Search results for: growth stimulator
4168 Rural Tourism in Indian Himalayan Region: A Scope for Sustainable Livelihood
Authors: Rommila Chandra, Harshika Choudhary
The present-day tourism sector is globally developing at a fast pace, searching for new ideas and new venues. In the Indian Himalayan Region (IHR), tourism has experienced a vast growth and continuous diversification over the last few years, thus becoming one of the fastest-growing economic sectors in India. With its majestic landscape, high peaks, rich floral and faunal diversity, and cultural history, the IHR has continuously attracted tourists and pilgrims from across the globe. The IHR has attracted a vast range of visitors who seek adventure sports, natural and spiritual solace, peace, cultural assets, food, and festivals, etc. Thus, the multi-functionality of the region has turned tourism into a key component of economic growth for the rural communities in the hills. For the local mountain people, it means valuable economic opportunity for income generation, and for the government and entrepreneurs, it brings profits. As the urban cities gain attention and investment in India, efforts have to be made to protect, safeguard, and strengthen the cultural, spiritual, and natural heritage of IHR for sustainable livelihood development. Furthermore, the socio-economic and environmental insecurities, along with geographical isolation, adds to the challenging survival in the tough terrains of IHR, creating a major threat of outmigration, land abandonment, and degradation. The question the paper intends to answer is: whether the rural community of IHR is aware of the new global trends in rural tourism and the extent of their willingness to adapt to the evolving tourism industry, which impacts the rural economy, including sustainable livelihood opportunity. The objective of the paper is to discuss the integrated nature of rural tourism, which widely depends upon natural resources, cultural heritage, agriculture/horticulture, infrastructural development, education, social awareness, and willingness of the locals. The sustainable management of all these different rural activities can lead to long-term livelihood development and social upliftment. It highlights some gap areas and recommends fewcommunity-based coping measures which the local people can adopt amidst the disorganized sector of rural tourism. Lastly, the main contribution is the exploratory research of the rural tourism vulnerability in the IHR, which would further help in studying the resilience of the tourism sector in the rural parts of a developing nation.Keywords: community-based approach, sustainable livelihood development, Indian Himalayan region, rural tourism
Procedia PDF Downloads 1404167 The Impact of Economic Transformation in Nigeria
Authors: Kemi Olalekan Oduntan
Transformation is a strong word that portends a radical, structural and basic reappraisal of the basic assumptions that underline our economic reform and developmental efforts. The challenges before government are how to move the nation away from an oil-dominated economy, institute the basics for a private sector-driven economy, build the local economy on international best practices, transform a passive oil industry to a more pro-active one and reposition the country along the lines of a more decentralized federalism. But beyond this, Nigeria is faced with management and leadership challenges to contend with building an efficient and effective polity, inspiring a shared vision, remodeling a corrupt polity, redefining the essentials of transformational leadership and creating Nigerian dream that will inspire patriotism and commitment in the citizenry.Keywords: economic, economic growth, patriotism, polity, transformational
Procedia PDF Downloads 2634166 Overall Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment Inflows in Kenya
Authors: George Ogono Muok, N. Obange, S. A. Odhiambo
Empirical literature on the determinants of foreign direct investments (FDI) flows is extensive but controversial over some determinants of FDI in-flows in developing countries. The objective of this study therefore was to investigate the overall determinants of FDI inflows in Kenya. Dynamic macroeconomic theory and correlational study design provided theoretical framework for specification of a time series model. The study used data observed from 1970 to 2015 in World Development Indicators (WDI) data bank. The results show that annual growth rate of GDP, inflation rates and external debt as a proportion of GDP are significant determinants of FDI inflows in Kenya and are therefore important macroeconomic parameters for policy formulation for promotion of FDI inflows in Kenya.Keywords: determinants of foreign, direct, investment inflows in, Kenya, Africa
Procedia PDF Downloads 2854165 Role of Academic Library in/for Information Literacy
Authors: Veena Rani
This paper presents the role of academic library in information literacy in the present time. Information is the very important aspect for the growth of any country. In this context information literacy is an essential tool in the development of various fields. Academic library is an essential part of university as well as of an institution. In Academic library we can include university library, college library as well as school library. Academic libraries are playing an important role for information literacy. Academic libraries provide excellent services for the benefit of students, teachers, researchers, and all those who are interested in education. All over the world many of the schemes, policies and services provide for information literacy.Keywords: information literacy, academic library, tool literacy, higher education
Procedia PDF Downloads 3764164 Perception, Knowledge and Practices on Balanced Diet among Adolescents, Their Parents and Frontline Functionaries in Rural Sites of Banda, Varanasi and Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh,India
Authors: Gunjan Razdan, Priyanka Sreenath, Jagannath Behera, S. K. Mishra, Sunil Mehra
Uttar Pradesh is one of the poor performing states with high Malnutrition and Anaemia among adolescent girls resulting in high MMR, IMR and low birth weight rate. The rate of anaemia among adolescent girls has doubled in the past decade. Adolescents gain around 15-20% of their optimum height, 25-50% of the ideal adult weight and 45% of the skeletal mass by the age of 19. Poor intake of energy, protein and other nutrients is one of the factors for malnutrition and anaemia. METHODS: The cross-sectional survey using a mixed method (quantitative and qualitative) was adopted in this study. The respondents (adolescents, parents and frontline health workers) were selected randomly from 30 villages and surveyed through a semi-structured questionnaire for qualitative information and FGDs and IDIs for qualitative information. A 24 hours dietary recall method was adopted to estimate their dietary practices. A total of 1069 adolescent girls, 1067 boys, 1774 parents and 69 frontline functionaries were covered under the study. Percentages and mean were calculated for quantitative variable, and content analysis was carried out for qualitative data. RESULTS: Over 80 % of parents provided assertions that they understood the term balanced diet and strongly felt that their children were having balanced diet. However, only negligible 1.5 % of parents could correctly recount essential eight food groups and 22% could tell about four groups which was the minimum response expected to say respondents had fair knowledge on a balanced diet. Only 10 percent of parents could tell that balanced diet helps in physical and mental growth and only 2% said it has a protective role. Besides, qualitative data shows that the perception regarding balanced diet is having costly food items like nuts and fruits. The dietary intake of adolescents is very low despite the increased iron needs associated with physical growth and puberty.The consumption of green leafy vegetables (less than 35 %) and citrus fruits (less than 50%) was found to be low. CONCLUSIONS: The assertions on an understanding of term balanced diet are contradictory to the actual knowledge and practices. Knowledge on essential food groups and nutrients is crucial to inculcate healthy eating practices among adolescents. This calls for comprehensive communication efforts to improve the knowledge and dietary practices among adolescents.Keywords: anemia, knowledge, malnutrition, perceptions
Procedia PDF Downloads 4024163 Antimicrobial Properties of SEBS Compounds with Copper Microparticles
Authors: Vanda Ferreira Ribeiro, Daiane Tomacheski, Douglas Naue Simões, Michele Pitto, Ruth Marlene Campomanes Santana
Indoor environments, such as car cabins and public transportation vehicles are places where users are subject to air quality. Microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, yeasts) enter these environments through windows, ventilation systems and may use the organic particles present as a growth substrate. In addition, atmospheric pollutants can act as potential carbon and nitrogen sources for some microorganisms. Compounds base SEBS copolymers, poly(styrene-b-(ethylene-co-butylene)-b-styrene, are a class of thermoplastic elastomers (TPEs), fully recyclable and largely used in automotive parts. Metals, such as cooper and silver, have biocidal activities and the production of the SEBS compounds by melting blending with these agents can be a good option for producing compounds for use in plastic parts of ventilation systems and automotive air-conditioning, in order to minimize the problems caused by growth of pathogenic microorganisms. In this sense, the aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of copper microparticles as antimicrobial agent in compositions based on SEBS/PP/oil/calcite. Copper microparticles were used in weight proportion of 0%, 1%, 2% and 4%. The compounds were prepared using a co-rotating double screw extruder (L/D ratio of 40/1 and 16 mm screw diameter). The processing parameters were 300 rpm of screw rotation rate, with a temperature profile between 150 to 190°C. SEBS based TPE compounds were injection molded. The compounds emission were characterized by gravimetric fogging test. Compounds were characterized by physical (density and staining by contact), mechanical (hardness and tension properties) and rheological properties (melt volume rate – MVR). Antibacterial properties were evaluated against Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) and Escherichia coli (E. coli) strains. To avaluate the abilities toward the fungi have been chosen Aspergillus niger (A. niger), Candida albicans (C. albicans), Cladosporium cladosporioides (C. cladosporioides) and Penicillium chrysogenum (P. chrysogenum). The results of biological tests showed a reduction on bacteria in up to 88% in E.coli and up to 93% in S. aureus. The tests with fungi showed no conclusive results because the sample without copper also demonstrated inhibition of the development of these microorganisms. The copper addition did not cause significant variations in mechanical properties, in the MVR and the emission behavior of the compounds. The density increases with the increment of copper in compounds.Keywords: air conditioner, antimicrobial, cooper, SEBS
Procedia PDF Downloads 2834162 Establishment of High-Temperature Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation Process by Co-Culturing of Thermally Adapted Thermosensitive Saccharomyces Cerevisiae and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens
Authors: Ali Azam Talukder, Jamsheda Ferdous Tuli, Tanzina Islam Reba, Shuvra Kanti Dey, Mamoru Yamada
Recent global warming created by various pollutants prompted us to find new energy sources instead of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are one of the key factors to emit various toxic gases in this planet. To solve this problem, along with the scarcity of the worldwide energy crisis, scientists are looking for various alternative options to mitigate the necessity of required future fuels. In this context, bioethanol can be one of the most suitable alternative energy sources. Bioethanol is a renewable, environment-friendly and carbon-neutral sustainable energy. In our previous study, we identified several bioethanol-producing microbes from the natural fermented sources of Bangladesh. Among them, the strain 4C encoded Saccharomyces cerevisiae produced maximum bioethanol when the fermentation temperature was 25˚C. In this study, we have established high-temperature simultaneous saccharification and fermentation process (HTSSF) by co-culturing of thermally adapted thermosensitive 4C as a fermenting agent and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (C7), as a saccharifying agent under various physiological conditions or treatments. Conventional methods were applied for cell culture, media preparation and other experimental purposes. High-temperature adaptation of strain 4C was made from 30-42ᵒC, using either YPD or YPS media. In brief, for thermal adaptation, the temperature was periodically increased by 2ᵒC, 1ᵒC and 0.5ᵒC when medium growth temperatures were 30-36ᵒC, 36-40ᵒC, and 40-42ᵒC, respectively, where applicable. Amylase activity and bioethanol content were measured by DNS (3, 5-dinitrosalicylic acid) and solvent extraction and dichromate oxidation method, respectively. Among the various growth parameters like temperatures (30˚C, 37˚C and 42˚C), pHs (5.0, 6.0 and 7.0), carbon sources (5.0-10.0%) and ethanol stress tolerance (0.0-12.0%) etc. were tested, maximum Amylase activity (4.0 IU/ml/min) was recorded for Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (C7) at 42˚C, pH 6.0 and 10% starch. On the other hand, 4.10% bioethanol content was recorded when the thermally adapted strain 4C was co-cultured with C7 at 37ᵒC, pH 6.0 and 10.0% starch for 72 hours at HTSSF process. On the other hand, thermally non-adapted strains gave only 0.5-2.0% bioethanol content under the same physiological conditions. The thermally adapted strain 4C and strain C7, both can tolerate ethanol stress up to 12%. Altogether, a comparative study revealed that our established HTSSF process may be suitable for pilot scale and subsequently at industrial level bioethanol production.Keywords: bioethanol, co-culture, fermentation, saccharification
Procedia PDF Downloads 874161 Imbalance on the Croatian Housing Market in the Aftermath of an Economic Crisis
Authors: Tamara Slišković, Tomislav Sekur
This manuscript examines factors that affect demand and supply of the housing market in Croatia. The period from the beginning of this century, until 2008, was characterized by a strong expansion of construction, housing and real estate market in general. Demand for residential units was expanding, and this was supported by favorable lending conditions of banks. Indicators on the supply side, such as the number of newly built houses and the construction volume index were also increasing. Rapid growth of demand, along with the somewhat slower supply growth, led to the situation in which new apartments were sold before the completion of residential buildings. This resulted in a rise of housing price which was indication of a clear link between the housing prices with the supply and demand in the housing market. However, after 2008 general economic conditions in Croatia worsened and demand for housing has fallen dramatically, while supply descended at much slower pace. Given that there is a gap between supply and demand, it can be concluded that the housing market in Croatia is in imbalance. Such trend is accompanied by a relatively small decrease in housing price. The final result of such movements is the large number of unsold housing units at relatively high price levels. For this reason, it can be argued that housing prices are sticky and that, consequently, the price level in the aftermath of a crisis does not correspond to the discrepancy between supply and demand on the Croatian housing market. The degree of rigidity of the housing price can be determined by inclusion of the housing price as the explanatory variable in the housing demand function. Other independent variables are demographic variable (e.g. the number of households), the interest rate on housing loans, households' disposable income and rent. The equilibrium price is reached when the demand for housing equals its supply, and the speed of adjustment of actual prices to equilibrium prices reveals the extent to which the prices are rigid. The latter requires inclusion of the housing prices with time lag as an independent variable in estimating demand function. We also observe the supply side of the housing market, in order to explain to what extent housing prices explain the movement of new construction activity, and other variables that describe the supply. In this context, we test whether new construction on the Croatian market is dependent on current prices or prices with a time lag. Number of dwellings is used to approximate new construction (flow variable), while the housing prices (current or lagged), quantity of dwellings in the previous period (stock variable) and a series of costs related to new construction are independent variables. We conclude that the key reason for the imbalance in the Croatian housing market should be sought in the relative relationship of price elasticities of supply and demand.Keywords: Croatian housing market, economic crisis, housing prices, supply imbalance, demand imbalance
Procedia PDF Downloads 2764160 Bio-Functional Polymeric Protein Based Materials Utilized for Soft Tissue Engineering Application
Authors: Er-Yuan Chuang
Bio-mimetic matters have biological functionalities. This might be valuable in the development of versatile biomaterials. At biological fields, protein-based materials might be components to form a 3D network of extracellular biomolecules, containing growth factors. Also, the protein-based biomaterial provides biochemical and structural assistance of adjacent cells. In this study, we try to prepare protein based biomaterial, which was harvested from living animal. We analyzed it’s chemical, physical and biological property in vitro. Besides, in vivo bio-interaction of the prepared biomimetic matrix was tested in an animal model. The protein-based biomaterial has degradability and biocompatibility. This development could be used for tissue regenerations and be served as platform technologies.Keywords: protein based, in vitro study, in vivo study, biomaterials
Procedia PDF Downloads 1904159 Bacterial Recovery of Copper Ores
Authors: Zh. Karaulova, D. Baizhigitov
At the Aktogay deposit, the oxidized ore section has been developed since 2015; by now, the reserves of easily enriched ore are decreasing, and a large number of copper-poor, difficult-to-enrich ores has been accumulated in the dumps of the KAZ Minerals Aktogay deposit, which is unprofitable to mine using the traditional mining methods. Hence, another technology needs to be implemented, which will significantly expand the raw material base of copper production in Kazakhstan and ensure the efficient use of natural resources. Heap and dump bacterial recovery are the most acceptable technologies for processing low-grade secondary copper sulfide ores. Test objects were the copper ores of Aktogay deposit and chemolithotrophic bacteria Leptospirillum ferrooxidans (L.f.), Acidithiobacillus caldus (A.c.), Sulfobacillus Acidophilus (S.a.), which are mixed cultures were both used in bacterial oxidation systems. They can stay active in the 20-400C temperature range. These bacteria were the most extensively studied and widely used in sulfide mineral recovery technology. Biocatalytic acceleration was achieved as a result of bacteria oxidizing iron sulfides to form iron sulfate, which subsequently underwent chemical oxidation to become sulfate oxide. The following results have been achieved at the initial stage: the goal was to grow and maintain the life activity of bacterial cultures under laboratory conditions. These bacteria grew the best within the pH 1,2-1,8 range with light stirring and in an aerated environment. The optimal growth temperature was 30-33оC. The growth rate decreased by one-half for each 4-5°C fall in temperature from 30°C. At best, the number of bacteria doubled every 24 hours. Typically, the maximum concentration of cells that can be grown in ferrous solution is about 107/ml. A further step researched in this case was the adaptation of microorganisms to the environment of certain metals. This was followed by mass production of inoculum and maintenance for their further cultivation on a factory scale. This was done by adding sulfide concentrate, allowing the bacteria to convert the ferrous sulfate as indicated by the Eh (>600 mV), then diluting to double the volume and adding concentrate to achieve the same metal level. This process was repeated until the desired metal level and volumes were achieved. The final stage of bacterial recovery was the transportation and irrigation of secondary sulfide copper ores of the oxidized ore section. In conclusion, the project was implemented at the Aktogay mine since the bioleaching process was prolonged. Besides, the method of bacterial recovery might compete well with existing non-biological methods of extraction of metals from ores.Keywords: bacterial recovery, copper ore, bioleaching, bacterial inoculum
Procedia PDF Downloads 764158 Multi-Scale Spatial Difference Analysis Based on Nighttime Lighting Data
Authors: Qinke Sun, Liang Zhou
The ‘Dragon-Elephant Debate’ between China and India is an important manifestation of global multipolarity in the 21st century. The two rising powers have carried out economic reforms one after another in the interval of more than ten years, becoming the fastest growing developing country and emerging economy in the world. At the same time, the development differences between China and India have gradually attracted wide attention of scholars. Based on the continuous annual night light data (DMSP-OLS) from 1992 to 2012, this paper systematically compares and analyses the regional development differences between China and India by Gini coefficient, coefficient of variation, comprehensive night light index (CNLI) and hot spot analysis. The results show that: (1) China's overall expansion from 1992 to 2012 is 1.84 times that of India, in which China's change is 2.6 times and India's change is 2 times. The percentage of lights in unlighted areas in China dropped from 92% to 82%, while that in India from 71% to 50%. (2) China's new growth-oriented cities appear in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, Ordos, and Urumqi in the west, and the declining cities are concentrated in Liaoning Province and Jilin Province in the northeast; India's new growth-oriented cities are concentrated in Chhattisgarh in the north, while the declining areas are distributed in Uttar Pradesh. (3) China's differences on different scales are lower than India's, and regional inequality of development is gradually narrowing. Gini coefficients at the regional and provincial levels have decreased from 0.29, 0.44 to 0.24 and 0.38, respectively, while regional inequality in India has slowly improved and regional differences are gradually widening, with Gini coefficients rising from 0.28 to 0.32. The provincial Gini coefficient decreased slightly from 0.64 to 0.63. (4) The spatial pattern of China's regional development is mainly east-west difference, which shows the difference between coastal and inland areas; while the spatial pattern of India's regional development is mainly north-south difference, but because the southern states are sea-dependent, it also reflects the coastal inland difference to a certain extent. (5) Beijing and Shanghai present a multi-core outward expansion model, with an average annual CNLI higher than 0.01, while New Delhi and Mumbai present the main core enhancement expansion model, with an average annual CNLI lower than 0.01, of which the average annual CNLI in Shanghai is about five times that in Mumbai.Keywords: spatial pattern, spatial difference, DMSP-OLS, China, India
Procedia PDF Downloads 1574157 Evaluation of SDS (Software Defined Storage) Controller (CorpHD) for Various Storage Demands
Authors: Shreya Bokare, Sanjay Pawar, Shika Nema
Growth in cloud applications is generating the tremendous amount of data, building load on traditional storage management systems. Software Defined Storage (SDS) is a new storage management concept becoming popular to handle this large amount of data. CoprHD is one of the open source SDS controller, available for experimentation and development in the storage industry. In this paper, the storage management techniques provided by CoprHD to manage heterogeneous storage platforms are experimented and analyzed. Various storage management parameters such as time to provision, storage capacity measurement, and heterogeneity are experimentally evaluated along with the theoretical expression to prove the completeness of CoprHD controller for storage management.Keywords: software defined storage, SDS, CoprHD, open source, SMI-S simulator, clarion, Symmetrix
Procedia PDF Downloads 3134156 Synchrotron X-Ray Based Investigation of Fe Environment in Porous Anode of Shewanella oneidensis Microbial Fuel Cell
Authors: Sunil Dehipawala, Gayathrie Amarasuriya, N. Gadura, G. Tremberger Jr, D.Lieberman, Harry Gafney, Todd Holden, T. Cheung
The iron environment in Fe-doped Vycor Anode was investigated with EXAFS using Brookhaven Synchrotron Light Source. The iron-reducing Shewanella oneidensis culture was grown in a microbial fuel cell under anaerobic respiration. The Fe bond length was found to decrease and correlate with the amount of biofilm growth on the Fe-doped Vycor Anode. The data suggests that Fe-doped Vycor Anode would be a good substrate to study the Shewanella oneidensis nanowire structure using EXAFS.Keywords: EXAFS, fourier transform, Shewanella oneidensis, microbial fuel cell
Procedia PDF Downloads 4024155 Working Conditions and Occupational Health: Analyzing the Stressing Factors in Outsourced Employees
Authors: Cledinaldo A. Dias, Isabela C. Santos, Marcus V. S. Siqueira
In the contemporary globalization, the competitiveness generated in the search of new markets aiming at the growth of productivity and, consequently, of profits, implies the redefinition of productive processes and new forms of work organization. As a result of this structuring, unemployment, labor force turnover and the increase in outsourcing and informal work occur. Considering the different relationships and working conditions of outsourced employees, this study aims to identify the most present stressors among outsourced service providers from a Federal Institution of Higher Education in Brazil. To reach this objective, a descriptive exploratory study with a quantitative approach was carried out. The qualitative approach was chosen to provide an in-depth analysis of the occupational conditions of outsourced workers since this method seeks to focus on the social as a world of investigated meanings and the language or speech of each subject as the object of this approach. The survey was conducted in the city of Montes Claros - Minas Gerais (Brazil) and involved eighty workers from companies hired by the institution, including armed security guards, porters, cleaners, drivers, gardeners, and administrative assistants. The choice of professionals obeyed non-probabilistic criteria for convenience or accessibility. Data collection was performed by means of a structured questionnaire composed of sixty questions, in a Likert-type frequency interval scale format, in order to identify potential organizational stressors. The results obtained evidence that the stress factors pointed out by the workers are, in most cases, a determining factor due to the low productive performance at work. Amongst the factors associated with stress, the ones that stood out most were those related to organizational communication failures, the incentive to competition, lack of expectations of professional growth, insecurity and job instability. Based on the results, the need for greater concern and organizational responsibility with the well-being and mental health of the outsourced worker and the recognition of their physical and psychological limitations, and care that goes beyond the functional capacity for the work. Specifically for the preservation of mental health, physical and quality of life, it is concluded that it is necessary for the professional to be inserted in the external world that favors it internally since this set is complemented so that the individual remains in balance and obtain satisfaction in your work.Keywords: occupational health, outsourced, organizational studies, stressors
Procedia PDF Downloads 1064154 Hematologic Inflammatory Markers and Inflammation-Related Hepatokines in Pediatric Obesity
Authors: Mustafa Metin Donma, Orkide Donma
Obesity in children particularly draws attention because it may threaten the individual’s future life due to many chronic diseases it may lead to. Most of these diseases, including obesity itself altogether are related to inflammation. For this reason, inflammation-related parameters gain importance. Within this context, complete blood cell counts, ratios or indices derived from these counts have recently found some platform to be used as inflammatory markers. So far, mostly adipokines were investigated within the field of obesity. The liver is at the center of the metabolic pathways network. Metabolic inflammation is closely associated with cellular dysfunction. In this study, hematologic inflammatory markers and two major hepatokines, cytokines produced predominantly by the liver, fibroblast growth factor-21 (FGF-21) and fetuin A were investigated in pediatric obesity. Two groups were constituted from seventy-six obese children based on World Health Organization criteria. Group 1 was composed of children whose age- and sex-adjusted body mass index (BMI) percentiles were between 95 and 99. Group 2 consists of children who are above the 99ᵗʰ percentile. The first and the latter groups were defined as obese (OB) and morbid obese (MO). Anthropometric measurements of the children were performed. Informed consent forms and the approval of the institutional ethics committee were obtained. Blood cell counts and ratios were determined by an automated hematology analyzer. The related ratios and indexes were calculated. Statistical evaluation of the data was performed by the SPSS program. There was no statistically significant difference in terms of neutrophil-to lymphocyte ratio, monocyte-to-high density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio and the platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio between the groups. Mean platelet volume and platelet distribution width values were decreased (p<0.05), total platelet count, red cell distribution width (RDW) and systemic immune inflammation index values were increased (p<0.01) in MO group. Both hepatokines were increased in the same group; however, increases were not statistically significant. In this group, also a strong correlation was calculated between FGF-21 and RDW when controlled by age, hematocrit, iron and ferritin (r=0.425; p<0.01). In conclusion, the association between RDW, a hematologic inflammatory marker, and FGF-21, an inflammation-related hepatokine, found in MO group is an important finding discriminating between OB and MO children. This association is even more powerful when controlled by age and iron-related parameters.Keywords: childhood obesity, fetuin A , fibroblast growth factor-21, hematologic markers, red cell distribution width
Procedia PDF Downloads 1984153 Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorder: A Case Study of Office Computer Users in Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board, Yenagoa, Bayelsa State, Nigeria
Authors: Tamadu Perry Egedegu
Rapid growth in the use of electronic data has affected both the employee and work place. Our experience shows that jobs that have multiple risk factors have a greater likelihood of causing Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorder (WRMSDs), depending on the duration, frequency and/or magnitude of exposure to each. The study investigated musculoskeletal disorder among office workers. Thus, it is important that ergonomic risk factors be considered in light of their combined effect in causing or contributing to WRMSDs. Fast technological growth in the use of electronic system; have affected both workers and the work environment. Awkward posture and long hours in front of these visual display terminals can result in work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMSD). The study shall contribute to the awareness creation on the causes and consequences of WRMSDs due to lack of ergonomics training. The study was conducted using an observational cross-sectional design. A sample of 109 respondents was drawn from the target population through purposive sampling method. The sources of data were both primary and secondary. Primary data were collected through questionnaires and secondary data were sourced from journals, textbooks, and internet materials. Questionnaires were the main instrument for data collection and were designed in a YES or NO format according to the study objectives. Content validity approval was used to ensure that the variables were adequately covered. The reliability of the instrument was done through test-retest method, yielding a reliability index at 0.84. The data collected from the field were analyzed with a descriptive statistics of chart, percentage and mean. The study found that the most affected body regions were the upper back, followed by the lower back, neck, wrist, shoulder and eyes, while the least affected body parts were the knee calf and the ankle. Furthermore, the prevalence of work-related 'musculoskeletal' malfunctioning was linked with long working hours (6 - 8 hrs.) per day, lack of back support on their seats, glare on the monitor, inadequate regular break, repetitive motion of the upper limbs, and wrist when using the computer. Finally, based on these findings some recommendations were made to reduce the prevalent of WRMSDs among office workers.Keywords: work related musculoskeletal disorder, Nigeria, office computer users, ergonomic risk factor
Procedia PDF Downloads 2434152 Consumption and Diffusion Based Model of Tissue Organoid Development
Authors: Elena Petersen, Inna Kornienko, Svetlana Guryeva, Sergey Simakov
In vitro organoid cultivation requires the simultaneous provision of necessary vascularization and nutrients perfusion of cells during organoid development. However, many aspects of this problem are still unsolved. The functionality of vascular network intergrowth is limited during early stages of organoid development since a function of the vascular network initiated on final stages of in vitro organoid cultivation. Therefore, a microchannel network should be created in early stages of organoid cultivation in hydrogel matrix aimed to conduct and maintain minimally required the level of nutrients perfusion for all cells in the expanding organoid. The network configuration should be designed properly in order to exclude hypoxic and necrotic zones in expanding organoid at all stages of its cultivation. In vitro vascularization is currently the main issue within the field of tissue engineering. As perfusion and oxygen transport have direct effects on cell viability and differentiation, researchers are currently limited only to tissues of few millimeters in thickness. These limitations are imposed by mass transfer and are defined by the balance between the metabolic demand of the cellular components in the system and the size of the scaffold. Current approaches include growth factor delivery, channeled scaffolds, perfusion bioreactors, microfluidics, cell co-cultures, cell functionalization, modular assembly, and in vivo systems. These approaches may improve cell viability or generate capillary-like structures within a tissue construct. Thus, there is a fundamental disconnect between defining the metabolic needs of tissue through quantitative measurements of oxygen and nutrient diffusion and the potential ease of integration into host vasculature for future in vivo implantation. A model is proposed for growth prognosis of the organoid perfusion based on joint simulations of general nutrient diffusion, nutrient diffusion to the hydrogel matrix through the contact surfaces and microchannels walls, nutrient consumption by the cells of expanding organoid, including biomatrix contraction during tissue development, which is associated with changed consumption rate of growing organoid cells. The model allows computing effective microchannel network design giving minimally required the level of nutrients concentration in all parts of growing organoid. It can be used for preliminary planning of microchannel network design and simulations of nutrients supply rate depending on the stage of organoid development.Keywords: 3D model, consumption model, diffusion, spheroid, tissue organoid
Procedia PDF Downloads 3084151 Collaborative Team Work in Higher Education: A Case Study
Authors: Swapna Bhargavi Gantasala
If teamwork is the key to organizational learning, productivity, and growth, then, why do some teams succeed in achieving these, while others falter at different stages? Building teams in higher education institutions has been a challenge and an open-ended constructivist approach was considered on an experimental basis for this study to address this challenge. For this research, teams of students from the MBA program were chosen to study the effect of teamwork in learning, the motivation levels among student team members, and the effect of collaboration in achieving team goals. The teams were built on shared vision and goals, cohesion was ensured, positive induction in the form of faculty mentoring was provided for each participating team and the results have been presented with conclusions and suggestions.Keywords: teamwork, leadership, motivation and reinforcement, collaboration
Procedia PDF Downloads 3784150 Islamic Social Security: A Discourse
Authors: Safiyya A. Abba, Shehu U. R. Aliyu
This paper deals with Islamic social security: a discourse explores the meaning and nature of Islamic social security system. The paper reviews the social security framework and operations during the early period. The paper further identifies the instruments of Islamic social security discusses its principles and objectives. The paper discovers that Islamic social security is a personification of a comprehensive welfare approach in view of its varied instruments that are deeply rooted in the Islamic law, unique principles and realistic and achievable objectives. Furthermore, the Islamic social security system has far reaching socioeconomic implications; social justice, cohesion, equity, a catalyst for poverty eradication, income redistribution, economic growth and development.Keywords: Islamic social security, basic needs, zakat, socioeconomic justice, equity
Procedia PDF Downloads 4424149 A Monitoring System to Detect Vegetation Growth along the Route of Power Overhead Lines
Authors: Eugene Eduful
This paper introduces an approach that utilizes a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) to detect vegetation encroachment between segments of distribution lines. The WSN was designed and implemented, involving the seamless integration of Arduino Uno and Mega systems. This integration demonstrates a method for addressing the challenges posed by vegetation interference. The primary aim of the study is to improve the reliability of power supply in areas characterized by forested terrain, specifically targeting overhead powerlines. The experimental results validate the effectiveness of the proposed system, revealing its ability to accurately identify and locate instances of vegetation encroachment with a remarkably high degree of precision.Keywords: wireless sensor network, vegetation encroachment, line of sight, Arduino Uno, XBEE
Procedia PDF Downloads 744148 Artificial Intelligence in Enterprise Information Systems: A Review
Authors: Danah S. Alabdulmohsin
Due to the fast growth of organizational data as well as the emergence of new technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), organizations tend to utilize these new technologies in their enterprise information systems (EIS) either to overcome the issues they struggle with or to enhance their functions. The aim of this paper is to review the potential role of AI technologies in EIS, namely: enterprise resource planning systems (ERP), customer relation management systems (CRM), supply chain management systems (SCM), knowledge systems (KM), and human resources management systems (HRM). The paper provided the definitions of these systems as well as the definitions of AI technologies that have been used in EIS. In addition, the paper discussed the challenges that organizations might face while integrating AI with their information systems and explained why some organizations fail in achieving successful implementations of the integration.Keywords: artificial intelligence, AI, enterprise information system, EIS, integration
Procedia PDF Downloads 974147 Role of Selenite and Selenate Uptake by Maize Plants in Chlorophyll A and B Content
Authors: F. Garousi, S. Veres, É. Bódi, S. Várallyay, B. Kovács
Extracting and determining chlorophyll pigments (chlorophyll a and b) in green leaves are the procedures based on the solvent extraction of pigments in samples using N,N-dimethylformamide as the extractant. In this study, two species of soluble inorganic selenium forms, selenite (Se( IV)) and selenate (Se( VI)) at different concentrations were investigated on maize plants that were growing in nutrient solutions during 2 weeks and at the end of the experiment, amounts of chlorophyll a and b for first and second leaves of maize were measured. In accordance with the results we observed that our regarded Se concentrations in both forms of Se( IV) and Se( VI) were not effective on maize plants’ chlorophyll a and b significantly although high level of 3 Se( IV) had negative affect on growth of the samples that had been treated by it but about Se( VI) samples we did not observe this state and our different considered Se( VI) concentrations were not toxic for maize plants.Keywords: maize, sodium selenate, sodium selenite, chlorophyll a and b
Procedia PDF Downloads 4034146 Polar Nanoregions in Lead-Free Relaxor Ceramics: Unveiling through Impedance Spectroscopy
Authors: Mohammed Mesrar, Hamza El Malki, Hamza Mesrar
In this study, ceramics of (1-x)(Na0.5Bi0.5)TiO3 x(K0.5 Bi0.5)TiO3 were synthesized through a conventional calcination process (solid-state method) at 1000°C for 4 hours, with x(%) values ranging from 0.0 to 100. Room temperature XRD patterns confirmed the phase formation of the samples. The Rietveld refinement method was employed to verify the morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) at x(%)=16-20. We investigated the average crystallite size and lattice strain using Scherrer's formula and Williamson-Hall (W-H) analysis. SEM image analyses provided additional evidence of the impact of doping on structural growth under low temperatures. Relaxation time extracted from Z″(f) and M″(f) spectra for x(%) = 0.0, 12, 16, 20, and 30 followed the Arrhenius law, revealing the presence of three distinct relaxation mechanisms with varying activation energies. The shoulder response in M″(f) indirectly indicated the existence of highly polarizable entities in the samples, serving as a signature of polar nanoregions (PNRs) within the grains.In this study, ceramics of (1-x)(Na0.5Bi0.5)TiO3 x(K0.5 Bi0.5)TiO3 were synthesized through a conventional calcination process (solid-state method) at 1000°C for 4 hours, with x(%) values ranging from 0.0 to 100. Room temperature XRD patterns confirmed the phase formation of the samples. The Rietveld refinement method was employed to verify the morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) at x(%)=16-20. We investigated the average crystallite size and lattice strain using Scherrer's formula and Williamson-Hall (W-H) analysis. SEM image analyses provided additional evidence of the impact of doping on structural growth under low temperatures. Relaxation time extracted from Z″(f) and M″(f) spectra for x(%) = 0.0, 12, 16, 20, and 30 followed the Arrhenius law, revealing the presence of three distinct relaxation mechanisms with varying activation energies. The shoulder response in M″(f) indirectly indicated the existence of highly polarizable entities in the samples, serving as a signature of polar nanoregions (PNRs) within the grains.Keywords: (1-x)(Na0.5Bi0.5)TiO3 x(K0.5 Bi0.5)TiO3, Rietveld refinement, Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Williamson-Hall plots, charge density distribution, dielectric properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 654145 Organizational Culture and Its Internalization of Change in the Manufacturing and Service Sector Industries in India
Authors: Rashmi Uchil, A. H. Sequeira
Post-liberalization era in India has seen an unprecedented growth of mergers, both domestic as well as cross-border deals. Indian organizations have slowly begun appreciating this inorganic method of growth. However, all is not well as is evidenced in the lowering value creation of organizations after mergers. Several studies have identified that organizational culture is one of the key factors that affects the success of mergers. But very few studies have been attempted in this realm in India. The current study attempts to identify the factors in the organizational culture variable that may be unique to India. It also focuses on the difference in the impact of organizational culture on merger of organizations in the manufacturing and service sectors in India. The study uses a mixed research approach. An exploratory research approach is adopted to identify the variables that constitute organizational culture specifically in the Indian scenario. A few hypotheses were developed from the identified variables and tested to arrive at the Grounded Theory. The Grounded Theory approach used in the study, attempts to integrate the variables related to organizational culture. Descriptive approach is used to validate the developed grounded theory with a new empirical data set and thus test the relationship between the organizational culture variables and the success of mergers. Empirical data is captured from merged organizations situated in major cities of India. These organizations represent significant proportions of the total number of organizations which have adopted mergers. The mix of industries included software, banking, manufacturing, pharmaceutical and financial services. Mixed sampling approach was adopted for this study. The first phase of sampling was conducted using the probability method of stratified random sampling. The study further used the non-probability method of judgmental sampling. Adequate sample size was identified for the study which represents the top, middle and junior management levels of the organizations that had adopted mergers. Validity and reliability of the research instrument was ensured with appropriate tests. Statistical tools like regression analysis, correlation analysis and factor analysis were used for data analysis. The results of the study revealed a strong relationship between organizational culture and its impact on the success of mergers. The study also revealed that the results were unique to the extent that they highlighted a marked difference in the manner of internalization of change of organizational culture after merger by the organizations in the manufacturing sector. Further, the study reveals that the organizations in the service sector internalized the changes at a slower rate. The study also portrays the industries in the manufacturing sector as more proactive and can contribute to a change in the perception of the said organizations.Keywords: manufacturing industries, mergers, organizational culture, service industries
Procedia PDF Downloads 2974144 Smart Grids Cyber Security Issues and Challenges
Authors: Imen Aouini, Lamia Ben Azzouz
The energy need is growing rapidly due to the population growth and the large new usage of power. Several works put considerable efforts to make the electricity grid more intelligent to reduce essentially energy consumption and provide efficiency and reliability of power systems. The Smart Grid is a complex architecture that covers critical devices and systems vulnerable to significant attacks. Hence, security is a crucial factor for the success and the wide deployment of Smart Grids. In this paper, we present security issues of the Smart Grid architecture and we highlight open issues that will make the Smart Grid security a challenging research area in the future.Keywords: smart grids, smart meters, home area network, neighbor area network
Procedia PDF Downloads 4254143 Understanding the Reasons for Flooding in Chennai and Strategies for Making It Flood Resilient
Authors: Nivedhitha Venkatakrishnan
Flooding in urban areas in India has become a usual ritual phenomenon and a nightmare to most cities, which is a consequence of man-made disruption resulting in disaster. The City planning in India falls short of withstanding hydro generated disasters. This has become a barrier and challenge in the process of development put forth by urbanization, high population density, expanding informal settlements, environment degradation from uncollected and untreated waste that flows into natural drains and water bodies, this has disrupted the natural mechanism of hazard protection such as drainage channels, wetlands and floodplains. The magnitude and the impact of the mishap was high because of the failure of development policies, strategies, plans that the city had adopted. In the current scenario, cities are becoming the home for future, with economic diversification bringing in more investment into cities especially in domains of Urban infrastructure, planning and design. The uncertainty of the Urban futures in these low elevated coastal zones faces an unprecedented risk and threat. The study on focuses on three major pillars of resilience such as Recover, Resist and Restore. This process of getting ready to handle the situation bridges the gap between disaster response management and risk reduction requires a shift in paradigm. The study involved a qualitative research and a system design approach (framework). The initial stages involved mapping out of the urban water morphology with respect to the spatial growth gave an insight of the water bodies that have gone missing over the years during the process of urbanization. The major finding of the study was missing links between traditional water harvesting network was a major reason resulting in a manmade disaster. The research conceptualized the ideology of a sponge city framework which would guide the growth through institutional frameworks at different levels. The next stage was on understanding the implementation process at various stage to ensure the shift in paradigm. Demonstration of the concepts at a neighborhood level where, how, what are the functions and benefits of each component. Quantifying the design decision with rainwater harvest, surface runoff and how much water is collected and how it could be collected, stored and reused. The study came with further recommendation for Water Mitigation Spaces that will revive the traditional harvesting network.Keywords: flooding, man made disaster, resilient city, traditional harvesting network, waterbodies
Procedia PDF Downloads 1404142 Dealing with the Spaces: Ultra Conservative Approach from Childhood to Adulthood
Authors: Maryam Firouzmandi, Moosa Miri
Common reasons for early tooth loss are trauma, extraction due to caries or periodontal disease and congenital missing. The remaining space after tooth loss may cause functional and esthetic problems. Therefore restorative dentists should attempt to manage these spaces using conservative methods. The goal is to restore the lost esthetic and function, prevent phonetic, self-esteem and personality problems and tongue habits. Preserving alveolar bone is also of great importance during the growth stage. Purpose: When deciding about the management of the missing tooth, space implants are contradicted until the completion of dentoalveolar development. Even in adulthood, due to systemic or periodontal problems or biological and economic issues, the implant might not be indicated. In this article, the alternative conservative restorative methods of space maintenance are going to be discussed. Essix retainers are made chair-side as easy as forming a custom bleaching tray with some modifications. They are esthetically acceptable and not expensive. These temporaries provide support for the lips but could not be used during function. Mini-screw-supported temporaries are another option for maintaining the space, especially after orthodontic treatment when there is a time lag between the termination of orthodontic treatment and definitive restoration. Two techniques will be presented for this kind of restoration: Denture tooth pontic or a composite crown. The benefits are alveolar bone preservation, Physiologic pressure on the alveolar ridge to increase its density and even can be retained until the completion of the definitive treatment. Bonded fixed partial denture includes Maryland bridge, fiber-reinforced composite bridge, resin-bonded bridge, and ceramic bonded bridge. These types of bridges are recommended to be used after a pubertal growth spurt and a recent meta-analysis considered their clinical success similar to conventional FDPs and implant-supported crowns. However, they have several advantages that are going to be discussed by presenting some clinical examples. Practical instruction on how to construct an FRC bridge and a novel chair-side Maryland bridge will be given by means of clinical cases. Clinical relevance: minimally invasive options should always be considered and destruction of healthy enamel and dentin during the preparation phase should be avoided as much as possible.Keywords: tooth missing, fiber-reinforced composite, Maryland, Essix retainers, screw-retained restoration
Procedia PDF Downloads 1994141 Application of Fatty Acid Salts for Antimicrobial Agents in Koji-Muro
Authors: Aya Tanaka, Mariko Era, Shiho Sakai, Takayoshi Kawahara, Takahide Kanyama, Hiroshi Morita
Objectives: Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus oryzae are used as koji fungi in the spot of the brewing. Since koji-muro (room for making koji) was a low level of airtightness, microbial contamination has long been a concern to the alcoholic beverage production. Therefore, we focused on the fatty acid salt which is the main component of soap. Fatty acid salts have been reported to show some antibacterial and antifungal activity. So this study examined antimicrobial activities against Aspergillus and Bacillus spp. This study aimed to find the effectiveness of the fatty acid salt in koji-muro as antimicrobial agents. Materials & Methods: A. niger NBRC 31628, A. oryzae NBRC 5238, A. oryzae (Akita Konno store) and Bacillus subtilis NBRC 3335 were chosen as tested. Nine fatty acid salts including potassium butyrate (C4K), caproate (C6K), caprylate (C8K), caprate (C10K), laurate (C12K), myristate (C14K), oleate (C18:1K), linoleate (C18:2K) and linolenate (C18:3K) at 350 mM and pH 10.5 were used as antimicrobial activity. FASs and spore suspension were prepared in plastic tubes. The spore suspension of each fungus (3.0×104 spores/mL) or the bacterial suspension (3.0×105 CFU/mL) was mixed with each of the fatty acid salts (final concentration of 175 mM). The mixtures were incubated at 25 ℃. Samples were counted at 0, 10, 60, and 180 min by plating (100 µL) on potato dextrose agar. Fungal and bacterial colonies were counted after incubation for 1 or 2 days at 30 ℃. The MIC (minimum inhibitory concentration) is defined as the lowest concentration of drug sufficient for inhibiting visible growth of spore after 10 min of incubation. MICs against fungi and bacteria were determined using the two-fold dilution method. Each fatty acid salt was separately inoculated with 400 µL of Aspergillus spp. or B. subtilis NBRC 3335 at 3.0 × 104 spores/mL or 3.0 × 105 CFU/mL. Results: No obvious change was observed in tested fatty acid salts against A. niger and A. oryzae. However, C12K was the antibacterial effect of 5 log-unit incubated time for 10 min against B. subtilis. Thus, C12K suppressed 99.999 % of bacterial growth. Besides, C10K was the antibacterial effect of 5 log-unit incubated time for 180 min against B. subtilis. C18:1K, C18:2K and C18:3K was the antibacterial effect of 5 log-unit incubated time for 10 min against B. subtilis. However, compared to saturated fatty acid salts to unsaturated fatty acid salts, saturated fatty acid salts are lower cost. These results suggest C12K has potential in the field of koji-muro. It is necessary to evaluate the antimicrobial activity against other fungi and bacteria, in the future.Keywords: Aspergillus, antimicrobial, fatty acid salts, koji-muro
Procedia PDF Downloads 5554140 Determinants of Budget Performance in an Oil-Based Economy
Authors: Adeola Adenikinju, Olusanya E. Olubusoye, Lateef O. Akinpelu, Dilinna L. Nwobi
Since the enactment of the Fiscal Responsibility Act (2007), the Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) has made public its fiscal budget and the subsequent implementation report. A critical review of these documents shows significant variations in the five macroeconomic variables which are inputs in each Presidential budget; oil Production target (mbpd), oil price ($), Foreign exchange rate(N/$), and Gross Domestic Product growth rate (%) and inflation rate (%). This results in underperformance of the Federal budget expected output in terms of non-oil and oil revenue aggregates. This paper evaluates first the existing variance between budgeted and actuals, then the relationship and causality between the determinants of Federal fiscal budget assumptions, and finally the determinants of FGN’s Gross Oil Revenue. The paper employed the use of descriptive statistics, the Autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model, and a Profit oil probabilistic model to achieve these objectives. This model permits for both the static and dynamic effect(s) of the independent variable(s) on the dependent variable, unlike a static model that accounts for static or fixed effect(s) only. It offers a technique for checking the existence of a long-run relationship between variables, unlike other tests of cointegration, such as the Engle-Granger and Johansen tests, which consider only non-stationary series that are integrated of the same order. Finally, even with small sample size, the ARDL model is known to generate a valid result, for it is the dependent variable and is the explanatory variable. The results showed that there is a long-run relationship between oil revenue as a proxy for budget performance and its determinants; oil price, produced oil quantity, and foreign exchange rate. There is a short-run relationship between oil revenue and its determinants; oil price, produced oil quantity, and foreign exchange rate. There is a long-run relationship between non-oil revenue and its determinants; inflation rate, GDP growth rate, and foreign exchange rate. The grangers’ causality test results show that there is a mono-directional causality between oil revenue and its determinants. The Federal budget assumptions only explain 68% of oil revenue and 62% of non-oil revenue. There is a mono-directional causality between non-oil revenue and its determinants. The Profit oil Model describes production sharing contracts, joint ventures, and modified carrying arrangements as the greatest contributors to FGN’s gross oil revenue. This provides empirical justification for the selected macroeconomic variables used in the Federal budget design and performance evaluation. The research recommends other variables, debt and money supply, be included in the Federal budget design to explain the Federal budget revenue performance further.Keywords: ARDL, budget performance, oil price, oil quantity, oil revenue
Procedia PDF Downloads 1784139 High Quality Gallium Oxide Microstructures by Catalyst-Free Thermal Oxidation
Authors: Jiang-Bei Qin, Rui-Xia Miao, Wei Ren
In this study, high crystalline gallium oxide microstructures (wires, belts, and sheets) were synthesized by catalyst-free thermal oxidation. Structural studies such as X-ray diffraction, Raman and transmission electron microscope (TEM) investigations on the microstructures showed monoclinic phase of gallium oxide and single crystalline structure. The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observations revealed that a huge super microsheet even grows up to 450 µm in length and 206 µm in width. Gallium oxide microstructures exhibit high crystallinity along (002) and (401), respectively. The PL spectrum of these microstructures excites a blue light band centered at 441 and 489nm. The growth mechanism of gallium oxide microstructures is discussed. These gallium oxide microstructures have great potential in functional devices.Keywords: catalyst-free, gallium oxide, microstructures, thermal oxide
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