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1176 A Sense of Home: Study of Walk-up Apartment Housing Units In Yangon, Myanmar
Authors: Phyo Kyaw Kyaw
In the Yangon urban landscape, one could not help, but notice old buildings from the colonial period along with condominium developments recently, and many walk-up apartment buildings to accommodate the urbanization, growing population and social-economic status of Myanmar people. Walk-up apartments were built and popular after the British colonial period (around 1950s) and are still built up to today due to its cost-effectiveness and to accommodate low to mid-income residents in the metropolitan Yangon. Approximately 90% of apartment buildings are walk-up apartments. The common impression of walk-up apartments in Yangon appears to be old rectangular box shape, homogenous envelope and limited square feet dull interior small space. In other words, the buildings are full of constraints, lack of good user experiences, and they are not well-fitted in the modern days. Therefore, the resident suffers consequently many years, some may live in the apartment their entire lives. Thousands of people living in the walk-up apartment on a daily basis are being shaped by the space and its inadequate quality of living. Can it be called “Home” by the dwellers or is the place a temporary shelter?. Online semi-structured interviews of 15 apartments’ residents and online questionnaire surveys of 70 apartment residents are conducted. This research aims to explore what makes “Home” “A sense of Home” for walk-up apartment users in Yangon, Myanmar by studying subjective responses shaped by the interior and experience of the spaces in apartment to understand the perception of the residents and improve the quality of living. The result reflects the priority level of important factors in relation to the sense of home framework.Keywords: home, living quality, space, perception, residents, walk-up apartment, Yangon
Procedia PDF Downloads 1081175 Translation and Validation of the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory for Children in Pakistani Context
Authors: Nazia Mustafa, Aneela Maqsood
Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory is the most widely used instrument for assessing children and adolescent health-related quality of life and has shown excellent markers of reliability and validity. The current study was carried out with the objectives of translation and cross-language validation along with the determination of factor Structure and psychometric properties of the Urdu version. It was administered on 154 Primary School Children with age range 10 to12 years (M= 10.86, S.D = 0.62); including boys (n=92) and girls (n = 62). The sample was recruited from two randomly selected schools from the Rawalpindi district of Pakistan. Results of the pilot phase revealed that the instrument had good reliability (Urdu Version α = 0.798; English Version α = 0.795) as well as test-retest correlation coefficients over a period of 15 days (r = 0.85). Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) resulted in three factorial structures; Social/School Functioning (k = 8), Psychological Functioning (k = 7) and Physical Functioning (k = 6) considered suitable for our sample instead of four factors. Bartlett's test of sphericity showed inter-correlation between variables. However, factor loadings for items 22 and 23 of the School Functioning subscale were problematic. The model was fit to the data after their removal with Cronbach’s Alpha Reliability coefficient of the scale (k = 21) as 0.87 and for subscales as 0.75, 0.77 and 0.73 for Social/School Scale, Psychological subscale and Physical subscale, respectively. These results supported the feasibility and reliability of the Urdu version of the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory as a reliable and effective tool for the measurement of quality of life among Pediatrics Pakistani population.Keywords: primary school children, paediatric quality of life, exploratory factor analysis, Pakistan
Procedia PDF Downloads 1341174 Optimization of a Bioremediation Strategy for an Urban Stream of Matanza-Riachuelo Basin
Authors: María D. Groppa, Andrea Trentini, Myriam Zawoznik, Roxana Bigi, Carlos Nadra, Patricia L. Marconi
In the present work, a remediation bioprocess based on the use of a local isolate of the microalgae Chlorella vulgaris immobilized in alginate beads is proposed. This process was shown to be effective for the reduction of several chemical and microbial contaminants present in Cildáñez stream, a water course that is part of the Matanza-Riachuelo Basin (Buenos Aires, Argentina). The bioprocess, involving the culture of the microalga in autotrophic conditions in a stirred-tank bioreactor supplied with a marine propeller for 6 days, allowed a significant reduction of Escherichia coli and total coliform numbers (over 95%), as well as of ammoniacal nitrogen (96%), nitrates (86%), nitrites (98%), and total phosphorus (53%) contents. Pb content was also significantly diminished after the bioprocess (95%). Standardized cytotoxicity tests using Allium cepa seeds and Cildáñez water pre- and post-remediation were also performed. Germination rate and mitotic index of onion seeds imbibed in Cildáñez water subjected to the bioprocess was similar to that observed in seeds imbibed in distilled water and significantly superior to that registered when untreated Cildáñez water was used for imbibition. Our results demonstrate the potential of this simple and cost-effective technology to remove urban-water contaminants, offering as an additional advantage the possibility of an easy biomass recovery, which may become a source of alternative energy.Keywords: bioreactor, bioremediation, Chlorella vulgaris, Matanza-Riachuelo Basin, microalgae
Procedia PDF Downloads 2521173 The Effects of Dynamic Training Shoes Exercises on Isokinetic Strength Performance
Authors: Bergun Meric Bingul, Yezdan Cinel, Murat Son, Cigdem Bulgan, Mensure Aydin
The aim of this study was to determination of the effects of knee and hip isokinetic performance during the training with the special designed roller-shoes. 30 soccer players participated as subjects and these subjects were divided into 3 groups randomly. Training groups were; with the dynamic training shoes group, without the dynamic training shoes group and control group. Subjects were trained speed strength trainings during 8 weeks (3 days a week and 1 hour a day). 6 exercises were focused on the knee flexors and extensors, also hip adductor and abductor muscles were chosen and performed in 3x30secs at each sets. Control group was not paticipated to the training program. Before and after the training programs knee flexor and extensor muscles and hip abductor and adductor muscles’ peak torques were measured by Biodex III isokinetic dynamometer. Isokinetic strength data were analyzed by using SPSS program. A repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to determine differences among the peak torque values for three groups. The results indicated that soccer players’ peak torque values that the group of using the dynamic training shoes, were found higher. Also, hip adductor and abductor peak torques that the group of using the dynamic training shoes, were obtained better than the other groups. In conclusion, the ground friction forces are an important role of increasing strength. With these shoes, using rollers, soccer players were able to move easily because of the friction forces were reduced and created more range of motion. So, exercises were performed faster than before and strength movements in all angles, it ensured that the active state. This was resulted in a better use of force.Keywords: isokinetic, soccer, dynamic training shoes, training
Procedia PDF Downloads 2691172 Effects of Bile Acids and Lipase Supplementation in Low-Energy Diets on Growth Performance and Meat Quality in Broiler Chickens
Authors: Muhammad Adeel Arshad, Shaukat Ali Bhatti
The study aimed to investigate the effect of bile acids and lipase supplementation in low-energy diets on growth performance and meat quality of broilers. Seven hundred day-old Cobb-500 broiler chicks with an average initial body weight of 45.9 ± 0.3 g were assigned to 5 dietary treatments, with five replications of 28 birds each in a completely randomized design. The five treatments were as follows: (i) HE: broilers received a diet with high energy content; (ii) LE: broilers received a diet with low energy content and energy content reduced by 100 kcal/kg as compared to HE; (iii) LEB: broilers received a diet similar to the LE group supplemented with 300 g/ton bile acids; (iv) LEL: broilers received a diet similar to the LE group supplemented with 180 g/ton lipase enzyme and (v) LEBL: broilers received a diet similar to the LE group supplemented with both 300 g/ton bile acids and 180 g/ton lipase enzyme. The experimental period lasted for 35 days. Broilers fed HE had a lower (P < 0.05) body weight (BW) gain and lower feed intake (1-35 d), but during finisher period (21-35 d), BW gain was similar with other treatments. Feed conversion ratio (FCR) was lower in HE and higher in LEBL group (P < 0.05), while the LE, LEB, and LEL had intermediate values. At 35 d no difference occurred between treatment for water holding capacity and pH of breast and thigh muscles (P > 0.05). The relative weight of pancreas was higher (P < 0.05) in LEB treatment but lower (P < 0.05) in LEL treatment. In conclusion, bile acids and lipase supplementation at 300 g/ton and 150g/ton of feed in low-energy diets respectively had no effect on broiler performance and meat quality. However, FCR was improved in HE treatment.Keywords: bile acids, energy, enzyme, growth
Procedia PDF Downloads 1201171 The Effect of Jujube Extract and Resistance Training on the Reduction of Complications Caused by the Induction of Anabolic Steroid Boldenone on the Histopathological Changes of Pancreatic Tissue of Male Wistar Rats
Authors: Sayyed-javad Ziaolhagh, Ali-Reza Saadatifar
Introduction: Athletes frequently perform anabolic steroid resistance exercise, but the effects of medical doses and abuse along with resistance exercise on structural damage to the Pancreases and also jujube extract are unknown. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of resistance training on body weight and hip fractures induced by boldenone injection in male rats. Materials and methods: In this experimental study, 30 male Wistar rats aged 8-12 weeks (weight 202±9.34 g) were randomly divided into five groups: control, boldenone, extract of iujuba+boldenone, boldenone+resistance training and boldenone+resistance training +extract of jujuba. The resistance training program included climbing the ladder for 8 weeks, 3 days a week, 1 session training in a day and each session consisted of the 3 sets and 5 repetitions. Injection was conducted in depth in the hamstring once a week on an appointed day. After anesthesia, autopsy was performed, and the cardiac tissue was isolated. Results: Results showed that boldenone caused tissue damage, congestion, and nuclei unclear and diffuse. In the group "resistance + Boldenone," The Pancreases tissue showed a high degree of hyperemia, and the muscle cells were somewhat abnormal. In boldenone + jujube, the appearance of the tissue was normal, and the rejuvenating effect was visible. Conclusion: Boldenone appears to cause structural damage to the Pancreases tissue. Strength training with Jujube Extract can reduce part of the pancreatic system disorders (necrosis and inflammation) caused by anabolic steroid use.Keywords: boldenone, Jujube extract, pancreases tissue, resistance training
Procedia PDF Downloads 721170 Pharmacodynamic Interaction between Tamsulosin and Finasteride Treatment on Induced Benign Prostate Hyperplasia in Mice by Using Chou-Talalay Method
Authors: Firas Rashad Al-Samarai
Introduction: Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a common condition as men get older. An enlarged prostate gland can cause uncomfortable urinary symptoms, such as blocking the flow of urine out of the bladder. It can also cause bladder, urinary tract, or kidney problems. Objective: to evaluate the efficacy and interaction of tamsulosin with finasteride treatment on induced benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) in mice. Methods: BPH was induced by subcutaneous injection of testosterone propionate (20 mg/kg) for 30 days. Eighty-five mice were divided into five groups. The first group (G1): twenty-five mice induced BPH treated with tamsulosin orally and divided into five equal subgroups with doses (0.017, 0.052, 0.087, 0. 123, and 0.158) mg/kg, the second group (G2): twenty-five mice induced BPH treated with finasteride orally and divided into five equal subgroups with doses (0.175, 0.527, 0.878, 1.23, and 1.580) mg/kg. the third group (G3): twenty-five mice induced BPH treated with a combination of tamsulosin with finasteride orally, and divided into five equal subgroups with doses (0.0085, 0.0875), (0.026, 0.2635), (0.0435, 0.439) , (0.0615, 0.615) and ( 0.079 , 0.790 ) mg/kg respectively. Fourth group (G4): five mice induced BPH and treated distilled water. Fifth group (G5): five mice were not inducing BPH and without any treatment. Results: The results showed a gradual significant increase in prostate weight % and prostate index % Inhibitions until reached saturation in the last two doses of tamsulosin, finasteride, and combination groups, the maximum effective dose of tamsulosin and finasteride were (0.156) and (1.495) mg/kg respectively. Moreover, the effective dose of the combination (tamsulosin and finasteride) was estimated (0.06876, 0.6876) mg/kg, respectively, as well as the type of interaction was synergism and the value of the combination index was 0.046. Conclusions: We concluded that the combination of tamsulosin with finasteride showed a synergistic effect in BPH treatment by minimizing the side effect of each drug as s result of decreasing the dose of each one.Keywords: Tamsulosin, Finasteride, combination, BPH
Procedia PDF Downloads 761169 Analysis and Mapping of Climate and Spring Yield in Tanahun District, Nepal
Authors: Resham Lal Phuldel
This study based on a bilateral development cooperation project funded by the governments of Nepal and Finland. The first phase of the project has been completed in August 2012 and the phase II started in September 2013 and will end September 2018. The project strengthens the capacity of local governments in 14 districts to deliver services in water supply, sanitation and hygiene in Western development region and in Mid-Western development region of Nepal. In recent days, several spring sources have been dried out or slowly decreasing its yield across the country due to changing character of rainfall, increasing evaporative losses and some other manmade causes such as land use change, infrastructure development work etc. To sustain the hilly communities, the sources have to be able to provide sufficient water to serve the population, either on its own or in conjunction with other sources. Phase III have measured all water sources in Tanahu district in 2004 and sources were located with the GPS. Phase II has repeated the exercise to see changes in the district. 3320 water sources as identified in 2004 and altogether 4223 including new water sources were identified and measured in 2014. Between 2004 and 2014, 50% flow rate (yield) deduction of point sources’ average yield in 10 years is found. Similarly, 21.6% and 34% deductions of average yield were found in spring and stream water sources respectively. The rainfall from 2002 to 2013 shows erratic rainfalls in the district. The monsoon peak month is not consistent and the trend shows the decrease of annual rainfall 16.7 mm/year. Further, the temperature trend between 2002 and 2013 shows warming of + 0.0410C/year.Keywords: climate change, rainfall, source discharge, water sources
Procedia PDF Downloads 2841168 Factors Associated with Non-Adherence to Antiretroviral Treatment among HIV Infected Patients in Ukraine
Authors: Larissa Burruano, Sergey Grabovyj, Irina Nguen
The study aimed to assess the level of adherence to anti retroviral therapy (ART) and to examine the relationship between adherence and risk behavior factor (drug use) among patients infected with HIV. The patients with newly diagnosed or established HIV infection under follow-up at the Sumskij Regional Centre for AIDS Prevention in Ukraine were eligible for this study. Medical records were used to measure the patient’s adherence to medication. Measurements were obtained at month 6 and at month 12 to calculate the number of medication omission during the past 30 days: (on a 2-point scale – once until three in a month – were considered adherent, three and more in a month – were considered non-adherent). Of the 50 study participants, 27 (54.0%) were men and 23 (46.0%) women. The mean age is 35.2 years (SD= 5.1). A majority of the patients (82.0%) is in the age group of 25-30 years. The main level of adherence was 74.0% and 66.0% at 6 and 12 months, respectively. The main routes of HIV transmission were drug injection among men 12 (44.4%) and sexual contact among women 11 (47.8%). Univariate analyses indicated that patients who had lower level of education were more likely to have been non-adherent at month 6- (X2 =5.1, n=50, p < .05) and at month 12 (X2 = 4.34, n=50, p < .05). Multivariate tests showed that only age (OR= 1.163 [95% CI 0.98–1.370]) was significant independent predictor of treatment adherence, while gender, education, employment status were not predictive for the risk of developing non-compliance. There was not a significant interaction between non-adherence and intravenous drug use. Consistent with these findings, younger people were more likely to have missed a dose of their medication because they had a greater sense of invulnerability than older patients. The study indicates that the socio demographic characteristic should be taken into an account in the future research regarding adherence in the case of HIV infection. If the patient anti retroviral adherence can be improved by qualitatively better medical care in all regions of the Ukraine, behavioral changes in the population can to be expected in the long term.Keywords: HIV, antiretroviral therapy, adherence, Ukraine, Eastern Europe
Procedia PDF Downloads 2911167 Effect of Substituting Groundnut Cake with Remnant of Food Composite on Survival and Growth of Clarias gariepinus and Oreochromis niloticus Fingerlings
Authors: M. Y. Abubakar, M. Yunisa, A. N. Muhammad
Constraining the production Clarias gariepinus and Oreochromis niloticus culture is the prohibitive cost of feed. We assess the performance of the species fingerlings on diets substituted with composite. Four dietary treatments (0%, 25%, 45%, and 75%) for C. gariepinus and five (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and whole food composite) for O. niloticus were formulated and each fed to 15 fingerlings for C. gariepinus and 10 fingerlings for O. niloticus stocked in 75ltrs plastic bowls, replicated trice in a completely randomized design. The experiment lasted 56 days. Percent survival rate was significantly (p < 0.05) higher (57.78 ± 9.69) in C. gariepinus fed diet III. The growth and nutrient utilization indices were least in the fish fed diet IV, which was significantly (p < 0.05) lower than in other treatments. Fish fed dietary treatment III, recorded the best in growth and nutrient utilization indices and was significantly higher (p < 0.05) than those fed dietary treatments I & II which were non-significant (p > 0.05) and higher than those fed 75% substitution. Better profit index was in the fish fed diet with 50% substitution level. For O. niloticus, the survival (172.62 ± 39.03) was significantly higher (p < 0.05) in those fed 25% substituted diet. For growth indices, the least performed were those fed whole composite while other treatments were non-significant (p > 0.05) different from each other. In terms of nutrient utilization, fish fed diet substituted at 0%, 25%, 50% and 75% food composite had similar food conversion ratio and protein efficiency ratio. However, there was no significant difference in the profit index among the whole treatment. It can be concluded that food composite from Sokoto house-holds can optimally replace groundnut cake up to 50% level as a protein source in the diets of Clarias gariepinus and O. niloticus fingerlings without adverse effects on survival, growth, and nutrient utilization.Keywords: food composite, nutrient utilization, C. gariepinus, O. niloticus household, substitution levels
Procedia PDF Downloads 2001166 Mobile Crowdsensing Scheme by Predicting Vehicle Mobility Using Deep Learning Algorithm
Authors: Monojit Manna, Arpan Adhikary
In Mobile cloud sensing across the globe, an emerging paradigm is selected by the user to compute sensing tasks. In urban cities current days, Mobile vehicles are adapted to perform the task of data sensing and data collection for universality and mobility. In this work, we focused on the optimality and mobile nodes that can be selected in order to collect the maximum amount of data from urban areas and fulfill the required data in the future period within a couple of minutes. We map out the requirement of the vehicle to configure the maximum data optimization problem and budget. The Application implementation is basically set up to generalize a realistic online platform in which real-time vehicles are moving apparently in a continuous manner. The data center has the authority to select a set of vehicles immediately. A deep learning-based scheme with the help of mobile vehicles (DLMV) will be proposed to collect sensing data from the urban environment. From the future time perspective, this work proposed a deep learning-based offline algorithm to predict mobility. Therefore, we proposed a greedy approach applying an online algorithm step into a subset of vehicles for an NP-complete problem with a limited budget. Real dataset experimental extensive evaluations are conducted for the real mobility dataset in Rome. The result of the experiment not only fulfills the efficiency of our proposed solution but also proves the validity of DLMV and improves the quantity of collecting the sensing data compared with other algorithms.Keywords: mobile crowdsensing, deep learning, vehicle recruitment, sensing coverage, data collection
Procedia PDF Downloads 781165 An Exploratory Study on Newborns Using Massage Oil to Induce Miliaria
Authors: Chia-Feng Chen, Wan-Yi Lin, Chia-En Liu
Background: There are approximately 600 newborns that stay four weeks in our postpartum agency every year. As we all know, newborn’s skin is 40-60% thinner than adult skin, newborn skin has a higher trans epidermal water loss, so many postpartum agencies use massage oil every day, no matter which seasons. In fact, neonatal miliaria or prickly heat is the most common condition from two to three -week- old newborns. According to research, about 80 percent of two to three -week- old baby are diagnosed with prickly heat because nurses apply massage oil to their faces every day. In China, we can use honeysuckle to wipe the newborn's face for treatment. Purpose: the purpose of the study is to discuss that using massage oil will be induced neonatal miliaria among two or three-week-old newborns and the aim of the study is to assess the protocol of miliaria condition with the face. Methods: a quasi-experimental design was used to evaluated the result between massage oil and non massage oil. A total of 22 participants were recruited randomly and analyzed from August to September in the south of China and collected for about 2 week long. The 22 participants were randomly selected and live in the stable air condition belong, 24 to 26℃. Results: the 64% of participants were diagnosed with miliaria using massage oil, the 2/8 of participants were diagnosed with miliaria no using massage oil. The pearson correction was0.67. The result of 22 participants, including massage oil, and diagnosed with miliaris. Besides, in our study, 9 of participants with miliaria for 3 to 6 days on the face, were treatment with honey-suckle wipe 3days through pediatric doctor suggestion. The effect of honey-suckle were useful in improving miliaria and decreasing the anxiety of parents. Conclusions: Miliaria is a common condition in newborns, especially in summer. The authors postulate that the massage oil did not find suitable for newborn in summer, and the study provides evidence that honey-suckle effectively control miliaria on using massage oil of participants.Keywords: massage oil, miliaria, newborn, honey suckle
Procedia PDF Downloads 831164 Constellating Images: Bilderatlases as a Tool to Develop Criticality towards Visual Culture
Authors: Quirijn Menken
Menken, Q. Author Constellating Images Abstract—We live in a predominantly visual era. Vastly expanded quantities of imagery influence us on a daily basis, in contrast to earlier days where the textual prevailed. The increasing producing and reproducing of images continuously compete for our attention. As such, how we perceive images and in what way images are framed or mediate our beliefs, has become of even greater importance than ever before. Especially in art education a critical awareness and approach of images as part of visual culture is of utmost importance. The Bilderatlas operates as a mediation, and offers new Ways of Seeing and knowing. It is mainly known as result of the ground-breaking work of the cultural theorist Aby Warburg, who intended to present an art history without words. His Mnemosyne Bilderatlas shows how the arrangement of images - and the interstices between them, offers new perspectives and ways of seeing. The Atlas as a medium to critically address Visual Culture is also practiced by the German artist Gerhard Richter, and it is in written form used in the Passagen Werk of Walter Benjamin. In order to examine the use of the Bilderatlas as a tool in art education, several experiments with art students have been conducted. These experiments have lead to an exploration of different Pedagogies, which help to offer new perspectives and trajectories of learning. To use the Bilderatlas as a tool to develop criticality towards Visual Culture, I developed and tested a new pedagogy; a Pedagogy of Difference and Repetition, based on the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze. Furthermore, in offering a new pedagogy - based on the rhizomatic work of Gilles Deleuze – the Bilderatlas as a tool to develop criticality has found a firm basis. Keywords—Art Education, Walter Benjamin, Bilderatlas, Gilles Deleuze, Difference and Repetition, Pedagogy, Rhizomes, Visual Culture,Keywords: Art Education, Bilderatlas, Pedagogy, Aby Warburg
Procedia PDF Downloads 1561163 Performance Evaluation of the CareSTART S1 Analyzer for Quantitative Point-Of-Care Measurement of Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Activity
Authors: Haiyoung Jung, Mi Joung Leem, Sun Hwa Lee
Background & Objective: Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency is a genetic abnormality that results in an inadequate amount of G6PD, leading to increased susceptibility of red blood cells to reactive oxygen species and hemolysis. The present study aimed to evaluate the careSTARTTM S1 analyzer for measuring G6PD activity to hemoglobin (Hb) ratio. Methods: Precision for G6PD activity and hemoglobin measurement was evaluated using control materials with two levels on five repeated runs per day for five days. The analytic performance of the careSTARTTM S1 analyzer was compared with spectrophotometry in 40 patient samples. Reference ranges suggested by the manufacturer were validated in 20 healthy males and females each. Results: The careSTARTTM S1 analyzer demonstrated precision of 6.0% for low-level (14~45 U/dL) and 2.7% for high-level (60~90 U/dL) control in G6PD activity, and 1.4% in hemoglobin (7.9~16.3 u/g Hb). A comparison study of G6PD to Hb ratio between the careSTARTTM S1 analyzer and spectrophotometry showed an average difference of 29.1% with a positive bias of the careSTARTTM S1 analyzer. All normal samples from the healthy population were validated for the suggested reference range for males (≥2.19 U/g Hb) and females (≥5.83 U/g Hb). Conclusion: The careSTARTTM S1 analyzer demonstrated good analytical performance and can replace the current spectrophotometric measurement of G6PD enzyme activity. In the aspect of the management of clinical laboratories, it can be a reasonable option as a point-of-care analyzer with minimal handling of samples and reagents, in addition to the automatic calculation of the ratio of measured G6PD activity and Hb concentration, to minimize any clerical errors involved with manual calculation.Keywords: POCT, G6PD, performance evaluation, careSTART
Procedia PDF Downloads 651162 Characterization of Biogenic Silver Nanoparticles by Salvadora persica Leaves Extract and its Application Against Some MDR Pathogens E. Coli and S. Aureus
Authors: Mudawi M. Nour
Background: Now a days, the multidisciplinary scientific research conception in the field of nanotechnology has witnessed development with regard to the numerous applications and synthesis of nanomaterials. Objective: The current investigation has been conducted with the main focus on the green synthesis of silver nanoparticles from the leaves of Salvadora persica and its antibacterial activity against MDR pathogens E. coli and S. aureus. Methodology: Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) were prepared after addition of aqueous extract of Salvadora persica leaves. The UV-Vis spectrophotometer, Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), zeta potential and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) were employed to detect the particle size and morphology, besides Fourier transform infra-red spectrometer (FTIR) analysis was performed to determine the capping and stabilizing agents in the extract. Antibacterial assay for the biogenic AgNPs was conducted against E. coli and S. aureus. Results: Color change of the mixture from yellow to dark brown is the first indication to AgNPs formation. Furthermore, 420 nm was the peak value for UV-Vis spectroscopy absorption of the mixture. Besides, TEM and SEM micrographs showed wide variability in the diameter of smaller NPs aggregated together with spherical shapes, and zeta sizer showed about 153.3 nm as an average size of nanoparticles. Microbial suppression was noticed for the tested microorganisms. Furthermore, with the help of FTIR analysis, the biomolecules that act as capping and stabilizing agents of AgNPs are proteins and phenols present in the plant extract. Conclusion: Salvadora persica leaves extract act as a reducing and stabilizing agent for the synthesis of AgNPs, keeping its ability to suppress the MDR pathogen.Keywords: green synthesis, FTIR, MDR pathogen, salvadora persica
Procedia PDF Downloads 761161 Effect of Climate Change on Nutritional Status of Women in Nigeria
Authors: Onu Theresa Chinyere
The study evaluates the perceived effect of climate change on nutritional status of women in Nigeria. Five research questions and two hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The study adopted a survey and experimental study research design. One thousand two hundred and fifty one (1,250) respondents were selected from different State in Nigeria using multistage sampling technique. The instruments used to collect data were questionnaire and personal interview on socio economic characteristics of respondents, while Anthropometric data (height and weight) were also used. The data was analyzed using t-test statistic, decided at 50% level of significance. The study found that most states in Nigeria experience high winds, warmer and frequent hot days and night over most land areas, droughts and tides during climate change events. The respondent unanimously agree that climate change causes reduction in food yields, decline in food availability/supply, negatively affecting soil quality, carbon fertilization, decreases flexibilities in technology choices to strengthen food production. The Anthropometric analysis shows that out of 1250 women sampled, 560 (44.8%) maintain normal weight, while 405 (32.40%) women were found to be underweight, since their body mass index is less that 18.5. There were few cases of obesity among the surveyed women since only 80 out of 1250 which represent 6.4% of the women were obese. Bases on the findings, the following recommendations were made-local fertilizer should be encouraged to boost foods yield especially during climate change: women should imbibe the culture of preservation or reservoir that will help in mitigating the effects of climate on food intake and nutritional status, especially during the crisis period, among others.Keywords: climate change, nutrition anthropometric analysis, obesity culture, environment and women among others
Procedia PDF Downloads 4271160 Effect of Rice Cultivars and Water Regimes Application as Mitigation Strategy for Greenhouse Gases in Paddy Fields
Authors: Mthiyane Pretty, Mitsui Toshiake, Aycan Murat, Nagano Hirohiko
Methane (CH₄) is one of the most dangerous greenhouse gases (GHG) emitted into the atmosphere by terrestrial ecosystems, with a global warming potential (GWP) 25-34 times that of CO2 on a centennial scale. Paddy rice cultivations are a major source of methane emission and is the major driving force for climate change. Thus, it is necessary to find out GHG emissions mitigation strategies from rice cultivation. A study was conducted at Niigata University. And the prime objective of this research was to determine the effects of rice varieties CH4 lowland (NU1, YNU, Nipponbare, Koshihikari) and upland (Norin 1, Norin 24, Hitachihatamochi) japonica rice varieties using different growth media which was paddy field soil and artificial soil. The treatments were laid out in a split plot design. The soil moisture was kept at 40-50% and 70%, respectively. The CH₄ emission rates were determined by collecting air samples using the closed chamber technique and measuring CH₄ concentrations using a gas chromatograph. CH₄ emission rates varied with the growth, growth media type and development of the rice varieties. The soil moisture was monitored at a soil depth of 5–10 cm with an HydraGO portable soil sensor system every three days for each pot, and temperatures were be recorded by a sensitive thermometer. The lowest cumulative CH4 emission rate was observed in Norin 24, particularly under 40 to 50% soil moisture. Across the rice genotypes, 40-50% significantly reduced the cumulative CH4 , followed by irrigation of 70% soil moisture. During the tillering stage, no significant variation in tillering and plant height was observed between and 70% soil moisture. This study suggests that the cultivation of Norin 24 and Norin 1 under 70% soil irrigation could be effective at reducing the CH4 in rice fields.Keywords: methane, paddy fields, rice varieties, soil moisture
Procedia PDF Downloads 951159 Comparative Study of Antimicrobial Activity of Bacteriocin Producing Lactic Acid Bacteria from Fermented Batter of Green Gram And Bengal Gram Against Food-Borne Pathogens
Authors: Bandi Aruna
The increase of multidrug-resistant pathogens and the restriction on the use of antibiotics due to its side effects have drawn attention to the search for possible alternatives. Bacteriocins are ribosomally synthesized antimicrobial peptides that are active against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The bacteriocins from lactic acid bacteria represent an important application of these peptides as clinical drugs or as food biopreservatives. The present study describes the isolation of bacteriocin producing lactic acid bacteria (LAB) from fermented batter of green gram and bengal gram using Man, Rogosa and Sharpe (MRS) media. The bacteriocin produced by these organisms inhibited the growth of Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella species, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, The isolates G1, G2 were isolated from green gram; B1 and B2 were isolated from fermented bengal gram batter. G1 and G2 were identified as Lactobacillus casie and B1 and B2 were identified as Streptococcus species. Antimicrobial activity of the bacteriocin produced by these strains was studied by agar well diffusion method. Bacteriocins produced by the Lactobacillus casie and Streptococcus secies retained their antagonistic property at pH of 5 and pH of 7. Exposure of bacteriocin to UV light for 4 min showed antibacterial activity. The antagonistic property was observed even at 100°C demonstrating stability at higher temperatures of the bacteriocin. The bacteriocins were stable for a period of 15 days at 27°C. The bacteriocins of G1, G2, and B2 exhibited highest antagonistic activity at pH of 5 and B1 at pH of 7. Therefore, the bacteriocins of the isolates may find important application in controlling the food-borne pathogens.Keywords: Keywords: Antibacterial activity, Lactic acid bacteria, Bacteriocin
Procedia PDF Downloads 4021158 Improvement of the Mechanical Behavior of an Environmental Concrete Based on Demolished
Authors: Larbi Belagraa
The universal need to conserve resources, protect the environment and use energy efficiently must necessarily be felt in the field of concrete technology. The recycling of construction and demolition waste as a source of aggregates for the production of concrete has attracted growing interest from the construction industry. In Algeria, the depletion of natural deposits of aggregates and the difficulties in setting up new quarries; makes it necessary to seek new sources of supply, to meet the need for aggregates for the major projects launched by the Algerian government in the last decades. In this context, this work is a part of the approach to provide answers to concerns about the lack of aggregates for concrete. It also aims to develop the inert fraction of demolition materials and mainly concrete construction demolition waste(C&D) as a source of aggregates for the manufacture of new hydraulic concretes based on recycled aggregates. This experimental study presents the results of physical and mechanical characterizations of natural and recycled aggregates, as well as their influence on the properties of fresh and hardened concrete. The characterization of the materials used has shown that the recycled aggregates have heterogeneity, a high water absorption capacity, and a medium quality hardness. However, the limits prescribed by the standards in force do not disqualify these materials of use for application as recycled aggregate concrete type (RAC). The results obtained from the present study show that acceptable mechanical, compressive, and flexural strengths of RACs are obtained using Superplasticizer SP 45 and 5% replacement of cement with silica fume based on recycled aggregates, compared to those of natural concretes. These mechanical performances demonstrate a characteristic resistance at 28 days in compression within the limits of 30 to 40 MPa without any particular suitable technology .to be adapted in the case.Keywords: recycled aggregates, concrete(RAC), superplasticizer, silica fume, compressive strength
Procedia PDF Downloads 1751157 The Survival of Bifidobacterium longum in Frozen Yoghurt Ice Cream and Its Properties Affected by Prebiotics (Galacto-Oligosaccharides and Fructo-Oligosaccharides) and Fat Content
Authors: S. Thaiudom, W. Toommuangpak
Yoghurt ice cream (YIC) containing prebiotics and probiotics seems to be much more recognized among consumers who concern for their health. Not only can it be a benefit on consumers’ health but also its taste and freshness provide people easily accept. However, the survival of such probiotic especially Bifidobacterium longum, found in human gastrointestinal tract and to be benefit to human gut, was still needed to study in the severe condition as whipping and freezing in ice cream process. Low and full-fat yoghurt ice cream containing 2 and 10% (w/w) fat content (LYIC and FYIC), respectively was produced by mixing 20% yoghurt containing B. longum into milk ice cream mix. Fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) or galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) at 0, 1, and 2% (w/w) were separately used as prebiotic in order to improve the survival of B. longum. Survival of this bacteria as a function of ice cream storage time and ice cream properties were investigated. The results showed that prebiotic; especially FOS could improve viable count of B. longum. The more concentration of prebiotic used, the more is the survival of B. Longum. These prebiotics could prolong the survival of B. longum up to 60 days, and the amount of survival number was still in the recommended level (106 cfu per gram). Fat content and prebiotic did not significantly affect the total acidity and the overrun of all samples, but an increase of fat content significantly increased the fat particle size which might be because of partial coalescence found in FYIC rather than in LYIC. However, addition of GOS or FOS could reduce the fat particle size, especially in FYIC. GOS seemed to reduce the hardness of YIC rather than FOS. High fat content (10% fat) significantly influenced on lowering the melting rate of YIC better than 2% fat content due to the 3-dimension networks of fat partial coalescence theoretically occurring more in FYIC than in LYIC. However, FOS seemed to retard the melting rate of ice cream better than GOS. In conclusion, GOS and FOS in YIC with different fat content can enhance the survival of B. longum and affect physical and chemical properties of such yoghurt ice cream.Keywords: Bifidobacterium longum, prebiotic, survival, yoghurt ice cream
Procedia PDF Downloads 1631156 Evaluation of Stable Isotope in Life History and Mating Behaviour of Mediterranean Fruit Fly Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephidae) in Laboratory Conditions
Authors: Hasan AL-Khshemawee, Manjree Agarwal, Xin Du, Yonglin Ren
The possibility use of stable isotopes to study Medfly mating and life history were investigated in these experiments. 13C6 glucose was incorporated in the diet of the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephidae). Treatments included labelling and unlabelled of either the media or adult sugar water. The measured started from egg hatching till the adults have died. After mating, the adults were analysed for 13C6 glucose ratio using Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry LC-MS in two periods of time immediately and after three days of mating. Results showed that stable isotopes were used successfully for labelling Medfly in laboratory conditions, and there were significant differences between labelled and unlabelled treatment in eggs hatching, larval development, pupae emergence, survival of adults and mating behaviour. Labelling during larval development and combined labelling of larvae and adults resulted in detectable values. The label glucose in larvae stage did not effect on mating behaviour, however, the label glucose in adults’ stage was affected by mating behaviour. We recommended that it is possible to label adults of Mediterranean fruit fly C. capitata and detected the label after mating. This method offers good tools to study mating behaviour in Medfly and other types of insects and could be providing useful tools in genetic studies, sterile insect technique (SIT) or agricultural pest management. Also, we recommended using this technique in the field.Keywords: stable isotope, sterile insect technique (SIT), medfly, mating behaviour
Procedia PDF Downloads 2561155 [Keynote Talk]: Water Resources Vulnerability Assessment to Climate Change in a Semi-Arid Basin of South India
Authors: K. Shimola, M. Krishnaveni
This paper examines vulnerability assessment of water resources in a semi-arid basin using the 4-step approach. The vulnerability assessment framework is developed to study the water resources vulnerability which includes the creation of GIS-based vulnerability maps. These maps represent the spatial variability of the vulnerability index. This paper introduces the 4-step approach to assess vulnerability that incorporates a new set of indicators. The approach is demonstrated using a framework composed of a precipitation data for (1975–2010) period, temperature data for (1965–2010) period, hydrological model outputs and the water resources GIS data base. The vulnerability assessment is a function of three components such as exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity. The current water resources vulnerability is assessed using GIS based spatio-temporal information. Rainfall Coefficient of Variation, monsoon onset and end date, rainy days, seasonality indices, temperature are selected for the criterion ‘exposure’. Water yield, ground water recharge, evapotranspiration (ET) are selected for the criterion ‘sensitivity’. Type of irrigation and storage structures are selected for the criterion ‘Adaptive capacity’. These indicators were mapped and integrated in GIS environment using overlay analysis. The five sub-basins, namely Arjunanadhi, Kousiganadhi, Sindapalli-Uppodai and Vallampatti Odai, fall under medium vulnerability profile, which indicates that the basin is under moderate stress of water resources. The paper also explores prioritization of sub-basinwise adaptation strategies to climate change based on the vulnerability indices.Keywords: adaptive capacity, exposure, overlay analysis, sensitivity, vulnerability
Procedia PDF Downloads 3131154 Effect of Concurrent Training and Detraining on Insulin Resistance in Obese Children
Authors: Kaveh Azadeh, Saeid Fazelifar
The main purpose of the present study was to examine the effect of 12 weeks (3 days/week) concurrent training followed by 4 weeks detraining on insulin resistance in obese boys without dietary intervention. Methods: 24 obese children boys (body mass index> 28, age= 11- 13year old) voluntarily participated in the study. Biochemical factors, body composition, and functional physical fitness were assessed in three stages [baseline, after 12 week’s combined endurance and resistance training and 4 week’s detraining in the experimental group (n=12); baseline and after 12 weeks in control group (n=12)]. Results: Indepented - Sample T test revealed that in experimental group after 12weeks trainings the insulin resistance, and body fat mass were significantly declined, whereas endurance and strength of abdominal muscles significantly increased compared to control group (p<0/05). One-way ANOVA for three different periods showed that insulin resistance, body fat mass, strength of abdominal muscles after 12week training was significantly improved in the experimental group compared with the baseline. Following 4weeks detraining insulin resistance again significantly increased (p<0/05). After detraining disturbances of physiological adaptation in obese children have more rapid course in comparison with those anthropological and functional indices. Conclusion: Results showed that participation in the regular concurrent trainings provides a decrease of insulin resistance in obese children. It may serve as a strategy in treatment of obesity and management on insulin resistance, as well as to increase endurance and strength muscles in obese children. Adaptations resulting from regular exercises following detraining are reversible.Keywords: endurance and resistance trainings, detraining, insulin resistance, obese children
Procedia PDF Downloads 1951153 Potential Usefulness of Video Lectures as a Tool to Improve Synchronous and Asynchronous the Online Education
Authors: Omer Shujat Bhatti, Afshan Huma
Online educational system were considered a great opportunity for distance learning. In recent days of COVID19 pandemic, it enable the continuation of educational activities at all levels of education, from primary school to the top level universities. One of the key considered element in supporting the online educational system is video lectures. The current research explored the usefulness of the video lectures delivered to technical students of masters level with a focus on MSc Sustainable Environmental design students who have diverse backgrounds in the formal educational system. Hence they were unable to cope right away with the online system and faced communication and understanding issues in the lecture session due to internet and allied connectivity issues. Researcher used self prepared video lectures for respective subjects and provided them to the students using Youtube channel and subject based Whatsapp groups. Later, students were asked about the usefulness of the lectures towards a better understanding of the subject and an overall enhanced learning experience. More than 80% of the students appreciated the effort and requested it to be part of the overall system. Data collection was done using an online questionnaire which was prior briefed to the students with the purpose of research. It was concluded that video lectures should be considered an integral part of the lecture sessions and must be provided prior to the lecture session, ensuring a better quality of delivery. It was also recommended that the existing system must be upgraded to support the availability of these video lectures through the portal. Teachers training must be provided to help develop quality video content ensuring that is able to cover the content and courses taught.Keywords: video lectures, online distance education, synchronous instruction, asynchronous communication
Procedia PDF Downloads 1171152 Natural User Interface Adapter: Enabling Natural User Interface for Non-Natural User Interface Applications
Authors: Vijay Kumar Kolagani, Yingcai Xiao
Adaptation of Natural User Interface (NUI) has been slow and limited. NUI devices like Microsoft’s Kinect and Ultraleap’s Leap Motion can only interact with a handful applications that were specifically designed and implemented for them. A NUI device just can’t be used to directly control millions of applications that are not designed to take NUI input. This is in the similar situation like the adaptation of color TVs. At the early days of color TV, the broadcasting format was in RGB, which was not viewable by blackand-white TVs. TV broadcasters were reluctant to produce color programs due to limited viewership. TV viewers were reluctant to buy color TVs because there were limited programs to watch. Color TV’s breakthrough moment came after the adaptation of NTSC standard which allowed color broadcasts to be compatible with the millions of existing black-and-white TVs. This research presents a framework to use NUI devices to control existing non-NUI applications without reprogramming them. The methodology is to create an adapter to convert input from NUI devices into input compatible with that generated by CLI (Command Line Input) and GUI (Graphical User Interface) devices. The CLI/GUI compatible input is then sent to the active application through the operating system just like any input from a CLI/GUI device to control the non-NUI program that the user is controlling. A sample adapter has been created to convert input from Kinect to keyboard strokes, so one can use the input from Kinect to control any applications that take keyboard input, such as Microsoft’s PowerPoint. When the users use the adapter to control their PowerPoint presentations, they can free themselves from standing behind a computer to use its keyboard and can roam around in front of the audience to use hand gestures to control the PowerPoint. It is hopeful such adapters can accelerate the adaptation of NUI devices.Keywords: command line input, graphical user interface, human computer interaction, natural user interface, NUI adapter
Procedia PDF Downloads 181151 Necrotising Anterior Scleritis and Scleroderma: A Rare Association
Authors: Angeliki Vassila, Dimitrios Kalogeropoulos, Rania Rawashdeh, Nigel Hall, Najiha Rahman, Mark Fabian, Suresh Thulasidharan, Hossain Parwez
Introduction: Necrotising scleritis is a severe form of scleritis and poses a significant threat to vision. It can manifest in various systemic autoimmune disorders, systemic vasculitis, or as a consequence of microbial infections. The objective of this study is to present a case of necrotizing scleritis associated with scleroderma, which was further complicated by a secondary Staphylococcus epidermidis infection. Methods: This is a retrospective analysis that examines the medical records of a patient who was hospitalised in the Eye Unit at University Hospital Southampton. Results: A 78-year-old woman presented at the eye casualty department of our unit with a two-week history of progressively worsening pain in her left eye. She received a diagnosis of necrotising scleritis and was admitted to the hospital for further treatment. It was decided to commence a three-day course of intravenous methylprednisolone followed by a tapering regimen of oral steroids. Additionally, a conjunctival swab was taken, and two days later, it revealed the presence of S. epidermidis, indicating a potential secondary infection. Given this finding, she was also prescribed topical (Ofloxacin 0.3% - four times daily) and oral (Ciprofloxacin 750mg – twice daily) antibiotics. The inflammation and symptoms gradually improved, leading to the patient being scheduled for a scleral graft and applying an amniotic membrane to cover the area of scleral thinning. Conclusions: Rheumatoid arthritis and granulomatosis with polyangiitis are the most commonly identifiable systemic diseases associated with necrotising scleritis. Although association with scleroderma is extremely rare, early identification and treatment are necessary to prevent scleritis-related complications.Keywords: scleritis, necrotizing scleritis, scleroderma, autoimmune disease
Procedia PDF Downloads 321150 Parametric Appraisal of Robotic Arc Welding of Mild Steel Material by Principal Component Analysis-Fuzzy with Taguchi Technique
Authors: Amruta Rout, Golak Bihari Mahanta, Gunji Bala Murali, Bibhuti Bhusan Biswal, B. B. V. L. Deepak
The use of industrial robots for performing welding operation is one of the chief sign of contemporary welding in these days. The weld joint parameter and weld process parameter modeling is one of the most crucial aspects of robotic welding. As weld process parameters affect the weld joint parameters differently, a multi-objective optimization technique has to be utilized to obtain optimal setting of weld process parameter. In this paper, a hybrid optimization technique, i.e., Principal Component Analysis (PCA) combined with fuzzy logic has been proposed to get optimal setting of weld process parameters like wire feed rate, welding current. Gas flow rate, welding speed and nozzle tip to plate distance. The weld joint parameters considered for optimization are the depth of penetration, yield strength, and ultimate strength. PCA is a very efficient multi-objective technique for converting the correlated and dependent parameters into uncorrelated and independent variables like the weld joint parameters. Also in this approach, no need for checking the correlation among responses as no individual weight has been assigned to responses. Fuzzy Inference Engine can efficiently consider these aspects into an internal hierarchy of it thereby overcoming various limitations of existing optimization approaches. At last Taguchi method is used to get the optimal setting of weld process parameters. Therefore, it has been concluded the hybrid technique has its own advantages which can be used for quality improvement in industrial applications.Keywords: robotic arc welding, weld process parameters, weld joint parameters, principal component analysis, fuzzy logic, Taguchi method
Procedia PDF Downloads 1801149 Determination of Selected Engineering Properties of Giant Palm Seeds (Borassus Aethiopum) in Relation to Its Oil Potential
Authors: Rasheed Amao Busari, Ahmed Ibrahim
The engineering properties of giant palms are crucial for the reasonable design of the processing and handling systems. The research was conducted to investigate some engineering properties of giant palm seeds in relation to their oil potential. The ripe giant palm fruit was sourced from some parts of Zaria in Kaduna State and Ado Ekiti in Ekiti State, Nigeria. The mesocarps of the fruits collected were removed to obtain the nuts, while the collected nuts were dried under ambient conditions for several days. The actual moisture content of the nuts at the time of the experiment was determined using KT100S Moisture Meter, with moisture content ranged 17.9% to 19.15%. The physical properties determined are axial dimension, geometric mean diameter, arithmetic mean diameter, sphericity, true and bulk densities, porosity, angles of repose, and coefficients of friction. The nuts were measured using a vernier caliper for physical assessment of their sizes. The axial dimensions of 100 nuts were taken and the result shows that the size ranges from 7.30 to 9.32cm for major diameter, 7.2 to 8.9 cm for intermediate diameter, and 4.2 to 6.33 for minor diameter. The mechanical properties determined were compressive force, compressive stress, and deformation both at peak and break using Instron hydraulic universal tensile testing machine. The work also revealed that giant palm seed can be classified as an oil-bearing seed. The seed gave 18% using the solvent extraction method. The results obtained from the study will help in solving the problem of equipment design, handling, and further processing of the seeds.Keywords: giant palm seeds, engineering properties, oil potential, moisture content, and giant palm fruit
Procedia PDF Downloads 801148 Trends in Use of Millings in Pavement Maintenance
Authors: Rafiqul Tarefder, Mohiuddin Ahmad, Mohammad Hossain
While milling materials from old pavement surface can be an important component of cost effective maintenance operation, their use in maintenance projects are not uniform and well documented. This study documents the different maintenance practices followed by four transportation districts of New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT) in an attempt to find whether millings are being used in maintenance projects by those districts. Based on existing literature, a questionnaire was developed related to six common maintenance practices. NMDOT district personal were interviewed face to face to discuss and get answers to that questionnaire. It revealed that NMDOT districts mainly use chip seal and patching. Other maintenance procedures such as sand seal, scrub seal, slurry seal, and thin overlay have limited use. Two out of four participating districts do not have any documents on chip sealing; rather they employ the experiences of the chip seal crew. All districts use polymer modified high float emulsion (HFE100P) for chip seal with an application rate ranging from 0.4 to 0.56 gallons per square yard. Chip application rate varies from 15 to 40 lb/ square yard. State wide, the thickness of chip seal varies from 3/8" to 1" and life varies from 3 to 10 years. NMDOT districts mainly use three type of patching: pothole, dig-out and blade patch. Pothole patches are used for small potholes and during emergency, dig-out patches are used for all type of potholes sometimes after pothole patching, and blade patch is used when a significant portion of the pavement is damaged. Pothole patches last as low as three days whereas, blade patch lasts as long as 3 years. It was observed that all participating districts use millings in maintenance projects.Keywords: chip seal, sand seal, scrub seal, slurry seal, overlay, patching, millings
Procedia PDF Downloads 3431147 Ecotoxicity Evaluation Methodology for Metallurgical and Steel Wastes
Authors: G. Pelozo, N. Quaranta
The assessment of environmental hazard and ecotoxicological potential of industrial wastes has become an issue of concern in many countries. Therefore, the aim of this work is to develop a methodology, adapting an Argentinian standard, which allows analyze the ecotoxicological effect of various metallurgical and steel wastes. Foundry sand, white mud, red mud, electric arc furnace dust, converter slag, among others, are the studied wastes. The species used to analyze the ecotoxicological effects of wastes is rye grass (Lolium Perenne). The choice of this kind lies, among other things, in its easy and rapid germination making it possible to develop the test in a few days. Moreover, since the processes involved are general for most seeds, the obtained results with this kind are representative, in general, of the effects on seeds or seedlings. Since the studied residues are solids, prior to performing the assay, an eluate is obtained by stirring for 2 hours and subsequent filtration of a solution of waste in water in a relationship of 1:4. This represents 100% of eluate from which two dilutions in water (25% and 50%) are prepared. A sample with untreated solid waste and water is also performed. The test is performed by placing two filter papers in a Petri dish that are saturated with 3.5ml of the prepared dilutions. After that 20 rye grass seeds are placed, and the Petri dishes are covered and the seeds are incubated for 120 hours at 24 °C. Reference controls are carried out by distilled water. Three replicates are performed for each concentration. Once the exposure period is finished, inhibiting elongation of the root is measured (IR). The results of this test show that all the studied wastes produce an unfavorable effect on the development of the seedlings, being the electric arc furnace dust which more affects the germination.Keywords: ecotoxicity, industrial wastes, environmental hazard, seeds
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