Search results for: terrestrial laser scanning
514 Tribological Behaviour of the Degradation Process of Additive Manufactured Stainless Steel 316L
Authors: Yunhan Zhang, Xiaopeng Li, Zhongxiao Peng
Additive manufacturing (AM) possesses several key characteristics, including high design freedom, energy-efficient manufacturing process, reduced material waste, high resolution of finished products, and excellent performance of finished products. These advantages have garnered widespread attention and fueled rapid development in recent decades. AM has significantly broadened the spectrum of available materials in the manufacturing industry and is gradually replacing some traditionally manufactured parts. Similar to components produced via traditional methods, products manufactured through AM are susceptible to degradation caused by wear during their service life. Given the prevalence of 316L stainless steel (SS) parts and the limited research on the tribological behavior of 316L SS samples or products fabricated using AM technology, this study aims to investigate the degradation process and wear mechanisms of 316L SS disks fabricated using AM technology. The wear mechanisms and tribological performance of these AM-manufactured samples are compared with commercial 316L SS samples made using conventional methods. Additionally, methods to enhance the tribological performance of additive-manufactured SS samples are explored. Four disk samples with a diameter of 75 mm and a thickness of 10 mm are prepared. Two of them (Group A) are prepared from a purchased SS bar using a milling method. The other two disks (Group B), with the same dimensions, are made of Gas Atomized 316L Stainless Steel (size range: 15-45 µm) purchased from Carpenter Additive and produced using Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF). Pin-on-disk tests are conducted on these disks, which have similar surface roughness and hardness levels. Multiple tests are carried out under various operating conditions, including varying loads and/or speeds, and the friction coefficients are measured during these tests. In addition, the evolution of the surface degradation processes is monitored by creating moulds of the wear tracks and quantitatively analyzing the surface morphologies of the mould images. This analysis involves quantifying the depth and width of the wear tracks and analyzing the wear debris generated during the wear processes. The wear mechanisms and wear performance of these two groups of SS samples are compared. The effects of load and speed on the friction coefficient and wear rate are investigated. The ultimate goal is to gain a better understanding of the surface degradation of additive-manufactured SS samples. This knowledge is crucial for enhancing their anti-wear performance and extending their service life.Keywords: degradation process, additive manufacturing, stainless steel, surface features
Procedia PDF Downloads 79513 Temperature Dependence of Photoluminescence Intensity of Europium Dinuclear Complex
Authors: Kwedi L. M. Nsah, Hisao Uchiki
Quantum computation is a new and exciting field making use of quantum mechanical phenomena. In classical computers, information is represented as bits, with values either 0 or 1, but a quantum computer uses quantum bits in an arbitrary superposition of 0 and 1, enabling it to reach beyond the limits predicted by classical information theory. lanthanide ion quantum computer is an organic crystal, having a lanthanide ion. Europium is a favored lanthanide, since it exhibits nuclear spin coherence times, and Eu(III) is photo-stable and has two stable isotopes. In a europium organic crystal, the key factor is the mutual dipole-dipole interaction between two europium atoms. Crystals of the complex were formed by making a 2 :1 reaction of Eu(fod)3 and bpm. The transparent white crystals formed showed brilliant red luminescence with a 405 nm laser. The photoluminescence spectroscopy was observed both at room and cryogenic temperatures (300-14 K). The luminescence spectrum of [Eu(fod)3(μ-bpm) Eu(fod)3] showed characteristic of Eu(III) emission transitions in the range 570–630 nm, due to the deactivation of 5D0 emissive state to 7Fj. For the application of dinuclear Eu3+ complex to q-bit device, attention was focused on 5D0 -7F0 transition, around 580 nm. The presence of 5D0 -7F0 transition at room temperature revealed that at least one europium symmetry had no inversion center. Since the line was unsplit by the crystal field effect, any multiplicity observed was due to a multiplicity of Eu3+ sites. For q-bit element, more narrow line width of 5D0 → 7F0 PL band in Eu3+ ion was preferable. Cryogenic temperatures (300 K – 14 K) was applicable to reduce inhomogeneous broadening and distinguish between ions. A CCD image sensor was used for low temperature Photoluminescence measurement, and a far better resolved luminescent spectrum was gotten by cooling the complex at 14 K. A red shift by 15 cm-1 in the 5D0 - 7F0 peak position was observed upon cooling, the line shifted towards lower wavenumber. An emission spectrum at the 5D0 - 7F0 transition region was obtained to verify the line width. At this temperature, a peak with magnitude three times that at room temperature was observed. The temperature change of the 5D0 state of Eu(fod)3(μ-bpm)Eu(fod)3 showed a strong dependence in the vicinity of 60 K to 100 K. Thermal quenching was observed at higher temperatures than 100 K, at which point it began to decrease slowly with increasing temperature. The temperature quenching effect of Eu3+ with increase temperature was caused by energy migration. 100 K was the appropriate temperature for the observation of the 5D0 - 7F0 emission peak. Europium dinuclear complex bridged by bpm was successfully prepared and monitored at cryogenic temperatures. At 100 K the Eu3+-dope complex has a good thermal stability and this temperature is appropriate for the observation of the 5D0 - 7F0 emission peak. Sintering the sample above 600o C could also be a method to consider but the Eu3+ ion can be reduced to Eu2+, reasons why cryogenic temperature measurement is preferably over other methods.Keywords: Eu(fod)₃, europium dinuclear complex, europium ion, quantum bit, quantum computer, 2, 2-bipyrimidine
Procedia PDF Downloads 182512 Portuguese Guitar Strings Characterization and Comparison
Authors: P. Serrão, E. Costa, A. Ribeiro, V. Infante
The characteristic sonority of the Portuguese guitar is in great part what makes Fado so distinguishable from other traditional song styles. The Portuguese guitar is a pear-shaped plucked chordophone with six courses of double strings. This study compares the two types of plain strings available for Portuguese guitar and used by the musicians. One is stainless steel spring wire, the other is high carbon spring steel (music wire). Some musicians mention noticeable differences in sound quality between these two string materials, such as a little more brightness and sustain in the steel strings. Experimental tests were performed to characterize string tension at pitch; mechanical strength and tuning stability using the universal testing machine; dimensional control and chemical composition analysis using the scanning electron microscope. The string dynamical behaviour characterization experiments, including frequency response, inharmonicity, transient response, damping phenomena and were made in a monochord test set-up designed and built in-house. Damping factor was determined for the fundamental frequency. As musicians are able to detect very small damping differences, an accurate a characterization of the damping phenomena for all harmonics was necessary. With that purpose, another improved monochord was set and a new system identification methodology applied. Due to the complexity of this task several adjustments were necessary until obtaining good experimental data. In a few cases, dynamical tests were repeated to detect any evolution in damping parameters after break-in period when according to players experience a new string sounds gradually less dull until reaching the typically brilliant timbre. Finally, each set of strings was played on one guitar by a distinguished player and recorded. The recordings which include individual notes, scales, chords and a study piece, will be analysed to potentially characterize timbre variations.Keywords: damping factor, music wire, portuguese guitar, string dynamics
Procedia PDF Downloads 553511 Effect of Humic Acids on Agricultural Soil Structure and Stability and Its Implication on Soil Quality
Authors: Omkar Gaonkar, Indumathi Nambi, Suresh G. Kumar
The functional and morphological aspects of soil structure determine the soil quality. The dispersion of colloidal soil particles, especially the clay fraction and rupture of soil aggregates, both of which play an important role in soil structure development, lead to degradation of soil quality. The main objective of this work was to determine the effect of the behaviour of soil colloids on the agricultural soil structure and quality. The effect of commercial humic acid and soil natural organic matter on the electrical and structural properties of the soil colloids was also studied. Agricultural soil, belonging to the sandy loam texture class from northern part of India was considered in this study. In order to understand the changes in the soil quality in the presence and absence of humic acids, the soil fabric and structure was analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Electrical properties of natural soil colloids in aqueous suspensions were assessed by zeta potential measurements at varying pH values with and without the presence of humic acids. The influence of natural organic matter was analyzed by oxidizing the natural soil organic matter with hydrogen peroxide. The zeta potential of the soil colloids was found to be negative in the pH range studied. The results indicated that hydrogen peroxide treatment leads to deflocculation of colloidal soil particles. In addition, the humic acids undergoes effective adsorption onto the soil surface imparting more negative zeta potential to the colloidal soil particles. The soil hydrophilicity decreased in the presence of humic acids which was confirmed by surface free energy determination. Thus, it can be concluded that the presence of humic acids altered the soil fabric and structure, thereby affecting the soil quality. This study assumes significance in understanding soil aggregation and the interactions at soil solid-liquid interface.Keywords: humic acids, natural organic matter, zeta potential, soil quality
Procedia PDF Downloads 253510 Identifying Artifacts in SEM-EDS of Fouled RO Membranes Used for the Treatment of Brackish Groundwater Through Raman and ICP-MS Analysis
Authors: Abhishek Soti, Aditya Sharma, Akhilendra Bhushan Gupta
Fouled reverse osmosis membranes are primarily characterized by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometer (EDS) for a detailed investigation of foulants; however, this has severe limitations on several accounts. Apart from inaccuracy in spectral properties and inevitable interferences and interactions between sample and instrument, misidentification of elements due to overlapping peaks is a significant drawback of EDS. This paper discusses this limitation by analyzing fouled polyamide RO membranes derived from community RO plants of Rajasthan treating brackish water via a combination of results obtained from EDS and Raman spectroscopy and cross corroborating with ICP-MS analysis of water samples prepared by dissolving the deposited salts. The anomalous behavior of different morphic forms of CaCO₃ in aqueous suspensions tends to introduce false reporting of the presence of certain heavy metals and rare earth metals in the scales of the fouled RO membranes used for treating brackish groundwater when analyzed using the commonly adopted techniques like SEM-EDS or Raman spectrometry. Peaks of CaCO₃ reflected in EDS spectra of the membrane were found to be misinterpreted as Scandium due to the automatic assignment of elements by the software. Similarly, the morphic forms merged with the dominant peak of CaCO₃ might be reflected as a single peak of Molybdenum in the Raman spectrum. A subsequent ICP-MS analysis of the deposited salts showed that both Sc and Mo were below detectable levels. It is always essential to cross-confirm the results through a destructive analysis method to avoid such interferences. It is further recommended to study different morphic forms of CaCO₃ scales, as they exhibit anomalous properties like reverse solubility with temperature and hence altered precipitation tendencies, for an accurate description of the composition of scales, which is vital for the smooth functioning of RO systems.Keywords: reverse osmosis, foulant analysis, groundwater, EDS, artifacts
Procedia PDF Downloads 106509 Acoustic Emission for Tool-Chip Interface Monitoring during Orthogonal Cutting
Authors: D. O. Ramadan, R. S. Dwyer-Joyce
The measurement of the interface conditions in a cutting tool contact is essential information for performance monitoring and control. This interface provides the path for the heat flux to the cutting tool. This elevate in the cutting tool temperature leads to motivate the mechanism of tool wear, thus affect the life of the cutting tool and the productivity. This zone is representative by the tool-chip interface. Therefore, understanding and monitoring this interface is considered an important issue in machining. In this paper, an acoustic emission (AE) technique was used to find the correlation between AE parameters and the tool-chip interface. For this reason, a response surface design (RSD) has been used to analyse and optimize the machining parameters. The experiment design was based on the face centered, central composite design (CCD) in the Minitab environment. According to this design, a series of orthogonal cutting experiments for different cutting conditions were conducted on a Triumph 2500 lathe machine to study the sensitivity of the acoustic emission (AE) signal to change in tool-chip contact length. The cutting parameters investigated were the cutting speed, depth of cut, and feed and the experiments were performed for 6082-T6 aluminium tube. All the orthogonal cutting experiments were conducted unlubricated. The tool-chip contact area was investigated using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The results obtained in this paper indicate that there is a strong dependence of the root mean square (RMS) on the cutting speed, where the RMS increases with increasing the cutting speed. A dependence on the tool-chip contact length has been also observed. However there was no effect observed of changing the cutting depth and feed on the RMS. These dependencies have been clarified in terms of the strain and temperature in the primary and secondary shear zones, also the tool-chip sticking and sliding phenomenon and the effect of these mechanical variables on dislocation activity at high strain rates. In conclusion, the acoustic emission technique has the potential to monitor in situ the tool-chip interface in turning and consequently could indicate the approaching end of life of a cutting tool.Keywords: Acoustic emission, tool-chip interface, orthogonal cutting, monitoring
Procedia PDF Downloads 488508 Role of SiOx Interlayer on Lead Oxide Electrodeposited on Stainless Steel for Promoting Electrochemical Treatment of Wastewater Containing Textile Dye
Authors: Hanene Akrout, Ines Elaissaoui, Sabrina Grassini, Daniele Fulginiti, Latifa Bousselmi
The main objective of this work is to investigate the efficiency of depollution power related to PbO₂ layer deposited onto a stainless steel (SS) substrate with SiOx as interlayer. The elaborated electrode was used as anode for anodic oxidation of wastewater containing Amaranth dye, as recalcitrant organic pollutant model. SiOx interlayer was performed using Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition ‘PECVD’ in plasma fed with argon, oxygen, and tetraethoxysilane (TEOS, Si precursor) in different ratios, onto the SS substrate. PbO₂ layer was produced by pulsed electrodeposition on SS/SiOx. The morphological of different surfaces are depicted with Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM) and the composition of the lead oxide layer was investigated by X-Ray Diffractometry (XRD). The results showed that the SiOx interlayer with more rich oxygen content improved better the nucleation of β-PbO₂ form. Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) measurements undertaken on different interfaces (at optimized conditions) revealed a decrease of Rfilm while CPE film increases for SiOx interlayer, characterized by a more inorganic nature and deposited in a plasma fed by higher O2-to-TEOS ratios. Quantitative determinations of the Amaranth dye degradation rate were performed in terms of colour and COD removals, reaching a 95% and an 80% respectively removal at pH = 2 in 300 min. Results proved the improvement of the degradation wastewater containing the amaranth dye. During the electrolysis, the Amaranth dye solution was sampled at 30 min intervals and analyzed by ‘High-performance Liquid Chromatography’ HPLC. The gradual degradation of the Amaranth dye confirmed by the decrease in UV absorption using the SS/SiOx(20:20:1)/PbO₂ anode, the reaction exhibited an apparent first-order kinetic for electrolysis time of 5 hours, with an initial rate constant of about 0.02 min⁻¹.Keywords: electrochemical treatment, PbO₂ anodes, COD removal, plasma
Procedia PDF Downloads 193507 Poly(Ethylene Glycol)-Silicone Containing Phase Change Polymer for Thermal Energy Storage
Authors: Swati Sundararajan, , Asit B. Samui, Prashant S. Kulkarni
The global energy crisis has led to extensive research on alternative sources of energy. The gap between energy supply and demand can be met by thermal energy storage techniques, of which latent heat storage is most effective in the form of phase change materials (PCMs). Phase change materials utilize latent heat absorbed or released over a narrow temperature range of the material undergoing phase transformation, to store energy. The latent heat can be utilized for heating or cooling purposes. It can also be used for converting to electricity. All these actions amount to minimizing the load on electricity demand. These materials retain this property over repeated number of cycles. Different PCMs differ in the phase change temperature and the heat storage capacities. Poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) was cross-linked to hydroxyl-terminated poly(dimethyl siloxane) (PDMS) in the presence of cross-linker, tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) and catalyst, dibutyltin dilaurate. Four different ratios of PEG and PDMS were reacted together, and the composition with the lowest PEG concentration resulted in the formation of a flexible solid-solid phase change membrane. The other compositions are obtained in powder form. The enthalpy values of the prepared PCMs were studied by using differential scanning calorimetry and the crystallization properties were analyzed by using X-ray diffraction and polarized optical microscopy. The incorporation of silicone moiety was expected to reduce the hydrophilic character of PEG, which was evaluated by measurement of contact angle. The membrane forming ability of this crosslinked polymer can be extended to several smart packaging, building and textile applications. The detailed synthesis, characterization and performance evaluation of the crosslinked polymer blend will be incorporated in the presentation.Keywords: phase change materials, poly(ethylene glycol), poly(dimethyl siloxane), thermal energy storage
Procedia PDF Downloads 355506 Physical Model Testing of Storm-Driven Wave Impact Loads and Scour at a Beach Seawall
Authors: Sylvain Perrin, Thomas Saillour
The Grande-Motte port and seafront development project on the French Mediterranean coastline entailed evaluating wave impact loads (pressures and forces) on the new beach seawall and comparing the resulting scour potential at the base of the existing and new seawall. A physical model was built at ARTELIA’s hydraulics laboratory in Grenoble (France) to provide insight into the evolution of scouring overtime at the front of the wall, quasi-static and impulsive wave force intensity and distribution on the wall, and water and sand overtopping discharges over the wall. The beach was constituted of fine sand and approximately 50 m wide above mean sea level (MSL). Seabed slopes were in the range of 0.5% offshore to 1.5% closer to the beach. A smooth concrete structure will replace the existing concrete seawall with an elevated curved crown wall. Prior the start of breaking (at -7 m MSL contour), storm-driven maximum spectral significant wave heights of 2.8 m and 3.2 m were estimated for the benchmark historical storm event dated of 1997 and the 50-year return period storms respectively, resulting in 1 m high waves at the beach. For the wave load assessment, a tensor scale measured wave forces and moments and five piezo / piezo-resistive pressure sensors were placed on the wall. Light-weight sediment physical model and pressure and force measurements were performed with scale 1:18. The polyvinyl chloride light-weight particles used to model the prototype silty sand had a density of approximately 1 400 kg/m3 and a median diameter (d50) of 0.3 mm. Quantitative assessments of the seabed evolution were made using a measuring rod and also a laser scan survey. Testing demonstrated the occurrence of numerous impulsive wave impacts on the reflector (22%), induced not by direct wave breaking but mostly by wave run-up slamming on the top curved part of the wall. Wave forces of up to 264 kilonewtons and impulsive pressure spikes of up to 127 kilonewtons were measured. Maximum scour of -0.9 m was measured for the new seawall versus -0.6 m for the existing seawall, which is imputable to increased wave reflection (coefficient was 25.7 - 30.4% vs 23.4 - 28.6%). This paper presents a methodology for the setup and operation of a physical model in order to assess the hydrodynamic and morphodynamic processes at a beach seawall during storms events. It discusses the pros and cons of such methodology versus others, notably regarding structures peculiarities and model effects.Keywords: beach, impacts, scour, seawall, waves
Procedia PDF Downloads 153505 Multifunctional Plasmonic Ag-TiO2 Nano-biocompoistes: Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering and Anti-microbial Properties
Authors: Jai Prakash, Promod Kumar, Chantel Swart, J. H. Neethling, A. Janse van Vuuren, H. C. Swart
Ag nanoparticles (NPs) have been used as functional nanomaterials due to their optical and antibacterial properties. Similarly, TiO2 photocatalysts have also been used as suitable nanomaterials for killing cancer cells, viruses and bacteria. Here, we report on multifunctional plasmonic Ag-TiO2 nano-biocomposite synthesized by the sol-gel technique and their optical, surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) and antibacterial activities. The as-prepared composites of Ag–TiO2 with different silver content and TiO2 nanopowder were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, energy-dispersed X-ray analysis (EDX), UV-vis and Raman spectroscopy. The Ag NPs were found to be uniformly distributed and strongly attached to the TiO2 matrix. The novel optical response of the Ag-TiO2 nanocomposites is due to the strong electric field from the surface plasmon excitation of the Ag NPs. The Raman spectrum of Ag-TiO2 nanocomposite was found to be enhanced as compared to TiO2. The enhancement of the low frequency band is evident. This indicates the SERS effect of the TiO2 NPs in close vicinity of Ag NPs. In addition, nanocomposites showed enhancement in the SERS signals of methyl orange (MO) dye molecules with increasing Ag content. The localized electromagnetic field from the surface plasmon excitation of the Ag NPs was responsible for the SERS signals of the TiO2 NPs and MO molecules. The antimicrobial effect of the Ag–TiO2 nanocomposites with different silver content and TiO2 nanopowder were carried out against the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus. The Ag–TiO2 composites showed antibacterial activity towards S. aureus with increasing Ag content as compared to the TiO2 nanopowder. These results foresee promising applications of the functional plasmonic metal−semiconductor based nanobiocomposites for both chemical and biological samples.Keywords: metal-Semiconductor, nano-Biocomposites, anti-microbial activity, surface enhanced Raman scattering
Procedia PDF Downloads 230504 3D Text Toys: Creative Approach to Experiential and Immersive Learning for World Literacy
Authors: Azyz Sharafy
3D Text Toys is an innovative and creative approach that utilizes 3D text objects to enhance creativity, literacy, and basic learning in an enjoyable and gamified manner. By using 3D Text Toys, children can develop their creativity, visually learn words and texts, and apply their artistic talents within their creative abilities. This process incorporates haptic engagement with 2D and 3D texts, word building, and mechanical construction of everyday objects, thereby facilitating better word and text retention. The concept involves constructing visual objects made entirely out of 3D text/words, where each component of the object represents a word or text element. For instance, a bird can be recreated using words or text shaped like its wings, beak, legs, head, and body, resulting in a 3D representation of the bird purely composed of text. This can serve as an art piece or a learning tool in the form of a 3D text toy. These 3D text objects or toys can be crafted using natural materials such as leaves, twigs, strings, or ropes, or they can be made from various physical materials using traditional crafting tools. Digital versions of these objects can be created using 2D or 3D software on devices like phones, laptops, iPads, or computers. To transform digital designs into physical objects, computerized machines such as CNC routers, laser cutters, and 3D printers can be utilized. Once the parts are printed or cut out, students can assemble the 3D texts by gluing them together, resulting in natural or everyday 3D text objects. These objects can be painted to create artistic pieces or text toys, and the addition of wheels can transform them into moving toys. One of the significant advantages of this visual and creative object-based learning process is that students not only learn words but also derive enjoyment from the process of creating, painting, and playing with these objects. The ownership and creation process further enhances comprehension and word retention. Moreover, for individuals with learning disabilities such as dyslexia, ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), or other learning difficulties, the visual and haptic approach of 3D Text Toys can serve as an additional creative and personalized learning aid. The application of 3D Text Toys extends to both the English language and any other global written language. The adaptation and creative application may vary depending on the country, space, and native written language. Furthermore, the implementation of this visual and haptic learning tool can be tailored to teach foreign languages based on age level and comprehension requirements. In summary, this creative, haptic, and visual approach has the potential to serve as a global literacy tool.Keywords: 3D text toys, creative, artistic, visual learning for world literacy
Procedia PDF Downloads 65503 Optimizing Sustainable Graphene Production: Extraction of Graphite from Spent Primary and Secondary Batteries for Advanced Material Synthesis
Authors: Pratima Kumari, Sukha Ranjan Samadder
This research aims to contribute to the sustainable production of graphene materials by exploring the extraction of graphite from spent primary and secondary batteries. The increasing demand for graphene materials, a versatile and high-performance material, necessitates environmentally friendly methods for its synthesis. The process involves a well-planned methodology, beginning with the gathering and categorization of batteries, followed by the disassembly and careful removal of graphite from anode structures. The use of environmentally friendly solvents and mechanical techniques ensures an efficient and eco-friendly extraction of graphite. Advanced approaches such as the modified Hummers' method and chemical reduction process are utilized for the synthesis of graphene materials, with a focus on optimizing parameters. Various analytical techniques such as Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, and Raman spectroscopy were employed to validate the quality and structure of the produced graphene materials. The major findings of this study reveal the successful implementation of the methodology, leading to the production of high-quality graphene materials suitable for advanced material applications. Thorough characterization using various advanced techniques validates the structural integrity and purity of the graphene. The economic viability of the process is demonstrated through a comprehensive economic analysis, highlighting the potential for large-scale production. This research contributes to the field of sustainable production of graphene materials by offering a systematic methodology that efficiently transforms spent batteries into valuable graphene resources. Furthermore, the findings not only showcase the potential for upcycling electronic waste but also address the pressing need for environmentally conscious processes in advanced material synthesis.Keywords: spent primary batteries, spent secondary batteries, graphite extraction, advanced material synthesis, circular economy approach
Procedia PDF Downloads 54502 Achieving Them Both: Business and Wellness Outcomes in Health Organizations – the 'Tip' Laser Intervention
Authors: Shosh Kazaz, Shmuel Banai, Vered Zilberberg
Optimizing high business performance and employee's well-being simultaneously often challenges organizations. 'TIP' intervention enables achieving them both as the given project demonstrates. Increasing outcomes and improving performance were the initial motivators for this explorative project, followed by a request of the head of the Cardiology department: 'I know we are the best at our clinical practice, but we need to take it further and break our own glass ceiling.' Two guided interventions were conducted in two different units within the department, designed to implement advanced managerial and business-oriented tools, along with 'soft tools' based on coaching psychology and particularly wellness coaching. The organ department multi-disciplinary teams were assembled, aiming to manage and lead the process: mapping the patients' flow, creating solutions, implementing, assessing, improving and assimilating them. Approximately four months later, without additional external resources, meaningful results emerged by the teams in terms of business and performance: shortening the hospitalization length at a given procedure (from 7 to 2.1 days); increasing the availability of Catheterization laboratory by 16% daily – resulting profitability raise; improving patients' journey and experience. A year later, those results are maintained. Furthermore, interviews with the participants revealed positive perceptions regarding the department; a higher sense of joyfulness, connectedness, belonging and a better department climate were reported. Additionally, participants reported a higher sense of fulfillment as opposed to their earliest skepticism and cynicism about their ability to enhance outcomes without more resources (budget and/or manpower), experiencing a mindset change toward the possibility of leading personal and professional growth processes. These reports were supported by analyzing a set of questionnaires that the participants completed, parallel to a control group of non-participating colleagues. Although the assessment was taken a year after the completion of the project and during 'covid-19th-3rd national quarantine, the results indicated a significant impact on several personal parameters associated with wellness, compared to the control group. The participants were higher in self-efficacy and organizational commitment; men were higher in resilience and optimism and women were higher in well-being. In conclusion, the 'TIP' relatively short intervention integrates advanced managerial and wellness coaching tools, empowers organizational resources: Team, Individual and Process and by that generates multi-impact measurable results in terms of employee's wellness parameters along with business performance and patient care.Keywords: coaching, health and wellness, health management, leadership and well-being
Procedia PDF Downloads 184501 Genesis of Talc Bodies in Relation to the Mafic-Ultramafic Rocks around Wonu, Ibadan-Apomu Area, Southwestern Nigeria
Authors: Morenike Abimbola Adeleye, Anthony Temidayo Bolarinwa
The genesis of talc bodies around Wonu, Ibadan-Apomu area, southwestern Nigeria, has been speculative due to inadequate compositional data on the talc and the mafic-ultramafic protoliths. Petrography, morphology, using scanning electron microscope, mineral chemistry, X-ray diffraction, and major, trace and rare-earth element compositions of the talc and the mafic-ultramafic in the area were undertaken with a view to determine the genesis of the talc bodies. Fine-grained amphibolite and lherzolite are the major mafic-ultramafic rocks in the study area. The amphibolite is fine-grained, composed of amphiboles, pyroxenes plagioclase, K-feldspar, ilmenite, magnetite, and garnet. The lherzolite and talc are composed of olivines, pyroxenes, amphiboles, and plagioclase. Alteration minerals include serpentine, amesite, talc, Cr-bearing clinochlore, and ferritchromite. Cr-spinel, pyrite, and magnetite are the accessory minerals present. Alteration of olivines, pyroxenes, and amphiboles to talc and chlinochlore; and spinel to ferritchchromite by hydrothermal (H₂O-CO₂-Cl-HF) fluids, provided by the granitic intrusions in the area, showed retrograde metasomatism of amphibolites to greenschist facies at 500-550ºC. This led to the formation of talc, amesite, anthophyllite, actinolite, and tremolite. The Al₂O₃-Fe₂O₃+TiO₂-MgO discrimination diagram suggests tholeiitic protolith for the amphibolite and komatitic protolith for the lherzolite. The lherzolite has flat rare-earth element patterns typical of komatiites and dunites. The Al₂O₃/TiO₂ ratios, Ce/Nb vs. Th/Nb, Cr-TiO₂, TiO₂ vs. Al₂O₃, and Nd vs. Nb discrimination diagrams indicated that the talcs are from two-parent sources: altered metacarbonates and tholeiitic basalts (amphibolites) to komatitic basalts (lherzolites).Keywords: amphibolites, lherzolites, talc, komatiite
Procedia PDF Downloads 219500 Customized Temperature Sensors for Sustainable Home Appliances
Authors: Merve Yünlü, Nihat Kandemir, Aylin Ersoy
Temperature sensors are used in home appliances not only to monitor the basic functions of the machine but also to minimize energy consumption and ensure safe operation. In parallel with the development of smart home applications and IoT algorithms, these sensors produce important data such as the frequency of use of the machine, user preferences, and the compilation of critical data in terms of diagnostic processes for fault detection throughout an appliance's operational lifespan. Commercially available thin-film resistive temperature sensors have a well-established manufacturing procedure that allows them to operate over a wide temperature range. However, these sensors are over-designed for white goods applications. The operating temperature range of these sensors is between -70°C and 850°C, while the temperature range requirement in home appliance applications is between 23°C and 500°C. To ensure the operation of commercial sensors in this wide temperature range, usually, a platinum coating of approximately 1-micron thickness is applied to the wafer. However, the use of platinum in coating and the high coating thickness extends the sensor production process time and therefore increases sensor costs. In this study, an attempt was made to develop a low-cost temperature sensor design and production method that meets the technical requirements of white goods applications. For this purpose, a custom design was made, and design parameters (length, width, trim points, and thin film deposition thickness) were optimized by using statistical methods to achieve the desired resistivity value. To develop thin film resistive temperature sensors, one side polished sapphire wafer was used. To enhance adhesion and insulation 100 nm silicon dioxide was coated by inductively coupled plasma chemical vapor deposition technique. The lithography process was performed by a direct laser writer. The lift-off process was performed after the e-beam evaporation of 10 nm titanium and 280 nm platinum layers. Standard four-point probe sheet resistance measurements were done at room temperature. The annealing process was performed. Resistivity measurements were done with a probe station before and after annealing at 600°C by using a rapid thermal processing machine. Temperature dependence between 25-300 °C was also tested. As a result of this study, a temperature sensor has been developed that has a lower coating thickness than commercial sensors but can produce reliable data in the white goods application temperature range. A relatively simplified but optimized production method has also been developed to produce this sensor.Keywords: thin film resistive sensor, temperature sensor, household appliance, sustainability, energy efficiency
Procedia PDF Downloads 73499 Porosity and Surface Chemistry of Functionalized Carbonaceous Materials from Date Palm Leaflets
Authors: El-Said I. El-Shafey, Syeda Naheed F. Ali, Saleh S. Al-Busafi, Haider A. J. Al-Lawati
Date palm leaflets were utilized as a precursor for activated carbon (AC) preparation using KOH activation. AC produced was oxidized using nitric acid producing oxidized activated carbon (OAC). OAC that possesses acidic surface was surface functionalized to produce basic activated carbons using linear diamine compounds (ethylene diamine and propylene diamine). OAC was also functionalized to produce hydrophobic activated carbons using ethylamine (EA) and aniline (AN). Dehydrated carbon was also prepared from date palm leaflets using sulfuric acid dehydration/ oxidation and was surface functionalized in the same way as AC. Nitric acid oxidation was not necessary for DC as it is acidic carbon. The surface area of AC is high (823 m2/g) with microporosity domination, however, after oxidation and surface functionalization, both the surface area and surface microporosity decrease tremendously. DC surface area was low (15 m2/g) with mesoporosity domination. Surface functionalization has decreased the surface area of activated carbons. FTIR spectra show that -COOH group on DC and OAC almost disappeared after surface functionalization. The surface chemistry of all carbons produced was tested for pHzpc, basic sites, boehm titration, thermogravimetric analysis and zeta potential measurement. Scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive spectroscopy in addition to CHN elemental analysis were also carried out. DC and OAC possess low pHzpc and high surface functionality, however, basic and hydrophobic carbons possess high pHzpc and low surface functionality. The different behavior of carbons is related to their different surface chemistry. Methylene blue adsorption was found to be faster on hydrophobic carbons based on AC and DC. The Larger adsorption capacity of methylene blue was found for hydrophobic carbons. Dominating adsorption forces of methylene blue varies from carbon to another depending on its surface nature. Sorption forces include hydrophobic forces, H-bonding, electrostatic interactions and van der Waals forces.Keywords: carbon, acidic, basic, hydrophobic
Procedia PDF Downloads 286498 Highly Responsive p-NiO/n-rGO Heterojunction Based Self-Powered UV Photodetectors
Authors: P. Joshna, Souvik Kundu
Detection of ultraviolet (UV) radiation is very important as it has exhibited a profound influence on humankind and other existences, including military equipment. In this work, a self-powered UV photodetector was reported based on oxides heterojunctions. The thin films of p-type nickel oxide (NiO) and n-type reduced graphene oxide (rGO) were used for the formation of p-n heterojunction. Low-Cost and low-temperature chemical synthesis was utilized to prepare the oxides, and the spin coating technique was employed to deposit those onto indium doped tin oxide (ITO) coated glass substrates. The top electrode platinum was deposited utilizing physical vapor evaporation technique. NiO offers strong UV absorption with high hole mobility, and rGO prevents the recombination rate by separating electrons out from the photogenerated carriers. Several structural characterizations such as x-ray diffraction, atomic force microscope, scanning electron microscope were used to study the materials crystallinity, microstructures, and surface roughness. On one side, the oxides were found to be polycrystalline in nature, and no secondary phases were present. On the other side, surface roughness was found to be low with no pit holes, which depicts the formation of high-quality oxides thin films. Whereas, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy was employed to study the chemical compositions and oxidation structures. The electrical characterizations such as current-voltage and current response were also performed on the device to determine the responsivity, detectivity, and external quantum efficiency under dark and UV illumination. This p-n heterojunction device offered faster photoresponse and high on-off ratio under 365 nm UV light illumination of zero bias. The device based on the proposed architecture shows the efficacy of the oxides heterojunction for efficient UV photodetection under zero bias, which opens up a new path towards the development of self-powered photodetector for environment and health monitoring sector.Keywords: chemical synthesis, oxides, photodetectors, spin coating
Procedia PDF Downloads 124497 Investigation of the Growth Kinetics of Phases in Ni–Sn System
Authors: Varun A Baheti, Sanjay Kashyap, Kamanio Chattopadhyay, Praveen Kumar, Aloke Paul
Ni–Sn system finds applications in the microelectronics industry, especially with respect to flip–chip or direct chip, attach technology. Here the region of interest is under bump metallization (UBM), and solder bump (Sn) interface due to the formation of brittle intermetallic phases there. Understanding the growth of these phases at UBM/Sn interface is important, as in many cases it controls the electro–mechanical properties of the product. Cu and Ni are the commonly used UBM materials. Cu is used for good bonding because of fast reaction with solder and Ni often acts as a diffusion barrier layer due to its inherently slower reaction kinetics with Sn–based solders. Investigation on the growth kinetics of phases in Ni–Sn system is reported in this study. Just for simplicity, Sn being major solder constituent is chosen. Ni–Sn electroplated diffusion couples are prepared by electroplating pure Sn on Ni substrate. Bulk diffusion couples prepared by the conventional method are also studied along with Ni–Sn electroplated diffusion couples. Diffusion couples are annealed for 25–1000 h at 50–215°C to study the phase evolutions and growth kinetics of various phases. The interdiffusion zone was analysed using field emission gun equipped scanning electron microscope (FE–SEM) for imaging. Indexing of selected area diffraction (SAD) patterns obtained from transmission electron microscope (TEM) and composition measurements done in electron probe micro−analyser (FE–EPMA) confirms the presence of various product phases grown across the interdiffusion zone. Time-dependent experiments indicate diffusion controlled growth of the product phase. The estimated activation energy in the temperature range 125–215°C for parabolic growth constants (and hence integrated interdiffusion coefficients) of the Ni₃Sn₄ phase shed light on the growth mechanism of the phase; whether its grain boundary controlled or lattice controlled diffusion. The location of the Kirkendall marker plane indicates that the Ni₃Sn₄ phase grows mainly by diffusion of Sn in the binary Ni–Sn system.Keywords: diffusion, equilibrium phase, metastable phase, the Ni-Sn system
Procedia PDF Downloads 309496 The Application of Raman Spectroscopy in Olive Oil Analysis
Authors: Silvia Portarena, Chiara Anselmi, Chiara Baldacchini, Enrico Brugnoli
Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is a complex matrix mainly composed by fatty acid and other minor compounds, among which carotenoids are well known for their antioxidative function that is a key mechanism of protection against cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and macular degeneration in humans. EVOO composition in terms of such constituents is generally the result of a complex combination of genetic, agronomical and environmental factors. To selectively improve the quality of EVOOs, the role of each factor on its biochemical composition need to be investigated. By selecting fruits from four different cultivars similarly grown and harvested, it was demonstrated that Raman spectroscopy, combined with chemometric analysis, is able to discriminate the different cultivars, also as a function of the harvest date, based on the relative content and composition of fatty acid and carotenoids. In particular, a correct classification up to 94.4% of samples, according to the cultivar and the maturation stage, was obtained. Moreover, by using gas chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography as reference techniques, the Raman spectral features further allowed to build models, based on partial least squares regression, that were able to predict the relative amount of the main fatty acids and the main carotenoids in EVOO, with high coefficients of determination. Besides genetic factors, climatic parameters, such as light exposition, distance from the sea, temperature, and amount of precipitations could have a strong influence on EVOO composition of both major and minor compounds. This suggests that the Raman spectra could act as a specific fingerprint for the geographical discrimination and authentication of EVOO. To understand the influence of environment on EVOO Raman spectra, samples from seven regions along the Italian coasts were selected and analyzed. In particular, it was used a dual approach combining Raman spectroscopy and isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) with principal component and linear discriminant analysis. A correct classification of 82% EVOO based on their regional geographical origin was obtained. Raman spectra were obtained by Super Labram spectrometer equipped with an Argon laser (514.5 nm wavelenght). Analyses of stable isotope content ratio were performed using an isotope ratio mass spectrometer connected to an elemental analyzer and to a pyrolysis system. These studies demonstrate that RR spectroscopy is a valuable and useful technique for the analysis of EVOO. In combination with statistical analysis, it makes possible the assessment of specific samples’ content and allows for classifying oils according to their geographical and varietal origin.Keywords: authentication, chemometrics, olive oil, raman spectroscopy
Procedia PDF Downloads 332495 Evaluation of κ -Carrageenan Hydrogel Efficiency in Wound-Healing
Authors: Ali Ayatic, Emad Mozaffari, Bahareh Tanhaei, Maryam Khajenoori, Saeedeh Movaghar Khoshkho, Ali Ayati
The abuse of antibiotics, such as tetracycline (TC), is a great global threat to people and the use of topical antibiotics is a promising tact that can help to solve this problem. Antibiotic therapy is often appropriate and necessary for acute wound infections, while topical tetracycline can be highly efficient in improving the wound healing process in diabetics. Due to the advantages of drug-loaded hydrogels as wound dressing, such as ease of handling, high moisture resistance, excellent biocompatibility, and the ability to activate immune cells to speed wound healing, it was found as an ideal wound treatment. In this work, the tetracycline-loaded hydrogels combining agar (AG) and κ-carrageenan (k-CAR) as polymer materials were prepared, in which span60 surfactant was introduced inside as a drug carrier. The Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopes (FESEM) and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) techniques were employed to provide detailed information on the morphology, composition, and structure of fabricated drug-loaded hydrogels and their mechanical properties, and hydrogel permeability to water vapor was investigated as well. Two types of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria were used to explore the antibacterial properties of prepared tetracycline-contained hydrogels. Their swelling and drug release behavior was studied using the changing factors such as the ratio of polysaccharides (MAG/MCAR), the span60 surfactant concentration, potassium chloride (KCl) concentration and different release media (deionized water (DW), phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), and simulated wound fluid (SWF)) at different times. Finally, the kinetic behavior of hydrogel swelling was studied. Also, the experimental data of TC release to DW, PBS, and SWF using various mathematical models such as Higuchi, Korsmeyer-Peppas, zero-order, and first-order in the linear and nonlinear modes were evaluated.Keywords: drug release, hydrogel, tetracycline, wound healing
Procedia PDF Downloads 80494 Characterization of Double Shockley Stacking Fault in 4H-SiC Epilayer
Authors: Zhe Li, Tao Ju, Liguo Zhang, Zehong Zhang, Baoshun Zhang
In-grow stacking-faults (IGSFs) in 4H-SiC epilayers can cause increased leakage current and reduce the blocking voltage of 4H-SiC power devices. Double Shockley stacking fault (2SSF) is a common type of IGSF with double slips on the basal planes. In this study, a 2SSF in the 4H-SiC epilayer grown by chemical vaper deposition (CVD) is characterized. The nucleation site of the 2SSF is discussed, and a model for the 2SSF nucleation is proposed. Homo-epitaxial 4H-SiC is grown on a commercial 4 degrees off-cut substrate by a home-built hot-wall CVD. Defect-selected-etching (DSE) is conducted with melted KOH at 500 degrees Celsius for 1-2 min. Room temperature cathodoluminescence (CL) is conducted at a 20 kV acceleration voltage. Low-temperature photoluminescence (LTPL) is conducted at 3.6 K with the 325 nm He-Cd laser line. In the CL image, a triangular area with bright contrast is observed. Two partial dislocations (PDs) with a 20-degree angle in between show linear dark contrast on the edges of the IGSF. CL and LTPL spectrums are conducted to verify the IGSF’s type. The CL spectrum shows the maximum photoemission at 2.431 eV and negligible bandgap emission. In the LTPL spectrum, four phonon replicas are found at 2.468 eV, 2.438 eV, 2.420 eV and 2.410 eV, respectively. The Egx is estimated to be 2.512 eV. A shoulder with a red-shift to the main peak in CL, and a slight protrude at the same wavelength in LTPL are verified as the so called Egx- lines. Based on the CL and LTPL results, the IGSF is identified as a 2SSF. Back etching by neutral loop discharge and DSE are conducted to track the origin of the 2SSF, and the nucleation site is found to be a threading screw dislocation (TSD) in this sample. A nucleation mechanism model is proposed for the formation of the 2SSF. Steps introduced by the off-cut and the TSD on the surface are both suggested to be two C-Si bilayers height. The intersections of such two types of steps are along [11-20] direction from the TSD, while a four-bilayer step at each intersection. The nucleation of the 2SSF in the growth is proposed as follows. Firstly, the upper two bilayers of the four-bilayer step grow down and block the lower two at one intersection, and an IGSF is generated. Secondly, the step-flow grows over the IGSF successively, and forms an AC/ABCABC/BA/BC stacking sequence. Then a 2SSF is formed and extends by the step-flow growth. In conclusion, a triangular IGSF is characterized by CL approach. Base on the CL and LTPL spectrums, the estimated Egx is 2.512 eV and the IGSF is identified to be a 2SSF. By back etching, the 2SSF nucleation site is found to be a TSD. A model for the 2SSF nucleation from an intersection of off-cut- and TSD- introduced steps is proposed.Keywords: cathodoluminescence, defect-selected-etching, double Shockley stacking fault, low-temperature photoluminescence, nucleation model, silicon carbide
Procedia PDF Downloads 318493 Transformation of Aluminum Unstable Oxyhydroxides in Ultrafine α-Al2O3 in Presence of Various Seeds
Authors: T. Kuchukhidze, N. Jalagonia, Z. Phachulia, R. Chedia
Ceramic obtained on the base of aluminum oxide has wide application range, because it has unique properties, for example, wear-resistance, dielectric characteristics, exploitation ability at high temperatures and in corrosive atmosphere. Low temperature synthesis of α-Al2O3 is energo-economical process and it is actual for developing technologies of corundum ceramics fabrication. In the present work possibilities of low temperature transformation of oxyhydroxides in α-Al2O3, during a presence of small amount of rare–earth elements compounds (also Th, Re), have been discussed. Aluminium unstable oxyhydroxides have been obtained by hydrolysis of aluminium isopropoxide, nitrates, sulphate, chloride in alkaline environment at 80-90ºC tempertures. β-Al(OH)3 has been received from aluminium powder by ultrasonic development. Drying of oxyhydroxide sol has been conducted with presence of various types seeds, which amount reaches 0,1-0,2% (mas). Neodymium, holmium, thorium, lanthanum, cerium, gadolinium, disprosium nitrates and rhenium carbonyls have been used as seeds and they have been added to the sol specimens in amount of 0.1-0.2% (mas) calculated on metals. Annealing of obtained gels is carried out at 70 – 1100ºC for 2 hrs. The same specimen transforms in α-Al2O3 at 1100ºC. At this temperature in case of presence of lanthanum and gadolinium transformation takes place by 70-85%. In case of presence of thorium stabilization of γ-and θ-phases takes place. It is established, that thorium causes inhibition of α-phase generation at 1100ºC, at the time in all other doped specimens α-phase is generated at lower temperatures (1000-1050ºC). During the work the following devices have been used: X-ray difractometer DRON-3M (Cu-Kα, Ni filter, 2º/min), High temperature vacuum furnace OXY-GON, electronic scanning microscopes Nikon ECLIPSE LV 150, NMM-800TRF, planetary mill Pulverisette 7 premium line, SHIMADZU Dynamic Ultra Micro Hardness Tester, DUH-211S, Analysette 12 Dyna sizer.Keywords: α-Alumina, combustion, phase transformation, seeding
Procedia PDF Downloads 395492 Chemical Characterization and Time-Kill Effect of Crude Extracts of Propolis
Authors: I.K.Bedaida, A.Reguig
Propolis is a complex resinous hive product, collected by bees from plants sources. Its chemical and constituents composition depends on its floral origin, and varies according to climatic and geographical conditions. Its strong antibacterial activity was correlated to the highest concentration of phenols. Staphylococcus aureus is the most significant human pathogen often carried asymptomatically on the bodies of both humans and animals, and has been implicated as causing severe morbidity and mortality worldwide. S. aureus has the ability to produce several exoenzymes that contribute to virulence such as coagulase, hemolysin, protease, and lipase and enterotoxin. It is considered also as one of the most important food safety concerns for the food industry. The aim of the study was to analyze propolis extracts' phytochemical and to study the cytoplasmic membrane damage of crude ethanol extract of propolis against Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 by observing the changes of cell microstructure using scanning electron microscope and cell permeability damages. Propolis Ethanolic extract was analyzed by ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with a diode array detector and an electrospray mass spectrometer (UHPLC-DAD-ESI/MS). Additionally, polyphenols and volatile compounds of EEP was analyzed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry GC-MS. Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 was subjected to agar dilution method to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and potassium and protein leakages were performed to detect permeability damages. The results showed that the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of EEP against Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 was 39 µg/ml. Adding EEP at MIC level, there were obvious changes in the morphology of bacteria cells indicating cell damage. When EEP were added at (2MIC) levels, the cells were destroyed. EEP cause rapid increase the concentration of proteins and potassium in cell suspension.Keywords: antimicrobial, GC-MS, HPLC, propolis, time kill effect
Procedia PDF Downloads 10491 Quantitative Evaluation of Efficiency of Surface Plasmon Excitation with Grating-Assisted Metallic Nanoantenna
Authors: Almaz R. Gazizov, Sergey S. Kharintsev, Myakzyum Kh. Salakhov
This work deals with background signal suppression in tip-enhanced near-field optical microscopy (TENOM). The background appears because an optical signal is detected not only from the subwavelength area beneath the tip but also from a wider diffraction-limited area of laser’s waist that might contain another substance. The background can be reduced by using a taper probe with a grating on its lateral surface where an external illumination causes surface plasmon excitation. It requires the grating with parameters perfectly matched with a given incident light for effective light coupling. This work is devoted to an analysis of the light-grating coupling and a quest of grating parameters to enhance a near-field light beneath the tip apex. The aim of this work is to find the figure of merit of plasmon excitation depending on grating period and location of grating in respect to the apex. In our consideration the metallic grating on the lateral surface of the tapered plasmonic probe is illuminated by a plane wave, the electric field is perpendicular to the sample surface. Theoretical model of efficiency of plasmon excitation and propagation toward the apex is tested by fdtd-based numerical simulation. An electric field of the incident light is enhanced on the grating by every single slit due to lightning rod effect. Hence, grating causes amplitude and phase modulation of the incident field in various ways depending on geometry and material of grating. The phase-modulating grating on the probe is a sort of metasurface that provides manipulation by spatial frequencies of the incident field. The spatial frequency-dependent electric field is found from the angular spectrum decomposition. If one of the components satisfies the phase-matching condition then one can readily calculate the figure of merit of plasmon excitation, defined as a ratio of the intensities of the surface mode and the incident light. During propagation towards the apex, surface wave undergoes losses in probe material, radiation losses, and mode compression. There is an optimal location of the grating in respect to the apex. One finds the value by matching quadratic law of mode compression and the exponential law of light extinction. Finally, performed theoretical analysis and numerical simulations of plasmon excitation demonstrate that various surface waves can be effectively excited by using the overtones of a period of the grating or by phase modulation of the incident field. The gratings with such periods are easy to fabricate. Tapered probe with the grating effectively enhances and localizes the incident field at the sample.Keywords: angular spectrum decomposition, efficiency, grating, surface plasmon, taper nanoantenna
Procedia PDF Downloads 283490 Developing of Ecological Internal Insulation Composite Boards for Innovative Retrofitting of Heritage Buildings
Authors: J. N. Nackler, K. Saleh Pascha, W. Winter
WHISCERS™ (Whole House In-Situ Carbon and Energy Reduction Solution) is an innovative process for Internal Wall Insulation (IWI) for energy-efficient retrofitting of heritage building, which uses laser measuring to determine the dimensions of a room, off-site insulation board cutting and rapid installation to complete the process. As part of a multinational investigation consortium the Austrian part adapted the WHISCERS system to local conditions of Vienna where most historical buildings have valuable stucco facades, precluding the application of an external insulation. The Austrian project contribution addresses the replacement of commonly used extruded polystyrene foam (XPS) with renewable materials such as wood and wood products to develop a more sustainable IWI system. As the timber industry is a major industry in Austria, a new innovative and more sustainable IWI solution could also open up new markets. The first approach of investigation was the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to define the performance of wood fibre board as insulation material in comparison to normally used XPS-boards. As one of the results the global-warming potential (GWP) of wood-fibre-board is 15 times less the equivalent to carbon dioxide while in the case of XPS it´s 72 times more. The hygrothermal simulation program WUFI was used to evaluate and simulate heat and moisture transport in multi-layer building components of the developed IWI solution. The results of the simulations prove in examined boundary conditions of selected representative brickwork constructions to be functional and usable without risk regarding vapour diffusion and liquid transport in proposed IWI. In a further stage three different solutions were developed and tested (1 - glued/mortared, 2 - with soft board, connected to wall with gypsum board as top layer, 3 - with soft board and clay board as top layer). All three solutions presents a flexible insulation layer out of wood fibre towards the existing wall, thus compensating irregularities of the wall surface. From first considerations at the beginning of the development phase, three different systems had been developed and optimized according to assembly technology and tested as small specimen in real object conditions. The built prototypes are monitored to detect performance and building physics problems and to validate the results of the computer simulation model. This paper illustrates the development and application of the Internal Wall Insulation system.Keywords: internal insulation, wood fibre, hygrothermal simulations, monitoring, clay, condensate
Procedia PDF Downloads 219489 Processing and Characterization of Aluminum Matrix Composite Reinforced with Amorphous Zr₃₇.₅Cu₁₈.₆₇Al₄₃.₉₈ Phase
Authors: P. Abachi, S. Karami, K. Purazrang
The amorphous reinforcements (metallic glasses) can be considered as promising options for reinforcing light-weight aluminum and its alloys. By using the proper type of reinforcement, one can overcome to drawbacks such as interfacial de-cohesion and undesirable reactions which can be created at ceramic particle and metallic matrix interface. In this work, the Zr-based amorphous phase was produced via mechanical milling of elemental powders. Based on Miedema semi-empirical Model and diagrams for formation enthalpies and/or Gibbs free energies of Zr-Cu amorphous phase in comparison with the crystalline phase, the glass formability range was predicted. The composite was produced using the powder mixture of the aluminum and metallic glass and spark plasma sintering (SPS) at the temperature slightly above the glass transition Tg of the metallic glass particles. The selected temperature and rapid sintering route were suitable for consolidation of an aluminum matrix without crystallization of amorphous phase. To characterize amorphous phase formation, X-ray diffraction (XRD) phase analyses were performed on powder mixture after specified intervals of milling. The microstructure of the composite was studied by optical and scanning electron microscope (SEM). Uniaxial compression tests were carried out on composite specimens with the dimension of 4 mm long and a cross-section of 2 ˟ 2mm2. The micrographs indicated an appropriate reinforcement distribution in the metallic matrix. The comparison of stress–strain curves of the consolidated composite and the non-reinforced Al matrix alloy in compression showed that the enhancement of yield strength and mechanical strength are combined with an appreciable plastic strain at fracture. It can be concluded that metallic glasses (amorphous phases) are alternative reinforcement material for lightweight metal matrix composites capable of producing high strength and adequate ductility. However, this is in the expense of minor density increase.Keywords: aluminum matrix composite, amorphous phase, mechanical alloying, spark plasma sintering
Procedia PDF Downloads 365488 Photoswitchable and Polar-Dependent Fluorescence of Diarylethenes
Authors: Sofia Lazareva, Artem Smolentsev
Fluorescent photochromic materials collect strong interest due to their possible application in organic photonics such as optical logic systems, optical memory, visualizing sensors, as well as characterization of polymers and biological systems. In photochromic fluorescence switching systems the emission of fluorophore is modulated between ‘on’ and ‘off’ via the photoisomerization of photochromic moieties resulting in effective resonance energy transfer (FRET). In current work, we have studied both photochromic and fluorescent properties of several diarylethenes. It was found that coloured forms of these compounds are not fluorescent because of the efficient intramolecular energy transfer. Spectral and photochromic parameters of investigated substances have been measured in five solvents having different polarity. Quantum yields of photochromic transformation A↔B ΦA→B and ΦB→A as well as B isomer extinction coefficients were determined by kinetic method. It was found that the photocyclization reaction quantum yield of all compounds decreases with the increase of solvent polarity. In addition, the solvent polarity is revealed to affect fluorescence significantly. Increasing of the solvent dielectric constant was found to result in a strong shift of emission band position from 450 nm (nhexane) to 550 nm (DMSO and ethanol) for all three compounds. Moreover, the emission intensive in polar solvents becomes weak and hardly detectable in n-hexane. The only one exception in the described dependence is abnormally low fluorescence quantum yield in ethanol presumably caused by the loss of electron-donating properties of nitrogen atom due to the protonation. An effect of the protonation was also confirmed by the addition of concentrated HCl in solution resulting in a complete disappearance of the fluorescent band. Excited state dynamics were investigated by ultrafast optical spectroscopy methods. Kinetic curves of excited states absorption and fluorescence decays were measured. Lifetimes of transient states were calculated from the data measured. The mechanism of ring opening reaction was found to be polarity dependent. Comparative analysis of kinetics measured in acetonitrile and hexane reveals differences in relaxation dynamics after the laser pulse. The most important fact is the presence of two decay processes in acetonitrile, whereas only one is present in hexane. This fact supports an assumption made on the basis of steady-state preliminary experiments that in polar solvents occur stabilization of TICT state. Thus, results achieved prove the hypothesis of two channel mechanism of energy relaxation of compounds studied.Keywords: diarylethenes, fluorescence switching, FRET, photochromism, TICT state
Procedia PDF Downloads 680487 Tripeptide Inhibitor: The Simplest Aminogenic PEGylated Drug against Amyloid Beta Peptide Fibrillation
Authors: Sutapa Som Chaudhury, Chitrangada Das Mukhopadhyay
Alzheimer’s disease is a well-known form of dementia since its discovery in 1906. Current Food and Drug Administration approved medications e.g. cholinesterase inhibitors, memantine offer modest symptomatic relief but do not play any role in disease modification or recovery. In last three decades many small molecules, chaperons, synthetic peptides, partial β-secretase enzyme blocker have been tested for the development of a drug against Alzheimer though did not pass the 3rd clinical phase trials. Here in this study, we designed a PEGylated, aminogenic, tripeptidic polymer with two different molecular weights based on the aggregation prone amino acid sequence 17-20 in amyloid beta (Aβ) 1-42. Being conjugated with poly-ethylene glycol (PEG) which self-assembles into hydrophilic nanoparticles, these PEGylated tripeptides constitute a very good drug delivery system crossing the blood brain barrier while the peptide remains protected from proteolytic degradation and non-specific protein interactions. Moreover, being completely aminogenic they would not raise any side effects. These peptide inhibitors were evaluated for their effectiveness against Aβ42 fibrillation at an early stage of oligomer to fibril formation as well as preformed fibril clearance via Thioflavin T (ThT) assay, dynamic light scattering analyses, atomic force microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The inhibitors were proved to be safe at a higher concentration of 20µM by the reduction assay of 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) dye. Moreover, SHSY5Y neuroblastoma cells have shown a greater survivability when treated with the inhibitors following Aβ42 fibril and oligomer treatment as compared with the control Aβ42 fibril and/or oligomer treated neuroblastoma cells. These make the peptidic inhibitors a promising compound in the aspect of the discovery of alternative medication for Alzheimer’s disease.Keywords: Alzheimer’s disease, alternative medication, amyloid beta, PEGylated peptide
Procedia PDF Downloads 209486 Synthesis and Characterization of the Carbon Spheres Built Up from Reduced Graphene Oxide
Authors: Takahiro Saida, Takahiro Kogiso, Takahiro Maruyama
The ordered structural carbon (OSC) material is expected to apply to the electrode of secondary batteries, the catalyst supports, and the biomaterials because it shows the low substance-diffusion resistance by its uniform pore size. In general, the OSC material is synthesized using the template material. Changing size and shape of this template provides the pore size of OSC material according to the purpose. Depositing the oxide nanosheets on the polymer sphere template by the layer by layer (LbL) method was reported as one of the preparation methods of OSC material. The LbL method can provide the controlling thickness of structural wall without the surface modification. When the preparation of the uniform carbon sphere prepared by the LbL method which composed of the graphene oxide wall and the polymethyl-methacrylate (PMMA) core, the reduction treatment will be the important object. Since the graphene oxide has poor electron conductivity due to forming a lot of functional groups on the surface, it could be hard to apply to the electrode of secondary batteries and the catalyst support of fuel cells. In this study, the graphene oxide wall of carbon sphere was reduced by the thermal treatment under the vacuum conditions, and its crystalline structure and electronic state were characterized. Scanning electron microscope images of the carbon sphere after the heat treatment at 300ºC showed maintaining sphere shape, but its shape was collapsed with increasing the heating temperature. In this time, the dissolution rate of PMMA core and the reduction rate of graphene oxide were proportionate to heating temperature. In contrast, extending the heating time was conducive to the conservation of the sphere shape. From results of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis, its electronic state of the surface was indicated mainly sp² carbon. From the above results, we succeeded in the synthesis of the sphere structure composed by the reduction graphene oxide.Keywords: carbon sphere, graphene oxide, reduction, layer by layer
Procedia PDF Downloads 141485 Multilayered Assembly of Gelatin on Nanofibrous Matrix for 3-D Cell Cultivation
Authors: Ji Un Shin, Wei Mao, Hyuk Sang Yoo
Electrospinning is a versatile tool for fabricating nano-structured polymeric materials. Gelatin hydrogels are considered to be a good material for cell cultivation because of high water swellability as well as good biocompatibility. Three-dimensional (3-D) cell cultivation is a desirable method of cell cultivation for preparing tissues and organs because cell-to-cell interactions or cell-to-matrix interactions can be much enhanced through this approach. For this reason, hydrogels were widely employed as tissue scaffolds because they can support cultivating cells and tissue in multi-dimensions. Major disadvantages of hydrogel-based cell cultivation include low mechanical properties, lack of topography, which should be enhanced for successful tissue engineering. Herein we surface-immobilized gelatin on the surface of nanofibrous matrix for 3-D cell cultivation in topographical cues added environments. Electrospun nanofibers were electrospun with injection of poly(caprolactone) through a single nozzle syringe. Electrospun meshes were then chopped up with a high speed grinder to fine powders. This was hydrolyzed in optimized concentration of sodium hydroxide solution from 1 to 6 hours and harvested by centrifugation. The freeze-dried powders were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) for revealing the morphology and fibrilar shaped with a length of ca. 20um was observed. This was subsequently immersed in gelatin solution for surface-coating of gelatin, where the process repeated up to 10 times for obtaining desirable coating of gelatin on the surface. Gelatin-coated nanofibrils showed high waterswellability in comparison to the unmodified nanofibrils, and this enabled good dispersion properties of the modified nanofibrils in aqueous phase. The degree of water-swellability was increased as the coating numbers of gelatin increased, however, it did not any meaning result after 10 times of gelatin coating process. Thus, by adjusting the gelatin coating times, we could successfully control the degree of hydrophilicity and water-swellability of nanofibrils.Keywords: nano, fiber, cell, tissue
Procedia PDF Downloads 167