Search results for: remaining at work
12099 On the Role of Cutting Conditions on Surface Roughness in High-Speed Thread Milling of Brass C3600
Authors: Amir Mahyar Khorasani, Ian Gibson, Moshe Goldberg, Mohammad Masoud Movahedi, Guy Littlefair
One of the important factors in manufacturing processes especially machining operations is surface quality. Improving this parameter results in improving fatigue strength, corrosion resistance, creep life and surface friction. The reliability and clearance of removable joints such as thread and nuts are highly related to the surface roughness. In this work, the effect of different cutting parameters such as cutting fluid pressure, feed rate and cutting speed on the surface quality of the crest of thread in the high-speed milling of Brass C3600 have been determined. Two popular neural networks containing MLP and RBF coupling with Taguchi L32 have been used to model surface roughness which was shown to be highly adept for such tasks. The contribution of this work is modelling surface roughness on the crest of the thread by using precise profilometer with nanoscale resolution. Experimental tests have been carried out for validation and approved suitable accuracy of the proposed model. Also analysing the interaction of parameters two by two showed that the most effective cutting parameter on the surface value is feed rate followed by cutting speed and cutting fluid pressure.Keywords: artificial neural networks, cutting conditions, high-speed machining, surface roughness, thread milling
Procedia PDF Downloads 38012098 Uncovering the Complex Structure of Building Design Process Based on Royal Institute of British Architects Plan of Work
Authors: Fawaz A. Binsarra, Halim Boussabaine
The notion of complexity science has been attracting the interest of researchers and professionals due to the need of enhancing the efficiency of understanding complex systems dynamic and structure of interactions. In addition, complexity analysis has been used as an approach to investigate complex systems that contains a large number of components interacts with each other to accomplish specific outcomes and emerges specific behavior. The design process is considered as a complex action that involves large number interacted components, which are ranked as design tasks, design team, and the components of the design process. Those three main aspects of the building design process consist of several components that interact with each other as a dynamic system with complex information flow. In this paper, the goal is to uncover the complex structure of information interactions in building design process. The Investigating of Royal Institute of British Architects Plan Of Work 2013 information interactions as a case study to uncover the structure and building design process complexity using network analysis software to model the information interaction will significantly enhance the efficiency of the building design process outcomes.Keywords: complexity, process, building desgin, Riba, design complexity, network, network analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 52912097 Effect of Humic Substance on Ex-Vitro Propagation of Saffron (Crocus Sativus L.)
Authors: Abdelghani Tahiri, Youssef Karra, Naima Ait Aabd, Abdelaziz Mimouni
Saffron (Crocus sativus L.), the most expensive spice in the world derived from the stigmas, is an autumn-flowering and sterile triploid (2n=3x=24) geophyte species that belong to the Iridaceae family. This plant species is mainly propagated vegetatively through the formation of daughter corms from the mother one. Low multiplication rates of daughter corms under natural conditions, along with fungal contamination, significantly reduce the productivity and quality of saffron corms. The development of efficient and sustainable strategies for rapid and large-scale production of selected cultivars of saffron will be desired. For this, the main objective of this work is to improve the vegetative propagation of saffron under ex-vitro conditions. Preliminary results of the influence of increasing doses of humic substances (HS) on the growth and multiplication of corms under greenhouse conditions are evaluated. The obtained data shows that the effect of HS depends on the concentration used and the mode of application. Indeed, the application through irrigation has increased the number of shoots and corms, but it has reduced other parameters. On the other hand, the temporary treatment has improved all observed parameters except for the number of shoots and corms. Results obtained in this work suggest that it is possible to improve the propagation of saffron corms under greenhouse conditions.Keywords: saffron, Crocus sativus L., corm, humic substances
Procedia PDF Downloads 21412096 Contemporary Malayalam Independent Cinema: Limited Location Storytelling and It’s Prominence in the Pandemic Era.
Authors: Krishnanunni S.
The COVID-19 Pandemic has had an impact on every part of our lives, and the film industry is no exception. The restrictions the pandemic has brought made filmmakers confine their films to limited spaces. In India, Malayalam cinema was the first to incorporate the pandemic into its stories and started producing films within existing constraints. The purpose of this study was to study how the limited location storytelling concept influenced Malayalam independent and lockdown films. To answer this question, the three of the most popular films that we shot during the pandemic: The Great Indian Kitchen, Joji and Joyful Mystery, were dissected through text analysis and in-depth interviews were conducted with the makers of The Great Indian Kitchen and Joyful Mystery. The study revealed that the pandemic had had an influence on the way filmmakers visualize their stories and shoot them, especially while working within the restrictions of the pandemic. It was also observed that working with limited locations was the only way for filmmakers to make films during the times of pandemic. But rather than a hindrance to their work, filmmakers saw it as a new possibility to create in times of confinement. The findings of this study expanded the work of previous researchers about films shot in limited locations and the significant changes the pandemic has brought to the film industry.Keywords: limited location storytelling, pandemic, pandemic restrictions, lockdown cinema, pandemic films, Malayalam cinema, OTT revolution, cinema, films
Procedia PDF Downloads 8012095 An Ethnographic Study on How Namibian Sex Workers Experience Their Violation of Rights
Authors: Tessa Verhallen, Mama Africa
By co-constructing personal narratives of sex workers in Namibia this paper represents how sex workers experience their violation of rights in Namibia. It is written from an emic (as an advisor for a sex worker-led organization named Rights not Rescue Trust) and an etic (as an ethnographer) point of view, in collaboration with the staff of the organization Rights not Rescue Trust. This organization represents circa 3000 members. The paper describes the current deplorable situation of sex workers in Namibia, encompassing the stigma and discrimination they face, their struggle to have their work decriminalized and their urge to advocate for human rights and the end of violations. Based on a triangular research design (ethnography, narratives, literature study, human rights’ training and counseling sessions) the authors show that sex workers, particularly LGBTI sex workers, are extremely vulnerable to emotional, physical, and sexual violence in Namibia. The main perpetrators of violence turn out to be not only clients and intimate partners but also law enforcement officers and health care workers who are supposed to protect and support sex workers. The sex workers’ narratives voice their disgraceful circumstances regarding how their rights are violated. It also highlights their importance to fight for their rights and access to health care, legal services and education in order to improve the sexual reproductive health of sex workers.Keywords: HIV/aids, LGBTI, methodological innovative, sex work
Procedia PDF Downloads 31212094 Euthanasia Reconsidered: Voting and Multicriteria Decision-Making in Medical Ethics
Authors: J. Hakula
Discussion on euthanasia is a continuous process. Euthanasia is defined as 'deliberately ending a patient's life by administering life-ending drugs at the patient's explicit request'. With few exceptions, worldwide in most countries human societies have not been able to agree on some fundamental issues concerning ultimate decisions of life and death. Outranking methods in voting oriented social choice theory and multicriteria decision-making (MCDM) can be applied to issues in medical ethics. There is a wide range of voting methods, and using different methods the same group of voters can end up with different outcomes. In the MCDM context, decision alternatives can be substituted for candidates, and criteria for voters. The view chosen here is that of a single decision-maker. Initially, three alternatives and three criteria are chosen. Pairwise and basic positional voting rules - plurality, anti-plurality and the Borda count - are applied. In the MCDM solution, criteria are put weights by giving them the more 'votes'; the more important the decision-maker ranks them. A hypothetical example on evaluating properties of euthanasia consists of three alternatives A, B, and C, which are ranked according to three criteria - the patient’s willingness to cooperate, general action orientation (active/passive), and cost-effectiveness - the criteria having weights 7, 5, and 4, respectively. Using the plurality rule and the weights given to criteria, A is the best alternative, B and C thereafter. In pairwise comparisons, both B and C defeat A with weight scores 7 to 9. On the other hand, B is defeated by C with weights 11 to 5. Thus, C (i.e. the so-called Condorcet winner) defeats both A and B. The best alternative using the plurality principle is not necessarily the best in the pairwise sense, the conflict remaining unsolved with or without additional weights. Positional rules are sensitive to variations in alternative sets. In the example above, the plurality rule gives the rank ABC. If we leave out C, the plurality ranking between A and B results in BA. Withdrawing B or A the ranking is CA and CB, respectively. In pairwise comparisons an analogous problem emerges when the number of criteria is varied. Cyclic preferences may lead to a total tie, and no (rational) choice between the alternatives can be made. In conclusion, the choice of the best commitment to re-evaluate euthanasia, with criteria left unchanged, depends entirely on the evaluation method used. The right strategies matter, too. Future studies might concern the problem of an abstention - a situation where voters do not vote - and still their best candidate may win. Or vice versa, actively giving the ballot to their first rank choice might lead to a total loss. In MCDM terms, a decision might occur where some central criteria are not actively involved in the best choice made.Keywords: medical ethics, euthanasia, voting methods, multicriteria decision-making
Procedia PDF Downloads 16012093 Women with Disabilities: A Study of Contributions of Sexual and Reproductive Rights for Theology
Authors: Luciana Steffen
People with disabilities are often neglected in the exercise of their sexuality, facing several prejudices and discrimination in this area. For women with disabilities, the negligence is even major. Studies that relate sexual and reproductive rights with the experience of women with disabilities are rare, and in the field of Theology, practically nonexistent in Brazil. The aim of this work is to reflect on the relationship between women with disabilities, sexual and reproductive rights and Theology, according to a feminist perspective. The work is a literature review and involves the areas of Gender Studies, Disability Studies, Feminist Studies and Theology. In the article it will be addressed the relations between disability, sexual and reproductive rights, feminism, as well as the relations with the area of Theology, reflecting on these themes toward a fairer and more inclusive understanding of feminism, sexuality and women with disabilities. To reflect on sexual and reproductive rights of women with disabilities, it is important to reflect on religious concepts about the body, sexuality, reproduction and gender roles, because they are all connected. So, a critical analysis of traditional theological values taking into consideration the dimensions of sexuality and women with disability is important for a more liberating and inclusive understand about sexual and reproductive rights of women with disabilities. Theology should help the other areas in the understanding that all people have the right to live their lives with completeness, dignity and respect, so women with disabilities must have the opportunity of making their own choices on the fields of sexuality and reproduction.Keywords: gender, disability, sexual and reproductive rights, theology
Procedia PDF Downloads 31612092 Sovereign Debt Restructuring: A Study of the Inadequacies of the Contractual Approach
Authors: Salamah Ansari
In absence of a comprehensive international legal regime for sovereign debt restructuring, majority of the complications arising from sovereign debt restructuring are frequently left to the uncertain market forces. The resort to market forces for sovereign debt restructuring has led to a phenomenal increase in litigations targeting assets of defaulting sovereign nations, internationally across jurisdictions with the first major wave of lawsuits against sovereigns in the 1980s with the Latin American crisis. Recent experiences substantiate that majority of obstacles faced during sovereign debt restructuring process are caused by inefficient creditor coordination and collective action problems. Collective action problems manifest as grab race, rush to exits, holdouts, the free rider problem and the rush to the courthouse. On defaulting, for a nation to successfully restructure its debt, all the creditors involved must accept some reduction in the value of their claims. As a single holdout creditor has the potential to undermine the restructuring process, hold-out creditors are snowballing with the increasing probability of earning high returns through litigations. This necessitates a mechanism to avoid holdout litigations and reinforce collective action on the part of the creditor. This can be done either through a statutory reform or through market-based contractual approach. In absence of an international sovereign bankruptcy regime, the impetus is mostly on inclusion of collective action clauses in debt contracts. The preference to contractual mechanisms vis- a vis a statutory approach can be explained with numerous reasons, but that's only part of the puzzle in trying to understand the economics of the underlying system. The contractual approach proposals advocate the inclusion of certain clauses in the debt contract for an orderly debt restructuring. These include clauses such as majority voting clauses, sharing clauses, non- acceleration clauses, initiation clauses, aggregation clauses, temporary stay on litigation clauses, priority financing clauses, and complete revelation of relevant information. However, voluntary market based contractual approach to debt workouts has its own complexities. It is a herculean task to enshrine clauses in debt contracts that are detailed enough to create an orderly debt restructuring mechanism while remaining attractive enough for creditors. Introduction of collective action clauses into debt contracts can reduce the barriers in efficient debt restructuring and also have the potential to improve the terms on which sovereigns are able to borrow. However, it should be borne in mind that such clauses are not a panacea to the huge institutional inadequacy that persists and may lead to worse restructuring outcomes.Keywords: sovereign debt restructuring, collective action clauses, hold out creditors, litigations
Procedia PDF Downloads 15612091 Design, Analysis and Construction of a 250vac 8amps Arc Welding Machine
Authors: Anthony Okechukwu Ifediniru, Austin Ikechukwu Gbasouzor, Isidore Uche Uju
This article is centered on the design, analysis, construction, and test of a locally made arc welding machine that operates on 250vac with 8 amp output taps ranging from 60vac to 250vac at a fixed frequency, which is of benefit to urban areas; while considering its cost-effectiveness, strength, portability, and mobility. The welding machine uses a power supply to create an electric arc between an electrode and the metal at the welding point. A current selector coil needed for current selection is connected to the primary winding. Electric power is supplied to the primary winding of its transformer and is transferred to the secondary winding by induction. The voltage and current output of the secondary winding are connected to the output terminal, which is used to carry out welding work. The output current of the machine ranges from 110amps for low current welding to 250amps for high current welding. The machine uses a step-down transformer configuration for stepping down the voltage in order to obtain a high current level for effective welding. The welder can adjust the output current within a certain range. This allows the welder to properly set the output current for the type of welding that is being performed. The constructed arc welding machine was tested by connecting the work piece to it. Since there was no shock or spark from the transformer’s laminated core and was successfully used to join metals, it confirmed and validated the design.Keywords: AC current, arc welding machine, DC current, transformer, welds
Procedia PDF Downloads 18212090 Swedish Police Officers' Experiences of Meeting with Women Who Were Raped
Authors: Lisa Rudolfsson
Socio-cognitive factors, such as social support and attribution of blame, influence the victim’s psychological adjustment after the abuse. Furthermore, the response from the person that the victim first confides to effect adjustment following the abuse. In Sweden, although police are investigating most of the reported cases of rape, very few rape-cases leads to trial and sentence. For many women who have been raped, contact with the police officer when reporting the crime will, therefore, be the most notable experience of how representatives for the Swedish society regard and handle what has happened. Hence, it seems urgent to gather information about these initial meetings. This study is part of a three-year research project, titled 'Female rape victims: Quality of initial police and medical care contact', funded by the Swedish Crime Victim and Support Authority. The focus of this study was on police officers in Sweden: their thoughts and experiences of meeting with raped women. Forthcoming are interviews with raped women about their experiences of meeting with police. Sixteen police officers participated in three focus groups and one interview. The participants consisted of five men and eleven women. Focus groups and interview were audio recorded and transcribed verbatim. The material was analyzed using thematic analysis. Participants described how violence against women was not a priority in Swedish society or within the Police Authority. They talked about rape cases as a Sisyphean work-task that put high demands on them, while they also lacked training and support. They expressed a wish to offer the woman some kind of restoration, and they talked about their work as potentially making a difference for the woman – even if she did not get juridical justice. However, participants also described that they did not feel validated in their hard work. They talked about working rape cases as causing them a great deal of frustration - directed towards the Police Authority, the juridical system, colleagues, and sometimes towards the woman. Participants also described how meeting with raped women was a work that affected them in a personal manner. Listening to stories about sexual violence made the participants sad, and they described it as a struggle to understand. They described wondering how the woman’s life turned out and how they sometimes questioned if they had done enough. Some of the conclusions concern the lack of prerequisites needed for police officers to be able to offer a good-enough treatment of raped women, as well as the lack of tools needed for police officers to care for themselves. In lack of training, validation, and support, the knowledge of how to offer a good- enough treatment of raped women becomes a task learned by doing. Attempts to offer, if not legal justice, then at least some kind of restoration becomes a personal task, dependent on individual police officers. It seems urgent that we address the risk of police officers’ frustration building up to be detrimental for both the crime victim and the officer her/himself.Keywords: focus groups, police, raped women, restoration
Procedia PDF Downloads 12312089 A Comprehensive Study of Accounting for Growth in China and India
Authors: Yousef Rostami Gharainy
We look at the late financial exhibitions of China and India utilizing a simple growth accounting framework that creates assessments of the commitment of work, capital, training, and aggregate variable profitability for the three parts of agribusiness, industry, and administrations and in addition for the total economy. Our examination consolidates late information updates in both nations and incorporates broad examination of the basic information arrangement. The development records demonstrate a generally square with division in each nation between the commitments of capital gathering and TFP to development in yield every specialist over the period 1980-2007, and an increasing speed of development when the period is separated at 1993. Be that as it may, the size of yield development in China is generally twofold that of India at the total level, and additionally higher in each of the three segments in both sub-periods. In China the post-1993 increasing speed was amassed generally in industry, which contributed about 61 percent of China’s total efficiency development. Interestingly, 48 percent of the development in India in the second sub-period came in administrations. Reallocation of specialists from farming to industry and administrations has contributed 1.3 rate focuses to efficiency development in every nation.Keywords: China, India, growth accounting framework, work, capital, training, aggregate variable profitability
Procedia PDF Downloads 29712088 Preliminary Study on Milk Composition and Milk Protein Polymorphism in the Algerian Local Sheep's Breeds
Authors: A. Ameur Ameur, F. Chougrani, M. Halbouche
In order to characterize the sheep's milk, we analyzed and compared, in a first stage of our work, the physical and chemical characteristics in two Algerian sheep breeds: Hamra race and race Ouled Djellal breeding at the station the experimental ITELV Ain Hadjar (Saïda Province). Analyses are performed by Ekomilk Ultra-analyzer (EON TRADING LLC, USA), they focused on the pH, density, freezing, fat, total protein, solids-the total dry extract. The results obtained for these parameters showed no significant differences between the two breeds studied. The second stage of this work was the isolation and characterization of milk proteins. For this, we used the precipitation of caseins phi [pH 4.6]. For this, we used the precipitation of caseins Phi (pH 4.6). After extraction, purification and assay, both casein and serum protein fractions were then assayed by the Bradford method and controlled by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) in the different conditions (native, in the presence of urea and in the presence of SDS). The electrophoretic pattern of milk samples showed the presence similarities of four major caseins variants (αs1-, αs2-β-and k-casein) and two whey proteins (β-lactoglobulin, α-lactalbumin) of two races Hamra and Ouled Djellal. But compared to bovine milk, they have helped to highlight some peculiarities as related to serum proteins (α La β Lg) as caseins, including αs1-Cn.Keywords: Hamra, Ouled Djellal, protein polymorphism, sheep breeds
Procedia PDF Downloads 55812087 Problems in Establishing Alliances to Comply with SDG 17 in the Successful Execution of Environmental Conservation Projects
Authors: Elena Bulmer
The research for this study has found that the formation of alliances for the successful revitalization of the global partnership for sustainable development, as defined by UN Sustainable Development Goal 17, entails considerable difficulty. This study uses for its empirical work marine environmental conservation projects and analyses the potential involvement of nonhuman actors as primordial stakeholders in these types of projects. The idea is to extend the scope of SDG 17 for it to also consider nonhuman subjects in order for it to better achieve its goal. The results of this study may be extrapolated to the business and management fields, which depend on natural resources for the development of their products. In the same way, in these areas, natural resources as nonhuman actors are not present in the stakeholder maps of these projects. Environmental Conservation projects are thus especially interesting to study with regards to their stakeholder context and have been used as the experimental setting for the empirical work of this study. The primordial stakeholders of these projects are not social objects and therefore go beyond the present limits of present stakeholder theory. The study that has been used to analyse this concept is a marine conservation project based in Spain, and to shed light in potential extending the role of the 17th Sustainable Development Goal to include nonhuman beings to be able to better achieve the rest of the SDGs, in this case, SDG 14 whose aim is to promote the conservation and sustainability of the world´s oceans.Keywords: SDG 17, sustainability, stakeholder management, environmental conservation projects
Procedia PDF Downloads 21512086 Predicting Resistance of Commonly Used Antimicrobials in Urinary Tract Infections: A Decision Tree Analysis
Authors: Meera Tandan, Mohan Timilsina, Martin Cormican, Akke Vellinga
Background: In general practice, many infections are treated empirically without microbiological confirmation. Understanding susceptibility of antimicrobials during empirical prescribing can be helpful to reduce inappropriate prescribing. This study aims to apply a prediction model using a decision tree approach to predict the antimicrobial resistance (AMR) of urinary tract infections (UTI) based on non-clinical features of patients over 65 years. Decision tree models are a novel idea to predict the outcome of AMR at an initial stage. Method: Data was extracted from the database of the microbiological laboratory of the University Hospitals Galway on all antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) of urine specimens from patients over the age of 65 from January 2011 to December 2014. The primary endpoint was resistance to common antimicrobials (Nitrofurantoin, trimethoprim, ciprofloxacin, co-amoxiclav and amoxicillin) used to treat UTI. A classification and regression tree (CART) model was generated with the outcome ‘resistant infection’. The importance of each predictor (the number of previous samples, age, gender, location (nursing home, hospital, community) and causative agent) on antimicrobial resistance was estimated. Sensitivity, specificity, negative predictive (NPV) and positive predictive (PPV) values were used to evaluate the performance of the model. Seventy-five percent (75%) of the data were used as a training set and validation of the model was performed with the remaining 25% of the dataset. Results: A total of 9805 UTI patients over 65 years had their urine sample submitted for AST at least once over the four years. E.coli, Klebsiella, Proteus species were the most commonly identified pathogens among the UTI patients without catheter whereas Sertia, Staphylococcus aureus; Enterobacter was common with the catheter. The validated CART model shows slight differences in the sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV in between the models with and without the causative organisms. The sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV for the model with non-clinical predictors was between 74% and 88% depending on the antimicrobial. Conclusion: The CART models developed using non-clinical predictors have good performance when predicting antimicrobial resistance. These models predict which antimicrobial may be the most appropriate based on non-clinical factors. Other CART models, prospective data collection and validation and an increasing number of non-clinical factors will improve model performance. The presented model provides an alternative approach to decision making on antimicrobial prescribing for UTIs in older patients.Keywords: antimicrobial resistance, urinary tract infection, prediction, decision tree
Procedia PDF Downloads 25612085 Modeling Standpipe Pressure Using Multivariable Regression Analysis by Combining Drilling Parameters and a Herschel-Bulkley Model
Authors: Seydou Sinde
The aims of this paper are to formulate mathematical expressions that can be used to estimate the standpipe pressure (SPP). The developed formulas take into account the main factors that, directly or indirectly, affect the behavior of SPP values. Fluid rheology and well hydraulics are some of these essential factors. Mud Plastic viscosity, yield point, flow power, consistency index, flow rate, drillstring, and annular geometries are represented by the frictional pressure (Pf), which is one of the input independent parameters and is calculated, in this paper, using Herschel-Bulkley rheological model. Other input independent parameters include the rate of penetration (ROP), applied load or weight on the bit (WOB), bit revolutions per minute (RPM), bit torque (TRQ), and hole inclination and direction coupled in the hole curvature or dogleg (DL). The technique of repeating parameters and Buckingham PI theorem are used to reduce the number of the input independent parameters into the dimensionless revolutions per minute (RPMd), the dimensionless torque (TRQd), and the dogleg, which is already in the dimensionless form of radians. Multivariable linear and polynomial regression technique using PTC Mathcad Prime 4.0 is used to analyze and determine the exact relationships between the dependent parameter, which is SPP, and the remaining three dimensionless groups. Three models proved sufficiently satisfactory to estimate the standpipe pressure: multivariable linear regression model 1 containing three regression coefficients for vertical wells; multivariable linear regression model 2 containing four regression coefficients for deviated wells; and multivariable polynomial quadratic regression model containing six regression coefficients for both vertical and deviated wells. Although that the linear regression model 2 (with four coefficients) is relatively more complex and contains an additional term over the linear regression model 1 (with three coefficients), the former did not really add significant improvements to the later except for some minor values. Thus, the effect of the hole curvature or dogleg is insignificant and can be omitted from the input independent parameters without significant losses of accuracy. The polynomial quadratic regression model is considered the most accurate model due to its relatively higher accuracy for most of the cases. Data of nine wells from the Middle East were used to run the developed models with satisfactory results provided by all of them, even if the multivariable polynomial quadratic regression model gave the best and most accurate results. Development of these models is useful not only to monitor and predict, with accuracy, the values of SPP but also to early control and check for the integrity of the well hydraulics as well as to take the corrective actions should any unexpected problems appear, such as pipe washouts, jet plugging, excessive mud losses, fluid gains, kicks, etc.Keywords: standpipe, pressure, hydraulics, nondimensionalization, parameters, regression
Procedia PDF Downloads 8412084 Banking and Accounting Analysis Researches Effect on Environment and Income
Authors: Gerges Samaan Henin Abdalla
Ultra-secured methods of banking services have been introduced to the customer, such as online banking. Banks have begun to consider electronic banking (e-banking) as a way to replace some traditional branch functions by using the Internet as a distribution channel. Some consumers have at least one account at multiple banks and access these accounts through online banking. To check their current net worth, clients need to log into each of their accounts, get detailed information, and work toward consolidation. Not only is it time consuming, but it is also a repeatable activity with a certain frequency. To solve this problem, the concept of account aggregation was added as a solution. Account consolidation in e-banking as a form of electronic banking appears to build a stronger relationship with customers. An account linking service is generally referred to as a service that allows customers to manage their bank accounts held at different institutions via a common online banking platform that places a high priority on security and data protection. Consumers have at least one account at multiple banks and access these accounts through online banking. To check their current net worth, clients need to log into each of their accounts, get detailed information, and work toward consolidation. The article provides an overview of the account aggregation approach in e-banking as a new service in the area of e-banking.Keywords: compatibility, complexity, mobile banking, observation, risk banking technology, Internet banks, modernization of banks, banks, account aggregation, security, enterprise development
Procedia PDF Downloads 4812083 Professional Working Conditions, Mental Health And Mobility In The Hungarian Social Sector Preliminary Findings From A Multi-method Study
Authors: Ágnes Győri, Éva Perpék, Zsófia Bauer, Zsuzsanna Elek
The aim of the research (funded by Hungarian national grant, NFKI- FK 138315) is to examine the professional mobility, mental health and work environment of social workers with a complex approach. Previous international and Hungarian research has pointed out that those working in the helping professions are strongly exposed to the risk of emotional-mental-physical exhaustion due to stress. Mental and physical strain, as well as lack of coping (can) cause health problems, but its role in career change and high labor turnover has also been proven. Even though satisfaction with working conditions of those employed in the human service sector in the context of the stress burden has been researched extensively, there is a lack of large-sample international and Hungarian domestic studies exploring the effects of profession-specific conditions. Nor has it been examined how the specific features of the social profession and mental health affect the career mobility of the professionals concerned. In our research, these factors and their correlations are analyzed by means of mixed methodology, utilizing the benefits of netnographic big data analysis and a sector-specific quantitative survey. The netnographic analysis of open web content generated inside and outside the social profession offers a holistic overview of the influencing factors related to mental health and the work environment of social workers. On the one hand, the topics and topoi emerging in the external discourse concerning the sector are examined, and on the other hand, focus on mentions and streams of comments regarding the profession, burnout, stress, coping, as well as labor turnover and career changes among social professionals. The analysis focuses on new trends and changes in discourse that have emerged during and after the pandemic. In addition to the online conversation analysis, a survey of social professionals with a specific focus has been conducted. The questionnaire is based on input from the first two research phases. The applied approach underlines that the mobility paths of social professionals can only be understood if, apart from the general working conditions, the specific features of social work and the effects of certain aspects of mental health (emotional-mental-physical strain, resilience) are taken into account as well. In this paper, the preliminary results from this innovative methodological mix are presented, with the aim of highlighting new opportunities and dimensions in the research on social work. A gap in existing research is aimed to be filled both on a methodological and empirical level, and the Hungarian domestic findings can create a feasible and relevant framework for a further international investigation and cross-cultural comparative analysis. Said results can contribute to the foundation of organizational and policy-level interventions, targeted programs whereby the risk of burnout and the rate of career abandonment can be reduced. Exploring different aspects of resilience and mapping personality strengths can be a starting point for stress-management, motivation-building, and personality-development training for social professionals.Keywords: burnout, mixed methods, netnography, professional mobility, social work
Procedia PDF Downloads 14312082 A Gastro-Intestinal Model for a Rational Design of in vitro Systems to Study Drugs Bioavailability
Authors: Pompa Marcello, Mauro Capocelli, Vincenzo Piemonte
This work focuses on a mathematical model able to describe the gastro-intestinal physiology and providing a rational tool for the design of an artificial gastro-intestinal system. This latter is mainly devoted to analyse the absorption and bioavailability of drugs and nutrients through in vitro tests in order to overcome (or, at least, to partially replace) in vivo trials. The provided model realizes a conjunction ring (with extended prediction capability) between in vivo tests and mechanical-laboratory models emulating the human body. On this basis, no empirical equations controlling the gastric emptying are implemented in this model as frequent in the cited literature and all the sub-unit and the related system of equations are physiologically based. More in detail, the model structure consists of six compartments (stomach, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, colon and blood) interconnected through pipes and valves. Paracetamol, Ketoprofen, Irbesartan and Ketoconazole are considered and analysed in this work as reference drugs. The mathematical model has been validated against in vivo literature data. Results obtained show a very good model reliability and highlight the possibility to realize tailored simulations for different couples patient-drug, including food adsorption dynamics.Keywords: gastro-intestinal model, drugs bioavailability, paracetamol, ketoprofen
Procedia PDF Downloads 17012081 Numerical Analysis of Crack's Effects in a Dissimilar Welded Joint
Authors: Daniel N. L. Alves, Marcelo C. Rodrigues, Jose G. de Almeida
The search for structural efficiency in mechanical systems has been strongly exerted with aim of economic optimization and structural safety. As soon, to understand the response of materials when submitted to adverse conditions is essential to design a safety project. This work investigates the presence of cracks in dissimilar welded joints (DWJ). Its fracture toughness responses depend upon the heterogeneity present in these joints. Thus, this work aim analyzing the behavior of the crack tip zone located in a buttery dissimilar welded joint (ASTM A-36, Inconel, and AISI 8630 M) used in the union of pipes present in the offshore oil production lines. The crack was placed 1 mm from fusion line (FL) Inconel-AISI 8630 M toward the AISI 8630 M. Finite Element Method (FEM) was used to analyze stress and strain fields generated during the loading imposed on the specimen. It was possible observing critical stress area by the numerical tool as well as a preferential plastic flow was also observed in the sample of dissimilar welded joint, which can be considered a harbinger of the crack growth path. The results obtained through numerical analysis showed a convergent behavior in relation to the plastic flow, qualitatively and quantitatively, in agreement with previous performed.Keywords: crack, dissimilar welded joint, numerical analysis, strain field, the stress field
Procedia PDF Downloads 17112080 Modelling Tyre Rubber Materials for High Frequency FE Analysis
Authors: Bharath Anantharamaiah, Tomas Bouda, Elke Deckers, Stijn Jonckheere, Wim Desmet, Juan J. Garcia
Automotive tyres are gaining importance recently in terms of their noise emission, not only with respect to reduction in noise, but also their perception and detection. Tyres exhibit a mechanical noise generation mechanism up to 1 kHz. However, owing to the fact that tyre is a composite of several materials, it has been difficult to model it using finite elements to predict noise at high frequencies. The currently available FE models have a reliability of about 500 Hz, the limit which, however, is not enough to perceive the roughness or sharpness of noise from tyre. These noise components are important in order to alert pedestrians on the street about passing by slow, especially electric vehicles. In order to model tyre noise behaviour up to 1 kHz, its dynamic behaviour must be accurately developed up to a 1 kHz limit using finite elements. Materials play a vital role in modelling the dynamic tyre behaviour precisely. Since tyre is a composition of several components, their precise definition in finite element simulations is necessary. However, during the tyre manufacturing process, these components are subjected to various pressures and temperatures, due to which these properties could change. Hence, material definitions are better described based on the tyre responses. In this work, the hyperelasticity of tyre component rubbers is calibrated, using the design of experiments technique from the tyre characteristic responses that are measured on a stiffness measurement machine. The viscoelasticity of rubbers are defined by the Prony series for rubbers, which are determined from the loss factor relationship between the loss and storage moduli, assuming that the rubbers are excited within the linear viscoelasticity ranges. These values of loss factor are measured and theoretically expressed as a function of rubber shore hardness or hyperelasticities. From the results of the work, there exists a good correlation between test and simulation vibrational transfer function up to 1 kHz. The model also allows flexibility, i.e., the frequency limit can also be extended, if required, by calibrating the Prony parameters of rubbers corresponding to the frequency of interest. As future work, these tyre models are used for noise generation at high frequencies and thus for tyre noise perception.Keywords: tyre dynamics, rubber materials, prony series, hyperelasticity
Procedia PDF Downloads 19612079 Quality of Working Life and Occupational Stress in High School Teachers
Authors: S. Silva
Some professions had an increased risk for occupational stress and less quality of working life. Among several professions this risk is particularly preoccupant in teachers, namely high school teachers. This study aims to characterize the work stress in teachers and understand how the work stress influences their quality of working life. One hundred teachers, 60 women and 40 men with mean age of 43,2 years (SD=7,8), from North Portugal teaching in several high schools filled in the following questionnaires: Social-Demographic Questionnaire, Teacher Stress Questionnaire and the Survey of Professional Life, during January to March 2015. The results of our study show that high school teachers have several occupational stressors (M=5) and poor perceived quality of working life. They are unsatisfied with their current job and they refer to a considerable job frustration. 33% referred to no expectations about a better future in these profession and 40% have no career development. There is a strong negative correlation between stress and teacher quality of working life (r=-.775). Moderate levels of stress are related to more favorable quality of working life (r=.632). Stress, frequent in teachers, is a significant predictor of poor quality of working life. There are several stressors affecting the teachers’ performance. Career development is not considered among this professional class and it seems related to current job frustration. Considering the role of high school teacher in the development and learning of students, these results should be taken in consideration when planning the graduation and interventions with teachers.Keywords: career, quality of working life, stress, teachers
Procedia PDF Downloads 38112078 Combustion Variability and Uniqueness in Cylinders of a Radial Aircraft Piston Engine
Authors: Michal Geca, Grzegorz Baranski, Ksenia Siadkowska
The work is a part of the project which aims at developing innovative power and control systems for the high power aircraft piston engine ASz62IR. Developed electronically controlled ignition system will reduce emissions of toxic compounds as a result of lowered fuel consumption, optimized combustion and engine capability of efficient combustion of ecological fuels. The tested unit is an air-cooled four-stroke gasoline engine of 9 cylinders in a radial setup, mechanically charged by a radial compressor powered by the engine crankshaft. The total engine cubic capac-ity is 29.87 dm3, and the compression ratio is 6.4:1. The maximum take-off power is 1000 HP at 2200 rpm. The maximum fuel consumption is 280 kg/h. Engine powers aircrafts: An-2, M-18 „Dromader”, DHC-3 „OTTER”, DC-3 „Dakota”, GAF-125 „HAWK” i Y5. The main problems of the engine includes the imbalanced work of cylinders. The non-uniformity value in each cylinder results in non-uniformity of their work. In radial engine cylinders arrangement causes that the mixture movement that takes place in accordance (lower cylinder) or the opposite (upper cylinders) to the direction of gravity. Preliminary tests confirmed the presence of uneven workflow of individual cylinders. The phenomenon is most intense at low speed. The non-uniformity is visible on the waveform of cylinder pressure. Therefore two studies were conducted to determine the impact of this phenomenon on the engine performance: simulation and real tests. Simplified simulation was conducted on the element of the intake system coated with fuel film. The study shows that there is an effect of gravity on the movement of the fuel film inside the radial engine intake channels. Both in the lower and the upper inlet channels the film flows downwards. It follows from the fact that gravity assists the movement of the film in the lower cylinder channels and prevents the movement in the upper cylinder channels. Real tests on aircraft engine ASz62IR was conducted in transients condition (rapid change of the excess air in each cylinder were performed. Calculations were conducted for mass of fuel reaching the cylinders theoretically and really and on this basis, the factors of fuel evaporation “x” were determined. Therefore a simplified model of the fuel supply to cylinder was adopted. Model includes time constant of the fuel film τ, the number of engine transport cycles of non-evaporating fuel along the intake pipe γ and time between next cycles Δt. The calculation results of identification of the model parameters are presented in the form of radar graphs. The figures shows the averages declines and increases of the injection time and the average values for both types of stroke. These studies shown, that the change of the position of the cylinder will cause changes in the formation of fuel-air mixture and thus changes in the combustion process. Based on the results of the work of simulation and experiments was possible to develop individual algorithms for ignition control. This work has been financed by the Polish National Centre for Research and Development, INNOLOT, under Grant Agreement No. INNOLOT/I/1/NCBR/2013.Keywords: radial engine, ignition system, non-uniformity, combustion process
Procedia PDF Downloads 36712077 Energy and Nutrient Intakes in Cystic Fibrosis: Do They Achieve Guidelines ?
Authors: Hatice Akbıyık, Hülya Gökmen Özel, Nagehan Emiralioğlu, Elmas Ebru Güneş Yalçın, Deniz Doğru Ersöz, Hayriye Uğur Özçelik, Nural Kiper
Background: Dietary recommendations in cystic fibrosis (CF) are based on the need to compensate for the increased energy needs of infection, the increased energy cost of breathing and the losses, incurred from malabsorption. Studies in CF indicate that dietary recommendations for CF patients can be difficult to achieve Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the energy and nutrient intakes and to compare in accordance with CF dietary guidelines in CF. Methods: One-hundred sixty patients with CF, aged between 2 to 20 years (mean±SD= 7.4±4.8 years) attending Hacettepe University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Pulmonary Diseases were included. Energy and nutrient intakes from foods and enteral products were calculated using a-24-hour dietary recall method with BEBIS 7.2 programme. Percentages of energy and nutrient intakes were compared in accordance with CF dietary guidelines. Patients or/and parents completed a questionnaire showing mealtime problems, usage of alternative therapies and type of nutrition. Statistical analyses were done using SPSS 16.0 programme. Results: It was obtained that 14.5% and 46.9% of the total energy intake were from proteins and carbohydrates, respectively. The actual contribution of total, saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats to the total caloric intake was 37.5%, 14.3%, 14.9%, 9.9%, respectively. It was found that 87.7% of energy, 85% of protein 91.7% of carbohydrate, 81.1% of fat intakes were met, when compared CF recommended intakes of 120% RDA. Additionally 67%, 69.5%, 68.2% and 68.9% of the subjects did not achieve CF recommended intakes of 120% RDA for energy, protein, carbohydrate and fat, respectively. Patients with CF had low intakes for age for almost all vitamins and minerals, although supplementation was given. Especially most patients did not achieve the minimum recommended vitamin K intake of 120% RDA. The percentage meeting 120% RDA was 75.9% for vitamin K. It was shown that 41% of the patients had mealtime problems and they skipped the breakfast. Moreover 25.4% of the patients used alternative products outside the standard treatment (such as omega-3, ginger, turmeric, local honey). It was also showed that 60.8% of patients were using enteral products in addition to normal foods, the remaining patients were on only normal foods. Conclusion: The aims of improving nutritional status in children are to achieve normal weight gain and growth; optimize vitamin and mineral status; and slow the rate of clinical decline. In this study although enteral products were used in patients with CF, it was found that energy and nutrient requirements were unable to meet. Because dietary assessment is essential to identify the need for earlier nutritional intervention, in each visit patients need to be referred to CF specialist dietitian.Keywords: cystic fibrosis, energy and nutrient intakes, mealtime problems, malabsorbtion
Procedia PDF Downloads 45912076 Turbulent Channel Flow Synthesis using Generative Adversarial Networks
Authors: John M. Lyne, K. Andrea Scott
In fluid dynamics, direct numerical simulations (DNS) of turbulent flows require large amounts of nodes to appropriately resolve all scales of energy transfer. Due to the size of these databases, sharing these datasets amongst the academic community is a challenge. Recent work has been done to investigate the use of super-resolution to enable database sharing, where a low-resolution flow field is super-resolved to high resolutions using a neural network. Recently, Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) have grown in popularity with impressive results in the generation of faces, landscapes, and more. This work investigates the generation of unique high-resolution channel flow velocity fields from a low-dimensional latent space using a GAN. The training objective of the GAN is to generate samples in which the distribution of the generated samplesis ideally indistinguishable from the distribution of the training data. In this study, the network is trained using samples drawn from a statistically stationary channel flow at a Reynolds number of 560. Results show that the turbulent statistics and energy spectra of the generated flow fields are within reasonable agreement with those of the DNS data, demonstrating that GANscan produce the intricate multi-scale phenomena of turbulence.Keywords: computational fluid dynamics, channel flow, turbulence, generative adversarial network
Procedia PDF Downloads 20712075 Integrating Process Planning, WMS Dispatching, and WPPW Weighted Due Date Assignment Using a Genetic Algorithm
Authors: Halil Ibrahim Demir, Tarık Cakar, Ibrahim Cil, Muharrem Dugenci, Caner Erden
Conventionally, process planning, scheduling, and due-date assignment functions are performed separately and sequentially. The interdependence of these functions requires integration. Although integrated process planning and scheduling, and scheduling with due date assignment problems are popular research topics, only a few works address the integration of these three functions. This work focuses on the integration of process planning, WMS scheduling, and WPPW due date assignment. Another novelty of this work is the use of a weighted due date assignment. In the literature, due dates are generally assigned without considering the importance of customers. However, in this study, more important customers get closer due dates. Typically, only tardiness is punished, but the JIT philosophy punishes both earliness and tardiness. In this study, all weighted earliness, tardiness, and due date related costs are penalized. As no customer desires distant due dates, such distant due dates should be penalized. In this study, various levels of integration of these three functions are tested and genetic search and random search are compared both with each other and with ordinary solutions. Higher integration levels are superior, while search is always useful. Genetic searches outperformed random searches.Keywords: process planning, weighted scheduling, weighted due-date assignment, genetic algorithm, random search
Procedia PDF Downloads 39412074 Perception of Pre-Clinical Students towards Doctors Lifestyle
Authors: Shalinawati Ramli, Khairani Omar, Nurul Azmawati Mohamed, Zarini Ismail, Nur Syahrina Rahim, Nurul Hayati Chamhuri
Medical doctors’ work to prevent, diagnose, treat diseases, disorders, and injuries as well as prescribing medication. Many people are attracted to this profession because it gives them the opportunity to help others. Doctors’ improve quality of life by providing advice, healing physical ailments and performing complex surgeries. Medicine is a profession in which dedication to the wellbeing of others is of paramount importance. Balancing the requirements of work and personal life can be a struggle as the demand of work as a doctors’ is great. Perception and expectation of medical students regarding the lifestyle of doctors’ is important to ensure that they had made the right career choice. Thus, the aim of this study is to assess the perception of pre-clinical students regarding doctors’ lifestyle. This study is a cross-sectional study involving all third-year pre-clinical medical students at University Sains Islam Malaysia. A total of 81 students participated in this study. Participants were given a set of questionnaire consisting of demographic data, open-ended questions on their perception on doctors’ lifestyle of working environment, salary expectation and family life. Thematic analysis were used to analyse the data. The participants comprised 69% female and their age range was between 20-21 years old. Majority of them were from middle-income families. Majority of the students perceived that the doctors’ lifestyle would be busy (72%). Approximately 30% of them expected that the time schedule will be unpredictable, 21% mentioned that sacrifice is required and 16% perceived it as a tiring job. Other themes emerged were ‘requiring high commitment’ (6%), challenging (7%) and risky (4%). With regards to salary expectation, 48% expected reasonable salary, 33% high salary and 12% described it as 'not worth compared to the workload'. Majority of them perceived that their family life will be restricted (62%) and time management is important (33%). Only 15% mentioned that family members have to sacrifice and spousal understanding is important (7%). About 10% of them perceived that their family will not be affected by their profession. Majority of the medical students perceived a busy doctors’ lifestyle, reasonable salary and restricted family life. However, there was a significant proportion of them who required counselling for better preparation of their future lifestyle.Keywords: doctors lifestyle, pre-clinical students, perception, understanding
Procedia PDF Downloads 30812073 Drinking Reduction Programs: Comparing the Effectiveness of Different Versions of the Programs
Authors: Justyna Śniadach, Barbara Bętkowska Korpała, Napoleon Waszkiewicz
The drinking reduction program is a relatively new form of therapy. A lot has changed in thinking about alcohol problems and effective ways to solve them. Until recently, alcohol consumers were divided into two groups: addicted and "normal" drinkers. In recent years, the existence of a large group of people who drink alcohol harmfully has been noticed: not addicted, but still drinking in a way that brings losses and harms to others. It turned out that most of the problems resulting from drinking alcohol are generated by people who drink harmfully and that showed that it is necessary to build a support system for these people aimed at reducing alcohol consumption. The Drinking Reduction Program currently has 3 versions. There is a Drinking Reduction Program in a standard form, where the patient works stationary, in the therapist's office. Another possibility is the patient's work on Online - Drinking Reduction Program with application in a remote form. Another possibility is the patient's work in Online- Drinking Reduction Program on-line but together with the therapist. In all of this program's exercises are based on the assumptions of behavioral-cognitive therapy and methods of motivational dialogue. The purpose of this research will be to compare three versions of Drinking Reduction Programs in terms of their effectiveness, psychological and sociological variables, as well as the level of motivation to change the drinking pattern.Keywords: alcohol addiction, addiction therapy, drinking reduction programs, cognitive-behavioral therapy
Procedia PDF Downloads 9712072 Dealing with the Spaces: Ultra Conservative Approach from Childhood to Adulthood
Authors: Maryam Firouzmandi, Moosa Miri
Common reasons for early tooth loss are trauma, extraction due to caries or periodontal disease and congenital missing. The remaining space after tooth loss may cause functional and esthetic problems. Therefore restorative dentists should attempt to manage these spaces using conservative methods. The goal is to restore the lost esthetic and function, prevent phonetic, self-esteem and personality problems and tongue habits. Preserving alveolar bone is also of great importance during the growth stage. Purpose: When deciding about the management of the missing tooth, space implants are contradicted until the completion of dentoalveolar development. Even in adulthood, due to systemic or periodontal problems or biological and economic issues, the implant might not be indicated. In this article, the alternative conservative restorative methods of space maintenance are going to be discussed. Essix retainers are made chair-side as easy as forming a custom bleaching tray with some modifications. They are esthetically acceptable and not expensive. These temporaries provide support for the lips but could not be used during function. Mini-screw-supported temporaries are another option for maintaining the space, especially after orthodontic treatment when there is a time lag between the termination of orthodontic treatment and definitive restoration. Two techniques will be presented for this kind of restoration: Denture tooth pontic or a composite crown. The benefits are alveolar bone preservation, Physiologic pressure on the alveolar ridge to increase its density and even can be retained until the completion of the definitive treatment. Bonded fixed partial denture includes Maryland bridge, fiber-reinforced composite bridge, resin-bonded bridge, and ceramic bonded bridge. These types of bridges are recommended to be used after a pubertal growth spurt and a recent meta-analysis considered their clinical success similar to conventional FDPs and implant-supported crowns. However, they have several advantages that are going to be discussed by presenting some clinical examples. Practical instruction on how to construct an FRC bridge and a novel chair-side Maryland bridge will be given by means of clinical cases. Clinical relevance: minimally invasive options should always be considered and destruction of healthy enamel and dentin during the preparation phase should be avoided as much as possible.Keywords: tooth missing, fiber-reinforced composite, Maryland, Essix retainers, screw-retained restoration
Procedia PDF Downloads 19812071 Analysis of Hard Turning Process of AISI D3-Thermal Aspects
Authors: B. Varaprasad, C. Srinivasa Rao
In the manufacturing sector, hard turning has emerged as vital machining process for cutting hardened steels. Besides many advantages of hard turning operation, one has to implement to achieve close tolerances in terms of surface finish, high product quality, reduced machining time, low operating cost and environmentally friendly characteristics. In the present study, three-dimensional CAE (Computer Aided Engineering) based simulation of hard turning by using commercial software DEFORM 3D has been compared to experimental results of stresses, temperatures and tool forces in machining of AISI D3 steel using mixed Ceramic inserts (CC6050). In the present analysis, orthogonal cutting models are proposed, considering several processing parameters such as cutting speed, feed, and depth of cut. An exhaustive friction modeling at the tool-work interfaces is carried out. Work material flow around the cutting edge is carefully modeled with adaptive re-meshing simulation capability. In process simulations, feed rate and cutting speed are constant (i.e.,. 0.075 mm/rev and 155 m/min), and analysis is focused on stresses, forces, and temperatures during machining. Close agreement is observed between CAE simulation and experimental values.Keywords: hard turning, computer aided engineering, computational machining, finite element method
Procedia PDF Downloads 45612070 Reducing Environmental Impact of Olive Oil Production in Sakaka City Using Combined Chemical, Physical, and Biological Treatment
Authors: Abdullah Alhajoj, Bassam Alowaiesh
This work aims to reduce the risks of discharging olive mill waste directly to the environment without treatment in Sakaka City, KSA. The organic loads expressed by chemical oxygen demand (COD) and biological oxygen demand (BOD) of the produced wastewater (OMWW) as well as the solid waste (OMW) were evaluated. The wastes emitted from the three-phase centrifuge decanters was found to be higher than that emitted from the two-phase centrifuge decanters. The olive mill wastewater (OMWW) was treated using advanced oxidation combined with filtration treatment. The results indicated that the concentration of COD, BOD, TSS, oil and grease and phenol was reduced by using complex sand filtration from 72150, 21660 10256, 36430, and 1470 mg/l to 980, 421, 58, 68, and 0.35 mg/l for three-phase OMWW and from 150562, 17955, 15325, 19658 and 2153 mg/l to 1050, 501, 29, 0.75, and 0.29 mg/l, respectively. While, by using modified trickling filter (packed with the neck of waste plastic bottles the concentration of the previously mentioned parameters was reduced to 1190, 570, 55, 0.85, and 0.3 mg/l, respectively. This work supports the application of such treatment technique for reducing the environmental threats of olive mill waste effluents in Saudi Arabia.Keywords: two-phase, three-phase, olive mill, olive oil, waste treatment, filtration, advanced oxidation, waste plastic bottles
Procedia PDF Downloads 154