Search results for: nickel oxide nanoparticles
1041 Corrosion Behavior of Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Coatings Fabricated by Electrostatic Method
Authors: Mohammed Ahmed, Ziba Nazarlou
Mild steels have a limited alloying content which makes them vulnerable to excessive corrosion rates in the harsh medium. To overcome this issue, some protective coatings are used to prevent corrosion on the steel surface. The use of specialized coatings, mainly organic coatings (such as epoxies, polyurethanes, and acrylics) and inorganic coatings (such as Polysiloxanes) is the most common method of mitigating corrosion of carbon steel. Incorporating the benefits of organic and inorganic hybrid (OIH) compounds for the designing of hybrid protective coatings is still challenging for industrial applications. There are advantages of inorganic coatings have, but purely inorganic siloxane-based coatings are difficult to use on industrial applications unless they are used at extremely low thicknesses (< 1-2 microns). Hence, most industrial applications try to have a combination of Polysiloxanes with organic compounds. A hybrid coating possesses an organic section, which transports flexibility and impact resistance, and an inorganic section, which usually helps in the decreasing of porosity and increasing thermal stability and hardness. A number of polymers including polyethylene glycol and polyvinyl pyrrolidone have been reported to inhibit the corrosion mild steel in acidic media. However, reports on the effect of polyethylene oxide (PEO) or its blends on corrosion inhibition of metals is very scarce. Different composition of OIH coatings was synthesized by using silica sol-gel, epoxy, and PEO. The effect of different coating types on the corrosion behavior of carbon steel in harsh solution has been studied by weight loss and electrochemical measurements using Gamry 1000 Interface Potentiostat. Coating structures were investigated by SEM. İt revealed a considerable reduction in corrosion rate for coated sample. Based on these results, OIH coating prepared by epoxy-silica sol gel-PEO and epoxy-silica sol-gel exhibit had a %99.5 and %98 reduction of (Corrosion rate) CR compares to baseline. Cathodic Tafel constant (βc) shows that coatings change both Tafel constants but had more effect on the cathodic process. The evolution of the Potentiostatic scan with time displays stability in potential, some of them in a high value while the other in a low value which can be attributed to the formation of an oxide film covering substrate surface. The coated samples with the group of epoxy coating have a lower potential along with the time test, while the silica group shows higher in potential with respect to time.Keywords: electrostatic, hybrid coating, corrosion tests, silica sol gel
Procedia PDF Downloads 1181040 Binder-Free Porous Photocathode Based on Cuprous Oxide for High-Performing P-Type Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
Authors: Marinela Miclau, Melinda Vajda, Nicolae Miclau, Daniel Ursu
Characterized by a simple structure, easy and low cost fabrication, the dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC) attracted the interest of the scientific community as an attractive alternative of conventional Si-based solar cells and thin-film solar cells. Over the past 20 years, the main efforts have attempted to enhance the efficiency of n-type DSSCs, the highest efficiency record of 14.30% was achieved using the co-sensitization of two metal-free organic dyes and Co (II/III) tris(phenanthroline)-based redox electrolyte. In the last years, the development of the efficient p-type DSSC has become a research focus owing to the fact that the concept of tandem solar cell was proposed as the solution to increase the power conversion efficiency. A promising alternative for the photocathodes of p-type DSSC, cuprous (Cu2O) and cupric (CuO) oxides have been investigated because of its nontoxic nature, low cost, high natural abundance, a good absorption coefficient for visible light and a higher dielectric constant than NiO. In case of p-type DSSC based on copper oxides with I3-/I- as redox mediator, the highest conversion efficiency of 0.42% (Cu2O) and 0.03% (CuO) has achieved. Towards the increase in the performance, we have fabricated and analyzed the performance of p-type DSSC prepared with the binder-free porous Cu2O photocathodes. Porous thin film could be an attractive alternative for DSSC because of their large surface areas which enable the efficient absorption of the dyes and light. We propose a simple and one-step hydrothermal method for the preparation of porous Cu2O thin film using copper substrate, cupric acetate and ethyl cellulose. The cubic structure of Cu2O has been determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and porous morphology of thin film was emphasized by Scanning Electron Microscope Inspect S (SEM). Optical and Mott-Schottky measurements attest of the high quality of the Cu2O thin film. The binder-free porous Cu2O photocathode has confirmed the excellent photovoltaic properties, the best value reported for p-type DSSC (1%) in similar conditions being reached.Keywords: cuprous oxide, dye-sensitized solar cell, hydrothermal method, porous photocathode
Procedia PDF Downloads 1681039 Insights on Nitric Oxide Interaction with Phytohormones in Rice Root System Response to Metal Stress
Authors: Piacentini Diego, Della Rovere Federica, Fattorini Laura, Lanni Francesca, Cittadini Martina, Altamura Maria Maddalena, Falasca Giuseppina
Plants have evolved sophisticated mechanisms to cope with environmental cues. Changes in intracellular content and distribution of phytohormones, such as the auxin indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), have been involved in morphogenic adaptation to environmental stresses. In addition to phytohormones, plants can rely on a plethora of small signal molecules able to promptly sense and transduce the stress signals, resulting in morpho/physiological responses thanks also to their capacity to modulate the levels/distribution/reception of most hormones. Among these signaling molecules, nitrogen monoxide (nitric oxide – NO) is a critical component in several plant acclimation strategies to both biotic and abiotic stresses. Depending on its levels, NO increases plant adaptation by enhancing the enzymatic or non-enzymatic antioxidant systems or by acting as a direct scavenger of reactive oxygen/nitrogen (ROS/RNS) species produced during the stress. In addition, exogenous applications of NO-specific donor compounds showed the involvement of the signal molecule in auxin metabolism, transport, and signaling, under both physiological and stress conditions. However, the complex mechanisms underlying NO action in interacting with phytohormones, such as auxins, during metal stress responses are still poorly understood and need to be better investigated. Emphasis must be placed on the response of the root system since it is the first plant organ system to be exposed to metal soil pollution. The monocot Oryza sativa L. (rice) has been chosen given its importance as a stable food for some 4 billion people worldwide. In addition, increasing evidence has shown that rice is often grown in contaminated paddy soils with high levels of heavy metal cadmium (Cd) and metalloid arsenic (As). The facility through which these metals are taken up by rice roots and transported to the aerial organs up to the edible caryopses makes rice one of the most relevant sources of these pollutants for humans. This study aimed to evaluate if NO has a mitigatory activity in the roots of rice seedlings against Cd or As toxicity and to understand if this activity requires interactions with auxin. Our results show that exogenous treatments with the NO-donor SNP alleviate the stress induced by Cd, but not by As, in in-vitro-grown rice seedlings through increased intracellular root NO levels. The damages induced by the pollutants include root growth inhibition, root histological alterations and ROS (H2O2, O2●ˉ), and RNS (ONOOˉ) production. Also, SNP treatments mitigate both the root increase in root IAA levels and the IAA alteration in distribution monitored by the OsDR5::GUS system due to the toxic metal exposure. Notably, the SNP-induced mitigation of the IAA homeostasis altered by the pollutants does not involve changes in the expression of OsYUCCA1 and ASA2 IAA-biosynthetic genes. Taken together, the results highlight a mitigating role of NO in the rice root system, which is pollutant-specific, and involves the interaction of the signal molecule with both IAA and brassinosteroids at different (i.e., transport, levels, distribution) and multiple levels (i.e., transcriptional/post-translational levels). The research is supported by Progetti Ateneo Sapienza University of Rome, grant number: RG120172B773D1FFKeywords: arsenic, auxin, cadmium, nitric oxide, rice, root system
Procedia PDF Downloads 801038 Anti-Neuroinflammatory and Anti-Apoptotic Efficacy of Equol, against Lipopolysaccharide Activated Microglia and Its Neurotoxicity
Authors: Lalita Subedi, Jae Kyoung Chae, Yong Un Park, Cho Kyo Hee, Lee Jae Hyuk, Kang Min Cheol, Sun Yeou Kim
Neuroinflammation may mediate the relationship between low levels of estrogens and neurodegenerative disease. Estrogens are neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory in neurodegenerative disease models. Due to the long term side effects of estrogens, researches have been focused on finding an effective phytoestrogens for biological activities. Daidzein present in soybeans and its active metabolite equol (7-hydroxy-3-(4'-hydroxyphenyl)-chroman) bears strong antioxidant and anticancer showed more potent anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective role in neuroinflammatory model confirmed its in vitro activity with molecular mechanism through NF-κB pathway. Three major CNS cells Microglia (BV-2), Astrocyte (C6), Neuron (N2a) were used to find the effect of equol in inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), cyclooxygenase (COX-2), MAPKs signaling proteins, apoptosis related proteins by western blot analysis. Nitric oxide (NO) and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) was measured by the Gries method and ELISA, respectively. Cytokines like tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and IL-6 were also measured in the conditioned medium of LPS activated cells with or without equol. Equol inhibited the NO production, PGE-2 production and expression of COX-2 and iNOS in LPS-stimulated microglial cells at a dose dependent without any cellular toxicity. At the same time Equol also showed promising effect in modulation of MAPK’s and nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) expression with significant inhibition of the production of proinflammatory cytokine like interleukin -6 (IL-6), and tumor necrosis factor -α (TNF-α). Additionally, it inhibited the LPS activated microglia-induced neuronal cell death by downregulating the apoptotic phenomenon in neuronal cells. Furthermore, equol increases the production of neurotrophins like NGF and increase the neurite outgrowth as well. In conclusion the natural daidzein metabolite equol are more active than daidzein, which showed a promising effectiveness as an anti-neuroinflammatory and neuroprotective agent via downregulating the LPS stimulated microglial activation and neuronal apoptosis. This work was supported by Brain Korea 21 Plus project and High Value-added Food Technology Development Program 114006-4, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs.Keywords: apoptosis, equol, neuroinflammation, phytoestrogen
Procedia PDF Downloads 3621037 Understanding the Accumulation of Microplastics in Riverbeds and Soils
Authors: Gopala Krishna Darbha
Microplastics (MPs) are secondary fragments of large-sized plastic debris released into the environment and fall in the size range of less than 5 mm. Though reports indicate the abundance of MPs in both riverine and soil environments, their fate is still not completely understood due to the complexity of natural conditions. Mineral particles are ubiquitous in the rivers and may play a vital role in accumulating MPs to the riverbed, thus affecting the benthic life and posing a threat to the river's health. Apart, the chemistry (pH, ionic strength, humics) at the interface can be very prominent. The MPs can also act as potential vectors to transport other contaminants in the environment causing secondary water pollution. The present study focuses on understanding the interaction of MPs with weathering sequence of minerals (feldspar, kaolinite and gibbsite) under batch mode under relevant environmental and natural conditions. Simultaneously, we performed stability studies and transport (column) experiments to understand the mobility of MPs under varying soil solutions (SS) chemistry and the influence of contaminants (CuO nanoparticles). Results showed that the charge and morphology of the gibbsite played an significant role in sorption of NPs (108.1 mg/g) compared to feldspar (7.7 mg/g) and kaolinite (11.9 mg/g). The Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy data supports the complexation of NPs with gibbsite particles via hydrogen bonding. In case of feldspar and kaolinite, a weak interaction with NPs was observed which can be due to electrostatic repulsions and low surface area to volume ration of the mineral particles. The study highlights the enhanced mobility in presence of feldspar and kaolinite while gibbsite rich zones can cause entrapment of NPs accumulating in the riverbeds. In the case of soils, in the absence of MPs, a very high aggregation of CuO NPs observed in SS extracted from black, lateritic, and red soils, which can be correlated with ionic strength (IS) and type of ionic species. The sedimentation rate (Ksed(1/h)) for CuO NPs was >0.5 h−1 in the case of these SS. Interestingly, the stability and sedimentation behavior of CuO NPs varied significantly in the presence of MPs. The Ksed for CuO NPs decreased to half and found <0.25 h−1 in the presence of MPs in all SS. C/C0 values in breakthrough curves increased drastically (black < alluvial < laterite < red) in the presence of MPs. Results suggest that the release of MPs in the terrestrial ecosystem is a potential threat leading to increased mobility of metal nanoparticles in the environment.Keywords: microplastics, minerals, sorption, soils
Procedia PDF Downloads 901036 Preliminary Phytopharmacological Evaluation of Methanol and Petroleum Ether Extracts of Selected Vegetables of Bangladesh
Authors: A. Mohammad Abdul Motalib Momin, B. Sheikh Mohammad Adil Uddin, C. Md Mamunur Rashid, D. Sheikh Arman Mahbub, E. Mohammad Sazzad Rahman, F. Abdullah Faruque
The present study was designed to investigate the antioxidant and cytotoxicity potential of methanol and pet ether extracts of the Lagenaria siceraria (LM, LP), Cucumis sativus (CSM, CSP), Cucurbita maxima (CMM, CMP) plants. For the phytochemical screening, crude extract was tested for the presence of different chemical groups. In Lagenaria siceraria the following groups were identified: alkaloids, steroids, glycosides and saponins for methanol extract and alkaloids, steroids, glycosides, tannins and saponins are for pet ether extract. Glycosides, steroids, alkaloids, saponins and tannins are present in the methanol extract of Cucumis sativus; the pet ether extract has the alkaloids, steroids and saponins. Glycosides, steroids, alkaloids, saponins and tannins are present in both the methanolic and pet ether extract of Cucurbita maxima. In vitro antioxidant activity of the extracts were performed using DPPH radical scavenging, nitric oxide (NO) scavenging, total antioxidant capacity, total phenol content, total flavonoid content, and Cupric Reducing Antioxidant Capacity assays. The most prominent antioxidant activity was observed with the CSM in the DPPH free radical scavenging test with an IC50 value of 1667.23±11.00271 μg/ml as opposed to that of standard ascorbic acid (IC50 value of 15.707± 1.181 μg/ml.) In total antioxidant capacity method, CMP showed the highest activity (427.81±11.4 mg ascorbic acid/g). The total phenolic and flavonoids content were determined by Folin-Ciocalteu Reagent and aluminium chloride colorimetric method, respectively. The highest total phenols and total flavonoids content were found in CMM and LP with the value of 79.06±16.06 mg gallic acid/g & 119.0±1.41 mg quercetin/g, respectively. In nitric oxide (NO) scavenging the most prominent antioxidant activity was observed in CMM with an IC50 value of 8.119± 0.0036 μg/ml. The Cupric reducing capacity of the extracts was strong and dose dependent manner and CSM showed lowest reducing capacity. The cytotoxicity was determined by Brine shrimp lethality test and among these extracts most potent cytotoxicity was shown by CMM with LC50 value 16.98 µg/ml. The obtained results indicate that the investigated plants could be potential sources of natural antioxidants and can be used for various types of diseases.Keywords: antioxidant, cytotoxicity, methanol, petroleum ether
Procedia PDF Downloads 5781035 Microstructure of Ti – AlN Composite Produced by Selective Laser Melting
Authors: Jaroslaw Mizera, Pawel Wisniewski, Ryszard Sitek
Selective Laser Melting (SLM) is an advanced additive manufacturing technique used for producing parts made of wide range of materials such as: austenitic steel, titanium, nickel etc. In the our experiment we produced a Ti-AlN composite from a mixture of titanium and aluminum nitride respectively 70% at. and 30% at. using SLM technique. In order to define the size of powder particles, laser diffraction tests were performed on HORIBA LA-950 device. The microstructure and chemical composition of the composite was examined by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The chemical composition in micro areas of the obtained samples was determined by of EDS. The phase composition was analyzed by X-ray phase analysis (XRD). Microhardness Vickers tests were performed using Zwick/Roell microhardness machine under the load of 0.2kG (HV0.2). Hardness measurements were made along the building (xy) and along the plane of the lateral side of the cuboid (xz). The powder used for manufacturing of the samples had a mean particle size of 41μm. It was homogenous with a spherical shape. The specimens were built chiefly from Ti, TiN and AlN. The dendritic microstructure was porous and fine-grained. Some of the aluminum nitride remained unmelted but no porosity was observed in the interface. The formed material was characterized by high hardness exceeding 700 HV0.2 over the entire cross-section.Keywords: Selective Laser Melting, Composite, SEM, microhardness
Procedia PDF Downloads 1391034 Analyzing the Causes Behind Gas Turbine Blade Failure: A Comprehensive Case Study
Authors: Med. A. Djeridane, M. Ferhat, H. A. Benhorma, O. Bouledroua
This research is dedicated to exploring the failure of a turbine blade within a gas transportation plant, with a primary focus on conducting a comprehensive examination through advanced metallurgical and mechanical analyses of the identified failed blade. Crafted from the nickel superalloy Inconel IN738LC, the turbine engine had accumulated approximately 61,000 operational hours before the blades failed, causing severe damage to the transportation plant and necessitating a prolonged shutdown. The investigative procedure commenced with an in-depth visual inspection of the blade surfaces, succeeded by fractography analysis of the fracture surfaces, microstructural investigations, chemical analysis, and hardness measurements. The findings unveiled distinctive fatigue marks on the fracture surface. Critical microstructural changes were identified as a consequence of the blade's operation at high temperatures. The investigation determined that the crack initiation resulted from coating damage at the leading edge, subsequently propagating through fatigue. Ultimately, due to a reduction in cross-sectional area, the fracture was completed. This comprehensive analysis sheds light on the intricate factors contributing to turbine blade failure and offers valuable insights for enhancing operational reliability in similar environments.Keywords: gas turbine, blade failure, TCP phases, fatigue, quantitative analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 611033 Functionally Modified Melt-Electrospun Thermoplastic Polyurethane (TPU) Mats for Wound-Dressing Applications
Authors: Christoph Hacker, Zeynep Karahaliloglu, Gunnar Seide, Emir Baki Denkbas, Thomas Gries
A wound dressing material is designed to facilitate wound healing and minimize scarring. An ideal wound dressing material should protect the wound from any contaminations of exogeneous microorganism. In addition, the dressing material should provide a moist environment through extraction of body fluid from the wound area. Recently, wound dressing electrospun nanofibrous membranes are produced by electrospinning from a polymer solution or a polymer melt. These materials have a great potential as dressing materials for wound healing because of superior properties such as high surface-to-volume ratio, high porosity with excellent pore interconnectivity. Melt electrospinning is an attractive tissue engineering scaffold manufacturing process which eliminated the health risk posed by organic solvents used in electrospinning process and reduced the production costs. In this study, antibacterial wound dressing materials were prepared from TPU (Elastollan 1185A) by a melt-electrospinning technique. The electrospinning parameters for an efficient melt-electrospinning process of TPU were optimized. The surface of the fibers was modified with poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) by radio-frequency glow discharge plasma deposition method and with silver nanoparticles (nAg) to improve their wettability and antimicrobial properties. TPU melt-electrospun mats were characterized using SEM, DSC, TGA and XPS. The cell viability and proliferation on modified melt-electrospun TPU mats were evaluated using a mouse fibroblast cell line (L929). Antibacterial effects of theirs against both Staphylococcus aureus strain and Escherichia coli were investigated by disk-diffusion method. TPU was successfully processed into a porous, fibrous network of beadless fibers in the micrometer range (4.896±0.94 µm) with a voltage of 50 kV, a working distance of 6 cm, a temperature of the thermocouple and hot coil of 225–230ºC, and a flow rate of 0.1 mL/h. The antibacterial test indicated that PEG-modified nAg-loaded TPU melt-electrospun structure had excellent antibacterial effects and cell study results demonstrated that nAg-loaded TPU mats had no cytotoxic effect on the fibroblast cells. In this work, the surface of a melt-electrospun TPU mats was modified via PEG monomer and then nAg. Results showed melt-electrospun TPU mats modified with PEG and nAg have a great potential for use as an antibacterial wound dressing material and thus, requires further investigation.Keywords: melt electrospinning, nanofiber, silver nanoparticles, wound dressing
Procedia PDF Downloads 4621032 Synthesis of Iron Oxide Doped Zeolite: An Antimicrobial Nanomaterial for Drinking Water Purification Applications
Authors: Muhammad Zeeshan, Rabia Nazir, Lubna Tahir
Low cost filter based on iron doped zeolite (Fe-Z) and pottery clay was developed for an effective and efficient treatment of the drinking water contaminated with microbes. Fe-Z was characterized using powder XRD, SEM and EDX and shown to have average particle size of 49 nm with spongy appearance. The simulated samples of water self-contaminated with six microbes (S. typhi, B. subtilus, E. coli, S. aures, K. pneumoniae, and P. aeruginosa) after treatment with Fe-Z indicated effective removal of all the microbes in less than 30 min. Equally good results were obtained when actual drinking water samples, totally unfit for human consumption, were treated with Fe-Z.Keywords: iron doped zeolite, biological and chemical treatment, drinking water
Procedia PDF Downloads 4481031 Photocatalytic Disintegration of Naphthalene and Naphthalene Similar Compounds in Indoors Air
Authors: Tobias Schnabel
Naphthalene and naphthalene similar compounds are a common problem in the indoor air of buildings from the 1960s and 1970s in Germany. Often tar containing roof felt was used under the concrete floor to prevent humidity to come through the floor. This tar containing roof felt has high concentrations of PAH (Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon) and naphthalene. Naphthalene easily evaporates and contaminates the indoor air. Especially after renovations and energetically modernization of the buildings, the naphthalene concentration rises because no forced air exchange can happen. Because of this problem, it is often necessary to change the floors after renovation of the buildings. The MFPA Weimar (Material research and testing facility) developed in cooperation a project with LEJ GmbH and Reichmann Gebäudetechnik GmbH. It is a technical solution for the disintegration of naphthalene in naphthalene, similar compounds in indoor air with photocatalytic reforming. Photocatalytic systems produce active oxygen species (hydroxyl radicals) through trading semiconductors on a wavelength of their bandgap. The light energy separates the charges in the semiconductor and produces free electrons in the line tape and defect electrons. The defect electrons can react with hydroxide ions to hydroxyl radicals. The produced hydroxyl radicals are a strong oxidation agent, and can oxidate organic matter to carbon dioxide and water. During the research, new titanium oxide catalysator surface coatings were developed. This coating technology allows the production of very porous titan oxide layer on temperature stable carrier materials. The porosity allows the naphthalene to get easily absorbed by the surface coating, what accelerates the reaction of the heterogeneous photocatalysis. The photocatalytic reaction is induced by high power and high efficient UV-A (ultra violet light) Leds with a wavelength of 365nm. Various tests in emission chambers and on the reformer itself show that a reduction of naphthalene in important concentrations between 2 and 250 µg/m³ is possible. The disintegration rate was at least 80%. To reduce the concentration of naphthalene from 30 µg/m³ to a level below 5 µg/m³ in a usual 50 ² classroom, an energy of 6 kWh is needed. The benefits of the photocatalytic indoor air treatment are that every organic compound in the air can be disintegrated and reduced. The use of new photocatalytic materials in combination with highly efficient UV leds make a safe and energy efficient reduction of organic compounds in indoor air possible. At the moment the air cleaning systems take the step from prototype stage into the usage in real buildings.Keywords: naphthalene, titandioxide, indoor air, photocatalysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 1441030 Influence of Acceptor Dopant on the Physicochemical and Transport Properties of Textured BaCe0.5Zr0.3ln0.2O3−Δ Materials (Ln = Yb, Y, Cd, Sm, Nd)
Authors: J. Lyagaeva, D. Medvedev, A. Brouzgou, A. Demin, P. Tsiakaras
The investigation of highly conductive and chemically stable electrolytes for solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) is a necessity. The aim of the present work is to study the influence of acceptor dopant on the functional properties of textured BaCe0.5Zr0.3Ln0.2O3−δ (Ln = Yb, Y, Gd, Sm, Nd) ceramics. The X-Ray diffraction analysis, scanning electron microscopy, dilatometry and 4-probe dc method of conductivity measurements were used. It was found that the mean grain size of ceramics increases (from 1.4 to 3.2 μm), thermal expansion coefficient grows (from 7.6•10–6 to 10.7•10–6 К–1), but ionic conductivity decreases (from 14 to 3 mS cm–1 at 900°С), when ionic radii of impurity acceptor increases from 0.868 Å (Yb3+) to 0.983 Å (Nd3+).Keywords: acceptor dopant, crystal structure, proton-conducting, SOFC
Procedia PDF Downloads 3711029 Nanoparticles on Biological Biomarquers Models: Paramecium Tetraurelia and Helix aspersa
Authors: H. Djebar, L. Khene, M. Boucenna, M. R. Djebar, M. N. Khebbeb, M. Djekoun
Currently in toxicology, use of alternative models permits to understand the mechanisms of toxicity at different levels of cells. Objectives of our research concern the determination of NPs ZnO, TiO2, AlO2, and FeO2 effect on ciliate protist freshwater Paramecium sp and Helix aspersa. The result obtained show that NPs increased antioxidative enzyme activity like catalase, glutathione –S-transferase and level GSH. Also, cells treated with high concentrations of NPs showed a high level of MDA. In conclusion, observations from growth and enzymatic parameters suggest on one hand that treatment with NPs provokes an oxidative stress and on the other that snale and paramecium are excellent alternatives models for ecotoxicological studies.Keywords: NPs, GST, catalase, GSH, MDA, toxicity, snale and paramecium
Procedia PDF Downloads 2831028 Activated Carbons Prepared from Date Pits for Hydrogen Storage
Authors: M. Belhachemi, M. Monteiro de Castro, M. Casco, A. Sepúlveda-Escribano, F. Rodríguez-Reinoso
In this study, activated carbons were prepared from Algerian date pits using thermal activation with CO2 or steam. The prepared activated carbons were doped by vanadium oxide in order to increase the H2 adsorption capacity. The adsorbents were characterized by N2 and CO2 adsorption at 77 K and 273K, respectively. The hydrogen adsorption experiments were carried at 298K in the 0–100 bar pressure range using a volumetric equipment. The results show that the H2 adsorption capacity is influenced by the size and volume of micropores in the activated carbon adsorbent. Furthermore, vanadium doping of activated carbons has a slight positive effect on H2 storage.Keywords: hydrogen storage, activated carbon, vanadium doping, adsorption
Procedia PDF Downloads 5721027 An Enhanced Room Temperature Magnetic Refrigerator Based on Nanofluid: From Theoretical Study to Design
Authors: Moulay Youssef El Hafidi
In this research, an enhanced room-temperature magnetic refrigerator based on nanofluid, consisting of permanent magnets as a magnetism source, gadolinium as magnetocaloric material, water as base liquid, and carbon nanotubes (CNT) as nanoparticles, has been designed. The magnetic field is supplied by NdFeB permanent magnets and is about 1.3 Tesla. Two similar heat exchangers are employed to absorb and expel heat. The cycle performance of this self-designed device is analyzed theoretically. The results provide useful data for future optimization of room-temperature magnetic refrigeration using nanofluids.Keywords: magnetic cooling, nanofluid, gadolinium, permanent magnets, heat exchange
Procedia PDF Downloads 831026 Gradations in Concentration of Heavy and Mineral Elements with Distance and Depth of Soil in the Vicinity of Auto Mechanic Workshops in Sabon Gari, Kaduna State, Nigeria
Authors: E. D. Paul, H. Otanwa, O. F. Paul, A. J. Salifu, J. E. Toryila, C. E. Gimba
The concentration levels of six heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Fe, Ni, Pb, and Zn) and two mineral elements (Ca and Mg) were determined in soil samples collected from the vicinity of two auto mechanic workshops in Sabon-Gari, Kaduna state, Nigeria, using Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS), in order to compare the gradation of their concentrations with distance and depth of soil from the workshop sites. At site 1, concentrations of lead, chromium, iron, and zinc were generally found to be above the World Health Organization limits, while those of Nickel and Cadmium fell within the limits. Iron had the highest concentration with a range of 176.274 ppm to 489.127 ppm at depths of 5 cm to 15 cm and a distance range of 5 m to 15 m, while the concentration of cadmium was least with a range of 0.001 ppm to 0.008 ppm at similar depth and distance ranges. In addition, there was more of calcium (11.521 ppm to 121.709 ppm), in all the samples, than magnesium (11.293 ppm to 21.635 ppm). Similar results were obtained for site II. The concentrations of all the metals analyzed showed a downward gradient with an increase in depth and distance from both workshop sites except for iron and zinc at site 2. The immediate and remote implications of these findings on the biota are discussed.Keywords: AAS, heavy metals, mechanic workshops, soil, variation
Procedia PDF Downloads 4951025 In vitro Study of Inflammatory Gene Expression Suppression of Strawberry and Blackberry Extracts
Authors: Franco Van De Velde, Debora Esposito, Maria E. Pirovani, Mary A. Lila
The physiology of various inflammatory diseases is a complex process mediated by inflammatory and immune cells such as macrophages and monocytes. Chronic inflammation, as observed in many cardiovascular and autoimmune disorders, occurs when the low-grade inflammatory response fails to resolve with time. Because of the complexity of the chronic inflammatory disease, major efforts have focused on identifying novel anti-inflammatory agents and dietary regimes that prevent the pro-inflammatory process at the early stage of gene expression of key pro-inflammatory mediators and cytokines. The ability of the extracts of three blackberry cultivars (‘Jumbo’, ‘Black Satin’ and ‘Dirksen’), and one strawberry cultivar (‘Camarosa’) to inhibit four well-known genetic biomarkers of inflammation: inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), cyclooxynase-2 (Cox-2), interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) in an in vitro lipopolysaccharide-stimulated murine RAW 264.7 macrophage model were investigated. Moreover, the effect of latter extracts on the intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) and nitric oxide (NO) production was assessed. Assay was conducted with 50 µg/mL crude extract concentration, an amount that is easily achievable in the gastrointestinal tract after berries consumption. The mRNA expression levels of Cox-2 and IL-6 were reduced consistently (more than 30%) by extracts of ‘Jumbo’ and ‘Black Satin’ blackberries. Strawberry extracts showed high reduction in mRNA expression levels of IL-6 (more than 65%) and exhibited moderate reduction in mRNA expression of Cox-2 (more than 35%). The latter behavior mirrors the intracellular ROS production of the LPS stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophages after the treatment with blackberry ‘Black Satin’ and ‘Jumbo’, and strawberry ‘Camarosa’ extracts, suggesting that phytochemicals from these fruits may play a role in the health maintenance by reducing oxidative stress. On the other hand, effective inhibition in the gene expression of IL-1β and iNOS was not observed by any of blackberry and strawberry extracts. However, suppression in the NO production in the activated macrophages among 5–25% was observed by ‘Jumbo’ and ‘Black Satin’ blackberry extracts and ‘Camarosa’ strawberry extracts, suggesting a higher NO suppression property by phytochemicals of these fruits. All these results suggest the potential beneficial effects of studied berries as functional foods with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory roles. Moreover, the underlying role of phytochemicals from these fruits in the protection of inflammatory process will deserve to be further explored.Keywords: cyclooxygenase-2, functional foods, interleukin-6, reactive oxygen species
Procedia PDF Downloads 2401024 Ultrasonic Degradation of Acephate: Effects of Operating Parameters
Authors: Naina Deshmukh
With the wide production, consumption, and disposal of pesticides in the world, the concerns over their human and environmental health impacts are rapidly growing. Among developing treatment technologies, Ultrasonication, as an emerging and promising technology for the removal of pesticides in the aqueous environment, has attracted the attention of many researchers in recent years. The degradation of acephate in aqueous solutions was investigated under the influence of ultrasound irradiation (20 kHz) in the presence of heterogeneous catalysts titanium dioxide (TiO2) and Zinc oxide (ZnO). The influence of various factors such as amount of catalyst (0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.25 g/l), initial acephate concentration (100, 200, 300, 400 mg/l), and pH (3, 5, 7, 9, 11) were studied. The optimum catalyst dose was found to be 1 g/l of TiO2 and 1.25 g/l of ZnO for acephate at 100 mg/l, respectively. The maximum percentage degradation of acephate was observed at pH 11 for catalysts TiO2 and ZnO, respectively.Keywords: ultrasonic degradation, acephate, TiO2, ZnO, heterogeneous catalyst
Procedia PDF Downloads 621023 Carbon Nanotubes Synthesized Using Sugar Cane as a Percursor
Authors: Vanessa Romanovicz, Beatriz A. Berns, Stephen D. Carpenter, Deyse Carpenter
This article deals with the carbon nanotubes (CNT) synthesized from a novel precursor, sugar cane and Anodic Aluminum Oxide (AAO). The objective was to produce CNTs to be used as catalyst supports for Proton Exchange Membranes. The influence of temperature, inert gas flow rate and concentration of the precursor is presented. The CNTs prepared were characterized using TEM, XRD, Raman Spectroscopy, and the surface area determined by BET. The results show that it is possible to form CNT from sugar cane by pyrolysis and the CNTs are the type multi-walled carbon nanotubes. The MWCNTs are short and closed at the two ends with very small surface area of SBET = 3.691m,/g.Keywords: carbon nanotubes, sugar cane, fuel cell, catalyst support
Procedia PDF Downloads 4471022 A Dihydropyridine Derivative as a Highly Selective Fluorometric Probe for Quantification of Au3+ Residue in Gold Nanoparticle Solution
Authors: Waroton Paisuwan, Mongkol Sukwattanasinitt, Mamoru Tobisu, Anawat Ajavakom
Novel dihydroquinoline derivatives (DHP and DHP-OH) were synthesized in one pot via a tandem trimerization-cyclization of methylpropiolate. DHP and DHP-OH possess strong blue fluorescence with high quantum efficiencies over 0.70 in aqueous media. DHP-OH displays a remarkable fluorescence quenching selectively to the presence of Au3+ through the oxidation of dihydropyridine to pyridinium ion as confirmed by NMR and HRMS. DHP-OH was used to demonstrate the quantitative analysis of Au3+ in water samples with the limit of detection of 33 ppb and excellent recovery (>95%). This fluorescent probe was also applied for the determination of Au3+ residue in the gold nanoparticle solution and a paper-based sensing strip for the on-site detection of Au3+.Keywords: Gold(III) ion detection, Fluorescent sensor, Fluorescence quenching, Dihydropyridine, Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs)
Procedia PDF Downloads 881021 Rapid Plasmonic Colorimetric Glucose Biosensor via Biocatalytic Enlargement of Gold Nanostars
Authors: Masauso Moses Phiri
Frequent glucose monitoring is essential to the management of diabetes. Plasmonic enzyme-based glucose biosensors have the advantages of greater specificity, simplicity and rapidity. The aim of this study was to develop a rapid plasmonic colorimetric glucose biosensor based on biocatalytic enlargement of AuNS guided by GOx. Gold nanoparticles of 18 nm in diameter were synthesized using the citrate method. Using these as seeds, a modified seeded method for the synthesis of monodispersed gold nanostars was followed. Both the spherical and star-shaped nanoparticles were characterized using ultra-violet visible spectroscopy, agarose gel electrophoresis, dynamic light scattering, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. The feasibility of a plasmonic colorimetric assay through growth of AuNS by silver coating in the presence of hydrogen peroxide was investigated by several control and optimization experiments. Conditions for excellent sensing such as the concentration of the detection solution in the presence of 20 µL AuNS, 10 mM of 2-(N-morpholino) ethanesulfonic acid (MES), ammonia and hydrogen peroxide were optimized. Using the optimized conditions, the glucose assay was developed by adding 5mM of GOx to the solution and varying concentrations of glucose to it. Kinetic readings, as well as color changes, were observed. The results showed that the absorbance values of the AuNS were blue shifting and increasing as the concentration of glucose was elevated. Control experiments indicated no growth of AuNS in the absence of GOx, glucose or molecular O₂. Increased glucose concentration led to an enhanced growth of AuNS. The detection of glucose was also done by naked-eye. The color development was near complete in ± 10 minutes. The kinetic readings which were monitored at 450 and 560 nm showed that the assay could discriminate between different concentrations of glucose by ± 50 seconds and near complete at ± 120 seconds. A calibration curve for the qualitative measurement of glucose was derived. The magnitude of wavelength shifts and absorbance values increased concomitantly with glucose concentrations until 90 µg/mL. Beyond that, it leveled off. The lowest amount of glucose that could produce a blue shift in the localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) absorption maxima was found to be 10 – 90 µg/mL. The limit of detection was 0.12 µg/mL. This enabled the construction of a direct sensitivity plasmonic colorimetric detection of glucose using AuNS that was rapid, sensitive and cost-effective with naked-eye detection. It has great potential for transfer of technology for point-of-care devices.Keywords: colorimetric, gold nanostars, glucose, glucose oxidase, plasmonic
Procedia PDF Downloads 1531020 Nafion Nanofiber Mat in a Single Fuel Cell Test
Authors: Chijioke Okafor, Malik Maaza, Touhami Mokrani
Proton exchange membrane, PEM was developed and tested for potential application in fuel cell. Nafion was electrospun to nanofiber network with the aid of poly(ethylene oxide), PEO, as a carrier polymer. The matrix polymer was crosslinked with Norland Optical Adhesive 63 under UV after compacting and annealing. The welded nanofiber mat was characterized for morphology, proton conductivity, and methanol permeability, then tested in a single cell test station. The results of the fabricated nanofiber membrane showed a proton conductivity of 0.1 S/cm at 25 oC and higher fiber volume fraction; methanol permeability of 3.6x10^-6 cm2/s and power density of 96.1 and 81.2 mW/cm2 for 5M and 1M methanol concentration respectively.Keywords: fuel cell, nafion, nanofiber, permeability
Procedia PDF Downloads 4821019 The Effect of Traffic on Harmful Metals and Metalloids in the Street Dust and Surface Soil from Urban Areas of Tehran, Iran: Levels, Distribution and Chemical Partitioning Based on Single and Sequential Extraction Procedures
Authors: Hossein Arfaeinia, Ahmad Jonidi Jafari, Sina Dobaradaran, Sadegh Niazi, Mojtaba Ehsanifar, Amir Zahedi
Street dust and surface soil samples were collected from very heavy, heavy, medium and low traffic areas and natural site in Tehran, Iran. These samples were analyzed for some physical–chemical features, total and chemical speciation of selected metals and metalloids (Zn, Al, Sr, Pb, Cu, Cr, Cd, Co, Ni, and V) to study the effect of traffic on their mobility and accumulation in the environment. The pH, electrical conductivity (EC), carbonates and organic carbon (OC) values were similar in soil and dust samples from similar traffic areas. The traffic increases EC contents in dust/soil matrixes but has no effect on concentrations of metals and metalloids in soil samples. Rises in metal and metalloids levels with traffic were found in dust samples. Moreover, the traffic increases the percentage of acid soluble fraction and Fe and Mn oxides associated fractions of Pb and Zn. The mobilization of Cu, Zn, Pb, Cr in dust samples was easier than in soil. The speciation of metals and metalloids except Cd is mainly affected by physicochemical features in soil, although total metals and metalloids affected the speciation in dust samples (except chromium and nickel).Keywords: street dust, surface soil, traffic, metals, metalloids, chemical speciation
Procedia PDF Downloads 2601018 Enhancing the Performance of Vapor Compression Refrigeration Systems Using HFC134a by Nanoparticles Suspensions
Authors: Hafsi Khebab, Zirari Mounir, Mohamed Nadjib Bouaziz
High Global Warming Potential refrigerants (HydroFluroCarbons) are one of the worst greenhouse gases used in a wide variety of applications, including refrigeration and air-conditioning. Nanotechnology is a promising field in sustainable energy to reduce energy and ecological resource consumption for HVACR (heat, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration) systems. Most researchers reported an improvement in heat transfer coefficient, Coefficient of performance. In this report, a brief summary has been done on the performance enhancement of the Vapor Compression Refrigeration system using HFC134a with nano refrigerants.Keywords: nanorefrigerant, HFCs, greenhouse gases, GWP, HVACR systems, energy saving
Procedia PDF Downloads 851017 Effect of Pressure and Dissolved Oxygen on Stress Corrosion Cracking Susceptibility of Inconel 617 in Steam and Supercritical Water
Authors: Hasan Izhar Khan, Naiqiang Zhang, Hong Xu, Zhongliang Zhu, Dongfang Jiang
Inconel 617, a nickel-based alloy designed for high-temperature applications, got an excellent amalgamation of strength and oxidation resistance at high temperatures. For a better understanding of its suitability to be used in superheater and reheater tubes in ultra-supercritical power plants, stress corrosion cracking (SCC) susceptibility must be evaluated. In the present study, the effect of medium environment on SCC behavior of Inconel 617, in the form of a round bar tensile specimen, was tested via slow strain rate tensile tests in steam and supercritical water (SCW) at 650 °C. The results showed that SCC susceptibility has a linear relationship with exposed pressure and increases monotonically with an increase in pressure. A severe SCC susceptibility was observed in SCW followed by that in a steam environment. Fracture and gage surface showed apparent characteristics of brittle fracture. Intergranular cracks initiated from the edge region and propagated into the matrix through cross section until ductile rupture. When dissolved oxygen contents were decreased in SCW environment, it showed no noticeable effect on mechanical properties but SCC susceptibility slightly decreased. The research revealed the influence of environment on SCC susceptibility of Inconel 617 in steam and SCW.Keywords: Inconel 617, steam, supercritical water, stress corrosion cracking
Procedia PDF Downloads 1571016 Strategy for Energy Industry and Oil Complex of Russia
Authors: Young Sik Kim, Tae Kwon Ha
Russia was one of the world’s leading mineral- producing countries. In 2012, Russia was ranked among the world’s leading producers or was a leading regional producer of such mineral commodities as aluminum, arsenic, asbestos, bauxite, boron, cadmium, cement, coal, cobalt, copper, diamond, fluorspar, gold, iron ore, lime, magnesium compounds and metals, mica (flake, scrap, and sheet), natural gas, nickel, nitrogen, oil shale, palladium, peat, petroleum, phosphate, pig iron, platinum, potash, rhenium, silicon, steel, sulfur, titanium sponge, tungsten, and vanadium. Russia has large reserves of a variety of mineral resources and undoubtedly will continue to be one of the world’s leading mineral producers. Although the country’s economy is expected to grow in 2012, some problems are likely to remain. In 2011, the Russian economy returned to economic growth after the significant decline in 2010. According to some analysts, however, the recovery of 2011 did not appear sufficiently vigorous to carry the country’s strong economic growth into the next decade. Even in the sectors of the economy where the country is among the world leaders (ferrous metals, gas, petroleum), Russian industry has obsolete plants and equipment, a slow rate of innovation, and low labor productivity.Keywords: Russia, energy resources, economic growth, strategy, oil complex
Procedia PDF Downloads 6031015 Simultaneous Analysis of 25 Trace Elements in Micro Volume of Human Serum by Inductively Coupled Plasma–Mass Spectrometry
Authors: Azmawati Mohammed Nawi, Siok-Fong Chin, Shamsul Azhar Shah, Rahman Jamal
In recent years, trace elements have gained importance as biomarkers in many chronic diseases. Unfortunately, the requirement for sample volume increases according to the extent of investigation for diagnosis or elucidating the mechanism of the disease. Here, we describe the method development and validation for simultaneous determination of 25 trace elements (lithium (Li), beryllium (Be), magnesium (Mg), aluminium (Al), vanadium (V), chromium (Cr), manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), cobalt (Co), nickel (Ni), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), gallium (Ga), arsenic (As), selenium (Se), rubidium (Rb), strontium (Sr), silver (Ag), cadmium (Cd), caesium (Cs), barium (Ba), mercury (Hg), thallium (Tl), lead (Pb), uranium (U)) using just 20 µL of human serum. Serum samples were digested with nitric acid and hydrochloric acid (ratio 1:1, v/v) and analysed using inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Seronorm®, a human-derived serum control material was used as quality control samples. The intra-day and inter-day precisions were consistently < 15% for all elements. The validated method was later applied to 30 human serum samples to evaluate its suitability. In conclusion, we have successfully developed and validated a precise and accurate analytical method for determining 25 trace elements requiring very low volume of human serum.Keywords: acid digestion, ICP-MS, trace element, serum
Procedia PDF Downloads 1851014 Al2O3-Dielectric AlGaN/GaN Enhancement-Mode MOS-HEMTs by Using Ozone Water Oxidization Technique
Authors: Ching-Sung Lee, Wei-Chou Hsu, Han-Yin Liu, Hung-Hsi Huang, Si-Fu Chen, Yun-Jung Yang, Bo-Chun Chiang, Yu-Chuang Chen, Shen-Tin Yang
AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) have been intensively studied due to their intrinsic advantages of high breakdown electric field, high electron saturation velocity, and excellent chemical stability. They are also suitable for ultra-violet (UV) photodetection due to the corresponding wavelengths of GaN bandgap. To improve the optical responsivity by decreasing the dark current due to gate leakage problems and limited Schottky barrier heights in GaN-based HEMT devices, various metal-oxide-semiconductor HEMTs (MOS-HEMTs) have been devised by using atomic layer deposition (ALD), molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD), liquid phase deposition (LPD), and RF sputtering. The gate dielectrics include MgO, HfO2, Al2O3, La2O3, and TiO2. In order to provide complementary circuit operation, enhancement-mode (E-mode) devices have been lately studied using techniques of fluorine treatment, p-type capper, piezoneutralization layer, and MOS-gate structure. This work reports an Al2O3-dielectric Al0.25Ga0.75N/GaN E-mode MOS-HEMT design by using a cost-effective ozone water oxidization technique. The present ozone oxidization method advantages of low cost processing facility, processing simplicity, compatibility to device fabrication, and room-temperature operation under atmospheric pressure. It can further reduce the gate-to-channel distance and improve the transocnductance (gm) gain for a specific oxide thickness, since the formation of the Al2O3 will consume part of the AlGaN barrier at the same time. The epitaxial structure of the studied devices was grown by using the MOCVD technique. On a Si substrate, the layer structures include a 3.9 m C-doped GaN buffer, a 300 nm GaN channel layer, and a 5 nm Al0.25Ga0.75N barrier layer. Mesa etching was performed to provide electrical isolation by using an inductively coupled-plasma reactive ion etcher (ICP-RIE). Ti/Al/Au were thermally evaporated and annealed to form the source and drain ohmic contacts. The device was immersed into the H2O2 solution pumped with ozone gas generated by using an OW-K2 ozone generator. Ni/Au were deposited as the gate electrode to complete device fabrication of MOS-HEMT. The formed Al2O3 oxide thickness 7 nm and the remained AlGaN barrier thickness is 2 nm. A reference HEMT device has also been fabricated in comparison on the same epitaxial structure. The gate dimensions are 1.2 × 100 µm 2 with a source-to-drain spacing of 5 μm for both devices. The dielectric constant (k) of Al2O3 was characterized to be 9.2 by using C-V measurement. Reduced interface state density after oxidization has been verified by the low-frequency noise spectra, Hooge coefficients, and pulse I-V measurement. Improved device characteristics at temperatures of 300 K-450 K have been achieved for the present MOS-HEMT design. Consequently, Al2O3-dielectric Al0.25Ga0.75N/GaN E-mode MOS-HEMTs by using the ozone water oxidization method are reported. In comparison with a conventional Schottky-gate HEMT, the MOS-HEMT design has demonstrated excellent enhancements of 138% (176%) in gm, max, 118% (139%) in IDS, max, 53% (62%) in BVGD, 3 (2)-order reduction in IG leakage at VGD = -60 V at 300 (450) K. This work is promising for millimeter-wave integrated circuit (MMIC) and three-terminal active UV photodetector applications.Keywords: MOS-HEMT, enhancement mode, AlGaN/GaN, passivation, ozone water oxidation, gate leakage
Procedia PDF Downloads 2631013 Surface Morphology Refinement and Laves Phase Control of Inconel 718 during Plasma Arc Additive Manufacturing by Alternating Magnetic Field
Authors: Yi Zheng
Improving formability and mechanical properties have always been one of the challenges in the field of additive manufacturing (AM) of nickel-based superalloys. In this work, the effect of a coaxially coupled alternating magnetic field (AMF) on surface morphology and mechanical properties of plasma arc-based additive manufactured Inconel 718 deposit were investigated. Results show that the Lorentz force induced by AMF strongly alters the flow behavior of the plasma jet and the molten pool, suppressing the tendency of the liquid metal in the molten pool to flow down on the two sides face of the deposit, which in turn remarkably improved the surface accuracy of the thin-walled deposit. Furthermore, the electromagnetic stirring induced by AMF can effectively enhance the convection between the dendrites, which could not only contribute to the formation of finer dendrites but also alleviate the enrichment of the elements (i.e., Nb and Mo) at the solid-liquid interface and inhibits the precipitation of Laves phase. The smallest primary dendritic arm spacing (~13 μm) and lowest Laves phases area fraction (3.12%) were witnessed in the bottom region of the AMF-assisted deposit. The mechanical test confirmed that the deposit's micro-hardness and tensile properties were moderately improved compared with the counterpart without AMF.Keywords: additive manufacturing, inconel 718, alternating magnetic field, laves phase
Procedia PDF Downloads 791012 The Mechanical and Electrochemical Properties of DC-Electrodeposited Ni-Mn Alloy Coating with Low Internal Stress
Authors: Chun-Ying Lee, Kuan-Hui Cheng, Mei-Wen Wu
The nickel-manganese (Ni-Mn) alloy coating prepared from DC electrodeposition process in sulphamate bath was studied. The effects of process parameters, such as current density and electrolyte composition, on the cathodic current efficiency, microstructure, internal stress and mechanical properties were investigated. Because of its crucial effect on the application to the electroforming of microelectronic components, the development of low internal stress coating with high leveling power was emphasized. It was found that both the coating’s manganese content and the cathodic current efficiency increased with the raise in current density. In addition, the internal stress of the deposited coating showed compressive nature at low current densities while changed to tensile one at higher current densities. Moreover, the metallographic observation, X-ray diffraction measurement, transmission electron microscope (TEM) examination, and polarization curve measurement were conducted. It was found that the Ni-Mn coating consisted of nano-sized columnar grains and the maximum hardness of the coating was associated with (111) preferred orientation in the microstructure. The grain size was refined along with the increase in the manganese content of the coating, which accordingly, raised its hardness and mechanical tensile strength. In summary, the Ni-Mn coating prepared at lower current density of 1-2 A/dm2 had low internal stress, high leveling power, and better corrosion resistance.Keywords: Ni-Mn coating, DC plating, internal stress, leveling power
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