Search results for: objective indicator of fatigue
5902 Approach to Freight Trip Attraction Areas Classification, in Developing Countries
Authors: Adrián Esteban Ortiz-Valera, Angélica Lozano
In developing countries, informal trade is relevant, but it has been little studied in urban freight transport (UFT) context, although it is a challenge due to the non- contemplated demand it produces and the operational limitations it imposes. Hence, UFT operational improvements (initiatives) and freight attraction models must consider informal trade for developing countries. Afour phasesapproach for characterizing the commercial areas in developing countries (considering both formal and informal establishments) is proposed and applied to ten areas in Mexico City. This characterization is required to calculate real freight trip attraction and then select and/or adapt suitable initiatives. Phase 1 aims the delimitation of the study area. The following information is obtained for each establishment of a potential area: location or geographic coordinates, industrial sector, industrial subsector, and number of employees. Phase 2 characterizes the study area and proposes a set of indicators. This allows a broad view of the operations and constraints of UFT in the study area. Phase 3 classifies the study area according to seven indicators. Each indicator represents a level of conflict in the area due to the presence of formal (registered) and informal establishments on the sidewalks and streets, affecting urban freight transport (and other activities). Phase 4 determines preliminary initiatives which could be implemented in the study area to improve the operation of UFT. The indicators and initiatives relation allows a preliminary initiatives selection. This relation requires to know the following: a) the problems in the area (congested streets, lack of parking space for freight vehicles, etc.); b) the factors which limit initiatives due to informal establishments (reduced streets for freight vehicles; mobility and parking inability during a period, among others), c) the problems in the area due to its physical characteristics; and d) the factors which limit initiatives due to regulations of the area. Several differences in the study areas were observed. As the indicators increases, the areas tend to be less ordered, and the limitations for the initiatives become higher, causing a smaller number of susceptible initiatives. In ordered areas (similar to the commercial areas of developed countries), the current techniquesfor estimating freight trip attraction (FTA) can bedirectly applied, however, in the areas where the level of order is lower due to the presence of informal trade, this is not recommended because the real FTA would not be estimated. Therefore, a technique, which consider the characteristics of the areas in developing countries to obtain data and to estimate FTA, is required. This estimation can be the base for proposing feasible initiatives to such zones. The proposed approach provides a wide view of the needs of the commercial areas of developing countries. The knowledge of these needs would allow UFT´s operation to be improved and its negative impacts to be minimized.Keywords: freight initiatives, freight trip attraction, informal trade, urban freight transport
Procedia PDF Downloads 1435901 Benefits of Tourist Experiences for Families: A Systematic Literature Review Using Nvivo
Authors: Diana Cunha, Catarina Coelho, Ana Paula Relvas, Elisabeth Kastenholz
Context: Tourist experiences have a recognized impact on the well-being of individuals. However, studies on the specific benefits of tourist experiences for families are scattered across different disciplines. This study aims to systematically review the literature to synthesize the evidence on the benefits of tourist experiences for families. Research Aim: The main objective is to systematize the evidence in the literature regarding the benefits of tourist experiences for families. Methodology: A systematic literature review was conducted using Nvivo, analyzing 33 scientific studies obtained from various databases. The search terms used were "family"/ "couple" and "tourist experience". The studies included quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods, and literature reviews. All works prior to the year 2000 were excluded, and the search was restricted to full text. A language filter was also used, considering articles in Portuguese, English, and Spanish. For NVivo analysis, information was coded based on both deductive and inductive perspectives. To minimize the subjectivity of the selection and coding process, two of the authors discussed the process and agreed on criteria that would make the coding more objective. Once the coding process in NVivo was completed, the data relating to the identification/characterization of the works were exported to the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPPS), to characterize the sample. Findings: The results highlight that tourist experiences have several benefits for family systems, including the strengthening of family and marital bonds, the creation of family memories, and overall well-being and life satisfaction. These benefits contribute to both immediate relationship quality improvement and long-term family identity construction and transgenerational transmission. Theoretical Importance: This study emphasizes the systemic nature of the effects and relationships within family systems. It also shows that no harm was reported within these experiences, with only some challenges related to positive outcomes. Data Collection and Analysis Procedures: The study collected data from 33 scientific studies published predominantly after 2013. The data were analyzed using Nvivo, employing a systematic review approach. Question Addressed: The study addresses the question of the benefits of tourist experiences for families and how these experiences contribute to family functioning and individual well-being. Conclusion: Tourist experiences provide opportunities for families to enhance their interpersonal relationships and create lasting memories. The findings suggest that formal interventions based on evidence could further enhance the potential benefits of these experiences and be a valuable preventive tool in therapeutic interventions.Keywords: family systems, individual and family well-being, marital satisfaction, tourist experiences
Procedia PDF Downloads 715900 Remote Video Supervision via DVB-H Channels
Authors: Hanen Ghabi, Youssef Oudhini, Hassen Mnif
By reference to recent publications dealing with the same problem, and as a follow-up to this research work already published, we propose in this article a new original idea of tele supervision exploiting the opportunities offered by the DVB-H system. The objective is to exploit the RF channels of the DVB-H network in order to insert digital remote monitoring images dedicated to a remote solar power plant. Indeed, the DVB-H (Digital Video Broadcast-Handheld) broadcasting system was designed and deployed for digital broadcasting on the same platform as the parent system, DVB-T. We claim to be able to exploit this approach in order to satisfy the operator of remote photovoltaic sites (and others) in order to remotely control the components of isolated installations by means of video surveillance.Keywords: video surveillance, digital video broadcast-handheld, photovoltaic sites, AVC
Procedia PDF Downloads 1855899 Efficacy of Preimplantation Genetic Screening in Women with a Spontaneous Abortion History with Eukaryotic or Aneuploidy Abortus
Authors: Jayeon Kim, Eunjung Yu, Taeki Yoon
Most spontaneous miscarriage is believed to be a consequence of embryo aneuploidies. Transferring eukaryotic embryos selected by PGS is expected to decrease the miscarriage rate. Current PGS indications include advanced maternal age, recurrent pregnancy loss, repeated implantation failure. Recently, use of PGS for healthy women without above indications for the purpose of improving in vitro fertilization (IVF) outcomes is on the rise. However, it is still controversy about the beneficial effect of PGS in this population, especially, in women with a history of no more than 2 miscarriages or miscarriage of eukaryotic abortus. This study aimed to investigate if karyotyping result of abortus is a good indicator of preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) in subsequent IVF cycle in women with a history of spontaneous abortion. A single-center retrospective cohort study was performed. Women who had spontaneous abortion(s) (less than 3) and dilatation and evacuation, and subsequent IVF from January 2016 to November 2016 were included. Their medical information was extracted from the charts. Clinical pregnancy was defined as presence of a gestational sac with fetal heart beat detected on ultrasound in week 7. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS software. Total 234 women were included. 121 out of 234 (51.7%) underwent karyotyping of the abortus, and 113 did not have the abortus karyotyped. Embryo biopsy was performed on 3 or 5 days after oocyte retrieval, followed by embryo transfer (ET) on a fresh or frozen cycle. The biopsied materials were subjected to microarray comparative genomic hybridization. Clinical pregnancy rate per ET was compared between PGS and non-PGS group in each study group. Patients were grouped by two criteria: karyotype of the abortus from previous miscarriage (unknown fetal karyotype (n=89, Group 1), eukaryotic abortus (n=36, Group 2) or aneuploidy abortus (n=67, Group 3)), and pursuing PGS in subsequent IVF cycle (pursuing PGS (PGS group, n=105) or not pursuing PGS (non-PGS group, n=87)). The PGS group was significantly older and had higher number of retrieved oocytes and prior miscarriages compared to non-PGS group. There were no differences in BMI and AMH level between those two groups. In PGS group, the mean number of transferable embryos (eukaryotic embryo) was 1.3 ± 0.7, 1.5 ± 0.5 and 1.4 ± 0.5, respectively (p = 0.049). In 42 cases, ET was cancelled because all embryos biopsied turned out to be abnormal. In all three groups (group 1, 2, and 3), clinical pregnancy rates were not statistically different between PGS and non-PGS group (Group 1: 48.8% vs. 52.2% (p=0.858), Group 2: 70% vs. 73.1% (p=0.730), Group 3: 42.3% vs. 46.7% (p=0.640), in PGS and non-PGS group, respectively). In both groups who had miscarriage with eukaryotic and aneuploidy abortus, the clinical pregnancy rate between IVF cycles with and without PGS was not different. When we compare miscarriage and ongoing pregnancy rate, there were no significant differences between PGS and non-PGS group in all three groups. Our results show that the routine application of PGS in women who had less than 3 miscarriages would not be beneficial, even in cases that previous miscarriage had been caused by fetal aneuploidy.Keywords: preimplantation genetic diagnosis, miscarriage, kpryotyping, in vitro fertilization
Procedia PDF Downloads 1835898 Memetic Marketing: An Emerging Online Marketing Trend and the Case with #TFWGucci Meme Campaign
Authors: Vehbi Gorgulu
The primary objective of the current study is to explore how brand managers can employ Internet memes as a marketing tool. Internet memes are marked for their sarcastic and entertaining content and their amateur/DIY natures. The current study focuses on #TFWGucci, a collaborative marketing project enacted by Gucci, which is marked for being one of the first structured collaborative memetic marketing campaigns in the world. By embracing a qualitative approach, the study will explore production and meaning making processes of #TFWGucci campaign via analysis of sample campaign contents. The study will provide hints and insights for digital marketers on how to employ memetic marketing strategies in successful ways.Keywords: meme, internet meme, online marketing, memetic marketing, #TFWGucci
Procedia PDF Downloads 2365897 The Influence of Nutritional and Immunological Status on the Prognosis of Head and Neck Cancer
Authors: Ching-Yi Yiu, Hui-Chen Hsu
Objectives: Head and neck cancer (HNC) is a big global health problem in the world. Despite the development of diagnosis and treatment, the overall survival of HNC is still low. The well recognition of the interaction of the host immune system and cancer cells has led to realizing the processes of tumor initiation, progression and metastasis. Many systemic inflammatory responses have been shown to play a crucial role in cancer progression. The pre and post-treatment nutritional and immunological status of HNC patients is a reliable prognostic indicator of tumor outcomes and survivors. Methods: Between July 2020 to June 2022, We have enrolled 60 HNC patients, including 59 males and 1 female, in Chi Mei Medical Center, Liouying, Taiwan. The age distribution was from 37 to 81 years old (y/o), with a mean age of 57.6 y/o. We evaluated the pre-and post-treatment nutritional and immunological status of these HNC patients with body weight, body weight loss, body mass index (BMI), whole blood count including hemoglobin (Hb), lymphocyte, neutrophil and platelet counts, biochemistry including prealbumin, albumin, c-reactive protein (CRP), with the time period of before treatment, post-treatment 3 and 6 months. We calculated the neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR) to assess how these biomarkers influence the outcomes of HNC patients. Results: We have carcinoma of the hypopharynx in 21 cases with 35%, carcinoma of the larynx in 9 cases, carcinoma of the tonsil and tongue every 6 cases, carcinoma soft palate and tongue base every 5 cases, carcinoma of buccal mucosa, retromolar trigone and mouth floor every 2 cases, carcinoma of the hard palate and low lip each 1 case. There were stage I 15 cases, stage II 13 cases, stage III 6 cases, stage IVA 10 cases, and stage IVB 16 cases. All patients have received surgery, chemoradiation therapy or combined therapy. We have wound infection in 6 cases, 2 cases of pharyngocutaneous fistula, flap necrosis in 2 cases, and mortality in 6 cases. In the wound infection group, the average BMI is 20.4 kg/m2; the average Hb is 12.9 g/dL, the average albumin is 3.5 g/dL, the average NLR is 6.78, and the average PLR is 243.5. In the PC fistula and flap necrosis group, the average BMI is 21.65 kg/m2; the average Hb is 11.7 g/dL, the average albumin is 3.15 g/dL, average NLR is 13.28, average PLR is 418.84. In the mortality group, the average BMI is 22.3 kg/m2; the average Hb is 13.58 g/dL, the average albumin is 3.77 g/dL, the average NLR is 6.06, and the average PLR is 275.5. Conclusion: HNC is a big challenging public health problem worldwide, especially in the high prevalence of betel nut consumption area Taiwan. Besides the definite risk factors of smoking, drinking and betel nut related, the other biomarkers may play significant prognosticators in the HNC outcomes. We concluded that the average BMI is less than 22 kg/m2, the average Hb is low than 12.0 g/dL, the average albumin is low than 3.3 g/dL, the average NLR is low than 3, and the average PLR is more than 170, the surgical complications and mortality will be increased, and the prognosis is poor in HNC patients.Keywords: nutritional, immunological, neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio, paltelet-to-lymphocyte ratio.
Procedia PDF Downloads 805896 Practice of Social Audit in Hotel Companies: Case Study of Agadir, Morocco
Authors: M. El Mousadik, F. Elkandoussi
The concern for increased rigor in social management has led more and more Moroccan business leaders to question the value of applying social audit as an essential tool in the management of human resources. Hotel companies are not excluded; in fact, they are expected to implement such an audit to develop sound and credible human resources management (HRM) policies. The main objective of this paper is to establish the relationship between the practice of social audit as a tool, and its impact on the tourism sector, especially on hotels at one of the Morocco’s first and most popular city for tourism, Agadir. This exploratory study of properties in Agadir has revealed that hotel executives are aware of the importance of social auditing to hone their decisions in the field of HRM.Keywords: social audit, hotel companies, human resources management, social piloting
Procedia PDF Downloads 2795895 Numerical Analysis and Parametric Study of Granular Anchor Pile on Expansive Soil Using Finite Element Method: Case of Addis Ababa, Bole Sub-City
Authors: Abdurahman Anwar Shfa
Addis Ababa is among the fastest-growing urban areas in the country. There are many new constructions of public and private condominiums and large new low rising residential buildings for residents. But the wide range of heaving problems of expansive soil in the city become a major difficulty for the construction sector, especially in low rising buildings, by causing different problems such as distortion and cracking of floor slabs, cracks in grade beams, and walls, jammed or misaligned Doors and Windows; failure of blocks supporting grade beams. Hence an attractive and economical design solution may be required for such type of problem. Therefore, this research works to publicize a recent innovation called the Granular Anchor Pile system for the reduction of the heave effect of expansive soil. This research is written for the objective of numerical investigation of the behavior of Granular Anchor Pile under the heave using Finite element analysis PLAXIS 3D program by means of studying the effect of different parameters like length of the pile, diameter of pile, and pile group by applying prescribed displacement of 10% of pile diameter at the center of granular pile anchor. An additional objective is examining the suitability of Granular Anchor Pile as an alternative solution for heave problems in expansive soils mostly for low rising buildings found in Addis Ababa City, especially in Bole Sub-City, by considering different factors such as the local availability of construction materials, economy for the construction, installation process condition, environmental benefit, time consumption and performance of the pile. Accordingly, the performance of the pile improves when the length of the pile increases. This is due to an increase in the self-weight of the pile and friction mobilized between the pile and soil interface. Additionally, the uplift capacity of the pile decreases when increasing the pile diameter and spacing between the piles in the group due to a reduction in the number of piles in the group. But, few cases show that the uplift capacity of the pile increases with increasing the pile diameter for a constant number of piles in the group and increasing the spacing between the pile and in the case of single pile capacity. This is due to the increment of piles' self-weight and surface area of the pile group and also the decrement of stress overlap in the soil caused by piles respectively. According to the suitability analysis, it is observed that Granular Anchor Pile is sensible or practical to apply for the actual problem of Expansive soil in a low rising building constructed in the country because of its convenience for all considerations.Keywords: expansive soil, granular anchor pile, PLAXIS, suitability analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 385894 Intelligent Indoor Localization Using WLAN Fingerprinting
Authors: Gideon C. Joseph
The ability to localize mobile devices is quite important, as some applications may require location information of these devices to operate or deliver better services to the users. Although there are several ways of acquiring location data of mobile devices, the WLAN fingerprinting approach has been considered in this work. This approach uses the Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) measurement as a function of the position of the mobile device. RSSI is a quantitative technique of describing the radio frequency power carried by a signal. RSSI may be used to determine RF link quality and is very useful in dense traffic scenarios where interference is of major concern, for example, indoor environments. This research aims to design a system that can predict the location of a mobile device, when supplied with the mobile’s RSSIs. The developed system takes as input the RSSIs relating to the mobile device, and outputs parameters that describe the location of the device such as the longitude, latitude, floor, and building. The relationship between the Received Signal Strengths (RSSs) of mobile devices and their corresponding locations is meant to be modelled; hence, subsequent locations of mobile devices can be predicted using the developed model. It is obvious that describing mathematical relationships between the RSSIs measurements and localization parameters is one option to modelling the problem, but the complexity of such an approach is a serious turn-off. In contrast, we propose an intelligent system that can learn the mapping of such RSSIs measurements to the localization parameters to be predicted. The system is capable of upgrading its performance as more experiential knowledge is acquired. The most appealing consideration to using such a system for this task is that complicated mathematical analysis and theoretical frameworks are excluded or not needed; the intelligent system on its own learns the underlying relationship in the supplied data (RSSI levels) that corresponds to the localization parameters. These localization parameters to be predicted are of two different tasks: Longitude and latitude of mobile devices are real values (regression problem), while the floor and building of the mobile devices are of integer values or categorical (classification problem). This research work presents artificial neural network based intelligent systems to model the relationship between the RSSIs predictors and the mobile device localization parameters. The designed systems were trained and validated on the collected WLAN fingerprint database. The trained networks were then tested with another supplied database to obtain the performance of trained systems on achieved Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and error rates for the regression and classification tasks involved therein.Keywords: indoor localization, WLAN fingerprinting, neural networks, classification, regression
Procedia PDF Downloads 3495893 Proposing a Strategic Management Maturity Model for Continues Innovation
Authors: Ferhat Demir
Even if strategic management is highly critical for all types of organizations, only a few maturity models have been proposed in business literature for the area of strategic management activities. This paper updates previous studies and presents a new conceptual model for assessing the maturity of strategic management in any organization. Strategic management maturity model (S-3M) is basically composed of 6 maturity levels with 7 dimensions. The biggest contribution of S-3M is to put innovation into agenda of strategic management. The main objective of this study is to propose a model to align innovation with business strategies. This paper suggests that innovation (breakthrough new products/services and business models) is the only way of creating sustainable growth and strategy studies cannot ignore this aspect. Maturity models should embrace innovation to respond dynamic business environment and rapidly changing customer behaviours.Keywords: strategic management, innovation, business model, maturity model
Procedia PDF Downloads 1945892 Development of Winter Wears Having Improved Thermal Comfort and Mechanical Properties
Authors: Samen Boota, Arslan Ishaq
More than 4 billion tons of chicken feathers are wasted yearly worldwide which is not environmental friendly. In order to make use of these 4 billion tons of feathers it is necessary to incorporate them to the textile materials. The main objective of this study is to develop the winter wears with improved thermal comfort and mechanical properties. Chick feathers were blended with cotton fibers to spin them into yarn, weave them dye them using reactive dyes. The developed fabric was tested for thermal comfort, tensile and tears strength. The results were also compared with pure cotton fabric of similar GSM. It is observed from the results that chicken feathers and cotton blended fabric was improved thermal comfort and mechanical properties.Keywords: Alambeta, compatibilizing, permeability, sliver
Procedia PDF Downloads 3435891 Study of Metakaolin-Based Geopolymer with Addition of Polymer Admixtures
Authors: Olesia Mikhailova, Pavel Rovnaník
In the present work, metakaolin-based geopolymer including different polymer admixtures was studied. Different types of commercial polymer admixtures VINNAPAS® and polyethylene glycol of different relative molecular weight were used as polymer admixtures. The main objective of this work is to investigate the influence of different types of admixtures on the properties of metakaolin-based geopolymer mortars considering their different dosage. Mechanical properties, such as flexural and compressive strength were experimentally determined. Also, study of the microstructure of selected specimens by using a scanning electron microscope was performed. The results showed that the specimen with addition of 1.5% of VINNAPAS® 7016 F and 10% of polyethylene glycol 400 achieved maximum mechanical properties.Keywords: geopolymer, mechanical properties, metakaolin, microstructure, polymer admixtures, porosity
Procedia PDF Downloads 2365890 Small Entrepreneurship Supporting Economic Policy in Georgia
Authors: G. Erkomaishvili
This paper discusses small entrepreneurship development strategy in Georgia and the tools and regulations that will encourage development of small entrepreneurship. The current situation in the small entrepreneurship sector, as well as factors affecting growth and decline in the sector and the priorities of state support, are studied and analyzed. The objective of this research is to assess the current situation of the sector to highlight opportunities and reveal the gaps. State support of small entrepreneurship should become a key priority in the country’s economic policy, as development of the sector will ensure social, economic and political stability. Based on the research, a small entrepreneurship development strategy is presented; corresponding conclusions are made and recommendations are developed.Keywords: economic policy for small entrepreneurship development, small entrepreneurship, regulations, small entrepreneurship development strategy
Procedia PDF Downloads 4775889 Characterization of Thixoformed AlSi12 Alloy with the Addition of Trace Amounts of Silver
Authors: Nursen Saklakoglu, Adnan Turker
The main objective of this study is to reveal the effect of the Thixoforming process on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the AlSi12 alloy with trace amounts of silver. It is concluded that Thixoforming has an important effect on the morphology of intermetallics and Si formation, as well as globular α-Al morphology. The intermetallics have been fractured during thixoforming. It is believed that the fine distribution of the intermetallics is one mechanism for the improved mechanical properties of Thixoformed alloys. The discrete Si particles have been observed during both isothermal heating to the semi-solid range and Thixoforming, also have an important effect on mechanical properties. The Thixoforming process has a greater effect on hardness than the addition of Ag does.Keywords: AlSi alloys, intermetallic phases, mechanical properties trace element, silver, thixoforming
Procedia PDF Downloads 3265888 Effects of Visual Agnosia in Children’s Linguistic Abilities: Psychoneurolinguistic Approach
Authors: Sadeq Al Yaari, Ayman Al Yaari, Adham Al Yaari, Montaha Al Yaari, Aayah Al Yaari, Sajedah Al Yaari
Objective: The aim of the study is to examine the relationship between visual agnosia and learning delay in Yemeni children. Method: A total of 80 subjects (experimental group= 60, 30 males and 30 females and control group= 20, 10 males and 10 females) in two institutions (old and new). The age of all subjects at hand ranges between 6- and 12 years old. Pre and post-tests were administered. Results: Outline results show severe effects on the performance of the children due to visual agnosia this effect was benign in the group that received the treatment, and this can be clearly seen in their results in the post-test compared to the other group that did not receive the treatment and outcomes in general can be better understood in light of the control group.Keywords: visual, agnosia, linguistics, abilities, effects, psychoneurolinguistics
Procedia PDF Downloads 395887 Video Heart Rate Measurement for the Detection of Trauma-Related Stress States
Authors: Jarek Krajewski, David Daxberger, Luzi Beyer
Finding objective and non-intrusive measurements of emotional and psychopathological states (e.g., post-traumatic stress disorder, PTSD) is an important challenge. Thus, the proposed approach here uses Photoplethysmographic imaging (PPGI) applying facial RGB Cam videos to estimate heart rate levels. A pipeline for the signal processing of the raw image has been proposed containing different preprocessing approaches, e.g., Independent Component Analysis, Non-negative Matrix factorization, and various other artefact correction approaches. Under resting and constant light conditions, we reached a sensitivity of 84% for pulse peak detection. The results indicate that PPGI can be a suitable solution for providing heart rate data derived from these indirectly post-traumatic stress states.Keywords: heart rate, PTSD, PPGI, stress, preprocessing
Procedia PDF Downloads 1255886 Spermiogram Values of Fertile Men in Malatya Region
Authors: Aliseydi Bozkurt, Ugur Yılmaz
Objective: It was aimed to evaluate the current status of semen parameters in fertile males with one or more children and whose wife having a pregnancy for the last 1-12 months in Malatya region. Methods: Sperm samples were obtained from 131 voluntary fertile men. In each analysis, sperm volume (ml), number of sperm (sperm/ml), sperm motility and sperm viscosity were examined with Makler device. Classification was made according to World Health Organization (WHO) criteria. Results: Mean ejaculate volume ranged from 1.5 ml to 5.5 ml, sperm count ranged from 27 to 180 million/ml and motility ranged from 35 to 90%. Sperm motility was found to be on average; 69.9% in A, 7.6% in B, 8.7% in C, 13.3% in D category. Conclusion: The mean spermiogram values of fertile males in Malatya region were found to be similar to those in fertile males determined by the WHO. This study has a regional classification value in terms of spermiogram values.Keywords: fertile men, infertility, spermiogram, sperm motility
Procedia PDF Downloads 3535885 Night Patrolling Robot for Suspicious Activity Detection
Authors: Amruta Amune, Rohit Agrawal, Yashashree Shastri, Syeda Zarah Aiman, Rutuja Rathi, Vaishnav Suryawanshi, Sameer Sumbhe
Every human being needs a sense of security. The requirement for security has risen in proportion with the population growth. However, because of a scarcity of resources, effective protection is not possible. It costs a lot of money to get appropriate security that not many can handle or afford. The goal of the study was to find a solution to the issue by developing a system capable of providing strong protection at a very low cost when long-term benefits are taken into account. The objective was to design and develop a robot that could travel around and survey the region and inform the command center if anything unusual was found. The system will be controlled manually on the server to find out its workplace's paths. The system is outfitted with a camera so that it can be used to capture built-in live video of the attacker and display it on the server.Keywords: night patrolling, node MCU, server, security
Procedia PDF Downloads 1595884 Planning a European Policy for Increasing Graduate Population: The Conditions That Count
Authors: Alice Civera, Mattia Cattaneo, Michele Meoli, Stefano Paleari
Despite the fact that more equal access to higher education has been an objective public policy for several decades, little is known about the effectiveness of alternative means for achieving such goal. Indeed, nowadays, high level of graduate population can be observed both in countries with the high and low level of fees, or high and low level of public expenditure in higher education. This paper surveys the extant literature providing some background on the economic concepts of the higher education market, and reviews key determinants of demand and supply. A theoretical model of aggregate demand and supply of higher education is derived, with the aim to facilitate the understanding of the challenges in today’s higher education systems, as well as the opportunities for development. The model is validated on some exemplary case studies describing the different relationship between the level of public investment and levels of graduate population and helps to derive general implications. In addition, using a two-stage least squares model, we build a macroeconomic model of supply and demand for European higher education. The model allows interpreting policies shifting either the supply or the demand for higher education, and allows taking into consideration contextual conditions with the aim of comparing divergent policies under a common framework. Results show that the same policy objective (i.e., increasing graduate population) can be obtained by shifting either the demand function (i.e., by strengthening student aid) or the supply function (i.e., by directly supporting higher education institutions). Under this theoretical perspective, the level of tuition fees is irrelevant, and empirically we can observe high levels of graduate population in both countries with high (i.e., the UK) or low (i.e., Germany) levels of tuition fees. In practice, this model provides a conceptual framework to help better understanding what are the external conditions that need to be considered, when planning a policy for increasing graduate population. Extrapolating a policy from results in different countries, under this perspective, is a poor solution when contingent factors are not addressed. The second implication of this conceptual framework is that policies addressing the supply or the demand function needs to address different contingencies. In other words, a government aiming at increasing graduate population needs to implement complementary policies, designing them according to the side of the market that is interested. For example, a ‘supply-driven’ intervention, through the direct financial support of higher education institutions, needs to address the issue of institutions’ moral hazard, by creating incentives to supply higher education services in efficient conditions. By contrast, a ‘demand-driven’ policy, providing student aids, need to tackle the students’ moral hazard, by creating an incentive to responsible behavior.Keywords: graduates, higher education, higher education policies, tuition fees
Procedia PDF Downloads 1695883 Food Insecurity Among Afghan Women Refugees in Pakistan
Authors: Farhana Nosheen, Maleeha Fatima
This study on Afghan refugee women living in Punjab, Pakistan, shows a strong relationship between poor socio-economic status and lower nutritional health status. Pakistan is one of the significant countries accepting refugees from the Afghan war. Universally, refugees are vulnerable to food security and basic life necessities. The in-hand study aimed to investigate food insecurity among afghan refugees who recently migrated to Pakistan. Purposive sampling technique was employed to collect the data from afghan women refugees settled in refugee camp settled in Capital city Islamabad, Pakistan. Data was collected through an interview tool. It revealed from data that the majority of women were underweight, about 74.7% in their reproductive years, which is an alarming situation for the forthcoming children and families. It is also shown that There’s a strong impact of their income level, education, dietary habits and food insecurity on their overall health status. It can also be observed in their Body Mass Index and in their physical appearance; they also show extremely poor levels of hemoglobin which is directly indicated anemic condition, especially iron deficiency anemia among the young Afghan refugee women. The illiteracy rate is about 93.33% among the selected participants as well as a majority of this population has 10-12 family size in comparison with their income level of about 10,000-15,000 Pakistani rupees per month, which can hardly meet their daily food expenditure. Adequate food is rarely accessible to young girls and women due to fewer national and international food aids program available in Pakistan. The majority have pale yellowish skin color (due to low iron content) along with clear white eyes (low hemoglobin level), thin hairs (protein deficiency) and spoon-shaped nails (a direct indicator of low iron level). Data showed a significant relation between appetite and BMI as their appetite is very low, which is directly indicated in their underweight body condition. About 56.67% of the participants had Urinary Tract Infections. The main causes included personal unhygienic conditions and lack of washrooms as well as drinking water facilities in their refugee camps. It is suggested that National and international food aid programs should cater to the nutritional demands of women refugees in the world to protect them from food insecurities as well as future researchers should find out better ways of analysis and treatment plans for such kind of communities who are highly prone to nutritional deficiencies and lack of basic supplies.Keywords: food insecurity, refugees, women, vulnerable
Procedia PDF Downloads 1035882 Humanising Hospital Retrofitting: The Case Study of Malaysia Public Hospitals
Authors: Nur Faridatull Syafinaz Ahmad Tajudin
A hospital is a setting where individuals who are ill or injured are treated and cared for by doctors and nurses. Sanatoriums are settings where people can receive treatment and rest, particularly when recovering from a protracted illness. According to the report, hospitals are primarily designed to meet the needs of medical personnel by maximising their functionality and workflow. Hospitals frequently do a poor job of determining the patients' physical and emotional requirements and expectations. The literature on hospital design has recently focused more on the seeming need to "humanise" medical facilities. Despite the popularity of this design objective, "humanising" a space has hardly ever been defined or critically examined. The term "humanistic design" covered a broad range of design elements and designer interpretations. In reality, the hospital's layout and design the hospital may have a massive effect on patients' feel experience things and heal.Keywords: hospital retrofitting, hospital design, humanising hospital, spatial design
Procedia PDF Downloads 1225881 Using Gene Expression Programming in Learning Process of Rough Neural Networks
Authors: Sanaa Rashed Abdallah, Yasser F. Hassan
The paper will introduce an approach where a rough sets, gene expression programming and rough neural networks are used cooperatively for learning and classification support. The Objective of gene expression programming rough neural networks (GEP-RNN) approach is to obtain new classified data with minimum error in training and testing process. Starting point of gene expression programming rough neural networks (GEP-RNN) approach is an information system and the output from this approach is a structure of rough neural networks which is including the weights and thresholds with minimum classification error.Keywords: rough sets, gene expression programming, rough neural networks, classification
Procedia PDF Downloads 3855880 A New Evolutionary Algorithm for Multi-Objective Cylindrical Spur Gear Design Optimization
Authors: Hammoudi Abderazek
The present paper introduces a modified adaptive mixed differential evolution (MAMDE) to select the main geometry parameters of specific cylindrical spur gear. The developed algorithm used the self-adaptive mechanism in order to update the values of mutation and crossover factors. The feasibility rules are used in the selection phase to improve the search exploration of MAMDE. Moreover, the elitism is performed to keep the best individual found in each generation. For the constraints handling the normalization method is used to treat each constraint design equally. The finite element analysis is used to confirm the optimization results for the maximum bending resistance. The simulation results reached in this paper indicate clearly that the proposed algorithm is very competitive in precision gear design optimization.Keywords: evolutionary algorithm, spur gear, tooth profile, meta-heuristics
Procedia PDF Downloads 1325879 Using Composite Flour in Bread Making: Cassava and Wheat Flour
Authors: Aishatu Ibrahim, Ijeoma Chinyere Ukonu
The study set out to produce bread using composite cassava flour. The main objective of the work is to determine the possibility of using composite cassava flour in bread production and to find out whether it is acceptable in the hospitality industry and by the general public. The research questions were formed and analyzed. A sample size of 10 professional catering judges was used in the department of hospitality management/food science and technology. Relevant literature was received. Data collected was analyzed using mean deviation. Product A which is 20% cassava flour and 80% wheat flour product, and D which is 100% wheat flour product were competing with high acceptability. It was observed that the composite cassava dough needed to be allowed to proof for a longer period. Lastly, the researcher recommends that the caterers should be encouraged to use composite cassava flour in the production of bread in order to reduce cost.Keywords: bread, cassava, flour, wheat
Procedia PDF Downloads 3415878 Stability Bound of Ruin Probability in a Reduced Two-Dimensional Risk Model
Authors: Zina Benouaret, Djamil Aissani
In this work, we introduce the qualitative and quantitative concept of the strong stability method in the risk process modeling two lines of business of the same insurance company or an insurance and re-insurance companies that divide between them both claims and premiums with a certain proportion. The approach proposed is based on the identification of the ruin probability associate to the model considered, with a stationary distribution of a Markov random process called a reversed process. Our objective, after clarifying the condition and the perturbation domain of parameters, is to obtain the stability inequality of the ruin probability which is applied to estimate the approximation error of a model with disturbance parameters by the considered model. In the stability bound obtained, all constants are explicitly written.Keywords: Markov chain, risk models, ruin probabilities, strong stability analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 2495877 The Gypsy Community Facing the Sexual Orientation: An Empirical Approach to the Attitudes of the Gypsy Population of Granada Towards Homosexual Sex-Affective Relationships
Authors: Elena Arquer Cuenca
The gypsy community has been a mistreated and rejected group since its arrival in the Iberian Peninsula in the 15th century. At present, despite being the largest ethnic minority group in Spain as well as in Europe, the different legal and social initiatives in favour of equality continue to suffer discrimination by the general society. This has fostered a strengthening of the endogroup accompanied by cultural conservatism as a form of self-protection. Despite the current trend of normalization of sexual diversity in modern societies, LGB people continue to suffer discrimination, especially in more traditional environments or communities. This rejection for reasons of sexual orientation within the family or community can hinder the free development of the person and compromise peaceful coexistence. The present work is intended as an approach to the attitudes of the gypsy population towards non-heterosexual sexual orientation. The objective is none other than ‘to know the appreciation that the gypsy population has about homosexual sex-affective relationships, in order to assess whether this has any impact on family and community coexistence’. The following specific objectives are derived from this general objective: ‘To find out whether there is a relationship between the dichotomous Roma gender system and the acceptance/rejection of homosexuality’; ‘to analyse whether sexual orientation has an impact on the coexistence of the Roman family and community’; ‘to analyse whether the historical discrimination suffered by the Roman population favours the maintenance of the patriarchal heterosexual reproductive family’; and lastly ‘to explore whether ICTs have promoted the process of normalisation and/or acceptance of homosexuality within the Roma community’. In order to achieve these objectives, a bibliographical and documentary review has been used, as well as the semi-structured interview technique, in which 4 gypsy people participated (2 women and 2 men of different ages). One of the main findings was the inappropriateness of the use of the homogenising category "Gypsy People" at present, given the great diversity among the Roma communities. Moreover, the difficulty in accepting homosexuality seems to be related to the fact that the heterosexual reproductive family has been the main survival mechanism of Roma communities over centuries. However, it will be concluded that attitudes towards homosexuality will vary depending on the socio-economic and cultural context and factors such as age or professed religion. Three main contributions of this research are: firstly, the inclusion of sexual orientation as a variable to be considered when analysing peaceful coexistence; secondly socio-historical dynamics and structures of inequality have been taken into account when analysing Roma attitudes towards homosexuality; and finally, the processual nature of socio-cultural changes has also been considered.Keywords: gender, homosexuality, ICTs, peaceful coexistence, Roma community, sexual orientation
Procedia PDF Downloads 875876 Relationship between Different Heart Rate Control Levels and Risk of Heart Failure Rehospitalization in Patients with Persistent Atrial Fibrillation: A Retrospective Cohort Study
Authors: Yongrong Liu, Xin Tang
Background: Persistent atrial fibrillation is a common arrhythmia closely related to heart failure. Heart rate control is an essential strategy for treating persistent atrial fibrillation. Still, the understanding of the relationship between different heart rate control levels and the risk of heart failure rehospitalization is limited. Objective: The objective of the study is to determine the relationship between different levels of heart rate control in patients with persistent atrial fibrillation and the risk of readmission for heart failure. Methods: We conducted a retrospective dual-centre cohort study, collecting data from patients with persistent atrial fibrillation who received outpatient treatment at two tertiary hospitals in central and western China from March 2019 to March 2020. The collected data included age, gender, body mass index (BMI), medical history, and hospitalization frequency due to heart failure. Patients were divided into three groups based on their heart rate control levels: Group I with a resting heart rate of less than 80 beats per minute, Group II with a resting heart rate between 80 and 100 beats per minute, and Group III with a resting heart rate greater than 100 beats per minute. The readmission rates due to heart failure within one year after discharge were statistically analyzed using propensity score matching in a 1:1 ratio. Differences in readmission rates among the different groups were compared using one-way ANOVA. The impact of varying levels of heart rate control on the risk of readmission for heart failure was assessed using the Cox proportional hazards model. Binary logistic regression analysis was employed to control for potential confounding factors. Results: We enrolled a total of 1136 patients with persistent atrial fibrillation. The results of the one-way ANOVA showed that there were differences in readmission rates among groups exposed to different levels of heart rate control. The readmission rates due to heart failure for each group were as follows: Group I (n=432): 31 (7.17%); Group II (n=387): 11.11%; Group III (n=317): 90 (28.50%) (F=54.3, P<0.001). After performing 1:1 propensity score matching for the different groups, 223 pairs were obtained. Analysis using the Cox proportional hazards model showed that compared to Group I, the risk of readmission for Group II was 1.372 (95% CI: 1.125-1.682, P<0.001), and for Group III was 2.053 (95% CI: 1.006-5.437, P<0.001). Furthermore, binary logistic regression analysis, including variables such as digoxin, hypertension, smoking, coronary heart disease, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease as independent variables, revealed that coronary heart disease and COPD also had a significant impact on readmission due to heart failure (p<0.001). Conclusion: The correlation between the heart rate control level of patients with persistent atrial fibrillation and the risk of heart failure rehospitalization is positive. Reasonable heart rate control may significantly reduce the risk of heart failure rehospitalization.Keywords: heart rate control levels, heart failure rehospitalization, persistent atrial fibrillation, retrospective cohort study
Procedia PDF Downloads 745875 Sustainability of Offshore Petroleum Resources Extraction and Management of Bangladesh: International and Regional Frameworks
Authors: Muhammad Farhad Hosen
This article examines the sustainability of offshore petroleum resource extraction and management in Bangladesh, focusing on international and regional frameworks. The analysis includes international conventions such as UNCLOS, IMO regulations, and SDGs, as well as regional cooperation through organizations like BIMSTEC and SAARC. The objective is to highlight the impact of these frameworks on sustainable extraction practices, address challenges, and offer recommendations for enhancing Bangladesh's legal and regulatory approaches to offshore resource management. The article underscores the need for harmonizing national laws with international standards, enhancing enforcement mechanisms, and promoting regional cooperation to ensure sustainable development.Keywords: Bangladesh, international frameworks, offshore petroleum, regional framework, sustainability
Procedia PDF Downloads 325874 Owner/Managers’ External Financing Used and Preference towards Islamic Banking
Authors: Khalid Hassan Abdesamed, Kalsom Abd Wahab
Economic development and growth are significantly linked to the consistent and sustainable sector of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Banks are the frontrunners in financing and advising SMEs. The main objective of the study is to assess the tendency of SMEs to use the Islamic bank. Model was developed using quantitative method with a hypothetical-deductive testing approach. Model (N = 364) used primary data on the tendency of SMEs to use Islamic banks gathered from questionnaire. It is found by Mann-Whitney test that the tendency to use Islamic bank varies between those firms which consider formal financing with the ones relying on informal financing with the latter tends more to use Islamic bank. This study can serve academic researchers, policy makers, and developing countries as a model of SMEs’ desirability to Islamic banking.Keywords: formal financing, informal financing, Islamic bank, SMEs
Procedia PDF Downloads 3565873 Numerical Solution to Coupled Heat and Moisture Diffusion in Bio-Sourced Composite Materials
Authors: Mnasri Faiza, El Ganaoui Mohammed, Khelifa Mourad, Gabsi Slimane
The main objective of this paper is to describe the hydrothermal behavior through porous material of construction due to temperature gradient. The construction proposed a bi-layer structure which composed of two different materials. The first is a bio-sourced panel named IBS-AKU (inertia system building), the second is the Neopor material. This system (IBS-AKU Neopor) is developed by a Belgium company (Isohabitat). The study suggests a multi-layer structure of the IBS-AKU panel in one dimension. A numerical method was proposed afterwards, by using the finite element method and a refined mesh area to strong gradients. The evolution of temperature fields and the moisture content has been processed.Keywords: heat transfer, moisture diffusion, porous media, composite IBS-AKU, simulation
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