Search results for: factor graph
4146 Teachers’ Protective Factors of Resilience Scale: Factorial Structure, Validity and Reliability Issues
Authors: Athena Daniilidou, Maria Platsidou
Recently developed scales addressed -specifically- teachers’ resilience. Although they profited from the field, they do not include some of the critical protective factors of teachers’ resilience identified in the literature. To address this limitation, we aimed at designing a more comprehensive scale for measuring teachers' resilience which encompasses various personal and environmental protective factors. To this end, two studies were carried out. In Study 1, 407 primary school teachers were tested with the new scale, the Teachers’ Protective Factors of Resilience Scale (TPFRS). Similar scales, such as the Multidimensional Teachers’ Resilience Scale and the Teachers’ Resilience Scale), were used to test the convergent validity, while the Maslach Burnout Inventory and the Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy Scale was used to assess the discriminant validity of the new scale. The factorial structure of the TPFRS was checked with confirmatory factor analysis and a good fit of the model to the data was found. Next, item response theory analysis using a two-parameter model (2PL) was applied to check the items within each factor. It revealed that 9 items did not fit the corresponding factors well and they were removed. The final version of the TPFRS includes 29 items, which assess six protective factors of teachers’ resilience: values and beliefs (5 items, α=.88), emotional and behavioral adequacy (6 items, α=.74), physical well-being (3 items, α=.68), relationships within the school environment, (6 items, α=.73) relationships outside the school environment (5 items, α=.84), and the legislative framework of education (4 items, α=.83). Results show that it presents a satisfactory convergent and discriminant validity. Study 2, in which 964 primary and secondary school teachers were tested, confirmed the factorial structure of the TPFRS as well as its discriminant validity, which was tested with the Schutte Emotional Intelligence Scale-Short Form. In conclusion, our results confirmed that the TPFRS is a valid instrument for assessing teachers' protective factors of resilience and it can be safely used in future research and interventions in the teaching profession. In conclusion, our results showed that the TPFRS is a new multi-dimensional instrument valid for assessing teachers' protective factors of resilience and it can be safely used in future research and interventions in the teaching profession.Keywords: resilience, protective factors, teachers, item response theory
Procedia PDF Downloads 1024145 Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Barriers for the Control of Rats in Rice Plantation Field
Authors: Melina, Jumardi Jumardi, Erwin Erwin, Sri Nuraminah, Andi Nasruddin
The rice field rat (Rattus argentiventer Robinson and Kloss) is a pest causing the greatest yield loss of rice plants, especially in lowland agroecosystems with intensive cropping patterns (2-3 plantings per year). Field mice damage rice plants at all stages of growth, from seedling to harvest, even in storage warehouses. Severe damage with yield loss of up to 100% occurs if rats attack rice at the generative stage because the plants are no longer able to recover by forming new tillers. Farmers mainly use rodenticides in the form of poisoned baits or as fumigants, which are applied to rat burrow holes. This practice is generally less effective because mice are able to avoid the poison or become resistant after several exposures to it. In addition, excessive use of rodenticides can have negative impacts on the environment and non-target organisms. For this reason, this research was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of fences as an environmentally friendly mechanical control method in reducing rice yield losses due to rat attacks. This study used a factorial randomized block design. The first factor was the fence material, namely galvanized zinc plate and plastic. The second factor was the height of the fence, namely 25, 50, 75, and 100 cm from the ground level. Each treatment combination was repeated five times. Data shows that zinc fences with a height of 75 and 100 cm are able to provide full protection to plants from rat infestations throughout the planting season. However, zinc fences with a height of 25 and 50 cm failed to prevent rat attacks. Plastic fences with a height of 25 and 50 cm failed to prevent rat attacks during the planting season, whereas 75 and 100 cm were able to prevent rat attacks until all the crops outside of the fence had been eaten by rats. The rat managed to get into the fence by biting the plastic fence close to the ground. Thus, the research results show that fences made of zinc plate with a height of at least 75 cm from the ground surface are effective in preventing plant damage caused by rats. To our knowledge, this research is the first to quantify the effectiveness of fences as a control of field rodents.Keywords: rice field rat, Rattus argentiventer, fence, rice
Procedia PDF Downloads 424144 Flow Transformation: An Investigation on Theoretical Aspects and Numerical Computation
Authors: Abhisek Sarkar, Abhimanyu Gaur
In this report we have discussed the theoretical aspects of the flow transformation, occurring through a series of bifurcations. The parameters and their continuous diversion, the intermittent bursts in the transition zone, variation of velocity and pressure with time, effect of roughness in turbulent zone, and changes in friction factor and head loss coefficient as a function of Reynolds number for a transverse flow across a cylinder have been discussed. An analysis of the variation in the wake length with Reynolds number was done in FORTRAN.Keywords: bifurcation, attractor, intermittence, energy cascade, energy spectra, vortex stretching
Procedia PDF Downloads 4004143 Testing Serum Proteome between Elite Sprinters and Long-Distance Runners
Authors: Hung-Chieh Chen, Kuo-Hui Wang, Tsu-Lin Yeh
Proteomics represent the performance of genomic complement proteins and the protein level on functional genomics. This study adopted proteomic strategies for comparing serum proteins among three groups: elite sprinter (sprint runner group, SR), long-distance runners (long-distance runner group, LDR), and the untrained control group (control group, CON). Purposes: This study aims to identify elite sprinters and long-distance runners’ serum protein and to provide a comparison of their serum proteome’ composition. Methods: Serum protein fractionations that separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and analyzed by a quantitative nano-LC-MS/MS-based proteomic profiling. The one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Scheffe post hoc comparison (α= 0.05) was used to determine whether there is any significant difference in each protein level among the three groups. Results: (1) After analyzing the 307 identified proteins, there were 26 unique proteins in the SR group, and 18 unique proteins in the LDR group. (2) For the LDR group, 7 coagulation function-associated proteins’ expression levels were investigated: vitronectin, serum paraoxonase/arylesterase 1, fibulin-1, complement C3, vitamin K-dependent protein, inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain H3 and von Willebrand factor, and the findings show the seven coagulation function-associated proteins were significantly lower than the group of SR. (3) Comparing to the group of SR, this study found that the LDR group’s expression levels of the 2 antioxidant proteins (afamin and glutathione peroxidase 3) were also significantly lower. (4) The LDR group’s expression levels of seven immune function-related proteins (Ig gamma-3 chain C region, Ig lambda-like polypeptide 5, clusterin, complement C1s subcomponent, complement factor B, complement C4-A, complement C1q subcomponent subunit A) were also significantly lower than the group of SR. Conclusion: This study identified the potential serum protein markers for elite sprinters and long-distance runners. The changes in the regulation of coagulation, antioxidant, or immune function-specific proteins may also provide further clinical applications for these two different track athletes.Keywords: biomarkers, coagulation, immune response, oxidative stress
Procedia PDF Downloads 1174142 The Representation of Female Characters by Women Directors in Surveillance Spaces in Turkish Cinema
Authors: Berceste Gülçin Özdemir
The representation of women characters in cinema has been discussed for centuries. In cinema where dominant narrative codes prevail and scopophilic views exist over women characters, passive stereotypes of women are observed in the representation of women characters. In films shot from a woman’s point of view in Turkish Cinema and even in the films outside the main stream in which the stories of women characters are told, the fact that women characters are discussed on the basis of feminist film theories triggers the question: ‘Are feminist films produced in Turkish Cinema?’ The spaces that are used in the representation of women characters are observed to be used as spaces that convert characters into passive subjects on the basis of the space factor in the narrative. The representation of women characters in the possible surveillance spaces integrates the characters and compresses them in these spaces. In this study, narrative analysis was used to investigate women characters representation in the surveillance spaces. For the study framework, firstly a case study films are selected, and in the second level, women characters representations in surveillance spaces are argued by narrative analysis using feminist film theories. Two questions are argued with feminist film theories: ‘Why do especially women directors represent their female characters to viewers by representing them in surveillance spaces?’ and ‘Can this type of presentation contribute to the feminist film practice and become important with regard to feminist film theories?’ The representation of women characters in a passive and observed way in surveillance spaces of the narrative reveals the questioning of also the discourses of films outside of the main stream. As films that produce alternative discourses and reveal different cinematic languages, those outside the main stream are expected to bring other points of view also to the representation of women characters in spaces. These questionings are selected as the baseline and Turkish films such as Watch Tower and Mustang, directed by women, were examined. This examination paves the way for discussions regarding the women characters in surveillance spaces. Outcomes can be argued from the viewpoint of representation in the genre by feminist film theories. In the context of feminist film theories and feminist film practice, alternatives should be found that can corporally reveal the existence of women in both the representation of women characters in spaces and in the usage of the space factor.Keywords: feminist film theory, representation, space, women directors
Procedia PDF Downloads 2894141 Bio-Psycho-Social Consequences and Effects in Fall-Efficacy Scale in Seniors Using Exercise Intervention of Motor Learning According to Yoga Techniques
Authors: Milada Krejci, Martin Hill, Vaclav Hosek, Dobroslava Jandova, Jiri Kajzar, Pavel Blaha
The paper declares effects of exercise intervention of the research project “Basic research of balance changes in seniors”, granted by the Czech Science Foundation. The objective of the presented study is to define predictors, which influence bio-psycho-social consequences and effects of balance ability in senior 65 years old and above. We focused on the Fall-Efficacy Scale changes evaluation in seniors. Comprehensive hypothesis of the project declares, that motion uncertainty (dyskinesia) can negatively affect the well-being of a senior in bio-psycho-social context. In total, random selection and testing of 100 seniors (30 males, 70 females) from Prague and Central Bohemian region was provided. The sample was divided by stratified random selection into experimental and control groups, who underwent input and output testing. For diagnostics the methods of Medical Anamnesis, Functional anthropological examinations, Tinetti Balance Assessment Tool, SF-36 Health Survey, Anamnestic comparative self-assessment scale were used. Intervention method called "Life in Balance" based on yoga techniques was applied in four-week cycle. Results of multivariate regression were verified by repeated measures ANOVA: subject factor, phase of intervention (between-subject factor), body fluid (within-subject factor) and phase of intervention × body fluid interaction). ANOVA was performed with a repetition involving the factors of subjects, experimental/control group, phase of intervention (independent variable), and x phase interaction followed by Bonferroni multiple comparison assays with a test strength of at least 0.8 on the probability level p < 0.05. In the paper results of the first-year investigation of the three years running project are analysed. Results of balance tests confirmed no significant difference between females and males in pre-test. Significant improvements in balance and walking ability were observed in experimental group in females comparing to males (F = 128.4, p < 0.001). In the females control group, there was no significant change in post- test, while in the female experimental group positive changes in posture and spine flexibility in post-tests were found. It seems that females even in senior age react better to incentives of intervention in balance and spine flexibility. On the base of results analyses, we can declare the significant improvement in social balance markers after intervention in the experimental group (F = 10.5, p < 0.001). In average, seniors are used to take four drugs daily. Number of drugs can contribute to allergy symptoms and balance problems. It can be concluded that static balance and walking ability of seniors according Tinetti Balance scale correlate significantly with psychic and social monitored markers.Keywords: exercises, balance, seniors 65+, health, mental and social balance
Procedia PDF Downloads 1384140 The Role of Emotions in the Consumer: Theoretical Review and Analysis of Components
Authors: Mikel Alonso López
The early eighties saw the rise of a new research trend in several prestigious journals, mainly articles that related emotions with the decision-making processes of the consumer, and stopped treating them as external elements. That is why we ask questions such as: what are emotions? Are there different types of emotions? What components do they have? Which theories exist about them? In this study, we will review the main theories and components of emotion analysing the cognitive factor and the different emotional states that are generally recognizable with a focus in the classic debate as to whether they occur before the cognitive process or the affective process.Keywords: emotion, consumer behaviour, feelings, decision making
Procedia PDF Downloads 3484139 Competitiveness of Animation Industry: The Case of Thailand
Authors: T. Niracharapa
The research studied and examined the competitiveness of the animation industry in Thailand. Data were collected based on articles, related reports and websites, news, research, and interviews of key persons from both public and private sectors. The diamond model was used to analyze the study. The major factor driving the Thai animation industry forward includes a quality workforce, their creativity and strong associations. However, discontinuity in government support, infrastructure, marketing, IP creation and financial constraints were factors keeping the Thai animation industry less competitive in the global market.Keywords: animation, competitiveness, government, Thailand, market
Procedia PDF Downloads 4464138 Canthin-6-One Alkaloid Inhibits NF-κB and AP-1 Activity: An Inhibitory Action At Transcriptional Level
Authors: Fadia Gafri, Kathryn Mckintosh, Louise Young, Alan Harvey, Simon Mackay, Andrew Paul, Robin Plevin
Nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB) is a ubiquitous transcription factor found originally to play a key role in regulating inflammation. However considerable evidence links this pathway to the suppression of apoptosis, cellular transformation, proliferation and invasion (Aggarwal et al., 2006). Moreover, recent studies have also linked inflammation to cancer progression making NF-κB overall a promising therapeutic target for drug discovery (Dobrovolskaia & Kozlov, 2005). In this study we examined the effect of the natural product canthin-6-one (SU182) as part of a CRUK small molecule drug discovery programme for effects upon the NF-κB pathway. Initial studies demonstrated that SU182 was found to have good potency against the inhibitory kappa B kinases (IKKs) at 30M in vitro. However, at concentrations up to 30M, SU182 had no effect upon TNFα stimulated loss in cellular IκBα or p65 phosphorylation in the keratinocyte cell line NCTC2544. Nevertheless, 30M SU182 reduced TNF-α / PMA-induced NF-κB-linked luciferase reporter activity to (22.9 ± 5%) and (34.6± 3 %, P<0.001) respectively, suggesting an action downstream of IKK signalling. Indeed, SU182 neither decreased NF-κB-DNA binding as assayed by EMSA nor prevented the translocation of p65 (NF-κB) to the nucleus assessed by immunofluorescence and subcellular fractionation. In addition to the inhibition of transcriptional activity of TNFα-induced NF-κB reporter activity SU182 significantly reduced PMA-induced AP-1-linked luciferase reporter activity to about (48± 9% at 30M, P<0.001) . This mode of inhibition was not sufficient to prevent the activation of NF-κB dependent induction of other proteins such as COX-2 and iNOS, or activated MAP kinases (p38, JNK and ERK1/2) in LPS stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophages. Taken together these data indicate the potential for SU182 to interfere with the transcription factors NF-κB and AP-1 at transcriptional level. However, no potential anti-inflammatory effect was indicated, further investigation for other NF-κB dependent proteins linked to survival are also required to identify the exact mechanism of action.Keywords: Canthin-6-one, NF-κB, AP-1, phosphorylation, Nuclear translocation, DNA-binding activity, inflammatory proteins.
Procedia PDF Downloads 4584137 Factors Impacting Geostatistical Modeling Accuracy and Modeling Strategy of Fluvial Facies Models
Authors: Benbiao Song, Yan Gao, Zhuo Liu
Geostatistical modeling is the key technic for reservoir characterization, the quality of geological models will influence the prediction of reservoir performance greatly, but few studies have been done to quantify the factors impacting geostatistical reservoir modeling accuracy. In this study, 16 fluvial prototype models have been established to represent different geological complexity, 6 cases range from 16 to 361 wells were defined to reproduce all those 16 prototype models by different methodologies including SIS, object-based and MPFS algorithms accompany with different constraint parameters. Modeling accuracy ratio was defined to quantify the influence of each factor, and ten realizations were averaged to represent each accuracy ratio under the same modeling condition and parameters association. Totally 5760 simulations were done to quantify the relative contribution of each factor to the simulation accuracy, and the results can be used as strategy guide for facies modeling in the similar condition. It is founded that data density, geological trend and geological complexity have great impact on modeling accuracy. Modeling accuracy may up to 90% when channel sand width reaches up to 1.5 times of well space under whatever condition by SIS and MPFS methods. When well density is low, the contribution of geological trend may increase the modeling accuracy from 40% to 70%, while the use of proper variogram may have very limited contribution for SIS method. It can be implied that when well data are dense enough to cover simple geobodies, few efforts were needed to construct an acceptable model, when geobodies are complex with insufficient data group, it is better to construct a set of robust geological trend than rely on a reliable variogram function. For object-based method, the modeling accuracy does not increase obviously as SIS method by the increase of data density, but kept rational appearance when data density is low. MPFS methods have the similar trend with SIS method, but the use of proper geological trend accompany with rational variogram may have better modeling accuracy than MPFS method. It implies that the geological modeling strategy for a real reservoir case needs to be optimized by evaluation of dataset, geological complexity, geological constraint information and the modeling objective.Keywords: fluvial facies, geostatistics, geological trend, modeling strategy, modeling accuracy, variogram
Procedia PDF Downloads 2644136 Measuring Digital Literacy in the Chilean Workforce
Authors: Carolina Busco, Daniela Osses
The development of digital literacy has become a fundamental element that allows for citizen inclusion, access to quality jobs, and a labor market capable of responding to the digital economy. There are no methodological instruments available in Chile to measure the workforce’s digital literacy and improve national policies on this matter. Thus, the objective of this research is to develop a survey to measure digital literacy in a sample of 200 Chilean workers. Dimensions considered in the instrument are sociodemographics, access to infrastructure, digital education, digital skills, and the ability to use e-government services. To achieve the research objective of developing a digital literacy model of indicators and a research instrument for this purpose, along with an exploratory analysis of data using factor analysis, we used an empirical, quantitative-qualitative, exploratory, non-probabilistic, and cross-sectional research design. The research instrument is a survey created to measure variables that make up the conceptual map prepared from the bibliographic review. Before applying the survey, a pilot test was implemented, resulting in several adjustments to the phrasing of some items. A validation test was also applied using six experts, including their observations on the final instrument. The survey contained 49 items that were further divided into three sets of questions: sociodemographic data; a Likert scale of four values ranked according to the level of agreement; iii) multiple choice questions complementing the dimensions. Data collection occurred between January and March 2022. For the factor analysis, we used the answers to 12 items with the Likert scale. KMO showed a value of 0.626, indicating a medium level of correlation, whereas Bartlett’s test yielded a significance value of less than 0.05 and a Cronbach’s Alpha of 0.618. Taking all factor selection criteria into account, we decided to include and analyze four factors that together explain 53.48% of the accumulated variance. We identified the following factors: i) access to infrastructure and opportunities to develop digital skills at the workplace or educational establishment (15.57%), ii) ability to solve everyday problems using digital tools (14.89%), iii) online tools used to stay connected with others (11.94%), and iv) residential Internet access and speed (11%). Quantitative results were discussed within six focus groups using heterogenic selection criteria related to the most relevant variables identified in the statistical analysis: upper-class school students; middle-class university students; Ph.D. professors; low-income working women, elderly individuals, and a group of rural workers. The digital divide and its social and economic correlations are evident in the results of this research. In Chile, the items that explain the acquisition of digital tools focus on access to infrastructure, which ultimately puts the first filter on the development of digital skills. Therefore, as expressed in the literature review, the advance of these skills is radically different when sociodemographic variables are considered. This increases socioeconomic distances and exclusion criteria, putting those who do not have these skills at a disadvantage and forcing them to seek the assistance of others.Keywords: digital literacy, digital society, workforce digitalization, digital skills
Procedia PDF Downloads 674135 Modelling the Effect of Alcohol Consumption on the Accelerating and Braking Behaviour of Drivers
Authors: Ankit Kumar Yadav, Nagendra R. Velaga
Driving under the influence of alcohol impairs the driving performance and increases the crash risks worldwide. The present study investigated the effect of different Blood Alcohol Concentrations (BAC) on the accelerating and braking behaviour of drivers with the help of driving simulator experiments. Eighty-two licensed Indian drivers drove on the rural road environment designed in the driving simulator at BAC levels of 0.00%, 0.03%, 0.05%, and 0.08% respectively. Driving performance was analysed with the help of vehicle control performance indicators such as mean acceleration and mean brake pedal force of the participants. Preliminary analysis reported an increase in mean acceleration and mean brake pedal force with increasing BAC levels. Generalized linear mixed models were developed to quantify the effect of different alcohol levels and explanatory variables such as driver’s age, gender and other driver characteristic variables on the driving performance indicators. Alcohol use was reported as a significant factor affecting the accelerating and braking performance of the drivers. The acceleration model results indicated that mean acceleration of the drivers increased by 0.013 m/s², 0.026 m/s² and 0.027 m/s² for the BAC levels of 0.03%, 0.05% and 0.08% respectively. Results of the brake pedal force model reported that mean brake pedal force of the drivers increased by 1.09 N, 1.32 N and 1.44 N for the BAC levels of 0.03%, 0.05% and 0.08% respectively. Age was a significant factor in both the models where one year increase in drivers’ age resulted in 0.2% reduction in mean acceleration and 19% reduction in mean brake pedal force of the drivers. It shows that driving experience could compensate for the negative effects of alcohol to some extent while driving. Female drivers were found to accelerate slower and brake harder as compared to the male drivers which confirmed that female drivers are more conscious about their safety while driving. It was observed that drivers who were regular exercisers had better control on their accelerator pedal as compared to the non-regular exercisers during drunken driving. The findings of the present study revealed that drivers tend to be more aggressive and impulsive under the influence of alcohol which deteriorates their driving performance. Drunk driving state can be differentiated from sober driving state by observing the accelerating and braking behaviour of the drivers. The conclusions may provide reference in making countermeasures against drinking and driving and contribute to traffic safety.Keywords: alcohol, acceleration, braking behaviour, driving simulator
Procedia PDF Downloads 1464134 Interruption Overload in an Office Environment: Hungarian Survey Focusing on the Factors that Affect Job Satisfaction and Work Efficiency
Authors: Fruzsina Pataki-Bittó, Edit Németh
On the one hand, new technologies and communication tools improve employee productivity and accelerate information and knowledge transfer, while on the other hand, information overload and continuous interruptions make it even harder to concentrate at work. It is a great challenge for companies to find the right balance, while there is also an ongoing demand to recruit and retain the talented employees who are able to adopt the modern work style and effectively use modern communication tools. For this reason, this research does not focus on the objective measures of office interruptions, but aims to find those disruption factors which influence the comfort and job satisfaction of employees, and the way how they feel generally at work. The focus of this research is on how employees feel about the different types of interruptions, which are those they themselves identify as hindering factors, and those they feel as stress factors. By identifying and then reducing these destructive factors, job satisfaction can reach a higher level and employee turnover can be reduced. During the research, we collected information from depth interviews and questionnaires asking about work environment, communication channels used in the workplace, individual communication preferences, factors considered as disruptions, and individual steps taken to avoid interruptions. The questionnaire was completed by 141 office workers from several types of workplaces based in Hungary. Even though 66 respondents are working at Hungarian offices of multinational companies, the research is about the characteristics of the Hungarian labor force. The most important result of the research shows that while more than one third of the respondents consider office noise as a disturbing factor, personal inquiries are welcome and considered useful, even if in such cases the work environment will not be convenient to solve tasks requiring concentration. Analyzing the sizes of the offices, in an open-space environment, the rate of those who consider office noise as a disturbing factor is surprisingly lower than in smaller office rooms. Opinions are more diverse regarding information communication technologies. In addition to the interruption factors affecting the employees' job satisfaction, the research also focuses on the role of the offices in the 21st century.Keywords: information overload, interruption, job satisfaction, office environment, work efficiency
Procedia PDF Downloads 2274133 The Effect of Acute Rejection and Delayed Graft Function on Renal Transplant Fibrosis in Live Donor Renal Transplantation
Authors: Wisam Ismail, Sarah Hosgood, Michael Nicholson
The research hypothesis is that early post-transplant allograft fibrosis will be linked to donor factors and that acute rejection and/or delayed graft function in the recipient will be independent risk factors for the development of fibrosis. This research hypothesis is to explore whether acute rejection/delay graft function has an effect on the renal transplant fibrosis within the first year post live donor kidney transplant between 1998 and 2009. Methods: The study has been designed to identify five time points of the renal transplant biopsies [0 (pre-transplant), 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and 12 months] for 300 live donor renal transplant patients over 12 years period between March 1997 – August 2009. Paraffin fixed slides were collected from Leicester General Hospital and Leicester Royal Infirmary. These were routinely sectioned at a thickness of 4 Micro millimetres for standardization. Conclusions: Fibrosis at 1 month after the transplant was found significantly associated with baseline fibrosis (p<0.001) and HTN in the transplant recipient (p<0.001). Dialysis after the transplant showed a weak association with fibrosis at 1 month (p=0.07). The negative coefficient for HTN (-0.05) suggests a reduction in fibrosis in the absence of HTN. Fibrosis at 1 month was significantly associated with fibrosis at baseline (p 0.01 and 95%CI 0.11 to 0.67). Fibrosis at 3, 6 or 12 months was not found to be associated with fibrosis at baseline (p=0.70. 0.65 and 0.50 respectively). The amount of fibrosis at 1 month is significantly associated with graft survival (p=0.01 and 95%CI 0.02 to 0.14). Rejection and severity of rejection were not found to be associated with fibrosis at 1 month. The amount of fibrosis at 1 month was significantly associated with graft survival (p=0.02) after adjusting for baseline fibrosis (p=0.01). Both baseline fibrosis and graft survival were significant predictive factors. The amount of fibrosis at 1 month was not found to be significantly associated with rejection (p=0.64) after adjusting for baseline fibrosis (p=0.01). The amount of fibrosis at 1 month was not found to be significantly associated with rejection severity (p=0.29) after adjusting for baseline fibrosis (p=0.04). Fibrosis at baseline and HTN in the recipient were found to be predictive factors of fibrosis at 1 month. (p 0.02, p <0.001 respectively). Age of the donor, their relation to the patient, the pre-op Creatinine, artery, kidney weight and warm time were not found to be significantly associated with fibrosis at 1 month. In this complex model baseline fibrosis, HTN in the recipient and cold time were found to be predictive factors of fibrosis at 1 month (p=0.01,<0.001 and 0.03 respectively). Donor age was found to be a predictive factor of fibrosis at 6 months. The above analysis was repeated for 3, 6 and 12 months. No associations were detected between fibrosis and any of the explanatory variables with the exception of the donor age which was found to be a predictive factor of fibrosis at 6 months.Keywords: fibrosis, transplant, renal, rejection
Procedia PDF Downloads 2314132 Comparison of Power Generation Status of Photovoltaic Systems under Different Weather Conditions
Authors: Zhaojun Wang, Zongdi Sun, Qinqin Cui, Xingwan Ren
Based on multivariate statistical analysis theory, this paper uses the principal component analysis method, Mahalanobis distance analysis method and fitting method to establish the photovoltaic health model to evaluate the health of photovoltaic panels. First of all, according to weather conditions, the photovoltaic panel variable data are classified into five categories: sunny, cloudy, rainy, foggy, overcast. The health of photovoltaic panels in these five types of weather is studied. Secondly, a scatterplot of the relationship between the amount of electricity produced by each kind of weather and other variables was plotted. It was found that the amount of electricity generated by photovoltaic panels has a significant nonlinear relationship with time. The fitting method was used to fit the relationship between the amount of weather generated and the time, and the nonlinear equation was obtained. Then, using the principal component analysis method to analyze the independent variables under five kinds of weather conditions, according to the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin test, it was found that three types of weather such as overcast, foggy, and sunny meet the conditions for factor analysis, while cloudy and rainy weather do not satisfy the conditions for factor analysis. Therefore, through the principal component analysis method, the main components of overcast weather are temperature, AQI, and pm2.5. The main component of foggy weather is temperature, and the main components of sunny weather are temperature, AQI, and pm2.5. Cloudy and rainy weather require analysis of all of their variables, namely temperature, AQI, pm2.5, solar radiation intensity and time. Finally, taking the variable values in sunny weather as observed values, taking the main components of cloudy, foggy, overcast and rainy weather as sample data, the Mahalanobis distances between observed value and these sample values are obtained. A comparative analysis was carried out to compare the degree of deviation of the Mahalanobis distance to determine the health of the photovoltaic panels under different weather conditions. It was found that the weather conditions in which the Mahalanobis distance fluctuations ranged from small to large were: foggy, cloudy, overcast and rainy.Keywords: fitting, principal component analysis, Mahalanobis distance, SPSS, MATLAB
Procedia PDF Downloads 1484131 A Low-Cost of Foot Plantar Shoes for Gait Analysis
Authors: Zulkifli Ahmad, Mohd Razlan Azizan, Nasrul Hadi Johari
This paper presents a study on development and conducting of a wearable sensor system for gait analysis measurement. For validation, the method of plantar surface measurement by force plate was prepared. In general gait analysis, force plate generally represents a studies about barefoot in whole steps and do not allow analysis of repeating movement step in normal walking and running. The measurements that were usually perform do not represent the whole daily plantar pressures in the shoe insole and only obtain the ground reaction force. The force plate measurement is usually limited a few step and it is done indoor and obtaining coupling information from both feet during walking is not easily obtained. Nowadays, in order to measure pressure for a large number of steps and obtain pressure in each insole part, it could be done by placing sensors within an insole. With this method, it will provide a method for determine the plantar pressures while standing, walking or running of a shoe wearing subject. Inserting pressure sensors in the insole will provide specific information and therefore the point of the sensor placement will result in obtaining the critical part under the insole. In the wearable shoe sensor project, the device consists left and right shoe insole with ten FSR. Arduino Mega was used as a micro-controller that read the analog input from FSR. The analog inputs were transmitted via bluetooth data transmission that gains the force data in real time on smartphone. Blueterm software which is an android application was used as an interface to read the FSR reading on the shoe wearing subject. The subject consist of two healthy men with different age and weight doing test while standing, walking (1.5 m/s), jogging (5 m/s) and running (9 m/s) on treadmill. The data obtain will be saved on the android device and for making an analysis and comparison graph.Keywords: gait analysis, plantar pressure, force plate, earable sensor
Procedia PDF Downloads 4544130 Experimental and Theoretical Mass Transfer Studies of Pure Carbondioxide Absorption in Sodium Hydroxide in Millichannels
Authors: A. Durgadevi, S. Pushpavanam
For the past several decades, CO2 levels have been dramatically increasing in the atmosphere due to the man-made emissions such as fossil fuel-fired power plants. With the increase in CO2 emissions, CO2 concentration in the atmosphere has increased resulting in global warming. This shows the need to study different ways to capture the emitted CO2 directly from the exhausts of power plants or atmosphere. There are several ways to remove CO2, such as absorption into a liquid solvent, adsorption into a solid, cryogenic separation, permeation through membranes and photochemical conversion. In most industries, the absorption of CO2 in chemical solvents (in absorption towers) is used for CO2 capture. In these towers, the mass transfer along with chemical reactions take place between the gas and liquid phase. This helps in the separation of CO2 from other gases. It is important to understand these processes in detail. These flow patterns are difficult to maintain in large scale industrial absorbers. So to get accurate information controlled gas-liquid absorption experiments are carried out in milli-channels in this work under controlled atmosphere. The absorption experiments of CO2 in varying concentrations of sodium hydroxide solution are carried out in T-junction glass milli-channels with a circular cross section (inner diameter of 2mm). The gas and liquid flow rates are controlled by a mass flow controller (MFC) and a Harvard syringe pump respectively. The slug flow in the channel is recorded using a camera and the videos are analysed. The gas slug of pure CO2 is found to decrease in size along the length of the channel due to absorption of gas in the liquid. This is also captured with the model developed and the mass transfer characteristics are studied. The pressure drop across the channel is determined by sum of the pressure drops from the gas slugs and the liquid plugs. A dimensionless correlation for the mass transfer coefficient is developed in terms of Sherwood number and compared with the existing correlations in the literature. They are found to be in close agreement with each other. In this case, due to the presence of chemical reaction, the enhancement of mass transfer is obtained. This is quantified with the help of an enhancement factor.Keywords: absorption, enhancement factor, mass transfer coefficient, Sherwood number
Procedia PDF Downloads 1784129 Experimental and Theoratical Methods to Increase Core Damping for Sandwitch Cantilever Beam
Authors: Iyd Eqqab Maree, Moouyad Ibrahim Abbood
The purpose behind this study is to predict damping effect for steel cantilever beam by using two methods of passive viscoelastic constrained layer damping. First method is Matlab Program, this method depend on the Ross, Kerwin and Unger (RKU) model for passive viscoelastic damping. Second method is experimental lab (frequency domain method), in this method used the half-power bandwidth method and can be used to determine the system loss factors for damped steel cantilever beam. The RKU method has been applied to a cantilever beam because beam is a major part of a structure and this prediction may further leads to utilize for different kinds of structural application according to design requirements in many industries. In this method of damping a simple cantilever beam is treated by making sandwich structure to make the beam damp, and this is usually done by using viscoelastic material as a core to ensure the damping effect. The use of viscoelastic layers constrained between elastic layers is known to be effective for damping of flexural vibrations of structures over a wide range of frequencies. The energy dissipated in these arrangements is due to shear deformation in the viscoelastic layers, which occurs due to flexural vibration of the structures. The theory of dynamic stability of elastic systems deals with the study of vibrations induced by pulsating loads that are parametric with respect to certain forms of deformation. There is a very good agreement of the experimental results with the theoretical findings. The main ideas of this thesis are to find the transition region for damped steel cantilever beam (4mm and 8mm thickness) from experimental lab and theoretical prediction (Matlab R2011a). Experimentally and theoretically proved that the transition region for two specimens occurs at modal frequency between mode 1 and mode 2, which give the best damping, maximum loss factor and maximum damping ratio, thus this type of viscoelastic material core (3M468) is very appropriate to use in automotive industry and in any mechanical application has modal frequency eventuate between mode 1 and mode 2.Keywords: 3M-468 material core, loss factor and frequency, domain method, bioinformatics, biomedicine, MATLAB
Procedia PDF Downloads 2724128 Chemical Synthesis of a cDNA and Its Expression Analysis
Authors: Salman Akrokayan
Synthetic cDNA (ScDNA) of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) was constructed using a DNA synthesizer with the aim to increase its expression level. 5' end of the ScDNA of G-CSF coding region was modified by decreasing the GC content without altering the predicted amino acids sequence. The identity of the resulting protein from ScDNA was confirmed by the highly specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. In conclusion, a synthetic G-CSF cDNA in combination with the recombinant DNA protocol offers a rapid and reliable strategy for synthesizing the target protein. However, the commercial utilization of this methodology requires rigorous validation and quality control.Keywords: synthetic cDNA, recombinant G-CSF, cloning, gene expression
Procedia PDF Downloads 2864127 Factorization of Computations in Bayesian Networks: Interpretation of Factors
Authors: Linda Smail, Zineb Azouz
Given a Bayesian network relative to a set I of discrete random variables, we are interested in computing the probability distribution P(S) where S is a subset of I. The general idea is to write the expression of P(S) in the form of a product of factors where each factor is easy to compute. More importantly, it will be very useful to give an interpretation of each of the factors in terms of conditional probabilities. This paper considers a semantic interpretation of the factors involved in computing marginal probabilities in Bayesian networks. Establishing such a semantic interpretations is indeed interesting and relevant in the case of large Bayesian networks.Keywords: Bayesian networks, D-Separation, level two Bayesian networks, factorization of computation
Procedia PDF Downloads 5314126 The Effects of Parent Psycho-Education Program on Problem-Solving Skills of Parents
Authors: Tuba Bagatarhan, Digdem Muge Siyez
The aim of this research is to examine the effects of the psycho-education program on problem-solving skills of parents of high school students in the risk group for Internet addiction. A quasi-experimental design based on the pre-test, post-test and follow up test including experimental and control groups was used in the research. The independent variable of the study was the parent psycho-education program on problem-solving skills; the dependent variable was the problem-solving skills of parents. The research was conducted with the parents of 52 tenth-grade students in the risk group for Internet addiction from two high schools and volunteer to participate research on evaluation of the effectiveness of internet addiction prevention psycho-education program within the scope of another study. In this study, as 26 students were in the experimental groups in the first-high school, the parents of these 26 students were asked if they would like to participate in the parent psycho-education program on parental problem-solving skills. The parents were volunteer to participate in parent psycho-education program assigned experimental group (n=13), the other parents assigned control group 1 (n=13) in the first high school. The parents of the 26 students were randomly assigned to the control group 2 (n=13) and control group 3 (n=13) in the second high school. The data of the research was obtained via the problem behavior scale - coping - parents form and demographic questionnaire. Four-session parent psycho-education program to cope with Internet addiction and other problem behaviors in their children was applied to the experimental group. No program was applied to the control group 1, control group 2 and control group 3. In addition, an internet addiction prevention psycho-education program was applied to the children of the parents in experimental group and control group 1 within the scope of another study. In the analysis of the obtained data, two-factor variance analysis for repeated measures on one factor was used. Bonferroni post-hoc test was used to find the source of intergroup difference. According to the findings, the psycho-education program significantly increases parents’ problem-solving abilities, and the increase has continued throughout the follow-up test.Keywords: internet addiction, parents, prevention, psyho-education
Procedia PDF Downloads 1824125 Expectation for Professionalism Effects Reality Shock: A Qualitative And Quantitative Study of Reality Shock among New Human Service Professionals
Authors: Hiromi Takafuji
It is a well-known fact that health care and welfare are the foundation of human activities, and human service professionals such as nurses and child care workers support these activities. COVID-19 pandemic has made the severity of the working environment in these fields even more known. It is high time to discuss the work of human service workers for the sustainable development of the human environment. Early turnover has been recognized as a long-standing issue in these fields. In Japan, the attrition rate within three years of graduation for these occupations has remained high at about 40% for more than 20 years. One of the reasons for this is Reality Shock: RS, which refers to the stress caused by the gap between pre-employment expectations and the post-employment reality experienced by new workers. The purpose of this study was to academically elucidate the mechanism of RS among human service professionals and to contribute to countermeasures against it. Firstly, to explore the structure of the relationship between professionalism and workers' RS, an exploratory interview survey was conducted and analyzed by text mining and content analysis. The results showed that the expectation of professionalism influences RS as a pre-employment job expectation. Next, the expectations of professionalism were quantified and categorized, and the responses of a total of 282 human service work professionals, nurses, child care workers, and caregivers; were finalized for data analysis. The data were analyzed using exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, multiple regression analysis, and structural equation modeling techniques. The results revealed that self-control orientation and authority orientation by qualification had a direct positive significant impact on RS. On the other hand, interpersonal helping orientation and altruistic orientation were found to have a direct negative significant impact and an indirect positive significant impact on RS.; we were able to clarify the structure of work expectations that affect the RS of welfare professionals, which had not been clarified in previous studies. We also explained the limitations, practical implications, and directions for future research.Keywords: human service professional, new hire turnover, SEM, reality shock
Procedia PDF Downloads 994124 Effects of Aerobic Dance Circuit Training Programme on Blood Pressure Variables of Obese Female College Students in Oyo State, Nigeria
Authors: Isiaka Oladele Oladipo, Olusegun Adewale Ajayi
The blood pressure fitness of female college students has been implicated in sedentary lifestyles. This study was designed to determine the effects of the Aerobic Dance Circuit Training Programme (ADCT) on blood pressure variables (Diastolic Blood Pressure (DBP) and Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP). Participants’ Pretest-Posttest control group quasi-experimental design using a 2x2x4 factorial matrix was adopted, while one (1) research question and two (2) research hypotheses were formulated. Seventy (70) untrained obese students-volunteers age 21.10±2.46 years were purposively selected from Oyo town, Nigeria; Emmanuel Alayande College of Education (experimental group and Federal College of Education (special) control group. The participants’ BMI, weight (kg), height (m), systolic bp(mmHg), and diastolic bp (mmHg) were measured before and completion of ADCT. Data collected were analysed using a pie chart, graph, percentage, mean, frequency, and standard deviation, while a t-test was used to analyse the stated hypotheses set at the critical level of 0.05. There were significant mean differences in baseline and post-treatment values of blood pressure variables in terms of SBP among the experimental group 136.49mmHg and 131.66mmHg; control group 130.82mmHg and 130.56mmHg (crit-t=2.00, cal.t=3.02, df=69, p<.0, the hypothesis was rejected; while DBP experimental group 88.65mmHg and 82.21mmHg; control group 69.91mmHg and 72.66mmHg (crit-t=2.00, cal.t=1.437, df=69, p>.05) in which the hypothesis was accepted). It was revealed from the findings that participants’ SBP decrease from week 4 to week 12 of ADCT indicated an effective reduction in blood pressure variables of obese female students. Therefore, the study confirmed that the use of ADCT is safe and effective in the management of blood pressure for the healthy benefit of obesity.Keywords: aerobic dance circuit training, fitness lifestyles, obese college female students, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure
Procedia PDF Downloads 784123 Role of Maternal Astaxanthin Supplementation on Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor and Spatial Learning Behavior in Wistar Rat Offspring’s
Authors: K. M. Damodara Gowda
Background: Maternal health and nutrition are considered as the predominant factors influencing brain functional development. If the mother is free of illness and genetic defects, maternal nutrition would be one of the most critical factors affecting the brain development. Calorie restrictions cause significant impairment in spatial learning ability and the levels of Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) in rats. But, the mechanism by which the prenatal under-nutrition leads to impairment in brain learning and memory function is still unclear. In the present study, prenatal Astaxanthin supplementation on BDNF level, spatial learning and memory performance in the offspring’s of normal, calorie restricted and Astaxanthin supplemented rats was investigated. Methodology: The rats were administered with 6mg and 12 mg of astaxanthin /kg bw for 21 days following which acquisition and retention of spatial memory was tested in a partially-baited eight arm radial maze. The BDNF level in different regions of the brain (cerebral cortex, hippocampus and cerebellum) was estimated by ELISA method. Results: Calorie restricted animals treated with astaxanthin made significantly more correct choices (P < 0.05), and fewer reference memory errors (P < 0.05) on the tenth day of training compared to offsprings of calorie restricted animals. Calorie restricted animals treated with astaxanthin also made significantly higher correct choices (P < 0.001) than untreated calorie restricted animals in a retention test 10 days after the training period. The mean BDNF level in cerebral cortex, Hippocampus and cerebellum in Calorie restricted animals treated with astaxanthin didnot show significant variation from that of control animals. Conclusion: Findings of the study indicated that memory and learning was impaired in the offspring’s of calorie restricted rats which was effectively modulated by astaxanthin at the dosage of 12 mg/kg body weight. In the same way the BDNF level at cerebral cortex, Hippocampus and Cerebellum was also declined in the offspring’s of calorie restricted animals, which was also found to be effectively normalized by astaxanthin.Keywords: calorie restiction, learning, Memory, Cerebral cortex, Hippocampus, Cerebellum, BDNF, Astaxanthin
Procedia PDF Downloads 2334122 Factors Influencing Resolution of Anaphora with Collective Nominals in Russian
Authors: Anna Moskaleva
A prolific body of research in theoretical and experimental linguistics claims that a preference for conceptual or grammatical information in the process of agreement greatly depends on the type of agreement dependency. According to the agreement hierarchy, an anaphoric agreement is more sensitive to semantic or conceptual rather than grammatical information of an antecedent. Furthermore, a higher linear distance between a pronoun and its antecedent is assumed to trigger semantic agreement, yet the hierarchical distance is hardly examined in the research field, and the contribution of each distance factor is unclear. Apart from that, working memory volume is deemed to play a role in maintaining grammatical information during language comprehension. The aim of this study is to observe distance and working memory effects in resolution of anaphora with collective nominals (e.g., team) and to have a closer look at the interaction of the factors. Collective nominals in many languages can have a holistic or distributive meaning and can be addressed by a singular or a plural pronoun, respectively. We investigated linguistic factors of linear and rhetorical (hierarchical) distance and a more general factor of working memory volume in their ability to facilitate the interpretation of the number feature of a collective noun in Russian. An eye-tracking reading experiment on comprehension has been conducted where university students were presented with composed texts, including collective nouns and personal pronouns alluding to them. Different eye-tracking measures were calculated using statistical methods. The results have shown that a significant increase in reading time in the case of a singular pronoun was demonstrated when both distances were high, and no such effect was observed when just one of the distances was high. A decrease in reading time has been obtained with distance in the case of a plural pronoun. The working memory effect was not revealed in the experiment. The resonance of distance factors indicates that not only the linear distance but also the hierarchical distance is of great importance in interpreting pronouns. The experimental findings also suggest that, apart from the agreement hierarchy, the preference for conceptual or grammatical information correlates with the distance between a pronoun and its antecedent.Keywords: collective nouns, agreement hierarchy, anaphora resolution, eye-tracking, language comprehension
Procedia PDF Downloads 404121 Computational Study of Composite Films
Authors: Rudolf Hrach, Stanislav Novak, Vera Hrachova
Composite and nanocomposite films represent the class of promising materials and are often objects of the study due to their mechanical, electrical and other properties. The most interesting ones are probably the composite metal/dielectric structures consisting of a metal component embedded in an oxide or polymer matrix. Behaviour of composite films varies with the amount of the metal component inside what is called filling factor. The structures contain individual metal particles or nanoparticles completely insulated by the dielectric matrix for small filling factors and the films have more or less dielectric properties. The conductivity of the films increases with increasing filling factor and finally a transition into metallic state occurs. The behaviour of composite films near a percolation threshold, where the change of charge transport mechanism from a thermally-activated tunnelling between individual metal objects to an ohmic conductivity is observed, is especially important. Physical properties of composite films are given not only by the concentration of metal component but also by the spatial and size distributions of metal objects which are influenced by a technology used. In our contribution, a study of composite structures with the help of methods of computational physics was performed. The study consists of two parts: -Generation of simulated composite and nanocomposite films. The techniques based on hard-sphere or soft-sphere models as well as on atomic modelling are used here. Characterizations of prepared composite structures by image analysis of their sections or projections follow then. However, the analysis of various morphological methods must be performed as the standard algorithms based on the theory of mathematical morphology lose their sensitivity when applied to composite films. -The charge transport in the composites was studied by the kinetic Monte Carlo method as there is a close connection between structural and electric properties of composite and nanocomposite films. It was found that near the percolation threshold the paths of tunnel current forms so-called fuzzy clusters. The main aim of the present study was to establish the correlation between morphological properties of composites/nanocomposites and structures of conducting paths in them in the dependence on the technology of composite films.Keywords: composite films, computer modelling, image analysis, nanocomposite films
Procedia PDF Downloads 3934120 Highlighting Strategies Implemented by Migrant Parents to Support Their Child's Educational and Academic Success in the Host Society
Authors: Josee Charette
The academic and educational success of migrant students is a current issue in education, especially in western societies such in the province of Quebec, in Canada. For people who immigrate with school-age children, the success of the family’s migratory project is often measured by the benefits drawn by children from the educational institutions of their host society. In order to support the academic achievement of their children, migrant parents try to develop practices that derive from their representations of school and related challenges inspired by the socio-cultural context of their country of origin. These findings lead us to the following question: How does strategies implemented by migrant parents to manage the representational distance between school of their country of origin and school of their host society support or not the academic and educational success of their child? In the context of a qualitative exploratory approach, we have made interviews in the French , English and Spanish languages with 32 newly immigrated parents and 10 of their children. Parents were invited to complete a network of free associations about «School in Quebec» as a premise for the interview. The objective of this paper is to present strategies implemented by migrant parents to manage the distance between their representations of schools in their country of origin and in the host society, and to explore the influence of this management on their child’s academic and educational trajectories. Data analysis led us to develop various types of strategies, such as continuity, adaptation, resources mobilization, compensation and "return to basics" strategies. These strategies seem to be part of a continuum from oppositional-conflict scenario, in which parental strategies act as a risk factor, to conciliator-integrator scenario, in which parental strategies act as a protective factor for migrant students’ academic and educational success. In conclusion, we believe that our research helps in highlighting strategies implemented by migrant parents to support their child’s academic and educational success in the host society and also helps in providing a more efficient support to migrant parents and contributes to develop a wider portrait of migrant students’ academic achievement.Keywords: academic and educational achievement of immigrant students, family’s migratory project, immigrants parental strategies, representational distance between school of origin and school of host society
Procedia PDF Downloads 4474119 Protection of the Object of the Critical Infrastructure in the Czech Republic
Authors: Michaela Vašková
With the increasing dependence of countries on the critical infrastructure, it increases their vulnerability. Big threat is primarily in the human factor (personnel of the critical infrastructure) and in terrorist attacks. It emphasizes the development of methodology for searching of weak points and their subsequent elimination. This article discusses methods for the analysis of safety in the objects of critical infrastructure. It also contains proposal for methodology for training employees of security services in the objects of the critical infrastructure and developing scenarios of attacks on selected objects of the critical infrastructure.Keywords: critical infrastructure, object of critical infrastructure, protection, safety, security, security audit
Procedia PDF Downloads 3454118 Investigating the Effective Physical Factors in the Development of Coastal Ecotourism in Southern Islands of Iran: A Case Study of Hendurabi Island, Iran
Authors: Zahra Khodaee
Background and Objective: The attractive potential for tourism in the southern islands of Iran, Kish, and Qeshm and recently Hendurabi, are becoming more and more popular and object of increased attention from the investors. The Iranian coral reef islands, with the exception of Kish and Qeshm, have not undergone sufficient development. The southern islands of Iran have faced two problems with climate change and the desire for the presence of tourists. The lack of proper planning, inefficient management, and lack of adequate knowledge of ecosystems of offshore regions have severely damaged the world natural heritage. This study was conducted to consider the correlation of tourism, development, and ecosystem because there is a need for further addressing the ecotourism in coral islands. Method: Through qualitative research, this paper was used of library studies and field studies and surveying to study the physical (objective-subjective) physical factors of ecotourism development in Honduran Island. Using SPSS software and descriptive-analytical method was shown the results. The survey was conducted with the participation of 150 tourists on Kish islands, who were chosen at random and who expressed their desire to travel to Hendurabi Island. Information was gathered using SPSS software and unique statistical T-test. The questionnaire was put together using AMOS software to ensure that the questions asked were sufficiently relevant. Findings: The results of this study presented that physical factors affecting the development of ecotourism in two categories are objective and subjective factors because IFI factor = 0.911 and CFI Factor = 0.907 into the target community. Discussion and conclusion: The results were satisfactory in that they showed that eco-tourists attached importance to see views, quiet, secluded areas, tranquility security, quality of the area being visited, easy access to services these were the top criteria for those visiting the area while they adhere to environmental compliance. Developing Management of these regions should maintain appropriate utilization along with sustainable and ecological responsibility.Keywords: ecotourism, coral reef island, development management, Hendurabi Island
Procedia PDF Downloads 1424117 The Turkish Version of the Carer’s Assessment of Satisfaction Index (CASI-TR): Its Cultural Adaptation, Validation, and Reliability
Authors: Cemile Kütmeç Yilmaz, Güler Duru Asiret, Gulcan Bagcivan
The aim of this study was to evaluate the reliability and validity of the Turkish version of the Carer’s Assessment of Satisfaction Index (CASI-TR). The study was conducted between the dates of June 2016 and September 2017 at the Training and Research Hospital of Aksaray University with the caregiving family members of the inpatients with chronic diseases. For this study, the sample size was calculated as at least 10 individuals for each item (item number (30)X10=300). The study sample included 300 caregiving family members, who provided primer care for at least three months for a patient (who had at least one chronic disease and received inpatient treatment in general internal medicine and palliative care units). Data were collected by using a demographic questionnaire and CASI-TR. Descriptive statistics, and psychometric tests were used for the data analysis. Of those caregivers, 76.7% were female, 86.3% were 65 years old and below, 43.7% were primary school graduates, 87% were married, 86% were not working, 66.3% were housewives, and 60.3% defined their income status as having an income covering one’s expenses. Care recipients often had problems in terms of walking, sleep, balance, feeding and urinary incontinence. The Cronbach Alpha value calculated for the CASI-TR (30 items) was 0,949. Internal consistency coefficients calculated for subscales were: 0.922 for the subscale of ‘caregiver satisfaction related to care recipient’, 0.875 for the subscale of ‘caregiver satisfaction related to themselves’, and 0.723 for the subscale of ‘dynamics of interpersonal relations’. Factor analysis revealed that three factors accounted for 57.67% of the total variance, with an eigenvalue of >1. assessed in terms of significance, we saw that the items came together in a significant manner. The factor load of the items were between 0.311 and 0.874. These results show that the CASI-TR is a valid and reliable scale. The adoption of the translated CASI in Turkey is found reliable and valid to assessing the satisfaction of caregivers. CASI-TR can be used easily in clinics or house visits by nurses and other health professionals for assessing caregiver satisfaction from caregiving.Keywords: carer’s assessment of satisfaction index, caregiver, validity, reliability
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