Search results for: phenotypic male
1237 Influence of Different Sports on the Taste Perception and Acceptability of a Commercial Sports Drink among University Student-Athletes
Authors: Jana Daher, Ammar Olabi, Elie-Jacques Fares, Samer Kharrroubi, Tarek Gherbal
It has been previously suggested that the perception and acceptability of fluids significantly varies between exercise and non-exercise situations. The study investigates the influence of different types of sports on the taste perception and acceptability of a commercial sports drink. A sample of Gatorade – red orange flavor was evaluated pre and post exercise by 34 male university athletes (20 weightlifters, 14 runners) recruited from the American University of Beirut. Urine samples were collected from the participants to test for hydration. Sensory testing examined the change in the intensity of sweetness, saltiness, sourness, and the thirst-quenching ability of the drink as well as its acceptability with respect to the type of sport practiced. Results indicated that the acceptability of the drink increased as the hydration status of the athletes decreased (p<0.01). No significant change was found in the perception of the sensory attributes between exercise and non-exercise conditions. However, there were significant differences between the two sports groups in the ratings of the thirst-quenching ability of the drink where runners’ ratings increased after exercise while weightlifters’ ratings decreased after exercise (p<0.01). These findings suggest that exercise has a larger effect on the acceptability and overall liking of the beverage compared to other sensory attributes. An enhanced liking of the beverage is key for optimal replenishment of lost fluids and electrolytes after exercise.Keywords: hedonic, liking, sweetness, thirst-quenching
Procedia PDF Downloads 1341236 A Radiographic Superimposition in Orthognathic Surgery of Class III Skeletal Malocclusion
Authors: Albert Suryaprawira
Patients requiring correction of severe Class III skeletal discrepancy historically has been among the most challenging treatments for orthodontists. Correction of an aesthetic and functional problem is crucially important. This is a case report of an adult male aged 18 years who complained of difficulty in chewing and speaking. Patient has a prominent profile with mandibular excess. The pre-treatment cephalometric radiograph was taken to analyse the skeletal problem and to measure the amount of bone movement and the prediction soft tissue response. The panoramic radiograph was also taken to analyse bone quality, bone abnormality, third molar impaction, etc. Before the surgery, the pre-surgical cephalometric radiograph was taken to re-evaluate the plan and to settle the final amount of bone cut. After the surgery, the post-surgical cephalometric radiograph was taken to confirm the result with the plan. The superimposition between those radiographs was performed to analyse the outcome. It includes the superimposition of the cranial base, maxilla, and mandible. Superimposition is important to describe the amount of hard and soft tissue movement. It is also important to predict the possibility of relapse after the surgery. The patient needs to understand all the surgical plan, outcome and relapse prevention. The surgery included mandibular set back by bilateral sagittal split osteotomies. Although the discrepancy was severe using this combination of treatment and the use of radiographic superimposition, an aesthetically pleasing and stable result was achieved.Keywords: cephalometric, mandibular set back, orthognathic, superimposition
Procedia PDF Downloads 2581235 Extent of Applying Evidence Based Practices in Inclusion Programs for Pupils with Intellectual Disability
Authors: Faris Algahtani
The current study aimed to reveal the extent to which evidence-based practices are applied in programs to integrate students with intellectual disabilities from the point of view of their teachers in Yanbu Governorate, and to reveal statistically significant differences in their application of evidence-based practices according to the following variables: gender, educational qualification, experience and training courses. The researcher used the descriptive approach, and accordingly; she designed a questionnaire consisting of 22 phrases applied it to a random sample of (97) teachers of intellectual disability in the integration programs of the Ministry of Education in the government sector in Yanbu Governorate, with (49) male teachers and (48) female teachers. The study showed that teachers of students with intellectual disabilities apply evidence-based practices in programs to integrate students with intellectual disabilities to a large extent. Among the most prominent of these practices came reinforcement in the first place, followed by using visual stimuli/aids, and in the third-place came starting with less complex or challenging skills then moving to more difficult skills. The results also showed no statistically significant differences over the extent of the application attributed to the variables of experience, qualification or training. On the other hand, there were statistically significant differences over the extent of the application attributed to gender in favor of females.Keywords: evidence-based practices, intellectual disability, inclusion programs, teachers of students with intellectual disabilities
Procedia PDF Downloads 891234 Trehalose-Based Nanocarriers for Alleviation of Inflammation in Colitis
Authors: Wessam H. Abd-Elsalam, Mona M. Saber, Samar M. Abouelatta
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are considered a double edged sword in inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs). Some studies reported their advantageous effect in decreasing inflammation, and other studies reported that their use is associated with colitis aggravation. This study aimed to use specifically formulated trehalose-based nano-carriers that targets the colon in an attempt to alleviate inflammation caused by NSAIDs. L-α-phosphatidylcholine (PL), trehalose, and transcutol were used to prepare the trehalosomes (THs), which were also loaded with Tenoxicam(TXM) as a model NSAID. To optimize the formulation variables, a full 23 factorial design, using Design-Expert® software, was performed. The optimized formulation composed of trehalose: PL at a weight ratio of 1:1, 377.72 mg transcutol, and sonicated for 4 min, possessed a spherical shape with a size of 268.61 nm and EE% of 97.83% and released 70.22% of its drug content over 24 h. The superior protective action of TXM loaded THs compared to TXM suspension and drug-free THs was shown by the inhibition of the inflammatory biomarkers, namely; IL-1ß, IL-6, and TNF-alpha levels, as well as oxidative stress markers, measured as GSH and MDA. Improved histopathology of the colonic tissue in male New Zealand rabbits also confirmed the superiority of the TXM loaded THs compared to the unformulated drug or the drug free nano-carriers. Our findings highlight the prosperous role of THs in colon targeting and its anti-inflammatory characteristics in guarding against possible NSAIDs-driven exacerbation of colitis.Keywords: inflammatory bowel disease, trehalose, trehalosomes, colon targeting
Procedia PDF Downloads 1381233 Patients Undergoing Diagnostic Bronchoscopy at General Ahmad Yani Hospital in 2023: A Profile of Lung Cancer Types
Authors: Devita Wardani, Pratiwi Gusti Wahyu, Andreas Infianto, Raden Dicky Wirawan Listiandoko, Descahirul, Yunnica
Flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopy (FFB) is the essential method for both the diagnosis and staging of central lung cancer. Concerning central lesions, the sensitivity of endobronchial forceps biopsy of a visible endobronchial lesion is 74%. The aim is to determine the distribution of lung cancer types of patients diagnosed with and who underwent bronchoscopy at General Ahmad Yani Metro Hospital. Methods: This study is a cross-sectional descriptive study. Data are obtained from histopathological results of lung malignancy through bronchoscopy either from forceps biopsy, washing and brushing. Results: Lung cancer is more found in men (72.2%) than women (27.8%). The average age for men ranges 57 years old for Non-Small Cell and 56 years old for Small Cell case. Most histopathology found in non-small cell lung cancer (87.7%), with adenocarcinoma as the most common type (68.4%), followed by squamous cell carcinoma (29.1%). Findings for adenocarcinoma showed that men had an incidence of 64.8% and women had an incidence of 35.2%. Like NSCLC, men can have up to 90% of cases of SCLC compared to 10% in women. In addition to non-small cell and small cell types, other types, such as large cells and renal carcinoma metastases, were obtained. Conclusions: Adenocarcinoma lung cancer is the most widely obtained type with predominantly male patients.Keywords: bronchoscopy, forceps biopsy, washing, brushing
Procedia PDF Downloads 81232 From a Madwoman in the Attic to a Fairy Land: A Conversation with Antoinette in Jean Rhys's Wide Sargasso Sea
Authors: Prasenjit Panda
Jean Rhys’s Wide Sargasso Sea, a prequel to Bronte’s Jane Eyre, explores the history of the other and gives voices to the people who were silenced and kept under the darkness of negation and denial for a long time. Jean Wide Sargasso Sea provides an alternative understanding of Charlotte Brontë’s mad Creole woman, i.e., Bertha Mason of Jane Eyre in the postcolonial context. Rhys transforms Charlotte Bronte’s Victorian romance into a realistic narrative. In doing so, she re-reads Bertha as Antoinette, the unspeakable figure of otherness, into an unnameable self, and creates a new stage for the inner self. She in the novel is no longer a lunatic heiress in Rochester’s attic rather in this novel she finds her fantasy, dream and most importantly, voice. Rhys peeps through the character of Antoinette through her fragmented memories, dreams, and identity. Antoinette’s identity is mutilated constantly in the conflicts between colonizers and colonized, male and female, black and white. We shall use postcolonial theories like Bhaba’s hybridity and third space as a methodology to reveal the dialectics of struggle of a doubly colonized woman.We shall see that Bertha Mason was neglected by Bronte because of her madness and was locked in the Rochester’s Attic, but here Rhys beautifully converts her madness as a language of Antoinette, a language for her protest, a language for her liberation, a language for her dreams. In this present paper, we shall try to show how Antoinette tries to free her soul and body from the clutches of her multiple existences, identity, and narratives.Keywords: colonizer, dislocation, fragmented memories, identity, narratives
Procedia PDF Downloads 2731231 Gender Specific Nature of the Fiction Conflict in Modern Feminine Prose
Authors: Baglan Bazylova
The purpose of our article is to consider the social and psychological conflicts in Lyudmila Petrushevskaya’s stories as an artistic presentation of gender structure of modern society; to reveal originality of the characters’ inner world, the models of their behavior expressing the gender specific nature of modern feminine prose. Gender conflicts have taken the leading place in the modern prose. L. Petrushevskaya represents different types of conflicts including those which are shown in the images of real contradictions in the stories "Narratrix", "Thanks to Life”, "Virgin's Case", "Father and Mother". In the prose of Petrushevskaya the gender conflicts come out in two dimensions: The first one is love relations between a man and a woman. Because of the financial indigence, neediness a woman can’t afford herself even to fall in love and arrange her family happiness. The second dimension is the family conflict because of the male adultery. Petrushevskaya fixed on the unmanifistated conflict in detail. In the real life such gender conflict can appear in different forms but for the writer is important to show it as a life basis, hidden behind the externally safe facade of “the family happiness”. In the stories of L. Petrushevskaya the conflicts reflect the common character of the social and historical situations in which her heroines find themselves, in situations where a woman feels her opposition to the customary mode of life. The types of gender conflicts of these stories differ in character of verbal images. They are presented by the verbal and event ranks creating the conflicts just in operation.Keywords: gender behavior of heroes, gender conflict, gender picture of the world, gender structure
Procedia PDF Downloads 5111230 Comparison Between Partial Thickness Skin Graft Harvesting From Scalp and Lower Limb for Scalp Defect
Authors: Mehrdad Taghipour, Mina Rostami, Mahdi Eskandarlou
Partial-thickness skin graft is the cornerstone for scalp defect repair. Given the potential side effects following harvesting from these sites, this study aimed to compare the outcomes of graft harvesting from scalp and lower limb. This clinical trial was conducted among a sample number of 40 partial thickness graft candidates (20 case and 20 control group) with scalp defect presenting to Plastic Surgery Clinic at Besat Hospital, Hamadan, Iran during 2018-2019. Sampling was done by simple randomization using random digit table. The donor site in case group and control group was scalp and lower limb respectively. Overall, 28 patients (70%) were male and 12 (30%) were female. Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and trauma were the most common etiology for the defects. There was a statistically meaningful relationship between two groups regarding the etiology of defect (P=0.02). The mean diameter of defect was 24.28±45.37 mm for all of the patients. The difference between diameters of defect in both groups were statistically meaningful while no such difference between graft diameters was seen. The graft “Take” was completely successful in both groups according to evaluations. The level of postoperative pain was lower in the case group compared to the control according to VAS scale and the satisfaction was higher in them per Likert scale. Scalp can safely be used as donor site for skin graft to be used for scalp defects associated with better results and lower complication rates compared to other donor sites.Keywords: donor site, graft, scalp, partial thickness
Procedia PDF Downloads 911229 There Is a Reversal Effect of Relative Age in Elite Senior Athletics: Successful Young Men Are «Early-Born Athletes», While in Adults There Are More «Late-Born» Athletes
Authors: Bezuglov Eduard, Achkasov Evgeniy, Emanov Anton, Shagiakhmetova Larisa, Pirmakhanov Bekzhan, Morgans Ryland
Background: Previous studies have found that there is a wide range of the relative age effect (RAE) in young athletes, which is dependent on age and gender. However, there is currently scant data comparing the prevalence of the RAE in successful athletes across different age groups from the same sport during the same time period. We aimed to compare the prevalence of the RAE in different age groups of successful athletes. Materials and methods: The date of birth of all youth (under 18 years old) and senior (20 years and above) male and female track and field athletes were analyzed. All athletes had entered the World Top 20 rankings in disciplines where performance rules were the same at youth and adult levels. Data were collected from the website www. between 1999 and 2006. Results: A significant prevalence of RAE in successful youth track and field athletes were reported. Early-born (61,1%) and late-born (38,9%) athletes were represented respectively (χ2 = 131,1, p < 0,001, ϖ = 0,24). The RAE is not significant in successful senior track and field athletes. Athletes born in the first half of the year are only 0.4% more prevalent than athletes born in the second half of the year (50,2% and 49,8%, respectively). Olympic Games and World Championship medalists are more often late-born athletes (44,1% and 55,9%, respectively) (p = 0,014, χ2 = 6,1, ϖ = 0,20). Conclusion: The RAE is only prevalent in successful young track and field athletes. The RAE was not observed in successful senior track and field athletes, regardless of gender, in any of the analyzed discipline groups. The RAE reverse was observed in successful senior track and field athletes.Keywords: relative age effect, track, and field, talent identification, underdog effect
Procedia PDF Downloads 1541228 Antioxidant Juice Prevents UV- Induced Skin Damage in Rats
Authors: S. P. Gomes, D. C. Goncalves, E. Ribeiro, M. C. L. Seelaender
Skin is susceptible to photo damage induced by exposure to sunlight, or ultraviolet (UV) radiation, which induces breakdown of extracellular matrix, DNA degradation, skin cell lesion and apoptosis, and development of cancer. Phytonutrients demonstrate protective effects against UV damage. The purpose of this study was evaluating the effect of an antioxidant juice (AJ) contaning Brazilian natural products upon skin damage. The juice was produced by Metabolics®. Male Wistar rats were divided in 4 groups: Animals receiving the antioxidant juice (AJ): orange, carrot, honey, tomato extract, avocado, ginger and camu-camu (Brazilian fruit, a major source of vitamin C) ad libitum for 21 days; or water (C), subdivided in groups exposed or not to UV radiation for 2 non consecutive days, during five hours each day, after 15 days of juice supplementation. On the 22nd day, rats were killed by decapitation and epithelium samples from the dorsal skin removed, fixed in bouin and embedded in paraffin. The sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin or mallory and picrosirius red. Isolated DNA was submitted to electrophoresis (1.8% agarose gel, 0.5% ethidium bromide). UV radiation significantly induced sunburn of superficial epithelial cells of C, AJ treatment reduced this effect. Collagen changes were observed in UV groups, yet AJ treatment prevented collagen degradation. UV radiation induced significant DNA degradation, in C, which was prevented by AJ treatment. The antioxidant juice consumed chronically protected against acute skin damage.Keywords: nutraceuticals, antioxidants, photoprotection, uv radiation
Procedia PDF Downloads 6241227 Effects of Virgin Coconut Oil on the Histomorphometric Parameters in the Aortae and Hearts of Rats Fed with Repeatedly Heated Palm Oil
Authors: K. Subermaniam, Q. H. M. Saad, S. N. A. Bakhtiar, J. A. Hamid, F. Z .J. Sidek, F. Othman
Objective: To investigate the effects of virgin coconut oil (VCO) on histomorphometric changes in the aorta and heart of thermoxidized palm oil-fed rats. Methods: Thirty two male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into four groups: control group fed with normal diet; 5 times heated palm oil-fed group (5HPO) fortified with 15% w/w of 5HPO; VCO group supplemented with 1.42 ml/kg of VCO; and 5HPO + VCO group. The treatment lasted for four months. Upon sacrifice, aortic and heart tissues were processed for light microscopic studies. Results: Light microscopic studies showed thickened intima and media of the aorta in two out of eight rats in the 5HPO group only, while the rest of the rats did not show any thickening of either the intima or media of the aorta. Intima media area (IMA) in the VCO, 5HPO and 5HPO+VCO was significantly increased compared to the control group. Circumferential wall tension (CWT) and tensile stress (TS) in the aorta of 5HPO showed significant increase compared to the other groups. Cardiomyofibre width in 5HPO group showed significant increase in size compared to the control, VCO and 5HPO+VCO groups. Cardiomyofibre nuclear size in the 5HPO group decreased in size significantly compared to the control, VCO and 5HPO+VCO groups. Conclusion: VCO supplementation at a dose of 1.42 ml/kg showed protectives effect on the aorta and heart of thermoxidized palm oil fed rats.Keywords: aorta, heart, histomorphometric changes, thermoxidized palm oil, virgin coconut oil
Procedia PDF Downloads 4261226 The Role of Satisfaction on Performance among Afe Babalola University Team Sports
Authors: B. O. Diyaolu
Viability and competency during competition is the dream of every team sports so as to have a good result. But it seems factors abound which deter the performance of even a good sports team. Different individuals with different state of mind all come together to perform in team sports with different degree of satisfaction. This study investigated the role of satisfaction on performance among Afe Babalola University team sports. Descriptive survey research design was used and the population consists of all male and female athletes in the team sports that participated in the last 2019 Ekiti State Higher Institution games (ESHIGA). Total enumeration technique was used for the three team sports; football (44), basketball (24) and volleyball (24). A total of 92 participants were involved in the research. The instrument used for the study was a modified Athlete Satisfaction Scale (ASS). The questionnaire was divided into two sections. The Cronbach’s Alpha reliability coefficient of 0.71 was obtained. The hypotheses were tested at 0.05 significant levels. The completed questionnaire was collated, coded, and analyzed using descriptive statistics of frequency counts and percentage and inferential statistics of chi-square (X2). Findings of this study revealed that satisfaction significantly influences team sports performance among Athletes of Afe Babalola University. The responsibility of satisfying athlete lies on the coaches, fans, sports administrators as well as organizers of such event, as it is not only financial reward that gives satisfaction. The performance of a team sports is quiet important and its being determined by the degree of satisfaction of each individual that make up the team. All effort must be made to satisfy athlete in order to guarantee optimum performance.Keywords: athlete satisfaction, optimum achievement, optimum performance, sports performance and team sports
Procedia PDF Downloads 1491225 Using Fuzzy Logic Decision Support System to Predict the Lifted Weight for Students at Weightlifting Class
Authors: Ahmed Abdulghani Taha, Mohammad Abdulghani Taha
This study aims at being acquainted with the using the body fat percentage (%BF) with body Mass Index (BMI) as input parameters in fuzzy logic decision support system to predict properly the lifted weight for students at weightlifting class lift according to his abilities instead of traditional manner. The sample included 53 male students (age = 21.38 ± 0.71 yrs, height (Hgt) = 173.17 ± 5.28 cm, body weight (BW) = 70.34 ± 7.87.6 kg, Body mass index (BMI) 23.42 ± 2.06 kg.m-2, fat mass (FM) = 9.96 ± 3.15 kg and fat percentage (% BF) = 13.98 ± 3.51 %.) experienced the weightlifting class as a credit and has variance at BW, Hgt and BMI and FM. BMI and % BF were taken as input parameters in FUZZY logic whereas the output parameter was the lifted weight (LW). There were statistical differences between LW values before and after using fuzzy logic (Diff 3.55± 2.21, P > 0.001). The percentages of the LW categories proposed by fuzzy logic were 3.77% of students to lift 1.0 fold of their bodies; 50.94% of students to lift 0.95 fold of their bodies; 33.96% of students to lift 0.9 fold of their bodies; 3.77% of students to lift 0.85 fold of their bodies and 7.55% of students to lift 0.8 fold of their bodies. The study concluded that the characteristic changes in body composition experienced by students when undergoing weightlifting could be utilized side by side with the Fuzzy logic decision support system to determine the proper workloads consistent with the abilities of students.Keywords: fuzzy logic, body mass index, body fat percentage, weightlifting
Procedia PDF Downloads 4321224 A Comparative Study of Mental Toughness among Players of Team and Individual Sports
Authors: P. B. Thumar
Today’s athletes face acute and unique challenges as the competition standards are higher and tougher. There are certain moments during a competition that appear to carry great psychological significance when the momentum starts to shift in one direction or another. These situations require athletes to remain completely focused and calm in facing the difficult circumstances. The purpose of the study was to compare the Mental Toughness level among the players of the team and individual sports. Purposive sampling was done in which subjects for the present study were the male students of The M. S. University of Baroda, Vadodara studying various courses in the academic year 2014-15. Thus, a total number of 120 boys were identified and included in the study from which 60 boys had participated in individual sports and 60 in team sports. ‘The Mental Toughness Questionnaire’ prepared by Dr. Alan Goldberg was used to determine mental toughness level of the players of the team and individual sports. The scores arrived from 60 individual players and 60 team players were compared by applying the t-test. Significant difference was found on overall Mental Toughness and in subcomponents there was significant difference in ability to handle pressure, concentration and confidence whereas there was no significant difference in reboundability and motivation among team and individual sports players. This could be largely due the nature of both sports. Team players of MSU found to be having more overall mental toughness, and team players are able to handle pressure more than individual players, can concentrate more and are also more confident while playing in the team. Team preparation and training prior to competition could have increased the level of ability to handle pressure, concentration and confidence of team players.Keywords: mental toughness, reboundability, confidence, team sports, individual sports
Procedia PDF Downloads 4491223 Effect of Formative Evaluation with Feedback on Students Economics Achievement in Secondary Education
Authors: Salihu Abdullahi Galle
Students' performance in Economics in schools and on standardized exams in Nigeria has been worrying throughout the years, owing to some teachers' use of conventional and lecture teaching methods. Other obstacles include a lack of training, standardized testing pressure, and aversion to change, all of which can have an impact on students' cognitive ability in Economics and future careers. The researchers employed formative evaluation with feedback (FEFB) to support the teaching and learning process by providing constant feedback to both teachers and students. The researchers employed a quasi-experimental research design to examine two teaching methods (FEFB and traditional). The pre-test and post-test interaction effects were evaluated between students in the experimental group (FEFB) and those in the conventional group. The interaction effects of pre-test and post-test on male and female in the two groups were also examined, with 90 participants. The findings show that students exposed to a FEFB-based teaching approach outperform pupils taught in a traditional classroom setting, and there is no gender interaction effect between the two groups. In light of these findings, the researchers urge that Economics teachers employ FEFB during teaching and learning to ensure timely feedback, and that policymakers ensure that Economics teachers receive training and re-training on FEFB approaches.Keywords: formative evaluation with feedback (FEFB), students, economics achievement, secondary education
Procedia PDF Downloads 511222 To Estimate the Association between Visual Stress and Visual Perceptual Skills
Authors: Vijay Reena Durai, Krithica Srinivasan
Introduction: The two fundamental skills involved in the growth and wellbeing of any child can be categorized into visual motor and perceptual skills. Visual stress is a disorder which is characterized by visual discomfort, blurred vision, misspelling words, skipping lines, letters bunching together. There is a need to understand the deficits in perceptual skills among children with visual stress. Aim: To estimate the association between visual stress and visual perceptual skills Objective: To compare visual perceptual skills of children with and without visual stress Methodology: Children between 8 to 15 years of age participated in this cross-sectional study. All children with monocular visual acuity better than or equal to 6/6 were included. Visual perceptual skills were measured using test for visual perceptual skills (TVPS) tool. Reading speed was measured with the chosen colored overlay using Wilkins reading chart and pattern glare score was estimated using a 3cpd gratings. Visual stress was defined as change in reading speed of greater than or equal to 10% and a pattern glare score of greater than or equal to 4. Results: 252 children participated in this study and the male: female ratio of 3:2. Majority of the children preferred Magenta (28%) and Yellow (25%) colored overlay for reading. There was a significant difference between the two groups (MD=1.24±0.6) (p<0.04, 95% CI 0.01-2.43) only in the sequential memory skills. The prevalence of visual stress in this group was found to be 31% (n=78). Binary logistic regression showed that odds ratio of having poor visual perceptual skills was OR: 2.85 (95% CI 1.08-7.49) among children with visual stress. Conclusion: Children with visual stress are found to have three times poorer visual perceptual skills than children without visual stress.Keywords: visual stress, visual perceptual skills, colored overlay, pattern glare
Procedia PDF Downloads 3881221 Pattern of Substance Use: Study in a De-Addiction Clinic
Authors: Mohammad Muntasir Maruf, Muhammad Zillur Rahman Khan, Nasim Jahan, Md. Waziul Alam Chowdhury, Satparkash, Md. Nozrul Islam
Background: Substance use disorders have become a major public health problem in Bangladesh. Objectives: The present study was designed to assess the pattern of substance use and factors related to it among the hospitalized patients. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study. All the patients who were admitted in a private drug de-addiction clinic in the capital city (Dhaka) of Bangladesh during 1 July-31 December, 2013 and diagnosed as a case of substance use disorder by applying Structured Clinical Interview for DSM- Clinician Version were enrolled in the study. Data were collected through face to face interview by a semi-structured questionnaire and the information was complemented by the case-notes. Study subjects were 105 in number. Data analysis was performed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Results: Most (90.5%) of the respondents were male. The mean age of the respondents was 28.8 (± 8.0) years. Majority (91.4%) were poly-substance users. Most (27.6%) respondents used 3 types of substances. Smoking or inhalation was the route used by most (90.5%) respondents. More than three-fourth (81%) of the respondents used nicotine. Among the other substances, majority (79%) used opiates group, followed by cannabinoids group (55.2%) and alcohol (41%). Curiosity, peer pressure and to have enjoyment or fun were identified as the common reasons for initiating substance use. Conclusions: A high proportion of poly-substance use was found. The study findings would help in management and prevention strategy of substance use in Bangladesh.Keywords: Bangladesh, de-addiction clinic, poly-substance users, substance use disorder
Procedia PDF Downloads 4601220 Glioblastoma: Prognostic Value of Clinical, Histopathological and Immunohistochemical (p53, EGFR, VEGF, MDM2, Ki67) Parameters
Authors: Sujata Chaturvedi, Ishita Pant, Deepak Kumar Jha, Vinod Kumar Singh Gautam, Chandra Bhushan Tripathi
Objective: To describe clinical, histopathological and immunohistochemical profile of glioblastoma in patients and to correlate these findings with patient survival. Material and methods: 30 cases of histopathologically diagnosed glioblastomas were included in this study. These cases were analysed in detail for certain clinical and histopathological parameters. Immunohistochemical staining for p53, epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), mouse double minute 2 homolog (MDM2) and Ki67 was done and scores were calculated. Results of these findings were correlated with patient survival. Results: A retrospective analysis of the histopathology records and clinical case files was done in 30 cases of glioblastoma (WHO grade IV). The mean age of presentation was 50.6 years with a male predilection. The most common involved site was the frontal lobe. Amongst the clinical parameters, age of the patient and extent of surgical resection showed a significant correlation with the patient survival. Histopathological parameters showed no significant correlation with the patient survival, while amongst the immunohistochemical parameters expression of MDM2 showed a significant correlation with the patient survival. Conclusion: In this study incorporating clinical, histopathological and basic panel of immunohistochemistry, age of the patient, extent of the surgical resection and expression of MDM2 showed significant correlation with the patient survival.Keywords: glioblastoma, p53, EGFR, VEGF, MDM2, Ki67
Procedia PDF Downloads 2911219 Culture as a Barrier: Political Rights of Women in Pakhtun Society
Authors: Muhammad Adil
Women in different parts of the world confront several barriers to accomplishing their legal rights, particularly political rights. One of the common barriers in this respect is the indigenous culture of the locality. In the same way, women in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa are facing difficulties in accomplishing their political rights. The most significant obstacle in this context is Pakhtunwali, the traditional code of conduct in Pakhtun society, which is perceived as a substantial impediment for Pakhtun women in practicing their political rights as guaranteed by the Constitution of Pakistan and international legal instruments. Several codes of Pakhtunwali, like peghor (slander or abuse), tor (blame or disgraced), sharam (shame and dishonor), purdah (gender segregation), and ghayrat (honor) have a prominent role in this regard. The research approach employed a combination of both qualitative and quantitative methods to ensure a thorough exploration of the subject. Not only different documents have been analyzed but also a questionnaire has been developed to get accurate findings. Simultaneously, both primary and secondary data have been utilized. The finding shows that the Pakhtun culture is a formidable hurdle in accomplishing women’s political rights in Pakhtun society, particularly in rural areas. Observation reveals that a prevailing societal perception is that having women as their representatives would be viewed as a challenge to the honor of Pakhtun men. Consequently, women candidates who participated in the general elections in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa received only 1 percent or less than 1 percent of the votes compared to their male counterparts. It is recommended that certain codes of Pakhtunwali should be redefined and made compatible with international legal instruments.Keywords: constitution, fundamental rights, honor, pakhtunwali.
Procedia PDF Downloads 501218 Meat Products Demand in Oyo West Local Government: An Application of Almost Ideal Demand System (LA/AIDS)
Authors: B. A. Adeniyi, S. A. Daud, O. Amao
The study investigates consumer demand for meat products in Oyo West Local Government using linear approximate almost ideal demand system (LA/AIDS). Questions that were addressed by the study include: first, what is the type and quantity of meat products available to the household and their demand pattern? Second is the investigation of the factors that affect meat products demand pattern and proportion of income that is spent on them. For the above purpose cross-sectional data were collected from 156 households of the study area and analyzed to reveal the functional relationship between meat products consumption and some socio-economic variables of the household. Results indicated that per capita meat consumption increased as household income and education increased but decreased with age. It was also found that male tend to consume more meat products than their female counterparts and that increase in household size will first increased per caput meat consumption but later decreased it. Price also tends to greatly influence the demand pattern of meat products. The results of elasticity computed from the results of regression analysis revealed that own price elasticity for all meat products were negative which indicated that they were normal products while cross and expenditure elasticity were positive which further confirmed that meat products were normal and substitute products. This study therefore concludes that the relevance of these variables imposed a great challenge to the policy makers and the government, in the sense that more cost effective methods of meat production technology have to be devised in other to make consumption of meat products more affordable.Keywords: meat products, consumption, animal production, technology
Procedia PDF Downloads 2491217 Extrapulmonary Gastrointestinal Small Cell Carcinoma: A Single Institute Experience of 14 Patients from a Low Middle Income Country
Authors: Awais Naeem, Osama Shakeel, Faizan Ullah, Abdul Wahid Anwer
Introduction: To study the clinic-pathological factors, diagnostic factors and survival of extra-pulmonary small cell carcinoma. Methodology: From 1995 to 2017 all patients with a diagnosis of extra-pulmonary small cell carcinoma were included in the study. Demographic variables and clinic-pathological factors were collected. Management of disease was recorded. Short and long term oncological outcomes were recorded. All data was entered and analyzed in SPSS version 21. Results: A total of 14 patients were included in the study. Median age was 53.42 +/- 16.1 years. There were 5 male and 9 female patients. Most common presentation was dysphagia in 16 patient among esophageal small cell carcinoma and while other patient had pain in abdomen. Mean duration of symptoms was 4.23+/-2.91 months .Most common site is esophagus (n=6) followed by gall bladder(n=3). Almost all of the patients received chemo-radiotherapy. Majority of the patient presented with extensive disease. Five patients (35.7%) died during the follow up period, two (14.3%) were alive and rest of the patients were lost to follow up. Mean follow up period was 22.92 months and median follow up was 15 months. Conclusion: Extra-pulmonary small cell carcinoma is rare and needs to be managed aggressively. All patients should be treated with both systemic and local therapies.Keywords: small cell carcinoma of esophagus, extrapulmonary small cell carcinoma, small cell carcinoma of gall bladder, small cell carcinoma of rectum, small cell carcinoma of stomach
Procedia PDF Downloads 1581216 Life Table and Functional Response of Scolothrips takahashii (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) on Tetranychus urticae (Acari:Tetranychidae)
Authors: Kuang-Chi Pan, Shu-Jen Tuan
Scolothrips takahashii Priesner (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) is a common predatory thrips which feeds on spider mites; it is considered an important natural enemy and a potential biological control agent against spider mites. In order to evaluate the efficacy of S. takahashii against tetranychid mites, life table and functional response study were conducted at 25±1°C, with Tetranychus urticae Priesner as prey. The intrinsic rate of increase (r), finite rate of increase (λ), net reproduction rate (R₀), mean generation time (T) were 0.1674 d⁻¹, 1.1822d⁻¹, 62.26 offspring/individual, and 24.68d. The net consumption rate (C₀) was 846.15, mean daily consumption rate was 51.92 eggs for females and 19.28 eggs for males. S. takahashii exhibited type III functional response when offered T. urticae deutonymphs. Based on the random predator equation, the estimated maximum attack rate (a) and handling time (Th) were 0.1376h⁻¹ and 0.7883h. In addition, a life table experiment was conducted to evaluate the offspring sex allocation and population dynamic of Tetranychus ludeni Zacher under group-rearing conditions with different sex ratios. All bisexual groups produced offspring with similar sex allocation patterns, which started with the majority of females, then transited during the middle of the oviposition period and turned male-biased at the end of the oviposition period.Keywords: Scolothrips takahashii, Tetranychus urticae, Tetranychus ludeni, two-sex life table, functional response, sex allocation
Procedia PDF Downloads 921215 Electromyographic Analysis of Trunk Muscle Activity of Healthy Individuals While Catching a Ball on Three Different Seating Surfaces
Authors: Hanan H. ALQahtani, Karen Jones
Catching a ball during sitting is a functional exercise commonly used in rehabilitation to enhance trunk muscle activity. To progress this exercise, physiotherapists incorporate a Swiss ball or change seat height. However, no study has assessed the effect of different seating surfaces on trunk muscle activity while catching a ball. Objective: To investigate the effect of catching a ball during sitting on a Swiss ball, a low seat and a high seat on trunk muscle activity. Method: A repeated-measures, counterbalanced design was used. A total of 26 healthy participants (15 female and 11 male) performed three repetitions of catching a ball on each seating surface. Using surface electromyography (sEMG), the activity of the bilateral transversus abdominis/internal oblique (TrA/IO), rectus abdominis (RA), erector spinae (ES) and lumbar multifidus (MF) was recorded. Trunk muscle activity was normalized using maximum voluntary isometric contraction and analyzed. Statistical significance was set at p ≤ .05. Results: No significant differences were observed in the activity of RA, TrA/IO, ES or MF between a low seat and a Swiss ball. However, the activity of the right and left ES on a low seat was significantly greater than on a high seat (p = .017 and p = .017, respectively). Conversely, the activity of the right and left RA on a high seat was significantly greater than on a low seat (p = .007 and p = .004, respectively). Conclusion: This study suggests that replacing a low seat with a Swiss ball while catching a ball is insufficient to increase trunk muscle activity, whereas changing the seat height could induce different trunk muscle activities. However, research conducted on patients is needed before translating these results into clinical settings.Keywords: catching, electromyography, seating, trunk
Procedia PDF Downloads 2941214 Perceived Seriousness of Cybercrime Types: A Comparison across Gender
Authors: Suleman Ibrahim
Purpose: The research is seeking people's perceptions on cybercrime issues, rather than their knowledge of the facts. Unlike the Tripartite Cybercrime Framework (TCF), the binary models are ill-equipped to differentiate between cyber fraud (a socioeconomic crime) and cyber bullying or cyber stalking (psychosocial cybercrimes). Whilst the binary categories suggested that digital crimes are dichotomized: (i.e. cyber-enabled and cyber-dependent), the TCF, recently proposed, argued that cybercrimes can be conceptualized into three groups: socioeconomic, psychosocial and geopolitical. Concomitantly, as regards to the experience/perceptions of cybercrime, the TCF’s claim requires substantiation beyond its theoretical realm. Approach/Methodology: This scholar endeavor framed with the TCF, deploys a survey method to explore the experience of cybercrime across gender. Drawing from over 400 participants in the UK, this study aimed to contrast the differential perceptions/experiences of socioeconomic cybercrime (e.g. cyber fraud) and psychological cybercrime (e.g. cyber bullying and cyber stalking) across gender. Findings: The results revealed that cyber stalking was rated as least serious of the different digital crime categories. Further revealed that female participants judged all types of cybercrimes as more serious than male participants, with the exception of socioeconomic cybercrime – cyber fraud. This distinction helps to emphasize that gender cultures and nuances not only apply both online and offline, it emphasized the utilitarian value of the TCF. Originality: Unlike existing data, this study has contrasted the differential perceptions and experience of socioeconomic and psychosocial cybercrimes with more refined variables.Keywords: gender variations, psychosocial cybercrime, socioeconomic cybercrime, tripartite cybercrime framework
Procedia PDF Downloads 3901213 Clinical, Bacteriological and Histopathological Aspects of First-Time Pyoderma in a Population of Iranian Domestic Dogs: A Retrospective Study (2012-2017)
Authors: Shaghayegh Rafatpanah, Mehrnaz Rad, Ahmad Reza Movassaghi, Javad Khoshnegah
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the prevalence of isolation, antimicrobial susceptibility and ERIC-PCR typing of staphylococci species from dogs with pyoderma. The study animals were 61 clinical cases of Iranian domestic dogs with the first-time pyoderma. The prevalence of pyoderma was significantly higher amongst adult (odds Ratio: 0.21; p=0.001) large breed (odds Ratio: 2.42; p=0.002)dogs. There was no difference in prevalence of pyoderma in male and females (odds Ratio: 1.27; p= 0.337). The 'head, face and pinna' and 'trunk' were the most affected lesion regions, each with 19 cases (26.76%). An identifiable underlying disease was present in 52 (85.24%) of the dogs. Bacterial species were recovered from 43 of the 61 (70.49%) studied animals. No isolates were recovered from 18 studied dogs. The most frequently recovered bacterial genus was Staphylococcus (32/43 isolates, 74.41%) including S. epidermidis (22/43 isolates, 51.16%), S. aureus (7/43 isolates, 16.27%) and S. pseudintermedius (3/43 isolates, 6.97%). Staphylococci species resistance was most commonly seen against amoxicillin (94.11%), penicillin (83.35%), and ampicillin (76.47%). Resistant to cephalexin and cefoxitin was 5.88% and 2.94%, respectively. A total of 27 of the staphylococci isolated (84.37 %) were resistant to at least one antimicrobial agent, and 19 isolates (59.37%) were resistant to three or more antimicrobial drugs. There were no significant differences in the prevalence of resistance between the staphylococci isolated from cases of superficial and deep pyoderma. ERIC-PCR results revealed 19 different patterns among 22 isolates of S. epidermidis and 7 isolates of S. aureus.Keywords: dog, pyoderma, Staphylococcus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Iran
Procedia PDF Downloads 1811212 Mass Media Representation and the Status of Women in the 2015 General Elections in Nigeria
Authors: Grace Anweh, Patience Achakpa-ikyo
The issue of women unfavourable representation in the mass media is long standing. While it is a worldwide problem, developing countries in Africa especially Nigeria are considered peculiar. This paper, ‘mass media representation and the status of women in the 2015, general elections in Nigeria’ therefore aimed to assess the current trend of role playing in the mass media and how this has affected general status of women in Nigeria politics with particular reference to the 2015 general elections. The study employed a review of secondary literature and data regarding previous performances of Nigeria women in politics from 1999 to 2015 and the picture that has been paid by Nigerian mass media about women. Anchoring the paper on the agenda setting theory of the mass media, the paper analysed secondary literature and discovered that from 1999 to date, women have been participating in politics but rather than improve their status in elective offices, the percentage of women for such offices is rather declining. This trend the paper concluded is attributed to the way and manner women are represented in the mass media - as not good for policy making offices except as kitchen and home managers. The paper therefore recommends that, the country should adopt the quota allocation for all the political parties in order to give women a chance to compete with their male counterparts. While women should strive towards the managerial and ownership of media houses in order to represent the interest of women in politics thus offering the opportunity for the favourable representation of women and role models for those who may want to tour a similar part.Keywords: mass media, media representation, Nigeria elections, women
Procedia PDF Downloads 3341211 Gender Cultural Scripts and Career Choices
Authors: Caroline Hoorn
Post-matriculants in disadvantaged communities such as Douglas encounter a number of career challenges. The transition to the democratic dispensation in 1994, coupled with the rapid changes in the information domain that are characteristic of post-industrial life, complicate the career development trajectories of disadvantaged youth. The career development stories and experiences of disadvantaged youth in provinces such as the Northern Cape have not been told, leading to their marginalisation. It is against this background that the study explored the gendered dimensions of career development narratives, experiences, and choices of post-matriculants in the Douglas community in the Northern Cape. Using a qualitative, narrative approach, the researcher elicited career development stories from 23 participants in Douglas using semi-structured interviews. Two main themes were highlighted through the narratives; (1) willingness to challenge the traditional male dominated career script (2) breaking gender barriers. The study showed that gender did not have any influence on the career choices of the post-matriculants. The perceptions around career choices and gender were being challenged partly by the urge to affirm equality and the constant reminder of the poverty-stricken conditions prevalent in the households. A preferred gender is not required to be attached to the fulfilment of outcomes in a knowledge-based economy. Thus, it is not an issue of gender or masculinity but knowledge and skills. Furthermore, the study revealed that the career choices being considered are still the traditionally stereotypical careers like nursing, teaching, and social work, which demonstrates a lack of information to a broader pool of career options to select from.Keywords: career development, gender, narratives, post-matriculants
Procedia PDF Downloads 1031210 Work Ability Index (WAI) and Its Health-Related Detriments among Iranian Farmers Working in the Small Farm Enterprises
Authors: Akbar Rostamabadi, Adel Mazloumi, Abbas Rahimi Foroushani
This study aimed to determine the Work Ability Index (WAI) and examine the influence of health dimensions and demographic variables on the work ability of Iranian farmers working in small farm enterprises. A cross-sectional study was conducted among 294 male farmers. The WAI and SF-36 questionnaires were used to determine work ability and health status. The effect of demographics variables on the work ability index was investigated with the independent samples t-test and one-way ANOVA. Also, multiple linear regression analysis was used to test the association between the mean WAI score and the SF-36 scales. The mean WAI score was 35.1 (SD=10.6). One-way ANOVA revealed a significant relationship between the mean WAI and age. Multiple linear regression analysis showed that work ability was more influenced by physical scales of the health dimensions, such as physical function, role-physical, and general health, whereas a lower association was found for mental scales such as mental health. The average WAI was at a moderate work ability level for the sample population of farmers in this study. Based on the WAI guidelines, improvement of work ability and identification of factors affecting it should be considered a priority in interventional programs. Given the influence of health dimensions on WAI, any intervention program for preservation and promotion work ability among the studied farmers should be based on balancing and optimizing the physical and psychosocial work environments, with a special focus on reducing physical work load.Keywords: farmers, SF-36, Work Ability Index (WAI), Iran
Procedia PDF Downloads 4411209 Outcomes Following Overcorrecting Minus Lens Therapy for Intermittent Distance Exotropia
Authors: Alasdair Warwick, Luna Dhir
Aim: To ascertain the efficacy of overcorrecting minus lens therapy in intermittent distance exotropia. Methods: Retrospective audit of all intermittent distance exotropia patients seen in the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital pediatric eye clinic between 1st January 2014 and 1st March 2016. Change in LogMAR visual acuity, stereopsis, near and distance angles of deviation, as well as the proportions of patients converting to exophoria or undergoing strabismus surgery, were recorded. Results: 22 patients were identified, 45% male, mean age 5 years (range 0.6 to 18.5 years). The median overminus prescription was -1.0 dioptres (range -0.5 to -1.75 dioptres) and mean follow-up was 15 months (range 3 to 54 months). Visual acuity, near and distance angles of deviation improved but were not statistically significant: -0.15 LogMAR, -0.2 prism dioptres and -1.2 prism dioptres respectively (p>0.05). However, a significant change in stereopsis was observed: -74'' (p<0.01). 27% underwent strabismus surgery and 36% converted to exophoria whilst wearing their overminus prescription. Conclusions: Overcorrecting minus lens therapy is an effective therapy for intermittent distance exotropia. There was no deterioration in visual acuity and a significant improvement in stereopsis was seen in our cohort, with many patients converting to an exophoria. The proportion of patients requiring strabismus surgery was comparable to other studies. Further, follow-up is needed to ascertain long-term outcomes.Keywords: exotropia, overcorrecting minus lens, refraction, strabismus
Procedia PDF Downloads 2451208 Aggressive Behavior Prevention: The Effect of Peace Education and Media Literacy towards Student's Understanding about Aggression
Authors: Dadang Gunawan, I. Dewa Ketut Kertawidana, Lufthi Noorfitriyani
For the last 5 years, there is the never-ending violent act and increased cases regarding aggressive behavior among high school students in Bogor, Indonesia. Those cases caused harm to many people, even death, and lead to the continuation circle of violence. This research was conducted to evaluate the effect of using peace education and media literacy in enhancing student’s understanding about aggression, as an effort to prevent aggressive behavior. In terms of methodology, this research was done by quasi-experiment with one group pretest and post-test design. A number of 38 students who were at risk of aggressive behavior from 3 vocational high school were involved to receive a 10 learning session about peace and media literacy. The aggression questionnaire was used to identify participants, supported by student’s record in school. To collect data, the questionnaire for measuring understanding about aggression has been developed and was used after the validity and reliability of this questionnaire tested. Post-test was carried out after the session ended. Data were analyzed using t-test. The finding result showed that the mean score of student’s understanding of aggression was increased, therefore learning session of peace education and media literacy is significantly effective to enhance student’s understanding of aggression. It also showed a meaningful difference of understanding between male and female student’s whereas female students have a better understanding of aggression.Keywords: aggressive behavior prevention, aggression, media literacy, peace education, peacebuilding
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