Search results for: rare presentation
Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 2057

Search results for: rare presentation

497 Youth Voices on Experiences of (Dis)Advantage: A Case Study at a South African University

Authors: Oliver T. Gore


Social inequalities and inequity of outcomes in higher education (HE) persist in South Africa despite the government introducing policy that seeks to address social injustices brought about by previous apartheid policies. In addressing these social injustices, HE policy conceptualises inequalities under the concept of historical ‘disadvantage’ which is understood to be primarily race-based. The study adds on to the existing knowledge on inequalities through developing the dimensions of (dis)advantage, which have the potential to inform the South African HE policy on providing equal opportunities amongst diverse students to participate and succeed in their studies. Drawing from the capabilities approach, this study argues that (dis)advantage can be richly understood in terms of students’ capabilities, functionings and agency as opposed to a sole focus on race. The study argues that limited freedoms, lack of effective opportunities, and reduced agency for students to turn university resources into real achievements such as personal development, economic skills and social responsibility amounts to disadvantage, while the converse is also true. The study draws from qualitative interview data with honours students, university staff and Student Representative Council members from five different university departments at one South African university. This presentation uses results from 20 students and reveals what their university experiences tell us regarding students’ unfreedoms in relation to: the inability to make decisions, poor schooling backgrounds, inadequate finances, emotional stress, lack of social support, inability to understand the language of instruction, lack of safe transport and accommodation issues. Despite these unfreedoms, the data shows that the students aspired and persevered with their studies. Using theory and empirical data in conversation, the paper shows that there is a need to nuance the definition of (dis)advantage, particularly by focusing on how different forms of disadvantage intersect with each other.

Keywords: capabilities approach, (dis)advantage, higher education, social justice

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496 Confidence Building Strategies Adopted in an EAP Speaking Course at METU and Their Effectiveness: A Case Study

Authors: Canan Duzan


For most language learners, mastery of the speaking skill is the proof of the mastery of the foreign language. On the other hand, the speaking skill is considered as the most difficult aspect of language learning to develop for both learners and teachers. Especially in countries like Turkey where exposure to the target language is minimum and resources and opportunities provided for language practice are scarce, teaching and learning to speak the language become a real struggle for teachers and learners alike. Data collected from students, instructors, faculty members and the business sector in needs analysis studies conducted previously at Middle East Technical University (METU) consistently revealed the need for addressing the problem of lack of confidence in speaking English. Action was taken during the design of the only EAP speaking course offered in Modern Languages Department since lack of confidence is considered to be a serious barrier for effective communication and causes learners to suffer from insecurity, uncertainty and fear. “Confidence building” served as the guiding principle in the syllabus design, nature of the tasks created for the course and the assessment procedures to help learners become more confident speakers of English. In order to see the effectiveness of the decisions made during the design phase of the course and whether students become more confident speakers upon completion of the course, a case study was carried out with 100 students at METU. A questionnaire including both Likert-Scale and open-ended items were administered to students to collect data and this data were analyzed using the SPSS program. Group interviews were also carried out to gain more insight into the effectiveness of the course in terms of building speaking confidence. This presentation will explore the specific actions taken to develop students’ confidence based on the findings of program evaluation studies and to what extent the students believe these actions to be effective in improving their confidence. The unique design of this course and strategies adopted for confidence building are highly applicable in other EAP contexts and may yield similar positive results.

Keywords: confidence, EAP, speaking, strategy

Procedia PDF Downloads 402
495 On the Thermodynamics of Biological Cell Adhesion

Authors: Ben Nadler


Cell adhesion plays a vital role in many cell activities. The motivation to model cell adhesion is to study important biological processes, such as cell spreading, cell aggregation, tissue formation, and cell adhesion, which are very challenging to study by experimental methods alone. This study provides important insight into cell adhesion, which can lead to improve regenerative medicine and tissue formation techniques. In this presentation the biological cells adhesion is mediated by receptors–ligands binding and the diffusivity of the receptor on the cell membrane surface. The ability of receptors to diffuse on the cell membrane surface yields a very unique and complicated adhesion mechanism, which is exclusive to cells. The phospholipid bilayer, which is the main component in the cell membrane, shows fluid-like behavior associated with the molecules’ diffusivity. The biological cell is modeled as a fluid-like membrane with negligible bending stiffness enclosing the cytoplasm fluid. The in-plane mechanical behavior of the cell membrane is assumed to depend only on the area change, which is motivated by the fluidity of the phospholipid bilayer. In addition, the presence of receptors influences on the local mechanical properties of the cell membrane is accounted for by including stress-free area change, which depends on the receptor density. Based on the physical properties of the receptors and ligands the attraction between the receptors and ligands is modeled as a charged-nonpolar which is a noncovalent interaction. Such interaction is a short-range type, which decays fast with distance. The mobility of the receptor on the cell membrane is modeled using the diffusion equation and Fick’s law is used to model the receptor–receptor interactions. The resultant interaction force, which includes receptor–ligand and receptor–receptor interaction, is decomposed into tangential part, which governs the receptor diffusion, and normal part, which governs the cell deformation and adhesion. The formulation of the governing equations and numerical simulations will be presented. Analysis of the adhesion characteristic and properties are discussed. The roles of various thermomechanical properties of the cell, receptors and ligands on the cell adhesion are investigated.

Keywords: cell adhesion, cell membrane, receptor-ligand interaction, receptor diffusion

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494 The Development of an Anaesthetic Crisis Manual for Acute Critical Events: A Pilot Study

Authors: Jacklyn Yek, Clara Tong, Shin Yuet Chong, Yee Yian Ong


Background: While emergency manuals and cognitive aids (CA) have been used in high-hazard industries for decades, this has been a nascent field in healthcare. CAs can potentially offset the large cognitive load involved in crisis resource management and possibly facilitate the efficient performance of key steps in treatment. A crisis manual was developed based on local guidelines and the latest evidence-based information and introduced to a tertiary hospital setting in Singapore. Hence, the objective of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the crisis manual in guiding response and management of critical events. Methods: 7 surgical teams were recruited to participate in a series of simulated emergencies in high-fidelity operating room simulator over the period of April to June 2018. All teams consisted of a surgical consultant and medical officer/registrar, anesthesia consultant and medical officer/registrar; as well as a circulating, scrub and anesthetic nurse. Each team performed a simulated operation in which 1 or more of the crisis events occurred. The teams were randomly assigned to a scenario of the crisis manual and all teams were deemed to be equal in experience and knowledge. Before the simulation, teams were instructed on proper checklist use but the use of the checklist was optional. Results: 7 simulation sessions were performed, consisting of the following scenarios: Airway fire, Massive Transfusion Protocol, Malignant Hyperthermia, Eclampsia, and Difficult Airway. Out of the 7 surgical teams, 2 teams made use of the crisis manual – of which both teams had encountered a ‘Malignant Hyperthermia’ scenario. These team members reflected that the crisis manual assisted allowed them to work in a team, especially being able to involve the surgical doctors who were unfamiliar with the condition and management. A run chart plotted showed a possible upward trend, suggesting that with increasing awareness and training, staff would become more likely to initiate the use of the crisis manual. Conclusion: Despite the high volume load in this tertiary hospital, certain crises remain rare and clinicians are often caught unprepared. A crisis manual is an effective tool and easy-to-use repository that can improve patient outcome and encourage teamwork. With training, familiarity would allow clinicians to be increasingly comfortable with reaching out for the crisis manual. More simulation training would need to be conducted to determine its effectiveness.

Keywords: crisis resource management, high fidelity simulation training, medical errors, visual aids

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493 A Digital Health Approach: Using Electronic Health Records to Evaluate the Cost Benefit of Early Diagnosis of Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency in the UK

Authors: Sneha Shankar, Orlando Buendia, Will Evans


Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (AATD) is a rare, genetic, and multisystemic condition. Underdiagnosis is common, leading to chronic pulmonary and hepatic complications, increased resource utilization, and additional costs to the healthcare system. Currently, there is limited evidence of the direct medical costs of AATD diagnosis in the UK. This study explores the economic impact of AATD patients during the 3 years before diagnosis and to identify the major cost drivers using primary and secondary care electronic health record (EHR) data. The 3 years before diagnosis time period was chosen based on the ability of our tool to identify patients earlier. The AATD algorithm was created using published disease criteria and applied to 148 known AATD patients’ EHR found in a primary care database of 936,148 patients (413,674 Biobank and 501,188 in a single primary care locality). Among 148 patients, 9 patients were flagged earlier by the tool and, on average, could save 3 (1-6) years per patient. We analysed 101 of the 148 AATD patients’ primary care journey and 20 patients’ Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) data, all of whom had at least 3 years of clinical history in their records before diagnosis. The codes related to laboratory tests, clinical visits, referrals, hospitalization days, day case, and inpatient admissions attributable to AATD were examined in this 3-year period before diagnosis. The average cost per patient was calculated, and the direct medical costs were modelled based on the mean prevalence of 100 AATD patients in a 500,000 population. A deterministic sensitivity analysis (DSA) of 20% was performed to determine the major cost drivers. Cost data was obtained from the NHS National tariff 2020/21, National Schedule of NHS Costs 2018/19, PSSRU 2018/19, and private care tariff. The total direct medical cost of one hundred AATD patients three years before diagnosis in primary and secondary care in the UK was £3,556,489, with an average direct cost per patient of £35,565. A vast majority of this total direct cost (95%) was associated with inpatient admissions (£3,378,229). The DSA determined that the costs associated with tier-2 laboratory tests and inpatient admissions were the greatest contributors to direct costs in primary and secondary care, respectively. This retrospective study shows the role of EHRs in calculating direct medical costs and the potential benefit of new technologies for the early identification of patients with AATD to reduce the economic burden in primary and secondary care in the UK.

Keywords: alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, costs, digital health, early diagnosis

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492 Absolute Lymphocyte Count as Predictor of Pneumocystis Pneumonia in Patients With Unknown HIV Status at a Private Tertiary Hospital

Authors: Marja A. Bernardo, Coreena A. Bueser, Cybele Lara R. Abad, Raul V. Destura


Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia (PCP) is the most common opportunistic infection among people with HIV. Early consideration of PCP should be made even in patients whose HIV status is unknown as delay in treatment may be fatal. The use of absolute lymphocyte count (ALC) has been suggested as an alternative predictor of PCP especially in resource limited settings where PCR testing is costly or delayed. Objective: To determine whether the absolute lymphocyte count (ALC) can be used as a screening tool to predict Pneumocystis pneumonia in patients with unknown HIV status admitted at a private tertiary hospital. Methods: A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted at a private tertiary medical center. Inpatient medical records of patients aged 18 years old and above from January 2012 to May 2014, in whom a clinical diagnosis of Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia was made were reviewed for inclusion. Demographic data, clinical features, hospital course, PCP PCR and HIV results were recorded. Independent t-test and chi-square analysis was used to determine any statistical difference between PCP-positive and PCP-negative groups. Mann-Whitney U-test was used for comparison of hospital stay. Results: There were no statistically significant differences in baseline characteristics between PCP positive and negative groups. While both the percent lymphocyte count (0.14 ± 0.13 vs 0.21 ± 0.16) and ALC (1160 ± 528.67 vs 1493.70 ± 988.61) were lower for the PCP-positive group, only the percent lymphocyte count reached a statistically significant difference (p= 0.067 vs p= 0.042). Conclusion: A quick determination of the ALC may be useful as an additional parameter to help screen for and diagnose pneumocystis pneumonia. In our study, the ALC of patients with PCP appear to be lower than in patients without PCP. A low ALC (e.g. below 1200) may help with the decision regarding empiric treatment. However, it should be used in conjunction with the patient’s clinical presentation, as well as other diagnostic tests. Larger, prospective studies incorporating the ALC with other clinical predictors are necessary to optimally predict those who would benefit from empiric or expedited management for potential PCP.

Keywords: Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, Absolute Lymphocyte Count, infection, PCP

Procedia PDF Downloads 349
491 A Survey for Different Approaches in the Diagnosis and Treatment of PCOS Among Adult and Pediatric Endocrinologist

Authors: Fariha Salman, Helmet Steinberg, Hiba Al-Zubeidi


OBJECTIVE: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common cause of infertility, with a prevalence of 5-10 % in women of reproductive age. There is evidence for differences between adult and pediatric endocrinologists and other specialists in their approach to the diagnosis and management of PCOS. METHODS: A survey consisting of 37 questions was distributed among adult and pediatric endocrinologists, aiming to understand the current practice for the diagnosis and management of PCOS. A total of 100 responses were available for final analysis; 36 % from adult endocrinologists (AE) and 64 % from pediatric endocrinologists(PE). RESULTS: The majority (64%) of respondents to the survey were endocrinologists from a multispecialty group. For both adults and adolescents with PCOS, the most commonly reported presenting symptoms were menstrual irregularities, obesity and hirsutism. The most common features used for diagnostic criteria were clinical or biochemical hyperandrogenism and ovulatory dysfunction. Most AE and PE screened for PCOS with total testosterone (83%) and free Testosterone (71%), screening for prolactin excess in 70 % and congenital adrenal hyperplasia (83 %), 66 % of AE will obtain pelvic US for evaluation vs 45 % of PE. Only 20 % of all respondents will obtain a midluteal progesterone for documentation of anovulation. In terms of treatment of hyperandrogenism and menstrual irregularities in adolescents, the most common form used is oral contraceptive pills, followed by metformin, then spironolactone. A similar approach was used in adults however the use of spironolactone was higher, 53 % vs 21 % in adolescents. The most common modality used for infertility was lifestyle interventions followed by metformin and clomiphene citrate. Screening of OSA and depression was not done by most of the endocrinologists (never + sometimes), 72 % and 76 %, respectively. Though screening for diabetes/metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance was done by most of the endocrinologists (always+often), 95 and 68 %, respectively. DISCUSSION: There are multiple diagnostic criteria used for PCOS diagnosis, however, given the wide variation in presentation and approach to diagnosis in adults and adolescents, there has not been a consensus on which is the gold standard criteria. CONCLUSION: Our survey showed the most common trends in diagnosing and treating PCOS among adult and pediatric endocrinologists. Further studies and trials need to be conducted to compare different treatment modalities used for hyperandrogenism, menstrual irregularities and infertility, as PCOS, if not treated earlier, can lead to long-term complications.

Keywords: PCOS, adolescents, diagnosis, treatment

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490 Fostering Social Challenges Within Entrepreneur University Systems: The Case of UPV

Authors: Cristobal Miralles Insa


The network of chairs of the "Valencian Public System of Social Services" (VPSSS) is sponsored by the Valencian Institute of Training, Research, and Quality in Social Services and aims to promote research, dissemination, and evaluation of the needs that arise in the field of the public system of social services. It also seeks to transfer knowledge to foster the development of public policies in this field. Given that it is an Interuniversity Chair among the five public universities in Valencia, there is coordination of complementary themes and roles for this objective, with Universitat Politènica de València focusing primarily on promoting innovation and social entrepreneurship to address multiple social challenges through its platform INSSPIRA. This approach is aimed at the entire university community and its various interest groups, carrying out research, teaching, and dissemination activities that promote social inclusion, personal development, and autonomy for groups in situations of vulnerability, lack of protection, dependence, or social urgency. Although it focuses on the Valencian context, both the issues in this context and the tools in process to address them, often have a universal and scalable character and has been inspiring for the innovation system of UPV. This entrepreneurial incubator goes along from early stages of students on the campus until the so-called “StartUPV” system, where students are challenged with social problems that require creative solutions. Therefore, the Chair is conceived with a holistic spirit and an inspiring vocation that engages the whole university community. In this communication, it is described the entities and individuals participating in this UPV Chair of VPSSS, followed by the presentation of different work lines and objectives for the chair. Subsequently, a description of various activities undertaken to promote innovation in social services are described, where support to teaching and extracurricular activities in this field are exposed. It must be noted that some awareness and dissemination of activities are carried out in a transversal mode as they contribute to different objectives simultaneously; with special focus on Learning-Service approaches that achieved very good results which are also summarized.

Keywords: social innovation, entrepeneurship, university, vulnerable sectors

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489 The Alliance for Grassland Renewal: A Model for Teaching Endophyte Technology

Authors: C. A. Roberts, J. G. Andrae, S. R. Smith, M. H. Poore, C. A. Young, D. W. Hancock, G. J. Pent


To the author’s best knowledge, there are no published reports of effective methods for teaching fescue toxicosis and grass endophyte technology in the USA. To address this need, a group of university scientists, industry representatives, government agents, and livestock producers formed an organization called the Alliance for Grassland Renewal. One goal of the Alliance was to develop a teaching method that could be employed across all regions in the USA and all sectors of the agricultural community. The first step in developing this method was identification of experts who were familiar with the science and management of fescue toxicosis. The second step was curriculum development. Experts wrote a curriculum that addressed all aspects of toxicosis and management, including toxicology, animal nutrition, pasture management, economics, and mycology. The curriculum was created for presentation in lectures, laboratories, and in the field. The curriculum was in that it could be delivered across state lines, regardless of peculiar, in-state recommendations. The curriculum was also unique as it was unanimously supported by private companies otherwise in competition with each other. The final step in developing this teaching method was formulating a delivery plan. All experts, including university, industry, government, and production, volunteered to travel from any state in the USA, converge in one location, teach a 1-day workshop, then travel to the next location. The results of this teaching method indicate widespread success. Since 2012, experts across the entire USA have converged to teach Alliance workshops in Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Kentucky, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Virginia, with ongoing workshops in Arkansas and Tennessee. Data from post-workshop surveys indicate that instruction has been effective, as at least 50% of the participants stated their intention to adopt the endophyte technology presented in these workshops. The teaching method developed by the Alliance for Grassland Renewal has proved to be effective, and the Alliance continues to expand across the USA.

Keywords: endophyte, Epichloe coenophiala, ergot alkaloids, fescue toxicosis, tall fescue

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488 Spontaneous Pneumothorax in Mixed Poisoning Presented as Daisley Barton Syndrome

Authors: A. A. Md. Ryhan Uddin, Swarup Das, Rajesh Barua, Joheb Hasan, Rashedul Islam


Background: The herbicide has toxicological importance because some of them are associated with high mortality rates due to respiratory failure. Organophosphate poisoning (OPC) & Paraquat self-poisoning is a major clinical and public health problems in low and middle-income countries across much of South Asia. Paraquat was not used as a common suicidal agent previously in Bangladesh. We report a case of 15 years old female admitted to the ER with a history of nausea & vomiting after ingestion of an unknown substance in a suicidal attempt, later identified as mixed poisoning- OPC & Paraquat. She was initially asymptomatic but later developed renal shutdown & lung injuries as well as pneumothorax, referred to as Daisley Barton Syndrome. Objective: This case report aims to alert spontaneous pneumothorax in mixed poisoning on uncommon forms of presentation. Pneumothorax in a patient with paraquat poisoning is a less unusual but underdiagnosed finding. It has a high index of early mortality. Case history: The patient's attendant complained about nausea followed by vomiting, which was nonprojectile & contains undigested food materials first, then gastric juice later. After a few hours, she also complains of urinary retention. Her family members treated her with some home remedies for her initial symptoms, but all attempts failed. After admission, the patient was initially asymptomatic. Through repeated history taking, her attendant showed a bottle of OPC in liquid form, which they suspected that she may have ingested some of the liquid from that bottle accidentally or attempted Suicide. So, management started for OPC poisoning. She responded well initially, but on 4th day of admission, the patient's condition became deteriorating. After the workout with the family member, 2nd bottle of Pesticide was discovered, which was Paraquat. Conclusion: Physicians should be aware of the symptoms of mixed poisoning and the timely use of urine dithionate testing for early detection and treatment. Pneumothorax is an early predictor of mortality in patients with paraquat poisoning.

Keywords: pneumothorax, suicide, dithionate, OPC, herbicide

Procedia PDF Downloads 101
487 Shark Detection and Classification with Deep Learning

Authors: Jeremy Jenrette, Z. Y. C. Liu, Pranav Chimote, Edward Fox, Trevor Hastie, Francesco Ferretti


Suitable shark conservation depends on well-informed population assessments. Direct methods such as scientific surveys and fisheries monitoring are adequate for defining population statuses, but species-specific indices of abundance and distribution coming from these sources are rare for most shark species. We can rapidly fill these information gaps by boosting media-based remote monitoring efforts with machine learning and automation. We created a database of shark images by sourcing 24,546 images covering 219 species of sharks from the web application spark pulse and the social network Instagram. We used object detection to extract shark features and inflate this database to 53,345 images. We packaged object-detection and image classification models into a Shark Detector bundle. We developed the Shark Detector to recognize and classify sharks from videos and images using transfer learning and convolutional neural networks (CNNs). We applied these models to common data-generation approaches of sharks: boosting training datasets, processing baited remote camera footage and online videos, and data-mining Instagram. We examined the accuracy of each model and tested genus and species prediction correctness as a result of training data quantity. The Shark Detector located sharks in baited remote footage and YouTube videos with an average accuracy of 89\%, and classified located subjects to the species level with 69\% accuracy (n =\ eight species). The Shark Detector sorted heterogeneous datasets of images sourced from Instagram with 91\% accuracy and classified species with 70\% accuracy (n =\ 17 species). Data-mining Instagram can inflate training datasets and increase the Shark Detector’s accuracy as well as facilitate archiving of historical and novel shark observations. Base accuracy of genus prediction was 68\% across 25 genera. The average base accuracy of species prediction within each genus class was 85\%. The Shark Detector can classify 45 species. All data-generation methods were processed without manual interaction. As media-based remote monitoring strives to dominate methods for observing sharks in nature, we developed an open-source Shark Detector to facilitate common identification applications. Prediction accuracy of the software pipeline increases as more images are added to the training dataset. We provide public access to the software on our GitHub page.

Keywords: classification, data mining, Instagram, remote monitoring, sharks

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486 Additional Pathological Findings Using MRI on Patients with First Time Traumatic Lateral Patella Dislocation: A Study of 150 Patients

Authors: Ophir Segal, Daniel Weltsch, Shay Tenenbaum, Ran Thein


Purpose: Patients with lateral patellar dislocation (LPD) are not always referred to perform an MRI. This might be the case in first time LPD patients without surgical indications or in patients with recurrent LPD who had MRI in previous episodes. Unfortunately, in some cases, there are additional knee pathological findings, which include tearing of the collateral or cruciate ligaments and injury to the tendons or menisci. These findings might be overlooked during the physical examination or masked by nonspecific clinical findings like knee pain, effusion, or hemarthrosis. The prevalence of these findings, which can be revealed by MRI, is misreported in literature and is considered rare. In our practice, all patients with LPD are sent for MRI after LPD. Therefore, we have designed a retrospective comparative study to evaluate the prevalence of additional pathological findings in patients with acute traumatic LPD that had performed MRI, comparing different groups of patients according to age, sex, and Tibial Tuberosity-Trochlear Groove(TT-TG) distance. Methods: MRI of the knee in patients after traumatic LPD were evaluated for the presence of additional pathological findings such as injuries to ligaments: Anterior/Posterior cruciate ligament(ACL, PCL), Medial/Lateral collateral ligament(MCL, LCL), injuries to tendons(QUADICEPS, PATELLAR), menisci(Medial/Lateral meniscus(MM, LM)) and tibial plateau, by a fellowship-trained, senior musculoskeletal radiologist. A comparison between different groups of patients was performed according to age (age group < 25 years, age group > 25 years), sex (Male/Female group), and TT-TG distance (TT-TG<15 groups, TT-TG>15 groups). A descriptive and comparative statistical analysis was performed. Results: 150 patients were included in this study. All suffered from LPD between the years 2012-2017 (mean age 21.3( ± SD 8.9), 86 males). ACL, PCL, MCL, and LCL complete or partial tears were found in 17(11.3%), 3(2%), 22(14.6%), and 4(2.7%) of the patients, respectively. MM and LM tears were found in 10(6.7%) and 3(2%) of the patients, respectively. A higher prevalence of PCL injury, MM tear, and LM tear were found in the older age group compared to the younger group of patients (10.5% vs. 1.8%, 18.4% vs. 2.7%, and 7.9% vs. 0%, respectively, p<0.05). A higher prevalence of non-displaced MM tear and LCL injury was found in the male group compared to the female group (8.1% vs. 0% and 8.1% vs. 0% respectively, p<0.05). A higher prevalence of ACL injury was found in the normal TT-TG group compared to the pathologic TT-TG group (17.5% vs. 2.3%, p= 0.0184). Conclusions: Overall, 43 out of 150 (28.7%) of the patient's MRI’s were positive for additional pathological radiological findings. Interestingly, a higher prevalence of additional pathologies was found in the groups of patients with a lower risk for recurrent LPD, including males, patients older than 25, and patients with TT-TG lower than 15mm, and therefore might not be referred for an MRI scan. Thus, we recommend a strict physical examination, awareness to the high prevalence of additional pathological findings, and to consider performing an MRI in all patients after LPD.

Keywords: additional findings, lateral patellar dislocation (LPD), MRI scan, traumatic patellar dislocation, cruciate ligaments injuries, menisci injuries, collateral ligaments injuries

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485 Big Data Analytics and Public Policy: A Study in Rural India

Authors: Vasantha Gouri Prathapagiri


Innovations in ICT sector facilitate qualitative life style for citizens across the globe. Countries that facilitate usage of new techniques in ICT, i.e., big data analytics find it easier to fulfil the needs of their citizens. Big data is characterised by its volume, variety, and speed. Analytics involves its processing in a cost effective way in order to draw conclusion for their useful application. Big data also involves into the field of machine learning, artificial intelligence all leading to accuracy in data presentation useful for public policy making. Hence using data analytics in public policy making is a proper way to march towards all round development of any country. The data driven insights can help the government to take important strategic decisions with regard to socio-economic development of her country. Developed nations like UK and USA are already far ahead on the path of digitization with the support of Big Data analytics. India is a huge country and is currently on the path of massive digitization being realised through Digital India Mission. Internet connection per household is on the rise every year. This transforms into a massive data set that has the potential to improvise the public services delivery system into an effective service mechanism for Indian citizens. In fact, when compared to developed nations, this capacity is being underutilized in India. This is particularly true for administrative system in rural areas. The present paper focuses on the need for big data analytics adaptation in Indian rural administration and its contribution towards development of the country on a faster pace. Results of the research focussed on the need for increasing awareness and serious capacity building of the government personnel working for rural development with regard to big data analytics and its utility for development of the country. Multiple public policies are framed and implemented for rural development yet the results are not as effective as they should be. Big data has a major role to play in this context as can assist in improving both policy making and implementation aiming at all round development of the country.

Keywords: Digital India Mission, public service delivery system, public policy, Indian administration

Procedia PDF Downloads 160
484 Knowledge State of Medical Students in Morocco Regarding Metabolic Dysfunction Associated with Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (MASLD)

Authors: Elidrissi Laila, El Rhaoussi Fatima-Zahra, Haddad Fouad, Tahiri Mohamed, Hliwa Wafaa, Bellabah Ahmed, Badre Wafaa


Introduction: Metabolic Dysfunction Associated with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (MASLD), formerly known as Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD), is the leading cause of chronic liver disease. The cardiometabolic risk factors associated with MASLD represent common health issues and significant public health challenges. Medical students, being active participants in the healthcare system and a young demographic, are particularly relevant for understanding this entity to prevent its occurrence on a personal and collective level. The objective of our study is to assess the level of knowledge among medical students regarding MASLD, its risk factors, and its long-term consequences. Materials and Methods: We conducted a descriptive cross-sectional study using an anonymous questionnaire distributed through social media over a period of 2 weeks. Medical students from various faculties in Morocco answered 22 questions about MASLD, its etiological factors, diagnosis, complications, and principles of treatment. All responses were analyzed using the Jamovi software. Results: A total of 124 students voluntarily provided complete responses. 59% of our participants were in their 3rd year, with a median age of 21 years. Among the respondents, 27% were overweight, obese, or diabetic. 83% correctly answered more than half of the questions, and 77% believed they knew about MASLD. However, 84% of students were unaware that MASLD is the leading cause of chronic liver disease, and 12% even considered it a rare condition. Regarding etiological factors, overweight and obesity were mentioned in 93% of responses, and type 2 diabetes in 84%. 62% of participants believed that type 1 diabetes could not be implicated in MASLD. For 83 students, MASLD was considered a diagnosis of exclusion, while 41 students believed that a biopsy was mandatory for diagnosis. 12% believed that MASLD did not lead to long-term complications, and 44% were unaware that MASLD could progress to hepatocellular carcinoma. Regarding treatment, 85% included weight loss, and 19% did not consider diabetes management as a therapeutic approach for MASLD. At the end of the questionnaire, 89% of the students expressed a desire to learn more about MASLD and were invited to access an informative sheet through a hyperlink. Conclusion: MASLD represents a significant public health concern due to the prevalence of its risk factors, notably the obesity pandemic, which is widespread among the young population. There is a need for awareness about the seriousness of this emerging and long-underestimated condition among young future physicians.

Keywords: MASLD, medical students, obesity, diabetes

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483 The Consequence of Being Perceived as An 'Immodest Woman': The Kuwaiti Criminal Justice System’s Response to Allegations of Sexual Violence

Authors: Eiman Alqattan


Kuwaiti criminal justice system’s responses to allegations of sexual violence against women during the pre-trial process, suggesting that the system in Kuwait is affected by an ethos that is male dominated and patriarchal, and which results in prejudicial, unfair, and unequal treatment of female victims of serious sexual offenses. Data derived from qualitative semi-structured face-to-face interviews with four main groups of criminal justice system personnel in Kuwait (prosecutors, police investigators, police officers, and investigators) reveal the characteristics of a complaint of sexual violence that contribute to cases being either sent to court or dismissed. This proposed paper will suggest that Arab cultural views of women appear to influence and even shape the views, perceptions, and conduct of the interviewed Kuwaiti criminal justice system personnel regarding complaints of sexual violence made by citizens. Data from the interviews show how the image of the ‘modest woman’ that exists within Arabic cultural views and norms greatly contributes to shaping the characteristics of what the majority of the interviewed officials considered to be a ‘credible’ allegation of sexual violence. In addition, it is clear that the interviewees’ definitions of ‘modesty’ varied. Yet the problem is not only about the stereotypical perceptions of complainants or the consequences of those perceptions on the decision to send the case to court. These perceptions also affected the behaviours of criminal justice system personnel towards citizen complainants. When complainants’ allegations were questioned, investigators went as far as abusing the women verbally or physically, often in order to force them to withdraw the so-called ‘false’ complaint in order to protect the ‘real’ victim: the ‘innocent defendant’. The proposed presentation will discuss these police approaches to women and the techniques used in assessing the credibility of their accusations, including how they differ depending on whether the complainant was under or over 21 years old.

Keywords: criminal justice system, law and Arab culture, modest woman, sexual violence

Procedia PDF Downloads 297
482 Professional Skills Development of Educational Leaders Through Drama in Education: An Example of Best Practice in Greece

Authors: Christina Zourna, Ioanna Papavassiliou-Alexiou


Drama in Education (DiE) is a dynamic experiential method that can be used in many interdisciplinary contexts. In the Educational and Social Policy Department, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece, DiE is being used as a core method for developing professional competences in pre- and postgraduate courses as well as adult education training programs. In this presentation, an innovative DiE application will be described concerning the development of educational leaders’ skills necessary to meet unprecedented, unexpected challenges in the 21st century schools. In a non-threatening risk-taking no-penalty environment, future educational leaders live-in-role problems, challenges, and dilemmas before having to face similar ones in their profession. Through personal involvement, emotional engagement, and reflection, via individual and group activities, they experience the behaviour, dilemmas, decision-making processes, and informed choices of a recognized leader and are able to make connections with their own life. As pretext serves the life of Alexander the Great, the Macedonian King who defeated the vast Persian empire in the 4th century BC and, by uniting all Greeks, conquered the up-to-date known eastern world thanks to his authentic leadership skills and exceptional personality traits. Since the early years of his education mastered by the famous Greek philosopher Aristotle, Alexander proved his unique qualities by providing the world with the example of an undeniably genuine, inspirational, effective, and most recognizable authentic leader. Through questionnaires and individual interviews, participants in these workshops revealed how they developed active listening, empathy, creativity, imagination, critical strategic and out-of-the-box thinking, cooperation and own vision communicating, crisis management skills, self-efficacy, self-awareness, self-exposure, information management, negotiation and inspiration skills, enhanced sense of responsibility and commitment, and decision-making skills.

Keywords: drama in education method, educational leadership, professional competences, skills’ development

Procedia PDF Downloads 158
481 Digitalising the Instruction: Between Technology Integration and Instrumental Use

Authors: H. Zouar, I. Kassous, F. Benzert


The relentless pace of technology development in the last two decades has pervaded much of the recent educational discourse on a nation-wide scale. The rippling echoes of the buzz that account for the myriad of advantages the new technologies bring to the pedagogical activity has inevitably transcended from the western world to the Algerian educational contexts. Attempts have been made by Algerian practitioners to heed this digital advancement and push their instructional practices forward. However, due to the still largely existing first-order barriers as exemplified in the forms of deficient institutional infrastructure and unavailability of sufficient digital materials, the results of those attempts have polarised the views of Algerian academics regarding technology integration within higher education context. Hence, this study aims at measuring the possibility of integrating technology in our classrooms in a way that conforms to the philosophy of hybrid education. It also attempts to re-consider teachers’ understanding of technology integration in our context. Furthermore, the purpose of this research is also to reveal the level of teachers’ awareness regarding the distinction between technology integration and instrumental use. In view of the nature of these aims, a mixed-methods mode of investigation has been adopted to collect both qualitative and quantitative data from different perspectives. The data collection tools comprise of an observation as well as students’ and teachers’ questionnaires. The findings show that despite the fact that the examined context is not without its technological limitations, technology integration can be successfully incorporated contingent on teachers' level of knowledge and agency. Technology integration in Algerian universities does not proceed as the bedrock theory of it entails due to issues within teachers' general understanding of utilizing technology in class. It seems that technology is a means to an end, depending on the teachers who make use of it in order to deliver lessons (PowerPoint presentation) and issue commands (Facebook posting). Teachers' ability to clearly discern between integrating technology in their practices versus employing it as an instrument of instruction needs further consideration in order to establish a solid understanding of technology integration within higher education context.

Keywords: technology integration, hybrid education, teachers' understanding, teachers' awareness, instrumental use

Procedia PDF Downloads 126
480 Some Issues of Measurement of Impairment of Non-Financial Assets in the Public Sector

Authors: Mariam Vardiashvili


The economic value of the asset impairment process is quite large. Impairment reflects the reduction of future economic benefits or service potentials itemized in the asset. The assets owned by public sector entities bring economic benefits or are used for delivery of the free-of-charge services. Consequently, they are classified as cash-generating and non-cash-generating assets. IPSAS 21 - Impairment of non-cash-generating assets, and IPSAS 26 - Impairment of cash-generating assets, have been designed considering this specificity.  When measuring impairment of assets, it is important to select the relevant methods. For measurement of the impaired Non-Cash-Generating Assets, IPSAS 21 recommends three methods: Depreciated Replacement Cost Approach, Restoration Cost Approach, and  Service Units Approach. Impairment of Value in Use of Cash-Generating Assets (according to IPSAS 26) is measured by discounted value of the money sources to be received in future. Value in use of the cash-generating asserts (as per IPSAS 26) is measured by the discounted value of the money sources to be received in the future. The article provides classification of the assets in the public sector  as non-cash-generating assets and cash-generating assets and, deals also with the factors which should be considered when evaluating  impairment of assets. An essence of impairment of the non-financial assets and the methods of measurement thereof evaluation are formulated according to IPSAS 21 and IPSAS 26. The main emphasis is put on different methods of measurement of the value in use of the impaired Cash-Generating Assets and Non-Cash-Generation Assets and the methods of their selection. The traditional and the expected cash flow approaches for calculation of the discounted value are reviewed. The article also discusses the issues of recognition of impairment loss and its reflection in the financial reporting. The article concludes that despite a functional purpose of the impaired asset, whichever method is used for measuring the asset, presentation of realistic information regarding the value of the assets should be ensured in the financial reporting. In the theoretical development of the issue, the methods of scientific abstraction, analysis and synthesis were used. The research was carried out with a systemic approach. The research process uses international standards of accounting, theoretical researches and publications of Georgian and foreign scientists.

Keywords: cash-generating assets, non-cash-generating assets, recoverable (usable restorative) value, value of use

Procedia PDF Downloads 145
479 Computational Assistance of the Research, Using Dynamic Vector Logistics of Processes for Critical Infrastructure Subjects Continuity

Authors: Urbánek Jiří J., Krahulec Josef, Urbánek Jiří F., Johanidesová Jitka


These Computational assistance for the research and modelling of critical infrastructure subjects continuity deal with this paper. It enables us the using of prevailing operation system MS Office (SmartArt...) for mathematical models, using DYVELOP (Dynamic Vector Logistics of Processes) method. It serves for crisis situations investigation and modelling within the organizations of critical infrastructure. In the first part of the paper, it will be introduced entities, operators and actors of DYVELOP method. It uses just three operators of Boolean algebra and four types of the entities: the Environments, the Process Systems, the Cases and the Controlling. The Process Systems (PrS) have five “brothers”: Management PrS, Transformation PrS, Logistic PrS, Event PrS and Operation PrS. The Cases have three “sisters”: Process Cell Case, Use Case and Activity Case. They all need for the controlling of their functions special Ctrl actors, except ENV – it can do without Ctrl. Model´s maps are named the Blazons and they are able mathematically - graphically express the relationships among entities, actors and processes. In the second part of this paper, the rich blazons of DYVELOP method will be used for the discovering and modelling of the cycling cases and their phases. The blazons need live PowerPoint presentation for better comprehension of this paper mission. The crisis management of energetic crisis infrastructure organization is obliged to use the cycles for successful coping of crisis situations. Several times cycling of these cases is a necessary condition for the encompassment of the both the emergency event and the mitigation of organization´s damages. Uninterrupted and continuous cycling process bring for crisis management fruitfulness and it is a good indicator and controlling actor of organizational continuity and its sustainable development advanced possibilities. The research reliable rules are derived for the safety and reliable continuity of energetic critical infrastructure organization in the crisis situation.

Keywords: blazons, computational assistance, DYVELOP method, critical infrastructure

Procedia PDF Downloads 384
478 Downward Vertical Evacuation for Disabilities People from Tsunami Using Escape Bunker Technology

Authors: Febrian Tegar Wicaksana, Niqmatul Kurniati, Surya Nandika


Indonesia is one of the countries that have great number of disaster occurrence and threat because it is located in not only between three tectonic plates such as Eurasia plates, Indo-Australia plates and Pacific plates, but also in the Ring of Fire path, like earthquake, Tsunami, volcanic eruption and many more. Recently, research shows that there are potential areas that will be devastated by Tsunami in southern coast of Java. Tsunami is a series of waves in a body of water caused by the displacement of a large volume of water, generally in an ocean. When the waves enter shallow water, they may rise to several feet or, in rare cases, tens of feet, striking the coast with devastating force. The parameter for reference such as magnitude, the depth of epicentre, distance between epicentres with land, the depth of every points, when reached the shore and the growth of waves. Interaction between parameters will bring the big variance of Tsunami wave. Based on that, we can formulate preparation that needed for disaster mitigation strategies. The mitigation strategies will take the important role in an effort to reduce the number of victims and damage in the area. It will reduce the number of victim and casualties. Reducing is directed to the most difficult mobilization casualties in the tsunami disaster area like old people, sick people and disabilities people. Until now, the method that used for rescuing people from Tsunami is basic horizontal evacuation. This evacuation system is not optimal because it needs so long time and it cannot be used by people with disabilities. The writers propose to create a vertical evacuation model with an escape bunker system. This bunker system is chosen because the downward vertical evacuation is considered more efficient and faster. Especially in coastal areas without any highlands surround it. The downward evacuation system is better than upward evacuation because it can avoid the risk of erosion at the ground around the structure which can affect the building. The structure of the bunker and the evacuation process while, and even after, disaster are the main priority to be considered. The power of bunker has quake’s resistance, the durability from water stream, variety of interaction to the ground, and waterproof design. When the situation is back to normal, victim and casualties can go into the safer place. The bunker will be located near the hospital and public places, and will have wide entrance supported by large slide in it so it will ease the disabilities people. The technology of the escape bunker system is expected to reduce the number of victims who have low mobility in the Tsunami.

Keywords: escape bunker, tsunami, vertical evacuation, mitigation, disaster management

Procedia PDF Downloads 495
477 Trip Reduction in Turbo Machinery

Authors: Pranay Mathur, Carlo Michelassi, Simi Karatha, Gilda Pedoto


Industrial plant uptime is top most importance for reliable, profitable & sustainable operation. Trip and failed start has major impact on plant reliability and all plant operators focussed on efforts required to minimise the trips & failed starts. The performance of these CTQs are measured with 2 metrics, MTBT(Mean time between trips) and SR (Starting reliability). These metrics helps to identify top failure modes and identify units need more effort to improve plant reliability. Baker Hughes Trip reduction program structured to reduce these unwanted trip 1. Real time machine operational parameters remotely available and capturing the signature of malfunction including related boundary condition. 2. Real time alerting system based on analytics available remotely. 3. Remote access to trip logs and alarms from control system to identify the cause of events. 4. Continuous support to field engineers by remotely connecting with subject matter expert. 5. Live tracking of key CTQs 6. Benchmark against fleet 7. Break down to the cause of failure to component level 8. Investigate top contributor, identify design and operational root cause 9. Implement corrective and preventive action 10. Assessing effectiveness of implemented solution using reliability growth models. 11. Develop analytics for predictive maintenance With this approach , Baker Hughes team is able to support customer in achieving their Reliability Key performance Indicators for monitored units, huge cost savings for plant operators. This Presentation explains these approach while providing successful case studies, in particular where 12nos. of LNG and Pipeline operators with about 140 gas compressing line-ups has adopted these techniques and significantly reduce the number of trips and improved MTBT

Keywords: reliability, availability, sustainability, digital infrastructure, weibull, effectiveness, automation, trips, fail start

Procedia PDF Downloads 77
476 Time's Arrow and Entropy: Violations to the Second Law of Thermodynamics Disrupt Time Perception

Authors: Jason Clarke, Michaela Porubanova, Angela Mazzoli, Gulsah Kut


What accounts for our perception that time inexorably passes in one direction, from the past to the future, the so-called arrow of time, given that the laws of physics permit motion in one temporal direction to also happen in the reverse temporal direction? Modern physics says that the reason for time’s unidirectional physical arrow is the relationship between time and entropy, the degree of disorder in the universe, which is evolving from low entropy (high order; thermal disequilibrium) toward high entropy (high disorder; thermal equilibrium), the second law of thermodynamics. Accordingly, our perception of the direction of time, from past to future, is believed to emanate as a result of the natural evolution of entropy from low to high, with low entropy defining our notion of ‘before’ and high entropy defining our notion of ‘after’. Here we explored this proposed relationship between entropy and the perception of time’s arrow. We predicted that if the brain has some mechanism for detecting entropy, whose output feeds into processes involved in constructing our perception of the direction of time, presentation of violations to the expectation that low entropy defines ‘before’ and high entropy defines ‘after’ would alert this mechanism, leading to measurable behavioral effects, namely a disruption in duration perception. To test this hypothesis, participants were shown briefly-presented (1000 ms or 500 ms) computer-generated visual dynamic events: novel 3D shapes that were seen either to evolve from whole figures into parts (low to high entropy condition) or were seen in the reverse direction: parts that coalesced into whole figures (high to low entropy condition). On each trial, participants were instructed to reproduce the duration of their visual experience of the stimulus by pressing and releasing the space bar. To ensure that attention was being deployed to the stimuli, a secondary task was to report the direction of the visual event (forward or reverse motion). Participants completed 60 trials. As predicted, we found that duration reproduction was significantly longer for the high to low entropy condition compared to the low to high entropy condition (p=.03). This preliminary data suggests the presence of a neural mechanism that detects entropy, which is used by other processes to construct our perception of the direction of time or time’s arrow.

Keywords: time perception, entropy, temporal illusions, duration perception

Procedia PDF Downloads 173
475 Oro-Facial Manifestations of Acute Myeloid Leukaemia -A Case Report

Authors: Aamna Tufail, Kajal Kotecha, Iordanis Toursounidis, Ravinder Pabla


Introduction/Aims: Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML) is a part of leukaemic group of hematopoietic disorders with a varying range of presentations, including oro-facial manifestations. Early recognition and management are essential for favourable outcomes. Materials and Methods: We present our experience, clinical presentation, and clinical photographs of a patient with previously undiagnosed AML who presented with oral symptoms to the emergency department of our hospital. An analysis of clinical characteristics, diagnostic investigations, and management modalities was performed. Results/Statistics: A 58-year-old man presented to A&E reporting an 11-day history of right sided facial swelling, acute TMJ symptoms, and oral discomfort. A dentist ruled out acute dental causes one day post onset of symptoms. Initial assessment was anatomically inconsistent and did not reveal a routine oral or maxillofacial etiology. Detailed clinical examination demonstrated fever, generalised pallor, swelling and erythema of right nasolabial region, bilateral masseteric tenderness, intraoral palatal ecchymosis, palatal ulceration, buccal and labial petechiae, cervical lymphadenopathy, and haematoma on dorsum of right hand overlying right 2nd metacarpal joint. Suspecting a systemic medical cause, we requested haematological investigations, which revealed neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, and anaemia. Flow cytometry confirmed CD34 + AML. Oral discomfort was managed symptomatically. The patient was referred to a tertiary care centre for acute haematologic care, where he was treated with IV antibiotics and continuing cycles of chemotherapy. Conclusions/Clinical Relevance: Oro-facial manifestations may be the first clinical sign of AML. Awareness of its features is vital in early diagnosis. In this context, dentists and oral medicine specialists can play an important role in detecting clinical signs of haematological disorders such as AML.

Keywords: acute myeloid leukaemia, oral symptoms, ulceration, diagnosis, management

Procedia PDF Downloads 65
474 A Decrease in the Anxiety Levels of Participants with Autoimmune Disease: Efficacy of a Community-Based Educational Program

Authors: Jennifer Hunter, Francisco Ramirez, Neil A. Nedley, Thania Solorio, Christian Freed, Erica Kinjo


People who have autoimmune disease are often at an increased risk for psychological disorders such as anxiety. Untreated psychological conditions can affect the development of disease and can affect one’s general quality of life. In this study, it was hypothesized that an educational community-based intervention would be useful in decreasing the anxiety levels of participants with autoimmune disease. Programs, 2-hours long each, were held weekly over a period of eight weeks. During every meeting, a 45-minute DVD presentation by a skilled physician was shown, a small group discussion was guided by trained facilitators, and weekly practical assignments were given to each participant. The focus of the program was to educate participants about healthy lifestyle behaviors such as exercise, nutrition, sleep hygiene, helpful thought patterns etc., and to provide a group environment in which each participant was supported. Participants were assessed pre-post program for anxiety using the Depression and Anxiety Assessment Test (registration TX 7-398-022), a validated mental health test based on DSM-5 criteria and demographics. Anxiety scores were classified according to the DSM-5 criteria into 4 categories: none (0-6), mild (7-10), moderate (11-19) or severe (20 or more). Out of the participants who participated in programs conducted in the manner explained above (n=431), the average age was 54.9 (SD 16.6) and 81.9% were female. At baseline, the mean group anxiety level was 9.4 (SD 5.4). Within the baseline group, anxiety levels were as follows: none (21.1%), mild (22.0%), moderate (27.1%) and severe (29.7%). After the program, mean group anxiety decreased to 4.7 (SD 4.0). Post-program anxiety levels were as follows: none (54.8%), mild (27.1%), moderate (12.5%), severe (5.6%). The decrease in overall anxiety levels was significant t(431)=19.3 p<.001, 95% CI [0.815, 1.041]. It was concluded that the eight-week intensive was beneficial in decreasing the anxiety levels of participants. A long-term follow-up study would be beneficial in determining how lasting such improvements are especially since autoimmune diseases are often chronic. Additionally, future studies that utilize a control group would aid in establishing whether the improvements seen are due to the use of this specific lifestyle-educational program.

Keywords: anxiety, auto-immune disease, community-based educational program, lifestyle

Procedia PDF Downloads 118
473 Aboriginal Head and Neck Cancer Patients Have Different Patterns of Metastatic Involvement, and Have More Advanced Disease at Diagnosis

Authors: Kim Kennedy, Daren Gibson, Stephanie Flukes, Chandra Diwakarla, Lisa Spalding, Leanne Pilkington, Andrew Redfern


Introduction: The mortality gap in Aboriginal Head and Neck Cancer is well known, but the reasons for poorer survival are not well established. Aim: We aimed to evaluate the locoregional and metastatic involvement, and stage at diagnosis, in Aboriginal compared with non-Aboriginal patients. Methods: We performed a retrospective cohort analysis of 320 HNC patients from a single centre in Western Australia, identifying 80 Aboriginal patients and 240 non-Aboriginal patients matched on a 1:3 ratio by sites, histology, rurality, and age. We collected data on the patient characteristics, tumour features, regions involved, stage at diagnosis, treatment history, and survival and relapse patterns, including sites of metastatic and locoregional involvement. Results: Aboriginal patients had a significantly higher incidence of lung metastases (26.3% versus 13.7%, p=0.009). Aboriginal patients also had a numerically but non-statistically significant higher incidence of thoracic nodal involvement (10% vs 5.8%) and malignant pleural effusions (3.8% vs 2.5%). Aboriginal patients also had a numerically but not statistically significantly higher incidence of adrenal and bony involvement. Interestingly, non-Aboriginal patients had an increased rate of cutaneous (2.1% vs 0%) and liver metastases (4.6% vs 2.5%) compared with Aboriginal patients. In terms of locoregional involvement, Aboriginal patients were more than twice as likely to have contralateral neck involvement (58.8% vs 24.2%, p<0.00001), and 30% more likely to have ipsilateral neck lymph node involvement (78.8% vs 60%, p=0.002) than non-Aboriginal patients. Aboriginal patients had significantly more advanced disease at diagnosis (p=0.008). Aboriginal compared with non-Aboriginal patients were less likely to present with stage I (7.5% vs 22.5%), stage II (11.3% vs 13.8%), or stage III disease (13.8% vs 17.1%), and more likely to present with more advanced stage IVA (42.5% vs 34.6%), stage IVB (15% vs 7.1%), or stage IVC (10% vs 5%) disease (p=0.008). Number of regions of disease involvement was higher in Aboriginal patients (median 3, mean 3.64, range 1-10) compared with non-Aboriginal patients (median 2, mean 2.80, range 1-12). Conclusion: Aboriginal patients had a significantly higher incidence of lung metastases, and significantly more frequent involvement of ipsilateral and contralateral neck lymph nodes. Aboriginal patients also had significantly more advanced disease at presentation with a higher stage at diagnosis. We are performing further analyses to investigate explanations for these findings.

Keywords: head and neck cancer, Aboriginal, metastases, locoregional, pattern of relapse, sites of disease

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472 The Significance of Computer Assisted Language Learning in Teaching English Grammar in Tribal Zone of Chhattisgarh

Authors: Yogesh Kumar Tiwari


Chhattisgarh has realized the fundamental role of information and communication technology in the globalized world where knowledge is at the top for the growth and intellectual development. They are spreading so widely that one feels lagging behind if not using them. The influence of these radiating and technological tools has encompassed all aspects of the educational, business, and economic sectors of our world. Undeniably the computer has not only established itself globally in all walks of life but has acquired a fundamental role of paramount importance in the educational process also. This role is getting all pervading and more powerful as computers are being manufactured to be cheaper, smaller in size, adaptable and easy to handle. Computers are becoming indispensable to teachers because of their enormous capabilities and extensive competence. This study aims at observing the effect of using computer based software program of English language on the achievement of undergraduate level students studying in tribal area like Sarguja Division, Chhattisgarh, India. To testify the effect of an innovative teaching in the graduate classroom in tribal area 50 students were randomly selected and separated into two groups. The first group of 25 students were taught English grammar i.e., passive voice/narration, through traditional method using chalk and blackboard asking some formal questions. The second group, the experimental one, was taught English grammar i.e., passive voice/narration, using computer, projector with power point presentation of grammatical items. The statistical analysis was done on the students’ learning capacities and achievement. The result was extremely mesmerizing not only for the teacher but for taught also. The process of the recapitulation demonstrated that the students of experimental group responded the answers of the questions enthusiastically with innovative sense of learning. In light of the findings of the study, it was recommended that teachers and professors of English ought to use self-made instructional program in their teaching process particularly in tribal areas.

Keywords: achievement computer assisted language learning, use of instructional program

Procedia PDF Downloads 150
471 Role of Imaging in Alzheimer's Disease Trials: Impact on Trial Planning, Patient Recruitment and Retention

Authors: Kohkan Shamsi


Background: MRI and PET are now extensively utilized in Alzheimer's disease (AD) trials for patient eligibility, efficacy assessment, and safety evaluations but including imaging in AD trials impacts site selection process, patient recruitment, and patient retention. Methods: PET/MRI are performed at baseline and at multiple follow-up timepoints. This requires prospective site imaging qualification, evaluation of phantom data, training and continuous monitoring of machines for acquisition of standardized and consistent data. This also requires prospective patient/caregiver training as patients must go to multiple facilities for imaging examinations. We will share our experience form one of the largest AD programs. Lesson learned: Many neurological diseases have a similar presentation as AD or could confound the assessment of drug therapy. The inclusion of wrong patients has ethical and legal issues, and data could be excluded from the analysis. Centralized eligibility evaluation read process will be discussed. Amyloid related imaging abnormalities (ARIA) were observed in amyloid-β trials. FDA recommended regular monitoring of ARIA. Our experience in ARIA evaluations in large phase III study at > 350 sites will be presented. Efficacy evaluation: MRI is utilized to evaluate various volumes of the brain. FDG PET or amyloid PET agents has been used in AD trials. We will share our experience about site and central independent reads. Imaging logistic issues that need to be handled in the planning phase will also be discussed as it can impact patient compliance thereby increasing missing data and affecting study results. Conclusion: imaging must be prospectively planned to include standardizing imaging methodologies, site selection process and selecting assessment criteria. Training should be transparently conducted and documented. Prospective patient/caregiver awareness of imaging requirement is essential for patient compliance and reduction in missing imaging data.

Keywords: Alzheimer's disease, ARIA, MRI, PET, patient recruitment, retention

Procedia PDF Downloads 117
470 Autoimmune Diseases Associated with Celiac Disease in Adults

Authors: Soumaya Mrabet, Taieb Ach, Imen Akkari, Amira Atig, Neirouz Ghannouchi, Koussay Ach, Elhem Ben Jazia


Introduction: Celiac disease (CD) is an immune-mediated small intestinal disorder that occurs in genetically susceptible people. It is significantly associated with other autoimmune disorders represented mainly by type 1 diabetes and autoimmune dysthyroidism. The aim of our study is to determine the prevalence and the type of the various autoimmune diseases associated with CD in adult patients. Material and methods: This is a retrospective study including patients diagnosed with CD, explored in Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology and Endocrinology and Diabetology Departments of the Farhat Hached University Hospital, between January 2005 and January 2016. The diagnosis of CD was confirmed by serological tests and duodenal biopsy. The screening of autoimmune diseases was based on physical examination, biological and serological tests. Results: Sixty five patients with a female predominance were included, 48women (73.8%) and 17 men (26.2%). The mean age was 31.8 years (17-75). A family history of CD or other autoimmune diseases was present in 5 and 10 patients respectively. Clinical presentation of CD was made by recurrent abdominal pain in 49 cases, diarrhea in 29 cases, bloating in 17 cases, constipation in 25 cases and vomiting in 8 cases. Autoimmune diseases associated with CD were found in 30 cases (46.1%): type 1 diabetes in 15 patients attested by the positivity of anti-GAD antibodies in 11 cases and anti-IA2 in 4 cases, Hashimoto thyroiditis in 8 cases confirmed by the positivity of anti-TPO antibodies, Addison's disease in 2 patients, Anemia of Biermer in 2 patients, autoimmune hepatitis, Systemic erythematosus lupus, Gougerot Sjögren syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, Vitiligo and antiphospholipid syndrome in one patient each. CD was associated with more than one autoimmune disease defining multiple autoimmune syndrome in 2 female patients. The first patient had Basedow disease, Addison disease and type 1 diabetes. The second patient had systemic erythematosus lupus and Gougerot Sjögren syndrome. Conclusion: In our study autoimmune diseases were associated with CD in 46.1% of cases and were dominated by diabetes and dysthroidism. After establishing the diagnosis of CD the search of associated autoimmune diseases is necessary in order to avoid any therapeutic delay which can alter the prognosis of the patient.

Keywords: association, autoimmune thyroiditis, celiac disease, diabetes

Procedia PDF Downloads 283
469 An Analytical Study of the Quality of Educational Administration and Management At Secondary School Level in Punjab, Pakistan

Authors: Shamim Akhtar


The purpose of the present research was to analyse the performance level of district administrators and school heads teachers at secondary school level. The sample of the study was head teachers and teachers of secondary schools. In survey three scales were used, two scales were for the head teachers, one five point scale was for analysing the working efficiency of educational administrators and other seven points scale was for head teachers for analysing their own performance and one another seven point rating scale similar to head teacher was for the teachers for analysing the working performance of their head teachers. The results of the head teachers’ responses revealed that the performance of their District Educational Administrators was average and for the performance efficiency of the head teachers, researcher constructed the rating scales on seven parameters of management likely academic management, personnel management, financial management, infra-structure management, linkage and interface, student’s services, and managerial excellence. Results of percentages, means, and graphical presentation on different parameters of management showed that there was an obvious difference in head teachers and teachers’ responses and head teachers probably were overestimating their efficiency; but teachers evaluated that they were performing averagely on majority statements. Results of t-test showed that there was no significance difference in the responses of rural and urban teachers but significant difference in male and female teachers’ responses showed that female head teachers were performing their responsibilities better than male head teachers in public sector schools. When efficiency of the head teachers on different parameters of management were analysed it was concluded that their efficiency on academic and personnel management was average and on financial management and on managerial excellence was highly above of average level but on others parameters like infra-structure management, linkage and interface and on students services was above of average level on most statements but highly above of average on some statements. Hence there is need to improve the working efficiency in academic management and personnel management.

Keywords: educational administration, educational management, parameters of management, education

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468 Recycling of Sintered NdFeB Magnet Waste Via Oxidative Roasting and Selective Leaching

Authors: W. Kritsarikan, T. Patcharawit, T. Yingnakorn, S. Khumkoa


Neodymium-iron-boron (NdFeB) magnets classified as high-power magnets are widely used in various applications such as electrical and medical devices and account for 13.5 % of the permanent magnet’s market. Since its typical composition of 29 - 32 % Nd, 64.2 – 68.5 % Fe and 1 – 1.2 % B contains a significant amount of rare earth metals and will be subjected to shortages in the future. Domestic NdFeB magnet waste recycling should therefore be developed in order to reduce social, environmental impacts toward a circular economy. Most research works focus on recycling the magnet wastes, both from the manufacturing process and end of life. Each type of wastes has different characteristics and compositions. As a result, these directly affect recycling efficiency as well as the types and purity of the recyclable products. This research, therefore, focused on the recycling of manufacturing NdFeB magnet waste obtained from the sintering stage of magnet production and the waste contained 23.6% Nd, 60.3% Fe and 0.261% B in order to recover high purity neodymium oxide (Nd₂O₃) using hybrid metallurgical process via oxidative roasting and selective leaching techniques. The sintered NdFeB waste was first ground to under 70 mesh prior to oxidative roasting at 550 - 800 °C to enable selective leaching of neodymium in the subsequent leaching step using H₂SO₄ at 2.5 M over 24 h. The leachate was then subjected to drying and roasting at 700 – 800 °C prior to precipitation by oxalic acid and calcination to obtain neodymium oxide as the recycling product. According to XRD analyses, it was found that increasing oxidative roasting temperature led to an increasing amount of hematite (Fe₂O₃) as the main composition with a smaller amount of magnetite (Fe₃O₄) found. Peaks of neodymium oxide (Nd₂O₃) were also observed in a lesser amount. Furthermore, neodymium iron oxide (NdFeO₃) was present and its XRD peaks were pronounced at higher oxidative roasting temperatures. When proceeded to acid leaching and drying, iron sulfate and neodymium sulfate were mainly obtained. After the roasting step prior to water leaching, iron sulfate was converted to form hematite as the main compound, while neodymium sulfate remained in the ingredient. However, a small amount of magnetite was still detected by XRD. The higher roasting temperature at 800 °C resulted in a greater Fe₂O₃ to Nd₂(SO₄)₃ ratio, indicating a more effective roasting temperature. Iron oxides were subsequently water leached and filtered out while the solution contained mainly neodymium sulfate. Therefore, low oxidative roasting temperature not exceeding 600 °C followed by acid leaching and roasting at 800 °C gave the optimum condition for further steps of precipitation and calcination to finally achieve neodymium oxide.

Keywords: NdFeB magnet waste, oxidative roasting, recycling, selective leaching

Procedia PDF Downloads 182