Search results for: teaching in one’s L2
1084 The Mentoring in Professional Development of University Teachers
Authors: Nagore Guerra Bilbao, Clemente Lobato Fraile
Mentoring is provided by professionals with a higher level of experience and competence as part of the professional development of a university faculty. This paper explores the characteristics of the mentoring provided by those teachers participating in the development of an active methodology program run at the University of the Basque Country: to examine and to analyze mentors’ performance with the aim of providing empirical evidence regarding its value as a lifelong learning strategy for teaching staff. A total of 183 teachers were trained during the first three programs. The analysis method uses a coding technique and is based on flexible, systematic guidelines for gathering and analyzing qualitative data. The results have confirmed the conception of mentoring as a methodological innovation in higher education. In short, university teachers in general assessed the mentoring they received positively, considering it to be a valid, useful strategy in their professional development. They highlighted the methodological expertise of their mentor and underscored how they monitored the learning process of the active method and provided guidance and advice when necessary. Finally, they also drew attention to traits such as availability, personal commitment and flexibility in. However, a minority critique is pointed to some aspects of the performance of some mentors.Keywords: higher education, mentoring, professional development, university teachers
Procedia PDF Downloads 2411083 Mathematical Games with RPG and Sci-Fi Elements to Enhance Motivation
Authors: Santiago Moll Lopez, Erica Vega Fleitas, Dolors Rosello Ferragud, Luis Manuel Sanchez Ruiz, Jose Antonio Moraño Fernandez
Game-based learning (GBL) is becoming popular in education. Learning through games offers students a motivating experience related to the social aspect of games. Among the significant positive outcomes are promoting positive emotions and collaboration, improving the assimilation of concepts, and creating an attractive and dynamic environment standout. This work presents a study of the design and implementation of games created with RPG Maker MZ software with a Sci-Fi storytelling environment for developing specific and transversal skills in a Mathematics subject at the Beng in Aerospace Engineering. Games were applied during regular classes and as a part of a Flip-Teaching methodology to increase the motivation and the assimilation of mathematical concepts in an engaging way. The key features of the games were the introduction of avatar design and the promotion of collaboration among students. Students' opinions and grades obtained in the activities and exams showed increased motivation and a significant improvement in their performance compared with other groups or past students' performances.Keywords: game-based learning, rol games, mathematics, science fiction
Procedia PDF Downloads 951082 Assessment of Exposure Dose Rate from Scattered X-Radiation during Diagnostic Examination in Nigerian University Teaching Hospital
Authors: Martins Gbenga., Orosun M. M., Olowookere C. J., Bamidele Lateef
Radiation exposures from diagnostic medical examinations are almost always justified by the benefits of accurate diagnosis of possible disease conditions. The aim is to assess the influence of selected exposure parameters on scattered dose rates. The research was carried out using Gamma Scout software installation on the Computer system (Laptop) to record the radiation counts, pulse rate, and dose rate for 136 patients. Seventy-three patients participated in the male category with 53.7%, while 63 females participated with 46.3%. The mean and standard deviation value for each parameter is recorded, and tube potential is within 69.50±11.75 ranges between 52.00 and 100.00, tube current is within 23.20±17.55 ranges between 4.00 and 100.00, focus skin distance is within 73.195±33.99 and ranges between 52.00 and 100.00. Dose Rate (DRate in µSv/hr) is significant at an interval of 0.582 and 0.587 for tube potential and body thickness (cm). Tube potential is significant at an interval of 0.582 and 0.842 of DRate (µSv/hr) and body thickness (cm). The study was compared with other studies. The exposure parameters selected during each examination contributed to scattered radiation. A quality assurance program (QAP) is advised for the center.Keywords: x-radiation, exposure rate, dose rate, tube potentials, scattered radiation, diagnostic examination
Procedia PDF Downloads 1491081 Gamification in Education: A Case Study on the Use of Serious Games
Authors: Maciej Zareba, Pawel Dawid
This article provides a case study exploring the use of serious games in educational settings, indicating their potential to transform conventional teaching methods into interactive and engaging learning experiences. By incorporating game elements such as points, leaderboards and progress indicators, serious games establish clear goals, provide real-time feedback and give a sense of progress. These elements enable students to solve complex problems in simulated environments, fostering critical thinking, creativity and contextual learning. The article provides a case study of the feasibility of using the 4FactryManager serious game in a selected educational context, demonstrating its effectiveness in increasing student motivation, improving academic performance and promoting knowledge consolidation. The study and presentation are based on the results of industrial research and development work conducted as part of the project titled (4FM) 4FACTORY Manager – an innovative simulation game for managing real production processes using a novel gameplay model based on the interaction between the virtual and real worlds, applying the Industry 4.0 concept (Project number: POIR.01.02.00-00-0057/19).Keywords: gamification, serious games, education, elearning
Procedia PDF Downloads 81080 An Appraisal of Maintenance Management Practices in Federal University Dutse and Jigawa State Polytechnic Dutse, Nigeria
Authors: Aminu Mubarak Sadis
This study appraised the maintenance management practice in Federal University Dutse and Jigawa State Polytechnic Dutse, in Nigeria. The Physical Planning, Works and Maintenance Departments of the two Higher Institutions (Federal University Dutse and Jigawa State Polytechnic) are responsible for production and maintenance management of their physical assets. Over–enrollment problem has been a common feature in the higher institutions in Nigeria, Data were collected by the administered questionnaires and subsequent oral interview to authenticate the completed questionnaires. Random sampling techniques was used in selecting 150 respondents across the various institutions (Federal University Dutse and Jigawa State Polytechnic Dutse). Data collected was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) and t-test statistical techniques The conclusion was that maintenance management activities are yet to be given their appropriate attention on functions of the university and polytechnic which are crucial to improving teaching, learning and research. The unit responsible for maintenance and managing facilities should focus on their stated functions and effect changes were possible.Keywords: appraisal, maintenance management, university, Polytechnic, practices
Procedia PDF Downloads 2531079 Design for Classroom Units: A Collaborative Multicultural Studio Development with Chinese Students
Authors: C. S. Caires, A. Barbosa, W. Hanyou
In this paper, we present the main results achieved during a five-week international workshop on Interactive Furniture for the Classroom, with 22 Chinese design students, in Jiangmen city (Guangdong province, China), and five teachers from Portugal, France, Iran, Macao SAR, and China. The main goal was to engage design students from China with new skills and practice methodologies towards interactive design research for furniture and product design for the classroom. The final results demonstrate students' concerns on improving Chinese furniture design for the classrooms, including solutions related to collaborative learning and human-interaction design for interactive furniture products. The findings of the research led students to the fabrication of five original prototypes: two for kindergartens ('Candy' and 'Tilt-tilt'), two for primary schools ('Closer' and 'Eks(x)'), and one for art/creative schools ('Wave'). From the findings, it was also clear that collaboration, personalization, and project-based teaching are still neglected when designing furniture products for the classroom in China. Students focused on these issues and came up with creative solutions that could transform this educational field in China.Keywords: product design, collaborative education, interactive design, design research and prototyping
Procedia PDF Downloads 1301078 Effect of Open-Ended Laboratory toward Learners Performance in Environmental Engineering Course: Case Study of Civil Engineering at Universiti Malaysia Sabah
Authors: N. Bolong, J. Makinda, I. Saad
Laboratory activities have produced benefits in student learning. With current drives of new technology resources and evolving era of education methods, renewal status of learning and teaching in laboratory methods are in progress, for both learners and the educators. To enhance learning outcomes in laboratory works particularly in engineering practices and testing, learning via hands-on by instruction may not sufficient. This paper describes and compares techniques and implementation of traditional (expository) with open-ended laboratory (problem-based) for two consecutive cohorts studying environmental laboratory course in civil engineering program. The transition of traditional to problem-based findings and effect were investigated in terms of course assessment student feedback survey, course outcome learning measurement and student performance grades. It was proved that students have demonstrated better performance in their grades and 12% increase in the course outcome (CO) in problem-based open-ended laboratory style than traditional method; although in perception, students has responded less favorable in their feedback.Keywords: engineering education, open-ended laboratory, environmental engineering lab
Procedia PDF Downloads 3171077 The Reflections of the K-12 English Language Teachers on the Implementation of the K-12 Basic Education Program in the Philippines
Authors: Dennis Infante
This paper examined the reflections of teachers on curriculum reforms, the implementation of the K-12 Basic Education Program in the Philippines. The results revealed that problems and concerns raised by teachers could be classified into curriculum materials and design; competence, readiness and motivation of the teachers; the learning environment, and support systems; readiness, competence and motivation of students; and other relevant factors. The best features of the K-12 curriculum reforms included (1) the components, curriculum materials; (2) the design, structure and delivery of the lessons; (3) the framework and theoretical approach; (3) the qualities of the teaching-learning activities; (4) and other relevant features. With the demanding task of implementing the new curriculum, the teachers expressed their needs which included (1) making the curriculum materials available to achieve the goals of the curriculum reforms; (2) enrichment of the learning environments; (3) motivating and encouraging the teachers to embrace change; (4) providing appropriate support systems; (5) re-tooling, and empowering teachers to implement the curriculum reforms; and (6) other relevant factors. The research concluded with a synthesis that provided a paradigm for implementing curriculum reforms which recognizes the needs of the teachers and the features of the new curriculum.Keywords: curriculum reforms, K-12, teachers' reflections, implementing curriculum change
Procedia PDF Downloads 2801076 Transitivity System in Research Journal Articles
Authors: Noni Agustina, Nuryansyah Adijaya
Writing research report plays an important role in a process of conducting research, especially a research report which is written in English. A researcher should consider many language elements; grammar, word-appropriateness, punctuation, etc in a research report. However, many researchers face some problems in research report, especially for non-native writers. This study is aimed to find out the characteristics of internationally published research journal articles based on functional grammar viewpoint especially transitivity system. Six published research journal articles which consist of English Language Teaching, linguistics, and medical fields were takes as the data. Each of field comprises native and non-native English speaking research journal articles. Qualitative content analysis was employed as the method of the study The results show that all six published research journal articles both native and non-native use material and relational process. The participants are dominated by goal, phenomenon, attribute, value, verbiage, and existent. They reflect the objectivity in research journal articles. Moreover, circumstance of place and quality occur more frequently. Transitivity system that consists of process types, participants, and circumstances have roles in describing the characteristics of research journal articles.Keywords: transitivity system, SFL, ideational meaning, research journal article
Procedia PDF Downloads 2821075 Attitude Towards E-Learning: A Case of University Teachers and Students
Authors: Muhamamd Shahid Farooq, Maazan Zafar, Rizawana Akhtar
E-learning technologies are the blessings of advancements in science and technology. These facilitate the learners to get information at any place and any time by improving their self-confidence, self-efficacy and effectiveness in teaching learning process. E-learning provides an individualized learning experience for learners and remove barriers faced by students during new and creative ways of gaining information. It provides a wide range of facilities to enable the teachers and students for effective and purposeful learning. This study was conducted to explore the attitudes of university students and teachers towards e-learning working in a metropolitan university of Pakistan. The personal, institutional and technological characteristics of the teachers and students of higher education institution effect the adoption of e-learning. For this descriptive study 449 students and 35 university teachers were surveyed by using a Likert scale type questionnaire consisting of 52 statements relating to six factors "perceived usefulness, intention to adopt e-learning, ease of e-learning use, availability resources, e-learning stressors, and pressure to use e-learning". Data were analyzed by making comparisons on the basis of different demographic factors. The findings of the study show that both type of respondents have positive attitude towards e-learning. However, the male and female respondents differ in their opinion for e-learning implementation.Keywords: e-learning, ICT, e-sources of learning, questionnaire
Procedia PDF Downloads 5281074 Choking among Infants and Young Children
Authors: Emad M.Abdullat, Hasan A. Ader-Rahman, Rayyan Al Ali, Arwa.A.Hudaib
This retrospective study aims to determine the epidemiological features of such deaths in one of the general teaching hospitals in Jordan with a focus on weaning practices and its relation to sucking as major factors underlying the mechanism of choking in infants and young children. The study utilized a retrospective design to review the records of forensic cases due to foreign body aspiration examined at the forensic department at the Jordan University Hospital. A total of 27 cases of choking in the pediatric age group were retrieved from the reports of the autopsy cases dissected. All cases of children who died due to chocking by foreign bodies were under 11 years old. Choking by food materials constituted (44.4%) of cases under 3 years of age while choking by non-food material were less prevalent under 3 years of age and comprising 18.5% of the cases. Health care personnel and parents need to be aware that introduction of solid food, unlike exclusive breast or formula-milk feeding, can have serious consequences if occurring in inappropriate timing or consistency during early childhood physical and functional development. Parents need to be educated regarding the appropriate timing and process of weaning.Keywords: chocking, infants, weaning practices, young children
Procedia PDF Downloads 4901073 Classroom Incivility Behaviours among Medical Students: A Comparative Study in Pakistan
Authors: Manal Rauf
Trained medical practitioners are produced from medical colleges serving in public and private sectors. Prime responsibility of teaching faculty is to inculcate required work ethic among the students by serving as role models for them. It is an observed fact that classroom incivility behaviours are providing a friction in achieving these targets. Present study aimed at identification of classroom incivility behaviours observed by teachers and students of public and private medical colleges as per Glasser’s Choice Theory, making a comparison and investigating the strategies being adopted by teachers of both sectors to control undesired class room behaviours. Findings revealed that a significant difference occurs between teacher and student incivility behaviours. Public sector teacher focussed on survival as a strong factor behind in civil behaviours whereas private sector teachers considered power as the precedent for incivility. Teachers of both sectors are required to use verbal as well as non-verbal immediacy to reach a healthy leaning environment.Keywords: classroom incivility behaviour, glasser choice theory, Mehrabian immediacy theory
Procedia PDF Downloads 2401072 Unveiling the Dynamics of Preservice Teachers’ Engagement with Mathematical Modeling through Model Eliciting Activities: A Comprehensive Exploration of Acceptance and Resistance Towards Modeling and Its Pedagogy
Authors: Ozgul Kartal, Wade Tillett, Lyn D. English
Despite its global significance in curricula, mathematical modeling encounters persistent disparities in recognition and emphasis within regular mathematics classrooms and teacher education across countries with diverse educational and cultural traditions, including variations in the perceived role of mathematical modeling. Over the past two decades, increased attention has been given to the integration of mathematical modeling into national curriculum standards in the U.S. and other countries. Therefore, the mathematics education research community has dedicated significant efforts to investigate various aspects associated with the teaching and learning of mathematical modeling, primarily focusing on exploring the applicability of modeling in schools and assessing students', teachers', and preservice teachers' (PTs) competencies and engagement in modeling cycles and processes. However, limited attention has been directed toward examining potential resistance hindering teachers and PTs from effectively implementing mathematical modeling. This study focuses on how PTs, without prior modeling experience, resist and/or embrace mathematical modeling and its pedagogy as they learn about models and modeling perspectives, navigate the modeling process, design and implement their modeling activities and lesson plans, and experience the pedagogy enabling modeling. Model eliciting activities (MEAs) were employed due to their high potential to support the development of mathematical modeling pedagogy. The mathematical modeling module was integrated into a mathematics methods course to explore how PTs embraced or resisted mathematical modeling and its pedagogy. The module design included reading, reflecting, engaging in modeling, assessing models, creating a modeling task (MEA), and designing a modeling lesson employing an MEA. Twelve senior undergraduate students participated, and data collection involved video recordings, written prompts, lesson plans, and reflections. An open coding analysis revealed acceptance and resistance toward teaching mathematical modeling. The study identified four overarching themes, including both acceptance and resistance: pedagogy, affordance of modeling (tasks), modeling actions, and adjusting modeling. In the category of pedagogy, PTs displayed acceptance based on potential pedagogical benefits and resistance due to various concerns. The affordance of modeling (tasks) category emerged from instances when PTs showed acceptance or resistance while discussing the nature and quality of modeling tasks, often debating whether modeling is considered mathematics. PTs demonstrated both acceptance and resistance in their modeling actions, engaging in modeling cycles as students and designing/implementing MEAs as teachers. The adjusting modeling category captured instances where PTs accepted or resisted maintaining the qualities and nature of the modeling experience or converted modeling into a typical structured mathematics experience for students. While PTs displayed a mix of acceptance and resistance in their modeling actions, limitations were observed in embracing complexity and adhering to model principles. The study provides valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities of integrating mathematical modeling into teacher education, emphasizing the importance of addressing pedagogical concerns and providing support for effective implementation. In conclusion, this research offers a comprehensive understanding of PTs' engagement with modeling, advocating for a more focused discussion on the distinct nature and significance of mathematical modeling in the broader curriculum to establish a foundation for effective teacher education programs.Keywords: mathematical modeling, model eliciting activities, modeling pedagogy, secondary teacher education
Procedia PDF Downloads 661071 Adoption of Digital Storytelling Tool to Teach 21st Century Skills by Malaysian Pre-service Teachers
Authors: Siti Aisyah binti Jumpaan
21ˢᵗ century skills (PAK-21) integration has made its way into Malaysian curriculum when Ministry of Education introduce its implementation since 2016. This study was conducted to explore pre-service teachers’ readiness in integrating 21st century skills in the classroom via the digital storytelling (DST) method and to find gaps between theory and practice that can be integral towards pre-service teachers’ professional growth. Qualitative research method was used in this research involving six respondents who were selected using a purposive sampling method. Their response from interviews and lesson plan analysis were analysed using narrative analysis. The findings showed that pre-service teachers showed a moderate level of readiness in integrating 21st century skills using DST. Pre-service teachers demonstrated high level of preparedness in writing their lesson plan, but their interview revealed that they faced struggles in implementation due to several factors, such as lack of technology and failure to obtain students’ participation. This study further strengthens the need for specialised curriculum for pre-service teachers in teaching 21st century skills via DST.Keywords: digital storytelling, 21ˢᵗ century skills, preservice teachers, teacher training
Procedia PDF Downloads 931070 Effects of Bilingual Education in the Teaching and Learning Practices in the Continuous Improvement and Development of k12 Program
Authors: Miriam Sebastian
This research focused on the effects of bilingual education as medium of instruction to the academic performance of selected intermediate students of Miriam’s Academy of Valenzuela Inc. . An experimental design was used, with language of instruction as the independent variable and the different literacy skills as dependent variables. The sample consisted of experimental students comprises of 30 students were exposed to bilingual education (Filipino and English) . They were given pretests and were divided into three groups: Monolingual Filipino, Monolingual English, and Bilingual. They were taught different literacy skills for eight weeks and were then administered the posttests. Data was analyzed and evaluated in the light of the central processing and script-dependent hypotheses. Based on the data, it can be inferred that monolingual instruction in either Filipino or English had a stronger effect on the students’ literacy skills compared to bilingual instruction. Moreover, mother tongue-based instruction, as compared to second-language instruction, had stronger effect on the preschoolers’ literacy skills. Such results have implications not only for mother tongue-based (MTB) but also for English as a second language (ESL) instruction in the countryKeywords: bilingualism, effects, monolingual, function, multilingual, mother tongue
Procedia PDF Downloads 1301069 The Role of Social Isolation and Its Relevance Towards the Intersex Condition for Policy Management of Inclusive Education
Authors: Hamza Iftikhar
The intersex person’s social isolation condition is the leading concern in inclusive educational practices. It provides for the relevance of intersex communities with the influence of social isolation on their education and well-being. Given the underlying concern, this paper stresses the isolation-free condition of the intersex community by facilitating inclusive education. The Atkinson and Shiffrin Model and Behaviorism-Based Intersex Theory supports inclusive education by extending the desire for the significant management of stereotypes, quality teaching, parental beliefs, expressions, physique, and intersex attribution. The reducing role of social isolation for inclusive education is analyzed using the qualitative research method. The semi-structured interview research instrument is used for the data collection from the Ministry of Human Rights, Educational Institutions, and inter-sex Representatives. The results show that managing directors and heads of educational institutions frame policy management for the free social isolation of intersex persons, which is relevant through inclusive education. The implication of this paper is to provide a better social condition for intersex persons towards inclusive education through effective policy management.Keywords: social isolation, inter-sex, relevance, inclusive education, policy management
Procedia PDF Downloads 1021068 Contemporary Matter on Communication and Information Education: Technological Lack
Authors: Sedat Cereci
This study investigates character of communication, evaluates communication and information need of people, handles relation between communication and contemporary technology, and emphasizes technological lack on communication education in many societies. To get information and communication are of main needs of people and people developed different instruments and technics to learn and to communicate in the past. Because of social need, communication became social matter and governments contributed facilities of communication and set communication places for people to meet and to communicate. Industrial Revolution and technological developments also contributed communication technics and proved numerous technological facilities for communication. Education in the world also use developed technology in any department and communication education especially necessities high technological facilities in schools. Many high schools and universities have communication departments and most of them use contemporary technological facilities, but they are not sufficient. Communication departments in educational organizations in Turkey have computer classrooms, monitors, cameras, microphones, telephones, different softwares, and others. However, despite all this, technological facilities and teaching methods are not sufficient because of contemporary developments. Technology develops rapidly due to hopes of people and technological facilities in education cannot catch developments and people always hope more.Keywords: information, communication education, technology, technological lack, contemporary conditions, technics
Procedia PDF Downloads 3191067 An Analysis of Instruction Checklist Based on Universal Design for Learning
Authors: Yong Wook Kim
The purpose of this study is to develop an instruction analysis checklist applicable to inclusive setting based on the Universal Design for Learning Guideline 2.0. To do this, two self-validation reviews, two expert validity reviews, and two usability evaluations were conducted based on the Universal Design for Learning Guideline 2.0. After validation and usability evaluation, a total of 36 items consisting of 4 items for each instruction was developed. In all questions, examples are presented for the purpose of reinforcing concrete. All the items were judged by the 3-point scale. The observation results were provided through a radial chart allowing SWOT analysis of the universal design for learning of teachers. The developed checklist provides a description of the principles and guidelines in the checklist itself as it requires a thorough understanding by the observer of the universal design for learning through prior education. Based on the results of the study, the instruction criteria, the specificity of the criteria, the number of questions, and the method of arrangement were discussed. As a future research, this study proposed the characteristics of application of universal design for learning for each subject, the comparison with the observation results through the self-report teaching tool, and the continual revision and supplementation of the lecture checklist.Keywords: inclusion, universal design for learning, instruction analysis, instruction checklist
Procedia PDF Downloads 2811066 Attitudes of Secondary School Students towards Biology in Birnin Kebbi Metropolis, Kebbi State, Nigeria
Authors: I. A. Libata
The present study was carried out to determine the attitudes of Secondary School Students towards Biology in Birnin Kebbi metropolis. The population of the study is 2680 SS 2 Secondary School Students in Birnin Kebbi metropolis. Proportionate random sampling was used in selecting the samples. Oppinnionnaire was the only instrument used in the study. The instrument was subjected to test-retest reliability. The reliability index of the instrument was 0.69. Overall scores of the Students were analyzed and a mean score was determined, the mean score of students was 85. There were no significant differences between the attitudes of male and female students. The results also revealed that there was significant difference between the attitude of science and art students. The results also revealed that there was significant difference between the attitude of public and private school students. The study also reveals that majority of students in Birnin Kebbi Metropolis have positive attitudes towards biology. Based on the findings of this study, the researcher recommended that teachers should motivate students, which they can do through their teaching styles and by showing them the relevance of the learning topics to their everyday lives. Government and the school management should create the learning environment that helps motivate students not only to come to classes but also want to learn and enjoy learning Biology.Keywords: attitudes, students, Birnin-Kebbi, metropolis
Procedia PDF Downloads 4031065 Collaboration and Automatic Tutoring as a Learning Strategy: A Case Study in Programming Courses
Authors: Luis H. Gonzalez-Guerra, Armandina J. Leal-Flores
Students attending classrooms nowadays are habituated to use digital devices all the time and for multiple things. They have been familiar with digital technology throughout their lives so they have developed skills that should be naturally adopted as part of their study strategies. New learning styles require taking in consideration the use of models that support and promote student motivation for learning and development of their creative thinking skills. To achieve student learning in programming courses, different strategies are used. One of them is a collaboration between students, which is a tool which faculty can take advantage of when teaching these kinds of courses. Moreover, cooperation is an essential skill that society should reinforce in order to promote a healthy social environment and cohabitation. Nevertheless, students will still require support and advice to get a complete and correct programming solution to successfully address and solve the problems given throughout the course. This paper present a model where collaboration between students is associated with an automatic tutoring platform providing an excellent approach for the individual learning in collaborative activities in programming courses, and also motivates students to increase their knowledge regarding the topics covered in the classroom.Keywords: automatic tutoring, collaboration learning, creative thinking, motivation
Procedia PDF Downloads 2721064 Evaluating Effects of Health and Physical Maintenance on Academic Competencies of University Teachers in Pakistan
Authors: Muhammad Badar Habib, Muhammad Shakir, Asif Ali, Muhammad Zia ul Haq
Purpose of the research is to examine the university teachers’ health and physical activities regarding their academic competencies. Major objectives of this piece research were (a) to identify health problems of teachers at university level that affects academic competencies of university teachers and (b) to evaluate educational betterment through physical balance. This research is descriptive in nature and questionnaire was used as source of collecting data. Population of the present research comprises teachers, professors and professionals teaching in the universities of Pakistan. 580 university teachers were selected as a population of the study. Random sampling technique was used to identify recipients. Data was feed and filter in Ms-Excel. In the light of the analysis of the study following findings were drawn out. This study found that the university teachers in Pakistan do not adopt proper physical exercise program. They were less interested to burn their extra calories and face diseases such as cramping, contraction of the muscles, diabetics and stomach diseases. This study recommends that seminars/workshops may be held by University establishment; to develop overall awareness among the teachers.Keywords: evaluating effects of health and physical maintenance, academic competencies, university teachers, Pakistan
Procedia PDF Downloads 4581063 Human Kinetics Education and the Computer Operations, Effects and Merits
Authors: Kehinde Adeyeye Adelabu
Computer applications has completely revolutionized the way of life of people which does not exclude the field of sport education. There are computer technologies which help to enhance teaching in every field of education. Invention of computers has done great to the field of education. This study was therefore carried out to examine the effects and merits of computer operations in Human Kinetics Education and Sports. The study was able to identify the component of computer, uses of computer in Human Kinetics education (sports), computer applications in some branches of human kinetics education. A qualitative research method was employed by the author in gathering experts’ views and used to analyze the effects and merits of computer applications in the field of human kinetics education. No experiment was performed in the cause of carrying out the study. The source of information for the study was text-books, journal, articles, past project reports, internet i.e. Google search engine. Computer has significantly helped to improve Education (Human Kinetic), it has complemented the basic physical fitness testing and gave a more scientific basis to the testing. The use of the software and packages has made cost projections, database applications, inventory control, management of events, word processing, electronic mailing and record keeping easier than the pasts.Keywords: application, computer operation, education, human kinetics
Procedia PDF Downloads 1861062 Educating Children Who Are Deaf and Hearing Impaired in Southern Africa: Challenges and Triumphs
Authors: Emma Louise McKinney
There is a global move to integrate children who are Deaf and Hearing Impaired into regular classrooms with their hearing peers with an inclusive education framework. This paper examines the current education situation for children who are Deaf and Hearing Impaired in South Africa, Madagascar, Malawi, Zimbabwe, and Namibia. Qualitative data for this paper was obtained from the author’s experiences working as the Southern African Education Advisor for an international organization funding disability projects. It examines some of the challenges facing these children and their teachers relating to education. Challenges include cultural stigma relating to disability and deafness, a lack of hearing screening and early identification of deafness, schools in rural areas, special schools, specialist teacher training, equipment, understanding of how to implement policy, support, appropriate teaching methodologies, and sign language training and proficiency. On the other hand, in spite of the challenges some teachers are able to provide quality education to children who are Deaf and Hearing Impaired. This paper examines both the challenges as well as what teachers are doing to overcome these.Keywords: education of children who are deaf and hearing impaired, Southern African experiences, challenges, triumphs
Procedia PDF Downloads 2421061 English as a Lingua Franca Elicited in ASEAN Accents
Authors: Choedchoo Kwanhathai
This study explores attitudes towards ASEAN plus ONE (namely ASEAN plus China) accents of English as a Lingua Franca. The study draws attention to features of ASEAN’s diversity of English and specifically examines the extent of which the English accent in ASEAN countries of three of the ten members plus one were perceived in terms of correctness, acceptability, pleasantness, and familiarity. Three accents were used for this study; Chinese, Philippine and Thai. The participants were ninety eight Thai students enrolled in a foundation course of Suan Dusit Rajabhat University, Bangkok Thailand. The students were asked in questionnaires to rank how they perceived each specifically ASEAN plus One English accent after listening to audio recordings of three stories spoken by the three different ASEAN plus ONE English speakers. SPSS was used to analyze the data. The findings of attitudes towards varieties of English accent from the 98 respondents regarding correctness, acceptability, pleasantness, and familiarity of Thai English accents found that Thai accent was overall at level 3 (X = 2.757, SD= o.33), %Then Philippines accents was at level 2 (X = 2.326, SD = 16.12), and Chinese accents w2as at level 3 (X 3.198, SD = 0.18). Finally, the present study proposes pedagogical implications for teaching regarding awareness of ‘Englishes’ of ASEAN and their respective accents and their lingua cultural background of instructors.Keywords: English as a lingua franca, English accents, English as an international language, ASEAN plus one, ASEAN English varieties
Procedia PDF Downloads 4211060 Sharing Experience in Authentic Learning for Mobile Security
Mobile devices such as smartphones are getting more and more popular in our daily lives. The security vulnerability and threat attacks become a very emerging and important research and education topic in computing security discipline. There is a need to have an innovative mobile security hands-on laboratory to provide students with real world relevant mobile threat analysis and protection experience. This paper presents an authentic teaching and learning mobile security approach with smartphone devices which covers most important mobile threats in most aspects of mobile security. Each lab focuses on one type of mobile threats, such as mobile messaging threat, and conveys the threat analysis and protection in multiple ways, including lectures and tutorials, multimedia or app-based demonstration for threats analysis, and mobile app development for threat protections. This authentic learning approach is affordable and easily-adoptable which immerse students in a real world relevant learning environment with real devices. This approach can also be applied to many other mobile related courses such as mobile Java programming, database, network, and any security relevant courses so that can learn concepts and principles better with the hands-on authentic learning experience.Keywords: mobile computing, Android, network, security, labware
Procedia PDF Downloads 4071059 Models of Bilingual Education in Majority Language Contexts: An Exploratory Study of Bilingual Programmes in Qatari Primary Schools
Authors: Fatma Al-Maadheed
Following an ethnographic approach this study explored bilingual programmes offered by two types of primary schools in Qatar: international and Independent schools. Qatar with its unique linguistic and socio-economic situation launched a new initiative for educatiobnal development in 2001 but with hardly any research linked to theses changes. The study reveals that the Qatari bilingual schools context was one of heteroglossia, with three codes in operation: Modern Standard Arabic, Colloquial Arabic dialects and English. The two schools adopted different models of bilingualism. The international school adopted a strict separation policy between the two languages following a monoglossic belief. The independent school was found to apply a flexible language policy. The study also highlighted the daily challnges produced from the diglossia situation in Qatar, the difference between students and teacher dialect as well as acquiring literacy in the formal language. In addition to an abscence of a clear language policy in Schools, the study brought attention to the instructional methods utilised in language teaching which are mostly associated with successful bilingual education.Keywords: diglossia, instructional methods, language policy, qatari primary schools
Procedia PDF Downloads 4731058 Presenting Internals of Networks Using Bare Machine Technology
Authors: Joel Weymouth, Ramesh K. Karne, Alexander L. Wijesinha
Bare Machine Internet is part of the Bare Machine Computing (BMC) paradigm. It is used in programming application ns to run directly on a device. It is software that runs directly against the hardware using CPU, Memory, and I/O. The software application runs without an Operating System and resident mass storage. An important part of the BMC paradigm is the Bare Machine Internet. It utilizes an Application Development model software that interfaces directly with the hardware on a network server and file server. Because it is “bare,” it is a powerful teaching and research tool that can readily display the internals of the network protocols, software, and hardware of the applications running on the Bare Server. It was also demonstrated that the bare server was accessible by laptop and by smartphone/android. The purpose was to show the further practicality of Bare Internet in Computer Engineering and Computer Science Education and Research. It was also to show that an undergraduate student could take advantage of a bare server with any device and any browser at any release version connected to the internet. This paper presents the Bare Web Server as an educational tool. We will discuss possible applications of this paradigm.Keywords: bare machine computing, online research, network technology, visualizing network internals
Procedia PDF Downloads 1731057 Developing a Customizable Serious Game and Its Applicability in the Classroom
Authors: Anita Kéri
Recent developments in the field of education have led to a renewed interest in teaching methodologies and practices. Gamification is fast becoming a key instrument in the education of new generations and besides other methods, serious games have become the center of attention. Ready-built serious games are available for most higher education institutions to buy and implement. However, monetary restraints and the unalterable nature of the games might deter most higher education institutions from the application of these serious games. Therefore, there is a continuously growing need for a customizable serious game that has been developed based on a concrete need analysis and experts’ opinion. There has been little evidence so far of serious games that have been created based on relevant and current need analysis from higher education institution teachers, professional practitioners and students themselves. Therefore, the aim of this current paper is to analyze the needs of higher education institution educators with special emphasis on their needs, the applicability of serious games in their classrooms, and exploring options for the development of a customizable serious game framework. The paper undertakes to analyze workshop discussions on implementing serious games in education and propose a customizable serious game framework applicable in the education of the new generation. Research results show that the most important feature of a serious game is its customizability. The fact that practitioners are able to manage different scenarios and upload their own content to a game seems to be a key to the increasingly widespread application of serious games in the classroom.Keywords: education, gamification, game-based learning, serious games
Procedia PDF Downloads 1601056 Cultural Heritage Education in Preschools: Preschool Teachers' Perspectives
Authors: Yasemin Yücesan, Gabriela Portugal, Maria Figueiredo
This paper presents a part of an ongoing study on preschool teachers' perspectives and pedagogical practices regarding cultural heritage education. Accordingly, this study is based on a quantitative survey. The study area is Türkiye, and the research participants are preschool teachers actively teaching in preschool education institutions. It is necessary to encourage children to understand the past and cultural heritage values at an early age. Moreover, raising awareness of cultural heritage in preschool children is crucial for recognising and preserving this heritage. Therefore, it is very important to provide people with cultural heritage knowledge at an early age, as the preschool period is a key factor in raising awareness of this issue. In the preschool education programme implemented in Türkiye, it is stated that cultural heritage education is important in early childhood and should be included in the programme. However, although it is stated that cultural heritage education should be included in the preschool education programme, it is not clearly stated which subjects will be included in the programme and what kind of practices will be carried out. Therefore, this study examines the perspectives and pedagogical practices of preschool teachers working in preschool education institutions toward cultural heritage education.Keywords: cultural heritage, early childhood education, pedagogical practices, preschool teacher
Procedia PDF Downloads 361055 Role of Feedbacks in Simulation-Based Learning
Authors: Usman Ghani
Feedback is a vital element for improving student learning in a simulation-based training as it guides and refines learning through scaffolding. A number of studies in literature have shown that students’ learning is enhanced when feedback is provided with personalized tutoring that offers specific guidance and adapts feedback to the learner in a one-to-one environment. Thus, emulating these adaptive aspects of human tutoring in simulation provides an effective methodology to train individuals. This paper presents the results of a study that investigated the effectiveness of automating different types of feedback techniques such as Knowledge-of-Correct-Response (KCR) and Answer-Until- Correct (AUC) in software simulation for learning basic information technology concepts. For the purpose of comparison, techniques like simulation with zero or no-feedback (NFB) and traditional hands-on (HON) learning environments are also examined. The paper presents the summary of findings based on quantitative analyses which reveal that the simulation based instructional strategies are at least as effective as hands-on teaching methodologies for the purpose of learning of IT concepts. The paper also compares the results of the study with the earlier studies and recommends strategies for using feedback mechanism to improve students’ learning in designing and simulation-based IT training.Keywords: simulation, feedback, training, hands-on, labs
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