Search results for: split tensile testing
Commenced in January 2007
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Paper Count: 4343

Search results for: split tensile testing

2753 Salvage Reconstruction of Intraoral Dehiscence following Free Fibular Flap with a Superficial Temporal Artery Islandized Flap (STAIF)

Authors: Allyne Topaz


Intraoral dehiscence compromises free fibula flaps following mandibular reconstruction. Salivary contamination risks thrombosis of microvascular anastomosis and hardware infection. The superficial temporal artery islandized flap (STAIF) offers an efficient, non-microsurgical reconstructive option for regaining intraoral competency for a time sensitive complication. Methods: The STAIF flap is based on the superficial temporal artery coursing along the anterior hairline. The flap is mapped with assistance of the doppler probe. The width of the skin paddle is taken based on the ability to close the donor site. The flap is taken down to the level of the zygomatic arch and tunneled into the mouth. Results: We present a case of a patient who underwent mandibular reconstruction with a free fibula flap after a traumatic shotgun wound. The patient developed repeated intraoral dehiscence following failed local buccal and floor of mouth flaps leading to salivary contamination of the flap and hardware. The intraoral dehiscence was successfully salvaged on the third attempt with a STAIF flap. Conclusions: Intraoral dehiscence creates a complication requiring urgent attention to prevent loss of free fibula flap after mandibular reconstruction. The STAIF is a non-microsurgical option for restoring intraoral competency. This robust, axially vascularized skin paddle may be split for intra- and extra-oral coverage, as needed and can be an important tool in the reconstructive armamentarium.

Keywords: free fibula flap, intraoral dehiscence, mandibular reconstruction, superficial temporal artery islandized flap

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2752 Simulation of Channel Models for Device-to-Device Application of 5G Urban Microcell Scenario

Authors: H. Zormati, J. Chebil, J. Bel Hadj Tahar


Next generation wireless transmission technology (5G) is expected to support the development of channel models for higher frequency bands, so clarification of high frequency bands is the most important issue in radio propagation research for 5G, multiple urban microcellular measurements have been carried out at 60 GHz. In this paper, the collected data is uniformly analyzed with focus on the path loss (PL), the objective is to compare simulation results of some studied channel models with the purpose of testing the performance of each one.

Keywords: 5G, channel model, 60GHz channel, millimeter-wave, urban microcell

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2751 Crack Width Evaluation for Flexural RC Members with Axial Tension

Authors: Sukrit Ghorai


Proof of controlling crack width is a basic condition for securing suitable performance in serviceability limit state. The cracking in concrete can occur at any time from the casting of time to the years after the concrete has been set in place. Most codes struggle with offering procedure for crack width calculation. There is lack in availability of design charts for designers to compute crack width with ease. The focus of the study is to utilize design charts and parametric equations in calculating crack width with minimum error. The paper contains a simplified procedure to calculate crack width for reinforced concrete (RC) sections subjected to bending with axial tensile force following the guidelines of Euro code [DS EN-1992-1-1 & DS EN-1992-1-2]. Numerical examples demonstrate the application of the suggested procedure. Comparison with parallel analytical tools support the validity of result and show the percentage deviation of crack width in both the procedures. The technique is simple, user-friendly and ready to evolve for a greater spectrum of section sizes and materials.

Keywords: concrete structures, crack width calculation, serviceability limit state, structural design, bridge engineering

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2750 A Distribution Free Test for Censored Matched Pairs

Authors: Ayman Baklizi


This paper discusses the problem of testing hypotheses about the lifetime distributions of a matched pair based on censored data. A distribution free test based on a runs statistic is proposed. Its null distribution and power function are found in a simple convenient form. Some properties of the test statistic and its power function are studied.

Keywords: censored data, distribution free, matched pair, runs statistics

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2749 Civility in Indonesia: Comparison of Indonesian People's Friendliness with the Past

Authors: Abshari Nabilah Fiqi, Sekar Ayu Dian Kusumaningtyas, Amira Eka Pratiwi


Since a very long time ago, Indonesia are well known for their hospitality. Hospitality has been one of the civility concepts that represented Indonesia’s culture. However, as an Indonesian, we found that nowadays we are starting to lose this particular culture. The influence of modern culture is undeniably strong. As a capital city, Jakarta is one of the most modern cities in Indonesia. We conduct this experimental study to find out whether the people in Jakarta are still willing to maintain their identity as a friendly Indonesian or not by testing their willingness to reply greetings from strangers.

Keywords: city, civility, culture, greetings, hospitality, modern

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2748 Failure Analysis of the Gasoline Engines Injection System

Authors: Jozef Jurcik, Miroslav Gutten, Milan Sebok, Daniel Korenciak, Jerzy Roj


The paper presents the research results of electronic fuel injection system, which can be used for diagnostics of automotive systems. In the paper is described the construction and operation of a typical fuel injection system and analyzed its electronic part. It has also been proposed method for the detection of the injector malfunction, based on the analysis of differential current or voltage characteristics. In order to detect the fault state, it is needed to use self-learning process, by the use of an appropriate self-learning algorithm.

Keywords: electronic fuel injector, diagnostics, measurement, testing device

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2747 Development of High Strength Filler Consumables by Means of Calculations and Microstructural Characterization

Authors: S. Holly, R. Schnitzer, P. Haslberger, D. Zügner


The development of new filler consumables necessitates a high effort regarding samples and experiments to achieve the required mechanical properties and chemistry. In the scope of the development of a metal-cored wire with the target tensile strength of 1150 MPa and acceptable impact toughness, thermodynamic and kinetic calculations via MatCalc were used to reduce the experimental work and the resources required. Micro alloying elements were used to reach the high strength as an alternative approach compared to the conventional solid solution hardening. In order to understand the influence of different micro alloying elements in more detail, the influence of different elements on the precipitation behavior in the weld metal was evaluated. Investigations of the microstructure were made via atom probe and EBSD to understand the effect of micro alloying elements. The calculated results are in accordance with the results obtained by experiments and can be explained by the microstructural investigations. On the example of aluminium, the approach is exemplified and clarifies the efficient way of development.

Keywords: alloy development, high strength steel, MatCalc, metal-cored wire

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2746 No Space for Subculture, No Space for Disruption: Taming Creativity in Urban Development Projects

Authors: Nadine Osbild


Recent urban development projects often try to cater to both high-tech innovation/start-up culture and local culture/sustainable living. In the process, the so-called “creative class” (Florida 2002) has become a focal point for innovative answers to increasing urban pressures. Our paper explores local subculture and art scenes as a place where current innovation policies and alternative approaches to urban future-making collide. We explore the (re-)making of prevalent understanding of creativity in the context of Munich – an economically successful and over-saturated city with a relatively conservative approach to innovation and disruption and no apparent need for the “creative class” remedy. In particular, we investigate the opportunities and manifestations of subculture in three urban development projects that are envisioned as collaborations between innovators and (sub)culturally oriented creativity. Following a co-production STS approach, we observe that these development projects serve as sites where understandings of innovation and creativity are configured and stabilized in keeping with broader socio-political and economic rationalities. What is more, the projects materialize a de-facto split between the two understandings of a “creative scene,” whereby alternative and potentially disruptive forms of creativity become sidelined or even prevented in Munich’s imagination of urban development in the name of innovation and economic growth. Thus taming the unruliness of creativity, Munich also manages to tame the disruptive threats of innovation, ensuring that the innovation-centered modes of future-making still leave socio-economic hierarchies intact while displacing (counter-)visions rooted in the subculture.

Keywords: creative districts, science and technology studies, public engagement, innovation studies

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2745 Water Absorption Studies on Natural Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites

Authors: G. L. Devnani, Shishir Sinha


In the recent years, researchers have drawn their focus on natural fibers reinforced composite materials because of their excellent properties like low cost, lower weight, better tensile and flexural strengths, biodegradability etc. There is little concern however that when these materials are put in moist conditions for long duration, their mechanical properties degrade. Therefore, in order to take maximum advantage of these novel materials, one should have a complete understanding of their moisture or water absorption phenomena. Various fiber surface treatment methods like alkaline treatment, acetylation etc. have also been suggested for reduction in water absorption of these composites. In the present study, a detailed review is done for water absorption behavior of natural fiber reinforced polymer composites, and experiments also have been performed on these composites with varying the parameters like fiber loading etc. for understanding the water absorption kinetics. Various surface treatment methods also performed to reduce the water absorption behavior of these materials and effort is made to develop a proper understanding of water absorption mechanism mathematically and experimentally for full potential utilization of natural fiber reinforced polymer composite materials.

Keywords: alkaline treatment, composites, natural fiber, water absorption

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2744 An Experimental and Numerical Study on the Pultruded GFRP I-Sections Beams

Authors: Parinaz Arashnia, Farzad Hatami, Saeed Ghaffarpour Jahromi


Using steel in bridges’ construction because of their desired tensile and compressive strength and light weight especially in large spans was widely popular. Disadvantages of steel such as corrosion, buckling and weaknesses in high temperature and unsuitable weld could be solve with using Fibres Reinforced Polymer (FRP) profiles. The FRP is a remarkable class of composite polymers that can improve structural elements behaviour like corrosion resistance, fir resistance with good proofing and electricity and magnetic non-conductor. Nowadays except FRP reinforced bars and laminates, FRP I-beams are made and studied. The main reason for using FRP profiles is, prevent of corrosion and increase the load carrying capacity and durability, especially in large spans in bridges’ deck. In this paper, behaviour of I-section glass fibres reinforced polymer (GFRP) beam is discussed under point loads with numerical models and results has been compared and verified with experimental tests.

Keywords: glass fibres reinforced polymer, composite, I-section beam, durability, finite element method, numerical model

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2743 Synthesis and Characterisation of Different Blends of Virgin Polyethylene Modified by Naturel Fibres Alfa

Authors: Benalia Kouini


The basic idea of this study is to promote a polyethylene recycle and local vegetable fiber (alfa) in the development and characterization of a new composite material. In this work, different sizes of fiber alfa (<63 microns, between 63 and 125 microns, 125 and 250 microns) were incorporated into the blends (HDPE / recycled HDPE) with different methods elaboration (extruder twin-screw and twin-cylinder mixer). The fiber was modified by sodium hydroxide in order to evaluate the effect of alkaline treatment on the interfacial adhesion and therefore the properties of composites prepared. These were characterized by various techniques: mechanical (tensile and Charpy impact test), Rheological (melt flow), morphological (SEM). The demonstration of the effect of alkali treatment on alfa fiber was examined by FTIR spectroscopy and morphological analysis. The introduction of alfa treated fiber in the (HDPE/recycled HDPE) increased stress, impact strength and Young's modulus on the contrary, the elongation at break decreased. The results of the mechanical properties showed an improvement is better in extrusion twin-screw mixer than two cylinders.

Keywords: naturel fiber, alfa, recycling, blends, polyethylene

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2742 Empirical Analytical Modelling of Average Bond Stress and Anchorage of Tensile Bars in Reinforced Concrete

Authors: Maruful H. Mazumder, Raymond I. Gilbert


The design specifications for calculating development and lapped splice lengths of reinforcement in concrete are derived from a conventional empirical modelling approach that correlates experimental test data using a single mathematical equation. This paper describes part of a recently completed experimental research program to assess the effects of different structural parameters on the development length requirements of modern high strength steel reinforcing bars, including the case of lapped splices in large-scale reinforced concrete members. The normalized average bond stresses for the different variations of anchorage lengths are assessed according to the general form of a typical empirical analytical model of bond and anchorage. Improved analytical modelling equations are developed in the paper that better correlate the normalized bond strength parameters with the structural parameters of an empirical model of bond and anchorage.

Keywords: bond stress, development length, lapped splice length, reinforced concrete

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2741 Composition and Distribution of Seabed Marine Litter Along Algerian Coast (Western Mediterranean)

Authors: Ahmed Inal, Samir Rouidi, Samir Bachouche


The present study is focused on the distribution and composition of seafloor marine litter associated to trawlable fishing areas along Algerian coast. The sampling was done with a GOC73 bottom trawl during four (04) demersal resource assessment cruises, respectively, in 2016, 2019, 2021 and 2022, carried out on board BELKACEM GRINE R/V. A total of 254 fishing hauls were sampled for the assessment of marine litter. Hauls were performed between 22 and 600 m of depth, the duration was between 30 and 60 min. All sampling was conducted during daylight. After the haul, marine litter was sorted and split from the catch. Then, according to the basis of the MEDITS protocol, litters were sorted into six different categories (plastic, rubber, metal, wood, glass and natural fiber). Thereafter, all marine litter were counted and weighed separately to the nearest 0.5 g. The results shows that the maximums of marine litter densities in the seafloor of the trawling fishing areas along Algerian coast are, respectively, 1996 item/km2 in 2016, 5164 item/km2 in 2019, 2173 item/km2 in 2021 and 7319 item/km2 in 2022. Thus, the plastic is the most abundant litter, it represent, respectively, 46% of marine litter in 2016, 67% in 2019, 69% in 2021 and 74% in 2022. Regarding the weight of the marine litter, it varies between 0.00 and 103 kg in 2016, between 0.04 and 81 kg in 2019, between 0.00 and 68 Kg in 2021 and between 0.00 and 318 kg in 2022. Thus, the maximum rate of marine litter compared to the total catch approximate, respectively, 66% in 2016, 90% in 2019, 65% in 2021 and 91% in 2022. In fact, the average loss in catch is estimated, respectively, at 7.4% in 2016, 8.4% in 2019, 5.7% in 2021 and 6.4% in 2022. However, the bathymetric and geographical variability had a significant impact on both density and weight of marine litter. Marine litter monitoring program is necessary for offering more solution proposals.

Keywords: composition, distribution, seabed, marine litter, algerian coast

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2740 Seismic Safety Evaluation of Weir Structures Using the Finite and Infinite Element Method

Authors: Ho Young Son, Bu Seog Ju, Woo Young Jung


This study presents the seismic safety evaluation of weir structure subjected to strong earthquake ground motions, as a flood defense structure in civil engineering structures. The seismic safety analysis procedure was illustrated through development of Finite Element (FE) and InFinite Element (IFE) method in ABAQUS platform. The IFE model was generated by CINPS4, 4-node linear one-way infinite model as a sold continuum infinite element in foundation areas of the weir structure and then nonlinear FE model using friction model for soil-structure interactions was applied in this study. In order to understand the complex behavior of weir structures, nonlinear time history analysis was carried out. Consequently, it was interesting to note that the compressive stress gave more vulnerability to the weir structure, in comparison to the tensile stress, during an earthquake. The stress concentration of the weir structure was shown at the connection area between the weir body and stilling basin area. The stress both tension and compression was reduced in IFE model rather than FE model of weir structures.

Keywords: seismic, numerical analysis, FEM, weir, boundary condition

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2739 Thermal Resistance Analysis of Flexible Composites Based on Al2O3 Aerogels

Authors: Jianzheng Wei, Duo Zhen, Zhihan Yang, Huifeng Tan


The deployable descent technology is a lightweight entry method using an inflatable heat shield. The heatshield consists of a pressurized core which is covered by different layers of thermal insulation and flexible ablative materials in order to protect against the thermal loads. In this paper, both aluminum and silicon-aluminum aerogels were prepared by freeze-drying method. The latter material has bigger specific surface area and nano-scale pores. Mullite fibers are used as the reinforcing fibers to prepare the aerogel matrix to improve composite flexibility. The flexible composite materials were performed as an insulation layer to an underlying aramid fabric by a thermal shock test at a heat flux density of 120 kW/m2 and uniaxial tensile test. These results show that the aramid fabric with untreated mullite fibers as the thermal protective layer is completely carbonized at the heat of about 60 s. The aramid fabric as a thermal resistance layer of the composite material still has good mechanical properties at the same heat condition.

Keywords: aerogel, aramid fabric, flexibility, thermal resistance

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2738 Genotypic Response Differences among Faba Bean Accessions under Regular Deficit Irrigation (RDI)

Authors: M. Afzal, Salem Safer Alghamdi, Awais Ahmad


Limited amount of irrigation water is an alarming threat to arid and semiarid agriculture. However, genotypic response differences to water deficit conditions within species have been reported frequently. Present study was conducted in order to measure the genotypic differences among faba bean accessions under Regular Deficit Irrigation (RDI). Five seeds from each accession were sown in 135 silt filled pots (30 x 24 cm). Experiment was planned under split plot arrangement and replicated thrice. Treatments consisted of three RDI levels (100% (control), 60% and 40% of the field capacity) and fifteen faba bean accessions (two local accessions as reference while thirteen from different sources around the world). Irrigation treatment was started from the very first day of sowing. Plant height, shoot dry weight, stomatal conductance and total chlorophyll contents (SPAD reading) were measured one month after germination. Irrigation, faba bean accessions and the all possible interactions has stood significantly high for all studied parameters. Regular deficient irrigation has hampered the plant growth and associated parameters in decreasing order (100% < 60% < 40%). Accessions have responded differently under regular deficient irrigation and some of them are even better than local accession. A highly significant correlation among all parameters has also been observed. It was concluded from results that above parameters could be used as markers to identify the genotypic differences for water deficit stress response. This outcome encouraged the use of superior faba bean genotypes in breeding programs for improved varieties to enhance water use efficiency under stress conditions.

Keywords: accessions, stomatal conductance, total chlorophyll contents, RDI, regular deficient irrigation

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2737 Stress Analysis of Vertebra Using Photoelastic and Finite Element Methods

Authors: Jamal A. Hassan, Ali Q. Abdulrazzaq, Sadiq J. Abass


In this study, both the photoelastic, as well as the finite element methods, are used to study the stress distribution within human vertebra (L4) under forces similar to those that occur during normal life. Two & three dimensional models of vertebra were created by the software AutoCAD. The coordinates obtained were fed into a computer numerical control (CNC) tensile machine to fabricate the models from photoelastic sheets. Completed models were placed in a transmission polariscope and loaded with static force (up to 1500N). Stresses can be quantified and localized by counting the number of fringes. In both methods the Principle stresses were calculated at different regions. The results noticed that the maximum von-mises stress on the area of the extreme superior vertebral body surface and the facet surface with high normal stress (σ) and shear stress (τ). The facets and other posterior elements have a load-bearing function to help support the weight of the upper body and anything that it carries, and are also acted upon by spinal muscle forces. The numerical FE results have been compared with the experimental method using photoelasticity which shows good agreement between experimental and simulation results.

Keywords: photoelasticity, stress, load, finite element

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2736 Numerical Study on Ultimate Capacity of Bi-Modulus Beam-Column

Authors: Zhiming Ye, Dejiang Wang, Huiling Zhao


Development of the technology demands a higher-level research on the mechanical behavior of materials. Structural members made of bi-modulus materials have different elastic modulus when they are under tension and compression. The stress and strain states of the point effect on the elastic modulus and Poisson ratio of every point in the bi-modulus material body. Accompanied by the uncertainty and nonlinearity of the elastic constitutive relation is the complicated nonlinear problem of the bi-modulus members. In this paper, the small displacement and large displacement finite element method for the bi-modulus members have been proposed. Displacement nonlinearity is considered in the elastic constitutive equation. Mechanical behavior of slender bi-modulus beam-column under different boundary conditions and loading patterns has been simulated by the proposed method. The influence factors on the ultimate bearing capacity of slender beam and columns have been studied. The results show that as the ratio of tensile modulus to compressive modulus increases, the error of the simulation employing the same elastic modulus theory exceeds the engineering permissible error.

Keywords: bi-modulus, ultimate capacity, beam-column, nonlinearity

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2735 A Closed Loop Audit of Pre-operative Transfusion Samples in Orthopaedic Patients at a Major Trauma Centre

Authors: Tony Feng, Rea Thomson, Kathryn Greenslade, Ross Medine, Jennifer Easterbrook, Calum Arthur, Matilda Powell-bowns


There are clear guidelines on taking group and screen samples (G&S) for elective arthroplasty and major trauma. However, there is limited guidance on blood grouping for other trauma patients. The purpose of this study was to review the level of blood grouping at a major trauma centre and validate a protocol that limits the expensive processing of G&S samples. After reviewing the national guidance on transfusion samples in orthopaedic patients, data was prospectively collected for all orthopaedic admissions in the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh between January to February 2023. The cause of admission, number of G&S samples processed on arrival and need for red cells was collected using the hospital blood bank. A new protocol was devised based on a multidisciplinary meeting which limited the requirement for G&S samples only to presentations in “category X”, including neck-of-femur fractures (NOFs), pelvic fractures and major trauma. A re-audit was completed between April and May after departmental education and institution of this protocol. 759 patients were admitted under orthopaedics in the major trauma centre across two separate months. 47% of patients were admitted with presentations falling in category X (354/759) and patients in this category accounted for 88% (92/104) of those requiring post-operative red cell transfusions. Of these, 51% were attributed to NOFs (47/92). In the initial audit, 50% of trauma patients outwith category X had samples sent (116/230), estimated to cost £3800. Of these 230 patients, 3% required post-operative transfusions (7/230). In the re-audit, 23% of patients outwith category X had samples sent (40/173), estimated to cost £1400, of which 3% (5/173) required transfusions. None of the transfusions in these patients in either audit were related to their operation and the protocol achieved an estimated cost saving of £2400 over one month. This study highlights the importance of sending samples for patients with certain categories of orthopaedic trauma (category X) due to the high demand for post-operative transfusions. However, the absence of transfusion requirements in other presentations suggests over-testing. While implementation of the new protocol has markedly reduced over-testing, additional interventions are required to reduce this further.

Keywords: blood transfusion, quality improvement, orthopaedics, trauma

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2734 Investigation of Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Parameters on Residual Stress of Heat Affected Zone in Inconel X750 Super Alloy Welding Using Finite Element Method

Authors: Kimia Khoshdel Vajari, Saber Saffar


Reducing the residual stresses caused by welding is desirable for the industry. The effect of welding sequence, as well as the effect of yield stress on the number of residual stresses generated in Inconel X750 superalloy sheets and beams, have been investigated. The finite element model used in this research is a three-dimensional thermal and mechanical model, and the type of analysis is indirect coupling. This analysis is done in two stages. First, thermal analysis is performed, and then the thermal changes of the first analysis are used as the applied load in the second analysis. ABAQUS has been used for modeling, and the Dflux subroutine has been used in the Fortran programming environment to move the arc and the molten pool. The results of this study show that the amount of tensile residual stress in symmetric, discontinuous, and symmetric-discontinuous welds is reduced to a maximum of 27%, 54%, and 37% compared to direct welding, respectively. The results also show that the amount of residual stresses created by welding increases linearly with increasing yield stress with a slope of 40%.

Keywords: residual stress, X750 superalloy, finite element, welding, thermal analysis

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2733 Mapping Soils from Terrain Features: The Case of Nech SAR National Park of Ethiopia

Authors: Shetie Gatew


Current soil maps of Ethiopia do not represent accurately the soils of Nech Sar National Park. In the framework of studies on the ecology of the park, we prepared a soil map based on field observations and a digital terrain model derived from SRTM data with a 30-m resolution. The landscape comprises volcanic cones, lava and basalt outflows, undulating plains, horsts, alluvial plains and river deltas. SOTER-like terrain mapping units were identified. First, the DTM was classified into 128 terrain classes defined by slope gradient (4 classes), relief intensity (4 classes), potential drainage density (2 classes), and hypsometry (4 classes). A soil-landscape relation between the terrain mapping units and WRB soil units was established based on 34 soil profile pits. Based on this relation, the terrain mapping units were either merged or split to represent a comprehensive soil and terrain map. The soil map indicates that Leptosols (30 %), Cambisols (26%), Andosols (21%), Fluvisols (12 %), and Vertisols (9%) are the most widespread Reference Soil Groups of the park. In contrast, the harmonized soil map of Africa derived from the FAO soil map of the world indicates that Luvisols (70%), Vertisols (14%) and Fluvisols (16%) would be the most common Reference Soil Groups. However, these latter mapping units are not consistent with the topography, nor did we find such extensive areas occupied by Luvisols during the field survey. This case study shows that with the now freely available SRTM data, it is possible to improve current soil information layers with relatively limited resources, even in a complex terrain like Nech Sar National Park.

Keywords: andosols, cambisols, digital elevation model, leptosols, soil-landscaps relation

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2732 Preparation of Alumina (Al2O3) Particles and MMCS of (Al-7% Si– 0.45% Mg) Alloy Using Vortex Method

Authors: Abdulmagid A. Khattabi


The aim of this research is to study the manner of alumina (Al2O3) particles dispersion with (2-10) mm size in (Al-7%Si-0.45% Mg) base of alloy melt employing of classical casting method. The mechanism of particles diffusions by melt turning and stirring that makes vortexes help the particles entrance in the matrix of base alloy also has been studied. The samples of metallic composites (MMCs) with dispersed particles percentages (4% - 6% - 8% - 10% - 15% and 20%) are prepared. The effect of the particles dispersion on the mechanical properties of produced samples were carried out by tension & hardness tests. It is found that the ultimate tensile strength of the produced composites can be increased by increasing the percentages of alumina particles in the matrix of the base alloy. It becomes (232 Mpa) at (20%) of added particles. The results showed that the average hardness of prepared samples increasing with increases the alumina content. Microstructure study of prepared samples was carried out. The results showed particles location and distribution of it in the matrix of base alloy. The dissolution of Alumina particles into liquid base alloy was clear in some cases.

Keywords: base alloy, matrix, hardness, thermal properties, base metal MMCs

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2731 The Benefits of Regional Brand for Companies

Authors: H. Starzyczna, M. Stoklasa, K. Matusinska


This article deals with the benefits of regional brands for companies in the Czech Republic. Research was focused on finding out the expected and actual benefits of regional brands for companies. The data were obtained by questionnaire survey and analysed by IBM SPSS. Representative sample of 204 companies was created. The research analysis disclosed the expected benefits that the regional brand should bring to companies. But the actual benefits are much worse. The statistical testing of hypotheses revealed that the benefits depend on the region of origin, which surprised both us and the regional coordinators.

Keywords: Brand, regional brands, product protective branding programs, brand benefits

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2730 A Simplified, Low-Cost Mechanical Design for an Automated Motorized Mechanism to Clean Large Diameter Pipes

Authors: Imad Khan, Imran Shafi, Sarmad Farooq


Large diameter pipes, barrels, tubes, and ducts are used in a variety of applications covering civil and defense-related technologies. This may include heating/cooling networks, sign poles, bracing, casing, and artillery and tank gun barrels. These large diameter assemblies require regular inspection and cleaning to increase their life and reduce replacement costs. This paper describes the design, development, and testing results of an efficient yet simplified, low maintenance mechanical design controlled with minimal essential electronics using an electric motor for a non-technical staff. The proposed solution provides a simplified user interface and an automated cleaning mechanism that requires a single user to optimally clean pipes and barrels in the range of 105 mm to 203 mm caliber. The proposed system employs linear motion of specially designed brush along the barrel using a chain of specific strength and a pulley anchor attached to both ends of the barrel. A specially designed and manufactured gearbox is coupled with an AC motor to allow movement of contact brush with high torque to allow efficient cleaning. A suitably powered AC motor is fixed to the front adapter mounted on the muzzle side whereas the rear adapter has a pulley-based anchor mounted towards the breach block in case of a gun barrel. A mix of soft nylon and hard copper bristles-based large surface brush is connected through a strong steel chain to motor and anchor pulley. The system is equipped with limit switches to auto switch the direction when one end is reached on its operation. The testing results based on carefully established performance indicators indicate the superiority of the proposed user-friendly cleaning mechanism vis-à-vis its life cycle cost.

Keywords: pipe cleaning mechanism, limiting switch, pipe cleaning robot, large pipes

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2729 One Step Further: Pull-Process-Push Data Processing

Authors: Romeo Botes, Imelda Smit


In today’s modern age of technology vast amounts of data needs to be processed in real-time to keep users satisfied. This data comes from various sources and in many formats, including electronic and mobile devices such as GPRS modems and GPS devices. They make use of different protocols including TCP, UDP, and HTTP/s for data communication to web servers and eventually to users. The data obtained from these devices may provide valuable information to users, but are mostly in an unreadable format which needs to be processed to provide information and business intelligence. This data is not always current, it is mostly historical data. The data is not subject to implementation of consistency and redundancy measures as most other data usually is. Most important to the users is that the data are to be pre-processed in a readable format when it is entered into the database. To accomplish this, programmers build processing programs and scripts to decode and process the information stored in databases. Programmers make use of various techniques in such programs to accomplish this, but sometimes neglect the effect some of these techniques may have on database performance. One of the techniques generally used,is to pull data from the database server, process it and push it back to the database server in one single step. Since the processing of the data usually takes some time, it keeps the database busy and locked for the period of time that the processing takes place. Because of this, it decreases the overall performance of the database server and therefore the system’s performance. This paper follows on a paper discussing the performance increase that may be achieved by utilizing array lists along with a pull-process-push data processing technique split in three steps. The purpose of this paper is to expand the number of clients when comparing the two techniques to establish the impact it may have on performance of the CPU storage and processing time.

Keywords: performance measures, algorithm techniques, data processing, push data, process data, array list

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2728 Testing Immunochemical Method for the Bacteriological Diagnosis of Bovine Tuberculosis

Authors: Assiya Madenovna Borsynbayeva, Kairat Altynbekovich Turgenbayev, Nikolay Petrovich Ivanov


In this article presents the results of rapid diagnostics of tuberculosis in comparison with classical bacteriological method. The proposed method of rapid diagnosis of tuberculosis than bacteriological method allows shortening the time of diagnosis to 7 days, to visualize the growth of mycobacteria in the semi-liquid medium and differentiate the type of mycobacterium. Fast definition of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and its derivatives in the culture medium is a new and promising direction in the diagnosis of tuberculosis.

Keywords: animal diagnosis of tuberculosis, bacteriological diagnostics, antigen, specific antibodies, immunological reaction

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2727 Microstructural and Mechanical Characterization of a 16MND5 Steel Manufactured by Innovative WAAM SAW Process

Authors: F. Villaret, I. Jacot, Y. Shen, Z. Kong, T. XU, Y. Wang, D. Lu


Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) allows the rapid production of large, homogeneous parts with complex geometry. However, in the nuclear field, parts can reach dimensions of ten to a hundred tons. In this case, the usual WAAM TIG or CMT processes do not have sufficient deposition rates to consider the manufacture of parts of such dimensions within a reasonable time. The submerged arc welding process (SAW, Submerged Arc Welding) allows much higher deposition rates. Although there are very few references to this process for additive manufacturing in the literature, it has been used for a long time for the welding and coating of nuclear power plant vessels, so this process is well-known and mastered as a welding process. This study proposes to evaluate the SAW process as an additive manufacturing technique by taking as an example a low-alloy steel of type 16MND5. In the first step, a parametric study allowed the evaluation of the effect of the different parameters and the deposition rate on the geometry of the beads and their microstructure. Larger parts were also fabricated and characterized by metallography and mechanical tests (tensile, impact, toughness). The effect of different heat treatments on the microstructure is also studied.

Keywords: WAAM, low alloy steel, submerged arc, caracterization

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2726 An Evaluation of Different Weed Management Techniques in Organic Arable Systems

Authors: Nicola D. Cannon


A range of field experiments have been conducted since 1991 to 2017 on organic land at the Royal Agricultural University’s Harnhill Manor Farm near Cirencester, UK to explore the impact of different management practices on weed infestation in organic winter and spring wheat. The experiments were designed using randomised complete block and some with split plot arrangements. Sowing date, variety choice, crop height and crop establishment technique have all shown a significant impact on weed infestations. Other techniques have also been investigated but with less clear, but, still often significant effects on weed control including grazing with sheep, undersowing with different legumes and mechanical weeding techniques. Tillage treatments included traditional plough based systems, minimum tillage and direct drilling. Direct drilling had significantly higher weed dry matter than the other two techniques. Taller wheat varieties which do not contain Rht1 or Rht2 had higher weed populations than the wheat without dwarfing genes. Early sown winter wheat had greater weed dry matter than later sown wheat. Grazing with sheep interacted strongly with sowing date, with shorter varieties and also late sowing dates providing much less forage but, grazing did reduce weed biomass in June. Undersowing had mixed impacts which were related to the success of establishment of the undersown legume crop. Weeds are most successfully controlled when a range of techniques are implemented to give the wheat crop the greatest chance of competing with weeds.

Keywords: crop establishment, drilling date, grazing, undersowing, varieties, weeds

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2725 Investigation of Electrical, Thermal and Structural Properties on Polyacrylonitrile Nano-Fiber

Authors: N. Demirsoy, N. Uçar, A. Önen, N. Kızıldağ, Ö. F. Vurur, O. Eren, İ. Karacan


Polymer composite nano-fibers including (1, 3 wt %) silver nano-particles have been produced by electrospinning method. Polyacrylonitrile/N,N-dimethylformamide (PAN/DMF) solution has been prepared and the amount of silver nitrate has been adjusted to PAN weight. Silver nano-particles were obtained from reduction of silver ions into silver nano-particles by chemical reduction by hydrazine hydroxide (N2H5OH). The different amount of silver salt was loaded into polymer matrix to obtain polyacrylonitrile composite nano-fiber containing silver nano-particles. The effect of the amount of silver nano-particles on the properties of composite nano-fiber web was investigated. Electrical conductivity, mechanical properties, thermal properties were examined by Microtest LCR Meter 6370 (0.01 mΩ-100 MΩ), tensile tester, differential scanning calorimeter DSC (Q10) and SEM, respectively. Also, antimicrobial efficiency test (ASTM E2149-10) was done against Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. It has been seen that breaking strength, conductivity, antimicrobial effect, enthalpy during cyclization increase by use of silver nano-particles while the diameter of nano-fiber decreases.

Keywords: composite polyacrylonitrile nanofiber, electrical conductivity, electrospinning, mechanical properties, thermal properties, silver nanoparticles

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2724 Plastic Deformation Behavior of a Pre-Bored Pile Filler Material Due to Lateral Cyclic Loading in Sandy Soil

Authors: A. Y. Purnama, N. Yasufuku


The bridge structure is a building that has to be maintained, especially for the elastomeric bearing. The girder of the bridge needs to be lifted upward to maintain this elastomeric bearing, that needs high cost. Nowadays, integral abutment bridges are becoming popular. The integral abutment bridge is less costly because the elastomeric bearings are eliminated, which reduces the construction cost and maintenance costs. However, when this elastomeric bearing removed, the girder movement due to environmental thermal forces directly support by pile foundation, and it needs to be considered in the design. In case of pile foundation in a stiff soil, in the top area of the pile cannot move freely due to the fixed condition by soil stiffness. Pre-bored pile system can be used to increase the flexibility of pile foundation using a pre-bored hole that filled with elastic materials, but the behavior of soil-pile interaction and soil response due to this system is still rarely explained. In this paper, an experimental study using small-scale laboratory model test conducted in a half size model. Single flexible pile model embedded in sandy soil with the pre-bored ring, which filled with the filler material. The testing box made from an acrylic glass panel as observation area of the pile shaft to monitor the displacement of the pile during the lateral loading. The failure behavior of the soil inside the pre-bored ring and around the pile shaft was investigated to determine the point of pile rotation and the movement of this point due to the pre-bored ring system along the pile shaft. Digital images were used to capture the deformations of the soil and pile foundation during the loading from the acrylic glass on the side of the testing box. The results were presented in the form of lateral load resistance charts against the pile shaft displacement. The failure pattern result also established due to the cyclic lateral loading. The movement of the rotational point was measured due to the pre-bored system filled with appropriate filler material. Based on the findings, design considerations for pre-bored pile system due to cyclic lateral loading can be introduced.

Keywords: failure behavior, pre-bored pile system, cyclic lateral loading, sandy soil

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