Search results for: reuse and recycling of radioactive concrete
1012 Optimization and Retrofitting for an Egyptian Refinery Water Network
Authors: Mohamed Mousa
Sacristies in the supply of freshwater, strict regulations on discharging wastewater and the support to encourage sustainable development by water minimization techniques leads to raise the interest of water reusing, regeneration, and recycling. Water is considered a vital element in chemical industries. In this study, an optimization model will be developed to determine the optimal design of refinery’s water network system via source interceptor sink that involves several network alternatives, then a Mixed-Integer Non-Linear programming (MINLP) was used to obtain the optimal network superstructure based on flowrates, the concentration of contaminants, etc. The main objective of the model is to reduce the fixed cost of piping installation interconnections, reducing the operating cots of all streams within the refiner’s water network, and minimize the concentration of pollutants to comply with the environmental regulations. A real case study for one of the Egyptian refineries was studied by GAMS / BARON global optimization platform, and the water network had been retrofitted and optimized, leading to saving around 195 m³/ hr. of freshwater with a total reduction reaches to 26 %.Keywords: freshwater minimization, modelling, GAMS, BARON, water network design, wastewater reudction
Procedia PDF Downloads 2331011 Managing Construction and Demolition Wastes - A Case Study of Multi Triagem, Lda
Authors: Cláudia Moço, Maria Santos, Carlos Arsénio, Débora Mendes, Miguel Oliveira. José Paulo Da Silva
Construction industry generates large amounts of waste all over the world. About 450 million tons of construction and demolition wastes (C&DW) are produced annually in the European Union. C&DW are highly heterogeneous materials in size and composition, which imposes strong difficulties on their management. Directive n.º 2008/98/CE, of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 November establishes that 70 % of the C&DW have to be recycled by 2020. To evaluate possible applications of these materials, a detailed physical, chemical and environmental characterization is necessary. Multi Triagem, Lda. is a company located in Algarve (Portugal) and was supported by the European Regional Development Fund (grant QREN 30307 Multivalor) to quantify and characterize the received C&DW, in order to evaluate their possible applications. This evaluation, performed in collaboration with the University of Algarve, involves a physical, chemical and environmental detailed characterization of the received C&DW. In this work we report on the amounts, trial procedures and properties of the C&DW received over a period of fifteen month. In this period the company received C&DW coming from 393 different origins. The total amount was 32.458 tons, mostly mixtures containing concrete, masonry/mortar and soil/rock. Most of C&DW came from demodulation constructions and diggings. The organic/inert component, namely metal, glass, wood and plastics, were screened first and account for about 3 % of the received materials. The remaining materials were screened and grouped according to their origin and contents, the latter evaluated by visual inspection. Twenty five samples were prepared and submitted to a detailed physical, chemical and environmental analysis. The C&DW aggregates show lower quality properties than natural aggregates for concrete preparation and unbound layers of road pavements. However, chemical analyzes indicated that most samples are environmentally safe. A continuous monitoring of the presence of heavy metals and organic compounds is needed in order to perform a proper screening of the C&DW. C&DW aggregates provide a good alternative to natural aggregates.Keywords: construction and demolition wastes, waste classification, waste composition, waste screening
Procedia PDF Downloads 3511010 Geological Mapping of Gabel Humr Akarim Area, Southern Eastern Desert, Egypt: Constrain from Remote Sensing Data, Petrographic Description and Field Investigation
Authors: Doaa Hamdi, Ahmed Hashem
The present study aims at integrating the ASTER data and Landsat 8 data to discriminate and map alteration and/or mineralization zones in addition to delineating different lithological units of Humr Akarim Granites area. The study area is located at 24º9' to 24º13' N and 34º1' to 34º2'45"E., covering a total exposed surface area of about 17 km². The area is characterized by rugged topography with low to moderate relief. Geologic fieldwork and petrographic investigations revealed that the basement complex of the study area is composed of metasediments, mafic dikes, older granitoids, and alkali-feldspar granites. Petrographic investigations revealed that the secondary minerals in the study area are mainly represented by chlorite, epidote, clay minerals and iron oxides. These minerals have specific spectral signatures in the region of visible near-infrared and short-wave infrared (0.4 to 2.5 µm). So that the ASTER imagery processing was concentrated on VNIR-SWIR spectrometric data in order to achieve the purposes of this study (geologic mapping of hydrothermal alteration zones and delineate possible radioactive potentialities). Mapping of hydrothermal alterations zones in addition to discriminating the lithological units in the study area are achieved through the utilization of some different image processing, including color band composites (CBC) and data transformation techniques such as band ratios (BR), band ratio codes (BRCs), principal component analysis(PCA), Crosta Technique and minimum noise fraction (MNF). The field verification and petrographic investigation confirm the results of ASTER imagery and Landsat 8 data, proposing a geological map (scale 1:50000).Keywords: remote sensing, petrography, mineralization, alteration detection
Procedia PDF Downloads 1661009 Sustainable Upgrade of Existing Heritage Infrastructure - Strengthening and Rehabilitation of The LH Ford Bridge
Authors: Vince Scolaro, Lakshman Prasad, Ted Polley, Sanjivan Deshpande
The LH Ford Bridge, built in the 1960s, comprises 28 spans, is 800m long and crosses the Macquarie River at Dubbo, NSW. The main bridge spans comprise three spans with a 63m center span (25m drop-in section) supported by halving joints from the main cantilevers and back spans of 28m. The main bridge spans were built using complex construction staging (the first of this type in NSW). They comprise twin precast boxes, in-situ reinforced concrete infills, and cantilevered outriggers stressed both longitudinally and transversely. Since construction, this bridge has undergone significantly increased design vehicle loads and showed signs of excessive shrinkage and creep leading to significant sagging of the centre span with evidence of previous failure and remediation of the halving joints. A comprehensive load rating assessment was undertaken taking account of the original complex construction staging. Deficiencies identified included inadequate capacity of the halving joints, failure of the bearings at the halving joints, inadequate shear capacity of the girder webs and inadequate girder flexural capacity to carry B-Double design vehicles. A unique strengthening system comprising two new piers (under each of the halving joints), new bearings and installation of external prestressing to the soffit of both drop-in-span and back spans was adopted. A portion of the dead load had to be transferred from the superstructure to the new piers via innovative soft/stiff bearing combinations to reduce new locked-in stresses resulting from the new pier supports. Significant temporary works comprised a precast concrete shell beam forming the pile cap/pier structure, addition of a temporary suspended scaffold (without overstressing the existing superstructure) and the installation of jacking stays for new bearing top and bottom plates. This paper presents how this existing historic and socially important bridge was strengthened and updated to increase its design life without the need for replacement.Keywords: strengthening, creep, construction, box girder
Procedia PDF Downloads 1401008 Design of the Ice Rink of the Future
Authors: Carine Muster, Prina Howald Erika
Today's ice rinks are important energy consumers for the production and maintenance of ice. At the same time, users demand that the other rooms should be tempered or heated. The building complex must equally provide cooled and heated zones, which does not translate as carbon-zero ice rinks. The study provides an analysis of how the civil engineering sector can significantly impact minimizing greenhouse gas emissions and optimizing synergies across an entire ice rink complex. The analysis focused on three distinct aspects: the layout, including the volumetric layout of the premises present in an ice rink; the materials chosen that can potentially use the most ecological structural approach; and the construction methods based on innovative solutions to reduce carbon footprint. The first aspect shows that the organization of the interior volumes and defining the shape of the rink play a significant role. Its layout makes the use and operation of the premises as efficient as possible, thanks to the differentiation between heated and cooled volumes while optimising heat loss between the different rooms. The sprayed concrete method, which is still little known, proves that it is possible to achieve the strength of traditional concrete for the structural aspect of the load-bearing and non-load-bearing walls of the ice rink by using materials excavated from the construction site and providing a more ecological and sustainable solution. The installation of an empty sanitary space underneath the ice floor, making it independent of the rest of the structure, provides a natural insulating layer, preventing the transfer of cold to the rest of the structure and reducing energy losses. The addition of active pipes as part of the foundation of the ice floor, coupled with a suitable system, gives warmth in the winter and storage in the summer; this is all possible thanks to the natural heat in the ground. In conclusion, this study provides construction recommendations for future ice rinks with a significantly reduced energy demand, using some simple preliminary design concepts. By optimizing the layout, materials, and construction methods of ice rinks, the civil engineering sector can play a key role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting sustainability.Keywords: climate change, energy optimization, green building, sustainability
Procedia PDF Downloads 681007 Study the Behavior of Different Composite Short Columns (DST) with Prismatic Sections under Bending Load
Authors: V. Sadeghi Balkanlou, M. Reza Bagerzadeh Karimi, A. Hasanbakloo, B. Bagheri Azar
In this paper, the behavior of different types of DST columns has been studied under bending load. Briefly, composite columns consist of an internal carbon steel tube and an external stainless steel wall that the between the walls are filled with concrete. Composite columns are expected to combine the advantages of all three materials and have the advantage of high flexural stiffness of CFDST columns. In this research, ABAQUS software is used for finite element analysis then the results of ultimate strength of the composite sections are illustrated.Keywords: DST, stainless steel, carbon steel, ABAQUS, straigh columns, tapered columns
Procedia PDF Downloads 3901006 Phytoremediation-A Plant Based Cleansing Method to Obtain Quality Medicinal Plants and Natural Products
Authors: Hannah S. Elizabeth, D. Gnanasekaran, M. R. Manju Gowda, Antony George
Phytoremediation a new technology of remediating the contaminated soil, water and air using plants and serves as a green technology with environmental friendly approach. The main aim of this technique is cleansing and detoxifying of organic compounds, organo-phosphorous pesticides, heavy metals like arsenic, iron, cadmium, gold, radioactive elements which cause teratogenic and life threatening diseases to mankind and animal kingdom when consume the food crops, vegetables, fruits, cerals, and millets obtained from the contaminated soil. Also, directly they may damage the genetic materials thereby alters the biosynthetic pathways of secondary metabolites and other phytoconstituents which may have different pharmacological activities which lead to lost their efficacy and potency as well. It would reflect in mutagenicity, drug resistance and affect other antagonistic properties of normal metabolism. Is the technology for real clean-up of contaminated soils and the contaminants which are potentially toxic. It reduces the risks produced by a contaminated soil by decreasing contaminants using plants as a source. The advantages are cost-effectiveness and less ecosystem disruption. Plants may also help to stabilize contaminants by accumulating and precipitating toxic trace elements in the roots. Organic pollutants can potentially be chemically degraded and ultimately mineralized into harmless biological compounds. Hence, the use of plants to revitalize contaminated sites is gaining more attention and preferred for its cost-effective when compared to other chemical methods. The introduction of harmful substances into the environment has been shown to have many adverse effects on human health, agricultural productivity, and natural ecosystems. Because the costs of growing a crop are minimal compared to those of soil removal and replacement, the use of plants to remediate hazardous soils is seen as having great promise.Keywords: cost effective, eco-friendly, phytoremediation, secondary metabolites
Procedia PDF Downloads 2811005 Development of Sustainable Farming Compartment with Treated Wastewater in Abu Dhabi
Authors: Jongwan Eun, Sam Helwany, Lakshyana K. C.
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is significantly dependent on desalinated water and groundwater resource, which is expensive and highly energy intensive. Despite the scarce water resource, stagnates only 54% of the recycled water was reused in 2012, and due to the lack of infrastructure to reuse the recycled water, the portion is expected to decrease with growing water usage. In this study, an “Oasis” complex comprised of Sustainable Farming Compartments (SFC) was proposed for reusing treated wastewater. The wastewater is used to decrease the ambient temperature of the SFC via an evaporative cooler. The SFC prototype was designed, built, and tested in an environmentally controlled laboratory and field site to evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of the SFC subjected to various climatic conditions in Abu Dhabi. Based on the experimental results, the temperature drop achieved in the SFC in the laboratory and field site were5 ̊C from 22 ̊C and 7- 15 ̊C (from 33-45 ̊C to average 28 ̊C at relative humidity < 50%), respectively. An energy simulation using TRNSYS was performed to extend and validate the results obtained from the experiment. The results from the energy simulation and experiments show statistically close agreement. The total power consumption of the SFC system was approximately three and a half times lower than that of an electrical air conditioner. Therefore, by using treated wastewater, the SFC has a promising prospect to solve Abu Dhabi’s ecological concern related to desertification and wind erosion.Keywords: ecological farming system, energy simulation, evaporative cooling system, temperature, treated waste water, temperature
Procedia PDF Downloads 2501004 Quality Evaluation of Treated Ballast Seawater for Potential Reuse
Authors: Siti Nur Muhamad, Mohamad Abu Ubaidah Amir, Adenen Shuhada Abdul Aziz, Siti Sarah Mohd Isnan, Ainul Husna Abdul Rahman, Nur Afiqah Rosly, Roshamida Abd Jamil
The International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments (BWM Convention) will commencing on 8 September 2017 after ratified by 51 States in September 2016. However, there is no value recovered for the treated ballast water as it simply discharged during de-ballasting. In order to evaluate value creation of treated ballast water, three seawater applications which are seawater toilet flushing, cooling tower and desalination was studied and compared with treated ballast seawater. An exploratory study was conducted in Singapore as a case study as this country is facing water scarcity issues and a busy port in the world which received more than 28 billion m3 of ballast water in 2015. Surprisingly the treatment technology between seawater toilet flushing and ballast water management has similarity as both applications use screening and disinfection process and quality standard and analysis between treated ballast water with seawater applications found that seawater toilet flushing have the same quality parameter with treated ballast water. Thus, the treated ballast water can replace the raw seawater for seawater desalination. As such, with reduction of cost for screen unit, desalination water can exceed water production by NEWater in Singapore as the cost can recover the energy needed for desalination. It can conclude that treated ballast water has high recovery value and can be reused in seawater application.Keywords: ballast water treatment, desalination, BWM convention, ballast water management
Procedia PDF Downloads 3801003 Leveraging Digital Technologies for Smart Waste Management in CE: A Literature Review
Authors: Anne-Marie Tuomala
The study focuses on literature review of leveraging digital technologies such as Internet of Things (IoT), big data analytics (BDA), and artificial intelligence (AI) to optimize waste collection, sorting, and recycling processes, thus promoting a circular economy (CE). The purpose of the study is to introduce how the smart waste management (SWM) systems boost the field compared with the traditional waste management. 27 articles highlight the tangible benefits of digitalization, but addressing barriers to adoption is essential for realizing the full potential of SWM technologies. The results show how digital technologies can be used to monitor and optimize waste collection, resource allocation, and improve efficiency and reduction of the contamination rates. In conclusion, this literature review underscores the transformative potential of digital technologies in advancing SWM systems and promoting CE. Future application should focus strategically 9R or other R strategies to speed up the transformation. Future research should focus on especially addressing challenges and identifying innovative strategies to accelerate the transition toward a more sustainable and circular waste management ecosystem.Keywords: circular economy, digital technologies, smart waste management, waste management strategies
Procedia PDF Downloads 11002 Developing Novel Bacterial Primase (DnaG) Inhibitors
Authors: Shanakr Bhattarai, V. S. Tiwari, Barak Akabayov
The plummeting number of infections and death is due to the development of drug-resistant bacteria. In addition, the number of approved antibiotic drugs by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is insufficient. Therefore, developing new drugs and finding novel targets for central metabolic pathways in bacteria is urgently needed. One of the promising targets is DNA replication machinery which consists of many essential proteins and enzymes. DnaG primase is an essential enzyme and a central part of the DNA replication machinery. DnaG primase synthesizes short RNA primers that initiate the Okazaki fragments by the lagging strand DNA polymerase. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that inhibition of primase activity will stall DNA replication and prevent bacterial proliferation. We did the expression and purification of eight different bacterial DnaGs (Mycobacterium tuberculosis(Mtb), Bacillus anthracis (Ba), Mycobacterium smegmatis (Msmeg), Francisella tularencis (Ft), Vibrio cholerae (Vc) and Yersinia pestis (Yp), Staphylococcus aureus(Saureus), Escherichia coli(Ecoli)) followed by the radioactive activity assay. After obtaining the pure and active protein DnaG, we synthesized the inhibitors for them. The inhibitors were divided into five different groups, each containing five molecules, and the cocktail inhibition assay was performed against each DnaGs. The groups of molecules inhibiting the DnaGs were further tested with individual molecules belonging to inhibiting groups. Each molecule showing inhibition was titrated against the corresponding DnaGs to find IC50. We got a molecule(VS167) that acted as broad inhibitors, inhibiting all eight DnaGs. Molecules VS180 and VS186 inhibited seven DnaGs (except Saureus). Similarly, two molecules(VS 173, VS176) inhibited five DnaGs (Mtb, Ba, Ft, Yp, Ecoli). VS261 inhibited four DnaGs (Mtb, Ba, Ft, Vc). MS50 inhibited Ba and Vc DnaGs. And some of the inhibitors inhibited only one DnaGs. Thus we found the broad and specific inhibitors for different bacterial DnaGs, and their Structure-activity analysis(SAR) was done. Further, We tried to explain the similarities among the enzyme DnaGs from different bacteria based on their inhibition pattern.Keywords: DNA replication, DnaG, okazaki fragments, antibiotic drugs
Procedia PDF Downloads 911001 Women Bodies and Images in Funerary Landscapes of the Late Antique Oecumene: An Analysis of Women Representation Between Idealized Pagan Antecedents and Concrete Female Power Within Christian Communities
Authors: Camilla Marraccini
The sarcophagus of Adelphia represents an iconographic unicum compared to female representations on sarcophagi. From the time of its discovery in 1872 until recent studies , the figurative program of the sarcophagus' lid has been the subject of extensive debate. Critics have been divided between those who have interpreted the scene as the life of Mary , those who have interpreted it as a depiction of Adelphia , those who saw it as a traditional representation of Moses and Christ , and those who read a particular philosophical doctrine depicting Sophia dei . Indeed, next to the female orans, Maries on the throne and female servants of Christ, the distinctiveness of the sarcophagus becomes evident and a unique scene stands out on the lid: a procession of nine women culminating with a frontal woman on the throne. Using an iconographic analysis that questions 1.the traces of the typologies of christian women found in sarcophagi and 2.the pagan models used by the artisans of Christianity, this paper aims to investigate an interpretation of the scene based on the discoveries of meaning and semantic shifts that can be understood once the model used for this iconography is found, whilst conducting a comparative analysis that underlines the importance of understanding the reasons behind this commission. Searching for the commissioner's will needs to be an interdisciplinary quest: from iconographical analysis to epigraphical and archaeological data. Considering, that several recent studies have emphasized the important female presence in the catacomb of St.Giovanni (perhaps a burial dedicated exclusively to female monastic cults?) , where the sarcophagus was found, the local development of the cult of St. Lucia, and the fact that Adelfia is referred to as clarissima femina in her inscription, the present paper will try to make a transition between art and social context. Thus, this paper aims to understand whether this iconography can be an ulterior source, next to the epigraphical ones, to reconstruct the concrete role of Adelfia in local women's communities. In summary, by tracing different forms of continuity between pagan and christian practices, this paper aims to understand what the relationship between actual hierarchical power, funerary self-representations and the inherited semantics of images could tell us about the life and death of late antique Christian women.Keywords: early Christian art, female bodies, iconography, female communities, sarcophagi
Procedia PDF Downloads 171000 Insulation and Architectural Design to Have Sustainable Buildings in Iran
Authors: Ali Bayati, Jamileh Azarnoush
Nowadays according to increasing the population all around the world, consuming of fossil fuels increased dramatically. Many believe that most of the atmospheric pollution comes by using fossil fuels. The process of natural sources entering cities shows one of the large challenges in consumption sources management. Nowadays, everyone considered about the consumption of fossil fuels and also Reduction of consumption civil energy in megacities that play a key role in solving serious problems such as air pollution, producing greenhouse gasses, global warming and damage ozone layer. In the construction industry, we should use the materials with the lowest need to energy for making and carrying them, and also the materials which need the lowest energy and expenses to recycling. In this way, the kind of usage material, the way of processing, regional materials and the adaptation with the environment is critical. Otherwise, the isolation should be use and mention in the long term. Accordingly, in this article we investigates the new ways in order to reduce environmental pollution and save more energy by using materials that are not harmful to the environment, fully insulated materials in buildings, sustainable and diversified buildings, suitable urban design and using solar energy more efficiently in order to reduce energy consumption.Keywords: building design, construction masonry, insulation, sustainable construction
Procedia PDF Downloads 541999 Being Chinese Online: Discursive (Re)Production of Internet-Mediated Chinese National Identity
Authors: Zhiwei Wang
Much emphasis has been placed on the political dimension of digitised Chinese national(ist) discourses and their embodied national identities, which neglects other important dimensions constitutive of their discursive nature. A further investigation into how Chinese national(ist) discourses are daily (re)shaped online by diverse socio-political actors (especially ordinary users) is crucial, which can contribute to not only deeper understandings of Chinese national sentiments on China’s Internet beyond the excessive focus on their passionate, political-charged facet but also richer insights into the socio-technical ecology of the contemporary Chinese digital (and physical) world. This research adopts an ethnographic methodology, by which ‘fieldsites’ are Sina Weibo and bilibili. The primary data collection method is virtual ethnographic observation on everyday national(ist) discussions on both platforms. If data obtained via observations do not suffice to answer research questions, in-depth online qualitative interviews with ‘key actors’ identified from those observations in discursively (re)producing Chinese national identity on each ‘fieldsite’ will be conducted, to complement data gathered through the first method. Critical discourse analysis is employed to analyse data. During the process of data coding, NVivo is utilised. From November 2021 to December 2022, 35 weeks’ digital ethnographic observations have been conducted, with 35 sets of fieldnotes obtained. The strategy adopted for the initial stage of observations was keyword searching, which means typing into the search box on Sina Weibo and bilibili any keywords related to China as a nation and then observing the search results. Throughout 35 weeks’ online ethnographic observations, six keywords have been employed on Sina Weibo and two keywords on bilibili. For 35 weeks’ observations, textual content created by ordinary users have been concentrated much upon. Based on the fieldnotes of the first week’s observations, multifarious national(ist) discourses on Sina Weibo and bilibili have been found, targeted both at national ‘Others’ and ‘Us’, both on the historical and real-world dimension, both aligning with and differing from or even conflicting with official discourses, both direct national(ist) expressions and articulations of sentiments in the name of presentation of national(ist) attachments but for other purposes. Second, Sina Weibo and bilibili users have agency in interpreting and deploying concrete national(ist) discourses despite the leading role played by the government and the two platforms in deciding on the basic framework of national expressions. Besides, there are also disputes and even quarrels between users in terms of explanations for concrete components of ‘nation-ness’ and (in)direct dissent to officially defined ‘mainstream’ discourses to some extent, though often expressed much more mundanely, discursively and playfully. Third, the (re)production process of national(ist) discourses on Sina Weibo and bilibili depends upon not only technical affordances and limitations of the two sites but also, to a larger degree, some established socio-political mechanisms and conventions in the offline China, e.g., the authorities’ acquiescence of citizens’ freedom in understanding and explaining concrete elements of national discourses while setting the basic framework of national narratives to the extent that citizens’ own national(ist) expressions do not reach political bottom lines and develop into mobilising power to shake social stability.Keywords: national identity, national(ist) discourse(s), everyday nationhood/nationalism, Chinese nationalism, digital nationalism
Procedia PDF Downloads 95998 Healthcare Waste Management Practices in Bangladesh: A Case Study in Dhaka City, Bangladesh
Authors: H. M. Nuralam, Z. Xiao-lan, B. K. Dubey, D. Wen-Chuan
Healthcare waste (HCW) is one of the major concerns in environmental issues due to its infectious and hazardous nature that is requires specific treatment and systematic management prior to final disposal. This study aimed to assess HCW management system in Dhaka City (DC), Bangladesh, by investigating the present practices implemented by the city. In this study, five different healthcare establishments were selected in DC. Field visits and interviews with health personnel and staff who are concerned with the waste management were conducted. The information was gathered through questionnaire focus on the different aspect of HCW management like, waste segregation and collection, storage and transport, awareness as well. The results showed that a total of 7,215 kg/day (7.2 ton/day) of waste were generated, of which 79.36% (5.6 ton/day) was non-hazardous waste and 20.6% (1.5 ton/day) was hazardous waste. The rate of waste generation in these healthcare establishments (HCEs) was 2.6 kg/bed/day. There was no appropriate and systematic management of HCWs except at few private HCEs that segregate their hazardous waste. All the surveyed HCEs dumped their HCW together with the municipal waste, and some staff members were also found to be engaged in improper handling of the generated waste. Furthermore, the used sharp instruments, saline bags, blood bags and test tubes were collected for resale or reuse. Nevertheless, the lack of awareness, appropriate policy, regulation and willingness to act, were responsible for the improper management of HCW in DC. There was lack of practical training of concerned healthcare to handle the waste properly, while the nurses and staff were found to be aware of the health impacts of HCW.Keywords: awareness, disposal, Dhaka city, healthcare waste management, waste generation
Procedia PDF Downloads 326997 Biosorption of Gold from Chloride Media in a Simultaneous Adsorption-Reduction Process
Authors: Shafiq Alam, Yen Ning Lee
Conventional hydrometallurgical processing of metals involves the use of large quantities of toxic chemicals. Realizing a need to develop sustainable technologies, extensive research studies are being carried out to recover and recycle base, precious and rare earth metals from their pregnant leach solutions (PLS) using green chemicals/biomaterials prepared from biomass wastes derived from agriculture, marine and forest resources. Our innovative research showed that bio-adsorbents prepared from such biomass wastes can effectively adsorb precious metals, especially gold after conversion of their functional groups in a very simple process. The highly effective ‘Adsorption-coupled-Reduction’ phenomenon witnessed appears promising for the potential use of this gold biosorption process in the mining industry. Proper management and effective use of biomass wastes as value added green chemicals will not only reduce the volume of wastes being generated every day in our society, but will also have a high-end value to the mining and mineral processing industries as those biomaterials would be cheap, but very selective for gold recovery/recycling from low grade ore, leach residue or e-wastes.Keywords: biosorption, hydrometallurgy, gold, adsorption, reduction, biomass, sustainability
Procedia PDF Downloads 376996 Social Studies Teaching Methods: Approaches and Techniques in Teaching History in Primary Education
Authors: Tonguc Basaran
History is a record of a people’s past based on a critical examination of documents and other facts. The essentials of this historical method are not beyond the grasp of even young children. Concrete examples, such as the story of the Rosetta stone, which enabled Champollion to establish the first principles of the deciphering of Egyptian hieroglyphics, vividly illustrate the fundamental processes involved. This search for the facts can be used to illustrate one side of the search for historic truth. The other side is the truth of historic interpretation. The facts cannot be changed, but the interpretation of them can and does change.Keywords: history, primary education, teaching methods, social studies
Procedia PDF Downloads 298995 Seismic Assessment of a Pre-Cast Recycled Concrete Block Arch System
Authors: Amaia Martinez Martinez, Martin Turek, Carlos Ventura, Jay Drew
This study aims to assess the seismic performance of arch and dome structural systems made from easy to assemble precast blocks of recycled concrete. These systems have been developed by Lock Block Ltd. Company from Vancouver, Canada, as an extension of their currently used retaining wall system. The characterization of the seismic behavior of these structures is performed by a combination of experimental static and dynamic testing, and analytical modeling. For the experimental testing, several tilt tests, as well as a program of shake table testing were undertaken using small scale arch models. A suite of earthquakes with different characteristics from important past events are chosen and scaled properly for the dynamic testing. Shake table testing applying the ground motions in just one direction (in the weak direction of the arch) and in the three directions were conducted and compared. The models were tested with increasing intensity until collapse occurred; which determines the failure level for each earthquake. Since the failure intensity varied with type of earthquake, a sensitivity analysis of the different parameters was performed, being impulses the dominant factor. For all cases, the arches exhibited the typical four-hinge failure mechanism, which was also shown in the analytical model. Experimental testing was also performed reinforcing the arches using a steel band over the structures anchored at both ends of the arch. The models were tested with different pretension levels. The bands were instrumented with strain gauges to measure the force produced by the shaking. These forces were used to develop engineering guidelines for the design of the reinforcement needed for these systems. In addition, an analytical discrete element model was created using 3DEC software. The blocks were designed as rigid blocks, assigning all the properties to the joints including also the contribution of the interlocking shear key between blocks. The model is calibrated to the experimental static tests and validated with the obtained results from the dynamic tests. Then the model can be used to scale up the results to the full scale structure and expanding it to different configurations and boundary conditions.Keywords: arch, discrete element model, seismic assessment, shake-table testing
Procedia PDF Downloads 207994 Argumentative and Enunciative Analysis of Spanish Political Discourse
Authors: Cristina Diez
One of the most important challenges of discourse analysis is to find the linguistic mechanisms of subjectivity. The present article aims to raise the need for an argumentative and enunciative analysis to reach the subjective tissue of language. The intention is to prove that the instructions inscribed in the own language are those that indicate how a statement is to be interpreted and that the argumentative value is implied at the semantic level. For that, the theory of argumentation from Ducrot and Anscombre will be implemented. First, a reflection on the study about subjectivity and enunciation in language will be exposed, followed by concrete proposals on the linguistic mechanisms that speakers use either consciously or unconsciously, to finally focus on those argumentative tools that political discourse uses in order to influence the audience.Keywords: argumentation, enunciation, discourse analysis, subjectivity
Procedia PDF Downloads 204993 Planning Quality and Maintenance Activities in a Closed-Loop Serial Multi-Stage Manufacturing System under Constant Degradation
Authors: Amauri Josafat Gomez Aguilar, Jean Pierre Kenné
This research presents the development of a self-sustainable manufacturing system from a circular economy perspective, structured by a multi-stage serial production system consisting of a series of machines under deterioration in charge of producing a single product and a reverse remanufacturing system constituted by the same productive systems of the first scheme and different tooling, fed by-products collected at the end of their life cycle, and non-conforming elements of the first productive scheme. Since the advanced production manufacturing system is unable to satisfy the customer's quality expectations completely, we propose the development of a mixed integer linear mathematical model focused on the optimal search and assignment of quality stations and preventive maintenance operation to the machines over a time horizon, intending to segregate the correct number of non-conforming parts for reuse in the remanufacturing system and thereby minimizing production, quality, maintenance, and customer non-conformance penalties. Numerical experiments are performed to analyze the solutions found by the model under different scenarios. The results showed that the correct implementation of a closed manufacturing system and allocation of quality inspection and preventive maintenance operations generate better levels of customer satisfaction and an efficient manufacturing system.Keywords: closed loop, mixed integer linear programming, preventive maintenance, quality inspection
Procedia PDF Downloads 87992 Bio-polymer Materials for Sustainable Consumer and Medical Applications
Authors: Sonny Yip Hong Choy
With the ubiquity of 3D printing technology in the last decade, a wide array of material choices are available for Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) 3D printing technology. Exploration into creating printable bio-polymers has also seen progress recently in attempts to further the sustainability agenda and circular economy. By tackling waste and pollution via recycling and reusing, food by-products resulting from mass food production may see opportunities for renewed value and alternate applications through 3D printing. To date, many pure polymers, blends, as well as composites have been developed specifically for FDM printing contexts to heighten the physical performance of final printed products. This review article covers general information on various FDM printed polymers and composites while exploring experiments designed to create printable biopolymers made from reused food by-products. The biopolymer-based composites preparation is described in detail, while their advantages and disadvantages are also discussed. In addition, this article shares knowledge and highlights experimentation that aims to achieve acceptable 3D-printed biopolymer composite properties that may address the functional requirements of different application contexts. Furthermore, the article describes a brief overview of the potential applications of such bio-polymers and the future scope in this field.Keywords: food by-products, bio-polymers, FDM, 3d printing
Procedia PDF Downloads 84991 ZnMn₂O₄ / Carbon Composite Recycled from Spent Zinc-Carbon Batteries for Zn-Air Battery Applications
Authors: Nivedha L. K., Dhinesh Kumar Murugaiah, Ganapathi Rao Kandregula, Raja Murugan, Kothandaraman R.
ZnMn₂O₄, a non-precious metal catalyst for oxygen reduction reaction (ORR), was recycled from the spent primary Zn-C battery and utilized in the zinc-air battery. Catalysts exhibiting facile ORR kinetics are a requirement for building efficient Zinc-air batteries. ZnMn₂O₄ demonstrated excellent catalytic activity towards ORR in an aqueous alkaline medium, with an onset potential of 0. 90 V vs. RHE. The recycled ZnMn₂O₄ manifested a similar performance (at ~ 1.0 V) as the chemically synthesized one with a specific capacity of 210 mAh gzn-¹ at a constant current discharge of 15 mA cm-². A single electrode potential study was done to comprehend the losses at the electrodes and to identify the limiting electrode. Interestingly, the cathode was improving during discharge, which is in contrast to the expectation due to the accumulation of peroxide around the catalytic layer. Although the anode has exhibited minimal polarization, beyond a capacity of 210 mAh g-¹, the supersaturation of electrolyte occurs with zincate ion causing precipitation of ZnO on the cell components, thereby leading to sudden polarization of the cell and hence zinc electrode act as a limiting electrode in this system.Keywords: battery recycling, oxygen reduction reaction, single electrode measurement, Zn-air battery, ZnMn₂O₄ recovery
Procedia PDF Downloads 74990 Preliminary Results on Marine Debris Classification in The Island of Mykonos (Greece) via Coastal and Underwater Clean up over 2016-20: A Successful Case of Recycling Plastics into Useful Daily Items
Authors: Eleni Akritopoulou, Katerina Topouzoglou
The last 20 years marine debris has been identified as one of the main marine pollution sources caused by anthropogenic activities. Plastics has reached the farthest marine areas of the planet affecting all marine trophic levels including the, recently discovered, amphipoda Eurythenes plasticus inhabiting Mariana Trench to large cetaceans, marine reptiles and sea birds causing immunodeficiency disorders, deteriorating health and death overtime. For the time period 2016-20, in the framework of the national initiative ‘Keep Aegean Blue”, All for Blue team has been collecting marine debris (coastline and underwater) following a modified in situ MEDSEALITTER monitoring protocol from eight Greek islands. After collection, marine debris was weighted, sorted and categorised according to material; plastic (PL), glass (G), metal (M), wood (W), rubber (R), cloth (CL), paper (P), mixed (MX). The goal of the project included the documentation of marine debris sources, human trends, waste management and public marine environmental awareness. Waste management was focused on plastics recycling and utilisation into daily useful products. This research is focused on the island of Mykonos due to its continuous touristic activity and lack of scientific information. In overall, a field work area of 1.832.856 m2 was cleaned up yielding 5092 kg of marine debris. The preliminary results indicated PL as main source of marine debris (62,8%) followed by M (15,5%), GL (13,2%) and MX (2,8%). Main items found were fishing tools (lines, nets), disposable cutlery, cups and straws, cigarette butts, flip flops and other items like plastic boat compartments. In collaboration with a local company for plastic management and the Circular Economy and Eco Innovation Institute (Sweden), all plastic debris was recycled. Granulation process was applied transforming plastic into building materials used for refugees’ houses, litter bins bought by municipalities and schools and, other items like shower components. In terms of volunteering and attendance in public awareness seminars, there was a raise of interest by 63% from different age ranges and professions. Regardless, the research being fairly new for Mykonos island and logistics issues potentially affected systemic sampling, it appeared that plastic debris is the main littering source attributed, possibly to the intense touristic activity of the island all year around. However, marine environmental awareness activities were pointed out to be an effective tool in forming public perception against marine debris and, alter the daily habits of local society. Since the beginning of this project, three new local environmental teams were formed against marine pollution supported by the local authorities and stakeholders. The continuous need and request for the production of items made by recycled marine debris appeared to be beneficial socio-economically to the local community and actions are taken to expand the project nationally. Finally, as an ongoing project and whilst, new scientific information is collected, further funding and research is needed.Keywords: Greece, marine debris, marine environmental awareness, Mykonos island, plastics debris, plastic granulation, recycled plastic, tourism, waste management
Procedia PDF Downloads 112989 Calculating Quantity of Steel Bar Placed in Mesh Form in a Circular Slab or Dome
Authors: Karam Chand Gupta
When steel reinforcement is placed in mesh form in circular concrete slab at base or domes at top in case of over head service reservoir or any other structure, it is difficult to estimate/measure the total quantity of steel that would be needed or placed. For the purpose of calculating the total length of the steel bars, at present, the practice is – the length of each bar is measured and then added up. This is tiresome and time consuming process. I have derived a mathematics formula with the help of which we can calculate in one line the quantity of total steel that will be needed. This will not only make it easy and time saving but also avoids any error in making entries and calculations.Keywords: dome, mesh, slab, steel
Procedia PDF Downloads 685988 To Evaluate the Function of Cardiac Viability After Administration of I131
Authors: Baburao Ganpat Apte, Gajodhar
Introduction: diopathic Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the most common neurodegenerative disorder. Early PD may present a diagnostic challenge with broad differential diagnoses that are not associated with striatal dopamine deficiency. This test was performed by using special type of radioactive precursor which was made available through our logistics. 131I-TOPA L-6-[131I] Iodo-3,4-Trihydroxyphenylalnine (131I -TOPA) is a positron emission tomography (PET) agent that measures the uptake of dopamine precursors for assessment of presynaptic dopaminergic integrity and has been shown to accurately reflect the sign of nervous mind going in patients suffers from monoaminergic disturbances in PD. Both qualitative and quantitative analyses of the scans were performed. Therefore, the early clinical diagnosis alone may be accurate and this reinforces the importance of functional imaging targeting the patholigically of the disease process. The patient’s medical records were then assessed for length of follow-up, response to levotopa, clinical course of sickness, and usually though of symptoms at time of 131I -TOPA PET. A respective analysis was carried out for all patients that gone through 131I -TOPA PET brain scan for motor symptoms suspicious for PD between 2000 - 2006. The eventual diagnosis by the referring neurologist, movement therapist, physiotherapist, was used as the accurate measurements in standard for further analysis. In this study, our goal to illustrate our local experience to determine the accuracy of 131I -TOPA PET for diagnosis of PD. We studied a total of 48 patients. Of the 25 scans, it found that one was a false negative, 40 were true positives, and 7 were true negatives. The resultant values are Sensitivity 90.4% (95% CI: 100%-71.3%), Specificity 100% (92% CI: 100%-58.0%), PPV 100% (91% CI 100%-75.7%), and NPV 80.5% (95% CI: 92.5%-48.5%). Result: Twenty-three patients were found in the initial query, and 1 were excluded (2 uncertain diagnosis, 2 inadequate follow-up). Twenty-eight patients (28 scans) remained with 15 males (62%) and 8 females (30%). All the patients had a clinical follow-up of at least 3 years, however the median length of follow-up was 5.5 years (range: 2-8 years). The median age at scan time was 51.2 years (range: 35-75)Keywords: 18F-TOPA, petct, parkinson’s disease, cardiac
Procedia PDF Downloads 30987 Application of Neuroscience in Aligning Instructional Design to Student Learning Style
Authors: Jayati Bhattacharjee
Teaching is a very dynamic profession. Teaching Science is as much challenging as Learning the subject if not more. For instance teaching of Chemistry. From the introductory concepts of subatomic particles to atoms of elements and their symbols and further presenting the chemical equation and so forth is a challenge on both side of the equation Teaching Learning. This paper combines the Neuroscience of Learning and memory with the knowledge of Learning style (VAK) and presents an effective tool for the teacher to authenticate Learning. The model of ‘Working Memory’, the Visio-spatial sketchpad, the central executive and the phonological loop that transforms short-term memory to long term memory actually supports the psychological theory of Learning style i.e. Visual –Auditory-Kinesthetic. A closer examination of David Kolbe’s learning model suggests that learning requires abilities that are polar opposites, and that the learner must continually choose which set of learning abilities he or she will use in a specific learning situation. In grasping experience some of us perceive new information through experiencing the concrete, tangible, felt qualities of the world, relying on our senses and immersing ourselves in concrete reality. Others tend to perceive, grasp, or take hold of new information through symbolic representation or abstract conceptualization – thinking about, analyzing, or systematically planning, rather than using sensation as a guide. Similarly, in transforming or processing experience some of us tend to carefully watch others who are involved in the experience and reflect on what happens, while others choose to jump right in and start doing things. The watchers favor reflective observation, while the doers favor active experimentation. Any lesson plan based on the model of Prescriptive design: C+O=M (C: Instructional condition; O: Instructional Outcome; M: Instructional method). The desired outcome and conditions are independent variables whereas the instructional method is dependent hence can be planned and suited to maximize the learning outcome. The assessment for learning rather than of learning can encourage, build confidence and hope amongst the learners and go a long way to replace the anxiety and hopelessness that a student experiences while learning Science with a human touch in it. Application of this model has been tried in teaching chemistry to high school students as well as in workshops with teachers. The response received has proven the desirable results.Keywords: working memory model, learning style, prescriptive design, assessment for learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 352986 Intercultural Competencies as a Means to Rethink the Pedagogies of Diversity in Latin America
Authors: Marcelo Jose Cabarcas Ortega, Lissette Herrera, Juan Carlos Lemus Stave
This work makes a rather theoretical reflection on a pedagogical response against the coloniality of knowledge and power. The purpose here is to reflect on the challenges and opportunities it opens up in the educational field. No doubt, ours derived in a more abstract than concrete reflection. The quest, nevertheless, to stimulate the interest in a non-violent, non-contemptuous education able to balance, improves and if necessary, transforms the relationships that have made it a space of privilege and exclusion. We all know the school has found itself in need of rethinking diversity while developing awareness of its own role in reproducing inequality. Intercultural education may provide an answer to that hurry when fostering critical awareness and dialogue.Keywords: decoloniality, coloniality of power, diversity, interculturality
Procedia PDF Downloads 234985 A Radioprotective Effect of Nanoceria (CNPs), Magnetic Flower-Like Iron Oxide Microparticles (FIOMPs), and Vitamins C and E on Irradiated BSA Protein
Authors: Hajar Zarei, AliAkbar Zarenejadatashgah, Vuk Uskoković, Hiroshi Watabe
The reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated by radiation in nuclear diagnostic imaging and radiotherapy could damage the structure of the proteins in noncancerous cells surrounding the tumor. The critical factor in many age-related diseases, such as Alzheimer, Parkinson, or Huntington diseases, is the oxidation of proteins by the ROS as molecular triggers of the given pathologies. Our studies by spectroscopic experiments showed doses close to therapeutic ones (1 to 5 Gy) could lead to changes of secondary and tertiary structures in BSA protein macromolecule as a protein model as well as the aggregation of polypeptide chain but without the fragmentation. For this reason, we investigated the radioprotective effects of natural (vitamin C and E) and synthetic materials (CNPs and FIOMPs) on the structural changes in BSA protein induced by gamma irradiation at a therapeutic dose (3Gy). In the presence of both vitamins and synthetic materials, the spectroscopic studies revealed that irradiated BSA was protected from the structural changes caused by ROS, according to in vitro research. The radioprotective property of CNPs and FIOMPs arises from enzyme mimetic activities (catalase, superoxide dismutase, and peroxidase) and their antioxidant capability against hydroxyl radicals. In the case of FIOMPs, a porous structure also leads to increased ROS recombination with each other in the same radiolytic track and subsequently decreased encounters with BSA. The hydrophilicity of vitamin C resulted in the major scavenging of ROS in the solvent, whereas hydrophobic vitamin E localized on the nonpolar patches of the BSA surface, where it did not only neutralize them thanks to the moderate BSA binding constant but also formed a barrier for diffusing ROS. To the best of our knowledge, there has been a persistent lack of studies investigating the radioactive effect of mentioned materials on proteins. Therefore, the results of our studies can open a new widow for application of these common dietary ingredients and new synthetic NPs in improving the safety of radiotherapy.Keywords: reactive oxygen species, spectroscopy, bovine serum albumin, gamma radiation, radioprotection
Procedia PDF Downloads 87984 Influence of Existing Foundations on Soil-Structure Interaction of New Foundations in a Reconstruction Project
Authors: Kanagarajah Ravishankar
This paper describes a study performed for a project featuring an elevated steel bridge structure supported by various types of foundation systems. This project focused on rehabilitation or redesign of a portion of the bridge substructures founded on caisson foundations. The study that this paper focuses on is the evaluation of foundation and soil stiffnesses and interactions between the existing caissons and proposed foundations. The caisson foundations were founded on top of rock, where the depth to the top of rock varies from approximately 50 to 140 feet below ground surface. Based on a comprehensive investigation of the existing piers and caissons, the presence of ASR was suspected from observed whitish deposits on cracked surfaces as well as internal damages sustained through the entire depth of foundation structures. Reuse of existing piers and caissons was precluded and deemed unsuitable under the earthquake condition because of these defects on the structures. The proposed design of new foundations and substructures which was selected ultimately neglected the contribution from the existing caisson and pier columns. Due to the complicated configuration between the existing caisson and the proposed foundation system, three-dimensional finite element method (FEM) was employed to evaluate soil-structure interaction (SSI), to evaluate the effect of the existing caissons on the proposed foundations, and to compare the results with conventional group analysis. The FEM models include separate models for existing caissons, proposed foundations, and combining both.Keywords: soil-structure interaction, foundation stiffness, finite element, seismic design
Procedia PDF Downloads 140983 Zingiberaceous Plants as a Source of Anti-Bacterial Activity: Targeting Bacterial Cell Division Protein (FtsZ)
Authors: S. Reshma Reghu, Shiburaj Sugathan, T. G. Nandu, K. B. Ramesh Kumar, Mathew Dan
Bacterial diseases are considered to be one of the most prevalent health hazards in the developing world and many bacteria are becoming resistant to existing antibiotics making the treatment ineffective. Thus, it is necessary to find novel targets and develop new antibacterial drugs with a novel mechanism of action. The process of bacterial cell division is a novel and attractive target for new antibacterial drug discovery. FtsZ, a homolog of eukaryotic tubulin, is the major protein of the bacterial cell division machinery and is considered as an important antibacterial drug target. Zingiberaceae, the Ginger family consists of aromatic herbs with creeping rhizomes. Many of these plants have antimicrobial properties.This study aimed to determine the anti-bacterial activity of selected Zingiberaceous plants by targeting bacterial cell division protein, FtsZ. Essential oils and methanol extracts of Amomum ghaticum, Alpinia galanga, Kaempferia galanga, K. rotunda, and Zingiber officinale were tested to find its antibacterial efficiency using disc diffusion method against authentic bacterial strains obtained from MTCC (India). Essential oil isolated from A.galanga and Z.officinale were further assayed for FtsZ inhibition assay following non-radioactive malachite green-phosphomolybdate assay using E. coli FtsZ protein obtained from Cytoskelton Inc., USA. Z.officinale essential oil possess FtsZ inhibitory property. A molecular docking study was conducted with the known bioactive compounds of Z. officinale as ligands with the E. coli FtsZ protein homology model. Some of the major constituents of this plant like catechin, epicatechin, and gingerol possess agreeable docking scores. The results of this study revealed that several chemical constituents in Ginger plants can be utilised as potential source of antibacterial activity and it can warrant further investigation through drug discovery studies.Keywords: antibacterial, FtsZ, zingiberaceae, docking
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