Search results for: micro and macrovascular complications
1332 Adaptive Architecture: Reformulation of Socio-Ecological Systems
Authors: Pegah Zamani
This multidisciplinary study interrogates the reformulation of socio-ecological systems by bringing different disciplines together and incorporating ecological, social, and technological components to the sustainable design. The study seeks for a holistic sustainable system to understand the multidimensional impact of the evolving innovative technologies on responding to the variable socio-environmental conditions. Through a range of cases, from the vernacular built spaces to the sophisticated optimized systems, the research unfolds how far the environmental elements would impact the performance of a sustainable building, its micro-climatic ecological requirements, and its human inhabitation. As a product of the advancing technologies, an optimized and environmentally responsive building offers new identification, and realization of the built space through reformulating the connection to its internal and external environments (such as solar, thermal, and airflow), as well as its dwellers. The study inquires properties of optimized buildings, by bringing into the equation not only the environmental but also the socio-cultural, morphological, and phenomenal factors. Thus, the research underlines optimized built space as a product and practice which would not be meaningful without addressing and dynamically adjusting to the diversity and complexity of socio-ecological systems.Keywords: ecology, morphology, socio-ecological systems, sustainability
Procedia PDF Downloads 2051331 The Scope and Effectiveness of Interactive Voice Response Technologies in Post-Operative Care
Authors: Zanib Nafees, Amir Razaghizad, Ibtisam Mahmoud, Abhinav Sharma, Renzo Cecere
More than one million surgeries are performed each year in Canada, resulting in more than 100,000 associated serious adverse events (SAEs) per year. These are defined as unintended injuries or complications that adversely affect the well-being of patients. In recent years, there has been a proliferation of digital health interventions that have the potential to assist, monitor, and educate patients—facilitating self-care following post-operative discharge. Among digital health, interventions are interactive-voice response technologies (IVRs), which have been shown to be highly effective in certain medical settings. Although numerous IVR-based interventions have been developed, their effectiveness and utility remain unclear, notably in post-operative settings. To the best of our knowledge, no systematic or scoping reviews have evaluated this topic to date. Thus, the objective of this scoping review protocol is to systematically map and explore the literature and evidence describing and examining IVR tools, implementation, evaluation, outcome, and experience for post-operative patients. The focus will be primarily on the evaluation of baseline performance status, clinical assessment, treatment outcomes, and patient management, including self-management and self-monitoring. The objective of this scoping review is to assess the extent of the literature to direct future research efforts by identifying gaps and limitations in the literature and to highlight relevant determinants of positive outcomes in the emerging field of IVR monitoring for health outcomes in post-operative patients.Keywords: digital healthcare technologies, post-surgery, interactive voice technology, interactive voice response
Procedia PDF Downloads 2641330 A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis in Slow Gait Speed and Its Association with Worse Postoperative Outcomes in Cardiac Surgery
Authors: Vignesh Ratnaraj, Jaewon Chang
Background: Frailty is associated with poorer outcomes in cardiac surgery, but the heterogeneity in frailty assessment tools makes it difficult to ascertain its true impact in cardiac surgery. Slow gait speed is a simple, validated, and reliable marker of frailty. We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis to examine the effect of slow gait speed on postoperative cardiac surgical patients. Methods: PubMED, MEDLINE, and EMBASE databases were searched from January 2000 to August 2021 for studies comparing slow gait speed and “normal” gait speed. The primary outcome was in-hospital mortality. Secondary outcomes were composite mortality and major morbidity, AKI, stroke, deep sternal wound infection, prolonged ventilation, discharge to a healthcare facility, and ICU length of stay. Results: There were seven eligible studies with 36,697 patients. Slow gait speed was associated with an increased likelihood of in-hospital mortality (risk ratio [RR]: 2.32; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.87–2.87). Additionally, they were more likely to suffer from composite mortality and major morbidity (RR: 1.52; 95% CI: 1.38–1.66), AKI (RR: 2.81; 95% CI: 1.44–5.49), deep sternal wound infection (RR: 1.77; 95% CI: 1.59–1.98), prolonged ventilation >24 h (RR: 1.97; 95% CI: 1.48–2.63), reoperation (RR: 1.38; 95% CI: 1.05–1.82), institutional discharge (RR: 2.08; 95% CI: 1.61–2.69), and longer ICU length of stay (MD: 21.69; 95% CI: 17.32–26.05). Conclusion: Slow gait speed is associated with poorer outcomes in cardiac surgery. Frail patients are twofold more likely to die during hospital admission than non-frail counterparts and are at an increased risk of developing various perioperative complications.Keywords: cardiac surgery, gait speed, recovery, frailty
Procedia PDF Downloads 731329 Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Hardness and Compressive Strength of Hybrid Glass/Steel Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites
Authors: Amar Patnaik, Pankaj Agarwal
This paper investigates the experimental study of hardness and compressive strength of hybrid glass/steel fiber reinforced polymer composites by varying the glass and steel fiber layer in the epoxy matrix. The hybrid composites with four stacking sequences HSG-1, HSG-2, HSG-3, and HSG-4 were fabricated by the VARTM process under the controlled environment. The experimentally evaluated results of Vicker’s hardness of the fabricated composites increases with an increase in the fiber layers sequence showing the high resistance. The improvement of micro-structure ability has been observed from the SEM study, which governs in the enhancement of compressive strength. The finite element model was developed on ANSYS to predict the above said properties and further compared with experimental results. The results predicted by the numerical simulation are in good agreement with the experimental results. The hybrid composites developed in this study was identified as the preferred materials due to their excellent mechanical properties to replace the conventional materialsused in the marine structures.Keywords: finite element method, interfacial strength, polymer composites, VARTM
Procedia PDF Downloads 1331328 Outcomes in New-Onset Diabetic Foot Ulcers Stratified by Etiology
Authors: Pedro Gomes, Lia Ferreira, Sofia Garcia, Jaime Babulal, Luís Costa, Luís Castelo, José Muras, Isabel Gonçalves, Rui Carvalho
Introduction: Foot ulcers and their complications are an important cause of morbidity and mortality in diabetes. Objectives: The present study aims to evaluate the outcomes in terms of need for hospitalization, amputation, healing time and mortality in patients with new-onset diabetic foot ulcers in subgroups stratified by etiology. Methods: A retrospective study based on clinical assessment of patients presenting with new ulcers to a multidisciplinary diabetic foot consult during 2012. Outcomes were determined until September 2014, from hospital registers. Baseline clinical examination was done to classify ulcers as neuropathic, ischemic or neuroischemic. Results: 487 patients with new diabetic foot ulcers were observed; 36%, 15% and 49% of patients had neuropathic, ischemic and neuroischemic ulcers, respectively. For analysis, patients were classified as having predominantly neuropathic (36%) or ischemic foot (64%). The mean age was significantly higher in the group with ischemic foot (70±12 vs 63±12 years; p <0.001), as well as the duration of diabetes (18±10 vs 16 ± 10years, p <0.05). A history of previous amputation was also significantly higher in this group (24.7% vs 15.6%, p <0.05). The evolution of ischemic ulcers was significantly worse, with a greater need for hospitalization (27.2% vs 18%, p <0.05), amputation (11.5% vs 3.6% p <0.05) mainly major amputation (3% vs. 0%; p <0.001) and higher mean healing time (151 days vs 89 days, p <0.05). The mortality rate at 18 months, was also significantly higher in the ischemic foot group (7.3% vs 1.8%, p <0.05). Conclusions: All types of diabetic foot ulcers are associated with high morbidity and mortality, however, the presence of arterial disease confers a poor prognosis. Diabetic foot can be successfully treated only by the multidisciplinary team which can provide more comprehensive and integrated care.Keywords: diabetes, foot ulcers, etiology, outcome
Procedia PDF Downloads 4351327 Fabrication of Cheap Novel 3d Porous Scaffolds Activated by Nano-Particles and Active Molecules for Bone Regeneration and Drug Delivery Applications
Authors: Mostafa Mabrouk, Basma E. Abdel-Ghany, Mona Moaness, Bothaina M. Abdel-Hady, Hanan H. Beherei
Tissue engineering became a promising field for bone repair and regenerative medicine in which cultured cells, scaffolds and osteogenic inductive signals are used to regenerate tissues. The annual cost of treating bone defects in Egypt has been estimated to be many billions, while enormous costs are spent on imported bone grafts for bone injuries, tumors, and other pathologies associated with defective fracture healing. The current study is aimed at developing a more strategic approach in order to speed-up recovery after bone damage. This will reduce the risk of fatal surgical complications and improve the quality of life of people affected with such fractures. 3D scaffolds loaded with cheap nano-particles that possess an osteogenic effect were prepared by nano-electrospinning. The Microstructure and morphology characterizations of the 3D scaffolds were monitored using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The physicochemical characterization was investigated using X-ray diffractometry (XRD) and infrared spectroscopy (IR). The Physicomechanical properties of the 3D scaffold were determined by a universal testing machine. The in vitro bioactivity of the 3D scaffold was assessed in simulated body fluid (SBF). The bone-bonding ability of novel 3D scaffolds was also evaluated. The obtained nanofibrous scaffolds demonstrated promising microstructure, physicochemical and physicomechanical features appropriate for enhanced bone regeneration. Therefore, the utilized nanomaterials loaded with the drug are greatly recommended as cheap alternatives to growth factors.Keywords: bone regeneration, cheap scaffolds, nanomaterials, active molecules
Procedia PDF Downloads 1911326 Output-Feedback Control Design for a General Class of Systems Subject to Sampling and Uncertainties
Authors: Tomas Menard
The synthesis of output-feedback control law has been investigated by many researchers since the last century. While many results exist for the case of Linear Time Invariant systems whose measurements are continuously available, nowadays, control laws are usually implemented on micro-controller, then the measurements are discrete-time by nature. This fact has to be taken into account explicitly in order to obtain a satisfactory behavior of the closed-loop system. One considers here a general class of systems corresponding to an observability normal form and which is subject to uncertainties in the dynamics and sampling of the output. Indeed, in practice, the modeling of the system is never perfect, this results in unknown uncertainties in the dynamics of the model. We propose here an output feedback algorithm which is based on a linear state feedback and a continuous-discrete time observer. The main feature of the proposed control law is that only discrete-time measurements of the output are needed. Furthermore, it is formally proven that the state of the closed loop system exponentially converges toward the origin despite the unknown uncertainties. Finally, the performances of this control scheme are illustrated with simulations.Keywords: dynamical systems, output feedback control law, sampling, uncertain systems
Procedia PDF Downloads 2861325 A Case of Survival with Self-Draining Haemopericardium Secondary to Stabbing
Authors: Balakrishna Valluru, Ruth Suckling
A 16 year old male was found collapsed on the road following stab injuries to the chest and abdomen and was transported to the emergency department by ambulance. On arrival in the emergency department the patient was breathless and appeared pale. He was maintaining his airway with spontaneous breathing and had a heart rate of 122 beats per minute with a blood pressure of 83/63 mmHg. He was resuscitated initially with three units of packed red cells. Clinical examination identified three incisional wounds each measuring 2 cm. These were in the left para-sternal region, right infra-scapular region and left upper quadrant of the abdomen. The chest wound over the left parasternal area at the level of 4tth intercostal space was bleeding intermittently on leaning forwards and was relieving his breathlessness intermittently. CT imaging was performed to characterize his injuries and determine his management. CT scan of chest and abdomen showed moderate size haemopericardium with left sided haemopneumothorax. The patient underwent urgent surgical repair of the left ventricle and left anterior descending artery. He recovered without complications and was discharged from the hospital. This case highlights the fact that the potential to develop a life threatening cardiac tamponade was mitigated by the left parasternal stab wound. This injury fortuitously provided a pericardial window through which the bleeding from the injured left ventricle and left anterior descending artery could drain into the left hemithorax providing an opportunity for timely surgical intervention to repair the cardiac injuries.Keywords: stab, incisional, haemo-pericardium, haemo-pneumothorax
Procedia PDF Downloads 2031324 Improvement in Quality-Factor Superconducting Co-Planer Waveguide Resonators by Passivation Air-Interfaces Using Self-Assembled Monolayers
Authors: Saleem Rao, Mohammed Al-Ghadeer, Archan Banerjee, Hossein Fariborzi
Materials imperfection, particularly two-level-system (TLS) defects in planer superconducting quantum circuits, contributes significantly to decoherence, ultimately limiting the performance of quantum computation and sensing. Oxides at air interfaces are among the host of TLS, and different material has been used to reduce TLS losses. Passivation with an inorganic layer is not an option to reduce these interface oxides; however, they can be etched away, but their regrowth remains a problem. Here, we report the chemisorption of molecular self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) at air interfaces of superconducting co-planer waveguide (CPW) resonators that suppress the regrowth of oxides and also modify the dielectric constant of the interface. With SAMs, we observed sustained order of magnitude improvement in quality factor -better than oxide etched interfaces. Quality factor measurements at millikelvin temperature and at single photon, XPS data, and TEM images of SAM passivated air interface sustenance our claim. Compatibility of SAM with micro-/nano-fabrication processes opens new ways to improve the coherence time in cQED.Keywords: superconducting circuits, quality-factor, self-assembled monolayer, coherence
Procedia PDF Downloads 851323 Influence of Travel Time Reliability on Elderly Drivers Crash Severity
Authors: Ren Moses, Emmanuel Kidando, Eren Ozguven, Yassir Abdelrazig
Although older drivers (defined as those of age 65 and above) are less involved with speeding, alcohol use as well as night driving, they are more vulnerable to severe crashes. The major contributing factors for severe crashes include frailty and medical complications. Several studies have evaluated the contributing factors on severity of crashes. However, few studies have established the impact of travel time reliability (TTR) on road safety. In particular, the impact of TTR on senior adults who face several challenges including hearing difficulties, decreasing of the processing skills and cognitive problems in driving is not well established. Therefore, this study focuses on determining possible impacts of TTR on the traffic safety with focus on elderly drivers. Historical travel speed data from freeway links in the study area were used to calculate travel time and the associated TTR metrics that is, planning time index, the buffer index, the standard deviation of the travel time and the probability of congestion. Four-year information on crashes occurring on these freeway links was acquired. The binary logit model estimated using the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling technique was used to evaluate variables that could be influencing elderly crash severity. Preliminary results of the analysis suggest that TTR is statistically significant in affecting the severity of a crash involving an elderly driver. The result suggests that one unit increase in the probability of congestion reduces the likelihood of the elderly severe crash by nearly 22%. These findings will enhance the understanding of TTR and its impact on the elderly crash severity.Keywords: highway safety, travel time reliability, elderly drivers, traffic modeling
Procedia PDF Downloads 4951322 Reducing the Risk of Alcohol Relapse after Liver-Transplantation
Authors: Rebeca V. Tholen, Elaine Bundy
Background: Liver transplantation (LT) is considered the only curative treatment for end-stage liver disease Background: Liver transplantation (LT) is considered the only curative treatment for end-stage liver disease (ESLD). The effects of alcoholism can cause irreversible liver damage, cirrhosis and subsequent liver failure. Alcohol relapse after transplant occurs in 20-50% of patients and increases the risk for recurrent cirrhosis, organ rejection, and graft failure. Alcohol relapse after transplant has been identified as a problem among liver transplant recipients at a large urban academic transplant center in the United States. Transplantation will reverse the complications of ESLD, but it does not treat underlying alcoholism or reduce the risk of relapse after transplant. The purpose of this quality improvement project is to implement and evaluate the effectiveness of a High-Risk Alcoholism Relapse (HRAR) Scale to screen and identify patients at high-risk for alcohol relapse after receiving an LT. Methods: The HRAR Scale is a predictive tool designed to determine the severity of alcoholism and risk of relapse after transplant. The scale consists of three variables identified as having the highest predictive power for early relapse including, daily number of drinks, history of previous inpatient treatment for alcoholism, and the number of years of heavy drinking. All adult liver transplant recipients at a large urban transplant center were screened with the HRAR Scale prior to hospital discharge. A zero to two ordinal score is ranked for each variable, and the total score ranges from zero to six. High-risk scores are between three to six. Results: Descriptive statistics revealed 25 patients were newly transplanted and discharged from the hospital during an 8-week period. 40% of patients (n=10) were identified as being high-risk for relapse and 60% low-risk (n=15). The daily number of drinks were determined by alcohol content (1 drink = 15g of ethanol) and number of drinks per day. 60% of patients reported drinking 9-17 drinks per day, and 40% reported ≤ 9 drinks. 50% of high-risk patients reported drinking ≥ 25 years, 40% for 11-25 years, and 10% ≤ 11 years. For number of inpatient treatments for alcoholism, 50% received inpatient treatment one time, 20% ≥ 1, and 30% reported never receiving inpatient treatment. Findings reveal the importance and value of a validated screening tool as a more efficient method than other screening methods alone. Integration of a structured clinical tool will help guide the drinking history portion of the psychosocial assessment. Targeted interventions can be implemented for all high-risk patients. Conclusions: Our findings validate the effectiveness of utilizing the HRAR scale to screen and identify patients who are a high-risk for alcohol relapse post-LT. Recommendations to help maintain post-transplant sobriety include starting a transplant support group within the organization for all high-risk patients. (ESLD). The effects of alcoholism can cause irreversible liver damage, cirrhosis and subsequent liver failure. Alcohol relapse after transplant occurs in 20-50% of patients, and increases the risk for recurrent cirrhosis, organ rejection, and graft failure. Alcohol relapse after transplant has been identified as a problem among liver transplant recipients at a large urban academic transplant center in the United States. Transplantation will reverse the complications of ESLD, but it does not treat underlying alcoholism or reduce the risk of relapse after transplant. The purpose of this quality improvement project is to implement and evaluate the effectiveness of a High-Risk Alcoholism Relapse (HRAR) Scale to screen and identify patients at high-risk for alcohol relapse after receiving a LT. Methods: The HRAR Scale is a predictive tool designed to determine severity of alcoholism and risk of relapse after transplant. The scale consists of three variables identified as having the highest predictive power for early relapse including, daily number of drinks, history of previous inpatient treatment for alcoholism, and the number of years of heavy drinking. All adult liver transplant recipients at a large urban transplant center were screened with the HRAR Scale prior to hospital discharge. A zero to two ordinal score is ranked for each variable, and the total score ranges from zero to six. High-risk scores are between three to six. Results: Descriptive statistics revealed 25 patients were newly transplanted and discharged from the hospital during an 8-week period. 40% of patients (n=10) were identified as being high-risk for relapse and 60% low-risk (n=15). The daily number of drinks were determined by alcohol content (1 drink = 15g of ethanol) and number of drinks per day. 60% of patients reported drinking 9-17 drinks per day, and 40% reported ≤ 9 drinks. 50% of high-risk patients reported drinking ≥ 25 years, 40% for 11-25 years, and 10% ≤ 11 years. For number of inpatient treatments for alcoholism, 50% received inpatient treatment one time, 20% ≥ 1, and 30% reported never receiving inpatient treatment. Findings reveal the importance and value of a validated screening tool as a more efficient method than other screening methods alone. Integration of a structured clinical tool will help guide the drinking history portion of the psychosocial assessment. Targeted interventions can be implemented for all high-risk patients. Conclusions: Our findings validate the effectiveness of utilizing the HRAR scale to screen and identify patients who are a high-risk for alcohol relapse post-LT. Recommendations to help maintain post-transplant sobriety include starting a transplant support group within the organization for all high-risk patients.Keywords: alcoholism, liver transplant, quality improvement, substance abuse
Procedia PDF Downloads 1161321 Investigating the Prevalence of HCV from Laboratory Centers in Tehran City - Iran by Electrochemiluminescence (ECL) and PCR Techniques
Authors: Zahra Rakhshan Masoudi, Sona Rostampour Yasouri
Considering that the only way to save the lives of patients and healthy people who have suffered sudden accidents is blood transfusion, what is important is the presence of the known HCV virus as the most important cause of the disease after blood transfusion. HCV is one of the major global problems, and its transmission through blood causes life-threatening complications and extensive legal, social and economic consequences. On the one hand, unfortunately, there is still no effective vaccine available to prevent HCV. In Iran, the exact statistics of the prevalence of this disease have not yet been fully announced. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the prevalence rate and rapid diagnosis of HCV among those who refer to laboratory centers in Tehran. From spring to winter of 1401 (2022-2023), 2166 blood samples were collected from laboratory centers in Tehran. Blood samples were evaluated for the presence of HCV by Electrochemiluminescence (ECL) and PCR techniques along with specific HCV primers. In general, 36 samples (1.6%) were tested positive by the mentioned techniques. The results indicated that the ECL technique is a sensitive and specific diagnostic method for detecting HCV in the early stages of the disease and can be very helpful and provide the possibility of starting the treatment steps to prevent the exacerbation of the disease earlier. Also, the results of PCR technique showed that PCR is an accurate, sensitive and fast method for definitive diagnosis of HCV. It seems that the incidence rate of this disease is increasing in Iran, and investigating the spread of the disease throughout Iran for a longer period of time in the continuation of our research can be helpful in the future to take the necessary measures to prevent the transmission of the disease to people and the rapid onset Treatment steps for patients with HCV should be carried out.Keywords: electrochemiluminescence, HCV, PCR, prevalence
Procedia PDF Downloads 691320 Finite Element Analysis of the Lumbar Spine after Unilateral and Bilateral Laminotomies and Laminectomy
Authors: Chih-Hsien Chen, Yi-Hung Ho, Chih-Wei Wang, Chih-Wei Chang, Yen-Nien Chen, Chih-Han Chang, Chun-Ting Li
Laminotomy is a spinal decompression surgery compatible with a minimally invasive approach. However, the unilateral laminotomy for bilateral side decompression leads to more perioperative complications than the bilateral laminotomy. Although the unilateral laminotomy removes the least bone tissue among the spinal decompression surgeries, the difference of spinal stability between unilateral and bilateral laminotomy and laminectomy is rarely investigated. This study aims to compare the biomechanical effects of unilateral and bilateral laminotomy and laminectomy on the lumbar spine by finite element (FE) simulation. A three-dimensional FE model of the lumbar spine (L1–L5) was constructed with the vertebral body, discs, and ligaments, as well as the sacrum was constructed. Three different surgical methods, namely unilateral laminotomy, bilateral laminotomy and laminectomy, at L3–L4 and L4–L5 were considered. Partial pedicle and entire ligamentum flavum were removed to simulate bilateral decompression in laminotomy. The entire lamina and spinal processes from the lower L3 to upper L5 were detached in the laminectomy model. Then, four kinds of loadings, namely flexion, extension, lateral bending and rotation, were applied on the lumbar with various decompression conditions. The results indicated that the bilateral and unilateral laminotomy both increased the range of motion (ROM) compared with intact lumbar, while the laminectomy increased more ROM than both laminotomy did. The difference of ROM between the bilateral and unilateral laminotomy was very minor. Furthermore, bilateral laminotomy demonstrated similar poster element stress with unilateral laminotomy. Unilateral and bilateral laminotomy are equally suggested to bilateral decompression of lumbar spine with minimally invasive technique because limited effect was aroused due to more bone remove in the bilateral laminotomy on the lumbar stability. Furthermore, laminectomy is the last option for lumbar decompression.Keywords: minimally invasive technique, lumbar decompression, laminotomy, laminectomy, finite element method
Procedia PDF Downloads 1901319 Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) and Angiotensinogen (AGT) Gene Variants in Pakistani Patients of Diabetes Mellitus and Diabetic Nephropathy
Authors: Rozeena Shaikh, Syed M Shahid, Jamil Ahmad, Qaisar Mansoor, Muhammad Ismail, Abid Azhar
Introduction: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a prevalent non-communicable disease worldwide. In most high-income countries as well as middle-income and low- income countries. DM is among the top causes of deaths. DM may lead to many vascular complications like hypertension, nephropathy, retinopathy, neuropathy, and foot. Diabetic nephropathy (DN) characterized by persistent albuminuria is a leading cause of end stage renal failure (ESRF). Pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy is implicated by the polymorphisms in genes encoding the components of reninangiotensin- aldosteron system (RAAS) which include angiotensinogen (AGT), angiotensin-II receptor and particularly angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) gene. Method: Study subjects include 110 control, 110 patients with DM without hypertension, 110 patients with DM with hypertension and 110 patients with DN. Blood samples were collected for Biochemical analysis and PCR and sequencing for the specific region of both genes. Results: The frequency of DD genotype and D allele of ACE (I/D) was significantly (p<0.05) high in DM normotensive, DM hypertensive and DN patients when compared to control. The ACE G2350A genotypes and allele frequencies were significantly different (p<0.05) in DM hypertensive patients as compared to control and DN, while no difference was observed between DM normotensive and DN when compared to control. The genotypes and alleles of AGT (M268T) polymorphism were significantly different (p<0.05) in DM normotensive, DM hypertensive and DN when compared to control. Conclusion: The DD genotype and D allele of ACE (I/D), GG genotype and G allele of ACE (G2350A) and the TT genotype and T allele of AGT (M268T) polymorphism have shown a significant difference in genotype and allele frequencies between controls and patients.Keywords: genetic variations, ACE, AGT, diabetes mellitus, diabetic nephropathy, Pakistan
Procedia PDF Downloads 3941318 Microstructural Properties of the Interfacial Transition Zone and Strength Development of Concrete Incorporating Recycled Concrete Aggregate
Authors: S. Boudali, A. M. Soliman, B. Abdulsalam, K. Ayed, D. E. Kerdal, S. Poncet
This study investigates the potential of using crushed concrete as aggregates to produce green and sustainable concrete. Crushed concrete was sieved to powder fine recycled aggregate (PFRA) less than 80 µm and coarse recycled aggregates (CRA). Physical, mechanical, and microstructural properties for PFRA and CRA were evaluated. The effect of the additional rates of PFRA and CRA on strength development of recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) was investigated. Additionally, the characteristics of interfacial transition zone (ITZ) between cement paste and recycled aggregate were also examined. Results show that concrete mixtures made with 100% of CRA and 40% PFRA exhibited similar performance to that of the control mixture prepared with 100% natural aggregate (NA) and 40% natural pozzolan (NP). Moreover, concrete mixture incorporating recycled aggregate exhibited a slightly higher later compressive strength than that of the concrete with NA. This was confirmed by the very dense microstructure for concrete mixture incorporating recycled concrete aggregates compared to that of conventional concrete mixture.Keywords: compressive strength, recycled concrete aggregates, microstructure, interfacial transition zone, powder fine recycled aggregate
Procedia PDF Downloads 3431317 A Discourse Study of Multimodal Intertextuality in Egyptian Social Media Memes
Authors: Ola Hafez
This study examines the way selected Egyptian digitally mediated memes utilize intertextuality as a means of expression. It is motivated by the emerging digital socio-political humorous practice using various forms of political commentary in Egyptian social media. One of these forms involves the use of memes incorporating (often doctored) video frames taken from Egyptian plays, films and songs, and relocated in a different socio-political context, often with a caption that re-appropriates the frame for the purpose of critical commentary, thus juxtaposing the socio-political phenomena being addressed and the Egyptian artistic and cultural heritage. The paper presents a discourse study of a convenience sample of a recent social media campaign and carries out two levels of analysis. At the micro level, the study pinpoints the various modes of intertextuality employed, including verbal as well as visual intertextuality in the light of the work of social semiotics by Kress and van Leeuwen. At the macro level, the paper sheds light on the socio-political implications of such practice in the light of Political Discourse Analysis.Keywords: digitally mediated discourse, discourse analysis, Egyptian Arabic, intertextuality, memes, multimodality, political discourse analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 2181316 Stromal Vascular Fraction Regenerative Potential in a Muscle Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury Mouse Model
Authors: Anita Conti, Riccardo Ossanna, Lindsey A. Quintero, Giamaica Conti, Andrea Sbarbati
Ischemia/reperfusion (IR) injury induces muscle fiber atrophy and skeletal muscle fiber death with subsequently functionality loss. The heterogeneous pool of cells, especially mesenchymal stem cells, contained in the stromal vascular fraction (SVF) of adipose tissue could promote muscle fiber regeneration. To prevent SVF dispersion, it has been proposed the use of injectable biopolymers that work as cells carrier. A significant element of the extracellular matrix is hyaluronic acid (HA), which has been widely used in regenerative medicine as a cell scaffold given its biocompatibility, degradability, and the possibility of chemical functionalization. Connective tissue micro-fragments enriched with SVF obtained from mechanical disaggregation of adipose tissue were evaluated for IR muscle injury regeneration using low molecular weight HA as a scaffold. IR induction. Hindlimb ischemia was induced in 9 athymic nude mice through the clamping of the right quadriceps using a plastic band. Reperfusion was induced by cutting the plastic band after 3 hours of ischemic period. Contralateral (left) muscular tissue was used as healthy control. Treatment. Twenty-four hours after the IR induction, animals (n=3) were intramuscularly injected with 100 µl of SVF mixed with HA (SVF-HA). Animals treated with 100 µl of HA (n=3) and 100 µl saline solution (n=3) were used as control. Treatment monitoring. All animals were in vivo monitored by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at 5, 7, 14 and 18 days post-injury (dpi). High-resolution morphological T2 weighed, quantitative T2 map and Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced (DCE) images were acquired in order to assess the regenerative potential of SVF-HA treatment. Ex vivo evaluation. After 18 days from IR induction, animals were sacrificed, and the muscles were harvested for histological examination. At 5 dpi T2 high-resolution MR images clearly reveal the presence of an extensive edematous area due to IR damage for all groups identifiable as an increase of signal intensity (SI) of muscular and surrounding tissue. At 7 dpi, animals of the SVF-HA group showed a reduction of SI, and the T2relaxation time of muscle tissue of the HA-SVF group was 29±0.5ms, comparable with the T2relaxation time of contralateral muscular tissue (30±0.7ms). These suggest a reduction of edematous overflow and swelling. The T2relaxation time at 7dpi of HA and saline groups were 84±2ms and 90±5ms, respectively, which remained elevated during the rest of the study. The evaluation of vascular regeneration showed similar results. Indeed, DCE-MRI analysis revealed a complete recovery of muscular tissue perfusion after 14 dpi for the SVF-HA group, while for the saline and HA group, controls remained in a damaged state. Finally, the histological examination of SVF-HA treated animals exhibited well-defined and organized fibers morphology with a lateralized nucleus, similar to contralateral healthy muscular tissue. On the contrary, HA and saline-treated animals presented inflammatory infiltrates, with HA slightly improving the diameter of the fibers and less degenerated tissue. Our findings show that connective tissue micro-fragments enriched with SVF induce higher muscle homeostasis and perfusion restoration in contrast to control groups.Keywords: ischemia/reperfusion injury, regenerative medicine, resonance imaging, stromal vascular fraction
Procedia PDF Downloads 1281315 Aqueous Extract of Argemone Mexicana Roots for Effective Corrosion Inhibition of Mild Steel in HCl Environment
Authors: Gopal Ji, Priyanka Dwivedi, Shanthi Sundaram, Rajiv Prakash
Inhibition effect of aqueous Argemone Mexicana root extract (AMRE) on mild steel corrosion in 1 M HCl has been studied by weight loss, Tafel polarization curves, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) techniques. Results indicate that inhibition ability of AMRE increases with the increasing amount of the extract. A maximum corrosion inhibition of 94% is acknowledged at the extract concentration of 400 mg L-1. Polarization curves and impedance spectra reveal that both cathodic and anodic reactions are suppressed due to passive layer formation at metal-acid interface. It is also confirmed by SEM micro graphs and FTIR studies. Furthermore, the effects of acid concentration (1-5 M), immersion time (120 hours) and temperature (30-60˚C) on inhibition potential of AMRE have been investigated by weight loss method and electrochemical techniques. Adsorption mechanism is also proposed on the basis of weight loss results, which shows good agreement with Langmuir isotherm.Keywords: mild steel, polarization, SEM, acid corrosion, EIS, green inhibition
Procedia PDF Downloads 4941314 Comparing Practices of Swimming in the Netherlands against a Global Model for Integrated Development of Mass and High Performance Sport: Perceptions of Coaches
Authors: Melissa de Zeeuw, Peter Smolianov, Arnold Bohl
This study was designed to help and improve international performance as well increase swimming participation in the Netherlands. Over 200 sources of literature on sport delivery systems from 28 Australasian, North and South American, Western and Eastern European countries were analyzed to construct a globally applicable model of high performance swimming integrated with mass participation, comprising of the following seven elements and three levels: Micro level (operations, processes, and methodologies for development of individual athletes): 1. Talent search and development, 2. Advanced athlete support. Meso level (infrastructures, personnel, and services enabling sport programs): 3. Training centers, 4. Competition systems, 5. Intellectual services. Macro level (socio-economic, cultural, legislative, and organizational): 6. Partnerships with supporting agencies, 7. Balanced and integrated funding and structures of mass and elite sport. This model emerged from the integration of instruments that have been used to analyse and compare national sport systems. The model has received scholarly validation and showed to be a framework for program analysis that is not culturally bound. It has recently been accepted as a model for further understanding North American sport systems, including (in chronological order of publications) US rugby, tennis, soccer, swimming and volleyball. The above model was used to design a questionnaire of 42 statements reflecting desired practices. The statements were validated by 12 international experts, including executives from sport governing bodies, academics who published on high performance and sport development, and swimming coaches and administrators. In this study both a highly structured and open ended qualitative analysis tools were used. This included a survey of swim coaches where open responses accompanied structured questions. After collection of the surveys, semi-structured discussions with Federation coaches were conducted to add triangulation to the findings. Lastly, a content analysis of Dutch Swimming’s website and organizational documentation was conducted. A representative sample of 1,600 Dutch Swim coaches and administrators was collected via email addresses from Royal Dutch Swimming Federation' database. Fully completed questionnaires were returned by 122 coaches from all key country’s regions for a response rate of 7,63% - higher than the response rate of the previously mentioned US studies which used the same model and method. Results suggest possible enhancements at macro level (e.g., greater public and corporate support to prepare and hire more coaches and to address the lack of facilities, monies and publicity at mass participation level in order to make swimming affordable for all), at meso level (e.g., comprehensive education for all coaches and full spectrum of swimming pools particularly 50 meters long), and at micro level (e.g., better preparation of athletes for a future outside swimming and better use of swimmers to stimulate swimming development). Best Dutch swimming management practices (e.g., comprehensive support to most talented swimmers who win Olympic medals) as well as relevant international practices available for transfer to the Netherlands (e.g., high school competitions) are discussed.Keywords: sport development, high performance, mass participation, swimming
Procedia PDF Downloads 2061313 Simulation and Analysis of Mems-Based Flexible Capacitive Pressure Sensors with COMSOL
Authors: Ding Liangxiao
The technological advancements in Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) have significantly contributed to the development of new, flexible capacitive pressure sensors,which are pivotal in transforming wearable and medical device technologies. This study employs the sophisticated simulation tools available in COMSOL Multiphysics® to develop and analyze a MEMS-based sensor with a tri-layered design. This sensor comprises top and bottom electrodes made from gold (Au), noted for their excellent conductivity, a middle dielectric layer made from a composite of Silver Nanowires (AgNWs) embedded in Thermoplastic Polyurethane (TPU), and a flexible, durable substrate of Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). This research was directed towards understanding how changes in the physical characteristics of the AgNWs/TPU dielectric layer—specifically, its thickness and surface area—impact the sensor's operational efficacy. We assessed several key electrical properties: capacitance, electric potential, and membrane displacement under varied pressure conditions. These investigations are crucial for enhancing the sensor's sensitivity and ensuring its adaptability across diverse applications, including health monitoring systems and dynamic user interface technologies. To ensure the reliability of our simulations, we applied the Effective Medium Theory to calculate the dielectric constant of the AgNWs/TPU composite accurately. This approach is essential for predicting how the composite material will perform under different environmental and operational stresses, thus facilitating the optimization of the sensor design for enhanced performance and longevity. Moreover, we explored the potential benefits of innovative three-dimensional structures for the dielectric layer compared to traditional flat designs. Our hypothesis was that 3D configurations might improve the stress distribution and optimize the electrical field interactions within the sensor, thereby boosting its sensitivity and accuracy. Our simulation protocol includes comprehensive performance testing under simulated environmental conditions, such as temperature fluctuations and mechanical pressures, which mirror the actual operational conditions. These tests are crucial for assessing the sensor's robustness and its ability to function reliably over extended periods, ensuring high reliability and accuracy in complex real-world environments. In our current research, although a full dynamic simulation analysis of the three-dimensional structures has not yet been conducted, preliminary explorations through three-dimensional modeling have indicated the potential for mechanical and electrical performance improvements over traditional planar designs. These initial observations emphasize the potential advantages and importance of incorporating advanced three-dimensional modeling techniques in the development of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS)sensors, offering new directions for the design and functional optimization of future sensors. Overall, this study not only highlights the powerful capabilities of COMSOL Multiphysics® for modeling sophisticated electronic devices but also underscores the potential of innovative MEMS technology in advancing the development of more effective, reliable, and adaptable sensor solutions for a broad spectrum of technological applications.Keywords: MEMS, flexible sensors, COMSOL Multiphysics, AgNWs/TPU, PDMS, 3D modeling, sensor durability
Procedia PDF Downloads 471312 Representational Issues in Learning Solution Chemistry at Secondary School
Authors: Lam Pham, Peter Hubber, Russell Tytler
Students’ conceptual understandings of chemistry concepts/phenomena involve capability to coordinate across the three levels of Johnston’s triangle model. This triplet model is based on reasoning about chemical phenomena across macro, sub-micro and symbolic levels. In chemistry education, there is a need for further examining inquiry-based approaches that enhance students’ conceptual learning and problem solving skills. This research adopted a directed inquiry pedagogy based on students constructing and coordinating representations, to investigate senior school students’ capabilities to flexibly move across Johnston’ levels when learning dilution and molar concentration concepts. The participants comprise 50 grade 11 and 20 grade 10 students and 4 chemistry teachers who were selected from 4 secondary schools located in metropolitan Melbourne, Victoria. This research into classroom practices used ethnographic methodology, involved teachers working collaboratively with the research team to develop representational activities and lesson sequences in the instruction of a unit on solution chemistry. The representational activities included challenges (Representational Challenges-RCs) that used ‘representational tools’ to assist students to move across Johnson’s three levels for dilution phenomena. In this report, the ‘representational tool’ called ‘cross and portion’ model was developed and used in teaching and learning the molar concentration concept. Students’ conceptual understanding and problem solving skills when learning with this model are analysed through group case studies of year 10 and 11 chemistry students. In learning dilution concepts, students in both group case studies actively conducted a practical experiment, used their own language and visualisation skills to represent dilution phenomena at macroscopic level (RC1). At the sub-microscopic level, students generated and negotiated representations of the chemical interactions between solute and solvent underpinning the dilution process. At the symbolic level, students demonstrated their understandings about dilution concepts by drawing chemical structures and performing mathematical calculations. When learning molar concentration with a ‘cross and portion’ model (RC2), students coordinated across visual and symbolic representational forms and Johnson’s levels to construct representations. The analysis showed that in RC1, Year 10 students needed more ‘scaffolding’ in inducing to representations to explicit the form and function of sub-microscopic representations. In RC2, Year 11 students showed clarity in using visual representations (drawings) to link to mathematics to solve representational challenges about molar concentration. In contrast, year 10 students struggled to get match up the two systems, symbolic system of mole per litre (‘cross and portion’) and visual representation (drawing). These conceptual problems do not lie in the students’ mathematical calculation capability but rather in students’ capability to align visual representations with the symbolic mathematical formulations. This research also found that students in both group case studies were able to coordinate representations when probed about the use of ‘cross and portion’ model (in RC2) to demonstrate molar concentration of diluted solutions (in RC1). Students mostly succeeded in constructing ‘cross and portion’ models to represent the reduction of molar concentration of the concentration gradients. In conclusion, this research demonstrated how the strategic introduction and coordination of chemical representations across modes and across the macro, sub-micro and symbolic levels, supported student reasoning and problem solving in chemistry.Keywords: cross and portion, dilution, Johnston's triangle, molar concentration, representations
Procedia PDF Downloads 1371311 An Audit of Restaging Transurethral Resection of Bladder Tumor (Re-TURBT) Quality in a District General Hospital
Authors: Rizwan Iqbal
Introduction: Re-TURBT has been recommended by international guidelines for patients with non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) who are deemed high-risk. Indications for re-TURBTs remain controversial and studies show mixed outcomes. It should be performed when the initial TURBT specimen lacks detrusor muscle, has tumor stage pT1 or G3/high-grade, or where resection is deemed incomplete. This ensures complete resection of tumors that have a high risk of recurrence as well as accurately identifying any tumors which have been upstaged. The aim of this audit was to evaluate the quality of re-TURBTs in a district general hospital. Method: Data were retrospectively collected from 31 patients who had re-TURBTs between April 2021 and September 2022. Data included baseline demographics, time from initial to re-TURBT, quality of operation note, presence of residual tumor, complications, and administration of chemotherapy within 24 hours of the initial TURBT. Data collection remains ongoing at the time of writing. Results: The mean age was 76 years old and 71.0% of patients were male. 32.3% of patients had their re-TURBT within six weeks and 32.3% had intravesical chemotherapy administered within 24 hours of the initial TURBT. 74.2% of initial TURBTs had detrusor muscle present in the specimen. 48.4% of patients had residual disease following re-TURBT. Just one patient had their pathology upstaged at re-TURBT. The use of the TURBT proforma on the operation note was variable, with 51.6% and 38.7% of surgeons using the proforma after the initial and re-TURBT. Conclusion: Re-TURBT improves bladder cancer staging and is necessary in patients who are deemed high-risk in order to identify any upstaging or recurrence of the disease.Keywords: urology, bladder cancer, turbt, cancer
Procedia PDF Downloads 621310 Natural Frequency Analysis of a Porous Functionally Graded Shaft System
Authors: Natural Frequency Analysis of a Porous Functionally Graded Shaft System
The vibration characteristics of a functionally graded (FG) rotor model having porosities and micro-voids is investigated using three-dimensional finite element analysis. The FG shaft is mounted with a steel disc located at the midspan. The shaft ends are supported on isotropic bearings. The FG material is composed of a metallic (stainless-steel) and ceramic phase (zirconium oxide) as its constituent phases. The layer wise material property variation is governed by power law. Material property equations are developed for the porosity modelling. Python code is developed to assign the material properties to each layer including the effect of porosities. ANSYS commercial software is used to extract the natural frequencies and whirl frequencies for the FG shaft system. The obtained results show the influence of porosity volume fraction and power-law index, on the vibration characteristics of the ceramic-based FG shaft system.Keywords: Finite element method, Functionally graded material, Porosity volume fraction, Power law
Procedia PDF Downloads 2061309 Effects of Clinical Practice Guidelines for Central Venous Catheter to Infection Rate and Nurse’s Satisfaction in Medicine Intensive Care Unit 240 Hat Yai Hospital, Thailand
Authors: Jiranun Sreecharit, Anongnat Boonrut, Kunvadee Munvaradee, Phechnoy Singchungchai
Hatyai Hospital as center of hospital with a capacity of 670 beds. Medicine intensive care units (MICU240) provide care for critically ill patients who are at high risk need to be monitored closely. Intravenous catheter is vital to help assess the level of water in the body fluids and medications. Potential complications such as infection. We need to have guidelines for the care of patients who received intravenous catheter used to achieve good results. The operations research in this study was intended 1) To study the effects of practice for nurses in caring for patients with central venous catheter to infection rate and 2) To assess the satisfaction of nurses and patient care practices in central venous catheterization patients in the MICU 240. The sample of the patient's central venous catheter crisis that everyone who admitted in MICU 240 during the period from October 2013 to May 2014. Samples prior to practice and 148 samples with 249 case of practice. A systematic review of the research NSWHealth Statewide Guideline for Intensive Care. Data were analyzed by statistics, percentages and frequency NON-PARAMETRICS with Mann-Whitney U. The finding revealed that: 1. Results of the practice patient care central venous catheter infection rates were found to be reduced from 35.14 percent to 25.3 percent. 2. The results of the evaluation of nurses and patients in the patient care practices central venous catheter found to be satisfied and happy to work 85 percent.Keywords: clinical practice guidelines, central venous catheter, infection satisfaction
Procedia PDF Downloads 4751308 Population Dynamics of Early Oak Defoliators in Correlation with Micro-climatic Temperature Conditions in Kragujevac Area in Serbia
Authors: Miroslava Marković, Renata Gagić, Serdar, Aleksandar Lučić, Ljubinko Rakonjac
Forest dieback that comes in waves since the early 20th century has lately grown into an epidemic, in particular in oak stands. For this reason, research was conducted of the population dynamics of early oak defoliators, which represent a grave danger in oak stands due to their gradogenic attributes. The research was carried out over a 5-year period in oak forests in the area of forest administrations Kragujevac and Gornji Milanovac. The samples used in the research were collected from bottom branches, where Geometridae were found in the largest numbers, as well as from the mid and upper parts of the crowns, where other species were found. Population levels of these pests were presented in laboratory conditions on winter branch samples and in newly foliated stands on site, depending on the basic parameters of the climatic conditions. The greatest deviation of the population level of early oak defoliators was noted in 2018 on all 6 presented localities through the analysis of winter branches and the analysis of their presence in newly foliated stands on site, and it was followed by the highest average air temperature.Keywords: defoliators, oak, population level, population dynamics
Procedia PDF Downloads 961307 Influence of Bio-Based Admixture on Compressive Strength of Concrete for Columns
Authors: K. Raza, S. Gul, M. Ali
Concrete is a fundamental building material, extensively utilized by the construction industry. Problems related to the strength of concrete is an immense issue for the sustainability of concrete structures. Concrete mostly loses its strength due to the cracks produced in it by shrinkage or hydration process. This study aims to enhance the strength and service life of the concrete structures by incorporating bio-based admixture in the concrete. By the injection of bio-based admixture (BBA) in concrete, it will self-heal the cracks by producing calcium carbonate. Minimization of cracks will compact the microstructure of the concrete, due to which strength will increase. For this study, Bacillus subtilis will be used as a bio-based admixture (BBA) in concrete. Calcium lactate up to 1.5% will be used as the food source for the Bacillus subtilis in concrete. Two formulations containing 0 and 5% of Bacillus subtilis by weight of cement, will be used for the casting of concrete specimens. Direct mixing method will be adopted for the usage of bio-based admixture in concrete. Compressive strength test will be carried out after 28 days of curing. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) will be performed for the examination of micro-structure of concrete. Results will be drawn by comparing the test results of 0 and 5% the formulations. It will be recommended to use to bio-based admixture (BBA) in concrete for columns because of the satisfactory increase in the compressive strength of concrete.Keywords: bio-based admixture, Bacillus subtilis, calcium lactate, compressive strength
Procedia PDF Downloads 2261306 Pre-Service Teachers’ Experiences and Attitude towards Children’s Problem Solving Strategies in Early Mathematics Learning
Authors: Temitayo Ogunsanwo
Problem-solving is an important way of learning way of learning because it propels children to use previous experiences to deal with new situations. The purpose of this study is to find out the attitude of pre-service teachers to problem-solving as a strategy for promoting early mathematics learning in children. This qualitative study employed a descriptive design to investigate the experiences of twenty second-year undergraduate early childhood education Pre-service teachers in a teaching practice and their attitude towards five-year-old children’s problem-solving strategies in mathematics. Pre-service teachers were exposed to different strategies for teaching children how to solve problems in mathematics. They were taken through a micro teaching in class using different strategies to teach problem-solving in different topics in the five-year-old mathematics curriculum. The students were then made to teach five-year-olds in neighbouring schools for three weeks, working in pairs, observing and recording children’s problem-solving activities and strategies. After the three weeks exercise, their experiences and attitude towards children’s problem-solving strategies were collected using open-ended questions and analysed in themes. Findings were discussed.Keywords: attitude, early mathematics learning, experience, pre-service teachers, problem-solving, strategies
Procedia PDF Downloads 3481305 Visual Outcome After 360-Degree Retinectomy in Total Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment with Advanced Proliferative Vitreoretinopathy: A Case Series
Authors: Andriati Nadhilah Widyarini, Ezra Margareth
Introduction: Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment is a condition where there’s a break in the retina, which allows the vitreous to directly enter the subretinal space. Proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR) may develop due to this condition and can result in a new break, which could cause traction on the previously detached retina. Various methods of therapy can be done to treat this complication. Case: This case series involved 2 eyes of 2 patients who had total retinal detachment with advanced PVR. Pars plana vitrectomy was performed, and a 360-degree retinectomy procedure with perfluorocarbon liquid usage was done. This was followed by endo laser retinopexy to surround the border of retinectomy. 5000 cs silicone oil was used in 1 eye, whereas 12% of perfluoropropane gas was used in the other eye as a tamponade. These procedures were performed with meticulous attention to prevent any fluid from entering the subretinal space. Postoperative examination showed attachment of the retina and improvement of the patient’s visual acuity. Both eyes’ intraocular pressure was in the normal range. One eye developed retinal displacement, but no other complications occurred. Discussion: Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment with advanced PVR is a complex situation for vitreoretinal surgeons. PVR is characterized by the growth and migration of preretinal or subretinal membranes. PVR is the most common cause of retinal reattachment failure. A 360-degree retinectomy is an alternative surgical method to overcome this condition. Objectives of this procedure are releasing retinal traction caused by PVR, reducing the recurrence rate of PVR, and reattaching the retina to the pigment epithelial surface. Conclusion: 360-degree retinectomy provides satisfactory retinal reattachment and visual outcome improvement in rhegmatogenous retinal detachment with advanced PVR.Keywords: RRD, retinectomy, pars plana, advanced PVR
Procedia PDF Downloads 481304 Linkage between Trace Element Distribution and Growth Ring Formation in Japanese Red Coral (Paracorallium japonicum)
Authors: Luan Trong Nguyen, M. Azizur Rahman, Yusuke Tamenori, Toshihiro Yoshimura, Nozomu Iwasaki, Hiroshi Hasegawa
This study investigated the distribution of magnesium (Mg), phosphorus (P), sulfur (S) and strontium (Sr) using micro X-ray fluorescence (µ-XRF) along the annual growth rings in the skeleton of Japanese red coral Paracorallium japonicum. The Mg, P and S distribution in µ-XRF mapping images correspond to the dark and light bands along the annual growth rings observed in microscopic images of the coral skeleton. The µ-XRF mapping data showed a positive correlation (r = 0.6) between P and S distribution in the coral skeleton. A contrasting distribution pattern of S and Mg along the axial skeleton of P. japonicum indicates a weak negative correlation (r = -0.2) between these two trace elements. The distribution pattern of S, P and Mg reveals linkage between their distributions and the formation of dark/light bands along the annual growth rings in the axial skeleton of P. japonicum. Sulfur and P were distributed in the organic matrix rich dark bands, while Mg was distributed in the light bands of the annual growth rings.Keywords: µ-XRF, trace element, precious coral, Paracorallium japonicum
Procedia PDF Downloads 4431303 Innovations in Enterprises (with References to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Visakhapatnam District, India)
Authors: D. Lalitha Rani, K. Sankar Rao
MSMEs, due to their unique characteristics, are found to have inherent capabilities to undertake technological and non-technological innovations successfully across industries and nations. While there is considerable empirical evidence to throw light on SME innovation contributions in the context of developed countries, there is hardly any evidence to reveal how innovative SMEs are in rapidly industrializing economies like India. Indian MSMEs are largely incremental innovators, prompted by their customers and involved in product and/or process innovations. But majority carried out innovations with internal efforts only whereas the minority which obtained external support, had better technical strength, indulged in more frequent and both product & process innovations. Such MSMEs achieved better innovation performance as well as better economic performance. Some of them internationalized themselves in the process. However such achievements are “an oasis” in the vast Indian SME sector. How to promote (i) innovations, (ii) quality of innovations and (iii) patenting culture among the SMEs is a challenge for Indian Policy Makers. However this paper examines what are the innovation practices which are being carried out in this sector and identified the barriers for innovations in this sector and concludes with proposing some policy recommendations for promoting innovations in MSME sector in India.Keywords: MSMEs, incremental innovators, policies, non-technological innovations
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