph cantilever beam is considered as a study element with a piezoelectric polymer Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) layer bonded to a substrate layer. The different substrates like polysilicon, stainless steel and silicon nitride are tried for the study. An effort has been made to optimize and study the effect of the various parameters of the device in order to achieve maximum tip deflection. The variation of the tip displacement of the cantilever with respect to the length ratio of the nonpiezoelectric layer to the piezoelectric layer has been studied. The electric response of this unimorph cantilever beam is simulated with the help of finite element analysis software COMSOL Multiphysics.Keywords: actuators, cantilever, piezoelectric, sensors, PVDF
Procedia PDF Downloads 4323789 Effects of Centrifugation, Encapsulation Method and Different Coating Materials on the Total Antioxidant Activity of the Microcapsules of Powdered Cherry Laurels
Authors: B. Cilek Tatar, G. Sumnu, M. Oztop, E. Ayaz
Encapsulation protects sensitive food ingredients against heat, oxygen, moisture and pH until they are released to the system. It can mask the unwanted taste of nutrients that are added to the foods for fortification purposes. Cherry laurels (Prunus laurocerasus) contain phenolic compounds which decrease the proneness to several chronic diseases such as types of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. The objective of this research was to study the effects of centrifugation, different coating materials and homogenization methods on microencapsulation of powders obtained from cherry laurels. In this study, maltodextrin and mixture of maltodextrin:whey protein with a ratio of 1:3 (w/w) were chosen as coating materials. Total solid content of coating materials was kept constant as 10% (w/w). Capsules were obtained from powders of freeze-dried cherry laurels through encapsulation process by silent crusher homogenizer or microfluidization. Freeze-dried cherry laurels were core materials and core to coating ratio was chosen as 1:10 by weight. To homogenize the mixture, high speed homogenizer was used at 4000 rpm for 5 min. Then, silent crusher or microfluidizer was used to complete encapsulation process. The mixtures were treated either by silent crusher for 1 min at 75000 rpm or microfluidizer at 50 MPa for 3 passes. Freeze drying for 48 hours was applied to emulsions to obtain capsules in powder form. After these steps, dry capsules were grounded manually into a fine powder. The microcapsules were analyzed for total antioxidant activity with DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) radical scavenging method. Prior to high speed homogenization, the samples were centrifuged (4000 rpm, 1 min). Centrifugation was found to have positive effect on total antioxidant activity of capsules. Microcapsules treated by microfluidizer were found to have higher total antioxidant activities than those treated by silent crusher. It was found that increasing whey protein concentration in coating material (using maltodextrin:whey protein 1:3 mixture) had positive effect on total antioxidant activity for both silent crusher and microfluidization methods. Therefore, capsules prepared by microfluidization of centrifuged mixtures can be selected as the best conditions for encapsulation of cherry laurel powder by considering their total antioxidant activity. In this study, it was shown that capsules prepared by these methods can be recommended to be incorporated into foods in order to enhance their functionality by increasing antioxidant activity.Keywords: antioxidant activity, cherry laurel, microencapsulation, microfluidization
Procedia PDF Downloads 2953788 Predictors of Glycaemic Variability and Its Association with Mortality in Critically Ill Patients with or without Diabetes
Authors: Haoming Ma, Guo Yu, Peiru Zhou
Background: Previous studies show that dysglycemia, mostly hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia and glycemic variability(GV), are associated with excess mortality in critically ill patients, especially those without diabetes. Glycemic variability is an increasingly important measure of glucose control in the intensive care unit (ICU) due to this association. However, there is limited data pertaining to the relationship between different clinical factors and glycemic variability and clinical outcomes categorized by their DM status. This retrospective study of 958 intensive care unit(ICU) patients was conducted to investigate the relationship between GV and outcome in critically ill patients and further to determine the significant factors that contribute to the glycemic variability. Aim: We hypothesize that the factors contributing to mortality and the glycemic variability are different from critically ill patients with or without diabetes. And the primary aim of this study was to determine which dysglycemia (hyperglycemia\hypoglycemia\glycemic variability) is independently associated with an increase in mortality among critically ill patients in different groups (DM/Non-DM). Secondary objectives were to further investigate any factors affecting the glycemic variability in two groups. Method: A total of 958 diabetic and non-diabetic patients with severe diseases in the ICU were selected for this retrospective analysis. The glycemic variability was defined as the coefficient of variation (CV) of blood glucose. The main outcome was death during hospitalization. The secondary outcome was GV. The logistic regression model was used to identify factors associated with mortality. The relationships between GV and other variables were investigated using linear regression analysis. Results: Information on age, APACHE II score, GV, gender, in-ICU treatment and nutrition was available for 958 subjects. Predictors remaining in the final logistic regression model for mortality were significantly different in DM/Non-DM groups. Glycemic variability was associated with an increase in mortality in both DM(odds ratio 1.05; 95%CI:1.03-1.08,p<0.001) or Non-DM group(odds ratio 1.07; 95%CI:1.03-1.11,p=0.002). For critically ill patients without diabetes, factors associated with glycemic variability included APACHE II score(regression coefficient, 95%CI:0.29,0.22-0.36,p<0.001), Mean BG(0.73,0.46-1.01,p<0.001), total parenteral nutrition(2.87,1.57-4.17,p<0.001), serum albumin(-0.18,-0.271 to -0.082,p<0.001), insulin treatment(2.18,0.81-3.55,p=0.002) and duration of ventilation(0.006,0.002-1.010,p=0.003).However, for diabetes patients, APACHE II score(0.203,0.096-0.310,p<0.001), mean BG(0.503,0.138-0.869,p=0.007) and duration of diabetes(0.167,0.033-0.301,p=0.015) remained as independent risk factors of GV. Conclusion: We found that the relation between dysglycemia and mortality is different in the diabetes and non-diabetes groups. And we confirm that GV was associated with excess mortality in DM or Non-DM patients. Furthermore, APACHE II score, Mean BG, total parenteral nutrition, serum albumin, insulin treatment and duration of ventilation were significantly associated with an increase in GV in Non-DM patients. While APACHE II score, mean BG and duration of diabetes (years) remained as independent risk factors of increased GV in DM patients. These findings provide important context for further prospective trials investigating the effect of different clinical factors in critically ill patients with or without diabetes.Keywords: diabetes, glycemic variability, predictors, severe disease
Procedia PDF Downloads 1893787 Estimation of Population Mean under Random Non-Response in Two-Phase Successive Sampling
Authors: M. Khalid, G. N. Singh
In this paper, we have considered the problem of estimation for population mean, on current (second) occasion in the presence of random non response in two-occasion successive sampling under two phase set-up. Modified exponential type estimators have been proposed, and their properties are studied under the assumptions that numbers of sampling units follow a distribution due to random non response situations. The performances of the proposed estimators are compared with linear combinations of two estimators, (a) sample mean estimator for fresh sample and (b) ratio estimator for matched sample under the complete response situations. Results are demonstrated through empirical studies which present the effectiveness of the proposed estimators. Suitable recommendations have been made to the survey practitioners.Keywords: successive sampling, random non-response, auxiliary variable, bias, mean square error
Procedia PDF Downloads 5223786 Experimental Analysis of Tuned Liquid Damper (TLD) for High Raised Structures
Authors: Mohamad Saberi, Arash Sohrabi
Tuned liquid damper is one the passive structural control ways which has been used since mid-1980 decade for seismic control in civil engineering. This system is made of one or many tanks filled with fluid, mostly water that installed on top of the high raised structure and used to prevent structure vibration. In this article, we will show how to make seismic table contain TLD system and analysis the result of using this system in our structure. Results imply that when frequency ratio approaches 1 this system can perform its best in both dissipate energy and increasing structural damping. And also results of these serial experiments are proved compatible with Hunzer linear theory behaviour.Keywords: TLD, seismic table, structural system, Hunzer linear behaviour
Procedia PDF Downloads 3363785 The Flexural Strength of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Cement Mortars Using UM Resin
Authors: Min Ho Kwon, Woo Young Jung, Hyun Su Seo
A Polymer Cement Mortar (PCM) has been widely used as the material of repair and restoration work for concrete structure; however a PCM usually induces an environmental pollutant. Therefore, there is a need to develop PCM which is less impact to environments. Usually, UM resin is known to be harmless to the environment. Accordingly, in this paper, the properties of the PCM using UM resin were studied. The general cement mortar and UM resin was mixed in the specified ratio. A certain percentage of PVA fibers, steel fibers and mixed fibers (PVA fiber and steel fiber) were added to enhance the flexural strength. The flexural tests were performed in order to investigate the flexural strength of each PCM. Experimental results showed that the strength of proposed PCM using UM resin is improved when they are compared with general cement mortar.Keywords: polymer cement mortar, UM resin, compressive strength, PVA fiber, steel fiber
Procedia PDF Downloads 3433784 Bulk Amounts of Linear and Cyclic Polypeptides on Our Hand within a Short Time
Polypeptides with defined peptide sequences illustrate the power of remarkable applications in drug delivery, tissue engineering, sensing and catalysis. Especially the cyclic polypeptides, the distinctive topological architecture imparts many characteristic properties comparing to linear polypeptides. Here, a facile and highly efficient strategy for the synthesis of linear and cyclic polypeptides is reported using N-heterocyclic carbenes (NHCs)-mediated ring-opening polymerization (ROP) of α-amino acid N-carboxyanhydrides (NCA) in the presence or absence of primary amine initiator. The polymerization proceeds rapidly in a quasi-living manner, allowing access to linear and cyclic polypeptides of well-defined chain length and narrow polydispersity, as evidenced by nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum (1H NMR and 13C NMR spectra) and size exclusion chromatography (SEC) analysis. The cyclic architecture of the polypeptides was further verified by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectra (MALDI-TOF MS) and electrospray ionization (ESI) mass spectra, as well as viscosity studies. This approach can also simplify workup procedures and make bulk scale synthesis possible, which thereby opens avenues for practical uses in diverse areas, opening up the new generation of polypeptide synthesis.Keywords: α-amino acid N-carboxyanhydrides, living polymerization, polypeptides, N-heterocyclic carbenes, ring-opening polymerization
Procedia PDF Downloads 1673783 Reliability Analysis of Partial Safety Factor Design Method for Slopes in Granular Soils
Authors: K. E. Daryani, H. Mohamad
Uncertainties in the geo-structure analysis and design have a significant impact on the safety of slopes. Traditionally, uncertainties in the geotechnical design are addressed by incorporating a conservative factor of safety in the analytical model. In this paper, a risk-based approach is adopted to assess the influence of the geotechnical variable uncertainties on the stability of infinite slopes in cohesionless soils using the “partial factor of safety on shear strength” approach as stated in Eurocode 7. Analyses conducted using Monte Carlo simulation show that the same partial factor can have very different levels of risk depending on the degree of uncertainty of the mean values of the soil friction angle and void ratio.Keywords: Safety, Probability of Failure, Reliability, Infinite Slopes, Sand.
Procedia PDF Downloads 5753782 Contribution in Fatigue Life Prediction of Composite Material
Authors: Mostefa Bendouba, Djebli Abdelkader, Abdelkrim Aid, Mohamed Benguediab
The damage evolution mechanism is one of the important focuses of fatigue behaviour investigation of composite materials and also is the foundation to predict fatigue life of composite structures for engineering application. This paper is dedicated to a damage investigation under two block loading cycle fatigue conditions submitted to composite material. The loading sequence effect and the influence of the cycle ratio of the first stage on the cumulative fatigue life were studied herein. Two loading sequences, i.e., high-to-low and low-to-high cases are considered in this paper. The proposed damage indicator is connected cycle by cycle to the S-N curve and the experimental results are in agreement with model expectations. Some experimental researches are used to validate this proposition.Keywords: fatigue, damage acumulation, composite, evolution
Procedia PDF Downloads 5023781 DesignChain: Automated Design of Products Featuring a Large Number of Variants
Authors: Lars Rödel, Jonas Krebs, Gregor Müller
The growing price pressure due to the increasing number of global suppliers, the growing individualization of products and ever-shorter delivery times are upcoming challenges in the industry. In this context, Mass Personalization stands for the individualized production of customer products in batch size 1 at the price of standardized products. The possibilities of digitalization and automation of technical order processing open up the opportunity for companies to significantly reduce their cost of complexity and lead times and thus enhance their competitiveness. Many companies already use a range of CAx tools and configuration solutions today. Often, the expert knowledge of employees is hidden in "knowledge silos" and is rarely networked across processes. DesignChain describes the automated digital process from the recording of individual customer requirements, through design and technical preparation, to production. Configurators offer the possibility of mapping variant-rich products within the Design Chain. This transformation of customer requirements into product features makes it possible to generate even complex CAD models, such as those for large-scale plants, on a rule-based basis. With the aid of an automated CAx chain, production-relevant documents are thus transferred digitally to production. This process, which can be fully automated, allows variants to always be generated on the basis of current version statuses.Keywords: automation, design, CAD, CAx
Procedia PDF Downloads 763780 The Fadama Initiative: Implications for Human Security and Sustainable Development in Nigeria
Authors: Albert T. Akume, Yahya M. Abdullahi
The impact of poverty on individual and society is grave, hence the efforts by the government to eradicate or alleviate. In Nigeria the various efforts to reduce rural poverty by empowering them and making the process of their development self-sustaining have ended dismally. That notwithstanding, government determination to conquer poverty has not diminish as in the early 1990s the government with financial collaboration from the World Bank and African Development Bank introduced the fadama project. It is against this backdrop that this paper uses the documentary and analytical research methods to examine the implication the fadama development project has for community capacity development and human security in Nigeria. From the analysis it was discovered the fadama project improved household income of fadama farmers, community empowerment, participatory development planning and support for demand driven productive investment in farm and non-farm activities including community infrastructures. Despite this impressive result the fadama project is challenged by conflict especially in northern Nigeria and late delivery of necessary farm consumables that aid improved productivity. It was therefore recommended that the government should strengthen her various state security institutions to proactively mitigate conflicts and to ensure that farm consumables and other support services reach farmers timely.Keywords: capacity development, empowerment, fadama, human security, poverty reduction, theory of change, sustainable development
Procedia PDF Downloads 4993779 Experimental Squeeze Flow of Bitumen: Rheological Properties
The squeeze flow tests were studied by many authors to measure the rheological properties of fluid. Experimental squeezing flow test with constant area between two parallel disks of bitumen is investigated in the present work. The effect of the temperature, the process of preparing the sample and the gap between the discs were discussed. The obtained results were compared with the theoretical models. The behavior of bitumen depends on the viscosity and the yield stress. Thus, the bitumen was presented as a power law for a small power law exponent and as a biviscous fluid when the viscosity ratio was smaller than one. Also, the influence of the ambient temperature is required for the compression test. Therefore, for a high temperature the yield stress decrease.Keywords: bitumen, biviscous fluid, squeeze flow, viscosity, yield stress
Procedia PDF Downloads 1413778 Supercritical Methanol for Biodiesel Production from Jatropha Oil in the Presence of Heterogeneous Catalysts
Authors: Velid Demir, Mesut Akgün
The lanthanum and zinc oxide were synthesized and then loaded with 6 wt% over γ-Al₂O₃ using the wet impregnation method. The samples were calcined at 900 °C to ensure a coherent structure with high catalytic performance. Characterization of the catalysts was verified by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). The effect of catalysts on biodiesel content from jatropha oil was studied under supercritical conditions. The results showed that ZnO/γ-Al₂O₃ was the superior catalyst for jatropha oil with 98.05% biodiesel under reaction conditions of 7 min reaction time, 1:40 oil to methanol molar ratio, 6 wt% of catalyst loading, 90 bar of reaction pressure, and 300 °C of reaction temperature, compared to 95.50% with La₂O₃/γ-Al₂O₃ at the same parameters. For this study, ZnO/γ-Al₂O₃ was the most suitable catalyst due to performance and cost considerations.Keywords: biodiesel, heterogeneous catalyst, jatropha oil, supercritical methanol, transesterification
Procedia PDF Downloads 893777 Contrast Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Angiography in Rats with Gadobenate Dimeglumine at 3T
Authors: Jao Jo-Chi, Chen Yen-Ku, Jaw Twei-Shiun, Chen Po-Chou
This study aimed to investigate the magnetic resonance (MR) signal enhancement ratio (ER) of contrast-enhanced MR angiography (CE-MRA) in normal rats with gadobenate dimeglumine (Gd-BOPTA) using a clinical 3T scanner and an extremity coil. The relaxivities of Gd-BOPTA with saline only and with 4.5 % human serum albumin (HSA) were also measured. Compared with Gadolinium diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid (Gd-DTPA), Gd-BOPTA had higher relaxivities. The maximum ER of Aorta (ERa), kidney, liver and muscle with Gd-BOPTA were higher than those with Gd-DTPA. The maximum ERa appeared at 1.2 min and decayed to half at 10 min after Gd-BOPTA injection. This information is helpful for the design of CE-MRA study of rats.Keywords: contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography, Gd-BOPTA, Gd-DTPA, rat
Procedia PDF Downloads 6283776 Synthesis and Solubilization of Flurbiprofen Derivatives and Investigation of Their Biological Activities
Authors: Muhammad Mustaqeem, Musa Kaleem Baloch, Irfan Ullah, Ammarah Luqman, Afshan Ahmad
Flurbiprofen is one of the most potent nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It is widely used for relief of pain in patients suffering from rheumatic diseases, migraine, sore throat and primary dysmenorrhea. However, its aqueous solubility is very low and hinders the skin permeation. Thus, it is imperative to develop such a drug delivery systems which can improve its aqueous solubility and hence improve the skin permeation and therapeutic compliance. Microemulsions have been also proven to increase the cutaneous absorption of lipophilic drugs as compared to conventional vehicles. Micro-emulsion is thermodynamically stable emulsion that has the capacity to ‘hide/solubilize’ water-insoluble molecules within a continuous oil phase. Therefore, flurbiprofen was converted to Easters through chemical reactions with alcohols such as methanol, ethanol, propanol and butanol. The product was further treated with hydrazine to get hydrazide. The solubility of the parent drug Flurbiprofen and the products were solubilized in microemulsions formed using various surfactants like ionic, non-ionic and zwitterions. It has been concluded that the product was more soluble than the parent compound. The biological activities of these were also investigated. The outcome was very promising and the product was more active than the parent compound. It, therefore, concluded that in this way, we can not only enhance the solubility of the drug and increase its bioactivity, but also reduce the risk of stomach cancer.Keywords: Flurbiprofen, microemulsion, surfactants, hyrazides
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