Search results for: assistive tools
2267 The Impact of Collaborative Writing through Wikis and Blogs on Iranian EFL Learners’ Writing Achievement
Authors: Farhad Ghorbandordinejad, Shamsoddin Aref
Wikis and blogs, defined as educational tools in line with the objectives of collaborative writing, are regarded as innovative ways of writing addressing the problems of conventional types of writing. Although writing in wikis and blogs step in different contexts, they are both aiming at betterment of collaborative writing procedures. It is believed that due to certain reasons bringing in wikis and blogs to learners' life can lead to better performance of writing. This study aimed at dipping into pedagogical aspects of wikis and blogs in the hope of eliminating prior traditional mistakes and bringing students together in a more constructive L2 context. To this end, three groups of intermediate students were experimented in three settings of wiki-group, blog-group and conventional (control) group. Despite conventional group learners, participants in both experimental groups experienced L2 writing in a new telecollaborative context. An achievement test was administered after the treatment to check learners’ degree of improvement in EFL writing. The results of this study provide a deep insight towards the effectiveness of writing in the contexts of wikis and blogs compared with conventional writing procedures. The overall conclusion drawn from the distinction of conventional writing, on one hand, and wikis and blogs, on the other hand, indicates that the latter channels of writing are more constructive for learners’ writing improvements.Keywords: collaborative writing, wikis, blogs, writing achievement
Procedia PDF Downloads 3922266 Countering Violent Extremism: Challenges and Possibilities for Muslim Ummah
Authors: Altaf Ahmed
Unhindered progress and advancement of life are directly associated with peace and development. Unfortunately, many modern states are prone to the perilous of social challenges; Violent Extremism is the most ubiquitous adversary among all. Islam in its origin fully supports peace and security; the charter of Madina, the treaty of Hudabia and conquer of Mecca are the biggest examples in this reference. The holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ always gave priority to peace in these cases. Today, the majority of the Muslim World faces VE and terrorism due to multiple reasons ranging from religious interpretations to political, social and economic conditions. This research will try to explore challenges for Muslim Ummah in maintaining peace and what steps have been taken by it to resolve conflicts among states. In this context, Sustainable development goals (SDGs) will be particularly analysed. SDGs were adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015. It is an undeniable fact that these are the best peace-building tools. Although there are 17 SDGs, the paper will mainly focus on quality education, zero hunger, end of poverty (social protection), women empowerment, reduced inequalities and economic growth as the best peace-building approaches for eradication of violent extremism.Keywords: violent extremism, Muslim Ummah, peace, modern world, education
Procedia PDF Downloads 1192265 Consumer Market for Mineral Water and Development Policy in Georgia
Authors: Gulnaz Erkomaishvili
The paper discusses mineral water consumer market and development policy in Georgia, the tools and measures, which will contribute to the production of mineral waters and increase its export. The paper studies and analyses current situation in mineral water production sector as well as the factors affecting increase and reduction of its export. It’s noted that in order to gain and maintain competitive advantage, it’s necessary to provide continuous supply of high-quality goods with modern design, open new distribution channels to enter new markets, carry out broad promotional activities, organize e-commerce. Economic policy plays an important role in protecting markets from counterfeit goods. The state also plays an important role in attracting foreign direct investments. Stable business environment and export-oriented strategy is the basis for the country’s economic growth. Based on the research, the paper suggests the strategy for improving the competitiveness of Georgian mineral waters, relevant conclusions and recommendations are provided.Keywords: mineral waters, consumer market for mineral waters, export of mineral waters, mineral water development policy in Georgia
Procedia PDF Downloads 4292264 Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Smartphone Addiction Inventory (SPAI) in the Yemeni Environment
Authors: Mohammed Al-Khadher
Currently, we are witnessing rapid advancements in the field of information and communications technology, forcing us, as psychologists, to combat the psychological and social effects of such developments. It also drives us to continually look for the development and preparation of measurement tools compatible with the changes brought about by the digital revolution. In this context, the current study aimed to identify the factor analysis of the Smartphone Addiction Inventory (SPAI) in the Republic of Yemen. The sample consisted of (1920) university students (1136 males and 784 females) who answered the inventory, and the data was analyzed using the statistical software (AMOS V25). The factor analysis results showed a goodness-of-fit of the data five-factor model with excellent indicators, as RMSEA-(.052), CFI-(.910), GFI-(.931), AGFI-(.915), TLI-(.897), NFI-(.895), RFI-(.880), and RMR-(.032). All within the ideal range to prove the model's fit of the scale’s factor analysis. The confirmatory factor analysis results showed factor loading in (4) items on (Time Spent), (4) items on (Compulsivity), (8) items on (Daily Life Interference), (5) items on (Craving), and (3) items on (Sleep interference); and all standard values of factor loading were statistically significant at the significance level (>.001).Keywords: smartphone addiction inventory (SPAI), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), yemeni students, people at risk of smartphone addiction
Procedia PDF Downloads 962263 The Use of Classifiers in Image Analysis of Oil Wells Profiling Process and the Automatic Identification of Events
Authors: Jaqueline Maria Ribeiro Vieira
Different strategies and tools are available at the oil and gas industry for detecting and analyzing tension and possible fractures in borehole walls. Most of these techniques are based on manual observation of the captured borehole images. While this strategy may be possible and convenient with small images and few data, it may become difficult and suitable to errors when big databases of images must be treated. While the patterns may differ among the image area, depending on many characteristics (drilling strategy, rock components, rock strength, etc.). Previously we developed and proposed a novel strategy capable of detecting patterns at borehole images that may point to regions that have tension and breakout characteristics, based on segmented images. In this work we propose the inclusion of data-mining classification strategies in order to create a knowledge database of the segmented curves. These classifiers allow that, after some time using and manually pointing parts of borehole images that correspond to tension regions and breakout areas, the system will indicate and suggest automatically new candidate regions, with higher accuracy. We suggest the use of different classifiers methods, in order to achieve different knowledge data set configurations.Keywords: image segmentation, oil well visualization, classifiers, data-mining, visual computer
Procedia PDF Downloads 3042262 Automating 2D CAD to 3D Model Generation Process: Wall pop-ups
Authors: Mohit Gupta, Chialing Wei, Thomas Czerniawski
In this paper, we have built a neural network that can detect walls on 2D sheets and subsequently create a 3D model in Revit using Dynamo. The training set includes 3500 labeled images, and the detection algorithm used is YOLO. Typically, engineers/designers make concentrated efforts to convert 2D cad drawings to 3D models. This costs a considerable amount of time and human effort. This paper makes a contribution in automating the task of 3D walls modeling. 1. Detecting Walls in 2D cad and generating 3D pop-ups in Revit. 2. Saving designer his/her modeling time in drafting elements like walls from 2D cad to 3D representation. An object detection algorithm YOLO is used for wall detection and localization. The neural network is trained over 3500 labeled images of size 256x256x3. Then, Dynamo is interfaced with the output of the neural network to pop-up 3D walls in Revit. The research uses modern technological tools like deep learning and artificial intelligence to automate the process of generating 3D walls without needing humans to manually model them. Thus, contributes to saving time, human effort, and money.Keywords: neural networks, Yolo, 2D to 3D transformation, CAD object detection
Procedia PDF Downloads 1462261 Ethnographic Exploration of Elderly Residents' Perceptions and Utilization of Health Care to Improve Their Quality of Life
Authors: Seyed Ziya Tabatabaei, Azimi Bin Hj Hamzah, Fatemeh Ebrahimi
The increase in proportion of older people in Malaysia has led to a significant growth of health care demands. The aim of this study is to explore how perceived health care needs influence on quality of life among elderly Malay residents who reside in a Malaysian residential home. This study employed a method known as ethnographic research from May 2011 to January 2012. Four data collection strategies were selected as the main data-collecting tools including participant observation, field notes, in-depth interviews, and review of related documents. The nine knowledgeable participants for the present study were selected using the purposive sampling method. Two themes were identified: (1) Medical concerns: Feeling secure, lack of information, inadequate medical staff; and (2) Health promotion: Body condition, health education, physiotherapy and rehabilitation. These results could evoke the attention of policy-makers and care providers to better meet elderly residents’ health care needs.Keywords: ethnographic study, health care needs, Malay elderly people, Malaysia, Quality of life, Residential home
Procedia PDF Downloads 2992260 Evaluation of Energy Upgrade Measures and Connection of Renewable Energy Sources Using Software Tools: Case Study of an Academic Library Building in Larissa, Greece
Authors: Giwrgos S. Gkarmpounis, Aikaterini G. Rokkou, Marios N. Moschakis
Increased energy consumption in the academic buildings, creates the need to implement energy saving measures and to take advantage of the renewable energy sources to cover the electrical needs of those buildings. An Academic Library will be used as a case study. With the aid of RETScreen software that takes into account the energy consumptions and characteristics of the Library Building, it is proved that measures such as the replacement of fluorescent lights with led lights, the installation of outdoor shading, the replacement of the openings and Building Management System installation, provide a high level of energy savings. Moreover, given the available space of the building and the climatic data, the installation of a photovoltaic system of 100 kW can also cover a serious amount of the building energy consumption, unlike a wind system that seems uncompromising. Lastly, HOMER software is used to compare the use of a photovoltaic system against a wind system in order to verify the results that came up from the RETScreen software concerning the renewable energy sources.Keywords: building sector, energy saving measures, energy upgrading, homer software, renewable energy sources, RETScreen software
Procedia PDF Downloads 2302259 Community Radio Broadcasting in Phutthamonthon District, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand
Authors: Anchana Sooksomchitra
This study aims to explore and compare the current condition of community radio stations in Phutthamonthon district, Nakhon Pathom province, Thailand, as well as the challenges they are facing. Qualitative research tools including in-depth interviews, documentary analysis, focus group interviews, and observation are used to examine the content, programming, and management structure of three community radio stations currently in operation within the district. Research findings indicate that the management and operational approaches adopted by the two non-profit stations included in the study, Salaya Pattana and Voice of Dhamma, are more structured and effective than that of the for-profit Tune Radio. Salaya Pattana, backed by the Faculty of Engineering, Mahidol University, and the charity-funded Voice of Dhamma are comparatively free from political and commercial influence, and able to provide more relevant and consistent community-oriented content to meet the real demand of the audience. Tune Radio, on the other hand, has to rely solely on financial support from political factions and business groups, which heavily influence its content.Keywords: radio broadcasting, programming, management, community radio, Thailand
Procedia PDF Downloads 3442258 Antecedents of Knowledge Sharing: Investigating the Influence of Knowledge Sharing Factors towards Postgraduate Research Supervision
Authors: Arash Khosravi, Mohamad Nazir Ahmad
Today’s economy is a knowledge-based economy in which knowledge is a crucial facilitator to individuals, as well as being an instigator of success. Due to the impact of globalization, universities face new challenges and opportunities. Accordingly, they ought to be more innovative and have their own competitive advantages. One of the most important goals of universities is the promotion of students as professional knowledge workers. Therefore, knowledge sharing and transferring at tertiary level between students and supervisors is vital in universities, as it decreases the budget and provides an affordable way of doing research. Knowledge-sharing impact factors can be categorized into three groups, namely: organizational, individual and technical factors. There are some individual barriers to knowledge sharing, namely: lack of time and trust, lack of communication skills and social networks. IT systems such as e-learning, blogs and portals can increase knowledge sharing capability. However, it must be stated that IT systems are only tools and not solutions. Individuals are still responsible for sharing information and knowledge. This paper proposes new research model to examine the effect of individual factors and organisational factors, namely: learning strategy, trust culture, supervisory support, as well as technological factor on knowledge sharing in a research supervision process at the University of Technology Malaysia.Keywords: knowledge management, knowledge sharing, research supervision, knowledge transferring
Procedia PDF Downloads 4492257 Hydrogen Storage Optimisation: Development of Advanced Tools for Improved Permeability Modelling in Materials
Authors: Sirine Sayed, Mahrez Ait Mohammed, Mourad Nachtane, Abdelwahed Barkaoui, Khalid Bouziane, Mostapha Tarfaoui
This study addresses a critical challenge in transitioning to a hydrogen-based economy by introducing and validating a one-dimensional (1D) tool for modelling hydrogen permeability through hybrid materials, focusing on tank applications. The model developed integrates rigorous experimental validation, published data, and advanced computational modelling using the PanDiffusion framework, significantly enhancing its validity and applicability. By elucidating complex interactions between material properties, storage system configurations, and operational parameters, the tool demonstrates its capability to optimize design and operational parameters in real-world scenarios, as illustrated through a case study of hydrogen leakage. This comprehensive approach to assessing hydrogen permeability contributes significantly to overcoming key barriers in hydrogen infrastructure development, potentially accelerating the widespread adoption of hydrogen technology across various industrial sectors and marking a crucial step towards a more sustainable energy future.Keywords: hydrogen storage, composite tank, permeability modelling, PanDiffusion, energy carrier, transportation technology
Procedia PDF Downloads 192256 Geographic Information System for District Level Energy Performance Simulations
Authors: Avichal Malhotra, Jerome Frisch, Christoph van Treeck
The utilization of semantic, cadastral and topological data from geographic information systems (GIS) has exponentially increased for building and urban-scale energy performance simulations. Urban planners, simulation scientists, and researchers use virtual 3D city models for energy analysis, algorithms and simulation tools. For dynamic energy simulations at city and district level, this paper provides an overview of the available GIS data models and their levels of detail. Adhering to different norms and standards, these models also intend to describe building and construction industry data. For further investigations, CityGML data models are considered for simulations. Though geographical information modelling has considerably many different implementations, extensions of virtual city data can also be made for domain specific applications. Highlighting the use of the extended CityGML models for energy researches, a brief introduction to the Energy Application Domain Extension (ADE) along with its significance is made. Consequently, addressing specific input simulation data, a workflow using Modelica underlining the usage of GIS information and the quantification of its significance over annual heating energy demand is presented in this paper.Keywords: CityGML, EnergyADE, energy performance simulation, GIS
Procedia PDF Downloads 1722255 The Use of Serious Games in the Context of Education 4.0: Enhancing Learning in High Schools and Universities
Authors: Maciej Zaręba, Paweł Dawid
The changing picture of modern education requires innovative methodologies to meet the demands of new generations of students. Serious games, which use gamification principles to enrich the learning process, have become key tools for increasing student engagement and developing basic skills. This article explores the use of serious games in Education 4.0, focusing on their implementation in teaching manufacturing management and engineering principles at the high school and university levels. By simulating complex, real-world challenges and their solutions, serious games provide immersive and interactive learning environments that appeal to Generation Y and Z. These simulations enable students to participate in decision-making in realistic contexts, effectively bridging the gap between theoretical teaching and practical application. Based on the principles of Education 4.0 - which emphasizes personalized, experiential and technology-based learning - serious games foster cognitive engagement, critical thinking, problem-solving solving and collaborative competencies. Additionally, this study assesses the transformative potential of serious games in reshaping traditional educational practices, equipping students with the flexible skills necessary to thrive in an increasingly connected and dynamic global landscape.Keywords: serious games, education 4.0, gamification, eLearning
Procedia PDF Downloads 52254 The Development of a Conceptual Framework for Assessing Neighborhood Sustainability in South Africa
Authors: Benedict Okundaye, Patricia Tzortzopoulos, Yun Gao
Scholars and international organisations have contended that developing nations lack the technical expertise, infrastructure, and ability to cope with or prepare for the neighbourhood’s sustainable development as Sustainable Development Goals, mainly targeting goal 11 unimpressive accomplishments. Both wealthy and impoverished communities are facing increasing issues due to rapid urbanisation and pandemics, particularly in Africa. The global neighbourhood challenges, especially in developing countries such as South Africa, include pollution poverty, energy poverty, digital poverty, environmental degradation, social exclusion, and socioeconomic inequalities. With the problematic international sustainability assessment tools lingering, few researchers have produced frameworks to engage the local contexts, but improvements are still required. This research anchors on developing a people-centred, flexible, and adaptable neighbourhood sustainability assessment framework that becomes a tool to assess the characteristics of neighbourhood sustainability in South Africa. The conceptual framework employs a variety of approaches, including broader dimensional factors, a closed-ended questionnaire, and statistical analysis to improve on and complement other existing frameworks.Keywords: participation, development, inclusion, urbanism, cities, resilience
Procedia PDF Downloads 912253 Model Evaluation of Nanosecond, High-Intensity Electric Pulses Induced Cellular Apoptosis
Authors: Jiahui Song, Ravindra Joshi
High-intensity, nanosecond, pulsed electric fields have been shown to be useful non-thermal tools capable of producing a variety of specific cellular responses. While reversible and temporary changes are often desired based on electromanipulation, irreversible effects can also be important objectives. These include elimination of tumor cells and bacterial decontamination. A simple model-based rate-equation treatment of the various cellular biochemical processes was used to qualitatively predict the pulse number-dependent caspase activation and cell survival trends. The model incorporated the caspase-8 associated extrinsic pathway, the delay inherent in its activation, cytochrome c release, and the internal feedback mechanism between caspase-3 and Bid. Results were roughly in keeping with the experimental cell-survival data. A pulse-number threshold was predicted followed by a near-exponential fall-off. The intrinsic pathway was shown to be much weaker as compared to the extrinsic mechanism for electric pulse induced cell apoptosis. Also, delays of about an hour are predicted for detectable molecular concentration increases following electrical pulsing.Keywords: apoptosis, cell survival, model, pathway
Procedia PDF Downloads 2392252 Bipolar Reduction and Lithic Miniaturization: Experimental Results and Archaeological Implications
Authors: Justin Pargeter, Metin Eren
Lithic miniaturization, the systematic production and use of small tools from small cores, was a consequential development in Pleistocene lithic technology. The bipolar reduction is an important, but often overlooked and misidentified, strategy for lithic miniaturization. This experiment addresses the role of axial bipolar reduction in processes of lithic miniaturization. The experiments answer two questions: what benefits does axial bipolar reduction provide, and can we distinguish axial bipolar reduction from freehand reduction? Our experiments demonstrate the numerous advantages of bipolar reduction in contexts of lithic miniaturization. Bipolar reduction produces more cutting edge per gram and is more economical than freehand reduction. Our cutting edge to mass values exceeds even those obtained with pressure blade production on high-quality obsidian. The experimental results show that bipolar reduction produces cutting edge quicker and is more efficient than freehand reduction. We show that bipolar reduction can be distinguished from freehand reduction with a high degree of confidence using the quantitative criteria in these experiments. These observations overturn long-held perceptions about bipolar reduction. We conclude by discussing the role of bipolar reduction in lithic miniaturization and Stone Age economics more broadly.Keywords: lithic miniaturization, bipolar reduction, late Pleistocene, Southern Africa
Procedia PDF Downloads 7192251 Impact of Small and Medium Enterprises on Economic Development in the Gulf Cooperation Council: Quantitative Approaches
Authors: Hanadi Al-Mubaraki, Michael Busler
Both in the developed and developing countries as well as Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) proven to be main drivers of jobs creation and tools to accelerate economic development and economic diversification. This paper seeks to investigate and identify the strengths and weakness of SME as a veritable tool in economic development. A survey method was used to gather data from 171 SME from Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). The research methodology uses a quantitative approach (survey) while data were collected with a structured questionnaire and analyzed with several descriptive statistics. The results of the study, therefore, will present sets of the strengths of SME in GCC such as 1) government supported local products (59%), 2) promoting SME local products rather than international products (47%), 3) reduce the legal and administrative procedures of SME establishment (46%) and weakness of SME in GCC such as: 1) lack of funding during the initial phase of the project (46%), 2) lack of liquidity during project continuity (39%), and 3) strong competition in the domestic and global market (38%). The study findings will be guidelines for academia and practitioners such as governments, policymakers, funded organizations, universities and strategic institutions for successful implementation.Keywords: SME, economic development, GCC, strengths and weaknesses
Procedia PDF Downloads 1452250 Comparison of Irradiance Decomposition and Energy Production Methods in a Solar Photovoltaic System
Authors: Tisciane Perpetuo e Oliveira, Dante Inga Narvaez, Marcelo Gradella Villalva
Installations of solar photovoltaic systems have increased considerably in the last decade. Therefore, it has been noticed that monitoring of meteorological data (solar irradiance, air temperature, wind velocity, etc.) is important to predict the potential of a given geographical area in solar energy production. In this sense, the present work compares two computational tools that are capable of estimating the energy generation of a photovoltaic system through correlation analyzes of solar radiation data: PVsyst software and an algorithm based on the PVlib package implemented in MATLAB. In order to achieve the objective, it was necessary to obtain solar radiation data (measured and from a solarimetric database), analyze the decomposition of global solar irradiance in direct normal and horizontal diffuse components, as well as analyze the modeling of the devices of a photovoltaic system (solar modules and inverters) for energy production calculations. Simulated results were compared with experimental data in order to evaluate the performance of the studied methods. Errors in estimation of energy production were less than 30% for the MATLAB algorithm and less than 20% for the PVsyst software.Keywords: energy production, meteorological data, irradiance decomposition, solar photovoltaic system
Procedia PDF Downloads 1432249 The Board Structure of Public and Private Sector Companies and Its Impact on Firm Performance: A Study of Fortune 500 Indian Companies from 2006 to 2015
Authors: Gayathri P. Nair
The focus of this study is to identify whether the board structure has any significant impact on the firm performance and finding out any evidence of being listed in the Fortune 500 list compiled and published by the American business magazine, Fortune and published globally by Time Inc., as the world’s wealthiest companies. The list has been released based on the ranking obtained for the total revenues for the respective fiscal year which has ended on or before March 31st. The study has been conducted on the Indian companies that were listed in the Fortune 500 list for the past 10 years. This study employs a logical regression between the variables, firm performance and board composition as mentioned in the clause 49 of companies act 1956 and 2013. For getting the firm performance, ROA has selected as the key performance metric, as it focuses the management attention on the assets required to run the business. The highlight of the study is that the tools had been applied between public and private sector firms so that, it reveals whether the board composition is helping out to maintain the position in the list. In addition, the findings reveal that apart from independent directors, all other variables have significant impact on firm performance.Keywords: board structure, Fortune 500 company, firm performance, India
Procedia PDF Downloads 2382248 Penetration of Social Media in Primary Education to Nurture Learning Habits in Toddlers during Covid-19
Authors: Priyadarshini Kiran, Gulshan Kumar
: Social media are becoming the most important tools for interaction among learners, pedagogues and parents where everybody can share, exchange, comment, discuss and create information and knowledge in a collaborative way. The present case study attempts to highlight the role of social media (WhatsApp) in nurturing learning habits in toddlers with the help of parents in primary education. The Case study is based on primary data collected from a primary school situated in a small town in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh, India. In research methodology, survey and structured interviews have been used as a tool collected from parents and pedagogues. The findings Suggest: - To nurture learning habits in toddlers, parents and pedagogues use social media site (WhatsApp) in real-time and that too is convenient and handy; - Skill enhancement on the part of Pedagogues as a result of employing innovative teaching-learning techniques; - Social media sites serve as a social connectivity tool to ward off negativity and monotony on the part of parents and pedagogues in the wake of COVID- 19Keywords: innovative teaching-learning techniques, pedagogues, social media, nurture, toddlers
Procedia PDF Downloads 1752247 Microeconomic Consequences of the Housing Market Deformation in the Selected Region of the Czech Republic
Authors: Hana Janáčková
Housing can be sorted as basic needs of households. Purchase of acceptable ownership housing is important investments for most them. For rental housing households must consider the part of rent expenditure paid in the total household income. For this reason, financial considerations of households in this area depend on the government innervations (public administration) in housing - on housing policy. Market system of housing allocation, whether ownership or tenancy, is based on the fact that housing is a scarce good. The allocation of housing is based on demand and supply. The market system of housing can sometimes have a negative impact on some households, the market is unable to satisfy certain groups of the population that are not able or willing to accept market price. For these reasons, there is a more or less regulation of the market. Regulation is both on the demand and supply side, and the state determines the rules of behaviour for all economic entities of the housing market. This article submits results of analysis of selected regulatory interference of the state in the housing market and assesses their implications deforming the market in the selected region of the Czech Republic. The first part describes tools of supports and the second part discusses deformations and analyses their consequences on the demand side of housing market and on supply side.Keywords: housing, housing market, microeconomic consequences, deformation
Procedia PDF Downloads 4012246 Radio Frequency Identification (Rfid) Cost-Effective, Location-Based System for Managing Construction Materials
Authors: Mourad Bakouka, Abdelaziz Rabehi
Companies need to have logistics and transportation in place that can adapt to the changing nature of construction sites. This ensures they can react quickly when needed. A study was conducted to develop a way to locate and track materials on construction sites. The system is an RFID/GPS integration that's required to pull off this feat. The study also reports how the platform has been used in construction. They found many advantages to using it, including reductions in both time and costs as well as improved management of materials orders. . For example, the time in which a project could start up was shortened from two weeks to three days with just a single digital order. As of now, the technology is still limited in its widespread adoption due largely to overall lack of awareness and difficulty connecting to it. However, as more and more companies embrace it in construction, the technology is expected to become ubiquitous. The developed platform provides contractors and construction managers with real-time information about the status of materials and work, allowing them to better manage the workflow in a project. The study sheds new light on this subject, which is essential to know. This work is becoming increasingly aware of the use of smart tools in constructing buildings.Keywords: materials management, internet of things (IoT), radio frequency identification (RFID), construction site, supply chain management
Procedia PDF Downloads 822245 Methods of Improving Production Processes Based on Deming Cycle
Authors: Daniel Tochwin
Continuous improvement is an essential part of effective process performance management. In order to achieve continuous quality improvement, each organization must use the appropriate selection of tools and techniques. The basic condition for success is a proper understanding of the business need faced by the company and the selection of appropriate methods to improve a given production process. The main aim of this article is to analyze the methods of conduct which are popular in practice when implementing process improvements and then to determine whether the tested methods include repetitive systematics of the approach, i.e., a similar sequence of the same or similar actions. Based on an extensive literature review, 4 methods of continuous improvement of production processes were selected: A3 report, Gemba Kaizen, PDCA cycle, and Deming cycle. The research shows that all frequently used improvement methods are generally based on the PDCA cycle, and the differences are due to "(re)interpretation" and the need to adapt the continuous improvement approach to the specific business process. The research shows that all the frequently used improvement methods are generally based on the PDCA cycle, and the differences are due to "(re) interpretation" and the need to adapt the continuous improvement approach to the specific business process.Keywords: continuous improvement, lean methods, process improvement, PDCA
Procedia PDF Downloads 802244 Epigenetic Mechanisms Involved in the Occurrence and Development of Infectious Diseases
Authors: Frank Boris Feutmba Keutchou, Saurelle Fabienne Bieghan Same, Verelle Elsa Fogang Pokam, Charles Ursula Metapi Meikeu, Angel Marilyne Messop Nzomo, Ousman Tamgue
Infectious diseases are one of the most important causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. These diseases are caused by micro-pathogenic organisms, such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi. Heritable changes in gene expression that do not involve changes to the underlying DNA sequence are referred to as epigenetics. Emerging evidence suggests that epigenetic mechanisms are important in the emergence and progression of infectious diseases. Pathogens can manipulate host epigenetic machinery to promote their own replication and evade immune responses. The Human Genome Project has provided new opportunities for developing better tools for the diagnosis and identification of target genes. Several epigenetic modifications, such as DNA methylation, histone modifications, and non-coding RNA expression, have been shown to influence infectious disease outcomes. Understanding the epigenetic mechanisms underlying infectious diseases may result in the progression of new therapeutic approaches focusing on host-pathogen interactions. The goal of this study is to show how different infectious agents interact with host cells after infection.Keywords: epigenetic, infectious disease, micro-pathogenic organism, phenotype
Procedia PDF Downloads 822243 Humeral Head and Scapula Detection in Proton Density Weighted Magnetic Resonance Images Using YOLOv8
Authors: Aysun Sezer
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is one of the advanced diagnostic tools for evaluating shoulder pathologies. Proton Density (PD)-weighted MRI sequences prove highly effective in detecting edema. However, they are deficient in the anatomical identification of bones due to a trauma-induced decrease in signal-to-noise ratio and blur in the traumatized cortices. Computer-based diagnostic systems require precise segmentation, identification, and localization of anatomical regions in medical imagery. Deep learning-based object detection algorithms exhibit remarkable proficiency in real-time object identification and localization. In this study, the YOLOv8 model was employed to detect humeral head and scapular regions in 665 axial PD-weighted MR images. The YOLOv8 configuration achieved an overall success rate of 99.60% and 89.90% for detecting the humeral head and scapula, respectively, with an intersection over union (IoU) of 0.5. Our findings indicate a significant promise of employing YOLOv8-based detection for the humerus and scapula regions, particularly in the context of PD-weighted images affected by both noise and intensity inhomogeneity.Keywords: YOLOv8, object detection, humerus, scapula, IRM
Procedia PDF Downloads 662242 Knowledge Management as Tool for Environmental Management System Implementation in Higher Education Institutions
Authors: Natalia Marulanda Grisales
The most significant changes in the characteristics of consumers have contributed to the development and adoption of methodologies and tools that enable organizations to be more competitive in the marketplace. One of these methodologies is the integration of Knowledge Management (KM) phases and Environmental Management Systems (EMS). This integration allows companies to manage and share the required knowledge for EMS adoption, from the place where it is generated to the place where it is going to be exploited. The aim of this paper is to identify the relationship between KM phases as a tool for the adoption of EMS in HEI. The methodology has a descriptive scope and a qualitative approach. It is based on a case study and a review of the literature about KM and EMS. We conducted 266 surveys to students, professors and staff at Minuto de Dios University (Colombia). Data derived from the study indicate that if a HEI wants to achieve an adequate knowledge acquisition and knowledge transfer, it must have clear goals for implementing an EMS. Also, HEI should create empowerment and training spaces for students, professors and staff. In the case study, HEI must generate alternatives that enhance spaces of knowledge appropriation. It was found that 85% of respondents have not received any training from HEI about EMS. 88% of respondents believe that the actions taken by the university are not efficient to knowledge transfer in order to develop an EMS.Keywords: environmental management systems, higher education institutions, knowledge management, training
Procedia PDF Downloads 3732241 Gamification in Onboarding: Revolutionizing Employee Integration Through Serious Games
Authors: Maciej Zareba, Pawel Dawid
The integration of serious games into the onboarding process is radically changing the way organizations seek to engage and retain new employees, especially in digital generations such as Millennials (Generation Y) and Generation Z. Serious gamification uses game design elements - such as points, leaderboards and progress indicators - to create interactive, goal-oriented and engaging experiences that facilitate smoother transitions to new roles and acceptance of organizational cultures. The use of serious games in onboarding reduces the stress of starting a new job while accelerating the learning curve through mechanisms that reward achievements, such as completing milestones, connecting with other team members or learning about company values. These tools promote immediate recognition and a sense of belonging to the team and organization, thereby significantly increasing retention and engagement rates. The article also outlines the benefits of using serious games in the onboarding process. It focuses on increasing employee motivation, accelerating learning about the organization and increasing engagement in the long term. In addition, the paper outlines the potential of using a serious game - 4FactoryManager - in the onboarding process. The article provides useful information for HR professionals who are looking for innovative ways to recruit, onboard and keep the best employees in a changing labor market.Keywords: HR, oboarding, digital generation, serious games
Procedia PDF Downloads 52240 A Framework for Teaching Distributed Requirements Engineering in Latin American Universities
Authors: G. Sevilla, S. Zapata, F. Giraldo, E. Torres, C. Collazos
This work describes a framework for teaching of global software engineering (GSE) in university undergraduate programs. This framework proposes a method of teaching that incorporates adequate techniques of software requirements elicitation and validated tools of communication, critical aspects to global software development scenarios. The use of proposed framework allows teachers to simulate small software development companies formed by Latin American students, which build information systems. Students from three Latin American universities played the roles of engineers by applying an iterative development of a requirements specification in a global software project. The proposed framework involves the use of a specific purpose Wiki for asynchronous communication between the participants of the process. It is also a practice to improve the quality of software requirements that are formulated by the students. The additional motivation of students to participate in these practices, in conjunction with peers from other countries, is a significant additional factor that positively contributes to the learning process. The framework promotes skills for communication, negotiation, and other complementary competencies that are useful for working on GSE scenarios.Keywords: requirements analysis, distributed requirements engineering, practical experiences, collaborative support
Procedia PDF Downloads 2042239 The Impact of Physics Taught with Simulators and Texts in Brazilian High School: A Study in the Adult and Youth Education
Authors: Leandro Marcos Alves Vaz
The teaching of physics in Brazilian public schools emphasizes strongly the theoretical aspects of this science, showing its philosophical and mathematical basis, but neglecting its experimental character. Perhaps the lack of science laboratories explains this practice. In this work, we present a method of teaching physics using the computer. As alternatives to real experiments, we have the trials through simulators, many of which are free software available on the internet. In order to develop a study on the use of simulators in teaching, knowing the impossibility of simulations on all topics in a given subject, we combined these programs with phenomenological and/or experimental texts in order to mitigate this limitation. This study proposes the use of simulators and the debate using phenomenological/experimental texts on electrostatic theme in groups of the 3rd year of EJA (Adult and Youth Education) in order to verify the advantages of this methodology. Some benefits of the hybridization of the traditional method with the tools used were: Greater motivation of the students in learning, development of experimental notions, proactive socialization to learning, greater easiness to understand some concepts and the creation of collaborative activities that can reduce timidity of part of the students.Keywords: experimentation, learning physical, simulators, youth and adult
Procedia PDF Downloads 2902238 Human Performance Technology (HPT) as an Entry Point to Achieve Organizational Development in Educational Institutions of the Ministry of Education
Authors: Alkhathlan Mansour
Current research aims at achieving the organizational development in the educational institutions in the governorate of Al-Kharj through the human performance technology (HPT) model that is named; “The Intellectual Model to improve human performance”. To achieve the goal of this research, it tools -that it is consisting of targeted questionnaires to research sample numbered (120)- have been set up. This sample is represented in; department managers in Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University (50), educational supervisors in the Department of Education (40), school administrators in the governorate (30), and the views of education experts through personal interviews in the proposal to achieve organizational development through the intellectual model to improve human performance. Among the most important research results is that there are many obstacles prevent the organizational development in the educational institutions, so the research suggested a model to achieve organizational development through human performance technologies, as well as the researcher recommended through the results of his research that the administrators have to take into account the justice in the distribution of incentives to employees of educational institutions and training leaders in educational institutions on organizational development strategies and working on the preparation of experts of organizational development in the educational institutions to develop the necessary policies and procedures of each institution.Keywords: human performance, development, education, organizational
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