Search results for: connected vehicles
933 Developing Academic English through Interaction
Authors: John Bankier
Development of academic English occurs not only in communities of practice but also within wider social networks, referred to by Zappa-Hollman and Duff as individual networks of practice. Such networks may exist whether students are developing academic English in English-dominant contexts or in contexts in which English is not a majority language. As yet, little research has examined how newcomers to universities interact with a variety of social ties in such networks to receive academic and emotional support as they develop the academic English necessary to succeed in local and global academia. The one-year ethnographic study described in this presentation followed five Japanese university students enrolled on an academic English program in their home country. We graphically represent participants’ individual networks of practice related to academic English and display the role of interaction in these networks to socialization. Specific examples of academic practices will be linked to specific instances of social interaction. Interaction supportive of the development of academic practices often occurred during unplanned interactions outside the classroom and among small groups of close friends who were connected to each other in more than one way, such as those taking multiple classes together. These interactions occurred in study spaces, in hallways between class periods, at lunchtimes, and online. However, constraints such as differing accommodation arrangements, class scheduling and the hierarchical levelling of English classes by test scores discouraged some participants both from forming strong ties related to English and from interacting with existing ties. The presentation will briefly describe ways in which teachers in all contexts can maximise interaction outside the classroom.Keywords: academic, english, practice, network
Procedia PDF Downloads 260932 Refined Edge Detection Network
Authors: Omar Elharrouss, Youssef Hmamouche, Assia Kamal Idrissi, Btissam El Khamlichi, Amal El Fallah-Seghrouchni
Edge detection is represented as one of the most challenging tasks in computer vision, due to the complexity of detecting the edges or boundaries in real-world images that contains objects of different types and scales like trees, building as well as various backgrounds. Edge detection is represented also as a key task for many computer vision applications. Using a set of backbones as well as attention modules, deep-learning-based methods improved the detection of edges compared with the traditional methods like Sobel and Canny. However, images of complex scenes still represent a challenge for these methods. Also, the detected edges using the existing approaches suffer from non-refined results while the image output contains many erroneous edges. To overcome this, n this paper, by using the mechanism of residual learning, a refined edge detection network is proposed (RED-Net). By maintaining the high resolution of edges during the training process, and conserving the resolution of the edge image during the network stage, we make the pooling outputs at each stage connected with the output of the previous layer. Also, after each layer, we use an affined batch normalization layer as an erosion operation for the homogeneous region in the image. The proposed methods are evaluated using the most challenging datasets including BSDS500, NYUD, and Multicue. The obtained results outperform the designed edge detection networks in terms of performance metrics and quality of output images.Keywords: edge detection, convolutional neural networks, deep learning, scale-representation, backbone
Procedia PDF Downloads 103931 Mosque as a Sustainable Model in Iranian Traditional Urban Development: The Case Study of Vakil Mosque in Shiraz
Authors: Amir Hossein Ashari, Sedighe Erfan Manesh
When investigating Iranian traditional and historical urban development, such as that seen in Shiraz, our attention is drawn to mosques as a focal point. Vakil Mosque in Shiraz is completely consistent, coordinated and integrated with the Bazaar, square and school. This is a significant example of traditional urban development. The position of the mosque in the most important urban joint near bazaar in a way that it is considered part of the bazaar structure are factors that have given it social, political, and economic roles in addition to the original religious role. These are among characteristics of sustainable development. The mosque has had an important effect in formation of the city because it is connected to main gates. In terms of access, the mosque has different main and peripheral access paths from different parts of the city. The courtyard of the mosque was located next to the main elements of the city so that it was considered as an urban open space, which made it a more active and more dynamic place. This study is carried out via library and field research with the purpose of finding strategies for taking advantage of useful features of the mosque in traditional urban development. These features include its role as a gathering center for people and city in sustainable urban development. Mosque can be used as a center for enhancing social interactions and creating a sense of association that leads to sustainable social space. These can act as a model which leads us to sustainable cities in terms of social and economic factors.Keywords: mosque, traditional urban development, sustainable social space, Vakil Mosque, Shiraz
Procedia PDF Downloads 405930 Design of RF Generator and Its Testing in Heating of Nickel Ferrite Nanoparticles
Authors: D. Suman, M. Venkateshwara Rao
Cancer is a disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body, which is affecting millions of people leading to death. Even though there have been tremendous developments taken place over the last few decades the effective therapy for cancer is still not a reality. The existing techniques of cancer therapy are chemotherapy and radio therapy which are having their limitations in terms of the side effects, patient discomfort, radiation hazards and the localization of treatment. This paper describes a novel method for cancer therapy by using RF-hyperthermia application of nanoparticles. We have synthesized ferromagnetic nanoparticles and characterized by using XRD and TEM. These nanoparticles after the biocompatibility studies will be injected in to the body with a suitable tracer element having affinity to the specific tumor site. When RF energy is applied to the nanoparticles at the tumor site it produces heat of excess room temperature and nearly 41-45°C is sufficient to kill the tumor cells. We have designed a RF source generator provided with a temperature feedback controller to control the radiation induced temperature of the tumor site. The temperature control is achieved through a negative feedback mechanism of the thermocouple and a relay connected to the power source of the RF generator. This method has advantages in terms of its effect like localized therapy, less radiation, and no side effects. It has several challenges in designing the RF source provided with coils suitable for the tumour site, biocompatibility of the nanomaterials, cooling system design for the RF coil. If we can overcome these challenges this method will be a huge benefit for the society.Keywords: hyperthermia, cancer therapy, RF source generator, nanoparticles
Procedia PDF Downloads 461929 Assessment of the Road Safety Performance in National Scale
Authors: Abeer K. Jameel, Harry Evdorides
The Assessment of the road safety performance is a challengeable issue. This is not only because of the ineffective and unreliability of road and traffic crash data system but also because of its systematic character. Recent strategic plans and interventions implemented in some of the developed countries where a significant decline in the rate of traffic and road crashes considers that the road safety is a system. This system consists of four main elements which are: road user, road infrastructure, vehicles and speed in addition to other supporting elements such as the institutional framework and post-crash care system. To assess the performance of a system, it is required to assess all its elements. To present an understandable results of the assessment, it is required to present a unique term representing the performance of the overall system. This paper aims to develop an overall performance indicator which may be used to assess the road safety system. The variables of this indicators are the main elements of the road safety system. The data regarding these variables will be collected from the World Health Organization report. Multi-criteria analysis method is used to aggregate the four sub-indicators for the four variables. Two weighting methods will be assumed, equal weights and different weights. For the different weights method, the factor analysis method is used. The weights then will be converting to scores. The total score will be the overall indicator for the road safety performance in a national scale. This indicator will be used to compare and rank countries according to their road safety performance indicator. The country with the higher score is the country which provides most sustainable and effective interventions for successful road safety system. These indicator will be tested by comparing them with the aggregate real crash rate for each country.Keywords: factor analysis, Multi-criteria analysis, road safety assessment, safe system indicator
Procedia PDF Downloads 271928 Design and Analysis of Crankshaft Using Al-Al2O3 Composite Material
Authors: Palanisamy Samyraj, Sriram Yogesh, Kishore Kumar, Vaishak Cibi
The project is about design and analysis of crankshaft using Al-Al2O3 composite material. The project is mainly concentrated across two areas one is to design and analyze the composite material, and the other is to work on the practical model. Growing competition and the growing concern for the environment has forced the automobile manufactures to meet conflicting demands such as increased power and performance, lower fuel consumption, lower pollution emission and decrease noise and vibration. Metal matrix composites offer good properties for a number of automotive components. The work reports on studies on Al-Al2O3 as the possible alternative material for a crank shaft. These material have been considered for use in various components in engines due to the high amount of strength to weight ratio. These materials are significantly taken into account for their light weight, high strength, high specific modulus, low co-efficient of thermal expansion, good air resistance properties. In addition high specific stiffness, superior high temperature, mechanical properties and oxidation resistance of Al2O3 have developed some advanced materials that are Al-Al2O3 composites. Crankshafts are used in automobile industries. Crankshaft is connected to the connecting rod for the movement of the piston which is subjected to high stresses which cause the wear of the crankshaft. Hence using composite material in crankshaft gives good fuel efficiency, low manufacturing cost, less weight.Keywords: metal matrix composites, Al-Al2O3, high specific modulus, strength to weight ratio
Procedia PDF Downloads 277927 Low-Cost Parking Lot Mapping and Localization for Home Zone Parking Pilot
Authors: Hongbo Zhang, Xinlu Tang, Jiangwei Li, Chi Yan
Home zone parking pilot (HPP) is a fast-growing segment in low-speed autonomous driving applications. It requires the car automatically cruise around a parking lot and park itself in a range of up to 100 meters inside a recurrent home/office parking lot, which requires precise parking lot mapping and localization solution. Although Lidar is ideal for SLAM, the car OEMs favor a low-cost fish-eye camera based visual SLAM approach. Recent approaches have employed segmentation models to extract semantic features and improve mapping accuracy, but these AI models are memory unfriendly and computationally expensive, making deploying on embedded ADAS systems difficult. To address this issue, we proposed a new method that utilizes object detection models to extract robust and accurate parking lot features. The proposed method could reduce computational costs while maintaining high accuracy. Once combined with vehicles’ wheel-pulse information, the system could construct maps and locate the vehicle in real-time. This article will discuss in detail (1) the fish-eye based Around View Monitoring (AVM) with transparent chassis images as the inputs, (2) an Object Detection (OD) based feature point extraction algorithm to generate point cloud, (3) a low computational parking lot mapping algorithm and (4) the real-time localization algorithm. At last, we will demonstrate the experiment results with an embedded ADAS system installed on a real car in the underground parking lot.Keywords: ADAS, home zone parking pilot, object detection, visual SLAM
Procedia PDF Downloads 67926 Ultra-Reliable Low Latency V2X Communication for Express Way Using Multiuser Scheduling Algorithm
Authors: Vaishali D. Khairnar
The main aim is to provide lower-latency and highly reliable communication facilities for vehicles in the automobile industry; vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication basically intends to increase expressway road security and its effectiveness. The Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Communications (URLLC) algorithm and cellular networks are applied in combination with Mobile Broadband (MBB). This is particularly used in express way safety-based driving applications. Expressway vehicle drivers (humans) will communicate in V2X systems using the sixth-generation (6G) communication systems which have very high-speed mobility features. As a result, we need to determine how to ensure reliable and consistent wireless communication links and improve the quality to increase channel gain, which is becoming a challenge that needs to be addressed. To overcome this challenge, we proposed a unique multi-user scheduling algorithm for ultra-massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems using 6G. In wideband wireless network access in case of high traffic and also in medium traffic conditions, moreover offering quality-of-service (QoS) to distinct service groups with synchronized contemporaneous traffic on the highway like the Mumbai-Pune expressway becomes a critical problem. Opportunist MAC (OMAC) is a way of proposing communication across a wireless communication link that can change in space and time and might overcome the above-mentioned challenge. Therefore, a multi-user scheduling algorithm is proposed for MIMO systems using a cross-layered MAC protocol to achieve URLLC and high reliability in V2X communication.Keywords: ultra-reliable low latency communications, vehicle-to-everything communication, multiple-input multiple-output systems, multi-user scheduling algorithm
Procedia PDF Downloads 90925 Relationship between Mental Health and Food Access among Healthcare College Students in a Snowy Area in Japan
Authors: Yuki Irie, Shota Ogawa, Hitomi Kosugi, Hiromitsu Shinozaki
Background: Dropout from higher educational institutions is a major problem both for students and institutions, and poor mental health is one of the risk factors. Medical college students are at higher risk of poor mental health than general students because of their hard academic schedules. On the other hand, food insecurity has negative impacts on mental health. The healthcare college of the project site is located heavily snowy area. The students without own vehicles may be at higher risk of food insecurity, especially in the winter season. Therefore, they have many risks to mental health. The aim of the study is to clarify the relationship between mental health and its risk factors to promote students’ mental well-being. Method: A cross-sectional design was used to investigate the relationship between mental health status and lifestyle, including diet and food security among the students (n=421, 147 male, 274 females; 20.7 ± 2.8 years old). Participants were required to answer 3 questionnaires which consisted of diet, lifestyle, food security, and mental health. The survey was conducted during the snowy season from Dec. 2022 to Jan. 2023. Results: Mean mental score was 6.7±4.6 (max. score 27, a higher score means worse mental health). Significant risk factors in mental health were breakfast habit (p=0.02), subjective dietary habit (p=0.00), subjective health (p=0.00), exercise habit (p=0.02), food insecurity in the winter season (p=0.01), and vitamin A intakes (p=0.03). Conclusions: Nutrients intakes are not associated with mental health except vitamin A; however, some other lifestyle factors are significantly associated with mental health. Nutrition doesn’t lead to poor mental health directly; however, the promotion of a healthy lifestyle and improved food security in winter may be effective in better mental health.Keywords: mental health, winter, lifestyle, students
Procedia PDF Downloads 93924 The Greek Root Word ‘Kos’ and the Trade of Ancient Greek with Tamil Nadu, India
Authors: D. Pugazhendhi
The ancient Greeks were forerunners in many fields than other societies. So, the Greeks were well connected with all the countries which were well developed during that time through trade route. In this connection, trading of goods from the ancient Greece to Tamil Nadu which is presently in India, though they are geographically far away, played an important role. In that way, the word and the goods related with kos and kare got exchanged between these two societies. So, it is necessary to compare the phonology and the morphological occurrences of these words that are found common both in the ancient Greek and Tamil literatures of the contemporary period. The results show that there were many words derived from the root kos with the basic meaning of ‘arrange’ in the ancient Greek language, but this is not the case in the usage of the word kare. In the ancient Tamil literature, the word ‘kos’ does not have any root and also had rare occurrences. But it was just the opposite in the case of the word ‘kare’. One of all the meanings of the word, which was derived from the root ‘kos’ in ancient Greek literature, is related with costly ornaments. This meaning seems to have close resemblance with the usage of word ‘kos’ in ancient Tamil literature. Also, the meaning of the word ‘kare’ in ancient Tamil literature is related with spices whereas, in the ancient Greek literature, its meaning is related to that of the cooking of meat using spices. Hence, the similarity seen in the meanings of these words ‘kos’ and ‘kare’ in both these languages provides lead for further study. More than that, the ancient literary resources which are available in both these languages ensure the export and import of gold and spices from the ancient Greek land to Tamil land.Keywords: arrange, kare, Kos, ornament, Tamil
Procedia PDF Downloads 150923 Twitter Ego Networks and the Capital Markets: A Social Network Analysis Perspective of Market Reactions to Earnings Announcement Events
Authors: Gregory D. Saxton
Networks are everywhere: lunch ties among co-workers, golfing partnerships among employees, interlocking board-of-director connections, Facebook friendship ties, etc. Each network varies in terms of its structure -its size, how inter-connected network members are, and the prevalence of sub-groups and cliques. At the same time, within any given network, some network members will have a more important, more central position on account of their greater number of connections or their capacity as “bridges” connecting members of different network cliques. The logic of network structure and position is at the heart of what is known as social network analysis, and this paper applies this logic to the study of the stock market. Using an array of data analytics and machine learning tools, this study will examine 17 million Twitter messages discussing the stocks of the firms in the S&P 1,500 index in 2018. Each of these 1,500 stocks has a distinct Twitter discussion network that varies in terms of core network characteristics such as size, density, influence, norms and values, level of activity, and embedded resources. The study’s core proposition is that the ultimate effect of any market-relevant information is contingent on the characteristics of the network through which it flows. To test this proposition, this study operationalizes each of the core network characteristics and examines their influence on market reactions to 2018 quarterly earnings announcement events.Keywords: data analytics, investor-to-investor communication, social network analysis, Twitter
Procedia PDF Downloads 123922 Acoustical Comfort in Major Highway in Birnin Kebbi, Kebbi State-Nigeria
Authors: Muhammad Naziru Yahaya, Mustapha Bashir Ayinde
Noise has been recognized as a major source of pollution in many urban and semi-urban settlements. Noise pollution causes by vehicular movement in urban cities has reaches an alarming proportion due to continuous increases in vehicles and industrialization. This research aim to determine the geo-physical characteristics of the study area and to determine the level of noise generation and volume intensity in areas where noise levels are high within the metropolis and compare with NESREA and WHO standards. This study identified the various sources of noise, compared noise levels in various parts of the study area with recommended standards and determined the geo-physical characteristic of noise generated. A sound level meter Gm 1352, was used for the noise measurements. The study showed that the noise pollution levels measured in minimum noise level of 63.75 dBA and average maximum of 95.175 dBA, at some locations in Birnin Kebbi metropolis the noise level have exceeded the standard limits set by the World Health Organization (WHO), Federal Environment Protection Agency (FEPA). Results revealed that there was a considerable increase in noise pollution in First Bank roundabout and Haliru Abdu roundabout, attribute to high numbers of vehicular movement and road congestion within Birnin Kebbi. The study therefore concluded that there should be an enforcement and adherence to the regulation regarding noise pollution limit. The minimum average day noise level recorded was 67.225 dBA, and average maximum of 96.6 dBA is an indication that the noise level of Birnin Kebbi metropolis was highly unsatisfactory. Based on this, it is suggested that taking adequate measures and following the laid-down recommendations will reduce traffic noise to the barest minimum.Keywords: decibel, noise level, pollution, sound level, traffic, highway
Procedia PDF Downloads 78921 Research on “Three Ports in One” Comprehensive Transportation System of Sea, Land and Airport in Nantong City under the Background of a New Round of Territorial Space Planning
Authors: Ying Sun, Yuxuan Lei
Based on the analysis of the current situation of Nantong's comprehensive transportation system, the interactive relationship between the transportation system and the economy and society is clarified, and then the development strategy for the planning and implementation of the "three ports in one" comprehensive transportation system of ocean, land, and airport is proposed for this round of territorial spatial planning. The research findings are as follows: (1) The comprehensive transportation network system of Nantong City is beginning to take shape, but the lack of a unified and complete system planning makes it difficult to establish a "multi-port integration" pattern with transportation hubs. (2) At the Yangtze River Delta level and Nantong City level, a connected transport node integrating ocean, land, and airport should be built in the transportation construction planning to effectively meet the guidance of the overall territorial space planning of Nantong City. (3) Nantong's comprehensive transportation system and economic society have experienced three interactive development relations in different stages: mutual promotion, geographical separation, and high-level driving. Therefore, the current planning of Nantong's comprehensive transportation system needs to be optimized. The four levels of Nantong city, Shanghai metropolitan area, Yangtze River Delta, and each district, county, and city should be comprehensively considered, and the four development strategies of accelerating construction, dislocation development, active docking, and innovative implementation should be adopted.Keywords: master plan for territorial space, Integrated transportation system, Nantong, sea, land and air, "Three ports in one"
Procedia PDF Downloads 146920 Transferring Data from Glucometer to Mobile Device via Bluetooth with Arduino Technology
Authors: Tolga Hayit, Ucman Ergun, Ugur Fidan
Being healthy is undoubtedly an indispensable necessity for human life. With technological improvements, in the literature, various health monitoring and imaging systems have been developed to satisfy your health needs. In this context, the work of monitoring and recording the data of individual health monitoring data via wireless technology is also being part of these studies. Nowadays, mobile devices which are located in almost every house and which become indispensable of our life and have wireless technology infrastructure have an important place of making follow-up health everywhere and every time because these devices were using in the health monitoring systems. In this study, Arduino an open-source microcontroller card was used in which a sample sugar measuring device was connected in series. In this way, the glucose data (glucose ratio, time) obtained with the glucometer is transferred to the mobile device based on the Android operating system with the Bluetooth technology channel. A mobile application was developed using the Apache Cordova framework for listing data, presenting graphically and reading data over Arduino. Apache Cordova, HTML, Javascript and CSS are used in coding section. The data received from the glucometer is stored in the local database of the mobile device. It is intended that people can transfer their measurements to their mobile device by using wireless technology and access the graphical representations of their data. In this context, the aim of the study is to be able to perform health monitoring by using different wireless technologies in mobile devices that can respond to different wireless technologies at present. Thus, that will contribute the other works done in this area.Keywords: Arduino, Bluetooth, glucose measurement, mobile health monitoring
Procedia PDF Downloads 324919 Integrated Farming Barns as a Strategy for National Food Security
Authors: Ilma Ulfatul Janah, Ibnu Rizky Briwantara, Muhammad Afif
The agricultural sector is one of the sectors that contribute to national development. The benefit of the agricultural sector can be felt directly by the majority of Indonesian people. Indonesia is one of the agricultural countries and most of the people working in the agricultural sector. Hence, the agricultural sector’s become the second sector which has contributed greatly to the growth of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) after the manufacture sector. Based on the National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN) from 2015 to 2019, one of the targets to be achieved by the Indonesian government is rice’s self-sufficient. Rice is the main food commodities which as most people in Indonesia, and it is making Indonesian government attempt self-sufficient in rice. Indonesia as an agricultural country becomes one of the countries that have a lower percentage of food security than other ASEAN countries. Rice self-sufficiency can be created through agricultural productivity and the availability of a market for the output. There are some problems still to be faced by the farmers such as farmer exchange rate is low. The low exchange rate of farmers showed that the level of the welfare’s Indonesian farmers is still low. The aims of this paper are to resolve problems related to food security and improve the welfare of the national rice farmers. The method by using materials obtained from the analysis of secondary data with the descriptive approach and conceptual framework. Integrated Farmers barn raising rice production is integrated and managed by the government coupled with the implementation of technology in the form of systems connected and accessible to farmers, namely 'SIBUNGTAN'.Keywords: agriculture, self-sufficiency, technology, productivity
Procedia PDF Downloads 253918 Probabilistic Crash Prediction and Prevention of Vehicle Crash
Authors: Lavanya Annadi, Fahimeh Jafari
Transportation brings immense benefits to society, but it also has its costs. Costs include such as the cost of infrastructure, personnel and equipment, but also the loss of life and property in traffic accidents on the road, delays in travel due to traffic congestion and various indirect costs in terms of air transport. More research has been done to identify the various factors that affect road accidents, such as road infrastructure, traffic, sociodemographic characteristics, land use, and the environment. The aim of this research is to predict the probabilistic crash prediction of vehicles using machine learning due to natural and structural reasons by excluding spontaneous reasons like overspeeding etc., in the United States. These factors range from weather factors, like weather conditions, precipitation, visibility, wind speed, wind direction, temperature, pressure, and humidity to human made structures like road structure factors like bump, roundabout, no exit, turning loop, give away, etc. Probabilities are dissected into ten different classes. All the predictions are based on multiclass classification techniques, which are supervised learning. This study considers all crashes that happened in all states collected by the US government. To calculate the probability, multinomial expected value was used and assigned a classification label as the crash probability. We applied three different classification models, including multiclass Logistic Regression, Random Forest and XGBoost. The numerical results show that XGBoost achieved a 75.2% accuracy rate which indicates the part that is being played by natural and structural reasons for the crash. The paper has provided in-deep insights through exploratory data analysis.Keywords: road safety, crash prediction, exploratory analysis, machine learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 113917 Monitoring of the Chillon Viaducts after Rehabilitation with Ultra High Performance Fiber Reinforced Cement-Based Composite
Authors: Henar Martín-Sanz García, Eleni Chatzi, Eugen Brühwiler
Located on the shore of Geneva Lake, in Switzerland, the Chillon Viaducts are two parallel structures consisted of post-tensioned concrete box girders, with a total length of 2 kilometers and 100m spans. Built in 1969, the bridges currently accommodate a traffic load of 50.000 vehicles per day, thereby holding a key role both in terms of historic value as well as socio-economic significance. Although several improvements have been carried out in the past two decades, recent inspections demonstrate an Alkali-Aggregate reaction in the concrete deck and piers reducing the concrete strength. In order to prevent further expansion of this issue, a layer of 40 mm of Ultra High Performance Fiber Reinforced cement-based Composite (UHPFRC) (incorporating rebars) was casted over the slabs, acting as a waterproof membrane and providing significant increase in resistance of the bridge structure by composite UHPFRC – RC composite action in particular of the deck slab. After completing the rehabilitation works, a Structural Monitoring campaign was installed on the deck slab in one representative span, based on accelerometers, strain gauges, thermal and humidity sensors. This campaign seeks to reveal information on the behavior of UHPFRC-concrete composite systems, such as increase in stiffness, fatigue strength, durability and long-term performance. Consequently, the structural monitoring is expected to last for at least three years. A first insight of the analyzed results from the initial months of measurements is presented herein, along with future improvements or necessary changes on the deployment.Keywords: composite materials, rehabilitation, structural health monitoring, UHPFRC
Procedia PDF Downloads 282916 China’s Grand Strategy and Greece
Authors: Alexandra Doga, Andreas Lioumpas, Sotiris Petropoulos
This paper assesses China-Greece relations since 2006, examining them as part of China’s Grand Strategy and Greece’s perception of them. Τhe first aim of the paper is to provide an overview of China-Greece relations in connection with its long- and short-term goals. In essence, it focuses on understanding whether a Chinese grand strategy towards Greece exists. Secondly, it aims to examine the perception of Greeks over China’s foreign policy towards Greece. The intended contribution of the paper is to illustrate the response of national discourses over China’s increased presence in both the global sphere and specific countries in particular. This paper is based on qualitative analysis of secondary data as well as a thorough primary research scheme based on semi-structured interviews. The study made use of official Chinese government documents as well as academic journal articles and books. Local news outlets like newspapers provide data, and news surrounding Greece’s perception of China-Greece relations were also included. Moreover, a number of interviews of Greek officials, academics, journalists, and businessmen were conducted. This paper concluded that the period that began with the 2006 Joint Communiqué between China and Greece on the Establishment of Comprehensive Strategic Partnership has been one of the rapid strengthening of bilateral economic and political relations and frequent high-level visits. There are diverging/opposing views on whether China’s strategic choices towards Greece form part of a broader strategic approach and on whether this strategy is closely connected to the BRI initiative and its priorities.Keywords: China, Greece, Grand Strategy, BRI, COSCO, Piraeus Port, Mediterranean
Procedia PDF Downloads 109915 Fabrication of 2D Nanostructured Hybrid Material-Based Devices for High-Performance Supercapacitor Energy Storage
Authors: Sunil Kumar, Vinay Kumar, Mamta Bulla, Rita Dahiya
Supercapacitors have emerged as a leading energy storage technology, gaining popularity in applications like digital telecommunications, memory backup, and hybrid electric vehicles. Their appeal lies in a long cycle life, high power density, and rapid recharge capabilities. These exceptional traits attract researchers aiming to develop advanced, cost-effective, and high-energy-density electrode materials for next-generation energy storage solutions. Two-dimensional (2D) nanostructures are highly attractive for fabricating nanodevices due to their high surface-to-volume ratio and good compatibility with device design. In the current study, a composite was synthesized by combining MoS2 with reduced graphene oxide (rGO) under optimal conditions and characterized using various techniques, including XRD, FTIR, SEM and XPS. The electrochemical properties of the composite material were assessed through cyclic voltammetry, galvanostatic charging-discharging and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The supercapacitor device demonstrated a specific capacitance of 153 F g-1 at a current density of 1 Ag-1, achieving an excellent energy density of 30.5 Wh kg-1 and a power density of 600 W kg-1. Additionally, it maintained excellent cyclic stability over 5000 cycles, establishing it as a promising candidate for efficient and durable energy storage solutions. These findings highlight the dynamic relationship between electrode materials and offer valuable insights for the development and enhancement of high-performance symmetric devices.Keywords: 2D material, energy density, galvanostatic charge-discharge, hydrothermal reactor, specific capacitance
Procedia PDF Downloads 17914 Protective Effects of Genistein against Cyclophosphamide-Induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats: Involvement of Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Oxidant Activities
Authors: Dina F. Mansour, Dalia O. Saleh, Rasha E. Mostafa
Cyclophosphamide (CP), the most commonly used chemotherapeutic agent, was reported to cause many side effects including urotoxicity, cardiotoxicity, gonadotoxicity, and hepatotoxicity; this limits its clinical practice. In the present study, the protective effect of genistein (GEN), the major phytoestrogen in soy products that possesses various pharmacological activities, has been investigated against CP-induced acute liver damage in rats. Forty adult Sprague-Dawley rats were allocated into five groups. The first group received the vehicles and act as normal control. In the other groups, rats were injected with a single dose of CP (200 mg/kg, i.p). The last three groups were pretreated with subcutaneous GEN at doses of 0.5, 1 and 2 mg/kg/day, respectively, for 15 consecutive days prior CP injection. Forty-eight hours following CP injection, rats of all groups were investigated for the serum levels of alanine transaminase and aspartate transaminase, as well as the liver contents of reduced glutathione, malondialdehyde, nitrite, interleukin-1β, and myeloperoxidase. Histopathological examination of liver tissues was also conducted. CP resulted in acute liver damage in rats as evidenced by alteration of liver function biomarkers, oxidative stress, and inflammatory markers; that was confirmed by the histopathological outcomes. Pretreatment of rats with GEN significantly protected against CP-induced deterioration of liver function and showed marked anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that were demonstrated by the biochemical and histopathological findings. In conclusion, the present findings demonstrated the protective effects of GEN against CP-induced liver damage and suggested role of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities.Keywords: cyclophosphamide, genistein, inflammation, interleukin-1β, liver, myeloperoxidase, oxidative stress
Procedia PDF Downloads 303913 Critically Analyzing the Application of Big Data for Smart Transportation: A Case Study of Mumbai
Authors: Tanuj Joshi
Smart transportation is fast emerging as a solution to modern cities’ approach mobility issues, delayed emergency response rate and high congestion on streets. Present day scenario with Google Maps, Waze, Yelp etc. demonstrates how information and communications technologies controls the intelligent transportation system. This intangible and invisible infrastructure is largely guided by the big data analytics. On the other side, the exponential increase in Indian urban population has intensified the demand for better services and infrastructure to satisfy the transportation needs of its citizens. No doubt, India’s huge internet usage is looked as an important resource to guide to achieve this. However, with a projected number of over 40 billion objects connected to the Internet by 2025, the need for systems to handle massive volume of data (big data) also arises. This research paper attempts to identify the ways of exploiting the big data variables which will aid commuters on Indian tracks. This study explores real life inputs by conducting survey and interviews to identify which gaps need to be targeted to better satisfy the customers. Several experts at Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority (MMRDA), Mumbai Metro and Brihanmumbai Electric Supply and Transport (BEST) were interviewed regarding the Information Technology (IT) systems currently in use. The interviews give relevant insights and requirements into the workings of public transportation systems whereas the survey investigates the macro situation.Keywords: smart transportation, mobility issue, Mumbai transportation, big data, data analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 179912 Composite 'C' Springs for Anti-Seismic Building Suspension: Positioning 'Virtual Center of Pendulation above Gravity Center'
Authors: Max Sardou, Patricia Sardou
Now that weight saving is mandatory, to author best knowledge composite springs, that we have invented, are best choice for automotive suspensions, against steel. So, we have created a Joint Ventures called S.ARA, in order to mass produce composite coils springs. Start of Production of composite coils springs was in 2014 for AUDI. As we have demonstrated, on the road, that composite springs are not a sweet dream. The present paper describes all the benefits of ‘C’ springs and ‘S’ springs for high performance vehicles suspension, for rocket stage separation, and for satellite injection into orbit. Developing rocket stage separation, we have developed for CNES (Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales) the following concept. If we call ‘line of action’ a line going from one end of a spring to the other. Our concept is to use for instance two springs inclined. In such a way that their line of action cross together and create at this crossing point a virtual center well above the springs. This virtual center, is pulling from above the top stage and is offering a guidance, perfectly stable and straight. About buildings, our solution is to transfer this rocket technology, creating a ‘virtual center’ of pendulation positioned above the building center of gravity. This is achieved by using tilted composite springs benches oriented in such a way that their line of action converges creating the ‘virtual center’. Thanks to the ‘virtual center’ position, the building behaves as a pendulum, hanged from above. When earthquake happen then the building will oscillate around its ‘virtual center’ and will go back safely to equilibrium after the tremor. ‘C’ springs, offering anti-rust, anti-settlement, fail-safe suspension, plus virtual center solution is the must for long-lasting, perfect protection of buildings against earthquakes.Keywords: virtual center of tilt, composite springs, fail safe springs, antiseismic suspention
Procedia PDF Downloads 244911 Smartphone Addiction and Reaction Time in Geriatric Population
Authors: Anjali N. Shete, G. D. Mahajan, Nanda Somwanshi
Context: Smartphones are the new generation of mobile phones; they have emerged over the last few years. Technology has developed so much that it has become part of our life and mobile phones are one of them. These smartphones are equipped with the capabilities to display photos, play games, watch videos and navigation, etc. The advances have a huge impact on many walks of life. The adoption of new technology has been challenging for the elderly. But, the elder population is also moving towards digitally connected lives. As age advances, there is a decline in the motor and cognitive functions of the brain, and hence the reaction time is affected. The study was undertaken to assess the usefulness of smartphones in improving cognitive functions. Aims and Objectives: The aim of the study was to observe the effects of smartphone addiction on reaction time in elderly population Material and Methods: This is an experimental study. 100 elderly subjects were enrolled in this study randomly from urban areas. They all were using smartphones for several hours a day. They were divided into two groups according to the scores of the mobile phone addiction scale (MPAS). Simple reaction time was estimated by the Ruler drop method. The reaction time was then calculated for each subject in both groups. The data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, and Pearson correlation test. Results: The mean reaction time in Group A is 0.27+ 0.040 and in Group B is 0.20 + 0.032. The values show a statistically significant change in reaction time. Conclusion: Group A with a high MPAS score has a low reaction time compared to Group B with a low MPAS score. Hence, it can be concluded that the use of smartphones in the elderly is useful, delaying the neurological decline, and smarten the brain.Keywords: smartphones, MPAS, reaction time, elderly population
Procedia PDF Downloads 178910 SPBAC: A Semantic Policy-Based Access Control for Database Query
Authors: Aaron Zhang, Alimire Kahaer, Gerald Weber, Nalin Arachchilage
Access control is an essential safeguard for the security of enterprise data, which controls users’ access to information resources and ensures the confidentiality and integrity of information resources [1]. Research shows that the more common types of access control now have shortcomings [2]. In this direction, to improve the existing access control, we have studied the current technologies in the field of data security, deeply investigated the previous data access control policies and their problems, identified the existing deficiencies, and proposed a new extension structure of SPBAC. SPBAC extension proposed in this paper aims to combine Policy-Based Access Control (PBAC) with semantics to provide logically connected, real-time data access functionality by establishing associations between enterprise data through semantics. Our design combines policies with linked data through semantics to create a "Semantic link" so that access control is no longer per-database and determines that users in each role should be granted access based on the instance policy, and improves the SPBAC implementation by constructing policies and defined attributes through the XACML specification, which is designed to extend on the original XACML model. While providing relevant design solutions, this paper hopes to continue to study the feasibility and subsequent implementation of related work at a later stage.Keywords: access control, semantic policy-based access control, semantic link, access control model, instance policy, XACML
Procedia PDF Downloads 95909 Deep Well Grounded Magnetite Anode Chains Retrieval and Installation for Raslanuf Complex Impressed Current Cathodic Protection System Rectification
Authors: Mohamed Ahmed Khali
Numbers of deep well anode ground beds (GBs) have been retrieved due to un operated anode chains. New identical magnetite anode chains(MAC) have been installed at Raslanuf complex impressed current Cathodic protection(ICCP) system, distributed at different plants(Utility, ethylene and polyethylene). All problems associated with retrieving and installation of MACs have been discussed, rectified and presented. All GB associated severely corroded wellhead casings were well maintained and/ or replaced by new fabricated and modified ones. The main cause of wellhead casings internal corrosion was discussed, and the conducted remedy action to overcome future corrosion problem is presented. All GB connected anode junction boxes (AJBs) and shunts were closely inspected, maintained, and necessary replacement/and or modification were carried out on shunts. All damaged GB concrete foundations (CF) have been inspected and completely replaced. All GB associated Transformer-Rectifiers units (TRUs) were subjected to through inspection, and necessary maintenance has been performed on each individual TRU. After completion of all MACs and TRU maintenance activities, each cathodic protection station (CPS) has been re-operated. An alternative current (AC), direct current (DC), voltage and structure to soil potential (S/P) measurements have been conducted, recorded, and all obtained test results are presented. DC current outputs has been adjusted, and DC current outputs of each MAC has been recorded for each GB AJB.Keywords: magnatite anode, deep well, ground bed, cathodic protection, transformer rectifies, impreced current, junction box
Procedia PDF Downloads 113908 Trajectory Optimization of Re-Entry Vehicle Using Evolutionary Algorithm
Authors: Muhammad Umar Kiani, Muhammad Shahbaz
Performance of any vehicle can be predicted by its design/modeling and optimization. Design optimization leads to efficient performance. Followed by horizontal launch, the air launch re-entry vehicle undergoes a launch maneuver by introducing a carefully selected angle of attack profile. This angle of attack profile is the basic element to complete a specified mission. Flight program of said vehicle is optimized under the constraints of the maximum allowed angle of attack, lateral and axial loads and with the objective of reaching maximum altitude. The main focus of this study is the endo-atmospheric phase of the ascent trajectory. A three degrees of freedom trajectory model is simulated in MATLAB. The optimization process uses evolutionary algorithm, because of its robustness and efficient capacity to explore the design space in search of the global optimum. Evolutionary Algorithm based trajectory optimization also offers the added benefit of being a generalized method that may work with continuous, discontinuous, linear, and non-linear performance matrix. It also eliminates the requirement of a starting solution. Optimization is particularly beneficial to achieve maximum advantage without increasing the computational cost and affecting the output of the system. For the case of launch vehicles we are immensely anxious to achieve maximum performance and efficiency under different constraints. In a launch vehicle, flight program means the prescribed variation of vehicle pitching angle during the flight which has substantial influence reachable altitude and accuracy of orbit insertion and aerodynamic loading. Results reveal that the angle of attack profile significantly affects the performance of the vehicle.Keywords: endo-atmospheric, evolutionary algorithm, efficient performance, optimization process
Procedia PDF Downloads 406907 Study of Parking Demand for Offices – Case Study: Kolkata
Authors: Sanghamitra Roy
In recent times, India has experienced the phenomenal rise in the number of registered vehicles and vehicular trips, particularly intra-city trips in most of its urban areas. The increase in vehicle ownership and use have increased parking demand immensely and accommodating the same is now a matter of big concern. Most cities do not have adequate off-street parking facilities thus forcing people to park on the streets. This has resulted in decreased carrying capacity, decreased traffic speed, increased congestion, and increased environmental problems. While integrated multi-modal transportation system is the answer to such problems, parking issues will continue to exist. In Kolkata, only 6.4% land is devoted for roads. The consequences of this huge crunch in road spaces coupled with increased parking demand are severe particularly in the CBD and major commercial areas, making the role of off-street parking facilities in Kolkata even more critical. To meaningfully address parking issues, it is important to identify the factors that influence parking demand so that it can be assessed and comprehensive parking policies and plans for the city can be formulated. This paper aims at identifying the factors that contribute towards parking demand for offices in Kolkata and their degree of correlation with parking demand. The study is limited to home-to-work trips located within Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC) where parking related issues are most pronounced. The data for the study is collected through personal interviews, questionnaires and direct observations from offices across the wards of KMC. SPSS is used for classification of the data and analyses of the same. The findings of this study will help in re-assessment of the parking requirements specified in The Kolkata Municipal Corporation Building Rules as a step towards alleviating parking related issues in the city.Keywords: building rules, office spaces, parking demand, urbanization
Procedia PDF Downloads 318906 A Study of Fatigue Life Estimation of a Modular Unmanned Aerial Vehicle by Developing a Structural Health Monitoring System
Authors: Zain Ul Hassan, Muhammad Zain Ul Abadin, Muhammad Zubair Khan
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have now become of predominant importance for various operations, and an immense amount of work is going on in this specific category. The structural stability and life of these UAVs is key factor that should be considered while deploying them to different intelligent operations as their failure leads to loss of sensitive real-time data and cost. This paper presents an applied research on the development of a structural health monitoring system for a UAV designed and fabricated by deploying modular approach. Firstly, a modular UAV has been designed which allows to dismantle and to reassemble the components of the UAV without effecting the whole assembly of UAV. This novel approach makes the vehicle very sustainable and decreases its maintenance cost to a significant value by making possible to replace only the part leading to failure. Then the SHM for the designed architecture of the UAV had been specified as a combination of wings integrated with strain gauges, on-board data logger, bridge circuitry and the ground station. For the research purpose sensors have only been attached to the wings being the most load bearing part and as per analysis was done on ANSYS. On the basis of analysis of the load time spectrum obtained by the data logger during flight, fatigue life of the respective component has been predicted using fracture mechanics techniques of Rain Flow Method and Miner’s Rule. Thus allowing us to monitor the health of a specified component time to time aiding to avoid any failure.Keywords: fracture mechanics, rain flow method, structural health monitoring system, unmanned aerial vehicle
Procedia PDF Downloads 295905 Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Computation Offloading for 5G Vehicle-Aware Multi-Access Edge Computing Network
Authors: Ziying Wu, Danfeng Yan
Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC) is one of the key technologies of the future 5G network. By deploying edge computing centers at the edge of wireless access network, the computation tasks can be offloaded to edge servers rather than the remote cloud server to meet the requirements of 5G low-latency and high-reliability application scenarios. Meanwhile, with the development of IOV (Internet of Vehicles) technology, various delay-sensitive and compute-intensive in-vehicle applications continue to appear. Compared with traditional internet business, these computation tasks have higher processing priority and lower delay requirements. In this paper, we design a 5G-based Vehicle-Aware Multi-Access Edge Computing Network (VAMECN) and propose a joint optimization problem of minimizing total system cost. In view of the problem, a deep reinforcement learning-based joint computation offloading and task migration optimization (JCOTM) algorithm is proposed, considering the influences of multiple factors such as concurrent multiple computation tasks, system computing resources distribution, and network communication bandwidth. And, the mixed integer nonlinear programming problem is described as a Markov Decision Process. Experiments show that our proposed algorithm can effectively reduce task processing delay and equipment energy consumption, optimize computing offloading and resource allocation schemes, and improve system resource utilization, compared with other computing offloading policies.Keywords: multi-access edge computing, computation offloading, 5th generation, vehicle-aware, deep reinforcement learning, deep q-network
Procedia PDF Downloads 120904 Production Increase of C-Central Wells Baher Essalm-Libya
Authors: Walid Ben Husein, Emad Krekshi, Malek Essnni
The Bahr Essalam gas-condensate field is located off the Libyan coast and is currently being produced by Mellitah Oil and Gas (MOG). Gas and condensate are produced from the Bahr Essalam reservoir through a mixture of platform and subsea wells, with the subsea wells being gathered at the western manifolds and delivered to the Sabratha platform via a 22-inch pipeline. Gas is gathered and dehydrated on the Sabratha platform and then delivered to the Mellitah gas plant via an existing 36-inch gas export pipeline. The condensate separated on the Sabratha platform will be delivered to the Mellitah gas plant via an existing 10-inch export pipeline. The Bahr Essalam Phase II project includes 2 production wells (CC16 & CC17) at C-Central A connected to the Sabratha platform via a new 10.9 km long 10”/14” production pipeline. Production rates from CC16 and CC17 have exceeded the maximum planned rate of 40 MMSCFD per well. A hydrothermal analysis was conducted to review and Verify input data, focusing on the variation of flowing well head as a function of flowrate as well as Review available input data against the previous design input data to determine the extent of change. The steady-state and transient simulations performed with Olga yielded coherent results and confirmed the possibility of achieving flow rates of up to 60MMSCFD per well without exceeding the design temperatures, pressures, and velocities.Keywords: Bahr Essalam, Mellitah Oil and Gas, production flow rates, steady state, transient, OLGA.
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