Search results for: vetiver root extract
652 White-Rot Hymenomycetes as Oil Palm Log Treatments: Accelerating Biodegradation of Basal Stem Rot-Affected Oil Palm Stumps
Authors: Yuvarani Naidu, Yasmeen Siddiqui, Mohd Yusof Rafii , Abu Seman Idris
Sustainability of oil palm production in Southeast Asia, especially in Indonesia and Malaysia, is jeopardized by Ganoderma boninense, the fungus which causes basal stem rot (BSR) in oil palm. The root contact with unattended infected debris left in the plantations during replanting is known to be the primary source of inoculum. Abiding by the law, potentially effective technique of managing Ganoderma infected oil palm debris is deemed necessary because of the zero-burning policy in Malaysian oil palm plantations. White-rot hymenomycetes antagonistic to Ganoderma sp were selected to test their efficacy as log treatments in degrading Ganoderma infected oil palm logs and to minimize the survival of Ganoderma inoculum. Decay rate in terms of mass loss was significantly higher after the application of solid-state cultivation (SSC) of Trametes lactinea FBW (64% ±1.2), followed by Pycnoporus sanguineus FBR (55% ±1.7) in infected log block tissues, after 10 months of treatments. The degradation pattern was clearly distinguished between the treated and non-treated log blocks with the developed SSC formulations. The control infected log blocks showed the highest, whereas infected log blocks treated with either P. sanguineus FBR or T. lactinea FBW SSC formulations exhibited statistically lowest number of Ganoderma spp. recovery on Ganoderma Selective Medium (GSM), after 8 months of treatment. Out of that, the lowest recovery of Ganoderma spp. was reported in infected log blocks inoculated with the strain T. lactinea FBW (21% ± 0.9) followed by P. sanguineus FBR (33% ± 2.2), after 8 months, Further, no recovery of Ganoderma was noticeable, 10 months after treatment applications in log blocks treated with both of the formulations. This is the first nursery-base study to substantiate the initial colonization of white-rot hymenomycetes on oil palm log blocks previously infected with BSR pathogen, G. boninense. The present study has indicated that log blocks treatment with white-rot hymenomycetes significantly affected the mass loss of diseased and healthy log block tissues. This study provides a basis of biotechnological approaches inefficient degradation of oil palm-generated crop debris, under natural conditions with an ultimate aim of reducing the Ganoderma inoculum under heavy BSR infection pressure in eco-friendly manner.Keywords: basal stem rot disease, ganoderma boninense, oil palm, white-rot fungi
Procedia PDF Downloads 210651 ‘Women should not wear pants’: Reflections from Kenyan English Speakers in a Strait between American and British English
Authors: Vicky Khasandi-Telewa, Sinfree Makoni
This paper examines the lived experiences of Kenyans caught between the two main varieties of English and the communication challenges they often face. The paper aims to provide evidence for the challenges that Kenyan speakers of English have experienced as a result of the confluence between British English (BrE) and American English (AmE). The study is explorative thus, qualitative and a descriptive research design was used. The objectives were to describe the communication challenges Kenyans encounter due to the differences in grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, and pragmatics between AmE and BrE and, to illuminate these variations to enable the Kenyan English learner to communicate appropriately. The purposive sample consisted of sixty five subjects, all who were from a top girls national high school in Kenya, therefore, many are in high-end positions nationally and internationally and well-travelled; in fact, seven are based in the USA, two in the United Kingdom and one lives in Australia. Using interviews, they were asked about their experiences with the different varieties of English, and their responses recorded. Autoethnography, a qualitative research method that involves introspection and cultural analysis, was also used. Thematic content analysis was used to extract the themes and group them for data analysis. The theoretical framework used is World Englishes by Kachru. The results indicate that there is indeed some communication breakdown due to linguistic varieties, but the differences are largely understood by speakers of the different varieties. Attitude plays a major role in communication challenges between the different Englishes, especially among teachers. The study urges acceptance of different varieties of English so long as communication takes place. This has implications for teaching English to Kenyan and speakers of other languages to whom English is taught as a Second Language or Foreign language.Keywords: American english, british english, kenyan english, englishes, teaching of english to speakers of other languages (TeSOL)
Procedia PDF Downloads 72650 Gethuk Marillo: The New Product Development of Anti-Cancer Snacks Utilizing Xanthones and Anthocyanin in Mangosteen Pericarp and Tamarillo Fruit
Authors: Desi Meriyanti, Delina Puspa Rosana Firdaus, Ristia Rinati
Nowadays, the presence of free radicals become a big concern due to its negative impact to the body, which can triggers the formation of degenerative diseases such as cancer, heart disease cardiovascular, diabetic mellitus and others. Free radical oxidation can be prevented by the presence of antioxidants. Naturally, the human body produces its own antioxidants. Because of the free radicals exposure are so intense, especially from the environment, it is necessary to supply antioxidants needed from outside, through the consumption of functional foods with high antioxidant content. Gethuk is one of the traditional snacks in Indonesia. Gethuk is made from cassava with minimal processing such as boiling, destructing, and forming. Gethuk is classified as a familiar snack in the community, so it has a potential for developing, especially into a functional food. The low content of antioxidants in gethuk can be overcome with the development of a product called Gethuk Marillo. Gethuk Marillo is gethuk with the addition of natural antioxidants from mangosteen pericarp extract which has a high content of xanthones, these compounds are classified into flavonoids and act as antioxidants in the body. Gethuk Marillo served along with tamarillo fruit sauce which is also high in antioxidants such as anthocyanin. The combination between 300 grams gethuk Marillo and sauce contain flavonoid about 31% of human antioxidant needs per day. Gethuk Marillo called as a functional food because of high flavonoids content which can prevent degenerative diseases namely cancer, as many studies that the xanthone and anthocyanins compounds can effectively prevent the formation of cancer cells in human body.Keywords: Gethuk marillo, xanthones, anthocyanin, high antioxidants, anti-cancer
Procedia PDF Downloads 656649 In vitro Control of Mycosphaerella arachidis Deighton the Early Leaf Spot Disease Pathogen of Groundnut by the Extracts from Six Medicinal Plants
Authors: Matthew Omoniyi Adebola, Jude E Amadi
Ground nut (Arachis hypogaea) is one of the most popular commercial crops in Nigeria. Its suc-cessful production has been drastically affected by early leaf spot disease caused by Mycosphae-rella arachidis Deighton. In vitro control of the pathogen by six medicinal plants (Entada afri-cana, Vitex doniana, Lawsonia inermis, Azadirachta indica, Acalypha hispida and Nuaclea lati-folia) was assessed in this study. The extracts of the plants were prepared using cold and hot wa-ter and alcohol. The pathogen was isolated from ground nut infected with early leaf spot disease. The results revealed a great significant difference (P<0.05) in yield of extracts between cold water, hot water, and alcohol extracts. A significant difference (P<0.05) was observed in percentage concentrations of the various phytochemical constituents present in the extracts. Flavonoids per-centage concentration was the highest (0.68 - 1.95%) followed by saponnin(0.09-1.53%) in N. latifolia extracts. Steroiods had the least percentage concentrations (0.00- 0.09%)followed by terpenoids(0.02–0.71%) and proanthocyannin (0.05 – 0.86%). N. latifolia extracts produced the highest percentage concentrations (0.07–1.95%) of all the phytochemicals followed by A. indi-ca(0.05–1.64%)and least concentrations were obtained in A. hispidia(0.09 – 0.87%)and V. do-niana (0.00–0.88%). The extracts inhibited spore germination and growth of M. arachidis. The inhibition by alcohol extracts was high and significantly different (P>0.05) from cold and hot water extracts. Alcohol extract of L. inermis gave 100% spore germination inhibition followed by N. latifolia and A.indica with 97.75% and 85.60% inhibition respectively. Therefore, field trials of these six medicinal plants on the control of early leaf spot disease of ground nut are rec-ommended.Keywords: groundnut, phytochemicals, medicinal plants, extracts, inhibition
Procedia PDF Downloads 297648 Hydrothermal Liquefaction for Astaxanthin Extraction from Wet Algae
Authors: Spandana Ramisetty, Mandan Chidambaram, Ramesh Bhujade
Algal biomass is not only a potential source for biocrude but also for high value chemicals like carotenoids, fatty acids, proteins, polysaccharides, vitamins etc. Astaxanthin is one such high value vital carotenoid which has extensive applications in pharmaceutical, aquaculture, poultry and cosmetic industries and expanding as dietary supplement to humans. Green microalgae Haematococcus pluvialis is identified as the richest natural source of astaxanthin and is the key source of commercial astaxanthin. Several extraction processes from wet and dry Haematococcus pluvialis biomass have been explored by researchers. Extraction with supercritical CO₂ and various physical disruption techniques like mortar and pestle, homogenization, ultrasonication and ball mill from dried algae are widely used extraction methods. However, these processes require energy intensive drying of biomass that escalates overall costs notably. From the process economics perspective, it is vital to utilize wet processing technology in order to eliminate drying costs. Hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) is a thermo-chemical conversion process that converts wet biomass containing over 80% water to bio-products under high temperature and high pressure conditions. Astaxanthin is a lipid soluble pigment and is usually extracted along with lipid component. Mild HTL at 200°C and 60 bar has been demonstrated by researchers in a microfluidic platform achieving near complete extraction of astaxanthin from wet biomass. There is very limited work done in this field. An integrated approach of sequential HTL offers cost-effective option to extract astaxanthin/lipid from wet algal biomass without drying algae and also recovering water, minerals and nutrients. This paper reviews past work and evaluates the astaxanthin extraction processes with focus on hydrothermal extraction.Keywords: astaxanthin, extraction, high value chemicals, hydrothermal liquefaction
Procedia PDF Downloads 307647 Input and Interaction as Training for Cognitive Learning: Variation Sets Influence the Sudden Acquisition of Periphrastic estar 'to be' + verb + -ndo*
Authors: Mary Rosa Espinosa-Ochoa
Some constructions appear suddenly in children’s speech and are productive from the beginning. These constructions are supported by others, previously acquired, with which they share semantic and pragmatic features. Thus, for example, the acquisition of the passive voice in German is supported by other constructions with which it shares the lexical verb sein (“to be”). This also occurs in Spanish, in the acquisition of the progressive aspectual periphrasis estar (“to be”) + verb root + -ndo (present participle), supported by locative constructions acquired earlier with the same verb. The periphrasis shares with the locative constructions not only the lexical verb estar, but also pragmatic relations. Both constructions can be used to answer the question ¿Dónde está? (“Where is he/she/it?”), whose answer could be either Está aquí (“He/she/it is here”) or Se está bañando (“He/she/it is taking a bath”).This study is a corpus-based analysis of two children (1;08-2;08) and the input directed to them: it proposes that the pragmatic and semantic support from previously-acquired constructions comes from the input, during interaction with others. This hypothesis is based on analysis of constructions with estar, whose use to express temporal change (which differentiates it from its counterpart ser [“to be”]), is given in variation sets, similar to those described by Küntay and Slobin (2002), that allow the child to perceive the change of place experienced by nouns that function as its grammatical subject. For example, at different points during a bath, the mother says: El jabón está aquí “The soap is here” (beginning of bath); five minutes later, the soap has moved, and the mother says el jabón está ahí “the soap is there”; the soap moves again later on and she says: el jabón está abajo de ti “the soap is under you”. “The soap” is the grammatical subject of all of these utterances. The Spanish verb + -ndo is a progressive phase aspect encoder of a dynamic state that generates a token. The verb + -ndo is also combined with verb estar to encode. It is proposed here that the phases experienced in interaction with the adult, in events related to the verb estar, allow a child to generate this dynamicity and token reading of the verb + -ndo. In this way, children begin to produce the periphrasis suddenly and productively, even though neither the periphrasis nor the verb + -ndo itself are frequent in adult speech.Keywords: child language acquisition, input, variation sets, Spanish language
Procedia PDF Downloads 150646 Research on Construction of Subject Knowledge Base Based on Literature Knowledge Extraction
Authors: Yumeng Ma, Fang Wang, Jinxia Huang
Researchers put forward higher requirements for efficient acquisition and utilization of domain knowledge in the big data era. As literature is an effective way for researchers to quickly and accurately understand the research situation in their field, the knowledge discovery based on literature has become a new research method. As a tool to organize and manage knowledge in a specific domain, the subject knowledge base can be used to mine and present the knowledge behind the literature to meet the users' personalized needs. This study designs the construction route of the subject knowledge base for specific research problems. Information extraction method based on knowledge engineering is adopted. Firstly, the subject knowledge model is built through the abstraction of the research elements. Then under the guidance of the knowledge model, extraction rules of knowledge points are compiled to analyze, extract and correlate entities, relations, and attributes in literature. Finally, a database platform based on this structured knowledge is developed that can provide a variety of services such as knowledge retrieval, knowledge browsing, knowledge q&a, and visualization correlation. Taking the construction practices in the field of activating blood circulation and removing stasis as an example, this study analyzes how to construct subject knowledge base based on literature knowledge extraction. As the system functional test shows, this subject knowledge base can realize the expected service scenarios such as a quick query of knowledge, related discovery of knowledge and literature, knowledge organization. As this study enables subject knowledge base to help researchers locate and acquire deep domain knowledge quickly and accurately, it provides a transformation mode of knowledge resource construction and personalized precision knowledge services in the data-intensive research environment.Keywords: knowledge model, literature knowledge extraction, precision knowledge services, subject knowledge base
Procedia PDF Downloads 163645 Iris Recognition Based on the Low Order Norms of Gradient Components
Authors: Iman A. Saad, Loay E. George
Iris pattern is an important biological feature of human body; it becomes very hot topic in both research and practical applications. In this paper, an algorithm is proposed for iris recognition and a simple, efficient and fast method is introduced to extract a set of discriminatory features using first order gradient operator applied on grayscale images. The gradient based features are robust, up to certain extents, against the variations may occur in contrast or brightness of iris image samples; the variations are mostly occur due lightening differences and camera changes. At first, the iris region is located, after that it is remapped to a rectangular area of size 360x60 pixels. Also, a new method is proposed for detecting eyelash and eyelid points; it depends on making image statistical analysis, to mark the eyelash and eyelid as a noise points. In order to cover the features localization (variation), the rectangular iris image is partitioned into N overlapped sub-images (blocks); then from each block a set of different average directional gradient densities values is calculated to be used as texture features vector. The applied gradient operators are taken along the horizontal, vertical and diagonal directions. The low order norms of gradient components were used to establish the feature vector. Euclidean distance based classifier was used as a matching metric for determining the degree of similarity between the features vector extracted from the tested iris image and template features vectors stored in the database. Experimental tests were performed using 2639 iris images from CASIA V4-Interival database, the attained recognition accuracy has reached up to 99.92%.Keywords: iris recognition, contrast stretching, gradient features, texture features, Euclidean metric
Procedia PDF Downloads 336644 Computer-Aided Diagnosis System Based on Multiple Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging Features in the Classification of Brain Tumor
Authors: Chih Jou Hsiao, Chung Ming Lo, Li Chun Hsieh
Brain tumor is not the cancer having high incidence rate, but its high mortality rate and poor prognosis still make it as a big concern. On clinical examination, the grading of brain tumors depends on pathological features. However, there are some weak points of histopathological analysis which can cause misgrading. For example, the interpretations can be various without a well-known definition. Furthermore, the heterogeneity of malignant tumors is a challenge to extract meaningful tissues under surgical biopsy. With the development of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), tumor grading can be accomplished by a noninvasive procedure. To improve the diagnostic accuracy further, this study proposed a computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) system based on MRI features to provide suggestions of tumor grading. Gliomas are the most common type of malignant brain tumors (about 70%). This study collected 34 glioblastomas (GBMs) and 73 lower-grade gliomas (LGGs) from The Cancer Imaging Archive. After defining the region-of-interests in MRI images, multiple quantitative morphological features such as region perimeter, region area, compactness, the mean and standard deviation of the normalized radial length, and moment features were extracted from the tumors for classification. As results, two of five morphological features and three of four image moment features achieved p values of <0.001, and the remaining moment feature had p value <0.05. Performance of the CAD system using the combination of all features achieved the accuracy of 83.18% in classifying the gliomas into LGG and GBM. The sensitivity is 70.59% and the specificity is 89.04%. The proposed system can become a second viewer on clinical examinations for radiologists.Keywords: brain tumor, computer-aided diagnosis, gliomas, magnetic resonance imaging
Procedia PDF Downloads 263643 Biofuel Production via Thermal Cracking of Castor Methyl Ester
Authors: Roghaieh Parvizsedghy, Seyed Mojtaba Sadrameli
Diminishing oil reserves, deteriorating health standards because of greenhouse gas emissions and associated environmental impacts have emerged biofuel production. Vegetable oils are proved to be valuable feedstock in these growing industries as they are renewable and potentially inexhaustible sources. Thermal Cracking of vegetable oils (triglycerides) leads to production of biofuels which are similar to fossil fuels in terms of composition but their combustion and physical properties have limits. Acrolein (very poisonous gas) and water production during cracking of triglycerides occurs because of presence of glycerin in their molecular structure. Transesterification of vegetable oil is a method to extract glycerol from triglycerides structure and produce methyl ester. In this study, castor methyl ester was used for thermal cracking in order to survey the efficiency of this method to produce bio-gasoline and bio-diesel. Thus, several experiments were designed by means of central composite method. Statistical studies showed that two reaction parameters, namely cracking temperature and feed flowrate, affect products yield significantly. At the optimized conditions (480 °C and 29 g/h) for maximum bio-gasoline production, 88.6% bio-oil was achieved which was distilled and separated as bio-gasoline (28%) and bio-diesel (48.2%). Bio-gasoline exposed a high octane number and combustion heat. Distillation curve and Reid vapor pressure of bio-gasoline fell in the criteria of standard gasoline (class AA) by ASTM D4814. Bio-diesel was compatible with standard diesel by ASTM D975. Water production was negligible and no evidence of acrolein production was distinguished. Therefore, thermal cracking of castor methyl ester could be used as a method to produce valuable biofuels.Keywords: bio-diesel, bio-gasoline, castor methyl ester, thermal cracking, transesterification
Procedia PDF Downloads 240642 In Search of Commonalities in the Determinants of Child Sex Ratios in India and People's of Republic of China
Authors: Suddhasil Siddhanta, Debasish Nandy
Child sex ratios pattern in the Asian Population is highly masculine mainly due to birth masculinity and gender bias in child mortality. The vast and the growing literature of female deficit in world population points out the diffusion of child sex ratio pattern in many Asian as well as neighboring European countries. However, little attention has been given to understand the common factors in different demographics in explaining child sex ratio pattern. Such a scholarship is extremely important as level of gender inequity is different in different country set up. Our paper tries to explain the major structural commonalities in the child masculinity pattern in two demographic billionaires - India and China. The analysis reveals that apart from geographical diffusion of sex selection technology, patrilocal social structure, as proxied by households with more than one generation in China and proportion of population aged 65 years and above in India, can explain significant variation of missing girl child in these two countries. Even after controlling for individual capacity building factors like educational attainment, or work force participation, the measure of social stratification is coming out to be the major determinant of child sex ratio variation. Other socio economic factors that perform much well are the agency building factors of the females, like changing pattern of marriage customs which is proxied by divorce and remarriage ratio for china and percentage of female marrying at or after the age of 20 years in India and the female workforce participation. Proportion of minorities in socio-religious composition of the population and gender bias in scholastic attainment in both these counties are also found to be significant in modeling child sex ratio variations. All these significant common factors associated with child sex ratio point toward the one single most important factor: the historical evolution of patriarchy and its contemporary perpetuation in both the countries. It seems that prohibition of sex selection might not be sufficient to combat the peculiar skewness of excessive maleness in child population in both these countries. Demand sided policies is therefore utmost important to root out the gender bias in child sex ratios.Keywords: child sex ratios, gender bias, structural factors, prosperity, patrilocality
Procedia PDF Downloads 157641 Improvement of Production of γ-Aminobutyric Acid by Lactobacillus plantarum Isolated from Indigenous Fermented Durian (Tempoyak)
Authors: Yetti Marlida, Harnentis, Yuliaty Shafan Nur
Background: Tempoyak is a dish derived from fermented durian fruit. Tempoyak is a food consumed as a side dish when eating rice. Besides being eaten with rice, tempoyak can also be eaten directly. But this is rarely done because many cannot stand the sour taste and aroma of the tempoyak itself. In addition, tempoyak can also be used as a seasoning. The taste of tempoyak is acidic, this occurs because of the fermentation process in durian fruit meat which is the raw material. Tempoyak is already very well known in Indonesia, especially in Padang, Bengkulu, Palembang, Lampung, and Kalimantan. Besides that, this food is also famous in Malaysia. The purpose of this research is to improvement production of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) by Lactobacillus plantarum isolated from indigenous fermented durian (tempoyak). Selected Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) previously isolated from indigenous fermented durian (tempoyak) that have ability to produce γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA). The study was started with identification of selected LAB by 16 S RNA, followed optimation of GABA production by culture condition using different initial pH, temperature, glutamate concentration, incubation time, carbon and nitrogen sources. Results: The result from indentification used polymerase chain reaction of 16S rRNA gene sequences and phylogenetic analysis was Lactobacillus plantarum (coded as Y3) with a sequenced length of 1400bp. The improvement of Gaba production was found highest at pH: 6.0; temperature: 30 °C; glutamate concentration: 0.4%; incubation time: 60 h; glucose and yeast extract as carbon and nitrogen sources. Conclusions: GABA can be produced with the optimum condition fermentation were 66.06 mM.Keywords: lactic acid bacteria, γ-amino butyric acid, indigenous fermented durian, PCR
Procedia PDF Downloads 143640 Depolymerised Natural Polysaccharides Enhance the Production of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants and Their Active Constituents
Authors: M. Masroor Akhtar Khan, Moin Uddin, Lalit Varshney
Recently, there has been a rapidly expanding interest in finding applications of natural polymers in view of value addition to agriculture. It is now being realized that radiation processing of natural polysaccharides can be beneficially utilized either to improve the existing methodologies used for processing the natural polymers or to impart value addition to agriculture by converting them into more useful form. Gamma-ray irradiation is employed to degrade and lower the molecular weight of some of the natural polysaccharides like alginates, chitosan and carrageenan into small sized oligomers. When these oligomers are applied to plants as foliar sprays, they elicit various kinds of biological and physiological activities, including promotion of plant growth, seed germination, shoot elongation, root growth, flower production, suppression of heavy metal stress, etc. Furthermore, application of these oligomers can shorten the harvesting period of various crops and help in reducing the use of insecticides and chemical fertilizers. In recent years, the oligomers of sodium alginate obtained by irradiating the latter with gamma-rays at 520 kGy dose are being employed. It was noticed that the oligomers derived from the natural polysaccharides could induce growth, photosynthetic efficiency, enzyme activities and most importantly the production of secondary metabolite in the plants like Artemisia annua, Beta vulgaris, Catharanthus roseus, Chrysopogon zizanioides, Cymbopogon flexuosus, Eucalyptus citriodora, Foeniculum vulgare, Geranium sp., Mentha arvensis, Mentha citrata, Mentha piperita, Mentha virdis, Papaver somniferum and Trigonella foenum-graecum. As a result of the application of these oligomers, the yield and/or contents of the active constituents of the aforesaid plants were significantly enhanced. The productivity, as well as quality of medicinal and aromatic plants, may be ameliorated by this novel technique in an economical way as a very little quantity of these irradiated (depolymerised) polysaccharides is needed. Further, this is a very safe technique, as we did not expose the plants directly to radiation. The radiation was used to depolymerize the polysaccharides into oligomers.Keywords: essential oil, medicinal and aromatic plants, plant production, radiation processed polysaccharides, active constituents
Procedia PDF Downloads 446639 The Seedlings Pea (Pisum Sativum L.) Have A High Potential To Be Used As A Promising Condidate For The Study Of Phytoremediation Mechanisms Following An Aromatic Polycyclic Hydrocarbon (Hap) Contamination Such As Naphtalene
Authors: Agoun-bahar Salima
The environmental variations to which plants are subjected require them to have a strong capacity for adaptation. Some plants are affected by pollutants and are used as pollution indicators; others have the capacity to block, extract, accumulate, transform or degrade the xenobiotic. The diversity of the legume family includes around 20 000 species and offers opportunities for exploitation through their agronomic, dietary and ecological interests. The lack of data on the bioavailability of the Aromatic Polycyclic Hydrocarbon (PAH) in polluted environments, as their passage in the food chains and on the effects of interaction with other pollutants, justifies priority research on this vast family of hydrocarbons. Naphthalene is a PAH formed from two aromatic rings, it is listed and classified as priority pollutant in the list of 16 PAH by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. The aim of this work was to determinate effect of naphthalene at different concentrations on morphological and physiological responses of pea seedlings. At the same time, the behavior of the pollutant in the soil and its fate at the different parts of plant (roots, stems, leaves and fruits) were also recorded by Gas Chromatography/ Mass Spectrometry (GC / MS). In it controlled laboratory studies, plants exposed to naphthalene were able to grow efficiently. From a quantitative analysis, 67% of the naphthalene was removed from the soil and then found on the leaves of the seedlings in just three weeks of cultivation. Interestingly, no trace of naphthalene or its derivatives were detected on the chromatograms corresponding to the dosage of the pollutant at the fruit level after ten weeks of cultivating the seedlings and this for all the pollutant concentrations used. The pea seedlings seem to tolerate the pollutant when it is applied to the soil. In conclusion, the pea represents an interesting biological model in the study of phytoremediation mechanisms.Keywords: naphtalene, PAH, Pea, phytoremediation, pollution
Procedia PDF Downloads 78638 Beneficial Effect of Micropropagation Coupled with Mycorrhization on Enhancement of Growth Performance of Medicinal Plants
Authors: D. H. Tejavathi
Medicinal plants are globally valuable sources of herbal products. Wild populations of many medicinal plants are facing threat of extinction because of their narrow distribution, endemicity, and degradation of specific habitats. Micropropagation is an established in vitro technique by which large number of clones can be obtained from a small bit of explants in a short span of time within a limited space. Mycorrhization can minimize the transient transplantation shock, experienced by the micropropagated plants when they are transferred from lab to land. AM fungal association improves the physiological status of the host plants through better uptake of water and nutrients, particularly phosphorus. Consequently, the growth performance and biosynthesis of active principles are significantly enhanced in AM fungal treated plants. Bacopa monnieri, Andrographis paniculata, Agave vera-curz, Drymaria cordata and Majorana hortensis, important medicinal plants used in various indigenous systems of medicines, are selected for the present study. They form the main constituents of many herbal formulations. Standard in vitro techniques were followed to obtain the micropropagated plants. Shoot tips and nodal segments were used as explants. Explants were cultured on Murashige and Skoog, and Phillips and Collins media supplemented with various combinations of growth regulators. Multiple shoots were obtained on a media containing both auxins and cytokinins at various concentrations and combinations. Multiple shoots were then transferred to rooting media containing auxins for root induction. Thus, obtained in vitro regenerated plants were subjected to brief acclimatization before transferring them to land. One-month-old in vitro plants were treated with AM fungi, and the symbiotic effect on the overall growth parameters was analyzed. It was found that micropropagation coupled with mycorrhization has significant effect on the enhancement of biomass and biosynthesis of active principles in these selected medicinal plants. In vitro techniques coupled with mycorrhization have opened a possibility of obtaining better clones in respect of enhancement of biomass and biosynthesis of active principles. Beneficial effects of AM fungal association with medicinal plants are discussed.Keywords: cultivation, medicinal plants, micropropagation, mycorrhization
Procedia PDF Downloads 172637 Evaluation of the Self-Organizing Map and the Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System Machine Learning Techniques for the Estimation of Crop Water Stress Index of Wheat under Varying Application of Irrigation Water Levels for Efficient Irrigation Scheduling
Authors: Aschalew C. Workneh, K. S. Hari Prasad, C. S. P. Ojha
The crop water stress index (CWSI) is a cost-effective, non-destructive, and simple technique for tracking the start of crop water stress. This study investigated the feasibility of CWSI derived from canopy temperature to detect the water status of wheat crops. Artificial intelligence (AI) techniques have become increasingly popular in recent years for determining CWSI. In this study, the performance of two AI techniques, adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) and self-organizing maps (SOM), are compared while determining the CWSI of paddy crops. Field experiments were conducted for varying irrigation water applications during two seasons in 2022 and 2023 at the irrigation field laboratory at the Civil Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India. The ANFIS and SOM-simulated CWSI values were compared with the experimentally calculated CWSI (EP-CWSI). Multiple regression analysis was used to determine the upper and lower CWSI baselines. The upper CWSI baseline was found to be a function of crop height and wind speed, while the lower CWSI baseline was a function of crop height, air vapor pressure deficit, and wind speed. The performance of ANFIS and SOM were compared based on mean absolute error (MAE), mean bias error (MBE), root mean squared error (RMSE), index of agreement (d), Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE), and coefficient of correlation (R²). Both models successfully estimated the CWSI of the paddy crop with higher correlation coefficients and lower statistical errors. However, the ANFIS (R²=0.81, NSE=0.73, d=0.94, RMSE=0.04, MAE= 0.00-1.76 and MBE=-2.13-1.32) outperformed the SOM model (R²=0.77, NSE=0.68, d=0.90, RMSE=0.05, MAE= 0.00-2.13 and MBE=-2.29-1.45). Overall, the results suggest that ANFIS is a reliable tool for accurately determining CWSI in wheat crops compared to SOM.Keywords: adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system, canopy temperature, crop water stress index, self-organizing map, wheat
Procedia PDF Downloads 55636 Back Extraction and Isolation of Alkaloids from Ionic Liquid-Based Extracts
Authors: Rozalina Keremedchieva, Ivan Svinyarov, Milen G. Bogdanov
In continuation of a research project on the application of ionic liquids (ILs) as an alternative to the conventional organic solvents used in the recovery of value added chemicals of industrial interest1-3 we developed a procedure for back extraction and isolation in pure form of the biologically active alkaloid glaucine from IL-based aqueous solutions. One of the approaches applied was the formation of two-phase systems (IL-ATPS) by the addition of kosmotropic salts to the plant extract. The ability of the salts (Na2CO3, MgSO4, (NH4)2SO4, NaH2PO4) to induce the formation of two-phase systems and the influence of pH value on the partition coefficients of glaucine was comprehensively studied. As a result, it was found that the target alkaloid is preferably partitioned into the IL-rich phase regardless of the pH value of the medium and thus shows the inapplicability of the approach used for the isolation of the target compound from the ionic liquid. However, the results obtained can be used as a platform for the development of an analytical method for the quantitative determination of low concentrations of glaucine in biological samples. We further examined the ability of a series of organic solvents such as diethyl ether, Tert-butylmethyl ether, ethyl acetate, butyl acetate, toluene, chloroform, dichloromethane to recover glaucine form raw IL-based aqueous extracts. Optimal conditions for quantitative extraction of glaucine into chloroform were found from which, after removal of the solvent and subsequent recrystallization from ethanol, the target compound was isolated in a high purity as a hydrobromide salt – The form in which it entrance as an active ingredient in various medicines.Keywords: natural products, ionic liquids, solid-liquid extraction, liquid-liquid extraction
Procedia PDF Downloads 477635 The Design Method of Artificial Intelligence Learning Picture: A Case Study of DCAI's New Teaching
Authors: Weichen Chang
To create a guided teaching method for AI generative drawing design, this paper develops a set of teaching models for AI generative drawing (DCAI), which combines learning modes such as problem-solving, thematic inquiry, phenomenon-based, task-oriented, and DFC . Through the information security AI picture book learning guided programs and content, the application of participatory action research (PAR) and interview methods to explore the dual knowledge of Context and ChatGPT (DCAI) for AI to guide the development of students' AI learning skills. In the interviews, the students highlighted five main learning outcomes (self-study, critical thinking, knowledge generation, cognitive development, and presentation of work) as well as the challenges of implementing the model. Through the use of DCAI, students will enhance their consensus awareness of generative mapping analysis and group cooperation, and they will have knowledge that can enhance AI capabilities in DCAI inquiry and future life. From this paper, it is found that the conclusions are (1) The good use of DCAI can assist students in exploring the value of their knowledge through the power of stories and finding the meaning of knowledge communication; (2) Analyze the transformation power of the integrity and coherence of the story through the context so as to achieve the tension of ‘starting and ending’; (3) Use ChatGPT to extract inspiration, arrange story compositions, and make prompts that can communicate with people and convey emotions. Therefore, new knowledge construction methods will be one of the effective methods for AI learning in the face of artificial intelligence, providing new thinking and new expressions for interdisciplinary design and design education practice.Keywords: artificial intelligence, task-oriented, contextualization, design education
Procedia PDF Downloads 34634 Effect of CYP2B6 c.516G>T and c.983T>C Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms on Plasma Nevirapine Levels in Zimbabwean HIV/AIDS Patients
Authors: Doreen Duri, Danai Zhou, Babil Stray-Pedersen, Collet Dandara
Given the high prevalence of HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa, and the elusive search for a cure, understanding the pharmacogenetics of currently used drugs is critical in populations from the most affected regions. Compared to Asian and Caucasian populations, African population groups are more genetically diverse, making it difficult to extrapolate findings from one ethnic group to another. This study aimed to investigate the role of genetic variation in CYP2B6 (c.516G>T and c.983T>C) single nucleotide polymorphisms on plasma nevirapine levels among HIV-infected adult Zimbabwean patients. Using a cross-sectional study, patients on nevirapine-containing HAART, having reached steady state (more than six weeks on treatment) were recruited to participate. Blood samples were collected after patients provided consent and samples were used to extract DNA for genetic analysis or to measure plasma nevirapine levels. Genetic analysis was carried out using PCR and RFLP or Snapshot for the two single nucleotide polymorphisms; CYP2B6 c.516G>T and c.983T>C, while LC-MS/MS was used in analyzing nevirapine concentration. CYP2B6 c.516G>T and c.983T>C significantly predicted plasma nevirapine concentration with the c.516T and c.983T being associated with elevated plasma nevirapine concentrations. Comparisons of the variant allele frequencies observed in this group to those reported in some African, Caucasian and Asian populations showed significant differences. We conclude that pharmacogenetics of nevirapine can be creatively used to determine patients who are likely to develop nevirapine-associated side effects as well as too low plasma concentrations for viral suppression.Keywords: allele frequencies, genetically diverse, nevirapine, single nucleotide polymorphism
Procedia PDF Downloads 456633 Inhouse Inhibitor for Mitigating Corrosion in the Algerian Oil and Gas Industry
Authors: Hadjer Didouh, Mohamed Hadj Meliani, Izzeddine Sameut Bouhaik
As global demand for natural gas intensifies, Algeria is increasing its production to meet this rising need, placing significant strain on the nation's extensive pipeline infrastructure. Sonatrach, Algeria's national oil and gas company, faces persistent challenges from metal corrosion, particularly microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC), leading to substantial economic losses. This study investigates the corrosion-inhibiting properties of Calotropis procera extracts, known as karanka, as a sustainable alternative to conventional inhibitors, which often pose environmental risks. The Calotropis procera extracts were evaluated for their efficacy on carbon steel API 5L X52 through electrochemical techniques, including potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), under simulated operational conditions at varying concentrations, particularly at 10%, and elevated temperatures up to 60°C. The results demonstrated remarkable inhibition efficiency, achieving 96.73% at 60°C, attributed to the formation of a stable protective film on the metal surface that suppressed anodic and cathodic corrosion reactions. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) confirmed the stability and adherence of these protective films, while EIS analysis indicated a significant increase in charge transfer resistance, highlighting the extract's effectiveness in enhancing corrosion resistance. The abundant availability of Calotropis procera in Algeria and its low-cost extraction processes present a promising opportunity for sustainable biocorrosion management strategies in the oil and gas industry, reinforcing the potential of plant-based extracts as viable alternatives to synthetic inhibitors for environmentally friendly corrosion control.Keywords: corrosion inhibition, calotropis procera, microbiologically influenced corrosion, eco-friendly inhibitor
Procedia PDF Downloads 28632 Computer-Aided Detection of Liver and Spleen from CT Scans using Watershed Algorithm
Authors: Belgherbi Aicha, Bessaid Abdelhafid
In the recent years a great deal of research work has been devoted to the development of semi-automatic and automatic techniques for the analysis of abdominal CT images. The first and fundamental step in all these studies is the semi-automatic liver and spleen segmentation that is still an open problem. In this paper, a semi-automatic liver and spleen segmentation method by the mathematical morphology based on watershed algorithm has been proposed. Our algorithm is currency in two parts. In the first, we seek to determine the region of interest by applying the morphological to extract the liver and spleen. The second step consists to improve the quality of the image gradient. In this step, we propose a method for improving the image gradient to reduce the over-segmentation problem by applying the spatial filters followed by the morphological filters. Thereafter we proceed to the segmentation of the liver, spleen. The aim of this work is to develop a method for semi-automatic segmentation liver and spleen based on watershed algorithm, improve the accuracy and the robustness of the liver and spleen segmentation and evaluate a new semi-automatic approach with the manual for liver segmentation. To validate the segmentation technique proposed, we have tested it on several images. Our segmentation approach is evaluated by comparing our results with the manual segmentation performed by an expert. The experimental results are described in the last part of this work. The system has been evaluated by computing the sensitivity and specificity between the semi-automatically segmented (liver and spleen) contour and the manually contour traced by radiological experts. Liver segmentation has achieved the sensitivity and specificity; sens Liver=96% and specif Liver=99% respectively. Spleen segmentation achieves similar, promising results sens Spleen=95% and specif Spleen=99%.Keywords: CT images, liver and spleen segmentation, anisotropic diffusion filter, morphological filters, watershed algorithm
Procedia PDF Downloads 325631 Chemical Modifications of Carotol and Their Antioxidant Activity
Authors: Dalvir Kataria, Khushminder Kaur Chahal, Amit Kumar
The carrot seed essential oil was obtained by hydrodistillation. Hexane, dichloromethane, and methanol solvents were used for extraction of carrot seed by Soxhlet extraction methods. The major and minor compounds identified in carrot seed essential oil were carotol (52.73), daucol (5.10), daucene (5.68), (E)-β-farnesene (5.40), β-cubebene (3.19), longifolenaldehyde (3.23), β-elimene (3.23), (E)-caryophyllene (1.22), β-bisabolene (2.95) etc. The chemical composition of hexane, dichloromethane, and methanol extracts was different. Carotol was the common compound present. Major compounds isolated were from the carrot seed essential oil by column chromatography. Chemical transformations of carotol (2) with mercuric acetate/sodium borohydride, dry hydrochloric acid gas, acetonitrile/sulfuric acid, selenium dioxide/t-butyl hydrogen peroxide, N-bromosuccinimide, hydrogen iodide, and phenol were carried out. The derivatives of carotol were designed to explore the significance of some structural modifications in relation to antioxidant activities. The structures of major compounds and derivatives were confirmed on the basis of FT-IR, 1HNMR and 13CNMR spectroscopy. Antioxidant activity of carrot seed essential oil, various extracts and isolated compounds were tested by in vitro models involving 2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH•), hydroxyl (OH•), nitric oxide (NO•), superoxide radical scavenging methods and ferric reducing antioxidant power assay (FRAP). Chemical transformations of major isolated compound carotol were carried out, and antioxidant activity of all compounds was undertaken. The major sesquiterpenoidcarotol isolated from carrot seed essential oil showed the highest antioxidant activity in all the methods. The methanol extract showed higher antioxidant potential as compared to carrot seed essential oil, hexane, and dichloromethane extracts.Keywords: antioxidant, carotol, carrot, DPPH
Procedia PDF Downloads 134630 Voice of Customer: Mining Customers' Reviews on On-Line Car Community
Authors: Kim Dongwon, Yu Songjin
This study identifies the business value of VOC (Voice of Customer) on the business. Precisely, we intend to demonstrate how much negative and positive sentiment of VOC has an influence on car sales market share in the unites states. We extract 7 emotions such as sadness, shame, anger, fear, frustration, delight and satisfaction from the VOC data, 23,204 pieces of opinions, that had been posted on car-related on-line community from 2007 to 2009(a part of data collection from 2007 to 2015), and intend to clarify the correlation between negative and positive sentimental keywords and contribution to market share. In order to develop a lexicon for each category of negative and positive sentiment, we took advantage of Corpus program, Antconc 3.4.1.w and on-line sentimental data, SentiWordNet and identified the part of speech(POS) information of words in the customers' opinion by using a part-of-speech tagging function provided by TextAnalysisOnline. For the purpose of this present study, a total of 45,741 pieces of customers' opinions of 28 car manufacturing companies had been collected including titles and status information. We conducted an experiment to examine whether the inclusion, frequency and intensity of terms with negative and positive emotions in each category affect the adoption of customer opinions for vehicle organizations' market share. In the experiment, we statistically verified that there is correlation between customer ideas containing negative and positive emotions and variation of marker share. Particularly, "Anger," a domain of negative domains, is significantly influential to car sales market share. The domain "Delight" and "Satisfaction" increased in proportion to growth of market share.Keywords: data mining, opinion mining, sentiment analysis, VOC
Procedia PDF Downloads 215629 Dynamic Modeling of the Impact of Chlorine on Aquatic Species in Urban Lake Ecosystem
Authors: Zhiqiang Yan, Chen Fan, Yafei Wang, Beicheng Xia
Urban lakes play an invaluable role in urban water systems such as flood control, water supply, and public recreation. However, over 38% of the urban lakes have suffered from severe eutrophication in China. Chlorine that could remarkably inhibit the growth of phytoplankton in eutrophic, has been widely used in the agricultural, aquaculture and industry in the recent past. However, little information has been reported regarding the effects of chlorine on the lake ecosystem, especially on the main aquatic species.To investigate the ecological response of main aquatic species and system stability to chlorine interference in shallow urban lakes, a mini system dynamic model was developed based on the competition and predation of main aquatic species and total phosphorus circulation. The main species of submerged macrophyte, phytoplankton, zooplankton, benthos, spiroggra and total phosphorus in water and sediment were used as variables in the model,while the interference of chlorine on phytoplankton was represented by an exponential attenuation equation. Furthermore, the eco-exergy expressing the development degree of ecosystem was used to quantify the complexity of the shallow urban lake. The model was validated using the data collected in the Lotus Lake in Guangzhoufrom1 October 2015 to 31 January 2016.The correlation coefficient (R), root mean square error-observations standard deviation ratio (RSR) and index of agreement (IOA) were calculated to evaluate accuracy and reliability of the model.The simulated values showed good qualitative agreement with the measured values of all components. The model results showed that chlorine had a notable inhibitory effect on Microcystis aeruginos,Rachionus plicatilis, Diaphanosoma brachyurum Liévin and Mesocyclops leuckarti (Claus).The outbreak of Spiroggra.spp. inhibited the growth of Vallisneria natans (Lour.) Hara, leading to a gradual decrease of eco-exergy and the breakdown of ecosystem internal equilibria. This study gives important insight into using chlorine to achieve eutrophication control and understand mechanism process.Keywords: system dynamic model, urban lake, chlorine, eco-exergy
Procedia PDF Downloads 236628 Diabetes Mellitus and Blood Glucose Variability Increases the 30-day Readmission Rate after Kidney Transplantation
Authors: Harini Chakkera
Background: Inpatient hyperglycemia is an established independent risk factor among several patient cohorts with hospital readmission. This has not been studied after kidney transplantation. Nearly one-third of patients who have undergone a kidney transplant reportedly experience 30-day readmission. Methods: Data on first-time solitary kidney transplantations were retrieved between September 2015 to December 2018. Information was linked to the electronic health record to determine a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus and extract glucometeric and insulin therapy data. Univariate logistic regression analysis and the XGBoost algorithm were used to predict 30-day readmission. We report the average performance of the models on the testing set on five bootstrapped partitions of the data to ensure statistical significance. Results: The cohort included 1036 patients who received kidney transplantation, and 224 (22%) experienced 30-day readmission. The machine learning algorithm was able to predict 30-day readmission with an average AUC of 77.3% (95% CI 75.30-79.3%). We observed statistically significant differences in the presence of pretransplant diabetes, inpatient-hyperglycemia, inpatient-hypoglycemia, and minimum and maximum glucose values among those with higher 30-day readmission rates. The XGBoost model identified the index admission length of stay, presence of hyper- and hypoglycemia and recipient and donor BMI values as the most predictive risk factors of 30-day readmission. Additionally, significant variations in the therapeutic management of blood glucose by providers were observed. Conclusions: Suboptimal glucose metrics during hospitalization after kidney transplantation is associated with an increased risk for 30-day hospital readmission. Optimizing the hospital blood glucose management, a modifiable factor, after kidney transplantation may reduce the risk of 30-day readmission.Keywords: kidney, transplant, diabetes, insulin
Procedia PDF Downloads 91627 Green Synthesis and Characterisation of Gold Nanoparticles from the Stem Bark and Leaves of Khaya Senegalensis and Its Cytotoxicity on MCF7 Cell Lines
Authors: Stephen Daniel Iduh, Evans Chidi Egwin, Oluwatosin Kudirat Shittu
The process for the development of reliable and eco-friendly metallic Nanoparticles is an important step in the field of Nanotechnology for biomedical application. To achieve this, use of natural sources like biological systems becomes essential. In the present work, extracellular biosynthesis of gold Nanoparticles using aqueous leave and stembark extracts of K. senegalensis has been attempted. The gold Nanoparticles produced were characterized using High Resolution scanning electron microscopy, Ultra Violet–Visible spectroscopy, zeta-sizer Nano, Energy-Dispersive X-ray (EDAX) Spectroscopy and Fourier Transmission Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy. The cytotoxicity of the synthesized gold nanoparticles on MCF-7 cell line was evaluated using MTT assay. The result showed a rapid development of Nano size and shaped particles within 5 minutes of reaction with Surface Plasmon Resonance at 520 and 525nm respectively. An average particle size of 20-90nm was confirmed. The amount of the extracts determines the core size of the AuNPs. The core size of the AuNPs decreases as the amount of extract increases and it causes the shift of Surface Plasmon Resonance band. The FTIR confirms the presence of biomolecules serving as reducing and capping agents on the synthesised gold nanoparticles. The MTT assay shows a significant effect of gold nanoparticles which is concentration dependent. This environment-friendly method of biological gold Nanoparticle synthesis has the potential and can be directly applied in cancer therapy.Keywords: biosynthesis, gold nanoparticles, characterization, calotropis procera, cytotoxicity
Procedia PDF Downloads 492626 Applications of Multivariate Statistical Methods on Geochemical Data to Evaluate the Hydrocarbons Source Rocks and Oils from Ghadames Basin, NW Libya
Authors: Mohamed Hrouda
The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was performed on a dataset comprising 41 biomarker concentrations from twenty-three core source rocks samples and seven oil samples from different location, with the objective of establishing the major sources of variance within the steranes, tricyclic terpanes, hopanes, and triaromatic steroid. This type of analysis can be used as an aid when deciding which molecular biomarker maturity, source facies or depositional environment parameters should be plotted, because the principal component loadings plots tend to extract the biomarker variables related to maturity, source facies or depositional environment controls. Facies characterization of the source rock samples separate the Silurian and Devonian source rock samples into three groups. Maturity evaluation of source rock samples based on biomarker and aromatic hydrocarbon distributions indicates that not all the samples are strongly affected by maturity, the Upper Devonian samples from wells located in the northern part of the basin are immature, whereas the other samples which have been selected from the Lower Silurian are mature and have reached the main stage of the oil window, the Lower Silurian source rock strata revealed a trend of increasing maturity towards the south and southwestern part of Ghadames Basin. Most of the facies-based parameters employed in this project using biomarker distributions clearly separate the oil samples into three groups. Group I contain oil samples from wells within Al-Wafa oil field Located in the south western part of the basin, Group II contains oil samples collected from Al-Hamada oil field complex in the south and the third group contains oil samples collected from oil fields located in the northKeywords: Ghadamis basin, geochemistry, silurian, devonian
Procedia PDF Downloads 63625 Neuroprotective Effect of Germinated Dolichos lablab on 6-Hydroxy Dopamine (6-OHDA) Induced Toxicity in SH-SY5Y Neuroblastoma Cell
Authors: Taek Hwan Lee, Moon Ho Do, Lalita Subedi, Young Un Park, Sun Yeou Kim
Natural and artificial toxic substances namely neurotoxins induce the bitter effect in the nervous system termed as neurotoxicity. It can modulate the normal functioning of the nervous system either hyperactivate it or damage homeostasis of neuronal system. Neurotoxins induced toxicity ultimately kills the neuron. The present study investigated the neuroprotective effects of germinated Dolichos lablab on 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA)-induced neurotoxicity using SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells. Germination is a process of plant growth from a seed. Sprouting of a seedling from a seed induced many molecular changes in the seed in order to prepare it for further growth. Because of these molecular and chemical changes, the neuroprotective effect of Dolichos lablab is higher in the germinated form than in the normal condition. SH-SY5Y cells were treated with Dolichos lablab extract (50, 100 g/ml) followed by 6-OHDA (25M) induced toxicity. Cell Viability was measured to check the cell survival against 6-OHDA induced toxicity using MTT assay. Dolichos lablab showed a neuroprotective effect against 6-OHDA induced neuronal cell death in neuroblastoma cell at a higher concentration of 100g/ml however the effect is much better even at the lower concentration after germination 50g/ml. Cell survival was increased dramatically after 15 h of germination and increased with time of germination in concentration dependent manner. Trigonelline as a representative compound was validated in germinated Dolichos lablab by HPLC analysis that might enhance the neuroprotective effect of Dolichos lablab. This result suggests that Dolichos lablab possess neuroprotective effect in neuroblastoma cells against 6-OHDA however its activity was more potent in the germinated form.Keywords: dolichos lablab, germination, neuroprotection, trigonelline
Procedia PDF Downloads 323624 Antifeedant Activity of Plant Extracts on the Spongy Moth (Lymantria dispar) Larvae
Authors: Jovana M. Ćirković, Aleksandar M. Radojković, Sanja Z. Perać, Jelena N. Jovanović, Zorica M. Branković, Slobodan D. Milanović, Ivan Lj. Milenković, Jovan N. Dobrosavljević, Nemanja V. Simović, Vanja M. Tadić, Ana R. Žugić, Goran O. Branković
The protection of forests is a national interest and of strategic importance in every country. The spongy moth (Lymantria dispar) is a damaging invasive pest that can weaken and destroy trees by defoliating them. Chemical pesticides commonly used to protect forests against spongy moths not only have a negative impact on terrestrial and aquatic organisms/ecosystems but also often fail to provide significant protection. Therefore, many eco-friendly alternatives have been considered. Within this research, a new biopesticide was developed based on the method of nanoencapsulation of plant extracts in a biopolymer matrix, which provides a slow release of the active components during a substantial time period. The antifeedant activity of plant extracts of common (Fraxinus excelsior L.), manna (F. ornus L.) ash tree, and the tree of heaven Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) was tested on the spongy moth (Lymantria dispar L, 1758) larvae. To test the antifeedant activity of these compounds, the choice and non-choice tests in laboratory conditions for different plant extract concentrations (0.01, 0.1, 0.5, and 1 % v/v) were carried out. In both cases, the best results showed formulations based on the tree of heaven and common ash for the concentration of 1%, with deterioration indices of 163 and 132, respectively. The main benefit of these formulations is their versatility, effectiveness, prolonged effect, and because they are completely environmentally acceptable. Therefore, they can be considered for suppression of the spongy moth in forest ecosystems.Keywords: Ailanthus altissima (Mill.), Fraxinus excelsior L., encapsulation, Lymantria dispar
Procedia PDF Downloads 78623 Biodegradation of Malathion by Acinetobacter baumannii Strain AFA Isolated from Domestic Sewage in Egypt
Authors: Ahmed F. Azmy, Amal E. Saafan, Tamer M. Essam, Magdy A. Amin, Shaban H. Ahmed
Bacterial strains capable of degradation of malathion from the domestic sewage were isolated by an enrichment culture technique. Three bacterial strains were screened and identified as Acinetobacter baumannii (AFA), Pseudomonas aeruginosae (PS1),andPseudomonas mendocina (PS2) based on morphological, biochemical identification and 16S rRNA sequence analysis. Acinetobacter baumannii AFA was the most efficient malathion degrading bacterium, so used for further biodegradation study. AFA was able to grow in mineral salt medium (MSM) supplemented with malathion (100 mg/l) as a sole carbon source, and within 14 days, 84% of the initial dose was degraded by the isolate measured by high performance liquid chromatography. Strain AFA could also degrade other organophosphorus compounds including diazenon, chlorpyrifos and fenitrothion. The effect of different culture conditions on the degradation of malathion like inoculum density, other carbon or nitrogen sources, temperature and shaking were examined. Degradation of malathion and bacterial cell growth were accelerated when culture media were supplemented with yeast extract, glucose and citrate. The optimum conditions for malathion degradation by strain AFA were; an inoculum density of 1.5x 1012CFU/ml at 30°C with shaking. A specific polymerase chain reaction primers were designed manually using multiple sequence alignment of the corresponding carboxylesterase enzymes of Acinetobacter species. Sequencing result of amplified PCR product and phylogenetic analysis showed low degree of homology with the other carboxylesterase enzymes of Acinetobacter strains, so we suggested that this enzyme is a novel esterase enzyme. Isolated bacterial strains may have potential role for use in bioremediation of malathion contaminated.Keywords: Acinetobacter baumannii, biodegradation, malathion, organophosphate pesticides
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