Search results for: concrete formulation
1205 Formulation and in vitro Evaluation of Sustained Release Matrix Tablets of Levetiracetam for Better Epileptic Treatment
Authors: Nagasamy Venkatesh Dhandapani
The objective of the present study was to develop sustained release oral matrix tablets of anti epileptic drug levetiracetam. The sustained release matrix tablets of levetiracetam were prepared using hydrophilic matrix hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) as a release retarding polymer by wet granulation method. Prior to compression, FTIR studies were performed to understand the compatibility between the drug and excipients. The study revealed that there was no chemical interaction between drug and excipients used in the study. The tablets were characterized by physical and chemical parameters and results were found in acceptable limits. In vitro release study was carried out for the tablets using 0.1 N HCl for 2 hours and in phosphate buffer pH 7.4 for remaining time up to 12 hours. The effect of polymer concentration was studied. Different dissolution models were applied to drug release data in order to evaluate release mechanisms and kinetics. The drug release data fit well to zero order kinetics. Drug release mechanism was found as a complex mixture of diffusion, swelling and erosion.Keywords: levetiracetam, sustained-release, hydrophilic matrix tablet, HPMC grade K 100 MCR, wet granulation, zero order release kinetics
Procedia PDF Downloads 3161204 Online Robust Model Predictive Control for Linear Fractional Transformation Systems Using Linear Matrix Inequalities
Authors: Peyman Sindareh Esfahani, Jeffery Kurt Pieper
In this paper, the problem of robust model predictive control (MPC) for discrete-time linear systems in linear fractional transformation form with structured uncertainty and norm-bounded disturbance is investigated. The problem of minimization of the cost function for MPC design is converted to minimization of the worst case of the cost function. Then, this problem is reduced to minimization of an upper bound of the cost function subject to a terminal inequality satisfying the l2-norm of the closed loop system. The characteristic of the linear fractional transformation system is taken into account, and by using some mathematical tools, the robust predictive controller design problem is turned into a linear matrix inequality minimization problem. Afterwards, a formulation which includes an integrator to improve the performance of the proposed robust model predictive controller in steady state condition is studied. The validity of the approaches is illustrated through a robust control benchmark problem.Keywords: linear fractional transformation, linear matrix inequality, robust model predictive control, state feedback control
Procedia PDF Downloads 3951203 Environmental Impact of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete in Modern Construction: A Case Study from the New Egyptian Administrative Capital
Authors: Esraa A. Khalil, Mohamed N. AbouZeid
Building materials selection is critical for the sustainability of any project. The choice of building materials has a huge impact on the built environment and cost of projects. Building materials emit huge amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) due to the use of cement as a basic component in the manufacturing process and as a binder, which harms our environment. Energy consumption from buildings has increased in the last few years; a huge amount of energy is being wasted from using unsustainable building and finishing materials, as well as from the process of heating and cooling of buildings. In addition, the construction sector in Egypt is taking a good portion of the economy; however, there is a lack of awareness of buildings environmental impacts on the built environment. Using advanced building materials and different wall systems can help in reducing heat consumption, the project’s initial and long-term costs, and minimizing the environmental impacts. Red Bricks is one of the materials that are being used widely in Egypt. There are many other types of bricks such as Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC); however, the use of Red Bricks is dominating the construction industry due to its affordability and availability. This research focuses on the New Egyptian Administrative Capital as a case study to investigate the potential of the influence of using different wall systems such as AAC on the project’s cost and the environment. The aim of this research is to conduct a comparative analysis between the traditional and most commonly used bricks in Egypt, which is Red Bricks, and AAC wall systems. Through an economic and environmental study, the difference between the two wall systems will be justified to encourage the utilization of uncommon techniques in the construction industry to build more affordable, energy efficient and sustainable buildings. The significance of this research is to show the potential of using AAC in the construction industry and its positive influences. The study analyzes the factors associated with choosing suitable building materials for different projects according to the need and criteria of each project and its nature without harming the environment and wasting materials that could be saved or recycled. The New Egyptian Administrative Capital is considered as the country’s new heart, where ideas regarding energy savings and environmental benefits are taken into consideration. Meaning that, Egypt is taking good steps to move towards more sustainable construction. According to the analysis and site visits, there is a potential in reducing the initial costs of buildings by 12.1% and saving energy by using different techniques up to 25%. Interviews with the mega structures project engineers and managers reveal that they are more open to introducing sustainable building materials that will help in saving the environment and moving towards green construction as well as to studying more effective techniques for energy conservation.Keywords: AAC blocks, building material, environmental impact, modern construction, new Egyptian administrative capital
Procedia PDF Downloads 1211202 Theoretical and Numerical Investigation of a Tri-Stable Nonlinear Energy Harvesting System in Rotational Motion for Low Frequency Environment
Authors: Mei Xutao, Nakano Kimihiko
In order to enhance the energy harvesting efficiency, this paper presents a novel tri-stable energy harvesting system (TEHS), which is realized by the effect of magnetic force, in rotational motion to scavenge vibration energy. The device is meant to provide the power supply for wireless autonomous systems in low-frequency environment. The nonlinear TEHS is composed of the cantilever beam which is mounted on a rotating hub and partially covered by piezoelectric patch, a tip mass magnet in the end and two fixed magnets. A theoretical investigation using the Lagrangian formulation is derived to describe the motion of the energy harvesting system and the output voltage. Additionally, several numerical simulations were carried out to characterize the system under different external excitations and to validate its performance. The results demonstrated that TEHS owns a wide range of frequency of snap-through and high output voltage compared with the bi-stable energy harvesting system (BEHS). Moreover, some sets of experimental validations will be performed in the future work because the experimental setup is in the configuration now.Keywords: piezoelectric beam, rotational motion, snap-through, tri-stable energy harvester
Procedia PDF Downloads 2971201 Multidisciplinary Approach to Diagnosis of Primary Progressive Aphasia in a Younger Middle Aged Patient
Authors: Robert Krause
Primary progressive aphasia (PPA) is a neurodegenerative disease similar to frontotemporal and semantic dementia, while having a different clinical image and anatomic pathology topography. Nonetheless, they are often included under an umbrella term: frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD). In the study, examples of diagnosing PPA are presented through the multidisciplinary lens of specialists from different fields (neurologists, psychiatrists, clinical speech therapists, clinical neuropsychologists and others) using a variety of diagnostic tools such as MR, PET/CT, genetic screening and neuropsychological and logopedic methods. Thanks to that, specialists can get a better and clearer understanding of PPA diagnosis. The study summarizes the concrete procedures and results of different specialists while diagnosing PPA in a patient of younger middle age and illustrates the importance of multidisciplinary approach to differential diagnosis of PPA.Keywords: primary progressive aphasia, etiology, diagnosis, younger middle age
Procedia PDF Downloads 1971200 Nurse Schedule Problem in Mubarak Al Kabeer Hospital
Authors: Khaled Al-Mansour, Nawaf Esmael, Abdulaziz Al-Zaid, Mohammed Al Ateeqi, Ali Al-Yousfi, Sayed Al-Zalzalah
In this project we will create the new schedule of nurse according to the preference of them. We did our project in Mubarak Al Kabeer Hospital (in Kuwait). The project aims to optimize the schedule of nurses in Mubarak Al Kabeer Hospital. The schedule of the nurses was studied and understood well to do any modification for their schedule to make the nurses feel as much comfort as they are. First constraints were found to know what things we can change and what things we can’t, the hard constraints are the hospital and ministry policies where we can’t change anything about, and the soft constraints are things that make nurses more comfortable. Data were collected and nurses were interviewed to know what is more better for them. All these constraints and date have been formulated to mathematical equations. This report will first contain an introduction to the topic which includes details of the problem definition. It will also contain information regarding the optimization of a nurse schedule and its contents and importance; furthermore, the report will contain information about the data needed to solve the problem and how it was collected. The problem requires formulation and that is also to be shown. The methodology will be explained which will state what has already been done. We used the lingo software to find the best schedule for the nurse. The schedule has been made according to what the nurses prefer, and also took consideration of the hospital policy when we make the schedule.Keywords: nurse schedule problem, Kuwait, hospital policy, optimization of schedules
Procedia PDF Downloads 2691199 Coping with Geological Hazards during Construction of Hydroelectric Projects in Himalaya
Authors: B. D. Patni, Ashwani Jain, Arindom Chakraborty
The world’s highest mountain range has been forming since the collision of Indian Plate with Asian Plate 40-50 million years ago. The Indian subcontinent has been deeper and deeper in to the rest of Asia resulting upliftment of Himalaya & Tibetan Plateau. The complex domain has become a major challenge for construction of hydro electric projects. The Himalayas are geologically complex & seismically active. Shifting of Indian Plate northwardly and increasing the amount of stresses in the fragile domain which leads to deformation in the form of several fold, faults and upliftment. It is difficult to undergo extensive geological investigation to ascertain the geological problems to be encountered during construction. Inaccessibility of the terrain, high rock cover, unpredictable ground water condition etc. are the main constraints. The hydroelectric projects located in Himalayas have faced many geological and geo-hydrological problems while construction of surface and subsurface works. Based on the experience, efforts have been made to identify the expected geological problems during and after construction of the projects. These have been classified into surface and subsurface problems which include existence of inhomogeneous deep overburden in the river bed or buried valley, abrupt change in bed rock profile, Occurrences of fault zones/shear zones/fractured rock in dam foundation and slope instability in the abutments. The tunneling difficulties are many such as squeezing ground condition, popping, rock bursting, high temperature gradient, heavy ingress of water, existence of shear seams/shear zones and emission of obnoxious gases. However, these problems were mitigated by adopting suitable remedial measures as per site requirement. The support system includes shotcrete, wire mesh, rock bolts, steel ribs, fore-poling, pre-grouting, pipe-roofing, MAI anchors, toe wall, retaining walls, reinforced concrete dowels, drainage drifts, anchorage cum drainage shafts, soil nails, concrete cladding and shear keys. Controlled drilling & blasting, heading & benching, proper drainage network and ventilation system are other remedial measures adopted to overcome such adverse situations. The paper highlights the geological uncertainties and its remedial measures in Himalaya, based on the analysis and evaluation of 20 hydroelectric projects during construction.Keywords: geological problems, shear seams, slope, drilling & blasting, shear zones
Procedia PDF Downloads 4031198 Urban Furniture: Relationship between Metropolises Environment and Humans
Authors: Najmehossadat Enjoo
Beautification means all mindfully measurements to improve quality of urban environment which makes the city more suitable for its inhabitants' life. Purpose of beautification is to provide an environment in which all citizens take pleasure. Beautification aims at urban environment's quality improvement. In space among buildings and constructions some supplementary elements are required to furnish urban life; equipment like house furniture makes life possible in a space surrounded with stones, concrete, and glass. Such elements regulate the flow of movement, rest, recreation and stress in a city and exhilarate it. Urban furniture is the common term used for such facilities and capabilities. Nowadays, experience and application of urban elements have proved that to what extent using proper equipment and furniture can positively affect the citizens and users of urban environments.Keywords: urban servitudes, urban design, urban furniture, visage of city
Procedia PDF Downloads 4981197 Antioxidant Activity of Nanoparticle of Etlingera elatior (Jack) R.M.Sm Flower Extract on Liver and Kidney of Rats
Authors: Tita Nofianti, Tresna Lestari, Ade Y. Aprillia, Lilis Tuslinah, Ruswanto Ruswanto
Nanoparticle technology gives a chance for drugs, especially natural based product, to give better activities than in its macromolecule form. The ginger torch is known to have activities as an antioxidant, antimicrobial, anticancer, etc. In this research, ginger torch flower extract was nanoparticlized using poloxamer 1, 3, and 5%. Nanoparticle was charaterized for its particle size, polydispersity index, zeta potential, entrapment efficiency, and morphological form by SEM (scanning electron microscope). The result shows that nanoparticle formulations have particle size 134.7-193.1 nm, polydispersity index is less than 0.5 for all formulations, zeta potential is -41.0 to (-24.3) mV, and entrapment efficiency is 89.93 to 97.99 against flavonoid content with a soft surface and spherical form of particles. Methanolic extract of ginger torch flower could enhance superoxide dismutase activity by 1,3183 U/mL in male rats. Nanoparticle formulation of ginger torch extract is expected to increase the capability of drug to enhance superoxide dismutase activity.Keywords: superoxide dismutase, ginger torch flower, nanoparticle, poloxamer
Procedia PDF Downloads 2091196 Integration of Icf Walls as Diurnal Solar Thermal Storage with Microchannel Solar Assisted Heat Pump for Space Heating and Domestic Hot Water Production
Authors: Mohammad Emamjome Kashan, Alan S. Fung
In Canada, more than 32% of the total energy demand is related to the building sector. Therefore, there is a great opportunity for Greenhouse Gases (GHG) reduction by integrating solar collectors to provide building heating load and domestic hot water (DHW). Despite the cold winter weather, Canada has a good number of sunny and clear days that can be considered for diurnal solar thermal energy storage. Due to the energy mismatch between building heating load and solar irradiation availability, relatively big storage tanks are usually needed to store solar thermal energy during the daytime and then use it at night. On the other hand, water tanks occupy huge space, especially in big cities, space is relatively expensive. This project investigates the possibility of using a specific building construction material (ICF – Insulated Concrete Form) as diurnal solar thermal energy storage that is integrated with a heat pump and microchannel solar thermal collector (MCST). Not much literature has studied the application of building pre-existing walls as active solar thermal energy storage as a feasible and industrialized solution for the solar thermal mismatch. By using ICF walls that are integrated into the building envelope, instead of big storage tanks, excess solar energy can be stored in the concrete of the ICF wall that consists of EPS insulation layers on both sides to store the thermal energy. In this study, two solar-based systems are designed and simulated inTransient Systems Simulation Program(TRNSYS)to compare ICF wall thermal storage benefits over the system without ICF walls. In this study, the heating load and DHW of a Canadian single-family house located in London, Ontario, are provided by solar-based systems. The proposed system integrates the MCST collector, a water-to-water HP, a preheat tank, the main tank, fan coils (to deliver the building heating load), and ICF walls. During the day, excess solar energy is stored in the ICF walls (charging cycle). Thermal energy can be restored from the ICF walls when the preheat tank temperature drops below the ICF wall (discharging process) to increase the COP of the heat pump. The evaporator of the heat pump is taking is coupled with the preheat tank. The provided warm water by the heat pump is stored in the second tank. Fan coil units are in contact with the tank to provide a building heating load. DHW is also delivered is provided from the main tank. It is investigated that the system with ICF walls with an average solar fraction of 82%- 88% can cover the whole heating demand+DHW of nine months and has a 10-15% higher average solar fraction than the system without ICF walls. Sensitivity analysis for different parameters influencing the solar fraction is discussed in detail.Keywords: net-zero building, renewable energy, solar thermal storage, microchannel solar thermal collector
Procedia PDF Downloads 1211195 Optimal Sizes of Battery Energy Storage Systems for Economic Operation in Microgrid
Authors: Sirus Mohammadi, Sara Ansari, Darush dehghan, Habib Hoshyari
Batteries for storage of electricity from solar and wind generation farms are a key element in the success of sustainability. In recent years, due to large integration of Renewable Energy Sources (RESs) like wind turbine and photovoltaic unit into the Micro-Grid (MG), the necessity of Battery Energy Storage (BES) has increased dramatically. The BES has several benefits and advantages in the MG-based applications such as short term power supply, power quality improvement, facilitating integration of RES, ancillary service and arbitrage. This paper presents the cost-based formulation to determine the optimal size of the BES in the operation management of MG. Also, some restrictions, i.e. power capacity of Distributed Generators (DGs), power and energy capacity of BES, charge/discharge efficiency of BES, operating reserve and load demand satisfaction should be considered as well. In this paper, a methodology is proposed for the optimal allocation and economic analysis of ESS in MGs on the basis of net present value (NPV). As the optimal operation of an MG strongly depends on the arrangement and allocation of its ESS, economic operation strategies and optimal allocation methods of the ESS devices are required for the MG.Keywords: microgrid, energy storage system, optimal sizing, net present value
Procedia PDF Downloads 4951194 Electron Impact Ionization Cross-Sections for e-C₅H₅N₅ Scattering
Authors: Manoj Kumar
Ionization cross sections of molecules due to electron impact play an important role in chemical processes in various branches of applied physics, such as radiation chemistry, gas discharges, plasmas etching in semiconductors, planetary upper atmospheric physics, mass spectrometry, etc. In the present work, we have calculated the total ionization cross sections for Adenine (C₅H₅N₅), a biologically important molecule, by electron impact in the incident electron energy range from ionization threshold to 2 keV employing a well-known Jain-Khare semiempirical formulation based on Bethe and Möllor cross sections. In the non-availability of the experimental results, the present results are in good agreement qualitatively as well as quantitatively with available theoretical results. The present results drive our confidence for further investigation of complex bio-molecule with better accuracy. Notwithstanding, the present method can deduce reliable cross-sectional data for complex targets with adequate accuracy and may facilitate the acclimatization of calculated cross-sections into atomic molecular cross-section data sets for modeling codes and other applications.Keywords: electron impact ionization cross-sections, oscillator strength, jain-khare semiempirical approach
Procedia PDF Downloads 1121193 Numerical Experiments for the Purpose of Studying Space-Time Evolution of Various Forms of Pulse Signals in the Collisional Cold Plasma
Authors: N. Kh. Gomidze, I. N. Jabnidze, K. A. Makharadze
The influence of inhomogeneities of plasma and statistical characteristics on the propagation of signal is very actual in wireless communication systems. While propagating in the media, the deformation and evaluation of the signal in time and space take place and on the receiver we get a deformed signal. The present article is dedicated to studying the space-time evolution of rectangular, sinusoidal, exponential and bi-exponential impulses via numerical experiment in the collisional, cold plasma. The presented method is not based on the Fourier-presentation of the signal. Analytically, we have received the general image depicting the space-time evolution of the radio impulse amplitude that gives an opportunity to analyze the concrete results in the case of primary impulse.Keywords: collisional, cold plasma, rectangular pulse signal, impulse envelope
Procedia PDF Downloads 3841192 3D Elasticity Analysis of Laminated Composite Plate Using State Space Method
Authors: Prathmesh Vikas Patil, Yashaswini Lomte Patil
Laminated composite materials have considerable attention in various engineering applications due to their exceptional strength-to-weight ratio and mechanical properties. The analysis of laminated composite plates in three-dimensional (3D) elasticity is a complex problem, as it requires accounting for the orthotropic anisotropic nature of the material and the interactions between multiple layers. Conventional approaches, such as the classical plate theory, provide simplified solutions but are limited in performing exact analysis of the plate. To address such a challenge, the state space method emerges as a powerful numerical technique for modeling the behavior of laminated composites in 3D. The state-space method involves transforming the governing equations of elasticity into a state-space representation, enabling the analysis of complex structural systems in a systematic manner. Here, an effort is made to perform a 3D elasticity analysis of plates with cross-ply and angle-ply laminates using the state space approach. The state space approach is used in this study as it is a mixed formulation technique that gives the displacements and stresses simultaneously with the same level of accuracy.Keywords: cross ply laminates, angle ply laminates, state space method, three-dimensional elasticity analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 1141191 Effect of Subsequent Drying and Wetting on the Small Strain Shear Modulus of Unsaturated Soils
Authors: A. Khosravi, S. Ghadirian, J. S. McCartney
Evaluation of the seismic-induced settlement of an unsaturated soil layer depends on several variables, among which the small strain shear modulus, Gmax, and soil’s state of stress have been demonstrated to be of particular significance. Recent interpretation of trends in Gmax revealed considerable effects of the degree of saturation and hydraulic hysteresis on the shear stiffness of soils in unsaturated states. Accordingly, the soil layer is expected to experience different settlement behaviors depending on the soil saturation and seasonal weathering conditions. In this study, a semi-empirical formulation was adapted to extend an existing Gmax model to infer hysteretic effects along different paths of the SWRC including scanning curves. The suitability of the proposed approach is validated against experimental results from a suction-controlled resonant column test and from data reported in literature. The model was observed to follow the experimental data along different paths of the SWRC, and showed a slight hysteresis in shear modulus along the scanning curves.Keywords: hydraulic hysteresis, scanning path, small strain shear modulus, unsaturated soil
Procedia PDF Downloads 3891190 Iterative Solver for Solving Large-Scale Frictional Contact Problems
Authors: Thierno Diop, Michel Fortin, Jean Deteix
Since the precise formulation of the elastic part is irrelevant for the description of the algorithm, we shall consider a generic case. In practice, however, we will have to deal with a non linear material (for instance a Mooney-Rivlin model). We are interested in solving a finite element approximation of the problem, leading to large-scale non linear discrete problems and, after linearization, to large linear systems and ultimately to calculations needing iterative methods. This also implies that penalty method, and therefore augmented Lagrangian method, are to be banned because of their negative effect on the condition number of the underlying discrete systems and thus on the convergence of iterative methods. This is in rupture to the mainstream of methods for contact in which augmented Lagrangian is the principal tool. We shall first present the problem and its discretization; this will lead us to describe a general solution algorithm relying on a preconditioner for saddle-point problems which we shall describe in some detail as it is not entirely standard. We will propose an iterative approach for solving three-dimensional frictional contact problems between elastic bodies, including contact with a rigid body, contact between two or more bodies and also self-contact.Keywords: frictional contact, three-dimensional, large-scale, iterative method
Procedia PDF Downloads 2121189 Hybridized Approach for Distance Estimation Using K-Means Clustering
Authors: Ritu Vashistha, Jitender Kumar
Clustering using the K-means algorithm is a very common way to understand and analyze the obtained output data. When a similar object is grouped, this is called the basis of Clustering. There is K number of objects and C number of cluster in to single cluster in which k is always supposed to be less than C having each cluster to be its own centroid but the major problem is how is identify the cluster is correct based on the data. Formulation of the cluster is not a regular task for every tuple of row record or entity but it is done by an iterative process. Each and every record, tuple, entity is checked and examined and similarity dissimilarity is examined. So this iterative process seems to be very lengthy and unable to give optimal output for the cluster and time taken to find the cluster. To overcome the drawback challenge, we are proposing a formula to find the clusters at the run time, so this approach can give us optimal results. The proposed approach uses the Euclidian distance formula as well melanosis to find the minimum distance between slots as technically we called clusters and the same approach we have also applied to Ant Colony Optimization(ACO) algorithm, which results in the production of two and multi-dimensional matrix.Keywords: ant colony optimization, data clustering, centroids, data mining, k-means
Procedia PDF Downloads 1281188 Development of Children through the Prism of Pending Bills in India: An Analytical Study
Authors: S. Sunaina, Neha Saini
Children are considered as future of a country. In order to have a better future, better laws are required in the present, especially for the children. Their development primarily revolves around physical, mental, psychological, emotional and financial facets. Hence the holistic development of a child in the contemporary society is a must in order to secure a better future. The present paper is an endeavour to analyse the development of children in India vis-a-vis The Child Development Bill 2016 and Child Labour (Abolition) Bill 2016 pending before the Indian Parliament. The findings of the study will attempt to highlight the flaws of the Bills and their probable repercussions, supporting the same with Constitutional provisions, judicial precedents, and the international perspective. Finally, the paper will conclude with concrete suggestions to overcome the flaws of the Bills so that the Bills, when passed, can be sincerely implemented.Keywords: bill, children, development, repercussion
Procedia PDF Downloads 2721187 Broad Protection against Avian Influenza Virus by Using a Modified Vaccinia Ankara Virus Expressing a Mosaic Hemagglutinin
Authors: Attapon Kamlangdee, Brock Kingstad-Bakke, Tavis K. Anderson, Tony L. Goldberg, Jorge E. Osorio
A critical failure in our preparedness for an influenza pandemic is the lack of a universal vaccine. Influenza virus strains diverge by 1 to 2% per year, and commercially available vaccines often do not elicit protection from one year to the next, necessitating frequent formulation changes. This represents a major challenge to the development of a cross-protective vaccine that can protect against circulating viral antigenic diversity. We have constructed a recombinant modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA) that expresses an H5N1 mosaic hemagglutinin (H5M) (MVA-H5M). This mosaic was generated in silico using 2,145 field-sourced H5N1 isolates. A single dose of MVA-H5M provided 100% protection in mice against clade 0, 1, and 2 avian influenza viruses and also protected against seasonal H1N1 virus (A/Puerto Rico/8/34). It also provided short-term (10 days) and long-term (6 months) protection post vaccination. Both neutralizing antibodies and antigen-specific CD4+and CD8+ T cells were still detected at 5 months post vaccination, suggesting that MVA-H5M provides long-lasting immunity.Keywords: modified vaccinia Ankara, MVA, H5N1, hemagglutinin, influenza vaccine
Procedia PDF Downloads 2791186 Antioxidant Properties of Snack Crackers Incorporated with Mahaleb (Prunus mahaleb L.) Powder
Authors: Elif Yildiz, Gizem Gungor, Hatice Yilmaz, Duygu Gocmen
Nowadays, consumer demand has been increasing for the healthy and functional food. In this context, some natural products rich in phenolic compounds are also added to cereal based food for health benefits. Natural phenolic compounds have many beneficial bioactivities such as anti-allergic, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and anti-mutagenic activities. It has been found that various plant species contain natural bioactive phytochemicals with antioxidant function. One of these plant species is mahaleb (Prunus mahaleb L). Mahaleb berries with dark blue or red colours have the highest antioxidant capacities among all common fruits and vegetables. The aim of this study was to determine the possibilities of improving the antioxidant properties of novel snack crackers by supplementing with mahaleb (Prunus mahaleb L) powder. For this purpose mahaleb powder were used to replace wheat flour in the snack cracker formulation at two different levels (5%, and 7.5% w/w). As a result, mahaleb supplementation caused an increase in total phenolic contents and antioxidant activities of crackers. It can be say that mahaleb powder can be used as an alternative functional and nutritional ingredient in bakery products.Keywords: antioxidant activity, cracker, mahaleb (Prunus mahaleb L), phenolic contents
Procedia PDF Downloads 2671185 Effect of Hybridization of Composite Material on Buckling Analysis with Elastic Foundation Using the High Order Theory
Authors: Benselama Khadidja, El Meiche Noureddine
This paper presents the effect of hybridization material on the variation of non-dimensional critical buckling load with different cross-ply laminates plate resting on elastic foundations of Winkler and Pasternak types subjected to combine uniaxial and biaxial loading by using two variable refined plate theories. Governing equations are derived from the Principle of Virtual Displacement; the formulation is based on a new function of shear deformation theory taking into account transverse shear deformation effects vary parabolically across the thickness satisfying shear stress-free surface conditions. These equations are solved analytically using the Navier solution of a simply supported. The influence of the various parameters geometric and material, the thickness ratio, and the number of layers symmetric and antisymmetric hybrid laminates material has been investigated to find the critical buckling loads. The numerical results obtained through the present study with several examples are presented to verify and compared with other models with the ones available in the literature.Keywords: buckling, hybrid cross-ply laminates, Winkler and Pasternak, elastic foundation, two variables plate theory
Procedia PDF Downloads 4841184 Enhancing Spatial Interpolation: A Multi-Layer Inverse Distance Weighting Model for Complex Regression and Classification Tasks in Spatial Data Analysis
Authors: Yakin Hajlaoui, Richard Labib, Jean-François Plante, Michel Gamache
This study introduces the Multi-Layer Inverse Distance Weighting Model (ML-IDW), inspired by the mathematical formulation of both multi-layer neural networks (ML-NNs) and Inverse Distance Weighting model (IDW). ML-IDW leverages ML-NNs' processing capabilities, characterized by compositions of learnable non-linear functions applied to input features, and incorporates IDW's ability to learn anisotropic spatial dependencies, presenting a promising solution for nonlinear spatial interpolation and learning from complex spatial data. it employ gradient descent and backpropagation to train ML-IDW, comparing its performance against conventional spatial interpolation models such as Kriging and standard IDW on regression and classification tasks using simulated spatial datasets of varying complexity. the results highlight the efficacy of ML-IDW, particularly in handling complex spatial datasets, exhibiting lower mean square error in regression and higher F1 score in classification.Keywords: deep learning, multi-layer neural networks, gradient descent, spatial interpolation, inverse distance weighting
Procedia PDF Downloads 551183 Sixth-Order Two-Point Efficient Family of Super-Halley Type Methods
Authors: Ramandeep Behl, S. S. Motsa
The main focus of this manuscript is to provide a highly efficient two-point sixth-order family of super-Halley type methods that do not require any second-order derivative evaluation for obtaining simple roots of nonlinear equations, numerically. Each member of the proposed family requires two evaluations of the given function and two evaluations of the first-order derivative per iteration. By using Mathematica-9 with its high precision compatibility, a variety of concrete numerical experiments and relevant results are extensively treated to confirm t he t heoretical d evelopment. From their basins of attraction, it has been observed that the proposed methods have better stability and robustness as compared to the other sixth-order methods available in the literature.Keywords: basins of attraction, nonlinear equations, simple roots, super-Halley
Procedia PDF Downloads 5181182 Modeling by Application of the Nernst-Planck Equation and Film Theory for Predicting of Chromium Salts through Nanofiltration Membrane
Authors: Aimad Oulebsir, Toufik Chaabane, Sivasankar Venkatramann, Andre Darchen, Rachida Maachi
The objective of this study is to propose a model for the prediction of the mechanism transfer of the trivalent ions through a nanofiltration membrane (NF) by introduction of the polarization concentration phenomenon and to study its influence on the retention of salts. This model is the combination of the Nernst-Planck equation and the equations of the film theory. This model is characterized by two transfer parameters: Reflection coefficient s and solute permeability Ps which are estimated numerically. The thickness of the boundary layer, δ, solute concentration at the membrane surface, Cm, and concentration profile in the polarization layer have also been estimated. The mathematical formulation suggested was established. The retentions of trivalent salts are estimated and compared with the experimental results. A comparison between the results with and without phenomena of polarization of concentration is made and the thickness of boundary layer alimentation side was given. Experimental and calculated results are shown to be in good agreement. The model is then success fully extended to experimental data reported in the literature.Keywords: nanofiltration, concentration polarisation, chromium salts, mass transfer
Procedia PDF Downloads 2821181 A Comparative Study of the Tribological Behavior of Bilayer Coatings for Machine Protection
Authors: Cristina Diaz, Lucia Perez-Gandarillas, Gonzalo Garcia-Fuentes, Simone Visigalli, Roberto Canziani, Giuseppe Di Florio, Paolo Gronchi
During their lifetime, industrial machines are often subjected to chemical, mechanical and thermal extreme conditions. In some cases, the loss of efficiency comes from the degradation of the surface as a result of its exposition to abrasive environments that can cause wear. This is a common problem to be solved in industries of diverse nature such as food, paper or concrete industries, among others. For this reason, a good selection of the material is of high importance. In the machine design context, stainless steels such as AISI 304 and 316 are widely used. However, the severity of the external conditions can require additional protection for the steel and sometimes coating solutions are demanded in order to extend the lifespan of these materials. Therefore, the development of effective coatings with high wear resistance is of utmost technological relevance. In this research, bilayer coatings made of Titanium-Tantalum, Titanium-Niobium, Titanium-Hafnium, and Titanium-Zirconium have been developed using magnetron sputtering configuration by PVD (Physical Vapor Deposition) technology. Their tribological behavior has been measured and evaluated under different environmental conditions. Two kinds of steels were used as substrates: AISI 304, AISI 316. For the comparison with these materials, titanium alloy substrate was also employed. Regarding the characterization, wear rate and friction coefficient were evaluated by a tribo-tester, using a pin-on-ball configuration with different lubricants such as tomato sauce, wine, olive oil, wet compost, a mix of sand and concrete with water and NaCl to approximate the results to real extreme conditions. In addition, topographical images of the wear tracks were obtained in order to get more insight of the wear behavior and scanning electron microscope (SEM) images were taken to evaluate the adhesion and quality of the coating. The characterization was completed with the measurement of nanoindentation hardness and elastic modulus. Concerning the results, thicknesses of the samples varied from 100 nm (Ti-Zr layer) to 1.4 µm (Ti-Hf layer) and SEM images confirmed that the addition of the Ti layer improved the adhesion of the coatings. Moreover, results have pointed out that these coatings have increased the wear resistance in comparison with the original substrates under environments of different severity. Furthermore, nanoindentation hardness results showed an improvement of the elastic strain to failure and a high modulus of elasticity (approximately 200 GPa). As a conclusion, Ti-Ta, Ti-Zr, Ti-Nb, and Ti-Hf are very promising and effective coatings in terms of tribological behavior, improving considerably the wear resistance and friction coefficient of typically used machine materials.Keywords: coating, stainless steel, tribology, wear
Procedia PDF Downloads 1511180 Rheological Characterization of Gels Based on Medicinal Plant Extracts Mixture (Zingibar Officinale and Cinnamomum Cassia)
Authors: Zahia Aliche, Fatiha Boudjema, Benyoucef Khelidj, Selma Mettai, Zohra Bouriahi, Saliha Mohammed Belkebir, Ridha Mazouz
The purpose of this work is the study of the viscoelastic behaviour formulating gels based plant extractions. The extracts of Zingibar officinale and Cinnamomum cassia were included in the gel at different concentrations of these plants in order to be applied in anti-inflammatory drugs. The yield of ethanolic extraction of Zingibar o. is 3.98% and for Cinnamomum c., essential oil by hydrodistillation is 1.67 %. The ethanolic extract of Zingibar.o, the essential oil of Cinnamomum c. and the mixture showed an anti-DPPH radicals’ activity, presented by EC50 values of 11.32, 13.48 and 14.39 mg/ml respectively. A gel based on different concentrations of these extracts was prepared. Microbiological tests conducted against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia colishowed moderate inhibition of Cinnamomum c. gel and less the gel based on Cinnamomum c./ Zingibar o. (20/80). The yeast Candida albicansis resistant to gels. The viscoelastic formulation property was carried out in dynamic and creep and modeled with the Kelvin-Voigt model. The influence of some parameters on the stability of the gel (time, temperature and applied stress) has been studied.Keywords: Cinnamomum cassia, Zingibar officinale, antioxidant activity, antimicrobien activity, gel, viscoelastic behaviour
Procedia PDF Downloads 901179 Dynamic Investigation of Brake Squeal Problem in The Presence of Kinematic Nonlinearities
Authors: Shahroz Khan, Osman Taha Şen
In automotive brake systems, brake noise has been a major problem, and brake squeal is one of the critical ones which is an instability issue. The brake squeal produces an audible sound at high frequency that is irritating to the human ear. To study this critical problem, first a nonlinear mathematical model with three degree of freedom is developed. This model consists of a point mass that simulates the brake pad and a sliding surface that simulates the brake rotor. The model exposes kinematic and clearance nonlinearities, but no friction nonlinearity. In the formulation, the friction coefficient is assumed to be constant and the friction force does not change direction. The nonlinear governing equations of the model are first obtained, and numerical solutions are sought for different cases. Second, a computational model for the squeal problem is developed with a commercial software, and computational solutions are obtained with two different types of contact cases (solid-to-solid and sphere-to-plane). This model consists of three rigid bodies and several elastic elements that simulate the key characteristics of a brake system. The response obtained from this model is compared with numerical solutions in time and frequency domain.Keywords: contact force, nonlinearities, brake squeal, vehicle brake
Procedia PDF Downloads 2461178 Effect of Horizontal Joint Reinforcement on Shear Behaviour of RC Knee Connections
Authors: N. Zhang, J. S. Kuang, S. Mogili
To investigate seismic performance of beam-column knee joints, four full-scale reinforced concrete beam-column knee joints, which were fabricated to simulate those in as-built RC frame buildings designed to ACI 318-14 and ACI-ASCE 352R-02, were tested under reversed cyclic loading. In the experimental programme, particular emphasis was given to the effect of horizontal reinforcement (in format of inverted U-shape bars) on the shear strength and ductility capacity of knee joints. Test results are compared with those predicted by four seismic design codes, including ACI 318-14, EC8, NZS3101 and GB50010. It is seen that the current design codes of practice cannot accurately predict the shear strength of seismically designed knee joints.Keywords: large-scale tests, RC beam-column knee joints, seismic performance, shear strength
Procedia PDF Downloads 2491177 Optimizing Machine Learning Algorithms for Defect Characterization and Elimination in Liquids Manufacturing
Authors: Tolulope Aremu
The key process steps to produce liquid detergent products will introduce potential defects, such as formulation, mixing, filling, and packaging, which might compromise product quality, consumer safety, and operational efficiency. Real-time identification and characterization of such defects are of prime importance for maintaining high standards and reducing waste and costs. Usually, defect detection is performed by human inspection or rule-based systems, which is very time-consuming, inconsistent, and error-prone. The present study overcomes these limitations in dealing with optimization in defect characterization within the process for making liquid detergents using Machine Learning algorithms. Performance testing of various machine learning models was carried out: Support Vector Machine, Decision Trees, Random Forest, and Convolutional Neural Network on defect detection and classification of those defects like wrong viscosity, color deviations, improper filling of a bottle, packaging anomalies. These algorithms have significantly benefited from a variety of optimization techniques, including hyperparameter tuning and ensemble learning, in order to greatly improve detection accuracy while minimizing false positives. Equipped with a rich dataset of defect types and production parameters consisting of more than 100,000 samples, our study further includes information from real-time sensor data, imaging technologies, and historic production records. The results are that optimized machine learning models significantly improve defect detection compared to traditional methods. Take, for instance, the CNNs, which run at 98% and 96% accuracy in detecting packaging anomaly detection and bottle filling inconsistency, respectively, by fine-tuning the model with real-time imaging data, through which there was a reduction in false positives of about 30%. The optimized SVM model on detecting formulation defects gave 94% in viscosity variation detection and color variation. These values of performance metrics correspond to a giant leap in defect detection accuracy compared to the usual 80% level achieved up to now by rule-based systems. Moreover, this optimization with models can hasten defect characterization, allowing for detection time to be below 15 seconds from an average of 3 minutes using manual inspections with real-time processing of data. With this, the reduction in time will be combined with a 25% reduction in production downtime because of proactive defect identification, which can save millions annually in recall and rework costs. Integrating real-time machine learning-driven monitoring drives predictive maintenance and corrective measures for a 20% improvement in overall production efficiency. Therefore, the optimization of machine learning algorithms in defect characterization optimum scalability and efficiency for liquid detergent companies gives improved operational performance to higher levels of product quality. In general, this method could be conducted in several industries within the Fast moving consumer Goods industry, which would lead to an improved quality control process.Keywords: liquid detergent manufacturing, defect detection, machine learning, support vector machines, convolutional neural networks, defect characterization, predictive maintenance, quality control, fast-moving consumer goods
Procedia PDF Downloads 211176 Insect Outbreaks, Harvesting and Wildfire in Forests: Mathematical Models for Coupling Disturbances
Authors: M. C. A. Leite, B. Chen-Charpentier, F. Agusto
A long-term goal of sustainable forest management is a relatively stable source of wood and a stable forest age-class structure has become the goal of many forest management practices. In the absence of disturbances, this forest management goal could easily be achieved. However, in the face of recurring insect outbreaks and other disruptive processes forest planning becomes more difficult, requiring knowledge of the effects on the forest of a wide variety of environmental factors (e.g., habitat heterogeneity, fire size and frequency, harvesting, insect outbreaks, and age distributions). The association between distinct forest disturbances and the potential effect on forest dynamics is a complex matter, particularly when evaluated over time and at large scale, and is not well understood. However, gaining knowledge in this area is crucial for a sustainable forest management. Mathematical modeling is a tool that can be used to broader the understanding in this area. In this talk we will introduce mathematical models formulation incorporating the effect of insect outbreaks either as a single disturbance in the forest population dynamics or coupled with other disturbances: either wildfire or harvesting. The results and ecological insights will be discussed.Keywords: age-structured forest population, disturbances interaction, harvesting insects outbreak dynamics, mathematical modeling
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