Search results for: Gauss point numerical integration
9164 Numerical Study on the Cavity-Induced Piping Failure of Embankment
Authors: H. J. Kim, G. C. Park, K. C. Kim, J. H. Shin
Cavities are frequently found beneath conduits on pile foundations in old embankments. Cavity reduces seepage length significantly and consequently causes piping failure of embankments. Case studies of embankment failures indicate that the relative settlement between ground and pile supported-concrete conduit was the main reason of the cavity. In this paper, an attempt to simulate the cavity-induced piping failure mechanism was made using finite element numerical method. Piping potential is examined by carrying out parametric study for influencing factors such as cavity length, water level, and flow conditions. The concentration of hydraulic gradient adjacent to cavity was found. It is found that the hydraulic gradient close to the cavity exceeds considerably the critical hydraulic gradient causing piping. Piping failure potential due to the existence of cavity is evaluated and contour map for the potential risk of an embankment for piping failure is proposed.Keywords: cavity, hydraulic gradient, levee, piping
Procedia PDF Downloads 5209163 Numerical Model of Crude Glycerol Autothermal Reforming to Hydrogen-Rich Syngas
Authors: A. Odoom, A. Salama, H. Ibrahim
Hydrogen is a clean source of energy for power production and transportation. The main source of hydrogen in this research is biodiesel. Glycerol also called glycerine is a by-product of biodiesel production by transesterification of vegetable oils and methanol. This is a reliable and environmentally-friendly source of hydrogen production than fossil fuels. A typical composition of crude glycerol comprises of glycerol, water, organic and inorganic salts, soap, methanol and small amounts of glycerides. Crude glycerol has limited industrial application due to its low purity thus, the usage of crude glycerol can significantly enhance the sustainability and production of biodiesel. Reforming techniques is an approach for hydrogen production mainly Steam Reforming (SR), Autothermal Reforming (ATR) and Partial Oxidation Reforming (POR). SR produces high hydrogen conversions and yield but is highly endothermic whereas POR is exothermic. On the downside, PO yields lower hydrogen as well as large amount of side reactions. ATR which is a fusion of partial oxidation reforming and steam reforming is thermally neutral because net reactor heat duty is zero. It has relatively high hydrogen yield, selectivity as well as limits coke formation. The complex chemical processes that take place during the production phases makes it relatively difficult to construct a reliable and robust numerical model. Numerical model is a tool to mimic reality and provide insight into the influence of the parameters. In this work, we introduce a finite volume numerical study for an 'in-house' lab-scale experiment of ATR. Previous numerical studies on this process have considered either using Comsol or nodal finite difference analysis. Since Comsol is a commercial package which is not readily available everywhere and lab-scale experiment can be considered well mixed in the radial direction. One spatial dimension suffices to capture the essential feature of ATR, in this work, we consider developing our own numerical approach using MATLAB. A continuum fixed bed reactor is modelled using MATLAB with both pseudo homogeneous and heterogeneous models. The drawback of nodal finite difference formulation is that it is not locally conservative which means that materials and momenta can be generated inside the domain as an artifact of the discretization. Control volume, on the other hand, is locally conservative and suites very well problems where materials are generated and consumed inside the domain. In this work, species mass balance, Darcy’s equation and energy equations are solved using operator splitting technique. Therefore, diffusion-like terms are discretized implicitly while advection-like terms are discretized explicitly. An upwind scheme is adapted for the advection term to ensure accuracy and positivity. Comparisons with the experimental data show very good agreements which build confidence in our modeling approach. The models obtained were validated and optimized for better results.Keywords: autothermal reforming, crude glycerol, hydrogen, numerical model
Procedia PDF Downloads 1449162 Numerical Investigation of Incompressible Turbulent Flows by Method of Characteristics
Authors: Ali Atashbar Orang, Carlo Massimo Casciola
A novel numerical approach for the steady incompressible turbulent flows is presented in this paper. The artificial compressibility method (ACM) is applied to the Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations. A new Characteristic-Based Turbulent (CBT) scheme is developed for the convective fluxes. The well-known Spalart–Allmaras turbulence model is employed to check the effectiveness of this new scheme. Comparing the proposed scheme with previous studies, it is found that the present CBT scheme demonstrates accurate results, high stability and faster convergence. In addition, the local time stepping and implicit residual smoothing are applied as the convergence acceleration techniques. The turbulent flows past a backward facing step, circular cylinder, and NACA0012 hydrofoil are studied as benchmarks. Results compare favorably with those of other available schemes.Keywords: incompressible turbulent flow, method of characteristics, finite volume, Spalart–Allmaras turbulence model
Procedia PDF Downloads 4129161 Extent of Applying Evidence Based Practices in Inclusion Programs for Pupils with Intellectual Disability
Authors: Faris Algahtani
The current study aimed to reveal the extent to which evidence-based practices are applied in programs to integrate students with intellectual disabilities from the point of view of their teachers in Yanbu Governorate, and to reveal statistically significant differences in their application of evidence-based practices according to the following variables: gender, educational qualification, experience and training courses. The researcher used the descriptive approach, and accordingly; she designed a questionnaire consisting of 22 phrases applied it to a random sample of (97) teachers of intellectual disability in the integration programs of the Ministry of Education in the government sector in Yanbu Governorate, with (49) male teachers and (48) female teachers. The study showed that teachers of students with intellectual disabilities apply evidence-based practices in programs to integrate students with intellectual disabilities to a large extent. Among the most prominent of these practices came reinforcement in the first place, followed by using visual stimuli/aids, and in the third-place came starting with less complex or challenging skills then moving to more difficult skills. The results also showed no statistically significant differences over the extent of the application attributed to the variables of experience, qualification or training. On the other hand, there were statistically significant differences over the extent of the application attributed to gender in favor of females.Keywords: evidence-based practices, intellectual disability, inclusion programs, teachers of students with intellectual disabilities
Procedia PDF Downloads 899160 Research on the Application of Renewability in the Construction Model of Zhejiang Rural Revitalization
Authors: Zheng Junchao, Wang Zhu
With the advancement of China's urbanization process, the Chinese government has put forward the strategy of rural revitalization which is aiming at realizing the comprehensive integration of urban and rural areas and the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas. The path of rural revitalization in Zhejiang province put forward a typical model from four dimensions: suburban area, plain, island and mountain area. Research methods include on-the-spot investigation, visiting a number of successful demonstration villages in Zhejiang and interviewing village officials. Based on the location conditions, resource endowments, industrial forms and development foundations of Zhejiang Province, this paper introduces in detail the model of rural revitalization in Zhejiang Province and the challenges it encounters, as well as the role of building construction. The rural development model of Zhejiang province makes the rural culture flourish. Taking the construction of rural scenic spots as the carrier, the rural culture, and natural landscape are constantly improved. It provides a model and template for the country's rural revitalization. The promotion of Zhejiang rural revitalization model will improve the current rural landscape, living standard and industrial structure, which will narrow the urban-rural gap greatly.Keywords: comprehensive rural revitalization, Zhejiang model, reproducible, comprehensive integration
Procedia PDF Downloads 2019159 Study of Morning-Glory Spillway Structure in Hydraulic Characteristics by CFD Model
Authors: Mostafa Zandi, Ramin Mansouri
Spillways are one of the most important hydraulic structures of dams that provide the stability of the dam and downstream areas at the time of flood. Morning-Glory spillway is one of the common spillways for discharging the overflow water behind dams, these kinds of spillways are constructed in dams with small reservoirs. In this research, the hydraulic flow characteristics of a morning-glory spillways are investigated with CFD model. Two dimensional unsteady RANS equations were solved numerically using Finite Volume Method. The PISO scheme was applied for the velocity-pressure coupling. The mostly used two-equation turbulence models, k- and k-, were chosen to model Reynolds shear stress term. The power law scheme was used for discretization of momentum, k , and equations. The VOF method (geometrically reconstruction algorithm) was adopted for interface simulation. The results show that the fine computational grid, the input speed condition for the flow input boundary, and the output pressure for the boundaries that are in contact with the air provide the best possible results. Also, the standard wall function is chosen for the effect of the wall function, and the turbulent model k -ε (Standard) has the most consistent results with experimental results. When the jet is getting closer to end of basin, the computational results increase with the numerical results of their differences. The lower profile of the water jet has less sensitivity to the hydraulic jet profile than the hydraulic jet profile. In the pressure test, it was also found that the results show that the numerical values of the pressure in the lower landing number differ greatly in experimental results. The characteristics of the complex flows over a Morning-Glory spillway were studied numerically using a RANS solver. Grid study showed that numerical results of a 57512-node grid had the best agreement with the experimental values. The desired downstream channel length was preferred to be 1.5 meter, and the standard k-ε turbulence model produced the best results in Morning-Glory spillway. The numerical free-surface profiles followed the theoretical equations very well.Keywords: morning-glory spillway, CFD model, hydraulic characteristics, wall function
Procedia PDF Downloads 779158 An Energy Integration Study While Utilizing Heat of Flue Gas: Sponge Iron Process
Authors: Venkata Ramanaiah, Shabina Khanam
Enormous potential for saving energy is available in coal-based sponge iron plants as these are associated with the high percentage of energy wastage per unit sponge iron production. An energy integration option is proposed, in the present paper, to a coal based sponge iron plant of 100 tonnes per day production capacity, being operated in India using SL/RN (Stelco-Lurgi/Republic Steel-National Lead) process. It consists of the rotary kiln, rotary cooler, dust settling chamber, after burning chamber, evaporating cooler, electrostatic precipitator (ESP), wet scrapper and chimney as important equipment. Principles of process integration are used in the proposed option. It accounts for preheating kiln inlet streams like kiln feed and slinger coal up to 170ᴼC using waste gas exiting ESP. Further, kiln outlet stream is cooled from 1020ᴼC to 110ᴼC using kiln air. The working areas in the plant where energy is being lost and can be conserved are identified. Detailed material and energy balances are carried out around the sponge iron plant, and a modified model is developed, to find coal requirement of proposed option, based on hot utility, heat of reactions, kiln feed and air preheating, radiation losses, dolomite decomposition, the heat required to vaporize the coal volatiles, etc. As coal is used as utility and process stream, an iterative approach is used in solution methodology to compute coal consumption. Further, water consumption, operating cost, capital investment, waste gas generation, profit, and payback period of the modification are computed. Along with these, operational aspects of the proposed design are also discussed. To recover and integrate waste heat available in the plant, three gas-solid heat exchangers and four insulated ducts with one FD fan for each are installed additionally. Thus, the proposed option requires total capital investment of $0.84 million. Preheating of kiln feed, slinger coal and kiln air streams reduce coal consumption by 24.63% which in turn reduces waste gas generation by 25.2% in comparison to the existing process. Moreover, 96% reduction in water is also observed, which is the added advantage of the modification. Consequently, total profit is found as $2.06 million/year with payback period of 4.97 months only. The energy efficient factor (EEF), which is the % of the maximum energy that can be saved through design, is found to be 56.7%. Results of the proposed option are also compared with literature and found in good agreement.Keywords: coal consumption, energy conservation, process integration, sponge iron plant
Procedia PDF Downloads 1449157 Numerical Computation of Sturm-Liouville Problem with Robin Boundary Condition
Authors: Theddeus T. Akano, Omotayo A. Fakinlede
The modelling of physical phenomena, such as the earth’s free oscillations, the vibration of strings, the interaction of atomic particles, or the steady state flow in a bar give rise to Sturm-Liouville (SL) eigenvalue problems. The boundary applications of some systems like the convection-diffusion equation, electromagnetic and heat transfer problems requires the combination of Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions. Hence, the incorporation of Robin boundary condition in the analyses of Sturm-Liouville problem. This paper deals with the computation of the eigenvalues and eigenfunction of generalized Sturm-Liouville problems with Robin boundary condition using the finite element method. Numerical solutions of classical Sturm–Liouville problems are presented. The results show an agreement with the exact solution. High results precision is achieved with higher number of elements.Keywords: Sturm-Liouville problem, Robin boundary condition, finite element method, eigenvalue problems
Procedia PDF Downloads 3629156 Numerical Study on Vortex-Driven Pressure Oscillation and Roll Torque Characteristics in a SRM with Two Inhibitors
Authors: Ji-Seok Hong, Hee-Jang Moon, Hong-Gye Sung
The details of flow structures and the coupling mechanism between vortex shedding and acoustic excitation in a solid rocket motor with two inhibitors have been investigated using 3D Large Eddy Simulation (LES) and Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) analysis. The oscillation frequencies and vortex shedding periods from two inhibitors compare reasonably well with the experimental data and numerical result. A total of four different locations of the rear inhibitor has been numerically tested to characterize the coupling relation of vortex shedding frequency and acoustic mode. The major source of triggering pressure oscillation in the combustor is the resonance with the acoustic longitudinal half mode. It was observed that the counter-rotating vortices in the nozzle flow produce roll torque.Keywords: large eddy simulation, proper orthogonal decomposition, SRM instability, flow-acoustic coupling
Procedia PDF Downloads 5699155 Schrödinger Equation with Position-Dependent Mass: Staggered Mass Distributions
Authors: J. J. Peña, J. Morales, J. García-Ravelo, L. Arcos-Díaz
The Point canonical transformation method is applied for solving the Schrödinger equation with position-dependent mass. This class of problem has been solved for continuous mass distributions. In this work, a staggered mass distribution for the case of a free particle in an infinite square well potential has been proposed. The continuity conditions as well as normalization for the wave function are also considered. The proposal can be used for dealing with other kind of staggered mass distributions in the Schrödinger equation with different quantum potentials.Keywords: free particle, point canonical transformation method, position-dependent mass, staggered mass distribution
Procedia PDF Downloads 4049154 Dynamic Analysis and Clutch Adaptive Prefill in Dual Clutch Transmission
Authors: Bin Zhou, Tongli Lu, Jianwu Zhang, Hongtao Hao
Dual clutch transmissions (DCT) offer a high comfort performance in terms of the gearshift. Hydraulic multi-disk clutches are the key components of DCT, its engagement determines the shifting comfort. The prefill of the clutches requests an initial engagement which the clutches just contact against each other but not transmit substantial torque from the engine, this initial clutch engagement point is called the touch point. Open-loop control is typically implemented for the clutch prefill, a lot of uncertainties, such as oil temperature and clutch wear, significantly affects the prefill, probably resulting in an inappropriate touch point. Underfill causes the engine flaring in gearshift while overfill arises clutch tying up, both deteriorating the shifting comfort of DCT. Therefore, it is important to enable an adaptive capacity for the clutch prefills regarding the uncertainties. In this paper, a dynamic model of the hydraulic actuator system is presented, including the variable force solenoid and clutch piston, and validated by a test. Subsequently, the open-loop clutch prefill is simulated based on the proposed model. Two control parameters of the prefill, fast fill time and stable fill pressure is analyzed with regard to the impact on the prefill. The former has great effects on the pressure transients, the latter directly influences the touch point. Finally, an adaptive method is proposed for the clutch prefill during gear shifting, in which clutch fill control parameters are adjusted adaptively and continually. The adaptive strategy is changing the stable fill pressure according to the current clutch slip during a gearshift, improving the next prefill process. The stable fill pressure is increased by means of the clutch slip while underfill and decreased with a constant value for overfill. The entire strategy is designed in the Simulink/Stateflow, and implemented in the transmission control unit with optimization. Road vehicle test results have shown the strategy realized its adaptive capability and proven it improves the shifting comfort.Keywords: clutch prefill, clutch slip, dual clutch transmission, touch point, variable force solenoid
Procedia PDF Downloads 3089153 A Contribution to Blockchain Privacy
Authors: Malika Yaici, Feriel Lalaoui, Lydia Belhoul
As a new distributed point-to-point (P2P) technology, blockchain has become a very broad field of research, addressing various challenges, including privacy preserving, as is the case in all other technologies. In this work, a study of the existing solutions to the problems related to private life in general and in blockchains in particular is performed. User anonymity and transaction confidentiality are the two main challenges to the protection of privacy in blockchains. Mixing mechanisms and cryptographic solutions respond to this problem but remain subject to attacks and suffer from shortcomings. Taking into account these imperfections and the synthesis of our study, we present a mixing model without trusted third parties, based on group signatures, allowing reinforcing the anonymity of the users, the confidentiality of the transactions, with minimal turnaround time and without mixing costs.Keywords: anonymity, blockchain, mixing coins, privacy
Procedia PDF Downloads 159152 Introducing and Effectiveness Evaluation of Innovative Logistics System Simulation Teaching: Theoretical Integration and Verification
Authors: Tsai-Pei Liu, Zhi-Rou Zheng, Tzu-Tzu Wen
Innovative logistics system simulation teaching is to extract the characteristics of the system through simulation methodology. The system has randomness and interaction problems in the execution time. Therefore, the simulation model can usually deal with more complex logistics process problems, giving students different learning modes. Students have more autonomy in learning time and learning progress. System simulation has become a new educational tool, but it still needs to accept many tests to use it in the teaching field. Although many business management departments in Taiwan have started to promote, this kind of simulation system teaching is still not popular, and the prerequisite for popularization is to be supported by students. This research uses an extension of Integration Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2) to explore the acceptance of students in universities of science and technology to use system simulation as a learning tool. At the same time, it is hoped that this innovation can explore the effectiveness of the logistics system simulation after the introduction of teaching. The results indicated the significant influence of performance expectancy, social influence and learning value on students’ intention towards confirmed the influence of facilitating conditions and behavioral intention. The extended UTAUT2 framework helps in understanding students’ perceived value in the innovative logistics system teaching context.Keywords: UTAUT2, logistics system simulation, learning value, Taiwan
Procedia PDF Downloads 1169151 Shaking Table Test and Seismic Performance Evaluation of Spring Viscous Damper Cable System
Authors: Asad Naeem, Jinkoo Kim
This research proposes a self-centering passive damping system consisting of a spring viscous damper linked with a preloaded tendon. The seismic performance of the spring viscous damper is evaluated by pseudo-dynamic tests, and the results are used for the formulation of an analytical model of the damper in the structural analysis program. The shaking table tests of a two-story steel frame installed with the proposed damping system are carried out using five different earthquake records. The results from the shaking table tests are verified by numerical simulation of the retrofitted structure. The results obtained from experiments and numerical simulations demonstrate that the proposed damping system with self-centering capability is effective in reducing earthquake-induced displacement and member forces.Keywords: seismic retrofit, spring viscous damper, shaking table test, earthquake resistant structures
Procedia PDF Downloads 1819150 Strong Convergence of an Iterative Sequence in Real Banach Spaces with Kadec Klee Property
Authors: Umar Yusuf Batsari
Let E be a uniformly smooth and uniformly convex real Banach space and C be a nonempty, closed and convex subset of E. Let $V= \{S_i : C\to C, ~i=1, 2, 3\cdots N\}$ be a convex set of relatively nonexpansive mappings containing identity. In this paper, an iterative sequence obtained from CQ algorithm was shown to have strongly converge to a point $\hat{x}$ which is a common fixed point of relatively nonexpansive mappings in V and also solve the system of equilibrium problems in E. The result improve some existing results in the literature.Keywords: relatively nonexpansive mappings, strong convergence, equilibrium problems, uniformly smooth space, uniformly convex space, convex set, kadec klee property
Procedia PDF Downloads 4259149 The Origin, Diffusion and a Comparison of Ordinary Differential Equations Numerical Solutions Used by SIR Model in Order to Predict SARS-CoV-2 in Nordic Countries
Authors: Gleda Kutrolli, Maksi Kutrolli, Etjon Meco
SARS-CoV-2 virus is currently one of the most infectious pathogens for humans. It started in China at the end of 2019 and now it is spread in all over the world. The origin and diffusion of the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic, is analysed based on the discussion of viral phylogeny theory. With the aim of understanding the spread of infection in the affected countries, it is crucial to modelize the spread of the virus and simulate its activity. In this paper, the prediction of coronavirus outbreak is done by using SIR model without vital dynamics, applying different numerical technique solving ordinary differential equations (ODEs). We find out that ABM and MRT methods perform better than other techniques and that the activity of the virus will decrease in April but it never cease (for some time the activity will remain low) and the next cycle will start in the middle July 2020 for Norway and Denmark, and October 2020 for Sweden, and September for Finland.Keywords: forecasting, ordinary differential equations, SARS-COV-2 epidemic, SIR model
Procedia PDF Downloads 1539148 Integration of Artificial Neural Network with Geoinformatics Technology to Predict Land Surface Temperature within Sun City Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
Authors: Avinash Kumar Ranjan, Akash Anand
The Land Surface Temperature (LST) is an essential factor accompanying to rise urban heat and climate warming within a city in micro level. It is also playing crucial role in global change study as well as radiation budgets measuring in heat balance studies. The information of LST is very substantial to recognize the urban climatology, ecological changes, anthropological and environmental interactions etc. The Chief motivation of present study focus on time series of ANN model that taken a sequence of LST values of 2000, 2008 and 2016, realize the pattern of variation within the data set and predict the LST values for 2024 and 2032. The novelty of this study centers on evaluation of LST using series of multi-temporal MODIS (MOD 11A2) satellite data by Maximum Value Composite (MVC) techniques. The results derived from this study endorse the proficiency of Geoinformatics Technology with integration of ANN to gain knowledge, understanding and building of precise forecast from the complex physical world database. This study will also focus on influence of Land Use/ Land Cover (LU/LC) variation on Land Surface Temperature.Keywords: LST, geoinformatics technology, ANN, MODIS satellite imagery, MVC
Procedia PDF Downloads 2409147 Mobile Cloud Application in Design Build Bridge Construction
In the past decades, design-build has become a more popular project delivery system especially for the large scaled infrastructure project in North America. It provides a one-stop shopping system for the client therefore improves the efficiency of construction, and reduces the risks and overall cost for the clients. Compared to the project with traditional delivery method, design-build project requires contractor and designer to work together efficiently to deliver the best-value solutions through the construction process. How to facilitate a solid integration and efficient interaction between contractor and designer often affects the schedule, budget and quality of the construction therefore becomes a key factor to the success of a design-build project. This paper presents a concept of using modern mobile cloud technology to provide an integrated solution during the design-build construction. It uses mobile cloud architecture to provide a platform for real-time field progress, change request approval, job progress log, and project time entry with devices integration for field information and communications. The paper uses a real filed change notice as an example to demonstrate how mobile cloud technology applies in a design-build project and how it can improve the project efficiency.Keywords: cloud, design-build, field change notice, mobile application
Procedia PDF Downloads 2489146 Searching k-Nearest Neighbors to be Appropriate under Gaming Environments
Authors: Jae Moon Lee
In general, algorithms to find continuous k-nearest neighbors have been researched on the location based services, monitoring periodically the moving objects such as vehicles and mobile phone. Those researches assume the environment that the number of query points is much less than that of moving objects and the query points are not moved but fixed. In gaming environments, this problem is when computing the next movement considering the neighbors such as flocking, crowd and robot simulations. In this case, every moving object becomes a query point so that the number of query point is same to that of moving objects and the query points are also moving. In this paper, we analyze the performance of the existing algorithms focused on location based services how they operate under gaming environments.Keywords: flocking behavior, heterogeneous agents, similarity, simulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 3029145 Influence of Foundation Size on Seismic Response of Mid-rise Buildings Considering Soil-Structure-Interaction
Authors: Quoc Van Nguyen, Behzad Fatahi, Aslan S. Hokmabadi
Performance based seismic design is a modern approach to earthquake-resistant design shifting emphasis from “strength” to “performance”. Soil-Structure Interaction (SSI) can influence the performance level of structures significantly. In this paper, a fifteen storey moment resisting frame sitting on a shallow foundation (footing) with different sizes is simulated numerically using ABAQUS software. The developed three dimensional numerical simulation accounts for nonlinear behaviour of the soil medium by considering the variation of soil stiffness and damping as a function of developed shear strain in the soil elements during earthquake. Elastic-perfectly plastic model is adopted to simulate piles and structural elements. Quiet boundary conditions are assigned to the numerical model and appropriate interface elements, capable of modelling sliding and separation between the foundation and soil elements, are considered. Numerical results in terms of base shear, lateral deformations, and inter-storey drifts of the structure are compared for the cases of soil-structure interaction system with different foundation sizes as well as fixed base condition (excluding SSI). It can be concluded that conventional design procedures excluding SSI may result in aggressive design. Moreover, the size of the foundation can influence the dynamic characteristics and seismic response of the building due to SSI and should therefore be given careful consideration in order to ensure a safe and cost effective seismic design.Keywords: soil-structure-interaction, seismic response, shallow foundation, abaqus, rayleigh damping
Procedia PDF Downloads 5099144 Bed Scenes Allurement as Entertainment and Selling Point in Nigeria's Nollywood Movie Industry
Authors: Ojinime E. Ojiakor, Allen N. Adum
We report on bed scenes allurement as entertainment and selling point in Nigeria’s Nollywood movie industry. In recent times, there has been an increase in the portrayal of bed scenes in Nollywood movies. Before now, Nigerian film producers have been very conservative when it comes to showing sex and nudity. This appears to have changed in line with global trends. Movie industries all over the world appear a haven for delectable women who glamorize our screens, not only with their beauty but also their acting skills. At Hollywood, Bollywood, Ghollywood and the like, pretty actresses with sensuous endowments engage in bed scenes which allure the minds of viewers. The idea that, a ravishing beauty on cast is as good as a box office hit apparently drives Nigerian film producers to incorporate bed scenes in their movies. In this era of sex crusade where what sells is sex and maybe a little bit of violence, there is the suggestion that producers believe that if the talent of an actress doesn’t do the trick, the sexiness she exudes is bound to get attention. Against this backdrop, our study examined bed scenes depiction by Nollywood films, in an attempt to establish if their allurement influences the choice of movie and purchase decisions of target markets. We assessed Nollywood films and viewer preference using the mixed method approach. Our findings reveal that bed scenes, as portrayed in Nigerian movies are a significant determinant of which films to watch and which films to purchase among the respondents studied.Keywords: allurement, bed scenes, nollywood, selling point
Procedia PDF Downloads 2759143 After-Cooling Analysis of RC Structural Members Exposed to High Temperature by Using Numerical Approach
Authors: Ju-Young Hwang, Hyo-Gyoung Kwak
This paper introduces a numerical analysis method for reinforced-concrete (RC) structures exposed to fire and compares the result with experimental results. The proposed analysis method for RC structure under the high temperature consists of two procedures. First step is to decide the temperature distribution across the section through the heat transfer analysis by using the time-temperature curve. After determination of the temperature distribution, the nonlinear analysis is followed. By considering material and geometrical nonlinearity with the temperature distribution, nonlinear analysis predicts the behavior of RC structure under the fire by the exposed time. The proposed method is validated by the comparison with the experimental results. Finally, prediction model to describe the status of after-cooling concrete can also be introduced based on the results of additional experiment. The product of this study is expected to be embedded for smart structure monitoring system against fire in u-City.Keywords: RC, high temperature, after-cooling analysis, nonlinear analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 4149142 Exponential Stabilization of a Flexible Structure via a Delayed Boundary Control
Authors: N. Smaoui, B. Chentouf
The boundary stabilization problem of the rotating disk-beam system is a topic of interest in research studies. This system involves a flexible beam attached to the center of a disk, and the control and stabilization of this system have been extensively studied. This research focuses on the case where the center of mass is fixed in an inertial frame, and the rotation of the center is non-uniform. The system is represented by a set of nonlinear coupled partial differential equations and ordinary differential equations. The boundary stabilization problem of this system via a delayed boundary control is considered. We assume that the boundary control is either of a force type control or a moment type control and is subject to the presence of a constant time-delay. The aim of this research is threefold: First, we demonstrate that the rotating disk-beam system is well-posed in an appropriate functional space. Then, we establish the exponential stability property of the system. Finally, we provide numerical simulations that illustrate the theoretical findings. The research utilizes the semigroup theory to establish the well-posedness of the system. The resolvent method is then employed to prove the exponential stability property. Finally, the finite element method is used to demonstrate the theoretical results through numerical simulations. The research findings indicate that the rotating disk-beam system can be stabilized using a boundary control with a time delay. The proof of stability is based on the resolvent method and a variation of constants formula. The numerical simulations further illustrate the theoretical results. The findings have potential implications for the design and implementation of control strategies in similar systems. In conclusion, this research demonstrates that the rotating disk-beam system can be stabilized using a boundary control with time delay. The well-posedness and exponential stability properties are established through theoretical analysis, and these findings are further supported by numerical simulations. The research contributes to the understanding and practical application of control strategies for flexible structures, providing insights into the stability of rotating disk-beam systems.Keywords: rotating disk-beam, delayed force control, delayed moment control, torque control, exponential stability
Procedia PDF Downloads 779141 Service Information Integration Platform as Decision Making Tools for the Service Industry Supply Chain-Indonesia Service Integration Project
Authors: Haikal Achmad Thaha, Pujo Laksono, Dhamma Nibbana Putra
Customer service is one of the core interest in a service sector of a company, whether as the core business or as service part of the operation. Most of the time, the people and the previous research in service industry is focused on finding the best business model solution for the service sector, usually to decide between total in house customer service, outsourcing, or something in between. Conventionally, to take this decision is some important part of the management job, and this is a process that usually takes some time and staff effort, meanwhile market condition and overall company needs may change and cause loss of income and temporary disturbance in the companies operation . However, in this paper we have offer a new concept model to assist decision making process in service industry. This model will featured information platform as central tool to integrate service industry operation. The result is service information model which would ideally increase response time and effectivity of the decision making. it will also help service industry in switching the service solution system quickly through machine learning when the companies growth and the service solution needed are changing.Keywords: service industry, customer service, machine learning, decision making, information platform
Procedia PDF Downloads 6239140 'Refugee Crisis' and Global Labour Relations: Syrian Labour in Turkish Textile Factories
Authors: Katarzyna Czarnota, Inga Hajdarowicz
Political mechanisms of legal, social and economic segregation of refugees and migrants have reproduced and deepened existing hierarchies and inequalities in global labour relations. The consequences of these processes strengthened by current, so called, ‘refugee crisis’, tightening of border regimes, militarisation and closing of Balkan Route, will have a significant impact on future integration policies. One of the fields that require further research is limited access to labour rights of migrants and refugees. Although this phenomenon is experienced by a significant proportion of migrant population, these are the poorest who are also exposed to economic racism. The presentation will tackle the influence of current migration policies on increasing social and class inequalities between migrants, refugees, on the example of Syrian labours in Turkish textile factories. The authors will critically analyse examples of integration policies, especially planned changes in labour law as well as examples of violation of labour rights and exploitation of refugees and migrants in textile factories and industry. The presentation will be based on interviews with Syrian workers, conducted in Turkey and Greece in 2016.Keywords: refugee crisis, economic racism, global labour relations, exploatation
Procedia PDF Downloads 3249139 Technological Measures to Reduce the Environmental Impact of Swimming Pools
Authors: Fátima Farinha, Miguel J. Oliveira, Gina Matias, Armando Inverno, Jânio Monteiro, Cristiano Cabrita
In the last decades, the construction of swimming pools for recreational activities has grown exponentially in southern Europe. Swimming pools are used both for private use in villas and for collective use in hotels or condominiums. However, they have a high environmental impact, mainly in terms of water and energy consumption, being used for a short period of time, depending significantly on favorable atmospheric conditions. Contrary to what would be expected, not enough research has been conducted to reduce the negative impact of this equipment. In this context, this work proposes and analyses technological measures to reduce the environmental impacts of swimming pools, such as thermal insulation of the tank, water balance in order to detect leaks and optimize the backwash process, integration of renewable energy generation, and a smart control system that meets the requirements of the user. The work was developed within the scope of the Ecopool+++ project, which aims to create innovative heated pools with reduced thermal losses and integration of SMART energy plus water management systems. The project is in the final phase of its development, with very encouraging results.Keywords: swimming pools, sustainability, thermal losses, water management system
Procedia PDF Downloads 1079138 Single Atom Manipulation with 4 Scanning Tunneling Microscope Technique
Authors: Jianshu Yang, Delphine Sordes, Marek Kolmer, Christian Joachim
Nanoelectronics, for example the calculating circuits integrating at molecule scale logic gates, atomic scale circuits, has been constructed and investigated recently. A major challenge is their functional properties characterization because of the connecting problem from atomic scale to micrometer scale. New experimental instruments and new processes have been proposed therefore. To satisfy a precisely measurement at atomic scale and then connecting micrometer scale electrical integration controller, the technique improvement is kept on going. Our new machine, a low temperature high vacuum four scanning tunneling microscope, as a customer required instrument constructed by Omicron GmbH, is expected to be scaling down to atomic scale characterization. Here, we will present our first testified results about the performance of this new instrument. The sample we selected is Au(111) surface. The measurements have been taken at 4.2 K. The atomic resolution surface structure was observed with each of four scanners with noise level better than 3 pm. With a tip-sample distance calibration by I-z spectra, the sample conductance has been derived from its atomic locally I-V spectra. Furthermore, the surface conductance measurement has been performed using two methods, (1) by landing two STM tips on the surface with sample floating; and (2) by sample floating and one of the landed tips turned to be grounding. In addition, single atom manipulation has been achieved with a modified tip design, which is comparable to a conventional LT-STM.Keywords: low temperature ultra-high vacuum four scanning tunneling microscope, nanoelectronics, point contact, single atom manipulation, tunneling resistance
Procedia PDF Downloads 2809137 Effect of Stiffeners on the Behavior of Slender Built up Steel I-Beams
Authors: M. E. Abou-Hashem El Dib, M. K. Swailem, M. M. Metwally, A. I. El Awady
This paper presents the effect of stiffeners on the behavior of slender steel I-beams. Nonlinear three dimensional finite element models are developed to represent the stiffened steel I-beams. The well established finite element (ANSYS 13.0) program is used to simulate the geometric and material nonlinear nature of the problem. Verification is achieved by comparing the obtained numerical results with the results of previous published experimental work. The parameters considered in the analysis are the horizontal stiffener's position and the horizontal stiffener's dimensions as well as the number of vertical stiffeners. The studied dimensions of the horizontal stiffeners include the stiffener width, the stiffener thickness and the stiffener length. The results of the achieved numerical parametric study for slender steel I-beams show the significant effect of stiffeners on the beam behavior and its failure load.Keywords: beams, local buckling, slender, stiffener, thin walled section
Procedia PDF Downloads 2799136 Efficient Positioning of Data Aggregation Point for Wireless Sensor Network
Authors: Sifat Rahman Ahona, Rifat Tasnim, Naima Hassan
Data aggregation is a helpful technique for reducing the data communication overhead in wireless sensor network. One of the important tasks of data aggregation is positioning of the aggregator points. There are a lot of works done on data aggregation. But, efficient positioning of the aggregators points is not focused so much. In this paper, authors are focusing on the positioning or the placement of the aggregation points in wireless sensor network. Authors proposed an algorithm to select the aggregators positions for a scenario where aggregator nodes are more powerful than sensor nodes.Keywords: aggregation point, data communication, data aggregation, wireless sensor network
Procedia PDF Downloads 1619135 Finite Element Modeling of Heat and Moisture Transfer in Porous Material
Authors: V. D. Thi, M. Li, M. Khelifa, M. El Ganaoui, Y. Rogaume
This paper presents a two-dimensional model to study the heat and moisture transfer through porous building materials. Dynamic and static coupled models of heat and moisture transfer in porous material under low temperature are presented and the coupled models together with variable initial and boundary conditions have been considered in an analytical way and using the finite element method. The resulting coupled model is converted to two nonlinear partial differential equations, which is then numerically solved by an implicit iterative scheme. The numerical results of temperature and moisture potential changes are compared with the experimental measurements available in the literature. Predicted results demonstrate validation of the theoretical model and effectiveness of the developed numerical algorithms. It is expected to provide useful information for the porous building material design based on heat and moisture transfer model.Keywords: finite element method, heat transfer, moisture transfer, porous materials, wood
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