Search results for: state space description
9880 The Essential Spectra of Some Weighted Composition Operators on the Disk Algebra
Authors: Arkady Kitover
We obtain a complete description of semi-Fredholm spectra of operators of the form (T f)(z) = w(z)f(B(z) acting on the disk algebra in the case when B is either elliptic or double parabolic finite Blaschke product and w has no zeros on the unit circle. Actually, in this case the lower semi-Fredholm spectrum is a disk, and the upper semi-Fredholm spectrum is a circle. We consider some examples and discuss some unsolved problems Our results hint on the possibility of interesting connections between the spectral properties of weighted composition operators and complex dynamics.Keywords: weighted composition operators, essential spectra, Blaschke products, Julia set
Procedia PDF Downloads 59879 Steady State Analysis of Distribution System with Wind Generation Uncertainity
Authors: Zakir Husain, Neem Sagar, Neeraj Gupta
Due to the increased penetration of renewable energy resources in the distribution system, the system is no longer passive in nature. In this paper, a steady state analysis of the distribution system has been done with the inclusion of wind generation. The modeling of wind turbine generator system and wind generator has been made to obtain the average active and the reactive power injection into the system. The study has been conducted on a IEEE-33 bus system with two wind generators. The present research work is useful not only to utilities but also to customers.Keywords: distributed generation, distribution network, radial network, wind turbine generating system
Procedia PDF Downloads 4089878 Effect of Atmospheric Turbulence on Hybrid FSO/RF Link Availability under Qatar's Harsh Climate
Authors: Abir Touati, Syed Jawad Hussain, Farid Touati, Ammar Bouallegue
Although there has been a growing interest in the hybrid free-space optical link and radio frequency FSO/RF communication system, the current literature is limited to results obtained in moderate or cold environment. In this paper, using a soft switching approach, we investigate the effect of weather inhomogeneities on the strength of turbulence hence the channel refractive index under Qatar harsh environment and their influence on the hybrid FSO/RF availability. In this approach, either FSO/RF or simultaneous or none of them can be active. Based on soft switching approach and a finite state Markov Chain (FSMC) process, we model the channel fading for the two links and derive a mathematical expression for the outage probability of the hybrid system. Then, we evaluate the behavior of the hybrid FSO/RF under hazy and harsh weather. Results show that the FSO/RF soft switching renders the system outage probability less than that of each link individually. A soft switching algorithm is being implemented on FPGAs using Raptor code interfaced to the two terminals of a 1Gbps/100 Mbps FSO/RF hybrid system, the first being implemented in the region. Experimental results are compared to the above simulation results.Keywords: atmospheric turbulence, haze, hybrid FSO/RF, outage probability, refractive index
Procedia PDF Downloads 4209877 Financial Administration of Urban Local Governance: A Comparative Study of Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) and Bhavnagar Municipal Corporation(BMC)
Authors: Aneri Mehta, Krunal Mehta
Financial administration is part of government which deals with collection, preservation and distribution of public funds, with the coordination of public revenue and expenditure, with the management of credit operation on behalf of the state and with the general control of the financial affairs of public households. The researcher has taken the prime body of the local self government viz. Municipal Corporation. However, the number of municipal corporations in India has rapidly increased in recent years. Countries 27% of the total population are living in urban area & in recent it increasing very fast. People are moving very fast from rural area to urban area. Their demand, awareness is increasing day by day. The Municipal Corporations render many services for the development of the urban area. Thus, researcher has taken a step to know the accounting practices of the municipal corporations of Gujarat state (AMC & BMC ). The research will try to show you the status of finance of municipal corporations. Article 243(w) of the constitution of India envisaged that the state government maybe, by law , endow the municipalities with such powers and authorities as may be necessary to enable them to function as institution of self government and such law may contain provision for devolution of powers and responsibilities upon municipalities subjects to such condition as may be specified there in with respect to (i) the peroration of plans for economic development and social justice and (ii) the performance of the function and the implementation of schemes as may be entrusted to them including those in relation to the matters listed in the twelfth schedule. The three tier structure of the Indian Government i.e. Union, State & Local Self Government is the scenario of the Indian constitution. Local Self Government performs or renders many services under the direct control of state government. They (local bodies) possess autonomy within its limited sphere, raise revenue through local taxation and spend its income on local services.Keywords: financial administration, urban local bodies, local self government, constitution
Procedia PDF Downloads 4679876 The Chromatic Identity of the Ancestral Architecture of the Ksour of Bechar, Algeria
Authors: Racha Ghariri, Khaldia Belkheir, Assil Ghariri
In this paper, the researchers present a part of their research on the colors of the city of Bechar (Algeria). It is about a chromatic study of the ancient architecture of the Ksour. Being a subject of intervention, regarding their degradable state, the Ksour are the case of their study, especially that the subject of color does not occupy, virtually, the involved on these heritage sites. This research aims to put the basics for methods which allow to know what to preserve as a color and how to do so, especially during a restoration, and to understand the evolution of the chromatic state of the city.Keywords: architecture/colours, chromatic identity, geography of colour, regional palette, chromatic architectural analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 3079875 Sustaining the Social Memory in a Historic Neighborhood: The Case Study of Uch Dukkan Neighborhood in Ardabil City in Azerbaijani Region of Iran
Authors: Yousef Daneshvar Rouyandozagh, Ece. K. Açikgöz
Conservation of historical urban patterns in the traditional neighborhoods is a part of creating integrated urban environments that are socially more sustainable. Urbanization reflects on life conditions and social, physical, economical characteristics of the society. In this regard, historical zones and traditional regions are affected by dramatic interventions on these characteristics. This article focuses on the Uch Dukkan neighborhood located in Ardabil City in Azarbaijani region of Iran, which has been up to such interventions that leaded its transformation from the past to the present. After introducing a brief inventory of the main elements of the historical zone and the neighborhood; this study explores the changes and transformations in different periods; and their impacts on the quality of the environment and its social sustainability. The survey conducted in the neighborhood as part of this research study revealed that the Uch Dukkan neighborhood and the unique architectural heritage that it possesses have become more inactive physically and functionally in a decade. This condition requires an exploration and comparison of the present and the expected transformations of the meaning of social space from the most private unit to the urban scale. From this token, it is argued that an architectural point of view that is based on space order; use and meaning of space as a social and cultural image, should not be ignored. Based on the interplay between social sustainability, collective memory, and the urban environment, study aims to make the invisible portion of ignorance clear, that ends up with a weakness in defining the collective meaning of the neighborhood as a historic urban district. It reveals that the spatial possessions of the neighborhood are valuable not only for their historical and physical characteristics, but also for their social memory that is to be remembered and constructed further.Keywords: urban integrity, social sustainability, collective memory, social decay
Procedia PDF Downloads 2899874 Nursing System Development in Patients Undergoing Operation in 3C Ward
Authors: Darawan Augsornwan, Artitaya Sabangbal, Maneewan Srijan, Kanokarn Kongpitee, Lalida Petphai, Palakorn Surakunprapha
Background: Srinagarind Hospital, Ward 3C, has patients with head and neck cancer, congenital urology anomalies such as hypospadis, cleft lip and cleft palate and congenital megacolon who need surgery. Undergoing surgery is a difficult time for patients/ family; they feel fear and anxiety. Nurses work closely with patients and family for 24 hours in the process of patients care, so should have the good nursing ability, innovation and an efficient nursing care system to promote patients self-care ability reducing suffering and preventing complications. From previous nursing outcomes we found patients did not receive appropriate information, could not take care of their wound, not early ambulation after the operation and lost follow-up. Objective: to develop the nursing system for patients who were undergoing an operation. Method: this is a participation action research. The sample population was 11 nurses and 60 patients. This study was divided into 3 phase: Phase 1. Situation review In this phase we review the clinical outcomes, the process of care from documents such as nurses note and interview nurses, patients and family about the process of care by nurses. Phase 2: focus group with 11 nurses, searching guideline for specific care, nursing care system then establish the protocol. This phase we have the protocol for giving information, teaching protocol and teaching record, leaflet for all of top five diseases, make video media to convey information, ambulation package and protocol for patients with head and neck cancer, patients zoning, primary nurse, improved job description for each staff level. Program to record number of patients, kind of medical procedures for showing nurses activity each day. Phase 3 implementation and evaluation. Result: patients/family receive appropriate information about deep breathing exercise, cough, early ambulation after the operation, information during the stay in the hospital. Patients family satisfaction is 95.04 percent, appropriate job description for a practical nurse, nurse aid, and worker. Nurses satisfaction is 95 percent. The complications can be prevented. Conclusion: the nursing system is the dynamic process using evidence to develop nursing care. The appropriate system depends on context and needs to keep an eye on every event.Keywords: development, nursing system, patients undergoing operation, 3C Ward
Procedia PDF Downloads 2659873 The Impact of Technological Advancement on Academic Performance of Mathematics Students in Tertiary Institutions in Ekiti State, Nigeria
Authors: Odunayo E. Popoola, Charles A. Aladesaye, Sunday O. Gbenro
The study investigated the impact of technological advancement on the academic performance of Mathematics students in tertiary institutions in Ekiti State, Nigeria. The quasi-experimental research design was adopted for the study. The population for the study consisted of all the 100 level undergraduates and all Mathematics lecturers in the Department of Mathematics in all the five tertiary institutions in the State. The sample of this study was made of one hundred (100) students and fifty (50) lecturers randomly selected using stratified sampling technique. Hypotheses were postulated to find out whether (i) advancement in technology influences the academic performance of students in Mathematics (ii) teaching method and gender disparity influences the academic performance of students in Mathematics. The study revealed that teaching method, gender, and technology influence academic performance of students in Mathematics. Based on the findings, it is recommended that curriculum and assessment in school Mathematics should explicitly require that all undergraduate become proficient in using digital technologies for mathematical purposes so as to enhance the better performance of students in Mathematics.Keywords: mathematics, performance, tertiary institutions, technology
Procedia PDF Downloads 1859872 Mathematical Modeling and Analysis of Forced Vibrations in Micro-Scale Microstretch Thermoelastic Simply Supported Beam
Authors: Geeta Partap, Nitika Chugh
The present paper deals with the flexural vibrations of homogeneous, isotropic, generalized micropolar microstretch thermoelastic thin Euler-Bernoulli beam resonators, due to Exponential time varying load. Both the axial ends of the beam are assumed to be at simply supported conditions. The governing equations have been solved analytically by using Laplace transforms technique twice with respect to time and space variables respectively. The inversion of Laplace transform in time domain has been performed by using the calculus of residues to obtain deflection.The analytical results have been numerically analyzed with the help of MATLAB software for magnesium like material. The graphical representations and interpretations have been discussed for Deflection of beam under Simply Supported boundary condition and for distinct considered values of time and space as well. The obtained results are easy to implement for engineering analysis and designs of resonators (sensors), modulators, actuators.Keywords: microstretch, deflection, exponential load, Laplace transforms, residue theorem, simply supported
Procedia PDF Downloads 3129871 Data Security: An Enhancement of E-mail Security Algorithm to Secure Data Across State Owned Agencies
Authors: Lindelwa Mngomezulu, Tonderai Muchenje
Over the decades, E-mails provide easy, fast and timely communication enabling businesses and state owned agencies to communicate with their stakeholders and with their own employees in real-time. Moreover, since the launch of Microsoft office 365 and many other clouds based E-mail services, many businesses have been migrating from the on premises E-mail services to the cloud and more precisely since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, there has been a significant increase of E-mails utilization, which then leads to the increase of cyber-attacks. In that regard, E-mail security has become very important in the E-mail transportation to ensure that the E-mail gets to the recipient without the data integrity being compromised. The classification of the features to enhance E-mail security for further from the enhanced cyber-attacks as we are aware that since the technology is advancing so at the cyber-attacks. Therefore, in order to maximize the data integrity we need to also maximize security of the E-mails such as enhanced E-mail authentication. The successful enhancement of E-mail security in the future may lessen the frequency of information thefts via E-mails, resulting in the data of South African State-owned agencies not being compromised.Keywords: e-mail security, cyber-attacks, data integrity, authentication
Procedia PDF Downloads 1389870 Ideal Posture in Regulating Legal Regulations in Indonesia
Authors: M Jeffri Arlinandes Chandra, Puwaningdyah Murti Wahyuni, Dewi Mutiara M Jeffri Arlinandes Chandra, Puwaningdyah Murti Wahyuni, Dewi Mutiara
Indonesia is a state of the law in accordance with article 1 paragraph 3 of the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia (1945 Constitution), namely, 'the State of Indonesia is a state of law'. The consequences of the rule of law are making the law as the main commanding officer or making the law as a basis for carrying out an action taken by the state. The types of regulations and procedures for the formation of legislation in Indonesia are contained in Law Number 12 of 2011 concerning the Formation of Legislation. Various attempts were made to make quality regulations both in the formal hierarchy and material hierarchy such as synchronization and harmonization in the formation of laws and regulations so that there is no conflict between equal and hierarchical laws, but the fact is that there are still many conflicting regulations found between one another. This can be seen clearly in the many laws and regulations that were sued to judicial institutions such as the Constitutional Court (MK) and the Supreme Court (MA). Therefore, it is necessary to have a formulation regarding the governance of the formation of laws and regulations so as to minimize the occurrence of lawsuits to the court so that positive law can be realized which can be used today and for the future (ius constituendum). The research method that will be used in this research is a combination of normative research (library research) supported by empirical data from field research so that it can formulate concepts and answer the challenges being faced. First, the structuring of laws and regulations in Indonesia must start from the inventory of laws and regulations, whether they can be classified based on the type of legislation, what are they set about, the year of manufacture, etc. so that they can be clearly traced to the regulations relating to the formation of laws and regulations. Second, the search and revocation/revocation of laws and regulations that do not exist in the state registration system. Third, the periodic evaluation system is carried out at every level of the hierarchy of laws and regulations. These steps will form an ideal model of laws and regulations in Indonesia both in terms of content and material so that the instructions can be codified and clearly inventoried so that they can be accessed by the wider community as a concrete manifestation of the principle that all people know the law (presumptio iures de iure).Keywords: legislation, review, evaluation, reconstruction
Procedia PDF Downloads 1509869 Impact of aSolar System Designed to Improve the Microclimate of an Agricultural Greenhouse
Authors: Nora Arbaoui, Rachid Tadili, Ilham Ihoume
The improvement of the agricultural production and food preservation processes requires the introduction of heating and cooling techniques in greenhouses. To develop these techniques, our work proposes a design of an integrated and autonomous solar system for heating, cooling, and production conservation in greenhouses. The hot air produced by the greenhouse effect during the day will be evacuated to compartments annexed in the greenhouse to dry the surplus agricultural production that is not sold on the market. In this paper, we will give a description of this solar system and the calculation of the fluid’s volume used for heat storage that will be released during the night.Keywords: solar system, agricultural greenhouse, heating, cooling, storage, drying
Procedia PDF Downloads 1079868 Online Monitoring Rheological Property of Polymer Melt during Injection Molding
Authors: Chung-Chih Lin, Chien-Liang Wu
The detection of the polymer melt state during manufacture process is regarded as an efficient way to control the molded part quality in advance. Online monitoring rheological property of polymer melt during processing procedure provides an approach to understand the melt state immediately. Rheological property reflects the polymer melt state at different processing parameters and is very important in injection molding process especially. An approach that demonstrates how to calculate rheological property of polymer melt through in-process measurement, using injection molding as an example, is proposed in this study. The system consists of two sensors and a data acquisition module can process the measured data, which are used for the calculation of rheological properties of polymer melt. The rheological properties of polymer melt discussed in this study include shear rate and viscosity which are investigated with respect to injection speed and melt temperature. The results show that the effect of injection speed on the rheological properties is apparent, especially for high melt temperature and should be considered for precision molding process.Keywords: injection molding, melt viscosity, shear rate, monitoring
Procedia PDF Downloads 3829867 Comparative Analysis of Teachers’ Performance in Private and Public Primary Schools in Oyo State, Nigeria
Authors: Oyetunji John Adenuga
This study on the comparative analysis of the performance of teachers in private and public schools was carried out in Ibadan North West Local Government Area of Oyo State. This study examined the justification for the claim that there is difference in the performance of teachers in private and public primary schools and at the same time identified factors responsible for the difference in the performance of these teachers. A descriptive survey research design was used for the study. Data generated were analysed using t-test and regression analysis. The findings of the study revealed that there is significant difference in the performance of teachers in private and private primary schools in Ibadan North West Local Government Area of Oyo State (t=64.09; df=459; p,.05). The findings also revealed that the method of teaching in private primary schools is significantly different from the method of teaching in public primary schools in Ibadan North West Local Government Area of Oyo State (t=73.08; df=459; p,.05). Findings revealed that school leadership and management have significant contribution on the performance of private and public primary school teachers in Ibadan North West Local Area of Oyo State. Based on the finding, the following recommendations were made: Primary school teachers need to be motivated and rewarded for excellent performance. Primary schools should be properly equipped with teaching-aid facilities, laboratories and libraries. Government should use the findings of this study to improve on teaching materials provided to the primary school teachers in Nigeria. Public primary schools should be designed by education planners, administrators and government. Headmasters, proprietors and teachers of primary schools should look inward and give a performance appraisal and evaluation of themselves form time to time based on subject they taught. Finally, school administrators should be conscious of the way they manage the teachers in schools not only in informal situations but also in formal settings.Keywords: private education, public education, school leadership, school management, teachers performance
Procedia PDF Downloads 3439866 Descriptive Analysis of the Relationship between State and Civil Society in Hegel's Political Thought
Authors: Garineh Keshishyan Siraki
Civil society is one of the most important concepts of the twentieth century and even so far. Modern and postmodern thinkers have provided different definitions of civil society. Of course, the concept of civil society has undergone many changes over time. The relationship between government and civil society is one of the relationships that attracted the attention of many contemporary thinkers. Hegel, the thinker we discussed in this article also explores the relationship between these concepts and emphasizing the dialectical method, he has drawn three lines between family, state, and civil society. In Hegel's view, the creation of civil society will lead to a reduction of social conflict and increased social cohesion. The importance of the issue is due to the study of social cohesion and the ways to increase it. The importance of the issue is due to the study of social cohesion and the ways to increase it. This paper, which uses a descriptive-analytic method to examine Hegel's dialectical theory of civil society, after examining the relationship between the family and the state and finding the concept of civil society as the interface and the interconnected circle of these two, investigates tripartite economic, legal, and pluralistic systems. In this article, after examining the concepts of the market, the right and duty, the individual interests and the development of the exchange economy, Hegel's view is to examine the concept of freedom and its relation with civil society. The results of this survey show that, in Hegel's thought, the separation between the political system and the social system is a natural and necessary thing. In Hegel's view, because of those who are in society, they have selfish features; the community is in tension and contradiction. Therefore, the social realms within which conflicts emerge must be identified and controlled by specific mechanisms. It can also be concluded that the government can act to reduce social conflicts by legislating, using force or forming trade unions. The bottom line is that Hegel wants to reconcile between the individual, the state and civil society and it is not possible to rely on ethics.Keywords: civil society, cohesion system, economic system, family, the legal system, state
Procedia PDF Downloads 2009865 Deflection Effect on Mirror for Space Applications
Authors: Maamar Fatouma
Mirror optical performance can experience varying levels of stress and tolerances, which can have a notable impact on optical parametric systems. to ensure proper optical figure and position of mirror mounting within design tolerances, it is crucial to have a robust support structure in place for optical systems. The optical figure tolerance determines the allowable deviation from the ideal form of the mirror and the position tolerance determines the location and orientations of the optical axis of the optical systems. A variety of factors influence the optical figure of the mirror. Included are self-weight (Deflection), excitation from temperature change, temperature gradients and dimensional instability. This study employs an analytical approach and finite element method to examine the effects of stress resulting from mirror mounting on the wavefront passing through the mirror. The combined effect of tolerance and deflection on mirror performance is represented by an error budget. Numerical mirror mounting is presented to illustrate the space application of performance techniques.Keywords: opto-mechanical, bonded optic, tolerance, self-weight distortion, Rayleigh criteria
Procedia PDF Downloads 899864 Implementation of a Predictive DTC-SVM of an Induction Motor
Authors: Chebaani Mohamed, Gplea Amar, Benchouia Mohamed Toufik
Direct torque control is characterized by the merits of fast response, simple structure and strong robustness to the motor parameters variations. This paper proposes the implementation of DTC-SVM of an induction motor drive using Predictive controller. The principle of the method is explained and the system mathematical description is provided. The derived control algorithm is implemented both in the simulation software MatLab/Simulink and on the real induction motor drive with dSPACE control system. Simulated and measured results in steady states and transients are presented.Keywords: induction motor, DTC-SVM, predictive controller, implementation, dSPACE, Matlab, Simulink
Procedia PDF Downloads 5199863 Effects of the Gap on the Cooling Performance of Microchannels Heat Sink
Authors: Mohammed W. Sulaiman, Chi-Chuan Wang
Due to the improved performance of electronic systems, the demand for electronic cooling devices with high heat dissipation has increased. This research evaluates plain microchannel cold plates with a gap above the microchannels. The present study examines the effect of the gap above straight fin microchannels in the cold plate using the dielectric Novec 7000 as a working fluid. The experiments compared two transparency cover with the same geometry and dimension for the test section. One has a gap above the microchannels (GAM) 1/3 of fin height, and another one with no gap above the microchannels (NGAM); the mass flux ranges from 25 to 260 kg/m2s, while the heat flux spans from 50 to 150 W/cm2. The results show quite an improvement in performance with this space gap above the microchannels. The test results showed that the design of the GAM shows a superior heat transfer coefficient (HTC), up 90% than that of NCBM. The GAM design has a much lower pressure drop by about 7~24% compared to the NGAM design at different mass flux and heat flux at the fully liquid inlet. The proposed space gap of 0.33% of fin height above the microchannels enables the surface temperature to decrease by around 3~7 °C compared to no gap above the microchannels, especially at high heat fluxes.Keywords: microchannels, pressure drop, enhanced performance, electronic cooling, gap
Procedia PDF Downloads 779862 Problems concerning Formation of Institutional Framework for Electronic Democracy in Georgia
Authors: Giorgi Katamadze
Open public service and accountability towards citizens is an important feature of democratic state based on rule of law. Effective use of electronic resources simplifies bureaucratic procedures, makes direct communications, helps exchange information, ensures government’s openness and in general helps develop electronic/digital democracy. Development of electronic democracy should be a strategic dimension of Georgian governance. Formation of electronic democracy, its functional improvement should become an important dimension of the state’s information policy. Electronic democracy is based on electronic governance and implies modern information and communication systems, their adaptation to universal standards. E-democracy needs involvement of governments, voters, political parties and social groups in an electronic form. In the last years the process of interaction between the citizen and the state becomes simpler. This process is achieved by the use of modern technological systems which gives to a citizen a possibility to use different public services online. For example, the website makes interaction between the citizen, business and the state more simple, comfortable and secure. A higher standard of accountability and interaction is being established. Electronic democracy brings new forms of interactions between the state and the citizen: e-engagement – participation of society in state politics via electronic systems; e-consultation – electronic interaction among public officials, citizens and interested groups; e-controllership – electronic rule and control of public expenses and service. Public transparency is one of the milestones of electronic democracy as well as representative democracy as only on mutual trust and accountability can democracy be established. In Georgia, institutional changes concerning establishment and development of electronic democracy are not enough. Effective planning and implementation of a comprehensive and multi component e-democracy program (central, regional, local levels) requires telecommunication systems, institutional (public service, competencies, logical system) and informational (relevant conditions for public involvement) support. Therefore, a systematic project of formation of electronic governance should be developed which will include central, regional, municipal levels and certain aspects of development of instrumental basis for electronic governance.Keywords: e-democracy, e-governance, e-services, information technology, public administration
Procedia PDF Downloads 3389861 Characterization, Classification and Fertility Capability Classification of Three Rice Zones of Ebonyi State, Southeastern Nigeria
Authors: Sunday Nathaniel Obasi, Chiamak Chinasa Obasi
Soil characterization and classification provide the basic information necessary to create a functional evaluation and soil classification schemes. Fertility capability classification (FCC) on the other hand is a technical system that groups the soils according to kinds of problems they present for management of soil physical and chemical properties. This research was carried out in Ebonyi state, southeastern Nigeria, which is an agrarian state and a leading rice producing part of southeastern Nigeria. In order to maximize the soil and enhance the productivity of rice in Ebonyi soils, soil classification, and fertility classification information need to be supplied. The state was grouped into three locations according to their agricultural zones namely; Ebonyi north, Ebonyi central and Ebonyi south representing Abakaliki, Ikwo and Ivo locations respectively. Major rice growing areas of the soils were located and two profile pits were sunk in each of the studied zones from which soils were characterized, classified and fertility capability classification (FCC) developed. Soil classification was done using United State Department of Agriculture (USDA) Soil Taxonomy and correlated with World Reference Base for soil resources. Results obtained classified Abakaliki 1 and Abakaliki 2 as Typic Fluvaquents (Ochric Fluvisols). Ikwo 1 was classified as Vertic Eutrudepts (Eutric Vertisols) while Ikwo 2 was classified as Typic Eutrudepts (Eutric Cambisols). Ivo 1 and Ivo 2 were both classified as Aquic Eutrudepts (Gleyic Leptosols). Fertility capability classification (FCC) revealed that all studied soils had mostly loamy topsoils and subsoils except Ikwo 1 with clayey topsoil. Limitations encountered in the studied soils include; dryness (d), low ECEC (e), low nutrient capital reserve (k) and water logging/ anaerobic condition (gley). Thus, FCC classifications were Ldek for Abakaliki 1 and 2, Ckv for Ikwo 1, LCk for Ikwo 2 while Ivo 1 and 2 were Legk and Lgk respectively.Keywords: soil classification, soil fertility, limitations, modifiers, Southeastern Nigeria
Procedia PDF Downloads 1309860 Mass Media and Electoral Conflict Management in Kogi State, Nigeria
Authors: Okpanachi Linus Odiji, Chris Ogwu Attah
Election is no doubt widely assumed as one of the most suitable means of resolving political quagmires even though it has never been bereft of conflict which can manifest before, during, or after polls. What, however, advances democracy and promotes electoral integrity is the existence and effectiveness of institutional frameworks for electoral conflict management. Electoral conflicts are no doubt unique in the sense that they represent the struggles of people over the control of public resources. In most cases, the stakes involved are high and emotional that they do not only undermine inter-group relationship but also threaten national security. The need, therefore, for an effectively functional conflict management apparatus becomes imperative. While at the State level, there exist numerous governmental initiatives at various electoral stages aimed at managing conflicts, this paper examines the activities of the mass media, which is another prominent stakeholder in the electoral process. Even though media influence has increased tremendously in the last decade, researchers are yet to agree on its utility in the management of conflicts. Guided by the social responsibility theory of media reporting and drawing data from observed trends in Kogi state, the paper, which context analyses the 2019 gubernatorial election coverage in the state, observes both conflict escalation and de-escalation roles in the media. To mitigate conflict reporting misrepresentation, therefore, a common approach to conflict reporting should be designed and ordered by the National Broadcasting Commission as well as the Nigerian Press Council. This should be garnished with the training of journalists on conflict reporting and development of a standard conflict reporting procedure.Keywords: conflict management, electoral conflict, mass media, media reporting
Procedia PDF Downloads 1549859 BingleSeq: A User-Friendly R Package for Single-Cell RNA-Seq Data Analysis
Authors: Quan Gu, Daniel Dimitrov
BingleSeq was developed as a shiny-based, intuitive, and comprehensive application that enables the analysis of single-Cell RNA-Sequencing count data. This was achieved via incorporating three state-of-the-art software packages for each type of RNA sequencing analysis, alongside functional annotation analysis and a way to assess the overlap of differential expression method results. At its current state, the functionality implemented within BingleSeq is comparable to that of other applications, also developed with the purpose of lowering the entry requirements to RNA Sequencing analyses. BingleSeq is available on GitHub and will be submitted to R/Bioconductor.Keywords: bioinformatics, functional annotation analysis, single-cell RNA-sequencing, transcriptomics
Procedia PDF Downloads 2059858 Democratising Rivers: Local River Conflicts in Rajasthan
Authors: Renu Sisodia
This paper attempted to explore and explain the local level river water conflicts in the larger context of state - society relations. This study also covered causes of local level river water conflicts in the catchment area of Bandi and Arvari river of Rajasthan. The focus of the study was on the emergence of community driven, decentralised management of river water bodies and strategies used by local communities to protect and manage river water conflicts. The research is conducted through the process of designing a framework based on essential theoretical and practical findings supported by primary and secondary data. Two in depth case study is conducted to understand the phenomenon in depth. The first field site is Bandi River of Pali district, which is about the struggle between textile industries, community and the State government in which water pollution is said to be one of the driving force of the conflict. Finding shows that the state is supporting textile industries in Pali district have not been adherent to the environmental ethics. Present legal infrastructure and local institutions fail to resolve the serious problem of water pollution in Bandi River and its adverse impact on the local community as a result local community resistance against the local administration and the state government. The second case illustrates the plight of Arvari River in Alwar district. Tussle for the ownership of fisheries between local community, the private fish contractor and State government has been the main bone of contestation. To resolve this conflict local community formed conflict management mechanism named as Arvari Parliament. Arvari Parliament has its own principle and rules to resolve water conflicts related to ownership of the river and use of the river water. The research findings also highlight the co-existence between conventional and modern practices in resolving conflicts.Keywords: water, water pollution, water conflicts, water scarcity, conflict resolution, local community
Procedia PDF Downloads 4879857 A Framework for Strategy Development in Small Companies: A Case Study of a Telecommunication Firm
Authors: Maryam Goodarzi, Mahdieh Sheikhi, Mehdi Goodarzi
This study intends to offer an appropriate strategy development framework for a telecommunication firm (as a case study) which works on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) projects, development of telecommunication networks, and maintenance of local networks, according to its dominant condition. In this approach, first, the objectives were set and the mission was defined. Then, the capability was assessed by SWOT matrix. Using SPACE matrix, the strategy of the company was determined. The strategic direction is set and an appropriate and superior strategy was developed and offered employing QSPM matrix. The theoretical framework or conceptual model of the present study first involves 4 stages of framework development and then from stage 3 (assessing capability) onward, a strategic management model by Fred R. David. In this respect, the tools and methods offered in the framework are appropriate for all kinds of organizations, particularly small firms, and help strategists identify, evaluate, and select strategies.Keywords: strategy formulation, firm mission, strategic direction, space diagram, quantitative strategic planning matrix, SWOT matrix
Procedia PDF Downloads 3769856 Ray Tracing Modified 3D Image Method Simulation of Picocellular Propagation Channel Environment
Authors: Fathi Alwafie
In this paper we present the simulation of the propagation characteristics of the picocellular propagation channel environment. The first aim has been to find a correct description of the environment for received wave. The result of the first investigations is that the environment of the indoor wave significantly changes as we change the electric parameters of material constructions. A modified 3D ray tracing image method tool has been utilized for the coverage prediction. A detailed analysis of the dependence of the indoor wave on the wide-band characteristics of the channel: Root Mean Square (RMS) delay spread characteristics and mean excess delay, is also investigated.Keywords: propagation, ray tracing, network, mobile computing
Procedia PDF Downloads 4019855 Prediction of Thermodynamic Properties of N-Heptane in the Critical Region
Authors: Sabrina Ladjama, Aicha Rizi, Azzedine Abbaci
In this work, we use the crossover model to formulate a comprehensive fundamental equation of state for the thermodynamic properties for several n-alkanes in the critical region that extends to the classical region. This equation of state is constructed on the basis of comparison of selected measurements of pressure-density-temperature data, isochoric and isobaric heat capacity. The model can be applied in a wide range of temperatures and densities around the critical point for n-heptane. It is found that the developed model represents most of the reliable experimental data accurately.Keywords: crossover model, critical region, fundamental equation, n-heptane
Procedia PDF Downloads 4769854 The Filipino Catholics in Japan: Traces and Cues of De/Ghettoization
Authors: Willard Enrique R. Macaraan
Filipino Catholics' historicized narrative in the Church of Japan is found to be marked by contestation and negotiation. This paper aims to uncover the nuances of this marginality by utilizing Loic Wacquant's theorization of urban ghettos as well as Pierre Bourdieu's field ideation. In an attempt to illustrate the dynamics of the power-play that is implicit in any situation of marginality, the paper proposes a 'diamond-quadrant' (DQ) plane that may serve as a heuristic device for analytical purposes. This study is drawn from data collected and gathered through ten-month field research in selected church communities in the Archdiocese of Tokyo, Japan employing qualitative methodologies like participant observation, interviews, and document reviews. Reconstructing their historicized struggle since the late 70s, it is discovered that the arena of contested space has shifted from the right plane of "ghettoization" tendencies in the early years towards the left plane of "deghettoization" strategies in recent years. Still, a highly negotiated space, several situational factors, and emerging trends in and outside the ecclesial grounds have led to this major shift.Keywords: Wacquant, ghetto, migration, religion
Procedia PDF Downloads 939853 Design and Simulation of an Inter-Satellite Optical Wireless Communication System Using Diversity Techniques
Authors: Sridhar Rapuru, D. Mallikarjunreddy, Rajanarendra Sai
In this reign of the internet, the access of any multimedia file to the users at any time with a superior quality is needed. To achieve this goal, it is very important to have a good network without any interruptions between the satellites along with various earth stations. For that purpose, a high speed inter-satellite optical wireless communication system (IsOWC) is designed with space and polarization diversity techniques. IsOWC offers a high bandwidth, small size, less power requirement and affordable when compared with the present microwave satellite systems. To improve the efficiency and to reduce the propagation delay, inter-satellite link is established between the satellites. High accurate tracking systems are required to establish the reliable connection between the satellites as they have their own orbits. The only disadvantage of this IsOWC system is laser beam width is narrower than the RF because of this highly accurate tracking system to meet this requirement. The satellite uses the 'ephemerides data' for rough pointing and tracking system for fine pointing to the other satellite. In this proposed IsOWC system, laser light is used as a wireless connectedness between the source and destination and free space acts as the channel to carry the message. The proposed system will be designed, simulated and analyzed for 6000km with an improvement of data rate over previously existing systems. The performance parameters of the system are Q-factor, eye opening, bit error rate, etc., The proposed system for Inter-satellite Optical Wireless Communication System Design Using Diversity Techniques finds huge scope of applications in future generation communication purposes.Keywords: inter-satellite optical wireless system, space and polarization diversity techniques, line of sight, bit error rate, Q-factor
Procedia PDF Downloads 2709852 2D-Modeling with Lego Mindstorms
Authors: Miroslav Popelka, Jakub Nozicka
The whole work is based on possibility to use Lego Mindstorms robotics systems to reduce costs. Lego Mindstorms consists of a wide variety of hardware components necessary to simulate, programme and test of robotics systems in practice. To programme algorithm, which simulates space using the ultrasonic sensor, was used development environment supplied with kit. Software Matlab was used to render values afterwards they were measured by ultrasonic sensor. The algorithm created for this paper uses theoretical knowledge from area of signal processing. Data being processed by algorithm are collected by ultrasonic sensor that scans 2D space in front of it. Ultrasonic sensor is placed on moving arm of robot which provides horizontal moving of sensor. Vertical movement of sensor is provided by wheel drive. The robot follows map in order to get correct positioning of measured data. Based on discovered facts it is possible to consider Lego Mindstorm for low-cost and capable kit for real-time modelling.Keywords: LEGO Mindstorms, ultrasonic sensor, real-time modeling, 2D object, low-cost robotics systems, sensors, Matlab, EV3 Home Edition Software
Procedia PDF Downloads 4739851 Constructing Evaluation Indicators for the Supply of Urban-Friendly Shelters from the Perspective of the Needs of the Elderly People in Taiwan
Authors: Chuan-Ming Tung, Tzu-Chiao Yuan
This research aims to construct the supply indicators and weights of shelter space from a perspective of the needs of the elderly by virtue of literature review, a systematical compilation of related regulations, and the use of the Analytical Hierarchy Process method, the questionnaires regarding the indicators filled out by 16 experts and scholars. The researcher then used 3 schools and 2 activity centers in Banqiao District, New Taipei City, as study cases to evaluate the ‘friendliness’ degree/level for the supply of shelters meeting the needs of elderly people. The supply evaluation indicators of friendly shelters meeting the needs of the elderly include "Administrative Operations and Service Needs" and "Residence-related and Living Needs"; under the "Administrative Operations and Service Needs" are "Management Operations and Information Provision", "Shelter Space Preparedness and Logistics Support", "Medical Care and Social Support", and "Shelters and Medical Environment", a total of 17 assessment items in four indicators, while under the "Residence-related and Living Needs" are "Dietary Needs", "Sleep Needs", "Hygiene and Sanitation Needs", "Accessibility and Convenience Needs ", etc., a total of 18 assessment items in four indicators. The results show that "Residence-related and Living Needs" is the most important item in the main levels of the supply indicators of the needs for friendly shelters to elderly people (weigh value 0.5504), followed by "Administrative Operations and Service Needs" (0.4496). The order of importance of the supply indicators of friendly shelters for the needs of elderly people is as follows: "Hygiene and Sanitation Needs" (0.1721), "Dietary Needs" (0.1340), "Medical Care and Social Support" (0.1300), "Sleep Needs" (0.1277), "Accessibility and Convenience Needs" (0.1166), "Basic Environment of Shelters" (0.1145), "Shelter Space Preparedness and Logistics Support" (0.1115) and "Management Operations and Information Provision" (0.0936). In addition, it can be noticed from the results of the case evaluation that the provision of refuges and shelters, mainly from schools and activity centers, is extremely inadequate for the needs of the elderly. In a set of comprehensive comparisons and contrasts, the evaluation indicators of refuges and shelters that need to be improved are "Medical Care and Social Support", "Hygiene and Sanitation Needs", "Sleep Needs", "Dietary Needs", and "Shelter Space Preparedness and Logistics Support".Keywords: needs of the elderly people, urban shelters, evaluation indicators/indices., taiwan
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