Search results for: magnetic graphene oxide
807 Computer Aided Diagnostic System for Detection and Classification of a Brain Tumor through MRI Using Level Set Based Segmentation Technique and ANN Classifier
Authors: Atanu K Samanta, Asim Ali Khan
Due to the acquisition of huge amounts of brain tumor magnetic resonance images (MRI) in clinics, it is very difficult for radiologists to manually interpret and segment these images within a reasonable span of time. Computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) systems can enhance the diagnostic capabilities of radiologists and reduce the time required for accurate diagnosis. An intelligent computer-aided technique for automatic detection of a brain tumor through MRI is presented in this paper. The technique uses the following computational methods; the Level Set for segmentation of a brain tumor from other brain parts, extraction of features from this segmented tumor portion using gray level co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM), and the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) to classify brain tumor images according to their respective types. The entire work is carried out on 50 images having five types of brain tumor. The overall classification accuracy using this method is found to be 98% which is significantly good.Keywords: brain tumor, computer-aided diagnostic (CAD) system, gray-level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM), tumor segmentation, level set method
Procedia PDF Downloads 514806 Characterization of Electrospun Carbon Nanofiber Doped Polymer Composites
Authors: Atilla Evcin, Bahri Ersoy, Süleyman Akpınar, I. Sinan Atlı
Ceramic, polymer and composite nanofibers are nowadays begun to be utilized in many fields of nanotechnology. By the means of dimensions, these fibers are as small as nano scale but because of having large surface area and microstructural characteristics, they provide unique mechanic, optical, magnetic, electronic and chemical properties. In terms of nanofiber production, electrospinning has been the most widely used technique in recent years. In this study, carbon nanofibers have been synthesized from solutions of Polyacrylonitrile (PAN)/ N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) by electrospinning method. The carbon nanofibers have been stabilized by oxidation at 250 °C for 2 h in air and carbonized at 750 °C for 1 h in H2/N2. Images of carbon nanofibers have been taken with scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The images have been analyzed to study the fiber morphology and to determine the distribution of the fiber diameter using FibraQuant 1.3 software. Then polymer composites have been produced from mixture of carbon nanofibers and silicone polymer. The final polymer composites have been characterized by X-ray diffraction method and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) measurements. These results have been reported and discussed. At result, homogeneous carbon nanofibers with 100-167 nm of diameter were obtained with optimized electrospinning conditions.Keywords: electrospinning, characterization, composites, nanofiber
Procedia PDF Downloads 394805 Light Emission Enhancement of Silicon Nanocrystals by Gold Layer
Authors: R. Karmouch
A thin gold metal layer was deposited on the top of silicon oxide films containing embedded Si nanocrystals (Si-nc). The sample was annealed in gas containing nitrogen, and subsequently characterized by photoluminescence. We obtained 3-fold enhancement of photon emission from the Si-nc embedded in silicon dioxide covered with a Gold layer as compared with an uncovered sample. We attribute this enhancement to the increase of the spontaneous emission rate caused by the coupling of the Si-nc emitters with the surface plasmons (SP). The evolution of PL emission with laser irradiated time was also collected from covered samples, and compared to that from uncovered samples. In an uncovered sample, the PL intensity decreases with time, approximately with two decay constants. Although the decrease of the initial PL intensity associated with the increase of sample temperature under CW pumping is still observed in samples covered with a gold layer, this film significantly contributes to reduce the permanent deterioration of the PL intensity. The resistance to degradation of light-emitting silicon nanocrystals can be increased by SP coupling to suppress the permanent deterioration. Controlling the permanent photodeterioration can allow to perform a reliable optical gain measurement.Keywords: photodeterioration, silicon nanocrystals, ion implantation, photoluminescence, surface plasmons
Procedia PDF Downloads 421804 Environmentally Benign Synthesis of 2-Pyrazolines and Cyclohexenones Incorporating Naphthalene Moiety and Their Antimicrobial Evaluation
Authors: Al-Bogami Abdullah Saad
We reported the environmental benign synthesis of chalcones, 2-pyrazolines and cyclohexanones under microwave irradiation. Chalcones were obtained by the condensation of each of 2-hydroxyacetophenone derivatives with α-naphthaldehyde under microwave irradiation. The condensation reactions of each of synthesized chalcones with phenyl hydrazine under microwave irradiation in the presence of dry acetic acid as a cyclizing agent gave 2-pyrazolines. Also, the new cyclohexenone derivatives, valuable intermediates to synthesize fused heterocycles, have been prepared by the cyclocondensation of each of hydroxychalcones with ethyl acetoacetate. The structures of the synthesized compounds were elucidated by Infrared (IR) spectrometry, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), Mass Spectrometry(MS) and elmental analysis. The results indicate that unlike classical heating, microwave irradiation results in higher yields with shorter and cleaner reactions. The synthesized compounds were screened for antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Candida Albicans and Aspergillus niger. We clarified the effects of different substituents in the tested compounds on the obtaind antibacterial activities and antifungal activities.Keywords: microwave irradiation, 2-Hydroxyacetophenone, α-Naphthaldehyde, pyrazoline, cyclohexenone, antimicrobial activity
Procedia PDF Downloads 341803 Design of Cartesian Robot for Electric Vehicle Wireless Charging Systems
Authors: Kaan Karaoglu, Raif Bayir
In this study, a cartesian robot is developed to improve the performance and efficiency of wireless charging of electric vehicles. The cartesian robot has three axes, each of which moves linearly. Magnetic positioning is used to align the cartesian robot transmitter charging pad. There are two different wireless charging methods, static and dynamic, for charging electric vehicles. The current state of charge information (SOC State of Charge) and location information are received wirelessly from the electric vehicle. Based on this information, the power to be transmitted is determined, and the transmitter and receiver charging pads are aligned for maximum efficiency. With this study, a fully automated cartesian robot structure will be used to charge electric vehicles with the highest possible efficiency. With the wireless communication established between the electric vehicle and the charging station, the charging status will be monitored in real-time. The cartesian robot developed in this study is a fully automatic system that can be easily used in static wireless charging systems with vehicle-machine communication.Keywords: electric vehicle, wireless charging systems, energy efficiency, cartesian robot, location detection, trajectory planning
Procedia PDF Downloads 75802 Effect of Radiation on MHD Mixed Convection Stagnation Point Flow towards a Vertical Plate in a Porous Medium with Convective Boundary Condition
Authors: H. Niranjan, S. Sivasankaran, Zailan Siri
This study investigates mixed convection heat transfer about a thin vertical plate in the presence of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) and heat transfer effects in the porous medium. The fluid is assumed to be steady, laminar, incompressible and in two-dimensional flow. The nonlinear coupled parabolic partial differential equations governing the flow are transformed into the non-similar boundary layer equations, which are then solved numerically using the shooting method. The effects of the conjugate heat transfer parameter, the porous medium parameter, the permeability parameter, the mixed convection parameter, the magnetic parameter, and the thermal radiation on the velocity and temperature profiles as well as on the local skin friction and local heat transfer are presented and analyzed. The validity of the methodology and analysis is checked by comparing the results obtained for some specific cases with those available in the literature. The various parameters on local skin friction, heat and mass transfer rates are presented in tabular form.Keywords: MHD, porous medium, soret/dufour, stagnation-point
Procedia PDF Downloads 375801 N Doped Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes Growth over a Ni Catalyst Substrate
Authors: Angie Quevedo, Juan Bussi, Nestor Tancredi, Juan Fajardo-Díaz, Florentino López-Urías, Emilio Muñóz-Sandoval
In this work, we study the carbon nanotubes (CNTs) formation by catalytic chemical vapor deposition (CCVD) over a catalyst with 20 % of Ni supported over La₂Zr₂O₇ (Ni20LZO). The high C solubility of Ni made it one of the most used in CNTs synthesis. Nevertheless, Ni presents also sintering and coalescence at high temperature. These troubles can be reduced by choosing a suitable support. We propose La₂Zr₂O₇ as for this matter since the incorporation of Ni by co-precipitation and calcination at 900 °C allows a good dispersion and interaction of the active metal (in the oxidized form, NiO) with this support. The CCVD was performed using 1 g of Ni20LZO at 950 °C during 30 min in Ar:H₂ atmosphere (2.5 L/min). The precursor, benzylamine, was added by a nebulizer-sprayer. X ray diffraction study shows the phase separation of NiO and La₂Zr₂O₇ after the calcination and the reduction to Ni after the synthesis. Raman spectra show D and G bands with a ID/IG ratio of 0.75. Elemental study verifies the incorporation of 1% of N. Thermogravimetric analysis shows the oxidation process start at around 450 °C. Future studies will determine the application potential of the samples.Keywords: N doped carbon nanotubes, catalytic chemical vapor deposition, nickel catalyst, bimetallic oxide
Procedia PDF Downloads 163800 Linear Parameter-Varying Control for Selective Catalytic Reduction Systems
Authors: Jihoon Lim, Patrick Kirchen, Ryozo Nagamune
This paper proposes a linear parameter-varying (LPV) controller capable of reducing nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions with low ammonia (NH3) slip downstream of selective catalytic reduction (SCR) systems. SCR systems are widely adopted in diesel engines due to high NOx conversion efficiency. However, the nonlinearity of the SCR system and sensor uncertainty result in a challenging control problem. In order to overcome the control challenges, an LPV controller is proposed based on gain-scheduling parameters, that is, exhaust gas temperature and exhaust gas flow rate. Based on experimentally obtained data under the non-road transient driving cycle (NRTC), the simulations firstly show that the proposed controller yields high NOx conversion efficiency with a desired low NH3 slip. The performance of the proposed LPV controller is then compared with other controllers, including a gain-scheduling PID controller and a sliding mode controller. Additionally, the robustness is also demonstrated using the uncertainties ranging from 10 to 30%. The results show that the proposed controller is robustly stable under uncertainties.Keywords: diesel engine, gain-scheduling control, linear parameter-varying, selective catalytic reduction
Procedia PDF Downloads 146799 Peg@GDF3:TB3+ – Rb Nanocomposites for Deep-Seated X-Ray Induced Photodynamic Therapy in Oncology
Authors: E.A. Kuchma
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is considered an alternative and minimally invasive cancer treatment modality compared to chemotherapy and radiation therapy. PDT includes three main components: a photosensitizer (PS), oxygen, and a light source. PS is injected into the patient's body and then selectively accumulates in the tumor. However, the light used in PDT (spectral range 400–700 nm) is limited to superficial lesions, and the light penetration depth does not exceed a few cm. The problem of PDT (poor visible light transmission) can be solved by using X-rays. The penetration depth of X-rays is ten times greater than that of visible light. Therefore, X-ray radiation easily penetrates through the tissues of the body. The aim of this work is to develop universal nanocomposites for X-ray photodynamic therapy of deep and superficial tumors using scintillation nanoparticles of gadolinium fluoride (GdF3), doped with Tb3+, coated with a biocompatible coating (PEG) and photosensitizer RB (Rose Bengal). PEG@GdF3:Tb3+(15%) – RB could be used as an effective X-ray, UV, and photoluminescent mediator to excite a photosensitizer for generating reactive oxygen species (ROS) to kill tumor cells via photodynamic therapy. GdF3 nanoparticles can also be used as contrast agents for computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).Keywords: X-ray induced photodynamic therapy, scintillating nanoparticle, radiosensitizer, photosensitizer
Procedia PDF Downloads 81798 Nano-Sensors: Search for New Features
Authors: I. Filikhin, B. Vlahovic
We focus on a novel type of detection based on electron tunneling properties of double nanoscale structures in semiconductor materials. Semiconductor heterostructures as quantum wells (QWs), quantum dots (QDs), and quantum rings (QRs) may have energy level structure of several hundred of electron confinement states. The single electron spectra of the double quantum objects (DQW, DQD, and DQR) were studied in our previous works with relation to the electron localization and tunneling between the objects. The wave function of electron may be localized in one of the QDs or be delocalized when it is spread over the whole system. The localizing-delocalizing tunneling occurs when an electron transition between both states is possible. The tunneling properties of spectra differ strongly for “regular” and “chaotic” systems. We have shown that a small violation of the geometry drastically affects localization of electron. In particular, such violations lead to the elimination of the delocalized states of the system. The same symmetry violation effect happens if electrical or magnetic fields are applied. These phenomena could be used to propose a new type of detection based on the high sensitivity of charge transport between double nanostructures and small violations of the shapes. It may have significant technological implications.Keywords: double quantum dots, single electron levels, tunneling, electron localizations
Procedia PDF Downloads 506797 Protection of Transformers Against Surge Voltage
Authors: Anil S. Khopkar, Umesh N. Soni
Surge voltage arises in the system either by switching operations of heavy load or by natural lightning. Surge voltages cause significant failure of power system equipment if adequate protection is not provided. A Surge Arrester is a device connected to a power system to protect the equipment against surge voltages. To protect the transformers against surge voltages, metal oxide surge arresters (MOSA) are connected across each terminal. Basic Insulation Level (BIL) has been defined in national and international standards of transformers based on their voltage rating. While designing transformer insulation, the BIL of the transformer, Surge arrester ratings and its operating voltage have to be considered. However, the performance of transformer insulation largely depends on the ratings of the surge arrester connected, the location of the surge arrester, the margin considered in the insulation design, the quantity of surge voltage strike, etc. This paper demonstrates the role of Surge arresters in the protection of transformers against over-voltage, transformer insulation design, optimum location of surge arresters and their connection lead length, Insulation coordination for transformer, protection margin in BIL and methods of protection of transformers against surge voltages, in detail.Keywords: surge voltage, surge arresters, insulation coordination, protection margin
Procedia PDF Downloads 64796 Iranian Refinery Vacuum Residue Upgrading Using Microwave Irradiation: Effects of Catalyst Type and Amount
Authors: Zarrin Nasri
Microwave irradiation is an innovative technology in the petroleum industry. This kind of energy has been considered to convert vacuum residue of oil refineries into useful products. The advantages of microwaves energy are short time, fast heating, high energy efficiency, and precise process control. In this paper, the effects of catalyst type and amount have been investigated on upgrading of vacuum residue using microwave irradiation. The vacuum residue used in this research is from Tehran oil refinery, Iran. Additives include different catalysts, active carbon as sensitizer, and sodium borohydride as a solid hydrogen donor. Various catalysts contain iron, nickel, molybdenum disulfide, iron oxide and copper. The amount of catalysts in two cases of presence and absence of sodium borohydride have been evaluated. The objective parameters include temperature, asphaltene, viscosity, and API. The specifications of vacuum residue are API, 8.79, viscosity, 16391 cSt (60°C), asphaltene, 13.3 wt %. The results show that there is a significant difference between the effects of catalysts. Among the used catalysts, Fe powder is the best catalyst for upgrading vacuum residue using microwave irradiation and resulted in asphaltene reduction, 31.3 %; viscosity reduction, 76.43 %; and 23.43 % in API increase.Keywords: asphaltene, microwave, upgrading, vacuum residue, viscosity
Procedia PDF Downloads 256795 Temperature Rises Characteristics of Distinct Double-Sided Flat Permanent Magnet Linear Generator for Free Piston Engines for Hybrid Vehicles
Authors: Ismail Rahama Adam Hamid
This paper presents the development of a thermal model for a flat, double-sided linear generator designed for use in free-piston engines. The study conducted in this paper examines the influence of temperature on the performance of the permeant magnet linear generator, an integral and pivotal component within the system. This research places particular emphasis on the Neodymium Iron Boron (NdFeB) permanent magnet, which serves as a source of magnetic field for the linear generator. In this study, an internal combustion engine that tends to produce heat is connected to a generator. Considering the temperatures rise from both the combustion process and the thermal contributions of current-carrying conductors and frictional forces. Utilizing Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) method, a thermal model of the (NdFeB) magnet within the linear generator is constructed and analyzed. Furthermore, the temperature field is examined to ensure that the linear generator operates under stable conditions without the risk of demagnetization.Keywords: free piston engine, permanent magnet, linear generator, demagnetization, simulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 58794 Analysis of Vertical Hall Effect Device Using Current-Mode
Authors: Kim Jin Sup
This paper presents a vertical hall effect device using current-mode. Among different geometries that have been studied and simulated using COMSOL Multiphysics, optimized cross-shaped model displayed the best sensitivity. The cross-shaped model emerged as the optimum plate to fit the lowest noise and residual offset and the best sensitivity. The symmetrical cross-shaped hall plate is widely used because of its high sensitivity and immunity to alignment tolerances resulting from the fabrication process. The hall effect device has been designed using a 0.18-μm CMOS technology. The simulation uses the nominal bias current of 12μA. The applied magnetic field is from 0 mT to 20 mT. Simulation results achieved in COMSOL and validated with respect to the electrical behavior of equivalent circuit for Cadence. Simulation results of the one structure over the 13 available samples shows for the best geometry a current-mode sensitivity of 6.6 %/T at 20mT. Acknowledgment: This work was supported by Institute for Information & communications Technology Promotion (IITP) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIP) (No. R7117-16-0165, Development of Hall Effect Semiconductor for Smart Car and Device).Keywords: vertical hall device, current-mode, crossed-shaped model, CMOS technology
Procedia PDF Downloads 292793 Optimizing Power in Sequential Circuits by Reducing Leakage Current Using Enhanced Multi Threshold CMOS
Authors: Patikineti Sreenivasulu, K. srinivasa Rao, A. Vinaya Babu
The demand for portability, performance and high functional integration density of digital devices leads to the scaling of complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) devices inevitable. The increase in power consumption, coupled with the increasing demand for portable/hand-held electronics, has made power consumption a dominant concern in the design of VLSI circuits today. MTCMOS technology provides low leakage and high performance operation by utilizing high speed, low Vt (LVT) transistors for logic cells and low leakage, high Vt (HVT) devices as sleep transistors. Sleep transistors disconnect logic cells from the supply and/or ground to reduce the leakage in the sleep mode. In this technology, energy consumption while doing the mode transition and minimum time required to turn ON the circuit upon receiving the wake up signal are issues to be considered because these can adversely impact the performance of VLSI circuit. In this paper we are introducing an enhancing method of MTCMOS technology to optimize the power in MTCMOS sequential circuits.Keywords: power consumption, ultra-low power, leakage, sub threshold, MTCMOS
Procedia PDF Downloads 408792 High Temperature Behavior of a 75Cr3C2–25NiCr Coated T91 Boiler Steel in an Actual Industrial Environment of a Coal Fired Boiler
Authors: Buta Singh Sidhu, Sukhpal Singh Chatha, Hazoor Singh Sidhu
In the present investigation, 75Cr3C2-25NiCr coating was deposited on T91 boiler tube steel substrate by high velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) process to enhance high-temperature corrosion resistance. High-temperature performance of bare, as well as HVOF-coated steel specimens was evaluated for 1500 h under cyclic conditions in the platen superheater zone coal-fired boiler, where the temperature was around 900 °C. Experiments were carried out for 15 cycles each of 100 h duration followed by 1 h cooling at ambient temperature. The performance of the bare and coated specimens was assessed via metal thickness loss corresponding to the corrosion scale formation and the depth of internal corrosion attack. 75Cr3C2-25NiCr coating deposited on T91 steel imparted better hot corrosion resistance than the uncoated steel. Inferior resistance of bare T91 steel is attributed to the formation of pores and loosely bounded oxide scale rich in Fe2O3.Keywords: 75Cr3C2-25NiCr, HVOF process, boiler steel, coal fired boilers
Procedia PDF Downloads 610791 A Rare Case of Dissection of Cervical Portion of Internal Carotid Artery, Diagnosed Postpartum
Authors: Bidisha Chatterjee, Sonal Grover, Rekha Gurung
Postpartum dissection of the internal carotid artery is a relatively rare condition and is considered as an underlying aetiology in 5% to 25% of strokes under the age of 30 to 45 years. However, 86% of these cases recover completely and 14% have mild focal neurological symptoms. Prognosis is generally good with early intervention. The risk quoted for a repeat carotid artery dissection in subsequent pregnancies is less than 2%. 36-year Caucasian primipara presented on postnatal day one of forceps delivery with tachycardia. In the intrapartum period she had a history of prolonged rupture of membranes and developed intrapartum sepsis and was treated with antibiotics. Postpartum ECG showed septal inferior T wave inversion and a troponin level of 19. Subsequently Echocardiogram ruled out post-partum cardiomyopathy. Repeat ECG showed improvement of the previous changes and in the absence of symptoms no intervention was warranted. On day 4 post-delivery, she had developed symptoms of droopy right eyelid, pain around the right eye and itching in the right ear. On examination, she had developed right sided ptosis, unequal pupils (Rt miotic pupil). Cranial nerve examination, reflexes, sensory examination and muscle power was normal. Apart from migraine, there was no medical or family history of note. In view of Horner’s on the right, she had a CT Angiogram and subsequently MR/MRA and was diagnosed with dissection of the cervical portion of the right internal carotid artery. She was discharged on a course of Aspirin 75mg. By 6 week post-natal follow up patient had recovered significantly with occasional episodes of unequal pupils and tingling of right toes which resolved spontaneously. Cervical artery dissection, including VAD and carotid artery dissection, are rare complications of pregnancy with an estimated annual incidence of 2.6–3 per 100,000 pregnancy hospitalizations. Aetiology remains unclear though trauma during straining at labour, underlying arterial disease and preeclampsia have been implicated. Hypercoagulable state during pregnancy and puerperium could also be an important factor. 60-90% cases present with severe headache and neck pain and generally precede neurological symptoms like ipsilateral Horner’s syndrome, retroorbital pain, tinnitus and cranial nerve palsy. Although rare, the consequences of delayed diagnosis and management can lead to severe and permanent neurological deficits. Patients with a strong index of suspicion should undergo an MRI or MRA of head and neck. Antithrombotic and antiplatelet therapy forms the mainstay of therapy with selected cases needing endovascular stenting. Long term prognosis is favourable with either complete resolution or minimal deficit if treatment is prompt. Patients should be counselled about the recurrence risk and possibility of stroke in future pregnancy. Coronary artery dissection is rare and treatable but needs early diagnosis and treatment. Post-partum headache and neck pain with neurological symptoms should prompt urgent imaging followed by antithrombotic and /or antiplatelet therapy. Most cases resolve completely or with minimal sequelae.Keywords: postpartum, dissection of internal carotid artery, magnetic resonance angiogram, magnetic resonance imaging, antiplatelet, antithrombotic
Procedia PDF Downloads 98790 Effect of Aging Time on CeO2 Nanoparticle Size Distribution Synthesized via Sol-Gel Method
Authors: Navid Zanganeh, Hafez Balavi, Farbod Sharif, Mahla Zabet, Marzieh Bakhtiary Noodeh
Cerium oxide (CeO2) also known as cerium dioxide or ceria is a pale yellow-white powder with various applications in the industry from wood coating to cosmetics, filtration, fuel cell electrolytes, gas sensors, hybrid solar cells and catalysts. In this research, attempts were made to synthesize and characterization of CeO2 nano-particles via sol-gel method. In addition, the effect of aging time on the size of particles was investigated. For this purpose, the aging times adjusted 48, 56, 64, and 72 min. The obtained particles were characterized by x-ray diffraction spectroscopy (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmitted electron microscopy (TEM), and Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET). As a result, XRD patterns confirmed the formation of CeO2 nanoparticles. SEM and TEM images illustrated the nano-particles with cluster shape, spherical and a nano-size range which was in agreement with XRD results. The finest particles (7.3 nm) was obtained at the optimum condition which was aging time of 48 min, calcination temperature at 400 ⁰C, and cerium concentration of 0.004 mol. Average specific surface area of the particles at optimum condition was measured by BET analysis and recorded as 47.57 m2/g.Keywords: aging time, CeO2 nanoparticles, size distribution, sol-gel
Procedia PDF Downloads 457789 India's Geothermal Energy Landscape and Role of Geophysical Methods in Unravelling Untapped Reserves
Authors: Satya Narayan
India, a rapidly growing economy with a burgeoning population, grapples with the dual challenge of meeting rising energy demands and reducing its carbon footprint. Geothermal energy, an often overlooked and underutilized renewable source, holds immense potential for addressing this challenge. Geothermal resources offer a valuable, consistent, and sustainable energy source, and may significantly contribute to India's energy. This paper discusses the importance of geothermal exploration in India, emphasizing its role in achieving sustainable energy production while mitigating environmental impacts. It also delves into the methodology employed to assess geothermal resource feasibility, including geophysical surveys and borehole drilling. The results and discussion sections highlight promising geothermal sites across India, illuminating the nation's vast geothermal potential. It detects potential geothermal reservoirs, characterizes subsurface structures, maps temperature gradients, monitors fluid flow, and estimates key reservoir parameters. Globally, geothermal energy falls into high and low enthalpy categories, with India mainly having low enthalpy resources, especially in hot springs. The northwestern Himalayan region boasts high-temperature geothermal resources due to geological factors. Promising sites, like Puga Valley, Chhumthang, and others, feature hot springs suitable for various applications. The Son-Narmada-Tapti lineament intersects regions rich in geological history, contributing to geothermal resources. Southern India, including the Godavari Valley, has thermal springs suitable for power generation. The Andaman-Nicobar region, linked to subduction and volcanic activity, holds high-temperature geothermal potential. Geophysical surveys, utilizing gravity, magnetic, seismic, magnetotelluric, and electrical resistivity techniques, offer vital information on subsurface conditions essential for detecting, evaluating, and exploiting geothermal resources. The gravity and magnetic methods map the depth of the mantle boundary (high-temperature) and later accurately determine the Curie depth. Electrical methods indicate the presence of subsurface fluids. Seismic surveys create detailed sub-surface images, revealing faults and fractures and establishing possible connections to aquifers. Borehole drilling is crucial for assessing geothermal parameters at different depths. Detailed geochemical analysis and geophysical surveys in Dholera, Gujarat, reveal untapped geothermal potential in India, aligning with renewable energy goals. In conclusion, geophysical surveys and borehole drilling play a pivotal role in economically viable geothermal site selection and feasibility assessments. With ongoing exploration and innovative technology, these surveys effectively minimize drilling risks, optimize borehole placement, aid in environmental impact evaluations, and facilitate remote resource exploration. Their cost-effectiveness informs decisions regarding geothermal resource location and extent, ultimately promoting sustainable energy and reducing India's reliance on conventional fossil fuels.Keywords: geothermal resources, geophysical methods, exploration, exploitation
Procedia PDF Downloads 87788 Influence of Thermal Annealing on Phase Composition and Structure of Quartz-Sericite Minerale
Authors: Atabaev I. G., Fayziev Sh. A., Irmatova Sh. K.
Raw materials with high content of Kalium oxide widely used in ceramic technology for prevention or decreasing of deformation of ceramic goods during drying process and under thermal annealing. Becouse to low melting temperature it is also used to decreasing of the temperature of thermal annealing during fabrication of ceramic goods [1,2]. So called “Porceline or China stones” - quartz-sericite (muscovite) minerals is also can be used for prevention of deformation as the content of Kalium oxide in muscovite is rather high (SiO2, + KAl2[AlSi3O10](OH)2). [3] . To estimation of possibility of use of this mineral for ceramic manufacture, in the presented article the influence of thermal processing on phase and a chemical content of this raw material is investigated. As well as to other ceramic raw materials (kaoline, white burning clays) the basic requirements of the industry to quality of "a porcelain stone» are following: small size of particles, relative high uniformity of disrtribution of components and phase, white color after burning, small content of colorant oxides or chromophores (Fe2O3, FeO, TiO2, etc) [4,5]. In the presented work natural minerale from the Boynaksay deposit (Uzbekistan) is investigated. The samples was mechanically polished for investigation by Scanning Electron Microscope. Powder with size of particle up to 63 μm was used to X-ray diffractometry and chemical analysis. The annealing of samples was performed at 900, 1120, 1350oC during 1 hour. Chemical composition of Boynaksay raw material according to chemical analysis presented in the table 1. For comparison the composition of raw materials from Russia and USA are also presented. In the Boynaksay quartz – sericite the average parity of quartz and sericite makes 55-60 and 30-35 % accordingly. The distribution of quartz and sericite phases in raw material was investigated using electron probe scanning electronic microscope «JEOL» JXA-8800R. In the figure 1 the scanning electron microscope (SEM) micrograps of the surface and the distributions of Al, Si and K atoms in the sample are presented. As it seen small granular, white and dense mineral includes quartz, sericite and small content of impurity minerals. Basically, crystals of quartz have the sizes from 80 up to 500 μm. Between quartz crystals the sericite inclusions having a tablet form with radiant structure are located. The size of sericite crystals is ~ 40-250 μm. Using data on interplanar distance [6,7] and ASTM Powder X-ray Diffraction Data it is shown that natural «a porcelain stone» quartz – sericite consists the quartz SiO2, sericite (muscovite type) KAl2[AlSi3O10](OH)2 and kaolinite Al203SiO22Н2О (See Figure 2 and Table 2). As it seen in the figure 3 and table 3a after annealing at 900oC the quartz – sericite contains quartz – SiO2 and muscovite - KAl2[AlSi3O10](OH)2, the peaks related with Kaolinite are absent. After annealing at 1120oC the full disintegration of muscovite and formation of mullite phase Al203 SiO2 is observed (the weak peaks of mullite appears in fig 3b and table 3b). After annealing at 1350oC the samples contains crystal phase of quartz and mullite (figure 3c and table 3с). Well known Mullite gives to ceramics high density, abrasive and chemical stability. Thus the obtained experimental data on formation of various phases during thermal annealing can be used for development of fabrication technology of advanced materials. Conclusion: The influence of thermal annealing in the interval 900-1350oC on phase composition and structure of quartz-sericite minerale is investigated. It is shown that during annealing the phase content of raw material is changed. After annealing at 1350oC the samples contains crystal phase of quartz and mullite (which gives gives to ceramics high density, abrasive and chemical stability).Keywords: quartz-sericite, kaolinite, mullite, thermal processing
Procedia PDF Downloads 415787 Manufacturing an Eminent Mucolytic Medicine Using an Efficient Synthesis Path
Authors: Farzaneh Ziaee, Mohammad Ziaee
N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) is a well-known mucolytic agent, and recently its efficacy has been examined for the prevention and remediation of several diseases such as lung infections caused by Coronavirus. Also, it is administrated as the main antidote in paracetamol overdose and is effective for the treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This medicine is used as an antioxidant to prevent diabetic kidney disease (nephropathy). In this study, a method for the acylation of amino acids is employed to manufacture this drug in a height yield. Regarding this patented path, NAC can be made in a single batch step at ambient pressure and temperature. Moreover, this study offers a technique to make peptide bonds which is of interest for pharmaceutical and medicinal industries. The separation process was undertaken using appropriate solvents to achieve an excellent purification level. The synthesized drug was characterized via proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR), high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), elemental analysis, and melting point.Keywords: N-acetylcysteine, synthesis, mucolytic medication, lung anti-inflammatory, COVID-19, antioxidant, pharmaceutical supplement, characterization
Procedia PDF Downloads 194786 Modeling of Nanocomposite Films Made of Cloisite 30b- Metal Nanoparticle in Packaging of Soy Burger
Authors: Faranak Beigmohammadi, Seyed Hadi Peighambardoust, Seyed Jamaledin Peighambardoust
This study undertakes to investigate the ability of different kinds of nanocomposite films made of cloisite-30B with different percentages of silver and copper oxide nanoparticles incorporated into a low-density polyethylene (LDPE) polymeric matrix by a melt mixing method in order to inhibit the growth of microorganism in soy burger. The number of surviving cell of the total count was decreased by 3.61 log and mold and yeast diminished by 2.01 log after 8 weeks storage at 18 ± 0.5°C below zero, whilst pure LDPE did not has any antimicrobial effect. A composition of 1.3 % cloisite 30B-Ag and 2.7 % cloisite 30B-CuO for total count and 0 % cloisite 30B-Ag and 4 % cloisite 30B-CuO for yeast & mold gave optimum points in combined design test in Design Expert 7.1.5. Suitable microbial models were suggested for retarding above microorganisms growth in soy burger. To validation of optimum point, the difference between the optimum point of nanocomposite film and its repeat was not significant (p<0.05) by one-way ANOVA analysis using SPSS 17.0 software, while the difference was significant for pure film. Migration of metallic nanoparticles into a food stimulant was within the accepted safe level.Keywords: modeling, nanocomposite film, packaging, soy burger
Procedia PDF Downloads 303785 Effect of Gel Concentration on Physical Properties of an Electrochromic Device
Authors: Sharan K. Indrakar, Aakash B. Prasad, Arash Takshi, Sesha Srinivasan, Elias K. Stefanakos
In this work, we present an exclusive study on the effect of the feeding ratio of polyaniline-based redox-active gel layer on electrical and optical properties of innovative electrochromic devices (ECs). An electrochromic device consisting of polyaniline (PANI) has a redox-active gel electrolyte placed between two conducting transparent fluorine-doped tin oxide glass substrates. The redox-active composite gel is a mixture of different concentrations of aniline (monomer), a water-soluble polymer poly (vinyl alcohol), hydrochloric acid, and an oxidant. The EC device shows the color change from dark green to transparent for the applied potential between -0.5 V to +2.0 V. The coloration and decoloration of the ECs were tested for electrochemical behavior using techniques such as cyclic voltammetry (CV), chronoamperometry (CA), and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The optical transparency of the EC devices was examined at two different biasing voltage conditions under UV-visible spectroscopic technique; the result showed 65% transmittance at 564 nm and zero transmittance when the cell was biased at 0.0 V and 2.0 V, the synthesized mol fraction gel was analyzed for surface morphology and structural properties by scanning electron microscopy and Fourier transformer spectroscopy.Keywords: electrochromic, gel electrolyte, polyaniline, conducting polymer
Procedia PDF Downloads 138784 Effect of Preoxidation on the Effectiveness of Gd₂O₃ Nanoparticles Applied as a Source of Active Element in the Crofer 22 APU Coated with a Protective-conducting Spinel Layer
Authors: Łukasz Mazur, Kamil Domaradzki, Maciej Bik, Tomasz Brylewski, Aleksander Gil
Interconnects used in solid oxide fuel and electrolyzer cells (SOFCₛ/SOECs) serve several important functions, and therefore interconnect materials must exhibit certain properties. Their thermal expansion coefficient needs to match that of the ceramic components of these devices – the electrolyte, anode and cathode. Interconnects also provide structural rigidity to the entire device, which is why interconnect materials must exhibit sufficient mechanical strength at high temperatures. Gas-tightness is also a prerequisite since they separate gas reagents, and they also must provide very good electrical contact between neighboring cells over the entire operating time. High-chromium ferritic steels meets these requirements to a high degree but are affected by the formation of a Cr₂O₃ scale, which leads to increased electrical resistance. The final criterion for interconnect materials is chemical inertness in relation to the remaining cell components. In the case of ferritic steels, this has proved difficult due to the formation of volatile and reactive oxyhydroxides observed when Cr₂O3 is exposed to oxygen and water vapor. This process is particularly harmful on the cathode side in SOFCs and the anode side in SOECs. To mitigate this, protective-conducting ceramic coatings can be deposited on an interconnect's surface. The area-specific resistance (ASR) of a single interconnect cannot exceed 0.1 m-2 at any point of the device's operation. The rate at which the CrO₃ scale grows on ferritic steels can be reduced significantly via the so-called reactive element effect (REE). Research has shown that the deposition of Gd₂O₃ nanoparticles on the surface of the Crofer 22 APU, already modified using a protective-conducting spinel layer, further improves the oxidation resistance of this steel. However, the deposition of the manganese-cobalt spinel layer is a rather complex process and is performed at high temperatures in reducing and oxidizing atmospheres. There was thus reason to believe that this process may reduce the effectiveness of Gd₂O₃ nanoparticles added as an active element source. The objective of the present study was, therefore, to determine any potential impact by introducing a preoxidation stage after the nanoparticle deposition and before the steel is coated with the spinel. This should have allowed the nanoparticles to incorporate into the interior of the scale formed on the steel. Different samples were oxidized for 7000 h in air at 1073 K under quasi-isothermal conditions. The phase composition, chemical composition, and microstructure of the oxidation products formed on the samples were determined using X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, and scanning electron microscopy combined with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. A four-point, two-probe DC method was applied to measure ASR. It was found that coating deposition does indeed reduce the beneficial effect of Gd₂O₃ addition, since the smallest mass gain and the lowest ASR value were determined for the sample for which the additional preoxidation stage had been performed. It can be assumed that during this stage, gadolinium incorporates into and segregates at grain boundaries in the thin Cr₂O₃ that is forming. This allows the Gd₂O₃ nanoparticles to be a more effective source of the active element.Keywords: interconnects, oxide nanoparticles, reactive element effect, SOEC, SOFC
Procedia PDF Downloads 84783 Theoretical and Numerical Investigation of a Tri-Stable Nonlinear Energy Harvesting System in Rotational Motion for Low Frequency Environment
Authors: Mei Xutao, Nakano Kimihiko
In order to enhance the energy harvesting efficiency, this paper presents a novel tri-stable energy harvesting system (TEHS), which is realized by the effect of magnetic force, in rotational motion to scavenge vibration energy. The device is meant to provide the power supply for wireless autonomous systems in low-frequency environment. The nonlinear TEHS is composed of the cantilever beam which is mounted on a rotating hub and partially covered by piezoelectric patch, a tip mass magnet in the end and two fixed magnets. A theoretical investigation using the Lagrangian formulation is derived to describe the motion of the energy harvesting system and the output voltage. Additionally, several numerical simulations were carried out to characterize the system under different external excitations and to validate its performance. The results demonstrated that TEHS owns a wide range of frequency of snap-through and high output voltage compared with the bi-stable energy harvesting system (BEHS). Moreover, some sets of experimental validations will be performed in the future work because the experimental setup is in the configuration now.Keywords: piezoelectric beam, rotational motion, snap-through, tri-stable energy harvester
Procedia PDF Downloads 297782 Noninvasive Continuous Glucose Monitoring Device Using a Photon-Assisted Tunneling Photodetector Based on a Quantum Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor
Authors: Wannakorn Sangthongngam, Melissa Huerta, Jaewoo Kim, Doyeon Kim
Continuous glucose monitoring systems are essential for diabetics to avoid health complications but come at a costly price, especially when insurance does not fully cover the diabetic testing kits needed. This paper proposes a noninvasive continuous glucose monitoring system to provide an accessible, low-cost, and painless alternative method of accurate glucose measurements to help improve quality of life. Using a light source with a wavelength of 850nm illuminates the fingertip for the photodetector to detect the transmitted light. Utilizing SeeDevice’s photon-assisted tunneling photodetector (PAT-PD)-based QMOS™ sensor, fluctuations of voltage based on photon absorption in blood cells are comparable to traditional glucose measurements. The performance of the proposed method was validated using 4 test participants’ transmitted voltage readings compared with measurements obtained from the Accu-Chek glucometer. The proposed method was able to successfully measure concentrations from linear regression calculations.Keywords: continuous glucose monitoring, non-invasive continuous glucose monitoring, NIR, photon-assisted tunneling photodetector, QMOS™, wearable device
Procedia PDF Downloads 100781 Parametric Analysis of Syn-gas Fueled SOFC with Internal Reforming
Authors: Sanjay Tushar Choudhary
This paper focuses on the thermodynamic analysis of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC). In the present work the SOFC has been modeled to work with internal reforming of fuel which takes place at high temperature and direct energy conversion from chemical energy to electrical energy takes place. The fuel-cell effluent is a high-temperature steam which can be used for co-generation purposes. Syn-gas has been used here as fuel which is essentially produced by steam reforming of methane in the internal reformer of the SOFC. A thermodynamic model of SOFC has been developed for planar cell configuration to evaluate various losses in the energy conversion process within the fuel cell. Cycle parameters like fuel utilization ratio and the air-recirculation ratio have been varied to evaluate the thermodynamic performance of the fuel cell. Output performance parameters like terminal voltage, cell-efficiency and power output have been evaluated for various values of current densities. It has been observed that a combination of a lower value of air-circulation ratio and higher values of fuel utilization efficiency gives a better overall thermodynamic performance.Keywords: current density, SOFC, suel utilization factor, recirculation ratio
Procedia PDF Downloads 508780 Comparison of Different Electrical Machines with Permanent Magnets in the Stator for Use as an Industrial Drive
Authors: Marcel Lehr, Andreas Binder
This paper compares three different permanent magnet synchronous machines (Doubly-Salient-Permanent-Magnet-Machine (DSPM), Flux-Reversal-Permanent-Magnet-Machine (FRPM), Flux-Switching-Permanent-Magnet-Machine (FSPM)) with the permanent magnets in the stator of the machine for use as an industrial drive for 400 V Y, 45 kW and 1000 ... 3000 min-1. The machines are compared based on the magnetic co-energy and Finite-Element-Method-Simulations regarding the torque density. The results show that the FSPM provides the highest torque density of the three machines. Therefore, an FSPM prototype was built, tested on a test bench and finally compared with an already built conventional permanent magnet synchronous machine (PMSM) of the same size (stator outer diameter dso = 314 mm, axial length lFe = 180 mm) and rating with surface-mounted rotor magnets. These measurements show that the conventional PMSM and the FSPM machine are roughly equivalent in their electrical behavior.Keywords: doubly-salient-permanent-magnet-machine, flux-reversal-permanent-magnet-machine, flux-switching-permanent-magnet-machine, industrial drive
Procedia PDF Downloads 371779 Gas Injection Transport Mechanism for Shale Oil Recovery
Authors: Chinedu Ejike
The United States is now energy self-sufficient due to the production of shale oil reserves. With more than half of it being tapped daily in the United States, these unconventional reserves are massive and provide immense potential for future energy demands. Drilling horizontal wells and fracking are the primary methods for developing these reserves. Regrettably, recovery efficiency is rarely greater than 10%. As a result, optimizing recuperation offers a significant benefit. Huff and puff gas flooding and cyclic gas injection have all been demonstrated to be more successful than tapping the remaining oil in place. Methane, nitrogen, and carbon (IV) oxide, among other high-pressure gases, can be injected. Operators use Darcy's law to assess a reservoir's productive capacity, but they are unaware that the law may not apply to shale oil reserves. This is due to the fact that, unlike pressure differences alone, diffusion, concentration, and gas selection all play a role in the flow of gas injected into the wellbore. The reservoir drainage and oil sweep efficiency rates are determined by the transport method. This research assesses the parameters that influence the gas injection transport mechanism. Understanding the process causing these factors could accelerate recovery by two to three times, according to peer-reviewed studies and effective field testing.Keywords: enhanced oil recovery, gas injection, shale oil, transport mechanism, unconventional reserve
Procedia PDF Downloads 173778 Enhanced High-Temperature Strength of HfNbTaTiZrV Refractory High-Entropy Alloy via Al₂O₃ Reinforcement
Authors: Bingjie Wang, Qianqian Qang, Nan Lu, Xiubing Liang, Baolong Shen
Novel composites of HfNbTaTiZrV refractory high-entropy alloy (RHEA) reinforced with 0-5 vol.% Al₂O₃ particles have been synthesized by vacuum arc melting. The microstructure evolution, compressive mechanical properties at room and elevated temperatures, as well as strengthening mechanism of the composites, are analyzed. The HfNbTaTiZrV RHEA reinforced with 4 vol.% Al₂O₃ displays excellent phase stability at elevated temperatures. A superior compressive yield strength of 2700 MPa at room temperature, 1392 MPa at 800 °C, and 693 MPa at 1000 °C has been obtained for this composite. The improved yield strength results from multiple strengthening mechanisms caused by Al₂O₃ addition, including interstitial strengthening, grain boundary strengthening, and dispersion strengthening. Besides, the effects of interstitial strengthening increase with the temperature and is the main strengthening mechanism at elevated temperatures. These findings not only promote the development of oxide-reinforced RHEAs for challenging engineering applications but also provide guidelines for the design of light refractory materials with multiple strengthening mechanisms.Keywords: Al₂O₃-reinforcement, HfNbTaTiZrV, refractory high-entropy alloy, interstitial strengthening
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