Search results for: Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion
1124 A Study of Cracking Behavior in Concrete Beams Reinforced With Two Different Grades of Steel
Authors: Nihal Abdel Hamid Taha
Crack evaluation of flexure reinforced concrete (RC) member is considered an important step in the design process, since the formation of concrete cracks depends on the possibility of exposure to various conditions(pollution, humidity,..etc.). Because of the disparity between different grades of steel in the service load stresses, this affects the cracking behavior. This paper is concerned with the crack pattern and cracking load for concrete beams with T-section reinforced with two different grades of steel at the service load levels stages up to ultimate load. A practical program has been put up to investigate the difference between reinforced steel bars with yield strength 420 N/mm2 and 500 N/mm2 through six T-section reinforced beams. The beams were tested under static- monotonic two– point service loading up to ultimate failure under flexural stresses. The influence of parameters such as clear concrete cover and concrete compressive strength are considered for each of the two grades of steel used. Cracking load, spacing and width were determined. The experimental results demonstrated that increasing the concrete strength results in both of cracking and ultimate load increase, while no significant difference in yield load for the two steel grades used. It has also become obvious, that the number of cracks was more for the lower steel strength, which is followed by decrease in crack width and spacing.Keywords: RC beams, cracking behavior, steel stress, crack width, crack spacing
Procedia PDF Downloads 621123 Flashover Voltage of Silicone Insulating Surface Covered by Water Drops under AC Voltage
Authors: Fatiha Aouabed, Abdelhafid Bayadi, Rabah Boudissa
Nowadays, silicone rubber insulation materials are widely used in high voltage outdoor insulation systems as they can combat pollution flashover problems. The difference in pollution flashover performance of silicone rubber and other insulating materials is due to the way that water wets their surfaces. It resides as discrete drops on silicone rubber, and the mechanism of flashover is due to the breakdown of the air between the water drops and the distortion of these drops in the direction of the electric field which brings the insulation to degradation and failure. The main objective of this work is to quantify the effect of different types of water drops arrangements, their position and dry bands width on the flashover voltage of the silicone insulating surface with non-uniform electric field systems. The tests were carried out on a rectangular sample under AC voltage. A rod-rod electrode system is used. The findings of this work indicate that the performance of the samples decreases with the presence of water drops on their surfaces. Further, these experimental findings show that there is a limiting number of rows from which the flashover voltage of the insulation is minimal and constant. This minimum is a function of the distance between two successive rows. Finally, it is concluded that the system withstand voltage increases when the row of droplets on the electrode axis is removed.Keywords: contamination, flashover, testing, silicone rubber insulators, surface wettability, water droplets
Procedia PDF Downloads 4431122 The Admitting Hemogram as a Predictor for Severity and in-Hospital Mortality in Acute Pancreatitis
Authors: Florge Francis A. Sy
Acute pancreatitis (AP) is an inflammatory condition of the pancreas with local and systemic complications. Severe acute pancreatitis (SAP) has a higher mortality rate. Laboratory parameters like the neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), red cell distribution width (RDW), and mean platelet volume (MPV) have been associated with SAP but with conflicting results. This study aims to determine the predictive value of these parameters on the severity and in-hospital mortality of AP. This retrospective, cross-sectional study was done in a private hospital in Cebu City, Philippines. One-hundred five patients were classified according to severity based on the modified Marshall scoring. The admitting hemogram, including the NLR, RDW, and MPV, was obtained from the complete blood count (CBC). Cut-off values for severity and in-hospital mortality were derived from the ROC. Association between NLR, RDW, and MPV with SAP and mortality were determined with a p-value of < 0.05 considered significant. The mean age for AP was 47.6 years, with 50.5% being male. Most had an unknown cause (49.5%), followed by a biliary cause (37.1%). Of the 105 patients, 23 patients had SAP, and 4 died. Older age, longer in-hospital duration, congestive heart failure, elevated creatinine, urea nitrogen, and white blood cell count were seen in SAP. The NLR was associated with in-hospital mortality using a cut-off of > 10.6 (OR 1.133, 95% CI, p-value 0.003) with 100% sensitivity, 70.3% specificity, 11.76% PPV and 100% NPV (AUC 0.855). The NLR was not associated with SAP. The RDW and MPV were not associated with SAP and mortality. The admitting NLR is, therefore, an easily accessible parameter that can predict in-hospital mortality in acute pancreatitis. Although the present study did not show an association of NLR with SAP nor RDW and MPV with both SAP and mortality, further studies are suggested to establish their clinical value.Keywords: acute pancreatitis, mean platelet volume, neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio, red cell distribution width
Procedia PDF Downloads 1251121 Reliability and Cost Focused Optimization Approach for a Communication Satellite Payload Redundancy Allocation Problem
Authors: Mehmet Nefes, Selman Demirel, Hasan H. Ertok, Cenk Sen
A typical reliability engineering problem regarding communication satellites has been considered to determine redundancy allocation scheme of power amplifiers within payload transponder module, whose dominant function is to amplify power levels of the received signals from the Earth, through maximizing reliability against mass, power, and other technical limitations. Adding each redundant power amplifier component increases not only reliability but also hardware, testing, and launch cost of a satellite. This study investigates a multi-objective approach used in order to solve Redundancy Allocation Problem (RAP) for a communication satellite payload transponder, focusing on design cost due to redundancy and reliability factors. The main purpose is to find the optimum power amplifier redundancy configuration satisfying reliability and capacity thresholds simultaneously instead of analyzing respectively or independently. A mathematical model and calculation approach are instituted including objective function definitions, and then, the problem is solved analytically with different input parameters in MATLAB environment. Example results showed that payload capacity and failure rate of power amplifiers have remarkable effects on the solution and also processing time.Keywords: communication satellite payload, multi-objective optimization, redundancy allocation problem, reliability, transponder
Procedia PDF Downloads 2611120 Barriers and Facilitators for Telehealth Use during Cervical Cancer Screening and Care: A Literature Review
Authors: Reuben Mugisha, Stella Bakibinga
The cervical cancer burden is a global threat, but more so in low income settings where more than 85% of mortality cases occur due to lack of sufficient screening programs. There is consequently a lack of early detection of cancer and precancerous cells among women. Studies show that 3% to 35% of deaths could have been avoided through early screening depending on prognosis, disease progression, environmental and lifestyle factors. In this study, a systematic literature review is undertaken to understand potential barriers and facilitators as documented in previous studies that focus on the application of telehealth in cervical cancer screening programs for early detection of cancer and precancerous cells. The study informs future studies especially those from low income settings about lessons learned from previous studies and how to be best prepared while planning to implement telehealth for cervical cancer screening. It further identifies the knowledge gaps in the research area and makes recommendations. Using a specified selection criterion, 15 different articles are analyzed based on the study’s aim, theory or conceptual framework used, method applied, study findings and conclusion. Results are then tabulated and presented thematically to better inform readers about emerging facts on barriers and facilitators to telehealth implementation as documented in the reviewed articles, and how they consequently lead to evidence informed conclusions that are relevant to telehealth implementation for cervical cancer screening. Preliminary findings of this study underscore that use of low cost mobile colposcope is an appealing option in cervical cancer screening, particularly when coupled with onsite treatment of suspicious lesions. These tools relay cervical images to the online databases for storage and retrieval, they permit integration of connected devices at the point of care to rapidly collect clinical data for further analysis of the prevalence of cervical dysplasia and cervical cancer. Results however reveal the need for population sensitization prior to use of mobile colposcopies among patients, standardization of mobile colposcopy programs across screening partners, sufficient logistics and good connectivity, experienced experts to review image cases at the point-of-care as important facilitators to the implementation of mobile colposcope as a telehealth cervical cancer screening mechanism.Keywords: cervical cancer screening, digital technology, hand-held colposcopy, knowledge-sharing
Procedia PDF Downloads 2231119 Conflicts of Interest in the Private Sector and the Significance of the Public Interest Test
Authors: Opemiposi Adegbulu
Conflicts of interest is an elusive, diverse and engaging subject, a cross-cutting problem of governance; all levels of governance, ranging from local to global, public to corporate or financial sectors. In all these areas, its mismanagement could lead to the distortion of decision-making processes, corrosion of trust and the weakening of administration. According to Professor Peters, an expert in the area, conflict of interest, a problem at the root of many scandals has “become a pervasive ethical concern in our professional, organisational, and political life”. Conflicts of interest corrode trust, and like in the public sector, trust is mandatory for the market, consumers/clients, shareholders and other stakeholders in the private sector. However, conflicts of interest in the private sector are distinct and must be treated in like manner when regulatory efforts are made to address them. The research looks at identifying conflicts of interest in the private sector and differentiating them from those in the public sector. The public interest is submitted as a criterion which allows for such differentiation. This is significant because it would for the use of tailor-made or sector-specific approaches to addressing this complex issue. This is conducted through extensive review of literature and theories on the definition of conflicts of interest. This study will employ theoretical, doctrinal and comparative methods. The nature of conflicts of interest in the private sector will be explored, through an analysis of the public sector where the notion of conflicts of interest appears more clearly identified, reasons, why they are of business ethics concern, will be advanced, and then, once again, looking at public sector solutions and other solutions, the study will identify ways of mitigating and managing conflicts in the private sector. An exploration of public sector conflicts of interest and solutions will be carried out because the typologies of conflicts of interest in both sectors appear very similar at the core and thus, lessons can be learnt with regards to the management of these issues in the private sector. Conflicts of interest corrode trust, and like in the public sector, trust is mandatory for the market, consumers/clients, shareholders and other stakeholders in the private sector. This research will then focus on some specific challenges to understanding and identifying conflicts of interest in the private sector; origin, diverging theories, the psychological barrier to the definition, similarities with public sector conflicts of interest due to the notions of corrosion of trust, ‘being in a particular kind of situation,’ etc. The notion of public interest will be submitted as a key element at the heart of the distinction between public sector and private sector conflicts of interests. It will then be proposed that the appreciation of the notion of conflicts of interest differ according to sector, country to country, based on the public interest test, using the United Kingdom (UK), the United States of America (US), France and the Philippines as illustrations.Keywords: conflicts of interest, corporate governance, global governance, public interest
Procedia PDF Downloads 4031118 Modeling the Performance of Natural Sand-Bentonite Barriers after Infiltration with Polar and Non-Polar Hydrocarbon Leachates
Authors: Altayeb Qasem, Mousa Bani Baker, Amani Nawafleh
The complexity of the sand-bentonite liner barrier system calls for an adequate model that reflects the conditions depending on the barrier materials and the characteristics of the permeates which lead to hydraulic conductivity changes when liners infiltrated with polar, no-polar, miscible and immiscible liquids. This paper is dedicated to developing a model for evaluating the hydraulic conductivity in the form of a simple indicator for the compatibility of the liner versus leachate. Based on two liner compositions (95% sand: 5% bentonite; and 90% sand: 10% bentonite), two pressures (40 kPa and 100 kPa), and three leachates: water, ethanol and biofuel. Two characteristics of the leacahtes were used: viscosity of permeate and its octanol-water partitioning coefficient (Kow). Three characteristics of the liners mixtures were evaluated which had impact on the hydraulic conductivity of the liner system: the initial content of bentonite (%), the free swelling index, and the shrinkage limit of the initial liner’s mixture. Engineers can use this modest tool to predict a potential liner failure in sand-bentonite barriers.Keywords: liner performance, sand-bentonite barriers, viscosity, free swelling index, shrinkage limit, octanol-water partitioning coefficient, hydraulic conductivity, theoretical modeling
Procedia PDF Downloads 4141117 Application of ATP7B Gene Mutation Analysis in Prenatal Diagnosis of Wilson’s Disease
Authors: Huong M. T. Nguyen, Hoa A. P. Nguyen, Chi V. Phan, Mai P. T. Nguyen, Ngoc D. Ngo, Van T. Ta, Hai T. Le
Wilson’s disease is an autosomal recessive disorder of copper metabolism, which is caused by mutation in copper- transporting P-type ATPase (ATP7B). The mechanism of this disease is a failure of hepatic excretion of copper to the bile, and it leads to copper deposits in the liver and other organs. Most clinical symptoms of Wilson’s disease can present as liver disease and/or neurologic disease. Objective: The goal of the study is prenatal diagnosis for pregnant women at high risk of Wilson’s disease in Northern Vietnam. Material and method: Three probands with clinically diagnosed liver disease were detected in the mutations of 21 exons and exon-intron boundaries of the ATP7B gene by direct Sanger-sequencing. Prenatal diagnoses were performed by amniotic fluid sampling from pregnant women in the 16th-18th weeks of pregnancy after the genotypes of parents with the probands were identified. Result: A total of three different mutations of the probands, including of S105*, P1052L, P1273G, were detected. Among three fetuses which underwent prenatal genetic testing, one fetus was homozygote; two fetuses were carriers. Conclusion: Genetic testing provided a useful method for prenatal diagnosis, and is a basis for genetic counseling.Keywords: ATP7B gene, genetic testing, prenatal diagnosis, pedigree, Wilson disease
Procedia PDF Downloads 4551116 The Mitigation Strategy Analysis of Kuosheng Nuclear Power Plant Spent Fuel Pool Using MELCOR2.1/SNAP
Authors: Y. Chiang, J. R. Wang, J. H. Yang, Y. S. Tseng, C. Shih, S. W. Chen
Kuosheng nuclear power plant (NPP) is a BWR/6 plant in Taiwan. There is more concern for the safety of Spent Fuel Pools (SFPs) in Taiwan after Fukushima event. In order to estimate the safety of Kuosheng NPP SFP, by using MELCOR2.1 and SNAP, the safety analysis of Kuosheng NPP SFP was performed combined with the mitigation strategy of NEI 06-12 report. There were several steps in this research. First, the Kuosheng NPP SFP models were established by MELCOR2.1/SNAP. Second, the Station Blackout (SBO) analysis of Kuosheng SFP was done by TRACE and MELCOR under the cooling system failure condition. The results showed that the calculations of MELCOR and TRACE were very similar in this case. Second, the mitigation strategy analysis was done with the MELCOR model by following the NEI 06-12 report. The results showed the effectiveness of NEI 06-12 strategy in Kuosheng NPP SFP. Finally, a sensitivity study of SFP quenching was done to check the differences of different water injection time and the phenomena during the quenching. The results showed that if the cladding temperature was over 1600 K, the water injection may have chance to cause the accident more severe with more hydrogen generation. It was because of the oxidation heat and the “Breakaway” effect of the zirconium-water reaction. An animation model built by SNAP was also shown in this study.Keywords: MELCOR, SNAP, spent fuel pool, quenching
Procedia PDF Downloads 3601115 Grain Structure Evolution during Friction-Stir Welding of 6061-T6 Aluminum Alloy
Authors: Aleksandr Kalinenko, Igor Vysotskiy, Sergey Malopheyev, Sergey Mironov, Rustam Kaibyshev
From a thermo-mechanical standpoint, friction-stir welding (FSW) represents a unique combination of very large strains, high temperature and relatively high strain rate. The material behavior under such extreme deformation conditions is not studied well and thus, the microstructural examinations of the friction-stir welded materials represent an essential academic interest. Moreover, a clear understanding of the microstructural mechanisms operating during FSW should improve our understanding of the microstructure-properties relationship in the FSWed materials and thus enables us to optimize their service characteristics. Despite extensive research in this field, the microstructural behavior of some important structural materials remains not completely clear. In order to contribute to this important work, the present study was undertaken to examine the grain structure evolution during the FSW of 6061-T6 aluminum alloy. To provide an in-depth insight into this process, the electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) technique was employed for this purpose. Microstructural observations were conducted by using an FEI Quanta 450 Nova field-emission-gun scanning electron microscope equipped with TSL OIMTM software. A suitable surface finish for EBSD was obtained by electro-polishing in a solution of 25% nitric acid in methanol. A 15° criterion was employed to differentiate low-angle boundaries (LABs) from high-angle boundaries (HABs). In the entire range of the studied FSW regimes, the grain structure evolved in the stir zone was found to be dominated by nearly-equiaxed grains with a relatively high fraction of low-angle boundaries and the moderate-strength B/-B {112}<110> simple-shear texture. In all cases, the grain-structure development was found to be dictated by an extensive formation of deformation-induced boundaries, their gradual transformation to the high-angle grain boundaries. Accordingly, the grain subdivision was concluded to the key microstructural mechanism. Remarkably, a gradual suppression of this mechanism has been observed at relatively high welding temperatures. This surprising result has been attributed to the reduction of dislocation density due to the annihilation phenomena.Keywords: electron backscatter diffraction, friction-stir welding, heat-treatable aluminum alloys, microstructure
Procedia PDF Downloads 2371114 Integrated Waste-to-Energy Approach: An Overview
Authors: Tsietsi J. Pilusa, Tumisang G. Seodigeng
This study evaluates the benefits of advanced waste management practices in unlocking waste-to-energy opportunities within the solid waste industry. The key drivers of sustainable waste management practices, specifically with respect to packaging waste-to-energy technology options are discussed. The success of a waste-to-energy system depends significantly on the appropriateness of available technologies, including those that are well established as well as those that are less so. There are hard and soft interventions to be considered when packaging an integrated waste treatment solution. Technology compatibility with variation in feedstock (waste) quality and quantities remains a key factor. These factors influence the technology reliability in terms of production efficiencies and product consistency, which in turn, drives the supply and demand network. Waste treatment technologies rely on the waste material as feedstock; the feedstock varies in quality and quantities depending on several factors; hence, the technology fails, as a result. It is critical to design an advanced waste treatment technology in an integrated approach to minimize the possibility of technology failure due to unpredictable feedstock quality, quantities, conversion efficiencies, and inconsistent product yield or quality. An integrated waste-to-energy approach offers a secure system design that considers sustainable waste management practices.Keywords: emerging markets, evaluation tool, interventions, waste treatment technologies
Procedia PDF Downloads 2741113 Patients in Opioid Maintenance Programs: Psychological Features that Predict Abstinence
Authors: Janaina Pereira, Barbara Gonzalez, Valentina Chitas, Teresa Molina
Intro: The positive impact of opioid maintenance programs on the health of heroin addicts, and on public health in general, has been widely recognized, namely on the prevalence reduction of infectious diseases as HIV, and on the social reintegration of this population. Nevertheless, a part of patients in these programs cannot remain heroin abstinent, or has relapses, during the treatment. Method: Thus, this cross-sectional research aims at analyzing the relation between a set of psychological and psychosocial variables, which have been associated with the onset of heroin use, and assess if they are also associated with absence of abstinence in participants in an opioid maintenance program. A total of 62 patients, aged between 26 and 58 years old (M= 40.87, DP= 7.39) with a time in opioid maintenance program between 1 and 10 years (M= 5.42, DP= 3.05), 77.4% male and 22.6% female, participated in this research. To assess the criterion variable (heroin use) we used the mean value of positive results in urine tests during the participation in the program, weighted according to the number of months in program. The predictor variables were the coping strategies, the dispositional sensation seeking, and the existence of Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Results: The results showed that only 33.87% of the patients were totally abstinent of heroin use since the beginning of the program, and the absence of abstinence, as the number of positive heroin tests, was primarily predicted by less proactive coping, and secondarily by a higher level of sensation seeking. 16.13% of the sample fulfilled diagnosis criteria for PTSD, and 67.74 % had at least one traumatic experience throughout their lives. The total of PTSD symptoms had a positive correlation with the number of physical health problems, and with the lack of professional occupation. These results have several implications for the clinical practice in this field, and we suggest the promotion of proactive coping strategies should integrate these opioid maintenance programs, as they represent the tendency to face future events as challenges and opportunities, being positively related to positive results on several fields. The early identification of PTSD in the participants, before entering the opioid maintenance programs, would be important as it is related to negative features that hinder social reintegration, Finally, to identify individuals with a sensation seeking profile would be relevant, not only because they face a higher risk of relapse, but also because the therapeutical approaches should not ignore this dispositional feature in the alternatives they propose to the patients.Keywords: opioid maintenance programs, proactive coping, PTSD, sensation seeking
Procedia PDF Downloads 1301112 Frailty Models for Modeling Heterogeneity: Simulation Study and Application to Quebec Pension Plan
Authors: Souad Romdhane, Lotfi Belkacem
When referring to actuarial analysis of lifetime, only models accounting for observable risk factors have been developed. Within this context, Cox proportional hazards model (CPH model) is commonly used to assess the effects of observable covariates as gender, age, smoking habits, on the hazard rates. These covariates may fail to fully account for the true lifetime interval. This may be due to the existence of another random variable (frailty) that is still being ignored. The aim of this paper is to examine the shared frailty issue in the Cox proportional hazard model by including two different parametric forms of frailty into the hazard function. Four estimated methods are used to fit them. The performance of the parameter estimates is assessed and compared between the classical Cox model and these frailty models through a real-life data set from the Quebec Pension Plan and then using a more general simulation study. This performance is investigated in terms of the bias of point estimates and their empirical standard errors in both fixed and random effect parts. Both the simulation and the real dataset studies showed differences between classical Cox model and shared frailty model.Keywords: life insurance-pension plan, survival analysis, risk factors, cox proportional hazards model, multivariate failure-time data, shared frailty, simulations study
Procedia PDF Downloads 3591111 Instructors Willingness, Self-Efficacy Beliefs, Attitudes and Knowledge about Provisions of Instructional Accommodations for Students with Disabilities: The Case Selected Universities in Ethiopia
Authors: Abdreheman Seid Abdella
This study examined instructors willingness, self-efficacy beliefs, attitudes and knowledge about provisions of instructional accommodations for students with disabilities in universities. Major concepts used in this study operationally defined and some models of disability were reviewed. Questionnaires were distributed to a total of 181 instructors from four universities and quantitative data was generated. Then to analyze the data, appropriate methods of data analysis were employed. The result indicated that on average instructors had positive willingness, strong self-efficacy beliefs and positive attitudes towards providing instructional accommodations. In addition, the result showed that the majority of participants had moderate level of knowledge about provision of instructional accommodations. Concerning the relationship between instructors background variables and dependent variables, the result revealed that location of university and awareness raising training about Inclusive Education showed statistically significant relationship with all dependent variables (willingness, self-efficacy beliefs, attitudes and knowledge). On the other hand, gender and college/faculty did not show a statistically significant relationship. In addition, it was found that among the inter-correlation of dependent variables, the correlation between attitudes and willingness to provide accommodations was the strongest. Furthermore, using multiple linear regression analysis, this study also indicated that predictor variables like self-efficacy beliefs, attitudes, knowledge and teaching methodology training made statistically significant contribution to predicting the criterion willingness. Predictor variables like willingness and attitudes made statistically significant contribution to predicting self-efficacy beliefs. Predictor variables like willingness, Special Needs Education course and self-efficacy beliefs made statistically significant contribution to predict attitudes. Predictor variables like Special Needs Education courses, the location of university and willingness made statistically significant contribution to predicting knowledge. Finally, using exploratory factor analysis, this study showed that there were four components or factors each that represent the underlying constructs of willingness and self-efficacy beliefs to provide instructional accommodations items, five components for attitudes towards providing accommodations items and three components represent the underlying constructs for knowledge about provisions of instructional accommodations items. Based on the findings, recommendations were made for improving the situation of instructional accommodations in Ethiopian universities.Keywords: willingness, self-efficacy belief, attitude, knowledge
Procedia PDF Downloads 2701110 High-Tech Based Simulation and Analysis of Maximum Power Point in Energy System: A Case Study Using IT Based Software Involving Regression Analysis
Authors: Enemeri George Uweiyohowo
Improved achievement with respect to output control of photovoltaic (PV) systems is one of the major focus of PV in recent times. This is evident to its low carbon emission and efficiency. Power failure or outage from commercial providers, in general, does not promote development to public and private sector, these basically limit the development of industries. The need for a well-structured PV system is of importance for an efficient and cost-effective monitoring system. The purpose of this paper is to validate the maximum power point of an off-grid PV system taking into consideration the most effective tilt and orientation angles for PV's in the southern hemisphere. This paper is based on analyzing the system using a solar charger with MPPT from a pulse width modulation (PWM) perspective. The power conditioning device chosen is a solar charger with MPPT. The practical setup consists of a PV panel that is set to an orientation angle of 0∘N, with a corresponding tilt angle of 36∘, 26∘ and 16∘. Preliminary results include regression analysis (normal probability plot) showing the maximum power point in the system as well the best tilt angle for maximum power point tracking.Keywords: poly-crystalline PV panels, information technology (IT), maximum power point tracking (MPPT), pulse width modulation (PWM)
Procedia PDF Downloads 2141109 Numerical Analysis of Shear Crack Propagation in a Concrete Beam without Transverse Reinforcement
Authors: G. A. Rombach, A. Faron
Crack formation and growth in reinforced concrete members are, in many cases, the cause of the collapse of technical structures. Such serious failures impair structural behavior and can also damage property and persons. An intensive investigation of the crack propagation is indispensable. Numerical methods are being developed to analyze crack growth in an element and to detect fracture failure at an early stage. For reinforced concrete components, however, further research and action are required in the analysis of shear cracks. This paper presents numerical simulations and continuum mechanical modeling of bending shear crack propagation in a three-dimensional reinforced concrete beam without transverse reinforcement. The analysis will provide a further understanding of crack growth and redistribution of inner forces in concrete members. As a numerical method to map discrete cracks, the extended finite element method (XFEM) is applied. The crack propagation is compared with the smeared crack approach using concrete damage plasticity. For validation, the crack patterns of real experiments are compared with the results of the different finite element models. The evaluation is based on single span beams under bending. With the analysis, it is possible to predict the fracture behavior of concrete members.Keywords: concrete damage plasticity, crack propagation, extended finite element method, fracture mechanics
Procedia PDF Downloads 1201108 Numerical Analysis of Rainfall-Induced Roadside Slope Failures and Their Stabilizing Solution
Authors: Muhammad Suradi, Sugiarto, Abdullah Latip
Many roadside slope failures occur during the rainy season, particularly in the period of extreme rainfall along Connecting National Road of Salubatu-Mambi, West Sulawesi, Indonesia. These occurrences cause traffic obstacles and endanger people along and around the road. Research collaboration between P2JN (National Road Construction Board) West Sulawesi Province, who authorize to supervise the road condition, and Ujung Pandang State Polytechnic (Applied University) was established to cope with the landslide problem. This research aims to determine factors triggering roadside slope failures and their optimum stabilizing solution. To achieve this objective, site observation and soil investigation were carried out to obtain parameters for analyses of rainfall-induced slope instability and reinforcement design using the SV Flux and SV Slope software. The result of this analysis will be taken into account for the next analysis to get an optimum design of the slope reinforcement. The result indicates some factors such as steep slopes, sandy soils, and unvegetated slope surface mainly contribute to the slope failures during intense rainfall. With respect to the contributing factors as well as construction material and technology, cantilever/butressing retaining wall becomes the optimum solution for the roadside slope reinforcement.Keywords: roadside slope, failure, rainfall, slope reinforcement, optimum solution
Procedia PDF Downloads 1071107 A Comparative Analysis on Survival in Patients with Node Positive Cutaneous Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma as per TNM 7th and Tnm 8th Editions
Authors: Petr Daniel Edward Kovarik, Malcolm Jackson, Charles Kelly, Rahul Patil, Shahid Iqbal
Introduction: Recognition of the presence of extra capsular spread (ECS) has been a major change in the TNM 8th edition published by the American Joint Committee on Cancer in 2018. Irrespective of the size or number of lymph nodes, the presence of ECS makes N3b disease a stage IV disease. The objective of this retrospective observational study was to conduct a comparative analysis of survival outcomes in patients with lymph node-positive cutaneous head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (CHNSCC) based on their TNM 7th and TNM 8th editions classification. Materials and Methods: From January 2010 to December 2020, 71 patients with CHNSCC were identified from our centre’s database who were treated with radical surgery and adjuvant radiotherapy. All histopathological reports were reviewed, and comprehensive nodal mapping was performed. The data were collected retrospectively and survival outcomes were compared using TNM 7th and 8th editions. Results: The median age of the whole group of 71 patients was 78 years, range 54 – 94 years, 63 were male and 8 female. In total, 2246 lymph nodes were analysed; 195 were positive for cancer. ECS was present in 130 lymph nodes, which led to a change in TNM staging. The details on N-stage as per TNM 7th edition was as follows; pN1 = 23, pN2a = 14, pN2b = 32, pN2c = 0, pN3 = 2. After incorporating the TNM 8th edition criterion (presence of ECS), the details on N-stage were as follows; pN1 = 6, pN2a = 5, pN2b = 3, pN2c = 0, pN3a = 0, pN3b = 57. This showed an increase in overall stage. According to TNM 7th edition, there were 23 patients were with stage III and remaining 48 patients, stage IV. As per TNM 8th edition, there were only 6 patients with stage III as compared to 65 patients with stage IV. For all patients, 2-year disease specific survival (DSS) and overall survival (OS) were 70% and 46%. 5-year DSS and OS rates were 66% and 20% respectively. Comparing the survival between stage III and stage IV of the two cohorts using both TNM 7th and 8th editions, there is an obvious greater survival difference between the stages if TNM 8th staging is used. However, meaningful statistics were not possible as the majority of patients (n = 65) were with stage IV and only 6 patients were stage III in the TNM 8th cohort. Conclusion: Our study provides a comprehensive analysis on lymph node data mapping in this specific patient population. It shows a better differentiation between stage III and stage IV in the TNM 8th edition as compared to TNM 7th however meaningful statistics were not possible due to the imbalance of patients in the sub-cohorts of the groups.Keywords: cutaneous head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, extra capsular spread, neck lymphadenopathy, TNM 7th and 8th editions
Procedia PDF Downloads 1071106 The Study of Intangible Assets at Various Firm States
Authors: Gulnara Galeeva, Yulia Kasperskaya
The study deals with the relevant problem related to the formation of the efficient investment portfolio of an enterprise. The structure of the investment portfolio is connected to the degree of influence of intangible assets on the enterprise’s income. This determines the importance of research on the content of intangible assets. However, intangible assets studies do not take into consideration how the enterprise state can affect the content and the importance of intangible assets for the enterprise`s income. This affects accurateness of the calculations. In order to study this problem, the research was divided into several stages. In the first stage, intangible assets were classified based on their synergies as the underlying intangibles and the additional intangibles. In the second stage, this classification was applied. It showed that the lifecycle model and the theory of abrupt development of the enterprise, that are taken into account while designing investment projects, constitute limit cases of a more general theory of bifurcations. The research identified that the qualitative content of intangible assets significant depends on how close the enterprise is to being in crisis. In the third stage, the author developed and applied the Wide Pairwise Comparison Matrix method. This allowed to establish that using the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean value of the elements of the vector of priority of intangible assets makes it possible to estimate the probability of a full-blown crisis of the enterprise. The author has identified a criterion, which allows making fundamental decisions on investment feasibility. The study also developed an additional rapid method of assessing the enterprise overall status based on using the questionnaire survey with its Director. The questionnaire consists only of two questions. The research specifically focused on the fundamental role of stochastic resonance in the emergence of bifurcation (crisis) in the economic development of the enterprise. The synergetic approach made it possible to describe the mechanism of the crisis start in details and also to identify a range of universal ways of overcoming the crisis. It was outlined that the structure of intangible assets transforms into a more organized state with the strengthened synchronization of all processes as a result of the impact of the sporadic (white) noise. Obtained results offer managers and business owners a simple and an affordable method of investment portfolio optimization, which takes into account how close the enterprise is to a state of a full-blown crisis.Keywords: analytic hierarchy process, bifurcation, investment portfolio, intangible assets, wide matrix
Procedia PDF Downloads 2081105 Corrosive Bacteria Attached to Carbon Steel Used in Oil and Gas Company
Authors: Hadjer Didouh, Mohammed Hadj Melliani, Izzeddine Sameut Bouhaik
Microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC) is a major cause of pipeline failure in the oil and gas industry, particularly affecting carbon steel, which is widely used for its cost-effectiveness and mechanical properties. This study investigates the adhesion of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) and other corrosive microbial species on API 5L X52 carbon steel in crude oil and injection water environments. Experimental results showed that after 72 hours of exposure, biofilm formed extensively, leading to significant corrosion rates. Weight loss measurements indicated a corrosion rate of 0.39 mm/year, with localized pitting observed at depths reaching 120 μm. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) revealed a drastic decrease in charge transfer resistance, from 1200 Ω/cm² for sterile samples to 240 Ω/cm² in the presence of SRB biofilm. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) analyses confirmed the presence of iron sulfide deposits, indicating active bacterial colonization and biofilm-induced pitting corrosion. This study highlights the severe impact of MIC on pipeline infrastructure, emphasizing the need for efficient microbial control strategies. Furthermore, the results provide a framework for the development of enhanced protective coatings and environmentally friendly biocides to mitigate the economic and environmental risks associated with MIC in oilfield operations in Algeria.Keywords: MIC, corrosion, bacteria, API 5L X52
Procedia PDF Downloads 361104 Predictive Factors of Nasal Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (NCPAP) Therapy Success in Preterm Neonates with Hyaline Membrane Disease (HMD)
Authors: Novutry Siregar, Afdal, Emilzon Taslim
Hyaline Membrane Disease (HMD) is the main cause of respiratory failure in preterm neonates caused by surfactant deficiency. Nasal Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (NCPAP) is the therapy for HMD. The success of therapy is determined by gestational age, birth weight, HMD grade, time of NCAP administration, and time of breathing frequency recovery. The aim of this research is to identify the predictive factor of NCPAP therapy success in preterm neonates with HMD. This study used a cross-sectional design by using medical records of patients who were treated in the Perinatology of the Pediatric Department of Dr. M. Djamil Padang Central Hospital from January 2015 to December 2017. The samples were eighty-two neonates that were selected by using the total sampling technique. Data analysis was done by using the Chi-Square Test and the Multiple Logistic Regression Prediction Model. The results showed the success rate of NCPAP therapy reached 53.7%. Birth weight (p = 0.048, OR = 3.34 95% CI 1.01-11.07), HMD grade I (p = 0.018, OR = 4.95 CI 95% 1.31-18.68), HMD grade II (p = 0.044, OR = 5.52 95% CI 1.04-29.15), and time of breathing frequency recovery (p = 0,000, OR = 13.50 95% CI 3.58-50, 83) are the predictive factors of NCPAP therapy success in preterm neonates with HMD. The most significant predictive factor is the time of breathing frequency recovery.Keywords: predictive factors, the success of therapy, NCPAP, preterm neonates, HMD
Procedia PDF Downloads 631103 Investigation of Leakage, Cracking and Warpage Issues Observed on Composite Valve Cover in Development Phase through FEA Simulation
Authors: Ashwini Shripatwar, Mayur Biyani, Nikhil Rao, Rajendra Bodake, Sachin Sane
This paper documents the correlation of valve cover sealing, cracking, and warpage Finite Element Modelling with observations on engine test development. The valve cover is a component mounted on engine head with a gasket which provides sealing against oil which flows around camshaft, valves, rockers, and other overhead components. Material nonlinearity and contact nonlinearity characteristics are taken into consideration because the valve cover is made of a composite material having temperature dependent elastic-plastic properties and because the gasket load-deformation curve is also nonlinear. The leakage is observed between the valve cover and the engine head due to the insufficient contact pressure. The crack is observed on the valve cover due to force application at a region with insufficient stiffness and with elevated temperature. The valve cover shrinkage is observed during the disassembly process on hot exhaust side bolt holes after the engine has been running. In this paper, an analytical approach is developed to correlate a Finite Element Model with the observed failures and to address the design issues associated with the failure modes in question by making design changes in the model.Keywords: cracking issue, gasket sealing analysis, nonlinearity of contact and material, valve cover
Procedia PDF Downloads 1441102 Study the Impact of Welding Poles Type on the Tensile Strength Steel of Low Alloys and High Resistance
Authors: Abdulmagid A. Khattabi, Abdul Fatah M. Emhamed
The steel alloy Introduced after becoming carbon-steel does not meet the requirements of engineering industry; and it cannot be obtained tensile strength from carbon-steel higher than (700MPa), the low alloy steel enters in a lot of heavy engineering equipment parts, molds, agricultural equipment and other industry. In addition, that may be exposed to in-service failure, which may require returned to work, to do the repairs or maintenance by one of the welding methods available. The ability of steel weld determined through palpation of the cracks, which can reduce by many ways. These ways are often expensive and difficult to implement, perhaps the control to choose the type of electrode welding user is one of the easiest and least expensive applications. It has been welding the steel low alloys high resistance by manual metal arc (MMA), and by using a set of welding electrodes which varying in chemical composition and in their prices as well and test their effect on tensile strength. Results showed that using the poles of welding, which have a high proportion of iron powder and low hydrogen. The Tensile resistance is (484MPa) and the weld joint efficiency was (56.9%), but when (OK 47.04) electrode was used the tensile strength increased to (720MPa) and the weld joint efficiency to (84.7%). Using the cheapest electrode (OK 45.00) the weld joint efficiency did not exceed (24.2%), but when using the most expensive electrode (OK 91.28) the weld joint efficiency is (38.1%).Keywords: steel low alloys high resistance, electrodes welding, tensile test
Procedia PDF Downloads 3191101 Study of Natural Patterns on Digital Image Correlation Using Simulation Method
Authors: Gang Li, Ghulam Mubashar Hassan, Arcady Dyskin, Cara MacNish
Digital image correlation (DIC) is a contactless full-field displacement and strain reconstruction technique commonly used in the field of experimental mechanics. Comparing with physical measuring devices, such as strain gauges, which only provide very restricted coverage and are expensive to deploy widely, the DIC technique provides the result with full-field coverage and relative high accuracy using an inexpensive and simple experimental setup. It is very important to study the natural patterns effect on the DIC technique because the preparation of the artificial patterns is time consuming and hectic process. The objective of this research is to study the effect of using images having natural pattern on the performance of DIC. A systematical simulation method is used to build simulated deformed images used in DIC. A parameter (subset size) used in DIC can have an effect on the processing and accuracy of DIC and even cause DIC to failure. Regarding to the picture parameters (correlation coefficient), the higher similarity of two subset can lead the DIC process to fail and make the result more inaccurate. The pictures with good and bad quality for DIC methods have been presented and more importantly, it is a systematic way to evaluate the quality of the picture with natural patterns before they install the measurement devices.Keywords: Digital Image Correlation (DIC), deformation simulation, natural pattern, subset size
Procedia PDF Downloads 4211100 Parametric Study on the Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Continuous Beams Flexurally Strengthened with FRP Plates
Authors: Mohammed A. Sakr, Tarek M. Khalifa, Walid N. Mansour
External bonding of fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) plates to reinforced concrete (RC) beams is an effective technique for flexural strengthening. This paper presents an analytical parametric study on the behavior of RC continuous beams flexurally strengthened with externally bonded FRP plates on the upper and lower fibers, conducted using simple uniaxial nonlinear finite element model (UNFEM). UNFEM is able to estimate the load-carrying capacity, different failure modes and the interfacial stresses of RC continuous beams flexurally strengthened with externally bonded FRP plates on the upper and lower fibers. The study investigated the effect of five key parameters on the behavior and moment redistribution of FRP-reinforced continuous beams. The investigated parameters were the length of the FRP plate, the width and the thickness of the FRP plate, the ratio between the area of the FRP plate to the concrete area, the cohesive shear strength of the adhesive layer, and the concrete compressive strength. The investigation resulted in a number of important conclusions reflecting the effects of the studied parameters on the behavior of RC continuous beams flexurally strengthened with externally bonded FRP plates.Keywords: continuous beams, parametric study, finite element, fiber reinforced polymer
Procedia PDF Downloads 3711099 Experimental Activity on the Photovoltaic Effect
Authors: Salomão Manuel Francisco, Manuel António Salgueiro Da Silva, Bento Filipe Barreiras Pinto Cavadas, Teresa Monteiro Seixas
In bachelor's degrees in Physics Education framework in Angola, and to a certain extent, within the community of Portuguese language countries (CPLP), teaching methodologies rely heavily on theoretical memorization and mathematical demonstrations. This approach often discourages students, particularly the female population, as the reliance on theoretical mathematical demonstrations generates the perception of Physics as an arduous, challenging discipline. To address this challenge and recognize the value of practical application as an evaluative criterion of material truth, we propose a practical activity in Environmental Physics that will be shared with Angolan higher education teachers, who will receive full scaffolding and support from the authors. These teachers, adopting and developing similar activities in a classroom setting, will contribute to the environmental education framework as well. Additionally, this work aligns with different goals of UNESCO's 2030 agenda, namely, specifically, goals 4, 5, 7, 11, 13, and 17. The experimental activity developed in this work is centered around the demonstration of the photovoltaic effect and its application for renewable energy production. The first objective of the activity is to study the variation of electrical power supplied by a photovoltaic system (PV) to an electrical circuit as the angle of light incidence changes. Students can observe that the power supplied to the circuit is greater when light rays fall perpendicularly on the PV. However, as the angle of incidence increases, resulting in a larger area covered by the light rays, the power supplied to the circuit decreases due to lower irradiance. The second objective is to demonstrate that the power output can be maximized by adjusting the circuit load resistance at each irradiance value. In these two parts of the activity, students can analyze experimental data taking into account the irradiance law and the equivalent circuit description of a PV cell. Through detailed data analysis, students are also expected to assess the effects of temperature on PV efficiency degradation and the efficiency enhancement provided by light concentration mechanisms. As a third objective, students can explore how the color of incident light affects the PV output power, considering the quantum nature of light and its interaction with the PV system.Keywords: experiments, irradiation law, physic teaching, photovoltaic effect
Procedia PDF Downloads 831098 Analysis of Slope in an Excavated Gneiss Rock Using Geological Strength Index (GSI) in Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria
Authors: S. A. Agbalajobi, W. A. Bello
The study carried out analysis on slope stability in an excavated gneiss rock using geological strength index (GSI) in Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria. A kinematic analysis of planar discontinuity sets in a gneiss deposit was carried out to ascertain the degree of slope stability. Discontinuity orientations in the rock mass were mapped using compass clinometers. The average result of physical and mechanical properties such as specific gravity, unit weight, uniaxial compressive strength, point load index, and Schmidt rebound value are 2.64 g/m3, 25.95 kN/m3, 156 MPa, 6.5 MPa, and 53.12 respectively. Also, a statistical model equation relating the rock strength was developed. The analyses states that the rock face is susceptible to wedge failures having all the geometrical conditions associated with the occurrence of such failures were noticeable. It can be concluded that analyses of discontinuity orientation in relation to cut face direction in rock excavation is essential for mine planning to forestall mine accidents. Assessment of excavated slope methods was evident that one excavation method (blasting and/or use of hydraulic hammer) is applicable for the given rock strength, the ease of excavation decreases as the rock mass quality increases, thus blasting most suitable for such operation.Keywords: slope stability, wedge failure, geological strength index (GSI), discontinuities and excavated slope
Procedia PDF Downloads 5211097 Inhibitory Effect of Potential Bacillus Probiotic Strains against Pathogenic Bacteria and Yeast Isolated from Oral Cavity
Authors: Fdhila Walid, Bayar Sihem, Khouidi Bochra, Maâtouk Fethi, Ben Amor Feten, Hajer Hentati, Mahdhi Abdelkarim
The presence of resistant bacteria in the oral cavity can be the major cause of dental antibiotic prophylaxis failure. Multidrug efflux has been described for many organisms, including bacteria and fungi as part of their drugs resistance strategy. The potential use of probiotic bacteria can be considered as a new alternative in the prevention or cure of oral cavity diseases. In this study, different Bacillus strains isolated from the environment were isolated and characterized using biochemical and molecular procedures. The inhibitory activity against different pathogenic bacteria and yeast strains was tested using diffusion agar assay method. Our data revealed that the tested strains have an antimicrobial effect against the pathogenic strains such as Streptococcus mutants. The inhibitory effect was variable depending from the probiotic and pathogenic strains. The obtained result demonstrated that Bacillus can be used as a potential candidates probiotic and help in the prevention and treatment of oral infections, including dental caries, periodontal disease and halitosis. Our data, partly encourage the use of probiotic strains because they do not produce acid which can contribute to faster installation decay and these are spore-forming bacteria that can withstand the stress of the oral cavity (acids, alkalis, and salty foods).Keywords: probiotic, pathogenic bacteria, yeast, oral cavity
Procedia PDF Downloads 3791096 Risk Assessment of Radiation Hazard for a Typical WWER1000: Cancer Risk Analysis during a Hypothetical Accident
Authors: R. Gharari, N. Kojouri, R. Hosseini Aghdam, E. Alibeigi, B. Salmasian
In this research, the WWER1000/V446 (a PWR Russian type reactor) is chosen as the case study. It is assumed that radioactive materials that release into the environment are more than allowable limit due to a complete failure of the ventilation system (reactor stack). In the following, the HOTSPOT and the RASCAL computational codes have been used and coupled with a developed program using MATLAB software to evaluate Total effective dose equivalent (TEDE) and cancer risk according to the BEIR equations for various human organs. In addition, effects of the containment spray system and climate conditions on the TEDE have been investigated. According to the obtained results, there is an inverse correlation between the received dose and the wind speed; the amount of the TEDE for wind speed 2 m/s and is more than wind speed for 14 m/s during the class A of the climate (2.168 and 0.444 mSv, respectively). Also, containment spray system can effect and reduce the amount of the fission products and TEDE. Furthermore, the probability of the cancer risk for women is more than men, and for children is more than adults. In addition, a specific emergency zonal planning is proposed. Results are promising in which the site selection of the WWER1000/V446 were considered safe for the public in this situation.Keywords: TEDE, total effective dose equivalent, RASCAL and HOTSPOT codes, BEIR equations, cancer risk
Procedia PDF Downloads 1651095 Piping Fragility Composed of Different Materials by Using OpenSees Software
Authors: Woo Young Jung, Min Ho Kwon, Bu Seog Ju
A failure of the non-structural component can cause significant damages in critical facilities such as nuclear power plants and hospitals. Historically, it was reported that the damage from the leakage of sprinkler systems, resulted in the shutdown of hospitals for several weeks by the 1971 San Fernando and 1994 North Ridge earthquakes. In most cases, water leakages were observed at the cross joints, sprinkler heads, and T-joint connections in piping systems during and after the seismic events. Hence, the primary objective of this study was to understand the seismic performance of T-joint connections and to develop an analytical Finite Element (FE) model for the T-joint systems of 2-inch fire protection piping system in hospitals subjected to seismic ground motions. In order to evaluate the FE models of the piping systems using OpenSees, two types of materials were used: 1) Steel 02 materials and 2) Pinching 4 materials. Results of the current study revealed that the nonlinear moment-rotation FE models for the threaded T-joint reconciled well with the experimental results in both FE material models. However, the system-level fragility determined from multiple nonlinear time history analyses at the threaded T-joint was slightly different. The system-level fragility at the T-joint, determined by Pinching 4 material was more conservative than that of using Steel 02 material in the piping system.Keywords: fragility, t-joint, piping, leakage, sprinkler
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