Search results for: Fredholm integral equation
1077 Modeling Drying and Pyrolysis of Moist Wood Particles at Slow Heating Rates
Authors: Avdhesh K. Sharma
Formulation for drying and pyrolysis process in packed beds at slow heating rates is presented. Drying of biomass particles bed is described by mass diffusion equation and local moisture-vapour-equilibrium relations. In gasifiers, volatilization rate during pyrolysis of biomass is modeled by using apparent kinetic rate expression, while product compositions at slow heating rates is modeled using empirical fitted mass ratios (i.e., CO/CO2, ME/CO2, H2O/CO2) in terms of pyrolysis temperature. The drying module is validated fairly with available chemical kinetics scheme and found that the testing zone in gasifier bed constituted of relatively smaller particles having high airflow with high isothermal temperature expedite the drying process. Further, volatile releases more quickly within the shorter zone height at high temperatures (isothermal). Both, moisture loss and volatile release profiles are found to be sensitive to temperature, although the influence of initial moisture content on volatile release profile is not so sensitive.Keywords: modeling downdraft gasifier, drying, pyrolysis, moist woody biomass
Procedia PDF Downloads 1181076 Perception of Value Affecting Engagement Through Online Audio Communication
Authors: Apipol Penkitti
The new normal or a new way of life stemmed from the COVID-19 outbreak, gave rise to a new form of social media: audio-based social platforms (ABSPs), known as Clubhouse, Twitter space, and Facebook live audio room. These platforms, on which audio-based communication is featured, became popular in a short span of time. The objective of the research study is to understand ABSPs users’ behaviors in Thailand. The study, in which functional attitude theory, uses and gratifications theory, and social influence theory are referred to, is conducted through consumer perceived utilitarian, hedonic, and social value that affect engagement. This research study is mixed method paradigm, utilizing Model of Triangulation as its framework. The data acquisition is proceeded through questionnaires from a sample of 384 male, female and LGBTQA+ individuals aged 25 - 34 who, from various occupations, have used audio-based social platform applications. This research study employs the structural equation modeling to analyze the relationships between variables, and it uses the semi - structured interviewing to comprehend the rationality of the variables in the study. The study found that hedonic value directly affects engagement.Keywords: audio based social platform, engagement, hedonic, perceived value, social, utilitarian
Procedia PDF Downloads 1281075 Hybrid Inventory Model Optimization under Uncertainties: A Case Study in a Manufacturing Plant
Authors: E. Benga, T. Tengen, A. Alugongo
Periodic and continuous inventory models are the two classical management tools used to handle inventories. These models have advantages and disadvantages. The implementation of both continuous (r,Q) inventory and periodic (R, S) inventory models in most manufacturing plants comes with higher cost. Such high inventory costs are due to the fact that most manufacturing plants are not flexible enough. Since demand and lead-time are two important variables of every inventory models, their effect on the flexibility of the manufacturing plant matter most. Unfortunately, these effects are not clearly understood by managers. The reason is that the decision parameters of the continuous (r, Q) inventory and periodic (R, S) inventory models are not designed to effectively deal with the issues of uncertainties such as poor manufacturing performances, delivery performance supplies performances. There is, therefore, a need to come up with a predictive and hybrid inventory model that can combine in some sense the feature of the aforementioned inventory models. A linear combination technique is used to hybridize both continuous (r, Q) inventory and periodic (R, S) inventory models. The behavior of such hybrid inventory model is described by a differential equation and then optimized. From the results obtained after simulation, the continuous (r, Q) inventory model is more effective than the periodic (R, S) inventory models in the short run, but this difference changes as time goes by. Because the hybrid inventory model is more cost effective than the continuous (r,Q) inventory and periodic (R, S) inventory models in long run, it should be implemented for strategic decisions.Keywords: periodic inventory, continuous inventory, hybrid inventory, optimization, manufacturing plant
Procedia PDF Downloads 3821074 Physically Informed Kernels for Wave Loading Prediction
Authors: Daniel James Pitchforth, Timothy James Rogers, Ulf Tyge Tygesen, Elizabeth Jane Cross
Wave loading is a primary cause of fatigue within offshore structures and its quantification presents a challenging and important subtask within the SHM framework. The accurate representation of physics in such environments is difficult, however, driving the development of data-driven techniques in recent years. Within many industrial applications, empirical laws remain the preferred method of wave loading prediction due to their low computational cost and ease of implementation. This paper aims to develop an approach that combines data-driven Gaussian process models with physical empirical solutions for wave loading, including Morison’s Equation. The aim here is to incorporate physics directly into the covariance function (kernel) of the Gaussian process, enforcing derived behaviors whilst still allowing enough flexibility to account for phenomena such as vortex shedding, which may not be represented within the empirical laws. The combined approach has a number of advantages, including improved performance over either component used independently and interpretable hyperparameters.Keywords: offshore structures, Gaussian processes, Physics informed machine learning, Kernel design
Procedia PDF Downloads 1951073 Adaptive Backstepping Control of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems with Input Backlash
Authors: Ali Anwar, Hu Qinglei, Li Bo, Muhammad Taha Ali
In this paper a generic model of perturbed nonlinear systems is considered which is affected by hard backlash nonlinearity at the input. The nonlinearity is modelled by a dynamic differential equation which presents a more precise shape as compared to the existing linear models and is compatible with nonlinear design technique such as backstepping. Moreover, a novel backstepping based nonlinear control law is designed which explicitly incorporates a continuous-time adaptive backlash inverse model. It provides a significant flexibility to control engineers, whereby they can use the estimated backlash spacing value specified on actuators such as gears etc. in the adaptive Backlash Inverse model during the control design. It ensures not only global stability but also stringent transient performance with desired precision. It is also robust to external disturbances upon which the bounds are taken as unknown and traverses the backlash spacing efficiently with underestimated information about the actual value. The continuous-time backlash inverse model is distinguished in the sense that other models are either discrete-time or involve complex computations. Furthermore, numerical simulations are presented which not only illustrate the effectiveness of proposed control law but also its comparison with PID and other backstepping controllers.Keywords: adaptive control, hysteresis, backlash inverse, nonlinear system, robust control, backstepping
Procedia PDF Downloads 4621072 Reliability Assessment Using Full Probabilistic Modelling for Carbonation and Chloride Exposures, Including Initiation and Propagation Periods
Authors: Frank Papworth, Inam Khan
Fib’s model code 2020 has four approaches for design life verification. Historically ‘deemed to satisfy provisions have been the principal approach, but this has limited options for materials and covers. The use of an equation in fib’s model code for service life design to predict time to corrosion initiation has become increasingly popular to justify further options, but in some cases, the analysis approaches are incorrect. Even when the equations are computed using full probabilistic analysis, there are common mistakes. This paper reviews the work of recent fib commissions on implementing the service life model to assess the reliability of durability designs, including initiation and propagation periods. The paper goes on to consider the assessment of deemed to satisfy requirements in national codes and considers the influence of various options, including different steel types, various cement systems, quality of concrete and cover, on reliability achieved. As modelling is based on achieving agreed target reliability, consideration is given to how a project might determine appropriate target reliability.Keywords: chlorides, marine, exposure, design life, reliability, modelling
Procedia PDF Downloads 2361071 Multistep Thermal Degradation Kinetics: Pyrolysis of CaSO₄-Complex Obtained by Antiscaling Effect of Maleic-Anhydride Polymer
Authors: Yousef M. Al-Roomi, Kaneez Fatema Hussain
This work evaluates the thermal degradation kinetic parameters of CaSO₄-complex isolated after the inhibition effect of maleic-anhydride based polymer (YMR-polymers). Pyrolysis experiments were carried out at four heating rates (5, 10, 15 and 20°C/min). Several analytical model-free methods were used to determine the kinetic parameters, including Friedman, Coats and Redfern, Kissinger, Flynn-Wall-Ozawa and Kissinger-Akahira–Sunose methods. The Criado model fitting method based on real mechanism followed in thermal degradation of the complex has been applied to explain the degradation mechanism of CaSO₄-complex. In addition, a simple dynamic model was proposed over two temperature ranges for successive decomposition of CaSO₄-complex which has a combination of organic and inorganic part (adsorbed polymer + CaSO₄.2H₂O scale). The model developed enabled the assessment of pre-exponential factor (A) and apparent activation-energy (Eₐ) for both stages independently using a mathematical developed expression based on an integral solution. The unique reaction mechanism approach applied in this study showed that (Eₐ₁-160.5 kJ/mole) for organic decomposition (adsorbed polymer stage-I) has been lower than Eₐ₂-388 kJ/mole for the CaSO₄ decomposition (inorganic stage-II). Further adsorbed YMR-antiscalant not only reduced the decomposition temperature of CaSO₄-complex compared to CaSO₄-blank (CaSO₄.2H₂O scales in the absence of YMR-polymer) but also distorted the crystal lattice of the organic complex of CaSO₄ precipitates, destroying their compact and regular crystal structures observed from XRD and SEM studies.Keywords: CaSO₄-complex, maleic-anhydride polymers, thermal degradation kinetics and mechanism, XRD and SEM studies
Procedia PDF Downloads 1201070 A Compact Extended Laser Diode Cavity Centered at 780 nm for Use in High-Resolution Laser Spectroscopy
Authors: J. Alvarez, J. Pimienta, R. Sarmiento
Diode lasers working in free mode present different shifting and broadening determined by external factors such as temperature, current or mechanical vibrations, and they are not more useful in applications such as spectroscopy, metrology, and cooling of atoms, among others. Different configurations can reduce the spectral width of a laser; one of the most effective is to extend the optical resonator of the laser diode and use optical feedback either with the help of a partially reflective mirror or with a diffraction grating; this latter configuration is not only allowed to reduce the spectral width of the laser line but also to coarsely adjust its working wavelength, within a wide range typically ~ 10nm by slightly varying the angle of the diffraction grating. Two settings are commonly used for this purpose, the Littrow configuration and the Littmann Metcalf. In this paper, we present the design, construction, and characterization of a compact extended laser cavity in Littrow configuration. The designed cavity is compact and was machined on an aluminum block using computer numerical control (CNC); it has a mass of only 380 g. The design was tested on laser diodes with different wavelengths, 650nm, 780nm, and 795 nm, but can be equally efficient at other wavelengths. This report details the results obtained from the extended cavity working at a wavelength of 780 nm, with an output power of around 35mW and a line width of less than 1Mhz. The cavity was used to observe the spectrum of the corresponding Rubidium D2 line. By modulating the current and with the help of phase detection techniques, a dispersion signal with an excellent signal-to-noise ratio was generated that allowed the stabilization of the laser to a transition of the hyperfine structure of Rubidium with an integral proportional controller (PI) circuit made with precision operational amplifiers.Keywords: Littrow, Littman-Metcalf, line width, laser stabilization, hyperfine structure
Procedia PDF Downloads 2281069 External Sector and Its Impact on Economic Growth of Pakistan (1990-2010)
Authors: Rizwan Fazal
This study investigates the behavior of external sector of Pakistan economy and its impact on economic growth, using quarterly data for the period 1990:01-2010:04. External sector indices used in this study are financial integration, net foreign assets and trade integration. Augmented Ducky fuller confirms that all variables of external sector are non-stationary at level, but at first difference it becomes stationary. The co-integration test suggests one co-integrating variables in the study. The analysis is based on Vector Auto Regression model followed by Vector Error Correction Model. The empirical findings show that financial integration play important role in increasing economic growth in Pakistan economy while trade integration has negative effect on economic growth of Pakistan in the long run. However, the short run confirms that output lag accounts for error correction. The estimated CUSUM and CUSUMQ stability test provide information that the period of the study equation remains stable.Keywords: financial integration, trade integration, net foreign assets, gross domestic product
Procedia PDF Downloads 2731068 Sediment Patterns from Fluid-Bed Interactions: A Direct Numerical Simulations Study on Fluvial Turbulent Flows
Authors: Nadim Zgheib, Sivaramakrishnan Balachandar
We present results on the initial formation of ripples from an initially flattened erodible bed. We use direct numerical simulations (DNS) of turbulent open channel flow over a fixed sinusoidal bed coupled with hydrodynamic stability analysis. We use the direct forcing immersed boundary method to account for the presence of the sediment bed. The resolved flow provides the bed shear stress and consequently the sediment transport rate, which is needed in the stability analysis of the Exner equation. The approach is different from traditional linear stability analysis in the sense that the phase lag between the bed topology, and the sediment flux is obtained from the DNS. We ran 11 simulations at a fixed shear Reynolds number of 180, but for different sediment bed wavelengths. The analysis allows us to sweep a large range of physical and modelling parameters to predict their effects on linear growth. The Froude number appears to be the critical controlling parameter in the early linear development of ripples, in contrast with the dominant role of particle Reynolds number during the equilibrium stage.Keywords: direct numerical simulation, immersed boundary method, sediment-bed interactions, turbulent multiphase flow, linear stability analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 1881067 Function of Quranic Family Lifestyle in the Development of Modern Islamic Civilization
Authors: Zeinabossadat Hosseini, Fateme Qorbani
The universal community has suffered from the lack of a sustainable and prosperous civilization in the world, and human distance from religious doctrines exposes the civilization of society to decline and collapse. To build a sustainable Islamic civilization, it is essential to understand and strengthen the core foundations of this subject. Islam, which claims to be integral in ensuring human prosperity and the creation of a new Islamic civilization, it can only develop this civilization if it has the necessary foundations. On the other hand, the family is one of the most important and effective foundations for effective individual and community life, and according to the influential role of the family on human behavioral and cognitive domains, it is impossible to define and explain the development of Islamic civilization without regard to the family category. The family can be effective in this important matter through its direct and indirect role in the education of individuals, and its members have the highest interaction and impact on each other. Development of the teachings of Islam in the form of verses and traditions can guide people towards the Islamic lifestyle and thus Islamic civilization and the Pure life (Tayyibah life-Al-Nahl/97). This article provides a descriptive-analytical approach to the conclusion that modern Islamic civilization promises the prosperity of the world and the hereafter. It will bring peace and prosperity to the world as well as advancement, fight against poverty, unity, and solidarity of Muslims, preservation of human dignity, as well as the growth of spirituality. It can also be deduced that the foundations of Islamic civilization in Qur'anic Tayyibah life and in today's term, the Islamic lifestyle, can be identified and implemented in the family structure, And the components of this blissful life can be found in this focus. The Tayyibah life will be realized by relying on the right faith and practice, paying attention to the rulings, divine command mentioned in the verses, as well as the traditions, altruism, nurturing a commitment to the community.Keywords: family, development of modern Islamic civilization, quranic lifestyle, Tayyibah life
Procedia PDF Downloads 1511066 Simplified Equations for Rigidity and Lateral Deflection for Reinforced Concrete Cantilever Shear Walls
Authors: Anas M. Fares
Reinforced concrete shear walls are the most frequently used forms of lateral resisting structural elements. These walls may take many forms due to their functions and locations in the building. In Palestine, the most lateral resisting forces construction forms is the cantilever shear walls system. It is thus of prime importance to study the rigidity of these walls. The virtual work theorem is used to derive the total lateral deflection of cantilever shear walls due to flexural and shear deformation. The case of neglecting the shear deformation in the walls is also studied, and it is found that the wall height to length aspect ratio (H/B) plays a major role in calculating the lateral deflection and the rigidity of such walls. When the H/B is more than or equal to 3.7, the shear deformation may be neglected from the calculation of the lateral deflection. Moreover, the walls with the same material properties, same lateral load value, and same aspect ratio, shall have the same of both the lateral deflection and the rigidity. Finally, an equation to calculate the total rigidity and total deflection of such walls is derived by using the virtual work theorem for a cantilever beam.Keywords: cantilever shear walls, flexural deformation, lateral deflection, lateral loads, reinforced concrete shear walls, rigidity, shear deformation, virtual work theorem
Procedia PDF Downloads 2191065 Prototype Development of ARM-7 Based Embedded Controller for Packaging Machine
Authors: Jeelka Ray
Survey of the papers revealed that there is no practical design available for packaging machine based on Embedded system, so the need arose for the development of the prototype model. In this paper, author has worked on the development of an ARM7 based Embedded Controller for controlling the sequence of packaging machine. The unit is made user friendly with TFT and Touch Screen implementing human machine interface (HMI). The different system components are briefly discussed, followed by a description of the overall design. The major functions which involve bag forming, sealing temperature control, fault detection, alarm, animated view on the home screen when the machine is working as per different parameters set makes the machine performance more successful. LPC2478 ARM 7 Embedded Microcontroller controls the coordination of individual control function modules. In back gone days, these machines were manufactured with mechanical fittings. Later on, the electronic system replaced them. With the help of ongoing technologies, these mechanical systems were controlled electronically using Microprocessors. These became the backbone of the system which became a cause for the updating technologies in which the control was handed over to the Microcontrollers with Servo drives for accurate positioning of the material. This helped to maintain the quality of the products. Including all, RS 485 MODBUS Communication technology is used for synchronizing AC Drive & Servo Drive. These all concepts are operated either manually or through a Graphical User Interface. Automatic tuning of heaters, sealers and their temperature is controlled using Proportional, Integral and Derivation loops. In the upcoming latest technological world, the practical implementation of the above mentioned concepts is really important to be in the user friendly environment. Real time model is implemented and tested on the actual machine and received fruitful results.Keywords: packaging machine, embedded system, ARM 7, micro controller, HMI, TFT, touch screen, PID
Procedia PDF Downloads 2751064 Clustering Color Space, Time Interest Points for Moving Objects
Authors: Insaf Bellamine, Hamid Tairi
Detecting moving objects in sequences is an essential step for video analysis. This paper mainly contributes to the Color Space-Time Interest Points (CSTIP) extraction and detection. We propose a new method for detection of moving objects. Two main steps compose the proposed method. First, we suggest to apply the algorithm of the detection of Color Space-Time Interest Points (CSTIP) on both components of the Color Structure-Texture Image Decomposition which is based on a Partial Differential Equation (PDE): a color geometric structure component and a color texture component. A descriptor is associated to each of these points. In a second stage, we address the problem of grouping the points (CSTIP) into clusters. Experiments and comparison to other motion detection methods on challenging sequences show the performance of the proposed method and its utility for video analysis. Experimental results are obtained from very different types of videos, namely sport videos and animation movies.Keywords: Color Space-Time Interest Points (CSTIP), Color Structure-Texture Image Decomposition, Motion Detection, clustering
Procedia PDF Downloads 3791063 Non-Parametric Regression over Its Parametric Couterparts with Large Sample Size
Authors: Jude Opara, Esemokumo Perewarebo Akpos
This paper is on non-parametric linear regression over its parametric counterparts with large sample size. Data set on anthropometric measurement of primary school pupils was taken for the analysis. The study used 50 randomly selected pupils for the study. The set of data was subjected to normality test, and it was discovered that the residuals are not normally distributed (i.e. they do not follow a Gaussian distribution) for the commonly used least squares regression method for fitting an equation into a set of (x,y)-data points using the Anderson-Darling technique. The algorithms for the nonparametric Theil’s regression are stated in this paper as well as its parametric OLS counterpart. The use of a programming language software known as “R Development” was used in this paper. From the analysis, the result showed that there exists a significant relationship between the response and the explanatory variable for both the parametric and non-parametric regression. To know the efficiency of one method over the other, the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) are used, and it is discovered that the nonparametric regression performs better than its parametric regression counterparts due to their lower values in both the AIC and BIC. The study however recommends that future researchers should study a similar work by examining the presence of outliers in the data set, and probably expunge it if detected and re-analyze to compare results.Keywords: Theil’s regression, Bayesian information criterion, Akaike information criterion, OLS
Procedia PDF Downloads 3071062 Online Impulse Buying: A Study Based on Hedonic Shopping Value and Website Quality
Authors: Chechen Liao, Hung Wen Shaw
Recently, online impulse buying has been growing rapidly. It has become a major issue of concern and provided a lot of opportunities for online businesses. This study examines the effect of hedonic shopping values on hedonic motivations, and in turn affecting the urge of impulse buying. The study also explores the effects of website quality and the individual characteristics of impulsiveness on the urge of impulse buying. A total of 459 valid questionnaires were collected. Structural equation modelling was used to test the research hypothesis. This study found that adventure shopping, value shopping, and social shopping have a positive effect on hedonic motivations, which in turn positively affect the urge of impulse buying. Website quality and the individual characteristics of impulsiveness have a positive effect on the urge of impulse buying. The result of this study validates the phenomenon of online impulse buying behavior. This study also suggests that having a good website quality is the most important factor for increasing the likelihood of consumer impulse purchase. The study could serve as a basis for future research regarding online impulse buying behavior.Keywords: hedonic motivation, hedonic shopping value, impulse buying, impulsiveness, website quality
Procedia PDF Downloads 2111061 The Impact of Organizational Justice on Organizational Loyalty Considering the Role of Spirituality and Organizational Trust Variable: Case Study of South Pars Gas Complex
Authors: Sima Radmanesh, Nahid Radmanesh, Mohsen Yaghmoor
The presence of large number of active rival gas companies on Persian Gulf border necessitates the adaptation and implementation of effective employee retention strategies as well as implementation of promoting loyalty and belonging strategies of specialized staffs in the South Pars gas company. Hence, this study aims at assessing the amount of organizational loyalty and explaining the effect of institutional justice on organizational justice with regard to the role of mediator variables of spirituality in the work place and organizational trust. Therefore, through reviewing the related literature, the researchers achieve a conceptual model for the effect of these factors on organizational loyalty. To this end, this model was assessed and tested through questionnaires in South Pars gas company. The research method was descriptive and correlation-structural equation modeling. The findings of the study indicated a significant relationship between the concepts addressed in the research and conceptual models were confirmed. Finally, according to the results to improve effectiveness factors affecting organizational loyalty, recommendations are provided.Keywords: organizational loyalty, organizational trust, organizational justice, organizational spirit, oil and gas company
Procedia PDF Downloads 4731060 Analyses of Natural Convection Heat Transfer from a Heated Cylinder Mounted in Vertical Duct
Authors: H. Bhowmik, A. Faisal, Ahmed Al Yaarubi, Nabil Al Alawi
Experiments are conducted to analyze the steady-state and the power-on transient natural convection heat transfer from a horizontal cylinder mounted in a vertical up flow circular duct. The heat flux ranges from 177 W/m2 to 2426 W/m2 and the Rayleigh number ranges from 1×104 to 4.35×104. For natural air flow and constant heat flux condition, the effects of heat transfer around the cylinder under steady-state condition are investigated. The steady-state results compare favorably with that of the available data. The effects of transient heat transfer data on different angular position of the thermocouple (0o, 90o, 180o) are also reported. It is observed that the transient heat transfer around the cylinder is strongly affected by the position of thermocouples. In the transient region, the rate of heat transfer obtained at 90o and 180o are higher than that of stagnation point (0o). Finally, the dependence of the average Nusselt number on Rayleigh number for steady and transient natural convection heat transfer are analyzed, and a correlation equation is presented.Keywords: Fourier number, Nusselt number, Rayleigh number, steady state, transient
Procedia PDF Downloads 3551059 Evaluating the effects of Gas Injection on Enhanced Gas-Condensate Recovery and Reservoir Pressure Maintenance
Authors: F. S. Alavi, D. Mowla, F. Esmaeilzadeh
In this paper, the Eclipse 300 simulator was used to perform compositional modeling of gas injection process for enhanced condensate recovery of a real gas condensate well in south of Iran here referred to as SA4. Some experimental data were used to tune the Peng-Robinson equation of state for this case. Different scenarios of gas injection at current reservoir pressure and at abandonment reservoir pressure had been considered with different gas compositions. Methane, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and two other gases with specified compositions were considered as potential gases for injection. According to the obtained results, nitrogen leads to highest pressure maintenance in the reservoir but methane results in highest condensate recovery among the selected injection gases. At low injection rates, condensate recovery percent is strongly affected by gas injection rate but this dependency shifts to zero at high injection rates. Condensate recovery is higher in all cases of injection at current reservoir pressure than injection at abandonment pressure. Using a constant injection rate, increasing the production well bottom hole pressure results in increasing the condensate recovery percent and time of gas breakthrough.Keywords: gas-condensate reservoir, case-study, compositional modelling, enhanced condensate recovery, gas injection
Procedia PDF Downloads 1991058 Modeling of Steady State Creep in Thick-Walled Cylinders under Internal Pressure
Authors: Tejeet Singh, Ishavneet Singh
The present study focused on carrying out the creep analysis in an isotropic thick-walled composite cylindrical pressure vessel composed of aluminum matrix reinforced with silicon-carbide in particulate form. The creep behavior of the composite material has been described by the threshold stress based creep law. The values of stress exponent appearing in the creep law were selected as 3, 5 and 8. The constitutive equations were developed using well known von-Mises yield criteria. Models were developed to find out the distributions of creep stress and strain rate in thick-walled composite cylindrical pressure vessels under internal pressure. In order to obtain the stress distributions in the cylinder, the equilibrium equation of the continuum mechanics and the constitutive equations are solved together. It was observed that the radial stress, tangential stress and axial stress increases along with the radial distance. The cross-over was also obtained almost at the middle region of cylindrical vessel for tangential and axial stress for different values of stress exponent. The strain rates were also decreasing in nature along the entire radius.Keywords: steady state creep, composite, cylinder, pressure
Procedia PDF Downloads 4201057 Physico-Chemical Characteristics and Possibilities of Utilization of Elbasan Thermal Waters
Authors: Elvin Çomo, Edlira Tako, Albana Hasimi, Rrapo Ormeni, Olger Gjuzi, Mirela Ndrita
In Albania, only low enthalpy geothermal springs and wells are known, the temperatures of some of them are almost at the upper limits of low enthalpy, reaching over 60°C. These resources can be used to improve the country's energy balance, as well as for profitable economic purposes. The region of Elbasan has the greatest geothermal energy potential in Albania. This bass is one of the most popular and used in our country. This area is a surface with a number of sources, located in the form of a chain, in the sector between Llixha and Hidraj and constitutes a thermo-mineral basin with stable discharge and high temperature. The sources of Elbasan Springs, with the current average flow of thermo mineral water of 12-18 l/s and its temperature 55-65oC, have specific reserves of 39.6 GJ/m2 and potential power to install 2760 kW. For the assessment of physico-chemical parameters and heavy metals, water samples were taken at 5 monitoring stations throughout the year 2022. The levels of basic parameters were analyzed using ISO, EU and APHA 21-th edition standard methods. This study presents the current state of the physico-chemical parameters of this thermal basin, the evaluation of these parameters for curative activities and for industrial processes, as well as the integrated utilization of geothermal energy. Possibilities for using thermomineral waters for heating homes in the area around them or even further, depending on the flow from the source or geothermal well. Sensitization of Albanian investors, medical research and the community for the high economic and curative effectiveness, for the integral use of geothermal energy in this area and the development of the tourist sector. An analysis of the negative environmental impact from the use of thermal water is also provided.Keywords: geothermal energy, Llixha, physic-chemical parameters, thermal water
Procedia PDF Downloads 1421056 Exploring Consumers' Intention to Adopt Mobile Payment System in Ghana
Authors: Y. Kong, I. Masud, M. H. Nyaso
This paper seeks to examine consumers’ intention to adopt and use mobile payment method in Ghana. A conceptual framework was adopted from the extant literature using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) as the theoretical bases. Data for the study was obtained from a sample of 425 respondents through online and direct surveys using structured questionnaire. Structural Equation Modeling was used to analyse the data through SPSS v.22 and SmartPLS v.3. Findings with regards to the determinants of mobile payment system adoption indicate that subjective norm, perceived ease of use, attitude, and perceived usefulness play active roles in consumers’ decision to adopt mobile payment system in Ghana. Also, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use have a significant and positive influence on consumers’ attitude towards mobile payment adoption in Ghana. Further, subjective norm was found to influence perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use of mobile payment adoption in Ghana. The study contributes to literature on mobile payment system from developing country context. The study proffered some recommendations.Keywords: consumer behaviour, mobile payment, subjective norm, theory of planned behavior
Procedia PDF Downloads 1551055 Muslim Consumer Purchase Behavior on Doubtful Halal Packed Food
Authors: Aliffaizi Arsat, Nur Ida Fatihah, Che Shalifullizam
Malaysia is well known as a Muslim country and is quickly becoming a Global Halal-hub of Halal business in promoting Halal food products in both Muslim countries and non-Muslim countries. The objective of this study is to analyse the Muslim consumer purchased behaviour on doubtful Halal packed food by using theory of planned behaviour, to examine the mediating effects between certification, and Muslim consumer purchased behaviour on doubtful Halal packed food. The relevant questionnaires have been distributed in Kuala Selangor. Among the 300 Muslim participants from Kuala Selangor, Selangor, Malaysia, only 107 of them have returned the questionnaire with complete answers. The respondent’s rate was discovered to be at 35.67%. The data have been analysed by using SPSS version 22 and Structural equation modelling Partial Least Square SEM-PLS. There are three dimensions needed to identify Muslim consumer purchased behaviour on doubtful Halal packed food. They are attitude towards behaviour, subjective norm and perceived behavioural. All the results from this study show that the hypothesis has been supported. However, subjective norm had shown that there is a negative relationship towards Muslim consumer purchased behaviour on doubtful Halal packed food.Keywords: Muslim consumer purchase behaviour, theory planned behaviour, doubtful Halal, certification
Procedia PDF Downloads 3421054 An Investigation into the Ideological Facets Involved in Western Interpretations of the History of Communism
Authors: Anna Stoutenburg
With the rise of the so-called 'new left' within the United States, marked by social democratic figures such as Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, significant questions have been raised in response to those who would identify with the term 'socialist'. These queries typically revolve around the negatively perceived legacy of past and present countries that share the term in question, with the stark conclusion that not only is socialism a structure that does not work economically, but that it also tends to inflict more harm on those living under it that would be endured in a country functioning under capitalism. In order to examine these claims, the goal of this paper is to examine the legacy of anti-communist historiography in a western context, with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, China, and modern Venezuela used as case studies for how this phenomenon operates. Not only will key portions of each nation’s history be re-examined, but there will also be a critical analysis of source cultivation and usage among western historians. The intent of this paper is not merely to deride previous attempts at historicizing and reporting on the events of the nations, but rather to attempt to glean a clearer picture that is free from anti-communist sentiments. Theoretical works that will be consulted in order to define this project are 'The Historiography of Communism' by Michael Brown, as well as 'Beyond Philosophy: Ethics, History, Marxism, and Liberation Theology' by Enrique Dussel. The latter will provide insights concerning why these questions are relevant in a larger context, namely by articulating how the means of liberation understood through an analectic method can be achieved structurally. For a majority of leftists, this question is integral, and by using history as a tool, the ways that political organizing can be used can be better understood, bridging the gap between the common assumption that the communist legacy is a dire one and the idea that it is something which needs to be completely lauded.Keywords: anti-communism, history, ideology, Marxism
Procedia PDF Downloads 1251053 Exploring Crime Prevention through Environmental Design’s Role in Crime Reduction: An Effectiveness Study in the Urban Context of Khandagiri, Bhubaneswar Using Structural Equation Modelling
Authors: Mousumi Khandual, Amitt Chatterjee
In order to validate the dimensions of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) and the corresponding indicators, this study investigates the contribution of CPTED to the reduction of crime in Khandagiri, Bhubaneswar. Four primary dimensions are the focus of the research: territoriality, natural surveillance, access control, and exterior maintenance. A scale was developed to access the CPTED construct, administered through on-site observation, expert opinions, and resident surveys involving 151 respondents from a typical residential area of Khandagiri, Bhubaneswar. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) using AMOS has been used to validate the dimensions and indicators, with the analysis testing both first-order and second-order models. The study highlights key factors contributing to the measurement of the CPTED construct, offering valuable insights for urban planners and policymakers. The findings showed that territoriality, access control, and external maintenance produced an index of a good fit, with the RMSEA value being less than 0.06 and the values of GFI, CFI, and TLI exceeding 0.90.Keywords: crime prevention, CFA, urban safety, environmental design, built environment, crime
Procedia PDF Downloads 111052 The Relationship between Psychological Capital and Mental Health in Economically Disadvantaged Youth: The Mediating Role of Family Cohesion
Authors: Chang Li-Yu
Aims: This study investigates the impact of psychological capital on the mental health of economically disadvantaged youth and examines whether family cohesion acts as a mediating variable between psychological capital and mental health. Methods: The sample for the study was drawn from the "Taiwan Poverty Children's Database: Survey on the Living Trends of Disadvantaged Children and Youth." The data analysis methods included descriptive statistics, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation modeling. Results: The results indicated that both psychological capital and family cohesion can significantly negatively predict mental health, with psychological capital significantly positively predicting family cohesion. The mediation effect analysis revealed that family cohesion fully mediates the relationship between psychological capital and mental health, meaning that psychological capital influences mental health through family cohesion. Recommendations: Based on these findings, the study concretely discusses the significance of psychological capital and family cohesion for the mental health of economically disadvantaged youth and offers suggestions for psychological counseling, therapy, and future research.Keywords: psychological capital, mental health, economically disadvantaged youth, family cohesion
Procedia PDF Downloads 651051 Self-Disclosure of Location: Influences of Personality Traits, Intrinsic Motivations and Extrinsic Motivations
Authors: Chechen Liao, Sheng Yi Lin
With the popularity of smartphone usage and the flourish of social networks, many people began to use the 'check-in' functions to share their location information and days of live and self-disclosure. In order to increase exposure and awareness, some stores provide discounts and other benefits to attract consumers to 'check-in' in their stores. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether personality traits, intrinsic motivations, extrinsic motivations, and privacy concerns would affect self-disclosure of location for consumers. Research data were collected from 407 individuals that have used Facebook check-in in Taiwan. This study used SmartPLS 2.0 structural equation modeling to validate the model. The results show that information sharing, information storage, enjoyment, self-presentation, get a feedback, economic reward, and keep up with trends had significant positive effects on self-disclosure. While extroversion and openness to use have significant positive effects on self-disclosure, conscientiousness and privacy concerns have significant negative effects on self-disclosure. The results of the study provide academic and practical implications for the future growth of location-based self-disclosure.Keywords: check-in, extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation, personality trait, self-disclosure
Procedia PDF Downloads 1711050 Effect of Damping on Performance of Magnetostrictive Vibration Energy Harvester
Authors: Mojtaba Ghodsi, Hamidreza Ziaifar, Morteza Mohammadzaheri, Payam Soltani
This article presents an analytical model to estimate the harvested power from a Magnetostrictive cantilevered beam with tip excitation. Furthermore, the effects of internal and external damping on harvested power are investigated. The magnetostrictive material in this harvester is Galfenol. In comparison to other popular smart materials like Terfenol-D, Galfenol has higher strength and machinability. In this article, first, a mechanical model of the Euler-Bernoulli beam is employed to calculate the deflection of the harvester. Then, the magneto-mechanical equation of Galfenol is combined with Faraday's law to calculate the generated voltage of the Magnetostrictive cantilevered beam harvester. Finally, the beam model is incorporated in the aforementioned combination. The results show that a 30×8.5×1 mm Galfenol cantilever beam harvester with 80 turn pickup coil can generate up to 3.7 mV and 9 mW. Furthermore, sensitivity analysis made by Response Surface Method (RSM) shows that the harvested power is only sensitive to the internal damping coefficient.Keywords: internal damping coefficient, external damping coefficient, euler-bernoulli, energy harvester, galfenol, magnetostrictive, response surface method
Procedia PDF Downloads 1141049 Benefits of Occupational Therapy for Children with Intellectual Disabilities in the Aspects of Vocational Activities and Instrumental Activities of Daily Life
Authors: Shakhawath Hossain, Tazkia Tahsin
Introduction/Background: Intellectual disability is a disability characterized by significant limitations both in intellectual functioning and in adaptive behavior, which covers many everyday social and practical skills. Vocational education is a multi-professional approach that is provided to individuals of working age with health-related impairments, limitations, or restrictions with work functioning and whose primary aim is to optimize work participation. Instrumental Activities of Daily Living activities to support daily life within the home and community. Like as community mobility, financial management, meal preparation, and clean-up, shopping. Material and Method: Electronic searches of Medline, PubMed, Google scholar, OT Seeker literature using the key terms of intellectual disability, vocational rehabilitation, instrumental activities of daily living and Occupational Therapy, as well as a thorough manual search for relevant literature. Results: There were 13 articles, all qualitative and quantitative, which are included in this review. All studies were mixed methods in design. To take the Occupational Therapy services, there is a significant improvement in their children's various areas like as sensory issues, cognitive abilities, perceptual skills, visual, motor planning, and group therapy. After taking the vocational and instrumental activities of daily living training children with intellectual disabilities to participate in their daily activities and work as an employee different company or organizations. Conclusion: The persons with intellectual disability are an integral part of our society who deserves social support and opportunities like other human beings. From the result section of the project papers, it is found that the significant benefits of Occupational Therapy services in the aspects of vocational and instrumental activities of daily living.Keywords: occupational therapy, daily living activities, intellectual disabilities, instrumental ADL
Procedia PDF Downloads 1301048 Robustified Asymmetric Logistic Regression Model for Global Fish Stock Assessment
Authors: Osamu Komori, Shinto Eguchi, Hiroshi Okamura, Momoko Ichinokawa
The long time-series data on population assessments are essential for global ecosystem assessment because the temporal change of biomass in such a database reflects the status of global ecosystem properly. However, the available assessment data usually have limited sample sizes and the ratio of populations with low abundance of biomass (collapsed) to those with high abundance (non-collapsed) is highly imbalanced. To allow for the imbalance and uncertainty involved in the ecological data, we propose a binary regression model with mixed effects for inferring ecosystem status through an asymmetric logistic model. In the estimation equation, we observe that the weights for the non-collapsed populations are relatively reduced, which in turn puts more importance on the small number of observations of collapsed populations. Moreover, we extend the asymmetric logistic regression model using propensity score to allow for the sample biases observed in the labeled and unlabeled datasets. It robustified the estimation procedure and improved the model fitting.Keywords: double robust estimation, ecological binary data, mixed effect logistic regression model, propensity score
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