Search results for: construction and geological engineering
4532 An Analysis of the Relations between Aggregates’ Shape and Mechanical Properties throughout the Railway Ballast Service Life
Authors: Daianne Fernandes Diogenes
Railway ballast aggregates’ shape properties and size distribution can be directly affected by several factors, such as traffic, fouling, and maintenance processes, which cause breakage and wearing, leading to the fine particles’ accumulation through the ballast layer. This research aims to analyze the influence of traffic, tamping process, and sleepers’ stiffness on aggregates' shape and mechanical properties, by using traditional and digital image processing (DIP) techniques and cyclic tests, like resilient modulus (RM) and permanent deformation (PD). Aggregates were collected in different phases of the railway service life: (i) right after the crushing process; (ii) after construction, for the aggregates positioned below the sleepers and (iii) after 5 years of operation. An increase in the percentage of cubic particles was observed for the materials (ii) and (iii), providing a better interlocking, increasing stiffness and reducing axial deformation after 5 years of service, when compared to the initial conditions.Keywords: digital image processing, mechanical behavior, railway ballast, shape properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 1254531 Optimal Analysis of Grounding System Design for Distribution Substation
Authors: Thong Lantharthong, Nattchote Rugthaicharoencheep, Att Phayomhom
This paper presents the electrical effect of two neighboring distribution substation during the construction phase. The size of auxiliary grounding grid have an effect on entire grounding system. The bigger the size of auxiliary grounding grid, the lower the GPR and maximum touch voltage, with the exception that when the two grids are unconnected, i.e. the bigger the size of auxiliary grounding grid, the higher the maximum step voltage. The results in this paper could be served as design guideline of grounding system, and perhaps remedy of some troublesome grounding grids in power distribution’s system. Modeling and simulation is carried out on the Current Distribution Electromagnetic interference Grounding and Soil structure (CDEGS) program. The simulation results exhibit the design and analysis of power system grounding and perhaps could be set as a standard in grounding system design and modification in distribution substations.Keywords: grounding system, touch voltage, step voltage, safety criteria
Procedia PDF Downloads 4524530 Understanding the Construction of Social Enterprises in India: Through Identity and Context of Social Entrepreneurs
Authors: K. Bose
India is one of the largest democracies in the global south, which demonstrates the highest social enterprise activities in the subcontinent. Although there has been a meteoric rise in social enterprise activities, it is not a new phenomenon, as it dates back to Vinoba Bhave's Land Gift movement in 1950. India also has a rich history of a welfare mix where non-governmental organisations played a significant role in the public welfare provision. Lately, the government’s impetus on entrepreneurship has contributed to a burgeoning social enterprise sector in the country; however, there is a lack in understanding of how social enterprises are constructed in India. Social entrepreneurship as practice has been conceptualised as a multi-dimensional concept, which is predominantly explained through the characteristics of a social entrepreneur. Social enterprise organisation, which is a component of social entrepreneurship practice are also classified through the role of the social entrepreneur; thus making social entrepreneur a vital unit shaping organisation and practice. Hence, individual identity of the social entrepreneur acts as a steering agent for defining organisation and practice. Individual identity does not operate in a vacuum and different isomorphic pressures (resource-rich actors/institutions) leads to negotiation in these identities. Dey and Teasdale's work investigated this identity work of non-profit practitioners within the practice of social enterprises in England. Furthermore, the construction of social enterprises is predominantly understood through two approaches i.e. an institutional logic perspective emerging from Europe and process and outcome perspective derived from the United States. These two approaches explain social enterprise as an inevitable institutional outcome in a linear and simplistic manner. Such linear institutional transition is inferred from structural policy reforms and austerity measures adopted by the government, which led to heightened competition for funds in the non-profit sector. These political and economic challenges were specific to the global north, which is different from transitions experienced in the global south, thus further investigation would help understand social enterprise activities as a contextual phenomenon. There is a growing interest in understanding the role of the context within the entrepreneurship literature, additionally, there is growing recognition in entrepreneurship research that economic behaviour is realised far better within its historical, temporal, institutional, spatial and social context, as these contexts provide boundaries to individuals in terms of opportunities and actions. Social enterprise phenomenon too is realised as contextual phenomenon though it differs from traditional entrepreneurship in terms of its dual mission (social and economic), however, the understanding of the role of context in social entrepreneurship has been limited. Hence, this work in progress study integrates identity work of social entrepreneur and the role of context. It investigates the identities of social entrepreneur and its negotiation within its context. Further, how this negotiated identity transcends into organisational practice in turn shaping how social enterprises are constructed in a specific region. The study employs a qualitative inquiry of semi-structured interviews and ethnographic institutionalism. Interviews were analysed using critical discourse analysis and the preliminary outcomes are currently a work in progress.Keywords: context, Dey and Teasdale, identity, social entrepreneurs, social enterprise, social entrepreneurship
Procedia PDF Downloads 1834529 High Resolution Sandstone Connectivity Modelling: Implications for Outcrop Geological and Its Analog Studies
Authors: Numair Ahmed Siddiqui, Abdul Hadi bin Abd Rahman, Chow Weng Sum, Wan Ismail Wan Yousif, Asif Zameer, Joel Ben-Awal
Advances in data capturing from outcrop studies have made possible the acquisition of high-resolution digital data, offering improved and economical reservoir modelling methods. Terrestrial laser scanning utilizing LiDAR (Light detection and ranging) provides a new method to build outcrop based reservoir models, which provide a crucial piece of information to understand heterogeneities in sandstone facies with high-resolution images and data set. This study presents the detailed application of outcrop based sandstone facies connectivity model by acquiring information gathered from traditional fieldwork and processing detailed digital point-cloud data from LiDAR to develop an intermediate small-scale reservoir sandstone facies model of the Miocene Sandakan Formation, Sabah, East Malaysia. The software RiScan pro (v1.8.0) was used in digital data collection and post-processing with an accuracy of 0.01 m and point acquisition rate of up to 10,000 points per second. We provide an accurate and descriptive workflow to triangulate point-clouds of different sets of sandstone facies with well-marked top and bottom boundaries in conjunction with field sedimentology. This will provide highly accurate qualitative sandstone facies connectivity model which is a challenge to obtain from subsurface datasets (i.e., seismic and well data). Finally, by applying this workflow, we can build an outcrop based static connectivity model, which can be an analogue to subsurface reservoir studies.Keywords: LiDAR, outcrop, high resolution, sandstone faceis, connectivity model
Procedia PDF Downloads 2284528 Incidence of Disasters and Coping Mechanism among Farming Households in South West Nigeria
Authors: Fawehinmi Olabisi Alaba, O. R. Adeniyi
Farming households faces lots of disaster which contribute to endemic poverty. Anticipated increases in extreme weather events will exacerbate this. Primary data was administered to farming household using multi-stage random sampling technique. The result of the analysis shows that majority of the respondents (69.9%) are male, have mean household size, years of formal education and age of 5±1.14, 6±3.41, and 51.06±10.43 respectively. The major (48.9%) type of disaster experienced is flooding. Major coping mechanism adopted is sourcing for support from family and friends. Age, education, experience, access to extension agent, and mitigation control method contribute significantly to vulnerability to disaster. The major adaptation method (62.3%) is construction of drainage. The study revealed that the coping mechanisms employed may become less effective as increasingly fragile livelihood systems struggle to withstand disaster shocks. Thus there is need for training of the farmers on measures to adapt to mitigate the shock from disasters.Keywords: adaptation, disasters, flooding, vulnerability
Procedia PDF Downloads 2604527 Assessing the Perception of Indian Youths towards Poverty
Authors: Antarjeeta Nayak, Jalandhar Pradhan, Ramakrishna Biswal
Poverty is a complex phenomenon influenced by a large number of factors and which can be studied from many different perspectives. Most of the poverty assessments can be divided into three broad categories- construction of poverty profile (who the poor are), causes of poverty (why people are poor) and poverty alleviation strategies (what to do about poverty). In this regard, we need to know more about poverty, the factors that drive it and those that maintain it. Specifically, how people perceive and experience poverty will generate a body of knowledge that would enable government and poverty alleviation agencies to better target their interventions and understand the stigma associated with poverty. In the Indian context, the perceptions of the causes of poverty are particularly relevant because of the persistent higher percent of people below poverty line and wider economic-social inequalities despite the continuing decline of poverty in the present times. In this study we investigated the perceived attributions for poverty among youths (University students) in India. A questionnaire having 35 questions was administered to a sample of 200 University students (n=200). Findings showed that Indian youth were more inclined to attribute poverty to Structural factors; supporting system-blame hypothesis.Keywords: poverty, perception of the causes of poverty, Indian youth, social sciences and humanities
Procedia PDF Downloads 4214526 Influence of Geometrical Parameters of a Wind Turbine on the Optimal Tip-Speed Ratio
Authors: Zdzislaw Piotr Kaminski, Miroslaw Wendeker, Zbigniew Czyz
The paper describes the geometric model, calculation algorithm and results of the CFD simulation of the airflow around a rotor in the vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) with the ANSYS Fluent computational solver. The CFD method enables creating aerodynamic characteristics of forces acting on rotor working surfaces and determining parameters such as torque or power generated by the rotor assembly. The object of the research was a rotor whose construction is based on patent no.PL219985. The conducted tests enabled a mathematical model with a description of the generation of aerodynamic forces acting on each rotor blade. Additionally, this model was compared to the results of the wind tunnel tests. The analysis also focused on the influence of the blade angle on turbine power and the TSR. The research has shown that the turbine blade angle has a significant impact on the optimal value of the TSR.Keywords: computational fluid dynamics, numerical analysis, renewable energy, wind turbine
Procedia PDF Downloads 1534525 Hot Face of Cold War: 007 James Bond
Authors: Günevi Uslu Evren
Propaganda is one of the most effective methods for changing individual and mass opinions. Propaganda tries to get the message across to people or masses to effect rather than to provide objective information. There are many types of propaganda. Especially, political propaganda is a very powerful method that is used by states during in both war and peace. The aim of this method is to create a reaction against them by showing within the framework of internal and external enemies. Propaganda can be practiced by many different methods. Especially during the Cold War Era, the US and USSR have tried to create an ideological effect by using the mass media intensively. Cinema, which is located at the beginning of these methods, is the most powerful weapon to influence the masses. In this study, the historical process of the Cold War is examined. Especially, these propagandas that had been used by United States and The Soviet Union were investigated. The purposes of propaganda and construction methods were presented. Cold War events and relations between the US and the USSR during the Cold War will be discussed. Outlooks of two countries to each other during the Cold War, propaganda techniques used defectively during Cold War and how to use the cinema as a propaganda tool will be examined. The film "From Russia with Love, James Bond 007" that was filmed in Cold War were examined to explain how cinema was used as a propaganda tool in this context.Keywords: cinema, cold war, James Bond, propaganda
Procedia PDF Downloads 5214524 Monomial Form Approach to Rectangular Surface Modeling
Authors: Taweechai Nuntawisuttiwong, Natasha Dejdumrong
Geometric modeling plays an important role in the constructions and manufacturing of curve, surface and solid modeling. Their algorithms are critically important not only in the automobile, ship and aircraft manufacturing business, but are also absolutely necessary in a wide variety of modern applications, e.g., robotics, optimization, computer vision, data analytics and visualization. The calculation and display of geometric objects can be accomplished by these six techniques: Polynomial basis, Recursive, Iterative, Coefficient matrix, Polar form approach and Pyramidal algorithms. In this research, the coefficient matrix (simply called monomial form approach) will be used to model polynomial rectangular patches, i.e., Said-Ball, Wang-Ball, DP, Dejdumrong and NB1 surfaces. Some examples of the monomial forms for these surface modeling are illustrated in many aspects, e.g., construction, derivatives, model transformation, degree elevation and degress reduction.Keywords: monomial forms, rectangular surfaces, CAGD curves, monomial matrix applications
Procedia PDF Downloads 1464523 An Axiomatic Approach to Constructing an Applied Theory of Possibility
Authors: Oleksii Bychkov
The fundamental difference between randomness and vagueness is that the former requires statistical research. These issues were studied by Zadeh L, Dubois D., Prad A. The theory of possibility works with expert assessments, hypotheses, etc. gives an idea of the characteristics of the problem situation, the nature of the goals and real limitations. Possibility theory examines experiments that are not repeated. The article discusses issues related to the formalization of a fuzzy, uncertain idea of reality. The author proposes to expand the classical model of the theory of possibilities by introducing a measure of necessity. The proposed model of the theory of possibilities allows us to extend the measures of possibility and necessity onto a Boolean while preserving the properties of the measure. Thus, upper and lower estimates are obtained to describe the fact that the event will occur. Knowledge of the patterns that govern mass random, uncertain, fuzzy events allows us to predict how these events will proceed. The article proposed for publication quite fully reveals the essence of the construction and use of the theory of probability and the theory of possibility.Keywords: possibility, artificial, modeling, axiomatics, intellectual approach
Procedia PDF Downloads 354522 Process Modified Geopolymer Concrete: A Sustainable Material for Green Construction Technology
Authors: Dibyendu Adak, Saroj Mandal
The fly ash based geopolymer concrete generally requires heat activation after casting, which has been considered as an important limitation for its practical application. Such limitation can be overcome by a modification in the process at the time of mixing of ingredients (fly and activator fluid) for geopolymer concrete so that curing can be made at ambient temperature. This process modified geopolymer concrete shows an appreciable improvement in structural performance compared to conventional heat cured geopolymer concrete and control cement concrete. The improved durability performance based on water absorption, sulphate test, and RCPT is also noted. The microstructural properties analyzed through Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM) with Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray Diffraction (XRD) techniques show the better interaction of fly ash and activator solution at early ages for the process modified geopolymer concrete. This accelerates the transformation of the amorphous phase of fly ash to the crystalline phase.Keywords: fly ash, geopolymer concrete, process modification, structural properties, durability, micro-structures
Procedia PDF Downloads 1634521 Evaluation the Concentration of Pb, Cd, Cu, Ni, Zn, Cr in Rainbow Trout and Water of Haraz River
Authors: Meysam Tehranisharif, Hadi Nakhaee, Seyed Aaghaali Seyed Moosavi, Solmaz Ahadi
Being the second largest river in the southern Caspian Sea basin, the Haraz River flows northwards through the Alborz mountains in the central region of Mazandaran province.The Haraz basin has specific geological characteristics affecting the river water quality.This area has been a rich source of minerals from times immemorial. About 45 mines (coal, limestone, sand and gravel, etc.) have been operational for the last eight decades. In the other hand this region is one of the most famous fish culturing area around Tehran & many farms are located beside this river .The aim of this study was to determine the concentration of Zn, Cd, Cr, pb , Cu, Ni in fish muscles & water in Haraz river. In order to determine the heavy metals concentration in all parts of the river , 4 station (Haraz , Razan , chelrood & Amol)were selected . Totally 32 samples were colleted from 8 farms (4 sample from each farm and 2 farms from each station). 4 water samples were collected. Biometeric were performed , then 10 grams of fish muscle were dissected and samples were prepared according to standard method. Heavy metal concentration were determined by atomic absorption method. The mean concentration of Zn in fish muscles & water in Haraz , Razan , Chelrood and Amool were 0.72 , 0.32,0.522,0.5 & 1.72,1.81,1.77,1.7 ppm respectively. Ni didn't detect in fish samples but the mean concentration in water samples in Haraz , Razan , Chelrood and Amool were 1.1 ,0.9,1.1,1.1 ppm respectively. The mean concentration of Cr in fish muscles & water in Haraz , Razan , Chelrood and Amool were 0.586,0.492,0.5,0.552 & 2.2 , 2.2,2.1,2.22 ppm respectively . Cd didn't detect in any sample. Pb concentration in fish samples & water in Haraz , Razan , Chelrood & Amool were 0.44,0.34, o.37,0.48 & 0.11,0.11,0.11,0.14 ppm repectively .The mean concentration of Cu in fish muscles & water in Haraz , Razan , Chelrood and Amool were 0.754,0.372,0.539,2.3 &0.11,0.21,0.17,0.37 ppm respectively. Cu concentration in The fish muscles and water was increased significantly in Amol station .The results of this study showed that heavy metal concentration in fish muscles and water are lower than standards.Keywords: heavy metals, fish, water, Haraz , Iran
Procedia PDF Downloads 3434520 Sustainable Development Goals and Gender Equality: Impact of Unpaid Labor on Women’s Leadership in India
Authors: Swati Vohra
A genuine economic and social transformation requires equal contribution and participation from both men and women; however, achieving this gender parity is a global concern. In the patriarchal societies around the world, women have been silenced, oppressed, and subjugated. Girls and women comprise half of the world’s population. This, however, must not be the lone reason for recognizing and providing equal opportunities to them. Every individual has a right to develop through opportunities without the biases of gender, caste, race, or ethnicity. The world today is confronted by pressing issues of climate change, economic crisis, violence against women and children, escalating conflicts, to name a few. Achieving gender parity is thus an essential component in meeting this wide array of challenges in order to create just, robust and inclusive societies. In 2015, The United Nation enunciated achieving 17 Sustainable Development Goals by 2030, one of which is SGD#5- Gender Equality, that is not merely a stand-alone goal. It is central to the achievement of all 17 SDG’s. Without progress on gender equality, the global community will not only fail to achieve the SDG5, but it will also lose the impetus towards achieving the broad 2030 agenda. This research is based on a hypothesis that aims to connect the targets laid by the UN under SDG#5 - 5.4 (Recognize and value unpaid care and domestic work) and 5.5 (Ensure women participation for leadership at all levels of decision-making). The study evaluates the impact of unpaid household responsibilities on women’s leadership in India. In Indian society, women have experienced a low social status for centuries, which is reflected throughout the Indian history with preference of a male child and common occurrences of female infanticides that are still prevalent in many parts of the country. Insistence on the traditional gender roles builds patriarchal inequalities into the structure of Indian society. It is argued that a burden of unpaid labor on women is placed, which narrows the opportunities and life chances women are given and the choices they are able to make, thereby shutting them from shared participation in public and economic leadership. The study investigates theoretical framework of social construction of gender, unpaid labor, challenges to women leaders and peace theorist perspective as the core components. The methodology used is qualitative research of comprehensive literature, accompanied by the data collected through interviews of representatives of women leaders from various fields within Delhi-National Capital Region (NCR). The women leaders interviewed had the privilege of receiving good education and a conducive family support; however, post marriage and children it was not the case and the social obligations weighed heavy on them. The research concludes by recommending the importance of gender-neutral parenting and education along with government ratified paternal leaves for at least six months and childcare facilities available for both the parents at workplace.Keywords: gender equality, gender roles, peace studies, sustainable development goals, social construction, unpaid labor, women’s leadership
Procedia PDF Downloads 1234519 Exploration for Magnetic Minerals Using Geophysical Logging Techniques in the Northwestern Part of Bangladesh
Authors: Md. Selim Reza, Mohammad Zohir Uddin
Geophysical logging technique was conducted in a borehole in the north-western part of Bangladesh. The main objectives of this study were to identify the subsurface lithology and the presence of magnetic minerals within the basement complex. In this survey, full waveform sonic, magnetic susceptibility and natural gamma logs were conducted up to the depth of 660 m. From sonic log, three distinct velocity zones were observed at depths ranging from 20 m to 81 m, 81m to 360 m and 420 m to 660 m having the average velocity of 1600 m/s indicating unconsolidated sediment, 2500 m/s indicating hard, compact and matured sediments and 6300 m/s indicating basement complex respectively. Some low-velocity zones within the basement were identified as fractures/fissures. Natural gamma log was carried out only in the basement complex. According to magnetic susceptibility log, broadly three important zones were identified which had good agreement with the natural gamma, sonic as well as geological logs. The zone at the depth from 460 m to 470 m had the average susceptibility value of 3445 cgs unit. The average natural gamma value and sonic velocity in this zone are 150 cps and 3000 m/s respectively. The zone at the depth from 571 m to 598 m had the average susceptibility value of 5158 cgs unit with the average natural gamma value and sonic velocity are 160 cps and 6000 m/s respectively. On the other hand, the zone at the depth from 598 m to 620 m had the average susceptibility value of 1998 cgs unit with the average natural gamma value and sonic velocity show 200 cps and 3000 m/s respectively. From the interpretation of geophysical logs the 1st and 3rd zones within the basement complex are considered to be less significant whereas the 2nd zone is described as the most significant for magnetic minerals. Therefore, more drill holes are recommended on the anomalous body to delineate the extent, thickness and reserve of the magnetic body and further research are needed to determine the quality of mineral resources.Keywords: basement complex, fractures/fissures, geophysical logging, lithology, magnetic susceptibility
Procedia PDF Downloads 2904518 Assessment of Physical Learning Environments in ECE: Interdisciplinary and Multivocal Innovation for Chilean Kindergartens
Authors: Cynthia Adlerstein
Physical learning environment (PLE) has been considered, after family and educators, as the third teacher. There have been conflicting and converging viewpoints on the role of the physical dimensions of places to learn, in facilitating educational innovation and quality. Despite the different approaches, PLE has been widely recognized as a key factor in the quality of the learning experience , and in the levels of learning achievement in ECE . The conceptual frameworks of the field assume that PLE consists of a complex web of factors that shape the overall conditions for learning, and that much more interdisciplinary and complementary methodologies of research and development are required. Although the relevance of PLE attracts a broad international consensus, in Chile it remains under-researched and weakly regulated by public policy. Gaining deeper contextual understanding and more thoughtfully-designed recommendations require the use of innovative assessment tools that cross cultural and disciplinary boundaries to produce new hybrid approaches and improvements. When considering a PLE-based change process for ECE improvement, a central question is what dimensions, variables and indicators could allow a comprehensive assessment of PLE in Chilean kindergartens? Based on a grounded theory social justice inquiry, we adopted a mixed method design, that enabled a multivocal and interdisciplinary construction of data. By using in-depth interviews, discussion groups, questionnaires, and documental analysis, we elicited the PLE discourses of politicians, early childhood practitioners, experts in architectural design and ergonomics, ECE stakeholders, and 3 to 5 year olds. A constant comparison method enabled the construction of the dimensions, variables and indicators through which PLE assessment is possible. Subsequently, the instrument was applied in a sample of 125 early childhood classrooms, to test reliability (internal consistency) and validity (content and construct). As a result, an interdisciplinary and multivocal tool for assessing physical learning environments was constructed and validated, for Chilean kindergartens. The tool is structured upon 7 dimensions (wellbeing, flexible, empowerment, inclusiveness, symbolically meaningful, pedagogically intentioned, institutional management) 19 variables and 105 indicators that are assessed through observation and registration on a mobile app. The overall reliability of the instrument is .938 while the consistency of each dimension varies between .773 (inclusive) and .946 (symbolically meaningful). The validation process through expert opinion and factorial analysis (chi-square test) has shown that the dimensions of the assessment tool reflect the factors of physical learning environments. The constructed assessment tool for kindergartens highlights the significance of the physical environment in early childhood educational settings. The relevance of the instrument relies in its interdisciplinary approach to PLE and in its capability to guide innovative learning environments, based on educational habitability. Though further analysis are required for concurrent validation and standardization, the tool has been considered by practitioners and ECE stakeholders as an intuitive, accessible and remarkable instrument to arise awareness on PLE and on equitable distribution of learning opportunities.Keywords: Chilean kindergartens, early childhood education, physical learning environment, third teacher
Procedia PDF Downloads 3584517 Reminiscence Bump in Autobiographical Memory of Freedom Fighters in Bangladesh
Authors: Eamin Zahan Heanoy, Asheek Mohammad Shimul
The purpose of the present study was to address theoretical issues of reminiscence bump in autobiographical memory using the freedom fighters of Bangladesh as participants. It was assumed that they had a lot of negative memories during the liberation war in 1971 and those events would reflect the construction of reminiscence bump. Three hundred and twenty (320) freedom fighters were selected using mixed method (purposive and random) sampling technique. The freedom fighters were taken from 10 randomly chosen districts of 64. The participants recalled and dated autobiographical memories from across the lifespan. The age of the participants was between 50 to 80+ years. Memories were encoded at the time of the age when the events occurred. As expected the reminiscence bump, preferential recall of memories from second and third decade was observed. Results indicate that the bump for the participants was found 16 to 26 years. And most remarkably, they recalled most of the memories from 1971, the liberation war. Different retrieval curve has been found for male and female participants. The results have been discussed in the light of recent developments in reminiscence bump research.Keywords: autobiographical memory, freedom fighters, liberation war, reminiscence bump
Procedia PDF Downloads 2334516 Use of End-Of-Life Footwear Polymer EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate) and PU (Polyurethane) for Bitumen Modification
Authors: Lucas Nascimento, Ana Rita, Margarida Soares, André Ribeiro, Zlatina Genisheva, Hugo Silva, Joana Carvalho
The footwear industry is an essential fashion industry, focusing on producing various types of footwear, such as shoes, boots, sandals, sneakers, and slippers. Global footwear consumption has doubled every 20 years since the 1950s. It is estimated that in 1950, each person consumed one new pair of shoes yearly; by 2005, over 20 billion pairs of shoes were consumed. To meet global footwear demand, production reached $24.2 billion, equivalent to about $74 per person in the United States. This means three new pairs of shoes per person worldwide. The issue of footwear waste is related to the fact that shoe production can generate a large amount of waste, much of which is difficult to recycle or reuse. This waste includes scraps of leather, fabric, rubber, plastics, toxic chemicals, and other materials. The search for alternative solutions for waste treatment and valorization is increasingly relevant in the current context, mainly when focused on utilizing waste as a source of substitute materials. From the perspective of the new circular economy paradigm, this approach is of utmost importance as it aims to preserve natural resources and minimize the environmental impact associated with sending waste to landfills. In this sense, the incorporation of waste into industrial sectors that allow for the recovery of large volumes, such as road construction, becomes an urgent and necessary solution from an environmental standpoint. This study explores the use of plastic waste from the footwear industry as a substitute for virgin polymers in bitumen modification, a solution that presents a more sustainable future. Replacing conventional polymers with plastic waste in asphalt composition reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills and offers an opportunity to extend the lifespan of road infrastructures. By incorporating waste into construction materials, reducing the consumption of natural resources and the emission of pollutants is possible, promoting a more circular and efficient economy. In the initial phase of this study, waste materials from end-of-life footwear were selected, and plastic waste with the highest potential for application was separated. Based on a literature review, EVA (ethylene vinyl acetate) and PU (polyurethane) were identified as the polymers suitable for modifying 50/70 classification bitumen. Each polymer was analysed at concentrations of 3% and 5%. The production process involved the polymer's fragmentation to a size of 4 millimetres after heating the materials to 180 ºC and mixing for 10 minutes at low speed. After was mixed for 30 minutes in a high-speed mixer. The tests included penetration, softening point, viscosity, and rheological assessments. With the results obtained from the tests, the mixtures with EVA demonstrated better results than those with PU, as EVA had more resistance to temperature, a better viscosity curve and a greater elastic recovery in rheology.Keywords: footwear waste, hot asphalt pavement, modified bitumen, polymers
Procedia PDF Downloads 184515 Development of Electronic Services in Georgia: Analysis of Current Situation
Authors: Dato Surmanidze, Dato Antadze, Tornike Partenadze
Public online services in Georgia are concentrated on main target segments: public administration, business, population, non-governmental and other interested organizations. Therefore, the strategy of digital Georgia is focused on providing G2C, G2B/B2G, G2NGO and G2G services. In G2C framework sophisticated and high-technological online services have been developed in order to provide passports, identity cards, documentations concerning residence and civil acts (birth, marriage, divorce, child adoption, change of name and surname, death, etc) as well as other services. Websites like and have distance services like electronic application, processing and decision making. In line with international standards automatic services like electronic tenders, product catalogues, invoices and payment have been developed. This creates better investment climate for foreign companies in Georgia in the framework of G2B politics. The website creates better conditions for local business. Among electronic services is e-NRMS (electronic system for national resource management) which was introduced by the Ministry of Finance of Georgia. The system was created in order to ensure management of national resources by state and business organizations. It is integrated with bank services and provides G2C, G2B and B2G representatives with electronic services. Also a portal was created which gives electronic services concerning air, geological, environmental and pollution issues. Also should be mentioned which is an electronic hub of information management for employers and employees. The information portal of labor market will facilitate receipt of information, its analysis and delivery to interested people like employers and employees. However, nowadays it’s been two years that only employees portal is activated. Therefore, awareness about the portal, its competitiveness and success is undermined.Keywords: electronic services, public administration, information technology, information society
Procedia PDF Downloads 2694514 A Study in Optimization of FSI(Floor Space Index) in Kerala
Authors: Anjali Suresh
Kerala is well known for its unique settlement pattern; comprising the most part, a continuous spread of habitation. The notable urbanization trend in Kerala is urban spread rather than concentration which points out the increasing urbanization of peripheral areas of existing urban centers. This has thrown a challenge for the authorities to cater the needs of the urban population like to provide affordable housing and infrastructure facilities to sustain their livelihood; which is a matter of concern that needs policy attention in fixing the optimum FSI value. Based on recent reports (Post Disaster Need Analysis –PDNA) from the UN, addressing the unsafe situation of the carpet FAR/FSI practice in the state showcasing the varying geological & climatic conditions should also be the matter of concern. The FSI (Floor space index- the ratio of the built-up space on a plot to the area of the plot) value is certainly one of the key regulation factors in checking the land utilization for the varying occupancies desired for the overall development of a state with limitation in land availability when compared to its neighbors. The pattern of urbanization, physical conditions, topography, etc., varies within the state and can change remarkably over time which identifies that the practicing FSI norms in Kerala does not fulfils the intended function. Thus the FSI regulation is expected to change dynamically from location to location. So for determining the optimum value of FSI /FAR of a region in the state of Kerala, the government agencies should consider the optimum land utilization for the growing urbanization. On the other hand, shall keep in check the overutilization of the same in par with environmental and geographic nature. Therefore the study identifies parameters that should be considered for assigning FSI within the Kerala context, and through expert surveys; opinions arrive at a methodology for assigning an optimum FSI value of a region in the state of Kerala.Keywords: floor space index, urbanization, density, civic pressure, optimization
Procedia PDF Downloads 1054513 Design, Construction and Characterization of a 3He Proportional Counter for Detecting Thermal Neutron
Authors: M. Fares, S. Mameri, I. Abdlani, K. Negara
Neutron detectors in general, proportional counters gas filling based isotope 3He in particular are going to be essential for monitoring and control of certain nuclear facilities, monitoring of experimentation around neutron beams and channels nuclear research reactors, radiation protection instruments and other tools multifaceted exploration and testing of materials, etc. This work consists of a measurement campaign features two Proportional Counters 3He (3He: LND252/USA CP, CP prototype: 3He LND/DDM). This is to make a comparison study of a CP 3He LND252/USA reference one hand, and in the context of routine periodic monitoring of the characteristics of the detectors for controlling the operation especially for laboratory prototypes. In this paper, we have described the different characteristics of the detectors and the experimental protocols used. Tables of measures have been developed and the different curves were plotted. The experimental campaign at stake: 2 PC 3He were thus characterized: Their characteristics (sensitivity, energy pulse height distribution spectra, gas amplification etc.) Were identified: 01 PC 3He 1'' Type: prototype DEDIN/DDM, 01 PC 3He 1'' Type: LND252/USA.Keywords: PC 3He, sensitivity, pulse height distribution spectra, gas amplification
Procedia PDF Downloads 4444512 The Social Construction of Diagnosis: An Exploratory Study on Gender Dysphoria and Its Implications on Personal Narratives
Authors: Jessica Neri, Elena Faccio
In Europe, except for Denmark and Malta, the legal gender change and the stages of the possible process of gender transition are bound to the diagnosis of a gender identity disorder. The requirement of the evaluation of a mental disorder might have many implications on trans people’s self-representations, interpersonal relations in different social contexts and the therapeutic relations with clinicians during the transition. Psychopathological language may contribute to define the individual’s reality from normative presuppositions with value implications related to the dominant cultural principles. In an effort to mark the boundaries between sanity and pathology, it concurs to the definition of the management procedures of the constructed diversities and deviances, legitimizing the operational practices of particular professional figures. The aim of this research concerns the analysis of the diagnostic category of gender dysphoria contained in the last edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. In particular, this study focuses on the relationship between the implicit and explicit assumptions related to the expressions of gender non-conformity, that sustain the language and the criteria characterizing the Manual, and the possible implications on people’s narratives of transition. In order to achieve this objective two main research methods were used: historical reconstruction of the diagnostic category in the different versions of the Manual and content analysis of that category in the present version. From the historical analysis, in the medical and psychiatric field gender non-conformity has been predominantly explicated by naturalistic perspectives, naming it ‘transsexualism’ and collocating it in the category of gender identity disorder. Currently, pathological judged experiences are represented by gender dysphoria, described in the DSM-5 as the distress that may accompany the incongruence between one's experienced or expressed gender and one's assigned gender, specifying that there must be ‘evidence’ of this. Implicit theories about gender binary, parallelism between gender identity, sex and sexuality and the understanding of the mental health and the subject’s agency as subordinated to the expert knowledge, can be found in the process of designation of the category. A lack of awareness of the historical, social and political aspects connected to the cultural and normative dimensions at the basis of these implicit theories, can be noticed and data given by culture and data given by supposed -biological or psychological- nature, are often confused. This reductionist interpretation of gender and its presumed diversities legitimize the clinician to assume the role of searching and orienting, in a correctional perspective, the biographical elements that correspond to him specific expectations, with no space for other possibilities and identity configurations for people in transition. This research may contribute to the current critical debate about the epistemological foundation of the psychodiagnosis, emphasizing the pragmatic effects on the individuals and on the psychological practice in its wider social context. This work also permits to underline the risks due to the lack of awareness of the processes of social construction of the diagnostic system and its essential role of defence of the values that hold up the symbolic universe of reference.Keywords: diagnosis, gender dysphoria, narratives, social constructionism
Procedia PDF Downloads 2334511 Distribution and Historical Trends of PAHs Deposition in Recent Sediment Cores of the Imo River, SE Nigeria
Authors: Miranda I. Dosunmu, Orok E. Oyo-Ita, Inyang O. Oyo-Ita
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are a class of priority listed organic pollutants due to their carcinogenicity, mutagenity, acute toxicity and persistency in the environment. The distribution and historical changes of PAHs contamination in recent sediment cores from the Imo River were investigated using gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometer. The concentrations of total PAHs (TPAHs) ranging from 402.37 ng/g dry weight (dw) at the surface layer of the Estuary zone (ESC6; 0-5 cm) to 92,388.59 ng/g dw at the near surface layer of the Afam zone (ASC5; 5-10 cm) indicate that PAHs contamination was localized not only between sample sites but also within the same cores. Sediment-depth profiles for the four (Afam, Mangrove, Estuary and illegal Petroleum refinery) cores revealed irregular distribution patterns in the TPAH concentrations except the fact that these levels became maximized at the near surface layers (5-10 cm) corresponding to a geological time-frame of about 1996-2004. This time scale coincided with the period of intensive bunkering and oil pipeline vandalization by the Niger Delta militant groups. Also a general slight decline was found in the TPAHs levels from near the surface layers (5-10 cm) to the most recent top layers (0-5 cm) of the cores, attributable to the recent effort by the Nigerian government in clamping down the illegal activity of the economic saboteurs. Therefore, the recent amnesty period granted to the militant groups should be extended. Although mechanism of perylene formation still remains enigmatic, examination of its distributions down cores indicates natural biogenic, pyrogenic and petrogenic origins for the compound at different zones. Thus, the characteristic features of the Imo River environment provide a means of tracing diverse origins for perylene.Keywords: perylene, historical trend, distribution, origin, Imo River
Procedia PDF Downloads 2514510 Study of Treatment Plant of The City Chlef Study of Environmental Impact
Authors: Houmame Benbouali, Aboubakr Gribi
The risks, in general, exist in any project, one can hardly carry out a project without taking risks. The hydraulic works are rather complex projects in their design, realization and exploitation and are often subjected at the multiple risks being able to influence with their good performance and can have a negative impact on their environment. The present study was carried out to quote the impacts caused by purification plant STEP Chlef on the environment, it aims has studied the environmental impacts during construction and when designing this STEP, it is divided into two parts: The first part results from a research task bibliographer which contain three chapters (- cleansing of water-worn- general information on water worn-proceed of purification of waste water). The second part is an experimental part which is divided into four chapters (detailed state initial description of the station of purification-evaluation of the impacts of the project analyzes measurements and recommendations).Keywords: treatment plant, waste water, waste water treatment, Chlef
Procedia PDF Downloads 3344509 Research on Eco-Sustainable Recycling of Industrial Wastes
Authors: Liliana Crăc, Nicolae Giorgi, Gheorghe Fometescu
In Romania, billions of tonnes of wastes are generated yearly, an important amount being stored within industrial dumps that covers high soil areas and affects the environment quality, especially of ground and surface waters. Landfill represents in Romania the most important way for wastes removal, over 75% being generated every year, the costs with the dumps construction being considerable. In most of the cases, the wastes generated mainly by the energy industry, oil exploitation and metallurgy, are still considered wastes with NO-use, and their removal and neutralization represent for transport, handling and storing, high non-productive expenses which raise the cost of the useful products obtained. The paper presents a recycling idea of three types of wastes in order to use them for building materials manufacturing, by promoting ECOWASTES LIFE+ project, whose aim is to demonstrate that the recycling of waste from energy industry (coal combustion waste), petroleum extraction (drilling mud) and metallurgy (steelmaking slag) is technically feasible.Keywords: fly ash, drilled solid wastes, metallurgical slag, recycling, building materials
Procedia PDF Downloads 3124508 Analyzing the Influence of Hydrometeorlogical Extremes, Geological Setting, and Social Demographic on Public Health
Authors: Irfan Ahmad Afip
This main research objective is to accurately identify the possibility for a Leptospirosis outbreak severity of a certain area based on its input features into a multivariate regression model. The research question is the possibility of an outbreak in a specific area being influenced by this feature, such as social demographics and hydrometeorological extremes. If the occurrence of an outbreak is being subjected to these features, then the epidemic severity for an area will be different depending on its environmental setting because the features will influence the possibility and severity of an outbreak. Specifically, this research objective was three-fold, namely: (a) to identify the relevant multivariate features and visualize the patterns data, (b) to develop a multivariate regression model based from the selected features and determine the possibility for Leptospirosis outbreak in an area, and (c) to compare the predictive ability of multivariate regression model and machine learning algorithms. Several secondary data features were collected locations in the state of Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia, based on the possibility it would be relevant to determine the outbreak severity in the area. The relevant features then will become an input in a multivariate regression model; a linear regression model is a simple and quick solution for creating prognostic capabilities. A multivariate regression model has proven more precise prognostic capabilities than univariate models. The expected outcome from this research is to establish a correlation between the features of social demographic and hydrometeorological with Leptospirosis bacteria; it will also become a contributor for understanding the underlying relationship between the pathogen and the ecosystem. The relationship established can be beneficial for the health department or urban planner to inspect and prepare for future outcomes in event detection and system health monitoring.Keywords: geographical information system, hydrometeorological, leptospirosis, multivariate regression
Procedia PDF Downloads 1174507 Economic Activities Associated with Extraction of Riverbed Materials in the Tinau River, Nepal
Authors: Khet Raj Dahal, Dhruva Dhital, Chhatra Mani Sharma
A study was conducted during 2012 to 2013 in the selected reach of Tinau River, Nepal. The main objective of the study was to quantify employment and income generation from the extraction of construction materials from the river. A 10 km stretch of the river was selected for the study. Sample survey with a semi-structured questionnaire and field observation were the main tools used during field investigation. Extraction of riverbed materials from the banks, beds and floodplain areas of the river has provided many kinds of job opportunities for the people living in the vicinity of the river. It has also generated an adequate amount of revenues. The collected revenue has been invested for many kinds of social and infrastructures development for years. Though extraction of riverbed materials is beneficial for income and employment generation, it has also negative environmental impacts in and around the river. Furthermore, the study concluded that river bed extraction should be continued with special monitoring and evaluation in the areas where there is still room for extraction.Keywords: extraction, crusher plants, economic activities, Tinau River
Procedia PDF Downloads 6954506 Recovery of an Area Degraded by Gullies in the Municipality of Monte Alto (SP), Brazil
Authors: Layane Sara Vieira, Paulo Egidio Bernardo, Roberto Saverio Souza Costa
Anthropogenic occupations and agricultural explorations without concern for the preservation and sustainability of the activity result in soil degradation that can make rural activity unfeasible. The objective of this work was to characterize and evaluate the recovery costs of an area degraded by major erosion (gully) in the municipality of Monte Alto (SP). Topographic characterization was carried out by means of a planialtimetric survey with a total station. The contours of the gully, internal area, slope height, contribution area, volume, and costs of operations for the recovery of the gully were delimited. The results obtained showed that the gully has a length of 145.56 m, a maximum width of 36.61 m, and a gap of 19.48 m. The external area of the gully is 1,039.8741 m², and the internal area is 119.3470 m². The calculated volume was 3,282.63 m³. The intervention area for breaking slopes was measured at 8,471.29 m², requiring the construction of 19 terraces in this area, vertically spaced at 2.8 m. The estimated costs for mechanical recovery of the gully were R$ 19,167.84 (US$ 3.657,98).Keywords: erosion, volumetric assessment, soil degradation, terraces
Procedia PDF Downloads 1084505 On-Line Data-Driven Multivariate Statistical Prediction Approach to Production Monitoring
Authors: Hyun-Woo Cho
Detection of incipient abnormal events in production processes is important to improve safety and reliability of manufacturing operations and reduce losses caused by failures. The construction of calibration models for predicting faulty conditions is quite essential in making decisions on when to perform preventive maintenance. This paper presents a multivariate calibration monitoring approach based on the statistical analysis of process measurement data. The calibration model is used to predict faulty conditions from historical reference data. This approach utilizes variable selection techniques, and the predictive performance of several prediction methods are evaluated using real data. The results shows that the calibration model based on supervised probabilistic model yielded best performance in this work. By adopting a proper variable selection scheme in calibration models, the prediction performance can be improved by excluding non-informative variables from their model building steps.Keywords: calibration model, monitoring, quality improvement, feature selection
Procedia PDF Downloads 3574504 Net Zero Energy Schools: The Starting Block for the Canadian Energy Neutral K-12 Schools
Authors: Hamed Hakim, Roderic Archambault, Charles J. Kibert, Maryam Mirhadi Fard
Changes in the patterns of life in the late 20th and early 21st century have created new challenges for educational systems. Greening the physical environment of school buildings has emerged as a response to some of those challenges and led to the design of energy efficient K-12 school buildings. With the advancement in knowledge and technology, the successful construction of Net Zero Energy Schools, such as the Lady Bird Johnson Middle School demonstrates a cutting edge generation of sustainable schools, and solves the former challenge of attaining energy self-sufficient educational facilities. There are approximately twenty net zero energy K-12 schools in the U.S. of which about six are located in Climate Zone 5 and 6 based on ASHRAE climate zone classification. This paper aims to describe and analyze the current status of energy efficient and NZE schools in Canada. An attempt is made to study existing U.S. energy neutral strategies closest to the climate zones in Canada (zones 5 and 6) and identify the best practices for Canadian schools.Keywords: Canada K-12 schools, green school, energy efficient, net-zero energy schools
Procedia PDF Downloads 4074503 Determination of Slope of Hilly Terrain by Using Proposed Method of Resolution of Forces
Authors: Reshma Raskar-Phule, Makarand Landge, Saurabh Singh, Vijay Singh, Jash Saparia, Shivam Tripathi
For any construction project, slope calculations are necessary in order to evaluate constructability on the site, such as the slope of parking lots, sidewalks, and ramps, the slope of sanitary sewer lines, slope of roads and highways. When slopes and grades are to be determined, designers are concerned with establishing proper slopes and grades for their projects to assess cut and fill volume calculations and determine inverts of pipes. There are several established instruments commonly used to determine slopes, such as Dumpy level, Abney level or Hand Level, Inclinometer, Tacheometer, Henry method, etc., and surveyors are very familiar with the use of these instruments to calculate slopes. However, they have some other drawbacks which cannot be neglected while major surveying works. Firstly, it requires expert surveyors and skilled staff. The accessibility, visibility, and accommodation to remote hilly terrain with these instruments and surveying teams are difficult. Also, determination of gentle slopes in case of road and sewer drainage constructions in congested urban places with these instruments is not easy. This paper aims to develop a method that requires minimum field work, minimum instruments, no high-end technology or instruments or software, and low cost. It requires basic and handy surveying accessories like a plane table with a fixed weighing machine, standard weights, alidade, tripod, and ranging rods should be able to determine the terrain slope in congested areas as well as in remote hilly terrain. Also, being simple and easy to understand and perform the people of that local rural area can be easily trained for the proposed method. The idea for the proposed method is based on the principle of resolution of weight components. When any object of standard weight ‘W’ is placed on an inclined surface with a weighing machine below it, then its cosine component of weight is presently measured by that weighing machine. The slope can be determined from the relation between the true or actual weight and the apparent weight. A proper procedure is to be followed, which includes site location, centering and sighting work, fixing the whole set at the identified station, and finally taking the readings. A set of experiments for slope determination, mild and moderate slopes, are carried out by the proposed method and by the theodolite instrument in a controlled environment, on the college campus, and uncontrolled environment actual site. The slopes determined by the proposed method were compared with those determined by the established instruments. For example, it was observed that for the same distances for mild slope, the difference in the slope obtained by the proposed method and by the established method ranges from 4’ for a distance of 8m to 2o15’20” for a distance of 16m for an uncontrolled environment. Thus, for mild slopes, the proposed method is suitable for a distance of 8m to 10m. The correlation between the proposed method and the established method shows a good correlation of 0.91 to 0.99 for various combinations, mild and moderate slope, with the controlled and uncontrolled environment.Keywords: surveying, plane table, weight component, slope determination, hilly terrain, construction
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