Search results for: slow degradation
811 How Grasslands Respond in Terms of Functional Strategies to Stimulated Climate Change in Submediterranean Region
Authors: Andrea Catorci, Federico Maria Tardella, Alessandro Brica, Muhammad Umair
Climate change models predict for the Mediterranean region a strong increase of intensity and frequency of drought events, with an expected effect on grassland biodiversity and functioning. The research aim was to understand how the grassland species modulate their resource acquisition and conservation strategies to short-term variation of the pattern of summer water supply. The study area is mountain meadows located in the ‘‘Montagna di Torricchio’’ (1130 m a.s.l.) a Nature Reserve in central Italy. In 2017 we started a manipulative experiment for 2 year (2017-2018), and we defined two treatments, one with increasing water (watering condition) and the other with less water (drought condition). Then, we investigated how species change their resource strategies at different amount of water availability by measuring the specific leaf area (SLA) and leaf area (LA). We used ANOVAs to test the effect of treatment over time on leaf area and specific leaf area, considering all the species together and also separately according to their growth form (forb, grass, legume). Our results showed that species may respond differently depending on their growth form and that using all the species together may cover more detailed variation. Overall, resource retaining strategies (lower SLA, LA) are resulted by increase of drought condition, while increase in water amount and number of watering events fosters acquisitive strategies (higher SLA, LA). However, this pattern is not constant for all growth form. Grass species are able to maintain their strategies to variation of the pattern of water availability. Forb and legume species on the other side have shown decreasing trend of SLA, LA values with increasing drought condition, a pattern more marked for the latter growth form. These variations suggest not only an increase of slow-growing strategies for both growth form, but also a decrease of their nutrient pastoral values since their leaves are supposed to become harder. Local farmers should consider the effect of climate change on grassland and adapt their management practices to guarantee the cattle welfare.Keywords: function strategies, grasslands, climate change, sub Mediterranean region
Procedia PDF Downloads 132810 Nontuberculous Mycobacterium Infection – Still An Important Disease Among People With Late HIV Diagnosis
Authors: Jakub Młoźniak, Adam Szymański, Gabriela Stondzik, Dagny Krankowska, Tomasz Mikuła
Nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) are bacterial species that cause diversely manifesting diseases mainly in immunocompromised patients. In people with HIV, NTM infection is an AIDS-defining disease and usually appears when the lymphocyte T CD4 count is below 50 cells/μl. The usage of antiretroviral therapy has decreased the prevalence of NTM among people with HIV, but the disease can still be observed especially among patients with late HIV diagnosis. Common presence in environment, human colonization, clinical similarity with tuberculosis and slow growth on culture makes NTM especially hard to diagnose. The study aimed to analyze the epidemiology and clinical course of NTM among patients with HIV. This study included patients with NTM and HIV admitted to our department between 2017 and 2023. Medical records of patients were analyzed and data on age, sex, median time from HIV diagnosis to identification of NTM infection, median CD4 count at NTM diagnosis, methods of determining NTM infection, type of species of mycobacteria identified, clinical symptoms and treatment course were gathered. Twenty-four patients (20 men, 4 women) with identified NTM were included in this study. Among them, 20 were HIV late presenters. The patients' median age was 40. The main symptoms which patients presented were fever, weight loss and cough. Pulmonary disease confirmed with positive cultures from sputum/bronchoalveolar lavage was present in 18 patients. M. avium was the most common species identified. M. marinum caused disseminated skin lesions in 1 patient. Out of all, 5 people were not treated for NTM caused by lack of symptoms and suspicion of colonization with mycobacterium. Concomitant tuberculosis was present in 6 patients. The median diagnostic time from HIV to NTM infections was 3.5 months. The median CD4 count at NTM identification was 69.5 cells/μl. Median NTM treatment time was 16 months but 7 patients haven’t finished their treatment yet. The most commonly used medications were ethambutol and clarithromycin. Among analyzed patients, 4 of them have died. NTM infections are still an important disease among patients who are HIV late presenters. This disease should be taken into consideration during the differential diagnosis of fever, weight loss and cough in people with HIV with lymphocyte T CD4 count <100 cells/μl. Presence of tuberculosis does not exclude nontuberculous mycobacterium coinfection.Keywords: mycobacteriosis, HIV, late presenter, epidemiology
Procedia PDF Downloads 46809 New Applications of Essential Oils: Edible Packaging Material for Food Supplements
Authors: Roxana Gheorghita, Gheorghe Gutt
Environmental pollution due to non-degradation of packaging from the food and pharmaceutical industry is reaching increasingly alarming levels. The packaging used for food supplements is usually composed of successive layers of synthetic materials, conventional, glue, and paint. The situation is becoming more and more problematic as the population, according to statistics, uses food supplements more and more often. The solution can be represented by edible packaging, completely biodegradable, and compostable. The tested materials were obtained from biopolymers, agar, carrageenan, and alginate, in well-established quantities and plasticized with glycerol. Rosemary, thyme, and oregano essential oils have been added in varying proportions. The obtained films are completely water-soluble in hot liquids (with a temperature of about 80° C) and can be consumed with the product contained. The films were glossy, pleasant to the touch, thin (thicknesses between 32.8 and 52.8 μm), transparent, and with a pleasant smell, specific to the added essential oil. Tested for microbial evaluation, none of the films indicated the presence of E. coli, S. aureus, enterobacteria, coliform bacteria, yeasts, or molds. This aspect can also be helped by the low values of the water activity index (located between 0.546 and 0.576). The mechanical properties indicated that the material became more resistant with the addition of essential oil, the best values being recorded by the addition of oregano. The results obtained indicate the possibility of using biopolymer-based films with the addition of rosemary, thyme, and oregano essential oil, for wrapping food supplements, thus replacing conventional packaging, multilayer, impossible to sort and recycle.Keywords: edible films, food supplements, oregano, rosemary, thyme
Procedia PDF Downloads 133808 Conceptualizing Conflict in the Gray Zone: A Comparative Analysis of Diplomatic, Military and Political Lenses
Authors: John Hardy, Paul Lushenko
he twenty-first century international security order has been fraught with challenges to the credibility and stability of the post-Cold War status quo. Although the American-led international system has rarely been threatened directly by dissatisfied states, an underlying challenge to the international security order has emerged in the form of a slow-burning abnegation of small but significant aspects of the status quo. Meanwhile, those security challenges which have threatened to destabilize order in the international system have not clearly belonged to the traditional notions of diplomacy and armed conflict. Instead, the main antagonists have been both states and non-state actors, the issues have crossed national and international boundaries, and contestation has occurred in a ‘gray zone’ between peace and war. Gray zone conflicts are not easily categorized as military operations, national security policies or political strategies, because they often include elements of diplomacy, military operations, and statecraft in complex combinations. This study applies three approaches to conceptualizing the gray zone in which many contemporary conflicts take place. The first approach frames gray zone conflicts as a form of coercive diplomacy, in which armed force is used to add credibility and commitment to political threats. The second approach frames gray zone conflicts as a form of discrete military operation, in which armed force is used sparingly and is limited to a specific issue. The third approach frames gray zones conflicts as a form of proxy war, in which armed force is used by or through third parties, rather than directly between belligerents. The study finds that each approach to conceptualizing the gray zone accounts for only a narrow range of issues which fall within the gap between traditional notions of peace and war. However, in combination, all three approaches are useful in explicating the gray zone and understanding the character of contemporary security challenges which defy simple categorization. These findings suggest that coercive diplomacy, discrete military operations, and proxy warfare provide three overlapping lenses for conceptualizing the gray zone and for understanding the gray zone conflicts which threaten international security in the early twenty-first century.Keywords: gray zone, international security, military operations, national security, strategy
Procedia PDF Downloads 160807 New Active Dioxin Response Element Sites in Regulatory Region of Human and Viral Genes
Authors: Ilya B. Tsyrlov, Dmitry Y. Oshchepkov
A computational search for dioxin response elements (DREs) in genes of proteins comprising the Ah receptor (AhR) cytosolic core complex was performed by highly efficient tool SITECON. Eventually, the following number of new DREs in 5’flanking region was detected by SITECON: one in AHR gene, five in XAP2, eight in HSP90AA1, and three in HSP90AB1 genes. Numerous DREs found in genes of AhR and AhR cytosolic complex members would shed a light on potential mechanisms of expression, the stoichiometry of unliganded AhR core complex, and its degradation vs biosynthesis dynamics resulted from treatment of target cells with the AhR most potent ligand, 2,3,7,8-TCDD. With human viruses, reduced susceptibility to TCDD of geneencoding HIV-1 P247 was justified by the only potential DRE determined in gag gene encoding HIV-1 P24 protein, whereas the regulatory region of CMV genes encoding IE gp/UL37 has five potent DRE, 1.65 kb/UL36 – six DRE, pp65 and pp71 – each has seven DRE, and pp150 – ten DRE. Also, from six to eight DRE were determined with SITECON in the regulatory region of HSV-1 IE genes encoding tegument proteins, UL36 and UL37, and of UL19 gene encoding bindingglycoprotein C (gC). So, TCDD in the low picomolar range may activate in human cells AhR: Arnt transcription pathway that triggers CMV and HSV-1 reactivation by binding to numerous promoter DRE within immediate-early (IE) genes UL37 and UL36, thus committing virus to the lytic cycle.Keywords: dioxin response elements, Ah receptor, AhR: Arnt transcription pathway, human and viral genes
Procedia PDF Downloads 104806 Degradation of Amitriptyline Hydrochloride, Methyl Salicylate and 2-Phenoxyethanol in Water Systems by the Combination UV/Cl2
Authors: F. Javier Benitez, Francisco J. Real, Juan Luis Acero, Francisco Casas
Three emerging contaminants (amitriptyline hydrochloride, methyl salicylate and 2-phenoxyethanol) frequently found in waste-waters were selected to be individually degraded in ultra-pure water by the combined advanced oxidation process constituted by UV radiation and chlorine. The influence of pH, initial chlorine concentration and nature of the contaminants was firstly explored. The trend for the reactivity of the selected compounds was deduced: amitriptyline hydrochloride > methyl salicylate > 2-phenoxyethanol. A later kinetic study was carried out and focused on the specific evaluation of the first-order rate constants and the determination of the partial contribution to the global reaction of the direct photochemical pathway and the radical pathway. A comparison between the rate constant values among photochemical experiments without and with the presence of Cl2 reveals a clear increase in the oxidation efficiency of the combined process with respect to the photochemical reaction alone. In a second stage, the simultaneous oxidation of mixtures of the selected contaminants in several types of water (ultrapure water, surface water from a reservoir, and two secondary effluents) was also performed by the same combination UV/Cl2 under more realistic operating conditions. The efficiency of this combined system UV/Cl2 was compared to other oxidants such as the UV/S2O82- and UV/H2O2 AOPs. Results confirmed that the UV/Cl2 system provides higher elimination efficiencies among the AOPs tested.Keywords: emerging contaminants, UV/chlorine advanced oxidation process, amitriptyline, methyl salicylate, 2-phenoxyethanol, chlorination, photolysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 334805 Effects of Rations with High Amount of Crude Fiber on Rumen Fermentation in Suckler Cows
Authors: H. Scholz, P. Kuehne, G. Heckenberger
Problems during the calving period (December until May) often are results in a high body condition score (BCS) at this time. At the end of the grazing period (frequently after early weaning), however, an increase of BCS can often be observed under German conditions. In the last eight weeks before calving, the body condition should be reduced or at least not increased. Rations with a higher amount of crude fiber can be used (rations with straw or late mowed grass silage). Fermentative digestion of fiber is slow and incomplete; that’s why the fermentative process in the rumen can be reduced over a long feeding time. Viewed in this context, feed intake of suckler cows (8 weeks before calving) in different rations and fermentation in the rumen should be checked by taking rumen fluid. Eight suckler cows (Charolais) were feeding a Total Mixed Ration (TMR) in the last eight weeks before calving and grass silage after calving. By the addition of straw (30 % [TMR1] vs. 60 % [TMR2] of dry matter) was varied the amount of crude fiber in the TMR (grass silage, straw, mineral) before calving. After calving of the cow's grass, silage [GS] was fed ad libitum, and the last measurement of rumen fluid took place on the pasture [PS]. Rumen fluid, plasma, body weight, and backfat thickness were collected. Rumen fluid pH was assessed using an electronic pH meter. Volatile fatty acids (VFA), sedimentation, methylene-blue, and amount of infusorians were measured. From these 4 parameters, an “index of rumen fermentation” [IRF] in the rumen was formed. Fixed effects of treatment (TMR1, TMR2, GS, and PS) and a number of lactations (3-7 lactations) were analyzed by ANOVA using SPSS Version 25.0 (significant by p ≤ 5 %). Rumen fluid pH was significantly influenced by variants (TMR 1 by 6.6; TMR 2 by 6.9; GS by 6.6 and PS by 6.9) but was not affected by other effects. The IRF showed disturbed fermentation in the rumen by feeding the TMR 1+2 with a high amount of crude fiber (Score: > 10.0 points) and a very good environment for fermentation during grazing the pasture (Score: 6.9 points). Furthermore, significant differences were found for VFA, methylene blue, and the number of infusorians. The use of rations with a high amount of crude fiber from weaning to calving may cause deviations from undisturbed fermentation in the rumen and adversely affect the utilization of the feed in the rumen.Keywords: rumen fermentation, suckler cow, digestibility organic matter, crude fiber
Procedia PDF Downloads 144804 New Environmental Culture in Algeria: Eco Design
Authors: S. Tireche, A. Tairi abdelaziz
Environmental damage has increased steadily in recent decades: Depletion of natural resources, destruction of the ozone layer, greenhouse effect, degradation of the quality of life, land use etc. New terms have emerged as: "Prevention rather than cure" or "polluter pays" falls within the principles of common sense, their practical implementation still remains fragmented. Among the avenues to be explored, one of the most promising is certainly one that focuses on product design. Indeed, where better than during the design phase, can reduce the source of future impacts on the environment? What choices or those of design, they influence more on the environmental characteristics of products? The most currently recognized at the international level is the analysis of the life cycle (LCA) and Life Cycle Assessment, subject to International Standardization (ISO 14040-14043). LCA provides scientific and objective assessment of potential impacts of the product or service, considering its entire life cycle. This approach makes it possible to minimize impacts to the source in pollution prevention. It is widely preferable to curative approach, currently majority in the industrial crops, led mostly by a report of pollution. The "product" is to reduce the environmental impacts of a given product, taking into account all or part of its life cycle. Currently, there are emerging tools, known as eco-design. They are intended to establish an environmental profile of the product to improve its environmental performance. They require a quantity sufficient information on the product for each phase of its life cycle: raw material extraction, manufacturing, distribution, usage, end of life (recycling or incineration or deposit) and all stages of transport. The assessment results indicate the sensitive points of the product studied, points on which the developer must act.Keywords: eco design, impact, life cycle analysis (LCA), sustainability
Procedia PDF Downloads 428803 The Implementation of Sovereignty over Natural Resources Principle: Case Study Indonesian Forest
Authors: Sri Wartini
Based on the sovereignty over natural resources principle, the Indonesian government has an authority to exploit the natural resources within a national jurisdiction of Indonesia. The forest is one of the natural resources which is very valuable for Indonesia. It becomes the source of raw material for many industrial activities, such as pharmaceutical industry, pulp industry, and household furniture industry. Hence, it contributes to the economic development of Indonesia. However, the exploitation of the forest may cause negative impacts, such as environmental pollution and environmental degradation. The implementation of the sovereignty over natural resources principle in Indonesia may jeopardize the forest and affect the sustainability of the forest if there is no appropriate policy of the government to exploit the forest in a sustainable manner. The exploitation of the forest in Indonesia, in some extent, has caused serious impact to environment and biodiversity. Hence, in order to sustain and to maintain the forest as the valuable resources to the future generation, the government of Indonesia has already adopted many programmes and action plans. The aim of the research is to undertake a critical examination of the issues relating to the the implementation of sovereignty over natural resources to the exploitation of the forest in Indonesia. It is a normative research and the methodology employed in this research is library research. While the approaches employed in the research are conceptual approach., statutory approach, and comparative approach. The research finds that the implementation of sovereignty over natural resources principle in the exploitation of the forest in Indonesia is limited by other principles of international environmental law, such as sustainable development principle, intergenerational principle and common concern principle which have been adopted in the government policy and various regulations regarding the exploitation of the forest in Indonesia.Keywords: Environmental damage, negative impacts, pollution, the sovereignty over natural resources
Procedia PDF Downloads 386802 Effects of Copper Oxide Doping on Hydrothermal Ageing in Alumina Toughened Zirconia
Authors: Mohamed Abbas, Ramesh Singh
This study investigates the hydrothermal aging behavior of undoped and copper oxide-doped alumina-toughened zirconia (ATZ). The ATZ ceramic composites underwent conventional sintering at temperatures ranging from 1250 to 1500°C with a holding time of 12 minutes. XRD analysis revealed a stable 100% tetragonal phase for conventionally sintered ATZ samples up to 1450°C, even after 100 hours of exposure. At 1500℃, XRD patterns of both undoped and doped ATZ samples showed no phase transformation after up to 3 hours of exposure to superheated steam. Extended exposure, however, resulted in phase transformation beyond 10 hours. CuO-doped ATZ samples initially exhibited lower monoclinic content, gradually increasing with aging. Undoped ATZ demonstrated better-aging resistance, maintaining ~40% monoclinic content after 100 hours. FESEM images post-aging revealed surface roughness changes due to the tetragonal-to-monoclinic phase transformation, with limited nucleation in the largest tetragonal grains. Fracture analysis exhibited macrocracks and microcracks on the transformed surface layer after aging. This study found that 0.2wt% CuO doping did not prevent the low-temperature degradation (LTD) phenomenon at elevated temperatures. Transformation zone depth (TZD) calculations supported the trend observed in the transformed monoclinic phase.Keywords: alumina toughened zirconia, conventional sintering, copper oxide, hydrothermal ageing
Procedia PDF Downloads 70801 A Study of Fecal Sludge Management in Auroville and Its Surrounding Villages in Tamilnadu, India
Authors: Preethi Grace Theva Neethi Dhas
A healthy human gut microbiome has commensal and symbiotic functions in digestion and is a decisive factor for human health. The soil microbiome is a crucial component in the ecosystem of soils and their health and resilience. Changes in soil microbiome are linked to human health. Ever since the industrial era, the human and the soil microbiome have been going through drastic changes. The soil microbiome has changed due to industrialization and extensive agricultural practices, whereas humans have less contact with soil and increased intake of highly processed foods, leading to changes in the human gut microbiome. Regenerating the soil becomes crucial in maintaining a healthy ecosystem. The nutrients, once obtained from the soil, need to be given back to the soil. Soil degradation needs to be addressed in effective ways, like adding organic nutrients back to the soil. Manure from animals and humans needs to be returned to the soil, which can complete the nutrient cycle in the soil. On the other hand, fecal sludge management (FSM) is a growing concern in many parts of the developing world. Hence, it becomes crucial to treat and reuse fecal sludge in a safe manner, i.e., low in risk to human health. Co-composting fecal sludge with organic wastes is a practice that allows the safe management of fecal sludge and the safe application of nutrients to the soil. This paper will discuss the possible impact of co-composting fecal sludge with coconut choir waste on the soil, water, and ecosystem at large. Impact parameters like nitrogen, phosphorus, and fecal coliforms will be analyzed. The overall impact of fecal sludge application on the soil will be researched and presented in this study.Keywords: fecal sludge management, nutrient cycle, soil health, composting
Procedia PDF Downloads 80800 Plasma Selenium Concentration and Polymorphism of Selenoprotein and Prostate Cancer
Authors: Yu-Mei Hsueh, Cheng-Shiuan Tsai, Chao-Yuan Huang
Prostate Cancer (PC) is a malignant tumor originated in prostate and is a second common male’s cancer in the world. Incidence of PC in Asia countries, have still been rising over the past few decades. As an antioxidant, selenium can slow down prostate cancer tumor progression, but the association between plasma selenium levels and risk of aggressive prostate cancer may be modified by different genotype of selenoprotein. The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between plasma selenium, polymorphism of selenoprotein, urinaty total arsenic, and prostate cancer. Two hundred ninety five pathologically-confirmed cases of PC and 295 cancer-free controls were individually matched to case subjects by age (± 5 years) were recruited from Department of Urology of National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei Municipal Wan Fang Hospital and Taipei Medical University Hospital. Personal interview and biospeciment of urine and blood collection from participants were conducted by well-trained interviewers after participants’ informed consent was obtained. Plasma selenium was measured by an inductively coupled plasma mass. Urinary arsenic concentration was detected using high-performance liquid chromatography-linked hydride generator and atomic absorption spectrometry. The polymorphism of SEPP1rs3797310 and SEP15 rs5859 were determined using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism method. The higher plasma selenium was the lower OR of PC with a dose-response relationship. Prostate cancer patients with high plasma selenium had low tumor stage and grade. Participants carried SEPP1rs3797310 CT+TT genotype compared to those with CC genotype had a lower OR of PC in crude model; then this relationship was disappeared after confounder was adjusted. Prostate cancer patients with high urinary total arsenic concentration had high tumor stage and grade. Urinary total arsenic concentration was significantly positively related with plasma selenium and prostate specific antigen concentration. Participants with lower plasma selenium concentration and higher urinary total arsenic concentration compared to those with higher plasma selenium concentration and lower urinary total arsenic concentration had a higher OR of PC with a dose-response relationship.Keywords: prostate cancer, plasma selenium concentration, urinary arsenic concentration, prostate specific antigen
Procedia PDF Downloads 472799 Estimation of Bio-Kinetic Coefficients for Treatment of Brewery Wastewater
Authors: Abimbola M. Enitan, J. Adeyemo
Anaerobic modeling is a useful tool to describe and simulate the condition and behaviour of anaerobic treatment units for better effluent quality and biogas generation. The present investigation deals with the anaerobic treatment of brewery wastewater with varying organic loads. The chemical oxygen demand (COD) and total suspended solids (TSS) of the influent and effluent of the bioreactor were determined at various retention times to generate data for kinetic coefficients. The bio-kinetic coefficients in the modified Stover–Kincannon kinetic and methane generation models were determined to study the performance of anaerobic digestion process. At steady-state, the determination of the kinetic coefficient (K), the endogenous decay coefficient (Kd), the maximum growth rate of microorganisms (µmax), the growth yield coefficient (Y), ultimate methane yield (Bo), maximum utilization rate constant Umax and the saturation constant (KB) in the model were calculated to be 0.046 g/g COD, 0.083 (dˉ¹), 0.117 (d-¹), 0.357 g/g, 0.516 (L CH4/gCODadded), 18.51 (g/L/day) and 13.64 (g/L/day) respectively. The outcome of this study will help in simulation of anaerobic model to predict usable methane and good effluent quality during the treatment of industrial wastewater. Thus, this will protect the environment, conserve natural resources, saves time and reduce cost incur by the industries for the discharge of untreated or partially treated wastewater. It will also contribute to a sustainable long-term clean development mechanism for the optimization of the methane produced from anaerobic degradation of waste in a close system.Keywords: brewery wastewater, methane generation model, environment, anaerobic modeling
Procedia PDF Downloads 272798 Fate of Organic Waste, Refuse and Inert from Municipal Discards as Source of Energy and Nutrient in India: A Brief Review
Authors: Kunwar Paritosh, Vivekanand Vivekanand, Nidhi Pareek
Presently, India depends primarily on fossil fuels for its acute energy demand. The swift in development of India in last two decades is accentuating its natural resources and compelling expenditures to cope energy security for the habitats. A total inhabitant of 1.2 billion, observing growing industrialization; is generating 68.8 million tonnes of municipal solid waste per year, 53.7 million tonnes is collected, and only trifling amount of 10.3 million tonnes of waste is treated per year that integrates to a massive amount of unimaginable land hill. In India, waste is mostly landfilled and/or incinerated with low technology and is poorly managed. Underutilization of this waste not only gulps resources but also stresses environment, public health and bionetwork thus affecting the bioeconomy negatively. It also creates conditions that invoke inevitable expenditures and loss of its renewable energy potential. The non-scientific approach to manage waste may lead to an economy downfall, underutilization and degradation of natural resources. Waste treatment technologies must be scientifically tailored and engineered as per the type of waste where it may be utilized as a source of energy (here biogas) and nutrients employing anaerobic digestion to the sorted waste. This paper presents a brief review on current practices, key achievements and forthcoming aspects of harnessing energy from municipal solid waste in Indian scenario.Keywords: municipal discards, organic waste, anaerobic digestion, incineration, energy
Procedia PDF Downloads 263797 Effect of Highway Construction on Soil Properties and Soil Organic Carbon (Soc) Along Lagos-Badagry Expressway, Lagos, Nigeria
Authors: Fatai Olakunle Ogundele
Road construction is increasingly common in today's world as human development expands and people increasingly rely on cars for transportation on a daily basis. The construction of a large network of roads has dramatically altered the landscape and impacted well-being in a number of deleterious ways. In addition, the road can also shift population demographics and be a source of pollution into the environment. Road construction activities normally result in changes in alteration of the soil's physical properties through soil compaction on the road itself and on adjacent areas and chemical and biological properties, among other effects. Understanding roadside soil properties that are influenced by road construction activities can serve as a basis for formulating conservation-based management strategies. Therefore, this study examined the effects of road construction on soil properties and soil organic carbon along Lagos Badagry Expressway, Lagos, Nigeria. The study adopted purposive sampling techniques and 40 soil samples were collected at a depth of 0 – 30cm from each of the identified road intersections and infrastructures using a soil auger. The soil samples collected were taken to the laboratory for soil properties and carbon stock analysis using standard methods. Both descriptive and inferential statistical techniques were applied to analyze the data obtained. The results revealed that soil compaction inhibits ecological succession on roadsides in that increased compaction suppresses plant growth as well as causes changes in soil quality.Keywords: highway, soil properties, organic carbon, road construction, land degradation
Procedia PDF Downloads 81796 LIS Students’ Experience of Online Learning During Covid-19
Authors: Larasati Zuhro, Ida F Priyanto
Background: In March 2020, Indonesia started to be affected by Covid-19, and the number of victims increased slowly but surely until finally, the highest number of victims reached the highest—about 50,000 persons—for the daily cases in the middle of 2021. Like other institutions, schools and universities were suddenly closed in March 2020, and students had to change their ways of studying from face-to-face to online. This sudden changed affected students and faculty, including LIS students and faculty because they never experienced online classes in Indonesia due to the previous regulation that academic and school activities were all conducted onsite. For almost two years, school and academic activities were held online. This indeed has affected the way students learned and faculty delivered their courses. This raises the question of whether students are now ready for their new learning activities due to the covid-19 disruption. Objectives: this study was conducted to find out the impact of covid-19 pandemic on the LIS learning process and the effectiveness of online classes for students of LIS in Indonesia. Methodology: This was qualitative research conducted among LIS students at UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The population are students who were studying for masters’program during covid-19 pandemic. Results: The study showed that students were ready with the online classes because they are familiar with the technology. However, the Internet and technology infrastructure do not always support the process of learning. Students mention slow WIFI is one factor that causes them not being able to study optimally. They usually compensate themselves by visiting a public library, a café, or any other places to get WIFI network. Noises come from the people surrounding them while they are studying online.Some students could not concentrate well when attending the online classes as they studied at home, and their families sometimes talk to other family members, or they asked the students while they are attending the online classes. The noise also came when they studied in a café. Another issue is that the classes were held in shorter time than that in the face-to-face. Students said they still enjoyed the onsite classes instead of online, although they do not mind to have hybrid model of learning. Conclusion: Pandemic of Covid-19 has changed the way students of LIS in Indonesia learn. They have experienced a process of migrating the way they learn from onsite to online. They also adapted their learning with the condition of internet access speed, infrastructure, and the environment. They expect to have hybrid classes in the future.Keywords: learning, LIS students, pandemic, covid-19
Procedia PDF Downloads 130795 Learners' Perception of Digitalization of Medical Education in a Low Middle-Income Country – A Case Study of the Lecturio Platform
Authors: Naomi Nathan
Introduction Digitalization of medical education can revolutionize how medical students learn and interact with the medical curriculum across contexts. With the increasing availability of the internet and mobile connectivity in LMICs, online medical education platforms and digital learning tools are becoming more widely available, providing new opportunities for learners to access high-quality medical education and training. However, the adoption and integration of digital technologies in medical education in LMICs is a complex process influenced by various factors, including learners' perceptions and attitudes toward digital learning. In Ethiopia, the adoption of digital platforms for medical education has been slow, with traditional face-to-face teaching methods still being the norm. However, as access to technology improves and more universities adopt digital platforms, it is crucial to understand how medical students perceive this shift. Methodology This study investigated medical students' perception of the digitalization of medical education in relation to their access to the Lecturio Digital Medical Education Platform through a capacity-building project. 740 medical students from over 20 medical universities participated in the study. The students were surveyed using a questionnaire that included their attitudes toward the digitalization of medical education, their frequency of use of the digital platform, and their perceived benefits and challenges. Results The study results showed that most medical students had a positive attitude toward digitalizing medical education. The most commonly cited benefit was the convenience and flexibility of accessing course material/curriculum online. Many students also reported that they found the platform more interactive and engaging, leading to a more meaningful learning experience. The study also identified several challenges medical students faced when using the platform. The most commonly reported challenge was the need for more reliable internet access, which made it difficult for students to access content consistently. Overall, the results of this study suggest that medical students in Ethiopia have a positive perception of the digitalization of medical education. Over 97% of students continuously expressed a need for access to the Lecturio platform throughout their studies. Conclusion Significant challenges still need to be addressed to fully realize the Lecturio digital platform's benefits. Universities, relevant ministries, and various stakeholders must work together to address these challenges to ensure that medical students fully participate in and benefit from digitalized medical education - sustainably and effectively.Keywords: digital medical education, EdTech, LMICs, e-learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 92794 False Assumptions Made in Cybersecurity Curriculum: K-12
Authors: Nathaniel Evans, Jessica Boersma, Kenneth Kass
With technology and STEM fields growing every day, there is a significant projected shortfall in qualified cybersecurity workers. As such, it is essential to develop a cybersecurity curriculum that builds skills and cultivates interest in cybersecurity early on. With new jobs being created every day and an already significant gap in the job market, it is vital that educators are pro-active in introducing a cybersecurity curriculum where students are able to learn new skills and engage in an age-appropriate cyber curriculum. Within this growing world of cybersecurity, students should engage in age-appropriate technology and cybersecurity curriculum, starting with elementary school (k-5), extending through high school, and ultimately into college. Such practice will provide students with the confidence, skills, and, ultimately, the opportunity to work in the burgeoning information security field. This paper examines educational methods, pedagogical practices, current cybersecurity curricula, and other educational resources and conducts analysis for false assumptions and developmental appropriateness. It also examines and identifies common mistakes with current cyber curriculum and lessons and discuss strategies for improvement. Throughout the lessons that were reviewed, many common mistakes continued to pop up. These mistakes included age appropriateness, technology resources that were available, and consistency of student’s skill levels. Many of these lessons were written for the wrong grade levels. The ones written for the elementary level all had activities that assumed that every student in the class could read at grade level and also had background knowledge of the cyber activity at hand, which is not always the case. Another major mistake was that these lessons assumed that all schools had any kind of technology resource available to them. Some schools are 1:1, and others are only allotted three computers in their classroom where the students have to share. While coming up with a cyber-curriculum, it has to be kept in mind that not all schools are the same, not every classroom is the same. There are many students who are not reading at their grade level or have not had exposure to the digital world. We need to start slow and ease children into the cyber world. Once they have a better understanding, it will be easier to move forward with these lessons and get the students engaged. With a better understanding of common mistakes that are being made, a more robust curriculum and lessons can be created that no only spark a student’s interest in this much-needed career field but encourage learning while keeping our students safe from cyber-attacks.Keywords: assumptions, cybersecurity, k-12, teacher
Procedia PDF Downloads 167793 Modelling and Numerical Analysis of Thermal Non-Destructive Testing on Complex Structure
Authors: Y. L. Hor, H. S. Chu, V. P. Bui
Composite material is widely used to replace conventional material, especially in the aerospace industry to reduce the weight of the devices. It is formed by combining reinforced materials together via adhesive bonding to produce a bulk material with alternated macroscopic properties. In bulk composites, degradation may occur in microscopic scale, which is in each individual reinforced fiber layer or especially in its matrix layer such as delamination, inclusion, disbond, void, cracks, and porosity. In this paper, we focus on the detection of defect in matrix layer which the adhesion between the composite plies is in contact but coupled through a weak bond. In fact, the adhesive defects are tested through various nondestructive methods. Among them, pulsed phase thermography (PPT) has shown some advantages providing improved sensitivity, large-area coverage, and high-speed testing. The aim of this work is to develop an efficient numerical model to study the application of PPT to the nondestructive inspection of weak bonding in composite material. The resulting thermal evolution field is comprised of internal reflections between the interfaces of defects and the specimen, and the important key-features of the defects presented in the material can be obtained from the investigation of the thermal evolution of the field distribution. Computational simulation of such inspections has allowed the improvement of the techniques to apply in various inspections, such as materials with high thermal conductivity and more complex structures.Keywords: pulsed phase thermography, weak bond, composite, CFRP, computational modelling, optimization
Procedia PDF Downloads 176792 Determination of Metalaxyl Efficacy in Controlling Phytophthora palmivora Infection of Durian Using Bioassay
Authors: Supawadee Phetkhajone, Wisuwat Songnuan
Metalaxyl is one of the most common and effective fungicides used to control Phytophthora palmivora infection in durian (Durio zibethinus L.). The efficacy of metalaxyl residue in durian under greenhouse condition was evaluated using bioassay. Durian seedlings were treated with 2 methods of application, spraying, and soil drenching of metalaxyl, at recommended concentration (1000 mg/L). Mock treated samples were treated with 0.1% Tween20 and water for spraying and soil drenching methods, respectively. The experiment was performed in triplicates. Leaves were detached from treated plants at 0, 1, 7, 15, 20, 30, and 60 days after application, inoculated with metalaxyl-resistant and metalaxyl-sensitive isolates of P. palmivora, and incubated in a high humidity chamber for 5 days at room temperature. Metalaxyl efficacy was determined by measuring the lesion size on metalaxyl treated and mock treated samples. The results showed that metalaxyl can control metalaxyl-sensitive isolate of P. palmivora for at least 30 days after application in both methods of application. The metalaxyl-resistant isolate was not inhibited in all treatments. Leaf samples from spraying method showed larger lesions compared to soil drench method. These results demonstrated that metalaxyl applications, especially soil drenching methods showed high efficacy to control metalaxyl-sensitive isolates of P. palmivora, although it cannot control metalaxyl-resistant isolates of P. palmivora in all treatments. These qualitative data indicate that metalaxyl may suitable to control metalaxyl-sensitive isolates of P. palmivora infection.Keywords: bioassay, degradation, durian, metalaxyl
Procedia PDF Downloads 127791 Microfacies and Sedimentary Environment of Potentially Hydrocarbon-Bearing Ordovician and Silurian Deposits of Selected Boreholes in the Baltic Syneclise (NE Poland)
Authors: Katarzyna Sobczak
Over the last few years extensive research on the Lower Palaeozic of the Baltic region has been carried out, associated with growing interest in the unconventional hydrocarbon resources of the area. The present study contributes to this investigation by providing relevant microfacies analysis of Ordovician and Silurian carbonate and clastic deposits of the Polish part of the Baltic Syneclise, using data from the Kętrzyn IG-1, Henrykowo 1 and Babiak 1 boreholes. The analytical data, encompassing sedimentological, palaeontological, and petrographic indicators enables the interpretation of the sedimentary environments and their control factors. The main microfacies types distinguished within the studied interval are: bioclastic wackestone, bioclastic packstone, carbonate-rich mudstone, marlstone, nodular limestone and bituminous claystone. The Ordovician is represented by redeposited carbonate rocks formed in a relatively high-energy environment (middle shelf setting). The Upper Ordovician-Lower Silurian rocks of the studied basin represent sedimentary succession formed during a distinctive marine transgression. Considering the sedimentological and petrological data from the Silurian, a low-energy sedimentary environment (offshore setting) with intermittent high-energy events (tempestites) can be inferred for the sedimentary basin of NE Poland. Slow sedimentation of carbonate ooze and fine-grained siliciclastic rocks, formed under oxygen-deficient conditions of the seabed, favoured organic matter preservation. The presence of the storm beds suggests an episodic nature of seabed oxygenation. A significant part of the analysed depositional successions shows characteristics indicative of deposition from gravity flows, but lacks evidence of its turbidity origins. There is, however, evidence for storms acting as a mechanism of flow activation. The discussed Ordovician-Silurian transition of depositional environments in the Baltic area fits well to the global environmental changes encompassing the Upper Ordovician and the Lower Silurian.Keywords: Baltic Syneclise, microfacies analysis, Ordovician, Silurian, unconventional hydrocarbons
Procedia PDF Downloads 433790 Study of the Effect of Voltage and PH on the Inactivation of Byssochlamys fulva in Tomato Juice by Ohmic Process
Authors: Arash Dara, Mahsa Mokhtari, Nafiseh Zamindar
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of thermal resistance, temperature, voltage, and pH changes in an ohmic heating system on reducing the logarithmic number of Byssochlamys fulva species (PTCC 5062) in tomato juice water and to investigate the quantitative properties of tomato juice in the ohmic heating pasteurization system. The percentage of thermal degradation by ohmic heating was determined in tomato juice for the kinetics of Byssochlamys fulva in ohmic chamber at the temperatures of 88, 93, and 98°C, with two voltages of 30 and 40 volts and two pH levels of 3.5 and 4.5; this was done using Weibull frequency distribution model. Three different parameters (pH = 3.5, two voltages of 30 and 40, at three temperatures 88, 93, and 98) and (pH = 4.5, two voltages 30 and 40, at three temperatures 88, 93, and 98) in three replications were considered in the ohmic system. Heating time for the temperature of 88°C was 20 minutes once every 2 minutes, while for the temperature of 93°C, it was 10 minutes once every 1 minute. At the temperature of 98°C, the first time was 0.5 minutes, and for other times, sampling was done every 1 minute. In each condition, the qualitative characteristics, including acidity, Brix, and pH, were measured before and after the ohmic process in the tomato juice. This study demonstrates that the differences in pH and voltage due to different temperatures in the ohmic process can greatly affect the inactivation of Byssochlamys fulva fungus and the qualitative characteristics of the tomato juice. This is the first study using the Weibull frequency method to model the inactivation of Byssochlamys fulva in tomato juice. Variation in parameters such as temperature, voltage, and pH can prevent the presence of Byssochlamys fulva in the pasteurized juices.Keywords: pasteurization, ohmic heating process, Byssochlamys fulva, tomato juice, heat resistance, voltage, pH
Procedia PDF Downloads 382789 Modelling and Control of Milk Fermentation Process in Biochemical Reactor
Authors: Jožef Ritonja
The biochemical industry is one of the most important modern industries. Biochemical reactors are crucial devices of the biochemical industry. The essential bioprocess carried out in bioreactors is the fermentation process. A thorough insight into the fermentation process and the knowledge how to control it are essential for effective use of bioreactors to produce high quality and quantitatively enough products. The development of the control system starts with the determination of a mathematical model that describes the steady state and dynamic properties of the controlled plant satisfactorily, and is suitable for the development of the control system. The paper analyses the fermentation process in bioreactors thoroughly, using existing mathematical models. Most existing mathematical models do not allow the design of a control system for controlling the fermentation process in batch bioreactors. Due to this, a mathematical model was developed and presented that allows the development of a control system for batch bioreactors. Based on the developed mathematical model, a control system was designed to ensure optimal response of the biochemical quantities in the fermentation process. Due to the time-varying and non-linear nature of the controlled plant, the conventional control system with a proportional-integral-differential controller with constant parameters does not provide the desired transient response. The improved adaptive control system was proposed to improve the dynamics of the fermentation. The use of the adaptive control is suggested because the parameters’ variations of the fermentation process are very slow. The developed control system was tested to produce dairy products in the laboratory bioreactor. A carbon dioxide concentration was chosen as the controlled variable. The carbon dioxide concentration correlates well with the other, for the quality of the fermentation process in significant quantities. The level of the carbon dioxide concentration gives important information about the fermentation process. The obtained results showed that the designed control system provides minimum error between reference and actual values of carbon dioxide concentration during a transient response and in a steady state. The recommended control system makes reference signal tracking much more efficient than the currently used conventional control systems which are based on linear control theory. The proposed control system represents a very effective solution for the improvement of the milk fermentation process.Keywords: biochemical reactor, fermentation process, modelling, adaptive control
Procedia PDF Downloads 132788 Conservation Status of a Lowland Tropical Forest in South-West, Nigeria
Authors: Lucky Dartsa Wakawa, Friday Nwabueze Ogana, Temitope Elizabeth Adeniyi
Timely and reliable information on the status of a forest is essential for assessing the extent of regeneration and degradation. However, when such information is lacking effective forest management practices becomes impossible. Therefore, this study assessed the tree species composition, richness, diversity, structure of Oluwa forest reserve with the view of ascertaining it conservation status. A systematic line transect was used in the laying of eight (8) temporary sample plots (TSPs) of size 50m x 50m. Trees with Dbh ≥ 10cm in the selected plots were enumerated, identified and measured. The results indicate that 535 individual trees were enumerated cutting across 26 families and 58 species. The family Sterculiaceae recorded the highest number of species (10) and occurrence (112) representing 17.2% and 20.93% respectively. Celtis zenkeri is the species with the highest number of occurrence of tree per hectare and importance value index (IVI) of 59 and 53.81 respectively. The reserve has the Margalef's index of species richness, Shannon-Weiner diversity Index (H') and Pielou's Species Evenness Index (EH) of 9.07, 3.43 and 0.84 respectively. The forest has a mean Dbh (cm), mean height (m), total basal area/ha (m2) and total volume/ha (m3) of 24.7, 16.9, 36.63 and 602.09 respectively. The important tropical tree species identified includes Diospyros crassiflora Milicia excels, Mansonia altisima, Triplochiton scleroxylon. Despite the level of exploitation in the forest, the forest seems to be resilience. Given the right attention, it could regenerate and replenish to save some of the original species composition of the reserve.Keywords: forest conservation, forest structure, Lowland tropical forest, South-west Nigeria
Procedia PDF Downloads 347787 High-Temperature Behavior of Boiler Steel by Friction Stir Processing
Authors: Supreet Singh, Manpreet Kaur, Manoj Kumar
High temperature corrosion is an imperative material degradation method experienced in thermal power plants and other energy generation sectors. Metallic materials such as ferritic steels have special properties such as easy fabrication and machinibilty, low cost, but a serious drawback of these materials is the worsening in properties initiating from the interaction with the environments. The metallic materials do not endure higher temperatures for extensive period of time because of their poor corrosion resistance. Friction Stir Processing (FSP), has emerged as the potent surface modification means and control of microstructure in thermo mechanically heat affecting zones of various metal alloys. In the current research work, FSP was done on the boiler tube of SA 210 Grade A1 material which is regularly used by thermal power plants. The strengthening of SA210 Grade A1 boiler steel through microstructural refinement by Friction Stir Processing (FSP) and analyze the effect of the same on high temperature corrosion behavior. The high temperature corrosion performance of the unprocessed and the FSPed specimens were evaluated in the laboratory using molten salt environment of Na₂SO₄-82%Fe₂(SO₄). The unprocessed and FSPed low carbon steel Gr A1 evaluation was done in terms of microstructure, corrosion resistance, mechanical properties like hardness- tensile. The in-depth characterization was done by EBSD, SEM/EDS and X-ray mapping analyses with an aim to propose the mechanism behind high temperature corrosion behavior of the FSPed steel.Keywords: boiler steel, characterization, corrosion, EBSD/SEM/EDS/XRD, friction stir processing
Procedia PDF Downloads 239786 The Effect of Wool Mulch on Plant Development in the Light of Soil Physical and Soil Biological Conditions
Authors: Katalin Juhos, Enikő Papdi, Flórián Kovács, Vasileios P. Vasileiadis, Andrea Veres
Mulching techniques can be a solution for better utilization of precipitation and irrigation water and for mitigating soil degradation and drought damages. Waste fibres as alternative biodegradable mulch materials are increasingly coming to the fore. The effect of wool mulch (WM) on water use efficiency of pepper seedlings were investigated in different soil types (sand, clay loam, peat) in a pot experiment. Two semi-field experiments were also set up to investigate the effect of WM-plant interaction on sweet pepper yield in comparison with agro-textile and straw mulches. Soil parameters (moisture, temperature, DHA, β-glucosidase enzymes, permanganate-oxidizable carbon) were measured during the growing season. The effect of WM on yield and biomass was more significant with less frequent irrigation and the greater the water capacity of soils. The microbiological activity was significantly higher in the presence of plants, because of the water retention of WM, the metabolic products of roots and the more balanced soil temperature caused by plants. On the sandy soil, the straw mulch had a significantly better effect on microbiological parameters and yields than the agro-textile and WM. WM is a sustainable practice for improving soil biological parameters and water use efficiency on soils with a higher water capacity.Keywords: β-glucosidase, DHA enzyme activity; labile carbon, straw mulch; plastic mulch, evapotranspira-tion coefficient, soil temperature
Procedia PDF Downloads 77785 Reduction of Terpene Emissions from Oriented Strand Boards (OSB) by Bacterial Pre-Treatment
Authors: Bernhard Widhalm, Cornelia Rieder-Gradinger, Ewald Srebotnik
Pine wood (Pinus sylvestris L.) is the basic raw material for the production of Oriented Strand Boards (OSB) and the major source of volatile organic compounds, especially terpenes (like α- and β-pinene). To lower the total emission level of OSB, terpene metabolising microorganisms were therefore applied onto pine wood strands for the production of emission-reduced boards. Suitable microorganisms were identified during preliminary tests under laboratory conditions. At first, their terpene degrading potential was investigated in liquid culture, followed by laboratory tests using unsterile pine wood particles and strands. The main focus was laid on an adoptable terpene reduction in a short incubation time. An optimised bacterial mixture of Pseudomonas putida and Pseudomonas fluorescens showed the best results and was therefore used for further experiments on a larger scale. In an industry-compatible testing procedure, pine wood strands were incubated with the bacterial mixture for a period of 2 to 4 days. Incubation time was stopped by drying the strands. OSB were then manufactured from the pre-treated strands and emissions were measured by means of SPME/GC-MS analysis. Bacterial pre-treatment of strands resulted in a reduction of α-pinene- and β-pinene-emissions from OSB by 40% and 70%, respectively, even after only 2 days of incubation. The results of the investigation provide a basis for the application of microbial treatment within the industrial OSB production line, where shortest possible incubation times are required. For this purpose, the performance of the bacterial mixture will have to be further optimised.Keywords: GC-MS, OSB, Pseudomonas sp., terpene degradation
Procedia PDF Downloads 268784 Tapping Traditional Environmental Knowledge: Lessons for Disaster Policy Formulation in India
Authors: Aparna Sengupta
The paper seeks to find answers to the question as to why India’s disaster management policies have been unable to deliver the desired results. Are the shortcomings in policy formulation, effective policy implementation or timely prevention mechanisms? Or is there a fundamental issue of policy formulation which sparsely takes into account the cultural specificities and uniqueness, technological know-how, educational, religious and attitudinal capacities of the target population into consideration? India was slow in legislating disaster policies but more than that the reason for lesser success of disaster polices seems to be the gap between policy and the people. We not only keep hearing about the failure of governmental efforts but also how the local communities deal far more efficaciously with disasters utilizing their traditional knowledge. The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami which killed 250,000 people (approx.) could not kill the tribal communities who saved themselves due to their age-old traditional knowledge. This large scale disaster, considered as a landmark event in history of disasters in the twenty-first century, can be attributed in bringing and confirming the importance of Traditional Environmental Knowledge in managing disasters. This brings forth the importance of cultural and traditional know-how in dealing with natural disasters and one is forced to question as to why shouldn’t traditional environmental knowledge (TEK) be taken into consideration while formulating India’s disaster resilience policies? Though at the international level, many scholars have explored the connectedness of disaster to cultural dimensions and several research examined how culture acts as a stimuli in perceiving disasters and their management (Clifford, 1956; Mcluckie, 1970; Koentjaraningrat, 1985; Peacock, 1997; Elliot, 2006; Aruntoi, 2008; Kulatunga, 2010). But in the Indian context, this field of inquiry i.e. linking disaster policies with tradition and generational understanding has seldom received attention of the government, decision- making authorities, disaster managers and even in the academia. The present study attempts to fill this gap in research and scholarship by presenting an historical analysis of disaster and its cognition by cultural communities in India. The paper seeks to interlink the cultural comprehension of Indian tribal communities with scientific-technology towards more constructive disaster policies in India.Keywords: culture, disasters, local communities, traditional knowledge
Procedia PDF Downloads 106783 Development of Electrochemical Biosensor Based on Dendrimer-Magnetic Nanoparticles for Detection of Alpha-Fetoprotein
Authors: Priyal Chikhaliwala, Sudeshna Chandra
Liver cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors with poor prognosis. This is because liver cancer does not exhibit any symptoms in early stage of disease. Increased serum level of AFP is clinically considered as a diagnostic marker for liver malignancy. The present diagnostic modalities include various types of immunoassays, radiological studies, and biopsy. However, these tests undergo slow response times, require significant sample volumes, achieve limited sensitivity and ultimately become expensive and burdensome to patients. Considering all these aspects, electrochemical biosensors based on dendrimer-magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) was designed. Dendrimers are novel nano-sized, three-dimensional molecules with monodispersed structures. Poly-amidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimers with eight –NH₂ groups using ethylenediamine as a core molecule were synthesized using Michael addition reaction. Dendrimers provide added the advantage of not only stabilizing Fe₃O₄ NPs but also displays capability of performing multiple electron redox events and binding multiple biological ligands to its dendritic end-surface. Fe₃O₄ NPs due to its superparamagnetic behavior can be exploited for magneto-separation process. Fe₃O₄ NPs were stabilized with PAMAM dendrimer by in situ co-precipitation method. The surface coating was examined by FT-IR, XRD, VSM, and TGA analysis. Electrochemical behavior and kinetic studies were evaluated using CV which revealed that the dendrimer-Fe₃O₄ NPs can be looked upon as electrochemically active materials. Electrochemical immunosensor was designed by immobilizing anti-AFP onto dendrimer-MNPs by gluteraldehyde conjugation reaction. The bioconjugates were then incubated with AFP antigen. The immunosensor was characterized electrochemically indicating successful immuno-binding events. The binding events were also further studied using magnetic particle imaging (MPI) which is a novel imaging modality in which Fe₃O₄ NPs are used as tracer molecules with positive contrast. Multicolor MPI was able to clearly localize AFP antigen and antibody and its binding successfully. Results demonstrate immense potential in terms of biosensing and enabling MPI of AFP in clinical diagnosis.Keywords: alpha-fetoprotein, dendrimers, electrochemical biosensors, magnetic nanoparticles
Procedia PDF Downloads 136782 Influence of Boron and Germanium Doping on Physical-Mechanical Properties of Monocrystalline Silicon
Authors: Ia Kurashvili, Giorgi Darsavelidze, Giorgi Chubinidze, Marina Kadaria
Boron-doped Czochralski (CZ) silicon of p-type, widely used in the photovoltaic industry is suffering from the light-induced-degradation (LID) of bulk electrophysical characteristics. This is caused by specific metastable B-O defects, which are characterized by strong recombination activity. In this regard, it is actual to suppress B-O defects in CZ silicon. One of the methods is doping of silicon by different isovalent elements (Ge, C, Sn). The present work deals with the investigations of the influence of germanium doping on the internal friction and shear modulus amplitude dependences in the temperature interval of 600-800⁰C and 0.5-5 Hz frequency range in boron-containing monocrystalline silicon. Experimental specimens were grown by Czochralski method (CZ) in [111] direction. Four different specimens were investigated: Si+0,5at%Ge:B (5.1015cm-3), Si+0,5at%Ge:B (1.1019cm-3), Si+2at%Ge:B (5.1015cm-3) and Si+2at%Ge:B (1.1019cm-3). Increasing tendency of dislocation density and inhomogeneous distribution in silicon crystals with high content of boron and germanium were revealed by metallographic studies on the optical microscope of NMM-80RF/TRF. Weak increase of current carriers-holes concentration and slight decrease of their mobility were observed by Van der Pauw method on Ecopia HMS-3000 device. Non-monotonous changes of dislocation origin defects mobility and microplastic deformation characteristics influenced by measuring temperatures and boron and germanium concentrations were revealed. Possible mechanisms of changes of mechanical characteristics in Si-Ge experimental specimens were discussed.Keywords: dislocation, internal friction, microplastic deformation, shear modulus
Procedia PDF Downloads 239