Search results for: digital interiors
1090 Regulation of Cultural Relationship between Russia and Ukraine after Crimea’s Annexation: A Comparative Socio-Legal Study
Authors: Elena Sherstoboeva, Elena Karzanova
This paper explores the impact of the annexation of Crimea on the regulation of live performances and tour management of Russian pop music performers in Ukraine and of Ukrainian performers in Russia. Without a doubt, the cultural relationship between Russia and Ukraine is not limited to this issue. Yet concert markets tend to respond particularly rapidly to political, economic, and social changes, especially in Russia and Ukraine, where the high level of digital piracy means that the music businesses mainly depend upon income from performances rather than from digital rights sales. This paper argues that the rules formed in both countries after Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014 have contributed to the separation of a single cultural space that had existed in Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia and Ukraine before the annexation. These rules have also facilitated performers’ self-censorship and increased the politicisation of the music businesses in the two neighbouring countries. This study applies a comparative socio-legal approach to study Russian and Ukrainian live events and tour regulation. A qualitative analysis of Russian and Ukrainian national and intergovernmental legal frameworks is applied to examine formal regulations. Soviet and early post-Soviet laws and policies are also studied, but only to the extent that they help to track the changes in the Russian–Ukrainian cultural relationship. To identify and analyse the current informal rules, the study design includes in-depth semi-structured interviews with 30 live event or tour managers working in Russia and Ukraine. A case study is used to examine how the Eurovision Song Contest, an annual international competition, has played out within the Russian–Ukrainian conflict. The study suggests that modern Russian and Ukrainian frameworks for live events and tours have developed Soviet regulatory traditions when cultural policies served as a means of ideological control. At the same time, contemporary regulations mark a considerable perspective shift, as the previous rules have been aimed at maintaining close cultural connections between the Russian and Ukrainian nations. Instead of collaboration, their current frameworks mostly serve as forms of repression, implying that performers must choose only one national market in which to work. The regulatory instruments vary and often impose limitations that typically exist in non-democratic regimes to restrict foreign journalism, such as visa barriers or bans on entry. The more unexpected finding is that, in comparison with Russian law, Ukrainian regulations have created more obstacles to the organisation of live tours and performances by Russian artists in Ukraine. Yet this stems from commercial rather than political factors. This study predicts that the more economic challenges the Russian or Ukrainian music businesses face, the harsher the regulations will be regarding the organisation of live events or tours in the other country. This study recommends that international human rights organisations and non-governmental organisations develop and promote specific standards for artistic rights and freedoms, given the negative effects of the increasing politicisation of the entertainment business and cultural spheres to freedom of expression and cultural rights and pluralism.Keywords: annexation of Crimea, artistic freedom, censorship, cultural policy
Procedia PDF Downloads 1181089 Transfer of Information Heritage between Algerian Veterinarians and Breeders: Assessment of Information and Communication Technology Using Mobile Phone
Authors: R. Bernaoui, P. Ohly
Our research shows the use of the mobile phone that consolidates the relationship between veterinarians, and that between breeders and veterinarians. On the other hand it asserts that the tool in question is a means of economic development. The results of our survey reveal a positive return to the veterinary community, which shows that the mobile phone has become an effective means of sustainable development through the transfer of a rapid and punctual information inheritance via social networks; including many Internet applications. Our results show that almost all veterinarians use the mobile phone for interprofessional communication. We therefore believe that the use of the mobile phone by livestock operators has greatly improved the working conditions, just as the use of this tool contributes to a better management of the exploitation as long as it allows limit travel but also save time. These results show that we are witnessing a growth in the use of mobile telephony technologies that impact is as much in terms of sustainable development. Allowing access to information, especially technical information, the mobile phone, and Information and Communication of Technology (ICT) in general, give livestock sector players not only security, by limiting losses, but also an efficiency that allows them a better production and productivity.Keywords: algeria, breeder-veterinarian, digital heritage, networking
Procedia PDF Downloads 1231088 Conceptual Model Design for E-Readiness of Entrepreneurial City Case Study: Entrepreneurial Cities in Iran
Authors: Mohsen Yaghmoor, Sima Radmanesh, Ameneh Gholami
Cities are the principal ground for manifestation of an information society. To create an entrepreneurial city, it is required that just and equal access to opportunities are provided for all segments of the city and technologies are intelligently employed. Furthermore, it is necessary for us to be electronically ready in all political, economic, social, cultural, and technological aspects. Also e-city creates enormous potentials and opportunities for development of the entrepreneurial city. After improvement of e-readiness for establishment of entrepreneurial e-city, potentials, and capitals of the city become productive and more suitable opportunities are offered to citizens, state sectors, and private sectors in order to become entrepreneurs. To create and develop an entrepreneurial city, we need to have readiness to detection and creation of entrepreneurial opportunities and finally exploitation of these opportunities which, in turn, lead to use of entrepreneurial events and their quality in the city. In this model, the quality of entrepreneurial events, the productivity of activities, the necessity of reducing the digital gap, positive and active attendance in information society and compatibility and aligning with the global society are emphasized. In an entrepreneurial city, citizens are not help seekers, private sector is not passive, and the government is entrepreneurial.Keywords: e-city, e-readiness, entrepreneurial city, entrepreneurial events, technological entrepreneurship
Procedia PDF Downloads 3851087 Characteristics of Handgrip (Kumi-Kata) Profile of Georgian Elite Judo Athletes
Authors: Belkadi Adel, Beboucha Wahib, Cherara lalia
Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the characteristics of Kumi-kata in elite judokas and characterize the kinematic and temporal parameters of different types of handgrip (HG). Method: fourteen participated in this study male athlete (23.5±2.61 years; 1.81±0.37 0 m; 87.25±22.75 kg), members of the Georgian Judo team. To characterize the dominance and types of kumi-kata used, videos of international competitions from each athlete were analyzed, and to characterize kinematic and temporal parameters and handgrip, and the volunteers pressed a digital dynamometer with each hand for 30 seconds(s) after a visual signal. Results: The values of 0.26±0.69s and 0.31±0.03s for reaction time were obtained, respectively, in the full grip and pinch grip; 19.62±18.83N/cm/s and 6.17±3.48N/cm/s for the rate of force development; 475,21 ± 101,322N and 494,65±112,73 for the FDR; 1,37 ± 0,521s and 1,45 ± 0,824s for the time between the force onset to the TFP; and 41,27±4,54N/cm/s and 45,16 ± 5,64N/cm/s for the fall index, in the dominant hand. There was no significant difference between hands for any variable, except for the dominance of Kumi-kata (p<0.05) used in combat. Conclusion: The dominance of application of the Kumi-kata is a technical option, as it does not depend on the kinetic-temporal parameters of the handgrip.Keywords: hand grip, judo, athletes, Kumi-Kata
Procedia PDF Downloads 1921086 Examples of Techniques and Algorithms Used in Wlan Security
Authors: Vahid Bairami Rad
Wireless communications offer organizations and users many benefits such as portability and flexibility, increased productivity, and lower installation costs. Wireless networks serve as the transport mechanism between devices and among devices and the traditional wired networks (enterprise networks and the internet). Wireless networks are many and diverse but are frequently categorized into three groups based on their coverage range: WWAN, WLAN, and WPAN. WWAN, representing wireless wide area networks, includes wide coverage area technologies such as 2G cellular, Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD), Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM), and Mobitex. WLAN, representing wireless local area networks, includes 802.11, Hyper lan, and several others. WPAN, represents wireless personal area network technologies such as Bluetooth and Infrared. The security services are provided largely by the WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) protocol to protect link-level data during wireless transmission between clients and access points. That is, WEP does not provide end-to-end security but only for the wireless portion of the connection.Keywords: wireless lan, wired equivalent privacy, wireless network security, wlan security
Procedia PDF Downloads 5711085 Urban Innovations: Towards a Comprehensive and Sustainable City Development
Authors: Sarang Yeola
A smart city can be defined as a city that uses Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to enhance its sustainability, workability and livability. It can be viewed as a ‘System of Systems’. We propose decentralization of power and centralization of system. We are presenting a bird's eye view of the system as a whole. The holistic view includes the entirety of human activity in an area including city governments, schools, hospitals, infrastructure, resources, business and people. The main objective for development of Nashik as a smart city is to identify the flaws of the existing systems, eliminate them and come up with innovative and feasible solutions for the betterment of masses. The Make in India is a visionary proposal for FDI in India. It should be managed that the campaign and the industrial estates work in synchronization for boosting the setup of new industrial units in and around Nashik. A smart grid is a modernized electrical grid that uses analog or digital information and communications technology to gather and act on information. We have identified major domains for making Nashik a smart city by surveying the existing infrastructure, challenges and problems faced and the proposed solutions through innovative ideas.Keywords: transport, (bus rapid transit system) BRTS, metrorail, autos
Procedia PDF Downloads 3791084 On Dynamic Chaotic S-BOX Based Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm for Image Encryption
Authors: Ajish Sreedharan
Security in transmission and storage of digital images has its importance in today’s image communications and confidential video conferencing. Due to the increasing use of images in industrial process, it is essential to protect the confidential image data from unauthorized access. Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a well known block cipher that has several advantages in data encryption. However, it is not suitable for real-time applications. This paper presents modifications to the Advanced Encryption Standard to reflect a high level security and better image encryption. The modifications are done by adjusting the ShiftRow Transformation and using On Dynamic chaotic S-BOX. In AES the Substitute bytes, Shift row and Mix columns by themselves would provide no security because they do not use the key. In Dynamic chaotic S-BOX Based AES the Substitute bytes provide security because the S-Box is constructed from the key. Experimental results verify and prove that the proposed modification to image cryptosystem is highly secure from the cryptographic viewpoint. The results also prove that with a comparison to original AES encryption algorithm the modified algorithm gives better encryption results in terms of security against statistical attacks.Keywords: advanced encryption standard (AES), on dynamic chaotic S-BOX, image encryption, security analysis, ShiftRow transformation
Procedia PDF Downloads 4371083 Organizational Climate being Knowledge Sharing Oriented: A Fuzzy-Set Analysis
Authors: Paulo Lopes Henriques, Carla Curado
According to literature, knowledge sharing behaviors are influenced by organizational values and structures, namely organizational climate. The manuscript examines the antecedents of the knowledge sharing oriented organizational climate. According to theoretical expectations the study adopts the following explanatory conditions: knowledge sharing costs, knowledge sharing incentives, perceptions of knowledge sharing contributing to performance and tenure. The study confronts results considering two groups of firms: nondigital (firms without intranet) vs digital (firms with intranet). The paper applies fsQCA technique to analyze data by using fsQCA 2.5 software ( testing several conditional arguments to explain the outcome variable. Main results strengthen claims on the relevancy of the contribution of knowledge sharing to performance. Secondly, evidence brings tenure - an explanatory condition that is associated to organizational memory – to the spotlight. The study provides an original contribution not previously addressed in literature, since it identifies the sufficient conditions sets to knowledge sharing oriented organizational climate using fsQCA, which is, to our knowledge, a novel application of the technique.Keywords: fsQCA, knowledge sharing oriented organizational climate, knowledge sharing costs, knowledge sharing incentives
Procedia PDF Downloads 3311082 Forensic Imaging as an Effective Learning Tool for Teaching Forensic Pathology to Undergraduate Medical Students
Authors: Vasudeva Murthy Challakere Ramaswamy
Background: Conventionally forensic pathology is learnt through autopsy demonstrations which carry various limitations such as unavailability of cases in the mortuary, medico-legal implication and infection. Over the years forensic pathology and science has undergone significant evolution in this digital world. Forensic imaging is a technology which can be effectively utilized for overcoming the current limitations in the undergraduate learning of forensic curriculum. Materials and methods: demonstration of forensic imaging was done using a novel technology of autopsy which has been recently introduced across the globe. Three sessions were conducted in international medical university for a total of 196 medical students. The innovative educational tool was evacuated by using quantitative questionnaire with the scoring scales between 1 to 10. Results: The mean score for acceptance of new tool was 82% and about 74% of the students recommended incorporation of the forensic imaging in the regular curriculum. 82% of students were keen on collaborative research and taking further training courses in forensic imaging. Conclusion: forensic imaging can be an effective tool and also a suitable alternative for teaching undergraduate students. This feedback also supports the fact that students favour the use of contemporary technologies in learning medicine.Keywords: forensic imaging, forensic pathology, medical students, learning tool
Procedia PDF Downloads 4821081 Overview of Research Contexts about XR Technologies in Architectural Practice
Authors: Adeline Stals
The transformation of architectural design practices has been underway for almost forty years due to the development and democratization of computer technology. New and more efficient tools are constantly being proposed to architects, amplifying a technological wave that sometimes stimulates them, sometimes overwhelms them, depending essentially on their digital culture and the context (socio-economic, structural, organizational) in which they work on a daily basis. Our focus is on VR, AR, and MR technologies dedicated to architecture. The commercialization of affordable headsets like the Oculus Rift, the HTC Vive or more low-tech like the Google CardBoard, makes it more accessible to benefit from these technologies. In that regard, researchers report the growing interest of these tools for architects, given the new perspectives they open up in terms of workflow, representation, collaboration, and client’s involvement. However, studies rarely mention the consequences of the sample studied on results. Our research provides an overview of VR, AR, and MR researches among a corpus of papers selected from conferences and journals. A closer look at the sample of these research projects highlights the necessity to take into consideration the context of studies in order to develop tools truly dedicated to the real practices of specific architect profiles. This literature review formalizes milestones for future challenges to address. The methodology applied is based on a systematic review of two sources of publications. The first one is the Cumincad database, which regroups publications from conferences exclusively about digital in architecture. Additionally, the second part of the corpus is based on journal publications. Journals have been selected considering their ranking on Scimago. Among the journals in the predefined category ‘architecture’ and in Quartile 1 for 2018 (last update when consulted), we have retained the ones related to the architectural design process: Design Studies, CoDesign, Architectural Science Review, Frontiers of Architectural Research and Archnet-IJAR. Beside those journals, IJAC, not classified in the ‘architecture’ category, is selected by the author for its adequacy with architecture and computing. For all requests, the search terms were ‘virtual reality’, ‘augmented reality’, and ‘mixed reality’ in title and/or keywords for papers published between 2015 and 2019 (included). This frame time is defined considering the fast evolution of these technologies in the past few years. Accordingly, the systematic review covers 202 publications. The literature review on studies about XR technologies establishes the state of the art of the current situation. It highlights that studies are mostly based on experimental contexts with controlled conditions (pedagogical, e.g.) or on practices established in large architectural offices of international renown. However, few studies focus on the strategies and practices developed by offices of smaller size, which represent the largest part of the market. Indeed, a European survey studying the architectural profession in Europe in 2018 reveals that 99% of offices are composed of less than ten people, and 71% of only one person. The study also showed that the number of medium-sized offices is continuously decreasing in favour of smaller structures. In doing so, a frontier seems to remain between the worlds of research and practice, especially for the majority of small architectural practices having a modest use of technology. This paper constitutes a reference for the next step of the research and for further worldwide researches by facilitating their contextualization.Keywords: architectural design, literature review, SME, XR technologies
Procedia PDF Downloads 1111080 Pivoting to Fortify our Digital Self: Revealing the Need for Personal Cyber Insurance
Authors: Richard McGregor, Carmen Reaiche, Stephen Boyle
Cyber threats are a relatively recent phenomenon and offer cyber insurers a dynamic and intelligent peril. As individuals en mass become increasingly digitally dependent, Personal Cyber Insurance (PCI) offers an attractive option to mitigate cyber risk at a personal level. This abstract proposes a literature review that conceptualises a framework for siting Personal Cyber Insurance (PCI) within the context of cyberspace. The lack of empirical research within this domain demonstrates an immediate need to define the scope of PCI to allow cyber insurers to understand personal cyber risk threats and vectors, customer awareness, capabilities, and their associated needs. Additionally, this will allow cyber insurers to conceptualise appropriate frameworks allowing effective management and distribution of PCI products and services within a landscape often in-congruent with risk attributes commonly associated with traditional personal line insurance products. Cyberspace has provided significant improvement to the quality of social connectivity and productivity during past decades and allowed enormous capability uplift of information sharing and communication between people and communities. Conversely, personal digital dependency furnish ample opportunities for adverse cyber events such as data breaches and cyber-attacksthus introducing a continuous and insidious threat of omnipresent cyber risk–particularly since the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic and wide-spread adoption of ‘work-from-home’ practices. Recognition of escalating inter-dependencies, vulnerabilities and inadequate personal cyber behaviours have prompted efforts by businesses and individuals alike to investigate strategies and tactics to mitigate cyber risk – of which cyber insurance is a viable, cost-effective option. It is argued that, ceteris parabus, the nature of cyberspace intrinsically provides characteristic peculiarities that pose significant and bespoke challenges to cyber insurers, often in-congruent with risk attributes commonly associated with traditional personal line insurance products. These challenges include (inter alia) a paucity of historical claim/loss data for underwriting and pricing purposes, interdependencies of cyber architecture promoting high correlation of cyber risk, difficulties in evaluating cyber risk, intangibility of risk assets (such as data, reputation), lack of standardisation across the industry, high and undetermined tail risks, and moral hazard among others. This study proposes a thematic overview of the literature deemed necessary to conceptualise the challenges to issuing personal cyber coverage. There is an evident absence of empirical research appertaining to PCI and the design of operational business models for this business domain, especially qualitative initiatives that (1) attempt to define the scope of the peril, (2) secure an understanding of the needs of both cyber insurer and customer, and (3) to identify elements pivotal to effective management and profitable distribution of PCI - leading to an argument proposed by the author that postulates that the traditional general insurance customer journey and business model are ill-suited for the lineaments of cyberspace. The findings of the review confirm significant gaps in contemporary research within the domain of personal cyber insurance.Keywords: cyberspace, personal cyber risk, personal cyber insurance, customer journey, business model
Procedia PDF Downloads 1041079 Online Learning for Modern Business Models: Theoretical Considerations and Algorithms
Authors: Marian Sorin Ionescu, Olivia Negoita, Cosmin Dobrin
This scientific communication reports and discusses learning models adaptable to modern business problems and models specific to digital concepts and paradigms. In the PAC (probably approximately correct) learning model approach, in which the learning process begins by receiving a batch of learning examples, the set of learning processes is used to acquire a hypothesis, and when the learning process is fully used, this hypothesis is used in the prediction of new operational examples. For complex business models, a lot of models should be introduced and evaluated to estimate the induced results so that the totality of the results are used to develop a predictive rule, which anticipates the choice of new models. In opposition, for online learning-type processes, there is no separation between the learning (training) and predictive phase. Every time a business model is approached, a test example is considered from the beginning until the prediction of the appearance of a model considered correct from the point of view of the business decision. After choosing choice a part of the business model, the label with the logical value "true" is known. Some of the business models are used as examples of learning (training), which helps to improve the prediction mechanisms for future business models.Keywords: machine learning, business models, convex analysis, online learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 1421078 Integration of Building Information Modeling Framework for 4D Constructability Review and Clash Detection Management of a Sewage Treatment Plant
Authors: Malla Vijayeta, Y. Vijaya Kumar, N. Ramakrishna Raju, K. Satyanarayana
Global AEC (architecture, engineering, and construction) industry has been coined as one of the most resistive domains in embracing technology. Although this digital era has been inundated with software tools like CAD, STADD, CANDY, Microsoft Project, Primavera etc. the key stakeholders have been working in siloes and processes remain fragmented. Unlike the yesteryears’ simpler project delivery methods, the current projects are of fast-track, complex, risky, multidisciplinary, stakeholder’s influential, statutorily regulative etc. pose extensive bottlenecks in preventing timely completion of projects. At this juncture, a paradigm shift surfaced in construction industry, and Building Information Modeling, aka BIM, has been a panacea to bolster the multidisciplinary teams’ cooperative and collaborative work leading to productive, sustainable and leaner project outcome. Building information modeling has been integrative, stakeholder engaging and centralized approach in providing a common platform of communication. A common misconception that BIM can be used for building/high rise projects in Indian Construction Industry, while this paper discusses of the implementation of BIM processes/methodologies in water and waste water industry. It elucidates about BIM 4D planning and constructability reviews of a Sewage Treatment Plant in India. Conventional construction planning and logistics management involves a blend of experience coupled with imagination. Even though the excerpts or judgments or lessons learnt gained from veterans might be predictive and helpful, but the uncertainty factor persists. This paper shall delve about the case study of real time implementation of BIM 4D planning protocols for one of the Sewage Treatment Plant of Dravyavati River Rejuvenation Project in India and develops a Time Liner to identify logistics planning and clash detection. With this BIM processes, we shall find that there will be significant reduction of duplication of tasks and reworks. Also another benefit achieved will be better visualization and workarounds during conception stage and enables for early involvement of the stakeholders in the Project Life cycle of Sewage Treatment Plant construction. Moreover, we have also taken an opinion poll of the benefits accrued utilizing BIM processes versus traditional paper based communication like 2D and 3D CAD tools. Thus this paper concludes with BIM framework for Sewage Treatment Plant construction which will achieve optimal construction co-ordination advantages like 4D construction sequencing, interference checking, clash detection checking and resolutions by primary engagement of all key stakeholders thereby identifying potential risks and subsequent creation of risk response strategies. However, certain hiccups like hesitancy in adoption of BIM technology by naïve users and availability of proficient BIM trainers in India poses a phenomenal impediment. Hence the nurture of BIM processes from conception, construction and till commissioning, operation and maintenance along with deconstruction of a project’s life cycle is highly essential for Indian Construction Industry in this digital era.Keywords: integrated BIM workflow, 4D planning with BIM, building information modeling, clash detection and visualization, constructability reviews, project life cycle
Procedia PDF Downloads 1221077 Blind Watermarking Using Discrete Wavelet Transform Algorithm with Patchwork
Authors: Toni Maristela C. Estabillo, Michaela V. Matienzo, Mikaela L. Sabangan, Rosette M. Tienzo, Justine L. Bahinting
This study is about blind watermarking on images with different categories and properties using two algorithms namely, Discrete Wavelet Transform and Patchwork Algorithm. A program is created to perform watermark embedding, extraction and evaluation. The evaluation is based on three watermarking criteria namely: image quality degradation, perceptual transparency and security. Image quality is measured by comparing the original properties with the processed one. Perceptual transparency is measured by a visual inspection on a survey. Security is measured by implementing geometrical and non-geometrical attacks through a pass or fail testing. Values used to measure the following criteria are mostly based on Mean Squared Error (MSE) and Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR). The results are based on statistical methods used to interpret and collect data such as averaging, z Test and survey. The study concluded that the combined DWT and Patchwork algorithms were less efficient and less capable of watermarking than DWT algorithm only.Keywords: blind watermarking, discrete wavelet transform algorithm, patchwork algorithm, digital watermark
Procedia PDF Downloads 2691076 Tapered Double Cantilever Beam: Evaluation of the Test Set-up for Self-Healing Polymers
Authors: Eleni Tsangouri, Xander Hillewaere, David Garoz Gómez, Dimitrios Aggelis, Filip Du Prez, Danny Van Hemelrijck
Tapered Double Cantilever Beam (TDCB) is the most commonly used test set-up to evaluate the self-healing feature of thermoset polymers autonomously activated in the presence of crack. TDCB is a modification of the established fracture mechanics set-up of Double Cantilever Beam and is designed to provide constant strain energy release rate with crack length under stable load evolution (mode-I). In this study, the damage of virgin and autonomously healed TDCB polymer samples is evaluated considering the load-crack opening diagram, the strain maps provided by Digital Image Correlation technique and the fractography maps given by optical microscopy. It is shown that the pre-crack introduced prior to testing (razor blade tapping), the loading rate and the length of the side groove are the features that dominate the crack propagation and lead to inconstant fracture energy release rate.Keywords: polymers, autonomous healing, fracture, tapered double cantilever beam
Procedia PDF Downloads 3521075 Learning Language through Story: Development of Storytelling Website Project for Amazighe Language Learning
Authors: Siham Boulaknadel
Every culture has its share of a rich history of storytelling in oral, visual, and textual form. The Amazigh language, as many languages, has its own which has entertained and informed across centuries and cultures, and its instructional potential continues to serve teachers. According to many researchers, listening to stories draws attention to the sounds of language and helps children develop sensitivity to the way language works. Stories including repetitive phrases, unique words, and enticing description encourage students to join in actively to repeat, chant, sing, or even retell the story. This kind of practice is important to language learners’ oral language development, which is believed to correlate completely with student’s academic success. Today, with the advent of multimedia, digital storytelling for instance can be a practical and powerful learning tool. It has the potential in transforming traditional learning into a world of unlimited imaginary environment. This paper reports on a research project on development of multimedia Storytelling Website using traditional Amazigh oral narratives called “tell me a story”. It is a didactic tool created for the learning of good moral values in an interactive multimedia environment combining on-screen text, graphics and audio in an enticing environment and enabling the positive values of stories to be projected. This Website developed in this study is based on various pedagogical approaches and learning theories deemed suitable for children age 8 to 9 year-old. The design and development of Website was based on a well-researched conceptual framework enabling users to: (1) re-play and share the stories in schools or at home, and (2) access the Website anytime and anywhere. Furthermore, the system stores the students work and activities over the system, allowing parents or teachers to monitor students’ works, and provide online feedback. The Website contains following main feature modules: Storytelling incorporates a variety of media such as audio, text and graphics in presenting the stories. It introduces the children to various kinds of traditional Amazigh oral narratives. The focus of this module is to project the positive values and images of stories using digital storytelling technique. Besides development good moral sense in children using projected positive images and moral values, it also allows children to practice their comprehending and listening skills. Reading module is developed based on multimedia material approach which offers the potential for addressing the challenges of reading instruction. This module is able to stimulate children and develop reading practice indirectly due to the tutoring strategies of scaffolding, self-explanation and hyperlinks offered in this module. Word Enhancement assists the children in understanding the story and appreciating the good moral values more efficiently. The difficult words or vocabularies are attached to present the explanation, which makes the children understand the vocabulary better. In conclusion, we believe that the interactive multimedia storytelling reveals an interesting and exciting tool for learning Amazigh. We plan to address some learning issues, in particularly the uses of activities to test and evaluate the children on their overall understanding of story and words presented in the learning modules.Keywords: Amazigh language, e-learning, storytelling, language teaching
Procedia PDF Downloads 4051074 Internal Leakage Analysis from Pd to Pc Port Direction in ECV Body Used in External Variable Type A/C Compressor
Authors: M. Iqbal Mahmud, Haeng Muk Cho, Seo Hyun Sang, Wang Wen Hai, Chang Heon Yi, Man Ik Hwang, Dae Hoon Kang
Solenoid operated electromagnetic control valve (ECV) playing an important role for car’s air conditioning control system. ECV is used in external variable displacement swash plate type compressor and controls the entire air conditioning system by means of a pulse width modulation (PWM) input signal supplying from an external source (controller). Complete form of ECV contains number of internal features like valve body, core, valve guide, plunger, guide pin, plunger spring, bellows etc. While designing the ECV; dimensions of different internal items must meet the standard requirements as it is quite challenging. In this research paper, especially the dimensioning of ECV body and its three pressure ports through which the air/refrigerant passes are considered. Here internal leakage test analysis of ECV body is being carried out from its discharge port (Pd) to crankcase port (Pc) when the guide valve is placed inside it. The experiments have made both in ordinary and digital system using different assumptions and thereafter compare the results.Keywords: electromagnetic control valve (ECV), leakage, pressure port, valve body, valve guide
Procedia PDF Downloads 4111073 A Visual Inspection System for Automotive Sheet Metal Chasis Parts Produced with Cold-Forming Method
Authors: İmren Öztürk Yılmaz, Abdullah Yasin Bilici, Yasin Atalay Candemir
The system consists of 4 main elements: motion system, image acquisition system, image processing software, and control interface. The parts coming out of the production line to enter the image processing system with the conveyor belt at the end of the line. The 3D scanning of the produced part is performed with the laser scanning system integrated into the system entry side. With the 3D scanning method, it is determined at what position and angle the parts enter the system, and according to the data obtained, parameters such as part origin and conveyor speed are calculated with the designed software, and the robot is informed about the position where it will take part. The robot, which receives the information, takes the produced part on the belt conveyor and shows it to high-resolution cameras for quality control. Measurement processes are carried out with a maximum error of 20 microns determined by the experiments.Keywords: quality control, industry 4.0, image processing, automated fault detection, digital visual inspection
Procedia PDF Downloads 1131072 A Study of Using Different Printed Circuit Board Design Methods on Ethernet Signals
Authors: Bahattin Kanal, Nursel Akçam
Data transmission size and frequency requirements are increasing rapidly in electronic communication protocols. Increasing data transmission speeds have made the design of printed circuit boards much more important. It is important to carefully examine the requirements and make analyses before and after the design of the digital electronic circuit board. It delves into impedance matching techniques, signal trace routing considerations, and the impact of layer stacking on signal performance. The paper extensively explores techniques for minimizing crosstalk issues and interference, presenting a holistic perspective on design strategies to optimize the quality of high-speed signals. Through a comprehensive review of these design methodologies, this study aims to provide insights into achieving reliable and high-performance printed circuit board layouts for these signals. In this study, the effect of different design methods on Ethernet signals was examined from the type of S parameters. Siemens company HyperLynx software tool was used for the analyses.Keywords: HyperLynx, printed circuit board, s parameters, ethernet
Procedia PDF Downloads 361071 Adoption of Proactive and Reactive Supply Chain Resilience Strategies: A Comparison between Apparel and Construction Industries in Sri Lanka
Authors: Anuradha Ranawakage, Chathurani Silva
With the growing expansion of global businesses, supply chains are increasingly exposed to numerous disruptions. Organizations adopt various strategies to mitigate the impact of these disruptions. Depending on the variations in the conditions and characteristics of supply chains, the adoption of resilience strategies may vary across industries. However, these differences are largely unexplored in the existing literature. Hence, this study aims to evaluate the adoption of three proactive strategies: proactive collaboration, digital connectivity, integrated SC risk management, and three reactive strategies: reactive collaboration, inventory and reserve capacity, and lifeline maintenance in the apparel and construction industries in Sri Lanka. An online questionnaire was used to collect data on the implementation of resilience strategies from a sample of 162 apparel and 185 construction companies operating in Sri Lanka. This research makes a significant contribution to the field of supply chain management by assessing the extent to which different resilience strategies are functioned within the apparel and construction industries in Sri Lanka, particularly in an era after a global pandemic that significantly disrupted supply chains all around the world.Keywords: apparel, construction, proactive strategies, reactive strategies, supply chain resilience
Procedia PDF Downloads 581070 Role of QR Codes in Environmental Consciousness of Apparel Consumption
Authors: Eleanor L. Kutschera
This study explores the possible impact that QR codes play in helping individuals make more sustainable choices regarding apparel consumption. Data was collected via an online survey to ascertain individuals’ knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors with regard to QR codes and how this impacts their decisions to purchase apparel. Results from 250 participants provide both qualitative and quantitative data that provide valuable information regarding consumers’ use of QR codes and more sustainable purchases. Specifically, results indicate that QR codes are currently under-utilized in the apparel industry but have the potential to generate more environmentally conscious purchases. Also, results posit that while the cost of the item is the most influential factor in purchasing sustainable garments, other factors such as how, where, and what it is made of are in the middle, along with the company’s story/inspiration for creation have an impact. Moreover, participants posit the use of QR codes could make them more informed and empowered consumers, and they would be more likely to make purchases that are better for the environment. Participants’ qualitative responses provide useful incentives that could increase their future sustainable purchases. Finally, this study touches on the study’s limitations, implications, and future direction of research.Keywords: digital ID, QR codes, environmental consciousness, sustainability, fashion industry, apparel consumption
Procedia PDF Downloads 1031069 The OLOS® Way to Cultural Heritage: User Interface with Anthropomorphic Characteristics
Authors: Daniele Baldacci, Remo Pareschi
Augmented Reality and Augmented Intelligence are radically changing information technology. The path that starts from the keyboard and then, passing through milestones such as Siri, Alexa and other vocal avatars, reaches a more fluid and natural communication with computers, thus converting the dichotomy between man and machine into a harmonious interaction, now heads unequivocally towards a new IT paradigm, where holographic computing will play a key role. The OLOS® platform contributes substantially to this trend in that it infuses computers with human features, by transferring the gestures and expressions of persons of flesh and bones to anthropomorphic holographic interfaces which in turn will use them to interact with real-life humans. In fact, we could say, boldly but with a solid technological background to back the statement, that OLOS® gives reality to an altogether new entity, placed at the exact boundary between nature and technology, namely the holographic human being. Holographic humans qualify as the perfect carriers for the virtual reincarnation of characters handed down from history and tradition. Thus, they provide for an innovative and highly immersive way of experiencing our cultural heritage as something alive and pulsating in the present.Keywords: digital cinematography, human-computer interfaces, holographic simulation, interactive museum exhibits
Procedia PDF Downloads 1181068 Meta Mask Correction for Nuclei Segmentation in Histopathological Image
Authors: Jiangbo Shi, Zeyu Gao, Chen Li
Nuclei segmentation is a fundamental task in digital pathology analysis and can be automated by deep learning-based methods. However, the development of such an automated method requires a large amount of data with precisely annotated masks which is hard to obtain. Training with weakly labeled data is a popular solution for reducing the workload of annotation. In this paper, we propose a novel meta-learning-based nuclei segmentation method which follows the label correction paradigm to leverage data with noisy masks. Specifically, we design a fully conventional meta-model that can correct noisy masks by using a small amount of clean meta-data. Then the corrected masks are used to supervise the training of the segmentation model. Meanwhile, a bi-level optimization method is adopted to alternately update the parameters of the main segmentation model and the meta-model. Extensive experimental results on two nuclear segmentation datasets show that our method achieves the state-of-the-art result. In particular, in some noise scenarios, it even exceeds the performance of training on supervised data.Keywords: deep learning, histopathological image, meta-learning, nuclei segmentation, weak annotations
Procedia PDF Downloads 1411067 Quantitative Phase Imaging System Based on a Three-Lens Common-Path Interferometer
Authors: Alexander Machikhin, Olga Polschikova, Vitold Pozhar, Alina Ramazanova
White-light quantitative phase imaging is an effective technique for achieving sub-nanometer phase sensitivity. Highly stable interferometers based on common-path geometry have been developed in recent years to solve this task. Some of these methods also apply multispectral approach. The purpose of this research is to suggest a simple and effective interferometer for such systems. We developed a three-lens common-path interferometer, which can be used for quantitative phase imaging with or without multispectral modality. The lens system consists of two components, the first one of which is a compound lens, consisting of two lenses. A pinhole is placed between the components. The lens-in-lens approach enables effective light transmission and high stability of the interferometer. The multispectrality is easily implemented by placing a tunable filter in front of the interferometer. In our work, we used an acousto-optical tunable filter. Some design considerations are discussed and multispectral quantitative phase retrieval is demonstrated.Keywords: acousto-optical tunable filter, common-path interferometry, digital holography, multispectral quantitative phase imaging
Procedia PDF Downloads 3111066 Authorship Profiling of Unidentified Corpora in Saudi Social Media
Authors: Abdulaziz Fageeh
In the bustling digital landscape of Saudi Arabia, a chilling wave of cybercrime has swept across the nation. Among the most nefarious acts are financial blackmail schemes, perpetrated by anonymous actors lurking within the shadows of social media platforms. This chilling reality necessitates the utilization of forensic linguistic techniques to unravel the identities of these virtual villains. This research delves into the complex world of authorship profiling, investigating the effectiveness of various linguistic features in identifying the perpetrators of malicious messages within the Saudi social media environment. By meticulously analyzing patterns of language, vocabulary choice, and stylistic nuances, the study endeavors to uncover the hidden characteristics of the individuals responsible for these heinous acts. Through this linguistic detective work, the research aims to provide valuable insights to investigators and policymakers in the ongoing battle against cybercrime and to shed light on the evolution of malicious online behavior within the Saudi context.Keywords: authorship profiling, arabic linguistics, saudi social media, cybercrime, financial blackmail, linguistic features, forensic linguistics, online threats
Procedia PDF Downloads 161065 Detection of Autistic Children's Voice Based on Artificial Neural Network
Authors: Royan Dawud Aldian, Endah Purwanti, Soegianto Soelistiono
In this research we have been developed an automatic investigation to classify normal children voice or autistic by using modern computation technology that is computation based on artificial neural network. The superiority of this computation technology is its capability on processing and saving data. In this research, digital voice features are gotten from the coefficient of linear-predictive coding with auto-correlation method and have been transformed in frequency domain using fast fourier transform, which used as input of artificial neural network in back-propagation method so that will make the difference between normal children and autistic automatically. The result of back-propagation method shows that successful classification capability for normal children voice experiment data is 100% whereas, for autistic children voice experiment data is 100%. The success rate using back-propagation classification system for the entire test data is 100%.Keywords: autism, artificial neural network, backpropagation, linier predictive coding, fast fourier transform
Procedia PDF Downloads 4611064 Investigation of Different Conditions to Detect Cycles in Linearly Implicit Quantized State Systems
Authors: Elmongi Elbellili, Ben Lauwens, Daan Huybrechs
The increasing complexity of modern engineering systems presents a challenge to the digital simulation of these systems which usually can be represented by differential equations. The Linearly Implicit Quantized State System (LIQSS) offers an alternative approach to traditional numerical integration techniques for solving Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs). This method proved effective for handling discontinuous and large stiff systems. However, the inherent discrete nature of LIQSS may introduce oscillations that result in unnecessary computational steps. The current oscillation detection mechanism relies on a condition that checks the significance of the derivatives, but it could be further improved. This paper describes a different cycle detection mechanism and presents the outcomes using LIQSS order one in simulating the Advection Diffusion problem. The efficiency of this new cycle detection mechanism is verified by comparing the performance of the current solver against the new version as well as a reference solution using a Runge-Kutta method of order14.Keywords: numerical integration, quantized state systems, ordinary differential equations, stiffness, cycle detection, simulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 611063 Regional Treatment Trends in Canada Derived from Pharmacy Records
Cardiometabolic conditions (hypertension, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia) are major public health concerns. Analysis of all prescription records from about 10 million patients at the largest network of pharmacies in Canada reveals small year-over-year increases in the treatment prevalence of cardiometabolic diseases prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Cardiometabolic treatment rates increase with age and are higher in males than females. Hypertension treatment rates were 24% in males and 19% in females in 2021. Diabetes treatment rates were 10% in males and 7% in females in 2021. Geospatial analysis using patient addresses reveals interesting differences among provinces and neighborhoods in Canada. Using digital surveys distributed among 8,504 Canadian adults, an increase in hypertension awareness with age and female gender was observed. However, 7% of seniors and 6% of middle-aged Canadians reported uncontrolled blood pressure (>140/90 mmHg). In addition, elevated blood pressure (130-139/80-89 mmHg) was reported by 20% of seniors and 14% of middle-aged Canadians.Keywords: cardiometabolic conditions, diabetes, hypertension, precision public health
Procedia PDF Downloads 1171062 Challenges for IoT Adoption in India: A Study Based on Foresight Analysis for 2025
Authors: Shruti Chopra, Vikas Rao Vadi
In the era of the digital world, the Internet of Things (IoT) has been receiving significant attention. Its ubiquitous connectivity between humans, machines to machines (M2M) and machines to humans provides it a potential to transform the society and establish an ecosystem to serve new dimensions to the economy of the country. Thereby, this study has attempted to identify the challenges that seem prevalent in IoT adoption in India through the literature survey. Further, the data has been collected by taking the opinions of experts to conduct the foresight analysis and it has been analyzed with the help of scenario planning process – Micmac, Mactor, Multipol, and Smic-Prob. As a methodology, the study has identified the relationship between variables through variable analysis using Micmac and actor analysis using Mactor, this paper has attempted to generate the entire field of possibilities in terms of hypotheses and construct various scenarios through Multipol. And lastly, the findings of the study include final scenarios that are selected using Smic-Prob by assigning the probability to all the scenarios (including the conditional probability). This study may help the practitioners and policymakers to remove the obstacles to successfully implement the IoT in India.Keywords: Internet of Thing (IoT), foresight analysis, scenario planning, challenges, policymaking
Procedia PDF Downloads 1481061 Reviewing Image Recognition and Anomaly Detection Methods Utilizing GANs
Authors: Agastya Pratap Singh
This review paper examines the emerging applications of generative adversarial networks (GANs) in the fields of image recognition and anomaly detection. With the rapid growth of digital image data, the need for efficient and accurate methodologies to identify and classify images has become increasingly critical. GANs, known for their ability to generate realistic data, have gained significant attention for their potential to enhance traditional image recognition systems and improve anomaly detection performance. The paper systematically analyzes various GAN architectures and their modifications tailored for image recognition tasks, highlighting their strengths and limitations. Additionally, it delves into the effectiveness of GANs in detecting anomalies in diverse datasets, including medical imaging, industrial inspection, and surveillance. The review also discusses the challenges faced in training GANs, such as mode collapse and stability issues, and presents recent advancements aimed at overcoming these obstacles.Keywords: generative adversarial networks, image recognition, anomaly detection, synthetic data generation, deep learning, computer vision, unsupervised learning, pattern recognition, model evaluation, machine learning applications
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