Search results for: information management system
Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 31164

Search results for: information management system

10014 3D Human Reconstruction over Cloud Based Image Data via AI and Machine Learning

Authors: Kaushik Sathupadi, Sandesh Achar


Human action recognition modeling is a critical task in machine learning. These systems require better techniques for recognizing body parts and selecting optimal features based on vision sensors to identify complex action patterns efficiently. Still, there is a considerable gap and challenges between images and videos, such as brightness, motion variation, and random clutters. This paper proposes a robust approach for classifying human actions over cloud-based image data. First, we apply pre-processing and detection, human and outer shape detection techniques. Next, we extract valuable information in terms of cues. We extract two distinct features: fuzzy local binary patterns and sequence representation. Then, we applied a greedy, randomized adaptive search procedure for data optimization and dimension reduction, and for classification, we used a random forest. We tested our model on two benchmark datasets, AAMAZ and the KTH Multi-view football datasets. Our HMR framework significantly outperforms the other state-of-the-art approaches and achieves a better recognition rate of 91% and 89.6% over the AAMAZ and KTH multi-view football datasets, respectively.

Keywords: computer vision, human motion analysis, random forest, machine learning

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10013 Emotion Mining and Attribute Selection for Actionable Recommendations to Improve Customer Satisfaction

Authors: Jaishree Ranganathan, Poonam Rajurkar, Angelina A. Tzacheva, Zbigniew W. Ras


In today’s world, business often depends on the customer feedback and reviews. Sentiment analysis helps identify and extract information about the sentiment or emotion of the of the topic or document. Attribute selection is a challenging problem, especially with large datasets in actionable pattern mining algorithms. Action Rule Mining is one of the methods to discover actionable patterns from data. Action Rules are rules that help describe specific actions to be made in the form of conditions that help achieve the desired outcome. The rules help to change from any undesirable or negative state to a more desirable or positive state. In this paper, we present a Lexicon based weighted scheme approach to identify emotions from customer feedback data in the area of manufacturing business. Also, we use Rough sets and explore the attribute selection method for large scale datasets. Then we apply Actionable pattern mining to extract possible emotion change recommendations. This kind of recommendations help business analyst to improve their customer service which leads to customer satisfaction and increase sales revenue.

Keywords: actionable pattern discovery, attribute selection, business data, data mining, emotion

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10012 Automatic Generating CNC-Code for Milling Machine

Authors: Chalakorn Chitsaart, Suchada Rianmora, Mann Rattana-Areeyagon, Wutichai Namjaiprasert


G-code is the main factor in computer numerical control (CNC) machine for controlling the tool-paths and generating the profile of the object’s features. For obtaining high surface accuracy of the surface finish, non-stop operation is required for CNC machine. Recently, to design a new product, the strategy that concerns about a change that has low impact on business and does not consume lot of resources has been introduced. Cost and time for designing minor changes can be reduced since the traditional geometric details of the existing models are applied. In order to support this strategy as the alternative channel for machining operation, this research proposes the automatic generating codes for CNC milling operation. Using this technique can assist the manufacturer to easily change the size and the geometric shape of the product during the operation where the time spent for setting up or processing the machine are reduced. The algorithm implemented on MATLAB platform is developed by analyzing and evaluating the geometric information of the part. Codes are created rapidly to control the operations of the machine. Comparing to the codes obtained from CAM, this developed algorithm can shortly generate and simulate the cutting profile of the part.

Keywords: geometric shapes, milling operation, minor changes, CNC Machine, G-code, cutting parameters

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10011 Relationship Between Collegiality and the EQ of Leaders

Authors: Prakash Singh


Being a collegial leader would require such a person to promote an organizational passion that identifies and acknowledges the contribution of every employee. Collegiality is about sharing responsibilities and being accountable for one’s actions. Leaders must therefore be equipped with the knowledge, skills, abilities, beliefs, and dispositions that will allow them to succeed in their organizations. These abilities should not only dwell on cognition alone, but also, equally, on the development of their emotional intelligence (EQ). It is therefore a myth that leaders are entrusted with absolute power to manage all the resources of their organizations. Workers feel confident with leaders who are adaptable, flexible and supportive when it comes to shared decision-making and the devolution of power within the organization. Research strongly supports the notion that a leader requires a high level of EQ in addition to IQ (cognitive intelligence) to achieve the goals of the organization. On the other hand, traditional managers require cognitive abilities and technical skills to get the work done by their employees. This does not imply that management is not important in organizations. However, the approach of managers becomes highly critical when the focus is purely task orientated. Enabling or empowering employees, therefore, is an important aspect in establishing emotionally intelligent collaboration, as the willing and satisfied participation of the employees can be the result of leaders’ commitment to establishing a collegial working environment as demonstrated by their behaviours. This paper therefore analyses why it matters for ideal leaders to be imbued with the traits of EQ and collegiality.

Keywords: collegiality, emotional intelligence, empowering employees, traditional managers

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10010 Low NOx Combustion of Pulverized Petroleum Cokes

Authors: Sewon Kim, Minjun Kwon, Changyeop Lee


This study is aimed to study combustion characteristics of low NOx burner using petroleum cokes as fuel. The petroleum coke, which is produced through the oil refining process, is an attractive fuel in terms of its high heating value and low price. But petroleum coke is a challenging fuel because of its low volatile content, high sulfur and nitrogen content, which give rise to undesirable emission characteristics and low ignitability. Therefore, the research and development regarding the petroleum coke burner is needed for applying this industrial system. In this study, combustion and emission characteristics of petroleum cokes burner are experimentally investigated in an industrial steam boiler. The low NOx burner is designed to control fuel and air mixing to achieve staged combustion, which, in turn reduces both flame temperature and oxygen. Air distribution ratio of triple staged air are optimized experimentally. The result showed that NOx concentration is lowest when overfire air is used, and the burner function at a fuel rich condition. That is, the burner is operated at the equivalence ratio of 1.67 and overall equivalence ratio including overfire air is kept 0.87.

Keywords: petroleum cokes, low NOx, combustion, equivalence ratio

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10009 The Integration of ICT in the Teaching and Learning of French Language in Some Selected Schools in Nigeria: Prospects and Challenges

Authors: Oluyomi A. Abioye


The 21st century has been witnessing a lot of technological advancements and innovations, and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) happens to be one of them. Education is the cornerstone of any nation and the language in which it is delivered is the bedrock of any development. The French language is our choice in this study. French is a language of reference on the national and international scenes; however its teaching is clouded with myriads of problems. The output of students’ academic performance depends on to a large extent on the teaching and learning the process. The methodology employed goes a long way in contributing to the effectiveness of the teaching and learning the process. Therefore, with the integration of ICT, French teaching has to align with and adapt to this new digital era. An attempt is made to define the concept of ICT. Some of the challenges encountered in the teaching of French language are highlighted. Then it discusses the existing methods of French teaching and the integration of ICT in the teaching and learning of the same language. Then some prospects and challenges of ICT in the teaching and learning of French are discussed. Data collected from questionnaires administered among some students of some selected schools are analysed. Our findings revealed that only very few schools in Nigeria have the electronic and computer-mediated facilities to teach the French language. The paper concludes by encouraging 'savoir-faire' of ICT by the French teachers, an openness of students to this digital technology and adequate provision of electronic and computer-mediated gadgets by the Nigerian government to its educational institutions.

Keywords: French language in Nigeria, integration of ICT, prospects and challenges, teaching and learning

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10008 Social Networking Sites: A Platform for Communication and Collaboration for Visually Impaired

Authors: Sufia Khowaja, Nishat Fatima


Social networking sites are significant for visually impaired to overcome the unique challenges they face and access the resources they need to succeed in their education and beyond which might be difficult to obtain through traditional means. It provides them an opportunity to build relationships, stay connected with their support network as well as to develop social skills which give them emotional support to fell less isolated. In this connection the study is conducted with the aim to determine the use of social networking sites, purpose of using and activities performed by visually impaired at Delhi University, Delhi, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi and Jamia Milia Islamia, Delhi. The study followed survey technique in which structured interview is followed to collect data from 137 visually impaired students and analysed using ‘SPSS ver23’. The findings of the study revealed that mostly used social networking sites are whatsapp by 89.23% students of DU, 95.12% of JNU, 87.09% of JMI, followed by e-mail by 78.46% of DU, 78.04% of JNU, 64.51%; youtube by 73.84% DU, 90.24% JNU, 80.64% JMI. Purpose for using these sites is for academics mentioned by 96.92% DU, 100% JNU, 93.54% JMI. Activities performed on sites are sending and receiving messaging 96.92% DU, 92.68% JNU, 93.55% JMI, communicating with friends and family as well as getting academic information. Findings of the study will be helpful for libraries to disseminate their services and resources as well as latest updates to their visually impaired users with the help of most used tools.

Keywords: social networking sites, visually impaired, Delhi University, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Jamia Milia Islamia

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10007 Development of Terrorist Threat Prediction Model in Indonesia by Using Bayesian Network

Authors: Hilya Mudrika Arini, Nur Aini Masruroh, Budi Hartono


There are more than 20 terrorist threats from 2002 to 2012 in Indonesia. Despite of this fact, preventive solution through studies in the field of national security in Indonesia has not been conducted comprehensively. This study aims to provide a preventive solution by developing prediction model of the terrorist threat in Indonesia by using Bayesian network. There are eight stages to build the model, started from literature review, build and verify Bayesian belief network to what-if scenario. In order to build the model, four experts from different perspectives are utilized. This study finds several significant findings. First, news and the readiness of terrorist group are the most influent factor. Second, according to several scenarios of the news portion, it can be concluded that the higher positive news proportion, the higher probability of terrorist threat will occur. Therefore, the preventive solution to reduce the terrorist threat in Indonesia based on the model is by keeping the positive news portion to a maximum of 38%.

Keywords: Bayesian network, decision analysis, national security system, text mining

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10006 Perception of Inclusion in Higher Education

Authors: Hoi Nga Ng, Kam Weng Boey, Chi Wai Kwan


Supporters of Inclusive education proclaim that all students, regardless of disabilities or special educational needs (SEN), have the right to study in the normal school setting. It is asserted that students with SEN would benefit in academic performance and psychosocial adjustment via participation in common learning activities within the ordinary school system. When more and more students of SEN completed their early schooling, institute of higher education become the setting where students of SEN continue their learning. This study aimed to investigate the school well-being, social relationship, and academic self-concept of students of SEN in higher education. The Perception of Inclusion Questionnaire (PIQ) was used as the measuring instruments. PIQ was validated and incorporated in a questionnaire designed for online survey. Participation was voluntary and anonymous. A total of 90 students with SEN and 457 students without SEN responded to the online survey. Results showed no significant differences in school well-being and social relationship between students with and without SEN, but students with SEN, particularly those with learning and development impairment and those with mental illness and emotional problems, were significantly poorer in academic self-concept. Implications of the findings were discussed.

Keywords: ccademic self-concept, school well-being, social relationship, special educational needs

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10005 Shark Fishing in Iceland: Ocean Oral History

Authors: Dalrún Kaldakvísl Eygerðardóttir


Shark fishing has been practiced for centuries in Iceland. The broad objective of this ongoing research is to study the history of shark fishing in Iceland from the high days of Icelandic shark fishing in the latter half of the 19th century to recent days. The main focus is on shark fishing in the 20th and 21st century. The research sheds light on how sharks have shaped the Icelandic society and how Icelandic society has shaped the lives of sharks, by providing historical context to the relationship between Icelanders and one of the top predators in the North Atlantic Ocean, the Greenland shark. It is important to explore this aspect of Icelandic history further, to enhance people´s understanding of the marine ecosystem from the context of the past and the current increasing concerns about the status of sharks worldwide. Next to nothing has been written about shark fishing in the 20th and 21st Iceland, which shows the importance of interviewing shark fishermen – most of whom are at an old age today. The main methodology used in the research is oral history. Oral history is a large and growing field of research within history, which is based on obtaining oral sources through interviews, analyzing them, and presenting them. The video-poster sheds light on how oral history provides useful historical information on shark fishing and shark conservation in Iceland.

Keywords: oral history, shark fishing in Iceland, 19. and 21. century, shark conservation, marine environmental history

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10004 Measurement and Analysis of Radiation Doses to Radiosensitive Organs from CT Examination of the Cervical Spine Using Radiochromic Films and Monte Carlo Simulation Based Software

Authors: Khaled Soliman, Abdullah Alrushoud, Abdulrahman Alkhalifah, Raed Albathi, Salman Altymiat


Radiation dose received by patients undergoing Computed Tomography (CT) examination of the cervical spine was evaluated using Gafchromic XR-QA2 films and CT-EXPO software (ver. 2.3), in order to document our clinical dose values and to compare our results with other benchmarks reported in the current literature. Radiochromic films were recently used as practical dosimetry tool that provides dose profile information not available using the standard ionisation chamber routinely used in CT dosimetry. We have developed an in-house program to use the films in order to calculate the Entrance Dose Length Product (EDLP) in ( and to relate the EDLP to various organ doses calculated using the CT-EXPO software. We also calculated conversion factor in (mSv/ relating the EDLP to the effective dose (ED) from the examination using CT-EXPO software. Variability among different types of CT scanners and dose modulation methods are reported from at least three major CT brands available at our medical institution. Our work describes the dosimetry method and results are reported. The method can be used as in-vivo dosimetry method. But this work only reports results obtained from adult female anthropomorphic Phantom studies.

Keywords: CT dosimetry, gafchromic films, XR-QA2, CT-Expo software

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10003 Traditional Medicines Used for the Enhancement of Male Sexual Performance among the Indigenous Populations of Madhya Pradesh, India

Authors: A. N. Sharma


A traditional medicine comprises a knowledge system, practices related to the cure of various ailments that developed over generations by indigenous people or populations. The indigenous populations developed a unique understanding with wild plants, herbs, etc., and earned specialized knowledge of disease pattern and curative therapy-though hard experiences, common sense, trial, and error methods. Here, an attempt has been made to study the possible aspects of traditional medicines for the enhancement of male sexual performance among the indigenous populations of Madhya Pradesh, India. Madhya Pradesh state is situated more or less in the central part of India. The data have been collected from the 305 Bharias of Patalkot, traditional health service providers of Sagar district, and other indigenous populations of Madhya Pradesh. It may be concluded that sizable traditional medicines exist in Madhya Pradesh, India, for the enhancement of male sexual performance, which still awaits for scientific exploration and intensive pharmaceutical investigations.

Keywords: Bharias, indigenous, Madhya Pradesh, sexual performance, traditional medicine

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10002 Impact of Physiotherapy on COVID-19 and Post COVID-19 Patients, (Expert Physiotherapy and American Hospital, Case Study)

Authors: Jonida Hasanaj


Abstract: Four years after the pandemic, numerous studies discuss the long-term effects of COVID-19 on patients, with chronic fatigue syndrome being a prominent concern. Understanding the mechanisms behind this syndrome is crucial for developing prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation strategies. The appropriateness of physiotherapeutic treatment in covid 19 and post-COVID-19 patients has remained uncertain due to inconsistent diagnostic criteria, highlighting the need for further research. This paper intends to offer guidelines and specific suggestions for hospital-based physical therapists managing COVID-19 hospitalized patients at ‘’Expert Physiotherapy’ and ’American Hospital’ in Albania using a national approach in accordance with worldwide initiatives. Several studies indicate that chronic tiredness syndrome and high intracranial pressure could result from failure of the post-Covid-19 lymphatic system. Enabling the patient to intensify their physical activity and enhance their ability to move, exercise, and even resume a regular life cycle is the aim of physiotherapy treatment.

Keywords: mobility, physiotherapy, post-covid 19, rehabilitation, results

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10001 Conceptual Study on 4PL and Activities in Turkey

Authors: Berna Kalkan, Kenan Aydin


Companies give importance customer satisfaction to compete the developing and changing market. This is possible when customer reaches the right product, right quality, place, time and cost. In this regard, the extension of logistics services has played active role on formation and development of the different logistics services concept. The concept of logistics services has played important role involved in the healing of economic indicators today. Companies can use logistics providers, thus have competitive advantage and low cost, reducing time, tobe flexibility. In recent years, Fourth Party Logistics (4PL) has emerged as a new concept that includes relationship between suppliers and firms in outsourcing. 4PL provider is an integrator that offers comprehensive supply chain solutions with the technology, resources and capabilities that it possesses. Also, 4PL has attracted as a popular research topic attention in the recent past. In this paper, logistics outsourcing and 4PL concepts are analyzed and a literature review on 4PL activities is given. Also, the previous studies in literature and the approaches that are used in previous studies in literature is presented by analysing on 4PL activities. In this context, a field study will be applied to 4PL providers and service buyer in Turkey. If necessary, results related to this study will be shared in scientific areas.

Keywords: fourth party logistics, literature review, outsourcing, supply chain management

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10000 Assessment of Green Finance, Financial Technology and Financial Inclusion on Green Energy Efficiency in Pakistan

Authors: Muhammad Irfan


The UN General Assembly has advocated improving energy efficiency by SDG criteria to promote global economic growth. Pakistan is confronted with financial obstacles when it comes to acquiring energy efficiency because of the COVID-19 pandemic, economic and political instability, budgetary strains, and poor financial circumstances. The study examines how cutting-edge financing approaches like FinTech, financial inclusion, and green financing affect Pakistan's energy consumption. It finds noteworthy outcomes. The study's results have demonstrated the important impact of these funding methods on energy conservation. The best and most helpful finance tool for energy efficiency is green financing; yet, because of differences in characteristics, workings, and financial institutions, FinTech, and financial inclusion play a smaller role in Pakistan. The researchers propose that to achieve energy efficiency, FinTech activities and funding criteria such as green bonds should be reviewed. It also advised authorities to create energy system-friendly regulations for green finance in Pakistan.

Keywords: green finance, FinTech, financial inclusion, energy efficiency, Pakistan

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9999 Climate Crises: Consumers and Designers Attitude Towards Sustainability of Fast Fashion Products in Nigeria

Authors: Oluwambe Akinmoye


The textile industry in Nigeria has grown rapidly, fueled by rising demand for fast fashion driven by celebrity culture, fashion TV, and the Internet. However, this growth has come at a cost, with the industry contributing to environmental degradation, waste management crises, economic imbalances, and social injustices. This paper examines the attitudes of consumers and designers toward sustainability in the Nigerian textile and fast fashion industry. The study adopts a mixed-methods research design. Both qualitative and quantitative data were drawn from fast fashion consumers and designers. The sample of consumers and designers was determined using random and purposive sampling techniques. Data were elicited from the consumers and designers using questionnaires and focus group discussions, respectively, coupled with comprehensive literature reviews. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, content, and thematic analyses. Findings indicate that the strata of Nigerian society pay little attention to fast fashion sustainability. Conversely, designers have started to innovate and adopt sustainable practices by sourcing eco-friendly materials, yet they face significant barriers. The study emphasizes the need for a shift in the industry's approach to sustainability, with a greater concern on circular economy principles, sustainable materials, and fair labour practices.

Keywords: Fast fashion, textiles, sustainability, Climate crises, consumers, designers

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9998 Confirmatory Analysis of Externalizing Issue Validity from an Adolescent Sample

Authors: Zhidong Zhang, Zhi-Chao Zhang


This study investigated the structural validity of externalizing issues of Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment (ASEBA) via a Chinese sample. The externalizing problems consist of two sub-problems: rule-breaking behavior and aggressive behavior. The rule-breaking behavior consists of 17 items, and aggressive behavior consists of 18 items. The factor analysis model was used to examine the structure validity. For the rule breaking behavior, at the first step, the most items weighted with component 2. After the rotation, there was a clear weight on both component 1 and 2. For the aggressive behavior, at the first step, there was no clear picture about the components. After the rotation, two clusters of items were closer to component 1 and 2 respectively. It seemed that both rule breaking behavior issue and aggressive behavior issue suggested two components. Further studies should be done to examine both samples and structures of externalizing problems.

Keywords: confirmatory analysis, externalizing issue, structural validity, varimax rotations

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9997 Motivational Antecedents that Influenced a Higher Education Institution in the Philippines to Adopt Enterprise Architecture

Authors: Ma. Eliza Jijeth V. dela Cruz


Technology is a recent prodigy in people’s everyday life that has taken off. It infiltrated almost every aspect of one’s lives, changing how people work, how people learn and how people perceive things. Academic Institutions, just like other organizations, have deeply modified its strategies to integrate technology into the institutional vision and corporate strategy that has never been greater. Information and Communications Technology (ICT) continues to be recognized as a major factor in organizations realizing its aims and objectives. Consequently, ICT has an important role in the mobilization of an academic institution’s strategy to support the delivery of operational, strategic or transformational objectives. This ICT strategy should align the institution with the radical changes of the ICT world through the use of Enterprise Architecture (EA). Hence, EA’s objective is to optimize the islands of legacy processes to be integrated that is receptive to change and supportive of the delivery of the strategy. In this paper, the focus is to explore the motivational antecedents during the adoption of EA in a Higher Education Institution in the Philippines for its ICT strategic plan. The seven antecedents (viewpoint, stakeholders, human traits, vision, revolutionary innovation, techniques and change components) provide understanding into EA adoption and the antecedents that influences the process of EA adoption.

Keywords: Enterprise Architecture, Adoption, Antecedents, Higher Educational Institutions

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9996 Carbon Footprint of Blowmoulded Plastic Parts-Case Study on Automotive Industry

Authors: Mădălina Elena Mavrodin, Gabriela Andreea Despescu, Gheorghe Lăzăroiu


Long term trend of global warming has brought a very deep interest in climate change, which is due most likely to increasing concentrations of anthropogenic greenhouse gases. 0f these, particular attention is paid to carbon dioxide, which has led in desire for obtaining carbon footprint products. Automotive industry is one of the world’s most important economic sectors with a great impact over the environment through all range of activities. Its impact over the environment has been studied, researcher trying as much as possible to reduce it and to offer environmental friendly solution for the using, but also manufacturing cars. In the global endeavour to meet the international commitments in order to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions, many companies integrate environmental issues into their management systems, with potential effects in their entire production chains. Several tools and calculators have been developed to measure the environmental impact of a product in the life cycle perspective of the whole product chain. There were a lot of ways to obtain the carbon footprint of driving a car, but the total carbon footprint of a car includes also the carbon footprint of all the components and accessories. In the automotive industry, one of the challenges is to calculate the carbon footprint of a car from ‘cradle to grave’; this meaning not only for driving the car, but also manufacturing it, so there can be an overview over the entire process of production.

Keywords: carbon footprint, global warming potential, greenhouse gases, manufacture, plastic air ducts

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9995 Performance-Based Quality Evaluation of Database Conceptual Schemas

Authors: Janusz Getta, Zhaoxi Pan


Performance-based quality evaluation of database conceptual schemas is an important aspect of database design process. It is evident that different conceptual schemas provide different logical schemas and performance of user applications strongly depends on logical and physical database structures. This work presents the entire process of performance-based quality evaluation of conceptual schemas. First, we show format. Then, the paper proposes a new specification of object algebra for representation of conceptual level database applications. Transformation of conceptual schemas and expression of object algebra into implementation schema and implementation in a particular database system allows for precise estimation of the processing costs of database applications and as a consequence for precise evaluation of performance-based quality of conceptual schemas. Then we describe an experiment as a proof of concept for the evaluation procedure presented in the paper.

Keywords: conceptual schema, implementation schema, logical schema, object algebra, performance evaluation, query processing

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9994 Digital Health During a Pandemic: Critical Analysis of the COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps

Authors: Mohanad Elemary, Imose Itua, Rajeswari B. Matam


Virologists and public health experts have been predicting potential pandemics from coronaviruses for decades. The viruses which caused the SARS and MERS pandemics and the Nipah virus led to many lost lives, but still, the COVID-19 pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV2 virus surprised many scientific communities, experts, and governments with its ease of transmission and its pathogenicity. Governments of various countries reacted by locking down entire populations to their homes to combat the devastation caused by the virus, which led to a loss of livelihood and economic hardship to many individuals and organizations. To revive national economies and support their citizens in resuming their lives, governments focused on the development and use of contact tracing apps as a digital way to track and trace exposure. Google and Apple introduced the Exposure Notification Systems (ENS) framework. Independent organizations and countries also developed different frameworks for contact tracing apps. The efficiency, popularity, and adoption rate of these various apps have been different across countries. In this paper, we present a critical analysis of the different contact tracing apps with respect to their efficiency, adoption rate and general perception, and the governmental strategies and policies, which led to the development of the applications. When it comes to the European countries, each of them followed an individualistic approach to the same problem resulting in different realizations of a similarly functioning application with differing results of use and acceptance. The study conducted an extensive review of existing literature, policies, and reports across multiple disciplines, from which a framework was developed and then validated through interviews with six key stakeholders in the field, including founders and executives in digital health startups and corporates as well as experts from international organizations like The World Health Organization. A framework of best practices and tactics is the result of this research. The framework looks at three main questions regarding the contact tracing apps; how to develop them, how to deploy them, and how to regulate them. The findings are based on the best practices applied by governments across multiple countries, the mistakes they made, and the best practices applied in similar situations in the business world. The findings include multiple strategies when it comes to the development milestone regarding establishing frameworks for cooperation with the private sector and how to design the features and user experience of the app for a transparent, effective, and rapidly adaptable app. For the deployment section, several tactics were discussed regarding communication messages, marketing campaigns, persuasive psychology, and the initial deployment scale strategies. The paper also discusses the data privacy dilemma and how to build for a more sustainable system of health-related data processing and utilization. This is done through principles-based regulations specific for health data to allow for its avail for the public good. This framework offers insights into strategies and tactics that could be implemented as protocols for future public health crises and emergencies whether global or regional.

Keywords: contact tracing apps, COVID-19, digital health applications, exposure notification system

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9993 Embedded Hw-Sw Reconfigurable Techniques For Wireless Sensor Network Applications

Authors: B. Kirubakaran, C. Rajasekaran


Reconfigurable techniques are used in many engineering and industrial applications for the efficient data transmissions through the wireless sensor networks. Nowadays most of the industrial applications are work for try to minimize the size and cost. During runtime the reconfigurable technique avoid the unwanted hang and delay in the system performance. In recent world Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) as one of the most efficient reconfigurable device and widely used for most of the hardware and software reconfiguration applications. In this paper, the work deals with whatever going to make changes in the hardware and software during runtime it’s should not affect the current running process that’s the main objective of the paper our changes be done in a parallel manner at the same time concentrating the cost and power transmission problems during data trans-receiving. Analog sensor (Temperature) as an input for the controller (PIC) through that control the FPGA digital sensors in generalized manner.

Keywords: field programmable gate array, peripheral interrupt controller, runtime reconfigurable techniques, wireless sensor networks

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9992 Analyzing On-Line Process Data for Industrial Production Quality Control

Authors: Hyun-Woo Cho


The monitoring of industrial production quality has to be implemented to alarm early warning for unusual operating conditions. Furthermore, identification of their assignable causes is necessary for a quality control purpose. For such tasks many multivariate statistical techniques have been applied and shown to be quite effective tools. This work presents a process data-based monitoring scheme for production processes. For more reliable results some additional steps of noise filtering and preprocessing are considered. It may lead to enhanced performance by eliminating unwanted variation of the data. The performance evaluation is executed using data sets from test processes. The proposed method is shown to provide reliable quality control results, and thus is more effective in quality monitoring in the example. For practical implementation of the method, an on-line data system must be available to gather historical and on-line data. Recently large amounts of data are collected on-line in most processes and implementation of the current scheme is feasible and does not give additional burdens to users.

Keywords: detection, filtering, monitoring, process data

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9991 Factors of Social Media Platforms on Consumer Behavior

Authors: Zebider Asire Munyelet, Yibeltal Chanie Manie


In the modern digital landscape, the increase of social media platforms has become identical to the evolution of online consumer behavior. This study investigates the complicated relationship between social media and the purchasing decisions of online buyers. Through an extensive review of existing literature and empirical research, the aim is to comprehensively analyze the multidimensional impact that social media exerts on the various stages of the online buyer's journey. The investigation encompasses the exploration of how social media platforms serve as influential channels for information dissemination, product discovery, and consumer engagement. Additionally, the study investigates into the psychological aspects underlying the role of social media in shaping buyer preferences, perceptions, and trust in online transactions. The methodologies employed include both quantitative and qualitative analyses, incorporating surveys, interviews, and data analytics to derive meaningful insights. Statistical models are applied to distinguish patterns in online buyer behavior concerning product awareness, brand loyalty, and decision-making processes. The expected outcomes of this research contribute not only to the academic understanding of the dynamic interplay between social media and online buyer behavior but also offer practical implications for marketers, e-commerce platforms, and policymakers.

Keywords: consumer Behavior, social media, online purchasing, online transaction

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9990 The Development of Small and Medium Enterprise Entrepreneurs’ Potential Based on Sufficiency Economics Philosophy

Authors: Luedech Girdwichai, Witthaya Mekhum


This research analyses the factors affecting the success and develops a guideline for self- reliance planning of the entrepreneurs for effective implementation. Samples in this study included 42 awarded winners from the 2nd Sufficiency Economics Philosophy (SEP) National Contest arranged by Office of the Royal Development Projects Board. The results revealed 4 main factors affecting the success as follows: 1) there is a need to encourage unity and cooperation in the enterprise in conducting development plan. 2) The entrepreneur must be a knowledge seeker and lead by example on SEP life. 3) The entrepreneur must be able to apply traditional local wisdom with his present experience and knowledge in defining product identity. 4) The entrepreneur should provide career training for the staffs to develop their competencies. The guideline for self-reliance planning consisted of 4 aspects: 1) Human resource development: the enterprise should develop its staffs especially on integrity, honesty, and public minded. 2) Local community development: there should be a clear target for the local community development. 3) Local community economic development: by encouraging additional incomes through experience sharing. 4) Enterprise development planning: by arranging monthly meeting to conduct the development plan including analysing problems and synthesizing data.

Keywords: potential development, SME entrepreneurs, sufficiency economics philosophy, finance, management

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9989 Cooking Qualities and Sensory Evaluation Analysis of a Collection of Traditional Rice Genotypes of Kerala, India

Authors: Vanaja T., Sravya P. K.


Cooking and eating qualities have major roles in determining the quality characteristics of rice. Traditional rice varieties are highly diversified with each other with respect to unique nutrient, cooking, and eating characteristics, which can be used as parents for the development of high-quality varieties. In order to gather vital information for upcoming rice breeding programs, a study was conducted to assess the diversity of the cooking attributes and sensory evaluation of 28 traditional rice genotypes of Kerala, India, conserved at Regional Agricultural Research Station, Pilicode of Kerala Agricultural University. The cultivars ‘Kochuvithu’, ‘Jeerakachamba’, and ‘Rajameni’ exhibited the highest volume expansion ratio. The highest Kernel elongation ratio was recorded for ‘Gandhakasala’, ‘Rajameni’, and ‘Avadi’. A shorter cooking time based on Alkali spread value was shown by the cultivars ‘Kozhivalan’, ‘Kunhikayama’, ‘Rasagadham’, ‘Jadathi’, ‘Japanviolet’, ‘Nooravella’, ‘Punchavella’, ‘Avadi’, ‘Vadakan vellarikayama’, ‘Punchaparuthi’, ‘Shyamala’, ‘China Silk’, ‘Marathondi’, and ‘Gandhakasala’. Sensory evaluation revealed that the cultivars ‘Japanviolet’, ‘Kunhukunhu’, and ‘Kalladiyaran’ can be categorized under moderate to very much.

Keywords: rice, traditional rice varieties, cooking qualities, sensory evaluation, consumer acceptance

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9988 Collective Intelligence-Based Early Warning Management for Agriculture

Authors: Jarbas Lopes Cardoso Jr., Frederic Andres, Alexandre Guitton, Asanee Kawtrakul, Silvio E. Barbin


The important objective of the CyberBrain Mass Agriculture Alarm Acquisition and Analysis (CBMa4) project is to minimize the impacts of diseases and disasters on rice cultivation. For example, early detection of insects will reduce the volume of insecticides that is applied to the rice fields through the use of CBMa4 platform. In order to reach this goal, two major factors need to be considered: (1) the social network of smart farmers; and (2) the warning data alarm acquisition and analysis component. This paper outlines the process for collecting the warning and improving the decision-making result to the warning. It involves two sub-processes: the warning collection and the understanding enrichment. Human sensors combine basic suitable data processing techniques in order to extract warning related semantic according to collective intelligence. We identify each warning by a semantic content called 'warncons' with multimedia metaphors and metadata related to these metaphors. It is important to describe the metric to measuring the relation among warncons. With this knowledge, a collective intelligence-based decision-making approach determines the action(s) to be launched regarding one or a set of warncons.

Keywords: agricultural engineering, warning systems, social network services, context awareness

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9987 Comparing of Compete Motivation between Young and Adult Elite Volleyball Players

Authors: Hassan Hamidi, Fereshteh Zarei


In this study, we compared amount of compete motivation between young and adult volleyball players. Compete motivation has three sections: success achieves score, defeat avoiding score and ability score. For measuring motivation, we used sports attitude inventory of Willis and Layne. The statistical population was elite's men volleyball players in range of young and adult and the study subjects were randomly selected from participant teams in volleyball professional league. In total, 65 adult and 75 young were selected. For collecting the required information, the research inventories were distributed in practice's locations and then were collected after being completed by players. For analyzing the data, we used descriptive statistics including mean, standard deviation and frequency tables. We also used conceptual statistics such as independent sample t-student and Pierson correlation. The results showed a significant difference between young and adult volleyball players in success achieve score and ability score. However, there was no significant difference between young and adult volleyball players in defeat avoiding score and compete motivation. In addition, there was not significant relationship between the length of activities and motivations' sections in adult and young volleyball player. The application of this study to other sports will be discussed.

Keywords: compete motivation, volleyball player, statistical analysis, sport psychology

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9986 Diversity in Finance Literature Revealed through the Lens of Machine Learning: A Topic Modeling Approach on Academic Papers

Authors: Oumaima Lahmar


This paper aims to define a structured topography for finance researchers seeking to navigate the body of knowledge in their extrapolation of finance phenomena. To make sense of the body of knowledge in finance, a probabilistic topic modeling approach is applied on 6000 abstracts of academic articles published in three top journals in finance between 1976 and 2020. This approach combines both machine learning techniques and natural language processing to statistically identify the conjunctions between research articles and their shared topics described each by relevant keywords. The topic modeling analysis reveals 35 coherent topics that can well depict finance literature and provide a comprehensive structure for the ongoing research themes. Comparing the extracted topics to the Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classification system, a significant similarity was highlighted between the characterizing keywords. On the other hand, we identify other topics that do not match the JEL classification despite being relevant in the finance literature.

Keywords: finance literature, textual analysis, topic modeling, perplexity

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9985 Prospective Teachers’ Metacognitive Awareness and Goal Orientation as Predictors of Academic Success

Authors: Gidado Lawal Likko


The study examined the relationship of achievement goals, metacognitive awareness and academic success among students of colleges of education in North Western Nigeria. The study was guided by three objectives. The first two were to find out whether students’ achievement goals and metacognitive awareness correlate with their academic success. 358 students comprising 242 males (67.6%) and 116 females (32.4%) were studied. Correlation survey was employed in the conduct of the study. The instruments used to collect data were students’ bio data form, achievement goals inventory (Roedel, Schraw and Plake, 1994), metacognitive awareness inventory (Schraw & Dennison, 1994) and students’ CGPA (NCCE minimum standard, 2013) was used as the index of academic success. Pearson Product Moment and regression analysis were the statistical techniques used to analyze the data. Results of the analysis indicated that students’ achievement goals (r=0.554, p=0.004) and metacognitive awareness (r= 0.67, p=0.001) positively correlated with their academic success. Similarly, significant relationship exists between achievement goals and metacognitive awareness (r=0.77, p=0.000). Part of the recommendations is the need for the management of all colleges of education to have educational interventions aimed at developing students’ metacognitive awareness which will foster purposeful self-regulation of their learning. This could be achieved by periodic assessment of students’ metacognitive awareness which will serve as feedback as they move from one educational level to another.

Keywords: academic success, goal orientation, metacognitive awareness, prospective teachers

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