Search results for: ABC-VED inventory classification
1051 The Effects of Xiang Sha Liu Jun Zi Tang to Diarrhea and Growth Performance of Piglets
Authors: Siao-Wei Jiang, Boy-Young Hsieh, Ching-Liang Hsieh, Cheng-Yung Lin
The problems of multiple drug resistance in the pig farming industry have been emphasized in recent years. Diarrhea syndrome is common in weaning piglets and often treated with antibiotics as a feed additive, leading to the rapid spread of antibiotic resistance and posing high health risks to humans. The study aimed to alleviate diarrhea syndrome with traditional herbal medicine, Xiang Sha Liu Jun Zi Tang, whose effects enhanced digestive function. Piglets at 4 weeks old with stool classified to Bristol stool classification type 6 or type 7 were randomly divided into the control group, group A (1% of Xiang Sha Liu Jun Zi Tang) and group B (0.1% Colistin). The piglets were administrated for 7 days, and their weight, feed intake, and stool score were recorded daily before and after the trial. The results showed that the diarrhea index score in group A and group B improved significantly compared to the control group, indicating that Xiang Sha Liu Jun Zi Tang may have the same effect on alleviating diarrhea syndrome as Colistin, and it may be another replacement for antibiotics.Keywords: pig, diarrhea, herbal medicine, Xiang Sha Liu Jun Zi Tang
Procedia PDF Downloads 511050 Classify Land Use/Cover Change and Its Impact on Soil Erosion Using GIS from 2005 to 2015 in Nzhelele Valley Limpopo Province, South Africa
Authors: Blessing Mavhuru, Nthaduleni Nethengwe, Hector Chikoore, Onyango Beneah Daniel Odhiambo
The main objective of this study was to classify land use/cover and how it has changed in Nzhelele Valley Limpopo Province, South Africa. The study aimed to identify and analyse the types of land use/cover in the years 2005, 2010, and 2015 with a view to assess the impact on soil erosion over time. Using GIS, the changes within land use/cover were assessed through the classification of satellite images. The study area was classified into four major land cover/use classes, which are vegetation, gravel road, built up land and agricultural fields. Over the period 2005-2015 the resultant land use/cover demonstrated (i) a significant increase (12%) for vegetation cover, (ii) a significant decrease in agriculture (16%) land use/cover, (iii) increase in built-up land (1%), as well as (iv) an increase in gravel roads (3%). This study envisages assisting policy makers in decision making on land use management for Nzhelele Valley.Keywords: land use, land cover, change, soil erosion
Procedia PDF Downloads 2541049 Historical Studies on Gilt Decorations on Glazed Surfaces
Authors: Sabra Saeidi
This research focuses on the historical techniques associated with the lajevardina and Haft-Rangi production methods in creating tiles, with emphasis on the identification of the techniques of inserting gold sheets on the surface of such historical glazed tiles. In this regard, firstly, the history of the production of enamel, gold plated, and Lajevardina glazed pottery work made during the Khwarizmanshahid and Mongol era (eleventh to the thirteenth century) have been assessed to reach a better understanding of the background and the history associated with historical glazing methods. After the historical overview of the production technique of glazed pottery work and introductions of the civilizations using those techniques, we focused on the niches production methods of enamel and Lajevardina glazing, which are two categories of decorations usually found in tiles. Next, a general classification method for various types of gilt tiles has been introduced, which is applicable to the tile works up to Safavid period (Sixteenth to the seventeenth century). Gilded lajevardina glazed tiles, gilt Haft-Rangi tiles, monolithic glazed gilt tiles, and gilt mosaic tiles are included in the categories.Keywords: gilt tiles, Islamic art, Iranian art, historical studies, gilding
Procedia PDF Downloads 1231048 Sentinel-2 Based Burn Area Severity Assessment Tool in Google Earth Engine
Authors: D. Madhushanka, Y. Liu, H. C. Fernando
Fires are one of the foremost factors of land surface disturbance in diverse ecosystems, causing soil erosion and land-cover changes and atmospheric effects affecting people's lives and properties. Generally, the severity of the fire is calculated as the Normalized Burn Ratio (NBR) index. This is performed manually by comparing two images obtained afterward. Then by using the bitemporal difference of the preprocessed satellite images, the dNBR is calculated. The burnt area is then classified as either unburnt (dNBR<0.1) or burnt (dNBR>= 0.1). Furthermore, Wildfire Severity Assessment (WSA) classifies burnt areas and unburnt areas using classification levels proposed by USGS and comprises seven classes. This procedure generates a burn severity report for the area chosen by the user manually. This study is carried out with the objective of producing an automated tool for the above-mentioned process, namely the World Wildfire Severity Assessment Tool (WWSAT). It is implemented in Google Earth Engine (GEE), which is a free cloud-computing platform for satellite data processing, with several data catalogs at different resolutions (notably Landsat, Sentinel-2, and MODIS) and planetary-scale analysis capabilities. Sentinel-2 MSI is chosen to obtain regular processes related to burnt area severity mapping using a medium spatial resolution sensor (15m). This tool uses machine learning classification techniques to identify burnt areas using NBR and to classify their severity over the user-selected extent and period automatically. Cloud coverage is one of the biggest concerns when fire severity mapping is performed. In WWSAT based on GEE, we present a fully automatic workflow to aggregate cloud-free Sentinel-2 images for both pre-fire and post-fire image compositing. The parallel processing capabilities and preloaded geospatial datasets of GEE facilitated the production of this tool. This tool consists of a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to make it user-friendly. The advantage of this tool is the ability to obtain burn area severity over a large extent and more extended temporal periods. Two case studies were carried out to demonstrate the performance of this tool. The Blue Mountain national park forest affected by the Australian fire season between 2019 and 2020 is used to describe the workflow of the WWSAT. This site detected more than 7809 km2, using Sentinel-2 data, giving an error below 6.5% when compared with the area detected on the field. Furthermore, 86.77% of the detected area was recognized as fully burnt out, of which high severity (17.29%), moderate-high severity (19.63%), moderate-low severity (22.35%), and low severity (27.51%). The Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forest Park, California, the USA, which is affected by the Cameron peak fire in 2020, is chosen for the second case study. It was found that around 983 km2 had burned out, of which high severity (2.73%), moderate-high severity (1.57%), moderate-low severity (1.18%), and low severity (5.45%). These spots also can be detected through the visual inspection made possible by cloud-free images generated by WWSAT. This tool is cost-effective in calculating the burnt area since satellite images are free and the cost of field surveys is avoided.Keywords: burnt area, burnt severity, fires, google earth engine (GEE), sentinel-2
Procedia PDF Downloads 2381047 Automated Tracking and Statistics of Vehicles at the Signalized Intersection
Authors: Qiang Zhang, Xiaojian Hu1
Intersection is the place where vehicles and pedestrians must pass through, turn and evacuate. Obtaining the motion data of vehicles near the intersection is of great significance for transportation research. Since there are usually many targets and there are more conflicts between targets, this makes it difficult to obtain vehicle motion parameters in traffic videos of intersections. According to the characteristics of traffic videos, this paper applies video technology to realize the automated track, count and trajectory extraction of vehicles to collect traffic data by roadside surveillance cameras installed near the intersections. Based on the video recognition method, the vehicles in each lane near the intersection are tracked with extracting trajectory and counted respectively in various degrees of occlusion and visibility. The performances are compared with current recognized CPU-based algorithms of real-time tracking-by-detection. The speed of the presented system is higher than the others and the system has a better real-time performance. The accuracy of direction has reached about 94.99% on average, and the accuracy of classification and statistics has reached about 75.12% on average.Keywords: tracking and statistics, vehicle, signalized intersection, motion parameter, trajectory
Procedia PDF Downloads 2211046 Smart Signature - Medical Communication without Barrier
Authors: Chia-Ying Lin
This paper explains how to enhance doctor-patient communication and nurse-patient communication through multiple intelligence signing methods and user-centered. It is hoped that through the implementation of the "electronic consent", the problems faced by the paper consent can be solved: storage methods, resource utilization, convenience, correctness of information, integrated management, statistical analysis and other related issues. Make better use and allocation of resources to provide better medical quality. First, invite the medical records department to assist in the inventory of paper consent in the hospital: organising, classifying, merging, coding, and setting. Second, plan the electronic consent configuration file: set the form number, consent form group, fields and templates, and the corresponding doctor's order code. Next, Summarize four types of rapid methods of electronic consent: according to the doctor's order, according to the medical behavior, according to the schedule, and manually generate the consent form. Finally, system promotion and adjustment: form an "electronic consent promotion team" to improve, follow five major processes: planning, development, testing, release, and feedback, and invite clinical units to raise the difficulties faced in the promotion, and make improvements to the problems. The electronic signature rate of the whole hospital will increase from 4% in January 2022 to 79% in November 2022. Use the saved resources more effectively, including: reduce paper usage (reduce carbon footprint), reduce the cost of ink cartridges, re-plan and use the space for paper medical records, and save human resources to provide better services. Through the introduction of information technology and technology, the main spirit of "lean management" is implemented. Transforming and reengineering the process to eliminate unnecessary waste is also the highest purpose of this project.Keywords: smart signature, electronic consent, electronic medical records, user-centered, doctor-patient communication, nurse-patient communication
Procedia PDF Downloads 1261045 Application of Lean Manufacturing Tools in Hot Asphalt Production
Authors: S. Bayona, J. Nunez, D. Paez, C. Diaz
The application of Lean manufacturing tools continues to be an effective solution for increasing productivity, reducing costs and eliminating waste in the manufacture of goods and services. This article analyzes the production process of a hot asphalt manufacturing company from an administrative and technical perspective. Three main phases were analyzed, the first phase was related to the determination of the risk priority number of the main operations in asphalt mix production process by an FMEA (Failure Mode Effects Analysis), in the second phase the Value Stream Mapping (VSM) of the production line was performed and in the third phase a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses Opportunities, Threats) matrix was constructed. Among the most valued failure modes were the lack training of workers in occupational safety and health issues, the lack of signaling and classification of granulated material, and the overweight of vehicles loaded. The analysis of the results in the three phases agree on the importance of training operational workers, improve communication with external actors in order to minimize delays in material orders and strengthen control suppliers.Keywords: asphalt, lean manufacturing, productivity, process
Procedia PDF Downloads 1181044 Data Security: An Enhancement of E-mail Security Algorithm to Secure Data Across State Owned Agencies
Authors: Lindelwa Mngomezulu, Tonderai Muchenje
Over the decades, E-mails provide easy, fast and timely communication enabling businesses and state owned agencies to communicate with their stakeholders and with their own employees in real-time. Moreover, since the launch of Microsoft office 365 and many other clouds based E-mail services, many businesses have been migrating from the on premises E-mail services to the cloud and more precisely since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, there has been a significant increase of E-mails utilization, which then leads to the increase of cyber-attacks. In that regard, E-mail security has become very important in the E-mail transportation to ensure that the E-mail gets to the recipient without the data integrity being compromised. The classification of the features to enhance E-mail security for further from the enhanced cyber-attacks as we are aware that since the technology is advancing so at the cyber-attacks. Therefore, in order to maximize the data integrity we need to also maximize security of the E-mails such as enhanced E-mail authentication. The successful enhancement of E-mail security in the future may lessen the frequency of information thefts via E-mails, resulting in the data of South African State-owned agencies not being compromised.Keywords: e-mail security, cyber-attacks, data integrity, authentication
Procedia PDF Downloads 1381043 Numerical Regularization of Ill-Posed Problems via Hybrid Feedback Controls
Authors: Eugene Stepanov, Arkadi Ponossov
Many mathematical models used in biological and other applications are ill-posed. The reason for that is the nature of differential equations, where the nonlinearities are assumed to be step functions, which is done to simplify the analysis. Prominent examples are switched systems arising from gene regulatory networks and neural field equations. This simplification leads, however, to theoretical and numerical complications. In the presentation, it is proposed to apply the theory of hybrid feedback controls to regularize the problem. Roughly speaking, one attaches a finite state control (‘automaton’), which follows the trajectories of the original system and governs its dynamics at the points of ill-posedness. The construction of the automaton is based on the classification of the attractors of the specially designed adjoint dynamical system. This ‘hybridization’ is shown to regularize the original switched system and gives rise to efficient hybrid numerical schemes. Several examples are provided in the presentation, which supports the suggested analysis. The method can be of interest in other applied fields, where differential equations contain step-like nonlinearities.Keywords: hybrid feedback control, ill-posed problems, singular perturbation analysis, step-like nonlinearities
Procedia PDF Downloads 2471042 Psychological Well-Being and Perception of Disease Severity in People with Multiple Sclerosis, Who Underwent a Program of Self-Regulation to Promote Physical Activity
Authors: Luísa Pedro, José Pais-Ribeiro, João Páscoa Pinheiro
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic disease of the central nervous system that affects more often young adults in the prime of his career and personal development, with no cure and unknown causes. The most common signs and symptoms are fatigue, muscle weakness, changes in sensation, ataxia, changes in balance, gait difficulties, memory difficulties, cognitive impairment and difficulties in problem solving. MS is a relatively common neurological disorder in which various impairments and disabilities impact strongly on function and daily life activities. The aim of this study is to examine the implications of the program of self-regulation in the perception of illness and mental health (psychological well-being domain) in MS patients. MS is a relatively common neurological disorder in which various impairments and disabilities impact strongly on function and daily life activities. The aim of this study is to examine the implications of the program of self-regulation in the perception of illness and mental health (psychological well-being domain) in MS patients. After this, a set of exercises was implemented to be used in daily life activities, according to studies developed with MS patients. We asked the subjects the question “Please classify the severity of your disease?” and used the domain of psychological well-being, the Mental Health Inventory (MHI-38) at the beginning (time A) and end (time B) of the program of self-regulation. We used the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20. A non-parametric statistical hypothesis test (Wilcoxon test) was used for the variable analysis. The intervention followed the recommendations of the Helsinki Declaration. The age range of the subjects was between 20 and 58 years with a mean age of 44 years. 58.3 % were women, 37.5 % were currently married, 67% were retired and the mean level of education was 12.5 years. In the correlation between the severity of the disease perception and psychological well before the self-regulation program, an obtained result (r = 0.26, p <0.05), then the self-regulation program, was (r = 0.37, p <0.01), from a low to moderate correlation. We conclude that the program of self-regulation for physical activity in patients with MS can improve the relationship between the perception of disease severity and psychological well-being.Keywords: psychological well-being, multiple sclerosis, self-regulation, physical activity
Procedia PDF Downloads 4911041 Role of Web Graphics and Interface in Creating Visitor Trust
Authors: Pramika J. Muthya
This paper investigates the impact of web graphics and interface design on building visitor trust in websites. A quantitative survey approach was used to examine how aesthetic and usability elements of website design influence user perceptions of trustworthiness. 133 participants aged 18-25 who live in urban Bangalore and engage in online transactions were recruited via convenience sampling. Data was collected through an online survey measuring trust levels based on website design, using validated constructs like the Visual Aesthetic of Websites Inventory (VisAWI). Statistical analysis, including ordinal regression, was conducted to analyze the results. The findings show a statistically significant relationship between web graphics and interface design and the level of trust visitors place in a website. The goodness-of-fit statistics and highly significant model fitting information provide strong evidence for rejecting the null hypothesis of no relationship. Well-designed visual aesthetics like simplicity, diversity, colorfulness, and craftsmanship are key drivers of perceived credibility. Intuitive navigation and usability also increase trust. The results emphasize the strategic importance for companies to invest in appealing graphic design, consistent with existing theoretical frameworks. There are also implications for taking a user-centric approach to web design and acknowledging the reciprocal link between pre-existing user trust and perception of visuals. While generalizable, limitations include possible sampling and self-report biases. Further research can build on these findings to deepen understanding of nuanced cultural and temporal factors influencing online trust. Overall, this study makes a significant contribution by providing empirical evidence that reinforces the crucial impact of thoughtful graphic design in fostering lasting user trust in websites.Keywords: web graphics, interface design, visitor trust, website design, aesthetics, user experience, online trust, visual design, graphic design, user perceptions, user expectations
Procedia PDF Downloads 521040 Expansive-Restrictive Style: Conceptualizing Knowledge Workers
Authors: Ram Manohar Singh, Meenakshi Gupta
Various terms such as ‘learning style’, ‘cognitive style’, ‘conceptual style’, ‘thinking style’, ‘intellectual style’ are used in literature to refer to an individual’s characteristic and consistent approach to organizing and processing information. However, style concepts are criticized for mutually overlapping definitions and confusing classification. This confusion should be addressed at the conceptual as well as empirical level. This paper is an attempt to bridge this gap in literature by proposing a new concept: expansive-restrictive intellectual style based on phenomenological analysis of an auto-ethnography and interview of 26 information technology (IT) professionals working in knowledge intensive organizations (KIOs) in India. Expansive style is an individual’s preference to expand his/her horizon of knowledge and understanding by gaining real meaning and structure of his/her work. On the contrary restrictive style is characterized by an individual’s preference to take minimalist approach at work reflected in executing a job efficiently without an attempt to understand the real meaning and structure of the work. The analysis suggests that expansive-restrictive style has three dimensions: (1) field dependence-independence (2) cognitive involvement and (3) epistemological beliefs.Keywords: expansive, knowledge workers, restrictive, style
Procedia PDF Downloads 4241039 Challenges in Experimental Testing of a Stiff, Overconsolidated Clay
Authors: Maria Konstadinou, Etienne Alderlieste, Anderson Peccin da Silva, Ben Arntz, Leonard van der Bijl, Wouter Verschueren
The shear strength and compression properties of stiff Boom clay from Belgium at the depth of about 30 m has been investigated by means of cone penetration and laboratory testing. The latter consisted of index classification, constant rate of strain, direct, simple shear, and unconfined compression tests. The Boom clay samples exhibited strong swelling tendencies. The suction pressure was measured via different procedures and has been compared to the expected in-situ stress. The undrained shear strength and OCR profile determined from CPTs is not compatible with the experimental measurements, which gave significantly lower values. The observed response can be attributed to the presence of pre-existing discontinuities, as shown in microscale CT scans of the samples. The results of this study demonstrate that the microstructure of the clay prior to testing has an impact on the mechanical behaviour and can cause inconsistencies in the comparison of the laboratory test results with in-situ data.Keywords: boom clay, laboratory testing, overconsolidation ratio, stress-strain response, swelling, undrained shear strength
Procedia PDF Downloads 1471038 Artificial Reproduction System and Imbalanced Dataset: A Mendelian Classification
Authors: Anita Kushwaha
We propose a new evolutionary computational model called Artificial Reproduction System which is based on the complex process of meiotic reproduction occurring between male and female cells of the living organisms. Artificial Reproduction System is an attempt towards a new computational intelligence approach inspired by the theoretical reproduction mechanism, observed reproduction functions, principles and mechanisms. A reproductive organism is programmed by genes and can be viewed as an automaton, mapping and reducing so as to create copies of those genes in its off springs. In Artificial Reproduction System, the binding mechanism between male and female cells is studied, parameters are chosen and a network is constructed also a feedback system for self regularization is established. The model then applies Mendel’s law of inheritance, allele-allele associations and can be used to perform data analysis of imbalanced data, multivariate, multiclass and big data. In the experimental study Artificial Reproduction System is compared with other state of the art classifiers like SVM, Radial Basis Function, neural networks, K-Nearest Neighbor for some benchmark datasets and comparison results indicates a good performance.Keywords: bio-inspired computation, nature- inspired computation, natural computing, data mining
Procedia PDF Downloads 2741037 Electromyography Pattern Classification with Laplacian Eigenmaps in Human Running
Authors: Elnaz Lashgari, Emel Demircan
Electromyography (EMG) is one of the most important interfaces between humans and robots for rehabilitation. Decoding this signal helps to recognize muscle activation and converts it into smooth motion for the robots. Detecting each muscle’s pattern during walking and running is vital for improving the quality of a patient’s life. In this study, EMG data from 10 muscles in 10 subjects at 4 different speeds were analyzed. EMG signals are nonlinear with high dimensionality. To deal with this challenge, we extracted some features in time-frequency domain and used manifold learning and Laplacian Eigenmaps algorithm to find the intrinsic features that represent data in low-dimensional space. We then used the Bayesian classifier to identify various patterns of EMG signals for different muscles across a range of running speeds. The best result for vastus medialis muscle corresponds to 97.87±0.69 for sensitivity and 88.37±0.79 for specificity with 97.07±0.29 accuracy using Bayesian classifier. The results of this study provide important insight into human movement and its application for robotics research.Keywords: electromyography, manifold learning, ISOMAP, Laplacian Eigenmaps, locally linear embedding
Procedia PDF Downloads 3651036 Soil Sensibility Characterization of Granular Soils Due to Suffusion
Authors: Abdul Rochim, Didier Marot, Luc Sibille
This paper studies the characterization of soil sensibility due to suffusion process by carrying out a series of one-dimensional downward seepage flow tests realized with an erodimeter. Tests were performed under controlled hydraulic gradient in sandy gravel soils. We propose the analysis based on energy induced by the seepage flow to characterize the hydraulic loading and the cumulative eroded dry mass to characterize the soil response. With this approach, the effect of hydraulic loading histories and initial fines contents to soil sensibility are presented. It is found that for given soils, erosion coefficients are different if tests are performed under different hydraulic loading histories. For given initial fines fraction contents, the sensibility may be grouped in the same classification. The lower fines content soils tend to require larger flow energy to the onset of erosion. These results demonstrate that this approach is effective to characterize suffusion sensibility for granular soils.Keywords: erodimeter, sandy gravel, suffusion, water seepage energy
Procedia PDF Downloads 4471035 KSVD-SVM Approach for Spontaneous Facial Expression Recognition
Authors: Dawood Al Chanti, Alice Caplier
Sparse representations of signals have received a great deal of attention in recent years. In this paper, the interest of using sparse representation as a mean for performing sparse discriminative analysis between spontaneous facial expressions is demonstrated. An automatic facial expressions recognition system is presented. It uses a KSVD-SVM approach which is made of three main stages: A pre-processing and feature extraction stage, which solves the problem of shared subspace distribution based on the random projection theory, to obtain low dimensional discriminative and reconstructive features; A dictionary learning and sparse coding stage, which uses the KSVD model to learn discriminative under or over dictionaries for sparse coding; Finally a classification stage, which uses a SVM classifier for facial expressions recognition. Our main concern is to be able to recognize non-basic affective states and non-acted expressions. Extensive experiments on the JAFFE static acted facial expressions database but also on the DynEmo dynamic spontaneous facial expressions database exhibit very good recognition rates.Keywords: dictionary learning, random projection, pose and spontaneous facial expression, sparse representation
Procedia PDF Downloads 3081034 The Best Prediction Data Mining Model for Breast Cancer Probability in Women Residents in Kabul
Authors: Mina Jafari, Kobra Hamraee, Saied Hossein Hosseini
The prediction of breast cancer disease is one of the challenges in medicine. In this paper we collected 528 records of women’s information who live in Kabul including demographic, life style, diet and pregnancy data. There are many classification algorithm in breast cancer prediction and tried to find the best model with most accurate result and lowest error rate. We evaluated some other common supervised algorithms in data mining to find the best model in prediction of breast cancer disease among afghan women living in Kabul regarding to momography result as target variable. For evaluating these algorithms we used Cross Validation which is an assured method for measuring the performance of models. After comparing error rate and accuracy of three models: Decision Tree, Naive Bays and Rule Induction, Decision Tree with accuracy of 94.06% and error rate of %15 is found the best model to predicting breast cancer disease based on the health care records.Keywords: decision tree, breast cancer, probability, data mining
Procedia PDF Downloads 1401033 Unseen Classes: The Paradigm Shift in Machine Learning
Authors: Vani Singhal, Jitendra Parmar, Satyendra Singh Chouhan
Unseen class discovery has now become an important part of a machine-learning algorithm to judge new classes. Unseen classes are the classes on which the machine learning model is not trained on. With the advancement in technology and AI replacing humans, the amount of data has increased to the next level. So while implementing a model on real-world examples, we come across unseen new classes. Our aim is to find the number of unseen classes by using a hierarchical-based active learning algorithm. The algorithm is based on hierarchical clustering as well as active sampling. The number of clusters that we will get in the end will give the number of unseen classes. The total clusters will also contain some clusters that have unseen classes. Instead of first discovering unseen classes and then finding their number, we directly calculated the number by applying the algorithm. The dataset used is for intent classification. The target data is the intent of the corresponding query. We conclude that when the machine learning model will encounter real-world data, it will automatically find the number of unseen classes. In the future, our next work would be to label these unseen classes correctly.Keywords: active sampling, hierarchical clustering, open world learning, unseen class discovery
Procedia PDF Downloads 1731032 Using Trip Planners in Developing Proper Transportation Behavior
Authors: Grzegorz Sierpiński, Ireneusz Celiński, Marcin Staniek
The article discusses multi modal mobility in contemporary societies as a main planning and organization issue in the functioning of administrative bodies, a problem which really exists in the space of contemporary cities in terms of shaping modern transport systems. The article presents classification of available resources and initiatives undertaken for developing multi modal mobility. Solutions can be divided into three groups of measures–physical measures in the form of changes of the transport network infrastructure, organizational ones (including transport policy) and information measures. The latter ones include in particular direct support for people travelling in the transport network by providing information about ways of using available means of transport. A special measure contributing to this end is a trip planner. The article compares several selected planners. It includes a short description of the Green Travelling Project, which aims at developing a planner supporting environmentally friendly solutions in terms of transport network operation. The article summarizes preliminary findings of the project.Keywords: mobility, modal split, multimodal trip, multimodal platforms, sustainable transport
Procedia PDF Downloads 4121031 Machine Learning-Driven Prediction of Cardiovascular Diseases: A Supervised Approach
Authors: Thota Sai Prakash, B. Yaswanth, Jhade Bhuvaneswar, Marreddy Divakar Reddy, Shyam Ji Gupta
Across the globe, there are a lot of chronic diseases, and heart disease stands out as one of the most perilous. Sadly, many lives are lost to this condition, even though early intervention could prevent such tragedies. However, identifying heart disease in its initial stages is not easy. To address this challenge, we propose an automated system aimed at predicting the presence of heart disease using advanced techniques. By doing so, we hope to empower individuals with the knowledge needed to take proactive measures against this potentially fatal illness. Our approach towards this problem involves meticulous data preprocessing and the development of predictive models utilizing classification algorithms such as Support Vector Machines (SVM), Decision Tree, and Random Forest. We assess the efficiency of every model based on metrics like accuracy, ensuring that we select the most reliable option. Additionally, we conduct thorough data analysis to reveal the importance of different attributes. Among the models considered, Random Forest emerges as the standout performer with an accuracy rate of 96.04% in our study.Keywords: support vector machines, decision tree, random forest
Procedia PDF Downloads 421030 A Geographical Framework for Studying the Territorial Sustainability Based on Land Use Change
Authors: Miguel Ramirez, Ivan Lizarazo
The emergence of various interpretations of sustainability, including weak and strong paradigms, can be traced back to the definition of sustainable development provided in the 1987 Brundtland report and the subsequent evolution of the sustainability concept. However, there has been limited scholarly attention given to clarifying the concept of sustainability within the theoretical and conceptual framework of geography. The discipline has predominantly been focused on understanding the diverse conceptions of sustainability within its epistemological boundaries, resulting in tensions between sustainability paradigms and their associated dimensions, including the incorporation of political perspectives, with particular emphasis on environmental geography's epistemology. In response to this gap, a conceptual framework for sustainability is proposed, effectively integrating spatial and territorial concepts. This framework aims to enhance geography's role in contributing to sustainability by utilizing the land system theory, which is based on the dynamics of land use change. Such an integrated conceptual framework enables incorporating methodological tools such as remote sensing, encompassing various earth observations and fusion methods, and supervised classification techniques. Additionally, it looks for better integration of socioecological information, thereby capturing essential population-related features.Keywords: geography, sustainability, land change science, territorial sustainability
Procedia PDF Downloads 861029 Meta-Instruction Theory in Mathematics Education and Critique of Bloom’s Theory
Authors: Abdollah Aliesmaeili
The purpose of this research is to present a different perspective on the basic math teaching method called meta-instruction, which reverses the learning path. Meta-instruction is a method of teaching in which the teaching trajectory starts from brain education into learning. This research focuses on the behavior of the mind during learning. In this method, students are not instructed in mathematics, but they are educated. Another goal of the research is to "criticize Bloom's classification in the cognitive domain and reverse it", because it cannot meet the educational and instructional needs of the new generation and "substituting math education instead of math teaching". This is an indirect method of teaching. The method of research is longitudinal through four years. Statistical samples included students ages 6 to 11. The research focuses on improving the mental abilities of children to explore mathematical rules and operations by playing only with eight measurements (any years 2 examinations). The results showed that there is a significant difference between groups in remembering, understanding, and applying. Moreover, educating math is more effective than instructing in overall learning abilities.Keywords: applying, Bloom's taxonomy, brain education, mathematics teaching method, meta-instruction, remembering, starmath method, understanding
Procedia PDF Downloads 241028 Designing Cultural-Creative Products with the Six Categories of Hanzi (Chinese Character Classification)
Authors: Pei-Jun Xue, Ming-Yu Hsiao
Chinese characters, or hanzi, represent a process of simplifying three-dimensional signs into plane signifiers. From pictograms at the beginning to logograms today, a Han linguist thus classified them into six categories known as the six categories of Chinese characters. Design is a process of signification, and cultural-creative design is a process translating ideas into design with creativity upon culture. Aiming to investigate the process of cultural-creative design transforming cultural text into cultural signs, this study analyzed existing cultural-creative products with the six categories of Chinese characters by treating such products as representations which accurately communicate the designer’s ideas to users through the categorization, simplification, and interpretation of sign features. This is a two-phase pilot study on designing cultural-creative products with the six categories of Chinese characters. Phase I reviews the related literature on the theory of the six categories of Chinese characters investigated and concludes with the process and principles of character evolution. Phase II analyzes the design of existing cultural-creative products with the six categories of Chinese characters and explores the conceptualization of product design.Keywords: six categories of Chinese characters, cultural-creative product design, cultural signs, cultural product
Procedia PDF Downloads 3441027 Variation in the Morphology of Soft Palate
Authors: Hema Lattupalli
Introduction: The palate forms a partition between the oral cavity and nasal cavity. The palate is made up of two parts hard palate and soft palate. The Hard palate forms the anterior part of the palate, the soft palate forms a movable muscular fold covered by mucous membrane that is suspended from the posterior border of a hard palate. Aim and Objectives: Soft palate morphological variations have a great paucity in the literature. It’s also believed that the soft palate has no such important anatomical variations. There is a variable presentation of the soft palate morphology in the lateral cephalograms. The aim of this study is to identify the velar morphology. Materials and Methods: 100 normal subjects between the age group of 20 – 35 were taken for the study. Method: Lateral Cephalogram (radiologic study). Results: Different shapes of the soft palate were observed in the lateral cephalograms. The morphology of soft palate was classified into six types 1.Leaf like (50 cases) most common type, 2.Straight line (20 cases), 3.S shaped (4 cases) very rare, 4.Butt like (10 cases), 5. Rat tail (6 cases), 6. Hook shaped (10 cases). Conclusion: This classification helps us to understand the better diversity of the velar morphology in mid-sagittal plane. These findings help us to understand the etiology of OSAS.Keywords: soft palate, cephalometric radiographs, morphology, cleft palate, obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome
Procedia PDF Downloads 3631026 Geospatial Analysis for Predicting Sinkhole Susceptibility in Greene County, Missouri
Authors: Shishay Kidanu, Abdullah Alhaj
Sinkholes in the karst terrain of Greene County, Missouri, pose significant geohazards, imposing challenges on construction and infrastructure development, with potential threats to lives and property. To address these issues, understanding the influencing factors and modeling sinkhole susceptibility is crucial for effective mitigation through strategic changes in land use planning and practices. This study utilizes geographic information system (GIS) software to collect and process diverse data, including topographic, geologic, hydrogeologic, and anthropogenic information. Nine key sinkhole influencing factors, ranging from slope characteristics to proximity to geological structures, were carefully analyzed. The Frequency Ratio method establishes relationships between attribute classes of these factors and sinkhole events, deriving class weights to indicate their relative importance. Weighted integration of these factors is accomplished using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and the Weighted Linear Combination (WLC) method in a GIS environment, resulting in a comprehensive sinkhole susceptibility index (SSI) model for the study area. Employing Jenk's natural break classifier method, the SSI values are categorized into five distinct sinkhole susceptibility zones: very low, low, moderate, high, and very high. Validation of the model, conducted through the Area Under Curve (AUC) and Sinkhole Density Index (SDI) methods, demonstrates a robust correlation with sinkhole inventory data. The prediction rate curve yields an AUC value of 74%, indicating a 74% validation accuracy. The SDI result further supports the success of the sinkhole susceptibility model. This model offers reliable predictions for the future distribution of sinkholes, providing valuable insights for planners and engineers in the formulation of development plans and land-use strategies. Its application extends to enhancing preparedness and minimizing the impact of sinkhole-related geohazards on both infrastructure and the community.Keywords: sinkhole, GIS, analytical hierarchy process, frequency ratio, susceptibility, Missouri
Procedia PDF Downloads 741025 Extraction of Urban Land Features from TM Landsat Image Using the Land Features Index and Tasseled Cap Transformation
Authors: R. Bouhennache, T. Bouden, A. A. Taleb, A. Chaddad
In this paper we propose a method to map the urban areas. The method uses an arithmetic calculation processed from the land features indexes and Tasseled cap transformation TC of multi spectral Thematic Mapper Landsat TM image. For this purpose the derived indexes image from the original image such SAVI the soil adjusted vegetation index, UI the urban Index, and EBBI the enhanced built up and bareness index were staked to form a new image and the bands were uncorrelated, also the Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) and Spectral Information Divergence (SID) supervised classification approaches were first applied on the new image TM data using the reference spectra of the spectral library and subsequently the four urban, vegetation, water and soil land cover categories were extracted with their accuracy assessment.The urban features were represented using a logic calculation applied to the brightness, UI-SAVI, NDBI-greenness and EBBI- brightness data sets. The study applied to Blida and mentioned that the urban features can be mapped with an accuracy ranging from 92 % to 95%.Keywords: EBBI, SAVI, Tasseled Cap Transformation, UI
Procedia PDF Downloads 4841024 Visual Thing Recognition with Binary Scale-Invariant Feature Transform and Support Vector Machine Classifiers Using Color Information
Authors: Wei-Jong Yang, Wei-Hau Du, Pau-Choo Chang, Jar-Ferr Yang, Pi-Hsia Hung
The demands of smart visual thing recognition in various devices have been increased rapidly for daily smart production, living and learning systems in recent years. This paper proposed a visual thing recognition system, which combines binary scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT), bag of words model (BoW), and support vector machine (SVM) by using color information. Since the traditional SIFT features and SVM classifiers only use the gray information, color information is still an important feature for visual thing recognition. With color-based SIFT features and SVM, we can discard unreliable matching pairs and increase the robustness of matching tasks. The experimental results show that the proposed object recognition system with color-assistant SIFT SVM classifier achieves higher recognition rate than that with the traditional gray SIFT and SVM classification in various situations.Keywords: color moments, visual thing recognition system, SIFT, color SIFT
Procedia PDF Downloads 4711023 Hate Speech Detection in Tunisian Dialect
Authors: Helmi Baazaoui, Mounir Zrigui
This study addresses the challenge of hate speech detection in Tunisian Arabic text, a critical issue for online safety and moderation. Leveraging the strengths of the AraBERT model, we fine-tuned and evaluated its performance against the Bi-LSTM model across four distinct datasets: T-HSAB, TNHS, TUNIZI-Dataset, and a newly compiled dataset with diverse labels such as Offensive Language, Racism, and Religious Intolerance. Our experimental results demonstrate that AraBERT significantly outperforms Bi-LSTM in terms of Recall, Precision, F1-Score, and Accuracy across all datasets. The findings underline the robustness of AraBERT in capturing the nuanced features of Tunisian Arabic and its superior capability in classification tasks. This research not only advances the technology for hate speech detection but also provides practical implications for social media moderation and policy-making in Tunisia. Future work will focus on expanding the datasets and exploring more sophisticated architectures to further enhance detection accuracy, thus promoting safer online interactions.Keywords: hate speech detection, Tunisian Arabic, AraBERT, Bi-LSTM, Gemini annotation tool, social media moderation
Procedia PDF Downloads 161022 Adversarial Disentanglement Using Latent Classifier for Pose-Independent Representation
Authors: Hamed Alqahtani, Manolya Kavakli-Thorne
The large pose discrepancy is one of the critical challenges in face recognition during video surveillance. Due to the entanglement of pose attributes with identity information, the conventional approaches for pose-independent representation lack in providing quality results in recognizing largely posed faces. In this paper, we propose a practical approach to disentangle the pose attribute from the identity information followed by synthesis of a face using a classifier network in latent space. The proposed approach employs a modified generative adversarial network framework consisting of an encoder-decoder structure embedded with a classifier in manifold space for carrying out factorization on the latent encoding. It can be further generalized to other face and non-face attributes for real-life video frames containing faces with significant attribute variations. Experimental results and comparison with state of the art in the field prove that the learned representation of the proposed approach synthesizes more compelling perceptual images through a combination of adversarial and classification losses.Keywords: disentanglement, face detection, generative adversarial networks, video surveillance
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