Search results for: digital reading
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 3643

Search results for: digital reading

1363 Mobile Device Applications in Physical Education: Investigating New Pedagogical Possibilities

Authors: Danica Vidotto


Digital technology is continuing to disrupt and challenge local conventions of teaching and education. As mobile devices continue to make their way into contemporary classrooms, educators need new pedagogies incorporating information communication technology to help reform the learning environment. In physical education, however, this can seem controversial as physical inactivity is often related to an excess of screen-time. This qualitative research project is an investigation on how physical educators use mobile device applications (apps) in their pedagogy and to what end. A comprehensive literature review is included to examine and engage current academic research of new pedagogies and technology, and their relevance to physical activity. Data were collected through five semi-structured interviews resulting in three overarching themes; i) changing pedagogies in physical education; ii) the perceived benefits and experienced challenges of using apps; and iii) apps, physical activity, and physical education. This study concludes with a discussion of the findings engaging the literature, discussing the implications of findings, and recommendations for future research.

Keywords: applications (apps), mobile devices, new pedagogies, physical education

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1362 Reducing Flood Risk in a Megacity: Using Mobile Application and Value Capture for Flood Risk Prevention and Risk Reduction Financing

Authors: Dedjo Yao Simon, Takahiro Saito, Norikazu Inuzuka, Ikuo Sugiyama


The megacity of Abidjan is a coastal urban area where the number of floods reported and the associated impacts are on a rapid increase due to climate change, an uncontrolled urbanization, a rapid population increase, a lack of flood disaster mitigation and citizens’ awareness. The objective of this research is to reduce in the short and long term period, the human and socio-economic impact of the flood. Hydrological simulation is applied on free of charge global spatial data (digital elevation model, satellite-based rainfall estimate, landuse) to identify the flood-prone area and to map the risk of flood. A direct interview to a sample residents is used to validate the simulation results. Then a mobile application (Flood Locator) is prototyped to disseminate the risk information to the citizen. In addition, a value capture strategy is proposed to mobilize financial resource for disaster risk reduction (DRRf) to reduce the impact of the flood. The town of Cocody in Abidjan is selected as a case study area to implement this research. The mapping of the flood risk reveals that population living in the study area is highly vulnerable. For a 5-year flood, more than 60% of the floodplain is affected by a water depth of at least 0.5 meters; and more than 1000 ha with at least 5000 buildings are directly exposed. The risk becomes higher for a 50 and 100-year floods. Also, the interview reveals that the majority of the citizen are not aware of the risk and severity of flooding in their community. This shortage of information is overcome by the Flood Locator and by an urban flood database we prototype for accumulate flood data. Flood Locator App allows the users to view floodplain and depth on a digital map; the user can activate the GPS sensor of the mobile to visualize his location on the map. Some more important additional features allow the citizen user to capture flood events and damage information that they can send remotely to the database. Also, the disclosure of the risk information could result to a decrement (-14%) of the value of properties locate inside floodplain and an increment (+19%) of the value of property in the suburb area. The tax increment due to the higher tax increment in the safer area should be captured to constitute the DRRf. The fund should be allocated to the reduction of flood risk for the benefit of people living in flood-prone areas. The flood prevention system discusses in this research will minimize in the short and long term the direct damages in the risky area due to effective awareness of citizen and the availability of DRRf. It will also contribute to the growth of the urban area in the safer zone and reduce human settlement in the risky area in the long term. Data accumulated in the urban flood database through the warning app will contribute to regenerate Abidjan towards the more resilient city by means of risk avoidable landuse in the master plan.

Keywords: abidjan, database, flood, geospatial techniques, risk communication, smartphone, value capture

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1361 Revealing Celtic and Norse Mythological Depths through Dragon Age’s Tattoos and Narratives

Authors: Charles W. MacQuarrie, Rachel R. Tatro Duarte


This paper explores the representation of medieval identity within the world of games such as Dragon Age, Elden Ring, Hellblade: Senua’s sacrifice, fantasy role-playing games that draw effectively and problematically on Celtic and Norse mythologies. Focusing on tattoos, onomastics, and accent as visual and oral markers of status and ethnicity, this study analyzes how the game's interplay between mythology, character narratives, and visual storytelling enriches the themes and offers players an immersive, but sometimes baldly ahistorical, connection to ancient mythologies and contemporary digital storytelling. Dragon Age is a triple a game series, Hellblade Senua’s Sacrifice, and Elden Ring of gamers worldwide with its presentation of an idealized medieval world, inspired by the lore of Celtic and Norse mythologies. This paper sets out to explore the intricate relationships between tattoos, accent, and character narratives in the game, drawing parallels to themes,heroic figures and gods from Celtic and Norse mythologies. Tattoos as Mythic and Ethnic Markers: This study analyzes how tattoos in Dragon Age visually represent mythological elements from both Celtic and Norse cultures, serving as conduits of cultural identity and narratives. The nature of these tattoos reflects the slave, criminal, warrior associations made in classical and medieval literature, and some of the episodes concerning tattoos in the games have either close analogs or sources in literature. For example the elvish character Solas, in Dragon Age Inquisition, removes a slave tattoo from the face of a lower status elf in an episode that is reminiscent of Bridget removing the stigmata from Connallus in the Vita Prima of Saint Bridget Character Narratives: The paper examines how characters' personal narratives in the game parallel the archetypal journeys of Celtic heroes and Norse gods, with a focus on their relationships to mythic themes. In these games the Elves usually have Welsh or Irish accents, are close to nature, magically powerful, oppressed by apparently Anglo-Saxon humans and Norse dwarves, and these elves wear facial tattoos. The Welsh voices of fairies and demons is older than the reference in Shakespeare’s Merry Wives of Windsor or even the Anglo-Saxon Life of Saint Guthlac. The English speaking world, and the fantasy genre of literature and gaming, undoubtedly driven by Tolkien, see Elves as Welsh speakers, and as having Welsh accents when speaking English Comparative Analysis: A comparative approach is employed to reveal connections, adaptations, and unique interpretations of the motifs of tattoos and narrative themes in Dragon Age, compared to those found in Celtic and Norse mythologies. Methodology: The study uses a comparative approach to examine the similarities and distinctions between Celtic and Norse mythologies and their counterparts in video games. The analysis encompasses character studies, narrative exploration, visual symbolism, and the historical context of Celtic and Norse cultures. Mythic Visuals: This study showcases how tattoos, as visual symbols, encapsulate mythic narratives, beliefs, and cultural identity, echoing Celtic and Norse visual motifs. Archetypal Journeys: The paper analyzes how character arcs mirror the heroic journeys of Celtic and Norse mythological figures, allowing players to engage with mythic narratives on a personal level. Cultural Interplay: The study discusses how the game's portrayal of tattoos and narratives both preserves and reinterprets elements from Celtic and Norse mythologies, fostering a connection between ancient cultures and modern digital storytelling. Conclusion: By exploring the interconnectedness of tattoos and character narratives in Dragon Age, this paper reveals the game series' ability to act as a bridge between ancient mythologies and contemporary gaming. By drawing inspiration from Celtic heroes and Norse gods and translating them into digital narratives and visual motifs, Dragon Age offers players a multi-dimensional engagement with mythic themes and a unique lens through which to appreciate the enduring allure of these cultures.

Keywords: comparative analysis, character narratives, video games and literature, tattoos, immersive storytelling, character development, mythological influences, Celtic mythology, Norset mythology

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1360 Design of a Telemetry, Tracking, and Command Radio-Frequency Receiver for Small Satellites Based on Commercial Off-The-Shelf Components

Authors: A. Lovascio, A. D’Orazio, V. Centonze


From several years till now the aerospace industry is developing more and more small satellites for Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) missions. Such satellites have a low cost of making and launching since they have a size and weight smaller than other types of satellites. However, because of size limitations, small satellites need integrated electronic equipment based on digital logic. Moreover, the LEOs require telecommunication modules with high throughput to transmit to earth a big amount of data in a short time. In order to meet such requirements, in this paper we propose a Telemetry, Tracking & Command module optimized through the use of the Commercial Off-The-Shelf components. The proposed approach exploits the major flexibility offered by these components in reducing costs and optimizing the performance. The method has been applied in detail for the design of the front-end receiver, which has a low noise figure (1.5 dB) and DC power consumption (smaller than 2 W). Such a performance is particularly attractive since it allows fulfilling the energy budget stringent constraints that are typical for LEO small platforms.

Keywords: COTS, LEO, small-satellite, TT&C

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1359 On-Line Impulse Buying and Cognitive Dissonance: The Moderating Role of the Positive Affective State

Authors: G. Mattia, A. Di Leo, L. Principato


The purchase impulsiveness is preceded by a lack of self-control: consequently, it is legitimate to believe that a consumer with a low level of self-control can result in a higher probability of cognitive dissonance. Moreover, the process of purchase is influenced by the pre-existing affective state in a considerable way. With reference to on-line purchases, digital behavior cannot be merely ascribed to the rational sphere, given the speed and ease of transactions and the hedonistic dimension of purchases. To our knowledge, this research is among the first cases of verification of the effect of moderation exerted by the positive affective state in the on-line impulse purchase of products with a high expressive value such as a smartphone on the occurrence of cognitive dissonance. To this aim, a moderation analysis was conducted on a sample of 212 impulsive millennials buyers. Three scales were adopted to measure the constructs of interest: IBTS for impulsivity, PANAS for the affective state, Sweeney for cognitive dissonance. The analysis revealed that positive affective state does not affect the onset of cognitive dissonance.

Keywords: cognitive dissonance, impulsive buying, online shopping, online consumer behavior

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1358 Investigation of Chip Formation Characteristics during Surface Finishing of HDPE Samples

Authors: M. S. Kaiser, S. Reaz Ahmed


Chip formation characteristics are investigated during surface finishing of high density polyethylene (HDPE) samples using a shaper machine. Both the cutting speed and depth of cut are varied continually to enable observations under various machining conditions. The generated chips are analyzed in terms of their shape, size, and deformation. Their physical appearances are also observed using digital camera and optical microscope. The investigation shows that continuous chips are obtained for all the cutting conditions. It is observed that cutting speed is more influential than depth of cut to cause dimensional changes of chips. Chips curl radius is also found to increase gradually with the increase of cutting speed. The length of continuous chips remains always smaller than the job length, and the corresponding discrepancies are found to be more prominent at lower cutting speed. Microstructures of the chips reveal that cracks are formed at higher cutting speeds and depth of cuts, which is not that significant at low depth of cut.

Keywords: HDPE, surface-finishing, chip formation, deformation, roughness

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1357 Investigating The Use Of Socially Assistive Robots To Support Learner Engagement For Students With Learning Disabilities In One-to-one Instructional Settings

Authors: Jennifer Fane, Mike Gray, Melissa Sager


Children with diagnosed or suspected learning disabilities frequently experience significant skill gaps in foundational learning areas such as reading, writing, and math. Remedial one-to-one instruction is a highly effective means of supporting children with learning differences in building these foundational skills and closing the learning gap between them and their same-age peers. However, due to the learning challenges children with learning disabilities face, and ensuing challenges with self-confidence, many children with learning differences struggle with motivation and self-regulation within remedial one-to-one learning environments - despite the benefits of these sessions. Socially Assistive Robots (SARs) are an innovative educational technology tool that has been trialled in a range of educational settings to support diverse learning needs. Yet, little is known about the impact of SARs on the learning of children with learning differences in a one-to-one remedial instructional setting. This study sought to explore the impact of SARs on the engagement of children (n=9) with learning differences attending one-to-one remedial instruction sessions at a non-profit remedial education provider. The study used a mixed-methods design to explore learner engagement during learning tasks both with and without the use of a SAR to investigate how the use of SARs impacts student learning. The study took place over five weeks, with each session within the study followed the same procedure with the SAR acting as a teaching assistant when in use. Data from the study included analysis of time-sample video segments of the instructional sessions, instructor recorded information about the student’s progress towards their session learning goal and student self-reported mood and energy levels before and after the session. Analysis of the findings indicates that the use of SARs resulted in fewer instances of off-task behaviour and less need for instructor re-direction during learning tasks, allowing students to work in more sustained ways towards their learning goals. This initial research indicates that the use of SARs does have a material and measurable impact on learner engagement for children with learning differences and that further exploration of the impact of SARs during one-to-one remedial instruction is warranted.

Keywords: engagement, learning differences, learning disabilities, instruction, social robotics.

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1356 Key Performance Indicators and the Model for Achieving Digital Inclusion for Smart Cities

Authors: Khalid Obaed Mahmod, Mesut Cevik


The term smart city has appeared recently and was accompanied by many definitions and concepts, but as a simplified and clear definition, it can be said that the smart city is a geographical location that has gained efficiency and flexibility in providing public services to citizens through its use of technological and communication technologies, and this is what distinguishes it from other cities. Smart cities connect the various components of the city through the main and sub-networks in addition to a set of applications and thus be able to collect data that is the basis for providing technological solutions to manage resources and provide services. The basis of the work of the smart city is the use of artificial intelligence and the technology of the Internet of Things. The work presents the concept of smart cities, the pillars, standards, and evaluation indicators on which smart cities depend, and the reasons that prompted the world to move towards its establishment. It also provides a simplified hypothetical way to measure the ideal smart city model by defining some indicators and key pillars, simulating them with logic circuits, and testing them to determine if the city can be considered an ideal smart city or not.

Keywords: factors, indicators, logic gates, pillars, smart city

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1355 Academic Literacy: Semantic-Discursive Resource and the Relationship with the Constitution of Genre for the Development of Writing

Authors: Lucia Rottava


The present study focuses on academic literacy and addresses the impact of semantic-discursive resources on the constitution of genres that are produced in such context. The research considers the development of writing in the academic context in Portuguese. Researches that address academic literacy and the characteristics of the texts produced in this context are rare, mainly with focus on the development of writing, considering three variables: the constitution of the writer, the perception of the reader/interlocutor and the organization of the informational text flow. The research aims to map the semantic-discursive resources of the written register in texts of several genres and produced by students in the first semester of the undergraduate course in letters. The hypothesis raised is that writing in the academic environment is not a recurrent literacy practice for these learners and can be explained by the ontogenetic and phylogenetic nature of language development. Qualitative in nature, the present research has as empirical data texts produced in a half-yearly course of Reading and Textual Production; these data result from the proposition of four different writing proposals, in a total of 600 texts. The corpus is analyzed based on semantic-discursive resources, seeking to contemplate relevant aspects of language (grammar, discourse and social context) that reveal the choices made in the reader/writer interrelationship and the organizational flow of the text. Among the semantic-discursive resources, the analysis includes three resources, including (a) appraisal and negotiation to understand the attitudes negotiated (roles of the participants of the discourse and their relationship with the other); (b) ideation to explain the construction of the experience (activities performed and participants); and (c) periodicity to outline the flow of information in the organization of the text according to the genre it instantiates. The results indicate the organizational difficulties of the flow of the text information. Cartography contributes to the understanding of the way writers use language in an effort to present themselves, evaluate someone else’s work, and communicate with readers.

Keywords: academic writing, portuguese mother tongue, semantic-discursive resources, sistemic funcional linguistic

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1354 The Reach of Shopping Center Layout Form on Subway Based on Kernel Density Estimate

Authors: Wen Liu


With the rapid progress of modern cities, the railway construction must be developing quickly in China. As a typical high-density country, shopping center on the subway should be one important factor during the process of urban development. The paper discusses the influence of the layout of shopping center on the subway, and put it in the time and space’s axis of Shanghai urban development. We use the digital technology to establish the database of relevant information. And then get the change role about shopping center on subway in Shanghaiby the Kernel density estimate. The result shows the development of shopping center on subway has a relationship with local economic strength, population size, policy support, and city construction. And the suburbanization trend of shopping center would be increasingly significant. By this case research, we could see the Kernel density estimate is an efficient analysis method on the spatial layout. It could reveal the characters of layout form of shopping center on subway in essence. And it can also be applied to the other research of space form.

Keywords: Shanghai, shopping center on the subway, layout form, Kernel density estimate

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1353 A Socio-Technical Approach to Cyber-Risk Assessment

Authors: Kitty Kioskli, Nineta Polemi


Evaluating the levels of cyber-security risks within an enterprise is most important in protecting its information system, services and all its digital assets against security incidents (e.g. accidents, malicious acts, massive cyber-attacks). The existing risk assessment methodologies (e.g. eBIOS, OCTAVE, CRAMM, NIST-800) adopt a technical approach considering as attack factors only the capability, intention and target of the attacker, and not paying attention to the attacker’s psychological profile and personality traits. In this paper, a socio-technical approach is proposed in cyber risk assessment, in order to achieve more realistic risk estimates by considering the personality traits of the attackers. In particular, based upon principles from investigative psychology and behavioural science, a multi-dimensional, extended, quantifiable model for an attacker’s profile is developed, which becomes an additional factor in the cyber risk level calculation.

Keywords: attacker, behavioural models, cyber risk assessment, cybersecurity, human factors, investigative psychology, ISO27001, ISO27005

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1352 Overcoming the Challenges of Subjective Truths in the Post-Truth Age Through a CriticalEthical English Pedagogy

Authors: Farah Vierra


Following the 2016 US presidential election and the advancement of the Brexit referendum, the concept of “post-truth”, defined by Oxford Dictionary as “relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief”, came into prominent use in public, political and educational circles. What this essentially entails is that in this age, individuals are increasingly confronted with subjective perpetuations of truth in their discourse spheres that are informed by beliefs and opinions as opposed to any form of coherence to the reality of those who these truth claims concern. In principle, a subjective delineation of truth is progressive and liberating – especially considering its potential in providing marginalised groups in the diverse communities of our globalised world with the voice to articulate truths that are representative of themselves and their experiences. However, any form of human flourishing that seems to be promised here collapses as the tenets of subjective truths initially in place to liberate has been distorted through post-truth to allow individuals to purport selective and individualistic truth claims that further oppress and silence certain groups within society without due accountability. The evidence of which is prevalent through the conception of terms such as "alternative facts" and "fake news" that we observe individuals declare when their problematic truth claims are questioned. Considering the pervasiveness of post-truth and the ethical issues that accompany it, educators and scholars alike have increasingly noted the need to adapt educational practices and pedagogies to account for the diminishing objectivity of truth in the twenty-first century, especially because students, as digital natives, find themselves in the firing line of post-truth; engulfed in digital societies that proliferate post-truth through the surge of truth claims allowed in various media sites. In an attempt to equip students with the vital skills to navigate the post-truth age and oppose its proliferation of social injustices, English educators find themselves having to devise instructional strategies that not only teach students the ways they can critically and ethically scrutinise truth claims but also teach them to mediate the subjectivity of truth in a manner that does not undermine the voices of diverse communities. In hopes of providing educators with the roadmap to do so, this paper will first examine the challenges that confront students as a result of post-truth. Following which, the paper will elucidate the role English education can play in helping students overcome the complex ramifications of post-truth. Scholars have consistently touted the affordances of literary texts in providing students with imagined spaces to explore societal issues through a critical discernment of language and an ethical engagement with its narrative developments. Therefore, this paper will explain and demonstrate how literary texts, when used alongside a critical-ethical post-truth pedagogy that equips students with interpretive strategies informed by literary traditions such as literary and ethical criticism, can be effective in helping students develop the pertinent skills to comprehensively examine truth claims and overcome the challenges of the post-truth age.

Keywords: post-truth, pedagogy, ethics, English, education

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1351 Data Gathering and Analysis for Arabic Historical Documents

Authors: Ali Dulla


This paper introduces a new dataset (and the methodology used to generate it) based on a wide range of historical Arabic documents containing clean data simple and homogeneous-page layouts. The experiments are implemented on printed and handwritten documents obtained respectively from some important libraries such as Qatar Digital Library, the British Library and the Library of Congress. We have gathered and commented on 150 archival document images from different locations and time periods. It is based on different documents from the 17th-19th century. The dataset comprises differing page layouts and degradations that challenge text line segmentation methods. Ground truth is produced using the Aletheia tool by PRImA and stored in an XML representation, in the PAGE (Page Analysis and Ground truth Elements) format. The dataset presented will be easily available to researchers world-wide for research into the obstacles facing various historical Arabic documents such as geometric correction of historical Arabic documents.

Keywords: dataset production, ground truth production, historical documents, arbitrary warping, geometric correction

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1350 'iTheory': Mobile Way to Music Fundamentals

Authors: Marina Karaseva


The beginning of our century became a new digital epoch in the educational situation. Last decade the newest stage of this process had been initialized by the touch-screen mobile devices with program applications for them. The touch possibilities for learning fundamentals of music are of especially importance for music majors. The phenomenon of touching, firstly, makes it realistic to play on the screen as on music instrument, secondly, helps students to learn music theory while listening in its sound elements by music ear. Nowadays we can detect several levels of such mobile applications: from the basic ones devoting to the elementary music training such as intervals and chords recognition, to the more advanced applications which deal with music perception of non-major and minor modes, ethnic timbres, and complicated rhythms. The main purpose of the proposed paper is to disclose the main tendencies in this process and to demonstrate the most innovative features of music theory applications on the base of iOS and Android systems as the most common used. Methodological recommendations how to use these digital material musicologically will be done for the professional music education of different levels. These recommendations are based on more than ten year ‘iTheory’ teaching experience of the author. In this paper, we try to logically classify all types of ‘iTheory’mobile applications into several groups, according to their methodological goals. General concepts given below will be demonstrated in concrete examples. The most numerous group of programs is formed with simulators for studying notes with audio-visual links. There are link-pair types as follows: sound — musical notation which may be used as flashcards for studying words and letters, sound — key, sound — string (basically, guitar’s). The second large group of programs is programs-tests containing a game component. As a rule, their basis is made with exercises on ear identification and reconstruction by voice: sounds and intervals on their sounding — harmonical and melodical, music modes, rhythmic patterns, chords, selected instrumental timbres. Some programs are aimed at an establishment of acoustical communications between concepts of the musical theory and their musical embodiments. There are also programs focused on progress of operative musical memory (with repeating of sounding phrases and their transposing in a new pitch), as well as on perfect pitch training In addition a number of programs improvisation skills have been developed. An absolute pitch-system of solmisation is a common base for mobile programs. However, it is possible to find also the programs focused on the relative pitch system of solfegе. In App Store and Google Play Market online store there are also many free programs-simulators of musical instruments — piano, guitars, celesta, violin, organ. These programs may be effective for individual and group exercises in ear training or composition classes. Great variety and good sound quality of these programs give now a unique opportunity to musicians to master their music abilities in a shorter time. That is why such teaching material may be a way to effective study of music theory.

Keywords: ear training, innovation in music education, music theory, mobile devices

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1349 Implementation of ALD in Product Development: Study of ROPS to Improve Energy Absorption Performance Using Absorption Part

Authors: Zefry Darmawan, Shigeyuki Haruyama, Ken Kaminishi


Product development is a big issue in the industrial competition and takes a serious part in development of technology. Product development process could adapt high changes of market needs and transform into engineering concept in order to produce high-quality product. One of the latest methods in product development is Analysis-Led-Design (ALD). It utilizes digital engineering design tools with finite analysis to perform product robust analysis and valuable for product reliability assurance. Heavy machinery which operates under severe condition should maintain safety to the customer when faced with potential hazard. Cab frame should able to absorb the energy while collision. Through ALD, a series of improvement of cab frame to increase energy absorption was made and analyzed. Improvement was made by modifying shapes of frame and-or install absorption device in certain areas. Simulation result showed that install absorption device could increase absorption energy than modifying shape.

Keywords: ALD, ROPS, energy absorption, cab frame

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1348 Epistemological and Ethical Dimensions of Current Concepts of Human Resilience in the Neurosciences

Authors: Norbert W. Paul


Since a number of years, scientific interest in human resilience is rapidly increasing especially in psychology and more recently and highly visible in neurobiological research. Concepts of resilience are regularly discussed in the light of liminal experiences and existential challenges in human life. Resilience research is providing both, explanatory models and strategies to promote or foster human resilience. Surprisingly, these approaches attracted little attention so far in philosophy in general and in ethics in particular. This is even more astonishing given the fact that the neurosciences as such have been and still are of major interest to philosophy and ethics and even brought about the specialized field of neuroethics, which, however, is not concerned with concepts of resilience, so far. As a result of the little attention given to the topic of resilience, the whole concept has to date been a philosophically under-theorized. This abstinence of ethics and philosophy in resilience research is lamentable because resilience as a concept as well as resilience interventions based on neurobiological findings do undoubtedly pose philosophical, social and ethical questions. In this paper, we will argue that particular notions of resilience are crossing the sometimes fine line between maintaining a person’s mental health despite the impact of severe psychological or physical adverse events and ethically more debatable discourses of enhancement. While we neither argue for or against enhancement nor re-interpret resilience research and interventions by subsuming them strategies of psychological and/or neuro-enhancement, we encourage those who see social or ethical problems with enhancement technologies should also take a closer look on resilience and the related neurobiological concepts. We will proceed in three steps. In our first step, we will describe the concept of resilience in general and its neurobiological study in particular. Here, we will point out some important differences in the way ‘resilience’ is conceptualized and how neurobiological research understands resilience. In what follows we will try to show that a one-sided concept of resilience – as it is often presented in neurobiological research on resilience – does pose social and ethical problems. Secondly, we will identify and explore the social and ethical challenges of (neurobiological) enhancement. In the last and final step of this paper, we will argue that a one-sided reading of resilience can be understood as latent form of enhancement in transition and poses ethical questions similar to those discussed in relation to other approaches to the biomedical enhancement of humans.

Keywords: resilience, neurosciences, epistemology, bioethics

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1347 Implementation of Elliptic Curve Cryptography Encryption Engine on a FPGA

Authors: Mohamad Khairi Ishak


Conventional public key crypto systems such as RSA (Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir and Leonard Adleman), DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm), and Elgamal are no longer efficient to be implemented in the small, memory constrained devices. Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC), which allows smaller key length as compared to conventional public key crypto systems, has thus become a very attractive choice for many applications. This paper describes implementation of an elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) encryption engine on a FPGA. The system has been implemented in 2 different key sizes, which are 131 bits and 163 bits. Area and timing analysis are provided for both key sizes for comparison. The crypto system, which has been implemented on Altera’s EPF10K200SBC600-1, has a hardware size of 5945/9984 and 6913/9984 of logic cells for 131 bits implementation and 163 bits implementation respectively. The crypto system operates up to 43 MHz, and performs point multiplication operation in 11.3 ms for 131 bits implementation and 14.9 ms for 163 bits implementation. In terms of speed, our crypto system is about 8 times faster than the software implementation of the same system.

Keywords: elliptic curve cryptography, FPGA, key sizes, memory

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1346 Cascade Control for Pressure Calibration by Fieldbus Communication System

Authors: Chatchaval Pornpatkul, Wipawan Suksathid


This paper is to study and control the pressure of the water inside the open tank using a cascade control with the communication in the process by fieldbus system for the pressure calibration. The plant model is to be used in experiments to control the level and flow process of the water by using Syscon program to create functions. We used to control by Intouch runtime program to create the graphic display on the screen. In this case we used PI control the level and the flow process of water in the open tank in the range of 0 – 10 L/m. The output signal of the level and the flow transmitter are the digital standard signal by fieldbus system. And all information displayed on the computer with the communication between the computer and plant model can be communication to each other through just one cable pair. And in this paper, the PI tuning, we used calculate by Ziegler-Nichols reaction curve method to control the plant model by PI controller.

Keywords: cascade control, fieldbus system, pressure calibration, microelectronics systems

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1345 Effect of Digital Technology on Students Interest, Achievement and Retention in Algebra in Abia State College of Education (Technical) Arochukwu

Authors: Stephen O. Amaraihu


This research investigated the effect of Computer Based Instruction on Students’ interest, achievement, and retention in Algebra in Abia State College of Education (Technical), Arochukwu. Three research questions and two hypotheses guided the study. Two instruments, Maths Achievement Test (MAT) and Maths Interest Inventory were employed, to test a population of three hundred and sixteen (316) NCE 1 students in algebra. It is expected that this research will lead to the improvement of students’ performance and enhance their interest and retention of basic algebraic concept. It was found that the majority of students in the college are not proficient in the use of ICT as a result of a lack of trained personnel. It was concluded that the state government was not ready to implement the usage of mathematics in Abia State College of Education. The paper recommends, amongst others, the employment of mathematics Lectures with competent skills in ICT and the training of lecturers of mathematics.

Keywords: achievement, computer based instruction, interest, retention

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1344 “laws Drifting Off While Artificial Intelligence Thriving” – A Comparative Study with Special Reference to Computer Science and Information Technology

Authors: Amarendar Reddy Addula


Definition of Artificial Intelligence: Artificial intelligence is the simulation of mortal intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems. Explicit operations of AI comprise expert systems, natural language processing, and speech recognition, and machine vision. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an original medium for digital business, according to a new report by Gartner. The last 10 times represent an advance period in AI’s development, prodded by the confluence of factors, including the rise of big data, advancements in cipher structure, new machine literacy ways, the materialization of pall computing, and the vibrant open- source ecosystem. Influence of AI to a broader set of use cases and druggies and its gaining fashionability because it improves AI’s versatility, effectiveness, and rigidity. Edge AI will enable digital moments by employing AI for real- time analytics closer to data sources. Gartner predicts that by 2025, further than 50 of all data analysis by deep neural networks will do at the edge, over from lower than 10 in 2021. Responsible AI is a marquee term for making suitable business and ethical choices when espousing AI. It requires considering business and societal value, threat, trust, translucency, fairness, bias mitigation, explainability, responsibility, safety, sequestration, and nonsupervisory compliance. Responsible AI is ever more significant amidst growing nonsupervisory oversight, consumer prospects, and rising sustainability pretensions. Generative AI is the use of AI to induce new vestiges and produce innovative products. To date, generative AI sweats have concentrated on creating media content similar as photorealistic images of people and effects, but it can also be used for law generation, creating synthetic irregular data, and designing medicinals and accoutrements with specific parcels. AI is the subject of a wide- ranging debate in which there's a growing concern about its ethical and legal aspects. Constantly, the two are varied and nonplussed despite being different issues and areas of knowledge. The ethical debate raises two main problems the first, abstract, relates to the idea and content of ethics; the alternate, functional, and concerns its relationship with the law. Both set up models of social geste, but they're different in compass and nature. The juridical analysis is grounded on anon-formalistic scientific methodology. This means that it's essential to consider the nature and characteristics of the AI as a primary step to the description of its legal paradigm. In this regard, there are two main issues the relationship between artificial and mortal intelligence and the question of the unitary or different nature of the AI. From that theoretical and practical base, the study of the legal system is carried out by examining its foundations, the governance model, and the nonsupervisory bases. According to this analysis, throughout the work and in the conclusions, International Law is linked as the top legal frame for the regulation of AI.

Keywords: artificial intelligence, ethics & human rights issues, laws, international laws

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1343 The Promotion of AI Technology to Financial Development in China

Authors: Li Yong


Using the data of 135 financial institutions in China from 2018 to 2022, this paper deeply analyzes the underlying theoretical mechanism of artificial intelligence (AI) technology promoting financial development and examines the impact of AI technology on the digital transformation performance of financial enterprises. It is found that the level of AI technology has a significant positive impact on the development of finance. Compared with the impact on the expansion of financial scale, AI technology plays a greater role in improving the performance of financial institutions, reflecting the trend characteristics of the current AI technology to promote the evolution of financial structure. By investigating the intermediary transmission effects, we found that AI technology plays a positive role in promoting the performance of financial institutions by reducing operating costs and improving customer satisfaction, but its function in innovating financial products and mitigating financial risks is relatively limited. In addition, the promotion of AI technology in financial development has significant heterogeneity in terms of the type, scale, and attributes of financial institutions.

Keywords: artificial intelligence technology, financial development, China, heterogeneity

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1342 What We Know About Effective Learning for Pupils with SEN: Results of 2 Systematic Reviews and of a Global Classroom

Authors: Claudia Mertens, Amanda Shufflebarger


Step one: What we know about effective learning for pupils with SEN: results of 2 systematic reviews: Before establishing principles and practices for teaching and learning of pupils with SEN, we need a good overview of the results of empirical studies conducted in the respective field. Therefore, two systematic reviews on the use of digital tools in inclusive and non-inclusive school settings were conducted - taking into consideration studies published in German: One systematic review included studies having undergone a peer review process, and the second included studies without peer review). The results (collaboration of two German universities) will be presented during the conference. Step two: Students’ results of a research lab on “inclusive media education”: On this basis, German students worked on “inclusive media education” in small research projects (duration: 1 year). They were “education majors” enrolled in a course on inclusive media education. They conducted research projects on topics ranging from smartboards in inclusive settings, digital media in gifted math education, Tik Tok in German as a Foreign Language education and many more. As part of their course, the German students created an academic conference poster. In the conference, the results of these research projects/papers are put into the context of the results of the systematic reviews. Step three: Global Classroom: The German students’ posters were critically discussed in a global classroom in cooperation with Indiana University East (USA) and Hamburg University (Germany) in the winter/spring term of 2022/2023. 15 students in Germany collaborated with 15 students at Indiana University East. The IU East student participants were enrolled in “Writing in the Arts and Sciences,” which is specifically designed for pre-service teachers. The joint work began at the beginning of the Spring 2023 semester in January 2023 and continued until the end of the Uni Hamburg semester in February 2023. Before January, Uni Hamburg students had been working on a research project individually or in pairs. Didactic Approach: Both groups of students posted a brief video or audio introduction to a shared Canvas discussion page. In the joint long synchronous session, the students discussed key content terms such as inclusion, inclusive, diversity, etc., with the help of prompt cards, and they compared how they understood or applied these terms differently. Uni Hamburg students presented drafts of academic posters. IU East students gave them specific feedback. After that, IU East students wrote brief reflections summarizing what they learned from the poster. After the class, small groups were expected to create a voice recording reflecting on their experiences. In their recordings, they examined critical incidents, highlighting what they learned from these incidents. Major results of the student research and of the global classroom collaboration can be highlighted during the conference. Results: The aggregated results of the two systematic reviews AND of the research lab/global classroom can now be a sound basis for 1) improving accessibility for students with SEN and 2) for adjusting teaching materials and concepts to the needs of the students with SEN - in order to create successful learning.

Keywords: digitalization, inclusion, inclusive media education, global classroom, systematic review

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1341 An Overview of College English Writing Teaching Studies in China Between 2002 and 2022: Visualization Analysis Based on CiteSpace

Authors: Yang Yiting


This paper employs CiteSpace to conduct a visualiazation analysis of literature on college English writing teaching researches published in core journals from the CNKI database and CSSCI journals between 2002 and 2022. It aims to explore the characteristics of researches and future directions on college English writing teaching. The present study yielded the following major findings: the field primarily focuses on innovative writing teaching models and methods, the integration of traditional classroom teaching and information technology, and instructional strategies to enhance students' writing skills. The future research is anticipated to involve a hybrid writing teaching approach combining online and offline teaching methods, leveraging the "Internet+" digital platform, aiming to elevate students' writing proficiency. This paper also presents a prospective outlook for college English writing teaching research in China.

Keywords: citespace, college English, writing teaching, visualization analysis

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1340 A Coupling Study of Public Service Facilities and Land Price Based on Big Data Perspective in Wuxi City

Authors: Sisi Xia, Dezhuan Tao, Junyan Yang, Weiting Xiong


Under the background of Chinese urbanization changing from incremental development to stock development, the completion of urban public service facilities is essential to urban spatial quality. As public services facilities is a huge and complicated system, clarifying the various types of internal rules associated with the land market price is key to optimizing spatial layout. This paper takes Wuxi City as a representative sample location and establishes the digital analysis platform using urban price and several high-precision big data acquisition methods. On this basis, it analyzes the coupling relationship between different public service categories and land price, summarizing the coupling patterns of urban public facilities distribution and urban land price fluctuations. Finally, the internal mechanism within each of the two elements is explored, providing the reference of the optimum layout of urban planning and public service facilities.

Keywords: public service facilities, land price, urban spatial morphology, big data

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1339 Overcoming the Challenges of Subjective Truths in the Post-Truth Age Through a Critical-Ethical English Pedagogy

Authors: Farah Vierra


Following the 2016 US presidential election and the advancement of the Brexit referendum, the concept of “post-truth,” defined by the Oxford Dictionary as “relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief,” came into prominent use in public, political and educational circles. What this essentially entails is that in this age, individuals are increasingly confronted with subjective perpetuations of truth in their discourse spheres that are informed by beliefs and opinions as opposed to any form of coherence to the reality of those to who this truth claims concern. In principle, a subjective delineation of truth is progressive and liberating – especially considering its potential to provide marginalised groups in the diverse communities of our globalised world with the voice to articulate truths that are representative of themselves and their experiences. However, any form of human flourishing that seems to be promised here collapses as the tenets of subjective truths initially in place to liberate have been distorted through post-truth to allow individuals to purport selective and individualistic truth claims that further oppress and silence certain groups within society without due accountability. The evidence of this is prevalent through the conception of terms such as "alternative facts" and "fake news" that we observe individuals declare when their problematic truth claims are being questioned. Considering the pervasiveness of post-truth and the ethical issues that accompany it, educators and scholars alike have increasingly noted the need to adapt educational practices and pedagogies to account for the diminishing objectivity of truth in the twenty-first century, especially because students, as digital natives, find themselves in the firing line of post-truth; engulfed in digital societies that proliferate post-truth through the surge of truth claims allowed in various media sites. In an attempt to equip students with the vital skills to navigate the post-truth age and oppose its proliferation of social injustices, English educators find themselves having to contend with a complex question: how can the teaching of English equip students with the ability to critically and ethically scrutinise truth claims whilst also mediating the subjectivity of truth in a manner that does not undermine the voices of diverse communities. In order to address this question, this paper will first examine the challenges that confront students as a result of post-truth. Following this, the paper will elucidate the role English education can play in helping students overcome the complex demands of the post-truth age. Scholars have consistently touted the affordances of literary texts in providing students with imagined spaces to explore societal issues through a critical discernment of language and an ethical engagement with its narrative developments. Therefore, this paper will explain and demonstrate how literary texts, when used alongside a critical-ethical post-truth pedagogy that equips students with interpretive strategies informed by literary traditions such as literary and ethical criticism, can be effective in helping students develop the pertinent skills to comprehensively examine truth claims and overcome the challenges of the post-truth age.

Keywords: post-truth, pedagogy, ethics, english, education

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1338 Redefining Infrastructure as Code Orchestration Using AI

Authors: Georges Bou Ghantous


This research delves into the transformative impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on Infrastructure as Code (IaaC) practices, specifically focusing on the redefinition of infrastructure orchestration. By harnessing AI technologies such as machine learning algorithms and predictive analytics, organizations can achieve unprecedented levels of efficiency and optimization in managing their infrastructure resources. AI-driven IaaC introduces proactive decision-making through predictive insights, enabling organizations to anticipate and address potential issues before they arise. Dynamic resource scaling, facilitated by AI, ensures that infrastructure resources can seamlessly adapt to fluctuating workloads and changing business requirements. Through case studies and best practices, this paper sheds light on the tangible benefits and challenges associated with AI-driven IaaC transformation, providing valuable insights for organizations navigating the evolving landscape of digital infrastructure management.

Keywords: artificial intelligence, infrastructure as code, efficiency optimization, predictive insights, dynamic resource scaling, proactive decision-making

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1337 Bias Optimization of Mach-Zehnder Modulator Considering RF Gain on OFDM Radio-Over-Fiber System

Authors: Ghazi Al Sukkar, Yazid Khattabi, Shifen Zhong


Most of the recent wireless LANs, broadband access networks, and digital broadcasting use Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing techniques. In addition, the increasing demand of Data and Internet makes fiber optics an important technology, as fiber optics has many characteristics that make it the best solution for transferring huge frames of Data from a point to another. Radio over fiber is the place where high quality RF is converted to optical signals over single mode fiber. Optimum values for the bias level and the switching voltage for Mach-Zehnder modulator are important for the performance of radio over fiber links. In this paper, we propose a method to optimize the two parameters simultaneously; the bias and the switching voltage point of the external modulator of a radio over fiber system considering RF gain. Simulation results show the optimum gain value under these two parameters.

Keywords: OFDM, Mach Zehnder bias voltage, switching voltage, radio-over-fiber, RF gain

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1336 Future Metro Station: Remodeling Underground Environment Based on Experience Scenarios and IoT Technology

Authors: Joo Min Kim, Dongyoun Shin


The project Future Station (FS) seek for a deeper understanding of metro station. The main idea of the project is enhancing the underground environment by combining new architectural design with IoT technology. This research shows the understanding of the metro environment giving references regarding traditional design approaches and IoT combined space design. Based on the analysis, this research presents design alternatives in two metro stations those are chosen for a testbed. It also presents how the FS platform giving a response to travelers and deliver the benefit to metro operators. In conclusion, the project describes methods to build future metro service and platform that understand traveler’s intentions and giving appropriate services back for enhancing travel experience. It basically used contemporary technology such as smart sensing grid, big data analysis, smart building, and machine learning technology.

Keywords: future station, digital lifestyle experience, sustainable metro, smart metro, smart city

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1335 Emerging Threats and Adaptive Defenses: Navigating the Future of Cybersecurity in a Hyperconnected World

Authors: Olasunkanmi Jame Ayodeji, Adebayo Adeyinka Victor


In a hyperconnected world, cybersecurity faces a continuous evolution of threats that challenge traditional defence mechanisms. This paper explores emerging cybersecurity threats like malware, ransomware, phishing, social engineering, and the Internet of Things (IoT) vulnerabilities. It delves into the inadequacies of existing cybersecurity defences in addressing these evolving risks and advocates for adaptive defence mechanisms that leverage AI, machine learning, and zero-trust architectures. The paper proposes collaborative approaches, including public-private partnerships and information sharing, as essential to building a robust defence strategy to address future cyber threats. The need for continuous monitoring, real-time incident response, and adaptive resilience strategies is highlighted to fortify digital infrastructures in the face of escalating global cyber risks.

Keywords: cybersecurity, hyperconnectivity, malware, adaptive defences, zero-trust architecture, internet of things vulnerabilities

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1334 A Comprehensive Study of Camouflaged Object Detection Using Deep Learning

Authors: Khalak Bin Khair, Saqib Jahir, Mohammed Ibrahim, Fahad Bin, Debajyoti Karmaker


Object detection is a computer technology that deals with searching through digital images and videos for occurrences of semantic elements of a particular class. It is associated with image processing and computer vision. On top of object detection, we detect camouflage objects within an image using Deep Learning techniques. Deep learning may be a subset of machine learning that's essentially a three-layer neural network Over 6500 images that possess camouflage properties are gathered from various internet sources and divided into 4 categories to compare the result. Those images are labeled and then trained and tested using vgg16 architecture on the jupyter notebook using the TensorFlow platform. The architecture is further customized using Transfer Learning. Methods for transferring information from one or more of these source tasks to increase learning in a related target task are created through transfer learning. The purpose of this transfer of learning methodologies is to aid in the evolution of machine learning to the point where it is as efficient as human learning.

Keywords: deep learning, transfer learning, TensorFlow, camouflage, object detection, architecture, accuracy, model, VGG16

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