Search results for: goodness-of-fit tests
2727 Genetic Algorithms Based ACPS Safety
Authors: Emine Laarouchi, Daniela Cancila, Laurent Soulier, Hakima Chaouchi
Cyber-Physical Systems as drones proved their efficiency for supporting emergency applications. For these particular applications, travel time and autonomous navigation algorithms are of paramount importance, especially when missions are performed in urban environments with high obstacle density. In this context, however, safety properties are not properly addressed. Our ambition is to optimize the system safety level under autonomous navigation systems, by preserving performance of the CPS. At this aim, we introduce genetic algorithms in the autonomous navigation process of the drone to better infer its trajectory considering the possible obstacles. We first model the wished safety requirements through a cost function and then seek to optimize it though genetics algorithms (GA). The main advantage in the use of GA is to consider different parameters together, for example, the level of battery for navigation system selection. Our tests show that the GA introduction in the autonomous navigation systems minimize the risk of safety lossless. Finally, although our simulation has been tested for autonomous drones, our approach and results could be extended for other autonomous navigation systems such as autonomous cars, robots, etc.Keywords: safety, unmanned aerial vehicles , CPS, ACPS, drones, path planning, genetic algorithms
Procedia PDF Downloads 1812726 Distribution-Free Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Control Charts for Monitoring Process Variability
Authors: Chen-Fang Tsai, Shin-Li Lu
Distribution-free control chart is an oncoming area from the statistical process control charts in recent years. Some researchers have developed various nonparametric control charts and investigated the detection capability of these charts. The major advantage of nonparametric control charts is that the underlying process is not specifically considered the assumption of normality or any parametric distribution. In this paper, two nonparametric exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) control charts based on nonparametric tests, namely NE-S and NE-M control charts, are proposed for monitoring process variability. Generally, weighted moving average (GWMA) control charts are extended by utilizing design and adjustment parameters for monitoring the changes in the process variability, namely NG-S and NG-M control charts. Statistical performance is also investigated on NG-S and NG-M control charts with run rules. Moreover, sensitivity analysis is performed to show the effects of design parameters under the nonparametric NG-S and NG-M control charts.Keywords: Distribution-free control chart, EWMA control charts, GWMA control charts
Procedia PDF Downloads 2752725 Visual Improvement with Low Vision Aids in Children with Stargardt’s Disease
Authors: Anum Akhter, Sumaira Altaf
Purpose: To study the effect of low vision devices i.e. telescope and magnifying glasses on distance visual acuity and near visual acuity of children with Stargardt’s disease. Setting: Low vision department, Alshifa Trust Eye Hospital, Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Methods: 52 children having Stargardt’s disease were included in the study. All children were diagnosed by pediatrics ophthalmologists. Comprehensive low vision assessment was done by me in Low vision clinic. Visual acuity was measured using ETDRS chart. Refraction and other supplementary tests were performed. Children with Stargardt’s disease were provided with different telescopes and magnifying glasses for improving far vision and near vision. Results: Out of 52 children, 17 children were males and 35 children were females. Distance visual acuity and near visual acuity improved significantly with low vision aid trial. All children showed visual acuity better than 6/19 with a telescope of higher magnification. Improvement in near visual acuity was also significant with magnifying glasses trial. Conclusions: Low vision aids are useful for improvement in visual acuity in children. Children with Stargardt’s disease who are having a problem in education and daily life activities can get help from low vision aids.Keywords: Stargardt, s disease, low vision aids, telescope, magnifiers
Procedia PDF Downloads 5402724 Evaluation of Wind Fragility for Set Anchor Used in Sign Structure in Korea
Authors: WooYoung Jung, Buntheng Chhorn, Min-Gi Kim
Recently, damage to domestic facilities by strong winds and typhoons are growing. Therefore, this study focused on sign structure among various vulnerable facilities. The evaluation of the wind fragility was carried out considering the destruction of the anchor, which is one of the various failure modes of the sign structure. The performance evaluation of the anchor was carried out to derive the wind fragility. Two parameters were set and four anchor types were selected to perform the pull-out and shear tests. The resistance capacity was estimated based on the experimental results. Wind loads were estimated using Monte Carlo simulation method. Based on these results, we derived the wind fragility according to anchor type and wind exposure category. Finally, the evaluation of the wind fragility was performed according to the experimental parameters such as anchor length and anchor diameter. This study shows that the depth of anchor was more significant for the safety of structure compare to diameter of anchor.Keywords: sign structure, wind fragility, set anchor, pull-out test, shear test, Monte Carlo simulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 2872723 Cold Plasma Surface Modified Electrospun Microtube Array Membrane for Chitosan Immobilization and Their Properties
Authors: Ko-Shao Chen, Yun Tsao, Chia-Hsuan Tsen, Chien-Chung Chen, Shu-Chuan Liao
Electrospun microtube array membranes (MTAMs) made of PLLA (poly-L-lactic acid) have wide potential applications in tissue engineering. However, their surface hydrophobicity and poor biocompatability have limited their further usage. In this study, the surface of PLLA MTAMs were made hydrophilic by introducing extra functional groups, such as peroxide, via an acetic acid plasma (AAP). UV-graft polymerization of acrylic acid (G-AAc) was then used to produce carboxyl group on MTAMs surface, which bonded covalently with chitosan through EDC / NHS crosslinking agents. To evaluate the effects of the surface modification on PLLA MTAMs, water contact angle (WCA) measurement and cell compatibility tests were carried out. We found that AAP treated electrospun PLLA MTAMs grafted with AAc and, finally, with chitosan immobilized via crosslinking agent, exhibited improved hydrophilic and cell compatibility.Keywords: plasma, EDC/NHS, UV grafting, Chitosan, microtube array membrane (MTAMs)
Procedia PDF Downloads 4112722 Investigation of Additives' Corrosion Inhibition Effects on Dye
Authors: Abdullah Bilal Ozturk, Nil Acarali, Hediye Irem Ozgunduz, Hava Gizem Kandilci, Hanifi Sarac
In this study, zeolite, shellac and different boron chemicals were used as additive to dye and effects were comprehensively investigated. Considering previous studies additive materials that had not used before were determined for produce dye with physical properties. Literature research about the materials provides determining easily sufficient amount of additive materials. Accessible of additives or yearly production amounts are become important issue at selection of materials. Zeolite and boron chemicals are suitable selection in that easy access and has large amount of production in our country. Previous research about boron chemicals shows they have flame retardant effect on textile materials besides numerous usage areas. Also, from previous research, shellac was used widely for protection and insulation of metallic materials. Zeolite added to dye to increase adhesive effect of dye. In this study, corrosion tests were applied to find out if there are positive effects of zeolite, shellac, and boron chemicals to dye’s physical properties.Keywords: dye, corrosion, zeolite, shellac, boron
Procedia PDF Downloads 3382721 Ultimate Stress of the Steel Tube in Circular Concrete-Filled Steel Tube Stub Columns Subjected to Axial Compression
Authors: Siqi Lin, Yangang Zhao
Concrete-filled steel tube column achieves the excellent performance of high strength, stiffness, and ductility due to the confinement from the steel tube. Well understanding the stress of the steel tube is important to make clear the confinement effect. In this paper, the ultimate stress of the steel tube in circular concrete-filled steel tube columns subjected to axial compression was studied. Experimental tests were conducted to investigate the effects of the parameters, including concrete strength, steel strength, and D/t ratio, on the ultimate stress of the steel tube. The stress of the steel tube was determined by employing the Prandtl-Reuss flow rule associated with isotropic strain hardening. Results indicate that the stress of steel tube was influenced by the parameters. Specimen with higher strength ratio fy/fc and smaller D/t ratio generally leads to a higher utilization efficiency of the steel tube.Keywords: concrete-filled steel tube, axial compression, ultimate stress, utilization efficiency
Procedia PDF Downloads 4262720 Useful Lifetime Prediction of Rail Pads for High Speed Trains
Authors: Chang Su Woo, Hyun Sung Park
Useful lifetime evaluations of rail-pads were very important in design procedure to assure the safety and reliability. It is, therefore, necessary to establish a suitable criterion for the replacement period of rail pads. In this study, we performed properties and accelerated heat aging tests of rail pads considering degradation factors and all environmental conditions including operation, and then derived a lifetime prediction equation according to changes in hardness, thickness, and static spring constants in the Arrhenius plot to establish how to estimate the aging of rail pads. With the useful lifetime prediction equation, the lifetime of e-clip pads was 2.5 years when the change in hardness was 10% at 25°C; and that of f-clip pads was 1.7 years. When the change in thickness was 10%, the lifetime of e-clip pads and f-clip pads is 2.6 years respectively. The results obtained in this study to estimate the useful lifetime of rail pads for high speed trains can be used for determining the maintenance and replacement schedule for rail pads.Keywords: rail pads, accelerated test, Arrhenius plot, useful lifetime prediction, mechanical engineering design
Procedia PDF Downloads 3262719 Molecular-Genetics Studies of New Unknown APMV Isolated from Wild Bird in Ukraine
Authors: Borys Stegniy, Anton Gerilovych, Oleksii Solodiankin, Vitaliy Bolotin, Anton Stegniy, Denys Muzyka, Claudio Afonso
New APMV was isolated from white fronted goose in Ukraine. This isolate was tested serologically using monoclonal antibodies in haemagglutination-inhibition tests against APMV1-9. As the results obtained isolate showed cross reactions with APMV7. Following investigations were provided for the full genome sequencing using random primers and cloning into pCRII-TOPO. Analysis of 100 transformed colonies of E.coli using traditional sequencing gave us possibilities to find only 3 regions, which could identify by BLAST. The first region with the length of 367 bp had 70 % nucleotide sequence identity to the APMV 12 isolate Wigeon/Italy/3920_1/2005 at genome position 2419-2784. Next region (344 bp) had 66 % identity to the same APMV 12 isolate at position 4760-5103. The last region (365 bp) showed 71 % identity to Newcastle disease virus strain M4 at position 12569-12928.Keywords: APMV, Newcastle disease virus, Ukraine, full genome sequencing
Procedia PDF Downloads 4442718 Effects of Li2O Doping on Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Bovine Hydroxyapatite Composites (BHA)
Authors: Sibel Daglilar, Isil Kerti, Murat Karagoz, Fatih Dumludag, Oguzhan Gunduz, Faik Nuzhet Oktar
Hydroxyapatite (HA) materials have common use in bone repairing due to its ability to accelerate the bone growth around the implant. In spite of being a biocompatible and bioactive material, HA has a limited usage as an implant material because of its weak mechanical properties. HA based composites are required to improve the strength and toughness properties of the implant materials without compromising of biocompatibility. The excellent mechanical properties and higher biocompatibilities are expected from each of biomedical composites. In this study, HA composites were synthesized by using bovine bone reinforced doped with different amount of (wt.%) Li2O. The pressed pellets were sintered at various sintering temperatures between 1000ºC and 1300°C, and mechanical, electrical properties of the obtained products were characterized. In addition to that, in vitro stimulated body fluid (SBF) tests for these samples were conducted. The most suitable composite composition for biomedical applications was discussed among the composites studied.Keywords: biocomposites, sintering temperature, biocompatibility, electrical property, conductivity, mechanical property
Procedia PDF Downloads 4012717 Activation Parameters of the Low Temperature Creep Controlling Mechanism in Martensitic Steels
Martensitic steels with an ultimate tensile strength beyond 2000 MPa are applied in the powertrain of vehicles due to their excellent fatigue strength and high creep resistance. However, the creep controlling mechanism in martensitic steels at ambient temperatures up to 423 K is not evident. The purpose of this study is to review the low temperature creep (LTC) behavior of martensitic steels at temperatures from 363 K to 523 K. Thus, the validity of a logarithmic creep law is reviewed and the stress and temperature dependence of the creep parameters α and β are revealed. Furthermore, creep tests are carried out, which include stepped changes in temperature or stress, respectively. On one hand, the change of the creep rate due to a temperature step provides information on the magnitude of the activation energy of the LTC controlling mechanism and on the other hand, the stress step approach provides information on the magnitude of the activation volume. The magnitude, the temperature dependency, and the stress dependency of both material specific activation parameters may deliver a significant contribution to the disclosure of the nature of the LTC rate controlling mechanism.Keywords: activation parameters, creep mechanisms, high strength steels, low temperature creep
Procedia PDF Downloads 1722716 Characterization of a Pure Diamond-Like Carbon Film Deposited by Nanosecond Pulsed Laser Deposition
Authors: Camilla G. Goncalves, Benedito Christ, Walter Miyakawa, Antonio J. Abdalla
This work aims to investigate the properties and microstructure of diamond-like carbon film deposited by pulsed laser deposition by ablation of a graphite target in a vacuum chamber on a steel substrate. The equipment was mounted to provide one laser beam. The target of high purity graphite and the steel substrate were polished. The mechanical and tribological properties of the film were characterized using Raman spectroscopy, nanoindentation test, scratch test, roughness profile, tribometer, optical microscopy and SEM images. It was concluded that the pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique associated with the low-pressure chamber and a graphite target provides a good fraction of sp3 bonding, that the process variable as surface polishing and laser parameter have great influence in tribological properties and in adherence tests performance. The optical microscopy images are efficient to identify the metallurgical bond.Keywords: characterization, DLC, mechanical properties, pulsed laser deposition
Procedia PDF Downloads 1532715 Optimization of Cutting Forces in Drilling of Polimer Composites via Taguchi Methodology
Authors: Eser Yarar, Fahri Vatansever, A. Tamer Erturk, Sedat Karabay
In this study, drilling behavior of multi-layer orthotropic polyester composites reinforced with woven polyester fiber and PTFE particle was investigated. Conventional drilling methods have low cost and ease of use. Therefore, it is one of the most preferred machining methods. The increasing range of use of composite materials in many areas has led to the investigation of the machinability performance of these materials. The drilling capability of the synthetic polymer composite material was investigated by measuring the cutting forces using different tool diameters, feed rate and high cutting speed parameters. Cutting forces were measured using a dynamometer in the experiments. In order to evaluate the results of the experiment, the Taguchi experimental design method was used. According to the results, the optimum cutting parameters were obtained for 0.1 mm/rev, 1070 rpm and 2 mm diameter drill bit. Verification tests were performed for the optimum cutting parameters obtained according to the model. Verification experiments showed the success of the established model.Keywords: cutting force, drilling, polimer composite, Taguchi
Procedia PDF Downloads 1632714 Anisotropic Shear Strength of Sand Containing Plastic Fine Materials
Authors: Alaa H. J. Al-Rkaby, A. Chegenizadeh, H. R. Nikraz
Anisotropy is one of the major aspects that affect soil behavior, and extensive efforts have investigated its effect on the mechanical properties of soil. However, very little attention has been given to the combined effect of anisotropy and fine contents. Therefore, in this paper, the anisotropic strength of sand containing different fine content (F) of 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%, was investigated using hollow cylinder tests under different principal stress directions of α = 0° and α = 90°. For a given principal stress direction (α), it was found that increasing fine content resulted in decreasing deviator stress (q). Moreover, results revealed that all fine contents showed anisotropic strength where there is a clear difference between the strength under 0° and the strength under 90°. This anisotropy was greatest under F = 5% while it decreased with increasing fine contents, particularly at F = 10%. Mixtures with low fine content show low contractive behavior and tended to show more dilation. Moreover, all sand-clay mixtures exhibited less dilation and more compression at α = 90° compared with that at α = 0°.Keywords: anisotropy, principal stress direction, fine content, hollow cylinder sample
Procedia PDF Downloads 3162713 Preparation of Ag-Doped and MOFs Coupled-LaFeO₃ Nanosheet for Electrochemical CO₂ Conversion
Authors: Iltaf Khan, Munzir H. Suliman, Muhammad Usman
The rapid growth of modern industries has led to increased energy demand and worsened fossil fuel depletion, resulting in global warming, while organic pollutants pose significant threats to aquatic environments due to their stability, insolubleness, and non-biodegradability. So, scientists are investigating high-performance materials to resolve these issues. In this study, we prepared LaFeO₃ nanosheets (LFONS) employing a solvothermal method via a soft template such as polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP). The LFONS have good performance regarding surface area and charge separation as compared to LaFeO₃ nanoparticles (LFONP). To improve the efficiency of LFONS, it was further modified with Ag and ZIF-67 and utilized for CO₂ conversion. Herein, the results confirm that Ag-doped and ZIF-67 coupled LFONS (ZIF-67/Ag-LFONS) exhibit superior performance compared to pristine LFONP. In addition, the stability tests confirm that our optimal sample is the most active and stable one among various nanocomposites. Ultimately, our studies will open a new pave for cost-effective, eco-friendly, and electroactive nanomaterials for CO₂ conversion.Keywords: LaFeO₃ nanosheets, Ag incorporation, MOFs coupling, CO₂ conversion
Procedia PDF Downloads 522712 Inclusive Business Development: A Case Study of Developing Community-Operated Business Venture
Authors: Paula Linna
During the recent years interest in inclusive business has increased. Still, research on inclusive business development is at infancy. This study provides empirical evidence on inclusive business development of mini-grid solution for the rural African communities. This study tests how well the insights of creation theory can explain inclusive business development process which often occurs under uncertainty due to demands for developing new technology, new business model and establishing business in new market. These several uncertain elements of business development impact what kind of business strategies the entrepreneur can practice and what kind of decision making tools to use. In addition, community engagement is essential for the successful operative management of a mini-grid solution. This study advances the understanding of inclusive business development and can be used as the foundation for future work to facilitate the process of new business venture creation at the BOP particularly when developing community-operated entrepreneurship model.Keywords: creation theory, base of the pyramid (BOP), community-operated entrepreneurship, rural African communities
Procedia PDF Downloads 5032711 Examining the Level of Anxiety and Stress in Dental Students
Authors: Vusale Aliyev, Khalil Aryanfar
Background and purpose: Dentistry is a stressful profession, and dental students are exposed to educational and clinical stress. The present study was conducted to investigate the level of stress and its factors in dental students of Nakhjavan University of Medical Sciences in 2023. Methodology: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study conducted on dental students in Nakhjavan. The data collection tool was the standard DASS-21 questionnaire (Depression-anxiety-stress scale-21) and the demographic information questionnaire. After collecting the data in SPSS statistical software, using Linear regression analysis, test regression and t-tests were subjected to statistical analysis. Results: 32.6% of students had moderate stress, and 4.3% had severe stress, and no significant statistical difference was observed between the two genders living; there was a significant difference with others (P=0.047). There was no significant relationship between the stress factor and the academic year (P=0.037). 66% of people were related to university issues. Conclusion: According to the results of this research, the level of stress is relatively high, and it seems necessary to pay attention to this issue.Keywords: stress, dental students, Nakhichevan State University, anxiety
Procedia PDF Downloads 52710 A Parallel Implementation of Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm within CUDA Architecture
Authors: Selcuk Aslan, Dervis Karaboga, Celal Ozturk
Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm is one of the most successful swarm intelligence based metaheuristics. It has been applied to a number of constrained or unconstrained numerical and combinatorial optimization problems. In this paper, we presented a parallelized version of ABC algorithm by adapting employed and onlooker bee phases to the Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) platform which is a graphical processing unit (GPU) programming environment by NVIDIA. The execution speed and obtained results of the proposed approach and sequential version of ABC algorithm are compared on functions that are typically used as benchmarks for optimization algorithms. Tests on standard benchmark functions with different colony size and number of parameters showed that proposed parallelization approach for ABC algorithm decreases the execution time consumed by the employed and onlooker bee phases in total and achieved similar or better quality of the results compared to the standard sequential implementation of the ABC algorithm.Keywords: Artificial Bee Colony algorithm, GPU computing, swarm intelligence, parallelization
Procedia PDF Downloads 3792709 FlexPoints: Efficient Algorithm for Detection of Electrocardiogram Characteristic Points
Authors: Daniel Bulanda, Janusz A. Starzyk, Adrian Horzyk
The electrocardiogram (ECG) is one of the most commonly used medical tests, essential for correct diagnosis and treatment of the patient. While ECG devices generate a huge amount of data, only a small part of them carries valuable medical information. To deal with this problem, many compression algorithms and filters have been developed over the past years. However, the rapid development of new machine learning techniques poses new challenges. To address this class of problems, we created the FlexPoints algorithm that searches for characteristic points on the ECG signal and ignores all other points that do not carry relevant medical information. The conducted experiments proved that the presented algorithm can significantly reduce the number of data points which represents ECG signal without losing valuable medical information. These sparse but essential characteristic points (flex points) can be a perfect input for some modern machine learning models, which works much better using flex points as an input instead of raw data or data compressed by many popular algorithms.Keywords: characteristic points, electrocardiogram, ECG, machine learning, signal compression
Procedia PDF Downloads 1642708 The Insecticidal Activity of Three Essential Oils on the Chickpea Weevil Callosobruchus Maculatus F (Coleoptera; Curculionidae)
Authors: Azzaz Siham
Essential oils are, by definition, secondary metabolites produced by plants as a means of defense against phytophagous pests. This work aims to study the insecticidal effect of the essential oil of three plants: Phoenician juniper Juniperus phoenicea; the Niaouli Melaleuca quinquenervia and the wild carrot Daucus carota L, on the chickpea weevil Callosobruchus maculatus F, which is known as a formidable pest of legumes. Essential oils are obtained by hydrodistillation. The study carried out in the laboratory concerning the insecticidal activity of these essential oils by contact and inhalation effect on C.maculatus gave important results, especially for the essential oil of Juniperus phoenicea for the contact test; and for the inhalation test, the essential oil of Melaleuca quinquenervia shows remarkable insecticidal activity compared to the other two oils. The results of these tests showed a very interesting action. The essential oils used very significantly describe the lifespan of adults.Keywords: essential oils, juniperus phoenicea, melaleuca quinquenervia, daucus carota, Callosobruchus maculatus
Procedia PDF Downloads 1452707 A Wireless Feedback Control System as a Base of Bio-Inspired Structure System to Mitigate Vibration in Structures
Authors: Gwanghee Heo, Geonhyeok Bang, Chunggil Kim, Chinok Lee
This paper attempts to develop a wireless feedback control system as a primary step eventually toward a bio-inspired structure system where inanimate structure behaves like a life form autonomously. It is a standalone wireless control system which is supposed to measure externally caused structural responses, analyze structural state from acquired data, and take its own action on the basis of the analysis with an embedded logic. For an experimental examination of its effectiveness, we applied it on a model of two-span bridge and performed a wireless control test. Experimental tests have been conducted for comparison on both the wireless and the wired system under the conditions of Un-control, Passive-off, Passive-on, and Lyapunov control algorithm. By proving the congruence of the test result of the wireless feedback control system with the wired control system, its control performance was proven to be effective. Besides, it was found to be economical in energy consumption and also autonomous by means of a command algorithm embedded into it, which proves its basic capacity as a bio-inspired system.Keywords: structural vibration control, wireless system, MR damper, feedback control, embedded system
Procedia PDF Downloads 2132706 Application of PSK Modulation in ADS-B 1090 Extended Squitter Authentication
Authors: A-Q. Nguyen. A. Amrhar, J. Zambrano, G. Brown, O.A. Yeste-Ojeda, R. Jr. Landry
Since the presence of Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen), Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) has raised specific concerns related to the privacy and security, due to its vulnerable, low-level of security and limited payload. In this paper, the authors introduce and analyze the combination of Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM) and Phase Shift Keying (PSK) Modulation in conventional ADS-B, forming Secure ADS-B (SADS-B) avionics. In order to demonstrate the potential of this combination, Hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulation was used. The tests' results show that, on the one hand, SADS-B can offer five times the payload as its predecessor. This additional payload of SADS-B can be used in various applications, therefore enhancing the ability and efficiency of the current ADS-B. On the other hand, by using the extra phase modulated bits as a digital signature to authenticate ADS-B messages, SADS-B can increase the security of ADS-B, thus ensure a more secure aviation as well. More importantly, SADS-B is compatible with the current ADS-B In and Out. Hence, no significant modifications will be needed to implement this idea. As a result, SADS-B can be considered the most promising approach to enhance the capability and security of ADS-B.Keywords: ADS-B authentication, ADS-B security, NextGen ADS-B, PSK signature, secure ADS-B
Procedia PDF Downloads 3192705 Relative Composition of Executive Compensation Packages, Corporate Governance and Financial Reporting Quality
Authors: Philemon Rakoto
Most executive compensation packages consist of four major components: base fixed salary, annual and long-term non-equity incentive plans, share-based and option-based awards and pension value. According to agency theory, the relative composition of executive compensation packages is one of the mechanisms that firms use to align the interests of executives and shareholders in order to mitigate agency costs. This paper tests the effect of the relative composition of executive compensation packages on financial reporting quality. Financial reporting quality is measured by the value relevance of accounting earnings. Corporate governance is a moderating variable in the model. Using data from Canadian firms composing S&P/TSX index of the year 2013 and governance scores based on Board Games, the analysis shows that, only for firms with good governance, there is an optimal level of the proportion of executive equity-based compensation in relation to total compensation that enhances the quality of financial reporting.Keywords: Canada, corporate governance, executive compensation packages, financial reporting quality
Procedia PDF Downloads 3552704 Relationship between Blow Count Number (N) and Shear Wave Velocity (Vs30) from the Specified Embankment Material: A Case Study on Three Selected Earthen Dams
Authors: Tanapon Suklim, Prachaya Intaphrom, Noppadol Poomvises, Anchalee Kongsuk
The relationship between shear wave velocity (Vs30) and blow count Number from Standard Penetration Tests (NSPT) was investigated on specified embankment dam to find the solution which can be used to estimate the value of N. Shear wave velocity, Vs30 and blow count number, NSPT were performed at three specified dam sites. At each site, Vs30 measurement was recorded by using seismic survey of MASW technique and NSPT were measured by field Standard Penetration Test. Regression analysis was used to derive statistical relation. The relation is giving a final solution to applicable calculated N-value with other earthen dam. Dam engineer can use the statistical relation to convert field Vs30 to estimated N-value instead of absolute N-value from field Standard Penetration Test. It can be noted that the formulae can be applied only in the earthen dam of specified material.Keywords: blow count number, earthen dam, embankment, shear wave velocity
Procedia PDF Downloads 2362703 Hydration Behavior of Belitic Cement in the Presence of Na₂CO₃, NaOH, KOH, and Water Glass
Authors: F. Amor, A. Bouregba, N. El Fami, A. Diouri
This study provides insights into the role of alkalis in modifying the hydration kinetics and microstructural development of β-dicalcium silicate, highlighting potential pathways for enhancing the performance of belite-based cements in various construction applications. It investigates the behavior of β-dicalcium silicates (β-Ca₂SiO₄) when hydrated in various alkaline environments, including deionized water and solutions containing 2M concentrations of Na₂CO₃, NaOH, KOH, and water glass. The dicalcium silicate was synthesized with laboratory reagents, calcium carbonate, and gel silica. The hydration process was carried out over different periods, ranging from 7 to 90 days. The hydrated samples were characterized using X-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy, and scanning electron microscopy, while the mechanical strength tests were performed at 28 and 90 days. The results indicate that the presence of alkalis significantly influences the hydration of belite cement. Early hydration is accelerated, which is evident from the faster dissolution of C₂S, a decrease in C₂S peaks, and the formation of C-S-H products, including sodium-containing C-(N)-S-H and potassium-containing C-(K)-S-H.Keywords: dicalcium silicate, alkali activator, hydration, water glass, Na₂CO₃, NaOH, KOH
Procedia PDF Downloads 172702 Hydrodynamic Characterisation of a Hydraulic Flume with Sheared Flow
Authors: Daniel Rowe, Christopher R. Vogel, Richard H. J. Willden
The University of Oxford’s recirculating water flume is a combined wave and current test tank with a 1 m depth, 1.1 m width, and 10 m long working section, and is capable of flow speeds up to 1 ms−1 . This study documents the hydrodynamic characteristics of the facility in preparation for experimental testing of horizontal axis tidal stream turbine models. The turbine to be tested has a rotor diameter of 0.6 m and is a modified version of one of two model-scale turbines tested in previous experimental campaigns. An Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV) was used to measure the flow at high temporal resolution at various locations throughout the flume, enabling the spatial uniformity and turbulence flow parameters to be investigated. The mean velocity profiles exhibited high levels of spatial uniformity at the design speed of the flume, 0.6 ms−1 , with variations in the three-dimensional velocity components on the order of ±1% at the 95% confidence level, along with a modest streamwise acceleration through the measurement domain, a target 5 m working section of the flume. A high degree of uniformity was also apparent for the turbulence intensity, with values ranging between 1-2% across the intended swept area of the turbine rotor. The integral scales of turbulence exhibited a far higher degree of variation throughout the water column, particularly in the streamwise and vertical scales. This behaviour is believed to be due to the high signal noise content leading to decorrelation in the sampling records. To achieve more realistic levels of vertical velocity shear in the flume, a simple procedure to practically generate target vertical shear profiles in open-channel flows is described. Here, the authors arranged a series of non-uniformly spaced parallel bars placed across the width of the flume and normal to the onset flow. By adjusting the resistance grading across the height of the working section, the downstream profiles could be modified accordingly, characterised by changes in the velocity profile power law exponent, 1/n. Considering the significant temporal variation in a tidal channel, the choice of the exponent denominator, n = 6 and n = 9, effectively provides an achievable range around the much-cited value of n = 7 observed at many tidal sites. The resulting flow profiles, which we intend to use in future turbine tests, have been characterised in detail. The results indicate non-uniform vertical shear across the survey area and reveal substantial corner flows, arising from the differential shear between the target vertical and cross-stream shear profiles throughout the measurement domain. In vertically sheared flow, the rotor-equivalent turbulence intensity ranges between 3.0-3.8% throughout the measurement domain for both bar arrangements, while the streamwise integral length scale grows from a characteristic dimension on the order of the bar width, similar to the flow downstream of a turbulence-generating grid. The experimental tests are well-defined and repeatable and serve as a reference for other researchers who wish to undertake similar investigations.Keywords: acoustic doppler Velocimeter, experimental hydrodynamics, open-channel flow, shear profiles, tidal stream turbines
Procedia PDF Downloads 882701 Time-Dependent Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Beams under Sustained and Repeated Loading
Authors: Sultan Daud, John P. Forth, Nikolaos Nikitas
The current study aims to highlight the loading characteristics impact on the time evolution (focusing particularly on long term effects) of the deformation of realized reinforced concrete beams. Namely the tension stiffening code provisions (i.e. within Eurocode 2) are reviewed with a clear intention to reassess their operational value and predicting capacity. In what follows the experimental programme adopted along with some preliminary findings and numerical modelling attempts are presented. For a range of long slender reinforced concrete simply supported beams (4200 mm) constant static sustained and repeated cyclic loadings were applied mapping the time evolution of deformation. All experiments were carried out at the Heavy Structures Lab of the University of Leeds. During tests the mid-span deflection, creep coefficient and shrinkage strains were monitored for duration of 90 days. The obtained results are set against the values predicted by Eurocode 2 and the tools within an FE commercial package (i.e. Midas FEA) to yield that existing knowledge and practise is at times over-conservative.Keywords: Eurocode2, midas fea, repeated, sustained loading.
Procedia PDF Downloads 3482700 Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome: A Case Study and Discussion of Its Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Management
Authors: Zayd Parekh, Amish Prasad, Baraa Souman
Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) is characterized by orthostatic intolerance due to an exaggerated tachycardia in response to standing upright. This exaggerated orthostatic tachycardia is defined as the heart rate (HR) rising 30 beats above a baseline value while supine or seated within ten minutes. The tachycardia can lead to symptoms of orthostatic intolerance such as palpitations, lightheadedness, exercise intolerance, fatigue, and anxiety. POTS can go undiagnosed for many years due to its similarities with other cardiac and psychiatric conditions and nonspecific presentation, making it crucial to raise awareness for it in the medical field. The following case study discusses a 30-year-old female who was evaluated in the emergency room several times before being referred to the clinic for POTS. An overview of what tests are performed with this patient is also provided, highlighting the diagnostic work-up for POTS and the process of ruling out other differentials being considered. Finally, the epidemiology, the various theories regarding its pathophysiology, the diagnostic process, and pharmacological and non-pharmacological management for POTS are reviewed.Keywords: orthostatic intolerance, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, syncope, tachycardia
Procedia PDF Downloads 832699 High Temperature Behaviour of Various Limestone Used in Heritage Buildings at Material and Block Scales
Authors: Ayoub Daoudi, Javad Eslami, Anne-Lise Beaucour, Martin Vigroux, Albert Noumowé
As a fact, many cultural heritage masonry buildings have undergone violent fires during their history. In order to investigate the high temperature behaviour of stone masonry, six French limestones were heated to 600 °C at a rate of 9 °C/min. The main focus is the comparison between the high temperature behaviour of stones at the material and at the structural scale. In order to evaluate the risk of spalling, the tests have been carried out on the stone blocks (12x30x30 cm) instrumented with thermocouples and subjected to an unidirectional heating on one face. Thereafter, visual assessments and non-destructive measurements (dynamic elastic modulus) performed on blocks demonstrate a different behaviour from what was observed at the material scale. Finally, a series of thermo-mechanical computations, using finite element method, allowed us to highlight the difference between the behaviour of stones at material and block scales.Keywords: limestones, hight temperature behaviour, damage, thermo-mechanical modeling, material and blocks scales, color change
Procedia PDF Downloads 1102698 Effects of Preparation Conditions on the Properties of Crumb Rubber Modified Binder
Authors: Baha Vural Kök, Mehmet Yilmaz, Mustafa Akpolat, Cihat Sav
Various types of additives are used frequently in order to improve the rheological and mechanical properties of bituminous mixtures. Small devices instead of full scale machines are used for bitumen modification in the laboratory. These laboratory scale devices vary in terms of their properties such as mixing rate, mixing blade and the amount of binder. In this study, the effect of mixing rate and time during the bitumen modification processes on conventional and rheological properties of pure and crumb rubber modified binder were investigated. Penetration, softening point, rotational viscosity (RV) and dynamic shear rheometer (DSR) tests were applied to pure and CR modified bitumen. It was concluded that the penetration and softening point test did not show the efficiency of CR obtained by different mixing conditions. Besides, oxidation that occurred during the preparation processes plays a great part in the improvement effects of the modified binder.Keywords: bitumen, crumb rubber, modification, rheological properties
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