Search results for: anti-insurgency curriculum principles
Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 2997

Search results for: anti-insurgency curriculum principles

1287 Analysis of Employed and Unemployed Mother’s Perspectives Towards Story Narration in Typically Developing Children between 2 to 5 Years

Authors: Bindu S., Malavika Anakkathil Anil, Jayashree S. Bhat


The dyadic interaction between the parent and child during story narration facilitates the emergence of early literacy skills. Early shared reading experiences positively predict better reading and language outcomes in children who experience rich communicative and effective interactions during shared book reading. However, research is yet to systematically explore mother’s perspective towards story narration and how employment may influence their perspectives. The study analysed the perspectives of employed and unemployed mothers of typically developing children between the age ranges of 2 to 5 years through a questionnaire which covered domains on story narration exposure and parental attitudes & beliefs. The results indicate no statistical difference between employed mothers (M=8.5, SD=3.4) and unemployed mothers (M=10.1, SD=1.06). Whereas, post-hoc comparisons using the scheffe test, revealed a significant difference in scores. An increasing score was obtained as the age of the child increased. This change could be attributed due to the integration of children in preschools which could have contributed to the change of perception towards story narration. Older children’s mother perceive story narration to be an important part of their curriculum, which could facilitate rich vocabulary and language output. Younger children’s parents are however not realising the significance of story narration and its impact on the emergent literacy skills. Parent-child interaction is a significant contributor to a healthy social and cultural development. The study emphasises on the need of mothers to engage in preliteracy based activities which contribute to better academic performance in later stages.

Keywords: early literacy skill, employment, language development, mother’s perspective, story narration

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1286 Combining Chiller and Variable Frequency Drives

Authors: Nasir Khalid, S. Thirumalaichelvam


In most buildings, according to US Department of Energy Data Book, the electrical consumption attributable to centralized heating and ventilation of air- condition (HVAC) component can be as high as 40-60% of the total electricity consumption for an entire building. To provide efficient energy management for the market today, researchers are finding new ways to develop a system that can save electrical consumption of buildings even more. In this concept paper, a system known as Intelligent Chiller Energy Efficiency (iCEE) System is being developed that is capable of saving up to 25% from the chiller’s existing electrical energy consumption. In variable frequency drives (VFDs), research has found significant savings up to 30% of electrical energy consumption. Together with the VFDs at specific Air Handling Unit (AHU) of HVAC component, this system will save even more electrical energy consumption. The iCEE System is compatible with any make, model or age of centrifugal, rotary or reciprocating chiller air-conditioning systems which are electrically driven. The iCEE system uses engineering principles of efficiency analysis, enthalpy analysis, heat transfer, mathematical prediction, modified genetic algorithm, psychometrics analysis, and optimization formulation to achieve true and tangible energy savings for consumers.

Keywords: variable frequency drives, adjustable speed drives, ac drives, chiller energy system

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1285 Exploring Critical Thinking Skill Development in the 21st Century College Classroom: A Multi-Case Study

Authors: Kimberlyn Greene


Employers today expect college graduates to not only develop and demonstrate content-specific knowledge but also 21st century skillsets such as critical thinking. International assessments suggest students enrolled in United States (U.S.) educational institutions are underperforming in comparison to their global peers in areas such as critical thinking and technology. This multi-case study examined how undergraduate digital literacy courses at a four-year university in the U.S., as implemented by instructors, fostered students’ development of critical thinking skills. The conceptual framework for this study presumed that as students engaged in complex thinking within the context of a digital literacy course, their ability to deploy critical thinking was contingent upon whether the course was designed with the expectation for students to use critical thinking skills as well as the instructor’s approach to implementing the course. Qualitative data collected from instructor interviews, classroom observations, and course documents were analyzed with an emphasis on exploring the course design and instructional methods that provided opportunities to foster critical thinking skill development. Findings from the cross-case analysis revealed that although the digital literacy courses were designed and implemented with the expectation students would deploy critical thinking; there was no explicit support for students to develop these skills. The absence of intentional skill development resulted in inequitable opportunities for all students to engage in complex thinking. The implications of this study suggest that if critical thinking is to remain a priority, then universities must expand their support of pedagogical and instructional training for faculty regarding how to support students’ critical thinking skill development.

Keywords: critical thinking skill development, curriculum design, digital literacy, pedagogy

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1284 Recycling of Polymers in the Presence of Nanocatalysts: A Green Approach towards Sustainable Environment

Authors: Beena Sethi


This work involves the degradation of plastic waste in the presence of three different nanocatalysts. A thin film of LLDPE was formed with all three nanocatalysts separately in the solvent. Thermo Gravimetric Analysis (TGA) and Differential Scanning Calorimetric (DSC) analysis of polymers suggest that the presence of these catalysts lowers the degradation temperature and the change mechanism of degradation. Gas chromatographic analysis was carried out for two films. In gas chromatography (GC) analysis, it was found that degradation of pure polymer produces only 32% C3/C4 hydrocarbons and 67.6% C5/C9 hydrocarbons. In the presence of these catalysts, more than 80% of polymer by weight was converted into either liquid or gaseous hydrocarbons. Change in the mechanism of degradation of polymer was observed therefore more C3/C4 hydrocarbons along with valuable feedstock are produced. Adjustment of dose of nanocatalyst, use of nano-admixtures and recycling of catalyst can make this catalytic feedstock recycling method a good tool to get sustainable environment. The obtained products can be utilized as fuel or can be transformed into other useful products. In accordance with the principles of sustainable development, chemical recycling i.e. tertiary recycling of polymers along with the reuse (zero order recycling) of plastics can be the most appropriate and promising method in this direction. The tertiary recycling is attracting much attention from the viewpoint of the energy resource.

Keywords: degradation, differential scanning calorimetry, feedstock recycling, gas chromatography, thermogravimetric analysis

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1283 Convolutional Neural Network and LSTM Applied to Abnormal Behaviour Detection from Highway Footage

Authors: Rafael Marinho de Andrade, Elcio Hideti Shiguemori, Rafael Duarte Coelho dos Santos


Relying on computer vision, many clever things are possible in order to make the world safer and optimized on resource management, especially considering time and attention as manageable resources, once the modern world is very abundant in cameras from inside our pockets to above our heads while crossing the streets. Thus, automated solutions based on computer vision techniques to detect, react, or even prevent relevant events such as robbery, car crashes and traffic jams can be accomplished and implemented for the sake of both logistical and surveillance improvements. In this paper, we present an approach for vehicles’ abnormal behaviors detection from highway footages, in which the vectorial data of the vehicles’ displacement are extracted directly from surveillance cameras footage through object detection and tracking with a deep convolutional neural network and inserted into a long-short term memory neural network for behavior classification. The results show that the classifications of behaviors are consistent and the same principles may be applied to other trackable objects and scenarios as well.

Keywords: artificial intelligence, behavior detection, computer vision, convolutional neural networks, LSTM, highway footage

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1282 Seasonal Influence on Environmental Indicators of Beach Waste

Authors: Marcus C. Garcia, Giselle C. Guimarães, Luciana H. Yamane, Renato R. Siman


The environmental indicators and the classification of beach waste are essential tools to diagnose the current situation and to indicate ways to improve the quality of this environment. The purpose of this paper was to perform a quali-quantitative analysis of the beach waste on the Curva da Jurema Beach (Espírito Santo - Brazil). Three transects were used with equidistant positioning over the total length of the beach for the solid waste collection. Solid wastes were later classified according to their use and primary raw material from the low and high summer season. During the low season, average values of 7.10 items.m-1, 18.22 g.m-1 and 0.91 g.m-2 were found for the whole beach, and transect 3 contributed the most waste, with the total sum of items equal to 999 (49%), a total mass of 5.62 kg and a total volume of 21.31 L. During the high summer season, average values of 8.22 items.m-1, 54.40 g.m-1 and 2.72 g.m-2 were found, with transect 2 contributing the most to the total sum with 1,212 items (53%), a total mass of 10.76 kg and a total volume of 51.99 L. Of the total collected, plastic materials represented 51.4% of the total number of items, 35.9% of the total mass and 68% of the total volume. The implementation of reactive and proactive measures is necessary so that the management of the solid wastes on Curva da Jurema Beach is in accordance with principles of sustainability.

Keywords: beach solid waste, environmental indicators, quali-quantitative analysis, waste management

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1281 Learners as Consultants: Knowledge Acquisition and Client Organisations-A Student as Producer Case Study

Authors: Barry Ardley, Abi Hunt, Nick Taylor


As a theoretical and practical framework, this study uses the student-as-producer approach to learning in higher education, as adopted by the Lincoln International Business School, University of Lincoln, UK. Students as producer positions learners as skilled and capable agents, able to participate as partners with tutors in live research projects. To illuminate the nature of this approach to learning and to highlight its critical issues, the authors report on two guided student consultancy projects. These were set up with the assistance of two local organisations in the city of Lincoln, UK. Using the student as a producer model to deliver the projects enabled learners to acquire and develop a range of key skills and knowledge not easily accessible in more traditional educational settings. This paper presents a systematic case study analysis of the eight organising principles of the student-as-producer model, as adopted by university tutors. The experience of tutors implementing students as producers suggests that the model can be widely applied to benefit not only the learning and teaching experiences of higher education students and staff but additionally a university’s research programme and its community partners.

Keywords: consultancy, learning, student as producer, research

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1280 Mind Care Assistant - Companion App

Authors: Roshani Gusain, Deep Sinha, Karan Nayal, Anmol Kumar Mishra, Manav Singh


In this research paper, we introduce "Mind Care Assistant - Companion App", which is a Flutter and Firebase-based mental health monitor. The app wants to improve and monitor the mental health of its users, it uses noninvasive ways to check for a change in their emotional state. By responding to questions, the app will provide individualized suggestions ᅳ tasks and mindfulness exercises ᅳ for users who are depressed or anxious. The app features a chat-bot that incorporates cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) principles and combines natural language processing with machine learning to develop personalised responses. The feature of the app that makes it easy for us to choose between iOS and Android is cross-platform, which allows users from both mobile systems to experience almost no changes in their interfaces. With Firebase integration synchronized and real-time data storage, security is easily possible. The paper covers the architecture of the app, how it was developed and some important features. The primary research result presents the promise of a "Mind Care Assistant" in mental health care using new wait-for-health technology, proposing a full stack application to be able to manage depression/anxiety and overall Mental well-being very effectively.

Keywords: mental health, mobile application, flutter, firebase, Depression, Anxiety

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1279 Leveraging Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) as Agents of Change: An Exploration of Edgar Schein's Culture Work in Organizational Development

Authors: Jeanetta Darno


This paper explores the realm of organizational development through the lens of Edgar Schein's seminal work on culture and change. Specifically, the paper will focus on the strategic implementation of Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) as powerful interventions for catalyzing culture change within modern workplaces. Edgar Schein's foundational theories on organizational culture and his renowned model of culture work will serve as the theoretical framework to guide the exploration of how ERGs can be harnessed as transformative tools in organizational development initiatives. Through a review of literature combined with content analysis, this paper will explore how ERGs align with Schein's principles, contribute to development, and drive positive cultural shifts toward inclusion and equity. The paper aims to provide practical insights for organizational leaders, HR practitioners, and change agents looking to integrate ERGs effectively into their culture change efforts, thereby advancing the field of organizational development informed by Schein's influential framework. The objective of the paper is to investigate and understand the intersection between Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) and Edgar Schein's Culture Work within the context of organizational development.

Keywords: inclusive leadership, culture, equity, employee resource groups, organization development

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1278 Challenges and Pedagogical Strategies in Teaching Chemical Bonding: Perspectives from Moroccan Educators

Authors: Sara Atibi, Azzeddine Atibi, Salim Ahmed, Khadija El Kababi


The concept of chemical bonding is fundamental in chemistry education, ubiquitous in school curricula, and essential to numerous topics in the field. Mastery of this concept enables students to predict and explain the physical and chemical properties of substances. However, chemical bonding is often regarded as one of the most complex concepts for secondary and higher education students to comprehend, due to the underlying complex theory and the use of abstract models. Teachers also encounter significant challenges in conveying this concept effectively. This study aims to identify the difficulties and alternative conceptions faced by Moroccan secondary school students in learning about chemical bonding, as well as the pedagogical strategies employed by teachers to overcome these obstacles. A survey was conducted involving 150 Moroccan secondary school physical science teachers, using a structured questionnaire comprising closed, open-ended, and multiple-choice questions. The results reveal frequent student misconceptions, such as the octet rule, molecular geometry, and molecular polarity. Contributing factors to these misconceptions include the abstract nature of the concepts, the use of models, and teachers' difficulties in explaining certain aspects of chemical bonding. The study proposes improvements for teaching chemical bonding, such as integrating information and communication technologies (ICT), diversifying pedagogical tools, and considering students' pre-existing conceptions. These recommendations aim to assist teachers, curriculum developers, and textbook authors in making chemistry more accessible and in addressing students' misconceptions.

Keywords: chemical bonding, alternative conceptions, chemistry education, pedagogical strategies

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1277 Religious Cognition and Intergroup Bias in the Trolley Dilemma: Experimental Fieldwork in Fiji

Authors: Crystal Shackleford, Michael Pasek, Julia Smith, Jeremy Ginges


There is extensive debate about the causal role of religion in intergroup conflict. It is commonly accepted that religious beliefs promote in-group cohesion, but religion is often believed to exacerbate inter-group conflict. Fiji is religiously diverse and has a lengthy history of ethno-religious conflict. In a preregistered field experiment using a modified version of the trolley problem dilemma, Christian and Muslim Fijians were asked, first from their own perspective, and then from their God’s perspective, whether a religious ingroup member should sacrifice their life to save five children who were ingroup or outgroup members. Almost all Muslim participants believed that the person should always sacrifice themselves to save the children. Amongst Christian participants, thinking from God’s perspective increased their likelihood of saying the children should be saved by 35% and removed a 27% gap between responses to saving ingroup versus outgroup children. These results replicate previous findings from a Palestinian sample and demonstrate, in another cross-cultural context with a history of violent conflict, that religious cognition can decrease bias and promote the application of universal moral principles.

Keywords: conflict, moral dilemma, psychology, religion, thought experiments

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1276 Dynamic Software Product Lines for Customer Centric Context Aware Business Process Management

Authors: Bochra Khiari, Lamia Labed


In the new digital marketplace, organizations are striving for a proactive position by leveraging the great potential of disruptive technologies to seize the full opportunity of the digital revolution in order to reshape their customer value propositions. New technologies such as big data analytics, which provide prediction of future events based on real-time information, are being integrated into BPM which urges the need for additional core values like capabilities for dynamic adaptation, autonomic behavior, runtime reconfiguration and post-deployment activities to manage unforeseen scenarios at runtime in a situated and changeable context. Dynamic Software Product Lines (DSPL) is an emerging paradigm that supports these runtime variability mechanisms. However, few works exploiting DSPLs principles and techniques in the BPM domain have been proposed so far. In this paper, we propose a conceptual approach DynPL4CBPM, which integrates DSPLs concepts along with the entire related dynamic properties, to the whole BPM lifecycle in order to dynamically adapt business processes according to different context conditions in an individual environment.

Keywords: adaptive processes, context aware business process management, customer centric business process management, dynamic software product lines

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1275 Efficiency and Performance of Legal Institutions in the Middle East in the 21st Century

Authors: Marco Khalaf Ayad Milhaail


In thinking about the role of legal rules and their impact on social ethics and social structures, scholars have explored many issues related to gender, power, and ideology. First, it provides a framework for defining feminist legal studies through an overview of the field's evolution in terms of equality, rights, and justice. Secondly, it encourages those interested in equality, rights, and justice regarding women's issues to participate in international comparative law research. Third, we must emphasize that those seeking solutions to disability and discrimination must be aware of the need to confront the so-called undermining of culture. Therefore, an effective way for women to solve this problem is to rely heavily on international law, which establishes basic legal principles such as gender equality, rights, and justice and can help create a domestic environment. Woman has gained many advantages by adopting the law of Divorce in the Islamic Sharea. Any Egyptian woman can get divorce by letting her rightful rights and wealth to her husband in return for her freedom.

Keywords: stability, harsh environments, techniques, thermal, properties, materials, applications, brittleness, fragility, disadvantages, bank, branches, profitability, setting prediction, effective target, measurement, evaluation, performance, commercial, business, profitability, sustainability, financial, system, banks

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1274 Illegal Migration and Refugee Crisis as a Threat to National Security, Economic and Social System: The Bulgarian Case

Authors: Jordan Deliversky


Unlike all conventional forms of migration, migration crisis and migratory processes provide pressure to governments and are being expressed as different phenomenon in relation to nature and forms. The objective of this paper is to present the migration and refugee crisis as revealing numerous challenges faced by authorities responsible for the social and economic stability in Bulgaria as well as those providing conditions for reinforcement of the high level of national security in Bulgaria. The analysis is focused on exploring the multiple origins of factors influencing migration processes in Europe, in the light of the measures provided by the Bulgarian state authorities. The main results show that the society itself is facing the challenge of integrating refugees and migrants, so to be able to comply with the principles and values associated with tolerance to social, religious and cultural differences, and not allowing migrants to become marginalized community. Migration pressure creates a number of risks and threats to the Bulgarian national security. Our country has the capacity and resources to meet these potential threats, as a main factor for minimizing the risks to national security is the improvement of coordination and coherence of actions between various actors serving to the security sector.

Keywords: legislation, migrants, refugees, security, terrorism

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1273 Opioid Administration on Patients Hospitalized in the Emergency Department

Authors: Mani Mofidi, Neda Valizadeh, Ali Hashemaghaee, Mona Hashemaghaee, Soudabeh Shafiee Ardestani


Background: Acute pain and its management remained the most complaint of emergency service admission. Diagnostic and therapeutic procedures add to patients’ pain. Diminishing the pain increases the quality of patient’s feeling and improves the patient-physician relationship. Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the outcomes and side effects of opioid administration in emergency patients. Material and Methods: patients admitted to ward II emergency service of Imam Khomeini hospital, who received one of the opioids: morphine, pethidine, methadone or fentanyl as an analgesic were evaluated. Their vital signs and general condition were examined before and after drug injection. Also, patient’s pain experience were recorded as numerical rating score (NRS) before and after analgesic administration. Results: 268 patients were studied. 34 patients were addicted to opioid drugs. Morphine had the highest rate of prescription (86.2%), followed by pethidine (8.5%), methadone (3.3%) and fentanyl (1.68). While initial NRS did not show significant difference between addicted patients and non-addicted ones, NRS decline and its score after drug injection were significantly lower in addicted patients. All patients had slight but statistically significant lower respiratory rate, heart rate, blood pressure and O2 saturation. There was no significant difference between different kind of opioid prescription and its outcomes or side effects. Conclusion: Pain management should be always in physicians’ mind during emergency admissions. It should not be assumed that an addicted patient complaining of pain is malingering to receive drug. Titration of drug and close monitoring must be in the curriculum to prevent any hazardous side effects.

Keywords: numerical rating score, opioid, pain, emergency department

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1272 The Old Traditional Structures in Iran: A Suitable Model for Today's Greenhouse

Authors: Behbood Maashkar


One of the principles for societies’ development is the requirement to consider past experiences. Man should always take advantage of the predecessor’s experiences and analyze their works and methods. The predecessors have had a more friendly relationship with nature and their lives less damaged the nature, and it is one of the elements of green building. One of the things the ancients have observed in regard to green building in their houses, stores, sacred places, etc. was using wind-catchers as an air conditioning and cooling system which can be considered as the first foundations of green building. In designing houses Iranian architects have paid a great attention to the factor of making use of more shaded area in hot season and insulation of wall and ceiling against influence of hot weather and also air circulation inside the building. In order to circulate the air inside closed spaces and decrease the temperature, they have considered different winds which blow in Iran and its effective power, and in order to make use of it they invented wind catcher. Direction of wind blow and its height from the earth as well as the time and duration of wind blow and other factors have been effective in making different types of wind catchers. Using wind catchers has been and is prevalent mainly in central and south regions of Iran, coastal areas of Persian Gulf, and Khorasan, especially in cities like Yazd, Kashan, Bam, Abarghoo, Jahrom, and Tabas.

Keywords: environment pollution, green building, Iran, wind catchers

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1271 Evaluation of the Ardabil City Environmental Potential for Urban Development

Authors: Seiied Taghi Seiied Safavian, Ebrahim Fataei, Taghi Ebadi


Urbanized population increasing has been a major driving force for physical development and expansion. In this regard, selecting optimal management strategies for sustainable development of cities as the most important population centers has gotten more attention by the city managers. One of the most important issues in planning a sustainable development is environmental sustainability. In this research, identifying the optimal physical development strategies of Ardabil city in the future condition have been investigated based on land-use planning principles and regularities. Determination of suitable lands of urban development was conducted through natural variables comprised of slope, topography, geology, distance from fault, underground water's depth, land-use strategies and earth shape using hierarchical process method (AHP) in Geographical information system (GIS). Region's potential capabilities and talents were estimated by environmental elements extraction and its measurement based on environmental criteria. Consequently, specified suitable areas for Ardabil city development were introduced. Results of this research showed that the northern part of the Ardabil city is the most suitable sites for physical development of this city regarding the environmental sustainability criteria.

Keywords: urban development, environmental sustainability, Ardabil city, AHP, GIS

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1270 Aerodynamics of Spherical Combat Platform Levitation

Authors: Aelina Franz


In recent years, the scientific community has witnessed a paradigm shift in the exploration of unconventional levitation methods, particularly in the domain of spherical combat platforms. This paper explores aerodynamics and levitational dynamics inherent in these spheres by examining interactions at the quantum level. Our research unravels the nuanced aerodynamic phenomena governing the levitation of spherical combat platforms. Through an analysis of the quantum fluid dynamics surrounding these spheres, we reveal the crucial interactions between air resistance, surface irregularities, and the quantum fluctuations that influence their levitational behavior. Our findings challenge conventional understanding, providing a perspective on the aerodynamic forces at play during the levitation of spherical combat platforms. Furthermore, we propose design modifications and control strategies informed by both classical aerodynamics and quantum information processing principles. These advancements not only enhance the stability and maneuverability of the combat platforms but also open new avenues for exploration in the interdisciplinary realm of engineering and quantum information sciences. This paper aims to contribute to levitation technologies and their applications in the field of spherical combat platforms. We anticipate that our work will stimulate further research to create a deeper understanding of aerodynamics and quantum phenomena in unconventional levitation systems.

Keywords: spherical combat platforms, levitation technologies, aerodynamics, maneuverable platforms

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1269 New Mahalle – A More Urban Green Inclusive Neighborhood

Authors: Eirini Oikonomopoulou


Paper is dealing with gentrification of a poor central historic district of Fener and Balat in Istanbul, Turkey and propose ålans and principles of a neighborhood. Istanbul is located in a special geographic place, just in the meeting of Europe and Asia and it has a long and great history, facts that had affected the urban form of the city. Trough the time different civilizations inhabited in the city and they changed it by giving different character to its parts. The modernization of Istanbul brought western ideas into the historic organic urban fabric and put in the first priority the need for a clear and strong car-road/highway network in order to improve the car accessibility along the city. Following that model, transformation of public spaces was based on the driving experience. New public spaces was formulated to be the new symbol of Turkish Republic, to give a beautiful and clean image of the modern Turkish city, as well as work as landmarks across the highway network. Even if city is upgraded, bad quality neighborhoods still exist, far and near to the historic city center. One of them is Fener/Balat, which is located in Fatih district on the European side of Istanbul. This project aims to analyze the urban qualities of that neighborhood (mahalle) and propose a better, qualitative urban space towards a denser, greener and more inclusive neighborhood which could be an example for the whole city.

Keywords: urban design, upgrade neighborhood, Istanbul, sustanability

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1268 Perspectives on Sustainable Bioeconomy in the Baltic Sea Region

Authors: Susanna Vanhamäki, Gabor Schneider, Kati Manskinen


‘Bioeconomy’ is a complex concept that cuts across many sectors and covers several policy areas. To achieve an overall understanding and support a successful bioeconomy, a cross-sectorial approach is necessary. In practice, due to the concept’s wide scope and varying international approaches, fully understanding bioeconomy is challenging on policy level. This paper provides a background of the topic through an analysis of bioeconomy strategies in the Baltic Sea region. Expert interviews and a small survey were conducted to discover the current and intended focuses of these countries’ bioeconomy sectors. The research shows that supporting sustainability is one of the keys in developing the future bioeconomy. The results highlighted that the bioeconomy has to be sustainable and based on circular economy principles. Currently, traditional bioeconomy sectors like food, wood, fish & waters as well as fuel & energy, which are in the core of national bioeconomy strategies, are best known and are considered more relevant than other bioeconomy industries. However, there is increasing potential for novel sectors, such as textiles and pharmaceuticals. The present research indicates that the opportunities presented by these bioeconomy sectors should be recognised and promoted. Education, research and innovation can play key roles in developing transformative and sustainable improvements in primary production and renewable resources. Furthermore, cooperation between businesses and educators is important.

Keywords: bioeconomy, circular economy, policy, strategy

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1267 Security as Human Value: Issue of Human Rights in Indian Sub-Continental Operations

Authors: Pratyush Vatsala, Sanjay Ahuja


The national security and human rights are related terms as there is nothing like absolute security or absolute human right. If we are committed to security, human right is a problem and also a solution, and if we deliberate on human rights, security is a problem but also part of the solution. Ultimately, we have to maintain a balance between the two co-related terms. As more and more armed forces are being deployed by the government within the nation for maintaining peace and security, using force against its own citizen, the search for a judicious balance between intent and action needs to be emphasized. Notwithstanding that a nation state needs complete political independence; the search for security is a driving force behind unquestioned sovereignty. If security is a human value, it overlaps the value of freedom, order, and solidarity. Now, the question needs to be explored, to what extent human rights can be compromised in the name of security in Kashmir or Mizoram like places. The present study aims to explore the issue of maintaining a balance between the use of power and good governance as human rights, providing security as a human value. This paper has been prepared with an aim of strengthening the understanding of the complex and multifaceted relationship between human rights and security forces operating for conflict management and identifies some of the critical human rights issues raised in the context of security forces operations highlighting the relevant human rights principles and standards in which Security as human value be respected at all times and in particular in the context of security forces operations in India.

Keywords: Kashmir, Mizoram, security, value, human right

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1266 The Effectiveness of Using Picture Storybooks on Young English as a Foreign Language Learners for English Vocabulary Acquisition and Moral Education: A Case Study

Authors: Tiffany Yung Hsuan Ma


The Whole Language Approach, which gained prominence in the 1980s, and the increasing emphasis on multimodal resources in educational research have elevated the utilization of picture books in English as a foreign language (EFL) instruction. This approach underscores real-world language application, providing EFL learners with a range of sensory stimuli, including visual elements. Additionally, the substantial impact of picture books on fostering prosocial behaviors in children has garnered recognition. These narratives offer opportunities to impart essential values such as kindness, fairness, and respect. Examining how picture books enhance vocabulary acquisition can offer valuable insights for educators in devising engaging language activities conducive to a positive learning environment. This research entails a case study involving two kindergarten-aged EFL learners and employs qualitative methods, including worksheets, observations, and interviews with parents. It centers on three pivotal inquiries: (1) The extent of young learners' acquisition of essential vocabulary, (2) The influence of these books on their behavior at home, and (3) Effective teaching strategies for the seamless integration of picture storybooks into EFL instruction for young learners. The findings can provide guidance to parents, educators, curriculum developers, and policymakers regarding the advantages and optimal approaches to incorporating picture books into language instruction. Ultimately, this research has the potential to enhance English language learning outcomes and promote moral education within the Taiwanese EFL context.

Keywords: EFL, vocabulary acquisition, young learners, picture book, moral education

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1265 Affinity between Sociology and Islamic Economy: An Inquiry into the Possibilities of Social Constructivism

Authors: Hideki Kitamura


Since Islamic banking has broadly started in the late 1970s, Islamic economy has been paid much attention by both academia and the business world. However, despite abundant studies, descriptive exploration of practices of Islamic economy from a sociological/anthropological perspective is underrepresented, and most are basically designed for evaluating current practice or proposing ideal types of Islamic economy in accordance with their religious conviction. Overall, their interest is not paid to actors of Islamic economy such as practitioner’s decision-making and thought, while sociological/anthropological studies on Muslim’s religious life can be observed well. Herein, the paper aims to look into the possibilities of sociology/anthropology for exploration of the role of actors of Islamic economy, by revisiting the benefit of sociological/anthropological studies on the religion of Islam and its adaptability to the research on Islamic economy. The paper suggests that practices of Islamic economy can be assumed as results of practitioner’s dilemma between Islamic ideals and market realities in each society, by applying the perspective of social constructivism. The paper then proposes focusing on the human agency of practitioners in translating Islamic principles into economic behavior, thereby enabling a more descriptive inquiry into how Islamic economy is produced and operated.

Keywords: Islamic economy, economic sociology/anthropology, human agency, social constructivism

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1264 A Study on the Implementation of Differentiating Instruction Based on Universal Design for Learning

Authors: Yong Wook Kim


The diversity of students in regular classrooms is increasing due to expand inclusive education and increase multicultural students in South Korea. In this diverse classroom environment, the universal design for learning (UDL) has been proposed as a way to meet both the educational need and social expectation of student achievement. UDL offers a variety of practical teaching methods, one of which is a differentiating instruction. The differentiating instruction has been pointed out resource limitation, organizational resistance, and lacks easy-to-implement framework. However, through the framework provided by the UDL, differentiating instruction is able to be flexible in their implementation. In practice, the UDL and differentiating instruction are complementary, but there is still a lack of research that suggests specific implementation methods that apply both concepts at the same time. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of differentiating instruction strategies according to learner characteristics (readiness, interest, learning profile), components of differentiating instruction (content, process, performance, learning environment), especially UDL principles (representation, behavior and expression, participation) existed in differentiating instruction, and implementation of UDL-based differentiating instruction through the Planning for All Learner (PAL) and UDL Lesson Plan Cycle. It is meaningful that such a series of studies can enhance the possibility of more concrete and realistic UDL-based teaching and learning strategies in the classroom, especially in inclusive settings.

Keywords: universal design for learning, differentiating instruction, UDL lesson plan, PAL

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1263 Techno-Economic Prospects of High Wind Energy Share in Remote vs. Interconnected Island Grids

Authors: Marina Kapsali, John S. Anagnostopoulos


On the basis of comparative analysis of alternative “development scenarios” for electricity generation, the main objective of the present study is to investigate the techno-economic viability of high wind energy (WE) use at the local (island) level. An integrated theoretical model is developed based on first principles assuming two main possible scenarios for covering future electrification needs of a medium–sized Greek island, i.e. Lesbos. The first scenario (S1), assumes that the island will keep using oil products as the main source for electricity generation. The second scenario (S2) involves the interconnection of the island with the mainland grid to satisfy part of the electricity demand, while remarkable WE penetration is also achieved. The economic feasibility of the above solutions is investigated in terms of determining their Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) for the time-period 2020-2045, including also a sensitivity analysis on the worst/reference/best Cases. According to the results obtained, interconnection of Lesbos Island with the mainland grid (S2) presents considerable economic interest in comparison to autonomous development (S1) with WE having a prominent role to this effect.

Keywords: electricity generation cost, levelized cost of energy, mainland, wind energy surplus

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1262 Challenging Human Trade in Sub-Saharan Africa and Beyond: A Foresight Approach to Contextualizing and Understanding the Consequences of Sub-Saharan Africa’s Demographic Emergence

Authors: Ricardo Schnug


This paper puts the transnational crime of human trafficking in the context of Sub-Saharan Africa and its quickly growing youth bulge. By mapping recent and concurrent trends and emerging issues, it explores the implications that it has not only for the region itself but also for the greater global dynamics of the issue. Through the application of Causal Layered Analysis to various alternative future scenarios as well as the identification of the core narrative surrounding the international discourse, it is possible to understand more deeply the forces that underlie future trafficking and what change becomes possible. With the provision of a reconstructed narrative that avoids the current blind spots, this research points out the need for a new and organic leadership paradigm that allows for a more holistic and future-oriented inquiry about socio-economic and political change and what it entails for a transnational crime such as human trafficking. 'Ubuntu' as a social and leadership philosophy then, provides the principles needed for creating this path towards a truly preferred future. Furthermore, this paper inspires follow-up research and the continuous monitoring and transdisciplinary research of this region’s demographic emergence as well as its possible consequences that have been explored in this inquiry.

Keywords: causal layered analysis, emerging issues, human trafficking, scenarios, sub-Saharan Africa

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1261 Antioxidant Effects of Withania Somnifera (Ashwagandha) on Brain

Authors: Manju Lata Sharma


Damage to cells caused by free radicals is believed to play a central role in the ageing process and in disease progression. Withania somnifera is widely used in ayurvedic medicine, and it is one of the ingredients in many formulations to increase energy, improve overall health and longevity and prevent disease. Withania somnifera possesses antioxidative properties. The antioxdant activity of Withania somnifera consisting of an equimolar concentration of active principles of sitoindoside VII-X and withaferin A. The antioxidant effect of Withania somnifera extract was investigated on lipid peroxidation (LPO), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) activity in mice. Aim: To study the antioxidant activity of an extract of Withania somnifera leaf against a mice model of chronic stress. Healthy swiss albino mice (3-4 months old) selected from an inbred colony were divided in to 6 groups. Biochemical estimation revealed that stress induced a significant change in SOD, LPO, CAT AND GPX. These stress induced perturbations were attenuated Withania somnifera (50 and 100 mg/kg BW). Result: Withania somnifera tended to normalize the augmented SOD and LPO activities and enhanced the activities of CAT and GPX. The result indicates that treatment with an alcoholic extract of Withania somnifera produced a significant decrease in LPO ,and an increase in both SOD and CAT in brain mice. This indicates that Withania somnifera extract possesses free radical scavenging activity .

Keywords: Withania somnifera, antioxidant, lipid peroxidation, brain

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1260 Comprehensive Expert and Social Assessment of the Urban Environment of Almaty in the Process of Training Master's and Doctoral Students on Architecture and Urban Planning

Authors: Alexey Abilov


The article highlights the experience of training master's and doctoral students at Satbayev University by preparing their course works for disciplines "Principles of Sustainable Architecture", "Energy Efficiency in Urban planning", "Urban planning analysis, "Social foundations of Architecture". The purpose of these works is the acquisition by students of practical skills necessary in their future professional activities, which are achieved through comprehensive assessment of individual sections of the Almaty urban environment. The methodology of student’s researches carried out under the guidance of the author of this publication is based on an expert assessment of the territory through its full-scale survey, analysis of project documents and statistical data, as well as on a social assessment of the territory based on the results of a questionnaire survey of residents. A comprehensive qualitative and quantitative assessment of the selected sites according to the criteria of the quality of the living environment also allows to formulate specific recommendations for designers who carry out a pre-project analysis of the city territory in the process of preparing draft master plans and detailed planning projects.

Keywords: urban environment, expert/social assessment of the territory, questionnaire survey, comprehensive approach

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1259 Moving from Computer Assisted Learning Language to Mobile Assisted Learning Language Edutainment: A Trend for Teaching and Learning

Authors: Ahmad Almohana


Technology has led to rapid changes in the world, and most importantly to education, particularly in the 21st century. Technology has enhanced teachers’ potential and has resulted in the provision of greater interaction and choices for learners. In addition, technology is helping to improve individuals’ learning experiences and building their capacity to read, listen, speak, search, analyse, memorise and encode languages, as well as bringing learners together and creating a sense of greater involvement. This paper has been organised in the following way: the first section provides a review of the literature related to the implementation of CALL (computer assisted learning language), and it explains CALL and its phases, as well as attempting to highlight and analyse Warschauer’s article. The second section is an attempt to describe the move from CALL to mobilised systems of edutainment, which challenge existing forms of teaching and learning. It also addresses the role of the teacher and the curriculum content, and how this is affected by the computerisation of learning that is taking place. Finally, an empirical study has been conducted to collect data from teachers in Saudi Arabia using quantitive and qualitative method tools. Connections are made between the area of study and the personal experience of the researcher carrying out the study with a methodological reflection on the challenges faced by the teachers of this same system. The major findings were that it is worth spelling out here that despite the circumstances in which students and lecturers are currently working, the participants revealed themselves to be highly intelligent and articulate individuals who were constrained from revealing this criticality and creativity by the system of learning and teaching operant in most schools.

Keywords: CALL, computer assisted learning language, EFL, English as a foreign language, ELT, English language teaching, ETL, enhanced technology learning, MALL, mobile assisted learning language

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1258 Guidelines for the Development of Community Classroom for Research and Academic Services in Ranong Province

Authors: Jenjira Chinnawong, Phusit Phukamchanoad


The objective of this study is to explore the guidelines for the development of community classroom for research and academic services in Ranong province. By interviewing leaders involved in the development of learning resources, research, and community services, it was found that the leaders' perceptions in the development of learning resources, research, and community services in Ranong, was at the highest level. They perceived at every step on policies of community classroom implementation, research, and community services in Ranong. Leaders' perceptions were at the moderate level in terms of analysis of problems related to procedures of community classroom management, research and community services in Ranong especially in the planning and implementation of the examination, improvement, and development of learning sources to be in good condition and ready to serve the visitors. Their participation in the development of community classroom, research, and community services in Ranong was at a high level, particularly in the participation in monitoring and evaluation of the development of learning resources as well as in reporting on the result of the development of learning resources. The most important thing in the development of community classroom, research and community services in Ranong is the necessity to integrate the three principles of knowledge building in teaching, research and academic services in order to create the identity of the local and community classroom for those who are interested to visit to learn more about the useful knowledge. As a result, community classroom, research, and community services were well-known both inside and outside the university.

Keywords: community classroom, learning resources, development, participation

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