Search results for: psychological intervention
2246 Violence of Tyrant Children to Their Parents: An Interdisciplinary Approach
Authors: Marta Maria Aguilar Carceles, Ginesa Torrente Hernandez
The goal of the current study is focused on giving an interdisciplinary comprehension of an increased phenomenon in recent years: violence against parents. Violence can take different forms depending on the context and the vulnerability of the victims, but in this kind of situations, the relationship between parents and young people can become abusive and uncontrollable. Taking a sample from the Spanish Criminal Courts, this study explores those psychological and sociological factors that can contribute to the appearance and continuity of this kind of behaviors in minors. It is considered factors like the type of offence, presence or absence of psychopathology in the subjects, family aspects, or sociodemographic factors, getting a criminal profile of the minor and evaluating which measures are more efficient or adequate in each particular case. Finally, it will be discussed on how getting effective interventions and restorative responses to address teen violence against their parents within the Spanish Legal System.Keywords: criminality, legal system, parents, tyrant sons, violence
Procedia PDF Downloads 1462245 Code – Switching in a Flipped Classroom for Foreign Students
Authors: E. Tutova, Y. Ebzeeva, L. Gishkaeva, Y.Smirnova, N. Dubinina
We have been working with students from different countries and found it crucial to switch the languages to explain something. Whether it is Russian, or Chinese, explaining in a different language plays an important role for students’ cognitive abilities. In this work we are going to explore how code switching may impact the student’s perception of information. Code-switching is a tool defined by linguists as a switch from one language to another for convenience, explanation of terms unavailable in an initial language or sometimes prestige. In our case, we are going to consider code-switching from the function of convenience. As a rule, students who come to study Russian in a language environment, lack many skills in speaking the language. Thus, it is made harder to explain the rules for them of another language, which is English. That is why switching between English, Russian and Mandarin is crucial for their better understanding. In this work we are going to explore the code-switching as a tool which can help a teacher in a flipped classroom.Keywords: bilingualism, psychological linguistics, code-switching, social linguistics
Procedia PDF Downloads 832244 Exploring Fear in Moral Life: Implications for Education
Authors: Liz Jackson
Fear is usually considered as a basic emotion. In society, it is normally cast as undesirable, but also as partly unavoidable. Fear can be said to underlie courage or be required for courage, or it can be understood as its foil. Fear is not normally promoted (intentionally) in education, or treated as something that should be cultivated in schools or in society. However, fear is a basic, to some extent unavoidable emotion, related to truly fearsome things in the world. Fear is also understood to underlie anxiety. Fear is seen as basically disruptive to education, while from a psychological view it is an ordinary state. that cannot be avoided altogether. Despite calls to diminish this negative and mixed feeling in education and society, it can be regarded as socially and personally valuable, and psychologically functional in some situations. One should not take for granted the goodness of fear. However, it can be productive to explore its moral worth, and uses and abuses. Such uncomfortable feelings and experiences can be cultivated and explored via educational and other societal influences, in ways that can benefit a person and their relations with others in the world, while they can also be detrimental.Keywords: virtue ethics, philosophy of education, moral philosophy, fear
Procedia PDF Downloads 1432243 Doctor-Patient Interaction in an L2: Pragmatic Study of a Nigerian Experience
Authors: Ayodele James Akinola
This study investigated the use of English in doctor-patient interaction in a university teaching hospital from a southwestern state in Nigeria with the aim of identifying the role of communication in an L2, patterns of communication, discourse strategies, pragmatic acts, and contexts that shape the interaction. Jacob Mey’s Pragmatic Acts notion complemented with Emanuel and Emanuel’s model of doctor-patient relationship provided the theoretical standpoint. Data comprising 7 audio-recorded doctors-patient interactions were collected from a University Hospital in Oyo state, Nigeria. Interactions involving the use of English language were purposefully selected. These were supplemented with patients’ case notes and interviews conducted with doctors. Transcription was patterned alongside modified Arminen’s notations of conversation analysis. In the study, interaction in English between doctor and patients has the preponderance of direct-translation, code-mixing and switching, Nigerianism and use of cultural worldviews to express medical experience. Irrespective of these, three patterns communication, namely the paternalistic, interpretive, and deliberative were identified. These were exhibited through varying discourse strategies. The paternalistic model reflected slightly casual conversational conventions and registers. These were achieved through the pragmemic activities of situated speech acts, psychological and physical acts, via patients’ quarrel-induced acts, controlled and managed through doctors’ shared situation knowledge. All these produced empathising, pacifying, promising and instructing practs. The patients’ practs were explaining, provoking, associating and greeting in the paternalistic model. The informative model reveals the use of adjacency pairs, formal turn-taking, precise detailing, institutional talks and dialogic strategies. Through the activities of the speech, prosody and physical acts, the practs of declaring, alerting and informing were utilised by doctors, while the patients exploited adapting, requesting and selecting practs. The negotiating conversational strategy of the deliberative model featured in the speech, prosody and physical acts. In this model, practs of suggesting, teaching, persuading and convincing were utilised by the doctors. The patients deployed the practs of questioning, demanding, considering and deciding. The contextual variables revealed that other patterns (such as phatic and informative) are also used and they coalesced in the hospital within the situational and psychological contexts. However, the paternalistic model was predominantly employed by doctors with over six years in practice, while the interpretive, informative and deliberative models were found among registrar and others below six years of medical practice. Doctors’ experience, patients’ peculiarities and shared cultural knowledge influenced doctor-patient communication in the study.Keywords: pragmatics, communication pattern, doctor-patient interaction, Nigerian hospital situation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1802242 Stability Analysis of Modelling the Effect of Vaccination and Novel Quarantine-Adjusted Incidence on the Spread of Newcastle Disease
Authors: Nurudeen O. Lasisi, Sirajo Abdulrahman, Abdulkareem A. Ibrahim
Newcastle disease is an infection of domestic poultry and other bird species with the virulent Newcastle disease virus (NDV). In this paper, we study the dynamics of the modeling of the Newcastle disease virus (NDV) using a novel quarantine-adjusted incidence. The comparison of Vaccination, linear incident rate and novel quarantine-adjusted incident rate in the models are discussed. The dynamics of the models yield disease-free and endemic equilibrium states.The effective reproduction numbers of the models are computed in order to measure the relative impact of an individual bird or combined intervention for effective disease control. We showed the local and global stability of endemic equilibrium states of the models and we found that the stability of endemic equilibrium states of models are globally asymptotically stable if the effective reproduction numbers of the models equations are greater than a unit.Keywords: effective reproduction number, Endemic state, Mathematical model, Newcastle disease virus, novel quarantine-adjusted incidence, stability analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 1232241 Solving of Types Mathematical Routine and Non-Routine Problems in Algebra
Authors: Verónica Díaz Quezada
The importance given to the development of the problem solving skill and the requirement to solve problems framed in mathematical or real life contexts, in practice, they are not evidence in relation to the teaching of proportional variations. This qualitative and descriptive study aims to (1) to improve problem solving ability of high school students in Chile, (ii) to elaborate and describe a didactic intervention strategy based on learning situations in proportional variations, focused on solving types of routine problems of various contexts and non-routine problems. For this purpose, participant observation was conducted, test of mathematics problems and an opinion questionnaire to thirty-six high school students. Through the results, the highest academic performance is evidenced in the routine problems of purely mathematical context, realistic, fantasy context, and non-routine problems, except in the routine problems of real context and compound proportionality problems. The results highlight the need to consider in the curriculum different types of problems in the teaching of mathematics that relate the discipline to everyday life situationsKeywords: algebra, high school, proportion variations, nonroutine problem solving, routine problem solving
Procedia PDF Downloads 1422240 The Effect of Exercise Therapy and Electroacupuncture on Some Clinical Outcomes in People with Post Total Hip Arthroplasty
Authors: Marzieh Yassin, Masoud Rashed, Soheil Mansour Sohani, Reza Salehi
Background: Hip arthroplasty is one of the surgical methods to improve symptoms in patients with hip osteoarthritis. The use of electroacupuncture and TENS reduces pain, increases range of motion and improves performance. Methods: In this clinical trial study, 30 patients after hip arthroplasty were randomly divided into two groups: electroacupuncture (n=16) with exercise therapy and TENS with exercise therapy (n=14). Severity of pain, quality of life, range of motion, edema and function were evaluated in two groups before and after the interventions. Interventions of 10 sessions (three sessions per week) were conducted for two groups. The significance level in all tests was below 0.05. Results: The results showed that both groups improved all of the symptoms after the intervention (p≤0.05), although there was no statistically significant difference between the two groups in terms of effectiveness (p≥0.05). Conclusion: The results showed that both methods improve symptoms in patients after surgery. According to this study, electroacupuncture is suggested as a new method effective for the treatment of people with post-Total Hip Arthroplasty.Keywords: electroacupuncture, physical performance, total hip arthroplasty, TENS
Procedia PDF Downloads 842239 Attitudes Towards Different Types of Rape
Authors: Avigail Moor
Rape by an acquaintance is a prevalent type of sexual assault that is often misperceived and downplayed. To date, there has been no empirical investigation of the prevailing social attitudes towards this type of rape as compared to stranger rape. The present study seeks to address this issue by evaluating widely held attitudes towards these different types of rape. The mediating role of gender and rape myths acceptance is assessed as well. Three hundred and twenty participants, equally divided by gender, completed self-report questionnaires. The results indicate that sexual coercion by strangers is perceived as rape to a significantly greater degree than forced sex by an acquaintance, which in turn is believed to be more harmful than coercion within a steady relationship, particularly by men who view rape in accordance with prevailing rape-supportive attitudes. The same pattern of differentiation emerged in the participants' attitudes toward the psychological harm expected following each, as well as the advisability of reporting the incidents to the police. Implications for preventive efforts are discussed.Keywords: rape supportive attitudes, acquaintance rape, sexual assault, gender differences
Procedia PDF Downloads 1622238 Nursing Workers’ Capacity of Resilience at a Psychiatric Hospital in Brazil
Authors: Cheila Cristina Leonardo Oliveira Gaioli, Fernanda Ludmilla Rossi Rocha, Sandra Cristina Pillon
Resilience is a psychological process that facilitates the maintenance of health, developed in response to numerous existing stressors in daily life. Furthermore, resilience can be described as the ability which allows an individual or group to hold up well before unfavorable situations. This study aimed to identify nursing workers’ resilience at a psychiatric hospital in Brazil. This is an exploratory research with quantitative data approach. The sample consisted of 56 workers, using the Resilience Scale. Of the 56 subjects, 45 (80.4%) were women; 22 (39.2%) were 20- to 40-years-old and 30 (53.6%) were 41- to 60-years-old; 11 (19.6%) were nurses and 45 (80.4%) were technicians or nursing assistants. The results also showed that 50% of subjects showed a high resilience degree and 42.9% an average resilience degree. Thus, it was found that workers seek to develop protective factors in coping with a work environment that does not value the individual subjectivity and does not allow professional development, discouraging workers.Keywords: health promotion, nursing, occupational health, resilience
Procedia PDF Downloads 5222237 Cultural Heritage, War and Heritage Legislations: An Empirical Review
Authors: Gebrekiros Welegebriel Asfaw
The conservation of cultural heritage during times of war is a topic of significant importance and concern in the field of heritage studies. The destruction, looting, and illicit acts against cultural heritages have devastating consequences. International and national legislations have been put in place to address these issues and provide a legal framework for protecting cultural heritage during armed conflicts. Thus, the aim of this review is to examine the existing heritage legislations and evaluate their effectiveness in protecting cultural heritage during times of war with a special insight of the Tigray war. The review is based on a comprehensive empirical analysis of existing heritage legislations related to the protection of cultural heritage during war, with a special focus on the Tigray war. The review reveals that there are several international and national legislations in place to protect cultural heritage during times of war. However, the implementation of these legislations has been insufficient and ineffective in the case of the Tigray war. The priceless cultural heritages in Tigray, which were once the centers of investment and world pride were, have been subjected to destruction, looting, and other illicit acts, in violation of both international conventions such as the UNESCO Convention and national legislations. Therefore, there is a need for consistent intervention and enforcement of different legislations from the international community and organizations to rehabilitate, repatriate, and reinstitute the irreplaceable heritages of Tigray.Keywords: cultural heritage, heritage legislations, tigray, war
Procedia PDF Downloads 1582236 Conceptual Analysis of the Implications of Black Fathers’ Lifestyles and Their Involvement in their Children’s Early Development
Authors: Chinedu Ifedi Okeke
The behavioural orientations of fathers, which resonate in the way they relate to members of their families and other community members, appear to have a variety of implications for the early development of children. In this paper, a conceptual map of fathers’ lifestyles is adopted to provide an interconnected network of father lifestyles. Empirical evidence from a qualitative case study of 25 Black fathers, who had been purposively selected from a suburb in one rural Eastern Cape municipality in South Africa, is reported in this paper. Semi-structured in-depth interviews were used to obtain data, which was analysed thematically. Findings identify and provide evidence of father lifestyles that are incongruent with the kind of parental behaviour needed to support the healthy early development of children. Findings suggest that these negative lifestyles appear to incapacitate fathers who fail to make a positive contribution to their children’s early development. To ensure that fathers make the expected contributions to their children’s early development, policies aimed at rehabilitating fathers who are involved in the negative lifestyles reported in this paper should be put in place.Keywords: childhood development, fathering, fathers, intervention strategies, lifestyles, South Africa
Procedia PDF Downloads 1352235 Characteristics of Pakistani Business Leaders: A Psychological Perspective
Authors: Hafiz Haseeb Nisar, Maryam Bilal
This qualitative study was conducted to investigate the underlying dynamics, key success factors and characteristics of Pakistani business leaders. The sample included 5 top businessmen from different business sectors. They were approached through the magazine “Manager Today” office in Lahore. Semi-structured interview technique was used to understand their experiences, attitudes, styles of management and key factors in their business success. Grounded theory was employed to analyze data. The following themes emerged as characteristics of business leaders: optimism, assertiveness, professionalism, effective management style, business knowledge/ excellence, supportive family and strong faith in God. It was noted that all these were interlinked, which leads the businessmen to become a successful business tycoon of this country. The importance of this study rests in its eastern contribution to the theoretical framework of the psychology of business leaders and particularly these findings will help to realize the basic key factors of success behind a business leader in Pakistan.Keywords: business psychology, characteristics, key personality factors, leadership
Procedia PDF Downloads 1512234 Using Q Methodology to Capture Attitudes about Academic Resilience in an Online Postgraduate Psychology Course
Authors: Eleanor F. Willard
The attrition rate on distance learning courses can be high. This research examines how online students often react when faced with poor results. Using q methodology, it was found that the emotional response level and the type of social support sought by students were key influences on their attitude to failure. As educational and psychological researchers, we are adept at measuring learning and achievement, but examining attitudes towards barriers to learning are not so well researched. The distance learning student has differing needs from onsite learners and, as the attrition rate is notoriously high in the online student population, examining learners’ attitude towards adversity and barriers is important. Self-report measures such as questionnaires are useful in terms of ascertaining levels of constructs such as resilience and academic confidence. Interviewing, too, can gain in depth detail of the opinions of such a population, but only in individuals. The aim of this research was to ascertain what the feelings and attitudes of online students were when faced with a setback. This was achieved using q methodology due to its use of both quantitative and qualitative methodology and its suitability for exploratory research. The emphasis with this methodology is the attitudes, not the individuals. The work was focused upon a population of distance learning students who attended a school on site for one week as part of their studies. They were engaged in a psychology masters conversion course and, as such, were graduate students. The Q sort had 30 items taken from the Academic Resilience Scale (ARS-30). The scale items represent three constructs; perseverance, reflecting (including adaptive help-seeking) and negative affect. These are widely acknowledged as being relevant concepts underpinning psychological resilience. The q sort was conducted with 19 students in total. This is done by participants arranging statement cards regarding how similar to themselves they believe each statement to be. This was done after reading a vignette describing an experience of academic failure. Commonalities and differences between the sorts from all participants are then analyzed in terms of correlations and response patterns. Following data collection, the participants' responses were initially analyzed and the key perspectives (factors) to emerge were labelled ‘persevering individuals’ and ‘emotional networkers’. The differences between the two perspectives centre around the level of emotion felt when faced with barriers and the extent that students enlist the help of others inside and outside of the university. The dominant factor to emerge from the sorts of ‘persevering individuals’ demonstrated that many distance learners are tenacious. However, for other students, the level of emotional and social support is pivotal in helping them complete their studies when facing adversity. This was demonstrated by the ‘emotional networkers’ perspective. This research forms a starting point for further work on engaging and retaining online students at university and can potentially provide insight into how universities can lower attrition rates on distance learning courses.Keywords: academic resilience, distance learning, online learning, q methodology
Procedia PDF Downloads 1282233 ADHD: Assessment of Pragmatic Skills in Adults
Authors: Elena Even-Simkin
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most frequently diagnosed disorders in children, but in many cases, the diagnosis is not provided until adulthood. Diagnosing adults with ADHD faces different obstacles due to numerous factors, such as educational or under-resourced familial environment, high intelligence compensating for stress-inducing difficulties, and additional comorbidities. Undiagnosed children and adolescents with ADHD may become undiagnosed adults with ADHD, who miss out on the early treatment and may experience significant social and pragmatic difficulties, leading to functional problems that subsequently affect their lifestyle, education, and occupational functioning. The proposed study presents a cost-effective and unique consideration of the pragmatic aspect among adults with ADHD. It provides a systematic and standardized evaluation of the pragmatic level in adults with ADHD, based on a comprehensive approach introduced by Arcara & Bambini (2016) for the assessment of pragmatic abilities in neuro-typical individuals. This assessment tool can promote the inclusion of pragmatic skills in the cognitive profile in the diagnostic practice of ADHD, and, thus, the proposed instrument can help not only identify the pragmatic difficulties in the ADHD population but also advance effective intervention programs that specifically focus on pragmatic skills in the targeted population.Keywords: ADHD, adults, assessment, pragmatics
Procedia PDF Downloads 762232 A Rare Case of Dissection of Cervical Portion of Internal Carotid Artery, Diagnosed Postpartum
Authors: Bidisha Chatterjee, Sonal Grover, Rekha Gurung
Postpartum dissection of the internal carotid artery is a relatively rare condition and is considered as an underlying aetiology in 5% to 25% of strokes under the age of 30 to 45 years. However, 86% of these cases recover completely and 14% have mild focal neurological symptoms. Prognosis is generally good with early intervention. The risk quoted for a repeat carotid artery dissection in subsequent pregnancies is less than 2%. 36-year Caucasian primipara presented on postnatal day one of forceps delivery with tachycardia. In the intrapartum period she had a history of prolonged rupture of membranes and developed intrapartum sepsis and was treated with antibiotics. Postpartum ECG showed septal inferior T wave inversion and a troponin level of 19. Subsequently Echocardiogram ruled out post-partum cardiomyopathy. Repeat ECG showed improvement of the previous changes and in the absence of symptoms no intervention was warranted. On day 4 post-delivery, she had developed symptoms of droopy right eyelid, pain around the right eye and itching in the right ear. On examination, she had developed right sided ptosis, unequal pupils (Rt miotic pupil). Cranial nerve examination, reflexes, sensory examination and muscle power was normal. Apart from migraine, there was no medical or family history of note. In view of Horner’s on the right, she had a CT Angiogram and subsequently MR/MRA and was diagnosed with dissection of the cervical portion of the right internal carotid artery. She was discharged on a course of Aspirin 75mg. By 6 week post-natal follow up patient had recovered significantly with occasional episodes of unequal pupils and tingling of right toes which resolved spontaneously. Cervical artery dissection, including VAD and carotid artery dissection, are rare complications of pregnancy with an estimated annual incidence of 2.6–3 per 100,000 pregnancy hospitalizations. Aetiology remains unclear though trauma during straining at labour, underlying arterial disease and preeclampsia have been implicated. Hypercoagulable state during pregnancy and puerperium could also be an important factor. 60-90% cases present with severe headache and neck pain and generally precede neurological symptoms like ipsilateral Horner’s syndrome, retroorbital pain, tinnitus and cranial nerve palsy. Although rare, the consequences of delayed diagnosis and management can lead to severe and permanent neurological deficits. Patients with a strong index of suspicion should undergo an MRI or MRA of head and neck. Antithrombotic and antiplatelet therapy forms the mainstay of therapy with selected cases needing endovascular stenting. Long term prognosis is favourable with either complete resolution or minimal deficit if treatment is prompt. Patients should be counselled about the recurrence risk and possibility of stroke in future pregnancy. Coronary artery dissection is rare and treatable but needs early diagnosis and treatment. Post-partum headache and neck pain with neurological symptoms should prompt urgent imaging followed by antithrombotic and /or antiplatelet therapy. Most cases resolve completely or with minimal sequelae.Keywords: postpartum, dissection of internal carotid artery, magnetic resonance angiogram, magnetic resonance imaging, antiplatelet, antithrombotic
Procedia PDF Downloads 982231 Decision-Making, Expectations and Life Project in Dependent Adults Due to Disability
Authors: Julia Córdoba
People are not completely autonomous, as we live in society; therefore, people could be defined as relationally dependent. The lack, decrease or loss of physical, psychological and/or social interdependence due to a disability situation is known as dependence. This is related to the need for help from another person in order to carry out activities of daily living. This population group lives with major social limitations that significantly reduce their participation and autonomy. They have high levels of stigma and invisibility from private environments (family and close networks), as well as from the public order (environment, community). The importance of this study lies in the fact that the lack of support and adjustments leads to what authors call the circle of exclusion. This circle describes how not accessing services - due to the difficulties caused by the disability situation impacts biological, social and psychological levels. This situation produces higher levels of exclusion and vulnerability. This study will focus on the process of autonomy and dependence of adults with disability from the model of disability proposed by the International Classification of Functioning, Health and Disability (ICF). The objectives are: i) to write down the relationship between autonomy and dependence based on socio-health variables and ii) to determine the relationship between the situation of autonomy and dependence and the expectations and interests of the participants. We propose a study that will use a survey technique through a previously validated virtual questionnaire. The data obtained will be analyzed using quantitative and qualitative methods for the details of the profiles obtained. No less than 200 questionnaires will be administered to people between 18 and 64 years of age who self-identify as having some degree of dependency due to disability. For the analysis of the results, the two main variables of autonomy and dependence will be considered. Socio-demographic variables such as age, gender identity, area of residence and family composition will be used. In relation to the biological dimension of the situation, the diagnosis, if any, and the type of disability will be asked. For the description of these profiles of autonomy and dependence, the following variables will be used: self-perception, decision-making, interests, expectations and life project, care of their health condition, support and social network, and labor and educational inclusion. The relationship between the target population and the variables collected provides several guidelines that could form the basis for the analysis of other research of interest in terms of self-perception, autonomy and dependence. The areas and situations where people state that they have greater possibilities to decide and have a say will be obtained. It will identify social (networks and support, educational background), demographic (age, gender identity and residence) and health-related variables (diagnosis and type of disability, quality of care) that may have a greater relationship with situations of dependency or autonomy. It will be studied whether the level of autonomy and/or dependence has an impact on the type of expectations and interests of the people surveyed.Keywords: life project, disability, inclusion, autonomy
Procedia PDF Downloads 682230 An Evaluation of a Psychotherapeutic Service for Engineering Students: The Role of Race, Gender and Language
Authors: Nazeema Ahmed
Mental health in higher education has received increasing attention over the past few decades. The high academic demands of the engineering degree, coupled with students’ mental health challenges, have led to higher education institutions offering psychotherapeutic services to students. This paper discusses an evaluation of the psychotherapy service at the University of Cape Town. The aim was to determine (i) the efficacy of the service; and (ii) the impact of race, gender, and language of the therapist on the students’ therapeutic process. An online survey was sent to 109 students who attended psychotherapy. The majority expressed favorable experiences of psychotherapy, with reports of increased capacity to engage with their academic work. Most students did not experience the gender, race, or language of the psychologists to be barriers to their therapy. The findings point to a need for ongoing psychological support for students.Keywords: psychotherapy, efficacy, engineering, education
Procedia PDF Downloads 1242229 Enriching Interaction in the Classroom Based on Typologies of Experiments and Mathematization in Physics Teaching
Authors: Olga Castiblanco, Diego Vizcaíno
Changing the traditional way of using experimentation in science teaching is quite a challenge. This research results talk about the characterization of physics experiments, not because of the topic it deals with, nor depending on the material used in the assemblies, but related to the possibilities it offers to enrich interaction in the classroom and thereby contribute to the development of scientific thinking skills. It is an action-research of type intervention in the classroom, with four courses of Physics Teaching undergraduate students from a public university in Bogotá. This process allows characterizing typologies such as discrepant, homemade, illustrative, research, recreational, crucial, mental, and virtual experiments. Students' production and researchers' reports on each class were the most relevant data. Content analysis techniques let to categorize the information and obtain results on the richness that each typology of experiment offers when interacting in the classroom. Results show changes in the comprehension of new teachers' role, far from being the possessor and transmitter of the truth. Besides, they understand strategies to engage students effectively since the class advances extending ideas, reflections, debates, and questions, either towards themselves, their classmates, or the teacher.Keywords: physics teacher training, non-traditional experimentation, contextualized education, didactics of physics
Procedia PDF Downloads 962228 Urban Spatial Experience Construction Strategies Under the Intervention of Online Media: A Case Study of Liziba Light Rail Station in Chongqing
Authors: Zhongde Wang, Fanwei Meng, Ling Yang
Today, social media deeply engages in urban spatial production in a ‘Disembedding’ form, allowing the public to ‘foresight’ physical spaces through online platforms and subsequently engage in corresponding ‘sight’ and visits, thus leading to the emergence of ‘Internet Celebrity Spots’. This paper delves into the laws of action of online media, focusing on experiences. From the perspectives of the public, space, and media, it thoroughly analyzes the experiential design strategies of Chongqing's Liziba Light Rail Station, including the construction of the experiential mainline capturing the matrix of public behavior, the creation of experiential sidelines leveraging spatial advantages, and the deepening of experiential touchpoints to promote media resonance. This analysis aims to provide insights and references for similar urban spaces to transition from ‘internet-famous’ to ‘real-famous’ attractions.Keywords: online media, urban space, disembedding, internet celebrity spots, experience design
Procedia PDF Downloads 702227 Gamification: A Guideline to Design an Effective E-Learning
Authors: Rattama Rattanawongsa
As technologies continue to develop and evolve, online learning has become one of the most popular ways of gaining access to learning. Worldwide, many students are engaging in both online and blended courses in growing numbers through e-learning. However, online learning is a form of teaching that has many benefits for learners but still has some limitations. The high attrition rates of students tend to be due to lack of motivation to succeed. Gamification is the use of game design techniques, game thinking and game mechanics in non-game context, such as learning. The gamifying method can motivate students to learn with fun and inspire them to continue learning. This paper aims to describe how the gamification work in the context of learning. The first part of this paper present the concept of gamification. The second part is described the psychological perspectives of gamification, especially motivation and flow theory for gamifying design. The result from this study will be described into the guidelines for effective learning design using a gamification concept.Keywords: gamification, e-learning, motivation, flow theory
Procedia PDF Downloads 5242226 The Organizational Justice-Citizenship Behavior Link in Hotels: Does Customer Orientation Matter?
Authors: Pablo Zoghbi-Manrique-de-Lara, Miguel A. Suárez-Acosta
The goal of the present paper is to model two classic lines of research in which employees starred, organizational justice and citizenship behaviour (OCB), but that have never been studied together when targeting customers. The suggestion is made that a hotel’s fair treatment (in terms of distributive, procedural, and interactional justice) toward customers will be appreciated by the employees, who will reciprocate in kind by favouring the hotel with increased customer-oriented behaviours (COBs). Data were collected from 204 employees at eight upscale hotels in the Canary Islands (Spain). Unlike in the case of perceptions of distributive justice, results of structural equation modelling demonstrate that employees substantively react to interactional and procedural justice toward guests by engaging in customer-oriented behaviours (COBs). The findings offer new reasons why employees decide to engage in COBs, and they highlight potentially beneficial effects of fair treatment toward guests bring to hospitality through promoting COBs.Keywords: hotel guests’ (mis) treatment, customer-oriented behaviours, employee citizenship, organizational justice, third-party observers, third-party intervention
Procedia PDF Downloads 2742225 What Factors Contributed to the Adaptation Gap during School Transition in Japan?
Authors: Tadaaki Tomiie, Hiroki Shinkawa
The present study was aimed to examine the structure of children’s adaptation during school transition and to identify a commonality and dissimilarity at the elementary and junior high school. 1,983 students in the 6th grade and 2,051 students in the 7th grade were extracted by stratified two-stage random sampling and completed the ASSESS that evaluated the school adaptation from the view point of ‘general satisfaction’, ‘teachers’ support’, ‘friends’ support’, ‘anti-bullying relationship’, ‘prosocial skills’, and ‘academic adaptation’. The 7th graders tend to be worse adaptation than the 6th graders. A structural equation modeling showed the goodness of fit for each grades. Both models were very similar but the 7th graders’ model showed a lower coefficient at the pass from ‘teachers’ support’ to ‘friends’ support’. The role of ‘teachers’ support’ was decreased to keep a good relation in junior high school. We also discussed how we provide a continuous assistance for prevention of the 7th graders’ gap.Keywords: school transition, social support, psychological adaptation, K-12
Procedia PDF Downloads 3862224 Impact of Life Cycle Assessment for Municipal Plastic Waste Treatment in South Africa
Authors: O. A. Olagunju, S. L. Kiambi
Municipal Plastic Wastes (MPW) can have several negative effects on the environment, and this is causing a growing concern which requires urgent intervention. Addressing these environmental challenges by proffering alternative end-of-life (EOL) techniques for MPW treatment is thus critical for designing and implementing effective long-term remedies. In this study, the environmental implications of several MPW treatment technologies were assessed using life cycle assessment (LCA). Our focus was on four potential waste treatment scenarios for MPW: waste disposal via landfill, waste incineration, waste regeneration, and reusability of recycled waste. The findings show that recycling has a greater benefit over landfilling and incineration methods. The most important environmental benefit comes from the recycling of plastics, which may serve as reliable source materials for environmentally friendly products. Following a holistic evaluation, five major factors that influence the overall impact on the environment were outlined: the mass fraction in waste, the recycling rate, the conversion efficiency, the waste-to-energy conversion rate, and the type of energy which can be utilized from incineration generated energyKeywords: end-of-life, incineration, landfill, life cycle assessment, municipal plastic waste, recycling, waste-to-energy
Procedia PDF Downloads 832223 An Evaluation of the MathMates Program Implemented in Andrew Hamilton Public School as Part of College-Community Initiatives
Authors: Haofei Li
To support academic growth and foster love of learning, MathMates has been introduced for grade 6-8 students at Andrew Hamilton public school in 2022. The program is targeted at students from diverse backgrounds, particularly those underperforming in Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) exams. Then, this study aims to evaluate the efficacy of MathMates by comparing student performance on the PSSA test, before and after the intervention. Through a randomized control trial, the study will collect associated costs using the ingredients method and measure the effectiveness for cost-effectiveness analysis. Text messages will be sent to parents/guardians as a reminder of the program and to encourage student participation. The findings of this study will provide valuable insights for funding organizations seeking to understand the impact and costs of math tutoring interventions on student academic achievement, which also emphasizes the importance of the collaborative efforts between higher education and local public schools.Keywords: mathematics education, mathematics tutoring, college-community initiative, middle schools, Philadelphia public schools, after-school program, PSSA
Procedia PDF Downloads 912222 A Study of Intellectual Property Issues in the Indian Sports Industry
Authors: Ashaawari Datta Chaudhuri
India is a country that worships sports, especially cricket and football. This paper investigates the different intellectual property law issues that arise for sports. The paper will be a study of the legal precedents and landmark judgements in India for sports law. Some of the issues, such as brand abuse, misbranding, and infringement of IP, are very common and will be studied through case-based analysis. As a developing country, India is coping with new issues for theft of IP in different sectors. It has sportspersons of various kinds representing the country in many international events. This invites various problems in terms of recognition, credit, brand promotions, sponsorships, endorsements, and merchandising. Intellectual property is vital in many such endeavors for both brands and sportspersons. One of the major values associated with sport is ethics. Fairness, equality, and basic concern for credit are crucial in this industry. This paper will focus mostly on issues pertaining to design, trademarks, and copyrights. The contribution of this paper would be to study different problems and identify the gaps that require legislative intervention and policymaking. This is important to help boost businesses and brands associated with this industry to help occupy spaces in the market.Keywords: copyright, design, intellectual property, Indian landscape for sports law, patents, trademark, licensing, infringement
Procedia PDF Downloads 522221 Religiosity and Social Factors on Alcohol Use among South African University Students
Authors: Godswill Nwabuisi Osuafor, Sonto Maria Maputle
Background: Abounding studies found that religiosity and social factors modulate alcohol use among university students. However, there is a scarcity of empirical studies examining the protective effects of religiosity and other social factors on alcohol use and abuse in South African universities. The aim of this study was therefore to assess the protective effects of religiosity and roles of social factors on alcohol use among university students. Methodology: A survey on the use of alcohol among 416 university students was conducted using structured questionnaire in 2014. Data were sourced on religiosity and contextual variables. Students were classified as practicing intrinsic religiosity or extrinsic religiosity based on the response to the measures of religiosity. Descriptive, chi square and binary logistic analyses were used in processing the data. Result: Results revealed that alcohol use was associated with religiosity, religion, sex, family history of alcohol use and experimenting with alcohol. Reporting alcohol abuse was significantly predicted by sex, family history of alcohol use and experimenting with alcohol. Religiosity mediated lower alcohol use whereas family history of alcohol use and experimenting with alcohol promoted alcohol use and abuse. Conclusion: Families, religious groups and societal factors may be the specific niches for intervention on alcohol use among university students.Keywords: religiosity, alcohol use, protective factors, university students
Procedia PDF Downloads 3992220 An Examination of the Effectiveness of iPad-Based Augmentative and Alternative Intervention on Acquisition, Generalization and Maintenance of the Requesting Information Skills of Children with Autism
Authors: Amaal Almigal
Technology has been argued to offer distinct advantages and benefits for teaching children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) to communicate. One aspect of this technology is augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) systems such as picture exchange or speech generation devices. Whilst there has been significant progress in teaching these children to request their wants and needs with AAC, there remains a need for developing technologies that can really make a difference in teaching them to ask questions. iPad-based AAC can be effective for communication. However, the effectiveness of this type of AAC in teaching children to ask questions needs to be examined. Thus, in order to examine the effectiveness of iPad-based AAC in teaching children with ASD to ask questions, This research will test whether iPad leads to more learning than a traditional approach picture and text cards does. Two groups of children who use AAC will be taught to ask ‘What is it?’ questions. With the first group, low-tech AAC picture and text cards will be used, while an iPad-based AAC application called Proloquo2Go will be used with the second group. Interviews with teachers and parents will be conducted before and after the experiment. The children’s perspectives will also be considered. The initial outcomes of this research indicate that iPad can be an effective tool to help children with autism to ask questions.Keywords: autism, communication, information, iPad, pictures, requesting
Procedia PDF Downloads 2642219 Prevalence of Depression among Post Stroke Survivors in South Asian Region: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Authors: Roseminu Varghese, Laveena Anitha Barboza, Jyothi Chakrabarty, Ravishankar
Depression among post-stroke survivors is prevalent, but it is unidentified. The purpose of this review was to determine the pooled prevalence of depression among post-stroke survivors in the South Asian region from all published health sciences research articles. The review also aimed to analyze the disparities in the prevalence of depression among the post-stroke survivors from different study locations. Data search to identify the relevant research articles published from 2005 to 2016 was done by using mesh terms and keywords in Web of Science, PubMed Medline, CINAHL, Scopus, J gate, IndMED databases. The final analysis comprised of 9 studies, including a population of 1,520 men and women. Meta-analysis was performed in STATA version 13.0. The overall pooled post-stroke depression prevalence was 0.46, 95% (CI), (0.3- 0.62). The prevalence rate in this systematic review is evident of depression among post-stroke survivors in the South Asian Region. Identifying the prevalence of post-stroke depression at an early stage is important to improve outcomes of the rehabilitative process of stroke survivors and for its early intervention.Keywords: depression, post stroke survivors, prevalence, systematic review
Procedia PDF Downloads 1592218 War and Surgery: A Comparative Analysis of Postoperative Complications, Outcomes, and Risk Factors in Conflict and Safe Zones across Sudan, with a Proposed Predictive Model for Severity
Authors: Alaa Ashraf Khaleel Abdallah
Background: The global landscape has witnessed an alarming rise in armed conflicts, further devastating populations through enforced displacement, compromised infrastructure, and strained healthcare systems. In Sudan, the situation is particularly dire, with conflict exacerbating shortages in medical supplies and personnel, pushing the already fragile healthcare system into crisis, especially affecting surgical care. Initially, war impacts were significant in conflict zones like Khartoum, but since mid-April 2023, the entire country has descended into chaos. Weak monitoring and health information systems hinder accurate assessment of surgical care in conflict zones, leading to inadequate resource allocation, suboptimal care, and missed opportunities for global learning. This study investigates the impact of the Sudanese conflict on postoperative complications, exploring prevalence, types, outcomes, and psychological effects in conflict and safe areas. Methods: Conducted across 10 Sudanese states—5 in conflict zones such as Khartoum and West Darfur, and 5 in safer regions like River Nile and Kassala—this study analyzed data from 1,457 patients who underwent surgery post-April 2023. Data were collected using a pretested, mixed-mode questionnaire that incorporated elements from validated frameworks and tailored questions specific to the study's context. Hospital records and surgical logs were also used, with data analyzed via SPSS. Results: The overall prevalence of postoperative complications was 35.89%, with a higher rate in conflict zones (57.5%) compared to safe areas (26.4%). Surgical site infections predominated in conflict zones (24.7%) and higher than its prevalence in safe areas, and while fever was prevalent in safer regions even though much less compared to conflict areas, bleeding from surgical site was very frequent in conflict areas. Most patients recovered within two months at a rate higher in safe areas, but most of them required further medical or surgical management within the first month, but psychological impacts were more pronounced in conflict zones with 22.22% reported anxiety among injuries patients, and 20.6% experienced depression, 13.5% and 16.9% respectively, in those had surgeries for other medical conditions, compared to 0.22%anxiety rates and 8.1%for depression in safer regions. Risk factors included age, travel to conflict zones, access to care, delays, and comorbidities. Conclusion: Strengthening healthcare systems and ensuring accessible surgical care are critical in both conflict and safe areas. Specific attention must be given to addressing patient suffering and demographic shifts caused by armed conflict. Further research is needed to refine the predictive model for postoperative complications in conflict zones.Keywords: postoperative complications, conflict zones, risk factors, surgical outcomes, Sudan
Procedia PDF Downloads 132217 Stereotypical Perception as an Influential Factor in the Judicial Decision Making Process for Shoplifting Cases Presided over in the UK
Authors: Mariam Shah
Stereotypes are not generally considered to be an acceptable influence upon any decision making process, particularly those involving judicial decision making outcomes. Yet, we are confronted with an uncomfortable truth that stereotypes may be operating to influence judicial outcomes. Variances in sentencing outcomes are not easily explained away by criminological, psychological, or sociological theorem, but may be answered via qualitative research produced within the field of phenomenology. This paper will examine the current literature pertaining to the effect of stereotypes on the criminal justice system within the UK, and will also discuss what the implications are for stereotypical influences upon decision making in the criminal justice system. This paper will give particular focus to shoplifting offences dealt with in UK criminal courts, but this research has long reaching implications for the criminal process more generally.Keywords: decision making, judicial decision making, phenomenology, shoplifting, stereotypes
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