Search results for: business angels
800 Feature Analysis of Predictive Maintenance Models
Authors: Zhaoan Wang
Research in predictive maintenance modeling has improved in the recent years to predict failures and needed maintenance with high accuracy, saving cost and improving manufacturing efficiency. However, classic prediction models provide little valuable insight towards the most important features contributing to the failure. By analyzing and quantifying feature importance in predictive maintenance models, cost saving can be optimized based on business goals. First, multiple classifiers are evaluated with cross-validation to predict the multi-class of failures. Second, predictive performance with features provided by different feature selection algorithms are further analyzed. Third, features selected by different algorithms are ranked and combined based on their predictive power. Finally, linear explainer SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations) is applied to interpret classifier behavior and provide further insight towards the specific roles of features in both local predictions and global model behavior. The results of the experiments suggest that certain features play dominant roles in predictive models while others have significantly less impact on the overall performance. Moreover, for multi-class prediction of machine failures, the most important features vary with type of machine failures. The results may lead to improved productivity and cost saving by prioritizing sensor deployment, data collection, and data processing of more important features over less importance features.Keywords: automated supply chain, intelligent manufacturing, predictive maintenance machine learning, feature engineering, model interpretation
Procedia PDF Downloads 133799 Perceived Risks in Business-to-Consumer Online Contracts: An Empirical Study in Saudi Arabia
Authors: Shaya Alshahrani
Perceived risks play a major role in consumer intentions, behaviors, attitudes, and decisions about online shopping in the KSA. This paper investigates the influence of six perceived risk dimensions on Saudi consumers: product risk, information risk, financial risk, privacy and security risk, delivery risk, and terms and conditions risk empirically. To ensure the success of this study, a random survey was distributed to reflect the consumers’ perceived risk and to enable the generalization of the results. Data were collected from 323 respondents in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA): 50 who had never shopped online and 273 who had done so. The results indicated that all six risks influenced the respondents’ perceptions of online shopping. The non-online shoppers perceived financial and delivery risks as the most significant barriers to online shopping. This was followed closely by performance, information, and privacy and security risks. Terms and conditions were perceived as less significant. The online consumers considered delivery and performance risks to be the most significant influences on internet shopping. This was followed closely by information and terms and conditions. Financial and privacy and security risks were perceived as less significant. This paper argues that introducing adequate legal solutions to addressing related problems arising from this study is an urgent need. This may enhance consumer trust in the KSA online market, increase consumers’ intentions regarding online shopping, and improve consumer protection.Keywords: perceived risk, online contracts, Saudi Arabia, consumer protection
Procedia PDF Downloads 149798 Leasing Revisited: Mastering the Digital Transformation with Traditional Financing
Authors: Tobias Huttche, Marco Canipa-Valdez, Corinne Mühlebach
This article discusses the role of leasing on the digital transformation process of companies and corresponding economic effects. Based on the traditional mechanisms of leasing, this article focuses in particular on the benefits of leasing as financing instrument with regard to the innovation potential of companies. Practical examples demonstrate how leasing can become an integral part of new business models. Especially, with regard to the digital transformation and corresponding investments in know-how and infrastructure, leasing can play an important role. Furthermore, findings of an empirical survey are presented dealing with the usage of leasing in Switzerland in an international context. The survey shows not only the benefits of leasing against the backdrop of digital transformation but gives guidance on how other countries can benefit from promoting leasing in their legislation and economy. Based on a simulation model for Switzerland, the economic effect of an increase in leasing volume is being calculated. Again, the respective results underline the substantial growth potential. This holds true especially for economies where asset-based lending is rarely used because of a lack of entrepreneurial or private security of the borrower (cash-based financing for developing and emerging countries). Overall, the authors found that leasing using companies are more productive and tend to grow faster than companies using less or none leasing. The positive effects of leasing on emerging digital challenges for companies and entire economies should encourage other countries to facilitate access to leasing as financing instrument by decreasing legal-, tax- and accounting-related requirements in the respective jurisdiction.Keywords: Cash-Based financing, digital transformation, financing instruments, growth, innovation, leasing
Procedia PDF Downloads 256797 Implementation of Lean Production in Business Enterprises: A Literature-Based Content Analysis of Implementation Procedures
Authors: P. Pötters, A. Marquet, B. Leyendecker
The objective of this paper is to investigate different implementation approaches for the implementation of Lean production in companies. Furthermore, a structured overview of those different approaches is to be made. Therefore, the present work is intended to answer the following research question: What differences and similarities exist between the various systematic approaches and phase models for the implementation of Lean Production? To present various approaches for the implementation of Lean Production discussed in the literature, a qualitative content analysis was conducted. Within the framework of a qualitative survey, a selection of texts dealing with lean production and its introduction was examined. The analysis presents different implementation approaches from the literature, covering the descriptive aspect of the study. The study also provides insights into similarities and differences among the implementation approaches, which are drawn from the analysis of latent text contents and author interpretations. In this study, the focus is on identifying differences and similarities among systemic approaches for implementing Lean Production. The research question takes into account the main object of consideration, objectives pursued, starting point, procedure, and endpoint of the implementation approach. The study defines the concept of Lean Production and presents various approaches described in literature that companies can use to implement Lean Production successfully. The study distinguishes between five systemic implementation approaches and seven phase models to help companies choose the most suitable approach for their implementation project. The findings of this study can contribute to enhancing transparency regarding the existing approaches for implementing Lean Production. This can enable companies to compare and contrast the available implementation approaches and choose the most suitable one for their specific project.Keywords: implementation, lean production, phase models, systematic approaches
Procedia PDF Downloads 104796 Ranking of the Main Criteria for Contractor Selection Procedures on Major Construction Projects in Libya Using the Delphi Method
Authors: Othoman Elsayah, Naren Gupta, Binsheng Zhang
The construction sector constitutes one of the most important sectors in the economy of any country. Contractor selection is a critical decision that is undertaken by client organizations and is central to the success of any construction project. Contractor selection (CS) is a process which involves investigating, screening and determining whether candidate contractors have the technical and financial capability to be accepted to formally tender for construction work. The process should be conducted prior to the award of contract, characterized by many factors such as: contactor’s skills, experience on similar projects, track- record in the industry, and financial stability. However, this paper evaluates the current state of knowledge in relation to contractor selection process and demonstrates the findings from the analysis of the data collected from the Delphi questionnaire survey. The survey was conducted with a group of 12 experts working in the Libyan construction industry (LCI). The paper starts by briefly explaining the general outline of the questionnaire including the survey participation rate, the different fields the experts came from, and the business titles of the participants. Then, the paper describes the tests used to determine when the experts had reached consensus. The paper is based on research which aims to develop rank contractor selection criteria with specific application to make construction projects in the Libyan context. The findings of this study will be utilized to establish the scope of work that will be used as part of a PhD research.Keywords: contractor selection, Libyan construction industry, decision experts, Delphi technique
Procedia PDF Downloads 332795 The Design of a Vehicle Traffic Flow Prediction Model for a Gauteng Freeway Based on an Ensemble of Multi-Layer Perceptron
Authors: Tebogo Emma Makaba, Barnabas Ndlovu Gatsheni
The cities of Johannesburg and Pretoria both located in the Gauteng province are separated by a distance of 58 km. The traffic queues on the Ben Schoeman freeway which connects these two cities can stretch for almost 1.5 km. Vehicle traffic congestion impacts negatively on the business and the commuter’s quality of life. The goal of this paper is to identify variables that influence the flow of traffic and to design a vehicle traffic prediction model, which will predict the traffic flow pattern in advance. The model will unable motorist to be able to make appropriate travel decisions ahead of time. The data used was collected by Mikro’s Traffic Monitoring (MTM). Multi-Layer perceptron (MLP) was used individually to construct the model and the MLP was also combined with Bagging ensemble method to training the data. The cross—validation method was used for evaluating the models. The results obtained from the techniques were compared using predictive and prediction costs. The cost was computed using combination of the loss matrix and the confusion matrix. The predicted models designed shows that the status of the traffic flow on the freeway can be predicted using the following parameters travel time, average speed, traffic volume and day of month. The implications of this work is that commuters will be able to spend less time travelling on the route and spend time with their families. The logistics industry will save more than twice what they are currently spending.Keywords: bagging ensemble methods, confusion matrix, multi-layer perceptron, vehicle traffic flow
Procedia PDF Downloads 344794 Breaking the Barrier of Service Hostility: A Lean Approach to Achieve Operational Excellence
Authors: Mofizul Islam Awwal
Due to globalization, industries are rapidly growing throughout the world which leads to many manufacturing organizations. But recently, service industries are beginning to emerge in large numbers almost in all parts of the world including some developing countries. In this context, organizations need to have strong competitive advantage over their rivals to achieve their strategic business goals. Manufacturing industries are adopting many methods and techniques in order to achieve such competitive edge. Over the last decades, manufacturing industries have been successfully practicing lean concept to optimize their production lines. Due to its huge success in manufacturing context, lean has made its way into the service industry. Very little importance has been addressed to service in the area of operations management. Service industries are far behind than manufacturing industries in terms of operations improvement. It will be a hectic job to transfer the lean concept from production floor to service back/front office which will obviously yield possible improvement. Service processes are not as visible as production processes and can be very complex. Lack of research in this area made it quite difficult for service industries as there are no standardized frameworks for successfully implementing lean concept in service organization. The purpose of this research paper is to capture the present scenario of service industry in terms of lean implementation. Thorough analysis of past literature will be done on the applicability and understanding of lean in service structure. Classification of research papers will be done and critical factors will be unveiled for implementing lean in service industry to achieve operational excellence.Keywords: lean service, lean literature classification, lean implementation, service industry, service excellence
Procedia PDF Downloads 375793 Fostering Students' Engagement with Historical Issues Surrounding the Field of Graphic Design
Authors: Sara Corvino
The aim of this study is to explore the potential of inclusive learning and assessment strategies to foster students' engagement with historical debates surrounding the field of graphic design. The goal is to respond to the diversity of L4 Graphic Design students, at Nottingham Trent University, in a way that instead of 'lowering standards' can benefit everyone. This research tests, measures, and evaluates the impact of a specific intervention, an assessment task, to develop students' critical visual analysis skills and stimulate a deeper engagement with the subject matter. Within the action research approach, this work has followed a case study research method to understand students' views and perceptions of a specific project. The primary methods of data collection have been: anonymous electronic questionnaire and a paper-based anonymous critical incident questionnaire. NTU College of Business Law and Social Sciences Research Ethics Committee granted the Ethical approval for this research in November 2019. Other methods used to evaluate the impact of this assessment task have been Evasys's report and students' performance. In line with the constructivist paradigm, this study embraces an interpretative and contextualized analysis of the collected data within the triangulation analytical framework. The evaluation of both qualitative and quantitative data demonstrates that active learning strategies and the disruption of thinking patterns can foster greater students' engagement and can lead to meaningful learning.Keywords: active learning, assessment for learning, graphic design, higher education, student engagement
Procedia PDF Downloads 181792 Enhancing Quality Management Systems through Automated Controls and Neural Networks
Authors: Shara Toibayeva, Irbulat Utepbergenov, Lyazzat Issabekova, Aidana Bodesova
The article discusses the importance of quality assessment as a strategic tool in business and emphasizes the significance of the effectiveness of quality management systems (QMS) for enterprises. The evaluation of these systems takes into account the specificity of quality indicators, the multilevel nature of the system, and the need for optimal selection of the number of indicators and evaluation of the system state, which is critical for making rational management decisions. Methods and models of automated enterprise quality management are proposed, including an intelligent automated quality management system integrated with the Management Information and Control System. These systems make it possible to automate the implementation and support of QMS, increasing the validity, efficiency, and effectiveness of management decisions by automating the functions performed by decision makers and personnel. The paper also emphasizes the use of recurrent neural networks to improve automated quality management. Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are used to analyze and process sequences of data, which is particularly useful in the context of document quality assessment and non-conformance detection in quality management systems. These networks are able to account for temporal dependencies and complex relationships between different data elements, which improves the accuracy and efficiency of automated decisions. The project was supported by a grant from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the Zhas Galym project No. AR 13268939, dedicated to research and development of digital technologies to ensure consistency of QMS regulatory documents.Keywords: automated control system, quality management, document structure, formal language
Procedia PDF Downloads 41791 CSR Reporting, State Ownership, and Corporate Performance in China: Proof from Longitudinal Data of Publicly Traded Enterprises from 2006 to 2020
Authors: Wanda Luen-Wun Siu, Xiaowen Zhang
This paper offered the primary methodical proof on how CSR reporting related to enterprise earnings in listed firms in China in light of most evidence focusing on cross-sectional data or data in a short span of time. Using full economic and business panel data on China’s publicly listed enterprise from 2006 to 2020 over two decades in the China Stock Market and Accounting Research database, we found initial evidence of significant direct relations between CSR reporting and firm corporate performance in both state-owned and privately owned firms over this period, supporting the stakeholder theory. Results also revealed that state-owned enterprises performed as well as private enterprises in the current period. But private enterprises performed better than state-owned enterprises in the subsequent years. Moreover, the release of social responsibility reports had a more significant impact on the financial performance of state-owned and private enterprises in the current period than in the subsequent periods. Specifically, CSR release was not significantly associated with the financial performance of state-owned enterprises on the lag of the first, second, and third periods. But it had an impact on the lag of the first, second, and third periods among private enterprises. Such findings suggested that CSR reporting helped improve the corporate financial performance of state-owned and private enterprises in the current period, but this kind of effect was more significant among private enterprises in the lag periods.Keywords: China’s listed firms, CSR reporting, financial performance, panel analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 168790 How Reverse Logistics Can Improve the Sustainability Performance of a Business?
Authors: Taknaz Banihashemi, Jiangang Fei, Peggy Shu-Ling Chen
Reverse logistics (RL) is a part of the logistics of companies and its aim is to reclaim value from the returned products in an environmentally friendly manner. In recent years, RL has attracted significant attention among both practitioners and academics due to environmental directives and governmental legislation, consumer concerns and social responsibilities for environment, awareness of the limits of natural resources and economic potential. Sustainability development is considered as a critical goal for organisations due to its impact on competitive advantage. With growing environmental concerns and legal regulations related to green and sustainability issues, product disposition through RL can be considered as an environmental, economic and social sound way to achieve sustainable development. When employed properly, RL can help firms to improve their sustainability performance. The aim of this paper is to investigate the sustainability issues in the context of RL in the perspective of the triple-bottom-line approach. Content analysis was used to collect the information. The findings show that there is a research gap to investigate the relationship between RL and sustainability performance. Most of the studies have focused on performance evaluation of RL by considering the factors related to economic and environmental performance. RL can have significant effects on social issues along with economic and environmental issues. The inclusion of the social aspect in the sustainability performance will provide a complete and holistic picture of how RL may impact on the sustainability performance of firms. Generally, there is a lack of research on investigating the relationship between RL and sustainability by integrating the three pillars of triple-bottom-line sustainability performance. This paper provides academics and researchers a broad view of the correlations between RL and sustainability performance.Keywords: verse Logistics, review, sustainability, sustainability performance
Procedia PDF Downloads 154789 Cost of Governance in Nigeria: In Whose Interest
Authors: Francis O. Iyoha, Daniel E. Gberevbie, Charles T. Iruonagbe, Matthew E. Egharevba
Cost of governance in Nigeria has become a challenge to development and concern to practitioners and scholars alike in the field of business and social science research. It has been observed that it takes 70 percent of the nation’s revenue to maintain less than 20 percent of the Nigerian population that are public servants. Furthermore, it has been observed that on a consistent yearly basis, the recurrent expenditure of government from the national budget keeps rising, while capital expenditure meant for development keeps falling. The implication is that development is stagnated in the country. For instance, in the 2010 national budget of NGN4.60tn or USD28.75b, only NGN1.80tn or USD11.15b was set aside for capital expenditure. Also, in the 2013 national budget of NGN4.92tn or USD30.75b, only NGN1.50tn or USD9.38b was set aside for capital expenditure. Therefore, with the analysis of secondary data, this study examined the reasons for the high cost of governance in Nigeria. It observed that the high cost of governance in the country is in the interest of the ruling class, arising from their unethical behaviour – corrupt practices and the poor management of public resources. As a result, the study recommends the need to intensify the war against corruption and mismanagement of public resources by government officials as possible solution to overcome the high cost of governance in Nigeria. This could be achieved by strengthening the constitutional powers of the various anti-corruption agencies in the area of arrest, investigation and prosecution of offenders without the interference of the executive arm of government either at the local, state or federal level.Keywords: cost of governance, capital expenditure, recurrent expenditure, unethical behavior, Nigeria
Procedia PDF Downloads 340788 Identifying E-Learning Components at North-West University, Mafikeng Campus
Authors: Sylvia Tumelo Nthutang, Nehemiah Mavetera
Educational institutions are under pressure from their competitors. Regulators and community groups need educational institutions to adopt appropriate business and organizational practices. Globally, educational institutions are now using e-learning as the best teaching and learning approach. E-learning is becoming the center of attention to the learning institutions, educational systems and software inventors. North-West University (NWU) is currently using eFundi, a Learning Management System (LMS). LMS are all information systems and procedures that adds value to students learning and support the learning material in text or any multimedia files. With various e-learning tools, students would be able to access all the materials related to the course in electronic copies. The study was tasked with identifying the e-learning components at the NWU, Mafikeng campus. Quantitative research methodology was considered in data collection and descriptive statistics for data analysis. The Activity Theory (AT) was used as a theory to guide the study. AT outlines the limitations amongst e-learning at the macro-organizational level (plan, guiding principle, campus-wide solutions) and micro-organization (daily functioning practice, collaborative transformation, specific adaptation). On a technological environment, AT gives people an opportunity to change from concentrating on computers as an area of concern but also understand that technology is part of human activities. The findings have identified the university’s current IT tools and knowledge on e-learning elements. It was recommended that university should consider buying computer resources that consumes less power and practice e-learning effectively.Keywords: e-learning, information and communication technology (ICT), teaching, virtual learning environment
Procedia PDF Downloads 280787 A Controlled Natural Language Assisted Approach for the Design and Automated Processing of Service Level Agreements
Authors: Christopher Schwarz, Katrin Riegler, Erwin Zinser
The management of outsourcing relationships between IT service providers and their customers proofs to be a critical issue that has to be stipulated by means of Service Level Agreements (SLAs). Since service requirements differ from customer to customer, SLA content and language structures vary largely, standardized SLA templates may not be used and an automated processing of SLA content is not possible. Hence, SLA management is usually a time-consuming and inefficient manual process. For overcoming these challenges, this paper presents an innovative and ITIL V3-conform approach for automated SLA design and management using controlled natural language in enterprise collaboration portals. The proposed novel concept is based on a self-developed controlled natural language that follows a subject-predicate-object approach to specify well-defined SLA content structures that act as templates for customized contracts and support automated SLA processing. The derived results eventually enable IT service providers to automate several SLA request, approval and negotiation processes by means of workflows and business rules within an enterprise collaboration portal. The illustrated prototypical realization gives evidence of the practical relevance in service-oriented scenarios as well as the high flexibility and adaptability of the presented model. Thus, the prototype enables the automated creation of well defined, customized SLA documents, providing a knowledge representation that is both human understandable and machine processable.Keywords: automated processing, controlled natural language, knowledge representation, information technology outsourcing, service level management
Procedia PDF Downloads 433786 Mass Customization of Chemical Protective Clothing
Authors: Eugenija Strazdiene, Violeta Bytautaite, Daivute Krisciuniene
The object of the investigation is the suit for chemical protection, which totally covers human body together with breathing apparatus, breathing mask and helmet (JSC Ansell Protective Solutions Lithuania). The end users of such clothing are the members of rescue team – firefighters. During the presentation, the results of 3D scanning with stationary Human Solutions scanner and portable Artec Eva scanner will be compared on the basis of the efficiency of scanning procedure and scanning accuracy. Also, the possibilities to exporting scanned bodies into specialized CAD systems for suit design development and material consumption calculation will be analyzed. The necessity to understand and to implement corresponding clothing material properties during 3D visualization of garment on CAD systems will be presented. During the presentation, the outcomes of the project ‘Smart and Safe Work Wear Clothing SWW’ will be discussed. The project is carried out under the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Program as 2014-2020 European territorial cooperation objective. Thematic priority is Capacity for Innovation. The main goal of the project is to improve competitiveness and to increase business possibilities for work wear enterprises in the Baltic Sea Region. The project focuses on mass customization of products for various end users. It engages textile and clothing manufacturing technology researchers, work wear producers, end users, as well as national textile and clothing branch organizations in Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Poland.Keywords: CAD systems, mass customization, 3D scanning, safe work wear
Procedia PDF Downloads 204785 Research on Spatial Distribution of Service Facilities Based on Innovation Function: A Case Study of Zhejiang University Zijin Co-Maker Town
Authors: Zhang Yuqi
Service facilities are the boosters for the cultivation and development of innovative functions in innovative cluster areas. At the same time, reasonable service facilities planning can better link the internal functional blocks. This paper takes Zhejiang University Zijin Co-Maker Town as the research object, based on the combination of network data mining and field research and verification, combined with the needs of its internal innovative groups. It studies the distribution characteristics and existing problems of service facilities and then proposes a targeted planning suggestion. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) From the perspective of view, the town is rich in general life-supporting services, but lacking of provision targeted and distinctive service facilities for innovative groups; (2) From the perspective of scale structure, small-scale street shops are the main business form, lack of large-scale service center; (3) From the perspective of spatial structure, service facilities layout of each functional block is too fragile to fit the characteristics of 2aggregation- distribution' of innovation and entrepreneurial activities; (4) The goal of optimizing service facilities planning should be guided for fostering function of innovation and entrepreneurship and meet the actual needs of the innovation and entrepreneurial groups.Keywords: the cultivation of innovative function, Zhejiang University Zijin Co-Maker Town, service facilities, network data mining, space optimization advice
Procedia PDF Downloads 117784 Airline Choice Model for Domestic Flights: The Role of Airline Flexibility
Authors: Camila Amin-Puello, Lina Vasco-Diaz, Juan Ramirez-Arias, Claudia Munoz, Carlos Gonzalez-Calderon
Operational flexibility is a fundamental aspect in the field of airlines because although demand is constantly changing, it is the duty of companies to provide a service to users that satisfies their needs in an efficient manner without sacrificing factors such as comfort, safety and other perception variables. The objective of this research is to understand the factors that describe and explain operational flexibility by implementing advanced analytical methods such as exploratory factor analysis and structural equation modeling, examining multiple levels of operational flexibility and understanding how these variable influences users' decision-making when choosing an airline and in turn how it affects the airlines themselves. The use of a hybrid model and latent variables improves the efficiency and accuracy of airline performance prediction in the unpredictable Colombian market. This pioneering study delves into traveler motivations and their impact on domestic flight demand, offering valuable insights to optimize resources and improve the overall traveler experience. Applying the methods, it was identified that low-cost airlines are not useful for flexibility, while users, especially women, found airlines with greater flexibility in terms of ticket costs and flight schedules to be more useful. All of this allows airlines to anticipate and adapt to their customers' needs efficiently: to plan flight capacity appropriately, adjust pricing strategies and improve the overall passenger experience.Keywords: hybrid choice model, airline, business travelers, domestic flights
Procedia PDF Downloads 14783 Packaging and Promotion of Local Handcraft for Tourism Growth and Development in Osun State (A Study of Olumirin Waterfall, Erin Ijesa and Osun Osogbo Grove, Osogbo, Osun State, Nigeria)
Authors: Chukwu J. C., Elujoba E. T., AjaniI A. A., Aiyegbayo O. O.
Handcrafts form an integral part of the tourist experience, they represent local traditions and indigenous populations and also as valuable souvenir. The local craft sector is performing at a level far below its potential as a tourism product, hence, this paper seek to examine the challenges facing local handcraft development and suggest ways to promote and package them as souvenirs in tourist destinations in Osun state. One hundred and sixty (160) questionnaires were administered to the staffers and tourists in Osun Osogbo grove and Erin Ijesa waterfall, both in Osun state and 120 questionnaires were properly filled and returned, which gives 75% return rate. Cronbach’s Alpha was used to test the reliability of the research instrument. The findings of the study revealed that ( F_((1,118))= 2.070, r = .151, Sig.< 0.05) there exist a weak and positive relationship between local craft development and the overall development of tourist destinations in Osun state, Nigeria. Therefore, it was concluded, among others, that a lot needs to be done on packaging and promotion of the local handcraft since it was found to have a significant impact on the development of tourist destinations. This, in return, will increase the popularity and acceptability of handcraft both at home and abroad. The study recommends, among others, that government should establish a tourism entrepreneurial development centre charged with the responsibilities of creating and identifying tourism business opportunities and act as ‘one stop shop’ to purchase a local souvenir and disseminate information to potential tourist cum entrepreneurs in the tourism industry.Keywords: packaging, promotion, handcraft, tourism, development
Procedia PDF Downloads 113782 Enhancing Email Security: A Multi-Layered Defense Strategy Approach and an AI-Powered Model for Identifying and Mitigating Phishing Attacks
Authors: Anastasios Papathanasiou, George Liontos, Athanasios Katsouras, Vasiliki Liagkou, Euripides Glavas
Email remains a crucial communication tool due to its efficiency, accessibility and cost-effectiveness, enabling rapid information exchange across global networks. However, the global adoption of email has also made it a prime target for cyber threats, including phishing, malware and Business Email Compromise (BEC) attacks, which exploit its integral role in personal and professional realms in order to perform fraud and data breaches. To combat these threats, this research advocates for a multi-layered defense strategy incorporating advanced technological tools such as anti-spam and anti-malware software, machine learning algorithms and authentication protocols. Moreover, we developed an artificial intelligence model specifically designed to analyze email headers and assess their security status. This AI-driven model examines various components of email headers, such as "From" addresses, ‘Received’ paths and the integrity of SPF, DKIM and DMARC records. Upon analysis, it generates comprehensive reports that indicate whether an email is likely to be malicious or benign. This capability empowers users to identify potentially dangerous emails promptly, enhancing their ability to avoid phishing attacks, malware infections and other cyber threats.Keywords: email security, artificial intelligence, header analysis, threat detection, phishing, DMARC, DKIM, SPF, ai model
Procedia PDF Downloads 61781 Factors Influencing Paternal Involvement in Childcare: Empirical Evidence from Rural India
Authors: Anu Jose, Sapna Nair
By using the baseline data of a randomized cluster trial aiming to understand the effects of social, technological and business innovation on child development in two districts of Tamil Nadu, India, we examine the determinants of father involvement in childcare. While there is a growing literature on the role of fathers in child development and family systems, we particularly look at the effect of the attitude of mother and father towards father's involvement in childcare in rural South India. We find that father's own attitude and the mother's gatekeeping attitude significantly affect the father's behavior when other socio-economic characteristics of the parents are controlled. Further, the results are corroborated using different empirical models in which father involvement is conceptualized into three categories broadly; play, caretaking, and affection. We also examine the other socio-economic characteristics affecting paternal involvement using both quantitative and qualitative methods. For instance, child characteristics such as the age and birth order have a significant influence on the level of paternal involvement. That is, older the child, the more involved the father is and the father gets more involved in childcare of the second child as compared to the first child. The participants of the study included 1516 children of age 0 to 22 months from 1476 households. Results indicate that fathers of households where the mother and the father have less traditional attitude exhibit a higher level of involvement in childcare as opposed to parents having a more traditional attitude towards gender role in parenting. The results of this paper provide a major policy lesson aiming to improve paternal involvement in childcare.Keywords: child development, father involvement, gender, parent’s attitude towards paternal involvement
Procedia PDF Downloads 151780 Optimization of Personnel Selection Problems via Unconstrained Geometric Programming
Authors: Vildan Kistik, Tuncay Can
From a business perspective, cost and profit are two key factors for businesses. The intent of most businesses is to minimize the cost to maximize or equalize the profit, so as to provide the greatest benefit to itself. However, the physical system is very complicated because of technological constructions, rapid increase of competitive environments and similar factors. In such a system it is not easy to maximize profits or to minimize costs. Businesses must decide on the competence and competence of the personnel to be recruited, taking into consideration many criteria in selecting personnel. There are many criteria to determine the competence and competence of a staff member. Factors such as the level of education, experience, psychological and sociological position, and human relationships that exist in the field are just some of the important factors in selecting a staff for a firm. Personnel selection is a very important and costly process in terms of businesses in today's competitive market. Although there are many mathematical methods developed for the selection of personnel, unfortunately the use of these mathematical methods is rarely encountered in real life. In this study, unlike other methods, an exponential programming model was established based on the possibilities of failing in case the selected personnel was started to work. With the necessary transformations, the problem has been transformed into unconstrained Geometrical Programming problem and personnel selection problem is approached with geometric programming technique. Personnel selection scenarios for a classroom were established with the help of normal distribution and optimum solutions were obtained. In the most appropriate solutions, the personnel selection process for the classroom has been achieved with minimum cost.Keywords: geometric programming, personnel selection, non-linear programming, operations research
Procedia PDF Downloads 272779 Financial Capacity, Governance, and Corporate Engagement in Environmental Protection
Authors: Lubica Hikkerova, Jean-Michel Sahut
Environmental protection remains a global challenge but, since 2012, there has been a progressive decline in corporate engagement in environmental protection issues. This study seeks to investigate the role of financial capacity and governance in improving the level of environmental engagement of companies. The regression technique is applied to data on 351 large European companies from the ASSET4-ESG database for the 2007-2015 period. Firstly, the results show that the companies in the sample are fairly engaged in environmental protection, with a strong dispersion representing nearly four times the average. This means that the companies in the sample do not share the same level of engagement in matters of environmental protection, some being more committed than others. Secondly, the results reveal that the financial capacity of the company, as assessed through its indicators, has a significant effect on its level of environmental protection engagement in the present sample. This effect is more positive the higher the profits the company makes, and more negative the more heavily indebted or, the higher the rates of dividends it pays per share. Lastly, the results also show that a better quality of governance plays an important role in the decision to undertake actions leading to environmental protection. More specifically, the degree of management implication in the running of the business, the respect of the rights of the shareholders, the effectiveness of the control exerted by the board of directors, and, to a lesser extent, the independence of the audit committee, are variables which have a positive and significant influence on the level of environmental engagement of companies.Keywords: financial capacity, corporate governance, environmental engagement, stakeholder theory, theory of organizational legitimacy, theory of resources and capabilities
Procedia PDF Downloads 189778 Analysis to the Characterization of Self-Esteem of Students in Eulogio 'Amang' Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology: A Foundation of Conceptualizing Substantial Plan of Action
Authors: Eriberto R. Astorga Jr., Herbert D. Vertucio, Evelyn M. Polison
This study was conducted in order to determine the analysis with regards to the Characterization of Self-Esteem of EARIST Students according to their origin of self-esteem and low self-esteem as well as its causes. The respondents of this study are three thousand three hundred twenty three (3,323) randomly selected students from eight colleges of EARIST such as Arts and Sciences, Education, Public Administration and Criminology, Business Administration, Hospitality Management, Architecture and Fine Arts, Engineering, and Industrial Technology. A survey was conducted by using a validated questionnaire for information gathering about respondents profile and different factors relating to self-esteem of students such as self-origin, familial and social relationship, financial situation and education. Frequency, percentage, ranking and standards deviation, standard t-test and ANOVA were applied to investigate the differences of the answers of the respondents to the origin of their self-esteem and the reasons for low self-esteem. The results revealed that there are no significant differences in the origin of their self-esteem and the reasons of low esteem as to the eight group of respondent’s. Moreover, most causes of low esteem are caused by hearing a comment or experiencing an incident that has a negative impact student mentally and emotionally, poor health, being bullied, lack of support from family, friends, and job loss, experiencing verbal and sexual abuse and are in a violent relationship, feelings of isolation, divorce, dysfunctional family, death and lack of achievement at work and at school, trying to conform to stereotypes and prove our independence from our parents.Keywords: characterization, plan of action, profile, self-esteem
Procedia PDF Downloads 176777 Optimizing Multimodal Teaching Strategies for Enhanced Engagement and Performance
Authors: Victor Milanes, Martha Hubertz
In the wake of COVID-19, all aspects of life have been estranged, and humanity has been forced to shift toward a more technologically integrated mode of operation. Essential work such as Healthcare, business, and public policy are a few notable industries that were initially dependent upon face-to-face modality but have completely reimagined their operation style. Unique to these fields, education was particularly strained because academics, teachers, and professors alike were obligated to shift their curriculums online over the course of a few weeks while also maintaining the expectation that they were educating their students to a similar level accomplished pre-pandemic. This was notable as research indicates two key concepts: Students prefer face-to-face modality, and due to the disruption in academic continuity/style, there was a negative impact on student's overall education and performance. With these two principles in mind, this study aims to inquire what online strategies could be best employed by teachers to educate their students, as well as what strategies could be adopted in a multimodal setting if deemed necessary by the instructor or outside convoluting factors (Such as the case of COVID-19, or a personal matter that demands the teacher's attention away from the classroom). Strategies and methods will be cross-analyzed via a ranking system derived from various recognized teaching assessments, in which engagement, retention, flexibility, interest, and performance are specifically accounted for. We expect to see an emphasis on positive social pressure as a dominant factor in the improved propensity for education, as well as a preference for visual aids across platforms, as research indicates most individuals are visual learners.Keywords: technological integration, multimodal teaching, education, student engagement
Procedia PDF Downloads 62776 Endeavor in Management Process by Executive Dashboards: The Case of the Financial Directorship in Brazilian Navy
Authors: R. S. Quintal, J. L. Tesch Santos, M. D. Davis, E. C. de Santana, M. de F. Bandeira dos Santos
The objective is to identify the contributions from the introduction of the computerized system deal within the Accounting Department of Brazilian Navy Financial Directorship and its possible effects on the budgetary and financial harvest of Brazilian Navy. The relevance lies in the fact that the management process is responsible for the continuous improvement of organizational performance through higher levels of quality in their activities. Improvements in organizational processes have direct effects on crops cost, quality, reliability, flexibility and speed. The method of study of this research is the case study. The choice of case study attended, among other demands, a need for greater flexibility to study processes related to a computerized system. The sources of evidence were used literature, documentary and direct observation. Direct observation was made by monitoring the implementation of the computerized system in the Division of Management Analysis. The main findings of the study point to the fact that the computerized system may contribute significantly to the standardization of information. There was improvement of internal processes in the division of management analysis, made possible the consolidation of a standard management and performance analysis that contribute to global homogeneity in the treatment of information essential to the process of decision making. This study has limitations related to the fact the search result be subject exclusively to the case studied, and it is impossible to generalize to other organs of government.Keywords: process management, management control, business intelligence, Brazilian Navy
Procedia PDF Downloads 239775 Philippine Film Industry and Cultural Policy: A Critical Analysis and Case Study
Authors: Michael Kho Lim
This paper examines the status of the film industry as an industry in the Philippines—where or how it is classified in the Philippine industrial classification system and how this positioning gives the film industry an identity (or not) and affects (film) policy development and impacts the larger national economy. It is important to look at how the national government recognises Philippine cinema officially, as this will have a direct and indirect impact on the industry in terms of its representation, conduct of business, international relations, and most especially its implications on policy development and implementation. Therefore, it is imperative that the ‘identity’ of Philippine cinema be clearly established and defined in the overall industrial landscape. Having a clear understanding of Philippine cinema’s industry status provides a better view of the bigger picture and helps us determine cinema’s position in the national agenda in terms of priority setting, future direction and how the state perceives and thereby values the film industry as an industry. This will then serve as a frame of reference that will anchor the succeeding discussion. Once the Philippine film industry status is identified, the paper will then clarify how cultural policy is defined, understood, and applied in the Philippines in relation to Philippine cinema by reviewing and analyzing existing policy documents and pending bills in the Philippine Congress and Senate. Lastly, the paper delves into the roles that (national) cultural institutions and industry organisations play as primary drivers or support mechanisms and how they become platforms (or not) for the upliftment of the independent film sector and towards the sustainability of the film industry. The paper concludes by arguing that the role of the government and how government officials perceive and treats culture is far more important than cultural policy itself, as these policies emanate from them.Keywords: cultural and creative industries, cultural policy, film industry, Philippine cinema
Procedia PDF Downloads 445774 Process Assessment Model for Process Capability Determination Based on ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011
Authors: Harvard Najoan, Sarwono Sutikno, Yusep Rosmansyah
Most enterprises are now using information technology services as their assets to support business objectives. These kinds of services are provided by the internal service provider (inside the enterprise) or external service provider (outside enterprise). To deliver quality information technology services, the service provider (which from now on will be called ‘organization’) either internal or external, must have a standard for service management system. At present, the standard that is recognized as best practice for service management system for the organization is international standard ISO/IEC 20000:2011. The most important part of this international standard is the first part or ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011-Service Management System Requirement, because it contains 22 for organization processes as a requirement to be implemented in an organizational environment in order to build, manage and deliver quality service to the customer. Assessing organization management processes is the first step to implementing ISO/IEC 20000:2011 into the organization management processes. This assessment needs Process Assessment Model (PAM) as an assessment instrument. PAM comprises two parts: Process Reference Model (PRM) and Measurement Framework (MF). PRM is built by transforming the 22 process of ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011 and MF is based on ISO/IEC 33020. This assessment instrument was designed to assess the capability of service management process in Divisi Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi (Information Systems and Technology Division) as an internal organization of PT Pos Indonesia. The result of this assessment model can be proposed to improve the capability of service management system.Keywords: ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011, ISO/IEC 33020:2015, process assessment, process capability, service management system
Procedia PDF Downloads 467773 Open Source Knowledge Management Approach to Manage and Disseminate Distributed Content in a Global Enterprise
Authors: Rahul Thakur, Onkar Chandel
Red Hat is the world leader in providing open source software and solutions. A global enterprise, like Red Hat, has unique issues of connecting employees with content because of distributed offices, multiple teams spread across geographies, multiple languages, and different cultures. Employees, of a global company, create content that is distributed across departments, teams, regions, and countries. This makes finding the best content difficult since owners keep iterating on the existing content. When employees are unable to find the content, they end up creating it once again and in the process duplicating existing material and effort. Also, employees may not find the relevant content and spend time reviewing obsolete duplicate, or irrelevant content. On an average, a person spends 15 minutes/day in failed searches that might result in missed business opportunities, employee frustration, and substandard deliverables. Red Hat Knowledge Management Office (KMO) applied 'open source strategy' to solve the above problems. Under the Open Source Strategy, decisions are taken collectively. The strategy aims at accomplishing common goals with the help of communities. The objectives of this initiative were to save employees' time, get them authentic content, improve their content search experience, avoid duplicate content creation, provide context based search, improve analytics, improve content management workflows, automate content classification, and automate content upload. This session will describe open source strategy, its applicability in content management, challenges, recommended solutions, and outcome.Keywords: content classification, content management, knowledge management, open source
Procedia PDF Downloads 211772 Theoretical Approach for Estimating Transfer Length of Prestressing Strand in Pretensioned Concrete Members
Authors: Sun-Jin Han, Deuck Hang Lee, Hyo-Eun Joo, Hyun Kang, Kang Su Kim
In pretensioned concrete members, the transfer length region is existed, in which the stress in prestressing strand is developed due to the bond mechanism with surrounding concrete. The stress of strands in the transfer length zone is smaller than that in the strain plateau zone, so-called effective prestress, therefore the web-shear strength in transfer length region is smaller than that in the strain plateau zone. Although the transfer length is main key factor in the shear design, a few analytical researches have been conducted to investigate the transfer length. Therefore, in this study, a theoretical approach was used to estimate the transfer length. The bond stress developed between the strands and the surrounding concrete was quantitatively calculated by using the Thick-Walled Cylinder Model (TWCM), based on this, the transfer length of strands was calculated. To verify the proposed model, a total of 209 test results were collected from the previous studies. Consequently, the analysis results showed that the main influencing factors on the transfer length are the compressive strength of concrete, the cover thickness of concrete, the diameter of prestressing strand, and the magnitude of initial prestress. In addition, the proposed model predicted the transfer length of collected test specimens with high accuracy. Acknowledgement: This research was supported by a grant(17TBIP-C125047-01) from Technology Business Innovation Program funded by Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport of Korean government.Keywords: bond, Hoyer effect, prestressed concrete, prestressing strand, transfer length
Procedia PDF Downloads 298771 Key Performance Indicators of Cold Supply Chain Practices in Agriculture Sector: Empirical Study on the Egyptian Export Companies
Authors: Ahmed Barakat, Nourhan Ahmed Saad, Mahmoud Hammad
Tracking and monitoring agricultural products, cold chain activities, and transportation in real-time can effectively ensure both the quality and safety of agricultural products, as well as reduce overall logistics costs. Effective supply chain practices are one of the main requirements for enhancing agricultural business in Egypt. Cold chain is among the best practices for the storage and transportation of perishable goods and has potential within the agricultural sector in Egypt. This practice has the scope of reducing the wastage of food and increasing the profitability with a reduction in costs. Even though it has several implementation challenges for the farmers, traders, and people involved in the entire supply chain, it has highlighted better benefits for all and for the export of goods for the economic progression for Egypt. The aim of this paper is to explore cold supply chain practices for the agriculture sector in Egypt, to enhance the export performance of fresh goods. In this context, this study attempts to explore those aspects of the performance of cold supply chain practices that can enhance the functioning of the agriculture sector in Egypt from the perspective of export companies (traders) and farmers. Based on the empirical results obtained by data collection from the farmers and traders, the study argues that there is a significant association between cold supply chain practices and enhancement of the agriculture value chain. The paper thus highlights the contribution of the study with final conclusions and limitations with scope for future research.Keywords: agriculture sector, cold chain management, export companies, non-traded goods, supply chain management
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