Search results for: concrete hollow blocks
1001 Influence of Physical Properties on Estimation of Mechanical Strength of Limestone
Authors: Khaled Benyounes
Determination of the rock mechanical properties such as unconfined compressive strength UCS, Young’s modulus E, and tensile strength by the Brazilian test Rtb is considered to be the most important component in drilling and mining engineering project. Research related to establishing correlation between strength and physical parameters of rocks has always been of interest to mining and reservoir engineering. For this, many rock blocks of limestone were collected from the quarry located in Meftah(Algeria), the cores were crafted in the laboratory using a core drill. This work examines the relationships between mechanical properties and some physical properties of limestone. Many empirical equations are established between UCS and physical properties of limestone (such as dry bulk density, velocity of P-waves, dynamic Young’s modulus, alteration index, and total porosity). Others correlations UCS-tensile strength, dynamic Young’s modulus-static Young’s modulus have been find. Based on the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion, we were able to establish mathematical relationships that will allow estimating the cohesion and internal friction angle from UCS and indirect tensile strength. Results from this study can be useful for mining industry for resolve range of geomechanical problems such as slope stability.Keywords: limestone, mechanical strength, Young’s modulus, porosity
Procedia PDF Downloads 4551000 Development and Modeling of the Process of Narrow-seam Laser Welding of Ni-Superalloy in a Hard-to-Reach Place
Authors: Vladimir Isakov, Evgeniy Rykov, Lubov Magerramova, Nikolay Emmaussky
For the manufacture of critical hollow products, a laser narrow-seam welding scheme based on the supply of a laser beam into the inner cavity has been developed. The report presents the results of comprehensive studies aimed at creating a sealed weld that repeats the geometric shape of the inner cavity using a rotary mirror. Laser welding of hard-to-reach places requires preliminary modeling of the process to identify defect-free modes performed at the highest possible welding speed. Optimization of the technological modes of the welded joint with a ratio of the seam width to its depth equal to 1/5 of the thickness of the Ni superalloy 6.0 mm was performed using the Verhulst limited growth model in a discrete representation. This mathematical model in the form of a recurrence relation made it possible to numerically investigate the entire variety of laser melting modes: chaotic; self-oscillating; stationary and attenuated. The control parameters and the parameter of the order to which other variables of the technological system of laser welding are subordinated are established. In it, the coefficient of relative heat capacity of the melt bath was used as a control parameter, characterizing the competition between the heat input by the laser and the heat sink into the surrounding metal. The parameter of the order of the narrow–seam laser welding process, in this interpretation, is a dimensionless value of the penetration depth, which is an argument of the function of the desired logistic equation. Experimental studies of narrow-seam welding were performed using a copper, water-cooled mirror by radiation from a powerful fiber laser. The obtained results were used to validate the evolutionary mathematical model of the laser welding process.Keywords: laser welding, internal cavity, limited growth model, ni-superalloy
Procedia PDF Downloads 12999 Assessing the Effect of Waste-based Geopolymer on Asphalt Binders
Authors: Amani A. Saleh, Maram M. Saudy, Mohamed N. AbouZeid
Asphalt cement concrete is a very commonly used material in the construction of roads. It has many advantages, such as being easy to use as well as providing high user satisfaction in terms of comfortability and safety on the road. However, there are some problems that come with asphalt cement concrete, such as its high carbon footprint, which makes it environmentally unfriendly. In addition, pavements require frequent maintenance, which could be very costly and uneconomic. The aim of this research is to study the effect of mixing waste-based geopolymers with asphalt binders. Geopolymer mixes were prepared by combining alumino-silicate sources such as fly ash, silica fumes, and metakaolin with alkali activators. The purpose of mixing geopolymers with the asphalt binder is to enhance the rheological and microstructural properties of asphalt. This was done through two phases, where the first phase was developing an optimum mix design of the geopolymer additive itself. The following phase was testing the geopolymer-modified asphalt binder after the addition of the optimum geopolymer mix design to it. The testing of the modified binder is performed according to the Superpave testing procedures, which include the dynamic shear rheometer to measure parameters such as rutting and fatigue cracking, and the rotational viscometer to measure workability. In addition, the microstructural properties of the modified binder is studied using the environmental scanning electron microscopy test (ESEM). In the testing phase, the aim is to observe whether the addition of different geopolymer percentages to the asphalt binder will enhance the properties of the binder and yield desirable results. Furthermore, the tests on the geopolymer-modified binder were carried out at fixed time intervals, therefore, the curing time was the main parameter being tested in this research. It was observed that the addition of geopolymers to asphalt binder has shown an increased performance of asphalt binder with time. It is worth mentioning that carbon emissions are expected to be reduced since geopolymers are environmentally friendly materials that minimize carbon emissions and lead to a more sustainable environment. Additionally, the use of industrial by-products such as fly ash and silica fumes is beneficial in the sense that they are recycled into producing geopolymers instead of being accumulated in landfills and therefore wasting space.Keywords: geopolymer, rutting, superpave, fatigue cracking, sustainability, waste
Procedia PDF Downloads 130998 Development of Cost Effective Ultra High Performance Concrete by Using Locally Available Materials
Authors: Mohamed Sifan, Brabha Nagaratnam, Julian Thamboo, Keerthan Poologanathan
Ultra high performance concrete (UHPC) is a type of cementitious material known for its exceptional strength, ductility, and durability. However, its production is often associated with high costs due to the significant amount of cementitious materials required and the use of fine powders to achieve the desired strength. The aim of this research is to explore the feasibility of developing cost-effective UHPC mixes using locally available materials. Specifically, the study aims to investigate the use of coarse limestone sand along with other sand types, namely, basalt sand, dolomite sand, and river sand for developing UHPC mixes and evaluating its performances. The study utilises the particle packing model to develop various UHPC mixes. The particle packing model involves optimising the combination of coarse limestone sand, basalt sand, dolomite sand, and river sand to achieve the desired properties of UHPC. The developed UHPC mixes are then evaluated based on their workability (measured through slump flow and mini slump value), compressive strength (at 7, 28, and 90 days), splitting tensile strength, and microstructural characteristics analysed through scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis. The results of this study demonstrate that cost-effective UHPC mixes can be developed using locally available materials without the need for silica fume or fly ash. The UHPC mixes achieved impressive compressive strengths of up to 149 MPa at 28 days with a cement content of approximately 750 kg/m³. The mixes also exhibited varying levels of workability, with slump flow values ranging from 550 to 850 mm. Additionally, the inclusion of coarse limestone sand in the mixes effectively reduced the demand for superplasticizer and served as a filler material. By exploring the use of coarse limestone sand and other sand types, this study provides valuable insights into optimising the particle packing model for UHPC production. The findings highlight the potential to reduce costs associated with UHPC production without compromising its strength and durability. The study collected data on the workability, compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, and microstructural characteristics of the developed UHPC mixes. Workability was measured using slump flow and mini slump tests, while compressive strength and splitting tensile strength were assessed at different curing periods. Microstructural characteristics were analysed through SEM and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) analysis. The collected data were then analysed and interpreted to evaluate the performance and properties of the UHPC mixes. The research successfully demonstrates the feasibility of developing cost-effective UHPC mixes using locally available materials. The inclusion of coarse limestone sand, in combination with other sand types, shows promising results in achieving high compressive strengths and satisfactory workability. The findings suggest that the use of the particle packing model can optimise the combination of materials and reduce the reliance on expensive additives such as silica fume and fly ash. This research provides valuable insights for researchers and construction practitioners aiming to develop cost-effective UHPC mixes using readily available materials and an optimised particle packing approach.Keywords: cost-effective, limestone powder, particle packing model, ultra high performance concrete
Procedia PDF Downloads 114997 Effects of External and Internal Focus of Attention in Motor Learning of Children with Cerebral Palsy
Authors: Morteza Pourazar, Fatemeh Mirakhori, Fazlolah Bagherzadeh, Rasool Hemayattalab
The purpose of study was to examine the effects of external and internal focus of attention in the motor learning of children with cerebral palsy. The study involved 30 boys (7 to 12 years old) with CP type 1 who practiced throwing beanbags. The participants were randomly assigned to the internal focus, external focus, and control groups, and performed six blocks of 10-trial with attentional focus reminders during a practice phase and no reminders during retention and transfer tests. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) with repeated measures on the last factor was used. The results show that significant main effects were found for time and group. However, the interaction of time and group was not significant. Retention scores were significantly higher for the external focus group. The external focus group performed better than other groups; however, the internal focus and control groups’ performance did not differ. The study concluded that motor skills in Spastic Hemiparetic Cerebral Palsy (SHCP) children could be enhanced by external attention.Keywords: cerebral palsy, external attention, internal attention, throwing task
Procedia PDF Downloads 315996 Determination of Some Agricultural Characters of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Genotypes
Authors: Ercan Ceyhan, Ali Kahraman, Hasan Dalgıç
This research was made during the 2011 and 2012 growing periods according to “Randomized Blocks Design” with 3 replications. Research material was the following chickpea genotype: CA119, CA128, CA149, CA150, CA222, CA250, CA254 and other 2 commercial varieties named as Gökçe and Yaşa. Some agronomical characteristics such as plant height (cm), number of pod per plant, number of seed per pod, number of seed per plant, 1000 seed weight (g) and seed yield (kg ha-1) were determined. Statistically significant variations were found amongst the genotypes for all variables except seeds per pod. Means of the two years showed the range for plant height was from 52.83 cm (Gökçe) to 73.00 cm (CA150), number of pod per plant was from 14.00 (CA149) to 26.83 (CA261), number of seed per pod was from 1.10 (Gökçe) to 1.19 (CA149 ve CA250), number of seed per plant was from 16.28 (CA149) to 31.65 (CA261), 1000 seed weight was from 295.85 g (CA149) to 437.80 g (CA261) and seed yield was from 1342.73 kg ha-1 (CA261) to 2161.50 kg ha-1 (CA128). Results of the research implicated that the new developed lines were superior compared with the control (commercial) varieties by means of most of the characteristics.Keywords: agricultural characters, chickpea, seed yield, genotype variations
Procedia PDF Downloads 219995 Hybrid Strategies of Crisis Intervention for Sexualized Violence Using Digital Media
Authors: Katharina Kargel, Frederic Vobbe
Sexualized violence against children and adolescents using digital media poses particular challenges for practitioners with a focus on crisis intervention (social work, psychotherapy, law enforcement). The technical delimitation of violence increases the burden on those affected and increases the complexity of interdisciplinary cooperation. Urgently needed recommendations for practical action do not yet exist in Germany. Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, these recommendations for action are being developed in the HUMAN project together with science and practice. The presentation introduces the participatory approach of the HUMAN project. We discuss the application-oriented, casuistic approach of the project and present its results using the example of concrete case-based recommendations for Action. The participants will be presented with concrete prototypical case studies from the project, which will be used to illustrate quality criteria for crisis intervention in cases of sexualized violence using digital media. On the basis of case analyses, focus group interviews and interviews with victims of violence, we present the six central challenges of sexualized violence with the use of digital media, namely: • Diffusion (Ambiguities regarding the extent and significance of violence) , • Transcendence (Space and time independence of the dynamics of violence, omnipresence), • omnipresent anxiety (considering diffusion and transcendence), • being haunted (repeated confrontation with digital memories of violence or the perpetrator), • disparity (conflicts of interpretative power between those affected and the social environment) • simultaneity (of all other factors). We point out generalizable principles with which these challenges can be dealt with professionally. Dealing professionally with sexualized violence using digital media requires a stronger networking of professional actors. A clear distinction must be made between their own mission and the mission of the network partners. Those affected by violence must be shown options for crisis intervention in the context of the aid networks. The different competencies and the professional mission of the offers of help are to be made transparent. The necessity of technical possibilities for deleting abuse images beyond criminal prosecution will be discussed. Those affected are stabilized by multimodal strategies such as a combination of rational emotive therapy, legal support and technical assistance.Keywords: sexualized violence, intervention, digital media, children and youth
Procedia PDF Downloads 237994 Advanced Exergetic Analysis: Decomposition Method Applied to a Membrane-Based Hard Coal Oxyfuel Power Plant
Authors: Renzo Castillo, George Tsatsaronis
High-temperature ceramic membranes for air separation represents an important option to reduce the significant efficiency drops incurred in state-of-the-art cryogenic air separation for high tonnage oxygen production required in oxyfuel power stations. This study is focused on the thermodynamic analysis of two power plant model designs: the state-of-the-art supercritical 600ᵒC hard coal plant (reference power plant Nordrhein-Westfalen) and the membrane-based oxyfuel concept implemented in this reference plant. In the latter case, the oxygen is separated through a mixed-conducting hollow fiber perovskite membrane unit in the three-end operation mode, which has been simulated under vacuum conditions on the permeate side and at high-pressure conditions on the feed side. The thermodynamic performance of each plant concept is assessed by conventional exergetic analysis, which determines location, magnitude and sources of efficiency losses, and advanced exergetic analysis, where endogenous/exogenous and avoidable/unavoidable parts of exergy destruction are calculated at the component and full process level. These calculations identify thermodynamic interdependencies among components and reveal the real potential for efficiency improvements. The endogenous and exogenous exergy destruction portions are calculated by the decomposition method, a recently developed straightforward methodology, which is suitable for complex power stations with a large number of process components. Lastly, an improvement priority ranking for relevant components, as well as suggested changes in process layouts are presented for both power stations.Keywords: exergy, carbon capture and storage, ceramic membranes, perovskite, oxyfuel combustion
Procedia PDF Downloads 187993 Embedded Acoustic Signal Processing System Using OpenMP Architecture
Authors: Abdelkader Elhanaoui, Mhamed Hadji, Rachid Skouri, Said Agounad
In this paper, altera de1-SoC FPGA board technology is utilized as a distinguished tool for nondestructive characterization of an aluminum circular cylindrical shell of radius ratio b/a (a: outer radius; b: inner radius). The acoustic backscattered signal processing system has been developed using OpenMP architecture. The design is built in three blocks; it is implemented per functional block, in a heterogeneous Intel-Altera system running under Linux. The useful data to determine the performances of SoC FPGA is computed by the analytical method. The exploitation of SoC FPGA has lead to obtain the backscattering form function and resonance spectra. A0 and S0 modes of propagation in the tube are shown. The findings are then compared to those achieved from the Matlab simulation of analytical method. A good agreement has, therefore, been noted. Moreover, the detailed SoC FPGA-based system has shown that acoustic spectra are performed at up to 5 times faster than the Matlab implementation using almost the same data. This FPGA-based system implementation of processing algorithms is realized with a coefficient of correlation R and absolute error respectively about 0.962 and 5 10⁻⁵.Keywords: OpenMP, signal processing system, acoustic backscattering, nondestructive characterization, thin tubes
Procedia PDF Downloads 92992 Physical and Mechanical Characterization of Limestone in the Quarry of Meftah (Algeria)
Authors: Khaled Benyounes
Determination of the rock mechanical properties such as unconfined compressive strength UCS, Young’s modulus E, and tensile strength by the Brazilian test Rtb is considered to be the most important component in drilling and mining engineering project. Research related to establishing correlation between strength and physical parameters of rocks has always been of interest to mining and reservoir engineering. For this, many rock blocks of limestone were collected from the quarry located in Meftah (Algeria), the cores were crafted in the laboratory using a core drill. This work examines the relationships between mechanical properties and some physical properties of limestone. Many empirical equations are established between UCS and physical properties of limestone (such as dry bulk density, velocity of P-waves, dynamic Young’s modulus, alteration index, and total porosity). Other correlations, UCS - tensile strength, dynamic Young’s modulus - static Young’s modulus have been find. Based on the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion, we were able to establish mathematical relationships that will allow estimating the cohesion and internal friction angle from UCS and indirect tensile strength. Results from this study can be useful for mining industry for resolve range of geomechanical problems such as slope stability.Keywords: limestone, mechanical strength, Young’s modulus, porosity
Procedia PDF Downloads 638991 Practical Application of Business Processes Simulation
Authors: M. Gregušová, V. Schindlerová, I. Šajdlerová, P. Mohyla, J. Kedroň
Company managers are always looking for more and more opportunities to succeed in today's fiercely competitive market. Maintain your place among the successful companies on the market today or come up with a revolutionary business idea; it is much more difficult than before. Each new or improved method, tools, or the approach that can improve the functioning of business processes or even the entire system is worth checking and verification. The use of simulation in the design of manufacturing systems and their management in practice is one of the ways without increased risk to find the optimal parameters of manufacturing processes and systems. The paper presents an example of using simulation to solve the bottleneck problem in concrete company.Keywords: practical applications, business processes, systems, simulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 638990 Graphene-Based Nanocomposites as Ecofriendly Antifouling Surfaces
Authors: Mohamed S. Selim, Nesreen A. Fatthallah, Shimaa A. Higazy, Zhifeng Hao, Xiang Chen
After the prohibition of tin-based fouling-prevention coatings in 2003, the researchers were directed toward eco-friendly coatings. Because of their nonstick, environmental, and economic benefits, foul-release nanocoatings have received a lot of attention. They use physical anti-adhesion terminology to deter any fouling attachment.Natural bioinspired surfaces have micro/nano-roughness and low surface free energy features, which may inspire the design of dynamic antifouling coatings. Graphene-based nanocomposite surfaces were designed to combat marine-fouling adhesion with ecological as well as eco-friendly effects rather than biocidal solutions. Polymer–graphenenanofiller hybrids are a novel class of composite materials in fouling-prevention applications. The controlled preparation of nanoscale orientation, arrangement, and direction along the composite building blocks would result in superior fouling prohibition. This work representsfoul-release nanocomposite top coats for marine coating applications with superhydrophobicity, surface inertness against fouling adherence, cost-effectiveness, and increased lifetime.Keywords: foul-release nanocoatings, graphene-based nanocomposite, polymer, nanofillers
Procedia PDF Downloads 143989 Feasibility Study on Hybrid Multi-Stage Direct-Drive Generator for Large-Scale Wind Turbine
Authors: Jin Uk Han, Hye Won Han, Hyo Lim Kang, Tae An Kim, Seung Ho Han
Direct-drive generators for large-scale wind turbine, which are divided into AFPM(Axial Flux Permanent Magnet) and RFPM(Radial Flux Permanent Magnet) type machine, have attracted interest because of a higher energy density in comparison with gear train type generators. Each type of the machines provides distinguishable geometrical features such as narrow width with a large diameter for the AFPM-type machine and wide width with a certain diameter for the RFPM-type machine. When the AFPM-type machine is applied, an increase of electric power production through a multi-stage arrangement in axial direction is easily achieved. On the other hand, the RFPM-type machine can be applied by using its geometric feature of wide width. In this study, a hybrid two-stage direct-drive generator for 6.2MW class wind turbine was proposed, in which the two-stage AFPM-type machine for 5 MW was composed of two models arranged in axial direction with a hollow shape topology of the rotor with annular disc, the stator and the main shaft mounted on coupled slew bearings. In addition, the RFPM-type machine for 1.2MW was installed at the empty space of the rotor. Analytic results obtained from an electro-magnetic and structural interaction analysis showed that the structural weight of the proposed hybrid two-stage direct-drive generator can be achieved as 155tonf in a condition satisfying the requirements of structural behaviors such as allowable air-gap clearance and strength. Therefore, it was sure that the 6.2MW hybrid two-stage direct-drive generator is competitive than conventional generators. (NRF grant funded by the Korea government MEST, No. 2017R1A2B4005405).Keywords: AFPM-type machine, direct-drive generator, electro-magnetic analysis, large-scale wind turbine, RFPM-type machine
Procedia PDF Downloads 169988 Human-Induced Vibration and Degree of Human Comfortability Analysis of Intersection Pedestrian Bridge
Authors: Yaowen Sheng, Jiuxian Liu
In order to analyze the pedestrian bridge dynamic characteristics and degree of comfortability, the finite element method and live load time history method is used to calculate the dynamic response of the bridge. The example bridge’s dynamic characteristics and degree of human comfortability need to be analyzed. The project background is a three-way intersection. The intersection has three side blocks. An intersection bridge is designed to help people cross the streets. The finite element model of the bridge is established by the Midas/Civil software, and the analysis of the model is done. The strength, stiffness, and stability checks are also completed. Apart from the static analysis of the bridge, the dynamic analysis of the bridge is also completed to avoid the problems resulted from vibrations. The results show that the pedestrian bridge has different dynamic characteristics compared to other normal bridges. The degree of human comfortability satisfies the requirements of Chinese and British specifications. The live load time history method can be used to calculate the dynamic response of the bridge.Keywords: pedestrian bridge, steel box girder, human-induced vibration, finite element analysis, degree of human comfortability
Procedia PDF Downloads 160987 Nanotechnology for Flame Retardancy of Thermoset Resins
Authors: Ewa Kicko Walczak, Grazyna Rymarz
In recent years, nanotechnology has been successfully applied for flame retardancy of polymers, in particular for construction materials. The consumption of thermoset resins as a construction polymers materials is approximately over one million tone word wide. Excellent mechanical, relatively high heat and thermal stability of their type of polymers are proven for variety applications, e.g. transportation, electrical, electronic, building part industry. Above applications in addition to the strength and thermal properties also requires -referring to the legal regulation or recommendation - an adequate level of flammability of the materials. This publication present the evaluation was made of effectiveness of flame retardancy of halogen-free hybrid flame retardants(FR) as compounds nitric/phosphorus modifiers that act with nanofillers (nano carbons, organ modified montmorillonite, nano silica, microsphere) in relation to unsaturated polyester/epoxy resins and glass-reinforced on base this resins laminates(GRP) as a final products. The analysis of the fire properties provided proof of effective flame retardancy of the tested composites by defining oxygen indices values (LOI), with the use of thermogravimetric methods (TGA) and combustion head (CH). An analysis of the combustion process with Cone Calorimeter (CC) method included in the first place N/P units and nanofillers with the observed phenomenon of synergic action of compounds. The fine-plates, phase morphology and rheology of composites were assessed by SEM/ TEM analysis. Polymer-matrix glass reinforced laminates with modified resins meet LOI over 30%, reduced in a decrease by 70% HRR (according to CC analysis), positive description of the curves TGA and values CH; no adverse negative impact on mechanical properties. The main objective of our current project is to contribute to the general understanding of the flame retardants mechanism and to investigate the corresponding structure/properties relationships. We confirm that nanotechnology systems are successfully concept for commercialized forms for non-flammable GRP pipe, concrete composites, and flame retardant tunnels constructions.Keywords: fire retardants, FR, halogen-free FR nanofillers, non-flammable pipe/concrete, thermoset resins
Procedia PDF Downloads 284986 Experimental Investigation on Utility and Suitability of Lateritic Soil as a Pavement Material
Authors: J. Hemanth, B. G. Shivaprakash, S. V. Dinesh
The locally available Lateritic soil in Dakshina Kanadda and Udupi districts are traditionally being used as building blocks for construction purpose but they do not meet the conventional requirements (L L ≤ 25% & P I ≤6%) and desired four days soaked CBR value to be used as a sub-base course material in pavements. In order to improve its properties to satisfy the Atterberg’s Limits, the soil is blended with sand, cement and quarry dust at various percentages and also to meet the CBR strength requirements, individual and combined gradation of various sized aggregates along with Laterite soil and other filler materials has been done for coarse graded granular sub-base materials (Grading II and Grading III). The effect of additives blended with lateritic soil and aggregates are studied in terms of Atterberg’s limits, compaction, California Bearing Ratio (CBR), and permeability. It has been observed that the addition of sand, cement and quarry dust are found to be effective in improving Atterberg’s limits, CBR values, and permeability values. The obtained CBR and permeability values of Grading III, and Grading II materials found to be sufficient to be used as sub-base course for low volume roads and high volume roads respectively.Keywords: lateritic soil, sand, quarry dust, gradation, sub-base course, permeability
Procedia PDF Downloads 319985 Non-Linear Static Analysis of Screwed Moment Connections in Cold-Formed Steel Frames
Authors: Jikhil Joseph, Satish Kumar S R.
Cold-formed steel frames are preferable for framed constructions due to its low seismic weights and results into low seismic forces, but on the contrary, significant lateral deflections are expected under seismic/wind loading. The various factors affecting the lateral stiffness of steel frames are the stiffness of connections, beams and columns. So, by increasing the stiffness of beam, column and making the connections rigid will enhance the lateral stiffness. The present study focused on Structural elements made of rectangular hollow sections and fastened with screwed in-plane moment connections for the building frames. The self-drilling screws can be easily drilled on either side of the connection area with the help of gusset plates. The strength of screwed connections can be made 1.2 times the connecting elements. However, achieving high stiffness in connections is also a challenging job. Hence in addition to beam and column stiffness’s the connection stiffness are also going to be a governing parameter in the lateral deflections of the frames. SAP 2000 Non-linear static analysis has been planned to study the seismic behavior of steel frames. The SAP model will be consisting of nonlinear spring model for the connection to account the semi-rigid connections and the nonlinear hinges will be assigned for beam and column sections according to FEMA 273 guidelines. The reliable spring and hinge parameters will be assigned based on an experimental and analytical database. The non-linear static analysis is mainly focused on the identification of various hinge formations and the estimation of lateral deflection and these will contribute as an inputs for the direct displacement-based Seismic design. The research output from this study are the modelling techniques and suitable design guidelines for the performance-based seismic design of cold-formed steel frames.Keywords: buckling, cold formed steel, nonlinear static analysis, screwed connections
Procedia PDF Downloads 179984 Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Blast Pressure on Discrete Model in Shock Tube
Authors: Aldin Justin Sundararaj, Austin Lord Tennyson, Divya Jose, A. N. Subash
Blast waves are generated due to the explosions of high energy materials. An explosion yielding a blast wave has the potential to cause severe damage to buildings and its personnel. In order to understand the physics of effects of blast pressure on buildings, studies in the shock tube on generic configurations are carried out at various pressures on discrete models. The strength of shock wave is systematically varied by using different driver gases and diaphragm thickness. The basic material of the diaphragm is Aluminum. To simulate the effect of shock waves on discrete models a shock tube was used. Generic models selected for this study are suitably scaled cylinder, cone and cubical blocks. The experiments were carried out with 2mm diaphragm with burst pressure ranging from 28 to 31 bar. Numerical analysis was carried out over these discrete models. A 3D model of shock-tube with different discrete models inside the tube was used for CFD computation. It was found that cone has dissipated most of the shock pressure compared to cylinder and cubical block. The robustness and the accuracy of the numerical model were validation with the analytical and experimental data.Keywords: shock wave, blast wave, discrete models, shock tube
Procedia PDF Downloads 333983 Gasification of Trans-4-Hydroxycinnamic Acid with Ethanol at Elevated Temperatures
Authors: Shyh-Ming Chern, Wei-Ling Lin
Lignin is a major constituent of woody biomass, and exists abundantly in nature. It is the major byproducts from the paper industry and bioethanol production processes. The byproducts are mainly used for low-valued applications. Instead, lignin can be converted into higher-valued gaseous fuel, thereby helping to curtail the ever-growing price of oil and to slow down the trend of global warming. Although biochemical treatment is capable of converting cellulose into liquid ethanol fuel, it cannot be applied to the conversion of lignin. Alternatively, it is possible to convert lignin into gaseous fuel thermochemically. In the present work, trans-4-hydroxycinnamic acid, a model compound for lignin, which closely resembles the basic building blocks of lignin, is gasified in an autoclave with ethanol at elevated temperatures and pressures, that are above the critical point of ethanol. Ethanol, instead of water, is chosen, because ethanol dissolves trans-4-hydroxycinnamic acid easily and helps to convert it into lighter gaseous species relatively well. The major operating parameters for the gasification reaction include temperature (673-873 K), reaction pressure (5-25 MPa) and feed concentration (0.05-0.3 M). Generally, more than 80% of the reactant, including trans-4-hydroxycinnamic acid and ethanol, were converted into gaseous products at an operating condition of 873 K and 5 MPa.Keywords: ethanol, gasification, lignin, supercritical
Procedia PDF Downloads 239982 Managing Construction and Demolition Wastes - A Case Study of Multi Triagem, Lda
Authors: Cláudia Moço, Maria Santos, Carlos Arsénio, Débora Mendes, Miguel Oliveira. José Paulo Da Silva
Construction industry generates large amounts of waste all over the world. About 450 million tons of construction and demolition wastes (C&DW) are produced annually in the European Union. C&DW are highly heterogeneous materials in size and composition, which imposes strong difficulties on their management. Directive n.º 2008/98/CE, of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 November establishes that 70 % of the C&DW have to be recycled by 2020. To evaluate possible applications of these materials, a detailed physical, chemical and environmental characterization is necessary. Multi Triagem, Lda. is a company located in Algarve (Portugal) and was supported by the European Regional Development Fund (grant QREN 30307 Multivalor) to quantify and characterize the received C&DW, in order to evaluate their possible applications. This evaluation, performed in collaboration with the University of Algarve, involves a physical, chemical and environmental detailed characterization of the received C&DW. In this work we report on the amounts, trial procedures and properties of the C&DW received over a period of fifteen month. In this period the company received C&DW coming from 393 different origins. The total amount was 32.458 tons, mostly mixtures containing concrete, masonry/mortar and soil/rock. Most of C&DW came from demodulation constructions and diggings. The organic/inert component, namely metal, glass, wood and plastics, were screened first and account for about 3 % of the received materials. The remaining materials were screened and grouped according to their origin and contents, the latter evaluated by visual inspection. Twenty five samples were prepared and submitted to a detailed physical, chemical and environmental analysis. The C&DW aggregates show lower quality properties than natural aggregates for concrete preparation and unbound layers of road pavements. However, chemical analyzes indicated that most samples are environmentally safe. A continuous monitoring of the presence of heavy metals and organic compounds is needed in order to perform a proper screening of the C&DW. C&DW aggregates provide a good alternative to natural aggregates.Keywords: construction and demolition wastes, waste classification, waste composition, waste screening
Procedia PDF Downloads 351981 Modeling of a Pendulum Test Including Skin and Muscles under Compression
Authors: M. J. Kang, Y. N. Jo, H. H. Yoo
Pendulum tests were used to identify a stretch reflex and diagnose spasticity. Some researches tried to make a mathematical model to simulate the motions. Thighs are subject to compressive forces due to gravity during a pendulum test. Therefore, it affects knee trajectories. However, the most studies on the pendulum tests did not consider that conditions. We used Kelvin-Voight model as compression model of skin and muscles. In this study, we investigated viscoelastic behaviors of skin and muscles using gelatin blocks from experiments of the vibration of the compliantly supported beam. Then we calculated a dynamic stiffness and loss factors from the experiment and estimated a damping coefficient of the model. We also did pendulum tests of human lower limbs to validate the stiffness and damping coefficient of a skin model. To simulate the pendulum motion, we derive equations of motion. We used stretch reflex activation model to estimate muscle forces induced by the stretch reflex. To validate the results, we compared the activation with electromyography signals during experiments. The compression behavior of skin and muscles in this study can be applied to analyze sitting posture as wee as developing surgical techniques.Keywords: Kelvin-Voight model, pendulum test, skin and muscles under compression, stretch reflex
Procedia PDF Downloads 447980 Transient Phenomena in a 100 W Hall Thrusters: Experimental Measurements of Discharge Current and Plasma Parameter Evolution
Authors: Clémence Royer, Stéphane Mazouffre
Nowadays, electric propulsion systems play a crucial role in space exploration missions due to their high specific impulse and long operational life. The Hall thrusters are one of the most mature EP technologies. It is a gridless ion thruster that has proved reliable and high-performance for decades in various space missions. Operation of HT relies on electron emissions through a cathode placed outside a hollow dielectric channel that includes an anode at the back. Negatively charged particles are trapped in a magnetic field and efficiently slow down. By collisions, the electron cloud ionizes xenon atoms. A large electric field is generated in the axial direction due to the low electron transverse mobility in the region of a strong magnetic field. Positive particles are pulled out of the chamber at high velocity and are neutralized directly at the exhaust area. This phenomenon leads to the acceleration of the spacecraft system at a high specific impulse. While HT’s architecture and operating principle are relatively simple, the physics behind thrust is complex and still partly unknown. Current and voltage oscillations, as well as electron properties, have been captured over a 30 mn time period after ignition. The observed low-frequency oscillations exhibited specific frequency ranges, amplitudes, and stability patterns. Correlations between the oscillations and plasma characteristics we analyzed. The impact of these instabilities on thruster performance, including thrust efficiency, has been evaluated as well. Moreover, strategies for mitigating and controlling these instabilities have been developed, such as filtering. In this contribution, in addition to presenting a summary of the results obtained in the transient regime, we will present and discuss recent advances in Hall thruster plasma discharge filtering and control.Keywords: electric propulsion, Hall Thruster, plasma diagnostics, low-frequency oscillations
Procedia PDF Downloads 91979 Sustainable Upgrade of Existing Heritage Infrastructure - Strengthening and Rehabilitation of The LH Ford Bridge
Authors: Vince Scolaro, Lakshman Prasad, Ted Polley, Sanjivan Deshpande
The LH Ford Bridge, built in the 1960s, comprises 28 spans, is 800m long and crosses the Macquarie River at Dubbo, NSW. The main bridge spans comprise three spans with a 63m center span (25m drop-in section) supported by halving joints from the main cantilevers and back spans of 28m. The main bridge spans were built using complex construction staging (the first of this type in NSW). They comprise twin precast boxes, in-situ reinforced concrete infills, and cantilevered outriggers stressed both longitudinally and transversely. Since construction, this bridge has undergone significantly increased design vehicle loads and showed signs of excessive shrinkage and creep leading to significant sagging of the centre span with evidence of previous failure and remediation of the halving joints. A comprehensive load rating assessment was undertaken taking account of the original complex construction staging. Deficiencies identified included inadequate capacity of the halving joints, failure of the bearings at the halving joints, inadequate shear capacity of the girder webs and inadequate girder flexural capacity to carry B-Double design vehicles. A unique strengthening system comprising two new piers (under each of the halving joints), new bearings and installation of external prestressing to the soffit of both drop-in-span and back spans was adopted. A portion of the dead load had to be transferred from the superstructure to the new piers via innovative soft/stiff bearing combinations to reduce new locked-in stresses resulting from the new pier supports. Significant temporary works comprised a precast concrete shell beam forming the pile cap/pier structure, addition of a temporary suspended scaffold (without overstressing the existing superstructure) and the installation of jacking stays for new bearing top and bottom plates. This paper presents how this existing historic and socially important bridge was strengthened and updated to increase its design life without the need for replacement.Keywords: strengthening, creep, construction, box girder
Procedia PDF Downloads 140978 Design of the Ice Rink of the Future
Authors: Carine Muster, Prina Howald Erika
Today's ice rinks are important energy consumers for the production and maintenance of ice. At the same time, users demand that the other rooms should be tempered or heated. The building complex must equally provide cooled and heated zones, which does not translate as carbon-zero ice rinks. The study provides an analysis of how the civil engineering sector can significantly impact minimizing greenhouse gas emissions and optimizing synergies across an entire ice rink complex. The analysis focused on three distinct aspects: the layout, including the volumetric layout of the premises present in an ice rink; the materials chosen that can potentially use the most ecological structural approach; and the construction methods based on innovative solutions to reduce carbon footprint. The first aspect shows that the organization of the interior volumes and defining the shape of the rink play a significant role. Its layout makes the use and operation of the premises as efficient as possible, thanks to the differentiation between heated and cooled volumes while optimising heat loss between the different rooms. The sprayed concrete method, which is still little known, proves that it is possible to achieve the strength of traditional concrete for the structural aspect of the load-bearing and non-load-bearing walls of the ice rink by using materials excavated from the construction site and providing a more ecological and sustainable solution. The installation of an empty sanitary space underneath the ice floor, making it independent of the rest of the structure, provides a natural insulating layer, preventing the transfer of cold to the rest of the structure and reducing energy losses. The addition of active pipes as part of the foundation of the ice floor, coupled with a suitable system, gives warmth in the winter and storage in the summer; this is all possible thanks to the natural heat in the ground. In conclusion, this study provides construction recommendations for future ice rinks with a significantly reduced energy demand, using some simple preliminary design concepts. By optimizing the layout, materials, and construction methods of ice rinks, the civil engineering sector can play a key role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting sustainability.Keywords: climate change, energy optimization, green building, sustainability
Procedia PDF Downloads 68977 Study the Behavior of Different Composite Short Columns (DST) with Prismatic Sections under Bending Load
Authors: V. Sadeghi Balkanlou, M. Reza Bagerzadeh Karimi, A. Hasanbakloo, B. Bagheri Azar
In this paper, the behavior of different types of DST columns has been studied under bending load. Briefly, composite columns consist of an internal carbon steel tube and an external stainless steel wall that the between the walls are filled with concrete. Composite columns are expected to combine the advantages of all three materials and have the advantage of high flexural stiffness of CFDST columns. In this research, ABAQUS software is used for finite element analysis then the results of ultimate strength of the composite sections are illustrated.Keywords: DST, stainless steel, carbon steel, ABAQUS, straigh columns, tapered columns
Procedia PDF Downloads 390976 Impact of a Biopesticide Formulated an Entomopathogenic Fungus Metarhizium Anisopliae et Abstracts of Two Different Plants Sage (Salvia officinalis) and American Paper (Schinus molle) on Aphis Fabae (Homoptera - Aphididae)
Authors: Hicham Abidallah
In this work we realized a formulation of an entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae with a dose of 1,7 x 105 spores/ml, and aqueous abstracts of two different plants sage (Salvia officinalis) and American paper (Schinus molle) with they’re full dose and half dose, on a black bean aphid populations (Aphis fabae) on a bean crop planted in pots at semi-controlled conditions. Five formulations were achieved (Met, Fd, F1/2d, Sd et S1/2d) and tested on six blocks each one contained six pots. This study revealed that four (04) formulations exercised an influence over black bean aphid (Met, Fd, F1/2d, Sd), of which Metarhizium marked the most elevated and aggressive toxicity with an efficiency of 99,24%, however, sage formulation with the half dose (S1/2d ) marked a weak toxicity with an efficiency of 18%. Test of Metarhizium anisopliae on bees didn’t show toxicity, and no mortality has been marked, and no trace of green Muscardine observed.Keywords: Metarhizium anisopliae, salvia officinalis, Schinus molle, Aphis fabae, efficiency degree
Procedia PDF Downloads 372975 Women Bodies and Images in Funerary Landscapes of the Late Antique Oecumene: An Analysis of Women Representation Between Idealized Pagan Antecedents and Concrete Female Power Within Christian Communities
Authors: Camilla Marraccini
The sarcophagus of Adelphia represents an iconographic unicum compared to female representations on sarcophagi. From the time of its discovery in 1872 until recent studies , the figurative program of the sarcophagus' lid has been the subject of extensive debate. Critics have been divided between those who have interpreted the scene as the life of Mary , those who have interpreted it as a depiction of Adelphia , those who saw it as a traditional representation of Moses and Christ , and those who read a particular philosophical doctrine depicting Sophia dei . Indeed, next to the female orans, Maries on the throne and female servants of Christ, the distinctiveness of the sarcophagus becomes evident and a unique scene stands out on the lid: a procession of nine women culminating with a frontal woman on the throne. Using an iconographic analysis that questions 1.the traces of the typologies of christian women found in sarcophagi and 2.the pagan models used by the artisans of Christianity, this paper aims to investigate an interpretation of the scene based on the discoveries of meaning and semantic shifts that can be understood once the model used for this iconography is found, whilst conducting a comparative analysis that underlines the importance of understanding the reasons behind this commission. Searching for the commissioner's will needs to be an interdisciplinary quest: from iconographical analysis to epigraphical and archaeological data. Considering, that several recent studies have emphasized the important female presence in the catacomb of St.Giovanni (perhaps a burial dedicated exclusively to female monastic cults?) , where the sarcophagus was found, the local development of the cult of St. Lucia, and the fact that Adelfia is referred to as clarissima femina in her inscription, the present paper will try to make a transition between art and social context. Thus, this paper aims to understand whether this iconography can be an ulterior source, next to the epigraphical ones, to reconstruct the concrete role of Adelfia in local women's communities. In summary, by tracing different forms of continuity between pagan and christian practices, this paper aims to understand what the relationship between actual hierarchical power, funerary self-representations and the inherited semantics of images could tell us about the life and death of late antique Christian women.Keywords: early Christian art, female bodies, iconography, female communities, sarcophagi
Procedia PDF Downloads 17974 Being Chinese Online: Discursive (Re)Production of Internet-Mediated Chinese National Identity
Authors: Zhiwei Wang
Much emphasis has been placed on the political dimension of digitised Chinese national(ist) discourses and their embodied national identities, which neglects other important dimensions constitutive of their discursive nature. A further investigation into how Chinese national(ist) discourses are daily (re)shaped online by diverse socio-political actors (especially ordinary users) is crucial, which can contribute to not only deeper understandings of Chinese national sentiments on China’s Internet beyond the excessive focus on their passionate, political-charged facet but also richer insights into the socio-technical ecology of the contemporary Chinese digital (and physical) world. This research adopts an ethnographic methodology, by which ‘fieldsites’ are Sina Weibo and bilibili. The primary data collection method is virtual ethnographic observation on everyday national(ist) discussions on both platforms. If data obtained via observations do not suffice to answer research questions, in-depth online qualitative interviews with ‘key actors’ identified from those observations in discursively (re)producing Chinese national identity on each ‘fieldsite’ will be conducted, to complement data gathered through the first method. Critical discourse analysis is employed to analyse data. During the process of data coding, NVivo is utilised. From November 2021 to December 2022, 35 weeks’ digital ethnographic observations have been conducted, with 35 sets of fieldnotes obtained. The strategy adopted for the initial stage of observations was keyword searching, which means typing into the search box on Sina Weibo and bilibili any keywords related to China as a nation and then observing the search results. Throughout 35 weeks’ online ethnographic observations, six keywords have been employed on Sina Weibo and two keywords on bilibili. For 35 weeks’ observations, textual content created by ordinary users have been concentrated much upon. Based on the fieldnotes of the first week’s observations, multifarious national(ist) discourses on Sina Weibo and bilibili have been found, targeted both at national ‘Others’ and ‘Us’, both on the historical and real-world dimension, both aligning with and differing from or even conflicting with official discourses, both direct national(ist) expressions and articulations of sentiments in the name of presentation of national(ist) attachments but for other purposes. Second, Sina Weibo and bilibili users have agency in interpreting and deploying concrete national(ist) discourses despite the leading role played by the government and the two platforms in deciding on the basic framework of national expressions. Besides, there are also disputes and even quarrels between users in terms of explanations for concrete components of ‘nation-ness’ and (in)direct dissent to officially defined ‘mainstream’ discourses to some extent, though often expressed much more mundanely, discursively and playfully. Third, the (re)production process of national(ist) discourses on Sina Weibo and bilibili depends upon not only technical affordances and limitations of the two sites but also, to a larger degree, some established socio-political mechanisms and conventions in the offline China, e.g., the authorities’ acquiescence of citizens’ freedom in understanding and explaining concrete elements of national discourses while setting the basic framework of national narratives to the extent that citizens’ own national(ist) expressions do not reach political bottom lines and develop into mobilising power to shake social stability.Keywords: national identity, national(ist) discourse(s), everyday nationhood/nationalism, Chinese nationalism, digital nationalism
Procedia PDF Downloads 95973 Formation of Blends in Hausa Language
Authors: Maryam Maimota Shehu
Words are the basic building blocks of a language. In everyday usage of a language, words are used, and new words are formed and reformed to contain and accommodate all entities, phenomena, qualities and every aspect of the entire life. Despite the fact that many studies have been conducted on morphological processes in The Hausa language. Most of the works concentrated on borrowing, affixation, reduplication and derivation, but blending has been neglected to the extent that some of the Hausa linguists claim that, blending does not exist in the language. Therefore, the current study investigates and examines blending as one of the word formation processes' in the language. The study focuses its main attention on blending as a word-formation process and how this process is used adequately in the formation of words in The Hausa language. To achieve the aims, the research answered these questions: 1) is blending used as a process of word formation in Hausa? 2) What are the words formed using this process? This study utilizes the Natural Morphology Theory proposed by Dressler, (1985) which was adopted by Belly (2007). The data of this study have been collected from newspaper articles, novels, and written literature of Hausa language. Based on the findings, this study found out that, there exist new kind of words formed in The Hausa language under blending, which previous findings did not either reveal or explain in detail. Another part of the finding shows that some of the words change their grammatical classes and meaning while blended.Keywords: morphology, word formation, blending in hausa language, language
Procedia PDF Downloads 422972 Image Enhancement of Histological Slides by Using Nonlinear Transfer Function
Authors: D. Suman, B. Nikitha, J. Sarvani, V. Archana
Histological slides provide clinical diagnostic information about the subjects from the ancient times. Even with the advent of high resolution imaging cameras the image tend to have some background noise which makes the analysis complex. A study of the histological slides is done by using a nonlinear transfer function based image enhancement method. The method processes the raw, color images acquired from the biological microscope, which, in general, is associated with background noise. The images usually appearing blurred does not convey the intended information. In this regard, an enhancement method is proposed and implemented on 50 histological slides of human tissue by using nonlinear transfer function method. The histological image is converted into HSV color image. The luminance value of the image is enhanced (V component) because change in the H and S components could change the color balance between HSV components. The HSV image is divided into smaller blocks for carrying out the dynamic range compression by using a linear transformation function. Each pixel in the block is enhanced based on the contrast of the center pixel and its neighborhood. After the processing the V component, the HSV image is transformed into a colour image. The study has shown improvement of the characteristics of the image so that the significant details of the histological images were improved.Keywords: HSV space, histology, enhancement, image
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