Search results for: pain sensor
863 In vitro Investigation of Genotoxic and Antigenotoxic Properties of Gunnera perpensa Roots Extracts
Authors: P. H. Mfengwana, S. S. Mashele, L. Verschaeve, R. Anthonissen, I. T. Manduna
Gunnera perpensa is traditionally used mostly by women for the treatment of different gynaecological related conditions due to its proven uterine contractility effects. The uses of this plant include menstrual pain relief, treatment of infertility and promotion of easy labour. However, even though this plant species has been reported to possess numerous medicinal properties, to author’s best knowledge, its safety has not been investigated. Thus, this study was aimed at investigating the genotoxicity and antigenotoxicity of Gunnera perpensa aqueous, methanol and dichloromethane extracts. The in vitro toxicity of the plant extracts was assessed with the neutral red uptake (NRU) test. Genotoxic and antigenotoxic properties of Gunnera perpensa were investigated using high-throughput assays: bacterial Vitotox test and the alkaline comet assay with and without S9 activation on human C3A cells. Ethyl Methanesulfonate (EMS) and 4-nitroquinoline-oxide (4-NQO) were used as positive controls, respectively. All extracts showed toxicity in a dose-dependent manner; however, that does not mean they were all genotoxic. Methanol extract did show genotoxicity with S9 (metabolism) only at the highest concentration of 500 µg/ml due to increased DNA damage observed, however, no genotoxicity was observed from other concentrations. Therefore, the results show that Gunnera perpensa extracts are genotoxic and not safe for human use.Keywords: antigenotoxicity, comet test, genotoxicity, Gunnera perpensa, vitotox assay
Procedia PDF Downloads 135862 Study of Ambient Air Quality on Building's Roof of Dhaka City
Authors: Koninika Tanzim
The gaseous pollutants, SO2, NO2, CO and O3 affect the environment of Dhaka City. These pollutants are mainly released from stationary sources, like, fossil-fueled, power plants, industrial units and brickfields around the city. Suspended particulate matters including PM10 and PM2.5 are also contributing to air pollution in Dhaka City. SO2, NO2 and O3 are determined by using UV and visible spectrophotometry. The sensor type devised has been used for the determination of CO in ambient air. Lead in the suspended particulate matter was determined by using atomic absorption spectrometry. The samples were collected at ground level and on the roof of a seven-storied building. For all the criteria pollutants, the concentration at the roof was found to the lower than that at the ground level. The average concentration of PM10 and PM2.5 were found to the 241.5 and 81.1 mg/m3 at the ground level. On the roof of a 7 storied building was however 49.99 mg/m3 and 25.88 mg/m3 for PM10 and PM2.5 respectively. The concentration of Pb varied from 0.011 to 0.04 mg/m3 at the ground level. The values for Pb at the roof level were significantly lower. The values for SO2, NO2, CO and O3 were found to be higher than the USEPA values.Keywords: gaseous air pollutant, PM, lead, gravimetry, spectrophotometry, atomic absorption, ambient air quality
Procedia PDF Downloads 419861 Analysis of Cannabinol and Cannabidiol affinity with GBRA1
Authors: Hamid Hossein Khezri, Afsaneh Javdani-Mallak
Fast inhibitory neurotransmission in the mammalian nervous system is largely mediated by GABAA receptors, chloride-selective members of the superfamily of pentameric Cys-loop receptors. Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the members of cannabinoid compounds found in cannabis. CBD and Cannabinol (CBN), as the other extract of plant Cannabis were able to reduce myofascial pain in rats with immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory activities. In this study, we accomplished protein-protein BLAST, and the sequence was found to be for Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit alpha-1 (GBRA1) chain A and its 3D structure was subsequently downloaded from Protein Data Bank. The structures of the ligands, cannabinol, and cannabidiol, were obtained from PubChem. After the necessary process of the obtained files, AutoDock Vina was used to perform molecular docking. Docking between the ligands and GBRA1 chain A revealed that cannabinol has a higher affinity to GBRA1 (binding energy = -7.5 kcal/mol) compared to cannabidiol (binding energy = -6.5 kcal/mol). Furthermore, cannabinol seems to be able to interact with 10 residues of the protein, out of which 3 are in the neurotransmitter-gated ion-channel transmembrane domain of GBRA1, whereas cannabidiol interacts with two other residues. Although the results of this project do not indicate the activating /or inhibitory capability of the studied compounds, it suggests that cannabinol can act as a relatively strong ligand for GBRA1.Keywords: protein-ligand docking, cannabinol, cannabidiol, GBRA1
Procedia PDF Downloads 110860 Quantum Dot Biosensing for Advancing Precision Cancer Detection
Authors: Sourav Sarkar, Manashjit Gogoi
In the evolving landscape of cancer diagnostics, optical biosensing has emerged as a promising tool due to its sensitivity and specificity. This study explores the potential of CdS/ZnS core-shell quantum dots (QDs) capped with 3-Mercaptopropionic acid (3-MPA), which aids in the linking chemistry of QDs to various cancer antibodies. The QDs, with their unique optical and electronic properties, have been integrated into the biosensor design. Their high quantum yield and size-dependent emission spectra have been exploited to improve the sensor’s detection capabilities. The study presents the design of this QD-enhanced optical biosensor. The use of these QDs can also aid multiplexed detection, enabling simultaneous monitoring of different cancer biomarkers. This innovative approach holds significant potential for advancing cancer diagnostics, contributing to timely and accurate detection. Future work will focus on optimizing the biosensor design for clinical applications and exploring the potential of QDs in other biosensing applications. This study underscores the potential of integrating nanotechnology and biosensing for cancer research, paving the way for next-generation diagnostic tools. It is a step forward in our quest for achieving precision oncology.Keywords: quantum dots, biosensing, cancer, device
Procedia PDF Downloads 56859 Computational Analysis and Daily Application of the Key Neurotransmitters Involved in Happiness: Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin, and Endorphins
Authors: Hee Soo Kim, Ha Young Kyung
Happiness and pleasure are a result of dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphin levels in the body. In order to increase the four neurochemical levels, it is important to associate daily activities with its corresponding neurochemical releases. This includes setting goals, maintaining social relationships, laughing frequently, and exercising regularly. The likelihood of experiencing happiness increases when all four neurochemicals are released at the optimal level. The achievement of happiness is important because it increases healthiness, productivity, and the ability to overcome adversity. To process emotions, electrical brain waves, brain structure, and neurochemicals must be analyzed. This research uses Chemcraft and Avogadro to determine the theoretical and chemical properties of the four neurochemical molecules. Each neurochemical molecule’s thermodynamic stability is calculated to observe the efficiency of the molecules. The study found that among dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, alpha-, beta-, and gamma-endorphin, beta-endorphin has the lowest optimized energy of 388.510 kJ/mol. Beta-endorphin, a neurotransmitter involved in mitigating pain and stress, is the most thermodynamically stable and efficient molecule that is involved in the process of happiness. Through examining such properties of happiness neurotransmitters, the science of happiness is better understood.Keywords: happiness, neurotransmitters, positive psychology, dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, endorphins
Procedia PDF Downloads 154858 Highly Stretchable, Intelligent and Conductive PEDOT/PU Nanofibers Based on Electrospinning and in situ Polymerization
Authors: Kun Qi, Yuman Zhou, Jianxin He
A facile fabrication strategy via electrospinning and followed by in situ polymerization to fabricate a highly stretchable and conductive Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)/Polyurethane (PEDOT/PU) nanofibrous membrane is reported. PU nanofibers were prepared by electrospinning and then PEDOT was coated on the plasma modified PU nanofiber surface via in-situ polymerization to form flexible PEDOT/PU composite nanofibers with conductivity. The results show PEDOT is successfully synthesized on the surface of PU nanofiber and PEDOT/PU composite nanofibers possess skin-core structure. Furthermore, the experiments indicate the optimal technological parameters of the polymerization process are as follow: The concentration of EDOT monomers is 50 mmol/L, the polymerization time is 24 h and the temperature is 25℃. The PEDOT/PU nanofibers exhibit excellent electrical conductivity ( 27.4 S/cm). In addition, flexible sensor made from conductive PEDOT/PU nanofibers shows highly sensitive response towards tensile strain and also can be used to detect finger motion. The results demonstrate promising application of the as-obtained nanofibrous membrane in flexible wearable electronic fields.Keywords: electrospinning, polyurethane, PEDOT, conductive nanofiber, flexible senor
Procedia PDF Downloads 359857 A Weighted K-Medoids Clustering Algorithm for Effective Stability in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
Authors: Rejab Hajlaoui, Tarek Moulahi, Hervé Guyennet
In a highway scenario, the vehicle speed can exceed 120 kmph. Therefore, any vehicle can enter or leave the network within a very short time. This mobility adversely affects the network connectivity and decreases the life time of all established links. To ensure an effective stability in vehicular ad hoc networks with minimum broadcasting storm, we have developed a weighted algorithm based on the k-medoids clustering algorithm (WKCA). Indeed, the number of clusters and the initial cluster heads will not be selected randomly as usual, but considering the available transmission range and the environment size. Then, to ensure optimal assignment of nodes to clusters in both k-medoids phases, the combined weight of any node will be computed according to additional metrics including direction, relative speed and proximity. Empirical results prove that in addition to the convergence speed that characterizes the k-medoids algorithm, our proposed model performs well both AODV-Clustering and OLSR-Clustering protocols under different densities and velocities in term of end-to-end delay, packet delivery ratio, and throughput.Keywords: communication, clustering algorithm, k-medoids, sensor, vehicular ad hoc network
Procedia PDF Downloads 240856 A Peg Board with Photo-Reflectors to Detect Peg Insertion and Pull-Out Moments
Authors: Hiroshi Kinoshita, Yasuto Nakanishi, Ryuhei Okuno, Toshio Higashi
Various kinds of pegboards have been developed and used widely in research and clinics of rehabilitation for evaluation and training of patient’s hand function. A common measure in these peg boards is a total time of performance execution assessed by a tester’s stopwatch. Introduction of electrical and automatic measurement technology to the apparatus, on the other hand, has been delayed. The present work introduces the development of a pegboard with an electric sensor to detect moments of individual peg’s insertion and removal. The work also gives fundamental data obtained from a group of healthy young individuals who performed peg transfer tasks using the pegboard developed. Through trails and errors in pilot tests, two 10-hole peg-board boxes installed with a small photo-reflector and a DC amplifier at the bottom of each hole were designed and built by the present authors. The amplified electric analogue signals from the 20 reflectors were automatically digitized at 500 Hz per channel, and stored in a PC. The boxes were set on a test table at different distances (25, 50, 75, and 125 mm) in parallel to examine the effect of hole-to-hole distance. Fifty healthy young volunteers (25 in each gender) as subjects of the study performed successive fast 80 time peg transfers at each distance using their dominant and non-dominant hands. The data gathered showed a clear-cut light interruption/continuation moment by the pegs, allowing accurately (no tester’s error involved) and precisely (an order of milliseconds) to determine the pull out and insertion times of each peg. This further permitted computation of individual peg movement duration (PMD: from peg-lift-off to insertion) apart from hand reaching duration (HRD: from peg insertion to lift-off). An accidental drop of a peg led to an exceptionally long ( < mean + 3 SD) PMD, which was readily detected from an examination of data distribution. The PMD data were commonly right-skewed, suggesting that the median can be a better estimate of individual PMD than the mean. Repeated measures ANOVA using the median values revealed significant hole-to-hole distance, and hand dominance effects, suggesting that these need to be fixed in the accurate evaluation of PMD. The gender effect was non-significant. Performance consistency was also evaluated by the use of quartile variation coefficient values, which revealed no gender, hole-to-hole, and hand dominance effects. The measurement reliability was further examined using interclass correlation obtained from 14 subjects who performed the 25 and 125 mm hole distance tasks at two 7-10 days separate test sessions. Inter-class correlation values between the two tests showed fair reliability for PMD (0.65-0.75), and for HRD (0.77-0.94). We concluded that a sensor peg board developed in the present study could provide accurate (excluding tester’s errors), and precise (at a millisecond rate) time information of peg movement separated from that used for hand movement. It could also easily detect and automatically exclude erroneous execution data from his/her standard data. These would lead to a better evaluation of hand dexterity function compared to the widely used conventional used peg boards.Keywords: hand, dexterity test, peg movement time, performance consistency
Procedia PDF Downloads 134855 Case Report: Cap Polyposis with Advanced Pelvic Floor Dysfunction: Stronger Evidence of Mechanical Prolapse-related Pathology
Authors: Adrian Sebastian, Chris Gillespie
We describe a case of diffuse rectal involvement with cap polyposis, manifesting with a protein-losing colopathy and occurring in the setting of advanced mechanical pelvic floor dysfunction. A 59-year-old male with a 5-year history of persistent excessive flatulence, defecatory difficulties, and diarrhea. He had extensive cap polyposis of the entire rectum endoscopically. His symptoms progressed to severe fecal incontinence with mucus leakage, pelvic pain, weight loss, and hypoalbuminemia. Clinical examination exhibited severe perineal descent, a large rectocele, poor anal squeeze, and a poor defecatory technique. After a trial of nonoperative therapies addressing his defecatory dysfunction, and Helicobacter pylori eradication, surgical resection was offered due to severe symptoms with ongoing incontinence and protein loss with no other reasonable options. A robotic abdominoperineal resection with a permanent colostomy was performed, followed by an uncomplicated recovery. Our observation of coexisting mechanical pelvic floor changes in this patient lends weight to the concept of a prolapse-related phenomenon in the pathophysiology of this rare condition.Keywords: cap polyposis, pelvic dysfunction, fecal incontinence, case report
Procedia PDF Downloads 79854 Amplitude and Latency of P300 Component from Auditory Stimulus in Different Types of Personality: An Event Related Potential Study
Authors: Nasir Yusoff, Ahmad Adamu Adamu, Tahamina Begum, Faruque Reza
The P300 from Event related potential (ERP) explains the psycho-physiological phenomenon in human body. The present study aims to identify the differences of amplitude and latency of P300 component from auditory stimuli, between ambiversion and extraversion types of personality. Ambivert (N=20) and extravert (N=20) undergoing ERP recording at the Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM) laboratory. Electroencephalogram data was recorded with oddball paradigm, counting auditory standard and target tones, from nine electrode sites (Fz, Cz, Pz, T3, T4, T5, T6, P3 and P4) by using the 128 HydroCel Geodesic Sensor Net. The P300 latency of the target tones at all electrodes were insignificant. Similarly, the P300 latency of the standard tones were also insignificant except at Fz and T3 electrode. Likewise, the P300 amplitude of the target and standard tone in all electrode sites were insignificant. Extravert and ambivert indicate similar characteristic in cognition processing from auditory task.Keywords: amplitude, event related potential, p300 component, latency
Procedia PDF Downloads 378853 Comparison of Analgesic Efficacy of Ropivacaine and Levobupivacaine in Labour Analgesia by Dural Puncture Epidural Technique – A Prospective Double-blinded Randomized Trial
Authors: J. Punj, R. K. Pandey, V. Darlong, K. Thangavel
Background: Dural puncture epidural (DPE) technique has been introduced recently for labour analgesia however, no study has compared ropivacaine and levobupivacaine for the same. Methods: The primary aim of the study was to compare time to onset of the Numerical Pain Rating Score (NPRS) ≤ 1 in labour analgesia with both drugs. After obtaining ethics and patient consent, ASA I and ASA II parturient with single foetus in vertex presentation and cervical dilatation <5.0 cm were included. DPE was performed with 16/ 26 G combined spinal epidural (CSE) technique, and parturients randomized into two groups. In Group R ( Ropivacaine) 20 ml 0.125% ropivacaine+ fentanyl 2µg/ml was injected to a maximum of 20 ml in 20 minutes and in Group L (Levobupivacaine), 20 ml 0.125% levobupivacaine + fentanyl 2µg/ml was injected. Outcomes were assessed at 0.5,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20 and 30 minutes, then every 90 minutes until delivery. Appropriate statistical analysis was done, and p value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: The median time to onset of NPRS ≤1 in both groups was comparable (group R= 16 minutes vs group L= 18 minutes (p = 0.076). Volume of drug for NPR ≤1 in both groups was also comparable (Group R 15.95± 2.03 ml vs Group L 16.35 ± 1.34 ml (p=0.47). Conclusion: DPE with 16 G epidural needle and 26 gauge spinal needle with both 0.125% ropivacaine and 0.125% levobupivacaine results in similar efficacy of labour analgesia.Keywords: dural puncture epidural, labour analgesia, obstetric analgesia, hypotension
Procedia PDF Downloads 90852 Case Report: Ocular Helminth - In Unusual Site (Lens)
Authors: Chandra Shekhar Majumder, Md. Shamsul Haque, Khondaker Anower Hossain, Md. Rafiqul Islam
Introduction: Ocular helminths are parasites that infect the eye or its adnexa. They can be either motile worms or sessile worms that form cysts. These parasites require two hosts for their life cycle, a definite host (usually a human) and an intermediate host (usually an insect). While there have been reports of ocular helminths infecting various structures of the eye, including the anterior chamber and subconjunctival space, there is no previous record of such a case involving the lens. Research Aim: The aim of this case report is to present a rare case of ocular helminth infection in the lens and to contribute to the understanding of this unusual site of infection. Methodology: This study is a case report, presenting the details and findings of an 80-year-old retired policeman who presented with severe pain, redness, and vision loss in the left eye. The patient had a history of diabetes mellitus and hypertension. The examination revealed the presence of a thread-like helminth in the lens. The patient underwent treatment and follow-up, and the helminth specimen was sent for identification to the department of Parasitology. Case report: An 80-year-old retired policeman attended the OPD, Faridpur Medical College Hospital with the complaints of severe pain, redness and gross dimness of vision of the left eye for 5 days. He had a history of diabetes mellitus and hypertension for 3 years. On examination, L/E visual acuity was PL only, moderate ciliary congestion, KP 2+, cells 2+ and posterior synechia from 5 to 7 O’clock position was found. Lens was opaque. A thread like helminth was found under the anterior of the lens. The worm was moving and changing its position during examination. On examination of R/E, visual acuity was 6/36 unaided, 6/18 with pinhole. There was lental opacity. Slit-lamp and fundus examination were within normal limit. Patient was admitted in Faridpur Medical College Hospital. Diabetes mellitus was controlled with insulin. ICCE with PI was done on the same day of admission under depomedrol coverage. The helminth was recovered from the lens. It was thread like, about 5 to 6 mm in length, 1 mm in width and pinkish in colour. The patient followed up after 7 days, VA was HM, mild ciliary congestion, few KPs and cells were present. Media was hazy due to vitreous opacity. The worm was sent to the department of Parasitology, NIPSOM, Dhaka for identification. Findings: The findings of this case report highlight the presence of a helminth in the lens, which has not been previously reported. The helminth was successfully removed from the lens, but the patient experienced complications such as anterior uveitis and vitreous opacity. The exact mechanism by which the helminth enters the lens remains unclear. Theoretical Importance: This case report contributes to the existing literature on ocular helminth infections by reporting a unique case involving the lens. It highlights the need for further research to understand the pathogenesis and mechanism of entry of helminths in the lens. Data Collection and Analysis Procedures: The data for this case report were collected through clinical examination and medical records of the patient. The findings were described and presented in a descriptive manner. No statistical analysis was conducted. Question Addressed: This case report addresses the question of whether ocular helminth infections can occur in the lens, which has not been previously reported. Conclusion: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported case of ocular helminth infection in the lens. The presence of the helminth in the lens raises interesting questions regarding its pathogenesis and entry mechanism. Further study and research are needed to explore these aspects. Ophthalmologists and parasitologists should be aware of the possibility of ocular helminth infections in unusual sites like the lens.Keywords: ocular, helminth, unsual site, lens
Procedia PDF Downloads 66851 Hybrid Control Mode Based on Multi-Sensor Information by Fuzzy Approach for Navigation Task of Autonomous Mobile Robot
Authors: Jonqlan Lin, C. Y. Tasi, K. H. Lin
This paper addresses the issue of the autonomous mobile robot (AMR) navigation task based on the hybrid control modes. The novel hybrid control mode, based on multi-sensors information by using the fuzzy approach, has been presented in this research. The system operates in real time, is robust, enables the robot to operate with imprecise knowledge, and takes into account the physical limitations of the environment in which the robot moves, obtaining satisfactory responses for a large number of different situations. An experiment is simulated and carried out with a pioneer mobile robot. From the experimental results, the effectiveness and usefulness of the proposed AMR obstacle avoidance and navigation scheme are confirmed. The experimental results show the feasibility, and the control system has improved the navigation accuracy. The implementation of the controller is robust, has a low execution time, and allows an easy design and tuning of the fuzzy knowledge base.Keywords: autonomous mobile robot, obstacle avoidance, MEMS, hybrid control mode, navigation control
Procedia PDF Downloads 467850 Non-Contact Human Movement Monitoring Technique for Security Control System Based 2n Electrostatic Induction
Authors: Koichi Kurita
In this study, an effective non-contact technique for the detection of human physical activity is proposed. The technique is based on detecting the electrostatic induction current generated by the walking motion under non-contact and non-attached conditions. A theoretical model for the electrostatic induction current generated because of a change in the electric potential of the human body is proposed. By comparing the obtained electrostatic induction current with the theoretical model, it becomes obvious that this model effectively explains the behavior of the waveform of the electrostatic induction current. The normal walking motions are recorded using a portable sensor measurement located in a passageway of office building. The obtained results show that detailed information regarding physical activity such as a walking cycle can be estimated using our proposed technique. This suggests that the proposed technique which is based on the detection of the walking signal, can be successfully applied to the detection of human walking motion in a secured building.Keywords: human walking motion, access control, electrostatic induction, alarm monitoring
Procedia PDF Downloads 357849 Analysis of Cannabinoid and Cannabidiol Affinity with GABRA1
Authors: Hamid Hossein Khezri, Afsaneh Javdani-Mallak
Fast inhibitory neurotransmission in the mammalian nervous system is largely mediated by GABAA receptors, chloride-selective members of the superfamily of pentameric Cys-loop receptors. Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the members of cannabinoid compounds found in cannabis. CBD and Cannabinol (CBN), as the other extract of plant Cannabis, were able to reduce myofascial pain in rats with immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory activities. In this study, we accomplished protein-protein BLAST and the sequence was found to be for Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit alpha-1 (GBRA1) chain A and its 3D structure was subsequently downloaded from Protein Data Bank. The structures of the ligands cannabinol and cannabidiol were obtained from PubChem. After a necessary process of the obtained files, AutoDock Vina was used to performing molecular docking. Docking between the ligands and GBRA1 chain A revealed that cannabinol has a higher affinity to GBRA1 (binding energy = -7.5 kcal/mol) compared to cannabidiol (binding energy = -6.5 kcal/mol). Furthermore, cannabinol seems to be able to interact with 10 residues of the protein, out of which 3 are in the neurotransmitter-gated ion-channel transmembrane domain of GBRA1, whereas cannabidiol interacts with two other residues. Although the results of this project do not indicate the activating /or inhibitory capability of the studied compounds, it suggests that cannabinol can act as a relatively strong ligand for GBRA1.Keywords: protein-ligand docking, cannabinol, cannabidiol, GBRA1
Procedia PDF Downloads 118848 Diffraction-Based Immunosensor for Dengue NS1 Virus
Authors: Harriet Jane R. Caleja, Joel I. Ballesteros, Florian R. Del Mundo
The dengue fever belongs to the world’s major cause of death, especially in the tropical areas. In the Philippines, the number of dengue cases during the first half of 2015 amounted to more than 50,000. In 2012, the total number of cases of dengue infection reached 132,046 of which 701 patients died. Dengue Nonstructural 1 virus (Dengue NS1 virus) is a recently discovered biomarker for the early detection of dengue virus. It is present in the serum of the dengue virus infected patients even during the earliest stages prior to the formation of dengue virus antibodies. A biosensor for the dengue detection using NS1 virus was developed for faster and accurate diagnostic tool. Biotinylated anti-dengue virus NS1 was used as the receptor for dengue virus NS1. Using the Diffractive Optics Technology (dotTM) technique, real time binding of the NS1 virus to the biotinylated anti-NS1 antibody is observed. The dot®-Avidin sensor recognizes the biotinylated anti-NS1 and this served as the capture molecule to the analyte, NS1 virus. The increase in the signal of the diffractive intensity signifies the binding of the capture and the analyte. The LOD was found to be 3.87 ng/mL while the LOQ is 12.9 ng/mL. The developed biosensor was also found to be specific for the NS1 virus.Keywords: avidin-biotin, diffractive optics technology, immunosensor, NS1
Procedia PDF Downloads 331847 Charge Transport in Biological Molecules
Authors: E. L. Albuquerque, U. L. Fulco, G. S. Ourique
The focus of this work is on the numerical investigation of the charge transport properties of the de novo-designed alpha3 polypeptide, as well as in its variants, all of them probed by gene engineering. The theoretical framework makes use of a tight-binding model Hamiltonian, together with ab-initio calculations within quantum chemistry simulation. The alpha3 polypeptide is a 21-residue with three repeats of the seven-residue amino acid sequence Leu-Glu-Thr-Leu-Ala-Lys-Ala, forming an alpha–helical bundle structure. Its variants are obtained by Ala→Gln substitution at the e (5th) and g (7th) position, respectively, of the alpha3 polypeptide amino acid sequence. Using transmission electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy, it was observed that the alpha3 polypeptide and one of its variant do have the ability to form fibrous assemblies, while the other does not. Our main aim is to investigate whether or not the biased alpha3 polypeptide and its variants can be also identified by quantum charge transport measurements through current-voltage (IxV) curves as a pattern to characterize their fibrous assemblies. It was observed that each peptide has a characteristic current pattern, which may be distinguished by charge transport measurements, suggesting that it might be a useful tool for the development of biosensors.Keywords: charge transport properties, electronic transmittance, current-voltage characteristics, biological sensor
Procedia PDF Downloads 665846 A Decision Support System for the Detection of Illicit Substance Production Sites
Authors: Krystian Chachula, Robert Nowak
Manufacturing home-made explosives and synthetic drugs is an increasing problem in Europe. To combat that, a data fusion system is proposed for the detection and localization of production sites in urban environments. The data consists of measurements of properties of wastewater performed by various sensors installed in a sewage network. A four-stage fusion strategy allows detecting sources of waste products from known chemical reactions. First, suspicious measurements are used to compute the amount and position of discharged compounds. Then, this information is propagated through the sewage network to account for missing sensors. The next step is clustering and the formation of tracks. Eventually, tracks are used to reconstruct discharge events. Sensor measurements are simulated by a subsystem based on real-world data. In this paper, different discharge scenarios are considered to show how the parameters of used algorithms affect the effectiveness of the proposed system. This research is a part of the SYSTEM project (SYnergy of integrated Sensors and Technologies for urban sEcured environMent).Keywords: continuous monitoring, information fusion and sensors, internet of things, multisensor fusion
Procedia PDF Downloads 116845 Knowledge Reactor: A Contextual Computing Work in Progress for Eldercare
Authors: Scott N. Gerard, Aliza Heching, Susann M. Keohane, Samuel S. Adams
The world-wide population of people over 60 years of age is growing rapidly. The explosion is placing increasingly onerous demands on individual families, multiple industries and entire countries. Current, human-intensive approaches to eldercare are not sustainable, but IoT and AI technologies can help. The Knowledge Reactor (KR) is a contextual, data fusion engine built to address this and other similar problems. It fuses and centralizes IoT and System of Record/Engagement data into a reactive knowledge graph. Cognitive applications and services are constructed with its multiagent architecture. The KR can scale-up and scaledown, because it exploits container-based, horizontally scalable services for graph store (JanusGraph) and pub-sub (Kafka) technologies. While the KR can be applied to many domains that require IoT and AI technologies, this paper describes how the KR specifically supports the challenging domain of cognitive eldercare. Rule- and machine learning-based analytics infer activities of daily living from IoT sensor readings. KR scalability, adaptability, flexibility and usability are demonstrated.Keywords: ambient sensing, AI, artificial intelligence, eldercare, IoT, internet of things, knowledge graph
Procedia PDF Downloads 175844 Turkey Disaster Risk Management System Project (TAFRISK)
Authors: Ahmet Parlak, Celalettin Bilgen
In order to create an effective early warning system, Identification of the risks, preparation and carrying out risk modeling of risk scenarios, taking into account the shortcomings of the old disaster scenarios should be used to improve the system. In the light of this, the importance of risk modeling in creating an effective early warning system is understood. In the scope of TAFRISK project risk modeling trend analysis report on risk modeling developed and a demonstration was conducted for Risk Modeling for flood and mass movements. For risk modeling R&D, studies have been conducted to determine the information, and source of the information, to be gathered, to develop algorithms and to adapt the current algorithms to Turkey’s conditions for determining the risk score in the high disaster risk areas. For each type of the disaster; Disaster Deficit Index (DDI), Local Disaster Index (LDI), Prevalent Vulnerability Index (PVI), Risk Management Index (RMI) have been developed as disaster indices taking danger, sensitivity, fragility, and vulnerability, the physical and economic damage into account in the appropriate scale of the respective type.Keywords: disaster, hazard, risk modeling, sensor
Procedia PDF Downloads 429843 Rapid Detection of Melamine in Milk Products Based on Modified Gold Electrode
Authors: Rovina Kobun, Shafiquzzaman Siddiquee
A novel and simple electrochemical sensor for the determination of melamine was developed based on modified gold electrode (AuE) with chitosan (CHIT) nanocomposite membrane, zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnONPs) and ionic liquids ([EMIM][Otf]) to enhance the potential current response of melamine. Cyclic voltammetry and differential pulse voltammetry were used to investigate the electrochemical behaviour between melamine and modified AuE in the presence of methylene blue as a redox indicator. The experimental results indicated that the interaction of melamine with CHIT/ZnONPs/([EMIM][Otf])/AuE were based on the strong interaction of hydrogen bonds. The morphological characterization of modified AuE was observed under scanning electron microscope. Under optimal conditions, the current signal was directly proportional to the melamine concentration ranging from 9.6 x 10-5 to 9.6 x 10-11 M, with a correlation coefficient of 0.9656. The detection limit was 9.6 x 10-12 M. Finally, the proposed method was successfully applied and displayed an excellent sensitivity in the determination of melamine in milk samples.Keywords: melamine, gold electrode, zinc oxide nanoparticles, cyclic voltammetries, differential pulse voltammetries
Procedia PDF Downloads 419842 A Study on the Certain Rape Cases Ruling by the Supreme Court of Nepal: Analyzing How the Decision Reflects Patriarchal
Authors: Bishnu Bhandari
Proving rape in court is challenging worldwide. In a developing country like Nepal, imagine the beginning of a rape trial, with a male police officer filing a case, a male investigating officer, male lawyers, and a majority of male judges. What if the final court fails to examine the seriousness of the victim's pain and suffering, and what if the injustice committed by the court because of its patriarchal value. This research will explore the unfairness of the Supreme Court of Nepal's historic judgment towards the victim of rape. To analyze the cases, research data was used from Nepal Kanun Patrika, which is a collection of verdicts from the Supreme Court of Nepal for 66 years. Doctrinal methodology was employed. The findings revealed that in certain cases, judges made significant favors to the suspect, disregarding circumstantial evidence and using patriarchal reasoning. The court has debated full penetration, half penetration, ejaculation, and the presence of sperm in the victim's underwear. For many years, the court has been conducting this type of debate. Some of the reasoning is baseless. Nepal's legal system is adversarial, where precedent influences future decisions, and lower courts are bound by the decision of the Supreme Court. This study is a fresh start in challenging the Supreme Court decision with a feminist perspective.Keywords: rape case, verdict, Supreme Court of Nepal, patriarchal.
Procedia PDF Downloads 4841 Skin Substitutes for Wound Healing: An Advanced Formulation
Authors: Pennisi Stefania, Giuffrida Graziella, Coppa Federica, Iannello Giulia, Cartelli Simone, Lo Faro Riccardo, Ferruggia Greta, Brundo Maria Violetta
Tissue engineering aims to develop advanced medical devices to restore normal functions of damaged tissue. These devices, even more effective than conventional methods, are called skin substitutes and are configured as drugs to be applied to the damaged area, to heal extensive and deep wounds which could otherwise lead to chronic wounds lasting over time. Among the variety of commercially available skin substitutes, those that have proven to be most effective are those consisting of a bilayer scaffold. The aim of our research was to design a skin substitute which can promote cell proliferation, cell migration and angiogenesis, and which can guarantee timely closure of the wound with satisfactory aesthetic results, in order to avoid the patient excessive pain, risk of contracting infections and long-term hospitalization. The product was tested in vitro using the Scratch Assay. The assay was carried out both on the matrix modified with hyaluronic acid and on the matrix based only on collagen. In both cases, after 48 hours of exposure the wound scratch was almost completely closed in treated cells compared to untreated control.Keywords: collagen, hyaluronic acid, scratch- wound-healing assay, tissue regeneration
Procedia PDF Downloads 30840 Calpoly Autonomous Transportation Experience: Software for Driverless Vehicle Operating on Campus
Authors: F. Tang, S. Boskovich, A. Raheja, Z. Aliyazicioglu, S. Bhandari, N. Tsuchiya
Calpoly Autonomous Transportation Experience (CATE) is a driverless vehicle that we are developing to provide safe, accessible, and efficient transportation of passengers throughout the Cal Poly Pomona campus for events such as orientation tours. Unlike the other self-driving vehicles that are usually developed to operate with other vehicles and reside only on the road networks, CATE will operate exclusively on walk-paths of the campus (potentially narrow passages) with pedestrians traveling from multiple locations. Safety becomes paramount as CATE operates within the same environment as pedestrians. As driverless vehicles assume greater roles in today’s transportation, this project will contribute to autonomous driving with pedestrian traffic in a highly dynamic environment. The CATE project requires significant interdisciplinary work. Researchers from mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and computer science are working together to attack the problem from different perspectives (hardware, software and system). In this abstract, we describe the software aspects of the project, with a focus on the requirements and the major components. CATE shall provide a GUI interface for the average user to interact with the car and access its available functionalities, such as selecting a destination from any origin on campus. We have developed an interface that provides an aerial view of the campus map, the current car location, routes, and the goal location. Users can interact with CATE through audio or manual inputs. CATE shall plan routes from the origin to the selected destination for the vehicle to travel. We will use an existing aerial map for the campus and convert it to a spatial graph configuration where the vertices represent the landmarks and edges represent paths that the car should follow with some designated behaviors (such as stay on the right side of the lane or follow an edge). Graph search algorithms such as A* will be implemented as the default path planning algorithm. D* Lite will be explored to efficiently recompute the path when there are any changes to the map. CATE shall avoid any static obstacles and walking pedestrians within some safe distance. Unlike traveling along traditional roadways, CATE’s route directly coexists with pedestrians. To ensure the safety of the pedestrians, we will use sensor fusion techniques that combine data from both lidar and stereo vision for obstacle avoidance while also allowing CATE to operate along its intended route. We will also build prediction models for pedestrian traffic patterns. CATE shall improve its location and work under a GPS-denied situation. CATE relies on its GPS to give its current location, which has a precision of a few meters. We have implemented an Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) that allows the fusion of data from multiple sensors (such as GPS, IMU, odometry) in order to increase the confidence of localization. We also noticed that GPS signals can easily get degraded or blocked on campus due to high-rise buildings or trees. UKF can also help here to generate a better state estimate. In summary, CATE will provide on-campus transportation experience that coexists with dynamic pedestrian traffic. In future work, we will extend it to multi-vehicle scenarios.Keywords: driverless vehicle, path planning, sensor fusion, state estimate
Procedia PDF Downloads 147839 Interaction of Glycolipid S-TGA-1 with Bacteriorhodopsin and Its Functional Role
Authors: Masataka Inada, Masanao Kinoshita, Nobuaki Matsumori
It has been demonstrated that lipid molecules in biological membranes are responsible for the functionalization and structuration of membrane proteins. However, it is still unclear how the interaction of lipid molecules with membrane proteins is correlated with the function of the membrane proteins. Here we first developed an evaluation method for the interaction between membrane proteins and lipid molecules via surface plasmon resonance (SPR) analysis. Bacteriorhodopsin (bR), which was obtained by the culture of halobacteria, was used as a membrane protein. We prepared SPR sensor chips covered with self-assembled monolayer containing mercaptocarboxylic acids, and immobilized bR onto them. Then, we evaluated the interactions with various lipids that have different structures. As a result, the halobacterium-specific glycolipid S-TGA-1 was found to have much higher affinity with bRs than other lipids. This is probably due to not only hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions but also hydrogen bonds with sugar moieties in the glycolipid. Next, we analyzed the roles of the lipid in the structuration and functionalization of bR. CD analysis showed that S-TGA-1 could promote trimerization of bR monomers more efficiently than any other lipids. Flash photolysis further indicated that bR trimers formed by S-TGA-1 reproduced the photocyclic activity of bR in purple membrane, halobacterium-membrane. These results suggest that S-TGA-1 promotes trimerization of bR through strong interactions and consequently fulfills the bR’s function efficiently.Keywords: membrane protein, lipid, interaction, bacteriorhodopsin, glycolipid
Procedia PDF Downloads 253838 Pregnancy and Birth Experience, Opinions regarding the Delivery Method of the Patients' Vaginal Deliveries
Authors: Umran Erciyes, Filiz Okumus
The purpose of this study was the determination of factors which impact the pregnancy, birth experience and the opinions regarding the delivery type of the puerperants, after vaginal birth. This descriptive study includes 349 patients who gave births with normal birth in one of the hospital in İstanbul in May- November 2014. After birth, we interview with these women face to face. The descriptive information form and Perception of Birth Scale were used as data collection tool. SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) was used for statistical analysis. The average age of patients was 27.13, and the average score was 76.93±20.22. The patients are primary school graduate, and they do not have a job. They expressed an income outcome equality. More than half of women did not get educated before birth. Among educated patients, few women got educated overcoming the pain during labor process. As the time spent in the hospital for the birth increases, the birth perception of mothers is affected negatively. %86.8 of participants gave assisted delivery. Spontaneous vaginal birth has positive effects on birth perception. Establishing a vascular access, induction of labor performing enema, restriction of orally intake and movement, fundal pressure, episiotomy, nor to perform skin to skin contact with the baby after birth has adverse effects on the birth perceptions.Keywords: antenatal care, birth experience, perception of birth, vaginal birth
Procedia PDF Downloads 437837 Laparoscopic Management of Small Bowel Obstruction: An Unusual Case of Mechanical Obstruction Due to Appendiceal Adhesions
Authors: Veera J. Allu, Shreya Pal, Anang Pangeni
Introduction: Adhesive small bowel obstruction (ASBO) is usually managed conservatively. Failed conservative management leads to operative intervention by an open approach. However, laparoscopic management of ASBO is increasingly being reported in the literature. We report an unusual case of ASBO secondary to a band from the appendicular tip which was managed laparoscopically. Case Description: This patient was a 61-year-old female, otherwise fit and healthy, presenting with abdominal pain and mild distension with vomiting of 3 days duration. She had undergone ultrasound-guided drainage of an appendicular abscess three months ago and laparoscopic right inguinal hernia repair (TEP) in the past. CTAP showed small bowel obstruction with a transition point in the pelvis and the possible cause being adhesions. She was initially managed conservatively; however, as she was not improving for two days, she was consented to diagnostic laparoscopy. Intraoperatively, an adhesive band was found between the appendicular tip and distal ileum around 100cm proximal to the ileocolic junction, resulting in mechanical bowel obstruction. Laparoscopic division of band was performed, followed by appendicectomy, and the patient had an uneventful recovery and was discharged on postoperative day 1. Conclusion: In highly selected patients and with appropriate expertise, laparoscopic management of ASBO is feasible and safe.Keywords: bowel obstruction, adhesions, laparoscopy, open procedure
Procedia PDF Downloads 87836 Urinary Neutrophil Gelatinase Associated Lipocalin as Diagnostic Biomarkers for Lupus Nephritis
Authors: Lorena GóMez Escorcia, Gustavo Aroca MartíNez, Jose Luiz Villarreal, Elkin Navarro Quiroz
Lupus nephritis (LN) is a high-cost disease, occurring in about half of patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE). Renal biopsy constitutes the only protocol that, to date, allows a correct diagnosis of the level of renal involvement in these patients. However, this procedure can have various adverse effects such as kidney bleeding, muscle bleeding, infection, pain, among others. Therefore, the development of new diagnostic alternatives is required. The neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) has been emerging as a novel biomarker of acute kidney injury. The aim of this study was to assess urinary NGAL levels as a marker for disease activity in patients with lupus nephritis. For this work included 50 systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients, 50 with active lupus nephritis (LN), and 50 without autoimmune and renal disease as controls. TNGAL in urine samples was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The results revealed that patients with kidney damage had an elevated urinary NGAL as compared to patients with lupus without kidney damage and controls (p <0.005), and the mean of uNGAL was (28.72 ± 4.53), (19.51 ± 4.72), (8.91 ± 3.37) respectively. Measurement of urinary NGAL levels showed a very good diagnostic performance for discriminating patients with Lupus nephritis from SLE without renal damage and of control individuals.Keywords: lupus nephritis, biomarker, NGAL, urine samples
Procedia PDF Downloads 208835 Design and Study of a Hybrid Micro-CSP/Biomass Boiler System for Water and Space Heating in Traditional Hammam
Authors: Said Lamghari, Abdelkader Outzourhit, Hassan Hamdi, Mohamed Krarouch, Fatima Ait Nouh, Mickael Benhaim, Mehdi Khaldoun
Traditional Hammams are big consumers of water and wood-energy. Any approach to reduce this consumption will contribute to the preservation of these two resources that are more and more stressed in Morocco. In the InnoTherm/InnoBiomass 2014 project HYBRIDBATH, funded by the Research Institute for Solar Energy and New Energy (IRESEN), we will use a hybrid system consisting of a micro-CSP system and a biomass boiler for water and space heating of a Hammam. This will overcome the problem of intermittency of solar energy, and will ensure continuous supply of hot water and heat. We propose to use local agricultural residues (olive pomace, shells of walnuts, almonds, Argan ...). Underfloor heating using either copper or PEX tubing will perform the space heating. This work focuses on the description of the system and the activities carried out so far: The installation of the system, the principle operation of the system and some preliminary test results.Keywords: biomass boiler, hot water, hybrid systems, micro-CSP, parabolic sensor, solar energy, solar fraction, traditional hammam, underfloor heating
Procedia PDF Downloads 313834 Electrochemical Behavior and Cathodic Stripping Voltammetric Determination of Dianabol Steroid in Urine at Bare Glassy Carbon Paste Electrode
Authors: N. Al-Orfi, M. S. El-Shahawi, A. S. Bashammakh
The electrochemical response of glassy carbon electrode (GCE) for the sensitive and selective determination of dianabol steroid (DS) in phosphate, Britton-Robinson (B-R) and HEPES buffers of pH 2.0 - 11, 2.0 - 11 and 6.2 - 8.0, respectively using cyclic voltammetry (CV) and differential pulse- adsorptive cathodic stripping voltammetry (DP-CSV) at bare GCE was studied. The dependence of the CV response of the developed cathodic peak potential (Ep, c), peak current (ip, c) and the current function (ip, c / υ1/2) on the scan rate (υ) at the bare GCE revealed the occurrence of electrode coupled chemical reaction of EC type mechanism. The selectivity of the proposed method was assessed in the presence of high concentrations of major interfering species e.g. uric acid, ascorbic acid, citric acid, glucose, fructose, sucrose, starch and ions Na+, K+, PO4-3, NO3- and SO42-. The recovery of the method was not significant where t(critical)=2.20 > texp=1.81-1.93 at 95% confidence. The analytical application of the sensor for the quantification of DS in biological fluids as urine was investigated. The results were demonstrated as recovery percentages in the range 95±2.5-97±4.7% with relative standard deviation (RSD) of 0.5-1.5%.Keywords: dianabol, determination, modified electrode, urine
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