Search results for: orthodontic patient adherence
Commenced in January 2007
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Paper Count: 3575

Search results for: orthodontic patient adherence

1235 A Randomized, Controlled Trial To Test Behavior Change Techniques (BCTS) To Improve Low Intensity Physical Activity In Older Adults

Authors: Ciaran Friel, Jerry Suls, Patrick Robles, Frank Vicari, Joan Duer-Hefele, Karina W. Davidson


Physical activity guidelines focus on increasing moderate intensity activity for older adults, but adherence to recommendations remains low. This is despite the fact that scientific evidence supports that any increase in physical activity is positively correlated with health benefits. Behavior change techniques (BCTs) have demonstrated effectiveness in reducing sedentary behavior and promoting physical activity. This pilot study uses a Personalized Trials (N-of-1) design to evaluate the efficacy of using four BCTs to promote an increase in low-intensity physical activity (2,000 steps of walking per day) in adults aged 45-75 years old. The 4 BCTs tested were goal setting, action planning, feedback, and self-monitoring. BCTs were tested in random order and delivered by text message prompts requiring participant response. The study recruited health system employees in the target age range, without mobility restrictions and demonstrating interest in increasing their daily activity by a minimum of 2,000 steps per day for a minimum of five days per week. Participants were sent a Fitbit Charge 4 fitness tracker with an established study account and password. Participants were recommended to wear the Fitbit device 24/7, but were required to wear it for a minimum of ten hours per day. Baseline physical activity was measured by the Fitbit for two weeks. Participants then engaged with a clinical research coordinator to review comprehension of the text message content and required actions for each of the BCTs to be tested. Participants then selected a consistent daily time in which they would receive their text message prompt. In the 8 week intervention phase of the study, participants received each of the four BCTs, in random order, for a two week period. Text message prompts were delivered daily at a time selected by the participant. All prompts required an interactive response from participants and may have included recording their detailed plan for walking or daily step goal (action planning, goal setting). Additionally, participants may have been directed to a study dashboard to view their step counts or compare themselves with peers (self-monitoring, feedback). At the end of each two week testing interval, participants were asked to complete the Self-Efficacy for Walking Scale (SEW_Dur), a validated measure that assesses the participant’s confidence in walking incremental distances and a survey measuring their satisfaction with the individual BCT that they tested. At the end of their trial, participants received a personalized summary of their step data in response to each individual BCT. Analysis will examine the novel individual-level heterogeneity of treatment effect made possible by N-of-1 design, and pool results across participants to efficiently estimate the overall efficacy of the selected behavioral change techniques in increasing low-intensity walking by 2,000 steps, 5 days per week. Self-efficacy will be explored as the likely mechanism of action prompting behavior change. This study will inform the providers and demonstrate the feasibility of N-of-1 study design to effectively promote physical activity as a component of healthy aging.

Keywords: aging, exercise, habit, walking

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1234 Clinical Phenotypic Characterization of the SLC26A4 Mutation in Pendred Syndrome/Nonsyndromic Enlarged Vestibular Aqueduct

Authors: Rong Wang


Objective: The aim is to summarize the Solute Carrier Family 26 Member 4 (SLC26A4) mutations and clinical phenotypic characteristics of patients with Pendred syndrome/nonsyndromic enlarged vestibular aqueduct (PS/NSEVA). Design: A retrospective cohort study for the Chinese population was performed to analyze the hearing test results of 406 patients with PS/NSEVA who had a SLC26A4 mutation and the relationship between inner ear imaging and audiology. Results: There was a significant difference in the mean hearing threshold in patients with biallelic mutations (M2), monoallelic mutations (M1), and nonallelic mutations (M0) and between patients with isolated vestibular aqueduct enlargement (IEVA) and patients with IEVA combined with Mondini malformation. There was no significant difference between patients with different gene mutation types or different sexes or between the width of the vestibular aqueduct (VA) and the mean hearing threshold. The degree of hearing loss was linearly correlated with age. Conclusions: We propose that the presence or absence of SLC26A4 mutation, whether combined with Mondini malformation and patient age, are essential factors affecting the degree of hearing loss in the Chinese population. However, the number and type of mutations, degree of VA expansion, and sex of the patients did not affect the clinical audiological phenotype.

Keywords: hearing loss, Pendred syndrome/nonsyndromic vestibular enlargement of aqueduct, radiologic, SLC26A4

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1233 Pre-Analytical Laboratory Performance Evaluation Utilizing Quality Indicators between Private and Government-Owned Hospitals Affiliated to University of Santo Tomas

Authors: A. J. Francisco, K. C. Gallosa, R. J. Gasacao, J. R. Ros, B. J. Viado


The study focuses on the use of quality indicators (QI)s based on the standards made by the (IFCC), that could effectively identify and minimize errors occurring throughout the total testing process (TTP), in order to improve patient safety. The study was conducted through a survey questionnaire that was given to a random sample of 19 respondents (eight privately-owned and eleven government-owned hospitals), mainly CMTs, MTs, and Supervisors from UST-affiliated hospitals. The pre-analytical laboratory errors, which include misidentification errors, transcription errors, sample collection errors and sample handling and transportation errors, were considered as variables according to the IFCC WG-LEPS. Data gathered were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney U test, Percentile, Linear Regression, Percentage, and Frequency. The laboratory performance of both hospitals is High level. There is no significant difference between the laboratory performance between the two stated variables. Moreover, among the four QIs, sample handling and transportation errors contributed most to the difference between the two variables. Outcomes indicate satisfactory performance between both variables. However, in order to ensure high-quality and efficient laboratory operation, constant vigilance and improvements in pre-analytical QI are still needed. Expanding the coverage of the study, the inclusion of other phases, utilization of parametric tests are recommended.

Keywords: pre-analytical phase, quality indicators, laboratory performance, pre-analytical error

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1232 Exploring the Influence of Culture on Dietary Practices and Ethnic Inequality in Health among Migrant Nigerians in the UK

Authors: Babatunde Johnson


The rate of diseases and death from preventable diseases among ethnic minority groups is high when compared with the wider white population in the UK. This can be due in part to the diet consumed and various cultural reasons. Changes in dietary practices and the health of ethnic minority groups can be caused by the adoption of food practices of the host culture after migration (acculturation) and generational differences among migrants. However, understanding how and why these changes occur is limited due to the challenges of data collection in research. This research utilizes the interpretive phenomenological approach, coupled with Bourdieu’s theory used as the conceptual framework, and seeks an in-depth understanding of how adult immigrant Nigerians in the UK interpret their experience of the influence of ethnic and prevailing cultures on their dietary practice. Recruiting participants from a close-knit community, such as the Nigerian population in the UK, can be complex and problematic and is determined by the accessibility to the community. Although complex, the researcher leveraged the principles of Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) in gaining access to participants within the Nigerian community. This study emphasizes the need for a culturally tailored and community-centered approach to interventions geared toward the reduction of ethnic health inequality in the UK other than the existing practice, which focuses on better healthy eating through the improvement of skills and knowledge about food groups.

Keywords: culture, dietary practice, ethnic minority, health inequality

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1231 Equation for Predicting Inferior Vena Cava Diameter as a Potential Pointer for Heart Failure Diagnosis among Adult in Azare, Bauchi State, Nigeria

Authors: M. K. Yusuf, W. O. Hamman, U. E. Umana, S. B. Oladele


Background: Dilatation of the inferior vena cava (IVC) is used as the ultrasonic diagnostic feature in patients suspected of congestive heart failure. The IVC diameter has been reported to vary among the various body mass indexes (BMI) and body shape indexes (ABSI). Knowledge of these variations is useful in precision diagnoses of CHF by imaging scientists. Aim: The study aimed to establish an equation for predicting the ultrasonic mean diameter of the IVC among the various BMI/ABSI of inhabitants of Azare, Bauchi State-Nigeria. Methodology: Two hundred physically healthy adult subjects of both sexes were classified into under, normal, over, and obese weights using their BMIs after selection using a structured questionnaire following their informed consent for an abdominal ultrasound scan. The probe was placed on the midline of the body, halfway between the xiphoid process and the umbilicus, with the marker on the probe directed towards the patient's head to obtain a longitudinal view of the IVC. The maximum IVC diameter was measured from the subcostal view using the electronic caliper of the scan machine. The mean value of each group was obtained, and the results were analysed. Results: A novel equation {(IVC Diameter = 1.04 +0.01(X) where X= BMI} has been generated for determining the IVC diameter among the populace. Conclusion: An equation for predicting the IVC diameter from individual BMI values in apparently healthy subjects has been established.

Keywords: equation, ultrasonic, IVC diameter, body adiposities

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1230 Calibration of Syringe Pumps Using Interferometry and Optical Methods

Authors: E. Batista, R. Mendes, A. Furtado, M. C. Ferreira, I. Godinho, J. A. Sousa, M. Alvares, R. Martins


Syringe pumps are commonly used for drug delivery in hospitals and clinical environments. These instruments are critical in neonatology and oncology, where any variation in the flow rate and drug dosing quantity can lead to severe incidents and even death of the patient. Therefore it is very important to determine the accuracy and precision of these devices using the suitable calibration methods. The Volume Laboratory of the Portuguese Institute for Quality (LVC/IPQ) uses two different methods to calibrate syringe pumps from 16 nL/min up to 20 mL/min. The Interferometric method uses an interferometer to monitor the distance travelled by a pusher block of the syringe pump in order to determine the flow rate. Therefore, knowing the internal diameter of the syringe with very high precision, the travelled distance, and the time needed for that travelled distance, it was possible to calculate the flow rate of the fluid inside the syringe and its uncertainty. As an alternative to the gravimetric and the interferometric method, a methodology based on the application of optical technology was also developed to measure flow rates. Mainly this method relies on measuring the increase of volume of a drop over time. The objective of this work is to compare the results of the calibration of two syringe pumps using the different methodologies described above. The obtained results were consistent for the three methods used. The uncertainties values were very similar for all the three methods, being higher for the optical drop method due to setup limitations.

Keywords: calibration, flow, interferometry, syringe pump, uncertainty

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1229 Effectiveness of Physiotherapy in Hand Dysfunction of Leukemia Patients with Chronic Musculoskeletal Graft versus Host Disease Post Bone Marrow Transplant

Authors: Mohua Chatterjee, Rajib De


Introduction: Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) is often performed to treat patients with various types of leukemia. A majority of these patients develop complications like chronic musculoskeletal GVHD post-BMT where patients get scleroderma, pain and restricted range of motion of joints of hand. If not treated early, it may cause permanent deformity of hand. This study was done to find the effectiveness of physiotherapy in hand dysfunction caused due to chronic musculoskeletal GVHD of leukemia patients after BMT. Methodology: 23 patients diagnosed with leukemia and having musculoskeletal GVHD were treated with a set of exercises including active exercises and stretching. The outcome was measured by Cochin Hand Function Scale (CHFS) at baseline and after four weeks of intervention. Results: Two patients were not able to carry out exercises beyond two weeks due to relapse of disease and one patient defaulted. It was found that all the patients who received physiotherapy had significant improvement in hand function. Mean CHFS decreased from 63.67 to 27.43 (P value < 0.001) indicating improvement in hand function after four weeks of physiotherapy. Conclusion: Early intervention of physiotherapy is effective in reducing hand dysfunction of leukemia patients with musculoskeletal GVHD post-BMT.

Keywords: bone marrow transplant, hand dysfunction, leukemia, musculoskeletal graft versus host disease, physiotherapy

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1228 The Effect of Size and Tumor Depth on Histological Clearance Margins of Basal Cell Carcinomas

Authors: Martin Van, Mohammed Javed, Sarah Hemington-Gorse


Aim: Our aim was to determine the effect of size and tumor depth of basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) on surgical margin clearance. Methods: A retrospective study was conducted at the Welsh Centre for Burns and Plastic Surgery (WCBPS), Morriston Hospital between 1 Jan 2016 – 31 July 2016. Only patients with confirmed BCC on histopathological analysis were included. Patient data including anatomical region treated, lesion size, histopathological clearance margins and histological sub-types were recorded. An independent T-test was performed determine statistical significance. Results: A total of 228 BCCs were excised in 160 patients. Eleven lesions (4.8%) were incompletely excised. The nose area had the highest rate of incomplete excision. The mean diameter of incompletely excised lesions was 11.4mm vs 11.5mm in completely excised lesions (p=0.959) and the mean histological depth of incompletely excised lesions was 4.1mm vs. 2.5mm for completely excised BCCs (p < 0.05). Conclusions: BCC tumor depth of > 4.1 mm was associated with high rate of incomplete margin clearance. Hence, in prospective patients, a BCC tumor depth (>4 mm) on tissue biopsy should alert the surgeon of potentially higher risk of incomplete excision of lesion.

Keywords: basal cell carcinoma, excision margins, plastic surgery, treatment

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1227 Detection of Hepatitis B by the Use of Artifical Intelegence

Authors: Shizra Waris, Bilal Shoaib, Munib Ahmad


Background; The using of clinical decision support systems (CDSSs) may recover unceasing disease organization, which requires regular visits to multiple health professionals, treatment monitoring, disease control, and patient behavior modification. The objective of this survey is to determine if these CDSSs improve the processes of unceasing care including diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of diseases. Though artificial intelligence is not a new idea it has been widely documented as a new technology in computer science. Numerous areas such as education business, medical and developed have made use of artificial intelligence Methods: The survey covers articles extracted from relevant databases. It uses search terms related to information technology and viral hepatitis which are published between 2000 and 2016. Results: Overall, 80% of studies asserted the profit provided by information technology (IT); 75% of learning asserted the benefits concerned with medical domain;25% of studies do not clearly define the added benefits due IT. The CDSS current state requires many improvements to hold up the management of liver diseases such as HCV, liver fibrosis, and cirrhosis. Conclusion: We concluded that the planned model gives earlier and more correct calculation of hepatitis B and it works as promising tool for calculating of custom hepatitis B from the clinical laboratory data.

Keywords: detection, hapataties, observation, disesese

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1226 The Influence of Physical Activity and Health Literacy on Depression Level of First and Second Turkish Generation Living in Germany

Authors: Ceren Akyüz, Ingo Froboese


Health literacy has gained importance with the further spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) worldwide and has been associated with health status in various chronic diseases. Many studies indicate that mental health can be improved by low- or moderate-intensity activity, and several studies have been proposed to explain the relationship between physical activity and mental health. The aim of the present study is to investigate the levels of physical activity, health literacy, and depression in first- and- second generation Turkish people in Germany. The research consists of 434 participants (255 females, 179 males; age 38.09 ± 13.73). 40.8 % of participants are married, and 59.2 % of participants are single. Education levels are mostly at university level (54.8 %), and graduate level is 18.9 %. While 24.9 % of the participants are second generation, 75.1 % of participants are first generation. All analyses were stratified on gender, marital status, education, generation and income status, and five age categories: 18–30, 31–40, 41–50, 51–60, and 61–79, which were defined to account for age-specific trends while maintaining sufficient cell size for statistical analysis. A correlation of depression with physical activity and health literacy levels between first- and- second generation Turks in Germany was evaluated in order to find out whether there are significant differences between the two populations and demographic variables (gender, marital status, education, generation, income status) with carrying out questionnaires which are European Health Literacy Survey Questionnaire (HLS-EU-Q47), International Physical Activity Questionnaire ( IPAQ) and the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9).

Keywords: health literacy, turks in germany, migrants, depression, physical activity

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1225 Analgesia in Acute Traumatic Rib Fractures

Authors: A. Duncan, A. Blake, A. O'Gara, J. Fitzgerald


Introduction: Acute traumatic rib fractures have significant morbidity and mortality and are a commonly seen injury in trauma patients. Rib fracture pain can often be acute and can prove challenging to manage. We performed an audit on patients with acute traumatic rib fractures with the aim of composing a referral and treatment pathway for such patients. Methods: From January 2021 to January 2022, the pain medicine service encouraged early referral of all traumatic rib fractures to the pain service for a multi-modal management approach. A retrospective audit of analgesic management was performed on a select cohort of 24 patients, with a mean age of 67, of which 19 had unilateral rib fractures. Results: 17 of 24 patients (71%) underwent local, regional block as part of a multi-modal analgesia regime. Only one regional complication was observed, seen with hypotension occurring in one patient with a thoracic epidural. The group who did not undergo regional block had a length of stay (LOS) 17 days longer than those who did (27 vs. 10) and higher rates of pneumonia (29% vs. 18%). Conclusion: Early referral to pain specialists is an important component of the effective management of acute traumatic rib fractures. From our audit, it is evident that regional blocks can be effectively used in these cases as part of a multi-modal analgesia regime and may confer benefits in terms of respiratory complications and length of stay.

Keywords: rib fractures, regional blocks, thoracic epidural, erector spina block

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1224 Epidemiology of Primary Bronchopulmonary Cancer in Tunisia

Authors: Melliti Rihab, Zaeid Sonia, Khechine Wiem, Daldoul Amira


Introduction: Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death. Its incidence is increasing, and its prognosis remains pejorative. We present the clinical, pathological, and therapeutic characteristics of bronchopulmonary cancer (BPC) in Tunisia. Methods: Retrospective study including patients followed in the oncology department of the University Hospital of Monastir between April 2014 and December 2021 suffering from lung cancer. Results: These are 117 patients, including 86.3% men and 13.7% women (sex ratio 6.3). The average age was 64 years ± 9 (37-83), with 95.7% being over 50 years old. Patients were smokers in 82% of cases. The clinical signs were dominated by chest pain (27.5%) and dyspnea in 21.1% of cases. In 6 patients, an episode of COVID-19 infection revealed the diagnosis. Half of the patients had a PS between 0 and 1. Small cell lung cancer was present in 18 patients (15.4%). The majority of non small cell lung cancer was of the adenocarcinoma type (68.7%). The diagnosis was late (stage IV) in 62.4% of cases. BPC was metastatic to bone (52%), contralateral lung (25.9%), and brain (27.3%). Patients were oligometastatic in 26% of cases. Surgery and radiotherapy were performed respectively in 14.5% and 23.1% of cases. Three-quarters of the patients had had nutrition (75.2%). The ROS1 mutation was present in 1 patient. PDL-1 expression was >40% in 2 patients. Survival was mean eight months ± 7.4. Conclusion: Lung cancer is diagnosed at a late stage in Tunisia. The lack of molecular study for non-small cell PBC and the lack of marketing authorization for tyrosine kinase inhibitors in Tunisia make the management incomplete.

Keywords: SCLC, NCSLC, ROS1, PDL1

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1223 Efficacy of Hemi-Facetectomy in Treatment of Lumbar Foraminal Stenosis

Authors: Manoj Deepak, N. Mathivanan, K. Venkatachalam


Nerve root stenosis is one of the main cause for back pain. There are many methods both conservative and surgical to treat this disease. It is pertinent to decompress the spine to a proper extent so as to avoid the recurrence of symptoms. But too much of an aggressive approach also has its disadvantages. We present one of the methods to effectively decompress the nerve with better results. Our study was carried out in 52 patients with foramina stenosis between 2008 to 2011.We carried out the surgical procedure of shaving off the medial part of the facet joint so as to decompress the root. We selected those patients who had symptoms of claudication for more than 2 years. They had no signs of instability and they underwent conservative treatment for a period of 2 months before the procedure. Oswersty scoring was used to record the functional level of the patient before and after the procedure. All patients were followed up for a period of minimum 2.5 years. After evaluation for a minimum of 2.5 years, 34 patients had no evidence of recurrence of symptoms with improvement in the functional level.7 patients complained of minimal pain but their functional quality had improved postop. Six patients had symptoms of lumbar canal disease which reduced with conservative treatment. 5 patients required spinal fusion surgeries in the later period. Conclusion: Thus, we can effectively conclude that our procedure is safe and effective in reducing the symptoms in those patients with neurogenic claudication.

Keywords: facetectoemy, stenosis, decompression, Lumbar Foraminal Stenosis, hemi-facetectomy

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1222 Influence of Bacterial Biofilm on the Corrosive Processes in Electronic Equipment

Authors: Iryna P. Dzieciuch, Michael D. Putman


Humidity is known to degrade Navy ship electronic equipment, especially in hot moist environments. If left untreated, it can cause significant and permanent damage. Even rigorous inspection and frequent clean-up would not prevent further equipment contamination and degradation because of the constant presence of favorable growth conditions for many microorganisms. Generally, relative humidity levels of less than 60% will inhibit corrosion in electronic equipment, but because NAVY electronics often operate in hot and humid environments, prevention via dehumidification is not always possible. Currently, there is no defined research that fully describes key mechanisms which cause electronics and its coating degradation. The corrosive action of most bacteria is mainly developed through (i) mycelium adherence to the metal plates, (ii) facilitation the formation of pitting areas, (iii) production of organic acids such as citric, iso-citric, cis-aconitic, alpha-ketoglutaric, which are corrosive to electronic equipment and its components. Our approach studies corrosive action in electronic equipment: circuit-board, wires and connections that are exposed in the humid environment that gets worse during condensation. In our new approach the technical task is built on work with the bacterial communities in public areas, bacterial genetics, bioinformatics, biostatistics and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) of corroded circuit boards. Based on these methods, we collect and examine environmental samples from biofilms of the corroded and non-corroded sites, where bacterial contamination of electronic equipment, such as machine racks and shore boats, is an ongoing concern. Sample collection and sample analysis is focused on addressing the key questions identified above through the following tasks: laboratory sample processing and evaluation under scanning electron microscopy, initial sequencing and data evaluation; bioinformatics and data analysis. Preliminary results from scanning electron microscopy (SEM) have revealed that metal particulates and alloys in corroded samples consists mostly of Tin ( < 40%), Silicon ( < 4%), Sulfur ( < 1%), Aluminum ( < 2%), Magnesium ( < 2%), Copper ( < 1%), Bromine ( < 2%), Barium ( <1%) and Iron ( < 2%) elements. We have also performed X 12000 magnification of the same sites and that proved existence of undisrupted biofilm organelles and crystal structures. Non-corrosion sites have revealed high presence of copper ( < 47%); other metals remain at the comparable level as on the samples with corrosion. We have performed X 1000 magnification on the non-corroded at the sites and have documented formation of copper crystals. The next step of this study, is to perform metagenomics sequencing at all sites and to compare bacterial composition present in the environment. While copper is nontoxic to the living organisms, the process of bacterial adhesion creates acidic environment by releasing citric, iso-citric, cis-aconitic, alpha-ketoglutaric acidics, which in turn release copper ions Cu++, which that are highly toxic to the bacteria and higher order living organisms. This phenomenon, might explain natural “antibiotic” properties that are lacking in elements such as tin. To prove or deny this hypothesis we will use next - generation sequencing (NGS) methods to investigate types and growth cycles of bacteria that from bacterial biofilm the on corrosive and non-corrosive samples.

Keywords: bacteria, biofilm, circuit board, copper, corrosion, electronic equipment, organic acids, tin

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1221 Accountability of Artificial Intelligence: An Analysis Using Edgar Morin’s Complex Thought

Authors: Sylvie Michel, Sylvie Gerbaix, Marc Bidan


Artificial intelligence (AI) can be held accountable for its detrimental impacts. This question gains heightened relevance given AI's pervasive reach across various domains, magnifying its power and potential. The expanding influence of AI raises fundamental ethical inquiries, primarily centering on biases, responsibility, and transparency. This encompasses discriminatory biases arising from algorithmic criteria or data, accidents attributed to autonomous vehicles or other systems, and the imperative of transparent decision-making. This article aims to stimulate reflection on AI accountability, denoting the necessity to elucidate the effects it generates. Accountability comprises two integral aspects: adherence to legal and ethical standards and the imperative to elucidate the underlying operational rationale. The objective is to initiate a reflection on the obstacles to this "accountability," facing the challenges of the complexity of artificial intelligence's system and its effects. Then, this article proposes to mobilize Edgar Morin's complex thought to encompass and face the challenges of this complexity. The first contribution is to point out the challenges posed by the complexity of A.I., with fractional accountability between a myriad of human and non-human actors, such as software and equipment, which ultimately contribute to the decisions taken and are multiplied in the case of AI. Accountability faces three challenges resulting from the complexity of the ethical issues combined with the complexity of AI. The challenge of the non-neutrality of algorithmic systems as fully ethically non-neutral actors is put forward by a revealing ethics approach that calls for assigning responsibilities to these systems. The challenge of the dilution of responsibility is induced by the multiplicity and distancing between the actors. Thus, a dilution of responsibility is induced by a split in decision-making between developers, who feel they fulfill their duty by strictly respecting the requests they receive, and management, which does not consider itself responsible for technology-related flaws. Accountability is confronted with the challenge of transparency of complex and scalable algorithmic systems, non-human actors self-learning via big data. A second contribution involves leveraging E. Morin's principles, providing a framework to grasp the multifaceted ethical dilemmas and subsequently paving the way for establishing accountability in AI. When addressing the ethical challenge of biases, the "hologrammatic" principle underscores the imperative of acknowledging the non-ethical neutrality of algorithmic systems inherently imbued with the values and biases of their creators and society. The "dialogic" principle advocates for the responsible consideration of ethical dilemmas, encouraging the integration of complementary and contradictory elements in solutions from the very inception of the design phase. Aligning with the principle of organizing recursiveness, akin to the "transparency" of the system, it promotes a systemic analysis to account for the induced effects and guides the incorporation of modifications into the system to rectify deviations and reintroduce modifications into the system to rectify its drifts. In conclusion, this contribution serves as an inception for contemplating the accountability of "artificial intelligence" systems despite the evident ethical implications and potential deviations. Edgar Morin's principles, providing a lens to contemplate this complexity, offer valuable perspectives to address these challenges concerning accountability.

Keywords: accountability, artificial intelligence, complexity, ethics, explainability, transparency, Edgar Morin

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1220 Frame to Frameless: Stereotactic Operation Progress in Robot Time

Authors: Zengmin Tian, Bin Lv, Rui Hui, Yupeng Liu, Chuan Wang, Qing Liu, Hongyu Li, Yan Qi, Li Song


Objective Robot was used for replacement of the frame in recent years. The paper is to investigate the safety and effectiveness of frameless stereotactic surgery in the treatment of children with cerebral palsy. Methods Clinical data of 425 children with spastic cerebral palsy were retrospectively analyzed. The patients were treated with robot-assistant frameless stereotactic surgery of nuclear mass destruction. The motor function was evaluated by gross motor function measure-88 (GMFM-88) before the operation, 1 week and 3 months after the operation respectively. The statistical analysis was performed. Results The postoperative CT showed that the destruction area covered the predetermined target in all the patients. Minimal bleeding of puncture channel occurred in 2 patient, and mild fever in 3 cases. Otherwise, there was no severe surgical complication occurred. The GMFM-88 scores were 49.1±22.5 before the operation, 52.8±24.2 and 64.2±21.4 at the time of 1 week and 3 months after the operation, respectively. There was statistical difference between before and after the operation (P<0.01). After 3 months, the total effective rate was 98.1%, and the average improvement rate of motor function was 24.3% . Conclusion Replaced the traditional frame, the robot-assistant frameless stereotactic surgery is safe and reliable for children with spastic cerebral palsy, which has positive significance in improving patients’ motor function.

Keywords: cerebral palsy, robotics, stereotactic techniques, frameless operation

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1219 Lack of Regulation Leads to Complexity: A Case Study of the Free Range Chicken Meat Sector in the Western Cape, South Africa

Authors: A. Coetzee, C. F. Kelly, E. Even-Zahav


Dominant approaches to livestock production are harmful to the environment, human health and animal welfare, yet global meat consumption is rising. Sustainable alternative production approaches are therefore urgently required, and ‘free range’ is the main alternative for chicken meat offered in South Africa (and globally). Although the South African Poultry Association provides non-binding guidelines, there is a lack of formal definition and regulation of free range chicken production, meaning it is unclear what this alternative entails and if it is consistently practised (a trend observed globally). The objective of this exploratory qualitative case study is therefore to investigate who and what determines free range chicken. The case study, conducted from a social constructivist worldview, uses semi-structured interviews, photographs and document analysis to collect data. Interviews are conducted with those involved with bringing free range chicken to the market - farmers, chefs, retailers, and regulators. Data is analysed using thematic analysis to establish dominant patterns in the data. The five major themes identified (based on prevalence in data and on achieving the research objective) are: 1) free range means a bird reared with good animal welfare in mind, 2) free range means quality meat, 3) free range means a profitable business, 4) free range is determined by decision makers or by access to markets, and 5) free range is coupled with concerns about the lack of regulation. Unpacking the findings in the context of the literature reveals who and what determines free range. The research uncovers wide-ranging interpretations of ‘free range’, driven by the absence of formal regulation for free range chicken practices and the lack of independent private certification. This means that the term ‘free range’ is socially constructed, thus varied and complex. The case study also shows that whether chicken meat is free range is generally determined by those who have access to markets. Large retailers claim adherence to the internationally recognised Five Freedoms, also include in the South African Poultry Association Code of Good Practice, which others in the sector say are too broad to be meaningful. Producers describe animal welfare concerns as the main driver for how they practice/view free range production, yet these interpretations vary. An additional driver is a focus on human health, which participants achieve mainly through the use of antibiotic-free feed, resulting in what participants regard as higher quality meat. The participants are also strongly driven by business imperatives, with most stating that free range chicken should carry a higher price than conventionally-reared chicken due to increased production costs. Recommendations from this study focus on, inter alia, a need to understand consumers’ perspectives on free range chicken, given that those in the sector claim they are responding to consumer demand, and conducting environmental research such as life cycle assessment studies to establish the true (environmental) sustainability of free range production. At present, it seems the sector mostly responds to social sustainability: human health and animal welfare.

Keywords: chicken meat production, free range, socially constructed, sustainability

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1218 Managing Subretinal Bleeds with Intravitreal Aflibercept

Authors: Prachi Abhishek Dave, Abhishek Dave


Purpose: The purpose of this study is to elucidate the role of intravitreal injection Aflibercept in managing complex cases of Wet Age Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD) and the gratifying visual recovery experienced with a minimally invasive procedure. Methods: A 73-year-old gentleman presented with a drop in vision in the left eye for 25 days. On examination, his best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) in the Right eye (OD) was 6/60, and finger counting close to face in the Left eye (OS). On multimodal imaging, he was diagnosed to have a scarred Wet ARMD in OD and an active Wet ARMD with a large subretinal bleed secondary to Wet ARMD in OS. Treatment management options included monotherapy with an Injection Aflibercept or an intravitreal gas injection with tPA followed by Injection Aflibercept. Considering his one-eyed status, the patient decided to go for Aflibercept monotherapy. Results: After 3 monthly injections of injection Aflibercept, the subretinal bleed reduced, the subretinal fluid resolved, and his vision in OS improved to 6/9. He is on a regular follow-up and has not needed any further injections in OS and he maintains 6/9 vision. Conclusions: Conventional treatment guidelines for a large subretinal bleed dictate the use of gas followed by intravitreal Injection Aflibercept. However, gas has its own limitations of causing a rise in intraocular pressure and a transient loss of vision, which is particularly troublesome in one-eyed patients. Injection Aflibercept offers a much safer, less invasive, and elegant treatment option for such patients with equally good or even better visual outcomes.

Keywords: wet ARMD, subretinal bleed, intravitreal injections, aflibercept, EYELEA, intravitreal gas

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1217 Serum Levels of Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) Are Increased in Alzheimer’s Disease and MCI Patients and Correlate With Cognitive Deficits

Authors: Francesco Angelucci, Katerina Veverova, Alžbeta Katonová, Lydia Piendel, Martin Vyhnalek, Jakub Hort


Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a central nervous system (CNS) disease characterized by loss of memory, cognitive functions and neurodegeneration. Plasmin is an enzyme degrading many plasma proteins. In the CNS, plasmin may reduce the accumulation of A, and have other actions relevant to AD pathophysiology. Brain plasmin synthesis is regulated by two enzymes: one activating, the tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), and the other inhibiting, the plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1). We investigated whether tPA and PAI-1 serum levels in AD and amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI) patients are altered compared to cognitively healthy controls. Moreover, we examined the PAI-1/tPA ratio in these patient groups. 40 AD, 40 aMCI and 10 healthy controls were recruited. Venous blood was collected and PAI-1 and tPA serum concentrations were quantified by sandwich ELISAs. The results showed that PAI-1 levels increased in AD and aMCI patients. This increase negatively correlated with cognitive deficit measured by MMSE. Similarly, the ratio between tPA and PAI-1 gradually increases in aMCI and AD patients. This study demonstrates that AD and aMCI patients have altered PAI-1 serum levels and PAI-1/tPA ratio. Since these enzymes are CNS regulators of plasmin, PAI-1 serum levels could be a marker reflecting a cognitive decline in AD.

Keywords: Alzheimer disease, amnestic mild cognitive impairment, plasmin, tissue-type plasminogen activator

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1216 Review and Evaluation of Trending Canonical Correlation Analyses-Based Brain Computer Interface Methods

Authors: Bayar Shahab


The fast development of technology that has advanced neuroscience and human interaction with computers has enabled solutions to various problems, and issues of this new era have been found and are being found like no other time in history. Brain-computer interface so-called BCI has opened the door to several new research areas and have been able to provide solutions to critical and important issues such as supporting a paralyzed patient to interact with the outside world, controlling a robot arm, playing games in VR with the brain, driving a wheelchair or even a car and neurotechnology enabled the rehabilitation of the lost memory, etc. This review work presents state-of-the-art methods and improvements of canonical correlation analyses (CCA), which is an SSVEP-based BCI method. These are the methods used to extract EEG signal features or, to be said in a different way, the features of interest that we are looking for in the EEG analyses. Each of the methods from oldest to newest has been discussed while comparing their advantages and disadvantages. This would create a great context and help researchers to understand the most state-of-the-art methods available in this field with their pros and cons, along with their mathematical representations and usage. This work makes a vital contribution to the existing field of study. It differs from other similar recently published works by providing the following: (1) stating most of the prominent methods used in this field in a hierarchical way (2) explaining pros and cons of each method and their performance (3) presenting the gaps that exist at the end of each method that can open the understanding and doors to new research and/or improvements.

Keywords: BCI, CCA, SSVEP, EEG

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1215 Resource Sharing Issues of Distributed Systems Influences on Healthcare Sector Concurrent Environment

Authors: Soo Hong Da, Ng Zheng Yao, Burra Venkata Durga Kumar


The Healthcare sector is a business that consists of providing medical services, manufacturing medical equipment and drugs as well as providing medical insurance to the public. Most of the time, the data stored in the healthcare database is to be related to patient’s information which is required to be accurate when it is accessed by authorized stakeholders. In distributed systems, one important issue is concurrency in the system as it ensures the shared resources to be synchronized and remains consistent through multiple read and write operations by multiple clients. The problems of concurrency in the healthcare sector are who gets the access and how the shared data is synchronized and remains consistent when there are two or more stakeholders attempting to the shared data simultaneously. In this paper, a framework that is beneficial to distributed healthcare sector concurrent environment is proposed. In the proposed framework, four different level nodes of the database, which are national center, regional center, referral center, and local center are explained. Moreover, the frame synchronization is not symmetrical. There are two synchronization techniques, which are complete and partial synchronization operation are explained. Furthermore, when there are multiple clients accessed at the same time, synchronization types are also discussed with cases at different levels and priorities to ensure data is synchronized throughout the processes.

Keywords: resources, healthcare, concurrency, synchronization, stakeholders, database

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1214 A Comparative Study between Behaviour Activation, Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy and Waiting List Control for Major Depressive Disorder

Authors: Shweta Jha, Digambar Darekar, Krishna Kadam


Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is one of the most common of psychiatric disorders. It has a wide range of symptoms, aetiologies and risk factors, and these reasons make MDD affect not only the primary patient, but also their family, caregivers and associates; by negatively impacting their self dignity, economic condition and self-confidence. Thus, it is important to help individuals suffering from MDD learn adaptive mechanism and deal effectively with their environment, with that aim this study focused on a comparative therapeutic intervention using Behaviour Activation (BA), Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT) and Waiting list control (WLC) for management of MDD. This study apart from enhancing personal skills will also help us understand which therapeutic method would be more beneficial in treating and prolonging relapse in patients with MDD in Indian population. Fifteen individuals following application of inclusion and exclusion criteria were selected as study samples. They were randomly assigned to three treatment groups. Ten sessions of therapy, forty-five minutes each according to the proposed sessions plan were conducted for each group. The individuals selected as samples were re–assessed after 2 months and 6 months post intervention. The overall result showed that individuals treated with BA and REBT showed more improvement in comparison to those in WLC.

Keywords: behaviour activation, major depressive disorder, rational emotive behaviour therapy, therapeutic intervention

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1213 A Quality Improvement Project to Assess the Impact of Orthognathic Surgery on the Quality of Life of Patients: Pre-Operatively versus Post-Operatively

Authors: Fiona Lourenco, William Allen


Dentofacial deformities are primarily surgically treated via orthognathic surgery. Health-related quality of life is concerned with aspects of quality of life that relate specifically to an individual’s health. Design and Setting: Retrospective analysis of patients who had orthognathic surgery from January 2018 - December 2022 at the trust using the previously validated Orthognathic Quality of Life questionnaire (OQoL). Materials and Methods: 32 Patient questionnaires (which included pre-operative and post-operative separate sections) were obtained via telephone survey. The data was analysed using the two-tailed paired t-test and Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Results: The change in perception post-surgery was highly significant (both tests resulted in p<0.001 for overall analysis as well as for each domain). Overall, a 74% improvement in QoL was seen following orthognathic surgery. Reports of improvement in each domain were as follows: 71% in the social aspect of the deformity domain, 76% in facial aesthetics, 60% in function, and 57% improvement in awareness of facial deformity. Conclusion: The assessment of QoL is becoming progressively imperative in clinical research. The above data shows that orthognathic surgery has a significant improvement in the QoL of patients post-operatively. The results demonstrate improvement in all domains, with perceptions in facial aesthetics seeing the highest change post-operatively.

Keywords: dentofacial, oral, facial asymmetry, orthognathic surgery, quality of life

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1212 Investigating the Post-Liver Transplant Complications and Their Management in Children Referred to the Children’s Medical Center

Authors: Hosein Alimadadi, Fatemeh Farahmand, Ali Jafarian, Nasir Fakhar, Mohammad Hassan Sohouli, Neda Raeesi


Backgroundsː Regarding the important role of liver transplantation as the only treatment in many cases of end-stage liver disease in children, the aim of this study is to investigate the complications of liver transplantation and their management in children referred to the Children's Medical Center. Methods: This study is a cross-sectional study on pediatric patients who have undergone liver transplants in the years 2016 to 2021. The indication for liver transplantation in this population was confirmed by a pediatric gastroenterologist, and a liver transplant was performed by a transplant surgeon. Finally, information about the patient before and after the transplantation was collected and recorded. Results: A total of 53 patients participated in this study, including 25 (47.2%) boys and 28 (52.8%) girls. The most common causes of liver transplantation were cholestatic and metabolic diseases. The most common early complication of liver transplantation in children was acute cellular rejection (ACR) and anastomotic biliary stricture. The most common late complication in these patients was an infection which was observed in 56.6% of patients. Among the drug side effects, neurotoxicity (convulsions) was seen more in patients, and 15.1% of the transplanted patients died. Conclusion: In this study, the most common early complication of liver transplantation in children was ACR and biliary stricture, and the most common late complication was infection. Neurotoxicity (convulsions) was the most common side effect of drugs.

Keywords: liver transplantation, complication, infection, survival rate

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1211 Crossbite Unilateral Correction Using Transpalatal Arch with Extension Arm Modification

Authors: Hanifa Maryani Ahmad, Muslim Yusuf


Background: Unilateral crossbite can be defined as an abnormal transverse relationship between the upper and lower teeth where the mandibular buccal cusp occluding to the maxillary buccal cusp and which involves only one side of the arch. This report describes the treatment of an adolescent female with Class III malocclussion unilateral crossbite resulting from a mildly constricted maxillary arch. The patient had a Class III skeletal relationship, Class III molar relationships, unilateral crossbite on the left side, and deviated midlines. Objectives: The treatment objectives were to correct the abnormal transverse relationship, achieve proper dental inclination, and correct the unilateral crossbites to improve the facial profile. Case management: The treatment protocol was using transpalatal arch with extension arm modification to expand the maxillary arch. Following the levelling and aligning stage of treatment, using a vertical loop while mandibular arch was expanded after getting an end to end relationship on the anterior side. Results: Corrections of the unilateral crossbite were achieved in 4 months. The treatment is still on process because the canines relationship were not corrected. Conclusions: This report highlights a treatment using transpalatal arch with extension arm modification that can be used to expand the transverse width of an arch to correct the discrepancy. Even though the treatment processes were still ongoing, the correction of the unilateral crossbite have been achieved in 4 months by only using the transpalatal arch.

Keywords: crossbite unilateral, late growing, non-extraction, transpalatal arch

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1210 Future Applications of 4D Printing in Dentistry

Authors: Hosamuddin Hamza


The major concept of 4D printing is self-folding under thermal and humidity changes. This concept relies on understanding how the microstructures of 3D-printed models can undergo spontaneous shape transformation under thermal and moisture changes. The transformation mechanism could be achieved by mixing, in a controllable pattern, a number of materials within the printed model, each with known strain/shrinkage properties. 4D printing has a strong potential to be applied in dentistry as the technology could produce dynamic and adaptable materials to be used as functional objects in the oral environment under the continuously changing thermal and humidity conditions. The motion criteria could override the undesired dimensional changes, thermal instability, polymerization shrinkage and microleakage. 4D printing could produce restorative materials being self-adjusted spontaneously without further intervention from the dentist or patient; that is, the materials could be capable of fixing its failed portions, compensating for some lost tooth structure, while avoiding microleakage or overhangs at the margins. In prosthetic dentistry, 4D printing could provide an option to manage the influence of bone and soft tissue imbalance during mastication (and at rest) with high predictability of the type/direction of forces. It can also produce materials with better fitting and retention characteristics than conventional or 3D-printed materials. Nevertheless, it is important to highlight that 4D-printed objects, having dynamic properties, could provide some cushion as they undergo self-folding compensating for any thermal changes or mechanical forces such as traumatic forces.

Keywords: functional material, self-folding material, 3D printing, 4D printing

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1209 The Correlation between Education, Food Intake, Exercise, and Medication Obedience with the Average of Blood Sugar in Indonesia

Authors: Aisyah Rahmatul Laily


Indonesia Ministry of Health is increasing their awareness on non communicable diseases. From the top ten causes of death, two of them are non communicable diseases. Diabetes Mellitus is one of the two non communicable diseases above that have the increasing number of patient from year to year. From that problem, this research is made to determine the correlation between education, food intake, exercise, and the medication obedience with the average of blood sugar. In this research, the researchers used observational and cross-sectional studies. The sample that used in this research were 50 patients in Puskesmas Gamping I Yogyakarta who have suffered from Diabetes Mellitus in long period. The researcher doing anamnesis by using questionnaire to collect the data, then analyzed it with Chi Square to determine the correlation between each variable. The dependent variable in this research is the average of blood sugar, whereas the independent variables are education, food intake, do exercise, and the obedience of medication. The result shows a relation between education and average blood sugar level (p=0.029), a relation between food intake and average blood sugar level (p=0.009), and a relation between exercise and average blood sugar level (p=0.023). There is also a relation between the medication obedience with the average of blood sugar (p=0,002). The conclusion is that the positive correlations exist between education and average blood sugar level, between food intake and average blood sugar level, and between medication obedience and average blood sugar level.

Keywords: average of blood sugar, education, exercise, food intake, medication obedience

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1208 Segmentation of Liver Using Random Forest Classifier

Authors: Gajendra Kumar Mourya, Dinesh Bhatia, Akash Handique, Sunita Warjri, Syed Achaab Amir


Nowadays, Medical imaging has become an integral part of modern healthcare. Abdominal CT images are an invaluable mean for abdominal organ investigation and have been widely studied in the recent years. Diagnosis of liver pathologies is one of the major areas of current interests in the field of medical image processing and is still an open problem. To deeply study and diagnose the liver, segmentation of liver is done to identify which part of the liver is mostly affected. Manual segmentation of the liver in CT images is time-consuming and suffers from inter- and intra-observer differences. However, automatic or semi-automatic computer aided segmentation of the Liver is a challenging task due to inter-patient Liver shape and size variability. In this paper, we present a technique for automatic segmenting the liver from CT images using Random Forest Classifier. Random forests or random decision forests are an ensemble learning method for classification that operate by constructing a multitude of decision trees at training time and outputting the class that is the mode of the classes of the individual trees. After comparing with various other techniques, it was found that Random Forest Classifier provide a better segmentation results with respect to accuracy and speed. We have done the validation of our results using various techniques and it shows above 89% accuracy in all the cases.

Keywords: CT images, image validation, random forest, segmentation

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1207 Prevalence, Awareness, and Risk Factors of Diabetes in Ahvaz: South West of Iran

Authors: Leila Yazdanpanah, Hajieh Shahbazian, Seyed Mahmoud Latifi, Armaghan Moravej Aleali, Saeed Ghanbari


Introduction: This study was designed to determine the prevalence of diabetes in people aged over 20 years in Ahvaz, Iran. Material and Methods: The study population selected by cluster sampling. Fasting blood sugar (FBS) assessed after minimum 8 hours night fasting. A questionnaire included: age, sex, weight, height, blood pressure, waist circumference and previous history of diabetes were completed for each patient. FBS≥126mg/dl and/or oral hypoglycemic treatment and/or insulin was defined as diabetes, FBS=100-125 mg/dl as impaired fasting glucose (IFG) and FBS<100mg/dl as normal. Results: Study population was 936 persons (47.2 % male and 52.8% female). The mean age of a population was 42.2±14 years. Diabetes was detected in 15.1 % of population. Only 57cases(6.1%) were aware of their disease and 9% had unknown diabetes. Diabetes was detected in 14.5% of male (11.3% unknown and 3.2 % known diabetes) and in 11.7% of female (7% unknown and 4.7% known diabetes). Prevalence of diabetes had no significant difference (P=0.21) in male and female but unknown diabetes was significantly higher in male (P=0.025). Prevalence of diabetes was increased with rising of age between 20-60 years old but decreasing after 60 years old. Diabetes was related to age, waist circumference and systolic and diastolic blood pressure, TG level and BMI in both sex (P=0.0001). Conclusion: More than half of female and three-fourth of male diabetic patients are unaware of their disease in South of Iran. Diabetes screening should be intensified in this population.

Keywords: diabetes, prevalence, risk factor, awareness

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1206 Total Parenteral Nutrition Wastage: A Retrospective Cohort Study in a Small District General Hospital

Authors: Muhammad Faizan Butt, Maria Ambreen Tahir, Joshua James Pilkington, A. A. Warsi


Background: Total parenteral nutrition (TPN) use within the NHS is crucial in the prevention of malnourishment. TPN prescriptions are tailored to an individual patient’s needs. TPN bags come in fixed sizes, and minimizing wastage has financial and sustainability implications for the health service. The aim of the study is to assess current prescribing practices, look at the volume of TPN wastage and identify reasons for it. Methodology: A retrospective cohort study on TPN prescriptions over a period of 1 year (Jan-Dec 2022) was performed. All patients prescribed TPN that had been admitted under a general surgery consultant in a small district hospital were included. Data were extracted from hospital electronic records and dietician charts. Data were described, and reasons for TPN wastage were explored. Results: 49 patients were identified. The average length of TPN prescription was 8 days (median). This totaled 608 prescriptions. Of the bags prescribed, 258, 169, and 181 were 10g (2500ml), 14g (2000ml), and 18g (2000ml), respectively. The mean volume wasted from each type of bag was 634ml, 634ml, and 648ml, respectively. Reasons for TPN wastage identified were: no loss (25%), smaller bags not available (53.6%), step-down regime (8.1%), and other (12.2%). Conclusion: This study has identified that the current stocking and prescribing of TPN within a district general hospital leads to a significant wastage of 638.2ml (average). The commonest reason for wastage is the non-availability of a more appropriate sized bag.

Keywords: general surgery, TPN, sustainability, wastage

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