Search results for: heat vulnerability index
4451 Evaluation of Different Fertilization Practices and Their Impacts on Soil Chemical and Microbial Properties in Two Agroecological Zones of Ghana
Authors: Ansong Richard Omari, Yosei Oikawa, Yoshiharu Fujii, Dorothea Sonoko Bellingrath-Kimura
Renewed interest in soil management aimed at improving the productive capacity of Sub Saharan Africa (SSA) soils has called for the need to analyse the long term effect of different fertilization systems on soil. This study was conducted in two agroecological zones (i.e., Guinea Savannah (GS) and Deciduous forest (DF)) of Ghana to evaluate the impacts of long term (> 5 years) fertilization schemes on soil chemical and microbial properties. Soil samples under four different fertilization schemes (inorganic, inorganic and organic, organic, and no fertilization) were collected from 20 farmers` field in both agroecological zones. Soil analyses were conducted using standard procedures. All average soil quality parameters except extractable C, potential mineralizable nitrogen and CEC were significantly higher in DF sites compared to GS. Inorganic fertilization proved superior in soil chemical and microbial biomass especially in GS zone. In GS, soil deterioration index (DI) revealed that soil quality deteriorated significantly (−26%) under only organic fertilization system whereas soil improvement was observed under inorganic and no fertilization sites. In DF, either inorganic or organic and inorganic fertilization showed significant positive effects on soil quality. The high soil chemical composition and enhanced microbial biomass in DF were associated with the high rate of inorganic fertilization.Keywords: deterioration index, fertilization scheme, microbial biomass, tropical agroecological zone
Procedia PDF Downloads 4074450 Clinical and Sleep Features in an Australian Population Diagnosed with Mild Cognitive Impairment
Authors: Sadie Khorramnia, Asha Bonney, Kate Galloway, Andrew Kyoong
Sleep plays a pivotal role in the registration and consolidation of memory. Multiple observational studies have demonstrated that self-reported sleep duration and sleep quality are associated with cognitive performance. Montreal Cognitive Assessment questionnaire is a screening tool to assess mild cognitive (MCI) impairment with a 90% diagnostic sensitivity. In our current study, we used MOCA to identify MCI in patients who underwent sleep study in our sleep department. We then looked at the clinical risk factors and sleep-related parameters in subjects found to have mild cognitive impairment but without a diagnosis of sleep-disordered breathing. Clinical risk factors, including physician, diagnosed hypertension, diabetes, and depression and sleep-related parameters, measured during sleep study, including percentage time of each sleep stage, total sleep time, awakenings, sleep efficiency, apnoea hypopnoea index, and oxygen saturation, were evaluated. A total of 90 subjects who underwent sleep study between March 2019 and October 2019 were included. Currently, there is no pharmacotherapy available for MCI; therefore, identifying the risk factors and attempting to reverse or mitigate their effect is pivotal in slowing down the rate of cognitive deterioration. Further characterization of sleep parameters in this group of patients could open up opportunities for potentially beneficial interventions.Keywords: apnoea hypopnea index, mild cognitive impairment, sleep architecture, sleep study
Procedia PDF Downloads 1454449 Fodder Production and Livestock Rearing in Relation to Climate Change and Possible Adaptation Measures in Manaslu Conservation Area, Nepal
Authors: Bhojan Dhakal, Naba Raj Devkota, Chet Raj Upreti, Maheshwar Sapkota
A study was conducted to find out the production potential, nutrient composition, and the variability of the most commonly available fodder trees along with the varying altitude to help optimize the dry matter requirement during winter lean period. The study was carried out from March to June, 2012 in Lho and Prok Village Development Committee of Manaslu Conservation Area (MCA), located in Gorkha district of Nepal. The other objective of the research was to learn the impact of climate change on livestock production linking it with feed availability. The study was conducted in two parts: social and biological. Accordingly, a households (HHs) survey was conducted to collect primary data from 70 HHs, focusing on the perception of respondents on impacts of climatic variability on the feeding management. The next part consisted of understanding yield potential and nutrient composition of the four most commonly available fodder trees (M. azedirach, M. alba, F. roxburghii, F. nemoralis), within two altitudes range: (1500-2000 masl and 2000-2500 masl) by using a RCB design in 2*4 factorial combination of treatments, each replicated four times. Results revealed that majority of the farmers perceived the change in climatic phenomenon more severely within the past five years. Farmers were using different adaptation technologies such as collection of forage from jungle, reducing unproductive animals, fodder trees utilization, and crop by product feeding at feed scarcity period. Ranking of the different fodder trees on the basis of indigenous knowledge and experiences revealed that F. roxburghii was the best-preferred fodder tree species (index value 0.72) in terms overall preferability whereas M. azedirach had highest growth and productivity (index value 0.77), F. roxburghii had highest adoptability (index value 0.69) and palatability (index value 0.69) as well. Similarly, fresh yield and dry matter yield of the each fodder trees was significant (P < 0.01) between the altitude and within species. Fodder trees yield analysis revealed that the highest dry matter (DM) yield (28 kg/tree) was obtained for F. roxburghii but that remained statistically similar (P > 0.05) to the other treatment. On the other hand, most of the parameters: ether extract (EE), acid detergent lignin (ADL), acid detergent fibre (ADF), cell wall digestibility (CWD), relative digestibility (RD), digestible nutrient (TDN), and Calcium (Ca) among the treatments were highly significant (P < 0.01). This indicates the scope of introducing productive and nutritive fodder trees species even at the high altitude to help reduce fodder scarcity problem during winter. The finding also revealed the scope of promoting all available local fodder trees species as crude protein content of these species were similar.Keywords: fodder trees, yield potential, climate change, nutrient composition
Procedia PDF Downloads 3144448 Urban Greenery in the Greatest Polish Cities: Analysis of Spatial Concentration
Authors: Elżbieta Antczak
Cities offer important opportunities for economic development and for expanding access to basic services, including health care and education, for large numbers of people. Moreover, green areas (as an integral part of sustainable urban development) present a major opportunity for improving urban environments, quality of lives and livelihoods. This paper examines, using spatial concentration and spatial taxonomic measures, regional diversification of greenery in the cities of Poland. The analysis includes location quotients, Lorenz curve, Locational Gini Index, and the synthetic index of greenery and spatial statistics tools: (1) To verify the occurrence of strong concentration or dispersion of the phenomenon in time and space depending on the variable category, and, (2) To study if the level of greenery depends on the spatial autocorrelation. The data includes the greatest Polish cities, categories of the urban greenery (parks, lawns, street greenery, and green areas on housing estates, cemeteries, and forests) and the time span 2004-2015. According to the obtained estimations, most of cites in Poland are already taking measures to become greener. However, in the country there are still many barriers to well-balanced urban greenery development (e.g. uncontrolled urban sprawl, poor management as well as lack of spatial urban planning systems).Keywords: greenery, urban areas, regional spatial diversification and concentration, spatial taxonomic measure
Procedia PDF Downloads 2864447 Artificial Neural Networks Application on Nusselt Number and Pressure Drop Prediction in Triangular Corrugated Plate Heat Exchanger
Authors: Hany Elsaid Fawaz Abdallah
This study presents a new artificial neural network(ANN) model to predict the Nusselt Number and pressure drop for the turbulent flow in a triangular corrugated plate heat exchanger for forced air and turbulent water flow. An experimental investigation was performed to create a new dataset for the Nusselt Number and pressure drop values in the following range of dimensionless parameters: The plate corrugation angles (from 0° to 60°), the Reynolds number (from 10000 to 40000), pitch to height ratio (from 1 to 4), and Prandtl number (from 0.7 to 200). Based on the ANN performance graph, the three-layer structure with {12-8-6} hidden neurons has been chosen. The training procedure includes back-propagation with the biases and weight adjustment, the evaluation of the loss function for the training and validation dataset and feed-forward propagation of the input parameters. The linear function was used at the output layer as the activation function, while for the hidden layers, the rectified linear unit activation function was utilized. In order to accelerate the ANN training, the loss function minimization may be achieved by the adaptive moment estimation algorithm (ADAM). The ‘‘MinMax’’ normalization approach was utilized to avoid the increase in the training time due to drastic differences in the loss function gradients with respect to the values of weights. Since the test dataset is not being used for the ANN training, a cross-validation technique is applied to the ANN network using the new data. Such procedure was repeated until loss function convergence was achieved or for 4000 epochs with a batch size of 200 points. The program code was written in Python 3.0 using open-source ANN libraries such as Scikit learn, TensorFlow and Keras libraries. The mean average percent error values of 9.4% for the Nusselt number and 8.2% for pressure drop for the ANN model have been achieved. Therefore, higher accuracy compared to the generalized correlations was achieved. The performance validation of the obtained model was based on a comparison of predicted data with the experimental results yielding excellent accuracy.Keywords: artificial neural networks, corrugated channel, heat transfer enhancement, Nusselt number, pressure drop, generalized correlations
Procedia PDF Downloads 904446 Heat Forging Analysis Method on Blank Consist of Two Metals
Authors: Takashi Ueda, Shinichi Enoki
Forging parts is used to automobiles. Because they have high strength and it is possible to press them into complicated shape. When it is possible to manufacture hollow forging parts, it leads to reduce weight of the automobiles. But, hollow forging parts are confined to axisymmetrical shape. Hollow forging parts that were pressed to complicated shape are expected. Therefore, we forge a blank that aluminum alloy was inserted in stainless steel. After that, we can provide complex forging parts that are reduced weight, if it is possible to be melted the aluminum alloy away by using different of melting points. It is necessary to establish heat forging analysis method on blank consist of stainless steel and aluminum alloy. Because, this forging is different from conventional forging and this technology is not confirmed. In this study, we compared forging experiment with numerical analysis on the view point of forming load and shape after forming and establish how to set the material temperatures of two metals and material property of stainless steel on the analysis method. Consequently, temperature difference of stainless steel and aluminum alloy was obtained by experiment. We got material property of stainless steel on forging experimental by compression tests. We had compared numerical analysis that was used the temperature difference of two metals and the material property of stainless steel on forging experimental with forging experiment. Forging analysis method on blank consist of two metals was established by result of numerical analysis having agreed with result of forging experiment.Keywords: forging, lightweight, analysis, hollow
Procedia PDF Downloads 4154445 Optimal Energy Management and Environmental Index Optimization of a Microgrid Operating by Renewable and Sustainable Generation Systems
Authors: Nabil Mezhoud
The economic operation of electric energy generating systems is one of the predominant problems in energy systems. Due to the need for better reliability, high energy quality, lower losses, lower cost and a clean environment, the application of renewable and sustainable energy sources, such as wind energy, solar energy, etc., in recent years has become more widespread. In this work, one of a bio-inspired meta-heuristic algorithm inspired by the flashing behavior of fireflies at night called the Firefly Algorithm (FFA) is applied to solve the Optimal Energy Management (OEM) and the environmental index (EI) problems of a micro-grid (MG) operating by Renewable and Sustainable Generation Systems (RSGS). Our main goal is to minimize the nonlinear objective function of an electrical microgrid, taking into account equality and inequality constraints. The FFA approach was examined and tested on a standard MG system composed of different types of RSGS, such as wind turbines (WT), photovoltaic systems (PV), and non-renewable energy, such as fuel cells (FC), micro turbine (MT), diesel generator (DEG) and loads with energy storage systems (ESS). The results are promising and show the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed approach to solve the OEM and the EI problems. The results of the proposed method have been compared and validated with those known references published recently.Keywords: renewable energy sources, energy management, distributed generator, micro-grids, firefly algorithm
Procedia PDF Downloads 784444 The Design of Fire in Tube Boiler
Authors: Yoftahe Nigussie
This report presents a final year project pertaining to the design of Fire tube boiler for the purpose of producing saturated steam. The objective of the project is to produce saturated steam for different purpose with a capacity of 2000kg/h at 12bar design pressure by performing a design of a higher performance fire tube boiler that considered the requirements of cost minimization and parameters improvement. This is mostly done in selection of appropriate material for component parts, construction materials and production methods in different steps of analysis. In the analysis process, most of the design parameters are obtained by iterating with related formulas like selection of diameter of tubes with overall heat transfer coefficient optimization, and the other selections are also as like considered. The number of passes is two because of the size and area of the tubes and shell. As the analysis express by using heavy oil fuel no6 with a higher heating value of 44000kJ/kg and lower heating value of 41300kJ/kg and the amount of fuel consumed 140.37kg/hr. and produce 1610kw of heat with efficiency of 85.25%. The flow of the fluid is a cross flow because of its own advantage and the arrangement of the tube in-side the shell is welded with the tube sheet, and the tube sheet is attached with the shell and the end by using a gasket and weld. The design of the shell, using European Standard code section, is as like pressure vessel by considering the weight, including content and the supplementary accessories such as lifting lugs, openings, ends, man hole and supports with detail and assembly drawing.Keywords: steam generation, external treatment, internal treatment, steam velocity
Procedia PDF Downloads 984443 Magnetic Survey for the Delineation of Concrete Pillars in Geotechnical Investigation for Site Characterization
Authors: Nuraddeen Usman, Khiruddin Abdullah, Mohd Nawawi, Amin Khalil Ismail
A magnetic survey is carried out in order to locate the remains of construction items, specifically concrete pillars. The conventional Euler deconvolution technique can perform the task but it requires the use of fixed structural index (SI) and the construction items are made of materials with different shapes which require different SI (unknown). A Euler deconvolution technique that estimate background, horizontal coordinate (xo and yo), depth and structural index (SI) simultaneously is prepared and used for this task. The synthetic model study carried indicated the new methodology can give a good estimate of location and does not depend on magnetic latitude. For field data, both the total magnetic field and gradiometer reading had been collected simultaneously. The computed vertical derivatives and gradiometer readings are compared and they have shown good correlation signifying the effectiveness of the method. The filtering is carried out using automated procedure, analytic signal and other traditional techniques. The clustered depth solutions coincided with the high amplitude/values of analytic signal and these are the possible target positions of the concrete pillars being sought. The targets under investigation are interpreted to be located at the depth between 2.8 to 9.4 meters. More follow up survey is recommended as this mark the preliminary stage of the work.Keywords: concrete pillar, magnetic survey, geotechnical investigation, Euler Deconvolution
Procedia PDF Downloads 2624442 A Study on Automotive Attack Database and Data Flow Diagram for Concretization of HEAVENS: A Car Security Model
Authors: Se-Han Lee, Kwang-Woo Go, Gwang-Hyun Ahn, Hee-Sung Park, Cheol-Kyu Han, Jun-Bo Shim, Geun-Chul Kang, Hyun-Jung Lee
In recent years, with the advent of smart cars and the expansion of the market, the announcement of 'Adventures in Automotive Networks and Control Units' at the DEFCON21 conference in 2013 revealed that cars are not safe from hacking. As a result, the HEAVENS model considering not only the functional safety of the vehicle but also the security has been suggested. However, the HEAVENS model only presents a simple process, and there are no detailed procedures and activities for each process, making it difficult to apply it to the actual vehicle security vulnerability check. In this paper, we propose an automated attack database that systematically summarizes attack vectors, attack types, and vulnerable vehicle models to prepare for various car hacking attacks, and data flow diagrams that can detect various vulnerabilities and suggest a way to materialize the HEAVENS model.Keywords: automotive security, HEAVENS, car hacking, security model, information security
Procedia PDF Downloads 3674441 An Experimental Study on Service Life Prediction of Self: Compacting Concrete Using Sorptivity as a Durability Index
Permeation properties have been widely used to quantify durability characteristics of concrete for assessing long term performance and sustainability. The processes of deterioration in concrete are mediated largely by water. There is a strong interest in finding a better way of assessing the material properties of concrete in terms of durability. Water sorptivity is a useful single material property which can be one of the measures of durability useful in service life planning and prediction, especially in severe environmental conditions. This paper presents the results of the comparative study of sorptivity of Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC) with conventionally vibrated concrete. SCC is a new, special type of concrete mixture, characterized by high resistance to segregation that can flow through intricate geometrical configuration in the presence of reinforcement, under its own mass, without vibration and compaction. SCC mixes were developed for the paste contents of 0.38, 0.41 and 0.43 with fly ash as the filler for different cement contents ranging from 300 to 450 kg/m3. The study shows better performance by SCC in terms of capillary absorption. The sorptivity value decreased as the volume of paste increased. The use of higher paste content in SCC can make the concrete robust with better densification of the micro-structure, improving the durability and making the concrete more sustainable with improved long term performance. The sorptivity based on secondary absorption can be effectively used as a durability index to predict the time duration required for the ingress of water to penetrate the concrete, which has practical significance.Keywords: self-compacting concrete, service life prediction, sorptivity, volume of paste
Procedia PDF Downloads 3224440 Identifying Neighborhoods at Potential Risk of Food Insecurity in Rural British Columbia
Authors: Amirmohsen Behjat, Aleck Ostry, Christina Miewald, Bernie Pauly
Substantial research has indicated that socioeconomic and demographic characteristics’ of neighborhoods are strong determinants of food security. The aim of this study was to develop a Food Insecurity Neighborhood Index (FINI) based on the associated socioeconomic and demographic variables to identify the areas at potential risk of food insecurity in rural British Columbia (BC). Principle Component Analysis (PCA) technique was used to calculate the FINI for each rural Dissemination Area (DA) using the food security determinant variables from Canadian Census data. Using ArcGIS, the neighborhoods with the top quartile FINI values were classified as food insecure. The results of this study indicated that the most food insecure neighborhood with the highest FINI value of 99.1 was in the Bulkley-Nechako (central BC) area whereas the lowest FINI with the value of 2.97 was for a rural neighborhood in the Cowichan Valley area. In total, 98.049 (19%) of the rural population of British Columbians reside in high food insecure areas. Moreover, the distribution of food insecure neighborhoods was found to be strongly dependent on the degree of rurality in BC. In conclusion, the cluster of food insecure neighbourhoods was more pronounced in Central Coast, Mount Wadington, Peace River, Kootenay Boundary, and the Alberni-Clayoqout Regional Districts.Keywords: neighborhood food insecurity index, socioeconomic and demographic determinants, principal component analysis, Canada census, ArcGIS
Procedia PDF Downloads 1694439 Links between Landscape Management and Environmental Risk Assessment: Considerations from the Italian Context
Authors: Mara Balestrieri, Clara Pusceddu
Issues relating to the destructive phenomena that can damage people and goods have returned to the centre of debate in Italy with the increase in catastrophic episodes in recent years in a country which is highly vulnerable to hydrological risk. Environmental factors and geological and geomorphological territorial characteristics play an important role in determining the level of vulnerability and the natural tendency to risk. However, a territory has also been subjected to the requirements of and transformations of society, and this brings other relevant factors. The reasons for the increase in destructive phenomena are often to be found in the territorial development models adopted. Stewardship of the landscape and management of risk are related issues. This study aims to summarize the most relevant elements about this connection and at the same time to clarify the role of environmental risk assessment as a tool to aid in the sustainable management of landscape. How planners relate to this problem and which aspects should be monitored in order to prepare responsible and useful interventions?Keywords: assessment, landscape, risk, planning
Procedia PDF Downloads 4644438 Weaknesses and Performance Defects of Steel Structures According to the Executive Criteria
Authors: Ehsan Sadie
Despite the experience of heavy losses and damages of recent earthquakes such as 8 km E of Pāhala, Hawaii, 11 km W of Salvaleón de Higüey, Dominican Republic and 49 km SSE of Punta Cana, Dominican Republic earthquakes, the possibility of large earthquakes in most populated areas of any country and the serious need for quality control in the design and implementation of buildings, not enough attention has been paid to the proper construction. Steel structures constitute a significant part of construction in any metropolitan area. This article gives a brief overview of the implementation status of these buildings in urban areas and considers the weaknesses of performance that typically occur due to negligence or insufficient mastery of the building supervisor in the principles of operation of earthquake-resistant buildings, and provide appropriate and possible solutions to improve the construction.Keywords: bracing member, concentrated load, diaphragm system, earthquake engineering, load-bearing system, shear force, seismic retrofitting, steel building, strip foundation, supervising engineer, vulnerability of building
Procedia PDF Downloads 1464437 Climate Change and Economic Performance in Selected Oil-Producing African Countries: A Trend Analysis Approach
Authors: Waheed O. Majekodunmi
Climate change is a real global phenomenon and an unquestionable threat to our quest for a healthy and livable planet. It is now regarded as potentially the most monumental environmental challenge people and the planet will be confronted with over the next centuries. Expectedly, climate change mitigation was one of the central themes of COP 28. Despite contributing the least to climate change, Africa is and remains the hardest hit by the negative consequences of climate change including poor growth performance. Currently, it is being hypothesized that the high level of vulnerability and exposure to climate-related disasters, low adaptive capacity against global warming and high mitigation costs of climate change across the continent could be linked to the recent abysmal economic performance of African countries, especially in oil-producing countries where greenhouse gas emissions, is potentially more prevalent. This paper examines the impact of climate change on the economic performance of selected oil-producing countries in Africa using evidence from Nigeria, Algeria and Angola. The objective of the study is to determine whether or not climate change influences the economic performance of oil-producing countries in Africa by examining the nexus between economic growth and climate-related variables. The study seeks to investigate the effect of climate change on the pace of economic growth in African oil-producing countries. To achieve the research objectives, this study utilizes a quantitative approach by using historical and current secondary data sets to determine the relationship between climate-related variables and economic growth variables in the selected countries. The study employed numbers, percentages, tables and trend graphs to explain the trends or common patterns between climate change, economic growth and determinants of economic growth: governance effectiveness, infrastructure, macroeconomic stability and regulatory efficiency. Results from the empirical analysis of data show that the trends of economic growth and climate-related variables in the selected oil-producing countries are in the opposite directions as the increasing share of renewable energy sources in total energy consumption and the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions per capita in the oil-producing countries did not translate to higher economic growth. Further findings show that annual surface temperatures in the selected countries do not share similar trends with the food imports ratio and GDP per capita annual growth rate suggesting that climate change does not impact significantly agricultural productivity and economic growth in oil-producing countries in Africa. Annual surface temperature was also found to not share a similar pattern with governance effectiveness, macroeconomic stability and regulatory efficiency reinforcing the claim that some economic growth variables are independent of climate change. The policy implication of this research is that oil-producing African countries need to focus more on improving the macroeconomic environment and streamlining governance and institutional processes to boost their economic performance before considering the adoption of climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies.Keywords: climate change, climate vulnerability, economic growth, greenhouse gas emissions per capita, oil-producing countries, share of renewable energy in total energy consumption
Procedia PDF Downloads 544436 Evaluation of Non-Staggered Body-Fitted Grid Based Solution Method in Application to Supercritical Fluid Flows
Authors: Suresh Sahu, Abhijeet M. Vaidya, Naresh K. Maheshwari
The efforts to understand the heat transfer behavior of supercritical water in supercritical water cooled reactor (SCWR) are ongoing worldwide to fulfill the future energy demand. The higher thermal efficiency of these reactors compared to a conventional nuclear reactor is one of the driving forces for attracting the attention of nuclear scientists. In this work, a solution procedure has been described for solving supercritical fluid flow problems in complex geometries. The solution procedure is based on non-staggered grid. All governing equations are discretized by finite volume method (FVM) in curvilinear coordinate system. Convective terms are discretized by first-order upwind scheme and central difference approximation has been used to discretize the diffusive parts. k-ε turbulence model with standard wall function has been employed. SIMPLE solution procedure has been implemented for the curvilinear coordinate system. Based on this solution method, 3-D Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) code has been developed. In order to demonstrate the capability of this CFD code in supercritical fluid flows, heat transfer to supercritical water in circular tubes has been considered as a test problem. Results obtained by code have been compared with experimental results reported in literature.Keywords: curvilinear coordinate, body-fitted mesh, momentum interpolation, non-staggered grid, supercritical fluids
Procedia PDF Downloads 1314435 Adversary Emulation: Implementation of Automated Countermeasure in CALDERA Framework
Authors: Yinan Cao, Francine Herrmann
Adversary emulation is a very effective concrete way to evaluate the defense of an information system or network. It is about building an emulator, which depending on the vulnerability of a target system, will allow to detect and execute a set of identified attacks. However, emulating an adversary is very costly in terms of time and resources. Verifying the information of each technique and building up the countermeasures in the middle of the test is also needed to be accomplished manually. In this article, a synthesis of previous MITRE research on the creation of the ATT&CK matrix will be as the knowledge base of the known techniques and a well-designed adversary emulation software CALDERA based on ATT&CK Matrix will be used as our platform. Inspired and guided by the previous study, a plugin in CALDERA called Tinker will be implemented, which is aiming to help the tester to get more information and also the mitigation of each technique used in the previous operation. Furthermore, the optional countermeasures for some techniques are also implemented and preset in Tinker in order to facilitate and fasten the process of the defense improvement of the tested system.Keywords: automation, adversary emulation, CALDERA, countermeasures, MITRE ATT&CK
Procedia PDF Downloads 2114434 A Review of Intelligent Fire Management Systems to Reduce Wildfires
Authors: Nomfundo Ngombane, Topside E. Mathonsi
Remote sensing and satellite imaging have been widely used to detect wildfires; nevertheless, the technologies present some limitations in terms of early wildfire detection as the technologies are greatly influenced by weather conditions and can miss small fires. The fires need to have spread a few kilometers for the technologies to provide accurate detection. The South African Advanced Fire Information System uses MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) as satellite imaging. MODIS has limitations as it can exclude small fires and can fall short in validating fire vulnerability. Thus in the future, a Machine Learning algorithm will be designed and implemented for the early detection of wildfires. A simulator will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed solution, and the results of the simulation will be presented.Keywords: moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer, advanced fire information system, machine learning algorithm, detection of wildfires
Procedia PDF Downloads 814433 Geomatic Techniques to Filter Vegetation from Point Clouds
Authors: M. Amparo Núñez-Andrés, Felipe Buill, Albert Prades
More and more frequently, geomatics techniques such as terrestrial laser scanning or digital photogrammetry, either terrestrial or from drones, are being used to obtain digital terrain models (DTM) used for the monitoring of geological phenomena that cause natural disasters, such as landslides, rockfalls, debris-flow. One of the main multitemporal analyses developed from these models is the quantification of volume changes in the slopes and hillsides, either caused by erosion, fall, or land movement in the source area or sedimentation in the deposition zone. To carry out this task, it is necessary to filter the point clouds of all those elements that do not belong to the slopes. Among these elements, vegetation stands out as it is the one we find with the greatest presence and its constant change, both seasonal and daily, as it is affected by factors such as wind. One of the best-known indexes to detect vegetation on the image is the NVDI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), which is obtained from the combination of the infrared and red channels. Therefore it is necessary to have a multispectral camera. These cameras are generally of lower resolution than conventional RGB cameras, while their cost is much higher. Therefore we have to look for alternative indices based on RGB. In this communication, we present the results obtained in Georisk project (PID2019‐103974RB‐I00/MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) by using the GLI (Green Leaf Index) and ExG (Excessive Greenness), as well as the change to the Hue-Saturation-Value (HSV) color space being the H coordinate the one that gives us the most information for vegetation filtering. These filters are applied both to the images, creating binary masks to be used when applying the SfM algorithms, and to the point cloud obtained directly by the photogrammetric process without any previous filter or the one obtained by TLS (Terrestrial Laser Scanning). In this last case, we have also tried to work with a Riegl VZ400i sensor that allows the reception, as in the aerial LiDAR, of several returns of the signal. Information to be used for the classification on the point cloud. After applying all the techniques in different locations, the results show that the color-based filters allow correct filtering in those areas where the presence of shadows is not excessive and there is a contrast between the color of the slope lithology and the vegetation. As we have advanced in the case of using the HSV color space, it is the H coordinate that responds best for this filtering. Finally, the use of the various returns of the TLS signal allows filtering with some limitations.Keywords: RGB index, TLS, photogrammetry, multispectral camera, point cloud
Procedia PDF Downloads 1564432 Gender Differences in Walking Capacity and Cardiovascular Regulation in Patients with Peripheral Arterial Disease
Authors: Gabriel Cucato, Marilia Correia, Wagner Domingues, Aline Palmeira, Paulo Longano, Nelson Wolosker, Raphael Ritti-Dias
Women with peripheral arterial disease (PAD) present lower walking capacity in comparison with men. However, whether cardiovascular regulation is also different between genders is unknown. Thus, the aim of this study was to compare walking capacity and cardiovascular regulation between men and women with PAD. A total of 23 women (66±7 yrs) and 31 men (64±9 yrs) were recruited. Patients performed a 6-minute test and the onset claudication distance and total walking distance were measured. Additionally, cardiovascular regulation was assessed by arterial stiffness (pulse wave velocity and augmentation index) and heart rate variability (frequency domain). Independent T test or Mann-Whitney U test were performed. In comparison with men, women present lower onset claudication distance (108±66m vs. 143±50m; P=0.032) and total walking distance (286±83m vs. 361±91 m, P=0.007). Regarding cardiovascular regulation, there were no differences in heart rate variability SDNN (72±160ms vs. 32±22ms, P=0.587); RMSSD (75±209 vs. 25±22ms, P=0.726); pNN50 (11±17ms vs. 8±14ms, P=0.836) in women and men, respectively. Moreover, there were no difference in augmentation index (39±10% vs. 34±11%, P=0.103); pulse pressure (59±17mmHg vs. 56±19mmHg, P=0.593) and pulse wave velocity (8.6±2.6m\s vs. 9.0±2.7m/s, P=0.580). In conclusion, women have impaired walking capacity compared to men. However, sex differences were not observed on cardiovascular regulation in patients with PAD.Keywords: exercise, intermittent claudication, cardiovascular load, arterial stiffness
Procedia PDF Downloads 3934431 Hydrogeochemical Assessment, Evaluation and Characterization of Groundwater Quality in Ore, South-Western, Nigeria
Authors: Olumuyiwa Olusola Falowo
One of the objectives of the Millennium Development Goals is to have sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation. In line with this objective, an assessment of groundwater quality was carried out in Odigbo Local Government Area of Ondo State in November – February, 2019 to assess the drinking, domestic and irrigation uses of the water. Samples from 30 randomly selected ground water sources; 16 shallow wells and 14 from boreholes and analyzed using American Public Health Association method for the examination of water and wastewater. Water quality index calculation, and diagrams such as Piper diagram, Gibbs diagram and Wilcox diagram have been used to assess the groundwater in conjunction with irrigation indices such as % sodium, sodium absorption ratio, permeability index, magnesium ratio, Kelly ratio, and electrical conductivity. In addition statistical Principal component analysis were used to determine the homogeneity and source(s) influencing the chemistry of the groundwater. The results show that all the parameters are within the permissible limit of World Health Organization. The physico-chemical analysis of groundwater samples indicates that the dominant major cations are in decreasing order of Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+, K+ and the dominant anions are HCO-3, Cl-, SO-24, NO-3. The values of water quality index varies suggest a Good water (WQI of 50-75) accounts for 70% of the study area. The dominant groundwater facies revealed in this study are the non-carbonate alkali (primary salinity) exceeds 50% (zone 7); and transition zone with no one cation-anion pair exceeds 50% (zone 9), while evaporation; rock–water interaction, and precipitation; and silicate weathering process are the dominant processes in the hydrogeochemical evolution of the groundwater. The study indicates that waters were found within the permissible limits of irrigation indices adopted, and plot on excellent category on Wilcox plot. In conclusion, the water in the study area are good/suitable for drinking, domestic and irrigation purposes with low equivalent salinity concentrate and moderate electrical conductivity.Keywords: equivalent salinity concentration, groundwater quality, hydrochemical facies, principal component analysis, water-rock interaction
Procedia PDF Downloads 1514430 The Effect of Ambient Temperature on the Performance of the Simple and Modified Cycle Gas Turbine Plants
Authors: Ogbe E. E., Ossia. C. V., Saturday. E. G., Ezekwe M. C.
The disparity in power output between a simple and a modified gas turbine plant is noticeable when the gas turbine functions under local environmental conditions that deviate from the standard ISO specifications. Extensive research and literature have demonstrated a well-known direct correlation between ambient temperature and the power output of a gas turbine plant. In this study, the Omotosho gas turbine plant was modified into three different configurations. The reason for the modification is to improve its performance and reduce the fuel consumption and emission rate. Aspen Hysys software was used to simulate both the simple (Omotosho) and the three modified gas turbine plants. The input parameters considered include ambient temperature, air mass flow rate, fuel mass flow rate, water mass flow rate, turbine inlet temperature, compressor efficiency, and turbine efficiency, while the output parameters considered are thermal efficiency, specific fuel consumption, heat rate, emission rate, compressor power, turbine power and power output. The three modified gas turbine power plants incorporate an inlet air cooling system and a heat recovery steam generator. The variations between the modifications are due to additional components or enhancements alongside the inlet air cooling system and heat recovery steam generator incorporated; the first modification has an additional turbine, the second modification has an additional combustion chamber, and the third modification has an additional turbine and combustion chamber. This paper clearly shows ambient temperature effects on both the simple and three modified gas turbine plants. for every 10-degree kelvin increase in ambient temperature, there is an approximate reduction of 3977 kW, 4795 kW, 4681 kW, and 4793 kW of the power output for the simple gas turbine, first, second, and third modifications, respectively. Also, for every 10-degree kelvin increase in temperature, there is a thermal efficiency decrease of 1.22%, 1.45%, 1.43%, and 1.44% for the simple gas turbine, first, second, and third modifications respectively. Low ambient temperature will help save fuel; looking at the high price of fuel presently in Nigeria for every 10 degrees kelvin increase in temperature, there is a specific fuel consumption increase of 0.0074 kg/kWh, 0.0051 kg/kWh, 0.0061 kg/kWh, and 0.0057 kg/kWh for the simple gas turbine, first, second, and third modifications respectively. These findings will aid in accurately evaluating local power generating plants, particularly in hotter regions, for installing gas turbine inlet air cooling (GTIAC) systems.Keywords: Aspen HYSYS software, Brayton Cycle, modified gas turbine, power plant, simple gas turbine, thermal efficiency.
Procedia PDF Downloads 354429 Production of Friendly Environmental Material as Building Element from Plastic Waste
Authors: Dheyaa Wajid Abbood, Mohanad Salih Farhan, Awadh E. Ajeel
The basic goal of this study is the production of cheap building elements from plastic waste. environmentally friendly and of good thermal insulation. The study depends on the addition of plastic waste as aggregates to the mixes of concrete at different percentages by weight (12 percentages) to produce lightweight aggregate concrete the density (1095 - 1892) kg/m3.The experimental work includes 120 specimens of concrete 72 cubes (150*150*150)mm, 48 cylinder (150*300) mm. The results obtained for concrete were for local raw materials without any additional materials or treatment. The mechanical and thermal properties determined were (compressive strength, static modulus of elasticity, density, thermal conductivity (k), specific heat capacity (Cp), thermal expansion (α) after (7) days of curing at 20 0C. The increase in amount of plastic waste decreases the density of concrete which leads to decrease in the mechanical and to improvement in thermal properties. The average measured static modulus of elasticity are found less than the predicted static modulus of elasticity and splitting tensile strength (ACI 318-2008 and ACI 213R-2003). All cubes specimens when exposed to heat at (200, 400, 600 0C), the compressive strength of all mixes decreases gradually at 600 0C, the strength of lightweight aggregate concrete were disintegrated. Lightweight aggregate concrete is about 25% lighter than normal concrete in dead load, and to the improve the properties of thermal insulation of building blocks.Keywords: LWAC, plastic waste, thermal property, thermal insulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 4304428 Effect of Modified Atmosphere Packaging and Storage Temperatures on Quality of Shelled Raw Walnuts
Authors: M. Javanmard
This study was aimed at analyzing the effects of packaging (MAP) and preservation conditions on the packaged fresh walnut kernel quality. The central composite plan was used for evaluating the effect of oxygen (0–10%), carbon dioxide (0-10%), and temperature (4-26 °C) on qualitative characteristics of walnut kernels. Also, the response level technique was used to find the optimal conditions for interactive effects of factors, as well as estimating the best conditions of process using least amount of testing. Measured qualitative parameters were: peroxide index, color, decreased weight, mould and yeast counting test, and sensory evaluation. The results showed that the defined model for peroxide index, color, weight loss, and sensory evaluation is significant (p < 0.001), so that increase of temperature causes the peroxide value, color variation, and weight loss to increase and it reduces the overall acceptability of walnut kernels. An increase in oxygen percentage caused the color variation level and peroxide value to increase and resulted in lower overall acceptability of the walnuts. An increase in CO2 percentage caused the peroxide value to decrease, but did not significantly affect other indices (p ≥ 0.05). Mould and yeast were not found in any samples. Optimal packaging conditions to achieve maximum quality of walnuts include: 1.46% oxygen, 10% carbon dioxide, and temperature of 4 °C.Keywords: shelled walnut, MAP, quality, storage temperature
Procedia PDF Downloads 3894427 Multi-Level Air Quality Classification in China Using Information Gain and Support Vector Machine
Authors: Bingchun Liu, Pei-Chann Chang, Natasha Huang, Dun Li
Machine Learning and Data Mining are the two important tools for extracting useful information and knowledge from large datasets. In machine learning, classification is a wildly used technique to predict qualitative variables and is generally preferred over regression from an operational point of view. Due to the enormous increase in air pollution in various countries especially China, Air Quality Classification has become one of the most important topics in air quality research and modelling. This study aims at introducing a hybrid classification model based on information theory and Support Vector Machine (SVM) using the air quality data of four cities in China namely Beijing, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Tianjin from Jan 1, 2014 to April 30, 2016. China's Ministry of Environmental Protection has classified the daily air quality into 6 levels namely Serious Pollution, Severe Pollution, Moderate Pollution, Light Pollution, Good and Excellent based on their respective Air Quality Index (AQI) values. Using the information theory, information gain (IG) is calculated and feature selection is done for both categorical features and continuous numeric features. Then SVM Machine Learning algorithm is implemented on the selected features with cross-validation. The final evaluation reveals that the IG and SVM hybrid model performs better than SVM (alone), Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and K-Nearest Neighbours (KNN) models in terms of accuracy as well as complexity.Keywords: machine learning, air quality classification, air quality index, information gain, support vector machine, cross-validation
Procedia PDF Downloads 2374426 The Effect of Clover Honey Supplementation on the Anthropometric Measurements and Lipid Profile of Malnourished Infants and Children
Authors: Bassma A. Abdelhaleem, Mamdouh A. Abdulrhman, Nagwa I. Mohamed
Malnutrition in children is an increasing problem worldwide which may result in both short and long-term irreversible negative health outcomes. Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) affects more than 18 million children each year, mostly living in low-income settings. SAM contributes to 45% of all deaths in children less than five years of age. Honey is a natural sweetener, containing mainly monosaccharides (up to 80%), disaccharides (3–5%), water (17–20%), and a wide range of minor constituents such as vitamins, minerals, proteins, amino acids, enzymes, and phytochemicals, mainly phenolic acids, and flavonoids. Honey has been used in many cultures around the world due to its known nutritional and medicinal benefits including the treatment of hypercholesterolemia. Despite its use since ancient times yet little is known about its potential benefits for malnourished children. Honey has the potential to be an affordable solution for malnourished low-income children as it is nutrient-dense and calorie dense food, easily absorbed, highly palatable, enhances appetite, and boosts immunity. This study assessed the effect of clover honey supplementation on the anthropometric measurements and lipid profile of malnourished infants and children. A prospective interventional clinical trial was conducted between November 2019 to November 2020, on 40 malnourished infants and children divided into two groups: Group A (20 children; 11 males and 9 females) received honey in a dose of 1.75ml/kg/dose, twice weekly for 12 weeks and Group B (20 children; 6 males and 14 females) received placebo. Written informed consent was obtained for parents/guardians. Patients were recruited from the Pediatric Nutrition Clinic at Ain Shams University. Anthropometric measurements (weight, height, body mass index, head circumference, and mid-arm circumference) and fasting serum cholesterol levels were measured at baseline and after 3 months. The 3-month honey consumption had a statistically highly significant effect on increasing weight, height, and body mass index and lowering fasting serum cholesterol levels in primary malnourished infants and children. Weight, height, body mass index, and fasting serum cholesterol level before honey consumption were (9.49 ± 2.03, 81.45 ± 8.31, 14.24 ± 2.15, 178.00 ± 20.91) and after 3 months of honey consumption were (10.91 ± 2.11, 84.80 ± 8.23, 15.07 ± 2.05, 162.45 ± 19.73) respectively with P-value < 0.01. Our results showed a significant desirable effect of honey consumption on changes in nutritional status based on weight, height, and body mass index, and has a favourable effect on lowering fasting serum cholesterol levels. These results propose the use of honey as an affordable solution to improve malnutrition, particularly in low-income countries. However, further research needs to weigh benefits against potential harms including the risk of botulinum toxin that is historically associated with honey consumption in early childhood.Keywords: clinical trial, dyslipidemia, honey, malnutrition
Procedia PDF Downloads 1094425 Green Windows of Opportunity in Latin American Countries
Authors: Fabianna Bacil, Zenathan Hasannundin, Clovis Freire
The green transition opens green windows of opportunity – temporary moments in which there are lower barriers and shorter learning periods for developing countries to enter emerging technologies and catch-up. However, taking advantage of these windows requires capabilities in national sectoral systems to adopt and develop technologies linked to green sectors as well as strong responses to build the required knowledge, skills, and infrastructure and foster the growth of targeted sectors. This paper uses UNCTAD’s frontier technology readiness index to analyse the current position of Latin America and the Caribbean to use, adopt, and adapt frontier technologies, examining the preconditions in the region to take up windows of opportunity that arise with the green transition. The index highlights the inequality across countries in the region, as well as gaps in capabilities dimensions, especially in terms of R&D. Moving to responses, it highlights industrial policies implemented to foster the growth of green technologies, emphasising the essential role played by the state to build and strengthen capabilities and provide infant industry protection that enables the growth of these sectors. Overall, while there are exceptions, especially in the Brazilian case, countries in Latin America and the Caribbean should focus on strengthening their capabilities to be better positioned, especially in terms of knowledge creation, infrastructure, and financing availability.Keywords: Green technologies, Industrial policy, Latin America, windows of opportunity
Procedia PDF Downloads 654424 The Effect of Balance Training on Stable and Unstable Surfaces under Cognitive Dual-Task Condition on the Two Directions of Body Sway, Functional Balance and Fear of Fall in Non-Fallers Older Adults
Authors: Elham Azimzadeh, Fahimeh Khorshidi, Alireza Farsi
Balance impairment and fear of falling in older adults may reduce their quality of life. Reactive balance training could improve rapid postural responses and fall prevention in the elderly during daily tasks. Performing postural training and simultaneously cognitive dual tasks could be similar to the daily circumstances. Purpose: This study aimed to determine the effect of balance training on stable and unstable surfaces under dual cognitive task conditions on postural control and fear of falling in the elderly. Methods: Thirty non-fallers of older adults (65-75 years) were randomly assigned to two training groups: stable-surface (n=10), unstable-surface (n=10), or a control group (n=10). The intervention groups underwent six weeks of balance training either on a stable (balance board) or an unstable (wobble board) surface while performing a cognitive dual task. The control group received no balance intervention. COP displacements in the anterioposterior (AP) and mediolateral (ML) directions using a computerized balance board, functional balance using TUG, and fear of falling using FES-I were measured in all participants before and after the interventions. Summary of Results: Mixed ANOVA (3 groups * 2 times) with repeated measures and post hoc test showed a significant improvement in both intervention groups in AP index (F= 11/652, P= 0/0002) and functional balance (F= 9/961, P= 0/0001). However, the unstable surface training group had more improvement. However, the fear of falling significantly improved after training on an unstable surface (p= 0/035). All groups had no significant improvement in the ML index (p= 0/817). In the present study, there was an improvement in the AP index after balance training. Conclusion: Unstable surface training may reduce reaction time in posterior ankle muscle activity. Furthermore, focusing attention on cognitive tasks can lead to maintaining balance unconsciously. Most of the daily activities need attention distribution among several activities. So, balance training concurrent to a dual cognitive task is challenging and more similar to the real world. According to the specificity of the training principle, it may improve functional independence and fall prevention in the elderly.Keywords: cognitive dual task, elderly, fear of falling, postural control, unstable surface
Procedia PDF Downloads 644423 Borassus aethiopum Mart Mature Fruits Macro-Composition, Drying Temperature Effect on Its Pulp Protein, Fat, Sugars, Metabolizable Energy, and Fatty Acids Profile
Authors: Tagouelbe Tiho, Amissa Augustin Adima, Yao Casimir Brou, Nabayo Traore, Gouha Firmin Kouassi, Thierry Roland Kouame, Maryline Kouba
The work aimed to study Borassus aethiopum Mart (B.a) dried pulp nutritional value for its incorporation in human and poultry diets. Firstly, the mature fruit macro-composition was assessed. Secondly, the pulp was dried at 40, 50, 60, 70, and 80ᵒC. Thereafter, the analysis was performed for fat, protein, total sugars, Ca, P, Mg, and fatty acid profile monitoring. As a result, the fruits weighed 1,591.35, delivered 516.73, and 677.82 grams of pulp and seeds, respectively. Mainly, increasing heat adversely affected the outputs. Consequently, the fat results were 14.12, 12.97, 8.93, 8.89ᶜ, and 5.56%; protein contents were 11.64, 10.15, 8.97, 8.84, and 8.42%; total sugar deliveries were 6.28, 6.05, 5.26, 5.02, and 4.76% (P < 0.01). Thereafter, the metabolizable energies were 3,785.22; 3,834.28; 3,616.62; 3,667.03; and 3,608.33 kcal/kg (DM). Additionally, Calcium (Ca) contents were 0.51, 0.55, 0.69, 0.77, and 0.81%, while phosphorus (P) mean was 0.17%, and the differences were not significant (P < 0.01). So, the Ca/P ratios were 2.79, 3.04, 4.10, 4.71, and 4.95. Finally, fatty acids (FA) assessments revealed 22.33 saturated (SFA), 77.67 unsaturated (UFA), within which 67.59% were monounsaturated (MUFA). Interestingly, the rising heat depressed n-6/n-3 ratios that were 1.1, 1.1, 0.45 and 0.38, respectively at 40, 50, 70 and 80ᵒC. In short, drying did not only enhance the product shelf life but it also improved the nutritional value. Thus, B.a mature fruit pulps dried at 70ᵒC are good functional foods, with more than 66% MUFA, and energy source for human and poultry nutrition.Keywords: Borassus aethiopum Mart, fatty acids, metabolizable energy, minerals, protein
Procedia PDF Downloads 1724422 A Survey on Countermeasures of Cache-Timing Attack on AES Systems
Authors: Settana M. Abdulh, Naila A. Sadalla, Yaseen H. Taha, Howaida Elshoush
Side channel attacks are based on side channel information, which is information that is leaked from encryption systems. This includes timing information, power consumption as well as electromagnetic or even sound leaking which can exploited by an attacker. Implementing side channel attacks are possible if and only if an attacker has access to a cryptosystem. In this case, the attacker can exploit bad implementation in software or hardware which is not controlled by encryption implementer. Thus, he/she will represent a real threat to the security system. Several countermeasures have been proposed to eliminate side channel information vulnerability.Cache timing attack is a special type of side channel attack. Here, timing information is collected and analyzed by an attacker to guess sensitive information such as encryption key or plaintext. This paper reviews the technique applied in this attack and surveys the countermeasures against it, evaluating the feasibility and usability of each. Based on this evaluation, finally we pose several recommendations about using these countermeasures.Keywords: AES algorithm, side channel attack, cache timing attack, cache timing countermeasure
Procedia PDF Downloads 301