Search results for: thermo-hydraulic performance factor
15792 The Impact of Motivation on Employee Performance in South Korea
Authors: Atabong Awung Lekeazem
The purpose of this paper is to identify the impact or role of incentives on employee’s performance with a particular emphasis on Korean workers. The process involves defining and explaining the different types of motivation. In defining them, we also bring out the difference between the two major types of motivations. The second phase of the paper shall involve gathering data/information from a sample population and then analyzing the data. In the analysis, we shall get to see the almost similar mentality or value which Koreans attach to motivation, which a slide different view coming only from top management personnel. The last phase shall have us presenting the data and coming to a conclusion from which possible knowledge on how managers and potential managers can ignite the best out of their employees.Keywords: motivation, employee’s performance, Korean workers, business information systems
Procedia PDF Downloads 41515791 Numerical Analysis of Roughness Effect on Mini and Microchannels: Hydrodynamics and Heat Transfer
Authors: El-Ghalia Filali, Cherif Gadouche, Mohamed Tahar
A three-dimensional numerical simulation of flow through mini and microchannels with designed roughness is conducted here. The effect of the roughness height (surface roughness), geometry, Reynolds number on the friction factor and the Nusselt number is investigated. The study is carried out by employing CFD software, CFX. Our work focuses on a water flow inside a circular mini-channel of 1 mm and microchannels of 500 and 100 μm in diameter. The speed entry varies from 0.1 m/s to 20 m/s. The general trend can be observed that bigger sizes of roughness element lead to higher flow resistance. It is found that the friction factor increases in a nonlinear fashion with the increase in obstruction height. Particularly, the effect of roughness can no longer be ignored at relative roughness height higher than 3%. A significant increase in Poiseuille number is detected for all configurations considered. The same observation can be done for Nusselt number. The transition zone between laminar and turbulent flow depends on the channel diameter.Keywords: hydrodynamics, heat transfer, minichannel, microchannel, roughness
Procedia PDF Downloads 36215790 Comparison of Transforming Growth Factor-β1 Levels in the Human Gingival Sulcus during Canine Retraction Using Elastic Chain and Closed Coil Spring
Authors: Sri Suparwitri
When an orthodontic force is applied to a tooth, an inflammatory response is initiated then lead to bone remodeling process, and the process accommodates tooth movement. One of cytokine that plays a prominent role in bone remodeling process was transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGF-β1). The purpose of this study was to identify and compare changes of TGF-β1 in human gingival crevicular fluid during canine retraction using elastic chain and closed coil spring. Ten patients (mean age 20.7 ± 2.9 years) participated. The patients were entering the space closure phase of fixed orthodontic treatment. An upper canine of each patient was retracted using elastic chain, and the contralateral canine was retracted using closed coil spring. Gingival crevicular fluid samples were collected from the canine teeth before and 7 days after the force was applied. Transforming growth factor-beta 1 was determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The concentrations of TGF-β1 at 7 days were significantly higher compared to before canine retraction in both groups. In the evaluation of between-group difference, before retraction, the difference was insignificant, whereas at 7 days significantly higher values were determined in the closed coil spring group compared to elastic chain group. The result suggests that TGF-β1 is associated with the bone remodeling that occurs during canine distalization movement. Closed coil spring gave higher TGF-β1 concentrations thus more bone remodeling occurred and may be considered the treatment of choice.Keywords: closed coil spring, elastic chain, gingival crevicular fluid, TGF-β1
Procedia PDF Downloads 17115789 Assessing the Indicators Influencing Port Resilience: A Comprehensive Literature Review
In recent decades, the world has endured severe challenges in light of climate change, epidemics, geopolitics, terrorism, economic uncertainties, as well as regional conflicts and rivalries. The appropriate use of critical infrastructures (Cis) is confronted. Ports, as typical Cis cover more than 80% of the global freight movement. Within this context, even the minimal disruption of port operations could cause malfunction of the holistic supply chain network and substantial economic losses. Hence, it is crucial to evaluate port performance from the perspective of resilience. Research on resilience and risk/safety management has been increasing, however, it needs more attention, as it could prevent potential socio-economic losses and inspire decision-makers to make resilience-based decisions to answer the challenges, such as COVID-19. To facilitate better moves from decision-makers, ports need to identify proper factors influencing port resilience. Inappropriately influenced factor selection could have a cascading effect on undesirable port performances. Thus, a systematic evaluation of factors is essential to stimulate the improvement process of port resilience investigation. This study zooms into container ports considering their critical role in international trade and global supply chains. 440 articles are selected after relevance ranking, and consequently, 62 articles are scrutinized after the title and abstract screening. Forty-one articles are included for bibliographic analysis in the end. It is found that there is no standardized index system to measure port resilience. And most studies evaluate port resilience merely in the recovery phase. Only two articles cover absorption, adaption and recovery state. However, no literature involves the prevention state. Hence, a uniform resilience index system is expected with a clear resilience definition. And port safety and security should also be considered while evaluating port resilience.Keywords: port resilience, port safety and security, literature review, index system, port performance
Procedia PDF Downloads 12715788 An Investigation into the Effect of Broken Homes on Students Academic Performance
Authors: Hafsat Mustapha Hanga
The purpose of the this study was to investigate the effect of broken home on students' academic performance. Therefore, it focused on academic performance and Parental care of the student from and intact home from a cognitive motivational perceptive. The broken and intact home and also to find out if they differ in parental care this is done by using 376 subjects out of the population of 21,378. The sample was obtained using stratified random sampling techniques as the population contained sub-groups the study design was ex-post facto. The data was collected using 3 kind of instruments. To test the first and second hypotheses. Junior secondary school placement examination result was obtained to test the academic performance of the boys fron broken home and boys from and boys from intact home and then girl from broken home and girls from intact home.T-Test was used in the analysis of first and second hypotheses. For the third hypotheses two different kind of questionnaires were developed, the first was used to identify student that are from broken home while the second was for testing parental care between the subject. Chi-square was used to analyze the third hypotheses. Alkh the three 3 hypotheses were tested and rejected and were all in favor of student from intact home. The study found that there was a significant difference in the academic performance of the boys from brokeb and boys from intact home. When boys from intact home better then those boys from broken home. It also reveals that a student from a intact from intact home receives good parental care, love and concern than those from broken home.on the strength of these findings the need to establish an institution which will help those parent who have parenting problems was stressed and also the need to foster. Home school partnership was also stressed and advocate.Keywords: broken homes, academic performance, parental care, foster
Procedia PDF Downloads 46315787 An Application to Predict the Best Study Path for Information Technology Students in Learning Institutes
Authors: L. S. Chathurika
Early prediction of student performance is an important factor to be gained academic excellence. Whatever the study stream in secondary education, students lay the foundation for higher studies during the first year of their degree or diploma program in Sri Lanka. The information technology (IT) field has certain improvements in the education domain by selecting specialization areas to show the talents and skills of students. These specializations can be software engineering, network administration, database administration, multimedia design, etc. After completing the first-year, students attempt to select the best path by considering numerous factors. The purpose of this experiment is to predict the best study path using machine learning algorithms. Five classification algorithms: decision tree, support vector machine, artificial neural network, Naïve Bayes, and logistic regression are selected and tested. The support vector machine obtained the highest accuracy, 82.4%. Then affecting features are recognized to select the best study path.Keywords: algorithm, classification, evaluation, features, testing, training
Procedia PDF Downloads 12015786 The Impact of Preference-Based Employee Deployment toward Employee Satisfaction and Organizational Performance: Case Study in Directorate General of State Asset Management, Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia
Authors: Rahmat Irawan, Mundhir Hanifsyam Harahap, Andar Ristabet Hesda
As a public sector organization in Indonesia, Directorate General of State Asset Management (DGSAM) which is a unit under the Ministry of Finance of The Republic of Indonesia, has many constraints in managing its employees. While private organizations are able to conduct a human resource management as the best practice, DGSAM is limited by many regulations, especially about punishment and lay off policy for under-performance employees. Therefore, since 2015, DGSAM tries to implement a new and uncommon approach considering employees’ preference to encourage the motivation and performance of employees. DGSAM’s employees may propose the job places, and DGSAM considers them in deciding employees deployment. This study tries to determine the impact of preference-based approach toward employees’ satisfaction and organizational performance. This study uses quantitative approaches by regression analysis to measure the impact of deployment toward satisfaction of deployed employees and performance change of related units in DGSAM. The result of this study shows that preference-based approach significantly improves employees’ satisfaction and performance of related units as well. Based on the results of this study, it can be suggested that the approach is able to be implemented in the wider scope of the Ministry of Finance of The Republic of Indonesia and whole public sector organization in Indonesia. However, this study only focuses on short term measurement, so it is suggested to do further study to analyze the long-term impact.Keywords: employee deployment, employee satisfaction, human resource management, organizational performance, preference-based approach
Procedia PDF Downloads 33315785 Academic Staff Perspective of Adoption of Augmented Reality in Teaching Practice to Support Students Learning Remotely in a Crisis Time in Higher
Authors: Ebtisam Alqahtani
The purpose of this study is to investigate academic staff perspectives on using Augmented Reality in teaching practice to support students learning remotely during the COVID pandemic. the study adopted the DTPB theoretical model to guide the identification of key potential factors that could motivate academic staff to use or not use AR in teaching practices. A mixing method design was adopted for a better understanding of the study problem. A survey was completed by 851 academic staff, and this was followed by interviews with 20 academic staff. Statistical analyses were used to assess the survey data, and thematic analysis was used to assess the interview data. The study finding indicates that 75% of academic staff were aware of AR as a pedagogical tool, and they agreed on the potential benefits of AR in teaching and learning practices. However, 36% of academic staff use it in teaching and learning practice, and most of them agree with most of the potential barriers to adopting AR in educational environments. In addition, the study results indicate that 91% of them are planning to use it in the future. The most important factors that motivated them to use it in the future are the COVID pandemic factor, hedonic motivation factor, and academic staff attitude factor. The perceptions of academic staff differed according to the universities they attended, the faculties they worked in, and their gender. This study offers further empirical support for the DTPB model, as well as recommendations to help higher education implement technology in its educational environment based on the findings of the study. It is unprecedented the study the necessity of the use of AR technologies in the time of Covid-19. Therefore, the contribution is both theoretical and practiceKeywords: higher education, academic staff, AR technology as pedological tools, teaching and learning practice, benefits of AR, barriers of adopting AR, and motivating factors to adopt AR
Procedia PDF Downloads 13015784 The Maximum Throughput Analysis of UAV Datalink 802.11b Protocol
Authors: Inkyu Kim, SangMan Moon
This IEEE 802.11b protocol provides up to 11Mbps data rate, whereas aerospace industry wants to seek higher data rate COTS data link system in the UAV. The Total Maximum Throughput (TMT) and delay time are studied on many researchers in the past years This paper provides theoretical data throughput performance of UAV formation flight data link using the existing 802.11b performance theory. We operate the UAV formation flight with more than 30 quad copters with 802.11b protocol. We may be predicting that UAV formation flight numbers have to bound data link protocol performance limitations.Keywords: UAV datalink, UAV formation flight datalink, UAV WLAN datalink application, UAV IEEE 802.11b datalink application
Procedia PDF Downloads 39315783 Impact of E-Commerce Integrated for Export Marketing on Performance of Thai Export Businesses
Authors: Peerawat Chailom, Pimgarn Suwan-Natada
The objective of this study is to examine the effects of e-commerce integrated for export marketing strategy on export advantage and firm performance. This study indicates that e-commerce infrastructure, organizational learning for e-commerce, and internet dissemination were antecedent of e-commerce integrated for export marketing strategy. In additional, export expertise is moderating variable of the research. In this study, 151 export businesses in Thailand are the sample of study. The results of study indicate that e-commerce integrated for export marketing strategy has significant positive influences on export advantage and export performance. Moreover, e-commerce infrastructure, organizational learning for e-commerce, and internet dissemination are have positive effects on e-commerce integrated for export marketing strategy. For moderating effect, export expertise significant influences on the relationships between e-commerce integrated for export marketing strategy and export advantage, and significant influences on the relationships between e-commerce integrated for export marketing strategy and export performance. Theoretical and practical implications are presented. Conclusion and suggestions for future research are also discussed.Keywords: e-commerce integrated for export marketing, e-commerce infrastructure, organizational learning for e-commerce, export performance
Procedia PDF Downloads 36315782 A Multimodal Approach to Improve the Performance of Biometric System
Authors: Chander Kant, Arun Kumar
Biometric systems automatically recognize an individual based on his/her physiological and behavioral characteristics. There are also some traits like weight, age, height etc. that may not provide reliable user recognition because of there common and temporary nature. These traits are called soft bio metric traits. Although soft bio metric traits are lack of permanence to uniquely and reliably identify an individual, yet they provide some beneficial evidence about the user identity and may improve the system performance. Here in this paper, we have proposed an approach for integrating the soft bio metrics with fingerprint and face to improve the performance of personal authentication system. In our approach we have proposed a combined architecture of three different sensors to elevate the system performance. The approach includes, soft bio metrics, fingerprint and face traits. We have also proven the efficiency of proposed system regarding FAR (False Acceptance Ratio) and total response time, with the help of MUBI (Multimodal Bio metrics Integration) software.Keywords: FAR, minutiae point, multimodal bio metrics, primary bio metric, soft bio metric
Procedia PDF Downloads 34915781 Effect of Financing Sources on Firm Performance: A Study of Indian Private Limited Small and Medium Enterprises
Authors: Denila Jinny Arulraj, Thillai Rajan Annamalai
This paper aims to study the relationship between funding sources and firm performance of Indian private limited SMEs using cross-sectional data obtained from a nation-wide census. A unique feature of the study is that it analyses firms that use only one form of external funding. Employing Propensity Score Matching, we find that obtaining any form of external finance has a negative influence on equivalents of profit margin and return on assets and a negative influence on asset turnover of small firms. But, the impact of institutional sources of funding on small enterprises is found to be lesser than that of non-institutional sources of funding. External/institutional sources of funding have a less negative impact on the profit margin for medium enterprises and have no significant influence on other measures of performance. The contribution of this research is the discovery of institutional sources wielding a lesser influence on performance measures considered. It is also found that institutional sources can benefit small enterprises more than medium enterprises.Keywords: external finance, institutional finance, non-institutional finance, performance, India, SME
Procedia PDF Downloads 27915780 The Benefit of a Universal Screening Program for Lipid Disorders in Two to Ten Years Old Lebanese Children
Authors: Nicolas Georges, Akiki Simon, Bassil Naim, Nawfal Georges, Abi Fares Georges
Introduction: Dyslipidemia has been recognized as a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. While the development of atherosclerotic lesions begins in childhood and progresses throughout life, data on the prevalence of dyslipidemic children in Lebanon is lacking. Objectives: This study was conducted to assess the benefit of a protocol for universal screening for lipid disorder in Lebanese children aged between two and ten years old. Materials and Methods: A total of four hundred children aged 2 to 10 years old (51.5% boys) were included in the study. The subjects were recruited from private pediatric clinics after parental consent. Fasting total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), low-density lipoprotein (LDL), high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels were measured and non-HDL cholesterol was calculated. The values were categorized according to 2011 Expert on Integrated Guidelines for Cardiovascular Health and Risk Reduction in Children and Adolescents. Results: The overall prevalence of high TC ( ≥ 200 mg/dL), high non-HDL-C ( ≥ 145 mg/dL), high LDL ( ≥ 130 mg/dL), high TG ( ≥ 100 mg/dL) and low HDL ( < 40 mg/dL) was respectively 19.5%, 23%, 19%, 31.8% and 20%. The overall frequency of dyslipidemia was 51.7%. In a bivariate analysis, dyslipidemia in children was associated with a BMI ≥ 95ᵗʰ percentile and parents having TC > 240 mg/dL with a P value respectively of 0.006 and 0.0001. Furthermore, high TG was independently associated with a BMI ≥ 95ᵗʰ percentile (P=0.0001). Children with parents having TC > 240 mg/dL was significantly correlated with high TC, high non-HDL-C and high LDL (P=0.0001 for all variables). Finally, according to the Pediatric dyslipidemia screening guidelines from the 2011 Expert Panel, 62.3% of dyslipidemic children had at least 1 risk factor that qualified them for screening while 37.7% of them didn’t have any risk factor. Conclusions: It is preferable to review the latest pediatric dyslipidemia screening guidelines by performing a universal screening program since a third of our dyslipidemic Lebanese children have been missed.Keywords: cardiovascular risk factors, dyslipidemia, Lebanese children, screening
Procedia PDF Downloads 23215779 The Effect of Explicit Focus on Form on Second Language Learning Writing Performance
Authors: Keivan Seyyedi, Leila Esmaeilpour, Seyed Jamal Sadeghi
Investigating the effectiveness of explicit focus on form on the written performance of the EFL learners was the aim of this study. To provide empirical support for this study, sixty male English learners were selected and randomly assigned into two groups of explicit focus on form and meaning focused. Narrative writing was employed for data collection. To measure writing performance, participants were required to narrate a story. They were given 20 minutes to finish the task and were asked to write at least 150 words. The participants’ output was coded then analyzed utilizing Independent t-test for grammatical accuracy and fluency of learners’ performance. Results indicated that learners in explicit focus on form group appear to benefit from error correction and rule explanation as two pedagogical techniques of explicit focus on form with respect to accuracy, but regarding fluency they did not yield any significant differences compared to the participants of meaning-focused group.Keywords: explicit focus on form, rule explanation, accuracy, fluency
Procedia PDF Downloads 51415778 The Distribution of rs5219 Polymorphism in the Non-Diabetic Elderly Jordanian Subject
Authors: Foad Alzoughool
Conflicting studies on the association between the rs5219 polymorphism and type 2 diabetes, some studies have confirmed a strong relationship between this variant and type2 diabetes, on the other hand, many studies denied the existence of this association. This study aimed to provide evidence about whether the rs5219 polymorphism has or hasn't a role as a risk factor for diabetes and meta-analysis to investigate the role of the control age group in the association. Genotyping of the rs5219 polymorphism was performed in a cohort of 266 healthy elderly subjects with a mean age (60.2 ± 5.1) with no history of diabetes (HbA1c < 6%) using standard Sanger sequencing methods. Lys/Lys alleles were detected in 20 persons (7.5%), Lys/Glu alleles in 96 persons (36.1%), and Glu/Glu in 150 persons (56.4%). The genotype distribution was consistent with Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (P =0.7). Meta-analysis notably indicates no association between rs5219 polymorphism and type 2 diabetes in all studies used the younger age of the control group compared to the patient's age. In conclusion, our study sheds light on the importance of age factor among the control group recruited in case-control studies.Keywords: Type 2 diabetes, rs5219 polymorphism, E23K, KCNJ11 gene
Procedia PDF Downloads 16015777 Students' Online Evaluation: Impact on the Polytechnic University of the Philippines Faculty's Performance
Authors: Silvia C. Ambag, Racidon P. Bernarte, Jacquelyn B. Buccahi, Jessica R. Lacaron, Charlyn L. Mangulabnan
This study aimed to answer the query, “What is the impact of Students Online Evaluation on PUP Faculty’s Performance?” The problem of the study was resolve through the objective of knowing the perceived impact of students’ online evaluation on PUP faculty’s performance. The objectives were carried through the application of quantitative research design and by conducting survey research method. The researchers utilized primary and secondary data. Primary data was gathered from the self-administered survey and secondary data was collected from the books, articles on both print-out and online materials and also other theses related study. Findings revealed that PUP faculty in general stated that students’ online evaluation made a highly positive impact on their performance based on their ‘Knowledge of Subject’ and ‘Teaching for Independent Learning’, giving a highest mean of 3.62 and 3.60 respectively., followed by the faculty’s performance which gained an overall means of 3.55 and 3.53 are based on their ‘Commitment’ and ‘Management of Learning’. From the findings, the researchers concluded that Students’ online evaluation made a ‘Highly Positive’ impact on PUP faculty’s performance based on all Four (4) areas. Furthermore, the study’s findings reveal that PUP faculty encountered many problems regarding the students’ online evaluation; the impact of the Students’ Online Evaluation is significant when it comes to the employment status of the faculty; and most of the PUP faculty recommends reviewing the PUP Online Survey for Faculty Evaluation for improvement. Hence, the researchers recommend the PUP Administration to revisit and revise the PUP Online Survey for Faculty Evaluation, specifically review the questions and make a set of questions that will be appropriate to the discipline or field of the faculty. Also, the administration should fully orient the students about the importance, purpose and impact of online faculty evaluation. And lastly, the researchers suggest the PUP Faculty to continue their positive performance and continue on being cooperative with the administrations’ purpose of addressing the students’ concerns and for the students, the researchers urged them to take the online faculty evaluation honestly and objectively.Keywords: on-line Evaluation, faculty, performance, Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP)
Procedia PDF Downloads 40915776 Expanding the Therapeutic Utility of Curcumin
Authors: Azza H. El-Medany, Hanan H. Hagar, Omnia A. Nayel, Jamila H. El-Medany
In search for drugs that can target cancer cell micro-environment in as much as being able to halt malignant cellular transformation, the natural dietary phytochemical curcumin was currently assessed in DMH-induced colorectal cancer rat model. The study enrolled 50 animals divided into a control group (n=10) and DMH-induced colorectal cancer control group (n=20) (20mg/kg-body weight for 28 weeks) versus curcumin-treated group (n=20) (160 mg/kg suspension daily oral for further 8 weeks). Treatment by curcumin succeeded to significantly decrease the percent of ACF and tended to normalize back the histological changes retrieved in adenomatous and stromal cells induced by DMH. The drug also significantly elevated GSH and significantly reduced most of the accompanying biochemical elevations (namely MDA, TNF-α, TGF-β and COX2) observed in colonic carcinomatous tissue, induced by DMH, thus succeeding to revert that of MDA, COX2 and TGF-β back to near normal as justified by being non-significantly altered as compared to normal controls. The only exception was PAF that was insignificantly altered by the drug. When taken together, it could be concluded that curcumin possess the potentiality to halt some of the orchestrated cross-talk between cancerous transformation and its micro-environmental niche that contributes to cancer initiation, progression and metastasis in this experimental cancer colon model. Envisioning these merits to a drug with already known safety preferentiality, awaits final results of current ongoing clinical trials, before curcumin can be added to the new therapeutic armamentarium of anticancer therapy.Keywords: curcumin, dimethyl hydralazine, aberrant crypt foci, malondialdehyde, reduced glutathione, cyclooxygenase-2, tumour necrosis factor-alpha, transforming growth factor-beta, platelet activating factor
Procedia PDF Downloads 29815775 Experimental Performance of Vertical Diffusion Stills Utilizing Folded Sheets for Water Desalination
Authors: M. Mortada, A. Seleem, M. El-Morsi, M. Younan
The present study introduces the folding technology to be utilized for the first time in vertical diffusion stills. This work represents a model of the distillation process by utilizing chevron pattern of folded structure. An experimental setup has been constructed, to investigate the performance of the folded sheets in the vertical effect diffusion still for a specific range of operating conditions. An experimental comparison between the folded type and the flat type sheets has been carried out. The folded pattern showed a higher performance and there is an increase in the condensate to feed ratio that ranges from 20-30 % through the operating hot plate temperature that ranges through 60-90°C. In addition, a parametric analysis of the system using Design of Experiments statistical technique, has been developed using the experimental results to determine the effect of operating conditions on the system's performance and the best operating conditions of the system has been evaluated.Keywords: chevron pattern, fold structure, solar distillation, vertical diffusion still
Procedia PDF Downloads 46315774 Corporate Governance and Performance of Islamic Banks in GCC Countries
Authors: Samir Srairi
This paper investigates the impact of the internal corporate governance on bank performance by constructing a corporate governance index (CGI) for 27 Islamic banks operating in five Arab Gulf countries. Using content analysis on the banks’ annual reports for 3 years (2011-2013), the index construction uses information on six important corporate governance mechanisms, namely board structure, risk management, transparency and disclosure, audit committee, Sharia supervisory board and investment account holders. The results demonstrate that Islamic banks adhere to 54% of the attributes addressed in the CGI. The most frequently reported and disclosed elements are Sharia supervisory board followed by board structure and risk management. The findings related to countries revealed that only two countries, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, possess a higher level of CGI. Our regression results provide evidence that Islamic banks with higher levels of corporate governance report high operating performance measured by return on assets and net interest margin. Finally, as of the effect of internal and external factors, we identified four variables that were associated with bank performance, namely size, equity, risk and concentration.Keywords: governance mechanisms, corporate governance index, bank performance, Islamic banks, GCC countries
Procedia PDF Downloads 32715773 Determining Variables in Mathematics Performance According to Gender in Mexican Elementary School
Authors: Nora Gavira Duron, Cinthya Moreda Gonzalez-Ortega, Reyna Susana Garcia Ruiz
This paper objective is to analyze the mathematics performance in the Learning Evaluation National Plan (PLANEA for its Spanish initials: Plan Nacional para la Evaluación de los Aprendizajes), applied to Mexican students who are enrolled in the last elementary-school year over the 2017-2018 academic year. Such test was conducted nationwide in 3,573 schools, using a sample of 108,083 students, whose average in mathematics, on a scale of 0 to 100, was 45.6 points. 75% of the sample analyzed did not reach the sufficiency level (60 points). It should be noted that only 2% got a 90 or higher score result. The performance is analyzed while considering whether there are differences in gender, marginalization level, public or private school enrollment, parents’ academic background, and living-with-parents situation. Likewise, this variable impact (among other variables) on school performance by gender is evaluated, considering multivariate logistic (Logit) regression analysis. The results show there are no significant differences in mathematics performance regarding gender in elementary school; nevertheless, the impact exerted by mothers who studied at least high school is of great relevance for students, particularly for girls. Other determining variables are students’ resilience, their parents’ economic status, and the fact they attend private schools, strengthened by the mother's education.Keywords: multivariate regression analysis, academic performance, learning evaluation, mathematics result per gender
Procedia PDF Downloads 14815772 Adapting Depression and Anxiety Questionnaire for Children into Turkish: Reliability and Validity Studies
Authors: İsmail Seçer
Although depression and anxiety disorders are considered to be adult disorders, the evidence obtained from several studies conducted recently shows that the roots of depression and anxiety disorders go back to childhood years. Thus, it is thought that analyzing depressive symptoms and anxiety disorders observed in the childhood is an important necessity. In the direction of the problem status of the study, the purpose of this study is to adapt anxiety and depression questionnaire for children into Turkish culture and analyze the psychometric characteristics of it on clinical and nonclinical samples separately. The study is a descriptive survey research. The study was conducted on two different sample groups, clinical and nonclinical. The clinical sample is formed of 205 individuals and the nonclinical sample is formed of 630 individuals. Through the study, anxiety and depression questionnaire for children, anxiety sensitivity index and obsessive compulsive disorder questionnaire for children were used. Experts’ opinions were asked to provide language validity of the scale. Confirmatory factor analysis and criterion-related validity to analyze construct validity and internal consistency and split-half reliability analyses were done for reliability. In the direction of experts’ opinions, construct validity of the scale was analyzed with simple confirmatory factor analysis and it was determined that the model fit of the two-factor structure of the scale gives good fit on both the clinical and nonclinical samples after determining that the language validity of the scale is provided. In criterion-related validity, it was determined that there are positive and significant relations between anxiety and depression questionnaire for children and anxiety sensitivity and obsessive compulsive disorder. The results of internal consistency and half-split reliability analyses also show that the scale has adequate reliability value. It can be said that depression and anxiety questionnaire for children which was adapted to determine depressive symptoms and anxiety disorders observed in childhood has adequate reliability and validity values and it can be used in future studies. It can be recommended that the psychometric characteristics of the scale can be analyzed and reported on new samples in the future studies.Keywords: scale adapting, construct validity, confirmatory factor analysis, childhood depression
Procedia PDF Downloads 33415771 Prioritization of the Failure Factors of Rural Cooperatives in Iran: The Case of Isfahan Province
Authors: Maryam Najafi, Mahdi Rajabi
Although the rural cooperatives are an effective way for rural development in Iran, their potential is not applied effectively. The investigation of the failures of rural cooperatives helps the authorities to improve the routine procedures and eliminate the current barriers to the success of these cooperatives, and to remove the defects in order to have a more efficient policy. Therefore, this research aims to prioritize the failure factors of rural cooperatives in Isfahan province via the survey research method. For this purpose, the effective factors of these failures were investigated by the available research documents and then by the new information which was obtained from 20 questionnaires from the experts of Central Organization Rural Cooperatives in Isfahan province. The questionnaire results were analyzed by Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Excel, and Expert Choice software. The results of this research showed that the most important failure factor of these cooperatives is the lack of the participation culture of cooperative members and then the performance of Central Organization Rural Cooperatives, and also loss of confidence of the members in the cooperation.Keywords: cooperative, rural cooperatives, failure factors, analytical hierarchy process
Procedia PDF Downloads 13115770 Forecasting Performance Comparison of Autoregressive Fractional Integrated Moving Average and Jordan Recurrent Neural Network Models on the Turbidity of Stream Flows
Authors: Daniel Fulus Fom, Gau Patrick Damulak
In this study, the Autoregressive Fractional Integrated Moving Average (ARFIMA) and Jordan Recurrent Neural Network (JRNN) models were employed to model the forecasting performance of the daily turbidity flow of White Clay Creek (WCC). The two methods were applied to the log difference series of the daily turbidity flow series of WCC. The measurements of error employed to investigate the forecasting performance of the ARFIMA and JRNN models are the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and the Mean Absolute Error (MAE). The outcome of the investigation revealed that the forecasting performance of the JRNN technique is better than the forecasting performance of the ARFIMA technique in the mean square error sense. The results of the ARFIMA and JRNN models were obtained by the simulation of the models using MATLAB version 8.03. The significance of using the log difference series rather than the difference series is that the log difference series stabilizes the turbidity flow series than the difference series on the ARFIMA and JRNN.Keywords: auto regressive, mean absolute error, neural network, root square mean error
Procedia PDF Downloads 26815769 Investigating the Effective Factors on Product Performance and Prioritizing Them: Case Study of Pars-Khazar Company
Authors: Ebrahim Sabermaash Eshghi, Donna Sandsmark
Nowadays, successful companies try to create a reliable and unique competitive position in the market. It is important to consider that only choosing and codifying a competitive strategy appropriate with the market conditions does not have any influence on the final performance of the company by itself, but it is the connection and interaction between upstream level strategies and functional level strategies which leads to development of company performance in its operating environment. Given the importance of the subject, this study tries to investigate effective factors on product performance and prioritize them. This study was done with quantitative-qualitative approach (interview and questionnaire). In sum, 103 informed managers and experts of Pars-Khazar Company were investigated in a census. Validity of measure tools was approved through experts’ judgments. Reliability of the tools was also gained through Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient as 0.930 and in sum, validity and reliability of the tools was approved generally. Analysis of collected data was done through Spearman Correlation Test and Friedman Test using SPSS software. The results showed that management of distribution and demand process (0.675), management of Product Pre-test (0.636) and Manufacturing and inventory management(0.628) had the highest correlation with product performance. Prioritization of factors of structure of launching new products based on the average showed that management of volume of launched products and Manufacturing and inventory management had the most importance.Keywords: product performance, home appliances, market, case study
Procedia PDF Downloads 22415768 Phytoremediation Potential of Hibiscus Cannabinus L. Grown on Different Soil Cadmium Concentration
Authors: Sarra Arbaoui, Taoufik Bettaieb
Contaminated soils and problems related to them have increasingly become a matter of concern. The most common the contaminants generated by industrial urban emissions and agricultural practices are trace metals). Remediation of trace metals which pollute soils can be carried out using physico-chemical processes. Nevertheless, these techniques damage the soil’s biological activity and require expensive equipment. Phytoremediation is a relatively low-cost technology based on the use of selected plants to remove, degrades or contains pollutants. The potential of kenaf for phytoremediation on Cd-contaminated soil was investigated. kenaf plants have been grown in pots containing different concentrations of cadmium. The observations made were for biomass production and cadmium content in different organs determinate by atomic emission spectrometry. Cadmium transfer from a contaminated soil to plants and into plant tissues are discussed in terms of the Bioconcentration Factor (BCF) and the Transfer Factor (TF). Results showed that Cd was found in kenaf plants at different levels. Tolerance and accumulation potential and biomass productivity indicated that kenaf could be used in phytoremediation.Keywords: kenaf, cadmium, phytoremediation, contaminated soil
Procedia PDF Downloads 52515767 Heat Pipe Production and Life Performance Tests in Geosynchronous Telecom Satellites
Authors: Erkam Arslantas
Heat pipes one of the thermal control elements are used in communication satellites. A selection of the heat pipes of satellite thermal design will be emphasized how important and effective it is. In this article, manufacturing and performance control tests of heat pipes are reviewed from the current literature. The heat pipe is expected to function efficiently during all missions of the spacecraft from Beginning of Life (BOL) to End of Life (EOL). There are many parameters that are evaluated in manufacturing and performance control tests of the heat pipes which are used in satellites. These parameters are pressure design, leakage, noncondensable gas level (N.C.G), sine vibration, shock and static load capabilities, aging, bending, proof, final test etc. These parameters will be explained separately for the heat pipes in this review article and young researches working on the thermal control system of Geosynchronous Satellites systems can find easily related information in this article.Keywords: communication satellite, heat pipe, performance test, thermal control
Procedia PDF Downloads 16915766 Analysis of Fault Tolerance on Grid Computing in Real Time Approach
Authors: Parampal Kaur, Deepak Aggarwal
In the computational Grid, fault tolerance is an imperative issue to be considered during job scheduling. Due to the widespread use of resources, systems are highly prone to errors and failures. Hence, fault tolerance plays a key role in the grid to avoid the problem of unreliability. Scheduling the task to the appropriate resource is a vital requirement in computational Grid. The fittest resource scheduling algorithm searches for the appropriate resource based on the job requirements, in contrary to the general scheduling algorithms where jobs are scheduled to the resources with best performance factor. The proposed method is to improve the fault tolerance of the fittest resource scheduling algorithm by scheduling the job in coordination with job replication when the resource has low reliability. Based on the reliability index of the resource, the resource is identified as critical. The tasks are scheduled based on the criticality of the resources. Results show that the execution time of the tasks is comparatively reduced with the proposed algorithm using real-time approach rather than a simulator.Keywords: computational grid, fault tolerance, task replication, job scheduling
Procedia PDF Downloads 43615765 A Study on the Effects of Prolactin and Its Abnormalities on Semen Parameters of Male White Rats
Authors: R. Hasan
Male factor infertility due to endocrine disturbances such as abnormalities in prolactin levels are encountered in a significant proportion. This case control study was carried out to determine the effects of prolactin on the male reproductive tract, using 200 male white rats. The rats were maintained as the control group (G1), hypoprolactinaemic group (G2), 3 hyperprolactinaemic groups induced using oral largactil (G3), low dose fluphenazine (G4) and high dose fluphenazine (G5). After 100 days, rats were subjected to serum prolactin (PRL) level measurements and for basic seminal fluid analysis (BSA). The difference between serum PRL concentrations of rats in G2, G3, G4 and G5 as compared to the control group were highly significant by Student’s t-test (p<0.001). There were statistically significant differences in seminal fluid characteristics of rats with induced prolactin abnormalities when compared with those of control group (p value <0.05), effects were more marked as the PRL levels rise.Keywords: male factor infertility, prolactin, seminal fluid analysis, animal studies
Procedia PDF Downloads 29015764 Employee Engagement: Tool for Success of Higher Education in Thailand
Authors: Pooree Sakot, Marndarath Suksanga
Organizations are under increasing pressure to improve performance and maximize the contribution of every employee. Employee engagement has become an attractive business proposition. The triple bottom line consists of three Ps: profit, people and planet. It aims to measure the financial, social and environmental performance of the corporation over a period of time. People are the most important asset of every organization. Most of the studies suggest that employee engagement improves the bottom line in almost every instance and it is well worth all organizational efforts to actively engage employees. Engaged employees have an impact on productivity and financial performance. Efficient leadership and effective management can take place if emerging paradigm like employee engagement is appropriately understood and put into practice. Employee engagement starts at the first step i.e. recruitment of an employee to the last step i.e. retirement .The HR Practices of an organization play the most major role in helping the employees walk the extra mile. Effective employee engagement is the key component for improved organizational performance.Keywords: employee engagement, higher education, tool, success
Procedia PDF Downloads 33715763 Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) Down Regulation in Peritoneal Carcinomatosis Patients
Authors: Awan A. Zaima, Tanvieer Ayesha, Mirshahi Shahsoltan, Pocard Marc, Mirshahi Massoud
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is described as a factor helping to support the survival of existing neurons by involving the growth and differentiation of new neurons and synapses. Cancer diagnosis impacts the mental health, and in consequences, depression arise eventually hinders recovery and disrupts the quality of life and surviving chances of patients. The focus of this study is to hint upon a prospective biomarker as a promising diagnostic tool for an early indicator/predictor of depression prevalence in cancer patients for better care and treatment options. The study aims to analyze peripheral biomarkers from neuro immune axis (BDNF, IL21 as a NK cell activator) using co-relation approach. Samples were obtained from random non cancer candidates and advanced peritoneum carcinomatosis patients with 25% pseudomyxoma, 21% Colon cancer,19% stomach cancer, 10% ovarian cancer, 8% appendices cancer, and 10% other area of peritoneum cancer patients. Both groups of the study were categorized by gender and age, with a range of 18 to 86 years old. Biomarkers were analyzed in collected plasma by performing multiplex sandwich ELISA system. Data were subjected to statistical analysis for the assessment of the correlation. Our results demonstrate that BNDF and IL 21 down regulated significantly in patient groupas compared to non-cancer candidates (ratio of patients/normalis 2.57 for BNDF and 1.32 for IL21). This preliminary investigation suggested that the neuro immune biomarkers are down regulated in carcinomatosis patients and can be associated with cancer expansion and cancer genesis. Further studies on larger cohort are necessary to validate this hypothesis.Keywords: biomarkers, depression, peritoneum carcinoma, BNDF, IL21
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