Search results for: low land basin
1220 Bowing of a Pipeline from Longitudinal Compressive Stress Induced by Ground Movement
Authors: Gennaro Marino
This paper concerns a case of a 10.75 inch diameter buried gas transmission line which was exposed to mine subsidence ground movements. The pipeline was buried about 4ft. below the surface with maximum operating pressure of 1440 psi. The mine subsidence movement was the result of long walling ore at a depth of approximately 1600 ft. As ore extraction progressed, the stress in the monitored pipeline worsened and was approaching unacceptable levels. The excessive pipe compression resulted when it was exposed to the compression zone of subsidence basin created by mining. The pipe stress reached a significant compressive level due to the extensive length of the pipe exposed to frictional ground-pipe slip resistance. The backfill ground movement slip resistance depends on normal stress around the pipe, the rate of slip, and the backfill characteristics. Normal stress depends on the burial depth of the backfill density and the lateral subsidence induced stress. The backfill in this site has a soil dry density of approximately 90 PCF. A suite of direct shear tests was conducted a residual friction angle of 36 was determined for the ambient backfill. These tests showed that the residual shearing resistance was reached within a fraction of an inch. The pipe was coated with fusion-bonded epoxy, so friction reduce factory of 0.6 can be considered. To relieve ground movement induced compressive stress, the line was uncovered. As more of the pipeline was exposed, the pipe abruptly bowed in the excavation. An analysis of this pipe formation which was performed is provided in this paper. Also discussed in this paper are ways to mitigate this pipe deformation or upheaval buckling from occurring. Keywords: Pipe Upheaval, Pipe Buckling, Ground subsidence, Buried Pipeline, Pipe Stress Mitigation.Keywords: pipe upheaval, pipe buckling, ground subsidence, buried pipeline, pipe stress mitigation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1621219 Forest Fire Risk Mapping Using Analytic Hierarchy Process and GIS-Based Application: A Case Study in Hua Sai District, Thailand
Authors: Narissara Nuthammachot, Dimitris Stratoulias
Fire is one of the main causes of environmental and ecosystem change. Therefore, it is a challenging task for fire risk assessment fire potential mapping. The study area is Hua Sai district, Nakorn Sri Thammarat province, which covers in a part of peat swamp forest areas. 55 fire points in peat swamp areas were reported from 2012 to 2016. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Geographic Information System (GIS) methods were selected for this study. The risk fire area map was arranged on these factors; elevation, slope, aspect, precipitation, distance from the river, distance from town, and land use. The results showed that the predicted fire risk areas are found to be in appreciable reliability with past fire events. The fire risk map can be used for the planning and management of fire areas in the future.Keywords: analytic hierarchy process, fire risk assessment, geographic information system, peat swamp forest
Procedia PDF Downloads 2141218 Effects of Changes in LULC on Hydrological Response in Upper Indus Basin
Authors: Ahmad Ammar, Umar Khan Khattak, Muhammad Majid
Empirically based lumped hydrologic models have an extensive track record of use for various watershed managements and flood related studies. This study focuses on the impacts of LULC change for 10 year period on the discharge in watershed using lumped model HEC-HMS. The Indus above Tarbela region acts as a source of the main flood events in the middle and lower portions of Indus because of the amount of rainfall and topographic setting of the region. The discharge pattern of the region is influenced by the LULC associated with it. In this study the Landsat TM images were used to do LULC analysis of the watershed. Satellite daily precipitation TRMM data was used as input rainfall. The input variables for model building in HEC-HMS were then calculated based on the GIS data collected and pre-processed in HEC-GeoHMS. SCS-CN was used as transform model, SCS unit hydrograph method was used as loss model and Muskingum was used as routing model. For discharge simulation years 2000 and 2010 were taken. HEC-HMS was calibrated for the year 2000 and then validated for 2010.The performance of the model was assessed through calibration and validation process and resulted R2=0.92 during calibration and validation. Relative Bias for the years 2000 was -9% and for2010 was -14%. The result shows that in 10 years the impact of LULC change on discharge has been negligible in the study area overall. One reason is that, the proportion of built-up area in the watershed, which is the main causative factor of change in discharge, is less than 1% of the total area. However, locally, the impact of development was found significant in built up area of Mansehra city. The analysis was done on Mansehra city sub-watershed with an area of about 16 km2 and has more than 13% built up area in 2010. The results showed that with an increase of 40% built-up area in the city from 2000 to 2010 the discharge values increased about 33 percent, indicating the impact of LULC change on discharge value.Keywords: LULC change, HEC-HMS, Indus Above Tarbela, SCS-CN
Procedia PDF Downloads 5141217 Application and Verification of Regression Model to Landslide Susceptibility Mapping
Authors: Masood Beheshtirad
Identification of regions having potential for landslide occurrence is one of the basic measures in natural resources management. Different landslide hazard mapping models are proposed based on the environmental condition and goals. In this research landslide hazard map using multiple regression model were provided and applicability of this model is investigated in Baghdasht watershed. Dependent variable is landslide inventory map and independent variables consist of information layers as Geology, slope, aspect, distance from river, distance from road, fault and land use. For doing this, existing landslides have been identified and an inventory map made. The landslide hazard map is based on the multiple regression provided. The level of similarity potential hazard classes and figures of this model were compared with the landslide inventory map in the SPSS environments. Results of research showed that there is a significant correlation between the potential hazard classes and figures with area of the landslides. The multiple regression model is suitable for application in the Baghdasht Watershed.Keywords: landslide, mapping, multiple model, regression
Procedia PDF Downloads 3261216 Hydro Geochemistry and Water Quality in a River Affected by Lead Mining in Southern Spain
Authors: Rosendo Mendoza, María Carmen Hidalgo, María José Campos-Suñol, Julián Martínez, Javier Rey
The impact of mining environmental liabilities and mine drainage on surface water quality has been investigated in the hydrographic basin of the La Carolina mining district (southern Spain). This abandoned mining district is characterized by the existence of important mineralizations of sulfoantimonides of Pb - Ag, and sulfides of Cu - Fe. All surface waters reach the main river of this mining area, the Grande River, which ends its course in the Rumblar reservoir. This waterbody is intended to supply 89,000 inhabitants, as well as irrigation and livestock. Therefore, the analysis and control of the metal(loid) concentration that exists in these surface waters is an important issue because of the potential pollution derived from metallic mining. A hydrogeochemical campaign consisting of 20 water sampling points was carried out in the hydrographic network of the Grande River, as well as two sampling points in the Rumbler reservoir and at the main tailings impoundment draining to the river. Although acid mine drainage (pH below 4) is discharged into the Grande river from some mine adits, the pH values in the river water are always neutral or slightly alkaline. This is mainly the result of a dilution process of the small volumes of mine waters by net alkaline waters of the river. However, during the dry season, the surface waters present high mineralization due to a constant discharge from the abandoned flooded mines and a decrease in the contribution of surface runoff. The concentrations of dissolved Cd and Pb in the water reach values of 2 and 81 µg/l, respectively, exceeding the limit established by the Environmental Quality Standard for surface water. In addition, the concentrations of dissolved As, Cu, and Pb in the waters of the Rumblar reservoir reached values of 10, 20, and 11 µg/l, respectively. These values are higher than the maximum allowable concentration for human consumption, a circumstance that is especially alarming.Keywords: environmental quality, hydrogeochemistry, metal mining, surface water
Procedia PDF Downloads 1451215 Understanding the Origins of Pesticides Metabolites in Natural Waters through the Land Use, Hydroclimatic Conditions and Water Quality
Authors: Alexis Grandcoin, Stephanie Piel, Estelle Baures
Brittany (France) is an agricultural region, where emerging pollutants are highly at risk to reach water bodies. Among them, pesticides metabolites are frequently detected in surface waters. The Vilaine watershed (11 000 km²) is of great interest, as a large drinking water treatment plant (100 000 m³/day) is located at the extreme downstream of it. This study aims to provide an evaluation of the pesticides metabolites pollution in the Vilaine watershed, and an understanding of their availability, in order to protect the water resource. Hydroclimatic conditions, land use, and water quality parameters controlling metabolites availability are emphasized. Later this knowledge will be used to understand the favoring conditions resulting in metabolites export towards surface water. 19 sampling points have been strategically chosen along the 220 km of the Vilaine river and its 3 main influents. Furthermore, the intakes of two drinking water plants have been sampled, one is located at the extreme downstream of the Vilaine river and the other is the riparian groundwater under the Vilaine river. 5 sampling campaigns with various hydroclimatic conditions have been carried out. Water quality parameters and hydroclimatic conditions have been measured. 15 environmentally relevant pesticides and metabolites have been analyzed. Also, these compounds are recalcitrant to classic water treatment that is why they have been selected. An evaluation of the watershed contamination has been done in 2016-2017. First observations showed that aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA) and metolachlor ethanesulfonic acid (MESA) are the most detected compounds in surface waters samples with 100 % and 98 % frequency of detection respectively. They are the main pollutants of the watershed regardless of the hydroclimatic conditions. AMPA concentration in the river strongly increases downstream of Rennes agglomeration (220k inhabitants) and reaches a maximum of 2.3 µg/l in low waters conditions. Groundwater contains mainly MESA, Diuron and metazachlor ESA at concentrations close to limits of quantification (LOQ) (0.02 µg/L). Metolachlor, metazachlor and alachlor due to their fast degradation in soils were found in small amounts (LOQ – 0.2 µg/L). Conversely glyphosate was regularly found during warm and sunny periods up to 0.6 µg/L. Soil uses (agricultural cultures types, urban areas, forests, wastewater treatment plants implementation), water quality parameters, and hydroclimatic conditions have been correlated to pesticides and metabolites concentration in waters. Statistical treatments showed that chloroacetamides metabolites and AMPA behave differently regardless of the hydroclimatic conditions. Chloroacetamides are correlated to each other, to agricultural areas and to typical agricultural tracers as nitrates. They are present in waters the whole year, especially during rainy periods, suggesting important stocks in soils. Also Chloroacetamides are negatively correlated with AMPA, the different forms of phosphorus, and organic matter. AMPA is ubiquitous but strongly correlated with urban areas despite the recent French regulation, restricting glyphosate to agricultural and private uses. This work helps to predict and understand metabolites present in the water resource used to craft drinking water. As the studied metabolites are difficult to remove, this project will be completed by a water treatment part.Keywords: agricultural watershed, AMPA, metolachlor-ESA, water resource
Procedia PDF Downloads 1591214 Microgreenspace Regeneration in an Inclusive Perspective
Authors: Li Shiyue
In an urban built environment, urban green space is scarce, especially around old residential areas. Due to the innate design deficiency and the non-core location of these areas, they lack green space, and the recreational opportunities of the surrounding residents are not guaranteed. Micro greenspace becomes a "patch" to compensate for the urban function. To realize the renewal and transformation of micro greenspace, and make it meet the use needs of most groups, this paper introduces the concept of inclusive design. Based on relevant research at home and abroad, this paper discusses the connotation and current situation of micro greenspace. Combining with the realistic conditions of China, this paper thinks about the planning path of inclusive renewal from the aspects of selecting micro greenspace transformation potential points and exploring the key points of site renewal. Among them, the key points of site renewal are explored from five angles: land guarantee, systematic coordination, refined design, and shared space creation, to provide useful references for related research and practice.Keywords: inclusive design, micro greenspace, old city area, space renewal
Procedia PDF Downloads 661213 Reclamation of Mining Using Vegetation - A Comparative Study of Open Pit Mining
Authors: G. Surendra Babu
We all know the importance of mineral wealth, which has been buried inside the layers of the earth for decades. These are the natural energy sources that are used in our day to day life like fuel, electricity, construction, etc. but the process of extraction causes damage to the nature that can’t be returned back and which are left over after completion of mining we can see these are barren from decades these remain unused degraded land. Most of them are covered with vegetation before the start during mining which damages the native vegetation of the region and disturbs the watershed boundary of the regions and it also disturbs the biodiversity of the reign. The major motto of the study is to understand the various issues that are found and to understand various methods of reclamations process that are suitable for revegetating and also variously practiced which are carried out in the different case studies and government guidelines procedure of lease licenses which includes the environmental clearances and also to study the vegetation pattern according to the major issues identified. And finally suggesting the new guidelines with respect to the old guidelines which helps in the revegetation of the mine-sites which helps in establishing of its own sustainable ecosystem in future.Keywords: reclamation, open-pit mining, revegetation, reclamation methods
Procedia PDF Downloads 1931212 Smart Production Planning: The Case of Aluminium Foundry
Authors: Samira Alvandi
In the context of the circular economy, production planning aims to eliminate waste and emissions and maximize resource efficiency. Historically production planning is challenged through arrays of uncertainty and complexity arising from the interdependence and variability of products, processes, and systems. Manufacturers worldwide are facing new challenges in tackling various environmental issues such as climate change, resource depletion, and land degradation. In managing the inherited complexity and uncertainty and yet maintaining profitability, the manufacturing sector is in need of a holistic framework that supports energy efficiency and carbon emission reduction schemes. The proposed framework addresses the current challenges and integrates simulation modeling with optimization for finding optimal machine-job allocation to maximize throughput and total energy consumption while minimizing lead time. The aluminium refinery facility in western Sydney, Australia, is used as an exemplar to validate the proposed framework.Keywords: smart production planning, simulation-optimisation, energy aware capacity planning, energy intensive industries
Procedia PDF Downloads 771211 Tracing Economic Policies to Ancient Indian Economic Thought
Authors: Satish Y. Deodhar
Science without history is like a man without memory. The colossal history of India stores many ideas on economic ethics and public policy, which have been forgotten in the course of time. This paper is an attempt to bring to the fore contributions from ancient Indian treatises. In this context, the paper briefly summarizes alternative economic ideas such as communism, capitalism, and the holistic approach of ancient Indian writings. Thereafter, the idea of a welfare brick for an individual consisting of three dimensions -Purusharthas, Ashramas, and Varnas is discussed. Given the contours of the welfare brick, the concept of the state, its economic policies, markets, prices, interest rates, and credit are covered next. This is followed by delving into the treatment of land, property rights, guilds, and labour relations. The penultimate section summarises the economic advice offered to the head of a household in the treatise Shukranitisara. Finally, in concluding comments, the relevance of ancient Indian writings for modern times is discussed -both for pedagogy and economic policies.Keywords: ancient Indian treatises, history of economic thought, science of political economy, Sanskrit
Procedia PDF Downloads 1001210 Investigation into the Phytochemistry and Biological Activities of Medicinal Plants Used in Algerian Folk Medicine: Potential Use in Human Medicine
Authors: Djebbar Atmani, Dina Kilani, Tristan Richard
Medicinal plants are an important source for the discovery of potential new substances for use in medicine and food. Pistacia lentiscus, Fraxinus angustifolia and Clematis flammula, plants growing in the Mediterranean basin, are widely used in traditional medicine. Therefore, the present study was designed to investigate their antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, anti-mutagenic/genotoxic and neuroprotective potential and identification of active compounds using appropriate methodology. Plant extracts and fractions exhibited high scavenging capacity against known radicals, enhanced superoxide dismutase and catalase activitiesand restored blood glucose levels, in vivo, to normal values, in agreement with the in vitro enzymatic inhibition data, through inhibition of amylase and glucosidase activities. Administration of Pistacia lentiscus extracts significantly decreased carrageenan-induced mice paw oedema and reduced effectively IL-1β levels in cell culture, whereas Fraxinus angustifolia extracts showed good healing capacity against wounds when applied topically on rabbits. Pistacia lentiscus and Fraxinus angustifolia extracts showed good neuro-protection and restored cognitive functions in mice, while Clematis flammula extracts showed potent anti-ulcerogenic activity associated to a promising anti-mutagenic/genotoxic activity. HPLC-MS and NMR analyses allowed the identification and structural elucidation of several known and new anthocyanins, flavonols and flavanols. Therefore, Pistacia lentiscus, Fraxinus angustifolia and Clematis flammulacould be used in palliative treatments against inflammatory conditions and diabetes complications, as well as against deterioration of cognitive functions.Keywords: pistacia lentiscus, clematis flammula, fraxinus angustifolia, phenolic compounds, biological activity
Procedia PDF Downloads 741209 Seismic Inversion for Geothermal Exploration
Authors: E. N. Masri, E. Takács
Amplitude Versus Offset (AVO) and simultaneous model-based impedance inversion techniques have not been utilized for geothermal exploration commonly; however, some recent publications called the attention that they can be very useful in the geothermal investigations. In this study, we present rock physical attributes obtained from 3D pre-stack seismic data and well logs collected in a study area of the NW part of Pannonian Basin where the geothermal reservoir is located in the fractured zones of Triassic basement and it was hit by three productive-injection well pairs. The holes were planned very successfully based on the conventional 3D migrated stack volume prior to this study. Subsequently, the available geophysical-geological datasets provided a great opportunity to test modern inversion procedures in the same area. In this presentation, we provide a summary of the theory and application of the most promising seismic inversion techniques from the viewpoint of geothermal exploration. We demonstrate P- and S-wave impedance, as well as the velocity (Vp and Vs), the density, and the Vp/Vs ratio attribute volumes calculated from the seismic and well-logging data sets. After a detailed discussion, we conclude that P-wave impedance and Vp/Vp ratio are the most helpful parameters for lithology discrimination in the study area. They detect the hot water saturated fracture zone very well thus they can be very useful in mapping the investigated reservoir. Integrated interpretation of all the obtained rock-physical parameters is essential. We are extending the above discussed pre-stack seismic tools by studying the possibilities of Elastic Impedance Inversion (EII) for geothermal exploration. That procedure provides two other useful rock-physical properties, the compressibility and the rigidity (Lamé parameters). Results of those newly created elastic parameters will also be demonstrated in the presentation. Geothermal extraction is of great interest nowadays; and we can adopt several methods have been successfully applied in the hydrocarbon exploration for decades to discover new reservoirs and reduce drilling risk and cost.Keywords: fractured zone, seismic, well-logging, inversion
Procedia PDF Downloads 1281208 Protein and Mineral Removal from Dairy Waste-Water Using Precipitation Process
Authors: Zahra Akbari, Farzin Zokaee, Talat Ghomashchi
Whey is a by-product of the dairy industry whose major components are lactose (44–52 g/L), proteins (6–8 g/L) and mineral salts (4–9 g/L). Approximately 50% of 121 million tons of whey produced in the world in 1993 were disposed into rivers, lakes or other water bodies, treated in wastewater treatment plants or loaded onto land. This represents a significant loss of resources and causes serious pollution problems since whey is a heavy organic pollutant with high COD and BOD values, 40–60 g/L and 50–80 g/L, respectively. The removal of cheese whey proteins and minerals represent an important task both in environmental and in food sciences. The most important treatments which are considered in this study, have been done by using lime, Al2O3, FeCl3 and AlCl3 along with heating and also acidic-alkaline method. Results show that the best way for removal of protein is accomplished with adding HCl to decrease pH from 6 to 4, boiling for 20 min, and filtering protein aggregates. Also partial demineralization in whey solution for reducing ash is accomplished by adding NaOH to increase pH to 7.2 and heating solution for 20 min.Keywords: whey treatment, dairy industry, precipitation, protein, mineral
Procedia PDF Downloads 4171207 Dambreak Flood Analysis Using HEC-RAS and GIS Technologies
Authors: Oussama Derdous, Lakhdar Djemili, Hamza Bouchehed
The potential risks associated with dam break flooding could be considerable and result in major damage, including loss of life and property destruction. In the past, Algeria experienced such flood disasters; let’s recall the failure of Fergoug dam in 1881, this accident cost 200 lives, many houses and bridges were destroyed by the flooding. Recently the Algerian government have obligated to dam owners the development of detailed dam break Emergency Action Plans for its 64 major dams. The research presented here was conducted within this framework, Zardezas dam which is located in the city of Skikda in the North East of Algeria was the case of study. The model HEC-RAS was used for the hydrodynamic routing of the dam break flood wave. In addition, Geographic Information System (GIS) was used to create inundation maps and produce a visualization of the flood propagation in the Saf-Saf River.The simulation results that demonstrate the significance of Zardezas dam break flooding; constitute a real tool for developing emergency response plans and assisting territorial communities in land use planning.Keywords: dam break, HEC-RAS, GIS, inundation maps, Emergency Action Plan
Procedia PDF Downloads 3951206 Comparative study of the technical efficiency of the cotton farms in the towns of Banikoara and Savalou
Authors: Boukari Abdou Wakilou
Benin is one of West Africa's major cotton-producing countries. Cotton is the country's main source of foreign currency and employment. But it is also one of the sources of soil degradation. The search for good agricultural practices is therefore, a constant preoccupation. The aim of this study is to measure the technical efficiency of cotton growers by comparing those who constantly grow cotton on the same land with those who practice crop rotation. The one-step estimation approach of the stochastic production frontier, including determinants of technical inefficiency, was applied to a stratified random sample of 261 cotton producers. Overall, the growers had a high average technical efficiency level of 90%. However, there was no significant difference in the level of technical efficiency between the two groups of growers studied. All the factors linked to compliance with the technical production itinerary had a positive influence on the growers' level of efficiency. It is, therefore, important to continue raising awareness of the importance of respecting the technical production itinerary and of integrated soil fertility management techniques.Keywords: technical efficiency, soil fertility, cotton, crop rotation, benin
Procedia PDF Downloads 671205 Microplastics in Different Coastal Zone Compartments at the South-Eastern Baltic Sea
Authors: Viktorija Sabaliauskaitė, Arūnas Balčiūnas, Renata Rubavičiūtė
Research on microplastic pollution in aquatic environments is being conducted worldwide. This presented research focused on the South-Eastern Baltic Sea, where, due to the natural conditions, algae accumulation on beaches is common. The present conditions enabled to apply and integrate of various microplastic extraction techniques: filtration, density separation, and sample aeration in order to investigate the microplastic concentrations within different beach compartments (nearshore water reference zone, nearshore algal scum zone, beach surface sand reference zone, beach wrack zone). This study demonstrates results from a total of 496 collected samples. The comparison of microplastic mean concentrations in water-based (0,016 item/cm³) and land-based (0,29 item/cm³) samples gave a clear insight into the microplastic accumulation hot spots, which pose pollution hazards to marine ecosystems and humans.Keywords: beach wrack, marine litter, microplastics, pollution
Procedia PDF Downloads 641204 Towards a Better Understanding of Planning for Urban Intensification: Case Study of Auckland, New Zealand
Authors: Wen Liu, Errol Haarhoff, Lee Beattie
In 2010, New Zealand’s central government re-organise the local governments arrangements in Auckland, New Zealand by amalgamating its previous regional council and seven supporting local government units into a single unitary council, the Auckland Council. The Auckland Council is charged with providing local government services to approximately 1.5 million people (a third of New Zealand’s total population). This includes addressing Auckland’s strategic urban growth management and setting its urban planning policy directions for the next 40 years. This is expressed in the first ever spatial plan in the region – the Auckland Plan (2012). The Auckland plan supports implementing a compact city model by concentrating the larger part of future urban growth and development in, and around, existing and proposed transit centres, with the intention of Auckland to become globally competitive city and achieving ‘the most liveable city in the world’. Turning that vision into reality is operatized through the statutory land use plan, the Auckland Unitary Plan. The Unitary plan replaced the previous regional and local statutory plans when it became operative in 2016, becoming the ‘rule book’ on how to manage and develop the natural and built environment, using land use zones and zone standards. Common to the broad range of literature on urban growth management, one significant issue stands out about intensification. The ‘gap’ between strategic planning and what has been achieved is evident in the argument for the ‘compact’ urban form. Although the compact city model may have a wide range of merits, the extent to which these are actualized largely rely on how intensification actually is delivered. The transformation of the rhetoric of the residential intensification model into reality is of profound influence, yet has enjoyed limited empirical analysis. In Auckland, the establishment of the Auckland Plan set up the strategies to deliver intensification into diversified arenas. Nonetheless, planning policy itself does not necessarily achieve the envisaged objectives, delivering the planning system and high capacity to enhance and sustain plan implementation is another demanding agenda. Though the Auckland Plan provides a wide ranging strategic context, its actual delivery is beholden on the Unitary Plan. However, questions have been asked if the Unitary Plan has the necessary statutory tools to deliver the Auckland Plan’s policy outcomes. In Auckland, there is likely to be continuing tension between the strategies for intensification and their envisaged objectives, and made it doubtful whether the main principles of the intensification strategies could be realized. This raises questions over whether the Auckland Plan’s policy goals can be achieved in practice, including delivering ‘quality compact city’ and residential intensification. Taking Auckland as an example of traditionally sprawl cities, this article intends to investigate the efficacy plan making and implementation directed towards higher density development. This article explores the process of plan development, plan making and implementation frameworks of the first ever spatial plan in Auckland, so as to explicate the objectives and processes involved, and consider whether this will facilitate decision making processes to realize the anticipated intensive urban development.Keywords: urban intensification, sustainable development, plan making, governance and implementation
Procedia PDF Downloads 5571203 The Formulation of Inference Fuzzy System as a Valuation Subsidiary Based Particle Swarm Optimization for Solves the Issue of Decision Making in Middle Size Soccer Robot League
Authors: Zahra Abdolkarimi, Naser Zouri
The actual purpose of RoboCup is creating independent team of robots in 2050 based of FiFa roles to bring the victory in compare of world star team. There is unbelievable growing of Robots created a collection of complex and motivate subject in robotic and intellectual ornate, also it made a mechatronics style base of theoretical and technical way in Robocop. Decision making of robots depends to environment reaction, self-player and rival player with using inductive Fuzzy system valuation subsidiary to solve issue of robots in land game. The measure of selection in compare with other methods depends to amount of victories percentage in the same team that plays accidentally.Keywords: particle swarm optimization, chaos theory, inference fuzzy system, simulation environment rational fuzzy system, mamdani and assilian, deffuzify
Procedia PDF Downloads 3881202 Factors Affecting Sense of Community in Residential Communities Case Study: Residential Communities in Tehran, Iran
Authors: Parvin Foroughifar
The concept of sense of community refers to residents’ sense of attachment and commitment to the other residents in a residential community. It is implicitly indicative of the mental image of a physical environment in which the residents enjoy strong social ties. Sense of community, a crucial factor in improving quality of life and social welfare, leads to life satisfaction in a residential community. Despite the important functions of such a notion, few empirical studies, to the best of the authors' knowledge, have been so far carried out in Iran to investigate the effective factors in sharpening the sense of community in residential communities. This survey research examined sense of community in 360 above 20-year old residents of three residential communities in Tehran, Iran using cluster sampling and questionnaire. The study yielded the result that variables of local social ties, social control and trust, sense of security, length of residence, use of public spaces, and mixed land use have a significant relationship with sense of community.Keywords: sense of community, local social ties, sense of security, public space, residential community, Tehran
Procedia PDF Downloads 1911201 Criteria Analysis of Residential Location Preferences: An Urban Dwellers’ Perspective
Authors: Arati Siddharth Petkar, Joel E. M. Macwan
Preferences for residential location are of a diverse nature. Primarily they are based on the socio-economic, socio-cultural, socio-demographic characteristics of the household. It also depends on character, and the growth potential of different areas in a city. In the present study, various criteria affecting residential location preferences from the Urban Dwellers’ perspective have been analyzed. The household survey has been conducted in two parts: Existing Buyers’ survey and Future Buyers’ survey. The analysis reveals that workplace location is the most governing criterion in deciding residential location from the majority of the urban dwellers perspective. For analyzing the importance of varied criteria, Analytical Hierarchy Process approach has been explored. The suggested approach will be helpful for urban planners, decision makers and developers, while designating a new residential area or redeveloping an existing one.Keywords: analytical hierarchy process (AHP), household, preferences, residential location preferences, residential land use, urban dwellers
Procedia PDF Downloads 2091200 Phytopathology Prediction in Dry Soil Using Artificial Neural Networks Modeling
Authors: F. Allag, S. Bouharati, M. Belmahdi, R. Zegadi
The rapid expansion of deserts in recent decades as a result of human actions combined with climatic changes has highlighted the necessity to understand biological processes in arid environments. Whereas physical processes and the biology of flora and fauna have been relatively well studied in marginally used arid areas, knowledge of desert soil micro-organisms remains fragmentary. The objective of this study is to conduct a diversity analysis of bacterial communities in unvegetated arid soils. Several biological phenomena in hot deserts related to microbial populations and the potential use of micro-organisms for restoring hot desert environments. Dry land ecosystems have a highly heterogeneous distribution of resources, with greater nutrient concentrations and microbial densities occurring in vegetated than in bare soils. In this work, we found it useful to use techniques of artificial intelligence in their treatment especially artificial neural networks (ANN). The use of the ANN model, demonstrate his capability for addressing the complex problems of uncertainty data.Keywords: desert soil, climatic changes, bacteria, vegetation, artificial neural networks
Procedia PDF Downloads 3961199 The Morphology and Flash Flood Characteristics of the Transboundary Khowai River: A Catchment Scale Analysis
Authors: Jonahid Chakder, Mahfuzul Haque
Flash flood is among the foremost disastrous characteristic hazards which cause hampering within the environment and social orders due to climate change across the world. In Northeastern region of Bangladesh faces severe flash floods regularly, Such, the Khowai river is a flash flood-prone river. But until now, there are no previous studies about the flash flood of this river. Farmlands Building resilience, protection of crops & fish enclosures of wetland in Habiganj Haor areas, regional roads, and business establishments were submerged due to flash floods. The flash floods of the Khowai River are frequent events, which happened in 1988, 1998, 2000, 2007, 2017, and 2019. Therefore, this study tries to analyze Khowai river morphology, Precipitation, Water level, Satellite image, and Catchment characteristics: a catchment scale analysis that helps to comprehend Khowai river flash flood characteristics and factors of influence. From precipitation analysis, the finding outcome disclosed the data about flash flood accurate zones at the Khowai district watershed. The morphological analysis workout from satellite image and find out the consequence of sinuosity and gradient of this river. The sinuosity indicates that the Khowai river is an antecedent and a meandering river and a meandering river can’t influence the flash flood of any region, but other factors respond here. It is understood that the Khowai river catchment elevation analysis from DEM is directly influenced. The left Baramura and Right Atharamura anticline of the Khowai basin watershed reflects a major impact on the stratigraphy as an impermeable clay layer and this consequence the water passes downward with the drainage pattern and Tributary. This drainage system, the gradient of tributary and their runoff, and the confluence of water in the pre-monsoon season rise the Khowai river water level which influences flash floods (within six hours of Precipitation).Keywords: geology, gradient, tributary, drainage, watershed, flash flood
Procedia PDF Downloads 1271198 Identification of Deposition Sequences of the Organic Content of Lower Albian-Cenomanian Age in Northern Tunisia: Correlation between Molecular and Stratigraphic Fossils
Authors: Tahani Hallek, Dhaou Akrout, Riadh Ahmadi, Mabrouk Montacer
The present work is an organic geochemical study of the Fahdene Formation outcrops at the Mahjouba region belonging to the Eastern part of the Kalaat Senan structure in northwestern Tunisia (the Kef-Tedjerouine area). The analytical study of the organic content of the samples collected, allowed us to point out that the Formation in question is characterized by an average to good oil potential. This fossilized organic matter has a mixed origin (type II and III), as indicated by the relatively high values of hydrogen index. This origin is confirmed by the C29 Steranes abundance and also by tricyclic terpanes C19/(C19+C23) and tetracyclic terpanes C24/(C24+C23) ratios, that suggest a marine environment of deposit with high plants contribution. We have demonstrated that the heterogeneity of organic matter between the marine aspect, confirmed by the presence of foraminifera, and the continental contribution, is the result of an episodic anomaly in relation to the sequential stratigraphy. Given that the study area is defined as an outer platform forming a transition zone between a stable continental domain to the south and a deep basin to the north, we have explained the continental contribution by successive forced regressions, having blocked the albian transgression, allowing the installation of the lowstand system tracts. This aspect is represented by the incised valleys filling, in direct contact with the pelagic and deep sea facies. Consequently, the Fahdene Formation, in the Kef-Tedjerouine area, consists of transgressive system tracts (TST) brutally truncated by extras of continental progradation; resulting in a mixed influence deposition having retained a heterogeneous organic material.Keywords: molecular geochemistry, biomarkers, forced regression, deposit environment, mixed origin, Northern Tunisia
Procedia PDF Downloads 2501197 The Research of Industrial Space Characteristics, Layout, and Strategy in Metropolitan Area in China: In Case of Wuhan
Authors: Min Zhou, Kaixuan Lin, Yaping Huang
In this paper, the industrial space of metropolitan area in Wuhan is taken as a sample. First of all, it puts forward that the structure of service economy, circle gradient relocation and high degree of regional collaboration are the rules of industrial spatial development in the modern world cities. Secondly, using the economic statistics and land use vector data (1993, 2004, 2010, and 2013) of Wuhan, it analyzes the present situation of industry development and the characteristics of industrial space layout from three aspects of the industrial economic structure, industrial layout, and industrial regional synergy. Then, based on the industrial development regularity of world cities, it puts forward to construct the industrial spatial level of ‘complex industrial concentration area + modular industry unit’ and the industrial spatial structure of ‘13525’. Finally, it comes up with the optimization tactics of the industrial space’s transformation in the future under the background of new economic era.Keywords: big city of metropolitan area, industrial space, characteristics, layout, strategy
Procedia PDF Downloads 3791196 Applications of Green Technology and Biomimicry in Civil Engineering with a Maglev Car Elevator
Authors: Sameer Ansari, Suhas Nitsure
Biomimicry has made a big move into the built environment by adapting nature's solutions to human designs and inventions. We can examine numerous aspects of the built environment right from generating energy, fed by rainwater and powered by sun to over all land use impacts. This paper discusses the potential of a man made building which will work for the welfare of humans and reduce the impact of the harmful environment on us which we ourselves created for us. Building services inspired by nature such as building walls from homeostasis in organisms, natural ventilation from termites, artificial aggregates from natural aggregates, solar panels from photosynthesis and building structure itself compared to tree as a cantilever. Environmental services such as using CO2 as a feedstock for construction related activities, using Ornilux glasses and saving birds from collision with buildings, using prefabricated steel for fast building members- save time and also negligible waste as no formwork is used. Maglev inspired car elevators in building which is unique and giving all together new direction to technology.Keywords: biomimicry, green technology, maglev car elevator, civil engineering
Procedia PDF Downloads 5761195 Categorization of Biosolids, a Vital Biological Resource for Sustainable Agriculture
Authors: Susmita Sharma, Pankaj Pathak
Biosolids are by-products of municipal and industrial wastewater treatment process. The generation of the biosolids is increasing at an alarming rate due to the implementation of strict environmental legislation to improve the quality of discharges from wastewater treatment plant. As such, proper management and safe disposal of sewage sludge have become a worldwide topic of research. Biosolids, rich in organic matter and essential micro and macronutrients; can be used as a soil conditioner, to cut fertilizer costs and create favorable conditions for vegetation. However, it also contains pathogens and heavy metals which are undesirable as they are harmful to both humans and the environment. Therefore, for safe utilization of biosolids for land application purposes, categorization of the contaminant and pathogen is mandatory. In this context, biosolids collected from a wastewater treatment plant in Maharashtra are utilized to determine its physical, chemical and microbiological attributes. This study would ascertain, if the use of these materials from the specific site, are suitable for agriculture. Further, efforts have also been made to present the internationally acceptable legal standards and guidelines for biosolids management or application.Keywords: biosolids, sewage, heavy metal, sustainable agriculture
Procedia PDF Downloads 3291194 Characterization of Agroforestry Systems in Burkina Faso Using an Earth Observation Data Cube
Authors: Dan Kanmegne
Africa will become the most populated continent by the end of the century, with around 4 billion inhabitants. Food security and climate changes will become continental issues since agricultural practices depend on climate but also contribute to global emissions and land degradation. Agroforestry has been identified as a cost-efficient and reliable strategy to address these two issues. It is defined as the integrated management of trees and crops/animals in the same land unit. Agroforestry provides benefits in terms of goods (fruits, medicine, wood, etc.) and services (windbreaks, fertility, etc.), and is acknowledged to have a great potential for carbon sequestration; therefore it can be integrated into reduction mechanisms of carbon emissions. Particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, the constraint stands in the lack of information about both areas under agroforestry and the characterization (composition, structure, and management) of each agroforestry system at the country level. This study describes and quantifies “what is where?”, earliest to the quantification of carbon stock in different systems. Remote sensing (RS) is the most efficient approach to map such a dynamic technology as agroforestry since it gives relatively adequate and consistent information over a large area at nearly no cost. RS data fulfill the good practice guidelines of the Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change (IPCC) that is to be used in carbon estimation. Satellite data are getting more and more accessible, and the archives are growing exponentially. To retrieve useful information to support decision-making out of this large amount of data, satellite data needs to be organized so to ensure fast processing, quick accessibility, and ease of use. A new solution is a data cube, which can be understood as a multi-dimensional stack (space, time, data type) of spatially aligned pixels and used for efficient access and analysis. A data cube for Burkina Faso has been set up from the cooperation project between the international service provider WASCAL and Germany, which provides an accessible exploitation architecture of multi-temporal satellite data. The aim of this study is to map and characterize agroforestry systems using the Burkina Faso earth observation data cube. The approach in its initial stage is based on an unsupervised image classification of a normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) time series from 2010 to 2018, to stratify the country based on the vegetation. Fifteen strata were identified, and four samples per location were randomly assigned to define the sampling units. For safety reasons, the northern part will not be part of the fieldwork. A total of 52 locations will be visited by the end of the dry season in February-March 2020. The field campaigns will consist of identifying and describing different agroforestry systems and qualitative interviews. A multi-temporal supervised image classification will be done with a random forest algorithm, and the field data will be used for both training the algorithm and accuracy assessment. The expected outputs are (i) map(s) of agroforestry dynamics, (ii) characteristics of different systems (main species, management, area, etc.); (iii) assessment report of Burkina Faso data cube.Keywords: agroforestry systems, Burkina Faso, earth observation data cube, multi-temporal image classification
Procedia PDF Downloads 1461193 Mapping of Forest Cover Change in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Authors: Armand Okende, Benjamin Beaumont
Introduction: Deforestation is a change in the structure and composition of flora and fauna, which leads to a loss of biodiversity, production of goods and services and an increase in fires. It concerns vast territories in tropical zones particularly; this is the case of the territory of Bolobo in the current province of Maï- Ndombe in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Indeed, through this study between 2001 and 2018, we believe that it was important to show and analyze quantitatively the important forests changes and analyze quantitatively. It’s the overall objective of this study because, in this area, we are witnessing significant deforestation. Methodology: Mapping and quantification are the methodological approaches that we have put forward to assess the deforestation or forest changes through satellite images or raster layers. These satellites data from Global Forest Watch are integrated into the GIS software (GRASS GIS and Quantum GIS) to represent the loss of forest cover that has occurred and the various changes recorded (e.g., forest gain) in the territory of Bolobo. Results: The results obtained show, in terms of quantifying deforestation for the periods 2001-2006, 2007-2012 and 2013-2018, the loss of forest area in hectares each year. The different change maps produced during different study periods mentioned above show that the loss of forest areas is gradually increasing. Conclusion: With this study, knowledge of forest management and protection is a challenge to ensure good management of forest resources. To do this, it is wise to carry out more studies that would optimize the monitoring of forests to guarantee the ecological and economic functions they provide in the Congo Basin, particularly in the Democratic Republic of Congo. In addition, the cartographic approach, coupled with the geographic information system and remote sensing proposed by Global Forest Watch using raster layers, provides interesting information to explain the loss of forest areas.Keywords: deforestation, loss year, forest change, remote sensing, drivers of deforestation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1331192 Trends and Prospects for the Development of Georgian Wine Market
Authors: E. Kharaishvili, M. Chavleishvili, M. Natsvaladze
The article presents the trends in Georgian wine market development and evaluates the competitive advantages of Georgia to enter the wine market based on its customs, traditions and historical practices combined with modern technologies. In order to analyze the supply of wine, dynamics of vineyard land area and grape varieties are discussed, trends in wine production are presented, trends in export and import are evaluated, local wine market, its micro and macro environments are studied and analyzed based on the interviews with experts and analysis of initial recording materials. For strengthening its position on the international market, the level of competitiveness of Georgian wine is defined, which is evaluated by “ex-ante” and “ex-post” methods, as well as by four basic and two additional factors of the Porter’s diamond method; potential advantages and disadvantages of Georgian wine are revealed. Conclusions are made by identifying the factors that hinder the development of Georgian wine market. Based on the conclusions, relevant recommendations are developed.Keywords: Georgian wine market, competitive advantage, bio wine, export-import, Porter's diamond model
Procedia PDF Downloads 3891191 Mangroves in the Douala Area, Cameroon: The Challenges of Open Access Resources for Forest Governance
Authors: Bissonnette Jean-François, Dossa Fabrice
The project focuses on analyzing the spatial and temporal evolution of mangrove forest ecosystems near the city of Douala, Cameroon, in response to increasing human and environmental pressures. The selected study area, located in the Wouri River estuary, has a unique combination of economic importance, and ecological prominence. The study included valuable insights by conducting semi-structured interviews with resource operators and local officials. The thorough analysis of socio-economic data, farmer surveys, and satellite-derived information was carried out utilizing quantitative approaches in Excel and SPSS. Simultaneously, qualitative data was subjected to rigorous classification and correlation with other sources. The use of ArcGIS and CorelDraw facilitated the visual representation of the gradual changes seen in various land cover classifications. The research reveals complex processes that characterize mangrove ecosystems on Manoka and Cape Cameroon Islands. The lack of regulations in urbanization and the continuous growth of infrastructure have led to a significant increase in land conversion, causing negative impacts on natural landscapes and forests. The repeated instances of flooding and coastal erosion have further shaped landscape alterations, fostering the proliferation of water and mudflat areas. The unregulated use of mangrove resources is a significant factor in the degradation of these ecosystems. Activities including the use of wood for smoking and fishing, together with the coastal pollution resulting from the absence of waste collection, have had a significant influence. In addition, forest operators contribute to the degradation of vegetation, hence exacerbating the harmful impact of invasive species on the ecosystem. Strategic interventions are necessary to guarantee the sustainable management of these ecosystems. The proposals include advocating for sustainable wood exploitation techniques, using appropriate techniques, along with regeneration, and enforcing rules to prevent wood overexploitation. By implementing these measures, the ecological balance can be preserved, safeguarding the long-term viability of these precious ecosystems. On a conceptual level, this paper uses the framework developed by Elinor Ostrom and her colleagues to investigate the consequences of open access resources, where local actors have not been able to enforce measures to prevent overexploitation of mangrove wood resources. Governmental authorities have demonstrated limited capacity to enforce sustainable management of wood resources and have not been able to establish effective relationships with local fishing communities and with communities involved in the purchase of wood. As a result, wood resources in the mangrove areas remain largely accessible, while authorities do not monitor wood volumes extracted nor methods of exploitation. There have only been limited and punctual attempts at forest restoration with no significant consequence on mangrove forests dynamics.Keywords: Mangroves, forest management, governance, open access resources, Cameroon
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