Search results for: software system
18714 Hansen Solubility Parameters, Quality by Design Tool for Developing Green Nanoemulsion to Eliminate Sulfamethoxazole from Contaminated Water
Authors: Afzal Hussain, Mohammad A. Altamimi, Syed Sarim Imam, Mudassar Shahid, Osamah Abdulrahman Alnemer
Exhaustive application of sulfamethoxazole (SUX) became as a global threat for human health due to water contamination through diverse sources. The addressed combined application of Hansen solubility (HSPiP software) parameters and Quality by Design tool for developing various green nanoemulsions. HSPiP program assisted to screen suitable excipients based on Hansen solubility parameters and experimental solubility data. Various green nanoemulsions were prepared and characterized for globular size, size distribution, zeta potential, and removal efficiency. Design Expert (DoE) software further helped to identify critical factors responsible to have direct impact on percent removal efficiency, size, and viscosity. Morphological investigation was visualized under transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Finally, the treated was studied to negate the presence of the tested drug employing ICP-OES (inductively coupled plasma optical emission microscopy) technique and HPLC (high performance liquid chromatography). Results showed that HSPiP predicted biocompatible lipid, safe surfactant (lecithin), and propylene glycol (PG). Experimental solubility of the drug in the predicted excipients were quite convincing and vindicated. Various green nanoemulsions were fabricated, and these were evaluated for in vitro findings. Globular size (100-300 nm), PDI (0.1-0.5), zeta potential (~ 25 mV), and removal efficiency (%RE = 70-98%) were found to be in acceptable range for deciding input factors with level in DoE. Experimental design tool assisted to identify the most critical variables controlling %RE and optimized content of nanoemulsion under set constraints. Dispersion time was varied from 5-30 min. Finally, ICP-OES and HPLC techniques corroborated the absence of SUX in the treated water. Thus, the strategy is simple, economic, selective, and efficient.Keywords: quality by design, sulfamethoxazole, green nanoemulsion, water treatment, icp-oes, hansen program (hspip software
Procedia PDF Downloads 8418713 Assessment of Frying Material by Deep-Fat Frying Method
Authors: Brinda Sharma, Saakshi S. Sarpotdar
Deep-fat frying is popular standard method that has been studied basically to clarify the complicated mechanisms of fat decomposition at high temperatures and to assess their effects on human health. The aim of this paper is to point out the application of method engineering that has been recently improved our understanding of the fundamental principles and mechanisms concerned at different scales and different times throughout the process: pretreatment, frying, and cooling. It covers the several aspects of deep-fat drying. New results regarding the understanding of the frying method that are obtained as a results of major breakthroughs in on-line instrumentation (heat, steam flux, and native pressure sensors), within the methodology of microstructural and imaging analysis (NMR, MRI, SEM) and in software system tools for the simulation of coupled transfer and transport phenomena. Such advances have opened the approach for the creation of significant information of the behavior of varied materials and to the event of latest tools to manage frying operations via final product quality in real conditions. Lastly, this paper promotes an integrated approach to the frying method as well as numerous competencies like those of chemists, engineers, toxicologists, nutritionists, and materials scientists also as of the occupation and industrial sectors.Keywords: frying, cooling, imaging analysis (NMR, MRI, SEM), deep-fat frying
Procedia PDF Downloads 43018712 Re-Os Application to Petroleum System: Implications from the Geochronology and Oil-Source Correlation of Duvernay Petroleum System, Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin
Authors: Junjie Liu, David Selby, Mark Obermajer, Andy Mort
The inaugural application of Re-Os dating, which is based on the beta decay of 187Re to 187Os with a long half-life of 41.577 ± 0.12 Byr and initially used for sulphide minerals and organic rich rocks, to petroleum systems was performed on bitumen of the Polaris Mississippi Valley Type Pb-Zn deposit, Canada. To further our understanding of the Re-Os system and its application to petroleum systems, here we present a study on Duvernay Petroleum System, Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin. The Late Devonian Duvernay Formation organic-rich shales are the only source of the petroleum system. The Duvernay shales reached maturation only during the Laramide Orogeny (80 – 35 Ma) and the generated oil migrated short distances into the interfingering Leduc reefs and overlying Nisku carbonates with no or little secondary alteration post oil-generation. Although very low in Re and Os, the asphaltenes of Duvernay-sourced Leduc and Nisku oils define a Laramide Re-Os age. In addition, the initial Os isotope compositions of the oil samples are similar to that of the Os isotope composition of the Duvernay Formation at the time of oil generation, but are very different to other oil-prone intervals of the basin, showing the ability of the Os isotope composition as an inorganic oil-source correlation tool. In summary, the ability of the Re-Os geochronometer to record the timing of oil generation and trace the source of an oil is confirmed in the Re-Os study of Duvernay Petroleum System.Keywords: Duvernay petroleum system, oil generation, oil-source correlation, Re-Os
Procedia PDF Downloads 31218711 Students’ Perception of E-Learning Systems at Hashemite University
Authors: Muneer Abbad
In search of better, traditional learning universities have expanded their ways to deliver knowledge and integrate cost effective e-learning systems. Universities’ use of information and communication technologies has grown tremendously over the last decade. To ensure efficient use of the e-learning system, this project aimed to evaluate the good and bad practices, detect errors and determine areas for further improvements in usage. This project critically evaluated the students’ perception of the e-learning system and recommended changes to improve students’ e-learning usage, through conducting questionnaire given to the students that have experience with e-learning systems. Results of the study indicated that, in general, students have favourable perceptions toward using the e-learning system. They seemed to value the resources tool and its contribution to building their knowledge more than other e-learning tools. However, they seemed to perceive a limited value from the audio or video podcasts. This study has shown that technology acceptance is the most variable, factor that contributes to students’ perception and satisfaction of the e-learning system.Keywords: e-learning, perception, Jordan, universities
Procedia PDF Downloads 49018710 Signal Estimation and Closed Loop System Performance in Atrial Fibrillation Monitoring with Communication Channels
Authors: Mohammad Obeidat, Ayman Mansour
In this paper a unique issue rising from feedback control of Atrial Fibrillation monitoring system with embedded communication channels has been investigated. One of the important factors to measure the performance of the feedback control closed loop system is disturbance and noise attenuation factor. It is important that the feedback system can attenuate such disturbances on the atrial fibrillation heart rate signals. Communication channels depend on network traffic conditions and deliver different throughput, implying that the sampling intervals may change. Since signal estimation is updated on the arrival of new data, its dynamics actually change with the sampling interval. Consequently, interaction among sampling, signal estimation, and the controller will introduce new issues in remotely controlled Atrial Fibrillation system. This paper treats a remotely controlled atrial fibrillation system with one communication channel which connects between the heart rate and rhythm measurements to the remote controller. Typical and optimal signal estimation schemes is represented by a signal averaging filter with its time constant derived from the step size of the signal estimation algorithm.Keywords: atrial fibrillation, communication channels, closed loop, estimation
Procedia PDF Downloads 37918709 Observer-Based Control Design for Double Integrators Systems with Long Sampling Periods and Actuator Uncertainty
Authors: Tomas Menard
The design of control-law for engineering systems has been investigated for many decades. While many results are concerned with continuous systems with continuous output, nowadays, many controlled systems have to transmit their output measurements through network, hence making it discrete-time. But it is well known that the sampling of a system whose control-law is based on the continuous output may render the system unstable, especially when this sampling period is long compared to the system dynamics. The control design then has to be adapted in order to cope with this issue. In this paper, we consider systems which can be modeled as double integrator with uncertainty on the input since many mechanical systems can be put under such form. We present a control scheme based on an observer using only discrete time measurement and which provides continuous time estimation of the state, combined with a continuous control law, which stabilized a system with second-order dynamics even in the presence of uncertainty. It is further shown that arbitrarily long sampling periods can be dealt with properly setting the control scheme parameters.Keywords: dynamical system, control law design, sampled output, observer design
Procedia PDF Downloads 18718708 Electric Propulsion System Development for High Floor Trolley Bus
Authors: Asep Andi Suryandi, Katri Yulianto, Dewi Rianti Mandasari
The development of environmentally friendly vehicles increasingly attracted the attention of almost all countries in the world, including Indonesia. There are various types of environmentally friendly vehicles, such as: electric vehicles, hybrid, and fuel gas. The Electric vehicle has been developed in Indonesia, a private or public vehicle. But many electric vehicles had been developed using the battery as a power source, while the battery technology for electric vehicles still constraints in capacity, dimensions of the battery itself and charging system. Trolley bus is one of the electric buses with the main power source of the network catenary / overhead line with trolley pole as the point of contact. This paper will discuss the design and manufacture electrical system in Trolleybus.Keywords: trolley bus, electric propulsion system, design, manufacture, electric vehicle
Procedia PDF Downloads 35918707 Suitable Tuning Method Selection for PID Controller Used in Digital Excitation System of Brushless Synchronous Generator
Authors: Deepak M. Sajnekar, S. B. Deshpande, R. M. Mohril
At present many rotary excitation control system are using analog type of Automatic Voltage Regulator which now started to replace with the digital automatic voltage regulator which is provided with PID controller and tuning of PID controller is a challenging task. The cases where digital excitation control system is used tuning of PID controller are still carried out by pole placement method. Tuning of PID controller used for static excitation control system is not challenging because it does not involve exciter time constant. This paper discusses two methods of tuning PID controller i.e. Pole placement method and pole zero cancellation method. GUI prepared for both the methods on the platform of MATLAB. Using this GUI, performance results and time required for tuning for both the methods are compared. Sensitivity of the methods is also presented with parameter variation like loop gain ‘K’ and exciter time constant ‘te’.Keywords: digital excitation system, automatic voltage regulator, pole placement method, pole zero cancellation method
Procedia PDF Downloads 68018706 Optimal Design of Multimachine Power System Stabilizers Using Improved Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
Authors: Badr M. Alshammari, T. Guesmi
In this paper, the concept of a non-dominated sorting multi-objective particle swarm optimization with local search (NSPSO-LS) is presented for the optimal design of multimachine power system stabilizers (PSSs). The controller design is formulated as an optimization problem in order to shift the system electromechanical modes in a pre-specified region in the s-plan. A composite set of objective functions comprising the damping factor and the damping ratio of the undamped and lightly damped electromechanical modes is considered. The performance of the proposed optimization algorithm is verified for the 3-machine 9-bus system. Simulation results based on eigenvalue analysis and nonlinear time-domain simulation show the potential and superiority of the NSPSO-LS algorithm in tuning PSSs over a wide range of loading conditions and large disturbance compared to the classic PSO technique and genetic algorithms.Keywords: multi-objective optimization, particle swarm optimization, power system stabilizer, low frequency oscillations
Procedia PDF Downloads 43218705 An Optimal Algorithm for Finding (R, Q) Policy in a Price-Dependent Order Quantity Inventory System with Soft Budget Constraint
Authors: S. Hamid Mirmohammadi, Shahrazad Tamjidzad
This paper is concerned with the single-item continuous review inventory system in which demand is stochastic and discrete. The budget consumed for purchasing the ordered items is not restricted but it incurs extra cost when exceeding specific value. The unit purchasing price depends on the quantity ordered under the all-units discounts cost structure. In many actual systems, the budget as a resource which is occupied by the purchased items is limited and the system is able to confront the resource shortage by charging more costs. Thus, considering the resource shortage costs as a part of system costs, especially when the amount of resource occupied by the purchased item is influenced by quantity discounts, is well motivated by practical concerns. In this paper, an optimization problem is formulated for finding the optimal (R, Q) policy, when the system is influenced by the budget limitation and a discount pricing simultaneously. Properties of the cost function are investigated and then an algorithm based on a one-dimensional search procedure is proposed for finding an optimal (R, Q) policy which minimizes the expected system costs .Keywords: (R, Q) policy, stochastic demand, backorders, limited resource, quantity discounts
Procedia PDF Downloads 64118704 Reliability Assessment and Failure Detection in a Complex Human-Machine System Using Agent-Based and Human Decision-Making Modeling
Authors: Sanjal Gavande, Thomas Mazzuchi, Shahram Sarkani
In a complex aerospace operational environment, identifying failures in a procedure involving multiple human-machine interactions are difficult. These failures could lead to accidents causing loss of hardware or human life. The likelihood of failure further increases if operational procedures are tested for a novel system with multiple human-machine interfaces and with no prior performance data. The existing approach in the literature of reviewing complex operational tasks in a flowchart or tabular form doesn’t provide any insight into potential system failures due to human decision-making ability. To address these challenges, this research explores an agent-based simulation approach for reliability assessment and fault detection in complex human-machine systems while utilizing a human decision-making model. The simulation will predict the emergent behavior of the system due to the interaction between humans and their decision-making capability with the varying states of the machine and vice-versa. Overall system reliability will be evaluated based on a defined set of success-criteria conditions and the number of recorded failures over an assigned limit of Monte Carlo runs. The study also aims at identifying high-likelihood failure locations for the system. The research concludes that system reliability and failures can be effectively calculated when individual human and machine agent states are clearly defined. This research is limited to the operations phase of a system lifecycle process in an aerospace environment only. Further exploration of the proposed agent-based and human decision-making model will be required to allow for a greater understanding of this topic for application outside of the operations domain.Keywords: agent-based model, complex human-machine system, human decision-making model, system reliability assessment
Procedia PDF Downloads 16918703 Assessment of Exposure Dose Rate from Scattered X-Radiation during Diagnostic Examination in Nigerian University Teaching Hospital
Authors: Martins Gbenga., Orosun M. M., Olowookere C. J., Bamidele Lateef
Radiation exposures from diagnostic medical examinations are almost always justified by the benefits of accurate diagnosis of possible disease conditions. The aim is to assess the influence of selected exposure parameters on scattered dose rates. The research was carried out using Gamma Scout software installation on the Computer system (Laptop) to record the radiation counts, pulse rate, and dose rate for 136 patients. Seventy-three patients participated in the male category with 53.7%, while 63 females participated with 46.3%. The mean and standard deviation value for each parameter is recorded, and tube potential is within 69.50±11.75 ranges between 52.00 and 100.00, tube current is within 23.20±17.55 ranges between 4.00 and 100.00, focus skin distance is within 73.195±33.99 and ranges between 52.00 and 100.00. Dose Rate (DRate in µSv/hr) is significant at an interval of 0.582 and 0.587 for tube potential and body thickness (cm). Tube potential is significant at an interval of 0.582 and 0.842 of DRate (µSv/hr) and body thickness (cm). The study was compared with other studies. The exposure parameters selected during each examination contributed to scattered radiation. A quality assurance program (QAP) is advised for the center.Keywords: x-radiation, exposure rate, dose rate, tube potentials, scattered radiation, diagnostic examination
Procedia PDF Downloads 14918702 Fault Diagnosis of Manufacturing Systems Using AntTreeStoch with Parameter Optimization by ACO
Authors: Ouahab Kadri, Leila Hayet Mouss
In this paper, we present three diagnostic modules for complex and dynamic systems. These modules are based on three ant colony algorithms, which are AntTreeStoch, Lumer & Faieta and Binary ant colony. We chose these algorithms for their simplicity and their wide application range. However, we cannot use these algorithms in their basement forms as they have several limitations. To use these algorithms in a diagnostic system, we have proposed three variants. We have tested these algorithms on datasets issued from two industrial systems, which are clinkering system and pasteurization system.Keywords: ant colony algorithms, complex and dynamic systems, diagnosis, classification, optimization
Procedia PDF Downloads 30018701 Educating Children with the Child-Friendly Smartphone Operation System
Authors: Wildan Maulana Wildan, Siti Annisa Rahmayani Icha
Nowadays advances in information technology are needed by all the inhabitants of the earth for the sake of ease all their work, but it is worth to introduced the technological advances in the world of children. Before the technology is growing rapidly, children busy with various of traditional games and have high socialization. Moreover, after it presence, almost all of children spend more their time for playing gadget, It can affect the education of children and will change the character and personality children. However, children also can not be separated with the technology. Because the technology insight knowledge of children will be more extensive. Because the world can not be separated with advances in technology as well as with children, there should be developed a smartphone operating system that is child-friendly. The operating system is able to filter contents that do not deserve children, even in this system there is a reminder of a time study, prayer time and play time for children and there are interactive contents that will help the development of education and children's character. Children need technology, and there are some ways to introduce it to children. We must look at the characteristics of children in different environments. Thus advances in technology can be beneficial to the world children and their parents, and educators do not have to worry about advances in technology. We should be able to take advantage of advances in technology best possible.Keywords: information technology, smartphone operating system, education, character
Procedia PDF Downloads 51518700 Complexity in Managing Higher Education Institutions in Mexico: A System Dynamics Approach
Authors: José Carlos Rodríguez, Mario Gómez, Medardo Serna
This paper analyses managing higher education institutions in emerging economies. The paper investigates the case of postgraduate studies development at public universities. In so doing, it adopts the complex theory approach to evaluate how postgraduate studies have evolved in these countries. The investigation suggests that the postgraduate studies sector at public universities can be seen as a complex adaptive system (CAS). Therefore, the paper adopts system dynamics (SD) methods to develop this analysis. The case of postgraduate studies at Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo in Mexico is investigated in this paper.Keywords: complex adaptive systems, higher education institutions, Mexico, system dynamics
Procedia PDF Downloads 31918699 The Politics and Consequences of Decentralized Vocational Education: The Modified System of Vocational Studies in Ghana
Authors: Nkrumak Micheal Atta Ofori
The Vocational System is a decentralized Studies System implemented in Ghana as vocation studies strategy for grassroot that focuses on providing individuals with the specific skills, knowledge, and training necessary for a particular trade, craft, profession, or occupation. This article asks how devolution of vocational studies to local level authorities produces responsive and accountable representation and sustainable vocational learning under the vocational Studies System. It focuses on two case studies: Asokore Mampong and Atwima kwanwoma Municipal. Then, the paper asks how senior high school are developing new material and social practices around the vocational studies System to rebuild their livelihoods and socio-economic wellbeing. Here, the article focusses on Kumasi District, drawing lessons for the two other cases. The article shows how the creation of representative groups under the Vocational Studies System provides the democratic space necessary for effective representation of community aspirations. However, due to elite capture, the interests of privilege few people are promoted. The state vocational training fails to devolve relevant and discretionary resources to local teachers and do not follow the prescribed policy processes of the Vocational Studies System. Hence, local teachers are unable to promote responsive and accountable representation. Rural communities continue to show great interest in the Vocational Studies System, but the interest is bias towards gaining access to vocational training schools for advancing studies. There is no active engagement of the locals in vocational training, and hence, the Vocational Studies System exists only to promote individual interest of communities. This article shows how ‘failed’ interventions can gain popular support for rhetoric and individual gains.Keywords: vocational studies system, devolution of vocational studies, local-level authorities, senior high schools and vocational learning, community aspirations and representation
Procedia PDF Downloads 8018698 A System Dynamics Model for Assessment of Alternative Energy Policy Measures: A Case of Energy Management System as an Energy Efficiency Policy Tool
Authors: Andra Blumberga, Uldis Bariss, Anna Kubule, Dagnija Blumberga
European Union Energy Efficiency Directive provides a set of binding energy efficiency measures to reach. Each of the member states can use either energy efficiency obligation scheme or alternative policy measures or combination of both. Latvian government has decided to divide savings among obligation scheme (65%) and alternative measures (35%). This decision might lead to significant energy tariff increase hence impact on the national economy. To assess impact of alternative policy measures focusing on energy management scheme based on ISO 50001 and ability to decrease share of obligation scheme a System Dynamics modeling was used. Simulation results show that energy efficiency goal can be met with alternative policy measure to large energy consumers in industrial, tertiary and public sectors by applying the energy tax exemption for implementers of energy management system. A delay in applying alternative policy measures plays very important role in reaching the energy efficiency goal. One year delay in implementation of this policy measure reduces cumulative energy savings from 2016 to 2017 from 5200 GWh to 3000 GWh in 2020.Keywords: system dynamics, energy efficiency, policy measure, energy management system, obligation scheme
Procedia PDF Downloads 28318697 Effective Training System for Riding Posture Using Depth and Inertial Sensors
Authors: Sangseung Kang, Kyekyung Kim, Suyoung Chi
A good posture is the most important factor in riding. In this paper, we present an effective posture correction system for a riding simulator environment to provide position error detection and customized training functions. The proposed system detects and analyzes the rider's posture using depth data and inertial sensing data. Our experiments show that including these functions will help users improve their seat for a riding.Keywords: posture correction, posture training, riding posture, riding simulator
Procedia PDF Downloads 47718696 On-Chip Ku-Band Bandpass Filter with Compact Size and Wide Stopband
Authors: Jyh Sheen, Yang-Hung Cheng
This paper presents a design of a microstrip bandpass filter with a compact size and wide stopband by using 0.15-μm GaAs pHEMT process. The wide stop band is achieved by suppressing the first and second harmonic resonance frequencies. The slow-wave coupling stepped impedance resonator with cross coupled structure is adopted to design the bandpass filter. A two-resonator filter was fabricated with 13.5GHz center frequency and 11% bandwidth was achieved. The devices are simulated using the ADS design software. This device has shown a compact size and very low insertion loss of 2.6 dB. Microstrip planar bandpass filters have been widely adopted in various communication applications due to the attractive features of compact size and ease of fabricating. Various planar resonator structures have been suggested. In order to reach a wide stopband to reduce the interference outside the passing band, various designs of planar resonators have also been submitted to suppress the higher order harmonic frequencies of the designed center frequency. Various modifications to the traditional hairpin structure have been introduced to reduce large design area of hairpin designs. The stepped-impedance, slow-wave open-loop, and cross-coupled resonator structures have been studied to miniaturize the hairpin resonators. In this study, to suppress the spurious harmonic bands and further reduce the filter size, a modified hairpin-line bandpass filter with cross coupled structure is suggested by introducing the stepped impedance resonator design as well as the slow-wave open-loop resonator structure. In this way, very compact circuit size as well as very wide upper stopband can be achieved and realized in a Roger 4003C substrate. On the other hand, filters constructed with integrated circuit technology become more attractive for enabling the integration of the microwave system on a single chip (SOC). To examine the performance of this design structure at the integrated circuit, the filter is fabricated by the 0.15 μm pHEMT GaAs integrated circuit process. This pHEMT process can also provide a much better circuit performance for high frequency designs than those made on a PCB board. The design example was implemented in GaAs with center frequency at 13.5 GHz to examine the performance in higher frequency in detail. The occupied area is only about 1.09×0.97 mm2. The ADS software is used to design those modified filters to suppress the first and second harmonics.Keywords: microstrip resonator, bandpass filter, harmonic suppression, GaAs
Procedia PDF Downloads 32718695 Analysis of the Factors Affecting the Public Bicycle Projects in Chinese Cities
Authors: Xiujuan Wang, Weiguo Wang, Lei Yu, Xue Liu
There are many purported benefits of public bike systems, therefore, it has seen a sharp increase since 2008 in Hangzhou, China. However, there are few studies on the public bicycle system in Chinese cities. In order to make recommendations for the development of public bicycle systems, this paper analyzes the influencing factors by using the system dynamics method according to the main characteristics of Chinese cities. The main characteristics of Chinese cities lie in the city size and process of urbanization, traffic mode division, demographic characteristics, bicycle infrastructure and right of way, regime structure. Finally, under the context of Chinese bike sharing systems, these analyses results can help to design some feasible strategies for the planner to the development of the public bicycles.Keywords: engineering of communication and transportation system, bicycle, public bike, characteristics of Chinese cities, system dynamics
Procedia PDF Downloads 24418694 Flocking Swarm of Robots Using Artificial Innate Immune System
Authors: Muneeb Ahmad, Ali Raza
A computational method inspired by the immune system (IS) is presented, leveraging its shared characteristics of robustness, fault tolerance, scalability, and adaptability with swarm intelligence. This method aims to showcase flocking behaviors in a swarm of robots (SR). The innate part of the IS offers a variety of reactive and probabilistic cell functions alongside its self-regulation mechanism which have been translated to enable swarming behaviors. Although, the research is specially focused on flocking behaviors in a variety of simulated environments using e-puck robots in a physics-based simulator (CoppeliaSim); the artificial innate immune system (AIIS) can exhibit other swarm behaviors as well. The effectiveness of the immuno-inspired approach has been established with extensive experimentations, for scalability and adaptability, using standard swarm benchmarks as well as the immunological regulatory functions (i.e., Dendritic Cells’ Maturity and Inflammation). The AIIS-based approach has proved to be a scalable and adaptive solution for emulating the flocking behavior of SR.Keywords: artificial innate immune system, flocking swarm, immune system, swarm intelligence
Procedia PDF Downloads 10718693 In Silico Screening, Identification and Validation of Cryptosporidium hominis Hypothetical Protein and Virtual Screening of Inhibitors as Therapeutics
Authors: Arpit Kumar Shrivastava, Subrat Kumar, Rajani Kanta Mohapatra, Priyadarshi Soumyaranjan Sahu
Computational approaches to predict structure, function and other biological characteristics of proteins are becoming more common in comparison to the traditional methods in drug discovery. Cryptosporidiosis is a major zoonotic diarrheal disease particularly in children, which is caused primarily by Cryptosporidium hominis and Cryptosporidium parvum. Currently, there are no vaccines for cryptosporidiosis and recommended drugs are not effective. With the availability of complete genome sequence of C. hominis, new targets have been recognized for the development of effective and better drugs and/or vaccines. We identified a unique hypothetical epitopic protein in C. hominis genome through BLASTP analysis. A 3D model of the hypothetical protein was generated using I-Tasser server through threading methodology. The quality of the model was validated through Ramachandran plot by PROCHECK server. The functional annotation of the hypothetical protein through DALI server revealed structural similarity with human Transportin 3. Phylogenetic analysis for this hypothetical protein also showed C. hominis hypothetical protein (CUV04613) was the closely related to human transportin 3 protein. The 3D protein model is further subjected to virtual screening study with inhibitors from the Zinc Database by using Dock Blaster software. Docking study reported N-(3-chlorobenzyl) ethane-1,2-diamine as the best inhibitor in terms of docking score. Docking analysis elucidated that Leu 525, Ile 526, Glu 528, Glu 529 are critical residues for ligand–receptor interactions. The molecular dynamic simulation was done to access the reliability of the binding pose of inhibitor and protein complex using GROMACS software at 10ns time point. Trajectories were analyzed at each 2.5 ns time interval, among which, H-bond with LEU-525 and GLY- 530 are significantly present in MD trajectories. Furthermore, antigenic determinants of the protein were determined with the help of DNA Star software. Our study findings showed a great potential in order to provide insights in the development of new drug(s) or vaccine(s) for control as well as prevention of cryptosporidiosis among humans and animals.Keywords: cryptosporidium hominis, hypothetical protein, molecular docking, molecular dynamics simulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 36518692 A DOE Study of Ultrasound Intensified Removal of Phenol
Authors: P. R. Rahul, A. Kannan
Ultrasound-aided adsorption of phenol by Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) was investigated at different frequencies ranging from 35 kHz, 58 kHz, and 192 kHz. Other factors influencing adsorption such as Adsorbent dosage (g/L), the initial concentration of the phenol solution (ppm) and RPM was also considered along with the frequency variable. However, this study involved calorimetric measurements which helped is determining the effect of frequency on the % removal of phenol from the power dissipated to the system was normalized. It was found that low frequency (35 kHz) cavitation effects had a profound influence on the % removal of phenol per unit power. This study also had cavitation mapping of the ultrasonic baths, and it showed that the effect of cavitation on the adsorption system is irrespective of the position of the vessel. Hence, the vessel was placed at the center of the bath. In this study, novel temperature control and monitoring system to make sure that the system is under proper condition while operations. From the BET studies, it was found that there was only 5% increase in the surface area and hence it was concluded that ultrasound doesn’t profoundly alter the equilibrium value of the adsorption system. DOE studies indicated that adsorbent dosage has a higher influence on the % removal in comparison with other factors.Keywords: ultrasound, adsorption, granulated activated carbon, phenol
Procedia PDF Downloads 28418691 Biological Aquaculture System (BAS) Design and Water Quality on Marble Goby (Oxyeleotris marmoratus): A Water Recirculating Technology
Authors: AnnWon Chew, Nik Norulaini Nik Ab Rahman, Mohd Omar Ab Kadir, C. C. Chen, Jaafar Chua
This paper presents an innovative process to solve the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate build-up problem in recirculating system using Biological Aquaculture System (BAS). The novel aspects of the process lie in a series of bioreactors that specially arrange and design to meet the required conditions for water purification. The BAS maximizes the utilization of bio-balls as the ideal surface for beneficial microbes to flourish. It also serves as a physical barrier that traps organic particles, which in turn becomes source for the microbes to perform their work. The operation in the proposed system gives a low concentration and average range of good maintain excellent water quality, i.e., with low levels of ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, a suitable pH range for aquaculture and low turbidity. The BAS thus provides a solution for sustainable small-scale, urban aquaculture operation with a high recovery water and minimal waste disposal.Keywords: ammonia, bioreactor, Biological Aquaculture System (BAS), bio-balls, water recirculating technology
Procedia PDF Downloads 59518690 Comparison of Machine Learning Models for the Prediction of System Marginal Price of Greek Energy Market
Authors: Ioannis P. Panapakidis, Marios N. Moschakis
The Greek Energy Market is structured as a mandatory pool where the producers make their bid offers in day-ahead basis. The System Operator solves an optimization routine aiming at the minimization of the cost of produced electricity. The solution of the optimization problem leads to the calculation of the System Marginal Price (SMP). Accurate forecasts of the SMP can lead to increased profits and more efficient portfolio management from the producer`s perspective. Aim of this study is to provide a comparative analysis of various machine learning models such as artificial neural networks and neuro-fuzzy models for the prediction of the SMP of the Greek market. Machine learning algorithms are favored in predictions problems since they can capture and simulate the volatilities of complex time series.Keywords: deregulated energy market, forecasting, machine learning, system marginal price
Procedia PDF Downloads 21618689 Effect of Retention Time on Kitchen Wastewater Treatment Using Mixed Algal-Bacterial Consortia
Authors: Keerthi Katam, Abhinav B. Tirunaghari, Vinod Vadithya, Toshiyuki Shimizu, Satoshi Soda, Debraj Bhattacharyya
Researchers worldwide are increasingly focusing on the removal of carbon and nutrient from wastewater using algal-bacterial hybrid systems. Algae produce oxygen during photosynthesis, which is taken up by heterotrophic bacteria for mineralizing organic carbon to carbon dioxide. This phenomenon reduces the net mechanical aeration requirement of aerobic biological wastewater treatment processes. Consequently, the treatment cost is also reduced. Microalgae also participate in the treatment process by taking up nutrient (N, P) from wastewater. Algal biomass, if harvested, can generate value-added by-products. The aim of the present study was to compare the performance of two systems - System A (mixed microalgae and bacteria) and System B (diatoms and bacteria) in treating kitchen wastewater (KWW). The test reactors were operated at five different solid retention times (SRTs) -2, 4, 6, 8, and 10-days in draw-and-fill mode. The KWW was collected daily from the dining hall-kitchen area of the Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad. The influent and effluent samples were analyzed for total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN) using TOC-L analyzer. A colorimetric method was used to analyze anionic surfactant. Phosphorus (P) and chlorophyll were measured by following standard methods. The TOC, TN, and P of KWW were in the range of 113.5 to 740 mg/L, 2 to 22.8 mg/L, and 1 to 4.5 mg/L, respectively. Both the systems gave similar results with 85% of TOC removal and 60% of TN removal at 10-d SRT. However, the anionic surfactant removal in System A was 99% and 60% in System B. The chlorophyll concentration increased with an increase in SRT in both the systems. At 2-d SRT, no chlorophyll was observed in System B, whereas 0.5 mg/L was observed in System A. At 10-d SRT, the chlorophyll concentration in System A was 7.5 mg/L, whereas it was 4.5 mg/L in System B. Although both the systems showed similar performance in treatment, the increase in chlorophyll concentration suggests that System A demonstrated a better algal-bacterial symbiotic relationship in treating KWW than System B.Keywords: diatoms, microalgae, retention time, wastewater treatment
Procedia PDF Downloads 13118688 The Relationship between Knowledge Management Processes and Strategic Thinking at the Organization Level
Authors: Bahman Ghaderi, Hedayat Hosseini, Parviz Kafche
The role of knowledge management processes in achieving the strategic goals of organizations is crucial. To this end, understanding the relationship between knowledge management processes and different aspects of strategic thinking (followed by long-term organizational planning) should be considered. This research examines the relationship between each of the five knowledge management processes (creation, storage, transfer, audit, and deployment) with each dimension of strategic thinking (vision, creativity, thinking, communication and analysis) in one of the major sectors of the food industry in Iran. In this research, knowledge management and its dimensions (knowledge acquisition, knowledge storage, knowledge transfer, knowledge auditing, and finally knowledge utilization) as independent variables and strategic thinking and its dimensions (creativity, systematic thinking, vision, strategic analysis, and strategic communication) are considered as the dependent variable. The statistical population of this study consisted of 245 managers and employees of Minoo Food Industrial Group in Tehran. In this study, a simple random sampling method was used, and data were collected by a questionnaire designed by the research team. Data were analyzed using SPSS 21 software. LISERL software is also used for calculating and drawing models and graphs. Among the factors investigated in the present study, knowledge storage with 0.78 had the most effect, and knowledge transfer with 0.62 had the least effect on knowledge management and thus on strategic thinking.Keywords: knowledge management, strategic thinking, knowledge management processes, food industry
Procedia PDF Downloads 17218687 Preliminary Study on the Removal of Solid Uranium Compound in Nuclear Fuel Production System
Authors: Bai Zhiwei, Zhang Shuxia
By sealing constraint, the system of nuclear fuel production penetrates a trace of air in during its service. The vapor in the air can react with material in the system and generate solid uranium compounds. These solid uranium compounds continue to accumulate and attached to the production equipment and pipeline of system, which not only affects the operation reliability of production equipment and give off radiation hazard as well after system retired. Therefore, it is necessary to select a reasonable method to remove it. Through the analysis of physicochemical properties of solid uranium compounds, halogenated fluoride compounds are selected as a cleaning agent, which can remove solid uranium compounds effectively. This paper studied the related chemical reaction under the condition of static test and results show that the selection of high fluoride halogen compounds can be removed solid uranium compounds completely. The study on the influence of reaction pressure with the reaction rate discovered a phenomenon that the higher the pressure, the faster the reaction rate.Keywords: fluoride halogen compound, remove, radiation, solid uranium compound
Procedia PDF Downloads 30218686 Planing the Participation of Units Bound to Demand Response Programs with Regard to Ancillary Services in the PQ Power Market
Authors: Farnoosh Davarian
The present research focuses on organizing the cooperation of units constrained by demand response (DR) programs, considering ancillary services in the P-Q power market. Moreover, it provides a comprehensive exploration of the effects of demand reduction and redistribution across several predefined scenarios (in three pre-designed demand response programs, for example, ranging from 5% to 20%) on system voltage and losses in a smart distribution system (in the studied network, distributed energy resources (DERs) such as synchronous distributed generators and wind turbines offer their active and reactive power for the proposed market).GAMS, a specialized software for high-powered modeling, is used for optimizing linear, nonlinear, and integer programming challenges. GAMS modeling is separate from its solution method, which is a notable feature. Thus, by providing changes in the solver, it is possible to solve the model using various methods (linear, nonlinear, integer, etc.). Finally, the combined active and reactive market challenge in smart distribution systems, considering renewable distributed sources and demand response programs in GAMS, will be evaluated. The active and reactive power trading by the distribution company is carried out in the wholesale market. What is demanded is active power. By using the buy-back/payment program, it is possible for responsive loads or aggregators to participate in the market. The objective function of the proposed market is to minimize the price of active and reactive power for DERs and distribution companies and the penalty cost for CO2 emissions and the cost of the buy-back/payment program. In this research, the objective function is to minimize the cost of active and reactive power from distributed generation sources and distribution companies, the cost of carbon dioxide emissions, and the cost of the buy-back/payment program. The effectiveness of the proposed method has been evaluated in a case study.Keywords: consumer behavior, demand response, pollution cost, combined active and reactive market
Procedia PDF Downloads 1018685 Federalism, a System of Government: Comparative Study of Australia and Canada
Authors: Rana Tajammal Rashid
Federalism is a political system in which government power and responsibility are divided between a federal legislature and units of the state or provincial legislatures. This system provides the structure for the states having large territory and through that can manage the state affairs and administration easily. Many of the largest countries in the world are federations, like; The United States, Canada, India, Pakistan South Africa, Argentina, and Australia. Every large democratic nation has a federal system of government. This study will explore the feature and good governance of two developed countries Canada and Australia. This study will be helpful to the developing countries like Pakistan, India which have a federal form of structure to run the affairs of the state. In the federal system of Pakistan there are lot of issues and conflicts with the provinces with a comparative study of these two developed countries, i.e., Australia and Canada, our policy and decision maker political actors will understand in which way a state will successfully manage the issues related to federalism. This study will also provide the help to the students of comparative politics that how to analysis the different political system of the developed countries of the world.Keywords: federalism, features of federalism, types of federalism, history of federalism, Australian federalism, Canadian federalism, federalism developments, executives, federal and provincial autonomy legislative, judicial
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