Search results for: immune disease
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 4305

Search results for: immune disease

2205 The Role of Microbes in Organic Sustainable Agriculture and Plant Protection

Authors: Koppula Prawan, Kehinde D. Oyeyemi, Kushal P. Singh


As people become more conscious of the detrimental consequences of conventional agricultural practices on the environment and human health, organic, sustainable agriculture and plant protection employing microorganisms have grown in importance. Although the use of microorganisms in agriculture is a centuries-old tradition, it has recently attracted renewed interest as a sustainable alternative to chemical-based plant protection and fertilization. Healthy soil is the cornerstone of sustainable agriculture, and microbes are essential to this process. Synthetic fertilizers and pesticides can destroy the beneficial microorganisms in the soil, upsetting the ecosystem's equilibrium. By utilizing organic farming's natural practices, such as the usage of microbes, it aims to maintain and improve the health of the soil. Microbes have several functions in agriculture, including nitrogen fixation, phosphorus solubilization, and disease suppression. Nitrogen fixation is the process by which certain microbes, such as rhizobia and Azotobacter, convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form that plants can use. Phosphorus solubilization involves the conversion of insoluble phosphorus into a soluble form that plants can absorb. Disease suppression involves the use of microbes to control plant diseases by competing with pathogenic organisms for resources or by producing antimicrobial compounds. Microbes can be applied to plants through seed coatings, foliar sprays, or soil inoculants. Seed coatings involve applying a mixture of microbes and nutrients to the surface of seeds before planting. Foliar sprays involve applying microbes and nutrients to the leaves of plants during the growing season. Soil inoculants involve adding microbes to the soil before planting. The use of microbes in plant protection and fertilization has several advantages over conventional methods. Firstly, microbes are natural and non-toxic, making them safe for human health and the environment. Secondly, microbes have the ability to adapt to changing environmental conditions, making them more resilient to drought and other stressors. Finally, the use of microbes can reduce the need for synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, reducing costs and minimizing environmental impact. In conclusion, organic, sustainable agriculture and plant protection using microbes are an effective and sustainable alternatives to conventional farming practices. The use of microbes can help to preserve and enhance soil health, increase plant productivity, and reduce the need for synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. As the demand for organic and sustainable agriculture continues to grow, the use of microbes is likely to become more widespread, providing a more environmentally friendly and sustainable future for agriculture.

Keywords: microbes, inoculants, fertilization, soil health, conventional.

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2204 Seroprevalence of Toxoplasmosis among Hemato-Oncology Patients in Tertiary Hospital of East Cost Malaysia

Authors: Aisha Khodijah Kholib Jati, Suharni Mohamad, Azlan Husin, Wan Suriana Wan Ab Rahman


Introduction: Toxoplasmosis is caused by an obligate intracellular parasite, Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii). It is commonly asymptomatic in normal individual, but it can be fatal to immunocompromised patients as it can lead to severe complications such as encephalitis, chorioetinitis and myocarditis. Objective: The aim of the study was to determine the seroprevalence of toxoplasmosis and its association with socio-demographic and behavioral characteristics among hemato-oncology patients in Hospital USM. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 56 hemato-oncology patients were screened for immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibodies, immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies, and IgG avidity of T. gondii by using ELISA Kit (BioRad, USA). For anti-T. gondii IgG antibody, titer ≥ 9 IU/ml was considered as recent infection, while for IgM, ratio ≥ 1.00 was considered as reactive for the anti-T. gondii IgM antibodies. Low avidity index is considered as recent infection within 20 weeks while high avidity considered as past infection. T. gondii exposure, socio-demographic and behavioral characteristics was assessed by a questionnaire and interview. Results: A total of 28 (50.0%) hemato-oncology patients were seropositive for T. gondii antibodies. Out of that total, 27 (48.21%) patients were IgG+/IgM- and one patient (1.79%) was IgG+/IgM+ with high avidity index. Univariate analysis showed that age, gender, ethnicity, marital status, educational level, employment status, stem cell transplant, blood transfusion, close contact with cats, water supply, and consumption of undercooked meat were not significantly associated with Toxoplasma seropositivity rate. Discussion: The seropositivity rate of IgG anti-T. gondii was high among hemato-oncology patients in Hospital USM. With impaired immune system, these patients might have a severe consequence if the infection reactivated. Therefore, screening for anti-T. gondii may be considered in the future. Moreover, health programme towards healthy food and good hygiene practice need to be implemented.

Keywords: immunocompromised, seroprevalence, socio-demographic, toxoplasmosis

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2203 An Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation of Human Muscle

Authors: Sina Saadati, Mohammadreza Razzazi


In this article, we have tried to present an agent-based model of human muscle. A suitable model of muscle is necessary for the analysis of mankind's movements. It can be used by clinical researchers who study the influence of motion sicknesses, like Parkinson's disease. It is also useful in the development of a prosthesis that receives the electromyography signals and generates force as a reaction. Since we have focused on computational efficiency in this research, the model can compute the calculations very fast. As far as it concerns prostheses, the model can be known as a charge-efficient method. In this paper, we are about to illustrate an agent-based model. Then, we will use it to simulate the human gait cycle. This method can also be done reversely in the analysis of gait in motion sicknesses.

Keywords: agent-based modeling and simulation, human muscle, gait cycle, motion sickness

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2202 Unveiling Microbial Potential: Investigating Zinc-Solubilizing Fungi in Rhizospheric Soil Through Isolation, Characterization and Selection

Authors: Pukhrambam Helena Chanu, Janardan Yadav


This study investigates the potential of various fungal isolates to solubilize zinc and counteract rice pathogens, with the aim of mitigating zinc deficiency and disease prevalence in rice farming. Soil samples from the rhizosphere were collected, and zinc-solubilizing fungi were isolated and purified. Molecular analysis identified Talaromyces sp, Talaromyces versatilis, Talaromyces pinophilus, and Aspergillus terreus as effective zinc solubilizers. Through qualitative and quantitative assessments, it was observed that solubilization efficiencies varied among the isolates over time, with Talaromyces versatilis displaying the highest capacity for solubilization. This variability in solubilization rates may be attributed to differences in fungal metabolic activity and their ability to produce organic acids that facilitate zinc release from insoluble sources in the soil. In inhibition assays against rice pathogens, the fungal isolates exhibited antagonistic properties, with Talaromyces versatilis demonstrating the most significant inhibition rates. This antagonistic activity may be linked to the production of secondary metabolites, such as antibiotics or lytic enzymes by fungi, which inhibit the growth of rice pathogens. The ability of Talaromyces versatilis to outperform other isolates in both zinc solubilization and pathogen inhibition highlights its potential as a multifunctional biocontrol agent in rice cultivation systems. These findings emphasize the potential of fungi as natural solutions for enhancing zinc uptake and managing diseases in rice cultivation. Utilizing indigenous zinc-solubilizing fungi offers a sustainable and environmentally friendly approach to addressing zinc deficiency in soils, reducing the need for chemical fertilizers. Moreover, harnessing the antagonistic activity of these fungi can contribute to integrated disease management strategies, minimizing reliance on synthetic pesticides and promoting ecological balance in agroecosystems. Additionally, the study included the evaluation of dipping time under different concentrations, viz.,10 ppm, 20 ppm, and 30 ppm of biosynthesized nano ZnO on rice seedlings. This investigation aimed to optimize the application of nano ZnO for efficient zinc uptake by rice plants while minimizing potential risks associated with excessive nanoparticle exposure. Evaluating the effects of varying concentrations and dipping durations provides valuable insights into the safe and effective utilization of nano ZnO as a micronutrient supplement in rice farming practices.

Keywords: biosynthesized nano ZnO, rice, root dipping, zinc solubilizing fungi.

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2201 Microglia Activity and Induction of Mechanical Allodynia after Mincle Receptor Ligand Injection in Rat Spinal Cord

Authors: Jihoon Yang, Jeong II Choi


Mincle is expressed in macrophages and is members of immunoreceptors induced after exposure to various stimuli and stresses. Mincle receptor activation promotes the production of these substances by increasing the transcription of inflammatory cytokines and chemokines. Cytokines, which play an important role in the initiation and maintenance of such inflammatory pain diseases, have a significant effect on sensory neurons in addition to their enhancement and inhibitory effects on immune and inflammatory cells as mediators of cell interaction. Glial cells in the central nervous system play a critical role in development and maintenance of chronic pain states. Microglia are tissue-resident macrophages in the central nervous system, and belong to a group of mononuclear phagocytes. In the central nervous system, mincle receptor is present in neurons and glial cells of the brain.This study was performed to identify the Mincle receptor in the spinal cord and to investigate the effect of Mincle receptor activation on nociception and the changes of microglia. Materials and Methods: C-type lectins(Mincle) was identified in spinal cord of Male Sprague–Dawley rats. Then, mincle receptor ligand (TDB), via an intrathecal catheter. Mechanical allodynia was measured using von Frey test to evaluate the effect of intrathecal injection of TDB. Result: The present investigation shows that the intrathecal administration of TDB in the rat produces a reliable and quantifiable mechanical hyperalgesia. In addition, The mechanical hyperalgesia after TDB injection gradually developed over time and remained until 10 days. Mincle receptor is identified in the spinal cord, mainly expressed in neuronal cells, but not in microglia or astrocyte. These results suggest that activation of mincle receptor pathway in neurons plays an important role in inducing activation of microglia and inducing mechanical allodynia.

Keywords: mincle, spinal cord, pain, microglia

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2200 Identification of Natural Liver X Receptor Agonists as the Treatments or Supplements for the Management of Alzheimer and Metabolic Diseases

Authors: Hsiang-Ru Lin


Cholesterol plays an essential role in the regulation of the progression of numerous important diseases including atherosclerosis and Alzheimer disease so the generation of suitable cholesterol-lowering reagents is urgent to develop. Liver X receptor (LXR) is a ligand-activated transcription factor whose natural ligands are cholesterols, oxysterols and glucose. Once being activated, LXR can transactivate the transcription action of various genes including CYP7A1, ABCA1, and SREBP1c, involved in the lipid metabolism, glucose metabolism and inflammatory pathway. Essentially, the upregulation of ABCA1 facilitates cholesterol efflux from the cells and attenuates the production of beta-amyloid (ABeta) 42 in brain so LXR is a promising target to develop the cholesterol-lowering reagents and preventative treatment of Alzheimer disease. Engelhardia roxburghiana is a deciduous tree growing in India, China, and Taiwan. However, its chemical composition is only reported to exhibit antitubercular and anti-inflammatory effects. In this study, four compounds, engelheptanoxides A, C, engelhardiol A, and B isolated from the root of Engelhardia roxburghiana were evaluated for their agonistic activity against LXR by the transient transfection reporter assays in the HepG2 cells. Furthermore, their interactive modes with LXR ligand binding pocket were generated by molecular modeling programs. By using the cell-based biological assays, engelheptanoxides A, C, engelhardiol A, and B showing no cytotoxic effect against the proliferation of HepG2 cells, exerted obvious LXR agonistic effects with similar activity as T0901317, a novel synthetic LXR agonist. Further modeling studies including docking and SAR (structure-activity relationship) showed that these compounds can locate in LXR ligand binding pocket in the similar manner as T0901317. Thus, LXR is one of nuclear receptors targeted by pharmaceutical industry for developing treatments of Alzheimer and atherosclerosis diseases. Importantly, the cell-based assays, together with molecular modeling studies suggesting a plausible binding mode, demonstrate that engelheptanoxides A, C, engelhardiol A, and B function as LXR agonists. This is the first report to demonstrate that the extract of Engelhardia roxburghiana contains LXR agonists. As such, these active components of Engelhardia roxburghiana or subsequent analogs may show important therapeutic effects through selective modulation of the LXR pathway.

Keywords: Liver X receptor (LXR), Engelhardia roxburghiana, CYP7A1, ABCA1, SREBP1c, HepG2 cells

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2199 Towards the Use of Innovative Teaching Methodologies in Nursing Education : A South African Study

Authors: R. Bhagwan, M. Subbhan


Nursing is a very challenging field in South Africa and due to the burden of disease it is critical that nursing students are prepared with the adequate knowledge and skills to deliver effective patient care. Despite this very little research has been done on the teaching strategies used by nurse educators to teach nursing students. It is in this context that a survey of all nurse educators at Nursing Colleges and Universities in Kwa-Zulu Natal was undertaken (n=300) to explore what current pedagogical strategies were being used and which more creative methodologies should be implemented in relation to specific nursing content. Findings revealed that most nurse educators still utlize the lecture approach, but although believe other methodologies such as e-learning are important have not done so because of inadequate training. The recommendations made are that more creative pedagogical strategies such as simultation, portfoloios and case studies be adopted.

Keywords: creative, teaching methodologies, dydactic, nursing

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2198 Safety Study of Intravenously Administered Human Cord Blood Stem Cells in the Treatment of Symptoms Related to Chronic Inflammation

Authors: Brian M. Mehling, Louis Quartararo, Marine Manvelyan, Paul Wang, Dong-Cheng Wu


Numerous investigations suggest that Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) in general represent a valuable tool for therapy of symptoms related to chronic inflammatory diseases. Blue Horizon Stem Cell Therapy Program is a leading provider of adult and children’s stem cell therapies. Uniquely we have safely and efficiently treated more than 600 patients with documenting each procedure. The purpose of our study is primarily to monitor the immune response in order to validate the safety of intravenous infusion of human umbilical cord blood derived MSCs (UC-MSCs), and secondly, to evaluate effects on biomarkers associated with chronic inflammation. Nine patients were treated for conditions associated with chronic inflammation and for the purpose of anti-aging. They have been given one intravenous infusion of UC-MSCs. Our study of blood test markers of 9 patients with chronic inflammation before and within three months after MSCs treatment demonstrates that there is no significant changes and MSCs treatment was safe for the patients. Analysis of different indicators of chronic inflammation and aging included in initial, 24-hours, two weeks and three months protocols showed that stem cell treatment was safe for the patients; there were no adverse reactions. Moreover data from follow up protocols demonstrates significant improvement in energy level, hair, nails growth and skin conditions. Intravenously administered UC-MSCs were safe and effective in the improvement of symptoms related to chronic inflammation. Further close monitoring and inclusion of more patients are necessary to fully characterize the advantages of UC-MSCs application in treatment of symptoms related to chronic inflammation.

Keywords: chronic inflammatory diseases, intravenous infusion, stem cell therapy, umbilical cord blood derived mesenchymal stem cells (UC-MSCs)

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2197 A Review of Brain Implant Device: Current Developments and Applications

Authors: Ardiansyah I. Ryan, Ashsholih K. R., Fathurrohman G. R., Kurniadi M. R., Huda P. A


The burden of brain-related disease is very high. There are a lot of brain-related diseases with limited treatment result and thus raise the burden more. The Parkinson Disease (PD), Mental Health Problem, or Paralysis of extremities treatments had risen concern, as the patients for those diseases usually had a low quality of life and low chance to recover fully. There are also many other brain or related neural diseases with the similar condition, mainly the treatments for those conditions are still limited as our understanding of the brain function is insufficient. Brain Implant Technology had given hope to help in treating this condition. In this paper, we examine the current update of the brain implant technology. Neurotechnology is growing very rapidly worldwide. The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the use of Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) as a brain implant in humans. As for neural implant both the cochlear implant and retinal implant are approved by FDA too. All of them had shown a promising result. DBS worked by stimulating a specific region in the brain with electricity. This device is planted surgically into a very specific region of the brain. This device consists of 3 main parts: Lead (thin wire inserted into the brain), neurostimulator (pacemaker-like device, planted surgically in the chest) and an external controller (to turn on/off the device by patient/programmer). FDA had approved DBS for the treatment of PD, Pain Management, Epilepsy and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). The target treatment of DBS in PD is to reduce the tremor and dystonia symptoms. DBS has been showing the promising result in animal and limited human trial for other conditions such as Alzheimer, Mental Health Problem (Major Depression, Tourette Syndrome), etc. Every surgery has risks of complications, although in DBS the chance is very low. DBS itself had a very satisfying result as long as the subject criteria to be implanted this device based on indication and strictly selection. Other than DBS, there are several brain implant devices that still under development. It was included (not limited to) implant to treat paralysis (In Spinal Cord Injury/Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis), enhance brain memory, reduce obesity, treat mental health problem and treat epilepsy. The potential of neurotechnology is unlimited. When brain function and brain implant were fully developed, it may be one of the major breakthroughs in human history like when human find ‘fire’ for the first time. Support from every sector for further research is very needed to develop and unveil the true potential of this technology.

Keywords: brain implant, deep brain stimulation (DBS), deep brain stimulation, Parkinson

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2196 Phytochemistry and Alpha-Amylase Inhibitory Activities of Rauvolfia vomitoria (Afzel) Leaves and Picralima nitida (Stapf) Seeds

Authors: Oseyemi Omowunmi Olubomehin, Olufemi Michael Denton


Diabetes mellitus is a disease that is related to the digestion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats and how this affects the blood glucose levels. Various synthetic drugs employed in the management of the disease work through different mechanisms. Keeping postprandial blood glucose levels within acceptable range is a major factor in the management of type 2 diabetes and its complications. Thus, the inhibition of carbohydrate-hydrolyzing enzymes such as α-amylase is an important strategy in lowering postprandial blood glucose levels, but synthetic inhibitors have undesirable side effects like flatulence, diarrhea, gastrointestinal disorders to mention a few. Therefore, it is necessary to identify and explore the α-amylase inhibitors from plants due to their availability, safety, and low costs. In the present study, extracts from the leaves of Rauvolfia vomitoria and seeds of Picralima nitida which are used in the Nigeria traditional system of medicine to treat diabetes were tested for their α-amylase inhibitory effect. The powdered plant samples were subjected to phytochemical screening using standard procedures. The leaves and seeds macerated successively using n-hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol resulted in the crude extracts which at different concentrations (0.1, 0.5 and 1 mg/mL) alongside the standard drug acarbose, were subjected to α-amylase inhibitory assay using the Benfield and Miller methods, with slight modification. Statistical analysis was done using ANOVA, SPSS version 2.0. The phytochemical screening results of the leaves of Rauvolfia vomitoria and the seeds of Picralima nitida showed the presence of alkaloids, tannins, saponins and cardiac glycosides while in addition Rauvolfia vomitoria had phenols and Picralima nitida had terpenoids. The α-amylase assay results revealed that at 1 mg/mL the methanol, hexane, and ethyl acetate extracts of the leaves of Rauvolfia vomitoria gave (15.74, 23.13 and 26.36 %) α-amylase inhibitions respectively, the seeds of Picralima nitida gave (15.50, 30.68, 36.72 %) inhibitions which were not significantly different from the control at p < 0.05, while acarbose gave a significant 56 % inhibition at p < 0.05. The presence of alkaloids, phenols, tannins, steroids, saponins, cardiac glycosides and terpenoids in these plants are responsible for the observed anti-diabetic activity. However, the low percentages of α-amylase inhibition by these plant samples shows that α-amylase inhibition is not the major way by which both plants exhibit their anti-diabetic effect.

Keywords: alpha-amylase, Picralima nitida, postprandial hyperglycemia, Rauvolfia vomitoria

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2195 Healthy Architecture Applied to Inclusive Design for People with Cognitive Disabilities

Authors: Santiago Quesada-García, María Lozano-Gómez, Pablo Valero-Flores


The recent digital revolution, together with modern technologies, is changing the environment and the way people interact with inhabited space. However, in society, the elderly are a very broad and varied group that presents serious difficulties in understanding these modern technologies. Outpatients with cognitive disabilities, such as those suffering from Alzheimer's disease (AD), are distinguished within this cluster. This population group is in constant growth, and they have specific requirements for their inhabited space. According to architecture, which is one of the health humanities, environments are designed to promote well-being and improve the quality of life for all. Buildings, as well as the tools and technologies integrated into them, must be accessible, inclusive, and foster health. In this new digital paradigm, artificial intelligence (AI) appears as an innovative resource to help this population group improve their autonomy and quality of life. Some experiences and solutions, such as those that interact with users through chatbots and voicebots, show the potential of AI in its practical application. In the design of healthy spaces, the integration of AI in architecture will allow the living environment to become a kind of 'exo-brain' that can make up for certain cognitive deficiencies in this population. The objective of this paper is to address, from the discipline of neuroarchitecture, how modern technologies can be integrated into everyday environments and be an accessible resource for people with cognitive disabilities. For this, the methodology has a mixed structure. On the one hand, from an empirical point of view, the research carries out a review of the existing literature about the applications of AI to build space, following the critical review foundations. As a unconventional architectural research, an experimental analysis is proposed based on people with AD as a resource of data to study how the environment in which they live influences their regular activities. The results presented in this communication are part of the progress achieved in the competitive R&D&I project ALZARQ (PID2020-115790RB-I00). These outcomes are aimed at the specific needs of people with cognitive disabilities, especially those with AD, since, due to the comfort and wellness that the solutions entail, they can also be extrapolated to the whole society. As a provisional conclusion, it can be stated that, in the immediate future, AI will be an essential element in the design and construction of healthy new environments. The discipline of architecture has the compositional resources to, through this emerging technology, build an 'exo-brain' capable of becoming a personal assistant for the inhabitants, with whom to interact proactively and contribute to their general well-being. The main objective of this work is to show how this is possible.

Keywords: Alzheimer’s disease, artificial intelligence, healthy architecture, neuroarchitecture, architectural design

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2194 Effect of Xenobiotic Bioactive Compounds from Grape Waste on Inflammation and Oxidative Stress in Pigs

Authors: Ionelia Taranu, Gina Cecilia Pistol, Mihai Alexandru Gras, Mihai Laurentiu Palade, Mariana Stancu, Veronica Sanda Chedea


In the last decade bioactive compounds from grape waste are investigated as new therapeutic agents for the inhibition of carcinogenesis and other diseases. The objective of this study was to characterize several bioactive compounds (polyphenols and polyunsaturated fatty acids) of a dried grape pomace (GP) derived from a Romanian winery and further to evaluate their effect on inflammation and oxidative markers in liver of pig used as animal model. The total polyphenol concentration of pomace was 36.2g gallic acid equiv /100g. The pomace was rich in polyphenols from the flavonoids group, the main class being flavanols (epicatechins, catechin, epigallocatechin, procyanidins) and antocyanins (Malvidin 3-O-glucoside). The highest concentration was recorded for epicatechin (51.96g/100g) and procyanidin dimer (22.79g/100g). A high concentration of total polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) especially ω-6 fatty acids (59.82 g/100g fat) was found in grape pomace. 20 crossbred TOPIG hybrid fattening pigs were randomly assigned (n = 10) to two experimental treatments: a normal diet (control group) and a diet included 5% grape pomace (GP group) for 24 days. The GP diet lowered the gene expression and protein concentration of IL-1β, IL-8, TNF-α and IFN-γ cytokines in liver suggesting an anti-inflammatory effect of GP diet. Concentration of hepatic TBARS also decreased, but the total antioxidant capacity (liver TEAC) and activity and gene expression of antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase) did not differ between the GP and control diet. The results showed that GP diet exerted an anti-inflammatory effect, but the 5% dietary inclusion modulated only partially the oxidative stress.

Keywords: animal model, inflammation, grape waste, immune organs

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2193 The Morphological Picture of the Reinke's Oedema

Authors: Dins Sumerags, Mara Pilmane, Vita Konopecka, Gunta Sumeraga


Reinke’s oedema is a specific type of chronic laryngitis evolving only in smokers. Our study aimed to identify the presence and interaction of the immunohistochemical markers for inflammation [IL-1α] and [IL-10], proliferation [Ki-67] and immunoreactive innervation [PGP 9.5] in the laryngeal mucosa using biotin-streptavidin immunochemical staining method. The laryngeal tissue samples were taken from the vocal cord during the surgery of the Reinke’s oedema and compared to the control group from the tissue samples of the cadavers without any visual laryngeal disease. The study results confirm increased cellular proliferation and elevation of the inflammation markers in the laryngeal mucosa in the case of Reinke’s oedema by comparing with the control.

Keywords: reinke`s oedema, immunohistochemical markers, laryngeal mucosa, biotin-streptavidin

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2192 Human Health Risks Assessment of Particulate Air Pollution in Romania

Authors: Katalin Bodor, Zsolt Bodor, Robert Szep


The particulate matter (PM) smaller than 2.5 μm are less studied due to the limited availability of PM₂.₅, and less information is available on the health effects attributable to PM₁₀ in Central-Eastern Europe. The objective of the current study was to assess the human health risk and characterize the spatial and temporal variation of PM₂.₅ and PM₁₀ in eight Romanian regions between the 2009-2018 and. The PM concentrations showed high variability over time and spatial distribution. The highest concentration was detected in the Bucharest region in the winter period, and the lowest was detected in West. The relative risk caused by the PM₁₀ for all-cause mortality varied between 1.017 (B) and 1.025 (W), with an average 1.020. The results demonstrate a positive relative risk of cardiopulmonary and lung cancer disease due to exposure to PM₂.₅ on the national average 1.26 ( ± 0.023) and 1.42 ( ± 0.037), respectively.

Keywords: PM₂.₅, PM₁₀, relative risk, health effect

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2191 Intelligent System for Diagnosis Heart Attack Using Neural Network

Authors: Oluwaponmile David Alao


Misdiagnosis has been the major problem in health sector. Heart attack has been one of diseases that have high level of misdiagnosis recorded on the part of physicians. In this paper, an intelligent system has been developed for diagnosis of heart attack in the health sector. Dataset of heart attack obtained from UCI repository has been used. This dataset is made up of thirteen attributes which are very vital in diagnosis of heart disease. The system is developed on the multilayer perceptron trained with back propagation neural network then simulated with feed forward neural network and a recognition rate of 87% was obtained which is a good result for diagnosis of heart attack in medical field.

Keywords: heart attack, artificial neural network, diagnosis, intelligent system

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2190 Augmented Reality in Teaching Children with Autism

Authors: Azadeh Afrasyabi, Ali Khaleghi, Aliakbar Alijarahi


Training at an early age is so important, because of tremendous changes in adolescence, including the formation of character, physical changes and other factors. One of the most sensitive sectors in this field is the children with a disability and are somehow special children who have trouble in communicating with their environment. One of the emerging technologies in the field of education that can be effectively profitable called augmented reality, where the combination of real world and virtual images in real time produces new concepts that can facilitate learning. The purpose of this paper is to propose an effective training method for special and disabled children based on augmented reality. Of course, in particular, the efficiency of augmented reality in teaching children with autism will consider, also examine the various aspect of this disease and different learning methods in this area.

Keywords: technology in education, augmented reality, special education, teaching methods

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2189 Managing Company's Reputation during Crisis: An Analysis of Croatia Airlines' Crisis Response Strategy to the Labor Unions' Strike Announcement

Authors: M. Polic, N. Cesarec Salopek


When it comes to crisis, no company, notwithstanding its financial success, power or reputation is immune to the new environment and circumstances emerging from it. The main challenge company faces with during a crisis is to protect its most valuable intangible asset reputation. Crisis has the serious potential to disrupt company’s everyday operations and damage its reputation extremely fast, especially if the company did not anticipate threats that may cause a crisis. Therefore, when a crisis happens, company must directly respond to it, whilst an effective crisis communication can limit consequences arising from the crisis, protect and repair the reputational damage caused to the company. Since every crisis is unique, each one of it requires different crisis response strategy. In July 2018, airline labor unions threatened Croatia Airlines, the state owned flag carrier of Croatia, to hold a strike that would be called into question regular flights and affect more than 7.600 passengers per day. This study explores the differences between crisis response strategies that Croatia Airlines, the state owned flag carrier of Croatia and airline labor unions used during the crisis period within the Situational Crisis Communication Theory (SCCT) by analyzing the content of formal communication tools used by Croatia Airlines and airline labor unions. Moreover, this study shows how Croatia Airlines successfully managed to communicate to the general public the threat that airline labor unions imposed on it and how was it received by the Croatian media. By using the qualitative and quantitative content analysis, the study will reveal the frames that dominated in the media articles during the crisis period. The greatest significance of this study is that it will provide the deeper insight into how transparent and consistent communication, the one that Croatia Airlines used before and during the crisis period, contributed to the decision of the competent court (Zagreb County Court) which prohibited labor unions strike in August 2018.

Keywords: crisis communication, crisis response strategy, Croatia Airlines, labor union, reputation management, situational crisis communication theory, strike

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2188 A Data-Driven Optimal Control Model for the Dynamics of Monkeypox in a Variable Population with a Comprehensive Cost-Effectiveness Analysis

Authors: Martins Onyekwelu Onuorah, Jnr Dahiru Usman


Introduction: In the realm of public health, the threat posed by Monkeypox continues to elicit concern, prompting rigorous studies to understand its dynamics and devise effective containment strategies. Particularly significant is its recurrence in variable populations, such as the observed outbreak in Nigeria in 2022. In light of this, our study undertakes a meticulous analysis, employing a data-driven approach to explore, validate, and propose optimized intervention strategies tailored to the distinct dynamics of Monkeypox within varying demographic structures. Utilizing a deterministic mathematical model, we delved into the intricate dynamics of Monkeypox, with a particular focus on a variable population context. Our qualitative analysis provided insights into the disease-free equilibrium, revealing its stability when R0 is less than one and discounting the possibility of backward bifurcation, as substantiated by the presence of a single stable endemic equilibrium. The model was rigorously validated using real-time data from the Nigerian 2022 recorded cases for Epi weeks 1 – 52. Transitioning from qualitative to quantitative, we augmented our deterministic model with optimal control, introducing three time-dependent interventions to scrutinize their efficacy and influence on the epidemic's trajectory. Numerical simulations unveiled a pronounced impact of the interventions, offering a data-supported blueprint for informed decision-making in containing the disease. A comprehensive cost-effectiveness analysis employing the Infection Averted Ratio (IAR), Average Cost-Effectiveness Ratio (ACER), and Incremental Cost-Effectiveness Ratio (ICER) facilitated a balanced evaluation of the interventions’ economic and health impacts. In essence, our study epitomizes a holistic approach to understanding and mitigating Monkeypox, intertwining rigorous mathematical modeling, empirical validation, and economic evaluation. The insights derived not only bolster our comprehension of Monkeypox's intricate dynamics but also unveil optimized, cost-effective interventions. This integration of methodologies and findings underscores a pivotal stride towards aligning public health imperatives with economic sustainability, marking a significant contribution to global efforts in combating infectious diseases.

Keywords: monkeypox, equilibrium states, stability, bifurcation, optimal control, cost-effectiveness

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2187 Evaluation of κ -Carrageenan Hydrogel Efficiency in Wound-Healing

Authors: Ali Ayatic, Emad Mozaffari, Bahareh Tanhaei, Maryam Khajenoori, Saeedeh Movaghar Khoshkho, Ali Ayati


The abuse of antibiotics, such as tetracycline (TC), is a great global threat to people and the use of topical antibiotics is a promising tact that can help to solve this problem. Antibiotic therapy is often appropriate and necessary for acute wound infections, while topical tetracycline can be highly efficient in improving the wound healing process in diabetics. Due to the advantages of drug-loaded hydrogels as wound dressing, such as ease of handling, high moisture resistance, excellent biocompatibility, and the ability to activate immune cells to speed wound healing, it was found as an ideal wound treatment. In this work, the tetracycline-loaded hydrogels combining agar (AG) and κ-carrageenan (k-CAR) as polymer materials were prepared, in which span60 surfactant was introduced inside as a drug carrier. The Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopes (FESEM) and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) techniques were employed to provide detailed information on the morphology, composition, and structure of fabricated drug-loaded hydrogels and their mechanical properties, and hydrogel permeability to water vapor was investigated as well. Two types of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria were used to explore the antibacterial properties of prepared tetracycline-contained hydrogels. Their swelling and drug release behavior was studied using the changing factors such as the ratio of polysaccharides (MAG/MCAR), the span60 surfactant concentration, potassium chloride (KCl) concentration and different release media (deionized water (DW), phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), and simulated wound fluid (SWF)) at different times. Finally, the kinetic behavior of hydrogel swelling was studied. Also, the experimental data of TC release to DW, PBS, and SWF using various mathematical models such as Higuchi, Korsmeyer-Peppas, zero-order, and first-order in the linear and nonlinear modes were evaluated.

Keywords: drug release, hydrogel, tetracycline, wound healing

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2186 Development and Evaluation of Simvastatin Based Self Nanoemulsifying Drug Delivery System (SNEDDS) for Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease

Authors: Hardeep


The aim of this research work to improve the solubility and bioavailability of Simvastatin using a self nanoemulsifying drug delivery system (SNEDDS). Self emulsifying property of various oils including essential oils was evaluated with suitable surfactants and co-surfactants. Validation of a method for accuracy, repeatability, Interday and intraday precision, ruggedness, and robustness were within acceptable limits. The liquid SNEDDS was prepared and optimized using a ternary phase diagram, thermodynamic, centrifugation and cloud point studies. The globule size of optimized formulations was less than 200 nm which could be an acceptable nanoemulsion size range. The mean droplet size, drug loading, PDI and zeta potential were found to be 141.0 nm, 92.22%, 0.23 and -10.13 mV and 153.5nm, 93.89 % ,0.41 and -11.7 mV and 164.26 nm, 95.26% , 0.41 and -10.66mV respectively.

Keywords: simvastatin, self nanoemulsifying drug delivery system, solubility, bioavailability

Procedia PDF Downloads 201
2185 The Impact of COVID-19 on Women’s Health in Bangladesh

Authors: Dil Ware Alam, Faiza Zebeen, Sumaya Binte Masud


COVID-19) has impacted the whole world, including Bangladesh. The epidemic has reduced access to health care, particularly for women, creating challenges for an increasingly disadvantaged population. Women's health and well-being in Bangladesh are susceptible to a rise in domestic violence and need to be addressed quickly. The planet has been greatly influenced by Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), and Bangladesh is no difference. The pandemic has resulted in a decline in the availability of health care, notably for women's health problems, leading to an increase in difficulties for an increasingly marginalized group. Maternity care, maternal health programs, medical interventions, nutritional counseling and mental health care, are not discussed, and women's health and well-being in Bangladesh is vulnerable with a spike in domestic violence and needs to be resolved urgently.

Keywords: Covid-19, mental health, reproductive health, Bangladesh

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2184 A Review: Role of Chromium in Broiler

Authors: Naveed Zahra, Zahid Kamran, Shakeel Ahmad


Heat stress is one of the most important environmental stressors challenging poultry production worldwide. The detrimental effect of heat stress results in reduction in the productive performance of poultry with high incidences of mortality. Researchers have made efforts to prevent such damage to poultry production through dietary manipulation. Supplementation with Chromium (Cr) might have some positive effects on some aspect of blood parameters and broilers performance. Chromium (Cr) the element whose trivalent Cr (III) organic state is present in trace amounts in animal feed and water is found to be a key element in evading heat stress and thus cutting down the heavy expenditure on air conditioning in broiler sheds. Chromium, along with other essential minerals is lost due to increased excretion during heat stress and thus its inclusion in broiler diet is kind of mandatory in areas of hot climate. Chromium picolinate in broiler diet has shown a hike in growth rate including muscle gain with body fat reduction under environmental stress. Fat reduction is probably linked to the ability of chromium to increase the sensitivity of the insulin receptors on tissues and thus the uptake of sugar from blood increases which decreases the amount of glucose to be converted to amino acids and stored in adipose tissue as triglycerides. Organic chromium has also shown to increase lymphocyte proliferation rate and antioxidant levels. So, the immune competency, muscle gain and fat reduction along with evasion of heat stress are good enough signs that indicate the fruitful inclusion of dietary chromium for broiler. This promising element may bring the much needed break in the local poultry industry. The task is now to set the exact dose of the element in the diet that would be useful enough and still not toxic to broiler. In conclusion there is a growing body of evidence which suggest that chromium may be an essential trace element for livestock and poultry. The nutritional requirement for chromium may vary with different species and physiological state within a species.

Keywords: broiler, chromium, heat stress, performance

Procedia PDF Downloads 288
2183 Medial Temporal Tau Predicts Memory Decline in Cognitively Unimpaired Elderly

Authors: Angela T. H. Kwan, Saman Arfaie, Joseph Therriault, Zahra Azizi, Firoza Z. Lussier, Cecile Tissot, Mira Chamoun, Gleb Bezgin, Stijn Servaes, Jenna Stevenon, Nesrine Rahmouni, Vanessa Pallen, Serge Gauthier, Pedro Rosa-Neto


Alzheimer’s disease (AD) can be detected in living people using in vivo biomarkers of amyloid-β (Aβ) and tau, even in the absence of cognitive impairment during the preclinical phase. [¹⁸F]-MK-6420 is a high affinity positron emission tomography (PET) tracer that quantifies tau neurofibrillary tangles, but its ability to predict cognitive changes associated with early AD symptoms, such as memory decline, is unclear. Here, we assess the prognostic accuracy of baseline [18F]-MK-6420 tau PET for predicting longitudinal memory decline in asymptomatic elderly individuals. In a longitudinal observational study, we evaluated a cohort of cognitively normal elderly participants (n = 111) from the Translational Biomarkers in Aging and Dementia (TRIAD) study (data collected between October 2017 and July 2020, with a follow-up period of 12 months). All participants underwent tau PET with [¹⁸F]-MK-6420 and Aβ PET with [¹⁸F]-AZD-4694. The exclusion criteria included the presence of head trauma, stroke, or other neurological disorders. There were 111 eligible participants who were chosen based on the availability of Aβ PET, tau PET, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and APOEε4 genotyping. Among these participants, the mean (SD) age was 70.1 (8.6) years; 20 (18%) were tau PET positive, and 71 of 111 (63.9%) were women. A significant association between baseline Braak I-II [¹⁸F]-MK-6240 SUVR positivity and change in composite memory score was observed at the 12-month follow-up, after correcting for age, sex, and years of education (Logical Memory and RAVLT, standardized beta = -0.52 (-0.82-0.21), p < 0.001, for dichotomized tau PET and -1.22 (-1.84-(-0.61)), p < 0.0001, for continuous tau PET). Moderate cognitive decline was observed for A+T+ over the follow-up period, whereas no significant change was observed for A-T+, A+T-, and A-T-, though it should be noted that the A-T+ group was small.Our results indicate that baseline tau neurofibrillary tangle pathology is associated with longitudinal changes in memory function, supporting the use of [¹⁸F]-MK-6420 PET to predict the likelihood of asymptomatic elderly individuals experiencing future memory decline. Overall, [¹⁸F]-MK-6420 PET is a promising tool for predicting memory decline in older adults without cognitive impairment at baseline. This is of critical relevance as the field is shifting towards a biological model of AD defined by the aggregation of pathologic tau. Therefore, early detection of tau pathology using [¹⁸F]-MK-6420 PET provides us with the hope that living patients with AD may be diagnosed during the preclinical phase before it is too late.

Keywords: alzheimer’s disease, braak I-II, in vivo biomarkers, memory, PET, tau

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2182 A Gold-Based Nanoformulation for Delivery of the CRISPR/Cas9 Ribonucleoprotein for Genome Editing

Authors: Soultana Konstantinidou, Tiziana Schmidt, Elena Landi, Alessandro De Carli, Giovanni Maltinti, Darius Witt, Alicja Dziadosz, Agnieszka Lindstaedt, Michele Lai, Mauro Pistello, Valentina Cappello, Luciana Dente, Chiara Gabellini, Piotr Barski, Vittoria Raffa


CRISPR/Cas9 technology has gained the interest of researchers in the field of biotechnology for genome editing. Since its discovery as a microbial adaptive immune defense, this system has been widely adopted and is acknowledged for having a variety of applications. However, critical barriers related to safety and delivery are persisting. Here, we propose a new concept of genome engineering, which is based on a nano-formulation of Cas9. The Cas9 enzyme was conjugated to a gold nanoparticle (AuNP-Cas9). The AuNP-Cas9 maintained its cleavage efficiency in vitro, to the same extent as the ribonucleoprotein, including non-conjugated Cas9 enzyme, and showed high gene editing efficiency in vivo in zebrafish embryos. Since CRISPR/Cas9 technology is extensively used in cancer research, melanoma was selected as a validation target. Cell studies were performed in A375 human melanoma cells. Particles per se had no impact on cell metabolism and proliferation. Intriguingly, the AuNP-Cas9 internalized spontaneously in cells and localized as a single particle in the cytoplasm and organelles. More importantly, the AuNP-Cas9 showed a high nuclear localization signal. The AuNP-Cas9, overcoming the delivery difficulties of Cas9, could be used in cellular biology and localization studies. Taking advantage of the plasmonic properties of gold nanoparticles, this technology could potentially be a bio-tool for combining gene editing and photothermal therapy in cancer cells. Further work will be focused on intracellular interactions of the nano-formulation and characterization of the optical properties.

Keywords: CRISPR/Cas9, gene editing, gold nanoparticles, nanotechnology

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2181 Management of Caverno-Venous Leakage: A Series of 133 Patients with Symptoms, Hemodynamic Workup, and Results of Surgery

Authors: Allaire Eric, Hauet Pascal, Floresco Jean, Beley Sebastien, Sussman Helene, Virag Ronald


Background: Caverno-venous leakage (CVL) is devastating, although barely known disease, the first cause of major physical impairment in men under 25, and responsible for 50% of resistances to phosphodiesterase 5-inhibitors (PDE5-I), affecting 30 to 40% of users in this medication class. In this condition, too early blood drainage from corpora cavernosa prevents penile rigidity and penetration during sexual intercourse. The role of conservative surgery in this disease remains controversial. Aim: Assess complications and results of combined open surgery and embolization for CVL. Method: Between June 2016 and September 2021, 133 consecutive patients underwent surgery in our institution for CVL, causing severe erectile dysfunction (ED) resistance to oral medical treatment. Procedures combined vein embolization and ligation with microsurgical techniques. We performed a pre-and post-operative clinical (Erection Harness Scale: EHS) hemodynamic evaluation by duplex sonography in all patients. Before surgery, the CVL network was visualized by computed tomography cavernography. Penile EMG was performed in case of diabetes or suspected other neurological conditions. All patients were optimized for hormonal status—data we prospectively recorded. Results: Clinical signs suggesting CVL were ED since age lower than 25, loss of erection when changing position, penile rigidity varying according to the position. Main complications were minor pulmonary embolism in 2 patients, one after airline travel, one with Factor V Leiden heterozygote mutation, one infection and three hematomas requiring reoperation, one decreased gland sensitivity lasting for more than one year. Mean pre-operative pharmacologic EHS was 2.37+/-0.64, mean pharmacologic post-operative EHS was 3.21+/-0.60, p<0.0001 (paired t-test). The mean EHS variation was 0.87+/-0.74. After surgery, 81.5% of patients had a pharmacologic EHS equal to or over 3, allowing for intercourse with penetration. Three patients (2.2%) experienced lower post-operative EHS. The main cause of failure was leakage from the deep dorsal aspect of the corpus cavernosa. In a 14 months follow-up, 83.2% of patients had a clinical EHS equal to or over 3, allowing for sexual intercourse with penetration, one-third of them without any medication. 5 patients had a penile implant after unsuccessful conservative surgery. Conclusion: Open surgery combined with embolization for CVL is an efficient approach to CVL causing severe erectile dysfunction.

Keywords: erectile dysfunction, cavernovenous leakage, surgery, embolization, treatment, result, complications, penile duplex sonography

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2180 Trans-Sphenoidal Approach to Pituitary Tumors: Analysis of 568 Cases Over a Decade

Authors: Sandeep Mohindra


Since 2013, the authors have operated on 568 cases of pituitary tumors through the trans-sphenoidal route, using the binostril approach. The distribution included 486 cases of non-functioning pituitary tumors, 24 cases of Growth hormone(GH) secreting tumors(acromegaly), and 28 cases of adrenocorticotrophic(ACTH) secreting tumors(Cushing's Disease). The authors utilized neuro-navigation for 18 cases, and all belonged to the functional tumor category. Complications included ICA injury in 2 cases, fatal meningitis in 5 cases, while CSF leak required repair in 28 cases. Satisfactory excision was noted in 512 cases, while recurrence/residual required repeat surgery in 32 cases. Authors conclude that trans sphenoidal route remains the best and optimal way of managing sellar tumors, especially pituitary adenomas.

Keywords: pituitary, adenoma, trans-sphenoidal, endonasal, neuronavigation

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2179 Translating the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council Obesity Guidelines into Practice into a Rural/Regional Setting in Tasmania, Australia

Authors: Giuliana Murfet, Heidi Behrens


Chronic disease is Australia’s biggest health concern and obesity the leading risk factor for many. Obesity and chronic disease have a higher representation in rural Tasmania, where levels of socio-disadvantage are also higher. People living outside major cities have less access to health services and poorer health outcomes. To help primary healthcare professionals manage obesity, the Australian NHMRC evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for management of overweight and obesity in adults were developed. They include recommendations for practice and models for obesity management. To our knowledge there has been no research conducted that investigates translation of these guidelines into practice in rural-regional areas; where implementation can be complicated by limited financial and staffing resources. Also, the systematic review that informed the guidelines revealed a lack of evidence for chronic disease models of obesity care. The aim was to establish and evaluate a multidisciplinary model for obesity management in a group of adult people with type 2 diabetes in a dispersed rural population in Australia. Extensive stakeholder engagement was undertaken to both garner support for an obesity clinic and develop a sustainable model of care. A comprehensive nurse practitioner-led outpatient model for obesity care was designed. Multidisciplinary obesity clinics for adults with type 2 diabetes including a dietitian, psychologist, physiotherapist and nurse practitioner were set up in the north-west of Tasmania at two geographically-rural towns. Implementation was underpinned by the NHMRC guidelines and recommendations focused on: assessment approaches; promotion of health benefits of weight loss; identification of relevant programs for individualising care; medication and bariatric surgery options for obesity management; and, the importance of long-term weight management. A clinical pathway for adult weight management is delivered by the multidisciplinary team with recognition of the impact of and adjustments needed for other comorbidities. The model allowed for intensification of intervention such as bariatric surgery according to recommendations, patient desires and suitability. A randomised controlled trial is ongoing, with the aim to evaluate standard care (diabetes-focused management) compared with an obesity-related approach with additional dietetic, physiotherapy, psychology and lifestyle advice. Key barriers and enablers to guideline implementation were identified that fall under the following themes: 1) health care delivery changes and the project framework development; 2) capacity and team-building; 3) stakeholder engagement; and, 4) the research project and partnerships. Engagement of not only local hospital but also state-wide health executives and surgical services committee were paramount to the success of the project. Staff training and collective development of the framework allowed for shared understanding. Staff capacity was increased with most taking on other activities (e.g., surgery coordination). Barriers were often related to differences of opinions in focus of the project; a desire to remain evidenced based (e.g., exercise prescription) without adjusting the model to allow for consideration of comorbidities. While barriers did exist and challenges overcome; the development of critical partnerships did enable the capacity for a potential model of obesity care for rural regional areas. Importantly, the findings contribute to the evidence base for models of diabetes and obesity care that coordinate limited resources.

Keywords: diabetes, interdisciplinary, model of care, obesity, rural regional

Procedia PDF Downloads 229
2178 Assessment of Physical Activity Patterns in Patients with Cardiopulmonary Diseases

Authors: Ledi Neçaj


Objectives: The target of this paper is (1) to explain objectively physical activity model throughout three chronic cardiopulmonary conditions, and (2) to study the connection among physical activity dimensions with disease severity, self-reported physical and emotional functioning, and exercise performance. Material and Methods: This is a cross-sectional study of patients in their domestic environment. Patients with cardiopulmonary diseases were: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), (n-63), coronary heart failure (n=60), and patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillator (n=60). Main results measures: Seven ambulatory physical activity dimensions (total steps, percentage time active, percentage time ambulating at low, medium, and hard intensity, maximum cadence for 30 non-stop minutes, and peak performance) have been measured with an accelerometer. Results: Subjects with COPD had the lowest amount of ambulatory physical activity compared with topics with coronary heart failure and cardiac dysrhythmias (all 7 interest dimensions, P<.05); total step counts have been: 5319 as opposed to 7464 as opposed to 9570, respectively. Six-minute walk distance becomes correlated (r=.44-.65, P<.01) with all physical activity dimensions inside the COPD pattern, the most powerful correlations being with total steps and peak performance. In topics with cardiac impairment, maximal oxygen intake had the most effective small to slight correlations with five of the physical activity dimensions (r=.22-.40, P<.05). In contrast, correlations among 6-minute walk test distance and physical activity have been higher (r=.48-.61, P<.01) albeit in a smaller pattern of most effective patients with coronary heart failure. For all three samples, self-reported physical and mental health functioning, age, frame mass index, airflow obstruction, and ejection fraction had both exceptionally small and no significant correlations with physical activity. Conclusions: Findings from this study present a profitable benchmark of physical activity patterns in individuals with cardiopulmonary diseases for comparison with future studies. All seven dimensions of ambulatory physical activity have disfavor between subjects with COPD, heart failure, and cardiac dysrhythmias. Depending on the research or clinical goal, the use of one dimension, such as total steps, may be sufficient. Although physical activity had high correlations with performance on a six-minute walk test relative to other variables, accelerometers-based physical activity monitoring provides unique, important information about real-world behavior in patients with cardiopulmonary not already captured with existing measures.

Keywords: ambulatory physical activity, walking, monitoring, COPD, heart failure, implantable defibrillator, exercise performance

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2177 Challenges & Barriers for Neuro Rehabilitation in Developing Countries

Authors: Muhammad Naveed Babur, Maria Liaqat


Background & Objective: People with disabilities especially neurological disabilities have many unmet health and rehabilitation needs, face barriers in accessing mainstream health-care services, and consequently have poor health. There are not sufficient epidemiological studies from Pakistan which assess barriers to neurorehabilitation and ways to counter it. Objectives: The objective of the study was to determine the challenges and to evaluate the barriers for neuro-rehabilitation services in developing countries. Methods: This is Exploratory sequential qualitative study based on the Panel discussion forum in International rehabilitation sciences congress and national rehabilitation conference 2017. Panel group discussion has been conducted in February 2017 with a sample size of eight professionals including Rehabilitation medicine Physician, Physical Therapist, Speech Language therapist, Occupational Therapist, Clinical Psychologist and rehabilitation nurse working in multidisciplinary/Interdisciplinary team. A comprehensive audio-videography have been developed, recorded, transcripted and documented. Data was transcribed and thematic analysis along with characteristics was drawn manually. Data verification was done with the help of two separate coders. Results: After extraction of two separate coders following results are emerged. General category themes are disease profile, demographic profile, training and education, research, barriers, governance, global funding, informal care, resources and cultural beliefs and public awareness. Barriers identified at the level are high cost, stigma, lengthy course of recovery. Hospital related barriers are lack of social support and individually tailored goal setting processes. Organizational barriers identified are lack of basic diagnostic facilities, lack of funding and human resources. Recommendations given by panelists were investment in education, capacity building, infrastructure, governance support, strategies to promote communication and realistic goals. Conclusion: It is concluded that neurorehabilitation in developing countries need attention in following categories i.e. disease profile, demographic profile, training and education, research, barriers, governance, global funding, informal care, resources and cultural beliefs and public awareness. This study also revealed barriers at the level of patient, hospital, organization. Recommendations were also given by panelists.

Keywords: disability, neurorehabilitation, telerehabilitation, disability

Procedia PDF Downloads 194
2176 Access the Knowledge, Awareness, and Factors Associated With Hypertension Among the Residents of Modeca District of Tiko, South West Region of Cameroon, in the Middle of a Separatist Violence Since 2017

Authors: Franck Kem Acho


The trends of diseases have been changed from the last few years, now the burden of non-communicable diseases is increasing day by day. In all the non-communicable diseases, Hypertension is one of the leading causes of premature death and morbidity worldwide. This disease is a silent killer, it mostly affects the people with no obvious symptoms. Not only the heart it also increases the risk of brain, kidney and other diseases, now a days it is a serious medical problem. Over a billion people near about 1 in 4 men and 1 in 5 women having hypertension. In this case study men and women of ages between 30-80 years with Hypertension were identified in community remote area with their Health status being checked and monitored for one week and Health Education was provided for the importance of regular Health checkup alongside the continuous taking of medications.

Keywords: hypertension, health status, health check up, health education

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