Search results for: polymer composite I-section
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 3180

Search results for: polymer composite I-section

1320 Predicting the Lifetime of Weathered Polyolefins by Relating Mechanics to Microstructure

Authors: Marta Chiapasco, Alexandra Porter, Finn Giuliani


Designing polymers with a specific microstructure can affect how the polymer degrades once released in the environment. Not only the amount but also the distribution of different phases determines a polymers’ degradability. The following research investigates the use of a combination of spectroscopy analysis and thermal analysis to study changes of polymers’ amorphous and crystalline phases during degradation, comparing different microstructures of polypropylene and polyethylene. The use of nanoindentation helps study how degradation proceeds across a material by looking at changes in phases, while bulk tensile test describes when the material fails. The first results demonstrate that different microstructures have different degrading rates, with homopolymer having a linear and faster degradation compared to copolymers. The goal is to create materials that degrade at faster rates without releasing microplastics into the environment.

Keywords: degradation, microstructure, nanoindentation, Raman spectroscopy

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1319 Biological Applications of CNT Inherited Polyaniline Nano-Composites

Authors: Yashfeen Khan, Anees Ahmad


In the last few decades, nano-composites have been the topic of interest. Presently, the modern era enlightens the synthesis of hybrid nano-composites over their individual counterparts because of higher application potentials and synergism. Recently, CNT hybrids have demonstrated their pronounced capability as effective sorbents for the removal of heavy metal ions (the root trouble) and organic contaminants due to their high specific surface area, enhanced reactivity, and sequestration characteristics. The present abstract discusses removal efficiencies of organic, inorganic pollutants through CNT/PANI/ composites. It also represents the widespread applications of CNT like monitoring biological systems, biosensors, as heat resources for treating cancer, fire retardant applications of polymer/CNT composites etc. And considering the same, this article aims to brief the scenario of CNT-PANI nano-composites.

Keywords: biosensors, CNT, hybrids, polyaniline, synergism

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1318 Water Purification By Novel Nanocomposite Membrane

Authors: E. S. Johal, M. S. Saini, M. K. Jha


Currently, 1.1 billion people are at risk due to lack of clean water and about 35 % of people in the developed world die from water related problem. To alleviate these problems water purification technology requires new approaches for effective management and conservation of water resources. Electrospun nanofibres membrane has a potential for water purification due to its high large surface area and good mechanical strength. In the present study PAMAM dendrimers composite nynlon-6 nanofibres membrane was prepared by crosslinking method using Glutaraldehyde. Further, the efficacy of the modified membrane can be renewed by mere exposure of the saturated membrane with the solution having acidic pH. The modified membrane can be used as an effective tool for water purification.

Keywords: dendrimer, nanofibers, nanocomposite membrane, water purification

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1317 Manufacturing and Characterization of Ni-Matrix Composite Reinforced with Ti3SiC2 and Ti2AlC; and Al-Matrix with Ti2SiC

Authors: M. Hadji, N. Chiker, Y. Hadji, A. Haddad


In this paper, we report for the first time on the synthesis and characterization of novel MAX phases (Ti3SiC2, Ti2AlC) reinforced Ni-matrix and Ti2AlC reinforced Al-matrix. The stability of MAX phases in Al-matrix and Ni-matrix at a temperature of 985°C has been investigated. All the composites were cold pressed and sintered at a temperature of 985°C for 20min in H2 environment, except (Ni/Ti3SiC2) who was sintered at 1100°C for 1h.Microstructure analysis by scanning electron microscopy and phase analysis by X-Ray diffraction confirmed that there was minimal interfacial reaction between MAX particles and Ni, thus Al/MAX samples shown that MAX phases was totally decomposed at 985°C.The Addition of MAX enhanced the Al-matrix and Ni-matrix.

Keywords: MAX phase, microstructures, composites, hardness, SEM

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1316 Integration of Entrepreneurial Mindset Learning in Green Chemistry and Processes Course

Authors: Tsvetanka Filipova


Entrepreneurial mindset learning (EML) is the combined process of instilling curiosity and invention, developing insight and value creation while building on other active pedagogy, such as project-based learning (PBL). It is essential to introduce students to chemistry and chemical engineering entrepreneurship in a manner that gives a holistic approach by first educating students on diverse entrepreneurial skills and then providing an opportunity to build their innovation. Chemistry and chemical engineering students have an opportunity to be engaged in an entrepreneurial class project in the Green Chemistry and Processes course at South Dakota Mines. The course provides future chemists and chemical engineers with the knowledge and skills required to enable them to design materials and processes in an environmentally benign way. This paper presents findings from implementing an open-ended design project in the Green Chemistry and Processes course. The goal of this team project is to have student teams design sustainable polymer materials to fulfill a need and/or opportunity related to a fictitious aerospace company that satisfies technical, safety, environmental, regulatory, economic, and social needs. Each student team is considered a start-up company charged with the task of designing sustainable polymer materials for aerospace applications. Through their work on the project, students utilize systems and entrepreneurial thinking in selecting their design project, being aware of the existent technologies (literature and patent search) and users and clients (connections), determining the goals and motivations (creating value), and what need or problem they are trying to address (curiosity). The project draws systems boundaries by focusing on student exploration of feedstocks to end-of-life of polymeric materials and products. Additional subtopics to explore are green processes for syntheses, green engineering for process design, and the economics of sustainable polymers designed for circularity. Project deliverables are team project reports and project presentations to a panel of industry, chemistry, and engineering professionals. Project deliverables are team project reports and project presentations to a panel of industry, chemistry, and engineering professionals. The impact of the entrepreneurial mindset project is evaluated through a student survey at the end of the semester. It has been found that the Innovative Solution project was excellent in promoting student curiosity, creativity, critical and systems thinking and teamwork. The results of this study suggest that incorporating EML positively impacted students’ professional skill development, their ability to understand and appreciate the socio-technical context of chemistry and engineering, and the cultivation of an entrepreneurial mindset to discover, evaluate and exploit opportunities.

Keywords: curriculum, entrepreneurial mindset learning, green chemistry and engineering, systems thinking

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1315 The Descending Genicular Artery Perforator Free Flap as a Reliable Flap: Literature Review

Authors: Doran C. Kalmin


The descending genicular artery (DGA) perforator free flap provides an alternative to free flap reconstruction based on a review of the literature detailing both anatomical and clinical studies. The descending genicular artery (DGA) supplies skin, muscle, tendon, and bone located around the medial aspect of the knee that has been used in several pioneering reports in reconstructing defects located in various areas throughout the body. After the success of the medial femoral condyle flap in early studies, a small number of studies have been published detailing the use of the DGA in free flap reconstruction. Despite early success in the use of the DGA flap, acceptance within the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgical community has been limited due primarily to anatomical variations of the pedicle. This literature review is aimed at detailing the progression of the DGA perforator free flap and its variations as an alternative and reliable free flap for reconstruction of composite defects with an exploration into both anatomical and clinical studies. A literature review was undertaken, and the progression of the DGA flap is explored from the early review by Acland et al. pioneering the saphenous free flap to exploring modern changes and studies of the anatomy of the DGA. An extensive review of the literature was undertaken that details the anatomy and its variations, approaches to harvesting the flap, the advantages, and disadvantages of the DGA perforator free flap as well as flap outcomes. There are 15 published clinical series of DGA perforator free flaps that incorporate cutaneous, osteoperiosteal, cartilage, osteocutaneous, osteoperiosteal and muscle, osteoperiosteal and subcutaneous and tendocutatenous. The commonest indication for using a DGA free flap was for non-union of bone, particularly that of the scaphoid whereby the medial femoral condyle could be used. In the case series, a success rate of over 90% was established, showing that these early studies have had good success with a wide range of tissue transfers. The greatest limitation is the anatomical variation of the DGA and therefore, the challenges associated with raising the flap. Despite the variation in anatomy and around 10-15% absence of the DGA, the saphenous artery can be used as well as the superior medial genicular artery if the vascular bone is required as part of the flap. Despite only a handful of anatomical and clinical studies describing the DGA perforator free flap, it ultimately provides a reliable flap that can include a variety of composite structure used for reconstruction in almost any area throughout the body. Although it has limitations, it provides a reliable option for free flap reconstruction that can routinely be performed as a single-stage procedure.

Keywords: anatomical study, clinical study, descending genicular artery, literature review, perforator free flap reconstruction

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1314 Macroeconomic Determinants of Cyclical Variations in Value, Size, and Momentum Premium in the UK

Authors: G. Sarwar, C. Mateus, N. Todorovic


The paper examines the asymmetries in size, value and momentum premium over the economic cycles in the UK and their macroeconomic determinants. Using Markov switching approach we find clear evidence of cyclical variations of the three premiums, most noticeably variations in size premium. We associate Markov switching regime 1 with economic upturn and regime 2 with economic downturn as per OECD’s Composite Leading Indicator. The macroeconomic indicators prompting such cyclicality the most are interest rates, term structure and credit spread. The role of GDP growth, money supply and inflation is less pronounced in our sample.

Keywords: macroeconomic determinants, Markorv Switching, size, value

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1313 Application of Complete Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition with Adaptive Noise and Multipoint Optimal Minimum Entropy Deconvolution in Railway Bearings Fault Diagnosis

Authors: Yao Cheng, Weihua Zhang


Although the measured vibration signal contains rich information on machine health conditions, the white noise interferences and the discrete harmonic coming from blade, shaft and mash make the fault diagnosis of rolling element bearings difficult. In order to overcome the interferences of useless signals, a new fault diagnosis method combining Complete Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition with adaptive noise (CEEMDAN) and Multipoint Optimal Minimum Entropy Deconvolution (MOMED) is proposed for the fault diagnosis of high-speed train bearings. Firstly, the CEEMDAN technique is applied to adaptively decompose the raw vibration signal into a series of finite intrinsic mode functions (IMFs) and a residue. Compared with Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition (EEMD), the CEEMDAN can provide an exact reconstruction of the original signal and a better spectral separation of the modes, which improves the accuracy of fault diagnosis. An effective sensitivity index based on the Pearson's correlation coefficients between IMFs and raw signal is adopted to select sensitive IMFs that contain bearing fault information. The composite signal of the sensitive IMFs is applied to further analysis of fault identification. Next, for propose of identifying the fault information precisely, the MOMED is utilized to enhance the periodic impulses in composite signal. As a non-iterative method, the MOMED has better deconvolution performance than the classical deconvolution methods such Minimum Entropy Deconvolution (MED) and Maximum Correlated Kurtosis Deconvolution (MCKD). Third, the envelope spectrum analysis is applied to detect the existence of bearing fault. The simulated bearing fault signals with white noise and discrete harmonic interferences are used to validate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Finally, the superiorities of the proposed method are further demonstrated by high-speed train bearing fault datasets measured from test rig. The analysis results indicate that the proposed method has strong practicability.

Keywords: bearing, complete ensemble empirical mode decomposition with adaptive noise, fault diagnosis, multipoint optimal minimum entropy deconvolution

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1312 Multi-Scale Damage Modelling for Microstructure Dependent Short Fiber Reinforced Composite Structure Design

Authors: Joseph Fitoussi, Mohammadali Shirinbayan, Abbas Tcharkhtchi


Due to material flow during processing, short fiber reinforced composites structures obtained by injection or compression molding generally present strong spatial microstructure variation. On the other hand, quasi-static, dynamic, and fatigue behavior of these materials are highly dependent on microstructure parameters such as fiber orientation distribution. Indeed, because of complex damage mechanisms, SFRC structures design is a key challenge for safety and reliability. In this paper, we propose a micromechanical model allowing prediction of damage behavior of real structures as a function of microstructure spatial distribution. To this aim, a statistical damage criterion including strain rate and fatigue effect at the local scale is introduced into a Mori and Tanaka model. A critical local damage state is identified, allowing fatigue life prediction. Moreover, the multi-scale model is coupled with an experimental intrinsic link between damage under monotonic loading and fatigue life in order to build an abacus giving Tsai-Wu failure criterion parameters as a function of microstructure and targeted fatigue life. On the other hand, the micromechanical damage model gives access to the evolution of the anisotropic stiffness tensor of SFRC submitted to complex thermomechanical loading, including quasi-static, dynamic, and cyclic loading with temperature and amplitude variations. Then, the latter is used to fill out microstructure dependent material cards in finite element analysis for design optimization in the case of complex loading history. The proposed methodology is illustrated in the case of a real automotive component made of sheet molding compound (PSA 3008 tailgate). The obtained results emphasize how the proposed micromechanical methodology opens a new path for the automotive industry to lighten vehicle bodies and thereby save energy and reduce gas emission.

Keywords: short fiber reinforced composite, structural design, damage, micromechanical modelling, fatigue, strain rate effect

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1311 Synthesis of Crosslinked Konjac Glucomannan and Kappa Carrageenan Film with Glutaraldehyde

Authors: Sperisa Distantina, Fadilah, Mujtahid Kaavessina


Crosslinked konjac glucomannan and kappa carrageenan film were prepared by chemical crosslinking using glutaraldehyde (GA) as the crosslinking agent. The effect crosslinking on the swelling degree was investigated. Konjac glucomanan and its mixture with kappa carragenan film was immersed in GA solution and then thermally cured. The obtained crosslinked film was washed and soaked in the ethanol to remove the unreacted GA. The obtained film was air dried at room temperature to a constant weight. The infrared spectra and the value of swelling degree of obtained crosslinked film showed that glucomannan and kappa carrageenan was able to be crosslinked using glutaraldehyde by film immersion and curing method without catalyst. The crosslinked films were found to be pH sensitive, indicating a potential to be used in drug delivery polymer system.

Keywords: crosslinking, glucomannan, carrageenan, swelling

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1310 Simulation and Analysis of Mems-Based Flexible Capacitive Pressure Sensors with COMSOL

Authors: Ding Liangxiao


The technological advancements in Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) have significantly contributed to the development of new, flexible capacitive pressure sensors,which are pivotal in transforming wearable and medical device technologies. This study employs the sophisticated simulation tools available in COMSOL Multiphysics® to develop and analyze a MEMS-based sensor with a tri-layered design. This sensor comprises top and bottom electrodes made from gold (Au), noted for their excellent conductivity, a middle dielectric layer made from a composite of Silver Nanowires (AgNWs) embedded in Thermoplastic Polyurethane (TPU), and a flexible, durable substrate of Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). This research was directed towards understanding how changes in the physical characteristics of the AgNWs/TPU dielectric layer—specifically, its thickness and surface area—impact the sensor's operational efficacy. We assessed several key electrical properties: capacitance, electric potential, and membrane displacement under varied pressure conditions. These investigations are crucial for enhancing the sensor's sensitivity and ensuring its adaptability across diverse applications, including health monitoring systems and dynamic user interface technologies. To ensure the reliability of our simulations, we applied the Effective Medium Theory to calculate the dielectric constant of the AgNWs/TPU composite accurately. This approach is essential for predicting how the composite material will perform under different environmental and operational stresses, thus facilitating the optimization of the sensor design for enhanced performance and longevity. Moreover, we explored the potential benefits of innovative three-dimensional structures for the dielectric layer compared to traditional flat designs. Our hypothesis was that 3D configurations might improve the stress distribution and optimize the electrical field interactions within the sensor, thereby boosting its sensitivity and accuracy. Our simulation protocol includes comprehensive performance testing under simulated environmental conditions, such as temperature fluctuations and mechanical pressures, which mirror the actual operational conditions. These tests are crucial for assessing the sensor's robustness and its ability to function reliably over extended periods, ensuring high reliability and accuracy in complex real-world environments. In our current research, although a full dynamic simulation analysis of the three-dimensional structures has not yet been conducted, preliminary explorations through three-dimensional modeling have indicated the potential for mechanical and electrical performance improvements over traditional planar designs. These initial observations emphasize the potential advantages and importance of incorporating advanced three-dimensional modeling techniques in the development of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS)sensors, offering new directions for the design and functional optimization of future sensors. Overall, this study not only highlights the powerful capabilities of COMSOL Multiphysics® for modeling sophisticated electronic devices but also underscores the potential of innovative MEMS technology in advancing the development of more effective, reliable, and adaptable sensor solutions for a broad spectrum of technological applications.

Keywords: MEMS, flexible sensors, COMSOL Multiphysics, AgNWs/TPU, PDMS, 3D modeling, sensor durability

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1309 Mechanical Properties of Enset Fibers Obtained from Different Breeds of Enset Plant

Authors: Diriba T. Balcha, Boris Kulig, Oliver Hensel, Eyassu Woldesenbet


Enset fiber is agricultural waste and available in a surplus amount in Ethiopia. However, the hypothesized variation in properties of this fiber due to diversity of its plant source breed, fiber position within plant stem and chemical treatment duration had not proven that its application for the development of composite products is problematic. Currently, limited data are known on the functional properties of the fiber as a potential functional fiber. Thus, an effort is made in this study to narrow the knowledge gaps by characterizing it. The experimental design was conducted using Design-Expert software and the tensile test was conducted on Enset fiber from 10 breeds: Dego, Dirbo, Gishera, Itine, Siskela, Neciho, Yesherkinke, Tuzuma, Ankogena, and Kucharkia. The effects of 5% Na-OH surface treatment duration and fiber location along and across the plant pseudostem was also investigated. The test result shows that the rupture stress variation is not significant among the fibers from 10 Enset breeds. However, strain variation is significant among the fibers from 10 Enset breeds that breed Dego fiber has the highest strain before failure. Surface treated fibers showed improved rupture strength and elastic modulus per 24 hours of treatment duration. Also, the result showed that chemical treatment can deteriorate the load-bearing capacity of the fiber. The raw fiber has the higher load-bearing capacity than the treated fiber. And, it was noted that both the rupture stress and strain increase in the top to bottom gradient, whereas there is no significant variation across the stem. Elastic modulus variation both along and across the stem was insignificant. The rupture stress, elastic modulus, and strain result of Enset fiber are 360.11 ± 181.86 MPa, 12.80 ± 6.85 GPa and 0.04 ± 0.02 mm/mm, respectively. These results show that Enset fiber is comparable to other natural fibers such as abaca, banana, and sisal fibers and can be used as alternatives natural fiber for composites application. Besides, the insignificant variation of properties among breeds and across stem is essential for all breeds and all leaf sheath of the Enset fiber plant for fiber extraction. The use of short natural fiber over the long is preferable to reduce the significant variation of properties along the stem or fiber direction. In conclusion, Enset fiber application for composite product design and development is mechanically feasible.

Keywords: Agricultural waste, Chemical treatment, Fiber characteristics, Natural fiber

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1308 Preparation of Natural Polymeric Scaffold with Desired Pore Morphology for Stem Cell Differentiation

Authors: Mojdeh Mohseni


In the context of tissue engineering, the effect of microtopography as afforded by scaffold morphology is an important design parameter. Since the morphology of pores can effect on cell behavior, in this study, porous Chitosan (CHIT) - Gelatin (GEL)- Alginate (ALG) scaffolds with microtubule orientation structure were manufactured by unidirectional freeze-drying method and the effect of pore morphology on differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) was investigated. This study showed that, the provided scaffold with natural polymer had good properties for cell behavior and the pores with highest orientation rate have produced appropriate substrate for the differentiation of stem cells.

Keywords: Chitosan, gelatin, Alginate, pore morphology, stem cell differentiation

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1307 Eco-Friendly Silicone/Graphene-Based Nanocomposites as Superhydrophobic Antifouling Coatings

Authors: Mohamed S. Selim, Nesreen A. Fatthallah, Shimaa A. Higazy, Hekmat R. Madian, Sherif A. El-Safty, Mohamed A. Shenashen


After the 2003 prohibition on employing TBT-based antifouling coatings, polysiloxane antifouling nano-coatings have gained in popularity as environmentally friendly and cost-effective replacements. A series of non-toxic polydimethylsiloxane nanocomposites filled with nanosheets of graphene oxide (GO) decorated with magnetite nanospheres (GO-Fe₃O₄ nanospheres) were developed and cured via a catalytic hydrosilation method. Various GO-Fe₃O₄ hybrid concentrations were mixed with the silicone resin via solution casting technique to evaluate the structure–property connection. To generate GO nanosheets, a modified Hummers method was applied. A simple co-precipitation method was used to make spherical magnetite particles under inert nitrogen. Hybrid GO-Fe₃O₄ composite fillers were developed by a simple ultrasonication method. Superhydrophobic PDMS/GO-Fe₃O₄ nanocomposite surface with a micro/nano-roughness, reduced surface-free energy (SFE), high fouling release (FR) efficiency was achieved. The physical, mechanical, and anticorrosive features of the virgin and GO-Fe₃O₄ filled nanocomposites were investigated. The synergistic effects of GO-Fe₃O4 hybrid's well-dispersion on the water-repellency and surface topological roughness of the PDMS/GO-Fe₃O₄ nanopaints were extensively studied. The addition of the GO-Fe₃O₄ hybrid fillers till 1 wt.% could increase the coating's water contact angle (158°±2°), minimize its SFE to 12.06 mN/m, develop outstanding micro/nano-roughness, and improve its bulk mechanical and anticorrosion properties. Several microorganisms were employed for examining the fouling-resistance of the coated specimens for 1 month. Silicone coatings filled with 1 wt.% GO-Fe₃O₄ nanofiller showed the least biodegradability% among all the tested microorganisms. Whereas GO-Fe₃O4 with 5 wt.% nanofiller possessed the highest biodegradability% potency by all the microorganisms. We successfully developed non-toxic and low cost nanostructured FR composite coating with high antifouling-resistance, reproducible superhydrophobic character, and enhanced service-time for maritime navigation.

Keywords: silicone antifouling, environmentally friendly, nanocomposites, nanofillers, fouling repellency, hydrophobicity

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1306 Hybrid Manufacturing System to Produce 3D Structures for Osteochondral Tissue Regeneration

Authors: Pedro G. Morouço


One utmost challenge in Tissue Engineering is the production of 3D constructs capable of mimicking the functional hierarchy of native tissues. This is well stated for osteochondral tissue due to the complex mechanical functional unit based on the junction of articular cartilage and bone. Thus, the aim of the present study was to develop a new additive manufacturing system coupling micro-extrusion with hydrogels printing. An integrated system was developed with 2 main features: (i) the printing of up to three distinct hydrogels; (ii) in coordination with the printing of a thermoplastic structural support. The hydrogel printing module was projected with a ‘revolver-like’ system, where the hydrogel selection was made by a rotating mechanism. The hydrogel deposition was then controlled by pressured air input. The use of specific components approved for medical use was incorporated in the material dispensing system (Nordson EDF Optimum® fluid dispensing system). The thermoplastic extrusion modulus enabled the control of required extrusion temperature through electric resistances in the polymer reservoir and the extrusion system. After testing and upgrades, a hydrogel modulus with 3 syringes (3cm3 capacity each), with a pressure range of 0-2.5bar, a rotational speed of 0-5rpm, and working with needles from 200-800µm was obtained. This modulus was successfully coupled to the extrusion system that presented a temperature up to 300˚C, a pressure range of 0-12bar, and working with nozzles from 200-500µm. The applied motor could provide a velocity range 0-2000mm/min. Although, there are distinct printing requirements for hydrogels and polymers, the novel system could develop hybrid scaffolds, combining the 2 moduli. The morphological analysis showed high reliability (n=5) between the theoretical and obtained filament and pore size (350µm and 300µm vs. 342±4µm and 302±3µm, p>0.05, respectively) of the polymer; and multi-material 3D constructs were successfully obtained. Human tissues present very distinct and complex structures regarding their mechanical properties, organization, composition and dimensions. For osteochondral regenerative medicine, a multiphasic scaffold is required as subchondral bone and overlying cartilage must regenerate at the same time. Thus, a scaffold with 3 layers (bone, intermediate and cartilage parts) can be a promising approach. The developed system may give a suitable solution to construct those hybrid scaffolds with enhanced properties. The present novel system is a step-forward regarding osteochondral tissue engineering due to its ability to generate layered mechanically stable implants through the double-printing of hydrogels with thermoplastics.

Keywords: 3D bioprinting, bone regeneration, cartilage regeneration, regenerative medicine, tissue engineering

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1305 Research on Carbon Fiber Tow Spreading Technique with Multi-Rolls

Authors: Soon Ok Jo, Han Kyu Jeung, Si Woo Park


With the process of consistent expansion of carbon fiber in width (Carbon Fiber Tow Spreading Technique), it can be expected that such process can enhance the production of carbon fiber reinforced composite material and quality of the product. In this research, the method of mechanically expanding carbon fiber and increasing its width was investigated by using various geometric rolls. In addition, experimental type of carbon fiber expansion device was developed and tested using 12K carbon fiber. As a result, the effects of expansion of such fiber under optimized operating conditions and geometric structure of an elliptical roll, were analyzed.

Keywords: carbon fiber, tow spreading fiber, pre-preg, roll structure

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1304 In-situ Acoustic Emission Analysis of a Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Water Electrolyser

Authors: M. Maier, I. Dedigama, J. Majasan, Y. Wu, Q. Meyer, L. Castanheira, G. Hinds, P. R. Shearing, D. J. L. Brett


Increasing the efficiency of electrolyser technology is commonly seen as one of the main challenges on the way to the Hydrogen Economy. There is a significant lack of understanding of the different states of operation of polymer electrolyte membrane water electrolysers (PEMWE) and how these influence the overall efficiency. This in particular means the two-phase flow through the membrane, gas diffusion layers (GDL) and flow channels. In order to increase the efficiency of PEMWE and facilitate their spread as commercial hydrogen production technology, new analytic approaches have to be found. Acoustic emission (AE) offers the possibility to analyse the processes within a PEMWE in a non-destructive, fast and cheap in-situ way. This work describes the generation and analysis of AE data coming from a PEM water electrolyser, for, to the best of our knowledge, the first time in literature. Different experiments are carried out. Each experiment is designed so that only specific physical processes occur and AE solely related to one process can be measured. Therefore, a range of experimental conditions is used to induce different flow regimes within flow channels and GDL. The resulting AE data is first separated into different events, which are defined by exceeding the noise threshold. Each acoustic event consists of a number of consequent peaks and ends when the wave diminishes under the noise threshold. For all these acoustic events the following key attributes are extracted: maximum peak amplitude, duration, number of peaks, peaks before the maximum, average intensity of a peak and time till the maximum is reached. Each event is then expressed as a vector containing the normalized values for all criteria. Principal Component Analysis is performed on the resulting data, which orders the criteria by the eigenvalues of their covariance matrix. This can be used as an easy way of determining which criteria convey the most information on the acoustic data. In the following, the data is ordered in the two- or three-dimensional space formed by the most relevant criteria axes. By finding spaces in the two- or three-dimensional space only occupied by acoustic events originating from one of the three experiments it is possible to relate physical processes to certain acoustic patterns. Due to the complex nature of the AE data modern machine learning techniques are needed to recognize these patterns in-situ. Using the AE data produced before allows to train a self-learning algorithm and develop an analytical tool to diagnose different operational states in a PEMWE. Combining this technique with the measurement of polarization curves and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy allows for in-situ optimization and recognition of suboptimal states of operation.

Keywords: acoustic emission, gas diffusion layers, in-situ diagnosis, PEM water electrolyser

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1303 Modelling of Hydric Behaviour of Textiles

Authors: A. Marolleau, F. Salaun, D. Dupont, H. Gidik, S. Ducept.


The goal of this study is to analyze the hydric behaviour of textiles which can impact significantly the comfort of the wearer. Indeed, fabrics can be adapted for different climate if hydric and thermal behaviors are known. In this study, fabrics are only submitted to hydric variations. Sorption and desorption isotherms obtained from the dynamic vapour sorption apparatus (DVS) are fitted with the parallel exponential kinetics (PEK), the Hailwood-Horrobin (HH) and the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) models. One of the major finding is the relationship existing between PEK and HH models. During slow and fast processes, the sorption of water molecules on the polymer can be in monolayer and multilayer form. According to the BET model, moisture regain, a physical property of textiles, show a linear correlation with the total amount of water taken in monolayer. This study provides potential information of the end uses of these fabrics according to the selected activity level.

Keywords: comfort, hydric properties, modelling, underwears

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1302 Polymer Nanocarrier for Rheumatoid Arthritis Therapy

Authors: Vijayakameswara Rao Neralla, Jueun Jeon, Jae Hyung Park


To develop a potential nanocarrier for diagnosis and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), we prepared a hyaluronic acid (HA)-5β-cholanic acid (CA) conjugate with an acid-labile ketal linker. This conjugate could self-assemble in aqueous conditions to produce pH-responsive HA-CA nanoparticles as potential carriers of the anti-inflammatory drug methotrexate (MTX). MTX was rapidly released from nanoparticles under inflamed synovial tissue in RA. In vitro cytotoxicity data showed that pH-responsive HA-CA nanoparticles were non-toxic to RAW 264.7 cells. In vivo biodistribution results confirmed that, after their systemic administration, pH-responsive HA-CA nanoparticles selectively accumulated in the inflamed joints of collagen-induced arthritis mice. These results indicate that pH-responsive HA-CA nanoparticles represent a promising candidate as a drug carrier for RA therapy.

Keywords: rheumatoid arthritis, hyaluronic acid, nanocarrier, self-assembly, MTX

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1301 Producing Fertilizers of Increased Environmental and Agrochemical Efficiency via Application of Plant-available Inorganic Coatings

Authors: Andrey Norov


Reduction of inefficient losses of nutrients when using mineral fertilizers is a very important and urgent challenge, which is of both economic and environmental significance. The loss of nutrients to the environment leads to the release of greenhouse gases, eutrophication of water bodies, soil salinization and degradation, and other undesirable phenomena. This report focuses on slow and controlled release fertilizers produced through the application of inorganic coatings, which make the released nutrients plant-available. There are shown the advantages of these fertilizers their improved physical and chemical properties, as well as the effect of the coatings on yield growth and on the degree of nutrient efficiency. This type of fertilizers is an alternative to other polymer-coated fertilizers and is more ecofriendly. The production method is protected by the Russian patent.

Keywords: coatings, controlled release, fertilizer, nutrients, nutrient efficiency, yield increase

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1300 An Investigation on Viscoelastic and Electrical Properties of Biopolymer-Based Composites

Authors: K. Sever, Y. Seki, Z. Yenier, İ. Şen, M. Sarikanat


It is known that Chitosan, as a natural polymer, has many excellent properties such as bicompotability, biodegradability and nontoxicity. Besides it has some limitations such as poor solubility in water and low conductivity in electrical devices and sensor applications. In order to improve electrical conductivity properties grapheme loading was conducted into chitosan. For this aim, chitosan solution was prepared in acidic condition and Graphene at different ratios was mixed with chitosan solution by the help of homogenizator. After film formation electrical conductivity values of chitosan and graphene loaded chitosan were determined. After grapheme loading into chitosan,solution significant increases in surface resistivity value of chitosan were observed. Besides variations on viscoeleastic properties with graphene loading was determined by dynamic mechanical analysis. Storage and Loss moduli were obtained for chitosan and grapheme loaded chitosan samples.

Keywords: chitosan, graphene, viscoelastic properties, electrical conductivity

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1299 Current Status of Scaled-Up Synthesis/Purification and Characterization of a Potentially Translatable Tantalum Oxide Nanoparticle Intravenous CT Contrast Agent

Authors: John T. Leman, James Gibson, Peter J. Bonitatibus


There have been no potential clinically translatable developments of intravenous CT contrast materials over decades, and iodinated contrast agents (ICA) remain the only FDA-approved media for CT. Small molecule ICA used to highlight vascular anatomy have weak CT signals in large-to-obese patients due to their rapid redistribution from plasma into interstitial fluid, thereby diluting their intravascular concentration, and because of a mismatch of iodine’s K-edge and the high kVp settings needed to image this patient population. The use of ICA is also contraindicated in a growing population of renally impaired patients who are hypersensitive to these contrast agents; a transformative intravenous contrast agent with improved capabilities is urgently needed. Tantalum oxide nanoparticles (TaO NPs) with zwitterionic siloxane polymer coatings have high potential as clinically translatable general-purpose CT contrast agents because of (1) substantially improved imaging efficacy compared to ICA in swine/phantoms emulating medium-sized and larger adult abdomens and superior thoracic vascular contrast enhancement of thoracic arteries and veins in rabbit, (2) promising biological safety profiles showing near-complete renal clearance and low tissue retention at 3x anticipated clinical dose (ACD), and (3) clinically acceptable physiochemical parameters as concentrated bulk solutions(250-300 mgTa/mL). Here, we review requirements for general-purpose intravenous CT contrast agents in terms of patient safety, X-ray attenuating properties and contrast-producing capabilities, and physicochemical and pharmacokinetic properties. We report the current status of a TaO NP-based contrast agent, including chemical process technology developments and results of newly defined scaled-up processes for NP synthesis and purification, yielding reproducible formulations with appropriate size and concentration specifications. We discuss recent results of recent pre-clinical in vitro immunology, non-GLP high dose tolerability in rats (10x ACD), non-GLP long-term biodistribution in rats at 3x ACD, and non-GLP repeat dose in rats at ACD. We also include a discussion of NP characterization, in particular size-stability testing results under accelerated conditions (37C), and insights into TaO NP purity, surface structure, and bonding of the zwitterionic siloxane polymer coating by multinuclear (1H, 13C, 29Si) and multidimensional (2D) solution NMR spectroscopy.

Keywords: nanoparticle, imaging, diagnostic, process technology, nanoparticle characterization

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1298 Production of Bio-Composites from Cocoa Pod Husk for Use in Packaging Materials

Authors: L. Kanoksak, N. Sukanya, L. Napatsorn, T. Siriporn


A growing population and demand for packaging are driving up the usage of natural resources as raw materials in the pulp and paper industry. Long-term effects of environmental is disrupting people's way of life all across the planet. Finding pulp sources to replace wood pulp is therefore necessary. To produce wood pulp, various other potential plants or plant parts can be employed as substitute raw materials. For example, pulp and paper were made from agricultural residue that mainly included pulp can be used in place of wood. In this study, cocoa pod husks were an agricultural residue of the cocoa and chocolate industries. To develop composite materials to replace wood pulp in packaging materials. The paper was coated with polybutylene adipate-co-terephthalate (PBAT). By selecting and cleaning fresh cocoa pod husks, the size was reduced. And the cocoa pod husks were dried. The morphology and elemental composition of cocoa pod husks were studied. To evaluate the mechanical and physical properties, dried cocoa husks were extracted using the soda-pulping process. After selecting the best formulations, paper with a PBAT bioplastic coating was produced on a paper-forming machine Physical and mechanical properties were studied. By using the Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope/Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometer (FESEM/EDS) technique, the structure of dried cocoa pod husks showed the main components of cocoa pod husks. The appearance of porous has not been found. The fibers were firmly bound for use as a raw material for pulp manufacturing. Dry cocoa pod husks contain the major elements carbon (C) and oxygen (O). Magnesium (Mg), potassium (K), and calcium (Ca) were minor elements that were found in very small levels. After that cocoa pod husks were removed from the soda-pulping process. It found that the SAQ5 formula produced pulp yield, moisture content, and water drainage. To achieve the basis weight by TAPPI T205 sp-02 standard, cocoa pod husk pulp and modified starch were mixed. The paper was coated with bioplastic PBAT. It was produced using bioplastic resin from the blown film extrusion technique. It showed the contact angle, dispersion component and polar component. It is an effective hydrophobic material for rigid packaging applications.

Keywords: cocoa pod husks, agricultural residue, composite material, rigid packaging

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1297 Identification of the Antimicrobial Property of Double Metal Oxide/Bioactive Glass Nanocomposite Against Multi Drug Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Causing Implant Infections

Authors: M. H. Pazandeh, M. Doudi, S. Barahimi, L. Rahimzadeh Torabi


The use of antibiotics is essential in reducing the occurrence of adverse effects and inhibiting the emergence of antibiotic resistance in microbial populations. The necessity for a novel methodology concerning local administration of antibiotics has arisen, with particular focus on dealing with localized infections prompted by bacterial colonization of medical devices or implant materials. Bioactive glasses (BG) are extensively employed in the field of regenerative medicine, encompassing a diverse range of materials utilized for drug delivery systems. In the present investigation, various drug carriers for imipenem and tetracycline, namely single systems BG/SnO2, BG/NiO with varying proportions of metal oxide, and nanocomposite BG/SnO2/NiO, were synthesized through the sol-gel technique. The antibacterial efficacy of the synthesized samples was assessed through the utilization of the disk diffusion method with the aim of neutralizing Staphylococcus aureus as the bacterial model. The current study involved the examination of the bioactivity of two samples, namely BG10SnO2/10NiO and BG20SnO2, which were chosen based on their heightened bacterial inactivation properties. This evaluation entailed the employment of two techniques: the measurement of the pH of simulated body fluid (SBF) solution and the analysis of the sample tablets through X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. The sample tablets were submerged in SBF for varying durations of 7, 14, and 28 days. The bioactivity of the composite bioactive glass sample was assessed through characterization of alterations in its surface morphology, structure, and chemical composition. This evaluation was performed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction spectroscopy. Subsequently, the sample was immersed in simulated liquids to simulate its behavior in biological environments. The specific body fat percentage (SBF) was assessed over a 28-day period. The confirmation of the formation of a hydroxyapatite surface layer serves as a distinct indicator of bioactivity. The infusion of antibiotics into the composite bioactive glass specimen was done separately, and then the release kinetics of tetracycline and imipenem were tested in simulated body fluid (SBF). Antimicrobial effectiveness against various bacterial strains have been proven in numerous instances using both melt and sol-gel techniques to create multiple bioactive glass compositions. An elevated concentration of calcium ions within a solution has been observed to cause an increase in the pH level. In aqueous suspensions, bioactive glass particles manifest a significant antimicrobial impact. The composite bioactive glass specimen exhibits a gradual and uninterrupted release, which is highly desirable for a drug delivery system over a span of 72 hours. The reduction in absorption, which signals the loss of a portion of the antibiotic during the loading process from the initial phosphate-buffered saline solution, indicates the successful bonding of the two antibiotics to the surfaces of the bioactive glass samples. The sample denoted as BG/10SnO2/10NiO exhibits a higher loading of particles compared to the sample designated as BG/20SnO2 in the context of bioactive glass. The enriched sample demonstrates a heightened bactericidal impact on the bacteria under investigation while concurrently preserving its antibacterial characteristics. Tailored bioactive glass that incorporates hydroxyapatite, with a regulated and efficient release of drugs targeting bacterial infections, holds promise as a potential framework for bone implant scaffolds following rigorous clinical evaluation, thereby establishing potential future biomedical uses. During the modification process, the introduction of metal oxides into bioactive glass resulted in improved antibacterial characteristics, particularly in the composite bioactive glass sample that displayed the highest level of efficiency.

Keywords: antibacterial, bioactive glasses, implant infections, multi drug resistant

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1296 Effect of Epoxy-ZrP Nanocomposite Top Coating on Inorganic Barrier Layer

Authors: Haesook Kim, Ha Na Ra, Mansu Kim, Hyun Gi Kim, Sung Soo Kim


Epoxy-ZrP (α-zirconium phosphate) nanocomposites were coated on inorganic barrier layer such as sputtering and atomic layer deposition (ALD) to improve the barrier properties and protect the layer. ZrP nanoplatelets were synthesized using a reflux method and exfoliated in the polymer matrix. The barrier properties of coating layer were characterized by measuring water vapor transmission rate (WVTR). The WVTR dramatically decreased after epoxy-ZrP nanocomposite coating, while maintaining the optical properties. It was also investigated the effect of epoxy-ZrP coating on inorganic layer after bending and reliability test. The optimal structure composed of inorganic and epoxy-ZrP nanocomposite layers was used in organic light emitting diodes (OLED) encapsulation.

Keywords: α-zirconium phosphate, barrier properties, epoxy nanocomposites, OLED encapsulation

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1295 Evaluation of Polymerisation Shrinkage of Randomly Oriented Micro-Sized Fibre Reinforced Dental Composites Using Fibre-Bragg Grating Sensors and Their Correlation with Degree of Conversion

Authors: Sonam Behl, Raju, Ginu Rajan, Paul Farrar, B. Gangadhara Prusty


Reinforcing dental composites with micro-sized fibres can significantly improve the physio-mechanical properties of dental composites. The short fibres can be oriented randomly within dental composites, thus providing quasi-isotropic reinforcing efficiency unlike unidirectional/bidirectional fibre reinforced composites enhancing anisotropic properties. Thus, short fibres reinforced dental composites are getting popular among practitioners. However, despite their popularity, resin-based dental composites are prone to failure on account of shrinkage during photo polymerisation. The shrinkage in the structure may lead to marginal gap formation, causing secondary caries, thus ultimately inducing failure of the restoration. The traditional methods to evaluate polymerisation shrinkage using strain gauges, density-based measurements, dilatometer, or bonded-disk focuses on average value of volumetric shrinkage. Moreover, the results obtained from traditional methods are sensitive to the specimen geometry. The present research aims to evaluate the real-time shrinkage strain at selected locations in the material with the help of optical fibre Bragg grating (FBG) sensors. Due to the miniature size (diameter 250 µm) of FBG sensors, they can be easily embedded into small samples of dental composites. Furthermore, an FBG array into the system can map the real-time shrinkage strain at different regions of the composite. The evaluation of real-time monitoring of shrinkage values may help to optimise the physio-mechanical properties of composites. Previously, FBG sensors have been able to rightfully measure polymerisation strains of anisotropic (unidirectional or bidirectional) reinforced dental composites. However, very limited study exists to establish the validity of FBG based sensors to evaluate volumetric shrinkage for randomly oriented fibres reinforced composites. The present study aims to fill this research gap and is focussed on establishing the usage of FBG based sensors for evaluating the shrinkage of dental composites reinforced with randomly oriented fibres. Three groups of specimens were prepared by mixing the resin (80% UDMA/20% TEGDMA) with 55% of silane treated BaAlSiO₂ particulate fillers or by adding 5% of micro-sized fibres of diameter 5 µm, and length 250/350 µm along with 50% of silane treated BaAlSiO₂ particulate fillers into the resin. For measurement of polymerisation shrinkage strain, an array of three fibre Bragg grating sensors was embedded at a depth of 1 mm into a circular Teflon mould of diameter 15 mm and depth 2 mm. The results obtained are compared with the traditional method for evaluation of the volumetric shrinkage using density-based measurements. Degree of conversion was measured using FTIR spectroscopy (Spotlight 400 FT-IR from PerkinElmer). It is expected that the average polymerisation shrinkage strain values for dental composites reinforced with micro-sized fibres can directly correlate with the measured degree of conversion values, implying that more C=C double bond conversion to C-C single bond values also leads to higher shrinkage strain within the composite. Moreover, it could be established the photonics approach could help assess the shrinkage at any point of interest in the material, suggesting that fibre-Bragg grating sensors are a suitable means for measuring real-time polymerisation shrinkage strain for randomly fibre reinforced dental composites as well.

Keywords: dental composite, glass fibre, polymerisation shrinkage strain, fibre-Bragg grating sensors

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1294 Uniaxial Alignment and Ion Exchange Doping to Enhance the Thermoelectric Properties of Organic Polymers

Authors: Wenjin Zhu, Ian E. Jacobs, Henning Sirringhaus


This project delves into the efficiency of uniaxial alignment and ion exchange doping as methods to optimize the thermoelectric properties of organic polymers. The anisotropic nature of charge transport in conjugated polymers is capitalized upon through the uniaxial alignment of polymer backbones, ensuring charge transport is streamlined along these backbones. Ion exchange doping has demonstrated superiority over traditional molecular and electrochemical doping methods, amplifying charge carrier densities. By integrating these two techniques, we've observed marked improvements in the thermoelectric attributes of specific conjugated polymers such as PBTTT and DPP based polymers. We demonstrate respectable power factors of 172.6 μW m⁻¹ K⁻² in PBTTT system and 41.7 μW m⁻¹ K⁻² in DPP system.

Keywords: organic electronics, thermoelectrics, uniaxial alignment, ion exchange doping

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1293 Effect of Ageing of Laser-Treated Surfaces on Corrosion Resistance of Fusion-bonded Al Joints

Authors: Rio Hirakawa, Christian Gundlach, Sven Hartwig


Aluminium has been used in a wide range of industrial applications due to its numerous advantages, including excellent specific strength, thermal conductivity, corrosion resistance, workability and recyclability. The automotive industry is increasingly adopting multi-materials, including aluminium in structures and components to improve the mechanical usability and performance of individual components. A common method for assembling dissimilar materials is mechanical joining, but mechanical joining requires multiple manufacturing steps, affects the mechanical properties of the base material and increases the weight due to additional metal parts. Fusion bonding is being used in more and more industries as a way of avoiding the above drawbacks. Infusion bonding, and surface pre-treatment of the base material is essential to ensure the long-life durability of the joint. Laser surface treatment of aluminium has been shown to improve the durability of the joint by forming a passive oxide film and roughening the substrate surface. Infusion bonding, the polymer bonds directly to the metal instead of the adhesive, but the sensitivity to interfacial contamination is higher due to the chemical activity and molecular size of the polymer. Laser-treated surfaces are expected to absorb impurities from the storage atmosphere over time, but the effect of such changes in the treated surface over time on the durability of fusion-bonded joints has not yet been fully investigated. In this paper, the effect of the ageing of laser-treated surfaces of aluminum alloys on the corrosion resistance of fusion-bonded joints is therefore investigated. AlMg3 of 1.5 mm thickness was cut using a water-jet cutting machine, cleaned and degreased with isopropanol and surface pre-treated with a pulsed fiber laser at a wavelength of 1060 nm, maximum power of 70 W and repetition rate of 55 kHz. The aluminum surfaces were then stored in air for various periods of time and their corrosion resistance was assessed by cyclic voltammetry (CV) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). For the aluminum joints, induction heating was employed as the fusion bonding method and single-lap shear specimens were prepared. The corrosion resistance of the joints was assessed by measuring the lap shear strength before and after neutral salt spray. Cross-sectional observations by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were also carried out to investigate changes in the microstructure of the bonded interface. Finally, the corrosion resistance of the surface and the joint were compared and the differences in the mechanisms of corrosion resistance enhancement between the two were discussed.

Keywords: laser surface treatment, pre-treatment, bonding, corrosion, durability, interface, automotive, aluminium alloys, joint, fusion bonding

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1292 Behavior of Polymeric Mortars: An Analysis from the Point of View of Application in Severe Conditions

Authors: J. P. Gorninski, J. M. L. Reis


This present work was aimed to develop polymeric mortars having as binder two polyester resins namely isophtalic and orthophtalic polyester. The inorganic phase was composed by medium-size river sand and fly ash fíller, a by-product of the burning of coal in power plants. The compositions in this study are high performance mortars and were assessed by mechanical properties, through compressive strength and flexural strength, by durability strength when exposed to the cyclical variation of temperature from -400C to +300C and by the chemical aggression test. The composites displayed good performance when exposed to cyclical temperature variations and chemical solutions. The mechanical strength values reached the 100 MPa, the flexural strength yielded values of about twenty percent of mechanical strength.

Keywords: polymer mortar, mechanical strength, cyclical temperatures, chemical strength, sustainability

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1291 Microscopic Insights into Water Transport Through a Biomimetic Artificial Water Nano-Channels-Polyamide Membrane

Authors: Aziz Ghoufi, Ayman Kanaan


Clean water is ubiquitous from drinking to agriculture and from energy supply to industrial manufacturing. Since the conventional water sources are becoming increasingly rare, the development of new technologies for water supply is crucial to address the world’s clean water needs in the 21st century. Desalination is in many regards the most promising approach to long-term water supply since it potentially delivers an unlimited source of fresh water. Seawater desalination using reverse osmosis (RO) membranes has become over the past decade a standard approach to produce fresh water. While this technology has proven to be efficient, it remains however relatively costly in terms of energy input due to the use of high-pressure pumps resulting of the low water permeation through polymeric RO membranes. Recently, water channels incorporated in lipidic and polymeric membranes were demonstrated to provide a selective water translocation that enables to break permeability- selectivity trade-off. Biomimetic Artificial Water channels (AWCs) are becoming highly attractive systems to achieve a selective transport of water. The first developed AWCs formed from imidazole quartet (I-quartet) embedded in lipidic membranes exhibited an ion selectivity higher than AQPs however associated with a lower water flow performance. Recently it has been conducted pioneer work in this field with the fabrication of the first AWC@Polyamide(PA) composite membrane with outstanding desalination performance. However, the microscopic desalination mechanism in play is still unknown and its understanding represents the shortest way for a long-term conception and design of AWC@PA composite membranes with better performance. In this work we gain an unprecedented fundamental understanding and rationalization of the nanostructuration of the AWC@PA membranes and the microscopic mechanism at the origin of their water transport performance from advanced molecular simulations. Using osmotic molecular dynamics simulations and a non-equilibrium method with water slab control, we demonstrate an increase in porosity near the AWC@PA interfaces, enhancing water transport without compromising the rejection rate. Indeed, the water transport pathways exhibit a single-file structure connected by hydrogen bonds. Finally, by comparing AWC@PA and PA membranes, we show that the difference in water flux aligns well with experimental results, validating the model used.

Keywords: water desalination, biomimetic membranes, molecular simulation, nanochannels

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